#didnt know it was possible for people to drain me like this. but also it was the headache ough
the-kipsabian · 11 months
slept like 15 hours lmao lets go
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i-sveikata · 6 months
okay so just finished reading dark heir and let me tell you THEORY TIME:
-okay so my guess is that anharion was actually being magically controlled by the sun king when the lady betrayed sarcean thats why he walked away like it was nothing
-sarcean managed to free him from it and thats why he was able to switch sides in the battle/ follow the desire he feels for sarcean and go against those in the sun kings court and the 'light'
-despite popular belief the collar doesnt actually control him, thats why james didnt feel any compulsion when it was put on again. it was devised by sarcean to ensure anharion has control of his own mind forever and nobody else can ever compel him if he gets magically drained (whilst also being a show of ownership because hes a possessive bastard)
-i also think that how james/anharion was acting once the collar was on wasnt even about being forced to do what will says. it could honestly just be that he understands him so well that he knows the exact right things to say to reassure him? and will was just too afraid at seeing the collar on his throat to look beyond it and consider the possibility of james/anharion actually not being under his control. which could explain that weird moment where he realised james/anharion was mirroring sarceans desires and not actually his own. like those last few moments to me seem like james/anharion trying to talk to sarcean- not will.
-because like maybe they were just genuinely lovers in the past?? Esp if the collar doesnt work how everyone assumes that it does.
-but all the rumours etc surrounding anharion and sarcean and anharions sudden switching of sides could only have been understood as by force because ppl always viewed sarcean and his magic as different and evil?? and anharion being so pure and of 'light' that they could only see it as being corrupted by sarcean and anharion not following him willingly
idk i just feel like theres so much of the story that we havent heard from either anharion or sarcean themselves and these books are about how bad perceptions of people can lead them to ruin and fuel a story rather than the reality of their actions. so anyway im so down for the next book in the hopes that we can learn more about their history!!
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campbyler · 7 months
i’m glad you said we could interpret what we like because i must be honest that i have been, but! only bc that’s how a situation like theirs is to me personally, and how i see byler- physical reactions feel natural with the love and eagerness attached 🥹 and i’ll be real i did laugh at when u posted the outline and had a note about “relax puritans” bc its so true. they were just kissing! people need not freak out about it getting heated bc of course they’ll do more kisses than pecks! about time byler fics let them be attracted. and it’s okay if I personally felt like there was more along the way after scene cuts, it didnt need to be implied, it is on me.
and the outline made me happy to see other adults in the fandom be mature, not bending for others like in the past. really. so happy that you guys write how you like and stand your ground, the attraction and intimacy is so palpable and the fic is perfect, it is just a bonus that their connection is so real that my brain finds it easy to see them approach a bit more in that alone time! I think the throwaway about a sock and packet when they first got to the isolation cabin clued me in haha.
love the fic. love how you write the boys. i definitely respect you keeping people comfortable (but hope in turn said people arent trying to police others). keep doing what you do! ^^
hi! this ask has been marinating in our inbox for a quick second because we immediately got flooded with ch08 asks but just know that when we saw this come in we nodded at the screen then at each other and then at the screen again. we know this topic has become kind of infamous in the byler fandom over the past year, and all three of us have tried to avoid engaging with it as much as possible, both here and on our personal blogs, and the last thing we wanted is for the main source of talk around our fic to be centered around discourse that is simply so so so draining and, honestly, super recycled and overdone at this point. from the beginning, our stance on the “kissing discourse” (???) specifically has been that it’s stupid LOL (coming from three adults who have each been inhabiting fandom spaces for a very long time) so given the premise of the fic, we definitely haven’t been afraid to lean into that aspect of their physical attraction and the response we’ve gotten from it has actually been wonderful! as for the rest… we’ve gotten asks from people who are grateful they haven’t explicitly gone further in the fic because that’s out of their comfort zone/more relatable to them as people on the ace spectrum, etc (which is fine, we know a lot of people can be uncomfortable with more mature content!) — and we’ve also gotten some lovely asks like this, saying that people have been interpreting it in their own way or “filling in the blanks” which is also totally fine! our official stance on the fic is that they haven’t done more than a looooot of making out, but referencing a couple of asks we got earlier, some readers (like you!) find it realistic to imagine more happening in that time, and for others, them doing exactly what we’ve written and nothing more is plenty realistic enough!
all that to say, we are super glad you’ve been enjoying the fic and also glad you found the line about the sock and the wrapper funny lol bc it was super intentional thanks so much for the support! one thing about us is that we are all highly motivated by spite so rest assured that we aren’t allowing ourselves to be Policed. this is just the vision we have for the fic and we’re happy that people are resonating with it in different ways :^)
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darknadaworld · 28 days
🎫 here's a gush pass ^^ feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other self shippers (optional) !
a- whole gush pass? all for little ol' me?????
*grabs papers*
Tumblr media
ok soooooo a whole essay about NOS4a2 and why he matters to me sm as a f/o ever
k so, starting off.
what makes him special design wise?
first of all, his whole design is sharp and edgy(literally.lotta edges). each end is pointy and sharp . lotta triangles used in his design. but despite that there's something interesting about how he has a cape (something usually made out of soft fabrics) as a cover, but even so the sharpness REMAINS. something else is how he has like two different eyes, which one of them is a monocle which is slay idk lol. also something else is how he's not like- he doesnt look strong physically at first sight even tho he's trully capable of being so . also fangs; LITERAL energy vampire, it's so cool as a concept.
ok personality wise:
most of the times he's on scene, it's always this very classic "muahahaha evil" kinda deal, he's silly af. geniunely enjoying it . he keeps on making stupid unfunny jokes all the time and he laughs at his own stupid jokes lol. idk i think it's cute and sillly waaaaaaaaaaaaa
BUT! he's capabe of being TRULY TERRIFYING (like half the robotic gore in BLOSC is caused by him lol, also his plan in ROTM was dark af)
it's even more interesting cuz his motivations are simply, yes being in charge as a SECOND need. the FIRST need is mainly to feed on robots. SENTIENT ROBOTS. LIKE HE D O E S WANT TO FEEL THE THRILL OF THE KILL. HE COULD JUST DRAIN from lifeless machines, but he'd rather HUNT and play with his food, if you will.
it's just very interesting.
now, SPECIFICALLY WHY do I like Nos and why is he so important to me?
so in general i was/still am a villain apologist ok? i always loved villains, no matter how evil they were. it sortz felt really comforting. but something about Nos specifically felt very special . possibly the fact that the first episode i watched in general was Revenge of the monsters (aka the climax of his character in everyway) .so basically my first impression was based on seeing him in his best if u know what i mean . like if it was any other episode things would've gone differently but that's not the case as you see. like ROTM is like this whole bigger climax yk? say, if it was another episode there's a high chance zurg could've been my fav character but boy he literally ran like a coward in ROTM so i just didnt care much cuz he wasnt in the ep as much as NOS.
like yea in an alternate reality it could've been Zurg but NUH UH . Nos it is.
also the fact that ROTM is like, as i said, sorta sums up his whole character in a great way . so when I watch that episode i IMMEDIATLY got attached especially when my introduction to the series is this. both his ultimate downfall and like .. the top of his character arc . like, INSTANT attachement.
another thing to note is how like … the whole episodes sorta focused on his turning every Z to an N .
ok here i might start explaining things a bit too personally here but ok it's an essay . ok so the circumstances of me watching the show for the first time were…something.
see i didn't have much friends back then as a kid. even the ones i had were pretty much SO different and can't understand me cuz im that shy, weird kid who goes on info dumping about my interests it might get annoying. but nobody understood those interests except ONE friend. whom just left and idk where he is till now. another thing to add, being the weird kid sorta let people exclude me and/or bully me soooo yeah .
so my putting that into prespective with the whole Ns all over the place thing in that specific episode sort of.. made me relate ya know? feel like it's specifically an episode for me . there was something nice and comforting about it.
the fact that it's the first letter of my name (which at the time was a big deal cuz all my favs didnt specifically put that fact into like, part of the story like Nos if u get me.) like, something about a villain i KNOW has the first same letter in their name as me, being all goofy yet menacing, also a vampire of sort -i am obsessed since day one idk) just felt right.
last part of this might sound silly or stupid but like . another reason WHY i felt this connection to Nos specifically till now :
people i know irl did NOT know what blosc was.
even the few who knew, don't remember it or specifically know who Nos was when i asked them.
so it's like "damn. all this epic character being so obscure and unknown despite everything they did?…sounds like me "
so until i went online and find more blosc mutuals (and till i went to Uni where people know it somewhat and still take show suggestions seriously from me) it just felt like this one character was specificaly made for me . like, this one character nobody knows except me . cuz i'm just as unknown and as unnoticed irl .
and to this day that still stands . Nos is still one of the turning points in my life in general. be it in art , in social life , or in general anyways. still my favourite fictional character of all time . my Top 1 fav and my main comfort character along Antasma and Zira for similar reasons.
thank you for coming to my cringe talk btw and reading all this lol.
