#coloseum of fools
bluegekk0 · 5 months
Y’know the Colosseum of Fools?
It’s probably still around, even after the infection died out; What’s FPK’s opinion on it? Would he ever go and watch?
I like to think it hasn't actually existed for a long time, so he didn't learn about it until after his hibernation. Grimm once said he'd love to take FPK and go watch it, maybe bet on the fighters just for fun, but FPK wasn't on board, as he's not the type to cheer on violence. So it never went past Grimm's suggestion, though i do think Grimm sometimes goes there by himself
As to what he thinks of it, in his opinion it's just pointless violence. But it's not a very strong opinion, after dropping his royal title and starting a new life, he decided that he wouldn't get involved in matters that aren't related to him in any way. It's for the better, he thinks, he can't mess things up if he stays away. Whenever he gets asked about it in the context of watching the fights, he just says it's not his thing. Which, while true, definitely simplifies his thoughts on the matter
Though considering that in their society, a warrior's death is something that is seeked by many, and that violence is far more common for them, I don't think the coloseum will be going anywhere. If anything, it becomes even more popular as Hallownest's population slowly rises back up. FPK isn't thrilled about it, but what can he do? He just has to live with it, I suppose
And it's not that it personally upsets him in any way, he has his feelings about but it doesn't keep him up at night. In short, his stance is somewhere between neutral and "this probably shouldn't exist"
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dino-art · 2 years
doing @/fly-sky-high-bug-games's hktober prompts!
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day 7 - home
ft. some ocs - a surviving miner and a bug from the coloseum of fools. she and her sister went there together, but her sister ended up dying. she fled after that, taking a sharp baldur with her and eventually running into the miner.
(prompt list under cut)
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offworld-lamb · 3 months
After so much time failing the Coloseum of Fools, I beat it on my first try after spending two hours memorising NKG attack patterns and finally whooping his ass for the second time ever. Turns out fast hitting + longest + power boost is great for smacking the shit out of things to win.
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justpuremerengueink · 4 years
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They dating
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wanderandlost · 4 years
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Look I spent 15 fucking hours of my life in that colosseum I don’t wanna talk about it
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datastate · 3 years
fans really are quick to villainize people who are part of deepnest huh
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aridis · 3 years
Game experiences #2
Fishing with moss uncle at Unn's Lake :>
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And beating up an elder in the Coloseum of fools.
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(He can be annoying,but he's an elder c'mon, I can't fight an elder-)
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hershelchocolateart · 3 years
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One of the options I had on Art Fight was to design a Hollow Knight OC for me since I dont know how to design bugs! I got some absolutely wonderful submissions and I love them all so much 🥺
More info about each of them under the cut!
Fragile: Resides near the City of Tears but is a wanderer by nature. They almost always return back to the City at some point, since it was the first place they arrived in after crawling out of The Abyss. Broke their shell during an interaction with some of the guards, and is too weak to carry a weapon. Very good at dashing and dodging! Carries a Mothwing Cloak and the Baldur Shell charm
Aveli: Lives in the Hive and trains with a spear to defend her home. Tries to be one of those cool cold and calculating warrior types but is actually just a big softie that worries about everyone too much. Used to carry a Hiveblood charm
Buzz: Stumbled their way into the Hive and ran into Aveli, who very quickly took over caring for the little thing. They get excited about everything, and often shake and jump when trying to communicate, which is how Aveli named them. Carries Monarch Wings and Aveli's Hiveblood charm
Wasp: Stumbled their way out of the Abyss and accidentally ended up near the Coloseum of Fools. Was picked up by the people there and trained to become a warrior, eventually wearing them down until they accepted their role. Secretly would love to leave, but doesn't know what they would do without a purpose. Doesn't trust anyone no matter what. Carries a Shade Cloak, Mantis Claw, and the Sharp Shadow charm
Ruby: A very small and very shy vessel who was picked up by the Grimm Troupe as soon as they wandered into their tent. Is currently being trained to use their spells alongside the Grimmkin, which have turned red with flame after joining the Troupe. Their shell was cracked in an accident, and was filled in red to create their markings. Carries the Shaman Stone and Spell Twister charms
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hershelchocolate · 3 years
Hey tell me about our hk ocs
They were all designed by lovely lovely people from Art Fight who made them for me as an attack! I love them all so so so much and I'm so touched people made such lovely designs and concepts for me! I'm bad at making fan ocs so it was really appreciated 🥺
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This was a picture I made to sort of adjust the designs a teensy bit to fit in my style! I'm a visual person so I figured it couldnt hurt to post it again :)
Fragile (designed by FreakShow_Monster) is just a little guy! They fought long and hard to crawl their way out of the Abyss, finally emerged into the City of Tears,,,,,and then immediately got smacked in the face by one of the guard knights. They're Just A Little Guy so they learned to get really good at dodging and hiding but they're also a little guy who's a terrifying void creature that sometimes let's that slip and also enjoys staring at people to make them uncomfortable. Very good friends with Buzz!
Aveli and Buzz (designed by HyacinthAdopts) are lovely!!!! 🥺🥺🥺 Aveli uses her spear to defend the Hive from the infection, and eventually bumped into Buzz on accident. The little guy was always bouncing around and trying to show her things so she named them Buzz after the way they try to communicate and tried to find whoever was supposed to take care of them. Jokes on her! It was a surprise lifelong bonding journey all along! She found out they had nowhere to go and tried to play it cool when telling them that she would be keeping them but she is soft and a fool. She doesn't trust any of these other vessels Buzz keeps running into and is just really concerned about them. Buzz thinks they're all new friends!!!! :D
Wasp (designed by JaxnGrey) accidentally stumbled their way to the Coloseum of Fools and was taken in and trained to be a fighter. They were just a soft and kind little dude until they learned being that way would get them stabbed, so they learned to hide that part of themself and became one of the top competitors! Secretly theyd love to leave and just have a nice time chilling out for once but they're HARDCORE in denial so they stay. Wouldn't say they're friends with any of the other Vessels but seems to have a soft spot for Ruby
Ruby (designed by MountainWarlock) somehow ended up on the COMPLETE OPPOSITE side of Hallownest the others are. They ran into the Grimm Troupe and started training with them! They're very good friends with the Grimmkin, who taught them how to channel their spells through the staffs the Grimmkin carry. The spells even look red and firey! Ruby is always very excited to show people how cool their attacks look now, but for some reason no one outside the Grimm Troupe appreciates it :( They hear a lot about Grimm but only ever really saw him once when they were taken in. Their training sessions always seem to overlap over the shows for some reason 😔
And that's all I have on them for now! They're just little dudes and I love them so much. I'm accepting further questions and art prompts about them on my art blog @hershelchocolateart if anyone has any questions about them! :D
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wolfish-trickster · 3 years
Lost traveler
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 1 588
Tag list: @gaitwae @lucywrites02 @hard-to-be-the-bard @birdgirl90 @laramoonworld
Summary: A mysterious traveler visits Asgard and thanks to an accident has to stay for longer than she expected. Bonds are created but also shattered along the way.
