#char: christopher smith
molykica · 1 year
Ages and Age Differences in doctor who because I love stats and everyone is talking about how Millie is so young. This is just because I think this type of analysis is fun.
Doctor Comp Pairs: Actor Age Dif, Companion Age
Some characters are estimates I don't care if I'm a little off, I'm focusing on overall trends alright. Also I'm estimating on all doctor ages, I can't be bothered to work it out fr
Some actor ages/differences may seem off bc for some it's when they were casted and for some it was when the first episode of the series airs, some were the first episode the character appears plus sometimes I had to estimate based on birth years so, birth month may have affected the ages. I figure these differences aren't significant enough to change overall trends
Character: Actor Start Age, Current Age | Char Start Age - End Age | age difference btwn character and actor
Doctor Comp Pairs: Actor Age Dif, Companion Age
Christopher Eccleston: 40, 58 | ? - 900
David Tennant: 35, 51 | 900-904
Matt Smith: 26, 40 | 904 - 2000
Peter Capaldi: 55, 64 | old, idek
Jodie Whittaker: 36, 40 | very old
Ncuti Gatwa: 30 | very very old
Rose: 22, 40 | 19 - 21 | 3yrs
Martha: 28, 43 | 23 - 25 | 5 yrs
Donna: 37, 54 | 35 - 39 | abt same
Amy: 21, 34 | (7)- 21 - 32 | none!
Rory: 26, 40 | 21 - 32 | 5 yrs
River: 45, 59 | -9mo - 224 | 179 yrs
Clara: 27, 36 | 23 - 30 | 4 yrs
Bill: 30, 35 | ? 21ish-25 | 5-9ish years
Yaz: 30, 34 | 19 - 24 | 11 yrs
Ryan: 26, 30 | 19 - 20 | 7yrs
Graham: 58, 60 | 50-60s | none!
Dan: 53, 55 | 50s | None!
Ruby: 18 | ? idk 18 probably | none!
Doctor Companion Pairs with Canon or Popular Attraction/Romance
9/Rose: 18 years. Rose was 19
10/Rose: 11 yrs. Rose was 20 probably
10/Martha: 8, Martha was 23
11/River: 19yrs, River was a baby when they met, Romance started when River was about 40 (as mels)
11/Clara: 4yrs, Clara was 23
12/River: 5yrs, River was 200
13/Yaz: 6yrs, Yaz was 19
11/Amy: 5yrs, Amy was 21
Other Doctor Companion Pairs
10, Donna: 3yrs, Donna was 35
11, Amy: 5yrs, Amy was 7 when they met, then 21 when she joined the tardis
11, Rory: 0yrs, Rory was 21 when he joined
12, Clara: 28yrs, Clara was 25 probably
12, Bill: 29yrs, Bill was 21
13, Ryan: 10yrs, Ryan was 19
13, Graham: 22yrs, Graham was around 60
13, Dan: 20yrs, Dan was in his fifties
Ncuti and Millie are 12 years apart.
Also, I didn't Clara and 12 as romantic in this case despite the fact they are a popular ship because there wasn't canon romantic acting between the actors and the actor ages are the focus of this, same reason I counted Amy and 11 as romantic even tho it wasn't really and I hate the concept, but I count it because the actors still kissed.
Companion Age Range
|Ruby|, Rose.Yaz.Ryan, Amy.Rory.Bill, Martha.Clara, Donna, River, Dan, Graham
19, 19, 19, 21, 21, 21, 23, 23, 35, 40, (55, 60)
second number is excluding (outliers) Note: these two aren't mathematical outliers, but they were treated in universe as old, so I'm using them as outliers.
Mean: 29.7 / 24.1
Median: 22 / 21
Romantic Interest Companion Age Range
Rose.Yaz, Amy, Clara.Martha, River
19, 19, 21, 23, 23, (40)
Mean: 24.2 / 21
Median: 22 / 21
Doctor+Companion Actor Age Diff Range
Rory11, Donna10, Clara11, Amy11.River12, Yaz13, Martha10, Ryan13, Rose10, |Ruby15|, Rose9, River11, Dan13, Graham13, Clara12, Bill12
0, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20, 22, 28, 29
Mean: 12.5
Median: 10
Romantic Interactions:
Clara11, Amy11.River12, Yaz13, Martha10, Rose10, |Ruby15|, Rose9, River11
4, 5, 5, 6, 8, 11, 18, 19
Mean: 9.5
Median: 7
Youngest Companions!
Overall: 19 (Rose, Yaz, Ryan)
Romantic: 19 (Rose, Yaz)
Ruby would be the new youngest at 18, but by the time the show actually starts she and her character may be older, 19 seems like a reasonable assumption for how old her character will be.
Oldest Companions!
Overall: 60 (Graham)
Romantic: 40 (River) / 23 (Martha, Clara)
Smallest Age Difference!
Overall: 0 (Rory and 11)
Romantic: 4 (Clara and 11)
Biggest Age Difference!
Overall: 29 (Bill and 12)
Romantic: 19 (River and 11)
My analysis here isn't to make a big point, or call any fans out or pass judgement on whatever, it's just to look at certain patterns that I see here and possible reasons for them as an exercise in examining a person's biases and perceptions. The point is to be aware of these biases, not say that anyone with a bias is evil or stupid or whatever.
With a 12 year age difference, Ruby15 would be the 7th biggest overall age difference and the 3rd biggest romantic age difference if their relationship were to be romantic
So yes, she is young, and she should not have any romantic relationship with/interest in the doctor, BUT, she will probably be the same age as Rose and Yaz were and everyone was fine with those, I have seen ppl talk about how Rose was too young, but I haven't seen many ppl complain that Yaz met the doctor at 19 and is too young for it. So idk why everyone now is like "shes so young she better not be a romantic interest". Well, actually, I'm confident it's a gender thing but whatever.
Lots of ppl did think the Billie Piper/Christopher Eccleston age difference (22 and 40) was weird, but Ncuti and Millie are closer in age than them. PLUS, Matt Smith and Alex Kingston (26 and 45) were further apart by a year and I've literally never seen a single person say that it was weird that they played romantic interests or that Matt was too young, despite only being like 4 years older than Billie was.
My discussion of gender here, yes the doctor is non binary, but they are perceived by a large number of the public and fandom as the gender they present as and the gender biases still apply to the actors and the gender the doctor is presenting as. So I'm discussing men and women for the purposes of this analysis. I'm also discussing the age the doctor "presents" as (referred to as p-age), meaning, the age of the actor, or about how old I think a random person would assume they are by looking at them.
Actual Ages: 9 (40), 10 (35), 11 (26), 12 (55), 13 (36), 15 (30)
Perceived Age Range: 9 (35-45), 10 (25-40), 11 (24-35), 12 (50-70), 13 (30-40)
Also, I'm speaking in general trends and assumptions, obviously there are exceptions to such things.
Rose was perceived as younger than Yaz and Ryan seemed to be, both in universe and in the fandom. Rose was referred to as a child frequently, her relationship with her mother emphasized her age, and it was shown to be odd that she was traveling with a 40 year old man, but Jodie was only 4 years younger than him. 9 and 13 presented in a similar age range and never once was the age difference brought up in regard to Yaz or Ryan. Graham was often treated as way older than the group despite being only a bit further from the doctors p-age than Ryan/Yaz.
Part of this could be gender, but, David Tennant was about the same age as Jodie and they were perceived very similarly to each other age-wise in universe, generally younger but still established (out of their 20s) adults. So it's probably more likely Christopher Eccleston was perceived as older, both due to physical appearance and character behavior. 9 acted more serious and severe and just older than 10 or 13. 9 and 12 are the only two who acted like old ppl consistently, 10, 11, and 13 acted much more youthful, which lines up with the ages of the actors.
Both 10 and 13 were the same age (35 and 36), although I think 13 was often perceived as younger than 10 because she was a woman. Some would argue she acted younger/less mature, but I think those traits were also displayed by 10, but 13 was perceived differently bc of the unconscious infantilization of women. There were some parts where she seemed to act younger, more similar to 11 (talking about cookies, easily distracted "puppy behavior") but, even then, she may have been encouraged to act like that because cast/crew perceived her as younger bc of her gender.
Speaking of "similar to 11", 11 was the youngest looking, but although a lot of the time he acted goofy and less mature, Matt played the "timeless being with a young face" very well, and despite his youth he did an amazing job at acting weary and wise, he really felt, at least to me, older than 10 even tho he was like ten years younger than tennant was.
The traits that I think made people perceive the doctor's true ancient age the most were the weariness of being alive so long and the frustration of being wiser than everyone else. Personally, I think Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi did the best at this. Matt had a lot of moments where he'd be all silly running around but then take a serious moment and show his anger/age/weariness, but the most notable scenes for Matt emphasizing the age to me were at Demons Run during his coronal runaway speech, The Big Bang rewind sequence, when he meets Clara as a victorian nanny, and the beast below. So despite his youth and him acting very young, he balanced it out with a lot of serious moments where he rly seemed older.
Jodie on the other hand, even though she had a lot of more youthful moments, she didn't have as many harsh serious moments to balance it out, and I just don't remember many scenes where she really seemed that old. Although I do think Jodie is capable of it, she did a really good job of it when the opportunities were there, just, they didn't come as often, which could have been her but it also could have been the direction the production wanted her to go. It came out in a lot of the doctor/master scenes and a couple others.
