#credit to green’s granny for the first version of this
visenyaism · 1 year
Can you post the fried green tomatoes recipe??
i use my mind to make them at this point but i can write you one!
tumblr user visenyaism fried green tomatoes
-2-4 green beefsteak tomatoes (otherwise known as unripe tomatoes)
1 cup flour
1/3 cup cornstarch
1tbsp kosher salt
Dry Seasonings!!! I throw everything from my cupboard in there with reckless abandon based entirely on vibes. Today was paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, old bay, seasoned salt, black pepper, cajun seasoning, bbq dry rub, italian seasoning, za’atar, etc. About a half a teaspoon of each, though this is entirely up to personal discretion. Get the paprika, salt, onion/garlic powder and pepper in there at least.
4-5 eggs
1 1/2 cups panko breadcrumbs (can also put some italian breadcrumbs in there for vibes and flavor)
Canola oil (just have a whole big bottle ready)
1. cut tomatoes into slices, about 1/2 inch thick. the idea is thicker than sandwich tomato slices. Arrange tomatoes on top of some paper towels so that none overlap and season liberally with kosher salt. Cover with more paper towels and let dry 15 minutes.
2. While your tomatoes are salting, get 3 large plates out. I’ve found that those plate-bowl hybrids are ideal for this, but if you don’t have those plates with a little bit of a side will do.
3. In a large bowl, mix together flour, cornstarch, and the dry seasonings (whatever you think will be good, really). Transfer to the first plate once well-mixed.
4. Crack 4 eggs into the second plate, and mix well with a fork.
5. Breadcrumbs go on the third plate. Make sure to mix well if you’re using both Panko and Italian.
6. After 15 minutes have passed on the tomatoes salting, take paper towels off of tomatoes, scraping any excess salt off, and get ready to dip. Take a slice of tomato and place in the flour mixture, coating both sides. Repeat with the egg mixture, and then the breadcrumb mixture. THEN, repeat whole process again (so for each tomato slice, you’re going flour-egg-panko-flour-egg panko.) Your hands will get gross doing this. Persevere. Replace ingredients in the plates as needed. Set coated tomatoes aside on a baking sheet or cutting board.
7. Crack open a cold one while you get ready to babysit the frying tomatoes on the stove (optional)
8. In a large saucepan or skillet (one with high sides), pour canola and olive oil until there’s at least an inch in the pan. Use more canola than olive because it’s less expensive. Heat over medium, and then once it’s ready, fry a few of the tomatoes at a time until both sides are golden brown (flipping when necessary). Set tomatoes out on a cooling rack with some paper towels underneath, let cool a little, then enjoy!
-don’t blow your house up frying things in oil. Also oil does NOT go down the sink unless you really really hate your landlord
-you can single-coat things instead of double-dipping if you need to, it’s just not as good.
-pair with some kind of sauce. plain mayo works fine but i prefer something with sour cream or yogurt. The one i used today was yogurt, garlic, lemon, and every herb i had in the fridge
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akumaverse · 2 years
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First Appearance: Green Lantern Apple Bloom (June 7, 2021)
Dimension: GLAB Universe
Allegiance: Civilian
Flim and Flam are two twin unicorns with your basic upbringing. While magically they were average, they were very gifted intellectually. But they had two big flaws: they were lazy and impatient. Rather than use their intelligence for long term gain, they use it to try to make as much money as they can. Thus was the case with their Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000. On paper it was a great idea but execution was where it failed.
Across Equestria, those who took the deal saw a better profit in the short term. But over time they couldn’t afford to keep going that way, so the Flim Flam Brothers left to find another easy mark as the poor farmers struggled to try to recoup their losses. This changed when they came into Sweet Apple Acres. Unlike the other Farms, the Apples were reluctant to accept so a contest was made.
They thought they had it in the bag until the Green Lantern used her abilities to speed up their side. Desperate, they speed up the machine and turn off quality control to keep up. In the end, it was a tie and due to their desperation a taste test gave victory to the Apple Family. They left Ponyville seeing their current plans failing. After encountering Silver Shill and his desperation to sell his beet leaves, the Flim Flam Brothers came up with a new plan.
Mixing the Beet Leaves with Apple Juice, they created a Miracle Tonic. While it has long term effects that are beneficial, they’re selling it as a cure all potion. And with Silver Shill acting as someone who was quickly healed from it, it began to sell excellently. Even Applejack was unable to think of the negatives of this tonic. Until she saw Granny Smith almost kill herself thinking she can do an act that she did as a young filly.
The Flim Flam abandoned the idea once more, though the Apples picked it back up and rebranded it as a new drink. They continued to do their various acts, with diminishing returns until they were discovered by Gladmane. He saw the potential they have together but saw the benefits of them working underneath him if he can get them to fight. And he’s very good at making tight pairs fight. They would probably continue fighting until Fluttershy convinced Applejack to help them.
With Gladmane overthrown, they now own his casinos. While that is a good source of money, it's just not enough for them so they still continue to find ways to make more. If it isn’t a Rival Friendship School, it's a shoddy product to sell to customers looking for the perfect gift. They may not want to rule all of Equestria or even a Tri-State Area, but these two are willing to do almost anything to get a quick buck.
Sprite Credit
The Current Version is by AkumaTh
Fun Facts:
I know they’re definitely on the Evil side of the alignment charts, but I made them civilians since they won’t go to the extremes like other evil entities. Heck, they haven’t stolen money yet.
I decided to put them together since they share the exact same story.
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keepitmovinshawty · 3 years
Ok watching the Snyder Cut again but this time with notes!
Kids today will never know the struggle of buying a movie only to realize that it’s the full screen version instead of the widescreen version.
The opening sequence actually made me tear up a little.
Superman’s cry of anguish is more powerful than Zeus.
Amber Heard. Gross.
I like how the Atlanteans and Amazons have their Mother Boxes in secure locations but “man” has theirs tossed in the back of a closet. Sounds about right.
Because of course Bruce Wayne knows Icelandic too.
So Arthur takes off his shirt to swim but leaves his jeans on. God the chafing...
Alfred dragging Bruce is always hilarious.
Ok this bank scene with Diana was in the 2017 version but it’s a lot more violent in this one. And I guess the desaturation of the scene also makes it seem less like a cartoon. There’s actual tension in this. Editing matters.
“Boring.” Diana said cut to the damn chase. She doesn’t have all day.
Diana really makes use of her greaves.
Not Diana vaporizing this dude.
I want a whole movie of just the Amazons.
I actually like how they did the live action Boom Tube.
The Amazons are beasts with their lassos.
I love Hippolyta.
Part 2! I like how this was split into parts.
No one ever says Superman’s name. It’s always “him.”
Diana always wears white.
This whole scene where Diana goes to Athens is left out.
I think this conversation between Arthur and Vulko is too.
I forgot this movie is canonically before Aquaman.
Steppenwolf is an actual character in this one.
Isn’t this the second time Diana has broken into Bruce’s place?
Ooooh a Green Lantern!
Professor Lupin defeating Darkseid is a highlight.
Forever giggling at how the Amazons and Atlanteans do the most to hide the boxes while Man just buries it in the forest.
I want to meet someone who makes me stop and stare like Barry and Iris did.
There’s always a fruit stand.
Barry giving new meaning to running out of your shoes.
Cyborg’s origin story is easily one of the saddest.
Also, 2017 cut his mother entirely out. I mean, Whedon damn near wrote him out the movie.
I wonder if the Sarah they were talking about is Sarah Charles...
Victor helping the single mother was 🥲
Dr. Manhattan is Barry’s father.
