#congrats Vero!
freewilldean · 2 years
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@universalcas follower celebration: favourite song
still breathing // Green Day
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|| pablo neruda - sonnet xvii ||
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way
for @universalcas's event
happy birthday and congrats on the milestone vero<3
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yandere-fics · 2 months
Trying not to scream at the cockwarming. But holy fuck. I was expecting it to be just 1 cock, not BOTH. And now I can’t stop thinking of it. Especially since Vero seems to see it as punishment and really wants to move, while darling is trying to read. It’s an interesting dynamic for the situation, getting used to the stretch. I do however feel for Vero to just want to start moving, let alone trying to hide her need to fuck as cuddling. Congrats. This is in my head now.
Then I have done my job very well.
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1eos · 5 months
ok your manifestation skills are UNMATCHED!!!!! tell me why literally after a day you said manifesting a tolerable job in your area i FINALLY got a response from a job i applied to last week accepting me 😭🙏🏻🎉
and THAT'S the power of living with romanticism together now!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!! congrats vero 🥺💖💖💖💖💖💖 im so happy for you omggggggg like it's time to FUCKING RECEIVEEEEEEE
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urszn · 1 year
esther love congrats on 500 <3
definitely deserve it
thank you vero 🤍
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seoul-italybts · 1 year
[✎ ITA 🏆] MAMA 2022 – Discorsi di Ringraziamento & Interviste j-hope - BTS - 30.11.22
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Premi Vinti dai BTS:
MAMA Platinum (gran Daesang) ✎ ITA
Artist of the Year (Daesang) ✎ ITA
Album of the Year - Proof (Daesang)
Worldwide Icon of the Year (Daesang)
Worldwide Fans' Choice Top 10
Best Male Group
Premi Vinti da J-Hope:
Bibigo Culture & Style Award ✎ ITA
Most Popular Male Artist ✎ ITA
Premi Vinti da SUGA:
Best Collaboration con PSY - That That
Best Dance Performance Solo : PSY - That That
J-Hope era l'unico membro presente all'evento. I premi contrassegnati con "✎ ITA" sono gli unici per cui c'è stato un discorso e sono quindi tradotti. Per gli altri sono state proiettate solo VCR, n.d.t.
INTERVISTA J-Hope sul Red Carpet dei MAMAs
& Bibigo Culture & Style Award
Salve, sono la vostra speranza, J-Hope!
Innanzi tutto, era da un po' che non partecipavo ai MAMA, quindi mi sembra tutto nuovo e sono piuttosto agitato. Sento la mancanza degli altri 6 membri ed essere qui da solo è un po' strano, mi sento un po' a disagio. Ma sono comunque determinato a mostrarvi il meglio di me, quindi tengo duro.
🏆Bibigo Culture & Style Award
Grazie infinite. Non avevo idea avrei ricevuto questo premio, qui sul red carpet. Per fargli onore, continuerò a lavorare sodo per mostrarvi solo il meglio e, anche in futuro, darò sempre il massimo ah ah.. Oh, sono un po' nervoso..
__ Spoiler riguardo l'esibizione?
A dire il vero, ero piuttosto preoccupato visto che questa è la prima volta in cui presento una performance solista ad una cerimonia di premiazione, mentre di solito mi esibisco sempre insieme ai BTS. Ho tanto riflettuto su cosa e come preparare affinché il palco non sembri vuoto e l'esibizione sia figa. Ero piuttosto preoccupato riguardo a questi e altri dettagli, ma abbiamo preparato una performance in grande stile, così che il palco non sembri vuoto e la mia esibizione sia un vero spettacolo, quindi spero l'aspetterete con trepidazione e vorrete dimostrarle tanto interesse. Grazie!
🏆Most Popular Male Artist - J-Hope
Ho pensato fosse importante gridare il vostro nome come prima cosa, per il mio primo premio solista.
Non so se mi merito effettivamente questo trofeo, ma lo accetto pensando che sia frutto di tutti gli sforzi e prove affrontati quest'anno. Lo ricevo con umiltà e cuore riconoscente.