So to summarize my long winded ramble here, I think Jodie was perceived as younger than 10 and 11 despite looking similar ages partially because she's a woman and partially bc she wasn't aggressively angry as much as they were. But I have a suspicion that she was discouraged from acting aggressive the way 11 and even 10 did when they were angry bc she was a woman and women are perceived more negatively when acting more aggressive than men. Like, Jodie never had her ANGRY MOMENT that made you go "oh yeah that's the oncoming storm." So anyway, let women be angry, don't make them more passive than men in the same situation.
I forgot this was supposed to be about age differences hold on.
Okay yeah, 13 and Yaz weren't perceived the same was as 9 and Rose or even 10 and Rose because 13 is a women and women are infantilized but also they aren't perceived as "threats" bc female abusers are taken much less seriously than men especially with age differences. Never once was it mentioned that a 19 year old girl dating a 36 year old women would be weird. Yaz's mom literally asked Yaz if they were dating, and she asked it the same way she asked if her and Ryan were dating. 13 was not perceived as too old to be dating Yaz. This is not the same thing that happened with Rose. Jackie and Mickey repeatedly mentioned the age being weird with 9 before they knew his real age, and 9 was generally assumed to be an older guardian of Rose rather than a romantic interest because of his age. Even 10, who was 35, was treated as much older than Rose in a way 13 never was with Yaz.
But it could be argued that character ages are less signifiant in terms of dynamics because the doctor is obviously thousands of years old and that the actor ages are more important in determining the "appropriateness" of the age difference. In which case, I'd bring up 11 and River. Never ONCE, in the whole series, from Silence in the Library to The Husbands of River Song was River's age mentioned. Nor have I seen a single person in the fandom ever bring up Matt and Alex's age difference. And there are some random factors with River not being fully human, and Matt being older closer to 30 than 20, the weird reverse timeline btwn them, but I think gender is the big one here.
Alex Kingston was 45, the oldest for a reoccurring female companion, but to be fair, she doesn't look that old. At least to me, she could have been early 30s and I wouldn't have been surprised. She acted in such a way that made her feel ageless, she was flirty and active like a young person but also experienced and stern like an older person, that tied with her mysterious past and knowledge made her seem like she could be in a wider age range. And a lot of that was just because Alex Kingston is an amazing actor. Like, certain scenes she definitely seemed younger or older, like in Lets Kill Hitler she acted very much like a rebellious teenager but in episodes like the big bang, and the library ones she seemed much older.
Women are generally expected to physically look younger than men of their same age, which, from a real life standpoint might explain why Alex just didn't look as old as Eccleston for example, because she's probably made more effort irl to look younger, with makeup, products, whatever. And again, older women are not perceived the same way older men are when they are with younger partners. Like, 9 and Rose kissing looked weird to me, even the first time I watched it I was thought of the actors like "hes old enough to be her dad thats weird to watch" but I didn't even realize Alex Kingston was so much older than Matt Smith the first FEW times I watched it. Even knowing, I just can't view the age difference as much as I can with 9 and Rose. And yes, Matt is older than Billie was, and Billie was styled as a teen/young adult while Matt wore old man clothes and acted older. But even in The Husbands of River Song, seeing River and 12 (only a 5 year age difference) looked weirder to me than River and 11 (19 year difference). Like, Peter Capaldi just seemed much older than Alex Kingston than she ever seemed older than Matt Smith.
Okay I'm done now, I don't have a good conclusion or anything, I just got bored and have other things to do so I'm gonna stop rambling. Hi Ana if you read this far!!!!
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lifblogs · 1 year
1, 23, 25, 27.
 How many books did you read this year?
58, and that might be 59 soon. So not as much as last year, but I've had a really good time.
23. The book with the prettiest cover
I have to answer with two for this because wow. You'll have to click the first one for the full image. I'm just obsessed with these covers.
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25. Did you discover any new authors?
I sure did! Rob Boffard (though I wasn't that impressed with him), Claudia Gray (love her depiction of padawan Obi-Wan), Joe Schreiber (honestly, that guy can't write endings), Betty Adams (I totally recommend her books for some fun and laid back sci-fi!), Greg Rucka (not much to say about him), Adam Christopher (this guy knows his Star Wars), Kiersten White (slow build-up with her writing and maybe not the most interesting follow-through, so...), Aiden Thomas (this dude is literally the best), Sasha Peyton Smith (comes up with compelling ideas, but I don't think her publisher gave her enough time to follow through on them, which was pretty disappointing), Jennifer L. Armentrout (accidentally became on of my favorite authors because next thing I know I have 7 of her books), Bram Stoker (we all know about him now), and Char Q (fandom writer, really compelling thoughts on Supernatural). So without all the commentary: Rob Boffard, Claudia Gray, Joe Schreiber, Betty Adams, Greg Rucka, Adam Christopher, Kiersten White, Aiden Thomas, Sasha Peyton Smith, Bram Stoker, Jennifer L. Armentrout, and Char Q. Damn, that's 12 authors! Okay! (Sorry for how long this one is.)
27. Did you discover any new genres?
I think technically I did with reading Dracula because I haven't read gothic horror before.
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lgbtincomics · 2 years
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Peacemaker 1.03 “Better Goff Dead”
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thetricktoholdingon · 4 years
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“The Arizona” (17x20) synopsis: The team tries to verify the identity of Joe Smith (Christopher Lloyd), who claims he served on the U.S.S. Arizona during the attack on Pearl Harbor, and wants to be buried there upon his death.
GUEST CAST: Christopher Lloyd (Joseph “Joe” Smith) Oeter Nyrbuj (Navy Four-Star Admiral Michael Caplinger) Jessica Tuck (Gloria Caplinger) Sebastian Sozzi (Kevin Deacon) Dawn Matthews (Doctor Alice Jelani) Sofie Calderon (Joan) Damian Joseph Quinn (Young Joe) Zachary Cowan (Charred Sailor)
WRITTEN BY: Gina Lucita Monreal
 DIRECTED BY: James Whitmore, Jr.
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myncisworld-2point0 · 4 years
THE PERFORMER | Christopher Lloyd
THE EPISODE | “The Arizona” (April 14, 2020)
THE PERFORMANCE | When it was announced that Lloyd, so beloved for his work on Taxi and in the Back to the Futurefilms, would be guest-starring on CBS’ No. 1 drama, you had to suspect something special was on tap. But perhaps no one anticipated the range of emotions his performance would evoke.
As Joe Smith, a 95-year-old who tasked Gibbs’ team with proving that he was stationed aboard the USS Arizona at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor (and thus deserves to have his ashes interred there upon his death), Lloyd was, yes, amusing, such as when insisting that McGee and Jimmy make like CSI by comparing DNA samples. And yes, he was formidably gruff when chastising Bishop and Torres for their anemic knowledge of naval history.
But when Gibbs pressed the alleged vet to make his own case by detailing the sights, sounds and smells of Dec. 7, 1941, Lloyd let loose with one of the most vivid, anguished monologues in recent TV history. “It was me!” he bellowed, in such a way that Gibbs (Mark Harmon, with one of his own finest performances) probably needed to hear nothing else. But he would hear so much more. “It was like the Devil opened his mouth and made a noise that was all screaming!” Joe recalled, gesticulating as if trying to wave away the memory of “body parts all over the deck,” while any intact seamen were “charred to the bone.” Joe’s recollection got personal, and Lloyd broke down sobbing, as he described fishing three men out of the water, including his friend Ozzy: “We should have been tossing a football!”
Joe summed up his feelings by saying that his crew mates were brothers to him, and when he passes, “I want to be laid to rest with my family. I want to go home.” That wish would be granted very soon after as Lloyd delivered a gut punch of a death scene, when Joe suffered a sudden heart attack and faded in Gibbs’ arms.
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goddamnmuses-a · 4 years
Wanted Opposites
So I got this idea.. just kinda gonna shout it out to the world.. of writing a list of canon muses I want my muse to interract with.. you’ll see what I mean... Under the cut because long. 
Salazar Slytherin
Rowena Ravenclaw
Helga Hufflepuff
Godric Gryffindor
Albus Dumbledore
Basically any Harry Potter characters.
Christopher Weasley
Any of the Next Gen Harry Potter characters. 
Any Weasley
Again basically any Harry Potter characters
Rocket Raccoon
Any of the Guardians
Other anthropomorphic characters like from Sonic or Star Fox or something
Peter Parker
Mary Jane
Gwen Stacey
Felicia Hardy
Harry Osborn
Norman Osborn
Miles Morales
Any of his rogues gallery
Basically any other marvel character too. 
Wade Wilson
Vanessa Carlysle
Lady Death
Ellie Camacho
Gwen Poole
Negasonic Teenage Warhead
Any other Marvel characters basically
Pietro Maximoff
Wanda Maximoff
Lorna Dane
Any other speedster like The Flash or Reverse Flash
Any other marvel character
Aaron Davis
Miles Morales
Any other Spider-Man/Marvel villain/character at all tbh
Levi (Cloak of Levitation)
Doctor Strange
Any other personified marvel items. 
Brian Braddock
Betsy Braddock
Peggy Carter
Captain America
Red Guardian
Any other Marvel character. 
Lucifer Morningstar
Chloe Decker
Linda Martin
Ella Lopez
Detective Dan Douche. 
Any other angels
Any other DC characters now he’s been seen in Crisis. 
John Constantine
Sara Lance
Swamp Thing
Etrigan The Demon
Doctor Fate
Any of The Legends
Any other DC characters
Tim Drake
Red Hood
Damian Wayne
Basically any of the Bat family. 
Any other DC character too. 
Ravi Chakrabarti
Liv Moore
Peyton Charles
Clive Babineaux
Major Lillywhite
Sterling Archer
Lana Kane
Cheryl Tunt
Pam Poovey
Dr Kreiger
Cyril Figgis
Barry Dillon
Ray Gillette
Malory Archer
Any other Spys. 
