#charlie dompler headcanons
oinkinpigprince · 28 days
OKAY. I love the way you depict Charlie sm. I WAS POSSIBLY WONDERING if you could do a Charlie x VeryObvioslyIntoHim! Reader HCs? (Also pref that the reader is Fem and Chubby cause yeah) Thanks pookie ✌️🥺🥶🔥💯
Of course!! I find your use of emojis disturbing, but I suppose I can look past it this once :33
Charlie x VERY into him!fem!reader
He’s so oblivious to ppl liking him it’s INFURIATING SOMETIMES. Every time someone flirts with him to goes, whoosh! Over his head. It might be a self esteem thing or a childhood thing or bro is just dense in the head
All of your friends know you like Charlie, all of Charlie’s friends know, all of his coworkers know, it’s literally everyone BUUT him
You try and drop subtle hints that just became more and more and more obvious as time went on. Til you were dropping absolute bombshells on Charlie, but nothing
“Charlie you’d make like, a REALLY good boyfriend ya know. You’re probably even MY DREAM man, ya know ANY girl would be lucky to have you as her boyfriend. Ya know ID be honored to date you even!” “Aw thnxs man you’re like, literally so sweet.” One of these days you swear to fucking god
You gave him a bouquet of roses on Valentine’s Day and he just said “oh that’s so nice of you man but I got like major pollen allergies.” He forgot what day it was
It’s infuriating, like genuinely gut wrenching at some points. You don’t want to give up though, not yet at least. You start trying other methods instead of flirting
You buy him food, gifts, a whole new pair of gaming headphones he’s been talking about none stop. You get a fucking ‘dude, you’re literally the coolest girl I know’
Once you offered to clean his entire apartment, because he seemed stressed out. He was so thankful but you still got ‘dude’ zoned
You even tried cuddling with him, during a home movie. He held you in his arms and thought nothing of it. Just kept going on and on about ‘the in-depth character arc’ of some movie guy you didn’t care about
It wasn’t until you looked him in the eyes and literally said “I want to kiss so fucking bad right now.” That it finally clicked for Charlie that you MIIIGHT have a crush on him but all he could stutter out was “I-i think I have a bag of like, chocolate in my freezer.”
After that night you kinda gave up, thinking that maybe YOU weren’t getting his hints. I mean what guy wouldn’t understand that was an profession of love
Charlie actually told Pim about it at work the next day, and was like “do you think she likes me dude?” Glep and alan both stop what they were doing and just stare at him. Pim has his hands folded on the table trying to figure out if Charlie was fuckin w/ him too
“What?” “Charlie, she literally said she wanted to kiss.” “. . . Yeah and?” Bro needs to learn the alphabet before he can begin to spell it out man it’s bad. Once it clicks it fucking snapped into place and he rushed to give you a call
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smilingconfessionz · 20 days
Something I’ve noticed as I’ve rewatched Smiling Friends
Allen only swears if something actually pisses them off (like Pim accidentally shooting their eye with a toy gun, or when Glep votes for Mr Frog)
Charlie swears no matter how he’s feeling, it’s just a natural part of his vocabulary
Pim has never sworn once. Even when his life was on the line during the Halloween episode he still didn’t swear
Idfk about Glep though, for all we know he could’ve been constantly cursing every time he spoke
Use this information however you please
I relate more to Charlie in this instance I swear allll the time its bad lmfao
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spaghettitm · 1 month
heyyyy!! Could you do a Charlie dompler x girly reader? Probably was only hired because of her colorful attire but was usually tired half the time ? 😭😭
YES DEAR ANON, INFACT I CAN! I may or may not have shoved like one of my Charlie headcanons in there but... Shh don't mind it
• At first glance, he thought you where the annoying person that only cares about their looks and makeup
• He was definitely surprised to find out that you're infact quite a soporific person
• Charlie probably caught himself doodling you at work once. He was embarrassed that he was subconsciously drawing such an attractive person
• It takes him awhile to get a long lasting conversation going, due to you giving him plain answers or statements half the time.
• he thought you where uninterested in him at first, but again... you and your darn tired self!
• You and Charlie get along really well after a few conversations.
• If you where to nap in the breakroom... he wouldn't mind covering for you.
• Charlie finds your sense of fashion to be quiet endearing; despite him saying that he doesn't like a person who is super feminine.
• You probably convinced him to let you do his make-up... outside of work.
• ^ He wouldn't be caught DEAD in a full face by his co-workers
• Charlie buys you a monster that matches your outfit sometimes. He thinks it's really funny—you think it's Charming
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foreheadlicker69 · 18 days
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A dang mouse in the SF server I'm in gave me a few ideas for some charpim and I couldn't resist.