Competitive ice dancing. Very competitive ice dancing.
Batman with a lasso...
Victor is still in his bitter stage.
J. Jonah Jameson and Commissioner Gordon are the same person.
Amber Heard again. Gross.
So the Atlanteans here can’t speak underwater. They only make these trill noises. But they do speak in air pockets.
How unfortunate that Arthur saves Mera just in time.
Steppenwolf wants all the smoke with Diana for some reason.
I love Wonder Woman’s theme.
Aquaman casually late but he holds the water back so it’s all good.
The Anti-Life Equation. That thing that makes earth so special.
Darkseid enters the chat.
Steppenwolf without his armor... Yeesh...
How did Darkseid forget which planet kicked his ass 5000 years ago?
Not Arthur looking incredulous about Victor being able to speak to intelligence. Dude, you talk to fish.
Why do the Nazis find everything?
The little explanation about the Mother Boxes was cool. Also a scene that was cut.
Swanwick being Martian Manhunter this whole time is wild. Also cut from the theatrical version.
You know in other versions of his “death,” Superman isn’t actually dead. His body is just comatose as he heals. But he appears dead to humans because his heart rate slows down so much.
Lol the ship AI is like “this is a monumentally bad idea I strongly advise against it please don’t do this” 🤣🤣🤣
Ironically, Superman returning is the worst part of the movie to me. Not the fact that he’s back just how it’s done. The whole fight sequence to me is ridiculous and a waste of time. Like why has he even forgotten who he is in the first place?
Well in this version there’s no awful “do you bleed” and Lois gets herself to the scene.
Bruh... Victor done watched both parents die now.
Henry Cavill is really pretty. Dude has that old Hollywood gorgeousness.
It’s come to my attention that Bruce and Clark’s mothers have the same name.
Time to go fuck Steppenwolf up!
Black suit Supes flying up into the atmosphere to get some of that sweet, sweet solar radiation.
They finally got that thing to fly only to fuck it up as soon as they get there 😅
Steppenwolf is antagonizing Diana and idk why. What did she do to you, bruh?
Wonder Woman 🤝 Aquaman 🤝 Superman
So this whole part with them essentially losing and Barry having to run back time didn’t happen in 2017 at all. Instead they just had him... save a random family?
Seriously... Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Supes treated Steppenwolf.
Y’all outchea feeling bad for Steppenwolf but let’s not forget his debt was 150K worlds. DeSaad said he still had 50K left. That means he destroyed 100K worlds already. Fuck him.
Man why they tease Granny Goodness then didn’t have her speak? And if she doesn’t sound like Ed Asner is it even worth it?
Ryan Choi! Aka Atom!
Silas’ voiceover during the ending was so touching 🥲
Words cannot express how much I hate Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. I actually like Lex as a character but I hate him in the DCEU because just ugh. Worst casting ever.
Oh look it’s Slade. Or Deathstroke. Whichever name strikes your fancy.
Just throwing Batman’s real name out there.
Amber Heard again. 😒😒😒😒😒
I actually like Jared Leto here. Tho that laugh needs work.
I know it’s the Knightmare timeline but I still have a hard time believing Clark becomes Darkseid’s lackey because Lois dies. I get the pain and anguish but dude... Lois wouldn’t want that.
This epilogue felt like the ending, a mid-credits scene, and a post-credits scene put together.
Welp that was great! And I’ll probably watch it a 3rd time this weekend with my siblings.
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ask-the-barkerverse · 3 years
MLP Headcanon Dump
Just realized that I never bothered to post this on here. Heads up, this is a VERY long post.
Svengallop's parents are Charity Kindheart and Bracer Britches. The two had a brief affair, but never officially dated and Sven was an accident. Charity loved her son, but passed away due to illness when he was a teenager, so Sven was sent to live with his father who never wanted him. This has a lot to do with Svengallop's attitude as an adult.
All pure blooded draconequui are able to become pregnant or impregnate a partner, regardless of gender.
Wind Rider is a womanizer and serial adulterer with several illegitimate children, including Helia, Lighting Dust and Cloudy Daze among others.
There are some ponies who eat meat, such as fish, pork and chicken (eating beef and venison would be considered immoral since bovines and deer in Equestria are sentient). It's not particularly common and is actually considered gross by the majority, not unlike humans who eat insects. Equestria also has plenty of vegan alternatives that exist in our world, such as tofu and artificial meat.
The comic arc "Siege of the Crystal Empire" was actually just a fanfic written by Mina the dragon.
Tree Hugger is a member of the Hooffield Family. She ran away from home as a teen because she was sick of the constant fighting with the McColts. After running away she ended up joining a hippie commune, which is how she became the mare she is today.
Ocellus is the daughter of Queen Chrysalis. She will be queen of Thorax's hive after he is gone.
It is a tradition in Equestria for nurses to add 'heart' to the end of their names once they graduate nursing school. For example, Nurse Redheart's birth name is Redlove and Nurse Sweetheart is Sweetcream. This is in honor of Nurse Cureheart, the nurse credited for curing Celestia's broken heart after Luna's banishment.
The baby brother Hoops mentions in "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" is actually Spiral Notepad, who is now a trans filly.
Yaks speak Equestrian (aka English) so badly only because they have their own language and Equestrian is foreign to them.
The Kirin are thought to be the result of Asian unicorns interbreeding with dragons, but this has never been proven.
Derpy Hooves and Dinky Doo are mother and daughter, with Dinky having been born to Derpy when she was still in her teens. (I know it's an old headcanon, but I'll always have a soft spot for it.)
Quibble Pants is a natural blonde.
Derpy Hooves' real name is Ditzy Doo. "Derpy" was a childhood nickname that just kinda stuck.
Derpy has an eye condition called strabismus, hence the crooked eyes.
Crackle is a pseudodragon, a species of lizard that disguise themselves as dragons. Despite having twice as many limbs and gems growing out of them, they are accepted by dragons as one of their own.
Flash Sentry and Spearhead are brothers and are both descended from a pony that escaped the Crystal Empire during King Sombra's reign.
Sunset Shimmer and Sunburst are cousins.
Discord created Poison Joke.
Toe Tapper and Torch Song are the parents of Coco Pommel.
Hoity Toity is part mule, hence the long ears.
Celestia was born with an all-pink mane and tail and would have gained more shades of orange and yellow as she grew, but she instead gained hues of green and blue when she took over Luna's duty of raising the moon after Nightmare Moon's banishment.
Wind Sprint's original father died in a sports-related accident, which is why Clear Sky found comfort and common ground with Quibble Pants who was able to distract her from sports for a while. Unfortunately, as we all know from the episode, this had no effect on Wind Sprint's persistent love for sports.
Celestia was technically the first pony who managed to pull off a sonic rainboom, but it wasn't the same as Rainbow Dash's since she lacked the colors of a proper rainbow. Over time it was forgotten, but Celestia's "rainboom" was the basis of the sonic rainboom being a myth in the first place.
Pinkie Pie and Applejack's respective families are both descended from the children of Chancellor Puddinghead and Smart Cookie.
Orchard Blossom is an actual Apple family member that Big Mac was impersonating in "Brotherhooves Social".
Rainbow Blaze (the rainbow-maned stallion from "Games Ponies Play" who was confirmed is not Rainbow Dash's father) is Rainbow Dash's older brother.
The final alternate future seen in "The Cutie Remark-Part 2" where Equestria is nothing but an apocalyptic wasteland is a result of Daybreaker coming to life and burning everything to the ground into pure ash. It got so bad that it ultimately left Daybreaker with no kingdom to rule anymore. (As horrifying as it sounds, the dirt that Twilight and Starlight were standing on in that scene included the ashes of hundreds of dead ponies.)