Il mio album, "Jack in the Box", contiene tutto me stesso nella forma più autentica possibile, nonché i pensieri che, mentre mi esibivo in gruppo e come j-hope dei BTS, avrei sempre voluto condividere con voi, prima o poi. È musica che solo il j-hope di quel momento avrebbe potuto rilasciare, quindi è stata una mossa forse un po' avventata, ma ho deciso di buttarmi.
Anche se forse non ho potuto soddisfare tutte le aspettative, sono grato a tuttə queə fan che hanno creduto fermamente in me, che mi sono statə a fianco e hanno supportato la mia musica, quest'anno. Inoltre, quest'album è stato possibile solo grazie all'aiuto di molte persone, quindi vorrei ringraziare coloro che hanno fatto sì che le ambizioni di un j-hope ancora immaturo potessero diventare realtà. Ringrazio lo staff per il duro lavoro e la famiglia della Big Hit Music. Vorrei ringraziare, inoltre, i mie cari membri dei BTS perché sono coloro che mi hanno sostenuto più di tutti, vi voglio bene e grazie infinite.
In futuro, continuerò a mostrarvi musica sempre più simile a j-hope, non solo a parole, ma con risultati concreti. Grazie! Vi voglio bene!
🏆Artist of the Year - BTS
Sarebbe stato bellissimo se tutti e 7 i membri avessero potuto ricevere questo premio ed esprimere la loro gratitudine, ma per svariati motivi non sono potuti essere qui, purtroppo. Quindi, in quanto membro dei BTS, farò io il discorso di ringraziamento. Non sono RM quindi, di fatto, non so parlare bene quanto lui, ma cercherò di esprimervi le mie riflessioni più sincere.
Nel 2022, i BTS hanno affrontato diverse prove e difficoltà e, in quanto gruppo, abbiamo sempre lavorato sodo per riuscire a superarle e, ancora una volta, tutti e 7 i membri sono maturati un po' a costo di fatiche e sofferenze. Mentre affrontavamo tutto ciò e cercavamo soluzioni, abbiamo scritto una canzone piena di speranze in cui cantiamo che il meglio, il nostro e vostro momento migliore deve ancora arrivare. Eravamo preoccupati perché c'erano molte emozioni che non potevamo condividere con voi, e ci siamo detti che dovevamo, quanto meno, cercare di essere felici così da potervi presentare della bella musica e trasmettervi un po' di gioia con essa. E, in certa misura, ci siamo decisamente riusciti, seguendo il nostro istinto e giudizio.
Ora è arrivato il momento di dare il meglio di noi e di restare uniti, voi e noi, con fiducia.
Di fatto non so neppure se ci meritiamo tutti questi riconoscimenti, quindi è con estrema umiltà che ricevo questo premio per BTS come Artisti dell'Anno e ne sono estremamente grato.
Credo che, grazie a questo onore, il nostro anno finirà al meglio e, ancora, vi sono estremamente riconoscente.
In conclusione, ultimamente tutti i membri stanno riflettendo su loro stessi, esplorando le proprie origini e cercando di migliorarsi a seconda dei loro progetti e propositi personali. Presto uscirà il nuovo album di RM e anche gli altri membri stanno lavorando a varie attività individuali. Vi sarei profondamente grato se poteste fare il tifo per loro.
È grazie aə ARMY se i BTS esistono.
Grazie e vi voglio bene!
🏆Mama Platinum 📽 Video
Oh, scusate solo un attimo.. è un trofeo davvero pesante!
Allora.. vedo che è perché abbiamo vinto 4 daesang per 3 anni di fila.. Wow, mi stanno scorrendo un sacco di ricordi in mente. Innanzi tutto, è davvero un premio prezioso e credo sarà una vittoria che rimarrà per sempre nei nostri cuori.
A dire il vero, come ho già detto prima, sarebbe stato bellissimo se anche gli altri membri fossero potuti salire sul palco con me per ringraziare, è un peccato non ci siano. Però, ho preparato una cosa. Il nostro caro Jin hyung ha menzionato qualcosa che voleva dire, quindi solo un attimo che lo chiamo
Ma cosa faccio se non risponde? ah ah
📞 JIN: Pronto?!
