eiri3m-blackw3lls · 3 months
•| Yo solo quise que alguien me ame, y creí que debía amar primero, puesto que uno recibe lo que da, pero...solo me quitaron.
— sin nada
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sdaeyfiredark · 1 year
Un ser invisible que tomó notoriedad cuando comenzó a hacer cosas malas
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causticxebec · 1 month
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in the stripped club. straight up "jorking it". and by "it", haha, well. let's just say. My peanits
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MARSEILLE - ALEXANDRE La Route D'Egypte (1924) by jim goodyear
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rinnysega · 2 years
Platform - A Daviel Drabble
It was a rainy day in encanto - well for the crops but not for Daviel who sat beneath the awning of the bus stop, staring off at the large crack of the mountainside through the mist of the rain. His clothes were still wet from the sudden downpour as water dripped down in front of him in heavy drops, creating puddles around the platform. He sat there on the bench, huddled up for warmth as he held to himself in deep thought.
No one was around. The bus didn’t come to this place too often. Once or twice a month unless reservations were made ahead of time. And of course he didn’t know how to make those either after stowing away the first time with that old man with the bad leg.
Upon arrival to this place - probably a little over two months by now - he didn’t exactly make the best impression when he got off the bus behind him and he saw how well-greeted he was by friends and his elderly mother. Daviel only stood in the exhaust of the departing bus, feeling intense anger for some reason he was still grappling with even now. As he approached the group, with one impulsive kick, he hit the old man on his bad leg - right on the right calf - and he watched him go down. He would have hit his head on the ground if not for a giant man with a full brown beard standing near to grab hold of his arm and keep him up.
Thunder rolled above head, and he shivered, rubbing his forehead against his knees that he held so tight.
He forgot a lot of what happened after that except from the lonely night he spent in some bedroom in the main building at the plaza. It felt like a jail cell but he doubted any of these people would know what to do with a stray kid. They all seemed so content in their lives - happy and enjoying life and its riches - and it pissed him off.
Yet no matter how mad he got living here for those first two weeks, he always seemed to find excuses to miss the rare buses that came by for passengers. Overslept. Went for a hike. To much of a tummy ache for a long bus ride. He was running out of excuses, and sitting here made him look inward on why he felt like running away from running away.
The bus wouldn’t come today, and it made him feel safe in his crossroads. The rain kept him there, and with nothing but the sound of the splashing puddles, he had nothing to do but think.
And he hated it.
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limelocked · 9 months
Thinking about blorbo from my head, Prince solen having to justify to his court and his future gay lover why he’s spending so much time with lady risa baron tuaks daughter (and his sister from their past life which he grew up thinking was actually a divine vision and not his memories thus thinking that risa is either a goddess or a heretic)
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philoursmars · 2 years
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Retour à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 53880 photos (nouveau compte approximatif !)
2014. Marseille au printemps.
- Passage de Lorette, vers le Panier
- Le Panier, rue du Poirier
- la Vieille Charité
- à côté de l’église des Accoules
- Hôtel Daviel, en face des Accoules
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danipedrosas-boatest · 7 months
Shoutout to the really cool guy at my uni who has a Marc Márquez helmet and talked with me about how excited we both are about the India gp.
Also he approved of me getting a Ducati daviel v4!
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hojeandolibros · 7 months
Declaran inocentes a ex titulares de la extinta Sedis en Jalisco
En una decisión que ha generado polémica y alivio en igual medida, el juez sexto de oralidad penal, Roberto Ramos, declaró la semana pasada la inocencia de Salvador Rizo Castelo, Miguel Castro Reynoso y Daviel Trujillo Cuevas, ex titulares de la extinta Secretaría de Desarrollo e Integración Social (Sedis) de Jalisco. Los tres ex funcionarios estaban acusados de uso indebido de atribuciones y…
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suizokukans · 10 months
i need to xavs profile next in my slow re-write of oc profiles ive been doing but the general gist of it is like
- born only child of demon army general; extremely strict military childhood, forced to repress emotions literally as a kid to stay in (terrible) fathers good books
- eventually snap and rebel against him, raising own army 
- cause huge conflict between fathers side and own side
- have a few rebel groups trying to stop both these sides; meets future husband (daviel) through them - he was a spy but fell for the eccentric demoness
- defeat and capture father, go power hungry
- get married, start family. still building massive army
- rebel groups finally get enough strength to attack with one side down, kill husband and child
- taken to high demon council to be cursed
- so on and so forth
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doughyduo · 1 year
saw this image and mmmmm i wanna get more mega blobs
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artist is daviel-w-fries
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scholarlypidgeot · 2 years
Tell us about Leland🔫
@that-catholic-shinobi don't even bother going on Anon :p
Leland. Pat's brother. One of the blessed, able to cause a spark at the snap of his fingers. Something that would be very simple and unremarkable - a party trick - if he didn't also possess an inventive mind an construct what essentially become handheld flamethrowers.