A/N: reader has elemental powers, something like avatar the last airbender.
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The palace was HUGE. Everyone always spoke of palaces as giant places but you've never been in one this big! Golden walls reflected light onto beautyful carved columns connecting the impossibly high ceiling with marble floor. On every turn there was either a tapestry or stairway to a big balcony with gorgeous view of the golden city below.
Evrytime you let out a gasp or your eyes wondered around the room you were walking through the queen softly chuckled at your side. She showed you a big part of the palace, since you will be living here for few weeks and no one would like you to get lost in one of the neverending hallways.
Finally she lead you out of the palace to top of some coloseum-like building. All around you sat men and women dressed in silky or leather clothes. They were watching what was happening bellow them. Down on the bottom there were few pairs combating. Either hand to hand, sword to sword or other weapon you've never seen before.
With a hand on your back she lead you down towards the fighters. People bowed to her as you both passed them. You heard few of them whisper about the 'dirty girl with unfitting clothes by the Allmother's side'. You turned towards the whisperers and smiled cheekily at them, letting them know you heard them and you couldn't care less about what they had to tell you. Even though you felt a little selfconscious thanks to them.
Queen walked you towards a particular group of fighters, two of them you already knew. Thor, if you remember correctly, and his brother were sitting on a nearby bench with two more men. One of them was twice as big as you with messy ginger hair and bushy beard, the other had black hair tied in a tight ponytail. They were laughing and cheering for two of their friends. Another blond man with slight facial hair combating with a brown haired girl. The girl pinned him down with her knee on his back and twisted his arm backwards.
"Come on Fandral! Are you really going to let a girl beat you?!" you heard Thor shouting.
Frigga coughed to announce her presence before Fandral could respond. Both of the warriors stood up and brushed the dust from their clothes. The rest of the group stood up and bowed. "Allmother."
Thor and his brother, however, didn't bow. They just walked over to you two. "Greetings mother," hold on, MOTHER?! THOSE TWO ARE PRINCES?!
"This is Astrid. She will be staying with us for a little while. Be kind to her," queen introduced you. You waved at them with a timid smile.
One of the princes stepped closer to you. "So, looks like you are feeling better, little traveler," the younger brother gestured to your bandaged hand.
You nodded. "It's getting better."
He smiled at you, almost relieved.
Then nudged his brother with his elbow. "What-? Oh! Yeah, right," the Thunderer caughed. "I apologize for striking you with a lightning bolt. I won't do it again," he gave a 'are you happy now?' look to his brother. He just rolled his eyes.
"Okay, apology accepted."
"Wait, YOU were the one who hurt her?" Fandral stared at Thor.
"Fandral, not now."
"Oh for Norn's sake," the girl pushed her way through boys towards you. "Hello, my name is Sif. Ignore those dunderheads."
"Who do you call a dunderhead?!" the ginger giant asked, even though it sounded more like a roar with his booming voice.
Sif turned towards him. "Do you want to taste the dirt just like Fandral?"
You chuckled at their little banter.
Frigga hugged you around shoulders. "Seems like you don't need me anymore. They will keep you company and show you the rest of Asgard. And who knows, maybe you will find a trusted friend among them," she winked and waved goodbye to her two sons and their friends.
You turned towards them, fidgeting with your fingers. What are you going to say? Are you supposed to say something? Will you just let them ask whatever they want to know and you will answer?
The younger prince decided to end your internal suffering. "I think we owe you our names at least. You already know Sif," he gestured at her and she winked. "This blind oaf is my brother Thor."
"Blind?" you asked.
Raven haired boy grinned. "He-"
"It's an inside joke! Right?" Thor adressed his brother treatingly.
"Right. Then we have Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg," one by one they either waved at you or grinned. Fandral even winked.
"And I am Loki," he offered his hand for you to shake.
"A-astrid," you took it hesitantly. He gave you a look. You couldn't read it was a good or a bad one.
You shrugged it quickly when Thor launched forward at you and took your hand in his big rough one. "Such a pretty girl, traveling the world. You must be desperatly lonely. No worries my sweet, I will not take a step away from you," he winked at you, a seductive smile grew on his lips. He brought your hand towards them. You quickly pulled your hand back and behind yourself.
"I'm just fine on my own, thanks," you blurted before you could stop yourself. Will they behead you for saying no to a prince?
Loki chuckled. "She's a feisty one. I like that."
Apparently no.
"Hey, Astrid," Sif tried to pull you away from them. "Can I ask you something?"
'Bet she will ask where I am from' "Sure."
"Do you know how to fight?"
You didn't expect that. "No, not really."
You felt Loki's eyes on you again. And the same look he gave you before.
"Hmm, what a pitty," she detached herself from your side. "Alright, who wants to go next?" she cracked her nuckles and grabbed a long sword from a nearby bench.
Thor grabbed his own and rolled his shoulders. "You are going down."
She didn't go down. Not even an hour later. Loki didn't bother to show off his muscles like Thor's friends in front of you. Throughout the whole training he was wondering only one thing: why did you lie? If you were a fighter, why not showing it? And your true name? What was with the cracked bracelet of yours? And how did you get here without using bifrost?
So many questions.... Loki WILL find an answer. He always does.
"Our little companion seems bored," Hogun noted.
And sure enough, you were drawing circles into the dirt with the tip of your boot. When you realized they were talking about you, your head shot up. "What?"
"I said you seem bored."
"No, I'm just... Sometimes I get lost in my thoughts. That's all."
You really aren't a good liar.
"You are bored. And honestly, I would be too if I was thrown into your situation. What do you suggest we do?" Loki asked.
"I have an idea," Thor interrupted. "Let's show you Asgard!" he started pushing you out of the training area. And as always, everyone had to do what Thor wanted.
They walked you around the biggest beauties, the most outstanding views in the city. Thor was proudly pointing at building after building as if he was the one who build them. Loki was the only one to notice your unease. How you shy away from people, avoid going into crowded places, how you always try to hide behind them.
'You didn't like being in the city' Loki concluded.
"-and that is where the best beer and mead is made. How do you like your temporary home so far?" Thor asked hopefully.
"It's nice?" that was more of a question than answer.
"Didn't I tell you? He is blind," Loki scoffed. "Blind towards the fact you do not like crowds and attention. And since you still have your traveling clothes on," he tugged at your shirt, "you are attracting way more attention than you would like. Correct?"
"Yes, actually."
"Here is my proposition to you: for the rest of the day, we will go anywhere you want. How does it sound?" he smiled charmingly, hoping to see you blush. He wanted to know what makes you tick.
