#cutest cutest cutest most moe anime ever
mhaynoot · 1 year
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oozmium · 4 months
bored thoughts on comparing the jp dub to the en dub (my opinions are very much tinged by other medias I like)
Asahi's seiyuu is actually the cutest ever so I was super disappointed to find out this was only one of 2 roles her seiyuu has had ever... ik she would be a big hit if she had more roles 😭
I take anything over Karen Strassman (I'm really not fond of her voice quality and that's not even mentioning the stuff she's posted 💀) so Nozomi's seiyuu was refreshing to listen to
Hallelujah... yikes ngl I'm a bit disappointed. It's possible that this is because I've very much accustomed to hearing Massun as Rei, which is why I'm unimpressed ... but he's also Ennoshita in HQ and there he's fine. His performance strikes me odd bc he struggles to stay in tone during high emotional moments and ends up sounding ... OOC? Or a different character entirely from what he's established as Hallelujah in earlier scenes. Don't get me wrong, for the most part his performance is fine its just inconsistent (especially compared to Max).
Gaston is a funny case because whenever he starts saying "Elite" and "Number 1" it's so jarring against the JP that I end up laughing. His JP seiyuu is really good with the snobbish voice, but there's a lack of whininess which Todd's voice has...
Toki is... wow ok I was not expecting them to lean that much into a cutesy voice for her it's nuts. Like compared to Asahi's JP voice that comes off as a typical upbeat girl voice, they really push it with making Toki sound like a cutesy anime girl and it's erm. Ok yeah not a huge fan of that. Cassandra does a better job of fleshing out Toki's voice (speaking with a deadpan vs getting lighter when it comes to Nanashi) and sounding like a 14 year old girl. Though knowing what the devs have said regarding Toki, this voice direction for her makes sense (since they wanted to give her gap moe).
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spaceistheplaceart · 2 years
I see from your profile pic you are a Zenigata Fan 👀 What do you love most about him? Just go a ramble you don't even have to pick one specific thing I just love hearing people talk about the goofiest yet most stubborn and persistent man in existence
*cracks knuckles*
okay so all the lupin iii characters are so bizzarly well written it drives me up the wall. ive never seen any other media like this before and i think that comes from the fact that it's an old piece of media-- before the time of everything must sell toys, appeal to mass market, and be polished as fuck. thus, more freedom and more weird BULLSHIT which i adore.
so. all the characters are perfect in their own ways but zenigata is also wonderful. i think it's cause they all have um. ok. a "gap moe" and it's a BIG one and that makes it super funny!
so Zenigata is this big, manly, cop, right? so you'd THINK he's super serious an-- NOPE HE'S LITERALLY THE CUTEST STUPIDEST FUCKING IDIOT ANIMAL I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE.
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he always cuddles something when he sleeps... 🥺🥺🥺
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THEN they have like a gap moe ON TOP of this gap moe so like... you think you get it: he SEEMS tough but he's actually a huge idiot softie 🥺 but NO HE'S AS STRONG AS A BULL AND IS A FUCKING APEX PREDATOR
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there's a lot more moments of him being a fucking beast but i dont have pics
so like. gap moe on top of gap moe and then ANOTHER ONE
his life purpose is to catch lupin. and not just because he's a cop and lupin's a criminal... but because he wants to, and i fucking quote: "arrest lupins heart" <3 he wants to befriend him and have lupin as a pal!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and when he's not on duty, he legit just hangs out with the gang. they have eachothers phone numbers! (in conan)
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(lupin likes him too...)
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(this is lupin in disguise as napoleon)
he likes the rest of the gang, too!
(okay. too long. will rb and update)
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
i'm imagining the catmaid event song to be like. half valkyrie's normal style, half-cutesy-anime song (a la the like, Tokyo Mew Mew New! theme song or something. srry thats the only cat related anime i've watched lately) and it would be a sight to behold. i could see it going either "cutesy anime OP lyrics with valkyrie's hardcore instrumentals" or "valkyrie's naturally poetic/whimsical lyrics ontop of a cutesy anime soundtrack"
Crying. Personally I'm thinking the instrumentals stay the same bc they already had the band record that and they were supposed to record the lyrics later, but then got the "whoops, theme changed!" message on hold-hands. And Shu said, "Alright, bet." sat down and wrote the cutest most moe lyrics ever. Ran them by Mika, bc, considering the theme, it's Mika's turn to be quality control. And Mika changed some stuff up, yknow, we want to show the fact that they're a team. And bam.
Harpsichords, violins, a whole orchestra. But the lyrics go "Nyaice to meet you, welcome to our ☆sweet☆meowfé☆" or something and the choreo is like. The usual, grand, twirls and all, but every once in a while, the finishing pose for a step is them doing the kitty-cat paw pose and sticking a tongue out playfully.
Happyele, can you please answer my emails.
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emeraldnavypotato · 3 years
1/3 Remember that fanart from an animator (Hisako Sato) that showed Rin as a warrior fighting back to back with Sesshomaru? Well now we have "canon" Rin: During times so dangerous that her newborns had to be taken away from her for her safety, she decides to go out at night, alone and unarmed, just to make a wish to either the grim comet (I guess no one bothered explaining to her what that is) or an empty sky (humans aren't supposed to see the it).
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I think you're missing a key point here - what sex is Satō Hisako? What sex is the director of Yashahime and the head writer and presumably, most, if not all, of the Sunrise execs?
I'm gonna try not to write an essay here, but you've stumbled onto a deep topic that goes way beyond Yashahime.
Basically, in the past, women had no choice but to get married, right? However, with the rise of feminism and women's participation in the workplace, women now have more opportunity to choose when and if they get married. As a result, especially in Japan, men are seeing their traditional role as the person who works outside the home being filled by women, and, at the same time, the marriage and birth rates decreasing. They feel threatened by women who no longer need them because they can now provide for themselves. It's more difficult for them to find a wife because they need more qualifications than just "has a job."
So, instead of trying to make themselves appealing and enjoying the fact that they can now enter equal partnerships with women, a lot of men are fetishising ever younger, weaker, and more vulnerable women and girls. The rise in popularity of moe/loli/little sister-type characters in anime and manga who rely on the hero (or antihero in this case) and need his care and protection is directly tied to the phenomenon of men feeling threatened by women's rights.
When asked why so many moé characters are young, Moé Manifesto interviewees replied:
“[Being young] makes them vulnerable, which inspires us to protect and nurture them. The character needs support, love, or care, even if she is strong and independent. If she is not at all vulnerable, then she can live on her own. It would be hard to approach such a perfect being.”
-Honda Toru, author and cultural critic
“People into moé are losers in the love market. In order for them to feel secure and happy, their partner has to be younger and appear to be within their control.”
-Morinaga Takuro, economic analyst and university lecturer
“Because that is when girls are the cutest. They are innocent, pure, and sincere. They don’t strategize and play games with people.”
-Ito Noizo, illustrator and adult game character designer
Female SessRin fans like the ship because they want to have sex with Sesshōmaru and Rin is the perfect blank vessel for them to self-insert into. (Case in point, Satō imagining her as a warrior? Where is the basis for that in canon?)
Male SessRin fans like the ship because Rin is an obedient little girl who needs someone to watch over her and take care of her, and that makes them feel like big, strong men.
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yayneloveart · 3 years
Reunion and Turnabout part 2
Morgan, dont be a bitch to the guy who brought your runaway daughter back to you, and also bought her a lunch and snacks on the way. I know hes trying to ruin your evil plan of framing Maya for murder but he did look after Pearl when you werent looking.
I guess they decided to forgo the Magatama and Psych-locks. This will be very interesting how they play out a lot of future cases.
Wait did Phoenix straight up steal the sacred urn to bring it to the trial? He seriously took the most sacred relic in the village when he could have just taken a picture of it. And where was he hiding it up until he presented it??
Phoenix: I will give you another chance to explain, Ms. Ini Miney, but no Moe!
They saw their chance and took it. 100 billion stars.
Maya crying when she realized that Morgan had tried to frame her... makes the whole case even sadder. Also, interesting how like in the game, they never have Morgan a breakdown animation even though now shes sitting right there. I guess that's what happens when you drink candle wax all day (press buttons and talk ref)
You shouldn't need Lotta to tell you that you can visit your home just whenever, Maya.
(Now I'm thinking about how I used to think of my mom every time I smelled cigarette smoke. Now I just gag at it.)
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aqvarius · 4 years
Yes I meant rank as in from your favourite to least favourite and I don't mind if you don't rank all of them. Just the ones you read is okay. I'd like to know who did you like the most.
oooh okay! this took me a day to write bc i have so much to say i couldn’t just rank them without writing extra comments lmao sorry
pirates in love: 
1. eduardo/shin
so my second EVER voltage guy in a single purchase game was eduardo (first was yamato from mfw like 90% of all voltage players lol) - back when he was still eduardo with the short haired sprite. i replayed his route in love 365 last year and he gave me a different impression as shin? but anyway eduardo was the OG kaga and i love and miss him so much. at one point he was my ultimate voltage husband!! also his story was so enthralling. if you love kaga, you will definitely love eduardo. if you look through my eduardo tag/search on my blog, you’ll see i once called him my love, my one true love, my fav voltage guy, my husband, etc. i miss him...
2. nathan/nagi
what a SWEETHEART? he’s a little tsun but damn he falls hard. he’s so awkwardly caring and i love it when he gets angry. also he’s 190cm with a weirdly high bounty on his head for some reason iirc. he was the fandom’s favourite tsundere before we had ever even heard of takuto. 