J-hope: Hyung, sto facendo il mio discorso di ringraziamento, ma potresti dire qualcosa anche tu? Ci sono moltə ARMY che vorrebbero vederti
Jin: Come hai potuto chiamarmi nel bel mezzo di un discorso di ringraziamento ufficiale?
J-hope: Ah ah, non ho potuto farne a meno e ti ho chiamato. Non ho altri che te, hyung ah ah
Jin: Hai ragione. Hai solo me. Okay, solo un attimo. Entro in modalità pro(fessionale/ista)
J-hope: Okay, Jin hyung-
Jin: Stai un po' zitto, amico mio ...
JIN: Buona sera a tutti, sono Jin dei BTS. Sul serio, vi sono davvero grato per aver ricevuto un premio così prestigioso, e... Carə ARMY!!! Carə i/le/ə nostrə Army, grazie infinite e vi voglio bene.
Cari i nostri membri, come sempre avete lavorato sodo. Ragazzi, vi voglio un sacco di bene
J-hope: Ti voglio bene, hyung
Jin: Aspetta, non ho ancora finito!
J-hope: Oh, davvero?
JIN: Inizia a fare freddo, quindi, ragazzə, fate attenzione a non ammalarvi, indossate abiti caldi ed abbiate cura di voi.
Per un po' di tempo non potremo vederci ad eventi ufficiali, ma tornerò con della buona musica.
Ragazzə, presterò servizio (militare) e tornerò sano e salvo!! Grazie!!
J-hope: Grazie! Ti voglio bene, hyung~
J-hope: Credo sia bene ripeterlo ancora una volta, quindi.. Innanzi tutto, grazie aə nostrə ARMY, grazie davvero infinite e grazie anche perché siete rimastə sempre al nostro fianco, in questi 10 anni. Vorrei potervi davvero esprimere quanto vi voglio bene e ripeterlo 100 volte non sarebbe ancora sufficiente.
E, di nuovo, grazie allo staff che lavora sodo per i BTS, a tutti gli impiegati dell'agenzia. È grazie allo staff se possiamo salire sul palco e siamo a questo livello.
Tanto amore anche per tutte le nostre famiglie.
E, ovviamente, cari i nostri membri, vi voglio bene.
Voglio chiudere questo discorso dicendo che, anche in futuro, vi prometto continuerò a presentarvi tanta bella musica che possa trasmettervi speranza ed energie.
Grazie infinite, vi voglio bene!
Thank You Stage - M2
Most Popular Male Artist : J-Hope
(*tenero) Ho ricevuto un premio!!
Come Most Popular Male Artist. È un titolo davvero figo, non so se me lo merito ma mi piace, mi piace molto, quindi grazie mille.
Vorrei ringraziare infinitamente anche la giuria e l'organizzazione dei MAMA
Sul serio, ora che ho ricevuto questo trofeo, mi è passato di nuovo tutto quest'anno di fronte agli occhi.
Vorrei ringraziare di vero cuore ə nostrə fan, i BTS, la famiglia della BigHit Music e lo staff; insomma, tuttə coloro che, in generale, mi hanno dato tanto supporto ed amore nei rispettivi contesti e progetti.
D. Che cos'è la speranza / Hope per te?
J-hope: Penso proprio sia quello.. Almeno credo, considerato che sto continuando in questa carriera e vocazione, quindi credo la musica sia la mia speranza, no?
A ben pensarci, credo proprio la musica, per me, sia la motivazione più grande e una parte consistente di me, in cui crescere e migliorarmi anche in futuro. Credo quella sia la mia Hope/speranza.
Ok, da j-hope, che ha ricevuto un premio ai MAMA, è tutto.
Thank You Stage - M2
MAMA Platinum
Wow, abbiamo ricevuto persino un premio così prestigioso!
A dire il vero, visto che è un premio così prezioso ed importante non so bene cosa dire, ho le idee un po' confuse.
