#cula and hana
lizzie-wendigo · 7 months
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I haven't watched spookiz in so long that I didn't know it had another 2 seasons and a movie. Out of nostalgia I decided to see them and well...New Ship unlocked!!
The official song "Bitten by You-MONKEY MAJIK" is more than clear that it's a romance lyric and talks about these two. If you haven't seen the series or the movie, I'd say give it a chance.
This series is of Korean origin and is aimed at children aged 4-7 years, and since it's a silent series, you don't need to look for dubbing, since everything is explained with mime and signs. However, I know that his name comes from Dra-Cula; but the word "Cula" in my country has a meaning that can be misinterpreted, so I will call him "Drac".
Below, a small criticism of the movie (No spoilers):
From the beginning they make it clear to you that the protagonist is Drac (I suppose because he's the most popular character, or 'cause he's the character with the most appearances in the series). The plot and animation are a bit dull, but decent. Although I won't be too picky about the movie, since I think it's directed by an independent studio, in addition to looking like a low-budget Netflix production, both for the animation and the plot.  The climax and outcome were somewhat disappointing, but I think it was 'cause there was little time left in the movie and they had to rush things. So most of the plot focuses on giving context to the situation, developing Drac's character and his relationship with Hana.
But the movie is decent and entertaining. It has an English dub, so if you speak the language, you can understand the movie better
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gamegem92 · 11 months
My Swap AU pretty much
Kongkong(Human): I’ve been meaning to ask you… what’s with that pocket on your shirt?
Cula(Also human in the AU): Oh! Hana’s in there! Sup, Hana?
Hana, a vampire (in bat form): *Blep*
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Cula & vampire♡
🎃👻💜🔶⚫🌙Halloween spooky october🌙⚫🔶💜👻🎃
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toonsforkicks22 · 4 years
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Shiptober Day 21: Scared
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mochimmia · 4 years
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Cula and Hana from Spookiz the movie. Not crazy about the voice acting but the animation and characters are super cute💕 check it out!
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spookizfanblog · 4 years
Late bloomers in Dracula family 🦇🖤
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andytheshipper · 4 years
Ok, Spookiz The movie has just been released to youtube, and the only thing I can say is that the friendship between Cula and Hana is too pure and wholesome that I have seen, they deserves better 💖💖💖💖💖
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afrozentale · 4 years
My Heart Beats Like a Drum || Cula ✘ Hana
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kitkatchuchow · 3 years
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polina-quail · 4 years
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Hana and Cula from "Spookiz: the movie"
I suddenly came across on this ship and fell in love ❤️
P.s. This movie hasn't even been released yet, but that doesn't stop the shippers :)
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gamegem92 · 10 months
Hana: If you don’t sleep, how will you function?
Cula: I run on three fuels: spite, anxiety, and of course, tomato juice.
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zamypachi · 5 years
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Learning how to fly
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toonsforkicks22 · 4 years
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Shiptober Day 19: Vacation
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spookizfanblog · 4 years
Spookiz Multiverse Theory
Some people noticed that Spookiz the Movie had some differences from the series. Though, I’ve never seen all of them mentioned anywhere so I decided to write them down. I didn't take into consideration the Spookiz Cookie, music videos and commercials since they don't actually take place anywhere at all. It's pretty understandable why Cula has a phone in Spook it Up! but doesn't know what a cellphone is in the movie. So my points for Spookiz Multiverse Theory are the following.
1. The Roles
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I think, everyone noticed that in the movie Cula and Kong Kong are not so naughty and mischievous as in the series. Kebi, on the other hand, seems more prankish and a little bit more aggressive than his show counterpart. Ofc, Cula as a protagonist cannot do pranks and gloat over other kids anymore, and Kong Kong as his sidekick cannot do the same. Also all Spookiz need to look weaker comparing to the hunter so we could sense the danger of the situation better. Thus, a role of a trickster is left only for Kebi.
2. Cula as a Student
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Cula seems to be a good student in the movie while in the series he is constantly distracted or asleep in class and, as a result, he fails tests completely. I actually would have expected Cula’s academic performance to deteriorate in the movie after having ruined his sleep patterns for several weeks to meet with Hana. Though, It is possible that he learnt a thing or two that helped him with his classes. Either way, he is a nerd in the movie.