Pear Butter and Bright Mac were killed by Timberwolves on a day trip. Sadly, Granny Smith considers herself responsible for this as she forgot to warn them about the Timberwolves that day. As a result, this is also why Applejack is so good at fighting them off.
Due to their godlike status, Celestia and Luna are the only immortal alicorns. Ordinary royalty like Twilight Sparkle, Cadance, and Flurry Heart have longer lifespans than normal ponies but can still die of old age.
Screwball is the daughter of Nurse Sweetheart and her eyes only become swirly when she's exposed to Poison Joke. The effect it has on her is that it makes her see weird stuff and she used to be addicted to it, but ended up quitting altogether as the last time she used it (around the time Discord returned) caused her to see some pretty nightmarish imagery.
The episode "Yakety Sax" was just a bad fever dream Pinkie Pie had after eating too much Yak cuisine one day.
All the changelings in Thorax's hive are siblings born from the same queen. Changelings do not interbreed with members of their own hive, though they may form family units with their siblings and adopt grubs to raise, hence the family of changelings Ocellus was seen with in "Hearths Warming Club".
Whoa Nelly's real name is Jelly Nelly Bean. Her large size is the result of a very rare pituitary disorder.
Fluttershy's human world counterpart is a vegan.
Aunt and Uncle Orange are both parental figures to Babs Seed. Whether they're her biological or adoptive parents in still unknown.
The hippocampus (aka the seaponies from the 2017 movie) once existed as a separate race, but are believed to have been driven to extinction because of the Sirens, who destroyed their homes, depleted their food sources, and even directly preyed on them. This was of course before Queen Novo fled into the sea and formed the seaponies we know from the 2017 movie.
Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood had Scootaloo later in life as they didn't really plan to have a foal, hence why they're such thoughtless parents.
Mane Allgood is actually a cousin of Daring Do.
Bulk Biceps is Featherweight's biological father. He was formerly married to an abusive, neglectful, and alcoholic wife, resulting in a divorce and Bulk and Featherweight moving to Ponyville and leaving her for good.
Cheese Sandwich is the younger brother of Marine Sandwich. The real reason he ran away from home and stumbled into Ponyville by chance is because he wanted to get away from his psychotic older sister. (Based off of this.)
Cheese Sandwich and Mudbriar are cousins.
Limestone Pie's talent is mixing drinks.
Burnt Oak is the father of the pony versions of Timber Spruce and Gloriosa Daisy.
Rumble is a trans colt.
Granny Smith's real name is Maria Ann Smith, or "Annie Smith" for short.
Fluttershy is the oldest of the Man Six, while Pinkie Pie is the youngest.
Trixie's full name is actually Bellatrix Lulamoon. She prefers to go by Trixie as it's easier to remember.
Tempest Shadow didn't receive her cutie mark until she was an adult, AFTER the events of the MLP movie where she started using her horn to make fireworks.
The draconequus were once a race of creatures that went to war against ponykind after their prince (aka Discord) was turned to stone. The war resulted in many of them being wiped out and it's currently unknown if any besides Discord still exist today.
Kirin shed and regrow their horns once a year, similar to deer antlers. Shed kirin horns make a powerful ingredient in potions.
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6fu · 5 years
Guide to the Territories pt10: Guard Captains
The rest of the posts in this series are about how our game’s background is built from the series canon. This time, we’re starting semi-canonical, and then going full homebrew, to talk about the Guard’s hierarchy as we determined it for our campaign.
 Two characters from our latest episode first appeared as prints in David Petersen’s store, and then process posts on his blog. They may appear as background extras in the upcoming volume covering the Weasel War of 1149, so let’s wait and see.
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Rosard’s character in our story is based entirely on his look (since that’s all I had to go on), but it’s a look that says a lot. He’s severe and direct, without much interest in nuance. After seeing this picture on Petersen’s blog I felt I had to find a place for him in our campaign, and a brainstorming session with Gnome helped find what that place was. More on the title of “Judge” and the other Guard Captain roles below.
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This is the face I mention distracting me at the beginning of the upcoming second episode of Dark Patrol. Rosard was made in tribute to Ross Ritchie, head of Boom! Studios, the comics publisher that handles the Mouse Guard titles among others, and his working relationship with Petersen goes back even before Boom! acquired Archaia, the series’ original home.
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Stjepan’s characterization in our story is also based on his look. He’s sharp, poised, and maybe a little too cunning. His tabbard/cloak combo suggested a high rank, so while I knew he would be a double act with Rosard, it meant the both of them would be senior mice in the Guard. As Castellan his core duties include maintaining Lockhaven itself and her defenses, but more on that later.
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Stjepan the mouse was created for Stephen Christy the man. He is an important part of Archaia, and he and Ritchie were the ones to give Peterson the good news about the Mouse Guard movie’s green light at Fox, and were both serving as producers. Ironically, the blog posts about these mouse designs were published just days before production was canceled. Director Wes Ball is keeping hope alive though. Maybe someday.
Those two NPCs are semi-canonical, and this is where we go completely separate from the source material. These titles and jobs are as original to our game as the PCs we play, as are most of the characters that fill them. I’m not sure how all this began, because we started talking about it on call after recording the end of Bridge Patrol, so just give the credit for the good stuff to Gnome.
This setup is inspired by the description of Lockhaven’s government on page 175 of the rulebook:
The Matriarch operates as strategist, ambassador and administrator. She has several captains and administrators beneath her, including a scribe, a castellan and a quartermaster.
Page 162 adds “There are only about a half-dozen captain positions at any one time”, so that gave us a target number of six. It also implies captaincies are created and dismissed on an as-needed basis, but we think our version suits our dramatic needs better.
Here is a list of the six titles, their current holders, and what their duties entail.
Quartermaster: Genrui In charge of monitoring the material supplies and stores of Lockhaven, and assigning prospective recruits to their senior artisans. Quartermaster is the only role whose duties are almost entirely suggested by the name, because that alone takes 10 hours a day when he’s lucky.
Scribe: Roibin The Scribe is charged with recording the history of the Guard, maintaining Lockhaven’s libraries, managing the mail routes, and promoting the Arts across the territories. Roibin is a poet himself, and both the comics and RPG start many chapters with quotes from his work. Roibin is assisted by a black beetle he rescued and trained named Connal.
Judge: Rosard(current), Granny(former) The Judge is charged with maintaining the law of Lockhaven and their jurisdiction over the wilderness within the scent border. They must maintain peace, and, when that fails, wage war. In her time as Judge, Ivy Waxwort wrote the current Banishment Vigil ritual, served as general in the battles against weasels in Sable’s childhood, and secured the peace that has followed since. Rosard’s time as her successor has seen that peace become a cold war, now on the brink of battle.
Castellan: Stjepan the Castellan is in charge of the building, maintenance, and defense of Lockhaven. Road building and trail maintenance are in his portfolio, as well as consulting on all sorts of large building and engineering projects.
Stargazer: TBD The Stargazer’s duties include weather watching, advising Gwendolyn and the guard on scientific matters, assisting he territories with planting and harvesting, and settling any disputes over the shipping lanes.
Hunter: TBD The Hunter deals with Wild Country and anything to do with it. They arrange for the laying of the Scent Barrier, keep a journal of beast sightings, manage the apiary (in practice, Granny took this one off their hands for a few decades), and any mouse that has been banished is treated under the Hunter’s traditions instead of the Judge’s laws.