Basically, they go camping and Charlie has the worst time while Pim just admires the beauty of nature.
this has been sitting in my drafts for like a week
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dorovalley · 2 months
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screenshot redraw
humanized and with hc what if humanized skintone
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andesmints94 · 18 days
Spoilers for Smiling Friends? I'm getting lore deep now, sorry. So I shot my shot at reddit and they always seem VERY biased on this "issue" so I'll shoot my shot here. Why are people headcannoning Charlie Dompler from smiling friends as trans?? I mean, don't get me wrong either, nothing wrong with that at all, but I don't feel like there's any evidence to go on. One season is just not enough to flesh out the characters. But there's more episodes coming so I think we will just have to see? Like okay. Charlie DID have a girlfriend as far as we know, like she apparently got killed off screen?? And also the fact that Charlie was flirting with Mip and possibly Mustard packet. And kissed Pim on the head WITH HIS EYES CLOSED AAAAH. Ahem. Well that's only on the sexuality front, but we don't seem to have anything prominent to suggest he's a trans man. Unless he's just completely stealth and doesn't talk about it that much. I love seeing the fanart of Charlie and Pim being a t4t couple but there's so much we do not know. Mr.Boss could be intersex too, or just found a way to lactate and breastfeed. Am I losing my godamn mind?! Idk I think imma sit down.
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apersonn348 · 5 days
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Glep scares me
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shapesintheklouds · 14 days
I want to make Pim vegetarian because it's a fun idea to work with and in my opinion fits with his character. Also Charlie is into the bar/house party scene but not so much clubs.
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Even More Silly and Irreverent SF Headcanons
Warning: This glorified shitpost contains a heavy dose of MLM (Morons loving Morons)
EDIT: So apparently in the Spanish Dub for SF Charlie's girlfriend is named Zoey and I made this post before that info became more well-known and prior I dubbed her as Susan....Zoey is a cute name OMG
This one time Charlie, Dj Spitz, Glep, Mr. Frog, Jennifer, Shrimp and one reluctant Alan all decided to spend one April Fools day split into street gangs competing to see who could prank the most people within 24 hours before everyone involved was tossed in the county jail until Pim and a pissed off Zoey had to bail them all out the morning after.
Simon S. Salty tried to bribe his way into the Pearly Gates of Heaven with coupons at his shoddy restaurant but God was so offended by the mere idea of eating his slop that he told St. Peter to press the big red button to open the trapdoor under Salty’s feet to H-E-double hockey sticks so he can go peddle his 2-bit McDonalds knock off to those who truly deserve it. Eat up Satan ya big red loser!!!
Pim is actually much stronger than he looks, he can open pickle jars with one turn of the wrist and he can carry Charlie over his head while running a mile without breaking a sweat (or his spine for that matter).
Charlie bamboozled the entire internet by editing The Mr. Frog Show wiki by adding fake episodes with a source that lead to the famous RickRoll video, only for everyone to read him the riot act when he accidentally exposed himself. Hah! That idiot.
One hot summer day Glep spat on the sidewalk and the spit droplet just sizzled and evaporated into steam….from that point onward Glep has been trying to convince his co-workers that he can literally spit fire and when trying to prove such a claim he spat into Charlie’s coffee.
Pim and Zoey had to bail Charlie out of jail once again for attempted murder (See the HC above for the reason why).
Mr Boss was cursed into turning into an owl beast in his sleep and he has to take a potion once a day to keep him normal, hence why he was freaking out at the end of S2E1.
Alan wears a skin-tight red jumpsuit under his neck and tie and underneath all that he has goofy-print boxers with a smiley face patch on the seat.
Pim is still friends with Jennifer even after the initial mix up when he introduced her to Shrimp. She gives him special “Thank You” coffee and treats in the house every year on her and Shrimp’s anniversary.
Smormu does makeup tutorials and travel vlogs on YouTube.
Charlie found out that Pim and Susan both crush on him and decided: “Why not?” Thus was the beginning of a beautiful polycule.
James what super jealous and was ready to reap his revenge until Charlie pulled a Saitama and punched James in the nose so hard that he whimpered away like a pitiable little biyatch!!
Glep, Pim and Smormu went to Miku Expo cosplaying as The Triple Baka Squad (Pim called dibs on Miku).
Alan attends Beatnik Poetry Night with Glep on the bongos.
Smormu started dating Dj Spitz and lemme tell ya he is VIOLENTLY protective of her, Whoever killed Canon!Smormu wouldn’t stand a chance against this guy.