Grazie davvero, davvero infinite. Sul serio, è un premio platino, un Premio di Platino. Già solo aver ricevuto 4 daesang per 3 anni consecutivi è davvero sorprendente. E, a proposito, credo proprio che questi ringraziamenti e la nostra riconoscenza debbano essere rivolti aə nostrə ARMY che sono rimastə insieme a noi per questi 3 anni. Quindi, ragazzə, questo premio è vostro - anche se è ciò che di solito dice Jimin - I/le/ə nostrə ARMY hanno ricevuto un premio! Mmh.. Ah ah ah
Grazie infinite. Sul serio, sono semplicemente felice di aver ricevuto un premio così importante perché così potremo concludere il 2022 al meglio.
Vi voglio bene!
Continuerò a lavorare sodo per presentarvi solo il meglio.
Per favore, mostrate tanto amore e supporto per ognuna delle attività soliste dei membri, mentre io mi lascerò avvolgere dalla sorpresa e dalla gioia per questo riconoscimento così prezioso.
Grazie, ragazzə, vi voglio bene! Yas!
Most Popular Male Artist : J-Hope
⠸ eng : © btsinthemoment ; © miiniyoongs ; © SUGAJelly9339 ; © Koo_Picasso ; © verritaee | ita : © Seoul_ItalyBTS⠸
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kennemy · 4 months
if you found this blog, congrats and im sorry.
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scabopolis · 3 years
Congrats on 600 followers!!!! How about Logan/Veronica and "Are you doubting my acting skills?" and/or any one of your 76 Danielle/Henry modern AUs?
Oh, Sarah, I’d do anything for you! I will eventually write a Danielle/Henry modern AU and it shall be dedicated to you, but for now, here is some Logan/Veronica friends to lovers inspired fake dating setup shenanigans.
--- Title: look at me like you like me Fandom: Veronica Mars Pairing: Logan/Veronica (side Wallace/Parker) Other Characters: Wallace, Parker, a frequent switching of tenses b/c this is barely edited.  Additional Tags: Should be a multichapter probably, friends to lovers (or idiots to friends to lovers??), fake dating shenanigans, Wallace sees all and knows all Word Count: ~1,800 ---
Sitting at brunch, her plate piled high with pancakes, Veronica Mars wonders just how long her best-friend thought he could get away with this. Logan Echolls (said best-friend) is currently walking slowly back and forth in front of the restaurant as he talks on his phone. He isn’t speaking, which means his mother is in the middle of a persuasive monologue. And everyone at their table knows what that means. 
“Charity gala?” Wallace asks. 
“My money’s on a distant relative’s wedding,” Parker says. 
“His parent’s anniversary is coming up,” Veronica says. “Could be their own party.” 
“What will they celebrate?” Wallace asks. “Ten years of sleeping in separate rooms and ignoring one another’s affairs?” 
“Regardless, I’m ready,” Parker says. 
Okay. Apparently Veronica’s isn’t the only one thinking about Logan’s go-to family event strategy. “You think he’ll ask you?” 
Parker frowns as she takes a sip of her coffee. “Why wouldn’t he?” 
Veronica draws a line in the air, connecting Wallace and Parker. “Well, for one, you’re married now.” 
“The people at these parties don’t know that,” Parker answers. 
The woman has a point. Veronica turns to Wallace. “And you’re okay with this?” 
“We’re living on two teacher’s salaries. If some wealthy man wants to be my wife’s platonic sugar daddy, who am I to stop him?” 
“I wanted to buy a new dress for your brother’s graduation anyway,” Parker says. 
“See! Perfect plan.” Wallace and Parker seal their agreement with a kiss and Veronica focuses on her pancakes. She cuts off a large bite with more force than strictly required and shovels the pancakes into her mouth. 
She isn’t sure why this whole conversation needles her. Something about Parker’s certainty, Veronica supposes. That it is going to be Parker who Logan calls on. To be fair, Parker and Logan’s arrangement pre-dates Veronica’s friendship with either of them. 