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jojotier · 5 years
for no particularly reason other than I’m feeling nostalgic for writing jjba fic and won’t have time to invest in it for a while, here’s a list of some plot points I’m excited to finally get to in my Forgotten Monarchs part 3.5 Kakyoin Lives au
- Kakyoin is fascinated by Granny Suzie Q spinning wool in the Italian fashion and she offers to show him how. He agrees, and as Suzie Q teaches him how, she asks Jotaro to go grab some wool from a hall closet- except Suzie’s butler (i don’t remember his name hjvkbjvf) tells him to wait and listen in. 
Suzie Q guides Kakyoin through the motions of spinning wool and finally warns him to leave as soon as possible, because Jotaro cares dearly for him. It’s the Joestar curse, she says- nearly everyone who gets too close dies horribly. Jotaro gets tired of listening and walks in with the wool, gritting his teeth. Granny Suzie doesn’t acknowledge that Jotaro might have heard, and Kakyoin seems thoughtful. 
Later, at the end, when Jotaro says Kakyoin doesn’t have to keep going- that he and the shitty old man will handle the rest of the stand users- Kakyoin punches him in the shoulder and chides him for talking nonsense. He’s there because he wants to be- and Jotaro isn’t getting rid of him that easy.
- Granny Suzie Q gets to make over Kakyoin. Kakyoin begs Jotaro for help with his eyes. Jotaro looks on in stony silence. Get fucking wrecked, Kakyoin.
- Joseph sees Speedwagon and his Granny Erina again, and there’s a tearful, temporary reunion. Granny Erina lays eyes on Jotaro and nearly cries from happiness, hugging him and telling him she’s proud. Joseph asks where Caesar is. Caesar isn’t there.
- A slightly surreal afterlife sequence where Erina walks a thin tightrope of wool, moving from her young self and into her elderly self as below her, her march through time is mirrored by Kakyoin, who still very much has his soul right where it belongs in his entire body thank you very much, is walking on the thin ropes of Hierophant to escape some of the rogue stand users while trying to get Jotaro’s soulless body to safety. 
- Jonathan finally meets Jotaro and later on, as Jotaro sinks into deep water, speaks over him as the waves wash by. “Jotaro, the world can be a harsh place. There are always going to be people spreading misery, and there will always be someone who doesn’t seem to deserve saving. But even then, despite that, you have the power to extend the kindness that they may sorely need, even in their darkest hour. Jotaro, you’re far more kind than you give yourself credit for… You protect people, not just because of obligation.”
“There may come a time when you may need to fight off an army to defend the ones you love. And the ones you don’t.  But Jotaro, know this- I know that you’re going to live a long life, despite that. It will be a life of strife and sacrifice- that much I’m certain of- but I know, deep to my very core, that it will be full. And that life will be full of love.” - I dreamt these words once, and I’ll be damned if I don’t use them
- Joseph knocks Kakyoin in the diaphragm to unlock his hamon and it mostly just has Kakyoin keeling over for like five minutes, wheezing out a strained “What the FUCK, MAN”
- Jotaro and Kakyoin both get drunk. So drunk. Kakyoin is the drunker of the two and leans in close, eyes focusing on Jotaro’s lips. Jotaro is just cognizant enough to realize what’s happening and stops breathing. “You have... such a pre’ty mout...” Is what Kakyoin gets out before tipping to the side and just passing the FUCK out. He is down for the goddamn count. Cue gay 90s panic
- The Queen of Swords realizes that Kakyoin seems to have no foreseeable future and freaks the hell out, deciding to put him on trial for “witchcraft”. With the five of swords stand, from the fog comes the images of two “witnesses” against Kakyoin- the Mannish Baby, now a toddler, and DIO, who glares balefully at Kakyoin. Jotaro is meant to be a defense for Kakyoin, but his words keep being twisted to make it seem as if Kakyoin had been manipulating him throughout Egypt, or else was “enchanted”. Kakyoin is found “guilty”.
As things spiral into chaos and a phantom crowd of seeming innocents start screaming and crying from dangers being manifested in the mist, Kakyoin attempts to save them. They all cower away, screaming at the sight of him, and it’s unclear why until a second version of Kakyoin rises from the mist, soaked in blood. At first, he seems to have DIO’s fleshbud in him- then he tears it out and grins. Then the phantom crowd isn’t much of a crowd anymore, as they’re cut down one by one, reaching for Jotaro to save them. Kakyoin steps forward and passes through his mistmade self, reaching out for Jotaro as well.
Jotaro takes one single, hesitant step back.
And then, Kakyoin remembers.
- During a fight with the King of Swords, Kakyoin finally taps into some rather weak hamon ability.
- Joseph is young for one night and one night only, restoring him to the prime of his hamon. 
- Joseph takes the boys to Lisa Lisa to train, and to reconcile with her. The reason why Holly was never taught hamon is that Joseph and his mother had a falling out some years ago, because Joseph didn’t want Holly to be raised around violence of any sort- even the kind meant for self-defense. Jotaro takes the hamon lessons incredibly well, like a fish to water (lol). Kakyoin, on the other hand, struggles mightily, and it’s made all the worse by Lisa Lisa’s special instruction for him- “Until you can beat me in a fight using only hamon, you must not summon Hierophant Green. Until you master hamon, you cannot allow your stand to be visible, even for mundane, noncombative purposes.”
- The case in Brazil is explored, and Caesar is seemingly back from the dead! 
- After a little Brazilian girl by the name of Asha gets accidentally swept up in shenanigans, Kakyoin (now without scars or memory of Dio) and Jotaro try to protect her while looking for the stand. They eventually find the little water stand and prepare to attack- until little Asha wiggles free from their grasp and throws herself in front of the stand, arms arcing out. “You can’t hurt her! She’s my friend!”
- As it turns out, the stand user granting wishes in this Brazilian town was the nine year old girl- and it wasn’t a conscious effort at all. With her stand, True Colors, the stand itself chose what innermost wishes to make come true, including [REDACTED] and Kakyoin’s memory of DIO disappearing. 
Eventually, they manage to get through to her, and her stand undoes all the wishes it’s made. She turns to face her parents, coming to embrace her, and...
- Holly appears by the beginning of the second chapter! :D
- By the fourth chapter, Holly... ;c
- I still wanna have a Jotaro and Kakyoin fusion somewhere in here and None Of Y’All can stop me
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fly-pow-bye · 5 years
DuckTales 2017 – “Friendship Hates Magic!”
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Story by: Francisco Angones, Madison Bateman, Colleen Evanson, Christian Magalhaes, Bob Snow, Rachel Vine
Written by: Rachel Vine
Storyboard by: Stephanie Gonzaga, Victoria Harris, Vaughn Tada, Brandon Warren
Directed by: Matthew Humphreys
No ponies here, headless or otherwise.
While we've seen a conclusion of at least one part of the Della plot, one other little thing from the season finale hasn't really been elaborated on outside of the occasional mention of Magica De Spell. Specifically: while we know whatever happened to Della Duck, and have a clue on whatever happened to Donald Duck, we never really found out whatever happened to Lena since she became Webby's shadow. Needless to say, it's a long story.
This is the episode where that plot continues. I will say this: Lena plots don't have good track records with me. I liked Jaw$, and The Shadow War was great, too, which was pretty much a foregone conclusion since it was the season finale. However, there's also Terror of the Terra-Firmians and The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck, two episodes I almost gave a Disgusted Donald to. Granted, neither are because of Lena in particular, but still. Which column will this episode fall in? We're about to find out.