"That would be very kind of you," no blush, but a sweet, grateful smile. He could work with that.
Rest of the group sighed. "Alright Astrid, where do you want to go?"
"Can we go to the forrest? Please?"
"Forrest? Seriously?" Sif whined.
"What? Scared you might get lost again?" Volstagg nudged her.
"For your information, we were nine and it was Loki who told me to go right if I want to see a roe!" she pointed her sharp finger towards the trickster.
Loki shrugged. "Not my fault you scared her away and got lost," he turned to you, "I like the way you think. I can show you the most beautiful lily ponds and the most colourful flowers as well," he dropped the volume of his voice a little, "and some poisonious plants if those fools start to get on your nerves."
To his surprise, a mischevious smirk grazed your features. "I like the way you think."
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housamo-side-blog-2 · 3 years
April Fools PART 3
Your party had arrived at the famous guild of all Toshima,The Ikebukuro Guild,whose members are full blooded fighters that fight everyday at an underground coloseum of the guild, There the guiild master Claude sits on his seat watching the gladiators fight to their hearts content,hearing the cheers of the audience and basking in triumph, 
Harumo: Whoah!, Its huge, Is this the Ikebukuro Guild.?
Shiro: Yes,Do you not remember?,This is the place where you rescued Kengo,
Kengo: Hey!,I wasn’t rescued,You came here just to convince me to comeback to school,
Harumo: Wow, I really rescued you Kengo?.
Kengo: No,you didn’t, Hey Shiro! stop lying to Harumo.
Shiro: If memory serves, he saved you during that exception incident.
Kengo: Ahhh, Fine,You annoying bookworm.
Shiro: What was that?!.
Ryota: Hey Kengo, What do exactly have in mind to help Harumo about his memories?.
Kengo: Didn’t i tell you, We go there,Harumo is gonna fight someone,Easy peasy.
Harumo: Do i really have a saying for this plan?.
Kengo: You’ll be fine,You’ve dealt much more worse than this.
Your party waik towards the entrance doors of the large building,When stopped by the guilds trusty guard dog and questioned.
Garmr: Stopped,Why Kengo here. Garmr no like you....
Harumo: Uhmmm Guys, who’s he.?
Kengo: Oh right, Thi-
With one word from your mouth,Garmr quickly realizes he’s master is here and jumped on top of Kengo and pounced at you,Licking you with excitement and tail wagging furiously to see he’s master infront of him.
Garmr: Master!, Garmr missed master,Garmr wants master to pet him.
Harumo: Okay... G-Good boy?
Moritaka: No, That compliment is not for you Moritaka,you must resist the temptation, Im a proud warrior.
Toji: Inuzuka, is something wrong?.
Moritaka: No,Nothing at all.
Garmr: Wait, Why master here?.
Kengo: Harumo is gonna fight someone.
Garmr: Master fight?!,Tell Snow now......
Garmr rushed to the building to inform Snow about a fight,That everyone will not missed,You however is getting nervous from it,since you’re gonna fight someone inorder for you to summon your sacred artifact.
Kengo: Welp, Lets go in.
Harumo: Wait,already?.
Kengo: Yeah, People are gonna love it.
Summoners: I’ve got a bad feeling about this.
[Claude’s Office}
Claude,Guild master of the Ikebukuro Guild,Organizer of the fights on the coloseum, With the massive wealth he inherited,He build the great coloseum for his own amusement,to watch he’s gladiators fight to their hearts content.There in his office he Sits on his desks looking quite bored as he reads the documents compiled on his desks,
Claude: Hm, It seems im getting quite bored with this fights, I wish a miracle would happen right now.
Snow:Darling master,I humbly apologize if the fights are adding to your boredom,I’ll negociate with some guilds to have a fight on the coloseum.To ease your boredom.
The room falls silent,....Until Garmr jumped out of the doors like a madman and quickly taiks to Snow,Whom is quite aggitated by the rude behavior.
Snow: Garmr!,What did i told you about opening doors.
Garmr:Ummm,Sorry, Master here,Said he wants to fight.
Claude:Is that so?... HAHA!,Our dear gladiator never cease to surprise us,He has saved me from this painful boredom,Snow set our gladiator to fight Macan.
Snow:As you wish darling master, Garmr lead Harumo to the a room to prepare.
Garmr:Yes Snow, WOOF.
Claude whom 2 minutes ago was bored and now back to his usual charismatic grin,Snow waiks towards the locker room where Macan is,Garmr leads Harumo to a room in order to prepare for his inevitable fight with the number 1 ranker of the Ikebukuro Guild,Macan.
Your party were waiking towards the underground coloseumn,When you were pounced by Garmr to come with him to the room for preparations.
Harumo: Wait,Im going to fight right now.Also who is it im going to be fighting.
Garmr: Master Claude said Macan.
Kengo:You’ve got to be kidding me here, Macan really is it that too much.
Shiro:Well for starters,They don’t know about Harumo”s memories being lost.Though,It is a little bit too much to pair him to Harumo already.
Kengo:Little bit?!,We’re taiking about the number 1 ranker of the guild,plus a bloodthirsty monster that literally wants to eat everything.
Ryota:Can he really eat anything?,Really?
Moritaka: I sure hope Harumo will be able to remember how to summon his sacred artifact from this plan.
Toji: Im starting to doubts in this plan of your Takabushi.
Kengo:Do you guys think i would let my partner be in harms way.
Besides im going to be his teamate in this fight,So you don’t have worry.
Harumo:Really?,You’re going to be my teamate in this fight.
Kengo:Yeah, I promised that i will protect you and fight with you side by side.
A sudden image appeared in your mind ,A picture of 2 hands shaking as a sign of deal,Appeared on Harumo”s mind. The scenario was a bit shaky and Harumo was in a state of blank in reality.
Ryota:Uhm,Harumo? You okay?.
Harumo:Oh, Yeah, I just ......remembered.. something.
Shiro:What is it?.
Harumo:Hm,...Ah,Its a bit blurry,But i saw ...two hands shaking.
Shiro:Two hands? Shaking?.....Hm
Shiro: It appears to be a memory you’ve lost.
Ryota:Does this mean he’s starting remember something?.
Shiro:It appears so, And i hate to say this but.....Kengo’s plan might actually work. 
Saying does words almost made Shiro puke for the fact that Kengo’s plan is acutally working, 
Moritaka:Shiro are you unwell?.
Shiro:N-no,its nothing, Its just disturbing to me.
Ryota: Don’t worry Harumo will be cheering for you as loud as we can, So be c-careful o-okay.
Harumo: Yeah, I’ll try my best.
Kengo:Lets go partner,See you later guys.
Moritaka: Give it your all you two, Fight valiantly.
Harumo:See you later guys.