3. christopher/soshi
it might sound odd because we all know i have a tendency to go for enigmatic characters and/or cold/aloof characters BUT i also love a fair share of sweet guys (haruki from ddiwt, lute aka the love of my life) especially because i love the feeling of not knowing if they’re just being kind or if they’re actually in love with you. they’re also usually ridiculously popular with women but oblivious about it and i love the drama there. it’s been so long since i last played him but i have his routes on PIL:CC on love 365 so i think it’s time for a reread...
i think those are all the PIL routes i’ve played but special shoutout to my girl fuzzy - #1 best friend 
my sweet bodyguard:
1. mizuki fujisaki 
my lovely, gorgeous, airheaded, wonderful bodyguard. he’s so underrated but so lovely. i just adore him. for the last 8 years since meeting him, i have just conveniently chosen to suspend my disbelief at the idea that a pop idol/celebrity could just quit and become a bodyguard. imagine if kyohei just peaced out of revance and became a bodyguard and everyone was chill with it. anyway i’m realising increasingly that i like enigmatic love interests lol and mizuki is just so hard to figure out? which makes it all the more delicious when he gets serious. i also love that he can literally talk to animals. i love how chill he is and how good he is at diffusing tension. i love everything about him. i actually don’t have any of his routes with me (i last played him when i still used an iphone so don’t have him on my love 365 on android ;~;) but i’m genuinely considering repurchasing all his routes lol
2. kyoya hayase
we got off to a rough start but then i fell fast and hard. hayase is someone that i’m afraid to rave about too much because i want to be the only person who knows about him so he can be mine and mine alone. has the cutest smile, the cutest blush and the lowest alcohol tolerance. he’s also totally my Type bc i love cold/serious standoffish characters who only open up to the person they love (i.e. me). the climax of his FLA route had my heart pounding but i was starry-eyed at his calm confidence. i trust him with my life. 
3. daichi katsuragi
ah my beloved dorky captain aka KEVIN. i learned my love for household appliances from him. mature, serious, chivalrous, loyal, but with an easily flustered cute side… basically the modern day gaia from akd. i FREAKED OUT when i saw him in ayumu’s route. voltage WHERE is my msb x hlitf crossover?!?!?! i love katsuragi’s calm yet authoritative leadership skills and the way he just commands respect from everyone. 
4. subaru ichiyanagi
the gap moe is so real with subaru. honestly i love subaru, he was my first ever bodyguard back when i played my sweet bodyguard for GREE. the number of guards i had to complete just to get enough points to pick good options in his route was ridiculous, i spent so much time on it!! also the amount of ender i had to earn to get nice clothes lmao. he only ranks 4th because i actually ship him with kosugi… their chemistry is unreal lol. also with goto, for obvious reasons. i wanna see more subaru in hlitf... subaru route? yes? 
5. toru kurosawa
msb kurosawa is so much sweeter than hlitf kurosawa, even when he fucks off for 2 chapters while you spend days looking for him. msb kurosawa will distance himself from you to sort out his issues so he can be a better man for you. hlitf kurosawa will drag you kicking and screaming into his problems (although this may be because hlitf mc clings on like the snapping turtle she is). msb kurosawa is complex and interesting and won’t guilt you into sleeping with him and then leave you the next day. 
6. kaiji akizuki
i started kaiji’s route in GREE about 8 years ago and don’t think i ever finished it? but as far as i remember, it was really cute. kaiji is so easy to be around and i love osananajimi characters who have loved you since you were kids together. also his sisters are crazy lol.
7. seiji goto
goto ranks 7th because the route started off on a really weird note (like hayase’s) with too much pre-route exposition (i still have no idea where to find the info that helps to ease into his route). also because he made me actually want to be with subaru instead in his route and his way to win me back was to whisk me away from a date with subaru and take me straight to kazuki’s grave. that being said, his GREE route was way better so...
*i haven’t played ishigami, sora, makabe, koda or eiji (but recently bought eiji's set) but sora ranks last because of a long running gag with @hikarunohana about hating on sora
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
Animals- Be Careful What You Wish For chapter 10
Pairing: Liam x MC; Liam x OC
Word count: 1,646
Warnings: Evil Liam, Rebecca, cheating, 🍋
Summary: Seven months later, some things changed; some for the better and some for the worse.
Song inspiration: Animals by Maroon 5 (I’m honestly not sure why this song drove this chapter but it did so here we are.)
A/N: A huge thank you to @sirbeepsalot for all of her help and advice and being an ever patient sounding board. (MoE thanks DoE as well.) Thank you to everyone still on this crazy train, and everyone who just joined. And another twist from DoE and MoE. Also I get one idea in my head and then I write and the characters change shit on me all the time so if something I said in a comment changes know it’s probably the crazy characters I refuse to fight because I enjoy the tiny bit of remaining sanity I have. This should be enjoyable for all whether you’re rooting for Evil Liam, for Rebecca to fall, or for there to be some justice for Bastien and Drake(I hope).
Series warnings: Evil Liam, dark!fic, deceit, manipulation, dub con, possible NSFW content, possible character death. This is taking the Liam from TRH to the extreme, he is not the Liam we know and love. By clicking read more you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age.
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.
Disclaimer: I only own my OC’s, the rest I’m simply borrowing from PB for a bit.
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Liam found her beguiling. He could hardly tear his eyes from her, unable to focus on anything she said. Her deep brown eyes that were like melted chocolate, the way her chestnut hair cascaded down in waves past her shoulders, and her olive skin glowed all left him nearly breathless. He found her and her curves intoxicating and all he wanted to do was run his hands and tongue all over her body.
“Liam, did you hear me?” Her lilting Italian accent music to his ears, pulling him up for air.
He subtly shook his head, trying to regain focus. It was hard, her beauty, and confidence made him feel drunk without a drop to drink. He smiled, nodding as he reached for his glass of Scotch. What was I thinking going to a dinner ‘meeting’ with her? We both know where this is headed by now, why all the pretenses? Because I’m still married. It was a mistake, she’s not who I thought. He smiled softly, his chestnut brown eyes soft as he gazed lovingly at her. She knows, she understands, how the fuck did I ever get so lucky?
Rebecca shifted uncomfortably in her bed. Stupid bed rest! Stupid high blood pressure! Her hand hit the bed as she clicked through the channels. Ugh there is nothing to do on bed rest! She rolled her eyes as another channel was still talking about Drake and Bastien. “You’d think they’d get bored of that after a while.”
Her head turned as another sympathy arrangement was brought in. “Seriously?! Can they stop it with the damn flowers?!” She took a deep breath, Liam’s words trilling loudly in her head. You need to at least try to appear to be bereaved. She put on a perfect smile. “I think there are more than enough flowers in the bedroom maybe brighten up the kitchen instead.” It looks like a damn funeral home in here!
The maid nodded, retreating with the flowers.
It’s been months, why are they still sending stupid condolence gifts?! If they want to send something they should send baby gifts! She dropped her smile, rolling her eyes with distaste. Being on all the time is exhausting. She settled into the pillows, closing her eyes. Hopefully I can actually get some rest. She rested her hand on her round abdomen, wishing for one short period of respite. I’m not the one who killed them I don’t know why he plagues my dreams.
He pressed her up against the door, his hand fumbling with the keycard as he kissed and nipped her neck, her moans only spurring him on. His mind buzzed, and the room spun. How much did I have to drink? He finally slid the keycard in, pushing open the door, his lips moving to hers as they stumbled into the room. I’m drunk on her. He kicked the door shut, his hands sliding up her perfect curves, dragging the silky black fabric up over her hips.
She stepped back breaking the kiss, pushing him backward onto the couch. “Not yet your majesty.” She ran her hands up over her hips, gently swaying to the unheard beat. “I’m in charge tonight.”
Liam leaned forward, his hands going for her hips.
She stepped backward. “It’s easy to see your wife isn’t in charge enough.” She spun facing away from him, her hand reaching up, slowly dragging the zipper down. She allowed the silk to slip down her shoulders, gliding down her curves, pooling around her feet. She looked over her shoulder. “I would hate to have to punish you.”
Liam leaned back with a growl. He wanted to feel and caress her silky smooth skin, but she had him utterly bewitched. He watched as she continued to sway her hips, the movement intoxicating him more. He groaned as he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He glanced at the screen, face temporarily hardening. Not dealing with her now. He quickly powered down his phone tossing it to the side, allowing her to entrance him with her body once more.
She unclasped her bra, sliding the straps down over her arms, tossing the bra to the side. She spun, still swaying to the beat in her head, her hair fanning out behind her. She felt her cheeks flush as he shamelessly raked his eyes over her nearly nude form. She had always been confident in her body, but the way he looked at her lit her skin on fire, every look telling her he wanted to devour her. “Someone’s a tad over dressed.” She giggled as he jumped to his feet, quickly ridding himself of his clothes. “Someone’s eager.” She hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her lace panties, slowly dragging them drown. She allowed them to drop to her feet, carefully stepping out of them. She stepped forward, pushing him back onto the couch. “Now you may touch.” She grabbed his hands placing them on her hips.
Liam pulled her onto his lap with a growl. He kissed up her neck, gently nipping her earlobe. “You’re such a fucking tease.” His hot breath fanned against her neck, sending goosebumps across her skin.
Her chocolate eyes sparkled. “You know you love it.”
Liam hummed his agreement, his hands moving to caress her full breasts. I love you. He dipped his head down, taking her perfect breast into his mouth. You can’t say it until you’re free. He swirled his tongue around her hardening bud, teasing the other between his thumb and forefinger.
“Liam.” She threw her head back with a moan, her entire body alight with need.
He grazed his teeth over her nipple as he pulled off, ravishing her other breast with the same attention. He slid his hand down over curves to the apex of her thighs. She arched her back as his fingers slipped through her slick folds. “Tell me what you want Andra.”
“You.” She gasped, his fingers circling her clit. All of you. The she-witch doesn’t deserve you.
He circled her entrance making her mewl with need.
“Please.” She begged.
He delved his fingers inside her, pumping them in and out. He slipped her hardened peak from his mouth, sitting back watching her wither and moan as he worked her closer to her first climax.
She gripped his shoulders, French tipped nails digging crescent moons into the skin. Her head fell back as his thumb found her clit, sending her over the edge. Her walls pulsed around his fingers, a gush of wetness coating them in her essence.
He slipped his fingers from her bringing them to his mouth licking them clean. She tastes like heaven. He groaned as her hand slipped between them grabbing his thick length, she lifted her hips, teasing him through her folds. He grabbed her hips pulling her down, impaling her on his throbbing length, groaning as she stretched around him. She rolled her hips, slowly raising her hips teasing him, returning her hands to his shoulders. He thrust upward, pulling her hips back down, a dangerous hunger in his eyes as he took control.  “Yes… Liam…” She whimpered and gasped, her nails digging into his shoulders, piercing the skin. I’m yours.