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Our episode begins with Webby going to the library, because she loves the smell of thinking in the morning. Gotta get that reference out of the way. Oh, and Lena is here now, as an invisible, unhearable shadow being. While nobody else can see or hear her, the audience sees her as this black and green version of herself. Lena says that she's fine with her current situation, though it's quite clear from the tone of her voice that it's more in comparison to any alternative.
Webby doesn't want to do that even if she could hear Lena, so she's continuing her impossible mission to find a book at the library that can teach her about the shadow realm. Yami Yugi is nowhere to be seen, but we do get Mrs. Quackfaster. I guess Scrooge isn't paying her enough so she has to double as the amount of libraries she works at to get that sweet retirement at Birdaydos. Er, Bird-baaaaaay-dos. She tells her that she can't offer the particular book she's looking for.
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It's because this new character already checked it out. Webby is shocked, because this book is only in Ancient Syriac, but this "odd girl" happens to know a lot of ancient languages. She introduces herself as Violet Sabrewing, and, after bonding over knowing conversational Akkadian, she offers to stay at her place, possibly overnight. In other words, and eventually Webby's: a sleepover.
Webby, of course, accepts, but Lena does not.  It's almost as if she's read Disney Now's description of this episode, which refers to her as this "suspicious new friend". Then again, it may be because of the way Webby's last sleepovers ended. She wouldn't be the only one to remind her of this.
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As Mrs. Beakley gives us the excuse for why we're not going to see Scrooge or the boys in this episode, they're busy in the office for Bin-ventory Day, Webby barges in and tells her grandmother she's having a friend come over for a sleepover. Mrs. Beakley is proud that her granddaughter wants to do another sleepover after the last two ended with money sharks and unicorn fights in the other bin. Gotta love those casual previous episode references that could still work as fantastic off-screen adventures to those who don't know.
Lena is excited that Mrs. Beakley could talk her out of this, and tries to jinx Webby again by saying "cancel the sleepover." Needless to say, that jinx doesn't work out like the library one, as Webby has a different idea.
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Instead, Webby decides to have the most normal sleepover ever, as she tries to hide everything that is supernatural in the house, and try to just be normal. Mrs. Beakley attempts to say that the best way to make a good impression on her new friend is to be herself
Mrs. Beakley: ...barring from that summer undercover in Paraguay.
Webby brushing aside what is most likely the origin story for one of her parents, hey, we were all thinking it, she tells her Granny that she's not like her, because she needs friends. After Webby walks away, she tells her to name one person she doesn't get along with.
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Enter Launchpad McQuack, inept pilot and ruiner of any plan to make this the first DuckTales episode with only female characters. To disprove Webby's accusation, she decides to invite him for a "sup", and spends a little more time than she wants explaining what she meant. Lena episodes sure seem to love the B-plots that, for the most part, never really seem to converge with the A-plot. This will be another one that fits with the "for the most part".
Going back to the other planned meeting, Webby is all done storing magic rocks in the attic, and her new friend has arrived for the normal slumber party for normal people. She tells Duckworth to get the door, and then realizes that ghost butlers don't help out at slumber parties. Surprisingly, that's not one of the Bailey School Kids books.
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After slicing Duckworth's ghostly form in half, him not appreciating it in the slightest, she opens the door to Violet and her totally normal pie. As Webby shows her awkwardness with this whole situation, Lena is not amused, saying she isn't buying it. See, I didn't pull that out of nowhere, Lena hates this girl. I mean, maybe it's a bit convenient that this girl happens to have the same shadow realm-related interests as Webby.
Violet is then brought to Webby's room, and Violet looks around to see all the places that clearly used to have mysterious objects in them. She just says it looks clean, but I can imagine she did not miss that.
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Meanwhile, Launchpad tries, and struggles, to drink pea soup from a straw. Mrs. Beakley tries her best to deal with this.
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One section she was focused on was this section about Tulpas, an actual concept in the world of mysticism. This whole concept sort of reminded her of that one time all the shadows came alive and...
Webby: Who wants Baggle?!
Violet actually does want Baggle, but wants this obvious distraction some other time. Webby responds that it's just her way to get to know each other a bit more, and suggests asking some ice-breakers. Violet's first icebreaker:
Violet: What do you know about Magica De Spell and the Shadow War?
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Lena, feeling completely vindicated, tries to tell Webby that she said the "M" word! I wouldn't say she forgot that nobody can hear her; she's like those people who yell at the characters while watching TV. Heh, nerds. Webby has a different "M" word in mind: makeovers! Violet is clearly not buying this at all, but goes along with the makeovers anyway.
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Violet ends up leaving her backpack behind, fully opened, and Lena notices something that definitely shouldn't be in there if she was an ordinary girl who just happened to really like shadow people: Magica's amulet! She runs off to try to warn Webby, and...okay, maybe she still thinks she can hear her, even though she never once acknowledged her existence. She does end up at least finding Webby, except she's now a zombie, complete with one of her eyes falling out.
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That fake-out turns out to be Violet and Webby's idea for a make-up session. Webby praises her best friend's make-up, saying that she looks just like the demon named Rakshasa. She's definitely a great friend, I don't know a lot of people who would take kindly to being told "you look like a demon!" Webby should know what Rakshasa looks like, because she met him in a previous adventure, and she has proof...that is definitely not in the attic. Oops.
Webby relents and lets her into the attic, as this cover was completely blown. She was obviously interested in these things, so she doesn't mind that Webby happened to have some magic rocks. They never really explain what those magic rocks are, and I'd like to think I am a little beyond the obvious joke there. She also notices some ectoplasmic energies from that friendship bracelet.
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The scene switches from their point of view to Lena's in a neat way, where Lena still thinks she can alter anything here. Sadly for her, Lena is also intangible. Thankfully for her, Webby distracts her from that bracelet, and offers that game of Baggle again. Violet agrees on one condition: they need to use Demogorgan runes. I don't want to reveal that I'm just looking up every one of these words on Wikipedia, so I'll be quiet.
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Meanwhile, Launchpad tries, and struggles, to color a coloring book, and then eventually tries to get Mrs. Beakley to get into Darkwing Duck. Mrs. Beakley tries her best to deal with this.
...okay, maybe I shouldn't just brush this off for this running gag, since this scene has quite a bit of lore to get into Jim Starling's eventual big role in The Duck Knight Returns...but maybe I'll wait for that one.
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Back to this game of runes, it just so happens that book has the right chant to make those dice-like runes glow green. Lena tries what might be her 50th attempt to actually affect anything as a intangible shadow person. She's shocked to find that it actually worked this time!
She then tries to rearrange the runes to spell out a message. Unfortunately, since these people are nerds, they think it's the writing on the runes that have any meaning, and not how this layout is shaped like the words "don't trust her." Not getting anywhere with these mysterious messages about rat messages, Violet tries another shadow spirit summoning trick: humming this melody. It works...but only Lena can see these white spirits ominously creeping out from the dark. She has to think of something.
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She tries to manipulate a white sheet in a form of a ghost. This actually works, because of ghost cliches that even Lena is aware of, but it doesn't solve the "they can't hear me" problem. Violet decides to use a weapon against the one evil spirit they can see, and it turns out this weapon happens to be Magica's amulet. One side effect is that this amulet allowed her to actually see and hear Lena for a second, which is enough to clue Webby in on what is really happening. However, that is only the second most of her worries.
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The main side effect is that it finally gets Webby to realize that maybe this girl may not be what she seems. Just like Lena wanted her to, she starts to question their future friendship, and asks everything she knows.
