mitchipedia · 2 years
What's the deal with all those weird wrong-number texts? By Max Read.
I've been getting a lot of these lately—text messages from random phone numbers. Sometimes they seem to be wrong numbers, addressing me by the wrong name. Other times they claim my number was in their address book but they don't remember how we know each other—can I please remind them?
Max Read has been digging in to the trend and delivers an explanation. It's pretty much what I would have guessed. The mystery texts are "romance scams." The sender will strike up a conversation, and then ask for a loan of money, or offer some kind of sweet investing deal. In many cases, they're not selling romance, just friendship. But it's still a scam.
Often the sender claims their assistant screwed up the phone number—thus creating the impression that the sender is a wealthy person, with enough money to hire an assistant—and offer up sweet investing deals.
Some of the come-ons are more interesting than what I've been seeing:
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The scammers often work for big crime syndicates in Asia. Often they're victims of trafficking, and are beaten and even killed if they fail to make their numbers.
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hairbrush9 · 2 years
I can't even give you all a good excerpts because I'd just be reposting the entire article lol. as described in this article - the governments of cambodia, myannmar, and laos, are either pretending to act concerned, ignoring the problem altogether, or actively participating within local industry and politics. One of the many new "modern slavery" features of this beautiful 21st century
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Unveiling the Dark Nexus: Fraud, Sextortion, and Cyber Exploitation
Amidst growing concerns over cybercrime, particularly in the realm of sextortion, authorities are uncovering increasingly sophisticated schemes designed to exploit unsuspecting victims. Recent investigations by the Kolkata Police have shed light on a disturbing nexus between fraudulent activities and the exploitation of intimate digital content.
In laptops seized from a call center in Behala's Mahabirtala area, law enforcement officials stumbled upon damning evidence linking the operation to a mobile dating app and a cache of sexually explicit materials. This revelation has brought to the forefront the dark underbelly of cyber exploitation, where vulnerable individuals are targeted and coerced into compromising situations.
In laptops seized from the centre, the police found a link to a mobile dating app and several sexually explicit videos and screenshots. As many as 15 employees of the call centre, mostly young women, have been detained for questioning.
The Kolkata Police have got definite clues that the prime accused in the fraud case involving mobile gaming app E-Nuggets also ran a sextortion racket under the guise of a call centre. The police raised a call centre owned and operated by Subhojeet Srimani, a close associate of the prime accused Amir Khan, at Behala's Mahabirtala area late on Thursday.
In laptops seized from the centre, the police found a link to a mobile dating app and several sexually explicit videos and screenshots. As many as 15 employees of the call centre, mostly young women, have been detained for questioning.Srimani is, however, absconding and according to his family, he is currently in Dubai.
Sources said that the police found a particular pattern in the way this racket was being run. First, the potential targets were identified and links were established with them via social networking sites like Facebook.
After becoming friends and exchanging phone numbers, the targets were invited to join WhatsApp video calls. As the targets engaged in sexually explicit video chats, they were secretly recorded. Later the victims were extorted for huge sums of money under threats that if they did not pay the amount, the video chats would be made viral on social media.
Earlier this month, an inter-state sextortion racket attempted to target senior Trinamool Congress leader and three-time party MLA from the Chuchura Assembly constituency, Asit Majumdar. However, Majumdar dodged the nefarious attempt and lodged an FIR with the local police. Meanwhile, a whopping amount of Rs 74.68 crore has been recovered in connection with the E-Nuggets app fraud racket.
As the investigation into the E-Nuggets app fraud and sextortion racket unfolds, authorities are intensifying efforts to dismantle similar criminal enterprises operating across the country. The recent crackdown on the call center in Behala has sent shockwaves through the cyber underworld, serving as a stark warning to those involved in illicit activities.
In light of these developments, there is a pressing need for enhanced cybersecurity measures and public awareness campaigns to safeguard individuals from falling victim to online predators. The collaboration between law enforcement agencies and tech companies is crucial in combating the ever-evolving landscape of cybercrime and protecting the digital well-being of citizens.
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jpmellojr · 10 months
Scammers Posing as Bioscience Firms Target Student Job Seekers
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A cybercrime campaign has been targeting students seeking jobs since March, a cybersecurity company reported Wednesday. https://jpmellojr.blogspot.com/2023/07/scammers-posing-as-bioscience-firms.html
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lyopaycam · 2 years
WeWe Global espande lo schema con LyoFI e LyoPay.
LyoFI è uno spinoff dello schema piramidale WeWe Global.
WeWe Global è il riavvio di un progetto segnalato, sospeso e poi vietato in Italia dalla Consob nel 2019, chiamato Liracoin.
