#camino portugues
micompostela · 2 months
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Vous ne savez pas pourquoi, vous savez juste. C'est le jour où vous avez l'impression que les étoiles se sont alignées et que vous êtes convaincu que c'est à votre tour de vivre cette expérience à laquelle vous avez pensé depuis si longtemps et d'autres vous l'ont dit aussi. L'expérience dans laquelle vous ne cherchez rien de concret, ou peut-être oui, et qui vise à regarder vers l'avenir, à progresser pour atteindre la destination, à compléter le Camino de Santiago. Il y a ceux qui le font pour des motivations religieuses ou spirituelles, pour le plaisir de marcher seul ou pour le plaisir de voyager en couple, en famille ou en tant qu'amis. Peut-être pour tenir une promesse ou relever un défi... Les raisons savent qui le fait et ils font partie de leurs bagages. J'ai rempli le sac à dos surtout d'illusions et avec lui sur le dos, je suis parti par une journée nuageuse et avec la mer courageuse de Baiona, sur la côte galicienne, à environ 130 kilomètres de Santiago, une partie de la soi-disant route portugaise. Vigo, Redondela, Pontevedra, Caldas de Reis et Padran étaient les étapes dans lesquelles j'ai suivi les empreintes millénaires de tous les pèlerins qui m'ont précédé sur le chemin des étoiles.
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i-my-me-camino · 1 year
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👣 Hosshinmon oji - Hongu taisha
the second day of kumano, i started to walk from hossinmon oji to hongu-taisha. because of my condition (especially joint pain), i needed a lot of times, for 4.5hrs, to walk this just 7km. so there was no time left to visit oyunohara (tha last point of this way) and i took a return bus. it means that i couldn't made it (dual pilgrim) this time. so i'll make it next time.
my knee hurt during walking on downhill & down stairs and i thought it was not time to try this kind of activity…this made me depressed because i want to walk camino again (next will be portugues way), but i also decided "i'm gonna be ok. everything is going to be fine."
for the last few monthes, i cared for the symptoms of rheumatism and did the best to cure it, so now i feel like it depends on my thought ? or fellings ? something like that…humm it's not so easy…
☞ see below for the diary in japanese & more photos.
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pilgrimsandprophets · 11 months
Learning to Walk 28
The arrival in Santiago de Compostela is special!
CAMINHO PORTUGUÊS – Santiago (31,925 STEPS – 24.28 KMS – 15.08 MILES) The dark walk from Angueira de Suso to Picaraña. The Dark Walk My new walking companions are early risers, putting 5 to 10 kilometers before I even roll out of bed. So, we came to a compromise at dinner last night, we will leave their lodging in Picaraña at 7:00 am. Not too early, but still dark outside. I was awake at…
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terraoliveira · 2 years
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Tobi is the first to receive my new photo book, The Road Is Long & Beautiful, of my 570 mile walk through Portugal. Available here :)
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my-camino · 2 years
...Aaand we’re back!
Three years and a global pandemic later, I’m dusting off this old blog in preparation for our next journey along the Camino de Santiago!
In just 20 days, we will board a flight bound for Lisbon, Portugal—the first stopping point on an exciting (albeit much shorter) trek on the Caminho Português (Portuguese Way).
It’s still hard to believe this is really happening. When I started this blog 9 years ago (yikes!), I had no idea what an impact the Camino would have on my life. Since then, I’ve walked across Spain... twice. I spent half a year in Pamplona, living like a real Spaniard and traveling to dozens of countries. I graduated college, moved to a new city thousands of miles from home, and got my dream job. Each one of these decisions was directly influenced by my time on the Camino.
Now, I’m about to go back to the place where it all started. And I couldn’t be happier.
This will be a relatively brief trip but I’m determined to make the most of it. I plan on posting to this blog daily (hopefully I follow through on that promise this time around!)
As always, thanks for reading e bom caminho!
Click here to view our full itinerary.