As both of you departed you and Kengo went to the preparation room,Your friends went to the audience to find a good spot to watch your upcoming dangerous fight,With the intent of remembering how to summon your sacred artifact.
Now inside the locker room of the bersekers,the room is fume with the smell of sweat and blood from the gladiators who simultaniously take turns fighting one another in pairs, There Macan is seen punching a sandbag and ripping it to shreds like a vicious beast who got his prey, Snow enters the room to inform Macan about his upcoming match whom he doesn’t know who is going to be his next prey, 
Snow: Hello gladiators, I would like to inform Macan about his upcoming match today, 
Bathym:Hey Snowy, Macan is going to fight today?, Who’s his next prey,
Nomad:If you’re wondering where that idiot is,His over there chewing the sandbags again.
Ikutoshi: Macan doesn’t normally have matches, So who’s going to be his opponent.
Snow: AH, Thank you, 
Bathym:You didn’t even answer my question.!
Snow waiked towards Macan,Chewing and ripping the sandbag and other furniture he could get his hands on, You can tell by the number of broken benches and stuffing layed on the floor beside him, There Macan didn’t notice Snow approach him.
Snow:Macan,I would like to inform you about your upcoming match,
Macan:*Chewing* Huh i’ve got a match today, Whoever it is i’ll pass i’l just that sucker up,They have to be juicy you know.
Snow: I assure you your opponent will do you nicely, Because your opponent will be....Harumo.
The room falls silent,The rankers shocked and Macan stopped chewing the ripped sandbag,His eyes widen, Macan breaks the silence by.
Bathym:Harumo is here?, And he’s gonna fight Macan,WHOOOO this is going to get nasty.
Ikutoshi: Harumo’s gonna fight this bastard, But not me, Whats going on here.
Snow: We don’t know exactly,But as long as my darling master Claude is happy,Then i have questions to asks.
Macan:HAHAHA!,That guy has a lot of guts,I like it,I can finally devour him and he’l be mine.HAHAHA.
Macan grits his teeth in excitement,The bersekers are intrigued and a bit suspicious about it, Horkeu Kamui, The 7th ranker happens to have arrived at the coloseum, Whom doesn’t know his beloved hero is here aswell,everyone of the rankers aren’t fully aware about Harumo losing his memories again,So they couldn’t help but feel excited since Harumo is admired by everyone he comes across with.
Horkeu Kamui:.....
Horkeu Kamui waik towards the halls of the guild to ask Snow about his upcoming match. 
Inside the room escorted by Garmr,You and Kengo both discuss about your strategies and coming up how to target his weak spot ,But...
Kengo:Hey partner?,You okay.?
Harumo:Kengo,...Are you sure i’ll be able to get my memories back?.
Kengo:What do you mean?
Harumo:I mean...What if..I can’t remember everything.
Kengo:To be honest with you....Im not entirely sure whether this will help.
Harumo:What?!,Then why did you 
Kengo:Its because i want you remember the times we fought side by side!.
Kengo:I ask Shiro about this and he said.
Shiro:I get that you plan to have him remember the times you fought together, But there is a high possiblity this won’t work. 
Kengo: Whatever that nerd says, I don’t care, I promised that will fight side by side and im not gonna let you fight this on your own,BECAUSE We’re PARTNERS REMEMBER!,
A sudden image again appeared on your mind,This time an image of a large transient infront of you and there was someone by your side ready to fight with you, And a quick flash of someone kissing you,You couldn’t make who it was because you saw the scenario with from your front.But the person closely resembles someone very familiar to you. And another scenario where the person whom fought with you said the word.PARTNERS!.
Kengo:ahh.Hey Harumo ,You okay there?.
Harumo:Oh. Y-yeah its nothing.
Kengo:Alright then,Lets go,Are match is coming soon.
Kengo:Yep, Just remember if you can’t handle him,lure him to me,.
Your friends were waiking on the halls of the guild finding the audience section to watch your match,feeling worried and nervous about the fight that you will fight unharmed, Ryota can’t hide his worrying.
Shiro:Thaa,Ryota don’t shout all of a sudden,Im more worried than you right now, I sure hope that idiot knows what he’s doing,If this plan fails then Harumo won’t remember anything at all.
Moritaka: Friends,calm yourselves, Kengo will protect Harumo if he gets into trouble, So don’t worry about at it all, What we should be focusing on is supporting them,rather than making them worry for us.
Toji: I trust Takabushi will protect Harumo if he ever gets in a pitch, Moreover the guildmaster thinks highly of Harumo yet he doesn’t know that he lost his memories.
Shiro: We should tell Claude about this,
Moritaka: I think his office is right around this corner,wait.........Its Snow!.
Your friends runned towards Snow, to inform his about your memories being lost.
Moritaka: Greetings Snow, its been a while hasn’t it.
Snow: Yes, Greetings Summoners, You’ve certainly are an unpredictably guild, asking for a fight all of sudden, May i ask why.
Shiro: Allow me to explain Snow...Ahem.,..Harumo has lost his memories.and were trying to get them back.
Snow:My word!, How unfortunate,I terribly apologize,Moreover are you all inform about his opponent?.
Ryota: Yeah, He’s going to fight Macan right?
Snow:Correct, You see my darling master Claude was feeling bored at that time,When Garmr informed us about Harumo wanting to fight,In his excited state he couldn’t resist to match him with Macan,Also..... Im very grateful to you summoners.
Snow takes a bow to the summoners as a sign of gratitude to them for making his darling master Claude happy,
Shiro: Well, Your welcome,But...... i do hope Harumo might remember something from this.
Snow:May i ask why?.
 Shiro:You see ..Harumo has fought on the coloseum before, And we’re wondering if he fought again on the coloseum,He might remember something from the time he was in the Ikebukuro Guild to get Kengo back.
Snow: I see, I pray for your success, Be rest assured,If Harumo is badly beaten,our medical staff will treat him quickly as possible,
Snow takes a quick bow to the summoners and waiked towards the door behind you all. And....
Ryota can help feeling even more worried from Snow’s words,He’s getting really nervous about his friend who’s going to fight someone big and scary.
Moritaka: Ryota, Do not worry yourself, 
Ryota: How could i not worry?,..Harumo is going to fight someone really scary.And he lost his memories and doesn’t even know how to fight. So excuse me for being the worry wart here.
Toji: Ryota Yakushimaru, How long have you known Harumo,?
Ryota: What?.....Uhm....Months now.
Toji: In those months,Harumo has fought all his life with or without us, Yet he came out victorious and still smiling. Even if he lost his memories,Im sure he’l find a way to come out okay from this. He has done it before haven’t he.?
Moritaka: Toji is right Ryota,He has fought like a great warrior all this time,He gives everything he’s all in every fight and he’l never give up until the end. 
