#cubit incorporated
cubitincorporated · 2 months
Cubit is ISO 27001:2022 ISMS certified
Cubit has achieved ISO 27001:2022 ISMS standard certification. Although ISO 27001:2022 accreditation is a major step for Cubit, the pursuit of information security excellence is a continuous process. We are committed to maintaining a culture of security awareness throughout the whole organization, remaining up to date on emerging risks and technology developments, and continually enhancing its ISMS. Cubit is positioned for success in a world that is becoming more digitally connected and proactive by continuing to take an agile and proactive approach to information security.
In this digital and technological era information is a valuable asset for every business and ensuring its security is paramount. With the technology enhancement, cyber threats are evolving rapidly. Every business must fortify their defenses to safeguard sensitive data as security has become a critical priority for businesses across industries. Businesses strive for excellence in every facet of their operations, so being ISO certified is also crucial in this competitive business.
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madamlaydebug · 1 month
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Haha! Makes sense. 🤓
📷: Art by Ahmed Elblas
The Great Pyramid Of Giza Known as Mer to the ancient Kemites is the most enigmatic structure on the face of the planet. Mer which translates to the “Place of Ascension” is the only surviving wonder of the ancient world and has inspired much speculation as to why it was built and what was its function.
According the the ancient Kemites themselves the Pyramids served as a ritual center for the Per Ankh schools of initiation. The Kings and Queens chambers were designed to harness resonance frequencies to induce higher states of conciousness. The structure of the pyramid was designed using sacred geometry which allowed the structures to tap into the subtle energies of the earth and the cosmos. The ancients harnessed this enegery for a number of purposes. It is said that the Pharaohs would use the Mer structures which were incased in highly reflective white limestone, capped with gold to "Turn night into day". A feat of such greatness would surely ensure their names and legacies would live on for thousands of years. They were right.
The mathematical accuracy and astronomical information encoded into the structure has baffled scientists for decades. The great pyramid is aligned within three sixtieths of a degree of true north, a more accurate alignment than any other structure on earth. It is not only aligned almost perfectly to the cardinal points, but its placement on the earth is intentional as well placing it directly in the center of the world's landmass.
The level of technological sophistication used to build this great monument far exceeds the capabilities of today’s greatest minds and we could not build anything close to the great pyramid today even with our perceived advanced technology and building machinery. The ancient Kemites did not use the inch as they do in our modern system.
They used the royal cubit which is one 25 millionth of the polar diameter of the earth which is the exact distance from the north to the south pole. If you chop that distance into 25 million pieces you get the royal cubit.
The length of a base side at the base socket level is 9,131 inches which translates to 365.242 royal cubits. This just happens to be the earthly year right down to a quarter day. The measurements of the length and width of the perimeter of the great pyramid corresponds to an exact fraction of both the longitude and latitude measurements at the equator. Scaled up this means the great pyramid directly corresponds to the circumference of the equator as well as the measurements from the equator to the pole, making it a scale model of the northern hemisphere.
If you take the location of the Great pyramid as a coordinate this number sequence matches the speed of light traveling through space measurement in meters per second. None of this is a coincidence and the vast information encoded about the earth and its relation to the cosmos points to the fact that these ancient Africans were far more advanced than we could ever imagine and the methods in which they collected and incorporated these high sciences into their structures and cities still escape scientists today.
Today I give thanks to the ancient Kemites and those that came before for their contributions of Mathematics, Sacred Geometry, Architecture & Astronomy. I am grateful for these gifts you gave to the world.
Black Genesis by Robert Bouval and Thomas Brophy
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"I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly. I have not cursed anyone in thought, word or deeds." ~ 35th & 36th Principals of Ma'at
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a-witch-in-endor · 2 years
What’s your favorite example of an incredibly intricate loophole so you can follow the law while not following the law?
Inarguably, the best example of this is the eruv.
The rule (which is considered biblical, but is only biblical by way of rabbinic exegesis, but it's not rabbinic, even though the rabbis can't agree on which verse in the Torah it even hangs on): do not carry from one domain to another on Shabbat.
The rabbis, who definitely didn't make this law up themselves because it's definitely biblical, then create the biggest loophole in all of Jewish law. When you've got a problem this big, you need a big solution.*
*There's a loophole in Los Angeles which is 100 square miles. It's the biggest loophole in the world.
And this is how the rabbis develop the idea of the eruv.
The problem, defined properly: There are two main domains and two hilarious nonsense domains:
The Public Domain is, well, public. It's a street at least 16 cubits (forearm-lengths) wide.
The Private Domain is at least 4x4 handbreadths and has walls at least 10 handbreadths tall.
The Intermediate Domain is the kind of unusual place that doesn't play by the rules, e.g. looks like the private domain but the walls aren't tall enough.
The Exempt Domain would make a really good title for something, and is a tiny place above the ground by three handbreadths. It's not going to be important almost ever.
On Shabbat, one can pick things up and walk with them in the private domain. However, one cannot carry an object from private to public or public to private. One also can't carry in the public domain.
Smaller solutions: Jews "wear" things rather than carrying them. For example, I own a belt that only works when a key is linked into it, meaning that I am not carrying the key, I am wearing it. (It would still be carrying if the key was just hanging on the chain instead of becoming a part of the belt.)
But... What if I want to push a child in a pushchair? What if I want to carry a bottle of Vodka to Shmuel's house? What's a Jew to do?
Bigger solution: The "eruv" is often just a piece of string stretched out between poles (but can also incorporate other structures), and is legally a wall. That means if our community has an eruv all around it... there's a wall around our entire community. And do you know what we call an area more than 4x4 handbreadths with walls that are above 10 handbreadths?
That's right. We call that the private domain, bitches.
So next time you're in an area in which religious Jews are clearly carrying things on Shabbat, remember that it's because they've solved the "no carrying outside the private domain" issue with a giant, literal loophole.
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Hi! What are your thoughts on using modern scales of measurement (kg, meters...) in fantasy works?
Weights and Measures in Fantasy
When writing fantasy, especially in non-Earth settings, we can probably assume that the characters aren't actually speaking an Earth language or using Earth measurements, but we use them anyway and chalk it up to "translation convention."
