#deria Lannister
princessnysar · 2 years
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Princess Elia wife of Ser Jaime Lannister and her two eldest daughters Johanna and Deria Lannister heading to the tourney grounds that shall decide who shall win the title of the new princess of dragonstone
(Alternative universe) (Elia married Jaime instead of Rhaegar)
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goodqueenaly · 9 months
If House Durandon had bent the knee to Aegon and Argillac had a male heir, would Aegon have given Harrenhal to Orys Baratheon?
In the three examples from the Targaryen Conquest IOTL where pre-Conquest male heirs of established ruling dynasties bent the knee to the Targaryens - Ronnel Arryn, Torrhen Stark, and Loren Lannister - Aegon the Conqueror allowed each established ruler to retain his (subsequently non-royal) ruling position and continue the dynasty already in place in that region. As such, it may well have been the case that, had Argilac Durrandon already had a son at the time of the Conquest who (perhaps following some version of the Last Storm) acknowledged the Targaryens as his overlords, the Targaryens would have in turn acknowledged this Durrandon prince as Lord of Storm’s End and House Durrandon as the crown’s ruling vassal family in the Stormlands. 
Of course, it’s worth pointing out that such a scenario would have completely changed one of the, well maybe not quite immediate inciting incidents of the Conquest, but an important political exchange that occurred shortly before it IOTL. King Argilac himself had, of course, reached out to the Targaryens prior to the conquest, “offering Lord Aegon his daughter in marriage, with all the lands east of the Gods Eye from the Trident to the Blackwater Rush as her dowry” according to Gyldayn. When Aegon Targaryen made a counteroffer, demanding more land and substituting Orys as the bridegroom, Argilac angrily rejected what he saw as an insult to his daughter and dynasty (a rejection that I think the narrative wants to suggest was poetically resolved by Orys’ (and Rhaenys’) victory and the subsequent Orys-Argella marriage). While I very much doubt Aegon solely based the decision of the Conquest on King Argilac’s refusal, I do think Argilac would have been that much less likely to even consider carving off some of his son’s inheritance to create a Targaryen buffer state.
Anyway, what would Aegon have done with Orys Baratheon in such a scenario? It’s possible that Aegon would have installed him as Lord of Harrenhal, although I think the great unknown factor here is to how and what extent Aegon wanted Orys to wield power. Having already accepted House Tully as the ruling dynasty of the Riverlands, Aegon would have been relegating Orys as Lord of Harrenhal to a secondary geopolitical role, which the king may or may not have wanted to do. Perhaps instead Aegon would have installed Orys as Lord of Highgarden (maybe married to some Gardener princess, any of whom could presumably have existed after the Field of Fire but none of whom, of course, we know anything about). It’s possible Aegon would have installed Orys as Lord of the Iron Islands (although maybe Aegon would have remembered the historical folly of Aubrey Crakehall in just such a role). It’s possible Aegon would have made Orys governor of Dorne, or even offered to marry Orys to Princess Deria Martell, as a means of incorporating Dorne into the kingdom of the Iron Throne. It’s possible that Aegon would have built Orys a new castle (as Aegon IV would promise to do later for another Targaryen-fathered bastard, Daemon Blackfyre). Or perhaps Aegon would simply have kept Orys on as his champion and strong right arm, without necessarily making him a great lord in the bargain.
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
the povs of the wars of conquest
similar to my “povs of robert’s rebellion” gonna do an aegon’s conquest one since they announced the show let me REST tho jfc but this one is a bit more meta-y at the end
to keep up with the "no PoVs from the kings" theme, these are the ones we should not have:
Aegon the Conquerer (duh)
Argilac Durrandan
Harren the Black
Torrhen Stark
Mern Gardener
Loren Lannister
Meria Nymeros Martell
However, what’s interesting about the conquest is that power is changing hands a lot, whole lines are being wiped out while others are shooting up in importance, so I have two sections of PoVs we could have.
First are PoVs I think we would need:
Visenya Targaryen
Rhaenys Targaryen
Orys Baratheon
Sharra Arryn
Argella Durrandan
Brandon Snow
Patrice Hightower
Ser Joffrey Dayne
Jon Mooton
Marla Sunderland
Quentyn Qoheris
Daemon Velaryon
Second are PoVs I’m Kind of Conflicted Over
Nymor Nymeros Martell
Deria Nymeros Martell
Edmyn Tully
Harlan Tyrell
Theo Tyrell
Vickon Greyjoy
some explanation - The thing is, we don’t typically get The Heir’s PoV or The Lord’s PoV if that heir/lord is likely to inherit without any sort of succession issue - we don’t get Robb in AGOT bc he’s the clear cut successor, but we DO get his father bc Ned came into his seat after A Series Of Unfortunate Events (also the plot doesn’t work without Ned). We don’t get a peek into Tywin’s mind but we do look at each Lannister child. etc etc. But the second category of characters fit into a weird third category in my opinion.
Let’s start with Dorne. Since Nymor is clear cut as Meria’s oldest child and heir, takes his seat without any problems, and passes it to his oldest without any issues, he doesn’t really fit that pattern. But on the other hand. I think when you look at the Dornish rulers in the first century post conquest, Nymor stands out because he has no desire to keep the fight going while everyone around him does. Remember, Deria helps fund the Vulture King, Qoren fights against Daemon in the Stepstones, and Morion is a dumb ass but he is not the only Martell to make violent overtures right back at the Iron Throne; I’d argue Nymor is one of the only Martells not to fund some sort of proxy war! I think of all the Martells, he’d be the most fascinating to follow and watch Meria and Deria from. So I’m a bit stuck here. And there’s a similar argument against Deria - while she is involved in the Vulture King’s war, Deria rules in relative peace. There's nothing shocking about a woman inheriting her father's seat in Dorne, the way there would be elsewhere in Westeros that might justify giving her a spotlight.
Then we have the Tullys and Tyrells. The Tullys are an incredibly old and noble family but they have never been kings. And the Tyrells are famously a group of upjumped castellans, and the only family in the Reach that didn’t raise arms against House Targaryen during the Conquest. They are given rule over their respective areas of the Riverlands and the Reach because they are a good political pick, and not because of any kingly blood. We also need a Riverlander and Reacher PoV because there’s a lot of action going on in these areas. And while the Greyjoys certainly were known to have been Kings frequently, Vickon Greyjoy was not and did not expect to be any time soon.
I think the solution here is really obvious though - invent a few Davos and Catelyn characters. Give Nymor a wife who is involved in the politics of the War. Edmyn Tully has three unnamed daughters, one of whom marries Quentyn Qoherys - make her a PoV. But at the same time, these would essentially just be Canon OCs, and like, idk, they don’t have the best track record with that. If this was a “George is gonna write an aegon’s conquest story” that’s one thing but someone else doing it is a bit eh. If it were George writing this, I think I’d want something like:
Visenya T. and ONLY her - i want Rhaenys and Aegon to remain a mystery
Orys Baratheon but i’m gonna bitch the whole time
Quentyn Qoherys
Jon Mooton
Argella fucking Durrandan
Brandon Snow
Patrice Hightower - this is Ceryse’s aunt, the one reputed to be a witch who died an unmarried maid. she would have been a youngish girl during the Conquest; she and Manfred, Ceryse’s father, don’t have canon ages, and since Ceryse is born in 2 AC, you can probably get away with anything from like 10-25 for either of them. Also, I think Patrice would just be really fun to follow, think of the witch on witch crime between her and Visenya!!
Marla Sunderland
Ser Joffrey Dayne
Nymor’s wife, and I think making her an Orphan of the Greenblood (considering Rhaenys' first act of violence in Dorne is to burn Plankytown) would be the best narrative choice.
Edmyn Tully’s first born daughter - potentially she is his heir presumptive bc he’s not mentioned as having any sons or grandsons or even brothers. Also, it’s not specified which daughter married Qoherys, and we don’t have a named Tully Lord until Prentys Tully & Lucinda Broome during Maegor’s reign, so there’s some wiggle room to do something fun here.
Once again, we don't have any "Road trip from hell" stories here a la Arya, Brienne, and Egg and also not a lot of lowborn PoVs so an idea I had that I thought would be something George would like is having a female warrior from Cracklaw Point - Visenya promises them they would be sworn directly to the Targaryens and not anyone else, and given how often Visenya is at Dragonstone (and Cracklaw Point is very close by, especially if she's riding Vhagar), I think it fits within Visenya's story if she had a some sort of female warrior similar to Jonquil Darke or Brienne of Tarth that followed her through the second half of the conquest to fit the "wandering noble tours the realm and sees life is kind of ass" stories George loves to do.