Shiro: I full heartedly agree,When Harumo and i fought during his first day at school we caused that exception incident,He never gave up in the face of danger,Even when i was weak and cowardly,He brought me back up and bring my spirits up,So im sure he’l not give up on this one.
Those words speak words of fact and deep appreciation to the one friend who has shown out of nowhere, Whom Has become a great influnce to every person he comes across with,He has fought for his friends and even strangers even,But thats why he fights. Because every stranger he comes across with has become like he’s own family ever since being summoned to this strange world,Because those strangers are the only ones he got,To prevent from being alone on this strange Tokyo. 
Moritaka:I know you’re worried,all of us are,But worrying won’t help him,The one thing we can do as he’s friends is to give him our unwaverving support to him. 
Moritaka,Toji,Shiro,Spoke out the words Ryota needs to hear inorder to easy his worriying,And it has worked,He is still a little worried but the not kind of worry before.
Ryota: Y-You’re right guys, Harumo is going to be fine.He has Kengo by his side,So i’ll try not to worry to much,
Moritaka:Thats the spirit,Now lets go to Claude to inform him about Harumo’s condition.
Snow:May i join with you aswell,
Moritaka:Yes you ca-......aH,When did you get here?.
Snow:My apologise,i came to get some tea for my darling master,When i heard you all taiking awhile ago,I’l glady escort you all to Master Claude to inform him, And, you will have the best sits to watch them.
Ryota:Really?!, Thanks Snow we really appreaciate it.
Snow:Now shall we be on our way then?
They joined Snow to meet with Claude who is sitting at the best sits in the entire arena, 
The room both of you are in falls silent as you hear the cheers of the audience reach towards you even though the walls are supposed to be sound-proof, Signing Macan has already arrived at the arena, Kengo gestures you to get ready and get up to waik through the door and go through the halls leading to the arena.
Harumo: Here we go!.
Both of you head towards the halls and are met with audience’s eyes with a look saying  “you’l be dead”,You brushed it off and head towards the arena were Macan is surprised with eyes widen,His teeth griting and starting to drop saliva,like a vicious hungry predator had found his prey, Taurus Maske{AKA  Daisuke from Yoyogi Academy} will be the commentator for the match, And as always he’s hyperness makes him worthy of being a commentor for this match.
Taurus Maske: ARE YOU READY PEOPLE!, IT IS I TAUUUUURUUUUUSSSS MASKE!. Im going to be your commentator today and im would like to thank I Guild master for this match, Here we in the red corner The bloodthirsty Lion of the Ikebukuro guild MACAN!, 
Audience: YEAH!, MACAN!,
Harumo:*whispering* Who’s he Kengo?
Kengo:*whispering* Thats Taurus Maske, He’s also a ranker and a very hyper fighter, BUT He’s strong.
Taurus Maske: And the blue corner we have a pair fighting our champion today,  Harumo and Kengo!,
Claude: Hold it!.
Everyone: HUH? *Wondering*
Claude: As the Guild Master of the Ikebukuro Guild,......... I would like Harumo to fight Macan alone.
Claude as the Guild Master has superior authority on his members and also the power to decide who’s fighting who whenever he pleases, Since he’s favorite gladiator is fighting the champion it only makes sense for them fight one on one.The audience takes a second to process what he said and the entire underground coloseum is erupted by loud cheers from the audience signaling for a one on one fight,The summoners and You are both shocked and worried now. Kengo protested and the summoners explained your current condition to Claude.
Kengo: Hey, Whattdya mean he’s gonna Macan alone?,No way im letting him fight him on his own.
Shiro:Guild Master Claude, I wanted to inform you that,..Harumo has lost his memories, 
Claude: Haha!,Splendid this will make the fight much worth to watch,Kengo i would you to leave the arena and let him fight.
Kengo:As if im going to listen to you,No way!,We’re gonna to di this together, Right partner?.
Harumo: Yeah!.
The entire arena is filled by the boos and disappointment from their voices,Wanting the fight to be a one-on one. Some are even throwing their snacks at them
Andvari:WHOAH!,.....Hey watch it you idiot, 
Audience member:Hey do you have something heavy to throw,I’ll pay you a thousand coins if you do.
Andvari: Here you go, A dumbell that will be a thousand coins.....Heheh looks like im gonna make a profit after all.
 Andvari who happens to be selling there, Sparked his eyes and make a grin that shows his greedyness,Takes the opportunity to make a profit, By selling snacks but, not as consumables,Rather,Throwable objects to throw at the arena.
You are stuck in a situation where you either ask Kengo to let him fight on your own, or Protest. However.
Everyone falls in silence from the roar and Macan,
Macan: Let them fight me, That just means more food for me, Hey Claude let them fight,Its been a while since i have good meal.
Claude took a second to think,Squinting his eyes a looking directly at the gladiators,And
Claude:HAHAHA!, I will allow this,Go Macan feast on your prey,Make this a spectactular bout,A fight to remember in history.
Kengo: All right then.
Taurus Maske: Alrighty then,....BEGIN!.
As soon as Taurus signaled it to begin,Macan quickly rushed in,Pouncing at you directly as the main dish,
Macan: Im going to devour you,
You tumbled away from him, As if your muscles are on auto-pilot, Macan tried pouncing at you again, But
A punch landed on Macan’s cheek followed by a sweep kick to Macan”s abdomen, Saving you in the process.
Harumo:Thanks Kengo,
Kengo:Don’t let up,Watch out!,
Macan: RAAAA!,
Macan landed a punch at your stomach,With the force from his punch so great, it throws you at the corner of the arena’s cage covering.
Taurus Maske: Oh!, Thats a punch i don’t want to get,
Harumo: *Gasping for air*
With the impact so strong,It hurts your back and immediately gasping for air almost to the point were you are about to puke.
Kengo delivers a series of combos to Macan followed by the use of his sacred aritfact,While Macan is dodging them and punched Kengo at the face,Throwing him in a corner.
Harumo: K-Ke..ngo...
You look at Kengo down to his knees while Macan is waiking towards him like a tiger about to it his prey, When you look at him,Your mind flashes an image of you saving someone, You were there when you mutter something,leading to an appearance of a sword in your hands, You could hear it very clearly and the image is starting to become much more clearer in your mind, You’re starting to remember something and that is.
Harumo:Role of the Wanderer, Rule of Rending,Thou who art nameless in this world and powerless to claim this world...Deceive the world,hinder the world,and by thy false name,manifest in this closed domain! Avatar of the Serpent’s tail,severed by the Wanderer!, Bare thy Rule of Rending and cleave all power and authority!
Harumo:Engrame mine name unto thee and come forth! BOUNDLESS TAIL!
A bright light engulfed the entire arena and with that,You’re holding something  in your right hand....... 
Harumo: A sword?!.