"Translation convention" mainly refers to when the characters in a story appear to be speaking the language of the reader, but because the story doesn't take place on Earth, the characters wouldn't actually be speaking that language. For example, the "Common Tongue of the Andals" in A Song of Ice and Fire is the native tongue of the Seven Kingdoms and is spoken as a trade language by many outside of the Seven Kingdoms. Okay, it's English--because the story was written in English--but it's not actually supposed to be English because England doesn't exist in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire. This is the magic of "translation convention."
Much the same thing occurs in Markus Zusak's The Book Thief which takes place in Germany during World War II, featuring German characters. Once again, the book was written in English, so therefore the narrator and characters speak English, but they're supposed to be speaking German. In this case, Zusak incorporated German words and slang where appropriate, to give the sense that the characters were speaking German even though their dialogue was written in English.
We leave things up to "translation convention" a lot in fantasy and don't even think twice about it. Because Earth languages don't exist in most fantasy worlds, neither would the words for everyday objects like chair, book, mug, or sword. For some reason, though, fantasy writers don't worry that those everyday Earth words will take the reader out of the story, but we do worry about things like weights, measures, days of the week, money, etc.
So, what's the solution? There are a few options:
Invented Measurements: Invent your own system of measurement that is distinct to your story's world, but the problem with that is it's one more thing for the reader to learn and it can be annoying and cause confusion.
Familiar Objects: Use something known both in your world and ours, like a barrel, as measurement. "It was five barrels high..." or "ten stallions long." Even fingers, hands, and feet work as smaller measures of distance. For larger ones, such as to cover journeys, you can look at time: "three sunsets from now..." "it's half a day's ride..."
Obsolete and Archaic Measurements: There are lots of obsolete and archaic measurements that sound like they belong in fantasy, and either the reader has a general understanding of them or can easily look them up. This would be things like cubit, furlong, league...
Modern Measurements: There's also nothing wrong with just going with normal, everyday measurements. Whether that's feet, meters, miles, or kilometers. If it works in your story, go for it, because once again, this is something that can be chalked up to "translation convention." Sure, the characters are talking about inches and miles, but we can assume they have different words for those same measurements in whatever language they're actually speaking.
The bottom line is you have to do what works best for you and your story, because every reader has their own preference so it's impossible to please everyone.
Good luck with your story!
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charliescreatures · 1 year
A creature from Librum Prodigiosum! The Tahash, a type of unicorn-like animal mentioned in Ezekiel and as such is originally from Jewish mythology and then later being incorporated into Christian mythology as well! It has a multicoloured coat, with its hide said to be thirty cubits long, it was also considered to a be a clean animal!
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ancestorsofjudah · 9 months
1 Kings 7:9-10. The Foundation Structures.
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9 All these structures, from the outside to the great courtyard and from foundation to eaves, were made of blocks of high-grade stone cut to size and smoothed on their inner and outer faces.
 10 The foundations were laid with large stones of good quality, some measuring ten cubits[e] and some eight.[f]
The Foundation and Eaves are the beliefs in a King of Israel who is also Mashiach, "sovereignty and universal peace." They are detailed in a kind of Jewish Hebrew Nicene Creed, a statement of Fidelity:
Based on the Thirteen Principles of Faith formulated by the Rambam in his Commentary on the Mishnah (tractate Sanhedrin 10:1).
1. I believe with complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His name, is the Creator and Guide of all the created beings, and that He alone has made, does make, and will make all things.
2. I believe with complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His name, is One and Alone; that there is no oneness in any way like Him; and that He alone is our G‑d - was, is and will be.
3. I believe with complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His name, is incorporeal; that He is free from all anthropomorphic properties; and that He has no likeness at all.
4. I believe with complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His name, is the first and the last.
5. I believe with complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His name, is the only one to whom it is proper to pray, and that it is inappropriate to pray to anyone else.
6. I believe with complete faith that all the words of the Prophets are true.
7. I believe with complete faith that the prophecy of Moses our teacher, peace unto him, was true; and that he was the father of the prophets, both of those who preceded and of those who followed him.
8. I believe with complete faith that the whole Torah which we now possess was given to Moses, our teacher, peace unto him.
9. I believe with complete faith that this Torah will not be changed, and that there will be no other Torah given by the Creator, blessed be His name.
10. I believe with complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His name, knows all the deeds and thoughts of human beings, as it is said, "It is He who fashions the hearts of them all, He who perceives all their actions." (Psalms 33:15).
11. I believe with complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His name, rewards those who observe His commandments, and punishes those who transgress His commandments.
12. I believe with complete faith in the coming of Moshiach, and although he may tarry, nevertheless, I wait every day for him to come.
13. I believe with complete faith that there will be resurrection of the dead at the time when it will be the will of the Creator, blessed be His name and exalted be His remembrance forever and ever.
 The foundation of all foundations [and basic principles of the Torah] and the pillar of all wisdoms is to know that there is a First Being Who brings every existing thing into being. All existing things – in heaven, on earth and what is between them – come into being only from His true existence. If it should enter one's mind that He does not exist – no other thing could have any existence. 
Mishneh Torah, Yesodei HaTorah, 1:1-2
11 Above were high-grade stones, cut to size, and cedar beams. 
12 The great courtyard was surrounded by a wall of three courses of dressed stone and one course of trimmed cedar beams, as was the inner courtyard of the temple of the Lord with its portico.
=Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who became Israel, Father of the 12 Noble Skills are the Trimmed Cedar Beams and dressed stones that support the Palace Entrance.
="Compassion, laughter, and the Following overcome the surmountable barriers between man and the true nature of his existence."
Infidelity to the above principals has led to the downfall of mankind. The result of "anti-cubits", our ancestral ignorances. The Foundation states we will endeavor to witness our own behavior with the same level of illumination as God and curb any behavior He says is forbidden, and this will deliver mankind into final sovereignty over his emotions and his country.
How is it the world is so rife with corruption and abuses of power? The signs are there. Do we not find them repugnant enough?