I think it would be a great idea to have an Iron Islander PoV as well especially given that Aegon requires the Iron Islanders to allow Septons and Maesters into their territory in an attempt to convert them (and probably to educate them as well, i'm sure the literacy rates in the Iron Islands are the worst in the realm, lol lmao) and I think that whole story would be much more affecting if we got an Iron Islander PoV. I think some Salt Wife's PoV here would be particularly fun (or horrific) to follow.
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sebeth · 1 year
TWOIAF/Fire & Blood: The End Of The First Dornish War
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
  The last installment ended with the Dornish War’s most famous fatalities: Queen Rhaenys and Meraxes.
10 to 12 AC are referred to as the Dragon’s Wroth. Every castle in Dorne, except Sunspear, were burned thrice over by Balerion and Vhagar. The sands around the Hellholt (the site of Rhaenys’ death) were fused into glass.
Why was Sunspear spared the repeated destruction? Was it an attempt to turn the Dornish against the Martells ala “see how you suffer while your lords do nothing”?
The Dornish lords went into hiding but were still pursued by Targaryen forces. Aegon the Conquerer had offered a “lord’s ransom in gold for the head of any Dornish lord, leading to the deaths of Lord Fowler, Lady Vaith, Lady Toland, and four successive Lords of the Hellholt.
Only two of the killers lived to collect their rewards and the Dornish repaid blood with blood: “Lord Connington of Griffin’s Roost was killed while hunting, Lord Mertyns of Mistwood poisoned with his whole household by a cask of Dornish wine, Lord Fell smothered in a brothel in King’s Landing.
Dornish assassins attacked Aegon thrice and he “would have fallen on two of those occasions but for his guards. They also attacked Visenya and her escorts – two were slain before Visenya killed the last attacker with Dark Sister.
The “infamous act of that bloody age” occurred in 12 AC, when Wyl of Wyl, the Widow-lover, crashed the wedding of Ser Jon Cafferen, heir to Fawntown, to Alys Oakheart, daughter of the Lord of Old Oak. Admitted into the area by a treacherous servant, Wyl and his forces “slew Lord Oakheart and most of the wedding guests, then made the bride look on as they gelded her husband. Afterward they took turns raping Lady Alys and her handmaids, then carried them off and sold them to a Myrish slaver.”
I would have used “disgusting” instead of “Infamous”. The Oakheart-Cafferen wedding is as horrifying as the Red Wedding. Worse in many aspects. In the Red Wedding, the Freys, Lannisters, Boltons, and Starks were active participants in the War of the Five Kings. The attack during the wedding was treacherous, cowardly, and terrible but the Northern and Riverlands lords did have targets on their back.
The attack on the Cafferen-Oakheart wedding seemed to be picking a random Stormlands and Reach family and deciding to unleash hell for kicks.
Did Tywin Lannister read about the Cafferen-Oakheart wedding in a history book and think to himself: “I can top that”.
By the way, Dorne is now a “smoking desert, beset by famine, plague, and blight – referred to as a “blasted land” by traders from the Free Cities.
The book states that the Martells remained “Unbowed, Unbent, and Unbroken”. It might be true for the Martells but their land has been annihilated.
In 13 AC, Meria Martell died (while having sex with a stallion, according to her enemies). How very Catherine the Great of her!
Meria’s son, Nymor, becomes the Prince of Dorne. Nymor is tired of war and sends his Deria, his daughter, to King’s Landing, to propose peace terms.
Deria and her fellow Dornish didn’t receive a warm welcome. Queen Visenya declared “No peace without submission” and Orys Baratheon suggested removing a hand from Deria before sending her back to Dorne. Lord Oakheart, father of Alys, wanted her sold to the “meanest brothel in King’s Landing”.
Aegon rejected all the proposals by stating that an “envoy under a banner of peace would suffer no harm under his roof.”
Grand Maester Lucan wrote Aegon was weary of war but couldn’t see a way to end the war due to the following reasons:
·         Queen Rhaenys’ death would have been in vain
·         It could inspire rebellions from other regions
·         The Reach, the Stormlands, and the Marches had suffered horrendously would neither forgive or forget
Aegon almost refused the peace terms when Deria handed him a letter from her father.  Aegon read the letter while gripping the Iron Throne so hard he cut himself open. He left for Dragonstone and returned the next day, accepting the peace terms. He signed a treaty of eternal peace with Dorne. Aegon must have forgotten to explain the “eternal” part to his descendants as this is the end of the First Dornish War.
No one knows the content of the letter but a few possibilities are put forth:
·         A simple plea from one father to another
·         A list of all the lords and noble knights who lost their lives during the war
·         Septons suggest in was an ensorcelled missive, using Meria’s blood, and Aegon was unable to resist its “malign magic”
·         The threat of hiring a Faceless Men of Braavos to kill Aenys, Aegon’s heir
It’s not mentioned in the books but fans have theorized the letter could have contained an offer to end a still-alive Rhaeny’s suffering or that her bones had been returned to Dragonstone.
I’m not sure why Aegon would keep the return of Rhaenys’s bones a secret. Wouldn’t he want a state funeral for his beloved sister-wife? If the offer was the return of Rhaneys’s bones did Aegon ever tell Visenya, Orys, and Rhaenys about it? Surely they would have the right to know.
I doubt the letter contained magic. The Faceless Man threat is a possibility. It would explain why Aegon never told Visenya the contents of the letter. I could see her going nuclear on Dorne if she knew of the threat – and Sunspear would no longer be spared.
So what did the two idiots (Aegon & Meria) achieve during this decade-long pissing match:
On Aegon’s side we have:
·         The death of a sister-wife and mother of his heir
·         The death of a dragon – one of the weapons that made the Conquest possible
·         The mutilation of a brother – one who underwent a marked personality change as a result of his captivity
·         Thousands dead, and the suffering and mutilation of thousands more
 On Meria’s side we have:
·         Dorne turned into a “blasted land”  of plague, famine, and desolation
·         Thousands dead, and the suffering of thousands more
 Both sides are idiots and I’m equally disgusted with the Targaryens and Meria Martell.
Aegon’s obsession with unifying the Seven Kingdoms (and satisfying his own ego) led to a brutal war that he justified by his “dragon dream” of an unknown threat from the North.
The only finished product in the ASOIAF-verse is the show and what was Dorne’s contribution to the Long Night, round 2? Nothing! Maybe there was an unnamed Dornish in the Night’s Watch.  If I had to guess, it won’t be much different in the books. Oberyn and Quentyn took themselves out due to ego and stupidity. The rest of House Martell will be wiped out in the upcoming Dany-Faegon confrontation. Dorne’s forces will suffer in that same confrontation so we’re not going to see them in the North fighting wights.
Meria’s refusal to negotiate with Aegon due to her own ego led to thousands of Dornish deaths. Harrenhal and the Field of Fire had happened by this death. She refused to treat with Aegon, knowing it would result in thousands of Dornish deaths, and she did not care as she had to remain “unbowed, unbent, unbroken”. Horrible woman. And if your country has undergone such destruction, they gossip over it on another continent, you are in fact “broken”.
The aftermath of the war led to the normally tense relations between the Stormlands/the Reach and Dorne to escalate to intense hatred – which would cause issues for generations to come.
Dorne’s reputation would suffer – they would be known as treacherous, untrustworthy cowards. Not to mention the years/decades it took to fully recover from the Dragon’s Wroth.
Up next, Aegon has accomplishments that don’t involve mass-killings.
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asongofsilks · 2 years
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Darlessa Marbrand (b. approx. 270 AC): Widow of Tygett Lannister, younger brother of Lord Tywin, and mother of his son, Tyrek, who is missing since the hunger riots of King's Landing. Fancast: Rhianna McGreevy.
Deana Hardyng (main series era): Wife of Walton Frey, grandson of Lord Walder Frey through his eldest son and heir, Ser Stevron. Fancast: Olivia Wilde.
Delena Florent (b. approx. 270 AC): A cousin to Selyse Florent, wife of Stannis Baratheon, Delena was impregnated by King Robert at Stannis and Selyse's wedding feast. She is the mother of Edric Storm, Robert's only male acknowledged bastard. Fancast: Jennie Jacques.
Delonne Allyrion (b. approx. 240 AC): The Lady of Godsgrace and Head of House Allyrion, she is the mother of Ser Ryon Allyrion and the grandmother of his bastard son, Daemon Sand. Fancast: Julianne Moore.