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It’s here that we finally get her backstory, or at least her claimed backstory. She was just an ordinary Muggle, having no interest in magic or anything else of the sort. Then, everything changed when the Shadow War happened, and. Oh, and she just stumbled across Magica's cane, which turned back into the amulet. That's pretty much it. We don't know if she's completely telling the truth...
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...but Webby buys it completely, to the disappointment of Lena, and they start to do a seance. You see these shadow beings that look like the shadow of Magica De Spell. This, of course, gets Lena to attempt to grab them again.
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I hate to spoil this, but I will say that this seance does lead to Lena being able to drag Webby and Violet into the shadow realm. No, not that one, thankfully. We get a big reunion, but this hug doesn't get to last long, as Webby and Violet finally get to see those white shadow ghosts.
That was spoiler enough, so I'll run through this: a big chase scene happens here, and it all leads to a good conclusion to this episode. Even the "tulpas" from the earlier scene comes up, as that turns out to be a little bit closer than one might guess from the opening of the scene. Here's a hint: they don't just stay in this Magica-like form.
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In a sort of fake-out transition from that mayhem, we see what is the conclusion to the Launchpad trying to get Mrs. Beakley into Darkwing Duck plot. Turns out, they both got really excited over a cliffhanger ending. Unfortunately, in this universe, that was how Darkwing Duck ended, with a Woody's Roundup-esque cliffhanger. I usually don't talk about future episodes, but this will be given more detail in The Duck Knight Returns.
What were those shadow beings? Will Lena ever learn to trust Webby's new friend? Should Lena ever learn to trust Webby's new friend? Most importantly, while we got the reunion, will it last? At least some of those questions will be answered by watching the episode. It was a treat to see one of those answers in the end, something I thought I wouldn't see until the end of this season.
How does it stack up?
This episode didn't give me anything to dislike, and a lot to like. The biggest challenge this episode had was introducing this new character. I'll say this, without spoiling anything: while she doesn't have any Earth-shattering twists like Lena did, yet, she has potential.
I kind of skipped over the Launchpad bits, I can admit they're all pretty funny. Obviously, it wasn't going to be something as big as the A-plot, but just something minor and maybe even a little bit cute.
In the end, it's definitely in the Jaw$ column.
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Next, I actually find a way to talk about The Powerpuff Girls...and not those ones!
← Raiders of the Doomsday Vault! 🦆 The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee! →
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askwild180demonbear · 6 years
Wild180 and The Mystery of Tears
I hardly ever cry. I just don’t. But I have discovered some things this year that do make me cry.
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1. Pokémon: Lucario and The Mystery of Mew
I first watched this movie in 2011, back when the Pokémon website had all the movies on it to watch.I immediately dubbed it my favourite Pokémon Movie, though to be honest that was it was only the third one I had ever seen, the others being Pokémon: The Rise of Darkrai and Pokémon—Zoroark: Master of Illusion.
Back in August, my Mom, older sisters and I were in Utah for BYU’s Education Week. My grandpa took us to FYE, where we had never been before, on the Saturday when Education Week ended. There, I found many great things. I found in a disc section Pokémon: Indigo League, Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl, Pokémon: Arceus and The Jewel of Life, and all of the other Pokémon Movies and series (excluding Sun and Moon). But what stood out to me above all, was a Pokémon Movie hiding behind a copy of Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You!— Pokémon: Lucario and The Mystery of Mew.
So, I grabbed it, discovered it was only $10- minus whatever sales tax of course -and when my mom came over, asked her if I could get it. I remembered it as being my favourite, and had tried a few months before hand to watch it on Youtube, but it wasn’t to my liking there. She said yes, and I was super happy. Now, the point of this is, I just watched the full thing again for the first time in seven years, and when (WARNING! Potential Spoilers! I’ll continue this below the cut if you haven’t seen the movie)
Ash was eaten by the “white-blood cells” thingy and his Pokémon started crying I began to have small tears in my eyes. I was shooketh. The only ones home were me and my brother and he wasn’t looking at me and even if he had he wouldn’t have really noticed so i smiled nervously to myself and the tears were gone. But then- I knew this was coming -when Lucario discovered what Sir Aaron had done, I felt them coming back slightly. And when Lucario had sacrificed himself and was watching the vision from the time flower of Sir Aaron apologizing and saying how happy he had been to have Lucario as a friend and Lucario starts crying, I too had a tear fall down my face. Like I said, this is my favourite Pokémon movie, and if it is my favourite, then you know that I had enough feels to call it so. I started crying a bit and the tears didn’t fully leave until it got to the scene back at the castle and Lucario is in the painting with Sir Aaron then. Love this movie so much. I know it will always be my favourite Pokémon Movie.
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2. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Now, I had been wanting to play Twilight Princess for years. And finally, in 2015, I got the Wii version from GameStop in the mall around Christmas time. I didn’t actually get to play it till near the end of 2016, but I was fine with that. Because I had the end accidentally spoiled for me by my friend, I wasn’t as sad as I would’ve been. Such is the case for majority of things, unfortunately.
When I got Skyward Sword for Christmas last year in 2017, I was so excited. Everyone talked about how terrible the game was. I was ready to prove them wrong. And in my opinion I did. It is now my favourite Zelda game. I love Fi. I don’t find her nor Navi annoying. How can people say they are?
I beat the game sometime between January and March of this year, and I was so unprepared. I thought I knew a lot about Skyward Sword. I knew you put away Fi at the end and she finally expresses actual emotion, but the game had surprised me. I was not expecting the game to be as long as it was. I knew Zelda sealed herself away for thousands for years and you promise to wake her up, and I had seen Ghirahim gifs and his true form, but the whole full out, absolutely beautiful story of Skyward Sword that I thought I knew most of? AMAZING. I loved it.
At the end, I was sad. A tiny amount of tears made their way to my eyes, but they had begun to go away when Fi was talking to me. And then... Then, Zelda asks Impa to return to her time with her, Groose and Link, despite knowing that she could not. Impa reassures Zelda, who then gives Impa one of her bracelets. When taking the bracelet, Impa says, “Do not despair, Zelda. You and I will surely meet again someday.”
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I was very sad at this point, tears coming back a little, but I thought they would leave and I would be fine. But I was so unprepared for what happened next.
Link, Groose, and Zelda step through the Gate of Time and return to their time. Before I even had the game, around January of 2017, I had discovered what Impa of Skyward Sword looked like. I knew that there was Old Impa, and Young Impa after that. So I knew that Grannie was Impa. The Gate of time disappears, and they turn around to see Grannie is there. Link and Groose run towards Grannie in joy to see her, and we see Grannie and Zelda exchange a knowing look that Grannie is Impa after seeing that Grannie is wearing the bracelet Zelda gave to her all those thousands of years before. Link and Groose are talking to Grannie, and Zelda calmly walks up between them and takes Grannie’s hand in hers.
“...See? I told you we’d meet again.” Zelda smiles at Grannie’s words and nods happily agreeing.
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But then.. we see her and Groose’s face turn to sadness... or... I’m not sure the exact word, but this
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as beloved Grannie steps back and fades away into particles of Light. The gifted bracelet falls to the ground in a screen of black. Ah, distress. That’s the word.
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“Impa... Thank you. Thank you for everything.” These are the words Zelda says immediately afterwards. You can hear Groose crying. He had grown so close and attached to Grannie.
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Hmm... you know what this Grannie Scene reminds me of?
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I’M SORRY. I mean Green’s and Blue’s face match up with Groose’s and Zelda’s and the fading into light particles things... yeah. I actually didn’t cry at the end of Four Swords but there was the feeling of when you are crying on the inside.