By the time Veronica met Parker their first year of grad school, Parker and Logan had been friends for four years. The pattern wherein Parker pretended to be Logan’s girlfriend at any and all society events his mother required him to attend was already well-established. Even after Veronica and Logan met, and it was quickly evident the two of them were destined to be platonic soulmates for the rest of their lives, it was still Parker that Logan turned to for help in these situations. Which, fair. Parker possesses levels of grace which Veronica can never hope to achieve. 
Veronica is much more apt to give a Hollywood director in his fifties judgey facial expressions when he introduces her to his barely legal wife. (A real thing that happened at an Echolls family BBQ. At least it still makes Logan laugh all these years later.)
It just didn’t occur to Veronica that it would always be Parker. Especially now that Parker is married. What is going to happen when she and Wallace decide to have a baby? How will they prevent word of Logan Echolls’ pregnant girlfriend from making the tabloid rounds? 
No. This is ridiculous. 
“She’s definitely not listening,” Wallace says, disapprovingly. 
“Some sort of fugue state?” Parker suggests. 
“Could be.” 
Veronica sighs. “What are you two talking about?”
“I wanted to know if it was all pancakes in general you seek to destroy, or if this one in particular had done something to upset you?” 
Her first instinct is to glare at Wallace. And then at Parker when she sniggers. Introducing the two of them to one another is the worst decision she’s ever made. But then she looks down at her plate. Sure enough, at some point she traded in eating her pancakes for cutting them into smaller pieces and then smushing them into the maple syrup. They no longer resemble an edible object.
“I’m not hungry.”
“Sure,” Wallace says, taking a well-timed sip of his coffee. His expression is all smug and knowing. 
Veronica is saved from additional Wallace stares and Parker sniggers by the return of Logan. He slides his phone into his blazer pocket and sits down beside Veronica, resting his arm on the back of Veronica’s chair. This is nothing new. Being best-friends with Logan means being comfortable with his rather tactile nature. But the look Logan’s action invites from Wallace is new. Veronica wants to spit at him. (Wallace. Not Logan.) 
(Portrait of grace, indeed.)
“What happened here?” Logan asks, gesturing to Veronica’s pancakes. 
“Nothing,” Veronica says. “What happened out there?” 
Logan’s fingers still from where he is lightly tracing the contours of her shoulder. “My mom and dad are renewing their vows.” 
For a moment all movement at their table ceases as they each take in this information. This despite Veronica's keen awareness of the fact that her guess was eerily close to being right. 
“I’m sorry. What?” she asks.
“That was about my reaction,” Logan says. “Want my bacon?” 
“Yes, please. They can’t be serious.” 
Logan slides his slices of bacon onto Veronica’s plate. “Serious about drumming up some positive PR, absolutely. Aaron was spotted looking a little too friendly with a married co-star. So, he and mom are going on a romantic getaway to Italy. When they get back they’ll do a backyard vow renewal.” 
The man in question holds up a hand, stopping Parker’s softly spoken entreaty. 
“No. I can’t do the talking about it thing right now. I can’t feel anything about it right now. What I need is a wedding date.” 
“Of course,” Parker rushes to answer. “Just tell me when.” 
“The weekend of June 11th.” 
“Absolutely. Deal,” Parker says, nodding enthusiastically. “Consider it—,” she trails off, her gaze somewhere over Veronica’s shoulder. 
“Consider it, what?” Logan asks.
“—Not something I can do.”  
“Why not?”
“That’s graduation weekend,” Parker explains. “I’m the faculty speaker.” 
“I’ll buy you shoes, too.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be,” Logan says. “This way I can get very drunk and not feel bad about it.” 
Logan’s arm returns to the back of Veronica’s chair. This time his hand sort of hangs over her shoulder and curls around towards her clavicle. It makes it impossible to ignore details about Logan’s hands — the surprising delicacy of his fingers, the length of them, the weird knot on one of his knuckles. 
“I’ll do it,” Veronica says. 
“Do what?” Logan asks. 