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indianeck40 · 2 years
Ruxolitinib increases severe nerve outcomes and attenuates hematoma volume following Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Parenteral infusion involving omega-3 PUFAs is effective, especially in severely not well sufferers, for the reason that fatty acids are rapidly incorporated through tissue #Link# . In addition, any time fatty acids receive parenterally, there won't be any loss Via digestion and intake because there are together with enteral infusion. Recently, lipid emulsions overflowing together with omega-3 omega-3 fatty acids happen to be launched like a component of parenteral nutrition. At the moment, there is one particular fat emulsion that contains just omega-3 fatty acid #Link# ; it is infused in addition to conventionally used lipid emulsions. Other commercially ready lipid emulsions incorporate omega-3 fatty acid within a excess fat blend; 1 consists of 10% omega-3 fatty acids and yet another 15% omega-3 fatty acids. Related fresh along with scientific data through Reports evaluating omega3 fat emulsions are reviewed in our review. Management regarding Omega-3 fatty acid lipid emulsion, in comparison with soybean oil lipid emulsion (rich in omega-6 PUFA), cuts down the length of clinic along with rigorous care product stay in Operative individuals. (Nutr Clin Pract. 09;24:487-499)History: Unusually higher #Link# levels of glutamate inside mind body fluids have been shown to end up being neurotoxic and also associate which has a poor neural final result pursuing traumatic brain injury (TBI). Because brain fluid glutamate might be diminished by scavenging bloodstream glutamate, the objective of this research ended up being to investigate components that may most likely impact degrees of body glutamate, blood sugar, and also the enzymes glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT) and glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase (Received) throughout healthy people. Methods: Components that have been analyzed included age group, girl or boy, period of last dinner or perhaps drink, and up to date consumption of java. A total of 112 wholesome volunteers between Eighteen and also 80 years of age took part in the study. The typical participator was 38 years old, along with the sample contained Forty eight guys and Sixty-four girls. 5 milliliters of venous body had been gathered via participants' cubital vein along with blood glutamate, carbs and glucose, Acquired along with GPT amounts ended up decided. Contributors had been and then asked to accomplish a customer survey responding to their sexual category, grow older, use of previous meal, period of previous consume, and also regardless of whether coffee was consumed during the last 6 hours. Results: Body glutamate amounts have been drastically larger in men when compared to ladies (P < 0.001) and may even always be as a result of outcomes of estrogen along with progesterone. Concentrations of mit regarding GOT had been substantially larger in men compared to girls (S < 0.09). Concentrations regarding GPT ended up considerably increased in males in comparison to girls (G < 2.10). There was not one other considerable variations proven. Conclusions: Understanding the components that affect blood glutamate ranges may give new comprehension of systems that will safeguard mental performance coming from extra glutamate as well as cause a far better neural end result right after TBI.
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didoofcarthage · 3 years
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Personification of the River Nile (and details) by Giovanni Volpato. Italian, c. 1785-1785. Hard-paste biscuit porcelain. In the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 
From the Met:
In 1785 Giovanni Volpato established a manufactory in Rome for the production of biscuit-porcelain sculpture. This group personifying the river Nile was the most ambitious work made at Volpato's factory, as well as the most expensive, as shown by a surviving price list. Most of the sculptural groups made under Volpato's supervision were reproductions of antique marbles, the biscuit-porcelain medium being ideally suited to this purpose. 
The River Nile is a reduction of a colossal Roman marble at the Vatican, much admired in Volpato's time, and is remarkably faithful to the marble original; only the base has been simplified, as was required by the change in scale. The composition is an allegory of fecundity. A cornucopia is placed prominently near the reclining Nile, and the sixteen small children who cavort on and about the figure of the river symbolize the sixteen units of measurement, known as cubits, by which the river rose annually, fertilizing the surrounding areas. 
The complexity of the composition, due in large part to the incorporation of the children, accounted for the high price of the biscuit group, of which this is the only known example.
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tornelas6423 · 3 years
Reading response 3
Time and motion
This chapter presented me with another way of constructing my art. To consider the duration that or life of my pieces was generally something I had never considered. As I generally focused on the process and making sure that I found my artwork pleasing. However, Terry Barrett presented the challenge with the longevity of every Art piece and its significance. Does it over all meaning diminish over time? Would this notion influence my art making process going forward? These are question every Artist must face and some point in time. This Chapter made me ask these key questions on the significance of my artwork. The chapter also presents several factors to consider such as implied time, motion actual motion and tempo to say a few. Incorporation theses factor will create something that is rather time less or Ephemeral. These pieces have a clear start and end to them and must be experiences with in the window of time. When a piece is Ephemeral the Significance can be elevated de to it short duration. This chapter just emphasizes the aspect of time and motion how to incorporate it in my Artwork. Moving forward I will focus on the duration as well as the movement A not so much the process as I have done in the past.
 Vanishing and becoming
This article was beautifully told and provide a deeper connection the way we see projection. I found it interesting that projection can be divided into threes different sense. Mythical, Archeological and Psychological. This can shape out perception of humanity. It was fascinating how cubit touches on the many iterations of Projection tying it to as far back to the paleolithic era. The use of shadow and silhouettes to tell stories date back far before moving images on a projection cloth or as wall. Through this primitive method is what gave birth to modern cinema today. I Found this article to be really eye opening as I didn’t think it would have connection to philosophers such as Plato, or the idea that a projection is the vison or impression of the creator. And the projection can manipulate the viewer. This article challenges the ideas of that everyone has their own interpretation of what they see. Now if projection is other influencing us, how many ideas have we incorporated into out life. I found this article to make me question about medias pools that I like to watch. Is it providing me with an accurate interpretation of the subject matter or is it skewed? There is no way to find out However this give us the interpreter a chance to project our understanding on to others.
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cubitincorporated · 2 months
We don't just follow trends; we lead and set them, ensuring your success in an ever-changing online platform. Your journey to digital excellence begins right here at Cubit. You can go on a digital odyssey, a transformative journey through the constantly evolving online world, with our strategic digital marketing services in Nepal.