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guqin-and-flute · 2 years
The Dadliest Chat (3zun Group Text)--Modern 3zun raise Jingyi AU
[Modern 3zun Tag] [Ao3 series]
[This was a lot of fun and the first thing I have written in a WHILE, so I just let myself go for it and write whatever. Therefore the vibe is a little all over the map; slice of life, fluff, lil' bit of lemon, a bit of angst and trauma work, but mostly just sort of day in the life look at 3zun's group chat as fathers! A-Fu is about 10 months old in this.
CW: dirty talk, lemon (I'm leery of tagging more cause I don't wanna get flagged because Tunglr™, but they sometimes have adult convos over text, ya know?]
<10:42 AM>
Xichen: Stupid bill?
Xichen: [sent picture]
Da-ge: spam
A-Yao: 👍
Xichen: 👍👍
<12:12 PM>
A-Yao: People are stupid
Da-ge: yep
Xichen: !! :( Are people being difficult at work? 💙
Da-ge: are zixuns being difficult at work
A-Yao: Yes
A-Yao: Need son pics, please
Da-ge: lol to up your blood sugar
Xichen: On it! 
A-Yao: Something like that
A-Yao: ❤❤❤
Xichen: [sent picture]
Xichen: [sent picture]
Xichen: [sent picture]
Xichen: [sent video]
Xichen: [sent picture]
Da-ge: !
A-Yao: My god
A-Yao: They’re like drugs
Xichen: Better? 💙🥰
A-Yao: Better than drugs, yes
Xichen: 😂 Not what I meant but I’m glad! I have so many more.
Da-ge: who won the fight
Xichen: 😂 He’s playing DRUMS in that picture, Da-ge.
Xichen: It’s his music class.
Xichen: We Lan eschew violence.
Da-ge: yeah
Da-ge: that’s why wangji almost took a chunk out of my thigh when he was a kid
Xichen: 😬
A-Yao: Hush, I’m basking
Da-ge: lol
<9:56 AM>
Lan Xichen: [sent video]
A-Yao: Why does he sound like that? Is that normal?
Da-ge: gollum
Xichen: 😂
Xichen: I was thinking more sink drain, but that too! 
A-Yao: Our son is not GOLLUM
Xichen: He’s started making that noise when he’s happy, A-Yao, it's alright! 💙 He does it especially when he looks at the tiger toy A-Yu got him. Or when he’s going to the bathroom.
Da-ge: lol
Da-ge: he has your smile
Xichen: Not sure that’s possible, Da-ge😂
A-Yao: I actually agree with Da-ge
A-Yao: I think it's the eyes
Da-ge: yeah
Xichen: Hmm, well his mother's father's father was my father's cousin, I believe. Or second cousin, I can never rightly remember. Several branches off, we'll say.
Xichen: Maybe my father was the common link.
<2:27 PM>
Xichen: [sent picture]
Xichen: I don't see it, really.
Da-ge: see what
Da-ge: whose that
Xichen: A similarity in our smiles.
A-Yao: Is that your father???
Xichen: Yes.
A-Yao: !!!!
Da-ge: i didnt know you had pictures of him
Xichen: I don't, I asked Wangji if shufu had ever shown him any. He was visiting him with Wuxian and A-Yuan today, so I suppose he found one.
A-Yao: Or Wuxian did. 
Da-ge: snoop
Xichen: Well, maybe 😋 I didn't ask.
A-Yao: Hmm
A-Yao: People don’t always use their real smile for pictures
<3:04 PM>
Da-ge: ?
Xichen: Hm? 
A-Yao: Are you okay?
Xichen: Yes? Why wouldn’t I be? 🤗
Da-ge: you went quiet
Xichen: 😉 I'm fine.
Da-ge: ??
Xichen: 😘 I'm fine.
A-Yao: Er-ge
Xichen: Truly, I'm fine! A-Fu and I are at the park.
Xichen: [sent picture]
A-Yao: 😍
Da-ge: ❤️ 
Da-ge: how did you get him to wear the sunglasses
Xichen: Patience and sweet potato puffs.
Xichen: He also threw them on the ground directly after the photo, so don’t praise me too much 😂
Da-ge: distraction
Xichen: ?
A-Yao: You’re cheating, Er-ge
Xichen: Cheating?? Cheating what?? How??
Da-ge: 🙄
Xichen: It was just odd to think I’ve never seen his real smile. I'm not even thinking about it anymore, I'm keeping A-Fu from eating sand! I can call you to prove it but really, it was just a thought. I'M FINE 💙
A-Yao: I'm bringing home eclairs from Jean’s
Xichen: 🤩🥰 A-Fu is EXCITED!
Xichen: [sent picture]
A-Yao: 😭😭
Da-ge: so fuckin cute
Da-ge: how are his cheeks so big
Da-ge: chipmunk cheeks
A-Yao: This one is going in the next batch I’m printing
Xichen: 🥰
Da-ge: we’re gonna run out of wall space by the time hes 1
<5:17 PM>
A-Yao: Eggs
Da-ge: ok ty
<12:47 PM>
Xichen: [sent picture]
A-Yao: ❤
Da-ge: daww
<8:24 AM>
Xichen: [sent picture]
Xichen: [sent picture]
Xichen: I do not enjoy stepping on Cheerios, I’ve found. Whether wet or dry.
Da-ge: lol good luck
<9:17 AM>
Xichen: [sent picture]
Xichen: Oops 😬
Da-ge: well we were gonna give him a bath tonite anyway
A-Yao: How???????
A-Yao: It was on the counter!
Xichen: I was vacuuming after the Breakfast Cheerio Disaster and then I turn around and, well, plant down.
A-Yao: Did it fall on him??
Xichen: Nope! He just dug around in the dirt and remnants after he managed to pull it down.
Da-ge: kids are sturdy 
Xichen: I don't understand how he can climb but can't walk yet???
Da-ge: monkey genes
A-Yao: Technically ape
Da-ge: 🙄
Xichen: 🙈
A-Yao: Where was that from again? That garden store downtown? I can pick up a new one omw home
Xichen: We might be able to repot it, they seem pretty sturdy. Maybe go pick up a hanging one this time, though?
Xichen: I'm just glad we made sure all the plants werj;/ abb noewlp
Xichen: Sorry, he slapped the phone out of my hand and it sent. We made sure all the plants were non-toxic if eaten or I'd be having a heart attack right now 😱
A-Yao: HE AUE IT?? ?
Da-ge: you didnt see the dirt in his mouth? kids put shit directly in there as default there’s no stopping it
A-Yao: IS HE OKAY???
Xichen: I called poison control even after looking it up online. Totally fine! There was only a little bit gone, after all.
Xichen: [sent picture]
Xichen: See?
Da-ge: lol i was imagining cartoon bite marka but that makes more sense
Xichen: 😂 He doesn't even have teeth yet!
A-Yao: Is his tummy upset??? 
A-Yao: has he poop ed?? 
A-Yao: did they say we should feed him something or make him dirnk water or ???
Xichen: My love, he's COMPLETELY fine, I promise. 
Xichen: Look!
Xichen: [sent picture]
Da-ge: tiny feet ❤️
Da-ge: cant stand that show tho
Xichen: Actually, I find it oddly soothing.
Da-ge: you had no tv growing up. huaisanf was addicted to fuckin telletubbies for AGES
Da-ge: gets old really fast
Da-ge: hate how they talk
Da-ge: youre still panicking aren't you ayao
A-Yao: No
Xichen: And what does WebMD have to say? 😂
A-Yao: …
A-Yao: That it’s nontoxic to humans and pets.
Da-ge: lol
Da-ge: like he said
Xichen: 😂
A-Yao: I apologize for overreacting. 
A-Yao: I wasn’t trying to question your competence.
Xichen: A-Yao, no! I didn’t take it that way! 
A-Yao: It’s fine!
Xichen: I’m sorry, A-Yao, we shouldn’t have teased you when you were worried about A-Fu :(
A-Yao: It’s fine!
Xichen: Love, please pick up.
Xichen: A-Yao, please call me.