He flipped her onto the couch, fucking into her harder and deeper. Her legs wrapped around his waist, nails dragging down his back leaving angry red lines. Her vision blurred and body spasmed as her walls clamped around him pulling him with her to oblivion, their cries of pleasure mixing together.
Rebecca sighed, tossing the remote to the side. Every station seemed to be obsessed with the search for Drake and Bastien, and of course she couldn’t get a moments rest without being plagued by his face. Why aren’t they that obsessed with me? I’m carrying their damn heir! She picked up her phone, clicking into her messages.
Rebecca- I’m bored and I miss you.
She placed her phone back beside her waiting for it to light up with his response. She retrieved the remote. Maybe there is something I haven’t already watched a million times on Netflix. She scrolled through, rolling her eyes and sighing as she selected America’s Most Eligible season ten. It’s mind numbingly boring but at least Ivy knows how to get what she wants. She shifted as the music filtered through the speakers.
As the episode ended she glanced at her phone. Nothing. Why hasn’t he answered me?!
Rebecca- Will you be back in time for our ultrasound? I really miss you and maybe if the doctor says it’s okay we can go shopping for our little princess.
She dropped her phone back onto the bed as the second episode started to play. She allowed her mind to wander to thoughts of their daughter. Princess Emilia Rose Rhys. She could picture her so clearly, how she’d dress her in the cutest, most frilly dresses. I wonder if they make real tiaras for baby’s. I’ll have to see if it can be done. She picked up her phone as the third episode ended. He still hasn’t replied?! What the hell Liam?!
Rebecca- What the hell Liam?! How dare you ignore your queen?!
Oh he better have a good reason for not getting back to me!
“Do you have to leave tomorrow?” She asked drawing circles on his chest as they cuddled on the bed after there second romp.
Liam smoothed down her hair as he sighed. “I promised I’d be back for the ultrasound.”
She lifted her head, replacing her frown with a seductive smile. She refused to waste a second of their time together being sad. “Then let’s not waste another minute.”
He smiled as he pulled her down for a kiss. How in the world did I get so lucky to find you Alessandra?
Feedback fuels me, please like, comment reblog or send an ask. Feel free to scream, I promise I can take it.
Masterlist can be found in my bio.
Taglist will be reblogged.
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rieshon · 4 years
Best of 2019
It wouldn't be a best of the year post if it wasn't hopelessly late.
10: Shinchou Yuusha ~Kono Yuusha ga Ore TUEEE Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru~ ∥ White Fox ∥ Dir. Sakoi Masayuki: The title makes this sound like it could be terrible but this series has a Konosuba-like aplomb that makes it one of the best comedies of the year. Toyosaki Aki is absolutely brilliant as the shithead damegami Listarte and the animation consistently matches her over-the-top comedic masterclass. The show even has a real ending; opinion is split but I found it surprisingly satisfying.
9: Babylon ∥ Revoroot ∥ Dir. Suzuki Kiyotaka: This is the first Strand-type anime. Babylon is incredibly hard to describe and, having only seen it once, I'm not even fully confident in saying what it's about. It is a wild ride that meditates on some serious themes and seems to come to conclusions that won't be entirely comfortable for a lot of readers. This is one you really have to experience for yourself.
8: Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari ∥ Kinema Citrus ∥ Dir. Abo Takao: The most discoursed-about series of 2019 ends up being a surprisingly mature take on the isekai tensei genre. Like the best entries in the genre it features a protagonist who is deeply flawed and Naofumi's journey to learning to trust and love again is genuinely moving. It definitely does come off a bit like an incel fantasy at first but it is ultimately way more nuanced than that could ever suggest. Also, Raphtalia is best wife.
7: Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai ∥ Gemba ∥ Dir. Mizushima Tsutomu: Tsutomu, you son of a bitch, you did it again. While Kotobuki doesn't reach the rareified air of Garupan (pun not intended) it is very much in the same vein, and offers unending joy to any nerd who loves warplanes or just aviation in general. The script from the always-excellent Yokote Michiko is tight and compelling and gives a genuinely interesting backdrop to the frenetic plane action. Kotobuki is an excellent example of the power of showing rather than telling, something anime is woefully bad at: the fact that Kotobuki's isekai setting is never really expounded on makes it that much more interesting.
6: Hitori Bocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu ∥ C2C ∥ Dir. Anzai Takefumi: If Katsuwo's other work to be adapted into anime, Mitsuboshi Colors, is about being a child, then Bocchi is about the fraught transition from childhood into early adulthood. The titular Hitori Bocchi will be a frighteningly relatable character (my comment for the first episode on my blog was 'We Are All Bocchi') but unlike other series clearly aimed at alienated nerds, the show never feels sorry for Bocchi and most importantly, Bocchi doesn't feel sorry for herself. The show is explicitly about the importance of stepping outside of your comfort zone and although it's hard for Bocchi to do this, with the help of her friends she's able to work up the courage necessary to grow from a scared child into a functioning young adult. Also she's cute as fuck.
5: Machikado Mazoku ∥ J.C. Staff ∥ Dir. Sakurai Hiroaki: This is one of the best Kirara anime in ages. Kohara Konomi and Kitou Akari are a wonderful comedic combination, and Shamiko is probably the cutest girl of the whole year. She's pretty much the definition of the phrase "moe through helplessness" which makes her quest to be an evil demon truly hilarious. Like all the best Kirara anime, Machikado Mazoku slowly becomes a yuri anime as Momo's character develops and it becomes increasingly clear that she's just hard gay for Shamiko. I could watch these two be tsundere for each other forever.
4: Joshikousei no Mudazukai ∥ Passione ∥ Dir. Takahashi Takeo: There were a lot of excellent comedies this year and I always find them hard to review. Where Mudazukai particularly excels is the crassness of its characters: like the title suggests these aren't your typical cutesy anime JKs. They crack dirty jokes, take the piss out of each other, and feel more genuinely like friends than a lot of high school girls in anime. Akasaki Chinatsu in particular is pitch-perfect as 'Baka,'  its like she was born to be stupid. Probably the funniest show of the year, even though I have one comedy ranked above it.
3: Senkizesshou Symphogear XV ∥ Satelight ∥ Dir. Ono Katsumi: The fact that a Symphogear series could end up this high on the rankings is something like a miracle. After years of me shitting all over it for incomprehensible plotlines and disposable characters, they somehow not only fixed it in the last season, but even retroactively redeemed some of the elements from those shitty third and fourth seasons and created some of the most thrilling moments of the year in the process. It even goes as far as to reach back to the first season and address the latent themes of Japanese nationalism that have always hung over the show in resolving Tsubasa's character arc. XV delivers such a satisfying conclusion that it fully justifies the past six years spent on developing the Symphogear series in a way I never thought possible. It's a beautiful thing to behold.
2: Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai ~Tensai-tachi no Ren'ai Zunousen~ ∥ A-1 Pictures ∥ Dir. Hatakeyama Mamoru: The romantic comedy is probably the most prolific genre in late night anime, and Kaguya-sama stands shoulder to shoulder with the greats. Everything from the voice acting (Koga Aoi should be a superstar, and Kohara Konomi is already on her way to being a household name) to the animation to the direction to the writing is superb. Kaguya even delivers in spades in the "romantic" side of "romantic comedy" which isn't something every rabukome can say. The number of series that I can say have made me cry from laughing and from emotion is pretty small, but Kaguya is proudly among them.
1: Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo ∥ Lay-duce ∥ Dir. Andou Masahiro & Tsukada Takurou: After all these years, Okada Mari has finally delivered her magnum opus. There has perhaps never been a more frank discussion of female adolescent sexuality than Araoto, drawing heavily as it does from Okada's own lived experience as a confused and bullied teenager. These girls are fragile people who are walking a knife's edge between childhood and adulthood, and they don't always keep their balance. As someone who didn't grow up as a girl, it's not something I can intrinsically understand, but it's a testament to Okada's writing that Araoto MAKES you understand what it's like to be a teenage girl going through puberty. It's ugly, it's dangerous, it's scary, and... it's something every woman goes through. Araoto deftly tackles themes of discovering ones sexuality, homosexuality, and the pressure put on young women by a society that both sexualizes them against their will but also demands that they remain chaste and pure. It is unlike almost anything else that's ever been made in this medium, and that's why it's my anime of the year.
Honorable mentions... Like I said above, this was a strong year for comedy so some good series didn't make the cut. Ueno-san wa Bukiyou was a great showcase for Serizawa Yuu's comedic chops (which us Pripara fans have known about for years) and featured some of the most memorable gags of the year... Kemurikusa saw Tatsuki triumphantly return to television with his first full length work since Kemono Friends, and I frankly found it to be better than Kemofure; a truly enjoyable work of post-apocalyptic science fiction... Speaking of science fiction, I also feel compelled to mention Kanata no Astra, which seemed underappreciated but ended up being an extremely well-written SF series. Of course, we also have to mention Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO if we're talking about science fiction; I didn't particularly like YU-NO's second half that much, but it's worth watching if only to understand where so much of modern anime comes from in the first place.
The awards go to...
Best Actress: Koga Aoi as Shinomiya Kaguya, Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai. I mentioned above that this girl should be a superstar, and it's frankly absurd that she hasn't gotten more leading roles considering the considerable talent she shows off as Kaguya. She's a one-woman wrecking crew in this series, with her ability to effortlessly straddle the range between "cold and detached psychopath" and "petulant 8 year old throwing a tantrum" being the lynchpin of a lot of the series fundamental humor.
(Honorable mention: Akasaki Chinatsu as "Baka," Joshikousei no Mudazukai; Yukino Satsuki as Magase Ai, Babylon)
Newcomer Seiyuu of the Year: Kohara Konomi. It's a sweep for Kaguya-sama, and the voice acting is a big part of the reason that show was so exceptional. It kind of feels like cheating to give this to someone who's already played a Precure, but Toei were just really ahead of the curve on this one. 'Koko-chan' exploded onto the scene in 2019 between her roles as Fujiwara-shoki and Shamiko in Machikado Mazoku, with a distinctive vocal style and a knack for comedic delivery. Several of the most memetic lines of the year, like Fujiwara's "Don da yo!" and Shamiko's "Kore de katta to omou nayo!" come courtesy of her, and I feel like that ability to stick in people's minds is a testament to her level of talent. Though I gave Koga the nod overall for her performance as Kaguya, it's clear that Kohara is the one the industry has earmarked for future success with the level of prominence she's had over the past year or so, so she gets this award.
