#can't remember the origin post I think it was a shitpost even
hot-take-tournament · 9 months
Goncharov shouldn't have been as big a meme as it was. The Goncharov meme is bad, especially for anyone with any unreality issues. Dead serious.
Yeah, you do make a valid point. Unreality memes are fun, but there are people with genuine unreality issues that were affected by the Goncharov trend.
That being said, I do think that a lot of the fan works - art, writing, shitposts, etc. - inspired by that meme were really fun, and clearly took a lot of effort - and the results were super impressive. So I think the fact that it served as a creative outlet for so many people shouldn't be discounted either.
But you're right, it wasn't a great experience for people with those issues with unreality - but my takeaway from that was the importance of content warnings and tagging things properly, not that the meme itself - or just unreality content as a whole - was bad.
I followed the Goncharov tag when it was at its peak, and I constantly saw people begging other users to tag their posts as #unreality - and while plenty of people were doing that, it felt like just as many weren't.
I don't believe for a second that people were seeing those posts and just choosing to ignore them, because one thing I have learned over the past 3-4 years is that the vast majority of people on this website do genuinely care about the wellbeing of others; and I know that for a fact because a) all you guys have been so supportive of me up until now (<3), and b) because I spent so much time in my shithead teen years sending fucking horrific abuse to those same kind, genuine people, and the way everyone rallied around each other against my scumbag ass is a testament to that kindness.
So I think it's far more likely that they simply weren't seeing those posts, and just didn't know that unreality content can be a trigger for some people - because I genuinely didn't either until the Goncharov meme came around and people started talking about it. It's the same way I didn't know until I started this blog that the things I originally wrote in the master post were triggering people's OCD to the point where they had to blacklist the URL.
At the time Goncharov was a thing, a lot of people were saying that people making content for it should've just 'educated themselves' and then they would've known to tag stuff '#unreality', so it was their fault their work was affecting people with unreality issues - but personally I think that just wasn't fair, because honestly you can't know to educate yourself on an issue that you don't even know exists in the first place. You first need to know what it is you don't know before you can actually learn about it and fill that gap.
I have no idea if any of that answered your question because I'm drunk out of my fucking mind, so I don't know if any of this made sense, and I probably won't remember it in the morning - so:
tl;dr - I don't agree that the Goncharov meme was bad, but I think it did highlight the importance of content warnings and tags.
...unless you thought the meme was just unfunny, which is a different issue - that's an entirely subjective opinion, but I can totally respect it. And that's coming from someone who learnt last week that they apparently Goncharov'd themselves on at least three separate occasions, and has yet to fully recover from that revelation.
Anyway, I hope that all made some kind of sense...
...you guys want a poll?
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yukidragon · 10 months
I remember a while ago there was discussion about how if Y/N has period cramps Jack may be able to feel them-I’m just confused on if that’s actually canon or not. Was it ever confirmed or disproven?
From what I've been informed, additional content is only counted as canon if it appears on an official website such as the Sunny Day Jack tumblr, twitter, itch, steam, kickstarter, or patreon pages. That means that any comments or art drawn by anyone on the SnaccPop Studios team posted on their personal socials shouldn't be taken as canon. It might be just someone playing around with concepts, or it might be ideas in development since the game is still being worked on.
We also can't rule out the possibility of silly shitposts just for the fun of it. Even VN creators need to have fun cutting loose with their stories and characters after all.
As such, the comment that Jack can feel MC's period pain or that he gets drunk whenever they are should be taken with a grain of salt. It hasn't been explicitly proven yet, nor has it ever been explicitly disproven.
I'm sorry that I can't give you a definitive answer on this point. I don't know the answer myself at this time. I only have personal theories on the topic, which I've touched on here, here, and here, and my headcanons that I apply for my fanfiction.
While we're on this topic, I want to remind everyone why I call these posts headcanon ramblings. Discussions here are typically about what I think about a certain topic, what I theorize is going on, and particularly for my headcanons as they apply to the Sunshine in Hell continuity and its various AUs.
If there is canon information, I do my best to link to the official sources, such as the websites I mentioned above, or I'll give a direct quote from the official source like the demo.
Oh, and speaking of quotes, I'd like to make mention that while I have written up transcripts for audio from the demo or publicly posted audio dramas in the past, keep in mind that they might not be entirely accurate, as I am not an official source, and I suffer from an auditory processing disorder that might make me mishear some things.
Remember, I'm just a silly, chatty fan writing out my fun rambling thoughts about this game that has captured my heart and imagination. I fully encourage everyone to look at official sources for themselves and come up with their theories and headcanons to things that haven't been proven yet. I love seeing the ideas others in the fandom come up with. Some people have come up with brilliant thoughts that totally changed my perspective on some of my past theories.
So, back to the original topic about whether Jack feels Y/N's period cramps - I have not seen it confirmed or disproven on any official source at this time. Sorry, but all we have are headcanons and theories at the moment... unless I missed something, which is also a possibility.
If anyone comes across official information that proves or disproves any of my theories, please by all means send me the link. I'm just as eager you are to learn more about this game's engaging story. ✨
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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wainswright · 6 months
This is my googled 30 min research so i'm just guessing for fun.