Easily conquer the ever-changing digital world! With our revolutionary digital marketing services, any business can increase its brand visibility, drive traffic, and convert leads into loyal customers. Furthermore, we are your strategic partner as you traverse the digital platform, where every click and impression counts. We provide digital marketing services in Nepal.
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moderndiagnostic · 4 years
Blood Sample Collection from Home
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Gathering blood tests and Blood Sample Collection from Home in today's scenario is vital to the understanding, prevention, and treatment of illness. But, from the patient's viewpoint, it can likewise be difficult, startling, terrifying, and badly designed.
How you draw blood depends at any rate to some degree on the idea of the condition being tried for, however, most ordinarily includes embedding a needle into a vein. Generally, clinical specialists attract tests their workplaces, on occasion helpful for them (if not generally for patients).
Three famous strategies for blood assortment are:
Arterial sampling
Venipuncture sampling
Fingerstick sampling
Arterial sampling
This type of blood sample most generally happens inside a medical clinic condition. It is utilized in the distinguishing proof of metabolic, respiratory, and blended corrosive base issues, where CO2 levels require comprehension or observing.
While for the most part protected, the system can be upsetting and excruciating for the patient. There are additionally a few potential logical inconsistencies that can influence the site of the assortment, for example, an unusual adjusted Allen test or nearby contamination. There is additionally an expanded danger of draining difficulties in patients with coagulopathy.
Venipuncture Sampling
Venipuncture is the most widely recognised approach to gather blood from grown-up patients. Assortment happens from a shallow vein in the upper appendage, for the most part, the middle cubital vein; this vein is near the skin and doesn't have numerous enormous nerves situated close by. This diminishes torment and distress for the patient.
Venipuncture can occur in an overall clinical professional's office and is frequently completed by a prepared phlebotomist or attendant. But, its shared trait doesn't liken with it being the most ideal approach to gather a blood test. Numerous patients think that it's awkward and troubling. There are additional hazards identified with the capacity, transportation, and expected misfortune or tainting of the blood tests once they are gathered. These equivalent concerns likewise influence the reasonableness of blood vessel examination.
Fingerstick Sampling
Fingerstick or fingerprick testing includes taking an exceptionally limited quantity of blood from the patient, normally from the finish of a finger. It is over rapidly and requires next to no in the method of readiness; accordingly, diminishing concern and tension in patients, especially in kids and apprehensive grown-ups.
Understanding government assistance at the purpose of the sample isn't the main motivation behind why this technique ought to be viewed as the most ideal approach to gather a blood test. The drawn-out advantages to the patient incorporate the loss of less blood and the capacity to complete testing at home, as a phlebotomist isn't needed for the technique.
Blood vessel and venipuncture inspecting are still normal and still have their places in medication, clinical exploration, and patient consideration. Notwithstanding, with propels in innovation and more prominent comprehension of blood inspecting, fingerstick assortment is making strides.
Organisations like Modern Diagnostics keep on propelling blood collection samples and examining, with expert following utilizing a scanner tag framework, making any loss of tests more outlandish. Innovative advances likewise mean diminished tainting hazards and decreased expenses. From preclinical examination to clinical preliminaries to distant patient checking, the fate of microsampling is here!
For more information on Blood Sample Collection from Home, contact Modern Diagnostic!
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Refrigerator Buying Guide - What to Look For in a Refrigerator
Purchasing A fridge is a complex job in light of many kinds of compact refrigerator which are available now. The role of refrigerator has really gone beyond the fundamental of maintaining food chilled and cooled. You will find tones of qualities that are outfitted in the majority of advanced grills today. Therefore, selecting the best one that suits your loved ones will take a while and need some basic knowledge on your own toaster. Listed below are a couple things which you have to look out when purchasing a fridge.
The first thing that you Want to Decide is your capacity in regards to getting a refrigerator. The rule of thumb here is to proceed with the overall rule where a household of 2 demands at least 10 cubic feet of new foot storage. It's possible to add extra cubic feet for extra person in your loved ones. Thus, an 18-cubic-foot fridge is the smallest unit which you ought to get for a few. A family of four needs at least a 22-cubic-foot fridge. Obviously, when you're able to afford larger fridge, the greater it is. But you have to be reminded that it takes more power to run a larger refrigerator which contributes to higher power bill.
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Additionally Into the capability, the dimensions of this fridge is every bit as important. The dimensions can at times be a restricting factor in deciding the fridge you would like to purchase. By way of instance, your household desires a 22-cubic-foot fridge but the room in your kitchen may just accommodate an 18-cubic-foot unit. If that's true, you should probably make some space by eliminating certain things in the kitchen to match the 22-cubit-foot refrigerator. If not it's possible to look at a side by side fridge if space is an issue. A side by side fridge is made up of freezer that's adjacent to the fridge. The benefit of side by side fridge is the fact that it requires less door clearance that makes it perfect for a slim kitchen.
Other Aspect to consider when Purchasing a Refrigerator would be to choose the kind which works for your living fashion. There are numerous kinds of popular refrigerators from the marketplace which range from the commonly used top freezer, bottom freezer, side by side into the French door unit. The best freezer is the most frequently seen refrigerator because of its affordability and easy layout. In any case, the very best freezer can also be the one which has the least difficulty. Consequently, reliability difficulty seldom is present in top freezer fridge.
The Bottom freezer version is every bit as like high freezer but it's marginally more expensive. The benefit of freezer can be found in the convenience in which more often used storages are placed at eye level. It is asserted that people with back pain difficulty should utilize the freezer fridge to relieve the back pain because you don't need to bend to get the meals in the fridge.
The side by side along with The French door unit is practically similar. The difference is in how the French doorway unit joins a side-by-side fridge on top along with a full-width freezer in the base. Both these refrigerators are the most costly as they frequently incorporates fancy features like a through-the-door ice and water dispenser, adjustable shelves, water filter and ice maker. The benefits of these kinds of refrigerators are they may be fitted in kitchen that require hardly any door clearance.
But, people will occasionally accommodate a negative By side refrigerator in their kitchen although there are loads of spaces. One reason behind is these refrigerators are usually equipped with loads of additional sophisticated features offering loads of amenities to its own users. Other reason may be a result of the exotic appearance of these kinds of refrigerators rather than the typical top and bottom freezer components.