A-Yao: I'm fine! :)
Da-ge: bullshit 
Da-ge: answer him or me you choose
A-Yao: I'm in a meeting.
Da-ge: i doubt that
Xichen: Please call me when you're out?
A-Yao: Maybe! My schedule is very full today. I'll try to remember.
Da-ge: don't fucking start that just call him
A-Yao: I'm in a meeting.
Da-ge: then promise to answer after
A-Yao: I’ll try to remember.
Da-ge: you don’t forget shit set an alarm to remember then instead of being a child
Xichen: Da-ge please that’s not going to help
Da-ge: its stupid if he’s going to have a problem with something we said and not fix it
Da-ge: just fucking tell us instead of the pasive aggressive shit
Da-ge: he knows that
Xichen: You know that’s not how it works. Please don’t do this here, just text me privately. A-Yao, we’re not talking about you behind your back
Da-ge: thers no other way TO talk to him when he does this
Da-ge: this can literally be over right now if he just answered his stupid phone 
Xichen: Please stop. Call me.
<10:01 AM>
Xichen: No one’s angry with you, A-Yao 💙 You can call in your own time!!
<1:45 PM>
Xichen: I’m going to make some stir fry for tonight! 2 batches, one with meat and one without! Extra bamboo shoots! 😊😊😎 Any requests?
<3:32 PM>
Xichen: [sent picture]
Xichen: A-Fu Baxia cuddle puddle 😴🐱👶🥰
<5:07 PM>
A-Yao: Im sorry
A-Yao: I was being stupid
A-Yao: I’m sorry
A-Yao: I wont do it again
Xichen: Shhh, call me, Da-ge came home early, we can all talk 💙💙💙💙
<11:05 AM>
A-Yao: Why do stores rearrange everything so often??
A-Yao: Is this the right brand??
A-Yao: [sent picture]
Xichen: I think? Show me the back?
A-Yao: [sent picture]
Xichen: I think they just changed the packaging, it should still be the right one! 
A-Yao: 👍
<2:43 PM>
Xichen: Can Huaisang still babysit tonight after A-Fu goes down?
Da-ge: he says yes
Xichen: Perfect! 
<4:33 PM>
Da-ge: thought you two were going out for dinner? isnt that why you needed asang?
Xichen: Something happened with a last minute change to a contract and he has to go in to oversee changes, but I need to run some errands anyway, so I’ll take advantage of the expanded mobility 😂
Xichen: It’s surprisingly difficult to shop for baby clothes with a baby in tow.
Da-ge: sucks
Xichen: Yes, but there’s always next time!
<8:07 AM>
Xichen: [sent picture]
Xichen: We love Papa’s breakfast!
Da-ge: ❤
<12:18 PM>
Xichen: Da-ge, A-Yao came home with one of his headaches--I'm going to take A-Fu out so he can sleep and I'm putting his phone downstairs so he isn't tempted to use it. Can you check on him when you get home? 💙
Da-ge: I will
Da-ge: poor ayao ❤
Xichen: I know 😢 Love you!
Da-ge: love you both
Da-ge: let me know if i should bring something home
Xichen: Right now, I think he just needs some sleep for now, he caught it early instead of pushing through (for once)!
Xichen: Proud of you, A-Yao!
<8:57 PM>
A-Yao: ❤
<11:34 AM>
Da-ge: [sent picture]
Da-ge: what is this shit
A-Yao: Ugh
Xichen: Sigh.
<2:04 PM>
Xichen: Look what just came on my photo roll!💙
Xichen: [sent picture]
A-Yao: Ahh, Da-ge in an apron, my favorite
Da-ge: lol
Da-ge: i remember that day
<6:41 AM>
A-Yao: [sent picture]
<7:25 AM>
Xichen: !!!!!!!!!!!
Xichen: A-Yao is so handsome 👀💙
Da-ge: love when you wear that one
Da-ge: it’s sexy
A-Yao: 😌
<7:40 AM>
A-Yao: Not overtly, right?
A-Yao: Not somehow inappropriate?
Da-ge: fuck no you just look good in a suit
<10:13 AM>
Xichen: [sent picture]
Xichen: Cousins at the library!
A-Yao: Ahh, A-Ling!!!
A-Yao: 😍😍
Xichen: A-Fu’s being very gentle!
Da-ge: good!
Xichen: I saw Mary there!
Da-ge: basoonist?
A-Yao: No, that’s Mari. Mary is the percussionist, curly hair, glasses, nose ring 
Xichen: She says they miss me, which was very sweet.
Da-ge: still trying to get you back?
Xichen: I said I didn’t know when I’d be back as director, which is the truth!
Da-ge: you don’t have to apologize for anything
Xichen: I know 😊
Da-ge: mmm
<4:55 PM>
Xichen: Will you be home for dinner, Da-ge?
Da-ge: no they moved my flight up
Xichen: We’ll miss you!! 😙
A-Yao: Fly safe! Do you have all your IDs and chargers? Do you have your meds? Did you get your motorcycle in for the scrape?
Da-ge: yea yea yea no
A-Yao: Should I have A-Su drive it in? She’s very responsible
Xichen: I didn’t know she rides motorcycles!
A-Yao: She got her license but doesn’t have a bike yet
Da-ge: nah it’s fine i’ll get to it when i’m back
Da-ge: leaving earlier means im only out for 4 days instead of 7
Da-ge: more meetings but
Xichen: Make sure to get lots of rest! Don’t burn yourself out.
A-Yao: Good!
A-Yao: [sent picture]
A-Yao: FuFu says “love you, Papa”
Da-ge: ❤
Da-ge: my boys
<8:45 AM>
Xichen: [sent picture]
Xichen: Morning!
Da-ge: ❤
A-Yao: 😍 
A-Yao: So cute
A-Yao: Also I love that braid, Er-ge
Da-ge: everything ok there?
Xichen: Going swimming-ly! 😉🏊‍♂️
Da-ge: lol
<7:02 PM>
Da-ge: how was the dinner with the all the jins
Xichen: Loud but good fun! A-Fu loved it.
Xichen: [sent picture]
A-Yao: I want to schedule them more regularly
<8:22 PM>
Da-ge: night
Da-ge: lov you
A-Yao: Poor sleepy Da-ge. Love you
Xichen: We love you!
<7:00 AM>
Xichen: ☕
Da-ge: [sent picture]
Da-ge: how did you know
Xichen: 😁 We are creatures of habit.
<6:11 PM>
A-Yao: Toilet’s doing that thing again
Da-ge: fuck
Da-ge: upstairs one?
A-Yao: Yep
Xichen: I’ll call the plumber but it’s late and short notice so 😬 We'll see!
<6:32 PM>
A-Yao: [sent picture]
Xichen: Little gremlin 🥰
Da-ge: adorable
<8:20 PM>
Da-ge: goodnight love you all
Xichen: Love you! Baxia misses her Papa and so does A-Fu! 💙 A-Yao’s making popcorn, he says ‘We love you, dream of us’ from the kitchen! 
Da-ge: lol will do
Da-ge: hows the toilet
Xichen: We are taking care of it, focus on work! 💙
<9:03 AM>
A-Yao: Can someone call
Xichen: You okay??
Da-ge: eating lunch whats up
A-Yao: Murder
Xichen: Ahhh 💙
Da-ge: are we coming up with scenarios or ar you
<12:24 PM>
Xichen: Honestly, why don't we bake bread more? The house smells SO good. 
Xichen: 🍞
Xichen: I'm making honey butter! 🐝
Xichen: [sent picture]
Xichen: A-Fu approved! 👍
Da-ge: ❤️
A-Yao: Hell day. Want fresh bread
A-Yao: Look at him
A-Yao: So cute
Xichen: I’ll have plenty for when you come home, love! 💙💙💙 I can always make more!
Xichen: I’ll make it again fresh when you get home, Da-ge!
Da-ge: yum 
<9:18 PM>
A-Yao: ❤ Sleepy?
Da-ge: eh
Da-ge: a bit
Da-ge: why
A-Yao: Want to video call? 
Da-ge: oh? wheres xichen?
A-Yao: [sent picture]
<7:01 AM>
Xichen: Good morning! ☀☕
Da-ge: lol
Da-ge: bet you slept good
A-Yao: Oh, he’s very pleased with himself. It was all his idea, actually
Da-ge: is he blushing
A-Yao: Yes, it’s very cute
Da-ge: lol ❤
<9:39 AM>
A-Yao: [sent picture]
A-Yao: ???