Shiro: Harumo...
Kengo: Allright partner you’re back,
Harumo:This? is my Sacred Artifact?, All right then. 
Weapon on hand,you have found a way to beat Macan and charged at him,Swinging it to his body and you’ve manage to cut him.
Macan:*Groans* Not bad,
Macan grins at you when you slashed him and the beast is starting to get more wild as time flies by, 
Horkeu Kamui: My hero....
Horkeu Kamui had just arrived at the coloseum only to be shocked by you fighting Macan the number one ranker,Horkeu stands in bewilderment and watches your fight closely...
Kengo:Hey don’t forget about me idiot.
Kengo who has recovered from the blunt of Macan”s attack delivers heavy combos at Macan who has his back turned around, 
{Punching and kicking sounds}
Macan: RAgh! 
Macan is now fighting two powerful gladiators and he grins in delight and ecstacy to see his food getting more tender and juicier by every second the match goes on. Macan then.
Macan: Ahhh!, I can’t take it and longer!,AHHHHHH!.
Macan”s loincloth started glowing green signaling both of you that his activating his sacred artifact,You instinctively backed away from him and shouted at Kengo to get away, However...
Macan:AHHHHHH! Mad Tiger!,Harimau Gila!,Uraghhh!.
He’s eyes are much more greener than they were and his body grown much more bigger than it was,The crowd cheered in furocity as the summoners watch from Claude’s area,They cheered more loudly to you both, Even the rankers are bewildered as well,Because this is the first time they saw Macan activating his Sacred Artifact during a match, The commentator is yelling in astonishment for the unexpected development of this match. Kengo activates his sacred artifact and you are preparing for Macan”s attacks. But..
Macan: Uraagghhhh!
Harumo: AHHH!.
You’re body recieved hard punches from Macan,However this punches are much more harder than they were before. You used your sword to block the punches however with the force from his punches your guard was shattered, 
You were hit by a punch at the face that feels like a train ran you over and by the force of it you flew directly at the cage wall surrounding the arena. And brought down to your knees gasping for air, It feels like your lungs are struggling to properly distribute the oxygen in your body.
Kengo delivered hard blown combos at Macan filled with rage, Macan then countered his attacks followed by wild punches.
Kengo and Macan: RAAAAGGGGHHH!.
A bloody slugfest is occuring in the arena and the crowd couldn’t be more happier to see such a display of strength. The summoners however are worried for Kengo as they see their friend getting covered in blood and Harumo is trying to recover from the damage he accumelated. In this moment right now Macan has the advantage, 
Shiro: Kengo.....Please.....
Toji: Stop this match now!, He’s gonna kill Takabushi.!
Claude: I will not ! This is the climax of every bout,This is the moment all gladiators derive pleasure from,I will not let this match stop until one is left standing.
Toji:Why you..
Moritaka:Toji calm yourself,Kengo wouldn’t want this stop either, You have to believe in Kengo right now, He’’l survive.
Macan with his overpowering strikes he smashes Kengo’s guard and delivered a punch to the face,Beating him down and he;s body is battered and covered in blood.You watch in horror as you see your friend beat down and about to get eaten. Macan has reach the full ecstacy of a beast and is now unable to control himself from grabbing Kengo and about to bite him. However....
By the words shouted by you. Horkeu Kamui is shocked in belief because the sword on his side started shaking and being pulled from the sheath. And a bright glow emerged from both your swords, 
Horkeu Kamui: The ice cleaving blade! It wants to go its master!.
Without hesitation he pulls the sword out of its sheath and it quickly sprang into action and flew towards you, leaving a cold air from its path.
Harumo: A-another sword!?
Everyone is surprise from the sudden apearance followed by a shout from Horkeu saying 
Horkeu kamui: My Hero!, The ice cleaving blade will aid you,Use it now!.
Claude and the summoners are surprised by the sudden development aswell as the rankers and Kengo too,Macan however is now being controlled by his instincts to devour his prey and without hesitation you took the sword and now your other sword has a companion to aid you in battle,Both of your swords glowed in different colors,But your own sword is glowing with the colors of the rainbow, 
Harumo: Whoah...Allright you’re going down Macan!.
The crowd cheers you on,and without hesitation you rushed towards Macan,He readies himself for the attacks,But your attacks cut him and made him bleed. You attack him in a 2 hit style combo and slashing him on every part on his body you could find..But Macan doesn’t let up,he immediately counters your attacks, however the ice blade with its power to froze anything instantly freezes Macan”s arm slowing his movements giving you a better chance to attack him,and you did,Macan appears to be weakening from your attacks aswell as the punches he recieved from Kengo who is layed down on the arena with his eyes still open,seeing you fight like a madman.
Kengo: Nice one...Partner...
Harumo:Take this!.
You’re about to deliver the finishing slash only to be stopped by the sudden charging from Macan,
Harumo:What the..
Kengo: NO!, HARUMO!.
Macan grabs you both on your arms unabling you from using your twin swords to cut free from his grab. Macan grabs you tightly with both of his hands and about to devour you alive.
With all hope seems lost,Your friends watched in horror as they watch you about to get devoured,Claude’s face turned into a face like they seen someone very precious to them get killed infront of them, Everyone is shocked in silence,The rankers are tried to rush towards the arena to stop him but they won’t be able to make it, Horkeu is filled by rage and quickly dashes towards the arena to strike him,However he won’t be able to make it.
Horkeu Kamui:MY HERO! NOOO!
Everything you see started to move very slowly and as you looked around you see infront of you Macan”s mouth wide open and you can see the sharp fangs and teeth. You watched it happen slowly thinking how to free yourself.
Harumo: Is..is this the end?.
You were about to get eaten without even having your memories returned to you and being with the friends whom are helping you, Are about to be forgoten. BUT....
Kengo: Role of the Barbarian!,Rule of Infinitude! Engrave thy name Kengo Takabushi unto thee. GEANT BASHER!.
Lighting appeared around Kengo wrapping his entire body full of electricity. And without a moments notice he sprang towards Macan kicking him in the face,With force from it so hard,Macan drop his grip of you and flew all the way the cage wall and almost to the brink of breaking. 
Kengo:Partner!, Hey!, Hold on!. 
After you muttered his name you fell on his hands and fall into a state of unconsciencess,
He holds you dearly in his arms as you sleep, Macan however is not done yet and stands himself up and ready to pounce at your battered body,However Kengo is really mad,
Rage and fury fill his body,pulling no hesitation in his attacks,He delivered devastating attacks at Macan almost to the point of dead, He over and over punches and kicks Macan everywhere in his body due to the electricity in his body making his attacks sting like crazy. Everyone watches the slughter happen in their eyes and are quite shocked in excitement as the match continues on.