Denyse Hightower (main series era): Fourth daughter of Lord Leyton Hightower and wife of a knight of House Redwyne. Fancast: Polly Walker.
Deria Martell (b. approx. 20 BC): A ruling Princess of Dorne, she was the granddaughter of Meria Martell, who successfully resisted Aegon the Conqueror during the First Dornish War. When Meria died and her father became the ruling Prince, he sent her to King's Landing with an offer of peace for Aegon. It is not known why Aegon, who was opposed to Dorne's terms, accepted the peace. Fancast: Naomi Scott.
Desmera Redwyne (b. 283 AC): Daughter of Lord Paxter Redwyne and his wife, Mina Tyrell, who is the younger sister of Mace Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden. Fancast: AmyBeth McNulty.
Donella Manderly (c. 250-299 AC): Wife of Lord Halys Hornwood of the Hornwood, and mother to one son, Daryn. After both her husband and son are killed in the War of the Five Kings, it sparks a crisis in the North regarding the inheritance of her lands. She is kidnapped and forcibly married to Ramsay Snow, after which he locks her in a tower and starves her to death. This act turns out to be House Bolton's first sally in their takeover of the North. Fancast: Alison Bruce.
Septa Donyse (main series era): A septa in King's Landing. She helps Brienne of Tarth find good clothing that fits her. Fancast: Molly C. Quinn.
Dorcas (main series era): A servant in service of Queen Cersei in King's Landing. Fancast: Amanda Hale.
Dorea Sand (b. 292 AC): Third-born bastard daughter of Prince Oberyn Martell, younger brother of the ruling Prince, Doran Martell, and his paramour Ellaria Sand. She owns a morningstar and currently lives at the Water Gardens. Fancast: Keisha Castle-Hughes.
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duchess-of-oldtown · 8 days
Duchess how do you think Westeros views Arianne?
I always found strange that no one gossips about Arianne lovers. She is a unmarried woman in a society that values chastity and she does little do hide her affairs. We see many women in the world being punished for their so called promiscuity, but Arianne at one point almost married Willas and Edmure (would hoster of all people allow that to happen?)
Also, should the fact that a Dornish women, who the rest of the Kingdoms view as "loose", proven the very sterotype be more spoken about?
It is a stereotype that's spoken about, not directly but if consider the language used in Arys Oakheart's chapters, how Ellaria is treated in King's Landing, how the Kevan Lannister refers to Lady Nym in his last chapter and how Meria and Deria Martell are referred in Fire and Blood the standard is there. Dornish women are thought of us as lewd, loose and licentious, deceitful and capable of leading any honourable man into sin. The rest of Westeros labels them as this and considers those traits part of Dornish culture. People do slander Arianne, the slander all Dornish women. Arianne is slandered with these traits but she's still future Princess of Dorne, she's the heir of Sunspear. Even if the Westerosi lords look down on her and her culture, she's still a catch. Her relationship with Arys is indicative of this double standard in behaviour.
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firewillreign-rpg · 1 year
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uncrvwned · 1 year
                                                what he did was wrong .  he should be punished .
from  :  @bruiisedpetals to  :  deria location  :  king's landing, 298ac
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Deria had never considered herself squeamish; the Dornish were made of stronger stuff, and she had been trained by her brother Oberyn to fight since birth - she had seen blood, and even death, though it had always been...well, perhaps a little sanitised. She was the youngest of the siblings, after-all, by a large margin; the baby of Sunspear, and could anyone blame Doran and Oberyn for being over-protective, after what had happened to Elia? Oberyn had put up stringent protests when he had heard that Deria wished to travel to King's Landing to see the Hand's Tourney, but Deria was a Princess of Dorne and would not be kept prisoner - she travelled where she wished, with her own entourage, with no husband to contain her and no older brother to tell her what to do.
She had left the stands rather too quickly after the Mountain's lance had pierced the young Knight's gorget, her purple robes flicking around the corner before her ladies could follow her. She had seen blood - but not blood like this. She breathed shallowly, ducking into the shadow cast by one of the large pavillions, her hand pressed to her breastbone; when she closed her eyes, trying to regain her equilibrium, all she could see was the poor young squire's final movements in the sand, twitching, grotesque. For an awful moment she thought she might be sick, or faint, or both. It was King's Landing, she decided then - fiercely proud, detesting her own weakness - it was this damn city, with its overwhelming stench and crowd, and the Lannister Queen sat so high in Elia's seat, gazing down her perfect nose at Deria when she was presented in the Throne Room. King's Landing made her faint, not...not the Mountain. Elia...
At the unfamiliar voice she looked up, and for a moment her dark glossy eyes were wide with panic; she was rarely without her guards, and in her distress she forgot where she was. She did not recognise the man ebfore her, though she could see immediately he was a knight; whether he had already competed today, she could not say. Behind the great wooden stands she could hear the bloodthirsty roar of the crowd as they dragged the boy's drained body away, and the thunder of the Mountain's hooves. Oberyn was right, I should not have come...
"It was an accident," she said weakly. "His lance slipped, I do believe. I apologise, ser - I would not usually be so faint-hearted. It is only..." The Mountain killed my sister." She forced a smile, which wavered on her lips, and straightened, pushing back her shoulders as if she could instill courage with posture alone. "The day is hot."
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
Elendili in Westeros
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/7Z3Rwc6
by Manwe_Stark
As Eru sinks Numenor, the ships of Elendil and his sons are torn by mighty winds and a great wave, destroying their masts and sails, pushing them far east. And when it seemed that it was over for Elendila, the seas unexpectedly calmed down and the winds ceased. Soon he also heard the cry of the seagulls and they would see the land. However, it turns out that they did not land in Middle-earth, but in a land unknown to them, united by the Dragon Lords of Old Valyria - the Targaryen.
Words: 1943, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M
Characters: Elendil the Tall, Isildur (Tolkien), Anárion (Tolkien), Elendur of Númenor, Meneldil (Tolkien), Anárion's Daughter (Tolkien), Ohtar (Tolkien), Númenórean(s), Aegon I Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen (Sister of Aegon I), Aenys I Targaryen, Alyssa Velaryon, Rhaena Targaryen (Daughter of Aenys I), Aegon Targaryen (Son of Aenys I), Viserys Targaryen (Son of Aenys I), Jaehaerys I Targaryen, Alysanne Targaryen, Maegor I Targaryen, Ceryse Hightower, Tyanna of the Tower (A Song of Ice and Fire), Torrhen Stark, Brandon Snow, Brandon "The Boisterous" Stark, Loren I Lannister, Sharra Arryn, Deria Martell, Ronnel Arryn (King), Jonos Arryn, Septon Murmison (A Song of Ice and Fire), High Septon (ASoIaF), Damon Morrigen, Alys Harroway
Relationships: Aegon I Targaryen/Rhaenys Targaryen (Sister of Aegon I)/Visenya Targaryen (Sister of Aegon I), Aenys I Targaryen/Alyssa Velaryon, Ceryse Hightower/Maegor I Targaryen, Elendil the Tall/Elendil the Tall's Wife, Isildur/Isildur's Wife, Anárion/Anárion's Wife (Tolkien), Elendur & Maegor I Targaryen, Elendur & Aenys I Targaryen, Maegor I Targaryen & Visenya Targaryen (Sister of Aegon I), Aegon I Targaryen & Maegor I Targaryen, Aegon I Targaryen & Aenys I Targaryen, Aragorn | Estel/Lyanna Stark, Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Crossover, Cultural Differences, Foreign Language, A Plus L Equals J | Aragorn and Lyanna Stark are Jon Snow's Parents, Jon Snow is Not a Targaryen, Jon Snow is Dunadan, BAMF Jon Snow, BAMF Maegor I Targaryen, BAMF Visenya Targaryen, Alternate Universe - Westeros, Westeros (A Song of Ice and Fire), The Númenorians land in Westeros instead of Middle-earth, Jon Snow is Not Called Aegon, Jon Snow's Name is Eldarion, R Plus L Does Not Equal J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Not Jon Snow's Parents
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lledron · 3 years
Tywin conoce a Deria
Una niña fuerte, según  Pycelle. Ella había llegado al mundo chillando y pateando. En realidad, era la primogénita de su hijo, podía ver a Jaime en esos ojos verdes. Lástima que no fuera un varón y que la mujer dorniense no hubiera muerto al darla a luz. 
Rara vez veía a su nieta, pero Jaime no cesaba de hablar de ella: lo bien que leía, cantaba y tocaba el laúd. Aún no había otro nieto, pero Cersei le había dado otro hijo varón al rey. Casterly Rock bien podría parar a manos de Edric Baratheon.
