anamericangirl · 2 years
i see in your bio that you are pro-gun! how do you think the school shootings should be prevented? or do you think that they are not a big problem
It's not as big of a problem as the media has led us to believe. They sensationalize cases of school shootings and act as though they are an epidemic when they account for like 1% or less of all crime committed.
But I think the best way to prevent school shootings is to give children protection from them. Right now, schools have to come up with their own drills for what to do if a shooter enters. They don't have a way to protect or defend kids against these criminals. They really can just run and hide and hope for the best.
We've seen from the most recent incidents that schools cannot rely on resource officers or the police to protect them. And if we take away guns from citizens then they don't have a choice but to rely on the police. And like we saw in Uvalde, sometimes police will just chill in the hall for over an hour while kids are being slaughtered a few doors down.
So I think some good steps to take would be stop making schools gun free zones. Over 90% of mass shootings happen in gun free zones. Over the years, research and studies have shown that even the possibility of a person having a gun has deterred criminals from targeting a location or victim.
We need to allow school faculty who own guns to bring them onto campus, to conceal carry them onto the property if they so choose. A gun is the best defense against another gun. It is the number one way to stop a mass shooting dead in its tracks or prevent one from happening. And we've seen that in recent events like when Elisjsha Dicken stopped a mass shooter at a mall saving countless lives. You can't stop people from committing crime, but you can give people a way to defend themselves against it.
The biggest proponents for gun control are celebrities and politicians who don't leave their homes without armed guards following them everywhere. We need to give our children the same protection celebrities and politicians give themselves.
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cowlovely · 1 year
michigan flag in your artist bio???? (i am also michigan so that is why i ask)
it’s the maine flag! i almost went for the original flag from 1901 because it’s more distinctive than other state flags that look similar, but it’s not the official one anymore unfortunately :/
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lunar-vvitch · 2 years
wait omg we're going to the same concert this is so funny!! (op of the shifting into mcr mode post lol)
Omg I love that so much!!!! What a coincidence! I hope we both have a great time, can't wait to see what Gerard wears lmao
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gh0stbugsss · 2 years
moth hello!! for your moodboard thing: aesthetic- woodlandy, pride and prejudice-y if you can! (also i love your whole color scheme) <33 hope you are having an amazing day also i am autistic as well! i just wanted to tell you that :))
Hey there!! im so sorry it took forever to respond to this, but i will get right on that!! thanks btw, i love my new theme too! (congrats on the autism lmao thats fun)
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scoobhead · 2 years
brennan really DELIVERED an austen proposal speech. he came he saw he served darcyesque cunt
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sarmaril · 1 year
One of my fav versions of Codywan is with Cody who serves absolute darcyesque cunt. I'm talking Cody who maybe falls a little bit in love-at-first sight with his general and panics and absolutley overcompensates with strict professionalism to the point of rudeness. Who shores up his vulnerabilities like defenses on a battlefield and takes to protecting them with the same gusto he applies battlefield tactics to.
A cup of tea with the general? Surely he has better things to be doing with his time. There's an army to run. (He's never wanted to say yes to anything more in his life.)
The first time he recovers Obi-Wan's lightsaber he brusqueley returns it with a stern warning about irresponsibility. (He stays up that night remembering it's weight in his hand, how it almost felt happy to be there?)
And then wearing down inevitably, waves against the shore, worn down to smoothness until they fit together perfectly and it's just. Oh. Where do we go from here.
Just. Them falling in love without meaning to. Them falling in love without wanting to! Can love bloom! Even on a battlefield!
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its ribbing time! Although, as I'm looking at these photos, I wonder if i should add stripes to the neckline too?