Last, If You're planning to get a fridge That's much more than 22 cubic feet in capacity, think about one that is Energy Star qualified. An Energy Star qualified refrigerator signifies energy efficiency. An energy efficient fridge is quite conservative concerning electricity use and it could allow you to conserve a bit of utility price. 1 thing for certain is that you could have the ability to have rebates up to a couple hundred bucks for trading in your old fridge with a new Energy Star qualified version. A good deal of utilities businesses as well as the local authorities do provide this type of rebates. Thus, do research the earnings men whenever you're in the shops.
All In all, purchasing a fridge isn't that of a challenging endeavor. All you Need is some training and some fundamental knowledge in fridge. However, Prior to going right to the shop, ensure you have completed some Research about the model which you're searching for. The Things You need To search out would be the price and the attributes to ensure if you're in the Shop, you'd know what to anticipate.
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bearni · 3 years
Global Venipuncture Procedure Market By Type (Median Cubital Vein,Cephalic Vein,Basilic Vein), By Application (Hospital (Public and Private)Diagnostic LaboratoriesPhysician Offices/Clinics), By Country, and Manufacture - Industry Segment, Competition Scenario and Forecast by 2029
Industry analysis and future outlook on Venipuncture Procedure Global Market brings a systematic perspective of the market execution and assists in strategic decision making for worldwide and additionally the regional situation. Detailed sections provides in-depth arrangement, the Venipuncture Procedure contemplate that make sense of different perspectives relating to the global market. To begin with, the Venipuncture Procedure market definition, applications, arrangement, and industry esteem chain structure are incorporated into the answer, to target gathering of people on restricting Venipuncture Procedure market elements including drivers, limitations, openings, patterns, applications, topographical/local Venipuncture Procedure markets, and aggressive scene.
Global Venipuncture Procedure Industry Market was valued at USD XX Million in the year 2020. The market is further estimated to grow at a CAGR of XX% from 2020 to reach USD XX Million by the year 2029.
Get Quick Free Sample Brochure report at: https://www.globalresearchview.com/report/global-venipuncture-procedure-market-by-/GRV52866/request-sample/
Venipuncture Procedure market rivalry by top makers/players, with Venipuncture Procedure deals volume, Value (USD/Unit), Revenue (Mn/Bn USD) and market size for every producer/player; the significant players include:
AccuVein Inc. Smiths Medical B. Braun Medical Becton Dickinson and Company Christie Medical Holdings Inc. TransLite LLC Sharn Anesthesia Venoscope LLC
Worldwide Venipuncture Procedure statistical surveying report uncovers that the Venipuncture Procedure business will develop with pivotal CAGR over the estimated forecast period of 2021 and 2029. The global Venipuncture Procedure market in forecast years 2021-2029, is expected to hit Mn/Bn$ XX USD by 2029. The Venipuncture Procedure market gives broad development openings over the both created and creating economies. Further, the Venipuncture Procedure business sectors could profit without a doubt from the expanding interest to bring down Venipuncture Procedure expenses of treatment over the globe.
Inquiry for Buying report to get customization at: https://www.globalresearchview.com/report/global-venipuncture-procedure-market-by-/GRV52866/inquiry
Key Highlights of the Report:
Venipuncture Procedure Market Report provides forecast and industry outlook for the period of 2021-2029 with 2020 as the base year and covering historic data for years 2015-2019.
Venipuncture Procedure Market outlook with Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis will provide market dynamics (Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities & Threats).
Venipuncture Procedure Competitive landscape section gives you the competitive edge over other key players in the market (Key Business Strategies, Recent Development M&A, Company Overview, Products/Services Portfolio & Financial Overview).
Venipuncture Procedure Technological Scenarios & Expected Developments.
Venipuncture Procedure End-Use Industry & Consumer Behaviour Trends.
Venipuncture Procedure Export-Import Scenario.
Venipuncture Procedure Regulatory Policies across each region.
Venipuncture Procedure In-depth analysis on Industry Trends & Dynamics across each segment covered in the report.
Based on Type, Venipuncture Procedure market report shows development rate of each type, covers:
Median Cubital Vein Cephalic Vein Basilic Vein
End clients/applications, Venipuncture Procedure market report centers around the status and viewpoint for best applications/end clients, development rate for every application, this can be isolated into:
Hospital (Public and Private) Diagnostic Laboratories Physician Offices/Clinics
Access More Information at: https://www.globalresearchview.com/report/global-venipuncture-procedure-market-by-/GRV52866
In conclusion, the global Venipuncture Procedure industry report unveils research finding, outcomes, conclusions. Likewise, disclose various Venipuncture Procedure data sources, traders/vendors, suppliers, manufacturers, sales channel, and addendum. In short, the overall Venipuncture Procedure report is a lucrative document for people implicated in Venipuncture Procedure market.
Global Impact of COVID-19 Analysis:
COVID19 is an unrivaled global public health emergency that affects almost every industry, so the projected long-term impact will affect industry growth over the forecast period. The report provides insights into COVID19, taking into account changes in consumer behavior and demand, purchasing behavior, supply chain diversion, the dynamics of current market forces, and significant government intervention. Insights, analysis, estimates and forecasts considering the impact of COVID19 on the market.
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GlobalResearchView (GRV) is one of the leading market research company which aims to serve the most excellent research to the various sectors of business. We are prominent in satisfying all kinds of market research needs.
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Jennifer Da (Head Global Business Development) – Global Research View(GRV) 701, Milton Avenue, East Ham,London. United kingdom. Pincode - 4E6 1BN Email: [email protected] Websites:  www.globalresearchview.com Tel: +44 020 8638 7098
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askmegamblers · 3 years
AHTI Games
AHTI Games Review
Since dispatching in 2018, AHTI Games has pulled in a huge player base because of its remarkable topics, enormous games list, and broad game assortment. Peruse this AHTI Games audit to realize why this new gambling club has a little for everybody.