Leland left home at 16 to use his abilities in the Hunt; he'd been participating since he was 14, unknown to his parents. He was a son of Brydlen, after all; like Pat, he grew up on stories of bravery and the Birdwhistles, the first Hunters. Daviel disapproved, of course. While it was a noble cause, it wasn't the cause for one so young. But fire is one of the weapons best used against the Unseelie, and the encouragement of his peers caused the rift between Leland and his father to become a crack, and the crack a fissure.
Pat was 8 when he left. She never really understood why. To this day, some small part of her holds it against him. It doesn't help that she hasn't seen him since.
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sdaeyfiredark · 2 years
Siento que la vida se me escapa de las manos,
Siento que me hundo en el vacío...
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drdudhbhate · 4 hours
Seeing Clearly: The Evolution of Cataract Treatment
Introduction: Cataract surgery has evolved significantly over the years, offering safer and more effective treatment options for patients. At Dr. Dudhabhate Netralaya & Retina Centre in Pune, we are committed to providing the highest standard of care using the latest techniques and technology. Let’s explore how our center stands out in the realm of cataract treatment.
In the realm of ophthalmology, the treatment of cataracts has undergone a remarkable evolution over the years. From ancient practices steeped in tradition to cutting-edge modern techniques, the journey of cataract treatment is a testament to human ingenuity and innovation. Let’s embark on a journey through time to explore the fascinating evolution of cataract treatment.
Ancient Remedies: The history of cataract treatment dates back thousands of years, with ancient civilizations attempting various remedies to restore vision affected by this condition. Early treatments often involved crude surgical procedures, such as couching, where a blunt instrument was used to dislocate the cloudy lens from the line of sight. While these methods sometimes provided temporary relief, they were often accompanied by significant risks and complications.
The Renaissance of Surgery: The dawn of modern cataract surgery can be traced back to the Renaissance era, with pioneering surgeons beginning to refine techniques for lens extraction. One such notable figure was the French ophthalmologist Jacques Daviel, who in the 18th century introduced the technique of extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE). This approach involved removing the lens while leaving the posterior capsule intact, paving the way for safer and more effective surgeries.
Innovation and Advancements: The 20th century witnessed a flurry of innovation in cataract treatment, driven by advancements in surgical techniques and technology. The introduction of intraocular lenses (IOLs) in the 1950s revolutionized cataract surgery by providing a means to replace the natural lens with a synthetic implant, restoring vision more effectively than ever before. Phacoemulsification, developed in the 1960s, further refined the surgical process by using ultrasound energy to emulsify and aspirate the cloudy lens through a tiny incision, minimizing trauma to the eye and enabling quicker recovery times.
The Era of Precision and Minimally Invasive Surgery: In recent decades, cataract surgery has continued to evolve, guided by principles of precision and minimally invasive techniques. Femtosecond laser technology, introduced in the early 21st century, has allowed surgeons to perform key steps of the procedure with unparalleled accuracy and reproducibility. This technology enables precise corneal incisions, capsulotomy, and lens fragmentation, resulting in optimized visual outcomes and enhanced safety for patients.
Beyond Vision: Addressing Astigmatism and Presbyopia: Modern cataract surgery not only aims to restore vision affected by cataracts but also addresses other refractive errors and age-related changes in vision. Techniques such as toric IOLs and multifocal IOLs have emerged to correct astigmatism and presbyopia simultaneously, offering patients the possibility of reduced dependence on glasses or contact lenses following surgery. These advancements represent a paradigm shift in the approach to cataract treatment, focusing not just on removing opacity but on optimizing visual function and quality of life.