The bloody exchanges of blows fills the arena with blood and sweat fom the devasting slugfest,And as time goes on Macan gradually weakens and Kengo seizes the opportunity to deliver the final blow.. 
He punched Macan at his left cheek. Followed by 
He delivers the reassuring final blow of his life the most powerful attack he has ever delivered at an opponent. 
He activated his sacred artifact and punched Macan’s right cheek,flying him towards the cage wall,with the force so great the cage wall broke and Macan landed at the audience knocked out...
Silence fills the entire underground coloseum for the first time,everyone even the guild master as well as he’s butler Snow and the rankers but most especially the summoners,Everyone are silent shut from the upcome and then a few seconds to process everything.
Shiro: Holy mother of......They did it!.
Ryota: Yey!,, Both of them did it! 
Moritaka: My word, This is incredible,
Toji: I never knew Takabushi have that much power.
Claude:HAHAHA!, SPLENDID! AMAZING! This the fight that will go down in history. HAHAHAHAH!
Ryota:Guys come on!, Lets go!
Shiro:Right with you.
Moritaka:Wait for me you two..
Horkeu Kamui:My Hero..
Horkeu arrived at the arena and sees Kengo holding you with his hands at the back of your head,
Kengo:Hey partner....We..did..it..
Kengo’s body has recieved massive amounts of damage,almost to the brink of unconsciousness. 
Horkeu Kamui: Thank you Kengo Takabushi,you have saved my hero,im very grateful.
Kengo: Hey Horkeu..Get him to the infirmary quickly...
Those were the words he spoke before faliing in a state of unconsciousness and 
Horkeu Kamui:What the..
Horkeu is shocked and flabbergasted by the sight he is seeing infront of him..
Horkeu Kamui: Don’t worry,Kengo I’’l’ make sure to bring him to the medical staff....
Horkeu carefully separates you too,And gently lifts Kengo on his shoulders followed by you after he returns the ice cleaving blade back to its sheath. 
Horkeu Kamui: Hold on you two.
Horkeu waik towards the exit and is suddenly showered by applause of gratitude but not towards Horkeu, But rather to the two unconcious bodies you’re carrying.The audience is fully aware that you can’t answer right now,but they feel the need to congratulate you and Kengo for the amazing battle you three did, 
The summoners had just arrived at the exit where Horkeu is, 
Shiro: Kengo! Harumo!..
Ryota:Oh my gosh! they are both covered in blood.
Horkeu Kamui: Do not worry,They are just unconcious,
Moritaka: Thank you Horkeu Kamui, Im grateful for your assistance.
Horkeu Kamui: No need to thank me.. I need to get this two to the infirmary quickly.
Snow: May i assist you Horkeu Kamui?.
Ryota:What the....When did you get here Snow?.
Shiro:What about Macan? Shouldn’t you be assisting him?
Snow: My master requested me to bring them to the infirmary as quickly as possible. but worry not  ,Andvari has already called the medical staff so he should be fine.
Horkeu Kamui: Thank you Snow.
Snow: My pleasure, Allow me to carry Kengo for you,that will lighten up your task.
Horkeu let Snow get Kengo off he’s shoulders and Horkeu carries you with both arms and then rushed towards the medical staff.
Horkeu Kamui: My hero....
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bugging-robot · 4 years
Ohhh wow the Coloseum of Fools is VERY attractive. From the cheering crowd that turns to derisive laughter when I die, to drive to keep going forward, to even the name “fool,” which is how I often refer to myself (in the historical way of a jester). What a ride.
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chillywillow1 · 4 years
I wonder if Oro has ever been to the Coloseum of Fools given he's one of the nailmasters of combat. Like not that he's a regular since he seems to like isolation but like has he ever been for a quick battle at least
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edens0ul · 4 years
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hey everyone look at my babies
very brief backstory:
ring - looks like they could kill you, would actually kill you. was one of the candidates as the Hollow Knight. their horns block like 90% of their vision, but that wasn't why they were discarded. ("why" would be the time ring kicked the pale king in the shin because he earlier rammed his leg into a table and made a funny noise, and they wanted to hear it again) they spend time at kingdom's edge, typically in the stands of the coloseum of fools. overall a lone wolf, and a bit of a sadist.
totty - looks like a cinnamon roll, would actually kill you. after escaping the abyss, they wandered far, far away from hollownest, and came across a mysterious colony, all clad in colorful suits and technologies hollownest could only dream of... after gaining a suit for themself, totty quickly intergrated into the group. they have especially taken to a vr game that's popular in the culture, even winning a few crowns for themself! but the people talk of imposters, and totty will not let themself fall victim like their siblings had...
marvele - looks like they could kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll. the EPITOME of "no thoughts head empty". they managed to escape the abyss fairly early on, and ended up following groups of civilians who were fleeing to distant kingdoms. they drifted from camp to camp in the wastelands for many years, and entered a ring of crimson tents on a lark... a previous incarnation of grimm saw the vessel, and offered them some of the soup the troupe was eating, as she assumed their staring was a plea for food. marvele had never eaten before. but everyone was bringing the stuff to their face, so naturally they shoved their head into the bowl they were given! ... grimm lost her shit and started cleaning them up, and brumm decided to get the face paint. it wasn't until a couple years later that marvele was officially inducted to the troupe as a errand runner, stage hand, and person-who-gets-knives-thrown-at-them-sometimes. (the angy eyebrows drawn on their face were originally a prank from other grimmkin, but They Liked It Actually.)
indigo - looks like a cinnamon roll, is in fact a cinnamon roll. they escaped very, very late into the infection, and eventually made a home in the ruins of the rich sector of the city of tears. they now just kinda vibe there, doing things like Gathering Nice Robes and Reinventing Therapy Animals. (i haven't fleshed out indigo nearly as much, stuff may change. i still lov them.)
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chaos-makes-themuse · 5 years
Smoke and Mirrors. Part 1
Summary: Evelyn Mystos has lived for far too long. She witnessed the rise and fall of the Vikings, Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians. She was friends with William Shakespeare and Edgar Allan Poe. She was given powers far beyond her ability. Why? You may ask. Well, she was cursed because her mother refused the advance of a god. Now, she must stay like this, living forever, until she finds her one true love.
But, other than that, she has a bigger problem to worry about. The Avengers, her former teammates, are on her trail. They are desperate to get a member of their family back. She left, because she helped create Ultron, and she almost killed one of her teammates. So she ran away in fear of hurting them again.
Now, they’re about to find her.
Evelyn walked down the street, her heels clicking against the pavement at a steady pace. Her blouse clung snugly to her torso, and her pants hung loose around her legs. Her dark brown hair was gathered into an elegant bun at the top of her head, with a few strands pulled free to fall in front of her face.