(Honorable mention: Fairouz Ai. "Fai-chan" made a splash thanks to her unusual background, but she's also proven to be a talented actress after appearing from seemingly out of nowhere to play Hibiki in the Onegai Muscle anime. It's out of the scope of this post, but she really made an impression in Oshibudo as Eripiyo, but her body of work is still too thin for her to win this award outright. She's shown she has a knack for the funny with her brusque and aggressive delivery, but I'd really like to hear her as a dramatic lead sometime soon.)
0 notes
tl-notes · 7 years
Kobayashi’s Maid Dragon Episode 5 Notes
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Miso soup has extremely strong associations with home and family in Japan. It’s a staple of breakfast and dinner tables, especially when paired with rice (which is common, to say the least), and is a very traditional dish with a long history. 
It’s such a big deal, even, that the question “I want to eat the miso soup you make every day,” is a stereotypically Japanese marriage proposal.
When I say “stereotypically Japanese,” I mean that Japanese people see it that way. The Japanese language and culture tend to be pretty “indirect” compared to others (particularly English, which everyone in Japan spends years in school studying), and people in Japan are very aware of this. A common example given in schools is the famous translation by Natsume Souseki, where he translated the phrase “I love you” in an English text to “The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” in Japanese.
Anyway there’s some context for this scene, and in particular the choice of miso soup as the dish Kobayashi commented on.
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You’ll notice they have at least four umbrellas there. It’s easy for those cheap vinyl ones to pile up when you have to do a bunch of walking (even just to/from the train station); you can’t just keep one in the car, and if it starts raining on a day you didn’t bring one...
By the way, in case you were thinking “four for three people isn’t that many though,” she had a different four in episode one, even before Tohru showed up:
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Also: man, that before&after. Good for you Kobayashi ;_;
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She says “aitsura あいつら” here, meaning they not she; basically Kanna, at least, is being included here.
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These shows totally exist, they look exactly like this, and they literally have done this topic. In fact, this specific topic is a common one, with the list being updated every so often. “Wide show” is actually the name of this type of show, a subset of the infamous “variety show.”
Number one is “Kabe-don” (kabe = wall, and don = sound effect for like “slam/bang”). Originally the word was (and still is) used to refer to when people in the next room over would bang on the wall to politely inform you that you’re being too fucking loud it’s after midnight already god damn. 
In the past few years though, the word caught on as a meme, referring to a common situation that pops up in shoujo manga a lot, where the(/a) love interest would do this:
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to the heroine. This specific usage of the term was seemingly coined by voice actress Shintani Ryoko (Sae from Hidamari Sketch) in 2008, while she was trying to explain the act on a radio show when discussion “moe situations”.
Kabe-don’s popularity seems to have died down some lately though (since honestly it’s pretty awkward irl).
The others are pretty self-explanatory I think, though it’s perhaps worth pointing out that yes, these are all things you actually can find on these lists. If “holding hands in public” sounds way too normal/basic to be on one to you, well, welcome to Japan.
(To be fair it’s not like super rare or anything, just not as common as you’d expect in many other countries and kind of considered a little embarrassing, particularly for men.)
Another semi-recently popular one of these “moe whatevers” is ago-kui 顎クイ, basically “chin tug/pull”, where the kui-er grabs the kui-ee’s chin to pull their face closer or whatever (often as a precursor to a kiss, for example). It’s a common pair with the kabe-don. 
Basically the takeaway here is that Japan’s been making memes real since way before 2016 came along.
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The word for “pursue love” here is kyuuai 求愛, which is probably most commonly used when referring to the mating calls/rituals of animals (as seen by how Tohru likens the audience/panel squeals to bird cries). You can use it with people too, but it’s not exactly very conversational language.
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Also yeah “Tatsumi 辰巳” has that dragon zodiac kanji in it again. By the by, while there’s no Tatsumi-cho in Tokyo, there is just a “Tatsumi.” It’s by Tokyo Bay, within walking distance of Comiket-host Big Sight and the life-sized Gundam statue, and roughly where a lot of March Comes in Like a Lion is set.
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These fish flags/wind socks (they’re koi, trying to climb the waterfall and become dragons, i.e. Magikarp) are traditionally put up on Children’s Day, May fifth. Yet another way Kyoani uses these establishing shots to tell you what season it is and invoke certain associations.
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You’ll see this “48 ___ skills/techniques” thing a fair bit in Japanese media; it’s a reference to the 48 Killer Techniques of Kinnikuman/Ultimate Muscle (I think that’s as far back as the reference goes, anyway).
Yes, the name of the store in the background has one of the dragon kanji in it’s name (the lower portion of 籠, 龍).
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Yeah this is what most Japanese office workplaces look like; open office plans. It’s kind of stressful having no privacy like that, but it does make it easier to ask people stuff I guess.
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The “proper” version of this word is sumimasen すみません, basically meaning sorry/excuse me. What he says is saasen サーセン, a rather colloquial version of it. It kind of goes like: sumimasen → suimasen → sunmasen → saasen.
This sort of thing is quite common in Japanese, especially when there’s a set way you’re supposed to say something (as is common) that has a lot of syllables. Another example you might hear is arigatou gozaimashita being shortened down to azashita, typically at a convenience store or something, from an employee who’s busy with something else and just saying it because they have to.
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What he says here is shou ga nai しょうがない. If you’ve ever picked up on how often “can’t be helped” or similar seems to be said in anime...this is what that is. It’s an incredibly common phrase in Japan, not just in anime but irl as well. It literally means that there’s nothing that can be done, and can be used in a broad swath of situations. It’s actually fairly similar to “oh well” in a number of cases.
Like above, it has several variations depending on how formal/informal you want it: shikata arimasen, shiyou ga nai, shou ga nai, shaanai, etc. etc.
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Very minor nuance point, but she says she thinks dragons are superior (~が上, are “above”). “I think dragons are better” sounds, to me, more like indicating preference (”I like dragons better”), whereas the Japanese line has more of an observational tint to it (”Dragons appear to be superior”).
Again, minor and arguable point, but if I didn’t like to be pedantic I wouldn’t be writing these things.
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Similar situation as the above, but I would say this is referring specifically to Kobayashi; more “she hasn’t noticed, has she?” than “no one.”
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This is actual code, you can find it in places like here.
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I like how the lint roller seems to have pink hair on it.
Also, just to restate, this is totally a Japanese everyworkplace and it is kind of giving me flashbacks.
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The word for “abusing power” here is pawahara パワハラ, short for power harassment, another Japanese English-ism. It’s often paired with sexual harassment (sekuhara セクハラ) when discussing abuse in the workplace, and both are illegal. A common and particularly serious example of it is forcing people to work unpaid overtime at the threat of being fired.
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Another nuance thing, but Saikawa here is not so much asking Kanna to draw her, but more expressing surprise, like “Wait you’re willing to draw me?”
Saikawa (才川)’s name, by the way, sounds like “the cutest” (最カワ). If you’ve heard of the Saimoe contests, it sounds like that but the kawa from kawaii instead of moe, a common sort of abbreviation.
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Hmmm, I wonder what this could mean...
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You’re supposed to offer a drink to visitors in Japan, both to your home or to your office (like people from another company there for a meeting). I imagine that’s not exactly unique to Japan by any stretch, but as a custom it’s given more weight than in many others. A question of degree, I guess.
I’m sure there’s some reasoning behind the change in drinks from hot tea to orange-whatever, but who knows what. My guess is that it’s (possibly among other things) another way to show that the seasons are changing; it was cold the first time he came, so a hot drink, and warmer the second, so a cold drink. (Not to say there was a long time skip between the two necessarily, but of course the weather can change on a dime in spring, chilly one day and surprisingly hot the next.) 
The way he phrases this, o-tenami haiken to ikou ka お手並み拝見と行こうか。is some pretty fancy language. Nothing much to say about it specifically that the translation doesn’t convey, but just a general note that Fafnir regularly uses less conversational language than the rest of the cast (as you might expect from his demeanor) in ways the subs don’t necessarily make clear.
As an inverse example, this line from earlier:
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“Shall we go home?” sounds sorta fancy, but the Japanese line, just “kaerokka 帰ろっか,” is casual as fuck.
This is one of those things that can be difficult when translating Japanese to English, as Japanese has many different ways of saying literally just the same word but with different levels of formality, where in English you have to come up with different ways to phrase it to try and capture both the meaning and the formality level. Possible, but often time-consuming.
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A family registration, koseki 戸籍, refers to document proving, basically, your family tree. When the government, way back when, was deciding how to administer the population, they figured it would be easier to group people into family units and have the family choose a head of household that would both represent them and have responsibility for them.
So they created this family registry system, where everyone* is registered as a member of a family. The “head of household” thing isn’t so important anymore, but the registry still fulfils the role of birth/death certificates, keeps track of marriages/divorces/adoptions, is proof of citizenship, and is effectively a constantly-updated census.
There can only be one family name per koseki, so it’s impossible to get married and not change your last name (unless you happen to have the same last name already); one of the two must join the other’s koseki and take on that name.
*Everyone, who is a citizen that is. Foreigners who marry a Japanese citizen are listed on the registry, but are not officially part of it.
Note that you usually don’t actually need this necessarily to rent an apartment irl. Usually a juumin-hyou 住民票 covers it.
“But wait,” you ask, “why does it say proof of citizenship in the sub when she says juumin-hyou, if the koseki is the proof of citizenship and the family registration?” as I put several words in your confused and increasingly angry mouth.
Well, probably because either the translator wasn’t familiar with these minor details and isn’t paid enough to look them up, or they felt that would make more sense to the average viewer. 