Looks like either you need to be a hip place that attracts so many new users (makes a splash in numbers for investors?) and get good press as THE place to be in order to attract advertiser dollars OR
Make your core usability lock behind a paywall like spotify, which is cashflow positive, but can't tell if this worked out for medium (probably not)- (and looks like Substack isn't doing too well) This focuses less on advertisers and more on users.
Alternatives? Monetizing content + ads on selected produced articles? That's a niche that isn't filled.
You know there's this whole style of paying for webnovels in China or something, like if they didn't ruin the concept of wattpad by viewing users... like that, instead of treating them like content creators a la Youtube. Which looks like it's going strong.
In lieu of nonprofit, I guess you'd have to get a community of people producing good content that the site made a no brainer to use- and a kind of distributive ad process like uh... tiktok.... hm..... untargeted is that big of a deal? But it'd take advantage of the tumblr social pathways- the ability to monetize a post if you chose. Can't remember much about post+ but that came out of nowhere... I don't remember having any idea how to use it. I hope it was something like- you can choose to monetize certain posts behind a paywall? That's the only way you could do it, right?
Fanfic concerns: nobody on youtube worries about this when making videos about established properties tbh. I guess don't write fanfic specifically and put that behind a paywall (or do and see where this leads us) but fanart is free game? How confusing. Home of fandom could be like.... reviewers.... taste makers..... god tumblr actually IS good at stealth word of mouth marketing for a lot of properties. Very funny.
But if I was thinking informational- or like "how to recognize chords", or news feed that would be an idea I didn't even think of when post+ in it's unclear use state came out.
Okay, maybe that wouldn't work- we come here to shitpost. Maybe you could have the option of making a goodpost blog (original posts only) behind a paywall. But a general fee, like spotify charges $5 for access to all songs, instead for monthly access to paywalled content? The response would be a little different now, I'd imagine.
Both options, as well as an option to see blogs more automatically as the constructed sites and not just on the dash like squarespace? that's doing well, though I've seen random complaints about the nature of the not-html style site constructions. Complexity was mentioned as part of the issue retaining users along with lack of immediate interaction/reason to stay, but showing off various blogs as their own sites and then letting you follow the author of the blogs on the dash seem like it'd work out..........
It retains the free functionality but the alternative would be presented as a sidegig.
Chaotic patreon.....Patreon and Reddit are private, with Reddit maybe having an IPO by the end of 2023, so I'll assume they aren't doing super great. Tumblr up for IPO soon?
Best case scenario for site survival: it's sold to huge company that can eat the cost of operations until the site is made hip to advertisers, or shrug.
But there really isnt a good microblogging site- that allows all the ability to make a searchable blog..... (I see maybe they were thinking they could just use the social part of tumblr and somehow get wordpress to show up on the rss feeds) but yeah there's not really any social capacity baked into to wordpress, on lj I would go over to see what people were doing for that day and read their comments. That site does live on in spirit in dreamwidth
Bluesky and mastodon have that character limit and you can't format anything, but if they get successful they can rake in ad money. I don't know about this. Can't even remember what pillowfort is like but I remember there was some weirdness with the founders that scared me off, I didn't think it was going to last well.
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I decided to take a look through the Japanese Super Famicom Wars tag on Twitter, just to see what was there. I don't have any screenshots, because the only way I could look through Twitter without it telling me to get an account and barring me from looking at it was to be in secret mode, which keeps me from taking screenshots.
I was suprised to see it as active as it was. I was expecting there to maybe be 1 or 2 tweets this week, maybe 3 last month, but there was actually alot there. It was mostly people talking about the Eshops closing, being upset that the game will become much harder to find and hoping that it gets on NSO, but there was also alot of people talking about how much they love playing it and their nostalgia for it. Even some people posting about actually managing to get an original copy of it.
It feels, odd, seeing other people actually post about SFW outside of me and a few other people I'm aware of. With the western fanbase being so empty, I often forget that there are still alot of Japanese fans that care about the game.
There was also alot of people hoping that they drop DS2 on VC before before the Eshops close, since the game had a terrible release in Japan. It was released as a download only game for club nintendo members, right at the end of the DS' life cycle. The only way you could get the game being described as playing "Secondhand console gacha" at your local used games store to try and find a console that still had the game data on it. Not the exact wording, but you get the point.
While I was looking through this, I couldn't help but wonder why I got so attached to this game in specific. Believe it or not with as much as I post about it, I've never actually played Super Famicom Wars. Yes, I feel like the fakest fan ever, but something about the game fascinates me. The aesthetics and graphics of the game makes me feel oddly nostalgic, despite the fact that I didn't even exist when the game came out and never played any games similar to it. Like a really early childhood memory that I'll never remember. The weird lack of info around the game and it's shitpost of a cast help with keeping interest. I'll talk more about this in a few days, as I have something planned.
I wanna keep researching this game as much as I can, but I've kinda run out of places to look for info. I've gone through old magazines, websites, satellaview magazines, articles, I just can't really think of anywhere else to look besides asking the devs personally, which I can't really do since most of the dev team is either busy with FE or just straight up don't exist online. There is Hirata, who has a twitter, but I don't think my Japanese is good enough to be able to ask anything of significance.
Also some people tweeted about being scared of Billy which I found funny, being described as "The craziest CO in the Famicom Wars series"
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superpeanutgarden · 4 months
Christmas Emotions: Why I will never hang a shining star upon the highest bough
Content Warning: A massive rant about grief, plus personal trauma
I have a complicated relationship with the month of December. Not just in the traditional Living-in-the-northern-hemisphere-it's-dark-and-cold-and-I'm-depressed way.