Xichen: 😂
Da-ge: wtf
<6:27 PM>
Da-ge: timezones suck
Da-ge: work trips suck
Xichen: 😟💙
Xichen: Need to talk?
Da-ge: just complaining
Da-ge: wanna go home
A-Yao: We all want you here
<8:00 PM>
Xichen: Goodnight, Da-ge. We love you and can’t wait to pick you up on Friday!
<8:05 AM>
Xichen: Last day apart! Good morning! 🌈
Da-ge: thank fuck
A-Yao: I do not say this lightly, but I’m ready for the weekend
A-Yao: Can we go out to dinner somewhere when he gets back? That bistro place?
Xichen: 🤩 A wonderful idea.
<11:26 PM>
Da-ge: so fuckin horny
A-Yao: Oh?
A-Yao: Lonely, Da-ge?
A-Yao: Xichen fell asleep on the couch, here. I’m all alone in our bed
A-Yao: I can just imagine you there, in the dark, touching yourself
A-Yao: Did you hold back until you ached? Probably not, hm? You can be so impatient sometimes
A-Yao: Did you even get your pants off? 
A-Yao: What were you thinking of? Or who? 
A-Yao: Are you remembering our call together?
A-Yao: Xichen was magnificent, wasn’t he? 
A-Yao: So were you
Da-ge: fjck
A-Yao: You know what? I’m going to call. I want to hear you
<7:14 AM>
Xichen: Oh my 😏
Xichen: Good morning! ☀ Seems like you had fun last night! 
A-Yao: Sometimes you miss out when you go to sleep at grandpa hour 🤷‍♂️😉
Da-ge: the mouth on you
A-Yao: You came so hard, too 
Xichen: PLEASE no dirty talk when I have no recourse, the Backyardigans are not the right backdrop for this convo 😩
Da-ge: lol
Da-ge: you just wait for tonight
Xichen: 😳
<12:13 PM>
Xichen: You emailed me the new gate information, yes?
Da-ge: ya
Da-ge: see you tonight ❤
<5:35 PM>
A-Yao: Here!
Da-ge: 15 minutes out
Da-ge: just landed
A-Yao: We’re by the vending machine
<6:44 PM>
Da-ge: diaper bag out of wipes
A-Yao: On it, there’s emergencies in the car
<6:16 AM>
Da-ge: i just saw the morherfucker scratched the door getting it in
Da-ge: couldn’t see it in the dark
<7:30 AM>
Xichen: ? Who? It?
Da-ge: plumber
Da-ge: toilet
Da-ge: [sent picture]
Xichen: Yikes, I must have missed that, I’ve been coming in the back.
Xichen: The plumbing company should cover it, right?
A-Yao: If you make it their problem enough, I’m sure they will. This is the right one, yes?
A-Yao: [sent picture]
Da-ge: yes
Xichen: Yes.
A-Yao: On it 
<7:56 AM>
A-Yao: Idiots
Xichen: It’s not too terrible, it won’t be a problem. It’s not like we don’t have money!
A-Yao: No.
Da-ge: there he goes
A-Yao: It’s the principle of the thing, now
Da-ge: honestly agree
<8:11 AM>
A-Yao: Done. They’ll pay for whatever replacement or repair
Xichen: Ahh, persistent A-Yao saves the day! 🥳
<10:28 AM>
A-Yao: Omg call me when you're done with your appt, gege
A-Yao: I have stories about the assholes from music class
Xichen: A-Yao, they're BABIES 😆
Xichen: Was it A-Chi? They have a bit of a rivalry.
Xichen: Ohh nooo! 😱 One second, I'm paying.
Da-ge: i've got 10 min before my meeting with the contractor
Xichen: 👶🍵
Da-ge: wtf is that
Xichen: Baby tea!
A-Yao: I love you so much ❤
Da-ge: ???
Xichen: Ask Huaisang about it later! 😃 He will probably groan because I'm old and using slang 👴
Xichen: Calling now!
<2:27 PM>
A-Yao: Do we have chicken at home?
Xichen: Nuggets but no breasts.
Da-ge: lol
A-Yao: I'm not going to grace that with a response. Chicken Parm for dinner?
Xichen: Yum!
Da-ge: works for me
A-Yao: A-Yu’s coming tonight with A-Yuan, remember
Xichen: Yes!
Da-ge: yep
<1:02 PM>
Xichen: I feel terrible. I didn’t reapply the sunscreen on his neck well enough.
Xichen: Look.
Xichen: [sent picture]
Xichen: I’m sorry. I’m going to run him an oatmeal bath and get aloe. I’m going to order him a sunhat right now. I won’t let it happen again.
A-Yao: Oh Er-ge, it happens, don’t feel bad
A-Yao: It’s not so bad, just a little pink!
Xichen: It will get darker. They always do.
Xichen: I was just reading about UVB and how our ozone is getting thinner and the rising rates. I should have been more diligent.
Da-ge: a little sunburn isn’t the end of the world xichen
Da-ge: hes gonna be fine
Xichen: It can give you melanoma.
Da-ge: hes literally 10 mo he’s not gonna get melanoma from 1 sunburn
Da-ge: asang once turned bright red like a lobster and he’s fine
A-Yao: Provisionally 😁
Xichen: [sent picture]
Xichen: Is that enough oatmeal, do you think? I added some honey as well, they say that it would help.
Da-ge: youre going to kill our pipes
Da-ge: ^
Xichen: I know.
A-Yao: Please don’t beat yourself up, it happens
A-Yao: We’ll all be careful and we’ll put aloe on him
A-Yao: Is he in pain?
Xichen: I don’t know. He seems alright. A little more cranky. He fell asleep on the way home from the splash pad.
Da-ge: sunburn can do that
Da-ge: you didn’t do anything wrong
Da-ge: its a fact of life and all kids will get sunburn
A-Yao: It’s his first one, it’s not going to hurt him
Xichen: We’ll go to the library and children’s museums this week instead to let it fully heal.
A-Yao: Alright, sweetheart, that sounds like a good plan ❤
<6:08 PM>
Da-ge: they said they dont carry those tongs anymore
Xichen: Drat.
<10:02 AM>
Da-ge: why the fuck is this class called mommy and me
Da-ge: its weird
Xichen: 😂
Xichen: How heteronormative of them!
Da-ge: plus the kid isn't the one paying or driving
A-Yao: Marketing, probably, but I agree
Da-ge: lady is looking at me all confused
Da-ge: think she's trying to place me
Xichen: Mm, a bit old for a nanny? 😁
A-Yao: She's like 'there's GOT to be a mommy here somewhere…' 
Da-ge: lol 
Da-ge: [sent picture]
A-Yao: 😍😍😍 His little butt!
Da-ge: he's so weird
A-Yao: He is not! He's perfect!
Xichen: All children are weird, A-Yao, it's alright 💙 Why is he upside down?
Da-ge: who knows
Da-ge: at the sand table now
Xichen: 😬
Da-ge: i’ll take the car to be vacuumed after
Xichen: 💙 Thank you!
A-Yao: FuFu likes the carwash with all the lights!
Da-ge: ok
<5:43 PM>
A-Yao: Are we alright on fruit?
Xichen: Apples would be good!
<8:21 PM>
A-Yao: I’m going to be later than I thought, don’t wait up
Xichen: Drive safe! 
<10:39 AM>
Da-ge: [sent picture]
Da-ge: 👍👎?
Xichen: 👍👍👍👍👍👀
A-Yao: Holy shit
A-Yao: Buy that shirt right now
Xichen: Yes PLEASE, Da-ge! 🙏
Da-ge: lol
Da-ge: well alright then
Da-ge: 😏
Xichen: I’m legitimately flustered right now, I can’t focus 😵
Xichen: I keep looking at this picture,
A-Yao: When are you coming home???
Da-ge: lol
<9:37 AM>
Xichen: [sent picture]
Xichen: Coolest kid in the grocery store 😎
A-Yao: 😍
A-Yao: This grout is fucking horrible
A-Yao: [sent picture]
Xichen: I’ll grab more of the heavy duty stuff, then.
Da-ge: youre both insane
Da-ge: lan qiren is not going to look at the grout
Da-ge: and the dinners not til wed
Xichen: To be fair to us, he very much will look at the grout.
<8:53 AM>
A-Yao: more watr pls
Xichen: 👍💙
<10:21 AM>
A-Yao: watrre pls
Xichen: 💙💙
<1:13 PM>
A-Yao: help
Da-ge: ??? ayao?