Punters to the club additionally appreciate the comfort of adaptable installment techniques and speedy withdrawals. Go along with us, read our AHTI Games audit and find what different advantages and extraordinary highlights are accessible at the site. Furthermore, regardless of whether you should confide in them.
Outline of Our Experiences
After arriving on the site, you will quickly feel the topic of the club – the submerged realm. The radiant blue tones, shells, some gold under the water, and surprisingly the Poseidon blazing on the first page will cause you to feel the cheerful and perky gaming vibe of eminences.
The site is not difficult to explore; on account of the obviously marked menu at the highest point of the first page. You can rapidly go to the games area, explore through their rewards and gifts in the advancements segment, and investigate the VIP Club.
You can likewise find out about the club and take a gander at the help choices by just tapping on the menu choices. On tapping on the menu choices, you will track down that the pages are perfectly coordinated to make your route simple.
You'll play until you drop when you sign in at AHTI Games. There are in excess of 2,000 games accessible for gamers, and this remembers practically every one of the assortments for online club gaming. AHTI Games gives you a simple to explore games hall where you can sort the games as indicated by their sort, game supplier or explicit game title. The significant assortments incorporate openings, games, roulette, live club, and bonanza games.
With regards to installments techniques, you will track down a decent number of secure and advantageous strategies. Nonetheless, AHTI has not joined PayPal as one of the techniques. This would be an extraordinary move given its worldwide guidelines. They likewise acknowledge around 50 monetary standards which cater for their changed customers' necessities. It was simple, quick and consistent executing with them which is acceptable client experience.
There is an extremely definite FAQ segment that will help you answer the majority of your inquiries on the off chance that you stall out while exploring the site. They do not have a phone number or a live visit alternative which could be truly useful to players who need critical assistance. In any case, you can reach them by means of mail or through their web-based media stages. The client care group was exceptionally useful and reacted to our messages sufficiently quick.
Generally speaking, in spite of the absence of Paypal and some significant help choices, the interface is amicable and lovely, and worth your time. It functions admirably on both versatile and work area. The designs and stacking speed on the two stages are fantastic.
AHTI Games Check: Scam or Not?
This online gambling club is certainly not an AHTI Games trick. It has different licenses from Malta Gaming Authority, UK Gambling Commission, Danish Gambling authority, and Swedish Gambling Authority. This shows that they are routinely inspected to guarantee that they conform to betting standards and guidelines.
AHTI Games Casino is likewise possessed and worked by SkillOnNet, a monster administrator in the iGaming business with in excess of ten locales under the care of its. SkillOnNet was begun in 2005 and is known for its predominant gambling club brands and enormous games list at its gambling clubs. Having been around for that long, you can be certain that you are managing a genuine and dependable site.
The site is additionally freely evaluated to guarantee that the outcomes are RNG produced. This implies that each success is irregular and reasonable. The site likewise has sufficient data to guarantee full straightforwardness and trust. Practically every client AHTI Games survey you'll discover is a positive one. You can, consequently, set out to settle the AHTI trick considerations and appreciate gaming calmly.
Outline of the Offers from AHTI Games Casino
The site has a great deal to bring to the table to the two beginners and prepared players. Regardless of whether you need to play for no particular reason or genuine cash, you will consistently have something to engage you. Regardless of whether you are an openings, table games, poker, or live club games darling, you will discover a huge number of games with numerous varieties to browse.
Online Casino
The accommodation and security of online gambling club gaming have prompted most punters favoring this new pattern to the old physical setting. Accordingly, AHTI Games has joined forces with the absolute best programming suppliers to give top notch games and a decent assortment.
AHTI Games Casino flaunts in excess of 2,000 online club games, which are given by in excess of 20 programming suppliers. This remembers games from the vast majority of the monsters for the iGaming business drove by Microgaming, NetEnt, Amaya and Evolution Gaming. With a particularly great library, it wouldn't amaze me if AHTI Games before long positioned among the best new online club on the web.
Microgaming is liable for in excess of 160 game titles which incorporate the famous Wild Scarabs, Break Da Bank, Fortunium, Major Millions and Lucky Leprechaun. The ruler of openings, NetEnt, is additionally one of the game suppliers with more than 100 titles like Gonzo's Quest, Starburst and Twin Spin.
Others are IGT with titles like Davinci Diamonds, Cleopatra and Solar Disk and Lightning Box with games like Lightning Horseman. Different suppliers incorporate Elk Studios, Thunderkick, Realistic Games, Ganapati, Red Tiger, Shuffle Master, StakeLogic, Gameart, Blablabla, Rabcat, Yggdrasil, Bally Technologies, Williams Interactive, Barcrest, Merkur, Play'n Go and Blue Print Gaming, among others.
The openings convey the lion's offer with in excess of 1,200 space titles from the famous iGaming programming suppliers. To make it simple for you to get to your #1 games, the openings are arranged by game supplier, topic, highlights, images, pay lines and number of reels. Mainstream titles on the site incorporate Thunderstruck 2, Starburst, The Mask, Solar Disk, Bonanza and Immortal Romance.
What's more, should you wish to take a shot on oodles of cash, there are numerous big stake games on the site. This incorporates the well known Mega Moolah, Genie Jackpots, Divine Fortune, Mega Fortune, Top Cat, Major Millions and Tunzamunni, among others.
In case you're a table games fan, you'll be intrigued with the numerous variations of blackjack, roulette, and other table games. This incorporates in excess of 10 blackjack game tables with variations, for example, blackjack Turbo and exemplary blackjack.
The roulette games incorporate auto roulette, American, French and Realistic roulette games. Poker games incorporate Deuces Wild, Aces and Faces, Jacks or Better, Punto Banco and Caribbean Poker, among others.
For a vivid encounter, AHTI Games live gambling club gives you live sellers and live communicating of the activity at the studio; which transports you to the nostalgic universe of the genuine club gaming climate.
There are many table games for your roulette, baccarat and live blackjack games. There are numerous variations which incorporate Live platinum VIP Blackjack, Common Draw blackjack, Silver blackjack, Casino Hold them, Immersive roulette, VIP roulette, baccarat, Speed baccarat, London roulette, and blackjack Party, among others. The live vendor games are given by Evolution Gaming and NetEnt.