Nathan Young
Rudy Wade
Simon Bellamy
Alisha Daniels
Kelly Bailey
Abbey Smith
Anyone else from Misfits 
Basically any God from any pantheon
Cal Kestis
Cere Junda
Jaro Tapal
Greez Dritus
Saw Gerrera
Taron Malicos
Ninth Sister
Trilla Suduri
Darth Vader
Sorc Tormo
Any Jedi or Inquisitors. 
Savage Opress
Darth Maul
Asajj Ventress
Count Dooku
Mother Talzin
Sheev Palpatine
Ahsoka Tano
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Any other Jedi or Sith
Tyrion Lannister
Daenerys Targaryen
Jon Snow
Arya Stark
Sansa Stark
Cersei Lannister
Petyr Balish
Oberyn Martell
Jaime Lannister
Brienne of Tarth
Bran Stark
Margaery Tyrell
Joffrey Lannister
Tommen Lannister
Tormund Giantsbane
Jorah Mormont
Any other Game of Thrones character
Sandor Clegane
Daenerys Targaryen
Jon Snow
Gregor Clegane
Arya Stark
Sansa Stark
Cersei Lannister
Jaime Lannister
Brienne of Tarth
Joffrey Lannister
Tormund Giantsbane
Any other Game of Thrones character.
Draco Westley
Daenerys Targaryen
Godzilla or any other Kaiju
Any other Dragons or Dragon related characters. 
Billy Butcher
Annie January
Hughie Campbell
Becca Butcher
Queen Maeve
Black Noir
The Female
Madelyn Stillwell
The Deep
Mothers Milk
Any other The Boys characters
Any other Superhero/Anti Heros
The Charred Council
Any angels/demons
Basically any supernatural characters/creatures
Diego Dynamic
Any Cyberpunk/Futuristic Characters
Ciri from the Witcher as she travels through worlds. 
Geralt of Rivia  
Triss Merigold
Fringilla Vigo
Keira Metz
Any other Witcher/Fantasy characters
The Blacksmith
The Doctor
The Master
Clara Oswald
Amy Pond
River Song
Rose Tyler
Jack Harkness
Martha Jones
Donna Noble
Rory Williams
The Ravi
Any other Doctor Who/Sci-fi characters.
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cwprnest · 6 years
Where to Celebrate Dad on Father’s Day in Atlanta
When it’s time to celebrate Dad and show him just how great he is, Atlanta’s favorite dining spots provide a variety of options, from special brunches and delectable dinners to free music offerings and more, to ensure Father’s Day will be deliciously unforgettable. 
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Atlas - Three-Course Father’s Day Prix Fixe Dinner
Guests can celebrate Father’s Day on June 17th at Atlas with a spectacular three-course prix fixe menu created by Executive Chef Christopher Grossman, best known for his seasonal American cuisine combined with European influences, for $65 per person. Bringing unparalleled culinary experiences to the capital of the South, Atlas’ chef-driven dinner menu, which changes daily, will also be available along with the new Legendary Cocktail menu featuring signature libations made with coveted spirits like Remy Martin Louis XIII, Macallan Rare Cask, and Whistle Pig Boss Hog 4th Edition “Black Prince.” And, dads that enjoy creative tasting experiences are invited to explore Atlas’s liquor flight menu boasting 13 different options including whiskey and rye,​ silver tequilas, aged tequilas, Scotch, Japanese single malts, Cognacs, amaro, and liqueurs. While dads sip and nosh, they can take in the restaurant's acclaimed art installation featuring 30 pieces from esteemed artists including Foujita, Monet, Chagall, Modigliani and Soutine. Atlas' impressive gallery of 20th century artwork has been hand-selected from The Lewis Collection, one of the largest private art collections in the world.    
For more information or to make a reservation, visit atlasrestaurant.com.  Atlas is located at the St. Regis Atlanta at 88 West Paces Ferry Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30305.  Stay connected on Twitter and Instagram at @AtlasBuckhead and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/AtlasBuckhead/. 
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Whiskey With Dad and a Jazz and Blues Father’s Day Brunch at City Winery
City Winery in Ponce City Market is bringing out all the stops for dads this Father’s Day by hosting two celebrations.  On Thursday, June 14th at 7 p.m., Beverage Director, JR Smith, will host Whiskey With Dad, an unforgettable tasting experience on the expansive outdoor patio where he will guide participants through a journey of what makes each whiskey’s flavor profile unique.  From peatey and smokey to sweet corn through faint vanilla, Dad will get an understanding of what makes this spirit so special.  Participants will also be treated to mouthwatering offerings from a Big Green Egg-inspired menu created by Executive Chef Nicholas Anderson just for the tasting. Admission includes six, one-ounce whiskey pours, food pairings, and a welcome cocktail.  Tickets are available for $75, plus applicable fees, and can be purchased at citywinery.com/atlanta/father-s-day-whiskey-tasting-6-14-18.html. 
On Father’s Day, Sunday, June 17th, City Winery is hosting a Jazz and Blues Father’s Day brunch. Music lovers are invited to nosh on an unlimited brunch buffet created by Executive Chef Nick Anderson, while taking in the smooth jazz and blues sounds of Mose Davis Trio, Leonard Julien III Rhonda Thomas and Simone Torres. Beginning at 11:30 a.m., tickets are available for $49.95, plus applicable fees, and can be purchased at citywinery.com/atlanta/jazz-blues-father-s-day-brunch-featuring-mose-davis-trio-leonard-julien-iii-rhonda-thomas-and-simone-torres-6-17-18.html. 
For more information or to purchase tickets visit citywinery.com/atlanta, or call 404.946.3791. City Winery is located at 650 North Avenue NE #201, Atlanta, GA 30308. Stay connected on Twitter at @CityWineryATL and Instagram at @CityWineryATL and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/citywineryatl. 
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Dantanna’s Bacon-Infused Father’s Day Menu
This Father’s Day, Dantanna’s is celebrating dads with a bacon-inspired menu created by Executive Chef Monique Barrow on Sunday, June 17, 2018 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.  Available at both the Buckhead and Downtown locations, dads can kick-off their dining experience with Dantanna’s build-your-own Bloody Mary bar featuring Bakon Vodka and all the fixings from pickled vegetables to peppered bacon strips.  In addition to the regular menu featuring brunch favorites (Buckhead location only) and mouthwatering burgers, sandwiches, eclectic salads, steaks, seafood and more, diners can sink their teeth into a variety of chef-driven specials.  A sampling includes:  Espresso Smoked Pork Belly — Ancho and Espresso Dry Rub, Slow Braised, Pimento Cheese Grits, Pickled Cabbage, and Bourbon a Jus;  Pork Croquette — 8 ounce Pork Tenderloin, Herb Panko, Barbecue Cream Corn and Bacon, Roasted Red Bliss Potatoes, and Pickled Mustard Seeds; and the Jerk Pork Chop — 12 ounce, Spicy Herb Marinated, Char Grilled Berkshire Chop, Black Eye Peas and Bacon Succotash, Wilted Rainbow Chard, and Tobacco Fried Onions. 
Dantanna’s Buckhead is located at the Shops Around Lenox, 3400 Around Lenox Rd NE #304, Atlanta, GA 30326. Dantanna’s Downtown is located at 1 CNN Center #269, Atlanta, GA 30303. For more information visit www.dantannas.com or call 404.705.8873. Stay connected on Twitter and Instagram at @dantannas.
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Cheers to Dad at TWO urban licks One of Atlanta’s favorite dining destinations, TWO urban licks, is raising a glass to dads this Father’s Day, Sunday, June 17, 2018.  Known for its fiery American cuisine created by Executive Chef Michael Bertozzi, acclaimed wine program, live music, and a breathtaking views of the skyline, TWO will treat dads to a complimentary pint of beer along with the purchase of an entree during brunch and dinner.  
TWO urban licks is located at 820 Ralph McGill Blvd. Atlanta, GA 30306. To make a reservation, call 404.522.4622 or visit twourbanlicks.com. Stay connected on Twitter at @2urbanlicks and Instagram at @TwoUrbanLicks and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/TwoUrbanLicks/. 
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Give Dad a Day Away from the Grill at PARISH
One of the top brunch destinations in Atlanta, The Brasserie at PARISH is excited to treat dads to a relaxing day away from the grill this Father’s Day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Conveniently located in Inman Park on the BeltLine, Executive Chef Chavez Hernandez is whipping up signature brunch favorites like the Chicken and Waffles, Brioche French Toast, and Shrimp & Grits along with a variety of mouthwatering specials that are sure to please dads.  Known for its inspired, familiar American food, inventive beverage program, warm hospitality, and convenient location on the BeltLine, PARISH will also be serving Father’s Day dinner from 5:30 to 9 p.m.  
Parish is located at N. Highland Ave. Atlanta, GA 30307. For more information or to make a reservation, call 404.681.4434 or visit parishatl.com  Stay connected on Twitter at @parishATL and Instagram at @ParishInmanPark and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/pages/ParishFood-and-GoodsInman-Park   
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Celebrate Dad All Week Long at ROOM at TWELVE:
Families can celebrate Father’s Day all week long at the ROOM at TWELVE, a modern American steakhouse and favorite Downtown go-to destination for drinks, steaks and sushi.  Hosting a Father’s Week from Monday, June 11th through Father’s Day, Sunday, June 17th, ROOM has whipped up daily dinner specials to add to its a la carte menu to make dads feel as extraordinary as they deserve. 