Xichen: All is well! Help getting up is what he meant 💙
Da-ge: hows he doing
Xichen: Not much better than how you left him, I’m afraid ☹
Xichen: He won’t let me cancel the dinner.
A-Yao: will be fin 
Da-ge: get off the phone 
Da-ge: and sleep
Da-ge: xichen you should confiscate his phone
A-Yao: using it 4 help
Da-ge: SLEEP
A-Yao: then stop txtin
Xichen: I scolded him very gently, but we should all let him get some rest 💙
<4:11 PM>
Xichen: Pedialyte and more painkillers and crackers, please!
Xichen: Oh, and maybe ginger ale?
Da-ge: ok ty
<8:02 AM>
Xichen: I’m sorry I’m so behind on laundry, everyone.
Xichen: I should have been more on top of it.
Da-ge: its FINE
Da-ge: i still have like a weeks worth of boxers
Da-ge: youve been taking care of ayao and afu
Xichen: I kept meaning to get to it.
Da-ge: srsly
Da-ge: your shufu isnt going to even be in our room he’s not gonna know about what laundry you did or did’t do
Xichen: It’s not about that.
Da-ge: it is tho
Da-ge: xichen
Da-ge: what are you doing
Xichen: Cleaning the kitchen, why?
Da-ge: you already did that
Da-ge: can you just chill out for a bit?
Da-ge: call over asang or asu or yanli and go out for a bit on your own
Xichen: I don’t want them to get sick.
Da-ge: ayao overworked himself 
Da-ge: you know his immune thing
Xichen: I’m fine, I don’t need them to come over! 😊
Da-ge: im rolling my eyes so hard at you rght now
Da-ge: did you eat?
<9:27 AM>
Da-ge: xichen did you eat
<10:11 AM>
Da-ge: answer your phone
Xichen: Sorry! I left it in the family room while I washed windows! Calling now!
<9:43 AM>
Da-ge: i’m glad we’re all sane again
A-Yao: 🙄
Xichen: Don’t pick fights, you two 😂
Da-ge: mm
<12:20 PM>
Xichen: [sent picture]
Xichen: So sleepy 💙
A-Yao: He’s SO cute
A-Yao: Is he going to think we’re creepy when he’s older?
Da-ge: ???
A-Yao: We have so many pictures of him sleeping…
Xichen: 😂
<5:04 PM>
A-Yao: I have to work late, rain check on the soup?
Xichen: Oh. 
Xichen: Of course! See you when you get home 💙
A-Yao: I’m sorry ☹
Xichen: It’s alright! It happens.
Xichen: Love you.
A-Yao: Love you, too 💙
Da-ge: again??
<11:31 AM>
Xichen: Oh, turns out we don’t have Draino! We need some, please.
A-Yao: 👍
<4:19 PM>
Xichen: Poor Da-ge is crying at The Fox and the Hound 💙😭
A-Yao: Oh, that one is BRUTAL
Xichen: Lilo and Stitch levels of crying.
A-Yao: Hug him for me ❤️
<10:29 AM>
Xichen: A message from your son!
Xichen: irriOydristI
Xichen: Rogzkgz,lgsoycllydglci k🙁🤐s
Xichen: s😖d😒d🛌xx🦋🐙s🎳🕐📥aa
Xichen: ➿Dd
A-Yao: He opened the emojis!
A-Yao: He’s so smart!
Da-ge: i hope youre joking but know youre not
Xichen: A-Fu says ‘Baba and Papa should stop arguing’! 👶
Da-ge: lol
<12:15 PM>
Xichen: [sent picture]
A-Yao: Holyshit
A-Yao: Holyshitholyshit
Xichen: Really? I thought it was amusing…😅
Da-ge: fuck thats so hot
Da-ge: why is that so hot
Xichen: 😳😳
A-Yao: Remind me to thank Huaisang for his gag gift
A-Yao: Cryptically, of course
Da-ge: where did you find that even?
Xichen: Back of the closet! You’ve never worn it, right?
Da-ge: i mean its a crop top
Da-ge: not really my style
A-Yao: Maybe it should be….
Da-ge: hmmmm
Xichen: 👀 I require…proof.
Da-ge: i need you to wear that while i fuck you
Xichen: 😳😳😳
A-Yao: Oh my god
A-Yao: Who?
Da-ge: yes
A-Yao: What’s that meme? ‘I will not spend the rest of the evening consumed with lust’?
Xichen: Well…decluttering surely has its advantages. 
Xichen: I’m going to…take a break for a while.
A-Yao: 😏
A-Yao: Well, there’s Da-ge gone
A-Yao: Ah, Er-ge as well, it seems
A-Yao: Well, SOMEONE has to work to pay the bills around here :P
<12:50 PM>
Xichen: 🙁
A-Yao: No no
A-Yao: Sweetheart, I was joking, you know I would NEVER mean it in that way
Xichen: I know 💙 
A-Yao: I know you worry about your choice to stay home 
A-Yao: And like we’ve told you every time you mention it, we both fully support you doing so ❤❤❤❤
Da-ge: yes
A-Yao: I shouldn’t have said it that way. It was careless. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. 
Xichen: You didn’t.
Da-ge: bs
Xichen: :P
A-Yao: Can I call?
Xichen: Of course 🥰
<2:04 PM>
Xichen: Sorry for being a boner killer, before 😂
Da-ge: lol
Da-ge: i think all the boners had been taken care of byu that point
Da-ge: youre fine ❤
Da-ge: im just glad you said something at all
Da-ge: usually you don’t
Xichen: I’m…trying. To be better about it.
A-Yao: ❤❤❤❤❤❤
<10:19 AM>
Da-ge: you bite so hard 
Da-ge: my nipple is still sore
A-Yao: Awww 🥺 Lemme see
Da-ge: im not sending shirtless pics at work
A-Yao: Mm, should have kept wearing the crop top, obviously
Xichen: 😂 Easier access?
A-Yao: Exactly
A-Yao: Come home and let me kiss it better 😘
Da-ge: 🙄
Xichen: This is all very distracting when you're in the dairy aisle, you know 😂
A-Yao: Then get out of the dairy aisle and come home ❤️
A-Yao: FuFu 's asleep
A-Yao: Just went down, we swam all morning so he'll be asleep a long time
Xichen: Paying
A-Yao: [sent a picture]
Da-ge: fuck
Xichen: O mw 
A-Yao: Seems we have a winning outfit on our hands!
Da-ge: smug gremlin
A-Yao: 😊
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ryderdire · 4 days
so I promised my friends I posts these back in softmore year
This quote book features @orinmothwings @the-critic-god-of-books @unknown-box-boi @jasontheweirdsibling and @rats-in-a-trenchcoatt well as as alot of my irls Doc is in this book a lot because of circumstances of us having to spend a lot of time together and I assure you they say some wild shit
I present to you my quote book.
Are you okay?-irl 🌟
I’m gay - me
What if it was a child
I just don’t want to violence - Jason
I will hospitalize you SHIT WAIT MEAN
This women looks could kill god but she is god -Box
Dem Chips - Jason
I’m not currently fit for human consumption-me again
doc:I need to tell you something
Ren: Oh gods what did you do
Doc: I DIDNT KILL ANY politicians
Ren :THAT SOUNDs incrediblely suspicious
ACat girls either have fur or hair they can’t have both-Doc
You know what I’m thinking about women <3 ren
I was thinking thinking about rats
Fuck later look first-doc
Doc: We always throw people out windows why don’t we throw people into windows
Ren:That’s how we break into places
Ren: your gay
Box: no I’m hungry
I gotta call the murder lady - unkown person I forgot to label this
DOC:I ate them
-He doesn’t have skin All hes got is nails and luck BOX about mr bones (I’m sorry box)
Your missing pretty women-irl 🌟
Who wants to help me kill god?
Entire table raises their hand
(This interaction is a running joke at this point I can’t in good conscious asgin it to one person)
How do you spell whore?????-doc
Box: I’m going to steal your heart in the least romantic way possible
I’m so jealous I wanna be a cryptid- ren
Are people who are attrated to cat boys furries-doc
Bitch why do you have this keyboard? - Jason when he stole your phone
Why the fuck is Ren so weird sometimes?- Jason also
If you drink enough, you’re gonna get drunk-
I’m dying, I’m dead, I’m in hell, Satan has given me an award forr the gayest person ever! I couldn’t do this without women- I hate you- Ren (printmaking)
Jason keeps stealing my phone and adding notes lol
Who would say that one ?