Kevan a su lado, estudió los libros de contabilidad.
—Elia lo ha estado haciendo muy bien…
—Le doy ese merito—fue su respuesta.
 La mujer había sido una buena administradora, a pesar de la falta de un hijo varón .Había enviado a los culpables de violaciones a trabajar en las minas, fomentó el comercio entre Casterly Rock ,  Dorne y Bravoos (él nunca admitiría que el café era ahora su bebida favorita).
 Una septa pasó allí con una niña pequeña de unos seis años. Él y Kevan se congelarón .La niña llevaba un gato negro y feo en sus flacos brazos.
—Mis señores, les presentó a…—
—Deria Lannister.Es un placer conocerlo por fin, mi señor abuelo y mi señor Kevan. Espero que su viaje haya sido placentero o al menos libre de inconvenientes.—
La niña,Deria,hizo una reverencia y les sonrió.
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Y así comenzó toda, con esa maldita sonrisa. Deria tenía la sonrisa de Tytos, de su padre, esa sonrisa que te decía que eras todo para él, que te amaba con todo su corazón y su alma.
—Tiene la sonrisa de padre…—
—Tiene sus labios finos, es por eso ,Kevan…una sonrisa no puede heredarse…—
  “Yo también lo extraño” quería decir,pero calló. Su padre fue un hombre amable y débil. Y punto final.
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
Wdyt will be the Tyrell's endgame? I can't help but think their motto "Growing Strong" serves as ironic foreshadowing for their eventual downfall, as we saw in the show. At one point in the series, the Tyrells were pretty damn strong. I don't see them ending the series the same way, especially when they've aligned with the Lannisters. Winter is coming and flowers wilt.
I agree that they are likely doomed.
The ironborn are messing with the Reach something fierce, Cersei is about to take back control in KL (as per TWOW, Mercy) and Mace is heading down to confront Aegon and Jon Connington at Storm's End and it's not likely to end in his resounding victory. They won't be Aegon's friends, certainly, with their Lannister ties and ancient feud with Dorne.
If she is to line up in the row of older women/matriarchs pulling strings, Olenna may become some kind of pathetic mirror to Meria Martell, watching the Reach go to ruin around her.
Dorne was a blighted, burning ruin by this time, and still the Dornish hid and fought from the shadows, refusing to surrender. Even the smallfolk refused to yield, and the toll in lives was uncountable. When Princess Meria at last passed away in 13 AC, her throne passed to her son, the aged and failing Prince Nymor. He had had enough of war and sent a delegation led by his daughter, Princess Deria, to King's Landing. This delegation carried the skull of Meraxes with them, as a gift for the king. It was ill received by many—Queen Visenya and Orys Baratheon among them—and Lord Oakheart urged that Deria be sent to the meanest of brothels to service any man who would have her. But King Aegon Targaryen would not countenance such an act and instead listened to her words.
Dorne wanted peace, according to Deria—but the peace of two kingdoms no longer at war, not the peace between a vassal and a lord. Many urged His Grace against this, and the phrase "no peace without submission" was often heard in the halls of the Aegonfort. It was claimed that the king would look weak should he agree to such a demand and that the lords of the Reach and stormlands who had suffered so much for his cause would be angered.
Swayed by such considerations, it is said, King Aegon was determined to refuse the offer until Princess Deria placed in his hands a private letter from her father, Prince Nymor. Aegon read it upon the Iron Throne, and men say that when he rose, his hand was bleeding, so hard had he clenched it. He burned the letter and departed immediately on Balerion's back for Dragonstone. When he returned the next morning, he agreed to the peace and signed a treaty to that effect.
The skull of Meraxes is reminiscent of the skull of Gregor Clegane which was sent back to Doran as an appeasement for Elia's murder. (I wonder if this was a subtle insult intended by Cersei.) Deria is reminiscent of Arianne coming to treat with Aegon. But all mirrors are only partial, and the feud between Dorne and Reach is made very prominent in the Dornish chapters.
The destruction wrought by the ironborn could lead Willas to try and make peace with Aegon once Olenna is dead. He was notably on good terms with Oberyn and while Aegon VI's advisers might disagree, Aegon may be the one to embrace peace and try to put the Reach and Westeros to rights, unlike his ancestor.
(The letter may play into any number of developments, secrets or larger plots. Oldtown with Samwell and Sarella and potential information about the prophecy or even Jon Snow is also notably in the Reach.)
If Dany arrives allied with Euron and the Tyrells are actually in an aliance with Dorne and Aegon...Maybe we'll see the rest of the Tyrells go down in the Field of Fire they evaded the last time?
But all of this is just wild speculation on my part.
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laannie0803 · 3 years
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El rey Aegon I Targaryen, llamado Aegon el Conquistador, Aegon Lordragón y Aegon el Dragón, fue el conquistador de los Siete Reinos y fundador de la dinastía Targaryen que reinó en Poniente por casi 300 años. Fue jinete del dragón Balerion.
Aegon es descrito como un hombre alto, de hombros anchos y apariencia poderosa, con ojos púrpuras y el cabello corto, de oro y plata. Era muy carismático y tenía dotes de líder.
Durante la Conquista vestía una cota de escamas negras y blandía su espada de acero valyrio Fuegoscuro. Su corona era un círculo simple, también de acero valyrio, con grandes rubíes en forma de cuadrado.
Era una persona solitaria cuyo único amigo era Orys Baratheon, de quien se decía era su medio-hermano, y montaba su dragón cuando iba a una batalla o viajaba, pero nunca participó en torneos. Se mantuvo fiel a sus dos hermanas y dejó el gobierno en sus manos, interviniendo solamente cuando era necesario. Mientras era duro con quienes le desafiaban, era generoso con quienes doblaban la rodilla.
Aegon fue el segundo hijo y único varón nacido del matrimonio entre Lord Aerion Targaryen y Lady Valaena Velaryon. Fue criado en la isla de Rocadragón, el dominio más lejano del Feudo Franco de Valyria, en la cual su familia se había asentado un siglo antes de la Maldición de Valyria. Siguiendo la tradición valyria contrajo matrimonio dentro de la propia familia, pero no con una de sus hermanas, sino con ambas: su hermana mayor Visenya y su hermana menor Rhaenys. Se casó con Visenya por deber y con Rhaenys por deseo.
Según fuentes semi-canónicas, cuando Aegon era joven recibió un pedido de Volantis para que él y sus dragones se unieran en una alianza contra las demás Ciudades Libres. Aparentemente rechazó la oferta y, de hecho, cuando Volantis invadió Tyrosh, acudió a lomos de Balerion el Terror Negro, su dragón, a rescatar la ciudad, aliada al Rey de la Tormenta y a Pentos.
Eventualmente volvió su vista al oeste, a Poniente. Llevaba años planeando la conquista de los Siete Reinos. Pintó en una mesa un mapa de los Siete Reinos sin fronteras, simbolizando que serían uno solo. Su plan era ambicioso, pero resultaría ser un éxito casi total. A pesar del mito que dice que Aegon no había pisado Poniente antes de la conquista, si había visitado en su juventud junto a su hermana Visenya la Ciudadela de Antigua y El Rejo, como invitados de Lord Redwyne. Pudo haber visitado también Lannisport.
La guerra comenzó cuando el Rey de la Tormenta Argilac Durrandon le propuso a su hija en matrimonio, junto a una dote de tierras neutrales. Aegon se negó y propuso a su medio hermano Orys Baratheon como esposo para su hija. Argilac, furioso, envió de vuelta las manos del mensajero. Tras esto, Aegon llamó a sus principales vasallos y tras un consejo, mandó montones de cuervos con un mensaje: a partir de este día, solo habría un rey en Poniente.
Cuando estuvo listo, él y sus hermanas-esposas desembarcaron con su ejército en la costa este de Poniente, en la Bahía del Aguasnegras. En el Fuerte Aegon, el castillo de madera que erigieron en la costa, reunió a sus partidarios y desplegó por primera vez el estandarte de la Casa Targaryen, un dragón rojo de tres cabezas que escupía fuego sobre un campo de seda negra; los estandartes heráldicos eran una costumbre en Poniente, pero los nobles del Feudo Franco de Valyria nunca habían adoptado la tradición, por lo que cuando se desplegó el nuevo estandarte, los señores nobles ponientis lo tomaron como una señal de que un alto rey digno de Poniente había llegado. Cuando la reina Visenya le puso una diadema de acero valyrio tachonada de rubíes y su hermana Rhaenys le proclamó Aegon, el primero de su nombre, Rey de Todo Poniente y Escudo de su Pueblo, los señores nobles vitorearon y los dragones rugieron, pero la algarabía mayor fue del pueblo llano. Con ayuda de sus tres dragones, Balerion, Vhagar y Meraxes, guió a los ejércitos Targaryen de una victoria a otra.