Room at Twelve is located at 400 W Peachtree St, Atlanta, GA 30308. To make a reservation, call 404.418.1250 or visit roomattwelve.com. Stay connected on Twitter and Instagram at @roomattwelve and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/roomattwelve. 
Father’s Day Week Menu
MONDAY Burger & Bourbon! Purchase any burger off the menu and receive a free shot of bourbon. TUESDAY Choose an Entrée of $20 or more and receive a complimentary 14oz beer, appetizer, or dessert. WEDNESDAY 14oz Ribeye and choice of appetizer for $45. THURSDAY $5 Craft beer All Day. FRIDAY—SUNDAY Half or full rack of ribs, fries, and coleslaw for $22 / $32. 
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Toast to Dad at ALLORA
ALLORA, an Italian concept blending Italian classics with modern techniques and seasonal ingredients in Atlantic Station, is offering dads a special toast all day this Father’s Day with $4 Jameson Caskmates Whiskey. A local favorite, ALLORA’s Executive Chef Chris Maher offers an impressive and playful menu filled with housemade pastas, pizzas made to order, creative insalatas, small plates and more. This Father’s Day, ALLORA will be serving a delectable brunch from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. If Dad prefers dinner instead, ALLORA will be serving dinner from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m.  
ALLORA is located in the TWELVE Hotel Midtown at 361 17th Street NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30363. Complimentary valet up to three hours and two hours free parking in the parking deck are available. For more information or to make a reservation, call 404.961.7370 or visit www.alloraatl.com. Stay connected on Twitter and Instagram @alloraatl and on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/alloraatl.com. 
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Park Tavern's Sunset Sessions Free Concert Series
Located conveniently on the Atlanta BeltLine, Park Tavern in Piedmont Park is the place to be every Sunday during Sunset Sessions, its popular free, alternative music series featuring some of today’s most buzz-worthy artists. On Father’s Day, Sunday, June 17th beginning at 7 p.m., music-loving dads can enjoy the sounds of Little Stranger, a quirky indie hip-hop group, with a fresh hybrid of sounds, focused on originality, where every song is a separate work unto itself with all the strangeness that their name implies. While experiencing what promises to be a high-energy performance, revelers can take in the picturesque Atlanta skyline while enjoying specialty seasonal cocktails, house-brews, 1/2 off sushi from 9 p.m. to midnight, and much more. Guests must be 21+ older to attend. 
Park Tavern is located in the heart of Midtown on the corner of 10th Street and Monroe overlooking Piedmont Park and the Midtown skyline. For more information, visit www.parktavern.com or call 404-249-0001. Stay connected on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/parktavern and on Twitter and Instagram at @parktavern.
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Show Dad He’s a Cut Above the Rest at STK Atlanta on Father’s Day 
This Father’s Day, Sunday, June 17th, if spoiling Dad with an unforgettable dinner is on the agenda or simply a last minute gift is in order, STK Atlanta is pulling out all the stops to show the big guy how much he’s loved.  Located in the heart of Midtown, the modern steakhouse is offering a delectable, three-course prix-fixe menu for $115 featuring Lil' BRGs, Nueske’s smoked bacon, the finest cuts of meats, a roasted half chicken, must-have sides and a twist on warm banana bread pudding that’s to die for. If he’s a whiskey lover, exclusive pairings of WhiskeyPig Rye Whiskey are available for an additional $55.  The popular hotspot will also have its full dinner menu available of seasonal dishes and signature favorites.  Of course, STK doesn’t want Dad to leave empty handed, so he will be treated to a complimentary gift bag featuring a mini bottle of WhistlePig and his choice of a pocket square and cigar.  For more information or to make a reservation, visit http://togrp.com/venue/stk-atlanta or call 404-793-0144. STK Atlanta is located at 1075 Peachtree Street in Midtown Atlanta on the corner of Peachtree and 12th Streets in the 12th & Midtown development. Stay connected on Twitter and Instagram at @eatstk #stkatlanta.
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hyaenagallery · 4 years
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Christopher Dorner part 8 The San Bernardino Sheriff's Department confirmed to the media that Dorner was barricaded in a cabin near the command center set up for the manhunt, in a mountainous rural area northeast of Angelus Oaks, California, and that the building was surrounded by law enforcement. A three-mile perimeter was set up around the cabin and residents were told to remain inside with their doors locked. Police initially attempted to force Dorner out of the cabin by using tear gas and demanding over loudspeakers that he surrender. When Dorner did not respond, police used a demolition vehicle to knock down most walls of the building. They then shot pyrotechnic tear gas canisters into the cabin, which resulted in the cabin catching fire. Such devices are nicknamed "burners," as the heat generated by the pyrotechnic reaction often causes fires. Shortly thereafter, a single gunshot was heard from the cabin. As the fire continued, ammunition was exploding from within the cabin, making it dangerous for officials to try to put out the fire. Law enforcement experts differ on whether it was justified to use pyrotechnic devices to end the standoff, instead of waiting for Dorner to come out. In the evening of February 12, LAPD and the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Office denied reports that a body believed to be that of Dorner had been recovered from the burnt cabin. In a press conference, LAPD Commander Andrew Smith stated that no body had been removed from the site, adding that reports of a body being identified were untrue as the cabin area was "too hot to make entry." On February 13, it was reported that human remains had been found in the search for Dorner's body in the cabin. A wallet with a California driver's license with the name "Christopher Dorner" was also found in the rubble of the cabin. That same day, San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon disputed rumors that deputies had intentionally burned down the cabin. On February 14, medical examiners confirmed during an autopsy, using dental records, that the charred body found in the burned-out cabin was in fact that of Dorner. #destroytheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CBREUQUBKDv/?igshid=ulgr9qkj0qwx
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codame · 4 years
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All profit donated to http://mediajustice.org 🖤June 5, 5-6pm (in 15 min): Multiplayer online #shader exhibition. Work created by attendees of #CodeArtTogether workshop series led by @CharStiles in "New Art City", a virtual space created by CODAME Artist @d0nxyz https://codame.com/events/frag-shader-show ⠀ ⠀ Featured artists: Adam Benzan, Adelle Lin, Andrew Jarvis, Angus M Macdonald, Ara Zhang, Серёжа Захаров, Char Stiles, Chris Palmer, Christopher Coleman, Chuck, http://d0n.xyz, Eliza SJ, Elliott Mitchell, Emma Smith, Frederik De Bleser, Grant Kennedy, Grey Keith, Gustavo Ambrozio, Ian Avery, ilithya, Iltimas Doha, James Proctor, Jeremy Rotsztain, Jonathan Foote, Jordan Gray, Julia Tufts, Kirit Tanna, Kris Keyser, Matt McKenna, Matthew Rayfield, Melissa Kahn, Mutafa Khafateh, Niel Mendoza, Nikolas Diamant, o1sound, Odbol, Perttu Tuovinen, Quinn Keck, Rainy Sinclair, Soma Holiday, Søren Peter, Takako Oshima, Taurin Barerra, Taylor Paydos, Tim Pietrusky, Urdude Alvy https://instagr.am/p/CBEoMZTlcYq/
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riotgrrravel · 7 years