3. Cula’s OCD
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Even before the series hit YouTube, Cula's Facebook official bio indicated that he had OCD. OCD is the uncontrollable, irrational actions that people take to get rid of anxious thoughts that do not correspond with reality. In the movie, Cula claims that he simply can't stand mess. However, we could see him panicking when Sam was getting his desk dirty, and how he simply couldn't resist cleaning it in the middle of the day, risking his health and getting caught by a human. Also, Cula never changed his sit in the movie and didn't care about other desks in the class being dirty, which means he needs to take a particular seat and always keep it clean to get rid of certain anxious notion and feel safe again. In the series Cula constantly changes seats and although he is squeamish, he doesn't seem to take such repetitive irrational actions. Not to mention times when Cula didn't care about the mess or forgot to wear his gloves.
4. Character Design
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Some characters got new design elements. In the movie Kebi has shaggy hair and Kong Kong has a darker palette. Reaper Sam got a black fog as if he was from the sims. Also I thought that I found an interesting difference that in the movie the school security guard didn't have the mole on his cheek that (I thought) he had in the series. Unfortunately, it turned out that he had the mole only in Halloween special which is a shame bc I think it was a nice design detail. Still his eye colour was charged for the movie from amber to black (which is also kinda sad to me).
5. The School
In the movie the entire school looks different and that's okay, it is supposed be more realistic and detailed than in the series. Its structure seems more complex than in the show, it has some sort of H or more likely _T_ shape: two buildings are connected through the walkway on the second floor. Here Cula and Kong Kong got new spots to live. Instead of being neighbors on one of the floors, Kong Kong lives in a box in the attic/the part of the main building where the clocks are, and Cula's locker is on the ground floor (I believe) in a smaller building. The classroom the Spookiz study in is on the third floor of the main big building which is actually far from Cula's spot.
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The classroom interior is also entirely different but I would like to point out two major things. The first thing is that in the movie they had single desks while in the series there were double ones. They needed Hana to be the only human kid involved in the story, which would probably be difficult if she had a deskmate. The second thing is that there are two different world maps in the classroom. In the movie there's a European (?) world map with Europe being closer to the centre of the map. In the series there's a Chinese (?) world map with China being closer to the centre and Americas being on the right side of the map.
6. Accessories.
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Cula has at least two accessories that got a new design. The first one is his bag. In the series he and some other of the Spookiz have purple nylon (?) schoolbags. In the movie Spookiz's bags are brown and made of leather or imitation leather. Another thing is that Cula has red earphones with the symbol λ as a logo on them. In the movie Cula has the same earphones except there's a bat silhouette as a logo.
7. Timeline Mismatch
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Some people assume that the movie takes place somewhere in or after the season 2 since Cula has a photo with the moon that he got in the ep. 7 of the season 2. First of all, what was the necessity for the creators to change the other two photos? Could it be another hint that what we see in the movie is similar to the show but not entirely the same? Second of all, in the end of the movie Cula has learnt to appreciate his friends but in the season 2 he didn't even take the first steps on this path. He got major character improvement in season 3 but by that time Kebi had already grown strong feelings for Zizi, and I don't think he would fight her for a candy as he did in the movie. It means that either the series should be in a different chronological order (and some of them really should) or the movie has its own timeline independent of the show.
8. Age Difference
OMG this one is so obvious I forgot to mention it, lol! But I think by now everyone know that Spookiz are 9-10 y.o. in the series. I'm pretty sure I saw information that Cula was 11 but i can't remember where i saw it. Anyway, in the movie Cula states that he is 109 y.o. and this is a strong proof that the movie is another universe different from the series.
Thus, there are lots of differences between the series and the movie. Some of them can be explained by the difference in genre and by a new plot. But most of them are details that weren't necessary unless the creators wanted to make a new universe on purpose. A universe where Cula is not an irritable and mischievous gloater but a slightly anxious nerd. Still narcissistic as always.
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andytheshipper · 4 years
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I've been bitten by you
Anything that you do
Couldn't ever replace my eternal love
You & I
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afrozentale · 4 years
Let Me Save You With My Love || Cula ✘ Hana
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