You see, I experienced a traumatic separation from my adopted brother when I was thirteen. (I mean, my whole family did. it has left us all affected in different ways.) His birthday is in December.
We lost custody on Memorial Day weekend (a fact I did not remember until this year), but his birthday is halfway through December.
He turned 19 this year. (We lost custody 13 years ago.) The name we gave him (probably not his name anymore) was Jared. It sounds like a shitpost, but my sibling and I were robbed of- among other things- a whole year of "Jared, 19, never fucking learned how to read" jokes.
Grief is hard. It's messy and weird in ways you can never truly know or understand until you experience it. The longing of something that will never happen again, wishing that it was all a dream, hating how other people get to be happy and hating yourself for being bitter in the face of joy. The thing that annoys me the most is when people try to erase the ugly parts. (Not just of grief, but that's the focus of this blog post.) Specifically when people ignore how grief affects you for the rest of your life. It never stops, never fully goes away, never truly dulls. It only gets smaller, less frequent, more surprising.
December is a whole freaking month devoted to hope and community. The commodification of the sacred tradition of solidarity has sanitized the concepts to the point of being almost entirely repugnant. There were several years where I could not bear to listen to any christmas music written during the last 100 years because it was too happy and did not reflect the rage and emptiness I felt. Thankfully I am past that point, but it took a lot of reflection and intentional thinking to get here. We're talking three years minimum where all I wanted to listen to were hymns that focused on the fact that December is a month of darkness and cold, and how the concept of hope was once (and still might be) far away and hard to grasp.
To this day, there is a single song that sets me off every time I hear it. I call it "the cowards version of Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas". According to urban legend, the original lyrics were deemed 'too depressing' to be featured in the film "Meet Me in Saint Louis" by Judy Garland herself. I don't personally care why there are two versions around. One faces the reality that I have had to live with the past 13 years, that countless others face every year, and one erases it. It's not a big difference, there's only a single line that changed. "Until then we'll have to muddle through somehow" became "hang a shining star upon the highest bough." and that change infuriates me every time I experience it. Let me show you why
"Someday soon, we all will be together/ if the fates allow/ until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow/ and have yourself a merry little christmas now."
The song overall discusses how the singer is separated from their loved ones. Some, maybe even most, of the "faithful friends who are dear [...] gather near [...] once more", but there above quoted verse implies that there is someone still missing; perhaps more than one person. And yet, the singer urges the audience not to wait for those missing loved ones to return in order to find joy. Because sometimes it isn't that your sibling has moved out and your parents and little brother went up north to visit family and you have the house to yourself for Christmas Day. Sometimes the person you're missing is gone for years, sometimes they're never coming back. And what are you going to do about it? You can't just put your life on hold. TO quote another song entirely "the years start coming and they don't stop coming". Until they come back from vacation, or deployment, or self-inflicted isolation, or until you are all reunited in the afterlife, we all have to muddle through somehow. Can't go back, can't stand still, gotta move forward and find a way to have a merry little christmas with the people you still have.
Hope is beautiful, but it is also messy and those who need it most are often marred with blood and trench-dirt and rubble-dust and scorch-marks. (for God's sake, there's a fucking genocide going on in Palestine right now) Grief never goes away, but neither will I. My family will have to muddle through somehow for the rest of our lives, and by all the gods who care to listen, we will have ourselves a Merry Little Christmas right fucking Now, and we will honor the gaping hole in the fabric of our family but we will NOT allow it to rob us of more than it already has.
Anyway, Merry Christmas and Free Palestine
0 notes
elvisgrace · 2 years
Check In Tag
Got tagged by @esotheria-sims!
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Why did you choose your url?
The origins of 'elvisgrace' are long lost in the mists of time...
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Nah, I'm Grace, and back in high school *cough* years ago, 'elvisgrace' was the end result of some joke that I can't even remember at all anymore, save that I thought it was hysterical. It's been my username for pretty much anything and everything non-work related ever since, tracing all the way back to the halcyon days of AOL and Hotmail.
TBH, I'm grateful I can't remeber it because no duobt I'd have to commit jigai due to extreme secondhand embarrasment on my younger self's behalf.
How long have you been on tumblr?
Since 2017, but actively posting is a pretty recent development.
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Do you have a queue tag?
No, I'm pretty impulsive as far as posting goes. I usually reblog immediately, and post to my simblr only when I'm uploading something, or have a question for the community.
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Initially it was to follow all the amazing creators posting here so I could snarffle up all the latest cc, then I started using it to upload my stuff as well because creating a website seemed like too much effort.
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I probably will one day, but it will only be to mirror/back up all my content here, because I love the community interaction between everyone, and I'd miss it too much.
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It’s Hit Girl from Kick Ass. I love her.
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Why did you choose your header?
I don't have one.
What’s your post with the most notes?
Either my #university overhaul secret society default, or my follower's gift.
How many mutuals do you have?
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How many followers do you have?
172, so three away from my next followers gift!
How many people do you follow?
388, almost all simblrs.
Have you ever made a shitpost?
Does reblogging TS2 memes count as a shitpost? If so, yes.
How often do you use tumblr each day?