“Be your fake girlfriend for the sham vow renewal. I can do it.” 
She refuses to look at anyone at the table. Not Parker. Sure as hell not Wallace.
(Seriously. Does he know something? Was it that night they all played King’s Cup and the two of them stayed up talking until 3:00 AM? Did she say something she wasn’t supposed to?)
And absolutely not Logan. She scrapes the edges of the smushed pancake with the tines of her fork. 
“Veronica.” Logan’s voice is soft, but she detects a hint of incredulity. Which, maybe she’s wrong and he isn’t her best-friend and he doesn’t know her very well, because it raises her hackles. 
She drops her fork. “What? Why not?” 
“Look, I love you. You know I love you.” Veronica ignores the little skitter of her pulse at Logan’s words, furrows her brow, and concentrates on being offended. “And you know me better than anyone.”
“But?” She prompts. 
“But,” he says, “you don’t really—” 
Before Logan can finish, she comes up with a dozen ways to complete the sentence. There is plenty she doesn’t have —the class, the patience, the height, the sweetness, the glamor, the—
“—look at me like you like me,” Logan finishes. 
“Wait. What?” Veronica’s eyes dart from Logan to Wallace to Parker. Neither one of them appear surprised by Logan’s words. In fact, Parker is faintly nodding in agreement. “Of course I like you. You’re my favorite person.” She thinks about this. “When you’re not being a total asshole.” 
“I know that. But, your face makes it look like you want to slap me most of the time.” 
“Because I do.” 
“It’s just not the most conducive to convincing my mother to not set me up with the daughter of whichever producer she is trying to impress.” 
“I’ll change my face.” 
“Change it?” 
“I can look like I like you.” 
“I’ve been in love before, you know.” Veronica’s hackles are now standing at full attention. “Are you doubting my acting skills?”
“I would never,” Logan says. 
“Good. Because I could be the sweetest goddamned fake girlfriend you’ve ever had.” Veronica turns to Parker. “No offense.” 
“None taken.” 
“I’ll even use pet names. Schmoopsie. Snuggle muffin. Sweet cheeks. What’s your preference?” 
“My preference is none of them.” 
Still, despite his words, Logan seems to consider it. Veronica takes the time to nibble on one of the slices of bacon from Logan’s plate. If she isn’t mistaken, Parker and Wallace kept shooting each other, what they probably believe to be, covert glances. What are those glances supposed to mean? Does Parker know something too? Damned married couples with their telling each other things. 
“My mom does love you,” Logan eventually says. 
“See, I already have a leg up,” Veronica says. “And I can absolutely rock a floor length gown.” 
“Can you?” 
“I was on homecoming court senior year.” 
“You were?” She’s not certain which of the voices speaking in unison sound more shocked, Logan’s or Parker’s, but regardless she is deeply offended. She’ll look classy and hot as hell and that will show them. 
“Yeah,” Wallace says, “Keith still has the picture hanging up in his house. It’s hilarious.” Veronica glares at him. “Hilarious, because of how great you look. Obviously.” 
“I don’t want to make you do this,” Logan says.
Veronica doesn’t have time to question why he would make Parker do this but for some reason wants to spare her.  
“Hey.” She reaches up for the hand still draped over her shoulder and laces their fingers together. Logan looks down at her. His eyes are all soft and heavy lidded; like they sometimes get when he’s sleepy. 
(She’s also noticed they can kind of look like that when she’s ranting about a coworker. Or, that one time she helped her dad install a fence and came over to Logan’s place after. Her hands were full of splinters and Logan was so careful and gentle, removing each one with a very expensive pair of tweezers.)
“This is going to suck. Isn’t it?” she asks. 
He nods. “Yeah. I think it will.” 
“Then let me be there for you.” He doesn’t say anything. “I’ll work on my face. Promise.” 
That gets him to crack a smile. “If you’re sure.” 
“I’m sure.” 
“Then great.”
“Did I just get replaced?” Parker asks. 
Veronica shrugs. “I like nice shoes too, you know.” 
Logan gives her hand a squeeze. 