RiotGRRavel 2017 Results
Place Time Bib# Name Division
1 49:12:00 607 Nygel (age 14) Dey-Johanneck 10
2 49:52:00 611 Lisa Ohnstad 10
3 1:22:57 606 Emily Johanneck 10
4 1:23:00 608 Cyrus (age 11) Dey-Johanneck 10
Place Time Bib# Name Division
1 1:23:59 436 Mark Westlake 20
2 1:26:58 409 Spanish Gonzales 20
3 1:29:02 416 Connie Webb 20
4 1:29:04 417 Matt Webb 20
5 1:47:34 407 Liz  Drews 20
6 1:48:12 406 Laura Crooks 20
7 1:48:14 438 Sarah McGee 20
8 1:48:16 427 Aaron Voreis 20
9 1:52:30 402 Andree Aronson 20
10 1:56:14 432 Lisa Gulya 20
11 1:56:15 433 Tara Loeper 20
12 1:57:32 117 Jamie Staebler 20
13 1:57:53 403 Jeremiah Carter 20
14 1:57:54 405 Ellie Carter 20
15 1:58:25 437 Amy Schwarz 20
16 1:59:12 401 Michaela Ahern 20
17 1:59:16 418 Courtney  Youngberg 20
18 2:11:58 424 Erik Swenson 20
19 2:11:59 423 Laura Dupre 20
20 2:14:33 414 Julia (age 13) Tassava 20
21 2:14:44 408 Melissa Eblen-Zayas 20
22 2:14:46 419 Roberto Zayas 20
23 2:24:26 435 Juniper (age 5) Magner 20
24 2:24:27 434 Alix Magner 20
25 2:28:24 441 RITA WILSON 20
26 2:28:25 440 STEPHEN WILSON 20
27 2:29:09 415 Genevieve (age 10) Tassava 20
28 2:29:13 413 Christopher  Tassava 20
29 2:29:24 426 Julia (age 13) Klein 20
30 2:30:03 425 Kathy Klein 20
31 3:11:47 404 Abraham (age 5) Carter 20
Place Time Bib# Name Division
1 1:51:43 146 Emily Flynn 33
2 1:51:44 95 Will Pass 33
3 1:51:46 120 Tim Staloch 33
4 1:57:32 117 Jamie Staebler 33
5 1:58:04 137 Jenna (age 15) Westlake 33
6 1:58:05 136 Sam (age 17) Westlake 33
7 2:01:11 44 Trisha Groth 33
8 2:02:48 97 Char Psihos 33
9 2:07:22 59 Kristin Johnson 33
10 2:07:56 108 Anna Schmitz 33
11 2:12:52 110 Kristin Sieg 33
12 2:12:56 56 Emily Houser 33
13 2:12:57 21 Robert Brown 33
14 2:14:26 114 Sara Smith 33
15 2:14:43 48 Kadence Hampton 33
16 2:14:45 155 ANDREI LEBEDER 33
17 2:14:48 6 Kate Ankofski 33
18 2:17:42 119 Trina Staloch 33
19 2:17:56 86 Teresa Morgan 33
20 2:22:44 1 Sandy Gress 33
21 2:22:59 83 Murray McSchuetski 33
22 2:27:27 16 Travis Boss 33
23 2:28:34 69 Christine Kurtz 33
24 2:28:59 131 Max Vonhohenberg 33
25 2:29:15 39 Alan Downie 33
26 2:29:40 40 Elaine Downie 33
27 2:30:02 79 Kat McCarthy 33
28 2:30:05 87 Sophie Nikitas 33
29 2:30:37 116 Steven Snyder 33
30 2:30:43 115 Krissy Snyder 33
31 2:33:45 135 Sara Wefel Collison 33
32 2:34:00 77 Erin Mattson 33
33 2:34:47 54 Karlijn Holzenthal 33
34 2:34:48 101 Lucy Roberts 33
35 2:35:34 122 Jill Suurmeyer 33
36 2:37:33 128 Jenny Prochnow 33
37 2:38:05 142 Vanessa Wise 33
38 2:38:06 33 Kyle Davis 33
39 2:38:17 31 Catherine Daigh 33
40 2:39:31 153 KIRSTEN HOOGENAKKER 33
41 2:39:38 134 Bill Webster 33
42 2:40:32 50 Elena Haynes 33
43 2:40:35 61 Tiana Johnson 33
44 2:45:57 151 VADIM PETIUL 33
45 2:46:10 147 Tatiana Hayes 33
46 2:47:01 94 Carol Parendo 33
47 2:47:02 88 Gina Oesterreich 33
48 2:47:04 51 Wendy Heck 33
49 2:47:18 140 Rhiannon Williams 33
50 2:47:25 70 Carey LaMere 33
51 2:49:37 109 Jennifer Seck 33
52 2:49:38 24 Nicole Call 33
53 2:52:05 5 Sarah Andersen 33
54 2:52:22 123 Michelle Terpening 33
55 3:00:19 96 Maggie Peterson 33
56 3:00:21 107 Paige Scheller 33
57 3:00:26 152 TARA SWANSON 33
58 3:00:53 19 Jane  Brandt 33
59 3:00:54 18 Dave Brandt 33
60 3:03:22 20 Robin Brandt 33
61 3:18:26 3 Carissa Schmidt 33
62 3:18:27 2 Sonnet Neisen 33
63 3:19:40 145 Colleen Zvosec 33
64 3:19:41 4 Beatrice Zvosec 33
65 3:26:19 12 Jaime Berglund 33
66 3:26:19 99 Kimberly Resheske 33
67 3:26:23 106 Laura Schaefer 33
68 3:26:24 130 Ashley  Von Edge 33
69 3:27:52 112 Ellie Skelton 33
70 3:27:54 124 Cedar Thomas 33
71 3:33:45 80 Michael McDonald 33
72 3:34:44 93 Rachel Pain 33
73 3:37:15 149 MC (Carrie) Muehlbauer 33
74 3:37:23 150 Green Kathleen 33
75 3:39:07 29 Ryan Clough 33
76 3:39:55 52 Taya Heinrich 33
77 3:52:52 143 Molly Young 33
78 3:52:53 14 Sarah Blair 33
79 3:55:00 63 Michelle Jordan 33
80 3:55:01 67 Wesley Kuhnley 33
81 3:56:00 113 Kristen Smith 33
82 3:57:00 43 Stephenie Greschner 33
83 3:57:01 129 Alicia Vin Zant 33
84 4:05:00 9 Brook Lemm-Tabor 33
85 4:05:01 23 Laura Burrichter 33
86 4:50:00 133 Cassie Warholm-Wohlenhaus 33
87 5:03:00 92 Karen Otto 33
88 5:03:01 91 Renn Otto 33
89 5:08:00 64 Natasha Kataeva 33
90 5:15:00 37 Erik Dosedel 33
91 5:15:01 38 Michael Dosedel 33
92 5:15:02 60 Marissa Johnson 33
93 5:15:03 118 Brittany Stahlman 33
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lifblogs · 1 year
Gonna do some more book wrapped.
2022 Favorite Authors
Philip Reeve
Joe Abercrombie
Kristyn Merbeth
Michael Grant
Robert Jordan
Brandon Sanderson
Betty Adams
Sarah J. Maas
Aiden Thomas
Bram Stoker
Jennifer L. Armentrout
2022 Authors Discovered
Rob Boffard
Claudia Gray
Joe Schreiber
Betty Adams
Greg Rucka
Adam Christopher
Kierstan White
Aiden Thomas
Sasha Peyton Smith
Jennifer L. Armentrout
Bram Stoker
Joan He
Char Q.
2022 Favorite Series
The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout
2022 Most Interesting Reads
Dracula by Bram Stoker
The Wisdom of Crowds by Joe Abercrombie
Humans Are Weird: I Have the Data by Betty Adams
Humans Are Weird: We Took a Vote by Betty Adams
Guardians of the Whills by Greg Rucka
Shadow of the Sith by Adam Christopher
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
Strike the Zither by Joan He
Chuck Won by Char Q.
2023 Reading Goals
Read from more female authors
Read from more queer authors
Read from more POC authors
Read more Asian-American/Asian literature
Read more sci-fi
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rhetoricandlogic · 7 years
So, this was 2016 in terms of books (incl. December List)
I’m going to make a top-something-or-other separately, so I can dwell a little on my faves 2016 without making this post even longer than it is. 
Here’s what I read this year (as always, the links lead to the reviews, titles without links = the less said about them, the better):
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet - Becky Chambers (December)
The Towers Trilogy - Radiant - Karina Sumner Smith (December)
The Towers Trilogy - Defiant - Karina Sumner Smith
The Towers Trilogy - Tower’s Fall - Karina Sumner Smith
The Lie Tree - Frances Hardinge
A Face Like Glass - Frances Hardinge
Cuckoo Song - Frances Hardinge
Alif the Unseen - G. Willow Wilson
Station Eleven - Emily St. John Madel
The Two of Swords (XII) - K. J. Parker
Servant of the Underworld - Aliette de Bodard
Harbinger of the Storm - Aliette de Bodard
Master of the House of Darts - Aliette de Bodard
Pantomime - Laura Lam (DNF)
Fly by Night - Frances Hardinge
The Invisible Library - Genevieve Cogman
Touch - Claire North
Dragonsbane (Winterlands I) - Barbara Hambley
Dragonshadow (Winterlands II) - Barbara Hambley
Just One Damned Thing After Another - Jodi Taylor
A Symphony of Echoes - Jodi Taylor
A Second Chance - Jodi Taylor
A Trail Through Time - Jodi Taylor
No Time Like The Past - Jodi Taylor
Patient Zero - Tananarive Due
What Could Possibly Go Wrong  Jodi Taylor
The Drowning Eyes - Emily Foster
The Two of Swords - K. J. Parker
The Sparrow - Mary Doria Russell
The Seventh Bride - T. Kingfisher
City of Blades - Robert Jackson Benett
To Be Read Upon Your Waking - Robert Jackson Benett
Dreamsnake - Vonda N. McIntyre
Please Don’t Tell My Parents I’ve Got Henchmen - Richard Roberts
The Devil You Know - K.J. Parker
Fly Trap - Frances Hardinge
The Bullet-Catcher’s Daughter (The Fall of The Gas-Lit Empire I) - Rod Duncan
Unseemly Science (The Fall of the Gas-Lit Empire II) - Rod Duncan
Custodian of Marvels (The Fall of the Gas-Lit Empire III) - Rod Duncan
The Two of Swords (XIV) - K. J. Parker
Heaven Thunders the Truth - K. J. Parker
Against a Dark Background - Iain M. Banks
Verdigris Deep - Frances Hardinge
Gullstruck Island - Frances Hardinge
The Masked City - Genevieve Cogman
The War - D. Rus
The Things We Do For Love - K. J. Parker
The Bridge - Iain M. Banks
The Mirror Empire - Kameron Hurley
The Algebraist - Iain M. Banks
Way Station - Clifford D. Symak
The Folding Knife - K.J. Parker (reread)
A Halo of Mushrooms - Andrew Hiller