When I was using desktop only, maybe every 2-3 days. Now that I have the app, multiple yimes a day.
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Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
No, but I have been outraged on individual blog's behalf twice. Once when someone sent @yakumtsaki a kill yourself anon, and again when someone reblogged one of her memes and was shading her in the tags. Collectively, I've felt really bad for all the Russian simblrs, a great deal of the long-standing members of the community who are 100% against the war and have been getting dumped on solely because they are Russian.
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
Depends. If I've seen that it's already been reblogged a ton, I don't bother. If it's public/humanitarian interest relating to an ongoing current event, I usually do.
Do you like tag games?
Do you like ask games?
Yes again!
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
@pixeldolly and @deedee-sims
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
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Tagging @megamassikalove, @janika31, @yakumtsaki, @frauhupfner, and @emperorofthedark!
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
Have you played Thoma's hangout event yet 👀 why is he the most husband material man I've ever seen like omg Thoma hand in marriage pls,,
Also thoughts on Arataki Itto?? He seems like such an absolute himbo. 10/10 would hold his hand. I'm imagining him like that one shitpost
Reader: so how tall are you?
Itto: I dunno, like 6'6", 6'11" with the horns?
Reader, twirling hair: omg "with the horns" you are so funny!!
I don't even remember where I saw that post originally?? It's not even that funny but I just can't stop thinking about it every time I see him lmao
Anyway I'm glad mihoyo is finally realizing the need for more husbandos in the game 👌
I have not because I'm currently trying to speedrun the main story because the new events are GATE BLOCKING ME AGAIN. I msged this to you on genshin but I am still PISSED I'm being story locked >:( Just give me a spoiler tag and let me play your game by not playing your game.
But I have seen it and I've read the story quest name and tbh, I might abandon Bennett's hangout to start Thoma's. Because goddammit I want this golden retriever boy to stand in my world until the end of time or until Genshin forces me to. But househusband Thoma fucking where????? If you haven't read "Ways of the househusband" you are missing out and I pity you. Go read it right now. It's literally like 10 pages max per chapter. That but with Thoma pls.
All I'm gonna say about Itto is that I'm going to skip Albedo if I have to, and I fucking ADORE Albedo, and BEEF. I'm still super upset that his character model is lanky cause fucking??? beefy boy??? hello??? is this the motherfucking KIDS MEAL???? I am upset. I mean I get why they made that decision but let me throw my tantrum of himbo supremacy. I sadly don't know the meme you're talking about but if you do find it, send it to me pls tyvm.
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fricklefracklefloof · 2 years
tag game!! ty @pocketsizedquasar for tagging me :))
1- Why did you choose your url
my url is just the same un i use for other sites that i post art on (instagram, deviantart, etc) BUT the original idea came from when i was in... shudders... middle school... there was a short period of time where i kept saying "FRICKLE FRACKLE" as a substitute for fuck or something and then i just tacked on floof because i'm a furry
i've been wanting to change my url for like a month now i'm just too scared of change lol </3
2- Any side blogs?
not... really? except for @jesperofficial but that's a joke soc roleplay blog i don't use anymore
3- How long have you been on tumblr?
since 2019 i think? it's been over a year
4- Do you have a queue tag?
no because i rarely queue you get my posts when you get them
5- Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i started this blog as a throwaway account because i wanted to join the grishaverse big bang. i didn't even want to join tumblr at the time but i wanted to be a part of the event more so i made it just so they'd have something to link back to LMAO. but then i started like... yknow talking to people who only used this site... and then i started lurking when i was really really bored... and then my friends convinced me to check the site like every day... and then i started posting only my fanart and then i downloaded the app on my phone and it was just downhill from there. sigh.
6- Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i just like guillermo i just really like how his face came out in that drawing he looks cute <3
7- Why did you choose your header?
umm i like using my own art for stuff like this bc it makes me feel better about using images that i've created myself instead of possibly stealing from someone else and i think that drawing was cute it makes me happy :) it's kinda old though i might change it plus the fact that i added like 2394587394587 filters to it to make it fit the pink aesthetic is showing painfully
8-What’s your post with the most notes?
this jon + the admiral comic i made a while ago :) it's cute i think it's a bit cheesy and also kinda old but i'm very very proud of how i drew the admiral in that one so i'm happy that this one ended up being my top post lmao
9- How many mutuals do you have?
shit idk i don't really like the whole "mutual" thing i think we should just be friends instead of pretending that we are
10- How many followers do you have?
405 :o i didn't know that
11- How many people do you follow?
368! i don't even remember who i follow sometimes lmao
12- Have you ever made a shitpost?
13- How often do you use Tumblr each day?
at least once a day </3 used to hate myself for it but now i just embrace it
14- Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
ummm i mean i GUESS you could call them fights i've gotten anon hate for stupid shit and have had um. Discussions with people about racism in the grishaverse but most of them were pretty one-sided i've never had full on reblog chains or Tumblr User Fricklefracklefloof Vs Other Tumblr User fights it's just. someone saying something and then me replying. i try to be civil.
although i did have a friend once (or ig we were just "mutuals") who flat out blocked me with no response after i said something mildly accusatory and i still haven't recovered from that </3 just communicate with me please goddamn
15- How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
i get the point they're trying to make but they're guilt trippy and ultimately don't end up solving the issue they think they're solving. (i'm assuming we're talking about the human rights posts that are all like "if you don't reblog this you're a monster!!" etc etc.) yes it's important to speak up about issues but by telling people they Have To Reblog This Or Else it just... scares people into supporting something without going through the critical thinking about it. at least that's how i see it. you can't truly support something if you don't understand wtf you're talking about. reblogging something like that for the sake of reblogging it is just... well it's performative.