Oh. Look at that. She didn’t even notice they were still holding hands.
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hgsn-moved · 2 years
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castiel-cereal · 3 years
if anyone likes the netfilx series on my block, i just finished it within a day....ive cried, laughed, screamed...i cannot believe this is the final season. im gonna miss that show.
rip abuelita. you will be missed...
rip oscar...your daughter is beautiful btw ufhdlhf
congrats on graduating cesar. but you need to open your eyes. vero is a bitch.
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megagallade · 3 years
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It's time to get back to middle school.
congrats to Vero and Oliver for launching the BCB omnibus and Webtoons launch!!
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cotccotc · 4 years
my dumbass, congrats on 300 !!! 🤍 so so proud and happy for you vero 🥺 wifey’s famous now,, you best not forget about me 😤
babie 🥺🥺 thank u thank u thank u!! i love u my dipshit wifey <333 also i am BY NO MEANS famous and i COULD NEVER FORGET YOU even if i TRIED
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justcallmefred · 3 years
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These two #killedthecourse @verobeachcountryclub qualifying for the 2021 #usga women’s four ball. #texas here they come... Congrats to @kaitlyn_schroeder and @laurenclarkgolf for also qualifying and of course thank you to @corimc16 for being the #bestcaddyever @LPGA @usga @yonex_golf @yonex_com @scottycameron @Titleist @FootJoy #PROV1 #teamtitleist #itsonlythebeginning #golf #wagr #girlswhogolf #womensgolf #amatuergolf #floridagolfwomenswithdrive #lowscores #floridagolf (at Vero Beach Country Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG5ANKolh_C/?igshid=5jl6w3s4pn2c
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Beyond Borders 2019 Summer Show
Pursuit of Portrait's hosts its first 2019 Summer Show “Beyond Borders” on Saturday, September 14th at Okay Space Gallery in Williamsburg, Brooklyn in partnership with Vero
Beyond Borders; a concept and curation by PoP’s Founder Saunak Shah brings to you a change of perception in portraiture spotlighting stories around gender norm, identity, coming of age, coming out, diversity, inter-race, social media addiction and much more. There are 33 photographers featured in the show from over 10 countries. Below are 5 stories around being gay. Stay tuned as we share more stories.
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO JOINED US. Beyond Borders will be open for the public through Friday, September 27th. Okay Space Gallery Hours: Tues to Fri, 12-6pm, Sat 1-6pm
A huge congrats to the featured photographers: Daniel Adams, Rizki Nurul Ahadi, Juan Paolo Alicante, Brian Bett, Amritpal Singh Bharth, Ashley Jacklyn Carmenatty, Vitalii Denys, Akim Dragomiretsky, f/estival, Kevin Fides, Edgar Marroquin Hernandez, Taylor Jarvis, Swapnil Junjare, Sidy Mohamed Kandji, SharifA khan, Belle Kringas, Lenny Lenya, Adeib El Masri, Nasra Nimaga, Nicole Osula, Rogers Ouma, Jaime Penzellna, Apoorva Prasad, Zayira Ray, Francis Shad, Saunak Shah, Kevin Alwansyah Sheridan, Ayo Stephens, Karston Tannis, Catherhea Thoh,Sandy Windham, Justin Wu and Lily Yang
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thisfunktional · 3 years
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Binge watched the entire forth and final season of Netflix’ ON MY BLOCK and just wanted to do an appreciation post because it was spectacular. Fantastic drama, great comedy, and wonderful representation. Bravo and congrats to the returning cast: Diego Tinoco (who plays Cesar), Sierra Capri (who plays Monse), Jason Genao (who plays Ruby), Brett Gray (who plays Jamal), Jessica Marie Garcia (who plays Jasmine), Julio Macias (who plays Oscar), Paula Garces (who plays Genny), and Emilio Rivera (who plays Chivo), but also congrats to some of the new faces who were incredible to see: Nikki Rodriguez (who plays Vero) and Gloria Calderon Kellett (who plays Aunt Lupe). https://www.instagram.com/p/CU23rNlJ1O1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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