A juumin-hyou 住民票 is actually a certificate of residency. It keeps track of your address and various other personal details (immediate family, social security number equivalent, birthdate, etc.). This one foreigners can get, assuming they have a proper visa, and is the one you’ll need to do most things like opening a bank account or signing a lease agreement.
Note that this thing means you’re required to fill out paperwork at city hall whenever you move, so they can keep it updated with your correct address.
A “personal seal” is a little stamp with your name, which is used like a signature would be in many other countries (i.e., for signing contracts and such). Make sure it doesn’t get stolen!
Often, people will have three of these that each have different levels of authority. The “real” one (jitsu-in 実印), for contract signing, must be registered with the government so they can prove it’s really yours. The “bank” one (ginkou-in 銀行印), registered with the bank upon opening a bank account (can be the same as the jitsu-in if you want it to be). And the “Amazon delivery” one (mitome-in or nin-in 認印), which isn’t registered officially anywhere, and is probably most often used nowadays when “signing” for a package delivery.
Of course, Tohru just magicked all of these into existence, because she can do that. Augh.
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I know Fafnir. I know.
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The kanji for Ooyama (大山) mean “big mountain,” and the kanji for Takeshi (猛) means basically “ferocious.” 
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The building in the background here is a bank!
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The building in the background here is a business that dispatches staff to support elderly people who can’t fully live on their own!
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Another fairly minor point, but here she’s saying “I don’t think I’d call those feelings ‘regret’.” not “I don’t want to [...].” (だけど私はその気持ちを後悔とは呼ばないと思います). Not a big difference, but possibly an important one depending on how deeply you care to read into things.
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The word here for “green,” ao 青, usually means “blue.” And in fact sometimes the “green” traffic lights in Japan actually are blue. However, up until relatively recently, the “ao” color word actually covered both blue and green (now midori 緑 is the usual word for “green”). This relative lack of distinction between blue and green is actually common in many languages.
As a random anecdote, a Japanese acquaintance of mine who was living in America once got pulled over for running a red light. Though their English was very good, they still got mixed up and kept trying to tell the police officer “I’m sorry I thought the light was blue,” which made for a very awkward talk.
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This sign means Go. The game, not the verb. You know, this one.
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The kanji for “money” (kane 金) is also the kanji for gold (usually “kin”).
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Tadpole is another spring season word. 
Probably unrelated, but one Japanese variant of the saying “like father like son” is “the child of a frog is a frog.” 
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The word for “psychic powers” (such as ESP) in Japanese is basically “super abilities.”
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And the word for “magic trick” (at least, the one used here) is tenjina 手品, more like “hand trick” (in a literal sense, anyway). Magic trick is a perfectly good translation, but since they were just talking about how it wasn’t magic and clearly don’t know what a “magic trick” is, I just wanted to give some context as to why that line sounds less off(?) in the Japanese. 
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Like in the last episode with cute/kawaii, Kanna says “kami” the first time and “god (goddo)” the second. You...probably noticed that, but yeah.
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"To enter [into] your hand” (te ni ireru/hairu 手に入れる/入る) is an idiom that means to get/gain/obtain. Like in a Zelda game or something when you open a treasure chest and get an item, this is the phrase used. Or when someone is elected to a high office, they’ve “te ni ireru’d” themselves some political power. 
It’s a super common phrase, such that...and I hesitate to say this...I actually don’t think it was an intended pun(!). As in, I don’t think a native speaker would recognize that it was supposed to be one, even if it was intentional. It’s the kind of joke that’d be so painful you’d have a bunch of people gnashing their teeth about it online, and I haven’t been able to find any of that.
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The word here is detarame でたらめ, which is closer to something like bunk, bullshit, nonsense, etc. “Fiction” feels a little too kind.
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As mentioned in episode one, the kanji for waterfall (滝), minus the water radical (氵), is a kanji for dragon (竜). Conveniently, the water radical is cut off quite cleanly by the edge of the screen. What a strange coincidence. 
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Their clothes both say “dragon,” just Tohru’s has the kanji for it (ryuu 竜) and Kanna’s has it in hiragana (ryuu りゅう), which is cuter/more childish.
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Lol that they bought spoons just to practice with despite being able to easily fix broken ones with magic anyway.
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Yet another small nuance thing, but Kobayashi’s line leans more toward a sort of “it’s alright if you just do the things only you can do.” Again, minor and arguable, but it’s the difference between saying it’s okay to do something versus saying you should do something. (original: トールにしか出来ないことをすればいいんだよ)
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Lunches in elementary school are eaten in the classroom, and typically served (as seen) by the students themselves; whoever’s on duty. The meals themselves are made by professionals, of course, and tend to be pretty healthy. 
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The “magic” she says here is actually the English word magic (majikku, rather), which in conversation is more likely to refer to magic tricks (similar to tejina above) than actual magic (which would generally be some variant of the Japanese word for it, mahou 魔法).
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The stereotypical “hypnotism” item to swing in front of people in Japan is a 5 yen coin attached to string, rather than a watch. 5 yen coins have a hole in the middle, so it’s easy to tie a string to. Plus, they have a cultural connection to sort of supernatural stuff already; they’re a favorite for making donations at shrines and such because “five yen” (五円) is pronounced “go-en,” which is the same as a word for basically “fate” (ご縁).
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Episode One Notes
Episode Two Notes
Episode Three Notes
Episode Four Notes
52 notes · View notes
bonusblanket · 7 years
1-200 :))
omg hate you ahahaha
200: My crush’s name is: a very nice name199: I was born in: 1997198: I am really: an idiot197: My cellphone company is: verizon y’all196: My eye color is: blue195: My shoe size is: 9194: My ring size is: 8? 7? idk193: My height is: 5 foot 7 inch yo192: I am allergic to: certain hand soaps191: My 1st car was: 2001 monte carlo190: My 1st job was: face painter ahaha189: Last book you read: You Deserve A Drink by Mamrie Hart188: My bed is: a giant marshmallow 187: My pet: the cutest lil rattie186: My best friend: hilariousness 185: My favorite shampoo is: whatever cleans my hair184: Xbox or ps3: I'm more of a nintendo ds gal myself183: Piggy banks are: actually kind of inefficient 182: In my pockets: you will find various items181: On my calendar: things to do 180: Marriage is: legal now179: Spongebob can: officiate my wedding178: My mom: is the best woman 177: The last three songs I bought were? oh gosh idk. Probably the 1975176: Last YouTube video watched: shane dawson singing175: How many cousins do you have? a billion174: Do you have any siblings? the best sister in the world173: Are your parents divorced? no172: Are you taller than your mom? yes171: Do you play an instrument? i play a bunch170: What did you do yesterday? bought a milkshake ;)
[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: hells yeah168: Luck: eh..preparation meets opportunity 167: Fate: depends166: Yourself: most of the time165: Aliens: HELLS. YEAH164: Heaven: well I'm not sure 163: Hell: not sure but ik if i end up there at least i’ll be with my friends162: God: im not sure but if she exists i hope she’s looking out for my gay ass161: Horoscopes: they’ve been on point before160: Soul mates: maybe 159: Ghosts: yeesss158: Gay Marriage: of course157: War: why does it exist156: Orbs: never seen one but 155: Magic: ehhhh nah
[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: depends..both 153: Drunk or High: high off life man152: Phone or Online: I do both simultaniously  151: Red heads or Black haired: both are nice150: Blondes or Brunettes: both are nice149: Hot or cold: depends!!148: Summer or winter: ahhhgggg depends147: Autumn or Spring: autumn 146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate145: Night or Day: night144: Oranges or Apples: oranges143: Curly or Straight hair: in between142: McDonalds or Burger King: mickey d’s for sure141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk chocolate140: Mac or PC: mac mac mac139: Flip flops or high heals: flip floppers138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: oh god137: Coke or Pepsi: coke136: Hillary or Obama: obama135: Burried or cremated: either is fine i guess 134: Singing or Dancing: both 133: Coach or Chanel: walmart      aahahhahaha132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: kelly clarkson131: Small town or Big city: both130: Wal-Mart or Target: depends what i’m trying to buy129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: neither128: Manicure or Pedicure: manicure127: East Coast or West Coast: aw both 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: christmas125: Chocolate or Flowers: both124: Disney or Six Flags: disney123: Yankees or Red Sox: yanks
[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: why121: George Bush: whhhyyyyy120: Gay Marriage: can’t wait to get gay married119: The presidential election: traumatizing 118: Abortion: let the individual woman decide what’s best for her 117: MySpace: i wish i was born earlier so i could've been a part of it116: Reality TV: AMAZING115: Parents: can't live with em can't live without em amirite114: Back stabbers: why 113: Ebay: amazing112: Facebook: past its prime111: Work: find a job that doesn't suck110: My Neighbors: i don't talk to them really109: Gas Prices: skyrocketed i tell you!!108: Designer Clothes: love me some gucci107: College: i applaud people who do well at it106: Sports: sports!105: My family: love them to death104: The future: don’t even wanna think about it
[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: today102: Last time you ate: just now ;)101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: the other day100: Cried in front of someone: yesterday lol99: Went to a movie theater: I saw beauty and the beast 98: Took a vacation: 2 years ago i think97: Swam in a pool: IT’S BEEN TOO LONG96: Changed a diaper: i don't think i ever really have95: Got my nails done: lol94: Went to a wedding: its been years93: Broke a bone: been yeARS92: Got a peircing: YEARS!91: Broke the law: neverrrrr90: Texted: like just now all the time constantly 
[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: every single friend, my sister, my grandma88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: craft sunday87: The last movie I saw: gosh idk86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: seeing The 1975 ;)85: The thing im not looking forward to: adulthood84: People call me: B83: The most difficult thing to do is: isn't everything difficult 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope81: My zodiac sign is: libra80: The first person i talked to today was: I'm not sure79: First time you had a crush: probably the first day of my life78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: i hide things from everyone because I'm secretly a spy77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: ALL THE TIME76: Right now I am talking to: me fwends75: What are you going to do when you grow up: probably die sometime74: I have/will get a job: both73: Tomorrow: is friday72: Today: is not friday71: Next Summer: gon be lit70: Next Weekend: ton be lit 69: I have these pets: 1 rat68: The worst sound in the world: PEOPLE CHEWING 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: no one makes me cry, I'm a spy66: People that make you happy: my family and my friends 65: Last time I cried: yesterday or something idk64: My friends are: amazing 63: My computer is: the shit62: My School: what is school61: My Car: has the best snack bin60: I lose all respect for people who: don't respect others59: The movie I cried at was: like every single movie58: Your hair color is: blonde57: TV shows you watch: supergirl, wynonna earp, nerd stuff56: Favorite web site: this stupid one55: Your dream vacation: london54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when my first lil rat buddy died53: How do you like your steak cooked: i don't eat steak currently52: My room is: calming51: My favorite celebrity is: demi lovato. she has my whole heart50: Where would you like to be: california, england, or ireland49: Do you want children: someday maybe48: Ever been in love: you betcha47: Who’s your best friend: got a bunch 46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl friends45: One thing that makes you feel great is: music44: One person that you wish you could see right now: my dad43: Do you have a 5 year plan: yeah kind of42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: kind of41: Have you pre-named your children: not really but there are some names i like40: Last person I got mad at: i don't really get mad a lot 39: I would like to move to: socal, nyc, and london38: I wish I was a professional: writer
[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: twix36: Vehicle: 1984 jeep grand wagoneer35: President: obameerrr34: State visited: california33: Cellphone provider: verizon i guess..why is this a question32: Athlete: the fab five 31: Actor: fred armisen30: Actress: currently katie mcgrath 29: Singer: demi lovato 28: Band: the 197527: Clothing store: love me a good thrift shop26: Grocery store: weis i guess25: TV show: the office 24: Movie: labyrinth23: Website: this one22: Animal: rat i guess21: Theme park: disney world20: Holiday: halloween19: Sport to watch: water polo18: Sport to play: softball17: Magazine: british vogue 16: Book: the curious incident of the dog in the night-time15: Day of the week: friday or saturday14: Beach: cape may13: Concert attended: the 1975 and demi12: Thing to cook: cereal because its quick af11: Food: do cheetos count?10: Restaurant: moe’s, cyber cafe, red robin9: Radio station: the indie/alt station8: Yankee candle scent: probably a nice autumn scent or a nice mahogany 7: Perfume: ck2 or lacoste 6: Flower: rose and peony 5: Color: black, white, light pink, lavender 4: Talk show host: ellen, j fallon, james corden3: Comedian: tina fey2: Dog breed: whippet1: Did you answer all these truthfully? best i could 
0 notes
rieshon · 5 years
Best of 2018
Holy shit was this a hard year to write this. There were a few standouts that were always going to be at the top of this list, but that second tier of "really good" shows was really dense this year, and some series I absolutely loved weren't able to make the cut. Here are the ones that did.