At Dr. Dudhabhate Netralaya & Retina Centre in Pune we offer the best Cataract treatment services which are given below:
Manual vs. Micro-Incision Phaco Cataract Surgery: In conventional phacoemulsification and Micro-incision cataract surgery, a capsulotomy is performed manually, which may not always result in a perfectly circular opening. This imperfection can lead to instability in the implanted intraocular lens (IOL). At our center, we prioritize precision and safety in every procedure. Our experienced surgeons utilize advanced techniques, including femtosecond laser technology, to ensure precise capsulotomies, minimizing the risk of complications and optimizing visual outcomes for our patients.
Transparent Pricing and Personalized Care: We understand that the cost of cataract surgery can vary depending on several factors, including the patient’s age, choice of intraocular lens, and medical history. At Dr. Dudhabhate Netralaya & Retina Centre, we believe in transparency and affordability. Our dedicated team works closely with each patient to determine the most suitable treatment plan tailored to their needs and budget. Whether it’s a basic cataract surgery or a complex case requiring specialized care, we strive to deliver exceptional results without compromising on quality.
Expert Consultation and Comprehensive Services: Choosing the right eye hospital for cataract surgery is crucial for achieving optimal outcomes. At our center, we offer expert consultation and a wide range of services to address all eye-related concerns. Our highly skilled team of ophthalmologists is committed to providing compassionate care and guidance throughout every step of the treatment journey. Whether you’re experiencing visual symptoms or seeking preventive care, our state-of-the-art facilities and advanced diagnostic tools ensure accurate assessments and personalized treatment plans.
Painless, Stitch-less, and Bladeless Cataract Surgery: Dr. Dudhabhate Netralaya & Retina Centre is renowned for its expertise in painless, stitch-less, and bladeless cataract surgery with IOL implantation. Our commitment to innovation and excellence drives us to continually adopt the latest advancements in ophthalmic surgery. By offering cutting-edge techniques and a patient-centered approach, we strive to exceed expectations and restore vision with precision and care.
Conclusion: When it comes to cataract surgery, choosing the right provider can make all the difference in achieving optimal outcomes. At Dr. Dudhabhate Netralaya & Retina Centre in Pune, we combine expertise, technology, and compassion to deliver exceptional eye care services. Whether you’re seeking treatment for cataracts or other eye conditions, you can trust our dedicated team to provide personalized care and support every step of the way. Schedule a consultation with us today and experience the difference firsthand.
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cauvilleandco1921 · 6 months
Après être allée aux archives municipales de la mairie de Rouen rive droite, j'ai pu consulter un plan présentant notre quartier allant de la rue Méridienne au Jardin des Plantes. Malheureusement il était constitué de deux parties de plans différents (une contenant les habitations de la rue Méridienne jusqu'à la fin des rues Marquis, de Cauville et Jacques Daviel, l'autre de la rue du Vieux Château à l'entrée du Jardin des Plantes). Ces deux parties étaient de plus de dates différentes mais c'étaient les plus anciens plans que possédait la mairie et en les combinant cela permet une vue entière de notre quartier. Je mets tous les clichés que j'ai pris afin que tout le monde puisse y trouver son bonheur (en cherchant un peu ...)
Aux archives départementales, le plus vieux plan du quartier datait lui de 1974, il sera mis à la suite des plans de la mairie.
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rinnysega · 2 years
Daviel - A Daviel Drabble
The bus was near full when Daviel snuck aboard it, and it was proven to be a little difficult to blend in. This bus was headed for the most remote parts of Colombia which is exactly where he wanted to go, but most of these people were old and traveling in pairs. Probably fresh off the holidays visiting their children who moved to the city. Holidays were over - back to the villages. For Daviel, whichever one he came across first he liked he’d hop out and give it a shot. In any case, the bus always came back the following week and he’d try again.
He made his way down the aisle, and damn those pairs of married couples. There was only a single seat left by a rather skinny old man with a hat covering the handle of a cane he held. He took the seat beside him and kept himself turned slightly away from the stranger.
It didn’t work as the man spoke up over the chatter of the bus -
“No room with your grandparents?” he asked.
He shook his head, just to lie and hopefully he’d get the hint he wanted to be left alone.
“Would you like the window seat?”
He shook his head still. The man was quiet after that until the woman in front of them started a conversation with him as the bus began to roll. Nothing that interested Daviel to eavesdrop until the man mentioned belonging to the last stop on the route - the end of the line. Hm. Must be pretty far out to be the end of this bus line.
Maybe that’s where he’d go.
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