the princess saves herself in this one - Amanda Lovelace
The Two of Swords (XV) - K. J. Parker
The Dungeoneers - Jeffrey Russel
Adulthood is a Myth - Sarah C. Andersen
The Slime Dungeon - Silvia Lew
Fellside - M. R. Carey
Sharps - K. J. Parker (reread)
The Goblin Reservation - Clifford D. Simak
The Book of Strange New Things - Michel Faber
The Boy Who Drew Monsters - Keith Donohue
To Say Nothing of The Dog - Connie Willis
Who Killed Sherlock Holmes (Shadowpolice 3) - Paul Cornell
The Doomsday Book - Connie Willis
Leviathan Wakes - James S. A. Corey
The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. LeGuin
Dark Orbit - Carolyn Ives Gilman
Cold Hillside - Nancy Baker
Downbelow Station - C. S. Cherryh
Song for the Basilisk - Patricia McKillip
Ombria in Shadow - Patricia McKillip
Od Magic - Patricia McKillip
Solstice Wood - Patricia McKillip
The Changeling Sea - Patricia McKillip
The Riddle-Master of Hed - Patricia McKillip
Heir of Sea and Fire - Patricia McKillip
Harpist in the Wind - Patricia McKillip
Planetfall - Emma Newmann
God’s War - Kameron Hurley
Hammerfall - C.J. Cherryh
The Vagrant - Peter Newmann
The Malice - Peter Newmann
The Bees - Laline Paull
In the Forests of Serre - Patricia McKillip
Hunters & Collectors - Matt Suddain
NineFox Gambit - Yoon Ha Lee
The Wrath & The Dawn - Renée Ahdieh
The Philosopher Kings - Jo Walton
The Bell at Sealy Head - Patricia McKillip
The Alphabet of Thorn - Patricia McKillip
The Bards of Bone Plain - Patricia McKillip
The Tower of Stony Wood - Patricia McKillip
The Race - Nina Allen
The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet - David Mitchell
The Prestige - Christopher Priest
The Sorceress and the Cygnet - Patricia McKillip
Between Two Fires - Christopher Buehlmann
Dark Matter - Blake Crouch
The Lost Child of Lychford - Paul Cornell
The Man Who Was Thursday, a nightmare - G. K. Chesterton
The Affirmation - Christopher Priest
The Inverted World - Christopher Priest
The Book of the Unnamed Midwife - Meg Elison
The Glamour - Christopher Priest
Lexicon - Max Berry
The Library at Mount Char - Scott Hawkins
Kill Process - William Hertling
Avogadro Corp - William Hertling
A.I. Apocalypse - William Hertling
The Last Firewall - William Hertling
Nickel Plated - Aric Davis
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Artifact Series C
C. Everett Koop's Scalpel
C. Henry Kempe's Teddy Bear
C.D. Atkins' Orange Juice Jug
C. H. Bennett's Ball of String
C. L. Blood's Bellows
C. S. Lewis' Wardrobe
C. S. Lewis' Writing Pen
C.S.A.: Confederate States of America Film Poster
Cab Calloway’s Zoot Suit
Cabbage Patch Monkey Doll
Cable from the Warsaw Radio Mast
Cai Lun’s Paper
Cain's Stone
Calaveras Skull
Calico Jack's Belt
Calico Jack's Flintlock Pistol
California Gold Rush Mining Pan
Caligula's Battle Armor
Caligula's Sandals *
Calvin Coolidge's Kerosene Lamp
Calvin Graham’s Sailor Suit
Calypso's Conch
Camera from the Ed Sullivan Show
Cameron Todd Willingham's Lighter
Camille Flammarion's Flammarion Engraving
Candles from Jeanne Calment's 100th Birthday Cake
Candle from the Conspirators Camp
Cangjie’s Oracle Bone Script
Canister of Greek Fire
Canister of Inconsolability *
Cannon from the Battle of Narva
Cao Cao’s Beard Brush
Captain Adrian Snow's Gauntlet
Captain Edward John Smith's Hat
Captain Gallagher’s Sword Hilt
Captain Hendrick Goosen's Trawling Net
Captain Joseph White’s Mattress
Caracalla's Bathing Amphora
Caravaggio’s Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence
Caravaggio's The Lute Player *
Carbondale Oppressing Iron *
Cardea's Hinge
Cardinal Richelieu's Table Knife
Caretaker Ribbon *
Carey Loftin's Gloves *
Carl Barks' Animation Cels
Carl Hagenbeck's Circus Wagon
Carl G. Fisher’s Acetylene Headlight
Carl Gustav Hempel's Apple
Carl Jung's Cuckoo Clock
Carl Jung’s Sofa Cushion
Carl Laemmle's Nickelodeon
Carl Linnaeus' Cravat
Carl Linnaeus' Herbarium
Carl Magee’s Parking Meter
Carl McCunn's Driver License
Carl Ray's Paint Brushes
Carl Sagan's Jacket
Carlo Collodi's Bracelet *
Carlo Pellegrini’s Spats
Carlos Arredondo's Hat
Carlos Hathcock's Feather
Carlos Marcello's Favorite Table
Carmen Miranda's Maracas
Carmine Galante’s Cigar
Carnation Flowers from the Carnation Revolution
Carrie Nation’s Hatchet
Carrie White's Prom Dress
Carry-on Bag
Casey Jones' Pocketwatch
Casey Martin's Golf Club
Casey Martin’s Golf Tee
Casimir Pulaski's and Michael Kovats de Fabriczy's Hessian Cavalry Swords
Casimir Zeglen’s Bulletproof Vest
Cask of Amontillado
Caspar Wistar’s Shutters
Cassandra "Elvira" Peterson's '58 Ford Thunderbird
Cassie Chadwick's Pearl Necklace
Cassius Dio's Silver Coins
Castle Crasher Knight's Weapons
Catequil's Clubs
Caterina Sforza's Spine
Catherine de' Medici's Corset
Catherine of Aragon's Wedding Ring
Catherine O'Leary's Cow Bell *
Catherine the Great's Scarf
Catherine the Great's Slippers
Catherine the Great's Washing Board *
"Cats" Vinyl Record
Cattle Skull
Caucasian Eagle Automaton
Caught-in-the-Throat "Laff!" Sign *
Cauldron of Annwn
Cauldron of Rebirth
Cave of the Piasa Bird
Cecil B. DeMille's Riding Crop *
Cecília Meireles' Rose Pen
Cellphone from the Set of Dollhouse
Celtic Red Deer Hide
Ceramic Black Buffalo
Ceramic Figurine Collection
Cernunnos' Torc
Cesar Chavez's Hoe
Cesar Chavez's Trellis
Cesira Ferrani's Atomizer
Chain from St. Mary of Bethlehem Asylum
Chains Used to Topple Saddam Hussein's Statue in Firdos Square
Chair from the Norrmalmstorg Bank Robbery
Chalice of Dionysus
Chalkboard Erasers from the Tanganyika Laughter Epidemic
Champagne Glasses From the SS United States
Chandelier from the Montansier Opera House *
Chandre Oram's Flag
Chang and Eng Bunker's Wedding Rings
Chang Apana's Detective Badge
Charlemagne's Crown
Charlemagne's Stirrup
Charles II of Navarre’s Bandages
Charles II's Croquet Balls *
Charles II's Executioner Axe
Charles VI’s Pillow
Charles Addams' Harpsichord
Charles Algernon Parsons' Gramophone Horn
Charles Angibaud’s Mortar
Charles Babbage's Gears
Charles Babbage's Difference Engine
Charles Baudelaire's Second Volume of Les Fleurs du mal
Charles B. Franklin’s Camshaft
Charles Bell's Rolls of Canvas
Charles Blondin's Tightrope
Charles Blondin's Unitard
Charles the Bold’s Livery Collar
Charles Bourseul’s Telephone
Charles Bowles' Flour Sack
Charles Calvert's Tobacco
Charles Carpenter’s Bazookas
Charles Correll's Amos 'n' Andy Taxi
Charles Coughlin's Collar
Charles Cretors’ Popcorn Cart
Charles Cullen's Scrubs
Charles Darwin’s Magnifying Glass
Charles Darwin's Spyglass
Charles Davenport's Syringe
Charles Dickens' Badminton Racket *
Charles Dickens’ Desk
Charles Dickens' Scotch
Charles Dodgson's Rosary
Charles Douglass’ Laff Box
Charles Édouard Guillaume's Balance Wheel
Charles F. Urschel’s Blindfold
Charles Fort’s Newspaper Clippings
Charles Fort's Umbrella
Charles Francis Hall's Coffee Cup
Charles Goodyear's Synthetic Rubber
Charles Hanson's Rocking Horse *
Charles J. Guiteau’s Revolver
Charles Jeffries' Skeleton Army Cap
Charles Kingsford Smith's Airplane's Undercarriage Leg and Wheel
Charles Knight's Hail Cannon
Charles Lindbergh Jr.’s Baby Rattle
Charles Lyell's Tool Belt
Charles M. Schulz's Pumpkin
Charles Macintosh's Socks
Charles Manson's Metal Guitar Pick
Charles Manson's VW Bus
Charles Martel's Stirrup
Charles Minthorn Murphy’s Bicycle Rollers
Charles Osborne's Water Cup
Charles Page's Cross
Charles Peace's Gold Pocketwatch
Charles Pearson's Tin-Can Telephone
Charles Perrault's Seven-League Boots
Charles Portal's RAF Pin
Charles Ponzi's Money Clip *
Charles Richter and Beno Gutenberg's Paper Roll and Pen
Charles Richter's Fountain Pen and Cap
Charles Simic's Fork
Charles Wells’ Roulette Wheel
Charles Whitman's Sniper Rifle
Charley Parkhurst's Whip
Charlie Chaplin's Bowler Hat
Charlie Chaplin's Cane
Charlotte Corday's Hairbrush
Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Wallpaper
Charlton Heston's Rifle
Charles Whitman's Sniper Rifle
Charred Crane from Greene County Oil Well Fire
Château de Madrid Majolica