AHTI Games Bonus: Check Out the Offer
AHTI Games can be played for entertainment only or seriously. Whenever you have investigated the site in demo mode, you can make your genuine cash account by putting aside your initial installment into your record. Making a record is exceptionally simple and quick.
The club rewards you with a respectable invite AHTI Games reward of 100% and up to 100 free twists on the Viking Runecraft opening. For each £1 or money same, you acquire 1 free twist. You should note, in any case, that the rewards from the AHTI Games reward are dependent upon a betting necessity of multiple times, as generally, like other gambling club rewards.
Store and Payout at the Casino
AHTI Games is your optimal gambling club since it views its clients accommodation appropriately. You have in excess of twelve installment techniques that you can use to move assets all through your record. This reaches from the conventional card installments to the most recent eWallets and money installments.
Moving assets to your record is simple, and you simply need to get to the site and look over among the numerous accessible strategies. This incorporates Trustly, Bitcoin, Skrill, Neteller, Zimpler, Sofort, moment banking, Cubits, Entercash, Ecopayz, quick bank move, and Siru Mobile.
The base adaptable sum is £10. The greatest adaptable sum relies upon the strategy, and you can likewise set individual restricts that are advantageous for your spending plan to check overspending.
Liquidating out your rewards is similarly quick on this cutting edge online gambling club. You have numerous withdrawal choices which incorporate the utilization of Neteller, Bitcoin, Skrill, Zimpler, bank wire move, Switch, Ecopayz, and Paysafecard. Sadly, PayPal is at present not acknowledged by the gambling club, in the event that you'd prefer to game utilizing this installment administration, bounce on over to our Paypal club page.
0 notes
askmegambler · 3 years
AHTI Games Review
Since dispatching in 2018, AHTI Games has pulled in a huge player base because of its remarkable topics, enormous games list, and broad game assortment. Peruse this AHTI Games audit to realize why this new gambling club has a little for everybody.
Punters to the club additionally appreciate the comfort of adaptable installment techniques and speedy withdrawals. Go along with us, read our AHTI Games audit and find what different advantages and extraordinary highlights are accessible at the site. Furthermore, regardless of whether you should confide in them.
Outline of Our Experiences
After arriving on the site, you will quickly feel the topic of the club – the submerged realm. The radiant blue tones, shells, some gold under the water, and surprisingly the Poseidon blazing on the first page will cause you to feel the cheerful and perky gaming vibe of eminences.
The site is not difficult to explore; on account of the obviously marked menu at the highest point of the first page. You can rapidly go to the games area, explore through their rewards and gifts in the advancements segment, and investigate the VIP Club.
You can likewise find out about the club and take a gander at the help choices by just tapping on the menu choices. On tapping on the menu choices, you will track down that the pages are perfectly coordinated to make your route simple.
You'll play until you drop when you sign in at AHTI Games. There are in excess of 2,000 games accessible for gamers, and this remembers practically every one of the assortments for online club gaming. AHTI Games gives you a simple to explore games hall where you can sort the games as indicated by their sort, game supplier or explicit game title. The significant assortments incorporate openings, games, roulette, live club, and bonanza games.
With regards to installments techniques, you will track down a decent number of secure and advantageous strategies. Nonetheless, AHTI has not joined PayPal as one of the techniques. This would be an extraordinary move given its worldwide guidelines. They likewise acknowledge around 50 monetary standards which cater for their changed customers' necessities. It was simple, quick and consistent executing with them which is acceptable client experience.
There is an extremely definite FAQ segment that will help you answer the majority of your inquiries on the off chance that you stall out while exploring the site. They do not have a phone number or a live visit alternative which could be truly useful to players who need critical assistance. In any case, you can reach them by means of mail or through their web-based media stages. The client care group was exceptionally useful and reacted to our messages sufficiently quick.
Generally speaking, in spite of the absence of Paypal and some significant help choices, the interface is amicable and lovely, and worth your time. It functions admirably on both versatile and work area. The designs and stacking speed on the two stages are fantastic.
AHTI Games Check: Scam or Not?
This online gambling club is certainly not an AHTI Games trick. It has different licenses from Malta Gaming Authority, UK Gambling Commission, Danish Gambling authority, and Swedish Gambling Authority. This shows that they are routinely inspected to guarantee that they conform to betting standards and guidelines.
AHTI Games Casino is likewise possessed and worked by SkillOnNet, a monster administrator in the iGaming business with in excess of ten locales under the care of its. SkillOnNet was begun in 2005 and is known for its predominant gambling club brands and enormous games list at its gambling clubs. Having been around for that long, you can be certain that you are managing a genuine and dependable site.
The site is additionally freely evaluated to guarantee that the outcomes are RNG produced. This implies that each success is irregular and reasonable. The site likewise has sufficient data to guarantee full straightforwardness and trust. Practically every client AHTI Games survey you'll discover is a positive one. You can, consequently, set out to settle the AHTI trick considerations and appreciate gaming calmly.
Outline of the Offers from AHTI Games Casino
The site has a great deal to bring to the table to the two beginners and prepared players. Regardless of whether you need to play for no particular reason or genuine cash, you will consistently have something to engage you. Regardless of whether you are an openings, table games, poker, or live club games darling, you will discover a huge number of games with numerous varieties to browse.
Online Casino
The accommodation and security of online gambling club gaming have prompted most punters favoring this new pattern to the old physical setting. Accordingly, AHTI Games has joined forces with the absolute best programming suppliers to give top notch games and a decent assortment.
AHTI Games Casino flaunts in excess of 2,000 online club games, which are given by in excess of 20 programming suppliers. This remembers games from the vast majority of the monsters for the iGaming business drove by Microgaming, NetEnt, Amaya and Evolution Gaming. With a particularly great library, it wouldn't amaze me if AHTI Games before long positioned among the best new online club on the web.
Microgaming is liable for in excess of 160 game titles which incorporate the famous Wild Scarabs, Break Da Bank, Fortunium, Major Millions and Lucky Leprechaun. The ruler of openings, NetEnt, is additionally one of the game suppliers with more than 100 titles like Gonzo's Quest, Starburst and Twin Spin.