16- Do you like tag games?
yes :)
17- Do you like ask games?
YEA THEY SEEM FUN i've never done one before bc idk i'm scared no one's gonna wanna do it with me but yes i think i would enjoy them
18-Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
oh i know who is tumblr famous but i don't wanna out them like that
19- Do you have a crush on a mutual?
ahaha! ahahahaha! that's funny i'm not sharing that
tagging @souleatering (or whatever blog you wanna use wybie idk) @jawbonemage and whoever else wants to :)
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vetterrari · 2 years
about my blog! i was tagged by @sunshine-ricciardo! Thank you Cara! SEVERAL WEEKS LATER
1. Why did you choose your url?
I really liked the show girl code as a kid. Also grid code refers to the technical requirements to link up to a power grid to get power, the F1 grid uses power etc
2. Any side blogs?
this is in fact a sideblog! I have another couple blogs but this is the most on topic.
:: readmore ::
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
since 2012! I deleted and remade since then
4. Do you have a queue tag?
I do not because I want it to have a good name and I don't have one. If I do anything it's clear out my likes so "clearin out my likes" is my tag for that
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I wanted a dedicated space to be delusional about motorsport
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I drew it and was proud of it
7. Why did you choose your header?
the edit @/ferrqri (idk if you wanna be mentioned here i can edit it mwah) made passed across my dash and I asked them if I could use it because it just captivated me
8. What's your post with the most notes?
pretty sure it's my drawing of half-elf bard charles
9. How many mutuals do you have?
probably in the 40s-50s if I am accounting for sideblogs right but I don't talk to most of them regularly (even though I should because they're great folks)
10. How many followers do you have?
82 on this blog
11. How many people do you follow?
602 altogether (I follow lots of old accounts I can't let go of)
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
every original post I have made has that potential
13. How often do you use tumblr?
a few hours a day, mainly use it as a brain break between stuff and during cardio
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
not that I remember
15. How do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
some of them have good information but I personally get very uncomfortable when they say stuff like "if you don't reblog this you're x thing"...
16. Do you like tag games?
yes so much! but I often don't get notified and then do them like a month later
17. Do you like ask games?
I think they're so fun! I love learning about people. Sometimes it's hard to find good ones to choose for people I don't know well.
18. Which of your moots do you think is tumblr famous?
Cara and Franziska at least have also said it but the one Ames made about Seb I think is the post with the most notes. And I think a moot had a post about Spotify wrapped do numbers
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
i love all the ones I have interacted with dearly but if you mean in a romantic way no. I am very slow to do so for irl people, please check on me in a year lmao and even then no guarantees
tags: i forgot this in my drafts
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pinkfey · 3 years
get to know me game <3
tagged by the lovely @kirnet and miss @trvelyans
tagging @spirithealer, @crookytails, @abelas, @wayhavn, @shadowhrts, and you!!
why did you choose your url?
mmmm had to come up with a video game url but all the good ones were taken. i do love miss josephine <3
any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
i used to have A LOT but have since abandoned them. it's too hard to keep up with them tbh. i am contemplating an oc sideblog like i've seen other mutuals do though!!
how long have you been on tumblr?
maybe 2013? i was very young
do you have a queue tag?
yes. is it consistent? no.
why did you start your blog in the first place?
this blog i can't remember but i originally came to tumblr for percy jackson, doctor who, r**ster teeth, and dragon age. yikes.
why did you choose your icon/pfp?
unpopular opinion: i love rachel amber
why did you choose your header?
mmmmmmatched the aesthetic
what's your post with the most notes?
i think the alistair *loves you unconditionally* post
how many followers do you have?
how many people do you follow?
97 ! it has nothing to do with the ratio, i am just...... picky.
have you made a shitpost?
every time i open my mouth shit comes out
how often do you use tumblr everyday?
pretty often 😔 i mainly use it during my breaks at work since i need to be quiet as the kids are sleeping
did you have a fight/argument with a blog once?
no i haven’t, but i have had to delete due to harassment by a guy who tried to groom me and i get the occasional rude anon
how do you feel about 'you need to reblog this post'?
pretty guilt-trippy but i will reblog if it's relevant and i haven't reblogged the information yet
do you like tag games?
yes ofc!!! makes me feel loved 😌💕
do you like ask games?
YES!! personal asks help me with my sense of self and i love having an excuse to talk about my silly little ocs
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
all of u 🥺 i can tell bc u are all cooler than me and have talent and good taste 💕💕 even if u arent tumblr famous, you are famous in my heart
do you have a crush on a mutual?
my mutuals and i are celebrating our third anniversary as we speak
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firstaidsprays · 3 years
blog tag
i was tagged by @wvnjo to do this! and thank you, this was fun 💗
1. why did you choose your url? because i just wanted something related to resident evil as it's one of my main loves. originally i tried a bunch of other urls related to the series but they were all taken and then discovered this was free. plus first aid sprays are very helpful!!