tagging some friends below 💜
@faithdeans @darcyesque @icefire149 @wondrouswandering @wormstacheangel @one-more-offbeat-anthem @blackbeardsbows @emeraldcas @theunpopulargoat @dragqueenpentheus @pointyearedelvishprincling @hornystiel @big-wet-cas-eyes @bluehoursmp3 @aphroditing @urielcoded @xofemeraldstars
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deancaskiss · 2 years
hi yall! 🌸 I thought I’d do a mid-year tag list check to see if everyone im tagging in things wants to remain tagged or if new people wanted to be included on the list! ✨ If you are on the tag list now, please respond to this post by midnight on July 10th to keep being tagged. Anyone who doesn’t like/comment/reblog/interact with this post will be kindly removed from the tag list. If you aren’t currently on my tag list but would like to be, please interact with this post and I’ll add you to the list! Thanks so much yall, sending you all my love <3
@feraladoration​ @adsp-destielcockles​ @jacobglaser @imiebean @toxic-nebula​ @halocas @jensenacklesfp @tsirhcsusej @fandomandsparkles @chrrispine
@fandoms-fiend @darcyesque @dean-you-assbutt-cas-loves-you @cassiecasyl​ @can-i-just-stay-in-the-corner​ @chaoticdean​ @wigglebox @carveredlund @trasherasswood​ @spittingpagan 
@arcticfox007 @one-more-offbeat-anthem @naturallyathief @dontmindmeimjuststupid @andrewwgarfield @yeet-the-nugget @evermoredeancas @ne8ula @sinnabonka @quicksilver-castiel
@castiel-is-a-cat @footstepsontherun @apatheticanvas67482 @llamasdumpsterfire @alovesthis @achillestiel @fandoms-and-things @aphroditeindisguise01 @one-human-disaster @screamatthescreen
@koza-the-mostra @petrichoravellichor @takemetotheworld @ireallydontknowhowtolife @roundtableknight @im-sam-fucking-winchester @dont-steal-my-demons @castielsupernatural @ishipdestiel-lovesofmylifeistg85 @ender-baggins
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slipper007 · 2 years
The Skin You’re In
Word Count: 2,669
Tags: dermatographia (skin writing), medical conditions, shitty doctors, author is projecting ✌️
He never did find out why they started, but he certainly did notice when.
They were sitting on the couch one winter evening, watching some kind of western that Dean had picked out, and Castiel was watching with apparent contentment. It was perfect. Well, almost. A small patch of his back itched, and no matter how he tried to scratch it, it wouldn't go away. He twisted and reached and shifted so many times that Cas took notice, going so far as to pause their movie.
“Dean. Are you alright?”
Cas gave him a look.
“Yeah, just have an itch I can’t scratch.”
“Allow me.”
Castiel had reached across the space between them, offering sweet relief for a few seconds.
Even so, the itch hadn’t been gone. Only minutes later, Dean had stood abruptly and walked away, driven mad by the itching.
Keep Reading on AO3
Tag List
@ancient-fangirl @officialmisha @bizzlepotter @blue-eyed-cutiepatootie @blue-moon-elf @chaoticbisexualdean   @chocolatecakecas @deansbian @angelcasendgame @haloemoji  @holy-ramble @icefire149 @imkaya @itsthebeckyzone @poetcastiel @poohkeepsee @professorerudite @readeroftheimmortalbooks @babycakescas @tootiredmotel @wormstacheangel @thiscastielhasflown  @thisisapaige @darcyesque @deanolantern
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🍰💖 do both this time /lh
💖What do you like best about your own writing?
This is a bit silly but -- that it makes me laugh.
I usually include jokes and situations in my work because they? genuinely amuse me! And reading back, when I can stomach it, I get a lot of joy out of feeling like a joke landed, or that I got timing right or described something in a really amusing way.
I also really like that I think I care about character a lot. I love to show who a person is in little things; what they like to eat and drink, how they spend their free time, what they choose to wear and how they wear it. I love describing the spaces people inhabit-- bedrooms, offices-- what do they surround themselves with. I believe that soul is encapsulated in a bunch of small aspects.
Lastly I would say I'm proud of the research I do, specifically regarding past eras. Historical accuracy mean a lot to me, but I also cherish nostalgia as a central part of my work. If a character is watching TV or eating cereal, I'm going to make sure that show or brand is true to the world I've put my story in.
🍰What are some comfort fics of yours?
I got a few classics. A lot of what makes a 'comfort' fic of mine comes down to things I actually enjoy reading and often admire, and use as goalposts for my own work. When you can enjoy a fic like literature, and it lets you see characters in a new light, you keep coming back.
This is sort of an honorable mention but I read a lot of NorriBeth fics back in the day on fanfiction.net. It's a favorite ship I always treasured, and I still stand by it, even if learning that Keira Knightly's age was much younger than her character's was a bit of a 'woof' moment (17 vs 19, I know it's not a lot but geez, UK age of consent, cmon now...). So many of my favorite fics are literally lost either to time or to the deteriorating watery grave of the FFN platform, but they forever have my heart.
Of the ones that survived Davy Jones' Locker, I adored Bound in her bones by snowbryneich.