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lemondeabicyclette · 1 year
Vue du salon vers l'éventuel patio de Ninho @ Francos, la même depuis une semaine : aaargh. Heureusement que c calme et que la 5e de The Crown est passionante 😬
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La ptite cherche une céréale bien sucrée avec des toutous en facade. Vas-y à linstinct, elles sont toutes sucrées au max | Trop peu de stuff bio non-ogm chez Continente, pour une fois, le Québec est en avance. | Les bureaux de poste font librairie | Les ptites épiceries du coin et leurs vieux / vieilles proprios ne seront plus là dans quelques années - à bien y penser, nous non plus 😝
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ducksbellorum · 8 months
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Hopeless Wanderer
a camino de santiago mix - september 2022 - arranged by ducksbellorum
awake my soul - mumford and sons How fickle my heart and how woozy my eyes I struggle to find any truth in your lies And now my heart stumbles on things I don't know My weakness I feel I must finally show
white blank page - mumford and sons Oh, tell me now, where was my fault In loving you with my whole heart? A white blank page and a swelling rage You did not think when you sent me to the brink
footloose - kenny loggins I gotten this feeling That time's just holding me down I'll hit the ceiling Or else I'll tear up this town
one day - matisyahu Keep on movin' though the waters stay ragin' In this maze, you can lose your way, your way It might drive you crazy But don't let it faze you, no way, no way
hey there delilah - plain white t’s Oh, it's what you do to me A thousand miles seems pretty far But they've got planes and trains and cars I'd walk to you if I had no other way
hopeless wanderer - mumford and sons I will call you by name I will share your road But hold me fast, hold me fast 'Cause I'm a hopeless wanderer
by my side - godspell Where the horizon lies And the land sinks into mellow blueness Oh please, take me with you Let me skip the road with you
weight of living pt 1 - bastille Your Albatross, let it go, let it go, Your Albatross shoot it down, shoot it down When you just can't shake the Heavy weight of living
weight of living pt 2 - bastille All that you desired, when you were a child Was to be old Now that you are here, suddenly you fear You've lost control
paradise - coldplay Every time she closed her eyes When she was just a girl, she expected the world But it flew away from her reach and the bullets catch in her teeth Life goes on, it gets so heavy
the servant song - richard gillard We are pilgrims on a journey, We are trav'lers on the road; We are here to help each other Walk the mile and bear the load.
you gotta go - trail to oregon You gotta go when you gotta go Close your eyes, give it a shove Go! You gotta go It's time to let go of your love
the road - starry Ev’ry step in a new direction Waiting for the resurrection of the light But even in the dark, the road is bright The road is bright
a new way to walk - sesame street It's a little bit of strut and a lot of smooth And a little bit of bouncing fine My chin is up, my feet don't stall When I walk my walk, I walk real tall
as it was - harry styles Seems you cannot be replaced And I'm the one who will stay, oh In this world, it's just us You know it's not the same as it was
get me to the church on time - my fair lady But get me to the church on time If I am dancing roll up the floor If I am whistling right out the door I got to get there in the morning
starman - david bowie He told me Let the children lose it Let the children use it Let all the children boogie
four five seconds - rihanna Now I'm four, five seconds from wildin' And we got three more days 'til Friday I'm just tryna make it back home by Monday mornin' I swear I wish somebody would tell me
porto sentido - rui veloso E é sempre a primeira vez Em cada regresso à casa Rever-te nessa altivez De milhafre ferido na asa
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knario47 · 7 months
Nuestra querida revista Edra nos trae una historia de superación del Guanarteme Engoynaga contra los invasores portugueses.
EDRA - Origen
En el siglo XV (c. 1460-1475) el capitán portugués Diego da Silva intentó invadir la ciudad de Gáldar (Gran Canaria), por el camino quemó poblados y asesinó a sus habitantes; pero derrotado por los canarios a las puertas de la ciudad de Gáldar y sin posibilidad de huir hacia los barcos, se encierra con parte de sus hombres en una amplia construcción hecha por los canarios que se encuentra a la entrada de la ciudad.
En este cerco, Diego da Silva se refugia de la justicia de los canarios durante algunos días en los que se encuentra sitiado por completo, hasta que una noche, el Guanarteme Engoynaga, apiadándose de él y de sus hombres decide perdonarles la vida, y para ello usa una estrategia, entrar con ellos en el cerco…
«A el instante que el rey canario se entró mesclado con los christianos fueron tantas las pedradas i los gritos que parecía día de juiçio no se podían, oir saltaron dentro de el sercado con sus astas, diciendo en su lengua 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚, 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚 𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐞𝐧, “Traición traición, mueran como aleves” o “traidores”, Guadartheme daba grandes voces i mandó que volviessen fuera por onde havían entrado, saliéronse todos, i quedaron otros de pie en la pared, mandolos vajar y tiraban de afuera algunos dardos que lastimaron a algunos soldados, juroles el rey que les quitaría las cavezas por Tis Tirma…».
[Marín de Cubas (1687, I: 37r) 2021: 212]
«[…] viendo la accion los Canarios, que havian suvidose sobre lapared, les tiraron pedradas y palos alos Xristianos con gran vocería, decian 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚, 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚 traicion, mueran los traidores; y luego Guadartheme, les juró por su caveza, que sino se aquietaban les quitaria la Vida, alos demandados».