The doors leading to The Master Sword pedestal then open, and we get the scene right before the credits up close of The Master Sword, and Link smiles seeing it the last time, with awesome music to go along. The sword does Fi’s Flash one last time as well.
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I’m not going to include the after credits scene, since I wasn’t crying then. But I completely started crying the second Grannie spoke and disappeared. My youngest sister was shocked, having not remembered ever seeing me cry before. My whole family except my brother and parents were in the room. It was sad.
This post had a lot of pictures. Skyward Sword ones, that is. Getting Pokémon ones require me to do even more work. I’ve been writing for two hours.
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rararaenbow · 7 years
Okay, I was tagged by @alguersaurus literally ages ago to do this, and I didn't do it, I'm sorry Jacob! Thank you for the tag though! Here are my belated answers! Rules: complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you're finished, tag people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy! 1. Are you named after someone? I was supposedly named after my great granny, I think, and my mum asked my grandad how she spelt her name and he told her, so obviously she wrote that on the birth certificate, but they only found out when they were visiting her grave a while after that they'd spelt the name wrong! So my name has forever been awkwardly spelt with an extra 'a' where it shouldn't have one - 'Rachael', not 'Rachel'. 2. When was the last time you cried? I can't actually remember, maybe about a month ago, although I don't remember what it was about. I don't actually cry that much, although I always get that feeling like I'm going to cry and I really need to, but never actually do, is that just me or what? 3. Do you like your handwriting? Meh, it's alright, other people seem to like it, but I don't mind it. 4. What is your favourite lunch meat? Do fake meats count? Because if they do then I'll say chicken, like the vegetarian version? If not, then no meat. 5. Do you have kids? HELL NO! I can't stand children which is ironic because I'm always told I'm very good with them, but I just hate them, they're noisy, never leave me alone and just drool everywhere. I mean… I know I just described my dog too… but somehow it's endearing when he does it! 6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? I don't know, maybe? I'd like to think I'm a likable person. 7. Do you use sarcasm? No, definitely not… (Well, not always at least) 8. Do you still have your tonsils? No, I got my removed when I was quite young because I ended up with really bad tonsillitis. 9. Would you bungee jump? Maybe, it would depend on what mood I was in and if I was feeling brave. 10. What is your favourite kind of cereal? Gotta say Krave, god I love that stuff 11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No, 'cause I'm a lazy shite 12. Do you think you're a strong person? Physically? No. Mentally? I think I'm stronger than I usually give myself credit for, but I'll say sometimes. 13. What is your favourite ice cream? Ohhh, any kind of berry type flavour 14. What is the first thing you notice about people? Whether they seem genuine or not, I have a weird knack for immediately knowing when someone is being fake to me 15. What is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? Ugh, where do I start? Either my stomach, boobs or face, I can't choose which, I hate them all. 16. What colour pants and shoes are you wearing now? Black leggings and cream slipper boots 17. What are you listening to right now? Surprisingly nothing atm, but I've been obsessed with Starset's new album recently, so I'll probably listen to that soon. 18. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Green or blue maybe? 19. Favourite smell? Light fruity smells, I don't have a particular favourite 20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My mum, because I can't use the phone to call anyone else without getting nervous! 21. Favourite sport to watch? Either F1 or eventing 22. Hair colour? Dark brown 23. Eye colour? Technically hazel, but I have flecks of loads of weird colours in my eyes, like sometimes it looks like there's a ring of orange 24. Do you wear contacts? Nope, thankfully not, I hate things near my eyes, so that sounds like hell for me putting those in 25. Favourite food to eat? Why would you make me choose?! Ahhhh, imma have to go with pizza, but it's tough 26. Scary movies or comedy? COMEDY, DEFINITELY 27. Last movie you watched? I don't remember, sorry! 28. What colour of shirt are you wearing? Dark green 29. Summer or winter? Winter, although I like Summer too 30. Hugs or kisses? Hugs, definitely 32. Who do you miss right now? Some of my friends who I've grown more distant from, but still kind of talk to? Like there's one girl I used to be really close friends with and had a slight crush on her, but we told each other all our biggest secrets and supported each other, but now we barely talk at all despite seeing each other regularly. 33. What is on your mouse pad? I don't have one! 34. What is the last TV programme you watched? Arrow, because my best friend's making me watch it now! 35. What is the best sound? Jacksepticeye shouting 'TOP OF 'DA MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES' 😂 36. Rolling Stones or The Beatles? Neither, sorry! 37. What is the furthest you have ever traveled? France 38. Do you have a special talent? Not one that immediately springs to mind, sorry! 39. Where were you born? Northern Ireland! I'm pretty sure it was in Dundonald, but sure, NI's so tiny it's all basically one place anyway! I think everyone's already done this since I'm so late to this, and I'm too tired to check, but if you want to do this, feel free to consider this your tag and say that I've tagged you!
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thecrochetcrowd · 7 years
Crochet Stitch-cation Banner
Crochet Stitch-cation Summer 2017
Be part of our Stitch-cation this Summer.
We are putting the fun outdoors this year wanting you to challenge yourself and create the Perfect Boho Patio! Send us your BEST photo. 
See Galleries of Submissions
Submissions are filed by first & last name of the submission. Hold your mouse over the picture to identify the crocheter to determine where you are in the alphabet. 
Definition of Boho
What does Boho mean? It’s really a fashion trend that is part bohemian and part chic. It combines organic, colourful and I mean super COLOURFUL like oranges, teals, reds, hot pinks and florescent greens. With modern and folk-inspired ideas to create decor or fashion. It portraits awesome images and looks of those days in the 60’s where crocheting was the hottest trend and style now with modern colours and twists. We want to bring that out again and bring it to the outdoors.
Diva Dan wants to see fun, COLOUR, a showcase of your fantastic decorating skills for the outdoors. Make your patio into the best version of your decorating ideas. Create the look that makes you feel proud. If you don’t have a patio or a deck, how about the balcony, the front stoops (steps), a picnic table at a park or campground, anywhere outdoorsy that you can create an awesome display of your creations and your outdoor environment. Even a front door with a crochet wreath or banners. This is about showing the world, that crocheting is awesome and bringing it out to the public.
Crochet Flower Power Table Runner + Free Tutorial
The Stitch-cation Challenge
Create your own crochet boho outdoor space. Have fun and explore colours with 5 concepts that is visible within the photograph. Show how crochet can be incorporated in the outdoors this summer by featuring your patio, balcony, public space, camp ground, boat, dock and/or park.
Take your everyday crochet and stage it up like a crochet magazine quality photo. This can be done easily through your phone or camera. Choose your best photo and send it to us.
Show us a space, it could be your crochet place and don’t be shy to show us your face. 
The projects must have been listed on Yarnspirations and/or The Crochet Crowd. On The Crochet Crowd, it can be a suggested pattern with a link leading elsewhere or can be a fully written pattern on The Crochet Crowd. During photo submission, you must share with us the locations of where the 5 patterns came from by sharing the name of the pattern.
You can use something from one of our patterns that is already crocheted or you can crochet something new to stage your scene.
Decorate your table (if you have a table) as if you are having a party.
For sitting spaces, create that perfect space to hang out and crochet. Think about what your sitting space would look like.
3 Categories to Enter
Choose one or more categories to enter:
The Ultimate Crochet Table Setting – Set up your outdoor table with a minimum of 5 different types of projects/concepts that is visible within the photograph. Set up the table like you are waiting for company to arrive. Have fun with the concept.
The Hookers Hang Out Lounge – Your outdoor seating space with a minimum of 5 different types of projects/concepts. Set up the space to be cozy and crochet friendly.