Che Guevara's Beret
Chen Si's Motorbike
Chernobyl Three's Lab Coats
Cherry Hill Murder Artifacts
The Chest of Chirizu-kakai-o
Chester Moore Hall's Achromatic Lens *
Chesty Puller's Bullet Shells
Chesty Puller's Five Navy Crosses
Chicago May's Lipstick
Chicago Wheel
Chief Tecumseh's Robes
Chimariko Tribe Shaman Drum
Chi Medallion
Chicago City Key Chain
Chinese Baoding Balls
Chinese Chopsticks
Chinese Doubling Pot
Chinese New Year Good Luck Knot
Chinese New Year Red Envelope
Chinese Orchid *
The Chinese Sandalwood
Ching Ling Foo’s Bowl
Ching Shih's Katana
Chiune Sugihara's Visa Stamp
Choe Bu's Diary
Choe Museon’s Hwacha
Chris Gardner's Parking Tickets
Chris Hadfield's Acoustic Guitar
Christchurch City Cathedral Spire
Christiaan Barnard's Scalpel
Christiaan Huygens' Pendulum
Christiaan Huygens' Prism
Christian Doppler's Tie
Christian Mortensen's Thread and Needle
Christina the Astonishing's Thurible
Christine Chubbuck's Pearl Necklace
Christine Skubish's Toy Blocks
Christmas Lights from the Rockefeller Tree
Christmas Pyramid
Christmas Truce Submarine Ornament *
Christopher Columbus' Brooch *
Christopher Lee's Bowtie
Christopher Lee's Copy of The Lord of the Rings
Christopher Müller’s Gold Tooth
Christopher Reeve's Superman Cape
Christopher Robin Milne's Sketchpad
Choe Bu's Diary
Chōjun Miyagi's Gi Belt
Chowchilla Kidnapping School Bus
Chromatic Bermuda Kite
Chrysippus' Wine Bottle
Chuck Jones' Glasses
Chucky Doll
Chuck Yeager's Favourite Record *
Chuck Yeager's Flight Helmet
Chun-Kwai Seducing Vase *
Chung Ling Soo's Plate
Chunk of the Chelyabinsk Meteor
Church of St. Pancras' Altar Cross
Chyren's Rapier
Cinderella's Carriage
Cinderella's Glass Knife *
Cine-Kodak 8 Model 25 Camera
Cintamani Stone
Circe's Wand
Cirque du Soleil Leotard
Civil War Snare Drums
Clap-board from Thriller
Clara Barton's Gloves *
Clarence Birdseye's Food Freezer
Clarence Birdseye's Heat Pump
Clarence Saunders’ Turnstile
Clark Gable's Grooming Kit *
Clark Wiley's Cage
Claude Alexander Conlin’s Crystal Ball
Claude Alexander Conlin's Thought Control Turban *
Claude Louis Berthollet's Snuff Box
Claude Shannon's Chess Board
Claus von Stauffenberg’s Plastic Explosive
Claus von Stauffenberg's Suitcase
Clay Models From Corpse Bride
Clement Moore's Pen
Clementine's Ballcap
Cleopatra's Perfume Jar
Cleopatra's Preserved Asp *
Cleve Hall's Airbrush
Clever Hans’s Horseshoes
Clint Malarchuk's Blood-Stained Jersey
Clipped Wings of Pegasus
Clock Face and Hands from the Original Big Ben
Closet Door
Clothing Folding Laundry Hamper
Clyde Barrow's B.A.R. Machine Gun
Clyde W. Tombaugh's Photographic Plates
Coclé Cat
Coconut Husks from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Coco Chanel's Handbag
Code of Hammurabi Tablet
Cold Feet Shoes
Cold War Air Raid Siren
Cole MacGrath's Amp
Cole MacGrath's Courier Jacket
Collection of Jimmy MacDonald's Sound Effect Devices
Colonel Sanders' Suit
Colossus Computer Vacuum Tubes
The Colt used by Clement Vallandigham
Columbia Space Shuttle
Combustable Figgy Pudding
The Comfy Chair
Complete Encyclopedia Brittanica, Circa 1966 *
Confucius' Flip-Flops *
Confucius' Lantern
Congo the Chimpanzee's Paint Brushes
Connor Kenway's Tomahawk
Conrad Haas’ Nozzle
Conrad Reed's Gold Nuggets
Consoling Valentine's Day Chocolates
Constance of Penafiel's Throne
Constantine the Great's Crucifix *
Constricting Yo-Yo
Conversation-Stopping Robot
Convincing Dreidels (canon)
Constantin Stanislavski's Eyeglasses
"Cookie Thieves Beware" Cookie Jar
Cookware from the Iron Chef Set
Copper Bowls of Life and Death *
Copper Roof Panel from the Plaza Hotel
Copy of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial from the Alamogordo Landfill
Coraline Jones' Doll
Corbels from the Church of St Mary and St David
The Cordwaining Shoebox
Cornelis Drebbel’s Micro-Telescope
Cornelis Drebbel's Oar
Corner of Moses Stone Tablet *
Corrupted Zalgo Computers
Corsican Brother's Vest *
Corn Popper
Corvo Attano's Gas Mask
Customer Service Cell Phone *
The Cottingley Fairies
Cotton Club Matchbox
Cotton Swab from the Phantom of Heilbronn
Count of St. Germain's Ring *
Cover of the Book of Kells
Covered Wagon
Craig Jackson's Watch
Craig Shergold’s Greeting Cards
Cranston's Police Blotter
Crazy Horse's Tomahawk
Creighton Abrams' Hat
Cretan Labyrinth Archway
Cristofori's Piano Keyboard
Cross Brace from the LZ 129 Hindenburg
Crown Devon Honey Pot Preserves Jar
Crown of Minos
Crown Prince Sado's Sandals
Crowns of Peter and Ines
Crying Heart Piano
Cryogenic Gas Heater
Crystal Skull
Crystalline Diamond Necklace *
Ctesibius' Water Clock
Cuchulainn's Post
The Cudgel in the Sack
Cuevas de los Cristales Selenite Sample
Cupid's Arrows
Currier & Ives Advent Calendar *
Curtis Ebbesmeyer’s Friendly Floatees Bath Toys
Cutthroat Kitchen's Hatchet
Currency Changing Wallet
Cy Young's Baseball
Cybermen Outfits
Cymbal-Banging Monkey
Cynebil of Porththorp's Jawbone and Skull
Cynthia Doll
Cyrill Demian's Accordion
Cyrus Teed's Orrery
Cyrus the Great's Achaemenian Tapestry
0 notes
uneminuteparseconde · 6 years
Phuture + Des concerts à Paris et autour
Janvier 15. Trepaneringsritualen + Batushka + Schammasch – Petit Bain ||COMPLET|| 16. Toad + Pierre-Vincent Fortunier [Alexis Degrenier : ANNULÉ] – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 18. Somaticae + Carrageenan – L'International (gratuit) 18. Katzkab + Dear Deer – Le Klub 18. Étienne Jaumet, Emmanuelle Parrenin & Eat Gas + Limousine + Mammane Sani + Matar Ex Mio + Saudaa Group + Tamara Goukassova (fest. MOFO) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 19. Frédéric D. Oberland & Christophe Manon : Jours redoutables – Maison de la poésie 19. Binary Digit + Macon – L'Époque 19. Noyades + Monotrophy – Le Zorba 19. Jasss + John Duncan + Sewer Election + Joachim Nordwall + Allon Kaye (dj) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 19. Camera + Giant Swan + Poison Point + Noyades + Tropical Horses & Teknomom + Autisti (fest. MOFO) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 19. Helena Hauff + Umwelt + Morah – Trabendo 19. Robert Hood + Varg + Stanislav Tolkachev – Concrete 19. Illnurse + Herrmann + Sentimental rave – ex-Salo 20. Frgttn Cptl. + Friponnes de porc + Philémon + Lacocombe Lucien – Le Petit Café 20. Albinos Congo + Los VV's – Pointe Lafayette 20. Guido Minisky (Acid Arab) + La Mverte + Ovhal44 – La Station 20. Dollkraut Band + DBFC + Rizan Said + Francis Lung + Lonely Band + Lispector + Musique chienne + Cliché (fest. MOFO) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 20. Silent Front + Bruxa Maria + Chris Brokaw – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 20. Scorpion violente – Le Bal ||COMPLET|| 20. I Hate Models + Speedy J + Paul Birken + Parfait + Reflec – tba (Paris Nord) 20. Ancient Methods + Blush Response + Millimetric + Randomer + Phuture + AN-I + Darzack + DJ Pierre – tba 22. Don Vito + Le Singe blanc – Supersonic (gratuit) 23. EMA (City Slang) + Chicaloyoh + Heliums – Supersonic (gratuit) 23. Uriel Barthélémi (Biennale Nemo) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 24. Mouse on Mars – Petit Bain 24. eRikm : cinéconcert sur "Le Candidat" de Gérard Belkin + live (fest. du film sur l'art) – Auditorium du Louvre 24. Mondkopf – Le Bal 25. Ligovskoï – galerie Almine Rech (gratuit) 25. Age Eternal + Ellah A. Thaun + RA – Espace B 25. Emmanuelle Parrenin & Tomoko Sauvage – La Ferme du Buisson (Noisiel) 25. A. C. Hello + Jac Berrocal + Jean-Noël Cognard + Richard Comte + Lèche-moi + Guillaume Loizillon + Patrick Müller + Thierry Müller + Laurent Saïet – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 26. La Chatte + Infecticide + Casse Gueule + Tonerre + Fumo Nero + Badbad – Supersonic (gratuit) 26. Knud Viktor : "Image X" (Semaine du son) – Maison du Danemark (gratuit) 26. Chloé + Sutja Gutiérrez– Gaîté lyrique 26. Alex Augier + Paul Jebanasam & Tarik Barri + Daniele Ghisi + Rune Clerup + Alexander Schubert (Biennale Nemo) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 26. Aufgang + Marc Melià + Domotic + Chamberlain – La Maroquinerie 26. Parquet Courts + A. Savage – Pop-Up du label 26. Mamiedaragon + Rühland + Bâton XXL + Pigeon – Treize 26. Violent quand on aime + Aux-Lang + C_Folder_Unfinished + Silvaticus + Oleksander – Carbone 17 (Aubervilliers) 26. Emmanuelle Parrenin & Tomoko Sauvage – La Ferme du Buisson (Noisiel) 26. Oxyd b2b Gigsta + Exal b2b Calcuta + Théo Muller b2b MMPP – La Rotonde 27. Les Tigres du futur + Moonrite + Casio judiciaire – Supersonic (gratuit) 28. Knud Viktor : "Image IV" (Semaine du son) – Maison du Danemark (gratuit) 30. Ire Ensemble jouent "Grand Bruit" de C. Zanési, "Bestia" de K. T. Toeplitz & F. Vigroux et "Eon" d'I. Dumitrescu – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 30/31. Pierre-Yves Macé & Joris Lacoste (festival d'Automne) – L'Apostrophe (Cergy-Pontoise) 31. Sydney Valette + IV Horsemen + Qual – Point FMR 31. Doplereffekt & AntiVJ : "Entropy" (Biennale Nemo) – L'Avant-Seine (Colombes) ||ANNULÉ||