2. any side blogs? not at the moment but i did used to have a blog related to the saw franchise
3. how long have you been on tumblr? for about 11 years now...and i can't even remember how i first joined this site but it might've been on pure accident tbh
4. do you have a queue tag? i had one for quite a while called 'queue the rude' but over time i think i just forgot about it and stopped
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? a good question! i remember thinking of this site at the time as a nice space because no one irl was on here and there were a lot of others who shared the same interests as me that i was able to meet. and it was a good way to share things like edits and photography
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp? i really love lagertha and found myself obsessed with vikings again (there's assassin's creed valhalla to thank for that)
7. why did you choose your header? no reasoning except i love abby anderson and absolutely fell in love with this photo of her
8. what's your post with the most notes? pretty sure it's that one edit i made a while back that's a close up of hannibal tenderly bandaging will graham's knuckles
9. how many mutuals do you have? honestly, i don't really know of the exact number but i would say there's a lot of them
10. how many followers do you have? 5k
11. how many people do you follow? around 410
12. have you ever made a shitpost? yes, my entire blog for the most part
13. how often do you use tumblr each day? lately i haven't been able to post as much because i've had zero energy to do much of anything but i try to post at least post a few things and to check messages
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? i can't say that i have but a few years back i did have some problems with this one user on here who stalked and harassed me. probably one of the worst experiences of my life
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? they don't really have an effect on me too much
16. do you like tag games? yes, being tagged in things makes me very happy!!!
17. do you like ask games? i do!
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? idk
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? no? however there are a bunch of mutuals that i would love to talk to and maybe even become friends with
tagging: @cerezita @vera @invierno @mothsandmoxie @tallisaire @thistyrannosaur @born-to-be-a-lone-wolf and anyone who would like to do this! considered yourself tagged
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ardantly · 4 years
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Yo what?
Anyway, thank you guys??? Sm??? I thought I'd get another fanart done in time for this but I've been busy with household stuff all day because adult life ya know
Anyway, here's a short blog rec/lovely people list!!! I'll try to keep the gushing to a minimum but I can't promise anything
First of all the crimily, my chosen family trope on this hellsite:
@acezukos ABBY I love Abby sm, she writes fanfics that make me cry every single time, certified rock nerd, stemverse lives in my brain rent free and one day I'll finish the podfic I SWEAR, always here for a good dad joke we love that, just a wonderful person.
@alrightbolin I love Amelia sm, genuinely lovely human being, so wholesome and lovely, BOLIN STANS UNITE, Amelia is great, go follow her we stan.
@beifong-bltch NETTY WE LOVE NETTY omg, absolute icon, plantverse is chef's kiss, dude I wish I could be as cool as netty she's so cool wow, also bandverse owns my heart, amazing human being.
@disaster-korra Ver is literally my kid we love ver, actually made me rethink my stance on Bakudeku which is fucking GREAT, caffeine child (pls no espresso tho pls), crime creator and enabler and we love her for it.
@extragayzuko HALIE OMG we love halie in this household, an absolutely fantastic artist whom we STAN, Android zuko literally killed me dead, also writes like wow we stan a multitalented emo queen.
@fyrelordzuko RO oh my god we love and support Ro so much, she's amazing, actual fandom mom and so fucking sweet, listen I genuinely look up to Ro sm you don't even know, both her shitposts and her amazing creative content SLAP, go follow her, you're missing out, love u mom.
@learnto-fly JULES MY WIFE, I'm married to this wonderful woman, loving and supporting my wife dot jpeg, could judo flip me and I LOVE that, I just love Jules sm, she's a fucking phenomenal artist I can't believe this is my wife, she's not only an atla stan but also skam and we love that because alt er love, go give her love she deserves it sm.
@leewiththetea SONLEAF WE LOVE SONLEAF, our actual son whom we love, original crime lord, always an enabler and I love that about him, also j&j and kpop au live in my head rent free and I love that sm, genuinely one of the sweetest people out there, has made me cry with being so sweet.
@lunathelittledragon LUNA listen I've known Luna the longest out of the crimily and I love her sm, we've been through some shit and she's just a wonderful friend alright, I wanna go back to eating yoghurt on the tube, good times.
@mako-apologist BABBY I love babby omg, I still remember crying over her Sukka fic, I legit can't think of Suki without thinking of Babby, her power, tiktok QUEEN.
@mellowdreamer AMY WE LOVE AMY, actual kid to all of us, aioli aficionado and we love that, has the braincell sometimes and comes up with FANTASTIC takes and we stan that, loving and supporting amy dot jpeg.
@owlsantuary LUCY I LOVE LUCY she's amazing and lovely and I love that when the Americans (i.e. most of the server) are asleep the Europe gang has some of the hottest takes and aus, cornershop au is WONDERFUL and one day I'll write it, fellow tolkien stan along with abby and sonny and I love that, just a great and beautiful person.
@itszukkatime SONNY like what are u doing if you're not following Sonny, I love my other mom sm, her kindergarten au actually made me cry (and ship jetko), she and ro are wonderful parents, I love sonny a lot and her writing and drawing and content in general is fantastic.
Now some other wonderful people I definitely recommend:
@transkya NINA we love nina, they're great, they have the hottest takes and aus and HELL YEA EUROPE GANG, we stan, thank you for appreciating my dad jokes that's very kyute of you.
@quenchyest HEY NOA, wonderful blog (side note: I'm still amazed at the existence of lavender latte like WHAT) go follow!!!