Su primer objetivo fue Harren el Negro, Rey de las Islas del Hierro y de las Tierras de los Ríos, que gobernaba en su recién construida y monstruosa fortaleza de Harrenhal. Cuando el rey de hierro se negó a hincar la rodilla, Aegon azuzó a sus dragones para que lo quemaran vivo a él y a sus hijos en la llamada Torre de la Pira Real, en Harrenhal. Entonces incitó a la rebelión de los señores de los ríos, y nombró a su mayor comandante, Edmyn Tully, Señor Supremo del Tridente. En tanto los señores de las Islas del Hierro eligieron como su nuevo líder a Vickon Greyjoy, que decidió rendirse ante Aegon.
Tras la exitosa conquista de Aegon, sus hermanos continuaron la lucha. Visenya logró que los señores de lo que hoy son las Tierras de la Corona hincaran la rodilla a cambio de la promesa de ser vasallos directos de los Targaryen.
Luego Orys Baratheon lideró un ejército hacia Bastión de Tormentas. En lugar de refugiarse en sus inexpugnables murallas, el rey Argilac el Arrogante decidió hacerle frente en batalla directa, que pasaría a la historia como "La Última Tormenta", y resultó muerto. Aegon recompensó a su medio-hermano otorgándole el control del castillo y las tierras de Argilac.
Asustados por el creciente poderío de Aegon, Loren Lannister de la Roca y Mern IX Gardener del Dominio se aliaron y reunieron un ejército de 50.000 hombres de infantería y 5.000 caballeros. Aegon solo disponía de 10.000 hombres de dudosa lealtad y experiencia. En medio de la batalla, y con el temor de ser derrotado, liberó a sus tres dragones a la vez, y estos inmolaron a cuatro mil hombres, entre ellos el rey Mern. A esto se le conoció como el Campo de Fuego. Permitió que Loren Lannister permaneciera como su señor vasallo, mientras consiguió que Harlen Tyrell ex-mayordomo de Mern, le rindiera Altojardín a cambio del gobierno de la provincia.
Cuando el Rey en el Norte Torrhen Stark llevó a sus ejércitos al sur para presentar batalla, quedó impresionado al ver el gran ejército de Aegon y sus dragones, y se arrodilló ante él sin más. Conservó sus tierras como Señor del Norte.
Aegon envió a su flota al mando de Daemon Velaryon a tomar Puerto Gaviota. Daemon fue vencido y asesinado por la flota del Valle, que fue también destruida provocando la rebelión de las Tres Hermanas. El rey Ronnel Arryn y su madre Sharra Arryn también lo reconocieron finalmente como rey tras la actuación de su hermana Visenya.
Aegon falló en la conquista de Dorne. Envió a su hermana Rhaenys a conquistarlo, pero las tácticas de guerrilla dornienses la superaron. Rhaenys visitó a la princesa Meria Martell en Lanza del Sol donde discutieron sobre su rendición, pero finalmente no se consiguió ningún acuerdo. Durante un tiempo, Aegon I dejó estar las tierras dornienses.
Cuando la noticia del desembarco de Aegon y sus hermanas llegó a Antigua, el Septón Supremo ayunó y rezó durante siete días y siete noches bajo la cúpula del Septo Estrellado. Cuando salió de allí, anunció que la Fe no se opondría a los Targaryen, porque la Vieja le había mostrado que hacerlo significaría la destrucción de Antigua. Finalmente, cuando Aegon y sus fuerzas se presentaron para invadir Antigua, las puertas de la ciudad estaban abiertas y Lord Manfred Hightower le esperaba para jurarle lealtad. Su Altísima Santidad ungió al Conquistador con los siete aceites y lo proclamó Aegon de la Casa Targaryen, el primero de su nombre, Rey de los Ándalos y los Rhoynar y los Primeros Hombres, Señor de los Siete Reinos y Protector del Reino, a pesar de que Dorne no se había rendido ni se rendiría hasta un siglo después.
Acabada la guerra, reorganizó el reino y fundó su capital, Desembarco del Rey, en el lugar de su desembarco inicial en Poniente. Creó el Trono de Hierro, fundiendo con el fuegodragón de Balerion las espadas de los vencidos. Inició la construcción de la Fortaleza Roja, que terminaría su hijo Maegor. Creó además el cargo de Mano del Rey, nombrando a su medio hermano Orys Baratheon.
No mucho después de la coronación en Antigua, los señores de las Tres Hermanas declararon su independencia y coronaron a la dama Marla Sunderland como su reina. El rey Aegon I envió a Lord Torrhen Stark con la tarea de poner fin a la rebelión. Tras el sitio por parte de la flota norteña y la intervención de Vhagar, la rebelión quedó sofocada.
En 4 d.C. emprendió la conquista de Dorne de nuevo, la cual duraría hasta el 13 d.C., consiguiendo algunos castillos en el proceso. Por este tiempo su hermana Rhaenys murió asesinada junto con su dragón, hecho que enfureció considerablemente a Aegon. Formó la guardia de élite que se convertiría en la Guardia Real, tras ser atacados él y Visenya en las calles de Desembarco del Rey en 10 d.C.
Cuando el príncipe Nymor Martell subió al poder tras la muerte de su madre, la princesa Meria Martell, decidió acabar con la guerra y para ello envió una delegación de nobles a Desembarco del Rey dirigidos por su hija Deria para firmar la paz, llevando la calavera de Meraxes como regalo para Aegon. Cuando llegaron fueron mal recibidos por muchos; Lord Oakheart llegó a sugerir que se capturara a la princesa dorniense y se la enviara a un burdel, pero Aegon lo rechazó y decidió escucharlos. Deria le dijo que Dorne quería la paz pero sin rendirse ante ellos. Aegon iba a negarse, pero la princesa le entregó una carta escrita por su su padre. Aegon la leyó, la quemó y partió a Rocadragón; al día siguiente, volvió y firmó la paz con Dorne.
Aegon tuvo un hijo con cada una de sus esposas; Maegor con Visenya y Aenys con Rhaenys. Rhaenys era la esposa favorita de Aegon, quien pasaba diez noches con ella por cada una que pasaba con Visenya; no obstante, los rumores apuntaban a que mientras Aegon estaba con su hermana, Rhaenys tenía otros amantes.
Aegon pasó gran parte de su reinado consolidado su poder viajando por los Siete Reinos. Durante su gobierno tuvo que ir con cuidado con la Fe de los Siete, para que no se le opusieran. Aegon hizo construir un gran septo en la Colina de Visenya, y acordó la construcción de otro aún más grande en la Colina de Rhaenys conocido como el Septo de la Conmemoración.
Desembarco del Rey inicialmente carecía de murallas, pero Aegon en principio no creía que una ciudad protegida por dragones fuera asaltada. Al darse cuenta de que él y Visenya no siempre estaban en la ciudad, ordenó la construcción de murallas y puertas, terminadas en 26 d.C..
Aegon encontró que Fuerte Aegon no era adecuado para un rey y en 35 d.C. se trasladó con su familia y corte de nuevo a Rocadragón, mientras proseguía la construcción de lo que eventualmente sería conocido como la Fortaleza Roja. Se decía que Aegon había colocado a Visenya a cargo de la supervisión de la construcción para no tener que soportar su presencia en Rocadragón. El Trono de Hierro se mantuvo en el mismo lugar donde se realizaba la construcción en lugar de Rocadragón, ya que era demasiado pesado para ser trasladado.
Estando en la sala de la Mesa Pintada en el 37 d.C., Aegon murió de un infarto mientras que narraba una historia de su conquista a dos de sus nietos. A su muerte ascendió al trono Aenys I Targaryen, posteriormente Maegor I. Varias rebeliones se desataron al alzamiento de la Fe Militante. La guerra, la muerte y el caos se apoderaron de los Siete Reinos hasta el comienzo del reinado del nieto de Aegon I, Jaehaerys I Targaryen.
King Aegon I Targaryen, called Aegon the Conqueror, Aegon Dragon Lord, and Aegon the Dragon, was the conqueror of the Seven Kingdoms and founder of the Targaryen dynasty that reigned in Westeros for almost 300 years. He was a rider of the dragon Balerion.
Aegon is described as a tall, broad-shouldered, powerful-looking man with purple eyes and short, gold and silver hair. He was very charismatic and had leadership skills.