The Great Outdoors – For those on the move this summer, set your picnic table, camp ground, boat, dock, beach or park to be your space away from home. Be respectful of the public spaces and privacy of others around you. The picture must be clear that it is outdoors in a space other than your home. You may submit back up photos to identify the space is more than just your home for this category.
Crochet Wall Hanging
Photo Requirements
You are welcome to submit for each category, which will increase your chances to win.
There must be a minimum of 5 different patterns/concepts used. For example, if doing coasters, the group of coasters or different coasters at each setting doesn’t count as more than 1 concept. Placemats are considered 1 concept even if each are different are different patterns.
You can stage up different concepts for the same category. For example, in a table setting scene, if you submitting more than one photo, everything at the table must not have been used already in a previous photo. Everything crochet must be unique for each photograph. This is the same for each category. This is to keep it fair to all who are submitting.
Picture must be clear, concise and all projects must be visible within the one photo. Blurry photos will not be accepted.
We reserve the right to make a judgement call to accept / reject any photos that don’t meet the guidelines.
We will be having 13 giveaways throughout the summer. 10 Pop-Up Giveaways will be without notice and randomly selected from the galleries. A giveaway could just be drawn based on what is in the gallery at the time. The sooner you get your photos in, the odds of randomly winning a Pop-Up Giveaway increases.  Prizes will include an Official Crochet Crowd Yarn Tote + Yarn.
3 Grand Prizes
1 Winner will be selected from each category. Determination on how it will be selected will be announced near the end of the submission. Choose your BEST photo when submitting.
Crochet Ideas
Outdoor pillows for a chair or porch swing. Bunting banners hanging on the walls or ceiling. Something for the table such as placemats or napkin rings for a picnic table. How about an apron for the chef at the BBQ. Maybe even pot cozies for plants that are on your table or window ledges. Baskets for your reading books, magazines, towels or even sun tan lotion? Look to the doors for potential summer inspired wreaths. Don’t forget clean up items like dishcloths and more.
Each photo is a category selection. Inside each category are many choices of free patterns and most have free tutorials too
Crochet Baskets Project Gallery
Crochet Pillows Project Gallery
Crochet Kitchen Project Gallery
Crochet Mandalas Project Gallery
Crochet Granny Squares Project Gallery
Crochet Flowers Project Gallery
Crochet Dishcloth Project Gallery
Crochet Corner to Corner (C2C) Gallery
Crochet Waves & Chevron Afghans
Crochet Afghans Project Gallery
Crochet Misc Project Gallery
Video Tutorials with Free Patterns
The following are video categories. Each category has selections for consideration for your Boho Decorating Scheme. Click the picture to be directed to the free pattern tutorial line up for each section. Inside the video descriptions of each tutorial is the free pattern that is followed in the tutorial.
Crochet Corner to Corner Afghan Ideas
Crochet Afghan Ideas
Crochet Coasters & Placemats
Kitchen Ideas
Crochet Bags
Crochet Full Circle Pillow
Outdoor Living Crochet Lookbook
Pattern Ideas To Consider
Table Setting Ideas for the American Family – Click the picture to get the free pattern.
Crochet Napkin Rings
Crochet American Apron
Crochet Soda Can Cozy
Crochet Picnic Blanket
Crochet American Cushions
Crochet American Bag
Crochet American BBQ Mitts
Crochet Roll & Go Placemats
Hangable Ideas
Crochet Festive Garland
Crochet Boho Bunting – Free Tutorial Included
Crochet Bunting
Guidelines and How to Enter
There is no sign up required to participate. Complete the challenge and email your photo when you are done. This challenge is open to all Crochet Crowd Community Members.
You may use any yarn you wish. You may substitute your yarn for any brand or colors that you desire. You may create any color scheme. Use as many or as little colours as you prefer.
You may do as many staging scenes as you wish. Ensure each staging scene has completely different projects.
The scene must be showing all of the project for us to count rows in the picture to ensure the projects are complete. Ensure your project is completely finished with yarn tails and etc not showing. It’s like giving it out as a gift, we want to the see the photo showing as if you were gifting us the finished product. This way we know you are completely done.
The projects shown must be from Yarnspirations Library of Pattern and/or from The Crochet Crowd Website/YouTube. When submitting, please tell us the location and the name of the pattern for each item in the photo.
All photos must be submitted during the challenge time frame only. Entries after this due date will be accepted for our gallery but there are no prize giveaways after the deadline.
Your Choice: Post your finished staging on The Crochet Crowd Facebook Page to show everyone your finished work so we can drool over your creativity.
When you email your finished photo to us, we respect your privacy and will only post your first and last name on the picture in our gallery with the photo so we can identify the winner at the end.
Featuring on Facebook is dependent on you. We do not upload your emailed photos to Facebook. You have to do that yourself if you want to Show N Tell your creativity.
We are not responsible for undelivered email and/or late entries to qualify for the prize.
Due to the countless technology platforms and services, we are not responsible for any of our challengers if a mobile devices or technology that isn’t compliant to being able to read our website, view our videos and/or get access to the free patterns.
All applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations apply. Void where prohibited or restricted by law.
Please verify your entry is in our gallery prior to our draw. We need up to 4 days to get your entry into our gallery. We upload it ourselves as part of our review process. If you do not see your entry, we most likely haven’t received your email. Do not wait until after the draw to check if your entry is in. 
This is intended for a fun community challenge only. We each are deserving of the highest praise possible for our own creativity. Let’s have fun
How to Submit
Please read the guidelines below to understand what we are looking for.
Send your photo to us through email to [email protected].
Use Subject Line: Stitch-cation
In the email leave us the following information.
Your Full Name
Your Mailing Address
The Category you are entering
Name of Patterns used in Photo and locations where they were found on Yarnspirations or The Crochet Crowd.
We will not be adding your name or email to our database.
We are accepting entries from June 15th – September 15, 2017. Winners will be drawn September 20th, 2017. 
We will email you if something is questioned in your photo.
You will not hear from us if your email didn’t get to us. So if you don’t see your entry after 4 days of submission, it means we haven’t received it.
  Crochet Stitch-cation Summer 2017 Challenge Crochet Stitch-cation Summer 2017 Be part of our Stitch-cation this Summer. We are putting the fun outdoors this year wanting you to challenge yourself and create the Perfect Boho Patio!
0 notes
akumaverse · 1 year
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First Appearance: Green Lantern Apple Bloom (July 24, 2013)
Dimension: GLAB Universe
Allegiance: Civilian
The oldest of the Apples living in Ponyville, Granny Smith lived an exciting life. But it wasn’t always the case. For you see, her family were traveling Seed Collectors looking for a place to call home. That’s when they visit Canterlot and the Princess of the Sun lead them to a nice clearing for them. It was there that Granny Smith discovered the Zap Apples and created the Zap Apple Jam that would be a cornerstone of Stinkin' Rich’s store. And thanks to that, Ponyville was founded. While Granny Smith still worked on the farm, she still had time for many activities. One of which was High Diving.
But her loyalty lies in the Apple Orchard, so much so that when a Pear Farmer moved next door, a rivalry was born that would go on for years and years. Through her hard work, she did manage to run out the Pear Farmer, but at the cost of her new Daughter in Law’s family. Feeling guilty for being the reason Pear Butter lost her family, she kept that shame with her throughout the years. It is a sore subject for her, but she is proud to have helped raise Applejack, Big Mac and Apple Bloom to be fine, upstanding ponies.
Sprite Credit
Current version by AkumaTh.
Fun Facts:
I’m going to guess Granny Smith got that hip replacement surgery because she got more lively later in the series.
0 notes