Février 01. Volition Immanent + Crave + Deeat Palace + NGZ – Petit Bain 02. Orval Carlos Sibelius + Camilla Sparksss + Balladur + Radar Men from the Moon + Le Groupe obscur – Supersonic (gratuit) 02. Black Zone Myth Chant + Low Jack + Equinoxx ft. Shanique Marie + DJ Lycox + Clara! – Petit Bain 02. Zombie Zombie + Jonathan Fitoussi & Clémens Hourriere – Palais de la Porte doré 02. Candie Hank + Rebeka Warrior + Retrigger + Front de cadeaux + Mr Marcaille + Wr2old + Sinead O'Connick JR – Micadanses 02. Uriel Barthélémi, Gaspar Claus & Maude Trudet (Biennale Nemo) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 03. Frustration + Crisis – Petit Bain ||COMPLET|| 03. James Ginzburg & MFO + Roly Porter & MFO + Emptyset (Biennale Nemo) – Gaîté lyrique 03. Pop1280 + Last Night – Le Klub 03. Cabaret contemporain + Étienne Jaumet – Théâtre de Vanves 03. Nils Frahms – Yoyo|Palais de Tokyo ||COMPLET|| 05. MGMT – La Cigale 05/06. Ballaké Cossoko – Fondation Cartier 07. Lust for Youth + Dune Messiah + Drab Majesty (fest. How to love) – Petit Bain 08. Knud Viktor : "Image VI & IX" (Semaine du son) – Maison du Danemark (gratuit) 08. Delacave + Notre-Dame-des-Lourdes + MeDonner – La Station 09. Knud Viktor : "Image IX & X" (Semaine du son) – Maison du Danemark (gratuit) 09. Froe Char – Le Klub 09. Acid Arab + Puzupuzu + Zozo – La Machine 09. Croisières Dolori + France sauvage – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 09. Scalamerya + 9999999999 + Öspiel + Irenee S – Glazart 10. John Zorn – Auditorium|Maison de la radio 10. Vacarme + Barbara Carlotti + Stranded Horses + Flavien Berger + Rone – Théâtre de Vanves 10. Trentmøller (dj) + Sonns + Remain – Nuits fauves 10. AZF – La Machine 11. Lydia Lunch & Weasel Walter – Supersonic 14. The Soft Moon + Sarin – Trabendo 15. Franck Vigroux & Laurent Gaudé : "Le Chant des ombres" – L'Ecam (Le Kremlin-Bicêtre) 16. Thalia Zedek – Le Chair de poule (gratuit) 16. Circuit des yeux + TALsounds – Espace B 16. Deux Boules vanille + FM Aether + Host Stewart + Ankle Stress – Olympic café 16. Radian + David Rothenberg & Scanner (Biennale Nemo) – La Dynamo (Pantin) 16. Sly & the Family Drone + Stef Ketteringham – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 17. Simple Minds – Salle Pleyel 17. Fusiller + Eindkrak + Constant Calvaire + Humbros + Jules Roze + UVB 76 – Supersonic 19. Son Lux – La Cigale 19. Andrew Hung (Fuck Buttons) – Olympic café 19. Carlton Melton + Besoin Dead – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 20. Autobahn – Supersonic (gratuit) 20. Maggot Heart + Reveal + Plomb + End of Mankind – Le Klub 21. Thalia Zedek + Damon & Naomi – Olympic café 23. Lee Ranaldo + Santiago – La Maroquinerie 23. Chloé – A la folie 23. Dopplereffekt + La Corde + Marion Guillet – La Java 23. Shifted + SNTS + Nozen – Nuits fauves 24. Omar Souleyman – Yoyo|Palais de Tokyo 25. The Sonics – La Maroquinerie 25. The Monochrome Set + Jaromil Sabor – Supersonic 27. The Charlatans – La Maroquinerie
Mars 01. The Pains of Being Pure at Heart – Petit Bain 02. Aquaserge + Orval Carlos Sibelius + La Mirastella – Petit Bain 02. Vale Poher + Titus d'Enfer – Centre Pompidou 02. Sister Iodine + CIA débutante + Kill TM (Unglee Izi, Zofie Taueber, Romain Perrot, Kasper Toeplitz, Gaël Angelis & Andy Bolus) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 03.  Sister Iodine + Jean-Philippe Gross & Jérôme Noetinger + Hit & Run (Valérie Smith & Clatk Gable) + Jean-Marc Foussat – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 05. IAMX – La Machine 07. Les Troupes de l'imaginaire (fest. Sonic Protest) – Médiathèque musicale (gratuit) 07. Franck Vigroux & Antoine Schmitt – Centre Pompidou 07/08. Ryuchi Sakamoto & Shiro Takatani (Dumb Type) : "Dis.Play" – Maison de la Culture du Japon 08. Molecule – Elysée Montmartre 08. Trevos Wishart + Davide Tidoni (fest. Sonic Protest) – Théâtre de Vanves 09. Bretzel Göring + Kollektiv Barner 16 + Mohamed Lamouri (fest. Sonic Protest) – Centre Barbara-FGO 10. Wild Classical Music Ensemble + Dolly Rambo + DNA,AND feat. Ogrob (fest. Sonic Protest) – Centre Barbara-FGO 14. Balmorhea + Martyn Heyne – Point FMR 15. Arto Lindsay + Seijiro Murayama & Thomas Brinkmann + Masami Kawaguchi (fest. Sonic Protest) – Eglise Sant-Merry 15. Maud Geffray & Lavinia Meijer jouent Philip Glass (fest. Paris Music) – Eglise Saint-Eustache 16. The Altered Hours – Supersonic (gratuit) 16. Morton Subotnick, Alec Empire & Lillevan + Kevin Drumm (fest. Sonic Protest) – Eglise Saint-Merry 16. Virginie Despentes & Zëro + Dream Wife + The Pack AD + Le Pietà (fest. Les femmes s'en mêlent) – La Machine 17. Maher Shalal Hash Baz + Mick Harris aka Fret + Russell Haswell + ZB Aids + Paddy Steer + Thomas Tilly + Terrine + Satan (fest. Sonic Protest) – L'Echangeur (Bagnolet) 19. Fever Ray – Olympia 23. PurForm + TRDLX (Biennale Nemo) – Grande Halle de La Villette 23. Pierre Henry (diff.) + Anabelle Playe + John Chantler + Bill Orcutt + Anthony Child (Présences électronique) (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104 23. Hey Colossus + Grey Hairs – Espace B 24. Alva Noto & Anne-James Chaton : Alphabet (Biennale Nemo) – Grande Halle de La Villette 24. Else Marie Pade + :such: + Bellows + Phonophani + The Caretaker (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104 24. Youth Code + Carpenter Brut – Olympia 24. Jessica93 + JC Satàn – La Clef (Saint-Germain-en-Laye) 25. Jacques Lejeune + Chris Corsano + Ben Vida & Marina Rosenfeld + Mads Emil Nielsen + Gravetemple (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104 29. Drame + Le réveil des tropiques – Centre Barbara-FGO
Avril 04. Suuns – Elysée Montmartre 05. UUUU – Espace B 05. Dance with the Dead + Christine + Mlada Fronta + Confrontational + Midnight Danger – Gibus 13. DJ Krush – La Bellevilloise 14. Dominique a – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 15. Dominique a – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 18. Chrysta Bell – La Maroquinerie 19. Christian Death + Punish Yourself + Volker – La Machine 20. Idles – Trabendo 21. Igorrr – Trabendo 21. Yan Wagner + Tristesse contemporaine (fest. Clap Your Hands) – Café de la danse 26. Ought – La Maroquinerie 28. She past away + Lebanon Hanover + Selofan – La Machine 28. Arcade Fire – Bercy Arena 28. Rhys Chatham + Krikor Kouchian + Chloé & Vassilena Serafimova – Centre Pompidou 30. Koudlam + Bajram Bili + Pointe du lac – La Maroquinerie 30. Iron Fist of The Sun + Am Not + Kevlar + Kontinent – tba
Mai 07. Iceage – Petit Bain 19. Yo La Tengo – Cabaret sauvage 23/24. Otomo Yoshihide – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 23>27. Marquis de Sade + Deerhunter + Flat Worms + Kate NV + Tzusing + Midnight Sister... (Villette sonique) – tba 24. HMLTD – Petit Bain 30. John Maus (Villette sonique) – tba
Juin 03. Björk + Beck + Jamie XX + King Krule + Father John Misty... (fest. We Love Green) – Bois de Vincennes
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
0 notes