During his Conquest he wore a black scale coat and brandished his Valyrian steel sword Darkfire. His crown was a simple circle, also of Valyrian steel, with large square-shaped rubies.
He was a lonely person whose only friend was Orys Baratheon, who was said to be his half-brother, and he rode his dragon when he went to battle or traveled, but never participated in tournaments. He remained faithful to his two sisters and left the government in his hands, intervening only when necessary. While he was tough on those who challenged him, he was generous with those who bowed the knee.
Aegon was the second child and only male born of the marriage between Lord Aerion Targaryen and Lady Valaena Velaryon. He was raised on the island of Dragonstone, the furthest domain of the Freehold of Valyria, in which his family had settled a century before the Curse of Valyria. Following the Valyrian tradition he married within his own family, but not with one of his sisters, but with both: his older sister Visenya and his younger sister Rhaenys. He married Visenya out of duty and Rhaenys out of desire.
According to semi-canonical sources, when Aegon was young he received an order from Volantis for him and his dragons to join in an alliance against the other Free Cities. He apparently refused the offer and, in fact, when Volantis invaded Tyrosh, he came on the back of Balerion the Black Dread, his dragon, to rescue the city, allied to the King of the Storm and Pentos.
He eventually turned his gaze west to Westeros. He had been planning the conquest of the Seven Kingdoms for years. He painted on a table a map of the Seven Kingdoms without borders, symbolizing that they would be one. His plan was ambitious, but it would turn out to be almost complete success. Despite the myth that Aegon had not set foot in Westeros before the conquest, he had visited the Citadel of Antigua and El Rejo in his youth with his sister Visenya, as guests of Lord Redwyne. He may have visited Lannisport as well.
The war began when the Storm King Argilac Durrandon proposed to his daughter in marriage, along with a dowry of neutral lands. Aegon refused and proposed his half-brother Orys Baratheon as a husband for his daughter. Argilac, furious, sent back the messenger's hands. After this, Aegon summoned his main vassals and after a council, sent lots of crows with a message: from this day, there would be only one king in Westeros.
When he was ready, he and his sister-wives landed with his army on the east coast of Westeros, in Blackwater Bay. At Fort Aegon, the wooden castle they erected on the shoreline, he gathered his supporters and for the first time unfurled the banner of House Targaryen, a three-headed red dragon that breathed fire over a field of black silk; Heraldic banners were a custom in Westeros, but the nobles of the Freehold of Valyria had never adopted the tradition, so when the new banner was unfolded, the western noble lords took it as a sign that a high king worthy of Westeros had arrived. When Queen Visenya put on him a diadem of Valyrian steel studded with rubies and his sister Rhaenys proclaimed him Aegon, the first of his name, King of All Westeros and Shield of his People, the noble lords cheered and the dragons roared, but the din older was the common people. With the help of his three dragons, Balerion, Vhagar, and Meraxes, he led the Targaryen armies from one victory to another.
His first target was Harren the Black, King of the Iron Isles and the Riverlands, who ruled in his newly built monstrous fortress Harrenhal. When the Iron King refused to kneel, Aegon stirred up his dragons to burn him and his children alive in the so-called Royal Pyre Tower in Harrenhal. He then incited the river lords' rebellion, and appointed his greatest commander, Edmyn Tully, Overlord of the Trident. Meanwhile, the lords of the Iron Islands chose Vickon Greyjoy as their new leader, who decided to surrender to Aegon.
Following Aegon's successful conquest, his brothers continued the fight. Visenya brought the lords of what is now the Crownlands to the knee in exchange for the promise of being direct vassals of the Targaryens.
Then Orys Baratheon led an army into Storm's End. Instead of taking refuge in his impregnable ramparts, King Argilac the Arrogant decided to meet him in direct battle, which he will pass to the story as "The Last Storm", and was killed. Aegon rewarded his half-brother by granting her control of the castle and the lands of Argilac.
Frightened by Aegon's growing might, Loren Lannister of the Rock and Mern IX Gardener of the Dominion allied themselves together and assembled an army of 50,000 infantrymen and 5,000 knights. Aegon had only 10,000 men of dubious loyalty and experience. In the middle of the battle, and in fear of being defeated, he released his three dragons at the same time, and they slaughtered four thousand men, including King Mern. This became known as the Field of Fire. He allowed Loren Lannister to remain his lord vassal, while getting Harlen Tyrell ex-Mern's butler to surrender Highgarden in exchange for the provincial government.
When the King in the North Torrhen Stark led his armies south to do battle, he was impressed to see Aegon's great army and his dragons, and knelt before him without further ado. He preserved his lands as Lord of the North.
Aegon sent his fleet under Daemon Velaryon to take Seagull Harbor. Daemon was defeated and killed by the Vale fleet, which was also destroyed causing the Three Sisters rebellion. King Ronnel Arryn and his mother Sharra Arryn also finally recognized him as king after the performance of his sister Visenya.
Aegon failed to conquer Dorne. He sent his sister Rhaenys to conquer it, but Dornish guerilla tactics overcame her. Rhaenys visited Princess Meria Martell in Spear of the Sun where they discussed her surrender, but no agreement was finally reached. For a time, Aegon I let the Dornish lands be.
When news of the landing of Aegon and his sisters reached Antigua, the High Septon fasted and prayed for seven days and seven nights under the dome of the Starry Sept. When he left there, he announced that the Faith would not oppose the Targaryens, because the Old One had shown him that doing so would mean the destruction of Antigua. Finally, when Aegon and his forces showed up to invade Antigua, the city gates were open and Lord Manfred Hightower awaited him to pledge allegiance. His Most High Holiness anointed the Conqueror with the seven oils and proclaimed him Aegon of House Targaryen, the first of his name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Kingdom, despite that Dorne had not and would not surrender until a century later.
After the war, he reorganized the kingdom and founded his capital, King's Landing, at the site of his initial landing in Westeros. He created the Iron Throne, fusing with the dragonfire of Balerion the swords of the vanquished. He started the construction of the Red Keep, which would finish his son Maegor. He also created the position of Hand of the King, naming his half brother Orys Baratheon.
Not long after the coronation in Antigua, the lords of the Three Sisters declared their independence and crowned the lady Marla Sunderland as their queen. King Aegon I sent Lord Torrhen Stark with the task of ending the rebellion. After the siege by the northern fleet and the intervention of Vhagar, the rebellion was put down.
In 4 AC. he undertook the conquest of Dorne again, which would last until 13 AC, obtaining some castles in the process. Around this time his sister Rhaenys was murdered along with her dragon, a fact that greatly enraged Aegon. He formed the elite guard that would become the Royal Guard, after he and Visenya were attacked in the streets of King's Landing in AC 10.
When Prince Nymor Martell came to power after the death of his mother, Princess Meria Martell, he decided to end the war and for this he sent a delegation of nobles to King's Landing led by his daughter Deria to sign peace, carrying the skull from Meraxes as a gift for Aegon. When they arrived they were badly received by many; Lord Oakheart even suggested that the Dornish princess be captured and sent to a brothel, but Aegon rejected him and decided to listen to them. Deria told him that Dorne wanted peace but without surrendering to them. Aegon was going to refuse, but the princess handed him a letter written by her father. Aegon read it, burned it, and set off for Dragonstone; the next day he returned and made peace with Dorne.
Aegon had a son with each of his wives; Maegor with Visenya and Aenys with Rhaenys. Rhaenys was Aegon's favorite wife, who spent ten nights with her for every one he spent with Visenya; however, rumors suggested that while Aegon was with his sister, Rhaenys had other lovers.
Aegon spent much of his reign consolidating his power by traveling the Seven Kingdoms. During his government he had to be careful with the Faith of the Seven, so that they did not oppose him. Aegon had a great sept built on Visenya Hill, and agreed to constructtion of an even larger one on Rhaenys Hill known as the Sept of Remembrance.
King's Landing initially lacked walls, but Aegon did not initially believe that a city protected by dragons would be assaulted. Realizing that he and Visenya were not always in the city, he ordered the construction of walls and gates, completed in 26 AC.
Aegon found Fort Aegon unsuitable for a king and in 35 AC he moved with the family and cut him back to Dragonstone, while he continued the construction of what would eventually become known as the Red Keep. Aegon was said to have placed Visenya in charge of construction supervision so that she would not have to endure his presence on Dragonstone. The Iron Throne was kept in the same place where construction was taking place in place of Dragonstone, as it was too heavy to be moved.