@what-would-azula-do we love redemption arc azula in this household, a+ takes, we stan.
@whats-a-reading also the hottest takes, listen their tags are great and should be shared with the world, go follow.
@soft-zuko wonderful blog, we stan zukka in this household, soft zuko is best zuko.
I've most likely forgotten someone because my brain is actual mush, but thank you guys sm!! Maybe I'll get around to posting the fanart today still 👀
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starksbabie · 3 years
hi i got tagged by the ever lovely, @divine-mistake so here are my answers 💙
1. why did you choose your URL? um... lol at one point in time I was a huge fan of both Supernatural (assbutt) and One Direction (of which there were 5 members) So... 5littleassbutts 🙃
2. any side blogs? no but I did have a few other blogs back before Tumblr let you have multiple blogs on one account...
3. how long have you been on tumblr? On and off since 2010
4. do you have a queue tag? this is terrible but I used to many years ago, and I can't remember what it was.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? I was originally on "fandom" tumblr when SuperWhoLock was a thing, but I also loved One Direction and I didn't want to alienate those followers so I made this blog and it just devolved into me posting whatever I wanted because who has the time?
6. why did you choose your icon? Have you seen 1940s Bucky Barnes... 🥵 he may have been a white man from the 40s but damn.
7. why did you choose your header? I'm so excited for Into the Multiverse that I cannot even begin to explain.
8. what’s your post with the most notes? um... I really don't know. Probably one of my One Direction preferences but those are all hidden now.
9. how many mutuals do you have? a bunch and they are all my faves 🥰
10. how many followers do you have? 536 (a lot are old 1d blogs that are no longer active)
11. how many people do you follow? 512 (See above... I need to clean house)
12. have you ever made a shitpost? Yes! But I am the queen of #deletelater
13. how often do you use tumblr each day? i’m on this bitch constantly... It's going to get me in trouble.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Yes! I was young and the 1d fandom was toxic as hell
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? I hate them! Don't tell me what to do.
16. do you like tag games? yes but I rarely get tagged 😥
17. do you like ask games? Love Love Love Love! And I have tumblr etiquette! I always ask one of the ask game prompts from the person I reblog the ask game post from.
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? Is that even a thing? 😂 Um... probably @divine-mistake or @avengershumanresources
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? shhhhh... I can't be out here spilling secrets like that 😅🙃
20. no pressure tags: I'm tagging people I don't necessarily know but wish I did ✨ @professional-benaddict @puppypeter @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @buckysbrattybug @overr-written @sarge-barnes-sir @slothspaghettiwrites ✨ Seriously no pressure though!
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Hey so I made a sport. Like seriously I wrote rules to a sport. Its chaotic and violent inspired both by blaseball and some feral dogs i worked with. It's half shitpost and half actual game you could actually play please try it and if you live let me know what you think <3 it has three gamemodes, anarchy, deathmatch, and competitive, and it has three field positions, Pitcher, Fetcher, and Bastard.
HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNING: This game may include risk of concussion or injury due to possible high-impact physical contact. It is highly recommended that you play with one or more of the following safety precautions.
Proper safety equipment such as helmets.
A softer playspace such as grass or turf.
Modified rules to replace tackling with tagging or grappling.*
Opponents that you trust not to kill you.
A general disregard for your own wellbeing.
*alternatively you could ignore these, use medieval weapons, and make this a death sport
Want to play a game outside and get rewarded for tackling your friends, but don't want to worry too much about rules? I introduce to you Retrieverball, a fast-paced casual Football-esque game with all the fun of a post-apocalyptic wasteland, taught to me by two labrador retrievers who were trying to kill each other.
-For 3+ players
-3 game modes.
-Requires three things to play.
-Im adding this line because there have been too many 3s.
What is needed:
-A ball that can be easily thrown or kicked high in the air, preferably a tennis ball.
-A net or goal such as a soccer goal, hula hoop, or pit (or even a basketball net if your players are good at throwing and are willing to fall face first on concrete).
-A cup or small hole or container of some kind (or even a basketball net if your players are willing to fall face first on concrete).
Game modes (slightly increasing in complexity):
-Anarchy (chaotic free-for-all)
-Deathmatch (original game, free-for-all)
-Competitive (even teams, slightly more organized)
The General Rules:
There are three different positions on the field, requiring a minimum of three players. Each position has a different way of scoring points. The Pitcher must act as a referee, keeping track of everything that happens to the ball that they threw, unless you specifically designate a different referee.
-The Pitcher
-The Fetcher
-The Bastard 
The large goal should be placed on one side of a playing field (within reasonable throwing distance of the other side, this will vary depending on who's arranging the event and desired difficulty). On the other side a cup or small goal that can't be easily thrown into should be placed. Next to that a point should be determined or marked for the pitcher to stand. Fetchers and Bastards then stand in a line in between the two goals.
How to score:
If a point is scored by either a Fetcher or a Bastard (not a Pitcher), the round ends, and the positions are all shuffled. The game ends when everyone has been the Pitcher once, and the player or team with the most points wins.
-Pitchers can gain a point by throwing the ball into the large goal across the field.
-Fetchers can gain a point by retrieving the ball and returning it to the small goal next to the pitcher.
-Bastards can gain a point by tackling the Fetcher who is carrying the ball. This does not count if the ball is out of the Fetcher's hands before contact is made.