Dopi una sospensione di 90 giorni, la Consob aveva ordinato la chiusura dell’azienda, e la cessazione di ogni attività in Italia, a causa della mancanza delle licenze necessarie ad operare nel Paese (qui l’ordinanza con cui la Consob ha vietato Liracoin in Italia).
Per cercare di aggirare la legge, l’azienda madre di Liracoin era stata riavviata come WeWe Global, la sede è stata spostata alle Isole Vergini, e i fondatori hanno cambiato nome al token.
Ricordiamo che, alla data di oggi, nessuna delle cripto menzionate ha pubblicato un whitepaper ufficiale.
Il dominio del sito web di LyoFI (“lyofi.com”) è stato registrato in maniera anonima il 30 luglio 2021.
Nell’ottobre 2021, WeWe Global ha confermato che l’attività menzionata è una società in partecipazione con… se stessa.
La sede legale presente nel fondo pagina del sito, è:
DIGIFI GROUP LTD BRN: 2073860 Skeleton Bay Lot, Tortola BVI
Le Isole Vergini Britanniche (BVI) sono una giurisdizione particolarmente tollerante nei confronti delle truffe.
Si tratta di sedi legali senza uffici reali, nella quale i truffatori si limitano a costituire società fittizie.
Qualsiasi società di Network Marketing con legami con le Isole Vergini Britanniche, presenta una bandiera rossa evidente di cui tenere al momento della dovuta valutazione.
“Digifi Group LTD” è una società satellite di DigiTech Services LTD, la società di comodo delle BVI di proprietà di WeWe Global, come confermato nella pagina FAQ del sito ufficiale WeWe Global:
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WeWe Global sembra essere ampiamente promossa in Italia, di cui appare essere il mercato principale.
Al momento in cui scriviamo, infatti, il sito di statistiche SimilarWeb indica l’Italia (62%), la Grecia (12%) e la Turchia (8%) come le principali fonti di traffico del sito web di WeWe Global.
Luiz Goes ( anche scritto Luiz Goez). è l’unico dirigente che finora ha mostrato il proprio volto per WeWe Global.
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Luiz Goes sembra risiedere a Dubai, come la maggior parte dei “titolari” di schemi piramidali a tema cripto.
Dubai è la capitale mondiale degli Schemi Piramidali, a causa delle sue leggi estremamente tolleranti verso le frodi di questo tipo (purché queste non coinvolgano mai residenti degli Emirati Arabi Uniti, di cui Dubai è la capitale).
Come nel caso delle BVI, qualsiasi società che si spaccia per “network marketing” e che sia legata a Dubai, presenta una bandiera rossa da non trascurare in fase di valutazione.
Luiz dichiara di essere l’amministratore delegato di LyoPay. LyoPay è uno scambio di criptovalute che ha aperto i battenti nel 2020.
Luiz si dichiara di nazionalità brasiliana.
l suo profilo LinkedIn è disseminato di esperienze di brokeraggio di criptovalute non andate a buon fine, che partono dal 2019.
Fino a poco tempo fa, anche LyoPay era praticamente morta:
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Questo coincide con l’inizio dei reclutamenti di WeWe Global nel 2022.
Lo schema ha lanciato un nuovo Ponzi a rendimento giornaliero della durata di 900 giorni utilizzando l’offerta LyoFI di WeWe Global.
La collaborazione di WEWE Global con LYOFi “offre” alle sue vittime un presunto nuovo metodo di conio dei token noto come cloud minting.
Si tratta di una frode standard, ma questa volta è promossa tramite il token LYOCREDIT (LYO).
Lo schema originario utilizzato da WeWe Global era la stessa truffa, ma con i token WEWEX.
Il Ponzi WEWEX di WeWe Global sembra essere passato in secondo piano (leggi: crollato).
Le recensioni su WeWe Global, del resto, non sono mai state lusinghiere:
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WeWe Global sollecita gli investimenti in LYO pretendendo bitcoin ed ethereum, con pacchetti equivalenti in euro.
Vengono offerti infatti dieci piani di investimento, da 100 a 100.000 euro.
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WeWe Global sostiene che i LYO investiti in LyoFI produrranno un ROI del 300% in 900 giorni.
E’ la stessa promessa che facevano schemi piramidali simili già crollati, come HyperVerse.
I pagamenti di LyoFI Ponzi vengono effettuati in LYO, che gli affiliati convertono in bitcoin.
Il Cloud Minting Program, sviluppato in collaborazione con LYOFi, è un servizio che consente di affittare hardware per coniare token LYOCREDIT. I LYO possono essere accumulati o scambiati in bitcoin.