A bird -Jason
These rocks are either too pretty or too big. This rock is ugly enough
Ren:because I need to keep my gay best friend
Doc: 0;
Ren: me im the gay best friend
Doc: I’m my own gay best friend
Stop thirsting over god- doc
You don’t canoddle ren your the opposite of a canoddle I like you -the librarian on the loud speaker
If they know theve Sinned -ren
Parental pegger -Ren
Jason :Special
JASON: bad word English aSpecial
Jason : you don’t need to understand to see the cringe
I can lengthen my bones -irl 🐸
I don’t get bitches I make them- milo
My hair is very leggy -irl 🐸
My hair is feet - me making a typo
I’m tired of emotionally draining drama i just want to fight people
Box: bite?
Irl 🐸 and ren at the same Time: FIGHT
Me:omg gay people real
Box: of course their real have you seen yourself in the mirror
Doc: a Victorian women could pull a full ass chicken from their pocket
Doc: I’m not pregent
Irl 🙃: your pregent
Irl 🙃: what’s it gender what are going to name it???
BONK - headbutt from box
Box slaps hand on Rens shoulders:FRIENSHIP
Ren screems
Offendedly: Whore - box to dogs with their balls
“Gay” - box
Irl 🌳:he looks Gay
Orin: I like men who I could kill and women who could kill me im a switch
Ren: Doc. Tell my story
Doc:I’ll tell it in extradited voiceeeeee
Doc: I’m going to pick you and (no memory of what the rest of this was my bad)
Irl 🎃:NO DONT TOUCH THE LORD (referring to a rubber duck)
Pigs sure as hell can fly it’s called cops in a helicopter-me
Don’t foldle the lord in such a manner - irl 🎃 (still about that rubber duck)
you look like a gnome- doc about my mental breakdown haircut
Me: I was making fun of myself making fun of my self ):<
Me: ):<
Rat: your mentally ill.
Doc: I wonder how someone discovered milk
Me:someone was probably horny
Me: congrats you where the last people to find out you where dating.
Orin: you know what I hate?
Ren: women
Orin:tonsil stones what the fuck
Be nice to yourself bitch (finger guns pointed at me) - Rat
Me: (in my villan ) sex….. kinda…mid ngl.
Irl 🌕: NO don’t crusfiy the snail. ):<
Me: I don’t sleep I’m built differnt
Doc: Ren you are made of flesh bones and sadness that is 80% of the human population your not different.
Ren: that’s what a bumper sticker is
Doc:but you don’t have a girlfriend or a car
Ren: well actually
Doc: *gasp* you have a car??????
I turn down the temputre of every room I’m in
cuz ur not hot
Because I’m a ghost????? - I don’t remember who said this I promise I’m good at my job.
Orin: Is this a beautiful women or a very gay man
answer: it’s a bit in between
Doc:A large truck
Me:Correction two trucks fucking.
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mahoushoujotechsupport · 11 months
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hey its time for episode 2! lets hope tumblr doesnt decide to randomly flag my rewatch post like it did for episode 1 (which i sent for re-review and still no answer lol)
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insane this seemingly throwaway line was probably about the calibarn and not the lfrith as you're led to assume in the beginning episodes. and then shaddiq just outright asking rouji if its an ochs earth suit. knowing now that he had been working for the SAL/ochs earth, i wonder if he and they both started looking into aerial and shin sei separately.
i always assumed feng and guston were ordered to look into shin sei because of delling style anti-gundam fuckery but seems pretty obvious it was just ochs earth people within the SAL being like where the fuck did this possible gundam we don't have under our watch come from
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wow the op sure hits different knowing this didnt turn out to be MEGAFRIENDSHIP and these little gaybies are actually in love, your honor
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so technically suletta is a delinquent character, right? right? i mean she's been arrested.
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honestly enjoying keeping an eye on sarius during this rewatch
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again, i just gotta wonder the extent of how shitty all these people have treated miorine for years. like yea cool, shes witty and smart enough to lash back out verbally like she does initially here about guel but man, is like all her dirt out in the open? that's a low blow and felsi knows it
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miorine rembran, you're not beating the homosexual allegations. her reaction here to finding out suletta might end up expelled because of trying to stand up for her is Very Good™
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we never really did get an explicit answer for how elnora was able to turn the lfrith into aerial. before notrette ended up being a big bag of nothing, her involvement seemed to have been the fan favorite for secret backer. i read some theory like in the last week saying that maybe it was delling all along and then he was unhappy that she sent aerial to asticassia and suletta ended up engaged to miorine hence the entirety of episode 2 and him trying to get the gundam away from miorine. not really sure i buy it but you could argue that later on when she tells him to call her elnora samaya while theyre talking about quiet zero that it's possible she had been collaborating with him under the prospera mercury moniker
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space covid
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yeah so i guess delling sending a message to miorine that she's being pulled from school and he'd choose a suitor is all because he knows prospera used his plan against him and knows aerial is a gundam, at least that is according to that delling as long time prospera financial backer theory.
second theory time: even if he wasn't prospera's backer until well after the grassley duel when aerial is actually taken to plant quetta for repairs on delling's dime, IF there was any chance aerial could be a gundam, he'd know from experience that a gundam would blow through any and all duelists, so he's being pragmatic here just in case it is a gundam
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mio just so happens to get the chance to get to earth again, but we are practically a day or two into suletta's time as asticassia and this girl is so down bad that she's throwing her who knows how long plan to escape down the drain already. her immediate hesitation is once again Very Good™
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it's also incredible how in your face this show is with its imagery that it really shocks me how even then so many things fly over people's heads lol
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so like she definitely had just off the bat asked them to take her to the benerit group instead of earth.
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oh, i love her. vim you stood no chance.
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yeah, delling, she's just gonna say why yes of course i am mr rembran.
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it is so unbelievably wild to me that there were speedwatchers who coming up on episode 23 or something were JUST realizing prospera is elnora. like 1. this scene right here was your tip off 2. she fucking says it herself in like episode 10 or 11 or whatever ep that is lmao
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there really is like virtually no fan service in this show for which i'm very much grateful for but lmao the first few episodes they really just cannot hold back from the mio leg shots, huh?
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spoken like a true sick hypercapitalist fuck. fuck you, delling.
i also hate how he's basically forced miorine into a position where her trying to fight for her own autonomy is seen as acting out or throwing a tantrum. just another notch in a series of things she's spent her life being made fun of for
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she really gave away her plan from the beginning eh?
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i really am such a sucker for girl who upends her whole life for the first person to show her kindness thing. looking at you homura.
really though, miorine could have just said fuck it and left to earth, like she JUST met this girl, but at the end of the day miorine rembran is a good girl and there's no way she was going to extinguish the first sign of light shes had thrown her way probably since her mother died
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i guess not really much to say about this episode lol and nothing really that made me go "oh wow they did allude this this back in x".
will probaby watch ep 3 later tonight, now lets hit post and hope tumblr doesnt hate me and tries to flag another of my rewatch posts
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ghooostbaby · 10 months
i'm been too sleepy to read books these days so i must turn the razor beam of my weighty and emotionally intense analysis to the unsuspecting and unprepared xianxia drama love between fairy and devil
i was in SO MUCH pain after xiao lanhua transformed into the goddess but then... it just felt so incongruous too. once she has all this power, just the same as dongfang qingcang, but they seperate themselves. and are this weird self-sacrificial power couple "i'm going to drain all my power and self-annihilate so you won't be harmed by the evil god" "no I'M going to drain all my power and self-annihilate so YOU won't be harmed by the evil god" ...
their satisfacton in life came from growing/being with the other so honestly you know that whichever one is "saved" would never be happy without the other so what's the point in deciding to secrerly kill yourself to let the other one live freely when they would only be miserable?? it also keeps creating doubts in they validity of their love ... because, frankly, choosing to lie to someone to kill yourself while preserving the life of the person you love/in love with you is just cruel and disrespectful!!
especially whats the point in keeping it a secret from them to make sure you accomplish your self-sacrifice when there's a chance if you both have this huge power now that you could actually work together?!