The three gamemodes all more or less follow the same rules, but have slight variations from each other.
Anarchy removes the Fetchers entirely. In this gamemode, Bastards can score a point by either delivering the ball to the small goal or by tackling the person carrying the ball. There can be up to half of the total players as Pitchers, having more at once both speeds up the game and adds chaos. Remember that the Pitchers must be the referee of their respective ball.
Deathmatch is the base game. There are equal sized groups of Bastards and Retrievers. Up to a third of the total players may be Pitchers, having more at once both speeds up the game and adds chaos. Remember that the Pitchers must be the referee of their respective ball.
Competitive is the team mode. The teams will switch off as usual, never repeating Pitchers. One team will start as the Bastards and one team will start as the Retrievers. The Retrievers will have one more player than the Bastards, as the Bastards will have one member of their team as the Pitcher. If you wish for this to be equal, you may have two Pitchers at once, one from each team.
And that’s Retrieverball, now go out and beat up your friends!
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supernovafeather · 3 years
Tag Game
Tagged by my love @abelmorales ❤️
Why did you choose your URL ?
Just wanted something related to space/sci-fi without dedicating it to one specific actor/character, so a Supernova, and feather to relate it to writings.
Any side blogs ?
galaxyfeather (original sci-fi short stories)
How long have you been on tumblr ?
That's a good question. Since 2020 for sure but I can't tell more.
Do you have a queue tag ?
Haha no I post in pure chaos whenever I just finished a fic so basically no one reads them as it's published at night for the US readers.
Why did you start your blog in the first place ?
Dude I barely remember what I ate for breakfast. I'd say maybe to read fics and to publish mine in English ?
Why did you choose your header ?
*cliché geek voice* I love space and stars and science.
What's your post with the most notes ?
My materlist (78 votes), but as a fic it's Too Good For This World (57 votes).
How many mutuals do you have ?
How many followers do you have ?
How many people do you follow ?
Have you ever made a shitpost ?
I don't think so, and if it happened then it was not worthy to remember its existence
Did you have a fight with another blog once ?
No, never, people are angels here. Perverted angels yes, but still angels.
How do you feel about "you meed to reblog this" posts ?"
Reading them would make me want to pierce my testicles with glass shards then spill vodka onto my wounds to suffer even more if I were a man. Instead I just scroll down and contain my hate.
Do you like tag games ?
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous ?
Lmao do you really think anyone can be famous on this battlefield ?
Do you have a crush on a mutual ?
No what even is this question lmao "i love you unknown person at the other side of the world, you told me you got wet while reading my fics please marry me"
Not tagging anyone, do it if you want !
0 notes
raidenenthusiast · 3 years
i was tagged by @garlandgerard !! ty ily
why did you choose your url?
this blog was originally a kpop sideblog n an ex of mine had come up with the original url so it felt awkward to keep n i changed it to smth a friend came up with BUT that one had the d slur in it n i felt like i'd get yelled at if i kept it after relabelling myself so. here we are it's kind of a different version of the one my friend came up with (not saying nonlesbians can't say the d word i just didn't want to deal with any drama related to slur discourse hahdabsbabs)
any sideblogs?
this one! is technically a sideblog. @/alto-angel is my main but i really don't post there anymore after i purged all my old content
how long have you been on tumblr?
2015?? 2014?? i don't remember tbh
do you have a queue tag?
oh god no i post my shitty thoughts as soon as i have them lmao
why did you start your blog in the first place?
lord. it's been so long. this one was originally for kpop though, so. that i guess. my original main blog was pretty misc content but it was mostly theatre stuff
why did you choose your icon?
oh baby u have no idea how obsessed with this screenshot i am. zhongli n azhdaha are everything to me i will not stop talking about them. look at it. look at how beautiful this is
Tumblr media
like. scream. hello
why did you choose your header?
matching purposes! whenever i change around my blog i always make sure the colors all match. also it's pretty
what's your post with the most notes?
oh my god that post about the moon. can't find the link rn but it's my only post with over 100k notes. took like years to hit that many too
how many followers do you have?
how many people do you follow?
have you ever made a shitpost?
what even is the criteria. are half my posts not shitposts. probably idk
how often do you use tumblr every day?
.......too often next question
did you have a fight/argument with a blog once?
YES OKAY THIS IS A FUNNY STORY. i used to be really active in the wicked fandom (whatever small amount of it there was) n i had this huge blowup with like three other people about elphaba hcs. my inbox was FLOODED like all day n it is so so funny to look back on bc i wasn't even friends or acquaintances with these people. we were all so stupid
i suppose there was also that time more recently with that guy who thought ugly people should die?? he tagged me specifically in one of his posts so i'd say that counts
how do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
ohhhh i fucking hate them. ANY derivative of that will make me not rb ur post n block u out of pure spite. if u make those posts ur an asshole
do you like tag/ask games?
yes!! i forget to do tag games a lot but ask games are fun as hell
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
man i hope none of u are tumblr famous blogs are obnoxious
do you have a crush on a mutual?
we were definitively friends before we were tumblr mutuals but like......yeah maybe i'm trying to repress it though so shhh
i tag @vaaratha @frigatea @witchy--mama @morbidwh0re @onepagenovel @businessman-wizard n @sevarix-writes !!
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