While in the room of the Painted Table in 37 AC, Aegon died of a heart attack while recounting a story of his conquest to two of his grandsons. Upon his death, Aenys I Targaryen, later Maegor I, ascended to the throne. Several rebellions were unleashed to the rise of the Militant Faith. War, death, and chaos gripped the Seven Kingdoms until the beginning of the reign of Aegon I's grandson, Jaehaerys I Targaryen.
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sayruq · 4 years
could you elaborate on why you would choose house martell over stark? what do you think are the pros and cons of both houses? as in their postive and negative traits etc
i like members of house stark as individuals but the house as a whole doesn’t excite me. the north is written more like a dark fairy tale than a realistic land. there are good houses (stark-aligned houses) and the bad houses (anti stark houses including one that skins people alive). the boltons are so obviously bad that you wonder why they haven’t been wiped out... unless you were writing a fairy tale and you needed an unsubtle villain that no one would ever support over the heroes. i understand why grrm does this but i wish he examined the stark’s place in the north more- the good and the bad. he shakes the table a little by mentioning all the terrible things stark ancestors have done and he doesn’t have modern day starks idealising them but i wish he did more than just mention things. 
the stoic, spartan lifestyle of the starks is so idealised in the text that we can visit the three sisters and learn that the wars between the north and the vale for the islands, ending up destroying the islands and it doesn’t really have an impact. stark ideology isn’t examined the way lannister and targaryen ideology is examined except ‘the long wolf dies but the pack survives,’ because it directly impacts our main characters. in other words, the starks seem immortal and permanent, restoring them means restoring the status quo, northern politics is immature as a result. this doesn’t bother me the way it used to. i’m fine with it but there’s a reason i prefer the martells.
the martells all seem to be walking on a very narrow path where one major mistake can destabilise dorne and their family. the only martell who seems all powerful the way the starks are presented is nymeria. if i could describe the martell narrative in one word, it would be ‘consequence.’ nymeria leaves the rhoynar empire with refugees and many of them end up dead or lost. she encourages the rhoynar to intermarry with the first men and the andals and that ‘others’ dorne, separates it from the rest of westeros. meria martell tells rhaenys targaryen to get fucked and the targaryens destroy dorne, altering its climate. deria martell ends the war and a century later, daeron i starts a new conquest that further destroys dorne. none of this is the martells’ fault (nothing wrong with resisting colonialism after all) but had they not acted, the outcomes might not have happened. on and on it goes, maron martell marries daenerys targaryen and then the blackfyre rebellion breaks out (while daemon blackfyre’s reasons for rebelling can’t be his sister, his supporters thought it was).
for every act, there seems to be a reaction which makes every act very important. arianne planned on crowning myrcella to ensure that her claim to sunspear is strong. instead of things ending when areo finds them, arys oakheart is killed and myrcella is maimed. doran wanted to send his daughter to meet viserys secretly and it was one of the things that destroyed his marriage. his son was sent to form an alliance with daenerys and he ends up dying. arianne is sent to aegon by doran and you can bet your ass whatever happens will be significant.
the martells are not the protagonists of the series but everything they do matters and it has weight. there is no family ideology like ‘anyone who isn’t us is an enemy’ or targaryen exceptionalism, besides the house motto which is a promise that the martells will endure. the characters are diverse and different from another. there is only one meria martell, only one oberyn, only one arianne, only one aliandra. they all have different and complex relationships with each other. dorne is not irrationally in love with the martells. the smallfolk continued resisting daeron i after the martells surrendered, lord yronwood managed to get a prince of dorne exiled, border skirmishes between the dornish, the reachers and marshers have an impact on national politics, etc.
not only am i getting good characters in house martell, i’m also getting the sense that everything that happens matters. grrm doesn’t write the martells perfectly- we don’t know the princess of dorne’s name, he is too graphic with elia’s murder, he sexualises them too much, but i think he struck gold with this family.
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
I think my tiers go like
god tier faves (i don’t follow people who don’t like them)
Bran, Catelyn, Sansa
i am the [character] understander (faves)
Ned, Brienne, Jeyne Westerling, Doran, Oberyn, Theon, Elia, Bobby B., Lyanna; Rhaenyra, Viserys I, Gaemon Palehair, Sylvenna Sand, Lady Essie, Visenya, Alyssa Velaryon, Addam Velaryon, Nymeria of Ny Sar
besties tier (i love them)
Arya, Jon, Joffrey, Jaime, Arianne, Quentyn, Davos, Melisandre; Dunk, Aegon V, Aegon II, Aegon III, Baela, Rhaena of Pentos, Deria Nymeros Martell, Naerys
the babes (i’m invested but not crazy)
Maester Aemon, Sam, Gilly, Mance, Pyp, Grenn, Ed, Cotter Pyke (just the whole Night’s Watch sans Jeor, fuck that dude), Asha, Loras, Garlan, Willas, Ellaria Sand, Sarella Sand, Osha, Jeyne Poole, Gendry, Podrick; Bethany Bracken
current brain worms bc i’m reading about them rn
Aeron Greyjoy, Daemon Targaryen, Arys Oakheart, Tyland Lannister, Dany, Elaena, Daena, The Red Princes, Minisa Whent, Daeron II, Maekar, Melly Blackwood
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sebeth · 1 year
Aegon I’s Non-Warfare Accomplishments
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
  I left off with the end of the first Dornish War.  Aegon’s accomplishments include things besides conquests, warfare, and blood feuds.
Before I cover the non-violent accomplishments, I should mention the new pieces of art from The Rise of the Dragons:
·         An eerie piece of Aegon I sitting the Iron Throne
·         Lodos and his followers committing mass suicide by drowning ��� Lodos appears very Jesus-like – long brown hair, beard, crown of thorns (driftwood), etc
·         The defenestration of Sunspear
·         The attack on Oldtown by the Dornish
·         Deria brings Prince Nymor’s letter
·         Lord Edmyn Tully of Riverrun
·         Aegon I’s court which is apparently outside, by a tree, with Balerion lounging nearby. I can identify Aegon, a Kingsguard, a Targaryen guard, and a master. The others appear to be two opposing sides of a dispute.
·         The original Kingsguard
Rise of the Dragons explained why Aegon can refer to himself as the King of the Seven Kingdoms despite never conquering Dorne: Aegon split the Riverlands apart from the Iron Island, thus creating the Seven Kingdoms.
The highlights of the early years of the Dragon’s Governance included:
·         Encouraging the nobility to send their children to King’s Landing to serve as pages and handmaids (building bonds or handy hostages, you be the judge)
·         Brokering marriage bonds between noble houses to create connections between distant regions – a few of the notable marriages were: Lord Ronnel Arryn wed a daughter of Lord Torrhen Stark (I feel Visenya offered her input on this particular marriage), Loren Lannister’s eldest son married a Redwyne girl from the Arbor, and the Evenstar of Tarth’s triplets were betrothed to House Corbray, House Hightower, and House Harlaw. Queen Visenya brokered a double marriage between Houses Bracken and Blackwood in attempt to end the long-standing feud between the two families (spoiler alert: it didn’t work).
·         Regular royal progresses – Aegon spent half his reign travelling the realm, a quarter of it in Dragonstone, and the remaining quarter in King’s Landing. He made repeated visits to Gulltown, the Eyrie, Harrenhal, Riverrun, Lannisport, Casterly Rock, Crakehall, Old Oak, Highgarden, Oldtown, the Arbor, Horn Hill, Ashford, Storm’s End, and Evenfall Hall. He visited the Iron Islands three times (twice to Pyke, and once to Great Wyk) and the North six times (thrice in White Harbor, twice at Barrowtown, and once at Winterfell. His last progress was in 33 AC.
·         Aegon referenced local laws while making judgements on his travels
·         The first new law was the King’s Peace – no private wars between noblemen
·         He standardized customs, duties, and taxes so no port of person had more favorable terms than the other
·         He exempted the septs, septries, and the Faith of the Seven from taxation in order to get on the Faith’s good side
Aegon’s queens had accomplishments too. They even ruled from the Iron Throne while Aegon was on progress.
·         Filled the court with singers and bards and was a friend to women and children.
·         Determined that a husband would only hit his wife six times, as the seventh would be for the Stranger, who is death.  Rhaenys made the judgement as the Faith stated it was proper for a husband to chastise his wife. Rhaenys is clearly no Alysanne, who was willing to fight everyone (her husband/king, the small council, all noble lords, and the old gods) to eliminate the right of the “first night”. And Alysanne accepted no compromise!