10: Mitsuboshi Colors ∥ Silver Link. ∥ Dir. Kawamura Tomoyuki: Even as someone who watches children's anime, I have to say Mitsuboshi Colors was the purest celebration of childhood this year. Not only does this series let you see some of the most adorable girls this side of Ichigo Mashimaro, it really invites you to see their world through their eyes, creating a nostalgic and genuinely wholesome experience not common for anime series featuring little girls. Of course, there is still plenty on offer for the lolicons in the audience: Yui is too pure angel, and Sacchan is one of the best bokes of the year. Just remember: in the end, we're all poop.
9: Zombie Land Saga ∥ MAPPA ∥ Dir. Sakai Munehisa: If you told me a year ago one of the best shows of the year would be about moe zombies, even an anime veteran like myself would have been surprised. Yet here we are, where a show about moe zombie idols is not only one of the best shows of the year, but one of the best idol anime I can remember seeing. For what seems like it is going to be a one trick pony of a gag anime, the character development in Zombie Land Saga is shockingly good, from Junko's discovery of her own aidoru-do to Lily's whole thing with being transgender... This show really throws its weight behind its characters and that's what makes the completely-in-earnest idol anime aspects of it work so well. Moe zombies made me cry real tears, and I love anime.
8: Darling in the Franxx ∥ A-1 Pictures & Trigger ∥ Dir. Nishigori Atsushi: This is probably the biggest 'event anime' of the year on this list and it certainly was an adventure. Darling in the Franxx is an epic robot anime very much in the vein of its great predecessors: genuine sci-fi, attempts to be deep, and of course the always relevant themes of "parents just don't understand" and "puberty is hard." The heroines are wonderful, of course, and the characters' rather significant growth over the course of the series is compelling. It's the kind of show you'd expect from someone who had their hands deep in Gurren Lagann. It also features some great hand-drawn(!) robot action--visually, it's overall one of the best shows of the year. But sorry 57th prime minister of Japan Shinzo Abe, this will not increase Japan's birth rate.
7: SSSS.GRIDMAN ∥ Trigger ∥ Dir. Amemiya Akira: I'm honestly not sure which of the Trigger robot shows I enjoyed more; Gridman might just be higher because it's more recent, but it's probably fair to say it's the more "fun" show, what with it being an Ultra series spinoff and everything. Even though it gets pretty dark and deep towards the end, the series is definitely imbued with the playful spirit of tokusatsu. Hiding behind that, though, is a thematically solid series boasting a couple of fantastic female leads in Akane and Rikka. You're never going to be able to get me to stop shipping it.
6: Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight ∥ Kinema Citrus ∥ Dir. Furukawa Tomohiro: If I was rating series on style alone, Revue Starlight would probably be my anime of the year on the basis of the digital stage lighting effects alone. This show is both a sharp-edged satire of the cut-throat world of Japanese womens' theater and a love letter to the spectacle of the stage. It seems fitting that it would be a protege of Ikuhara Kunihiko's who would take on this project; the show's style is certainly evocative of Ikuhara, and that sort of ostentatious presentation is also perfectly evocative of theater, which is itself an inherently larger-than-life endeavor. Yeah, it's pretentious as hell, but that just makes me like it more. Style aside, there is also a good yuri anime lurking in the background (Japanese womens' theater is gay as fuck so there had to be) and Hikari definitely earns the right to be called "this show's Homura." Lots of good lesbians in this show.
5: Hanebado! ∥ Lidenfilms ∥ Dir. Ezaki Shinpei: Sports anime are not really my thing--I have no interest in watching Slam Dunk, Tennis no Oujisama, or 'the basketball which Kuroko plays,' but even so, is Hanebado! one of the best sports anime ever made? It's hard for me to imagine a better-executed tale of self-discovery through athletic competition. This is certainly the only sports anime I've seen where the audience is made to root against the protagonist in the sport because we're rooting for her outside of it. It also features stellar animation for the badminton parts that really sells the idea of badminton being 'the world's fastest racquet sport." Erena was the best girl though, and she doesn't even play badminton.
4: Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho ∥ Madhouse ∥ Dir. Ishizuka Atsuko: When the end credits finally rolled on Yorimoi, the first words that came to mind were "what a journey." I don't know if I've watched another show that made me feel so much like I had truly gone 'there and back again' with the heroes. The treasure really is the friends we found along the way, and you accompany these friends from the very beginning to the very end of their journey to and from Antarctica, watching them mature and learn things about each other and themselves... The result is a series that is immensely satisfying in a way few others are. Hanada Jukki's usual brand of sentimental melodrama is pitch perfect for a show like this, and I'd be lying if I said this show didn't make me cry on like four or five completely seperate occasions. Please let Ishizuka Atsuko direct more anime.
3: Yagate Kimi ni Naru ∥ Troyca ∥ Dir. Katou Makoto: I went into detail about what makes Yagakimi so great just a couple months ago, but suffice it to say this show is my favorite yuri anime of all time. The characters' relationships are just so genuinely fascinating, especially in a genre where 'will they or won't they' is often as far as the dramatic tension goes. It is really a show about two girls discovering themselves through each other, and it's just so beautifully done, especially when accompanied by Ooshima Michiru's soundtrack. I liked this story so much that I downloaded the manga to read through, and I don't even read manga.
2: Violet Evergarden ∥ Kyoto Animation ∥ Dir. Ishidate Taichi: Figures that a show I was so certain would suck would end up here. Violet is the only show this year that made me cry even more than Yorimoi, and although it's a little hamfisted about it at times, I love the earnestness with which it pursues its themes about loss and love. Violet is not just the interloper who allows us to experience the various stories happening around this world, but also a fascinating character to watch in her own right as she tries to learn what exactly it means to love someone. It's sappy and sentimental as hell, which is why I love it. It also has probably my favorite soundtrack of the year, courtesy of Evan Call, which I've probably listened to over a dozen times.
1: Yurucamp ∥ C-Station ∥ Dir. Kyougoku Yoshiaki: Cute girls taking it easy? Hell yeah. There's nothing on this Earth more comfy than watching these girls go camping in the gorgeous Japanese countryside and just being the best of friends. Shimarin is the best loner who absolutely knows how to live life, and all I want is to ride scooters and eat instant noodles with her. It's a cute girl anime of the utmost quality, and the only reason I still have a will to live is because a second season has already been confirmed.
1. Yurucamp 2. Violet Evergarden 3. Yagate Kimi ni Naru 4. Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho 5. Hanebado! 6. Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight 7. SSSS.GRIDMAN 8. Darling in the Franxx 9. Zombie Land Saga 10. Mitsuboshi Colors
Honorable mentions... Hinamatsuri is probably the show I feel worst about not including, given its hilarity and its surprisingly well-done themes on poverty and homelessness, but someone had to be 11th. Asobi Asobase was another comedy I wanted to include, another one which was riotously hilarious at times and also included one of the cutest girls of the year, Olivia. As far as joji anime this year go, Aikatsu Friends exceeded all my expectations to finally be the Aikatsu series I stuck with, and Aine and Mio are the ultimate lesbian idols. I also have to give a shoutout to the Seishun Butayarou show, which is exactly the kind of 'snappy dialogue and adolescence problems' show that makes me love series like Oregairu and ef.
The awards go to...