Others are IGT with titles like Davinci Diamonds, Cleopatra and Solar Disk and Lightning Box with games like Lightning Horseman. Different suppliers incorporate Elk Studios, Thunderkick, Realistic Games, Ganapati, Red Tiger, Shuffle Master, StakeLogic, Gameart, Blablabla, Rabcat, Yggdrasil, Bally Technologies, Williams Interactive, Barcrest, Merkur, Play'n Go and Blue Print Gaming, among others.
The openings convey the lion's offer with in excess of 1,200 space titles from the famous iGaming programming suppliers. To make it simple for you to get to your #1 games, the openings are arranged by game supplier, topic, highlights, images, pay lines and number of reels. Mainstream titles on the site incorporate Thunderstruck 2, Starburst, The Mask, Solar Disk, Bonanza and Immortal Romance.
What's more, should you wish to take a shot on oodles of cash, there are numerous big stake games on the site. This incorporates the well known Mega Moolah, Genie Jackpots, Divine Fortune, Mega Fortune, Top Cat, Major Millions and Tunzamunni, among others.
In case you're a table games fan, you'll be intrigued with the numerous variations of blackjack, roulette, and other table games. This incorporates in excess of 10 blackjack game tables with variations, for example, blackjack Turbo and exemplary blackjack.
The roulette games incorporate auto roulette, American, French and Realistic roulette games. Poker games incorporate Deuces Wild, Aces and Faces, Jacks or Better, Punto Banco and Caribbean Poker, among others.
For a vivid encounter, AHTI Games live gambling club gives you live sellers and live communicating of the activity at the studio; which transports you to the nostalgic universe of the genuine club gaming climate.
There are many table games for your roulette, baccarat and live blackjack games. There are numerous variations which incorporate Live platinum VIP Blackjack, Common Draw blackjack, Silver blackjack, Casino Hold them, Immersive roulette, VIP roulette, baccarat, Speed baccarat, London roulette, and blackjack Party, among others. The live vendor games are given by Evolution Gaming and NetEnt.
AHTI Games Bonus: Check Out the Offer
AHTI Games can be played for entertainment only or seriously. Whenever you have investigated the site in demo mode, you can make your genuine cash account by putting aside your initial installment into your record. Making a record is exceptionally simple and quick.
The club rewards you with a respectable invite AHTI Games reward of 100% and up to 100 free twists on the Viking Runecraft opening. For each £1 or money same, you acquire 1 free twist. You should note, in any case, that the rewards from the AHTI Games reward are dependent upon a betting necessity of multiple times, as generally, like other gambling club rewards.
Store and Payout at the Casino
AHTI Games is your optimal gambling club since it views its clients accommodation appropriately. You have in excess of twelve installment techniques that you can use to move assets all through your record. This reaches from the conventional card installments to the most recent eWallets and money installments.
Moving assets to your record is simple, and you simply need to get to the site and look over among the numerous accessible strategies. This incorporates Trustly, Bitcoin, Skrill, Neteller, Zimpler, Sofort, moment banking, Cubits, Entercash, Ecopayz, quick bank move, and Siru Mobile.
The base adaptable sum is £10. The greatest adaptable sum relies upon the strategy, and you can likewise set individual restricts that are advantageous for your spending plan to check overspending.
Liquidating out your rewards is similarly quick on this cutting edge online gambling club. You have numerous withdrawal choices which incorporate the utilization of Neteller, Bitcoin, Skrill, Zimpler, bank wire move, Switch, Ecopayz, and Paysafecard. Sadly, PayPal is at present not acknowledged by the gambling club, in the event that you'd prefer to game utilizing this installment administration, bounce on over to our Paypal club page.
0 notes
doodleupondoodle · 3 years
The king’s chamber’s length is often claimed to be around 10.47 meters.
If you divide the speed of sound in 68 degrees F (the constant temperature of the great pyramid) by the length of the king’s chamber
You’ll get octaves of 131 hz as the most predominant (though not the only) resonance of the king’s chamber.
This is how you determine the keynote frequency to tone to while chanting within the structure.
Chanting to this specific frequency in the king’s chamber with fill the whole space with sound as optimally as possible and will acoustically structure the space within the chamber with a geometric grid of resonance.
Also, matching the pitch-wavelength to the length of the room will create a standing wave, which under the right conditions can be used for DNA healing and levitation.
Now imagine this energy being harnessed by several sacred sites around the world arranged in a geometric grid of sympathetic resonance?
This is just one example of the power of masonry.
The ark of the covenant also resonates right at this same 131 hz frequency, and so does the time it takes sunlight to reach earth (1/500 seconds=low octave of 131 hz).
The queen’s chamber also has this frequency resonating at its width.
The math behind a standing wave incorporates both phi (golden ratio) and pi.
If you divide phi by pi you get octaves of 131.8 hz, showing that the chambers and ark of the covenant resonate in the range of the ratio between pi and phi, implying the production of a standing wave.
Now here’s a mind-bender.
131 itself is the standing wave range, but if you create a manifest standing wave that correlates with the math of the standing wave range then you have a quantum concept, given the math (mind) reflects the manifestation of the standing wave (form) bridging mind and form.
Quantum computing isn’t a recent man-made invention, it’s a universal principal that we either become conscious of or not and the ancients were very conscious of it.
Back then they often times used cubits as a form of spatial measuremnt and gravitational influence, and now here we are using what we call “quantum qubits” in quantum computing. What makes a computer quantum is when the cubits/qubits interact using the same math that is governing the behavior of the subatomic particles, in the same way that the math behind 131 hz relays the very same stand-wave math as it’s forming when resonating in the ark of the covenant.
The ark is within, it’s a frequency we transmit and receive, and if we consciously tune into it we consciously tune into one of the main frequencies that resonate with the quantum realm.
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"Quantum computing isn’t a recent man-made invention, it’s a universal principal that we either become conscious of or not and the ancients were very conscious of it."
[credit: Trevor McGrath]
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