·         She was sterner and less well-loved – “a warrior and an alleged dabbler in poisons and dark arts” – poor Visenya, someone has to keep the circus running while Aegon runs around as “the savior of the world” while ignoring threats to his life and Rhaneys is flirting with the singers and the pretty boys
·         Had her own personal fool – Lord Monkeyface.
·         She creates the Kingsguard in 10 AC – the same year that Rhaenys dies in Dorne. Was it the death of her sister that caused her to finally overrule Aegon’s disregard for the threats to his life? She had lost one sibling and wasn’t willing to lose another?
·         She was very specific on the requirements of the Kingsgaurd, creating the vows, uniforms, and standards of the institution. She also handpicked the initial seven knights and created the White Book.
·         Very protective of her brother and urged him to be more strident in his protection: “Even with Blackfyre in your hand, you are only one man and I cannot always be with you.” – Spoken like a true eldest sibling.
Aegon updated his Small Council throughout his reign:
Hand of the King:
·         Orys Baratheon (1 AC to 7 AC, resigned after losing his hand in Dorne)
·         Lord Edmyn Tully (7 AC to 9 AC, returned to the Riverlands after his wife’s death)
·         Alton Celtigar, Lord of Claw Isle (9 AC to 17 AC, dies in office)
·         Ser Osmund Strong (17 AC to 34 AC, dies in office)
·         Lord Alyn Stokeworth (34 AC to ?)
Master of Ships:
·         Daemon Velaryon, Lord of Tides and Master of Driftmark (died in an early battle of the Conquest)
·         Aethan Velaryon (1 AC to ?)
Velaryons would be appointed Master of Ships so often the position appeared to be hereditary.
Master of Coin:
·         Crispin Celtigar (1 AC to ?)
Master of Laws:
·         Triston Massey, Lord of Stonedance (1 AC to ?)
Grand Maester:
·         Archmaester Ollidar (5 AC)
·         Archmaester Lyonce (5/6 AC to 12 AC)
·         Grand Maester Gawen (12 AC to 42 AC)
The Kingsguard:
·         Ser Corlys Velaryon, the Lord Commander
·         Ser Richard Roote
·         Ser Addison Hill, Bastard of Cornfield
·         Ser Gregor Goode
·         Ser Griffith Goode
·         Ser Humfrey the Mummer
·         Ser Robin “Darkrobin” Darklyn
We are told these are storied names and “each would have their names and deeds written down in the White Book, and two would die in the king’s service”.
Going over the names of the KIngsguard and Small Council
·         We have three Velaryons – two masters of ship and a Kingsguard
·         A Celtigar as the master of coin and a hand of king
·         A Baratheon as a Hand of the King
Not a surprise to see these names – the Velaryons and Celtigars are of Valyrian descent and Orys is the Targaryens’ half-brother.
Massey was another original ally. Stokeworth came from the Crownlands that were conquered early and “rejoiced” at Aegon’s conquest. Edmyn Tully was an early ally and had been previously rewarded by becoming the Lord of the Riverlands.
First appearance of the Strongs and the Darklyns in the Small Council/Kingsguard. Those are families that are frequently appointed to both institutions.
As for the Kingsguard:
·         I don’t find it surprising that Visenya appointed a bastard – she was aiming for competence and skill. I wonder about the nobles’ reactions – were they appalled a bastard was appointed to such a lofty position?
·         Ser Humfrey the Mummer – no house name, possibly a hedge knight? Another appointment that would appall the nobles.
·         Roote is a house from the Riverlands – possibly recommended by Edmyn Tully?
·         House Goode – I’m not sure which region they are from. The family will have another member appointed to the Kingsguard during Rhaenyra’s brief reign.
Final accomplishment: The building of King’s Landing. Here is the timeline:
2 BC – The future King’s Landing is a fishing village.
1 AC – The Future King’s Landing is a town of several thousand. That’s quite a growth spurt in a three year period.
10 AC: King’s Landing is the newest, if smallest, city in Westeros
19 - 20 AC. The walls of King’s Landing are constructed with seven gates to honor the seven gods of the Faith. The construction is overseen by Ser Osmund Strong
25 AC – King’s Landing surpasses White Harbor to become the third largest city in Westeros
26 AC – The construction of the walls of King’s Landing is finished.
33 AC – King’s Landing has a population of 100,000.
35 AC – The Aegonfort is torn down and construction begins on the Red Keep. The building is overseen by Alyn Stokeworth and Visenya Targaryen.
 In 37 AC, Aegon the Conqueror died of a stroke while telling stories of the Conquest to his grandsons.
Final Assessment: Aegon was a master of warfare and politics. I’d put him near the top of a ranking of Targaryen kings if he didn’t cause the deaths of thousands upon thousands of individuals due to his misplaced pride and delusions of grandeur in the First Dornish War. And yes, Meria Martell, has to own her share of the blame in that horror show – she would easily be at/near the top of my all-time worst Westerosi leaders.
Up next, Aenys almost single-handedly sinks the Targaryen dynasty.
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warsofasoiaf · 4 years
I wasn't trolling, and I apologize if I caused offense. I definitively didn't mean to do that. I just don't see how Daeron's conquest is in any way morally justifiable, nor why the Dornish are in the wrong for killing their invaders.
Try to salvage anon's Daeron ask. What about the justness of wars of conquest where continual border skirmishes and general unrest exist. Is that a war of conquest? What about the changing international customs, laws and institutions that judge these things?
No worries.
The second Anon has the right of it. Far from being an unprovoked act of naked aggression against Dorne, the relationship between the Seven Kingdoms and the independent Principality of Dorne was fraught with continual attacks, raids, and violence, and not only in one direction. Deria Martell is widely believed to have supported the Vulture King, certainly she permitted her vassals to join his campaign which suggests that she supported him as a barely-deniable asset. Morion Martell launched an invasion against the Seven Kingdoms out of a desire to avenge the Vulture King. Aliandra Martell encouraged raiding into the Dornish Marches as a means of gaining her favor, thus making aggression against Westeros an established domestic and foreign policy. 
Daeron’s war definitely had conquest elements, since it was explicitly designed to annex territory and complete Aegon’s Conquest; a mere punitive expedition ala the Pancho Villa expedition would probably limit itself to burning down outlaw camps, securing any stolen treasure, and hanging known raiders and people in possession of stolen goods. However, with Aliandra Martell explicitly endorsing raiding as a means of political advancement, Daeron’s war cannot be thought of solely as a vanity project. Daeron is within his right as king of Westeros to take measures to end border aggression and defend his people. Since Aliandra is establishing the policy in her purview as Princess of Dorne, that means it’s not merely criminal activity, but national policy, so Daeron can take action against Dorne itself, not simply against cross-border raiders. Certainly, wars of conquest were conceived of differently in the Middle Ages, the “right of conquest” and wars of aggression were criticized as crimes at Nuremberg, and further clarified by the UN in 1974, so international norms in Westeros were a lot different and that does factor into character motivation.
But the bigger concern to me is specifically the murder at the peace conference, because there’s no way that it’s justifiable. Even by ancient norms such a thing was considered to be a capital offense against law and morality both. By misusing the truce flag and the peace conference, they become degraded in function; they become ineffective means by which to end a war. When that happens, then the question becomes, how do you end a war? You can’t do it with a peace conference, those could be a plot to lure you out to murder you. How do you even communicate with the enemy to seek out a peace deal? That’s the problem, you can’t trust anything the enemy does in regards to peace. In the absolute worst case scenario, this turns wars into affairs of annihilation, but even more moderately, this hampers a wars ability to end, which results in more casualties, more losses, and greater aftereffects. That’s why the misuse of these symbols is a war crime, because it harms the belligerents’ ability to end the war.
This is illustrated most infamously in the Pacific Theater of the Second World War. Japanese soldiers would attack under white flags or with their hands up, and as a result, Allied servicemen stopped accepting requests for surrender. That jeopardizes the lives of any Japanese soldiers that wanted to surrender, because now the enemy cannot trust surrender as genuine, since accepting a surrender jeopardized their own lives.
We see this within the novel itself. When Tyrion sends false envoys to Riverrun with the intent of breaking Jaime out of prison, it means the Northmen and Riverlanders cannot trust further Iron Throne envoys. Much as with the Red Wedding, this places the Lannisters in a position where they are constantly suspect for bad faith, and we see the after-effects in the novel series. Guest right doesn’t protect anyone, and the aftermath is a false peace.
It’s logically valid to say that you don’t believe that Daeron’s war was justified but that the Martells did something heinously wrong in murdering him at a peace conference; you are not obligated to turn any event into a binary.
Thanks for the question, Anons.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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