[Marín de Cubas 1694, I, 16: 32v]
ℹ️ Propuesta de traducción: Faita, faita virirunjen. De Fayəḍ, fayəḍ, birirûn-ǝghǝwăn. “Daño o calamidad a los expatriados que vomitan”. [Ignacio Reyes Garcia (18.IX.2023)].
“El enunciado completo, con el (correcto) ajuste que incluye Marín en la versión de 1694, se restituiría: Faita, faita, virirunjuen o, en su versión analítica, Fayəḍ, fayəḍ, birirûn-ǝghǝwăn.
Por el contexto, donde se demanda la muerte de los extranjeros retenidos, acaso la mejor traducción para el sintagma inicial fayəḍ debería contemplar la literalidad del ‘daño’ que se reclama para ellos (imprecación).
Por lo que respecta a la caracterización de los extranjeros, la imagen que se invoca conjuga dos ideas muy significativas a través de una proposición simple, cabe presumir que lexicalizada. El sujeto expreso remite al nombre plural iburerăn, ‘hombres sin familia ni amigos, alejados de su casa o país’. Individuos que, según reza el verbo (*āhghŭh, *āwghŭh > əqqəw) en su (correspondiente) 3ª persona del plural ǝghǝwăn, ‘vomitan’, bien por la situación de peligro inminente para sus vidas o bien como representación más general de los viajeros que reaccionan así después de una larga travesía (o tal vez en alusión al empleo de las armas de fuego)”.
📖 Tomás Marin de Cubas. Conquista de las Siete Yslas de Canaria (1687). Edición crítica de Antonio M. López Alonso (2021).
🌐 www.proyectotarha.org
🌐 www.imeslan.com
📷 Cuesta de Silva (1893). Fedac. El Guanarteme de Gáldar acompañado de guerreros canarios, imponiéndose a sus vasallos, condujo por la Cuesta de Silva al portugués y a los suyos hasta el lugar en que habían de embarcarse.
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Ésta zona de la isla es conocida como el barranco de Silva, el puente de Silva y muchos años atrás como la Cuesta de Silva por lo adbruto del terreno al subir.
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francinebill · 11 months
May 28 - Day 1 - Backroads - Vitorino De Piaes - Torre de Gomariz Hotel -
We met our Backroads leaders and other guests (20 total) and boarded a bus for the drive to the countryside of Vitorino dos Piaes for the beginning of our 9 mile walk along the Camino de Santiago. The Camino is a well known pilgrimage route through either France, Spain or Portugal. The day was perfect for walking and the terrain was mostly level on hard surfaces. At mid-day we stopped for a picnic lunch at a private villa that was built in the middle of the 18th Century and overlooking the valley below. The villa has been in the family since it was built and now has many modern amenities along with the charm of the past. After lunch we continued our walk along narrow streets lined with a variety of homes, stone walls built without mortar, grape vine trellises, a variety of vegetable gardens along with an occasional sheep. Due to the rain in Northern Portugal the area sustains an agricultural abundance.
We ended the day at Torre de Gomariz, a hotel that has a modern elegance along with historical references. Part of the building dates from the 15th Century, however, the rooms and amenities are very 21st Century. The hotel has 24 rooms all facing the surrounding fountains, grape vines, fruit trees and tall pines. Our first dinner and reception was at the hotel and it was nice way to end the first day of walking.
May 29 - Day 2 - Backroads - Camino Portugues - Torre de Gomariz Hotel -
This day we walked a stage of the Camino Portugues through the town of Ponte de Lima and across its eponymous bridge that was first built in 1125 and strengthened in the 15th Century. We walked past vineyards, through tree-lined paths with views of streams. The weather was perfect and the lunch spot was a welcome sight with its seating overlooking a large stream all shaded with many plants. After a delightful lunch we walked the final segment with a stop and beverage after our 7.5 mile day. We returned to our hotel retreat for a rest before our evening feast of selected salads, a variety of meat and fish along with a medley of vegetable choices. The evening was highlighted with a fado a music ensemble. Fado music is Portuguese folk music that developed in the early 19th Century.
May 30 - Day 3 - Backroads - Minho Estuary - Parador de Baiona, Spain -
We began the day with a drive over the Minho River and into Spain to begin our climb of the Monte Santa Tecla. The climb is steep with a stunning view of the river and towns in the distance. After a brief rest we headed down the mountain to the beach for our continued walk on a boardwalk close to the jagged shore. We ended our walk for lunch in the town of Guarda overlooking the bay. We enjoyed a late lunch of salads, roasted vegetables and a variety of shell fish. After lunch we took the van to the town of Baiona and our our next hotel, the Paradores, a medieval looking resort that was built in the middle of the 20th Century. The hotel is surrounded by high fortress walls where the town was first located. The high stone walls, towers and other features were constructed in the 15th and 16th Centuries. The views from the walls were spectacular overlooking the small bay and the many islands in the distance. We ended 7.6 mile day with a well deserved gelato.