"i love this person soooo much i'm going to kill myself so they can live eternally alone"
there's also a lot about the last few episodes that is such pivotal plot stuff but is not really explained at all but the show just *waves hands* cGi MaGiC ~~
i dont really understand how tai sui took over dongfang qingcang's body ... unless dfqc was just overconfident that he could defeat him?
it doesnt exactly make sense, dongfang qingcang floating in the sky and just a lot of CGI flames and ok?? now dfcq is drifting away into mist but why?? he had all these new powers that came out of this confrontation, and now and orchid/goddess used her purifying power and the black lines on his body went away? lots of flashy colour swirls that show him being dissolved idk but it just feels so anticlimactic and ... not believable.
watching this i'm just seeing writers being like 'oh here's a chance for some SICK yet incomprehensible CGI fireballs!!' or 'here's a cliffhanger to make them watch more' not something that extends naturally from the story being told.
i feel like it would have been much more impressive to have dfcq stay after he and orchid defeated tai sui, the two of then burning away the black vapours and kissing passionately...
and there just didnt seem a clear justification why he was still destroyed despite getting his new nonhellfire-fire power and orchid using her goddess powers. it seemed like just forcing more pain to make it more intense. if they burned away tai sui together and just made out in dramatic cgi flame smoke light after they won against the ancient evil god i guarantee i won't just turn off the show for the last 10 minutes about how everything ends up!!
you dont have to shoehorn in pain to keep me watching. and it would have made the plot mirror the theme of love transforming people if they were trying to sacrifice themselves alone to save the other but instead they came together and defeated the evil god united
instead it was like grand story about the transformation of love until the last episode like, oh shit, should we shove some random cliches in here?? yeah! we totally should!!!
have you even HEARD of tolkein's theory of the defining moment of fantasy the ending where great sorrow is possible but it is transformed in a moment of joy, and that joy isn't demeaned for being "unrealistic", happy endings can feel real and true, more real than watching your lover disappear in a ball of cool CGI fire sometimes
and then the actual "happy ending" was so... disappointing. after dongfang qingcang disappears and turns into a lil moon (sweet (':) but then orchid says dfqc can't return and 500 years later the little moon hasn't changed. it goes through the montage of the others 500 years later and then little moon just pops up into a fully formed dongfang qingcang with equally little explanation
like oh ok that's fine, kiss now i guess. i give up
orchid/goddess's expression looks so sorrowful. she looks surprised but mostly just devastated ... i was waiting him to dissipate into mist at any point the way she was looking at him, it didn't seem happy at all. just.. grief.
which is the main reason i think i'm disappointed. it never feel like we got xiao lanhua back, who was the entire other half of the couple that we were cheering for. she seems so grim and hopeless, the way the goddess was pretending not to love dongfang qingcang to save the people and sacrifice herself and drains herself of all her joy, energy, and love. i would have liked to see her at the end showing some of the playfulness and sweetness of xiao lanhua. who is the person dongfang qingcang fell for in the first place. i think xiao lanhua wouldn't have said "dongfang qingcang can never return", even if it was impossible she would have been determined and hopeful and waiting for that day that it would happen anyway. even if it took tens of thousands of years
and... it just would have been a better story if they kissed away all the evil and triumped with the power of LOVE. i'm sorry, it's the truth!
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
Hiii I hope you don’t mind me sending you an aita question. Is not really an asshole thing, is more of a am i a bad friend kind of thing. I have a bff. We’ve known each other for 20 years now and we are currently sharing a place. She always wanted to buy a house before her 30s (we are both 26 btw) and like in January this year her parents offered to pay for the first payment deal (idk the proper term for it ) great news! She was happy and she said that I can live with her, I will pay rent. It was a win win situation cause instead of having to go through the hassle of finding a new roommate I could live with her instead. But the thing is, she’s planning to move to another country next year, and when her parents knew this they withdrew their offer so plan goes down the drain. She’s sad, frustrated cause her dream was crushed so she was finding for solutions. And here is where the am I a bad friend comes in play. My sister’s boyfriend is very financially stable, he helped my family a lot money wise, and she knows this of course, cause sometimes she hangs out with us and he pays for everything, like dinner at restaurants etc. So, since he has money her solution was if I could ask him to pay for the first loan (18k€), cause her plan is to sell the house after 10 years and with the money she from the sell she will pay him back. And I was like hummmm I won’t, I’m not comfortable asking for that much money lol. And she was like, if you don’t ask you won’t know, he may say yes or no and besides I will pay him back. And also into the mix she was kinda wanting this house to be both of ours but i said no, I don’t want to buy a house so that house is hers and hers alone, and that she should use the opportunity her parents gave her, maybe this year will be not possible but who knows, if you come back to this country you can ask them again. A whole mess. She was very stubborn, she didn’t get the picture that I didnt want to buy a house together, and that I should ask him so the matter could be closed. I said okay. Some weeks passed and she was finally letting go the idea of having a house by this year, she was getting around the idea that it would be possible. And didn’t asked him, I kinda lied to her saying he said no lol. And she heard this he was like oh well I have already gave up so it doesn’t matter. Thank god. I think I didn’t communicated clear that I didn’t want to buy a house together, cause the plan was yes we would be living together but I would pay rent so I thought with that action it was clear that my intention wasn’t buying a house either so i kinda felt bad for lying lol this all happened 4 months ago and it just hit me how absurd was for her to ask for that money lol I mean I understand people have absurds ideas when we are thinking with a hot head, so it’s important to let our thoughts cool down so we have a better understanding of the situation and she was just throwing ideas around and we live together so I’m already there but idk I felt that I in part also ruined her dream, but I know damn well I didn’t cause that was her business and business only. After all this months i realized that whole ordeal was kinda overstepping my boundaries. Sorry for this wall of text.
sorry I took a while to get to this bc it's long but like. so. she wants u to ask ur sisters bf to lend her a crazy sum of money so she can buy a house?! yeah that's really weird and also why does she want to buy a house if she's going to move away in a year...? like why doesn't she just wait and see what happens like u say bc she might end up not going or coming back and then she could ask her parents but this makes no sense. I'm sorry she asked u for that like thats honestly so weird and reads as her just completely losing touch w reality to try n get what she wants out of everyone including u. I get it bc I really want to buy a house some day n I don't have family money to rely on so I relate to like trying to make it happen but I just can't imagine not being embarrassed to ask one of my friends smth like that.... ur 100% not the asshole yeah this was really weird of her!?
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kingisuu · 2 years
my art struggles :)
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i have been struggling with art as of like december i think?
Let me tell you like, around last year i was rll happy drawing, like i would just draw pictures i thought looked good without giving much thought to my process and at that time i just thought i would improve over time. After like a while, i thought that i needed to change things up because i was tired of how my pieces looked.
After draining dry my friends for advice and critiques, i decided to search up on youtube. Up to that point, i only really followed art tutorials that my friends gave me and nothing else. But then i discovered a lot of art youtubers like Ethan Becker or Samdoesarts, basically the current youtube art stars. I really liked their content and i learned a lot by them. But thats where like my problem started appearing.
Like i undestand those videos are very helpful for people who are completely clueless about drawing, but those videos pressured me a lot. They were making pointers like using references ( i didnt even know what a reference was ), thinking about the silluette, separating the body in specific shapes and all around adding more and more rules to something i thought i had somewhat started to figure out. I’m not in any way saying these tips aren’t important, but like after knowing these things, all i could do was find those mistakes in my artwork.
So what i did, was that i worked on everything at once and tried to implement everything into my art style. Long story short, it didn’t work at all and it resulted in me not being able to finish any piece i created, because i just didnt have any attatchment to it. Every sketch i made felt like miles away from the previous one and together with school and my desire to want a consistent art style, i kinda broke down for a while. At these times most people would take a break from art and thats what i did, believing that what i had was art block. In reality, the breaks i took didnt work and i kept drawing the same and still judging it very harshly.
Just a heads up, i didn’t just take advice from just 1 or 2 youtubers, i took from like 6 , everyone with a drastically different art style, which didn’t blend in with the previous one. I was thinking of the silluette of a character while at the same time wanting to do realistic shading to make it look more 3D, as well trying to implement as many colors as possible, and the cherry on top is that i started to paint, which meant i had to do so much rendering to the point that the piece looked completely different from the sketch and not good at all. Im not saying what i was aiming for was impossible, but i am saying that it was difficult for me.
To be honest, i still don’t think i can give up my harsh judgement to my art. Even when i just sit and draw out of my head i never like the piece and think its not good enough. It feels like im doing too stylized work and that it will seem like i haven’t improved at all from like my early days of digital art, where the pieces were horrible. Saying that, i have tried finding an in between with semi-realism, but i didnt like that either.
Its safe to say that the critique system on my art has been destroyed and i don’t know what is right for me or what is wrong. I have thought about giving it up, but to be honest when i sit down and look at art works, it just makes me want to draw even more, so yeah it seems like im not going anywhere lol.