Best Actress: Ueda Reina as Shinjou Akane, SSSS.GRIDMAN. I've been a big fan of Ueshama's since she turned up as the ridiculous Ajimi-sensei in Pripara. She can do some vocal gymnastics and has a great comedic delivery, but it was fantastic to hear her dramatic chops really leveraged to their full potential in Gridman. I think Ueda has one of the sexiest voices going in the business today, and some of the segments in Gridman where her character tries to seduce the male lead were truly yabai... And of course the more emotional segments with Rikka were also immensely impactful. (Credit to Miyamoto Yume for also doing some great work as Rikka in that series.)
(Honorable mention: Touyama Nao as Shima Rin in Yurucamp. Naobou has been one of my favorites for a long time now but her work as Rin is probably my top role of her's. Her aloof delivery is just so perfect for the character and her voice makes the show even more comfy than it already was. It's like a voice you want to hug.)
Best Actor: Miyano Mamoru as the manager from the moe zombie show I guess. I give up on doing the men every year. Kono baka zombi.
Newcomer Seiyuu of the Year: Shiraishi Haruka. Behind pure acting ability, versatility must be the most desirous trait in a voice actor, and it really feels like Shiraishi can do it all. She's had a couple major roles before this year: Motoba Kirie in the Umaru series, and Ruri in Anhapi, but her three main roles this past year really highlight the breadth of her abilities. She was the cool and collected Asirpa in Golden Kamuy, the impudent loli Misha in Uchi no Meido ga Uzasugiru, and the sexy tsundere Kana in Animayell... Yeah, that's some diversity in performances. It seems like I'm seeing this girl's name pop up everywhere recently and it's easy to see why: she seems to be able to excel in almost any role. She has two more major parts lined up for later this year, and I'm excited to see what she can do yet.
(Honorable mention: Hondo Kaede. Man, it felt like this girl was everywhere this year. Wikipedia counts her as having had no less than eight major roles, and that's following on from a 2017 where she had three leading roles. She certainly has a flair for the dramatic: probably my favorite role of hers was as Kanami in Toji no Miko; in a show where the animation didn't often keep up with the demands of the story, strong voice acting from Hondo and her leading partner Oonishi Saori really helped carry the show. I also really enjoyed her as Kohaku in Irozuku Sekai no Ashita Kara... She doesn't get the award, though, because most of her major roles so far have tended to sound the same. I'd really like to hear her branch out beyond her standard voice.)
1 note · View note
rieshon · 6 years
Best of 2017
This was almost a weak year for anime, but then the Fall season happened. Apparently anime was just saving all their best for last in 2017.
10: Seikai Suru Kado ∥ Toei Animation ∥ Dir. Watanabe Masaki: This may be a surprise inclusion, given that Kado was admittedly one of the most hideous-looking shows of the year, but in a post-Kemono Friends world, anything is possible. Looks aside, Kado does the remarkable thing of giving us actual science fiction in an anime: you know, cerebral, philosophical, and trying to raise questions about our own society through the lens of the fantastic. It definitely has flaws, but there aren't many anime I've watched that feel as much like a good SF novel as this one does.
9: NEW GAME!! ∥ Douga Koubou ∥ Dir. Fujiwara Yoshiyuki: Here's a more conventional choice. You know I love Zoi-chan, and her second season was everything it should have been. We have the great character development of Aoba coming into her own as a designer, Nenecchi being the world's most adorable beginning programmer, and a genuinely moving ending with Kou-chan setting out on her own. Plus it adds some adorable new girls, and the cuteness delivered by Douga Koubros is on point as always. Wako-chan dabes!
8: Gabriel Dropout ∥ Douga Koubou ∥ Dir. Oota Masahiko: You didn't think the Comedy God wouldn't find his way on here, did you? Oota Masahiko had a two year absence from my Best of the Year lists, but now he clocks in for the fourth time with the eminently enjoyable Gabriel Dropout. As you might expect, this show has a feel similar to the original Yuruyuri: it's super comfy, but also hilarious. Comic foil Satanya was easily one of the best girls of the year.
7: Little Witch Academia ∥ TRIGGER ∥ Dir. Yoshinari You: Some will probably think I have LWA a little low... It's definitely a masterpiece of design and, at times, animation, but I felt like the overall plot dragged a little. Some individual episodes were brilliant, though, like the one where Akko travels inside Sucy's brain, the labor strike episode which gave us glorious Comrade Akko, or the robot episode aka Gurren Lagann 2. The big plot about the kotonoha and the evil Elon Musk, on the other hand, I never really got that invested into, although Shiny Chariot is definitely a babe. Still, it's got all those great themes about believing in yourself that are so genuine and earnest that you can't help but love it.
6: Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasuka? Isogashii Desuka? Sukutte Moratte Iidesuka? ∥ C2C/Satelight ∥ Dir. Wada Junichi: I'm totally biased towards this series, having read the books, but I do think it's a really good anime in its own right. Kutori's tragic story is told with the utmost care and even though they only adapted three of the five novels it still turns out as a complete and satisfying story unto itself. The feels are all over, especially thanks in no small part to a beautiful score (including several vocal pieces) by Katou Tatsuya that really ties the show together tonally. I'd really kill for a second season.
5: Youjo Senki ∥ Nut ∥ Dir. Uemura Yutaka: So, I almost feel guilty putting this show on here because it's definitely the hardest anime I've ever watched raw (Monogatari shows included) and I still feel like some of it may have gone over my head. But even my dumb ass knows enough to tell this is one of the smartest shows of the year, a study of man's tendency towards war as seen through the eyes of a little girl who embodies the doctrine of "the ends justify the means." Yuuki Aoi turns in probably the best performance of her career as Tanya who is definitely one of the most memorable characters of the year, even if Nazis think she's supposed to be a "badass" you're meant to root for. This is another one that desperately needs a second season.
4: Kino no Tabi -the Beautiful World- the Animated Series ∥ Lerche ∥ Dir. Taguchi Tomohisa: I always heard the original Kino was great but I didn't care enough to actually go back and watch it. Thankfully, anime's got me covered with this new adaptation that definitely lived up to the hype. If I were to use one phrase to describe Kino no Tabi it would be "Star Trek"―much like that show it's an episodic series about some people on a journey to strange places that uses each episode to set up an ethical or philosophical question and then work through it. As a result, it's wonderfully varied and constantly surprising. Also, Kino is cute!
3: Konohana Kitan ∥ Lerche ∥ Dir. Okamoto Hideki: Is it wrong for me to say this show is like Kino? Konohana is also a series of short stories tied together by the setting and characters of the inn, but instead of setting up philosophical questions it's all about sentimentality. I really appreciate short form storytelling and there are a ton of fantastically constructed short stories here and they rarely failed to make me bawl my eyes out. It also features some of the cutest girls of the year, to the point that I still don't really know who best girl is: I gave it to Yuzu, but you really couldn't go wrong with any of them.
2: Houseki no Kuni ∥ Orange ∥ Dir. Kyougoku Takahiko: It's a real shame that this show can't also be anime of the year, but second place is no indictment of the quality of this show which was one of two to earn a perfect score last year. Houseki no Kuni is a standard (if masterfully executed) bildungsroman, but it's wrapped in a package unlike anything I've ever experienced before. The arresting character designs are the first thing that jump out, but there's also the unique and never-quite-explained setting and world, including the haunting visuals of the moon people antagonists, and the show's stylish fusion of 3DCG technology with traditional animation techniques, resulting in some of the best cinematography of the year. And then there's the cast of characters, headed by Kurosawa Tomoyo as Phosphophyllite who has with this performance removed any doubt in my mind that she's one of the top actresses in anime right now. Phos experiences character growth that's almost unprecendented in this medium, where return to the status quo is the norm for most "arcs," and Kurosawa's performance which takes Phos from goofy red-headed stepchild to cold, disaffected warrior (while still not losing any of her personality) really ties it all together. Phos's character development is so satisfying that it even manages to convincingly take the place of a real ending to the plot. A genuine masterpiece.
1: Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou ∥ White Fox ∥ Dir. Ozaki Takaharu: But as fate would have it there would be two unqualified masterpieces this year... Part of the reason I've put off finishing this post is because I've struggled to think of ways to communicate how truly sublime the experience of watching Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou is. It's beautiful, thoughtful, introspective, sentimental, heart-rending, soothing... I guess it's fitting that it's so many things because the show is ultimately about humanity, where we came from, and where we're heading. And it does all that without being brooding or melancholic: these round girls look the apocalypse square in the face and still manage to find beauty, comfort, and profound meaning in the world. If that isn't humanity at its purest, what is? This show that is at first glance about two round blobs on a road trip will make you reconsider mankind's place in the universe. I love anime.
Close but no cigar:
The biggest conflict for me was Princess Principal, which I really wanted to include in the list but just couldn't make room for it. There's a lot of things I love that show for: its fun setting, endearing characters, its well-told short form stories, and the fact that it tiptoes into dealing with leftist politics... But unfortunately it ends quite poorly, which is a big knock on a show as plot-driven as this one. In a similar vein, Kakegurui was one of the most compelling shows week-to-week of the year, but it also suffers from a weak non-ending which lets a little air out of the balloon after all the super hype gambles until that point.
In the cute girls department, there was Kobayashi-sanchi no Maidragon, which let us know that Kyoani can still make moe anime if they try. It was definitely a great specimen in the genre, but it didn't really do anything special enough to get into the top ten... other than having Kanna. There was also Eromanga-Sensei, which lived up to its name by being very ero but was also just unremarkably good.
In terms of lesser shows that deserve a shoutout, I've gotta give one to the second season of Lovelive! Sunshine!! for being so incredibly better than the first outing that it made me genuinely love Aqours and look forward to the upcoming movie. After the last two season of Lovelive anime I never thought I'd really care again, but they managed to do it with a renewed focus on character and abandoning the stupid 'save the school' narrative that made Sunshine feel like a second-rate knockoff of the original. I should also mention Made In Abyss, if only because of its overriding popularity around the world, but also because the first half of it was setting up for an all-time great show that could have easily slotted in among Houseki no Kuni and Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou, but then it made the mistake of getting too grimdark and ruined it.
Now time to open the envelopes:
Best Actress: Kurosawa Tomoyo as Phosphophyllite, Houseki no Kuni. What, you were expecting someone else? At only 21 years of age Kurosawa has already established herself as a force to be reckoned with, between this role and her similarly fantastic work as Kumiko in the Euphonium series. She brings a level of emotional texture to a character that's seldom seen in anime. Just go look at the review for Houseki for more explanation of why she deserves this. We definitely have a lot to look forward to with this girl.