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haunted-plush · 4 months
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I made a button
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Original drawing
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melis-hellis · 1 day
can we get more smiling friends headcanons?
here are my charlie headcanons i have so far:
i give him the middle name "lawrence" bc "charles lawrence dompler" just sounds so funny + zach hadel grew up in lawrence kansas
he is 100% bisexual that isn't even a question
prolly has depression and anxiety :(
he is a bish with stummy problems!! crohns GERD bloating and he eats like shit
thinks he may be autistic but he thinks it “wont be worth getting diagnosed this late into the game” (that's a bit i stole from a lonely goomba tweet)
back in high school he was a HUGE nerd, and he still is. as he got older he started hiding his nerdy tendencies a lot more but we've started to see him open up a bit during season 2
he was big into dubstep in high school as well. definitely had skrillex blasting in his headphones
prob went to catholic school when he was young but at one point switched to public school.
catholic guilt..
someone had a really cool headcanon that the crucifix he wears is a sentimental keepsake that once belonged to his grandma. i feel like he wears the crucifix but doesn't practice the religion nowadays
his strict catholic upbringing is what contributed to his strange views on women (he literally calls himself an alpha male 😭)
pim headcanons
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oinkinpigprince · 12 days
Charlie x sensitive reader? I cry over damn near everything 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
WAAAAAAAAH, I’m so sorry to hear 😔😔. I got my pre frontal lobe smoothied after the 8th grade so I don’t have to deal w/ those ‘emotions’ :33
Charlie x sensitive reader
He is, probably the least emotionally developed person. Charlie doesn’t cry, he’s been desensitized due to the internet, bros just emotionally constipated
At first he has ZERO idea what to do. You could be balling your eyes out right next to him and he just sits and nods. He’s just trying to assess the situation
Pats your back and goes “there there man, I feel ya” (HE DOES NOT HE IS A LIAR). He’s trying his best but it’s such in awkward moment
Sometimes it helps, during a sad movie you ball your eyes out and says “mood”. You’re so perplexed you stop crying: it’s magic lol
It’s honestly a skill, he’s just so awkward. Can’t help it, if anyone starts crying around him he’s instantly uncomfortable. Don’t worry he doesn’t care, he’s just so confused on what to do or say
He doesn’t really understand, helps you nonetheless. As you’re sobbing into his shirt he’s just like “it was just a video of a raccoon” while rubbing your back
Charlie lets you sob into his hoodie, he will not move an inch. If you’re crying and clinging to him, he’s staying put. Heaven nor hell could move that man
He’s very even tempered so if you need help w/ figuring out if it’s an actual logical decision or you’re just whining, he’s very blunt w/ it
Please don’t ask him for any opinions, bro doesn’t think twice about being honest. Of course he thinks you’re pretty and amazing but no he would not love you if you were a worm
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smilingconfessionz · 24 days
What if it turned out that Pim and Charlie met in collage + Pim was the first friend Charlie ever had?
this would make me deeply emotional and i would pray someone make this real
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Drink Orders!
Pim: Pim doesn't drink much but is known to get stumble drunk if you break out wine coolers. He doesn't want to taste his alcohol and loves lemon drops.
Charlie: Bud light, vodka and sprite. He doesn't really know any cocktails besides a Tom Collins cause that's what he orders on dates. When he orders a martini he does it like James Bond.
Glep: Four loko and AMFs, this little guy drinks like he wants to wake up face down in a corn field and never find his keys again.
Alan: Alan is surprisingly trendy but likes fixing his own drinks, while he passed up trying BORGs he's all about espresso martinis right now.
Shrimp: Gamer sups and vitali. He needs to hit that next level of mouse quest.
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clowniezzzz · 1 year
Some smiling friends headcanons because I love posting about them!!
Pim hcs:
-He has eczema (because I HAVE eczema.)
-He always puts a smiley face next to his name
-He wears eye contacts because he thinks he won't look good w/ glasses
Charlie hcs:
-Likes classical metal bands(Metallica, ACDC,etc.)
-Closted Garfield fan
-has worn the exact same pair of black vans for 3 years
Alan hcs:
-Cat dad, has 2 cats (and a pet fish!:D)
-likes to wear jewelry, mainly necklaces
-likes aphex twin, his favorite song is 180db_[130]
Glep hcs:
-Her wife gave them their witch hat on their first anniversary
-(as a human) she has two piercings, their ears and their nose, and they want more
-Does digital art, sometimes does commissions
Okay that's it☆
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you Love my headcanons.... heres some
1- pim and charlie have tails!! pim deliberately tucks his into his shorts because he usually gets distracted and trips on it if he doesnt and charlie's is just short
2- as ive said before methinks all critters have fur because i dont like to think of them as. Smooth and Fleshy ... some have shorter fur and some have longer but they all have it
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