A 27 chapter masterpiece of romantic tension, featuring a realistic take on arranged marriage of convenience to lovers with an empowered and relatable Elizabeth, a Darcyesque Norrington, an perfect historical accuracy to the nines. I was fucking riveted, and the same author did a couple other great ones, such as 'Fresh As A BrideGroom'. Other than that, I would be remiss to answer this without touching on one of my all time favorite fics, In A Strange Land by @mrs-evadne-cake, a phenominal writer who I'm sure is tired of both the Stranger Things fandom at large and also me, this specific fanfic author greenhorn, continually singing her praises. It almost embarasses me to gush MORE about it, especially since the author is an honest to god professional. I've written on it before, it's well paced, well crafted, terrifying, and exceptional use of every character. The kids are well written and adorable, the teens are nuanced and REAL in a way the show never grasped. There's enough Steve to sate my voracious need to watch his character development, and I even got a bit of Murray who is probably my weirdest blorbo of all time. If a fic is a weapon, this fic is a mythic one-of-a-kind sword, OP is a legendary dwarven blacksmith, and i am an awestruck lil hobbit apprentice hastily scribbling notes. If I had to rate my favorite Stranger Things seasons it would go like this: 1. Season 3
2. In A Strange Land
3. Season 2
4. Season 1
5. Season 4
That's all I have to say about that.
Third space I would say is a tie between : Praise You by HeartlessMemo, which is a master class on erotica and plus size bodies, but speaks to me personally as a bulimic and will likely touch anyone with body issues. It's hot, it's passionate, it's kinky as hell. Nandermo from WWDITS at its absolute best.
And the other one is A Bastard's Carol by scumbaganarchy @scumbaganarchy, who I have been honored to get to know as of late! What the hell do you want me to say. It's 'A Christmas Carol' with the entire Rik Mayall cinematic universe. Not only is funny, but it's also touching, genuinely heartwarming, treats all these bizarre characters like real, breathing people. I cozy up to it every holiday when I can with a hot drink, it's a true classic and just goes to show that passion and creative understanding of any fandom no matter how niche can produce something really meaningful. This fic is the pride of the 1980s Bitish Anarchocomedy Fandom of the modern era, and any Young Ones (or Bottom) fan should give it a look.
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mityenka · 2 years
i was tagged by @darcyesque thank you sm <33
last song: clap hands by tom waits
last show: i rarely watch shows so i’m gonna tell my last movie instead which was chinatown (1974)
currently watching: rewatching cowboy bebop for nostalgic reasons
currently reading: drop city by t.c. boyle + waiting for godot by samuel beckett
tagging @sunmotifs, @kafkaguy, @jesuschristfinalgirl, @gownhouse, @daisyrandonegf, @mielnah + anyone else who wants to do this consider yourself tagged by me :)
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darcyesque · 1 year
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I posted 1,373 times in 2022
360 posts created (26%)
1,013 posts reblogged (74%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,287 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#personal - 125 posts
#life inspo - 68 posts
#asks - 58 posts
#art - 57 posts
#amv - 45 posts
#love tag - 43 posts
#suck session - 37 posts
#mcr - 33 posts
#video - 32 posts
#me tag - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#i do not find my da attractive i do not find my da attractive i do not find my da attractive i do not find my da attractive i do not
My Top Posts in 2022:
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pov you accidentally came out as bi and then had to come out as straight
5,152 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
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the moment we've all been waiting for
8,849 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
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first song in 8 years from my chemical romance????
17,707 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
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let's hear it for our annabeth!!! so so excited for her!!!
21,239 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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the devil works fast but wikipedia editors work faster
96,262 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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eileenleahy · 2 years
experiencing the concert vicariously through lyn @darcyesque right now sorry the rest of you guys couldnt be here
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gh0stbugsss · 2 years
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here ya go dude! hope u like it!
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girltomripley · 2 years
Thanks for tagging me, Lyn @darcyesque !! <3
Tag people you want to get to know better!
Last song: Another Hit of Showmanship - The Struts feat. Albert Hammond Jr
Last show: The Simpsons (finally caught up with the new seasons!!)
Currently watching: Parks and Recreation (rewatching with my fam)
Currently reading: Malibu Rising, Fierce Attachments, Anna Karenina and Y: The Last Man
Tagging @shorthairedwitch @natalia-lafourcade @vanweezer @brokedex and anyone who wants to do this 🫶🏽
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effieandtim · 6 months
Conrad ricamora is also a theatre actor but also was on fire island (he played the mr darcyesque character) and was also on how to get away with murder
oh wait thats oliver in htgawm! i have seen him lmao i just didnt know his name
haven’t watched fire island tho
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