Poiché WeWe Global e LyoFI sono schemi piramidali, in cui si viene pagati solo se si reclutano altre vittime, le operazioni continueranno fino che non saranno esauriti i fondi investiti dalle vittime.
Cercare di scambiarlo con il bitcoin è un problema diverso. Funzionerà fino a quando non ci sarà più denaro da rubare.
Per dare un senso a tutto ciò, sembra che lo schema di Ponzi WEWEX originale di WeWe Global sia crollato alla fine del 2021. È possibile che lo stiano tenendo a galla con nuove attività tramite LyoFI.
LyoPay era uno scambio di criptovalute morente/morto, già prima di collaborare con WeWe Global.
WeWe Global ha una lunga storia di promotori già coinvolti in frodi simili.
L’ultima stella in ordine cronologico ad aver deciso di promuovere WeWe è Jose Gordo, che si pensa sia domiciliato in Spagna; ha lavorato instancabilmente negli ultimi mesi per far decollare WeWe Global in Sud America.
Gordo è noto nel settore degli schemi piramidali a tema cripto per essere uno dei maggiori promotori e beneficiari del famigerato schema piramidale di OneCoin/OneLife.
Gordo è stato accusato in Argentina di reati di frode legati a OneCoin alla fine del 2020.
È tuttora ricercato dall’Interpol.
Author:Deon Guebert
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tech-nology123 · 2 years
Key Tips To Avoid Cyber Scams | CIO Applications Scam
CIO Applications provides the latest technology news, articles, and insights on enterprise scams, spam, and reviews. Also provides top technology news, insights, and updates on the latest trends in the tech industry.
Check Out This : CIO Applications Scam
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tuesday again 10/17/2023
started explaining why this one is a little lighter than last week's gallery wall behemoth bc of a uhhhh kind of dire week, personally and professionally speaking, but then realized when fic authors do that in front of chapters i don't actually care or require an excuse from them, im just delighted to have a new chapter.
this is a deeply cheesy little folk song but the lyrics "man you name it and if we ain’t got it: we’ll get it" gave me a sensible chuckle.
now for a moment to expound upon houston: they truly have imported every possible food service establishment. the two chains i miss most from jersey, jersey mikes submarine sandwiches and 7-11 gas stations, are both here. i get that this is the fifth largest metro area in the US or whatever but both of these companies are SO niche. absolutely bonkers. spotify.
i think this started autoplaying after a playlist inspired by f/allout: new v/egas came on??
i originally had a very mean-spirited graf about the utility of a pool in northwestern massachusetts and the kind of person who can comfortably lose $31k, but it is genuinely awful that there are no rules around zelle. that money goes into a black fucking hole and there's no way to get it back, which is not the case for any other kind of recognized money except cryptocurrency
Did we confront Gary Kruglitz [the pool contractor]? Yes we did. We marched right into his office and grilled him hard until he defeated us with a simple and probing question: What's a zelle? It defied belief, we quickly realized, that a man who had been trapped in technological amber since the Nixon era was running a cyberscam designed to come between us and our money out of an AOL account.
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Van Helsing (2004, dir. Sommers). this movie is horrible. this movie is terrific. i don't have anything to say about this movie bc i was distracted by equal opportunity tits and asses the entire time. the time of the “Kate Beckinsale in a corset” movie genre is long over but GOD. watched with my sister bc it's leaving tubi soon
one week i will have the energy to try New Thing but until i do it’s genshin. there's a poetry event that has terribly boring minigames, but the story quest has finally tied a bow on a piece of folkore we came across in the very first release so that was fun!
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wrapping up some stuff in sumeru bc im running out of map pins, this game has done one of the things i hate most: progress-locking one extremely long and tedious collectible hunt (the music gates) behind another extremely long and tedious collectible hunt (the robots locked in the vines). the next time i see one of those little fucking budget koroks i am going to drop kick it into the sun. what the fuck is the circumference of teyvat anyway. it feels like we have explored so little of this planet's surface
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i have graphics turned down pretty low bc of performance issues on my elderly laptop and this is still such a remarkably pretty game. look at this big estuary leading off into the distance
i wildly overextended myself this week, partially bc im trying to take advantage of this brief post-covid heightened immunity. lot of dinners. lot of late nights. on top of that BOTH of my siblings were in town for unrelated professional reasons this week :) no overlap so we did not have a nice fambly dinner :( but did have pretty okay separate dinners :) if they could learn to fucking communicate their trave plans and the number of peope that will be showing up at my home that would also be pretty okay >:(
one of the party games i played this week asked the question “what could you give a 40-minute PowerPoint presentation on” and i started saying facts about the downfall of the penn central railroad and they very nicely let me continue saying facts about the downfall of the penn central railroad, the largest bankruptcy in US history until ENRON, until the round timer went off.
i have some thoughts about Train Guys and how it's very easy to fall into being a Train Guy, bc there's a very easy template to follow, and there's a lot of Train Guy content, and have i been doing this bc i actually like trains, or bc it's easy to listen to Well There's Your Problem on repeat bc it's familiar and comforting, or do i just really really really fucking hate flying?
who could possibly say.