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raspberrycatapult · 1 year
Got tagged by @uptoolateart :D
Relationship status: Single
Favorite colour: Blue! And green! Though I'd say I mostly wear blue.
Song stuck in your head: Moonlight Shadow by Mike Oldfield. The extended version.
Favorite food: Ahhh too many. I love tortilla (the Spanish kind). I love a good steak with roast potatoes and vegetables. I eat pasta almost every day (it's been fusilli only for half a year - YES each shape is different! - except for when I've had spaghetti bolognese which I also love). Apple pie or apple crumble with ice-cream is to die for. So are croquettas. And Thai yellow curry. And moussaka. And burgers. Honestly I could go on forever.
Last Song Listened To: Moonlight Shadow - it's been on repeat non-stop for MONTHS
Dream Trip: Sooo many places. I'd like to someday do the Camino de Santiago (I'll be doing the Camino Portugues next month, but I'd also love to do the full Camino Frances). I'd love to explore Brazil and New Zealand. And go on road trips around Australia, especially up North (Broome to Darwin for example). And even though I've already been to Central Australia more than once, I'd absolutely go again. It's one of my favourite places in the world. It would be lovely to see more of Europe, too.
Last thing I Googled: How to embed a link on AO3, for an A/N in @uptoolateart and I's latest fic!
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caminostar77 · 1 year
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Shell decor along the Camino Portugues 📎 Visit my shop for Camino de Santiago Art products http://caminoestrella.com/shop https://www.etsy.com/shop/CaminoEstrella ✈ Worldwide shipping #caminoportugues #jakobsweg #caminodesantiago #camminodisantiago #decor #xacobeo #shell #conchiglia #chemindestjaques #muschel #wayofstjames https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpm4b4Uvpt4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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micompostela · 2 months
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Sélection de vidéos sur youtube avec les mots-clés "Compostele 2023"
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i-my-me-camino · 1 year
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🚍 Nachi taisha - Seigantoji - Nachi falls - Hayatama taisha
i have felt gloomy for past few weeks because my condition was not good with chronic pain. i wanted to change my feeling…and i came up with an idea to walk the kumano kodo.
during my first camino, i heared from some pilgrims "you'll be a dual pilgrim if you walk both camino & kumano" . i thought it would be nice experience to refresh my mind. the conditions of my foot & leg are not so bad, so i thought i could walk easy way of kumano kodo.
i chose the easiest way "walk 7km from hossinmon oji to hongu taisha + visit nachi-taisha & hayatama-taisha (you can use bus to visit these two shrines) "
my first day of kumano, i started from kii-katsuura. i took a bus to nachiyama (mt.nachi) and visited nachi-taisha~seigantoji~nachi falls (hirou-jinjya) and then, i visited hayatama-taisha by bus. going up and down stairs of shrine was a little bit difficult for me (because of joit pain), but it was so nice for me to walk in nature.
this night, i stayed the guest house at yunomine-onsen. i soaked in a hot spring and felt so nice that both of body & mental were relaxed.
☞ see below for the diary in japanese & more photos.
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pilgrimsandprophets · 11 months
Learning to Walk 33
The Vibes in Santiago de Compostela!!
Santiago Vibes (It starts at the end) The bus ride from Finisterre back to Santiago went by in a flash, mainly because I was in a Microsoft Teams meeting for half the trip…the curse of constant connectivity. The bus wiggled and wound its way along the highway between the Atlantic Ocean and the Galician headlands, dropping off and picking up passengers along the way. Finally, we came to an…
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terraoliveira · 2 years
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Very excited that my photo book, The Road Is Long & Beautiful, is now available to order! The Road Is Long & Beautiful is a collection of 35mm color photographs from my 570 mile walking pilgrimage along the Caminho Português (The Portuguese Way). This 200 page experiential photo book walks with you through 58 days, one and a half million steps from Lisbon, Portugal to Santiago de Compostela, Spain, through farmland, olive groves, mountains, towns, monasteries, and train tracks. This pilgrimage meant so much to me to meet the land, people, & language of one of my ancestral countries for the first time. The route I walked: the Caminho Português from Lisbon to Porto, the Senda Litoral Coastal Route, crossing to the Central Route from Caminha to Valença, the Central Route, the Variante Espiritual, and ending in Santiago de Compostela. You can get your copy for $25 here ❤️
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Rutas hay muchas pero Caminos sólo uno: el tuyo.
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Buen Camino; Camino de Santiago / Camino Portugues - Between Oia and Baiona-Galicia.
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