watchthekittycatcher 11 months
ngl i think "until I end up dead" was Lowkey distasteful and weird
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destiny11 4 years
Fin del mundo 馃寧
Quien dijo que el fin del mundo se acercaba estaba tan equivocado.
El fin del mundo comenz贸 hace tanto, comenz贸 cuando el hombre se crey贸 superior a todas las especies y olvid贸 que la madre naturaleza es la que da y la que quita, mientras los mediocres siguen jugando hacer Dios.
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barbiiie90 4 years
Escribirte era la 煤nica forma de borrarte.
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rgdramas 2 years
rayark making a cheap game off their deemp ip is just sad man instagram(.)com/ar/5007375209327960/
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horrible-monstrosity 3 years
I was going to complain about the school theming not carrying over properly from the first episode. It would have benefitted the show a lot to have the egg girls be themed around bullying rather than just random shit, which would benefit from the first episode not throwing every single bulli-related trope known the mankind up the viewer's asshole at once so there'd be something left for later... which would also have benefitted the first episode itself by making it less of a generic trope-ridden clusterfuck and instead perhaps giving it room to imply what exactly the girl had been bullied over or some shit. Which by the way would also have been better for ep 2, to have some subtlty rather than "i AM GYMNAST AND BY THE WAY MY COACH IS AN ABUSE" But then this ep shows another girl having a different base dreamscape which... sort of makes sense but also doesn't. So ok then.
The show continues to make no sense; brownie is still in the hospital, but main girl is fine after the beating she took last time and new girl... randomly gets over having broken ribs after a few minutes. Whut? It's like there's supposed to be some mechanic where the girls only bring dream-injuries over to the real world if they lose focus or something, like if they get overwhelmed or taken by surprise (main girl not knowing it was even possible leads to her liver-stab carrying over, because she didn't know she needed to do anything at all to "clear" it)... but they never indicated that. Plus the liver-stabbing vanished while she was still in the dream world then came back when she woke up, so what the fuck? It's just a cheap drama tactic that just gets ignored when it's inconvenient and pumped for maximum drama when wanted, making said drama feel hollow. Stupid, dumb, bad
"let me randomly tell you about my dead friend to increase the drama quotient of the show instantaneously without any effort" go fuck yourself show fuck you I like that everyone has a different sort of relationship with the person they're saving, but that's just, like, bare-ass basic writing quality shit, just make a list of the characters and some traits and then come up with a thing that goes with each of them. It's fine here because it's handled naturally but it's pretty sad that that's the sort of thing that stands out to me with this show as "good writing". I miss good anime
lololololololdurrrrrnewgirl has cut scars she selfharms le dramamaglolololoooolololololllollfugk
And then main girl goes to new girl's flowerland because... why? Because fuck you that's why. Main-chan gets upsetti because the explanation's so shitty but there's no reason for anyone to care. If this show actually had the feeling of fantasia and mysticism it puts on a veneer of there'd be no explanation, nor need of one, but the writers can only think in grids. Bully egg girl has bully problem so everything is bulli (and every possible trope of bulli all at once); gymnast girl is gynmast so just put an abusive coach on it and you're done (but keep the seenoevils even though they only made sense with the idea of a crowd-based bullying where legions of people are involved either directly or indirectly, because the directors ran out of ideas one femtosecond after beginning writing); idol girl hurr durr you get the idea. Main girl's traumas were totally related to the school so her dreamplace made sense, but why the fuck does new girl have a flower field (that's also a forest, cliff and water area)? Shouldn't it be like... a cemetery or funeral home, since it was seeing the casket that fucked her up?
Show continues to raise questions it shouldn't Last time main girl's egg broke against her will due to randomly getting knocked off a table; this time she just gives an egg she bought to another girl and it's fine. How the fuck does this shit work? How does an egg girl "decide" who "owns" her, ie who's supposed to be saving her and who gets good boy points put towards her dead person staue? why are the egg girls so low framerate Another question- the two girls are conveniently of the same "theme" down to just straight up knowing each other, so they share the same monster- very convenient, but how the fuck did it work when brownie cracked a dozen eggs at one time? Did the egg system have to fish around for the one and only teenage girl trauma in the anals of human history that involved exactly 12 people at one time? Or did it just work differently for her offscreen because this show is an irrational pile of convenient dogshit?
oh god new girl's weapons are boxcutters because shE FUCKIGNNG CUTS HERSLEF LOLOL DO U GEDDIT IT SO DEEMP AND DRAMAG VTNTRV 聽TV TR,DJ T JCUX Y HDJ C YJMTTJJC 聽GC5JJHG HG G,J5 GJ, HJT J5C 聽5FCH HTG5GTJT5G MRRD CJRRGC J fuck off guys the monster is aidoru so put the megaphones in its hair because it make the sound aeoiu but we put the glitch patter on the dress to it's like so totally cool and fantastical and innovative does being turned to stone carry over to the real worl too? fuck off
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pakcricwiz 4 years
Tottenham star Dele Alli gets Premier League suspension for social media post mocking coronavirus
The excitement about the return to competition for the Premier League might be muted for Tottenham Hotspur fans after star midfielder Dele Alli received a one-game suspension for a SnapChat video he posted that was deemped "insulting" by the Football Association.
from Sporting News RSS https://ift.tt/3hhNJ6O from Blogger https://ift.tt/37jSGHX
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popkas 10 years
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Cute!聽 I wish it had a little more body to it though.聽 Actual legs would be nice.聽 There's JUST enough detail in the head to make it look really nice but the low-effort body is a letdown.
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Thinkin abt Technoblade as Alexander the Great which is a v common idea but I don't think ppl think abt how Alexander the Great's father was named Phillip
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You have to vote schlatt for the sexyman poll guys come on he has HORNS for god's sake he wears a SUIT
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watchthekittycatcher 2 years
he Literally looks like Ayitspnayo
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watchthekittycatcher 2 years
Thinkin abt Techno
Thinkin abt SkyDoesMinecraft
Thinkin abt dying a hero or living long enough to become a villain
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watchthekittycatcher 3 years
Schlatt's literally walking around looking like Tubbo fanart and NOBODY has said ANYTHING about it
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watchthekittycatcher 3 years
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Some green fellas :)
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watchthekittycatcher 3 years
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Manifesting a Glatt return for the special day
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watchthekittycatcher 3 years
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I'll add more to this as they come to me
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watchthekittycatcher 3 years
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it da boys
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