(Honorable mentions: Yuuki Aoi as Tanya Degurechaff, Youjo Senki; Noto Mamiko as Morioka Moriko, Netojuu no Susume; Minase Inori & Kubo Yurika as Chito & Yuri, Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou; Hayami Saori as Jabami Yumeko, Kakegurui)
Best Actors: Ichikawa Aoi & Murata Taishi as Izumi Eita & Souma Haruto, Just Because!. I didn't include Just Because in the close-but-no-cigar section because I figured I could give it credit here. For me, Just Because! was one of the most underrated shows of last year; it won me over with its understated but earnest depiction of youth navigating the tangle of falling in love for the first time. Part of what makes it so charming is the realistic relationship between Ichikawa and Murata's characters, once-seperated friends who reunite when the protagonist moves back to the town he grew up in. The interplay between the characters has that sort of unstated intimacy that often defines male friendships, and while a lot of that is down to the solid writing, it's hard not to give credit to the actors for making the characters' relationship so darling as well.
(Honorable mentions: Fukushima Jun as Satou Kazuma, Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2; Chiba Shouya as Azumi Koutarou, Tsuki ga Kirei; Saitou Souma as Glenn Radars, Roku de Nashi Majutsu Kyoushi no Akashic Records)
Newcomer Seiyuu of the Year: Tomita Miyu. Talk about jumping onto the scene. Tomita first came to my active attention with her role as the aloof angel Gabriel in Gabriel Dropout, and her comic delivery was a big part of that show's success. When she later played Kuina in Hinako Note, I thought maybe she was a little one note, because the performances seemed really similar. Her performance as Riko in Made In Abyss, though, really threw her into the spotlight. While I personally hated what happened in episode 10 from a narrative standpoint, there's no denying that that scene was so gutwrenching and affecting for so many people because of Tomita's performance. I'd still like to see if she has more vocal range, but even if she doesn't, this girl―who was only seventeen years old while turning in that work!―can definitely act. I hope we get to hear her lead another show sometime soon.
(Honorable mention: Naganawa Maria. It's not always the case that a voice can entirely make a character. People like Kugimiya Rie can do that, and in recent years Sakura Ayane does the same for me. Naganawa Maria as Kanna Kamui in Kobayashi-sanchi no Maidragon is another example. Kanna would have always been cute, of course, but it's Naganawa's voice that really put her over the edge to becoming one of the most widely popular characters of 2017. The quality of her loligoe is uncontested, but what remains to be seen is if she can truly carry a show as the main protagonist. The only example we have of that is her work as Honda Tamaki in Stella no Mahou, which I enjoyed, but I'd like to hear more of her in that kind of role.)
0 notes
rieshon · 7 years
Spring 2017 Power Rankings
1 Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasuka? Isogashii Desuka? Sukutte Moratte Iidesuka?: The adaptation of my favorite light novel ended up being my favorite anime of the season. Although it only goes through three of the five books, the new truncated script penned by the original author still tells an emotionally affecting tale about the tragic hero and heroine, Willem and Kutori. It's a shame we didn't get to see more of Nephren being the best girl, but what we did get is still one of the best LN anime I've seen. The show is helped along by a magnificent soundtrack full of amazing vocal pieces that will certainly stand out as one of the best of the year come year's end.
2 Eromanga-Sensei: Another LN adaptation at number two, but the reasons Eromanga-Sensei are up here are a lot simpler. It's lewd, it's cute, it's got good girls. This show definitely had the best animation of the season (going so far to make the heroines appealing they had an animator credited as a dedicated 'Sagiri Animator') and it was used to full effect to put these heroines on display. The production is so good it even made me do a 180 on my opinion of Sagiri... but Elf-sensei will always be the best.
3 Seikai Suru Kado: This one is a surprise. Although the plot went off the rails a little bit towards the end, and we could debate the effectiveness of the ending, Kado is a surprisingly smart science fiction anime that feels more like a good novel in terms of tone and pacing than it does your average anime. The show takes its time revealing the secrets of the enigmatic "Kado" and its master, Yahakuizashunina, and although the payoff may not have been what some people were hoping for, the slow build is captivating enough to get it all the way up here on my power rankings. In fact, the plot is so good I almost forgot to mention how butt ugly the 3DCG used to animate the show is. Plus, in spite of it, Saraka is super cute.
4 Hinako Note: The first Comic Cune anime, and it's definitely what you would expect from a magazine for cute 4koma. Hinako Note follows in the footsteps of the best Kirara anime, delivering some of the cutest girls of the season -- especially Yua. It did take a few episodes to really grow on me, and some of the character quirks feel like the author is scraping the bottom of the barrel, but once I did settle in I fell in love with this cast of characters. Especially Yua. Yua dabes.
5 Shingeki no Bahamut Virgin Soul: It's more Bahamut, baybee. At least through one cours, this show is actually not quite the spectacle the original show is, using its additional length for a more character-driven buildup in setting the stage for what will no doubt be an over-the-top final battle between a bunch of characters whose names I can't remember. The new protagonist, Nina, is great (her silly romance with the human king notwithstanding) and she carries the series as well as Favaro and Kaisar ever did. I give this series a ton of credit for being patient and waiting an entire cours to start reassembling the "crew" from the original series; it really makes it that much more satisfying when we finally get to see Kaisar and Favaro working together again.
6 Frame Arms Girl: When I saw the terrible 3DCG being used in this show I was prepared for the worst, but FA Girl was probably the most surprising show of the season. It ended up having some of the silliest comedy of the season, and it really makes the most of the premise of a girl's cute girl action figures coming to life. Silly antics like the FA girls competing to see who can be the fastest to run an errand or trying to put together the ultimate hot pot despite being action figures who can't eat food were some of the most memorable vignettes of the season. Unfortunately, the show has a major case of multiple personality disorder and when its serious side comes out it's just dreadful. It wouldn't be so bad if the CG animation for the action sequences wasn't so hideous, but it is, and I found myself counting the seconds until they would be over. That inconsistency hurts it a little, but FA Girl is still a comedic accomplishment.
7 Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata♭: I guess Katou won the Rinrib Owl? The plot of this sequel is pretty stupid, revolving around a bunch of situations where the series desperately wants you to feel bad for Tomoya despite there being no reason to. That aside, the heroines are as great as ever, especially Kasumigaoka Utaha, who continues to be the most perfect woman in the world. The subplot concerning Utaha and Eriri's relationship is actually the best thing about this series, and I really couldn't give a damn what happened to Rinri-kun in the end.
8 Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism: This show was definitely a surprise. It comes off as edgy at first but rapidly becomes one of the silliest comedies of the season as our overly-charismatic hero makes short work of the cast of "villains" and engages in some top tier romantic comedy shenanigans, complete with making a gigantic boxing female bear fall in love with him. Unfortunately, that edginess does come back in the last few episodes and ends up leaving a bad taste in my mouth, but this was a solid series overall.
9 Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Record: I debated all season whether this or Busou Shoujo was the better Blade Dance anime; I ended up giving Busou Shoujo the nod for being a little more original, but that doesn't mean Rokudenashi is a bad show by any stretch. The comedy and such aren't super strong here, aside from Glen-sensei occasionally being a goofball, but the real appeal is in the heroines (and their amazing school uniforms) -- this show has much better production values than Busou Shoujo and the girls are cute enough to carry it, especially Shironeko.
10 Sakura Quest: Unfortunately this show does not quite manage to fill the admittedly massive shoes of Hanasaku Iroha and Shirobako. I never really expected it to in the first place, and Sakura Quest is still a good show in spite of it. The show is a love letter to rural Japan, set against its decline, and the town of Manoyama is arguably a better-developed character than any of the heroines... wherein lies the problem with the show. These girls just aren't on the same level as Ohana or Miyamori -- those anime were undoubtedly stories about the characters' own journies of self-discovery, but here it feels like a story about the town and the girls are just kind of along for the ride.
11 Tsugumomo: This was a show that I kept expecting to drop, but every week it delivered a little more. A shounen battle anime on the face of it, Tsugumomo ends up being a great romantic comedy, helped along by the fact that Kiriha is magically turned into a loli a few episodes in and stays that way for most of the show. I wouldn't call it a harem, since most of the other heroines besides Kukuri are either mostly unappealing or absent for most of the show, but Kiriha ended up being one of my favorite girls of the season and she completely carries this show. Also, the mostly dialogue-free grocery shopping pudding adventure was one of the most adventurous things a show did this season, and it was fantastic.
12 sin Nanatsu no Taizai: It's a shame that this will always be remembered as just 'that show where the studio went bankrupt,' because Nanatsu no Sin is one of the better shinshi anime I've seen. Kitamura Eri is wonderful as sexy, big-boobed Lucifer and the antics she and her lesbian girlfriends get into are fantastic. The idol episode, featuring Astaroth as a shy YouTuber who can only communicate through moe rapping, was especially great. But as mentioned before, as of writing at the end of July the show is still not finished because of one of the studios making it going under... hopefully the last episode is not entirely terrible, because this is a series that deserves better.
13 ID-0: Sanzigen makes the cutest CG girls and they continue to succeed with ID-0. Of the full CG anime I've seen I think ID-0 is probably my least favorite, but it's still a pretty solid science fiction story, at least for a good part of it. It started to lose me at the end with the whole consciousness inside of rocks thing... Most of the cast being robots for most of the show also makes it difficult to connect with the characters, plus the girls are super cute so I'd like to have been able to look at them more. Karla was hot but she spends most of her time as a purple robot.
14 Tsuki ga Kirei: This was almost one of the most earnest and genuine depictions of young love in anime history and then they had to ruin it with that stupid ending montage. Still a really cute show though.
15 Sword Oratoria: I'll never understand why they made this instead of just making a second season of the original show. This wasn't necessarily worse, it's just strange. I enjoyed the new protagonist and her quest to create a lesbian harem but unfortunately the show neglected her more often than not to show us Aiz's boring drama or even worse, scenes from the first series we'd already seen. Needed more gay elves.
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