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mackintosh update: allowed herself to be scooped up by my brother (who she met at christmas and loves) but did NOT allow herself to be pet by the strangers in his company. did hang out in the middle of the floor observing tho. a regular little extroverted socialite!
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thodi · 1 year
Bin day: why trash fashion is still inspiring designers • prose
Over the influence: how TV and film called time on the influencer • prose
How to nourish yourself in a difficult time • prose
Day of a Stranger • prose
The Strange & Curious Tale of the Last True Hermit • prose
Coming Into Focus • prose (tw: self harm, alcohol & drug mentions, sexual assault)
Monsters, Mothers, Mulieres: A Reading List on The Women of Classical Antiquity • reading list
My 4 Days in Fake Gay-Conversion Therapy • prose (tw: suicide)
Engineering and Evolving Ideaspace • prose
The Match • prose (tw: sexual assault)
Female Gladiators In Ancient Rome • prose
What did you bring that book that I don’t want to be read to out of up for? • prose, letter collection
Human Trafficking’s Newest Abuse: Forcing Victims Into Cyberscamming • prose, investigative
Sunday photo-painter • photography
Whatever happened to the It Girl? • prose
I Do Not Keep A Diary • prose
14 hours in The Queue to see Queen Elizabeth’s coffin • prose
Has The Zodiac Killer Mystery Been Solved (Again)? • prose (tw: graphic descriptions of physical and gun violence)
Mike Conner v. The Pain • prose
Departures • prose
Alone at the Edge of the World • prose (tw: suicide mention)
Roman Empress Agrippina was a master strategist. She paid the price for it. • prose
Saying Goodbye to My Chest • prose
Meet the men paying six figures to get taller—by having their legs broken • prose
Ross Gay Waters the Seed of Joy • interview transcript
Constraints: A Hometown Ode • prose
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If you have any fraud, scam or cryptocurrency related cases, pleases read the article below for more information.
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fiapple · 5 months
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newsvistaarblog · 5 months
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U.S. Ambassador Advocates for Stronger Action Against Cyberscams in Cambodia
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szebastianonne · 9 months
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Cyber Scam Alert - If you see an email from Bright Data, DO NOT click ANY link. Simply BLOCK, DELETE and MOVE ON.
- the email is not legit
- even the unsubscribe links are fake
- any links related to GDPR are also fake
- Whatever you do, DO NOT click any links nor reply to this email
- Protect yourself and other entrepreneurs and professionals from this scam
We recommend sharing this information ahead with others for protecting them from this cyber-scam.
#CyberCrime #CyberScam #CyberSecurity
#OnlineSafety #Phishing #Scam
#ScamAlert #INTENTIONALScamAlert
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todaynowreport · 1 year
How ChatGPT and other AI chatbots can help fight cyberscam
ChatGPT is an AI-powered language model that has been a topic of discussion in the cybersecurity world. The chatbot has the potential to create phishing emails. Despite OpenAI warnings that it is too early to apply the technology to high-risk domains, concerns about its impact on cybersecurity experts’ job security still remain. Kaspersky experts have conducted an experiment to reveal ChatGPT’s…
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iheartlilith · 1 year
Ao3 writer curse is real
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asiainsider · 1 year
Five Types of Shoppers You'll Find This Holiday Season (and the Cyberscams They Must Watch Out For)
Five Types of Shoppers You’ll Find This Holiday Season (and the Cyberscams They Must Watch Out For)
SINGAPORE, Dec. 12, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — With the holidays around the corner, we’re smack in the middle of every shopper’s favourite season. Big sales days like Singles’ Day, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and 12.12 all offer many great opportunities for shoppers to get their fill of good deals.  Akamai Technologies, Inc., the cloud company that powers and protects life online, shares five common…
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imissgrantland · 2 years
The Hidden Abuse Behind Those Spam Texts You’re Getting
The Hidden Abuse Behind Those Spam Texts You’re Getting
Human trafficking victims in Asia are tricked into accepting lucrative jobs that are anything but, instead being forced by their captors to cyberscam. Source: The Hidden Abuse Behind Those Spam Texts You’re Getting
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