It was dusk now, as it usually was when she walked home from her job. A couple of blocks away, the Colosseum rose above the buildings, it’s silhouette black against the colors of the setting sun. She could hear the familiar sound of cars and motorcycles as she made her way closer to her apartment.
She couldn’t help but glance back at the structure. She remembered when it was first built. All beautiful white marble, and statues of her gods lining the outside of it. But the things that went on inside were far more ugly. When she looked back to the street, she flashed back to a time when instead of people wearing T-shirts and jeans, they were wearing togas and gold bracelets.
She huffed and continued walking. She often got waves of nostalgia like this. It didn’t help that she had been all over the world in different time periods, so no matter where she went she got hit with nostalgia like a train. But it was worse in Rome and Greece. She was born and raised in Greece, and then she was cursed with immortality, and moved to Rome when her gods did. She had been in Rome longer, so it was worse there.
She turned off the Main Street and onto a smaller one that was cobbled and lined with apartments.
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She walked down the street, stepping carefully so as not to fall. She made it to her apartment building door and opened it. She was greeted with the small but homey lobby. The lady at the front desk smiled warmly at her as Evelyn smiled back and walked past, to the small hallway that led to the old fashioned elevator. Evelyn opened the door and stepped through, pressing the button that would bring her to her floor and watched as the grate slid shut and the elevator started to ascend.
When she got to her floor, she opened the elevator and stepped out, making her way to her apartment. She took her keys out of her bag as she walked and when she reached her door, she slid her key into the lock and pushed the door open with her hip. She was only a few steps into the apartment when she froze. She didn’t have to strain to hear the breathing that wasn’t hers, or the slight creaking of the floor as more than one person stood up at the sound of the door opening.
Quicker than she could blink, she stepped out of the apartment and pulled the door shut, sprinting towards the end of the hallway where there was a large window that led to a fire escape. She shoved her keys back into her bag as she ran, and when she reached the window, she saw it was already open as it usually was. She stepped out of the window and onto the fire escape, and as she did, she heard the door to her apartment slam open, and multiple footsteps began to run after her, but Evelyn was already down the fire escape and running down the street.
Evelyn found herself at a cafe on a different side street. She had taken a seat outside, which might not have been the best decision, but she figured she was far enough away, and there were no seats inside. Evelyn looked down the street, where she could see the top of the Coloseum. It was glowing from the lights placed around it on the ground, and she smiled as she lifted the cup of tea to her lips, taking a sip.
“Sir, I found her. She’s at a cafe a couple of blocks from here. She doesn’t seem to be running.” The voice of Friday sounded in the black SUV.
“We can get her there. She’ll come willingly. She wouldn’t want to cause a scene, especially not here.” Natasha said. “I’ll go in. You guys set up a perimeter. Wanda and Pietro, wait on the roof next to the cafe.”
The others nodded, and everyone got out of the vehicle. Wanda and Pietro went off one way, to a fire escape to get on the roof next to the cafe, while the others separated, beginning to set up a perimeter. Natasha began the small treck to the cafe.
Upon arriving, Natasha could easily make out the form of Evelyn. Though it was dark now, there were a few lamps fitting the cafe, and the tables had small lights on them. Natasha smiled, and began to walk over to the girl.
Evelyn heard Natasha Romanoff before she saw her.
“Enjoying the view?” Natasha asked as she sat down.
Evelyn sighed, not moving her gaze away from the Coloseum. “Thinking back to better times.” Evelyn corrected. She turned her head to meet Natasha’s gaze, setting the cup down with shaking fingers. She bit on the nail of her thumb, a nervous habit she had developed over the many years. Nat noticed, and grabbed her hand, setting it down on the table. Nat ran her thumb over the top of Evelyn’s hand.
When Evelyn looked up, she was surprised to see Natasha’s eyebrows furrowed in concern and noticed there were tear as in the redheads eyes. “Eve, please just come back. We need you.” Natasha pleaded. The grip on Evelyn’s hand tightened.
Evelyn looked around to make sure no one at the other tables was listening, and then leaned in to whisper to Natasha, tears stinging her eyes. “I can’t, Nat. You know what I did.”
“They don’t care!” Natasha whisper yelled.
Evelyn froze. “What?”
“I said, they don’t care. Clint forgave you. He knows it was an accident. He’s gotten over it.”
“Nat, I helped create a robot that tried to destroy the world. People don’t forgive shit like that easily.” Evelyn’s voice was dangerous, almost a growl.
“Yes, they do. We have two new recruits who were originally trying to kill us. They worked with Ultron. Now, they’re part of the team. You can stop running, Evelyn. We all know you’re tired.”
That’s what got Evelyn. All the running, all the hiding had gotten to her. It had worn her down until she was a shell of the girl she once was. And she was tired. So tired.
Evelyn felt a few tears stream down her face. She leaned back into the chair and put her hands over her mouth so no one could see her quivering lips. “I’m tired, Nat.” She admitted.
“We know. We all know. You’re a great actress. You could fool anybody here, but not us. We’re your family.”
Evelyn nodded, tears still falling. “Okay,” She whispered. “Okay.”
Natasha perked up immediately. Her eyes lit up. “You’re coming back?” To Evelyn, she looked like a happy puppy.
Evelyn chuckled, and retracted her hands from her face. “Ya. Ya, I’ll come back.”
Nat shot up out of her seat, tugging on Evelyn’s hand, causing her to stand up. Evelyn wipes the tears from her face.
“Come on,” Nat said, beginning to walk away from the cafe, with Evelyn falling into step beside her. “The team set up a perimeter, just in case. But most of them should be waiting in the car.”
Suddenly, something caught Evelyn’s attention. On the roof of a building next to the cafe, she could just make out the glint of a sniper rifle, aimed right at her chest. They really were determined to get her back on the team.
Evelyn chuckled. “You know, when I come willingly, you don’t need to keep the sniper aimed at me.”
Natasha froze the second she said it. “What?”
Evelyn quirked an eyebrow. “The sniper on the roof. You can tell him to put the gun away. I’m coming willingly.”
Natasha casted a subtle glance at the roof, and then turned to look at Evelyn. “Eve,” She spoke slowly and quietly. “We didn’t get a sniper.”
Then it happened. The gunshot resounded and echoed throughout the street. People screamed, and a pain spread throughout her chest and Natasha started yelling. The pain was all too familiar. Her senses filled, and her vision grew blurry. She managed to look down at her chest.
One inch from her heart, the tip of a bullet was peaking through her skin. She reached up and ripped it out. She managed to get a good look at it. A gold bullet with silver lining.
She cursed, and then she began to fall, and everything went black.
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possiblytracker · 5 years
Ok so. A: Have u gone to the coloseum of Fools, and B: Have u saved that bug in the Fungal Wastes?
i have been to the colosseum of fools but not fought in it, and youll have to be a bit more specific for bug in the fungal wastes
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