This is already a very long post but idc, here’s also a persona drawing without using any references. Anyways, what i wanted to say and i will see how this develops from here
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syrupspinner · 11 days
i defeated Disco Elysium
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dont worry i bought it before the za/um buyout
i have nothing but good things to say about this game
i am weak
okay so it takes a lot of energy out of me to play this game. usually i can sit my white ass down and crank out some solid gameplay for 8 hours straight if you dont stop me, ive got high gaming stamina. i remember (very little of) the time i played Dead Cells for 40 hours straight. i can play DE for like.. an hour and a half tops
i dont really know why! i can play emotionally involved games, i can play text-heavy games, and i can play management games without breaking a sweat. theres just something about this game that drains me
again, i love this game. the setting and the presentation and the dialog and the characters and the mystery and the politics its all perfect, no notes.
but like...
okay so. i wake up. the sweet old lady is really into cryptids, and also casually racist. then i talked to the hardie boys, who all expressed their hatred in me in unique ways, which i deserve because im a cop. then one of them kill me. reload save
then i kill myself. reload save
i talk to the bookstore owner who is making her child work in the cold at dawn. i break into the back of her store, haunted by the ghost of business failures. i backtrack to kims car for a flashlight, mindful not to run as he passively made fun of me for it yesterday. theres an ice cream machine i cant use, an empty polar bear fridge, and a half-finished ARG with a password i dont know. i waste money i dont have on a book about The Pale because im desperate to make this poor bastard no longer reliant on booze
then i talk to fucking measurehead. hes the "racial realist" that speaks in all caps and kept telling me to bring my army to war so he can make my "ham sandwich race" extinct, offhandedly mentioning the importance of The Pale
it is noon
i think i just get overwhelmed. theres so many stats and checks that i need to keep track of that i feel my eyes start to get heavy. again, i cannot stress enough that this is not a complaint i have against the game, this is just be recounting my experience with it
speaking of, my build! heres some screenshots of how i shook out in the endgame
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for my stats, i tried to have a more speech-focused build early on, and that was a baaaaaaad idea. i spread myself out too evenly and didnt have a crutch stat so i was just kinda mid at everything, especially since i didnt wanna rely on substances. this is a roleplaying game and MY raphael ambrosius costeau is using his erotic self-asphyxiation induced traumatic brain injury as a fresh start!
i uh. probably shouldve said this earlier but i feel its important to stress that im not making any of this up. these are all real things that happen and exist in this game
anyway, as the final demonstration of my playthrough,
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woah this reminds me of high school
beyond that, i dunno what else to say. its *Disco Elysium*, i dont think its possible to make a tumblr account without seeing people sing this games praises. please pirate it so you dont give copyright trolls more money
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neon-blooded · 5 months
More shit's been going down at work.
Since November there's been so much drama with this one other associate. No one else, just him! He was veery mad he wasn't promoted to manager over my other coworker.
The thing is, this isn't even his main job. He works full time at another store in the area. He also doesnt really put in a lot of effort to keep the store maintained or the operations consistently taken care of. He also calls in a lot because he works himself until he is sick (he in fsct has a third job at a soap store). And when he does, he does it like 30 min to an hour before his shift stsrts and he doesnt even call. He just puts a text in the group chat. He also has some serious anger issues and attitude. Our DM does NOT lile him, since he made a very crass joke to him.
And he'd very... passive aggressive about me behind my back. I'm the oldest one, by age, working at the store by about 6/7 years and i have previous managerial experience. I know how to divide up tasks between people so the work isnt just on one person. The others are not the best at that. Our current manager, for however competent she is, has not had the experience in delegating like I have. But she's learning quickly. I digress. Because of me the store is in much, much better shape. I've taken it upon myself, with the manager's approval, to divide up tasks and make to do lists. I make very reasonable ones for the two other associates, including the guy i'm talking about.
He has actively fought against it. Like, i get it. I'm the "new" person who is giving you a to do list. That isnt, technically, "fair." But it was made clear to me that if i didnt, nothing was going to get done by him or the other one and everything would on the shoulders of me and the manager. I do an insane amount of work, quickly. I'm serious about moving up in this company.
But this dude. He so desperately wants to be a manager but he wont do anything and actively fights against doing anything. What does he expect, to be handed the position on a silver platter? He wants this job to be his fulltime job and he thinks he needs to step up and do the work only if he gets promoted.
Its been slowly pissing me off (i have a lot of patience). And its gotten to a point where our manager is just done with him. Because of his behavior, hostility, lack of work ethic, and constant absences (he actually had a no call no show today, so the store opened late!), the dm wants him fired. Our manager is trying to have a bit more patience, but today was her bresking point. She's going to try corrective action but im pretty certain he'll end up fired soon.
Manager is actually scheduling him less and giving me more hours since i have the availability and i don't call in - im a more stable choice to schedule. And because of his hostility towards me, she is scheduling me as little as possible with him.
I've done everything i can to encourage a positive and nice work environment. I'm nice and genial to him, i am patient, i encourage and listen to him. But he doesnt like me because i do my job well and i dont excuse his lack of work ethic. I hate drama and i do everything i can to nip it in the bud, but some people are just so damned intent on being the drama.
The other associate is planning to quit soon, since she recently started another job that pays more. We're cool with that, she's a sweet kid. So we're going to be training a new person soon. And if this guy i'm complaining about gets fired, then we'll have two people to train. On one hand, i know it'll be tough. On the other, i'm kinda looking forward to it, cause we need to just be done with this hostile guy i've been working with. He's draining and it's been putting a damper on doing my job.
I've been having to do more work than i ought to, to accommodate his laziness. There is already too much on our manager's shoulders, cause corporate is stupid. But i've become more paranoid about hostile dude's behavior towards me, and i'm going by the book 100% and keeping every little record of everything to cover my ass. I feel like he is going to do something to put my job in jeopardy. I've dealt with that before and its miserable. So i'm making sure he can't say shit about me or my work.
I'm just tired of thid bullshit. And as much sympathy as i've had for this dude, I've reached my limit. I honestly hope he quits before he gets fired. It'll at least look better for him.
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littlelambdrgnfly · 5 months
Ok since you reblogged that one post I hope you know I reread The Sum of Them for the 3rd time, maybe like a month ago, up until the last chapter and i never finished it cause i didnt want to experience it ending again (if that makes sense), i wish it never ended. I wish they could play baby games forever but its so important it does end because the ending is soo beautiful but so devastating, and it's beautiful because its so devastating, and my heart cant take experiencing that again :'-(
i already sent a message on here saying that your fic was the first fic to make me cry, possibly the first piece of LITERATURE in general to make me cry (i could be wrong but i cant remember any piece before that), and it made me cry 2 times when reading it for the first time. It is truly my favorite piece of McLennon fanfiction, but the only reason i dont fully consider it mine is that if someone were to ask me, it'd be too taboo/freaky to say but its truly one of the most heartfelt and complex ways ive ever seen anyone portray John and Paul while also feeling completely accurate and realistic. My god. And i love so many of your other fics too but The Sum of Them really means so much to me and I cant even say that enough. i wish you could just live as me and be inside my mind to fully grasp how much of an affect it had on me, I dont think i will ever be able to explain it sadly </3. But just know out of every McLennon fic ive ever read (and ive read many), THAT one is my very favorite out of like 100+. The way you characterize them is just so completely different from any other fic ive read and its so intimate and raw and holy shit i dont even have the words. Sorry i know im rambling at this point but I just think about it a lot! Also your fics are the only fics i enjoy anymore, (recent) beatles fics have gone down the drain in my opinion and yours are the only ones i can be satisfied with because, as far as im concerned, anything you write is automatically in-character for them after reading The Sum of Them lol x) thank you so SO much for writing cause it's truly exposed so many of my own desires and hidden , sensitive parts of myself that couldn't be excavated any other way without your work 💖
Dude... this is legitimately one of the best comments I've ever gotten. I wish I could memorize all of this and replay it for myself whenever I'm feeling blue. Thank you so so much, it means the world to me! I think all writers insert their own thoughts and emotions into their work, and I definitely do that in all of mine, but especially The Sum of Them. This fic is basically my wishlist of things I would do with a partner, as well as coming to better terms with my own kinks, so I'm glad it's been able to resonate with people. I'm also glad that I managed to keep John and Paul in character, even if John is crying every other paragraph lmao! I totally get what you're saying about wishing I could experience what you did, I wish I could too. Sometimes I reread my fics with the mindset of someone reading it for the first time, but it's just not the same. I'd give my left tit for more writers on my level or higher who wrote bottom!John or even ABDL fics, I swear. I don't read a lot of fics these days, but I'm usually disappointed whenever I check the Beatles tab. I'm also really really bad at remembering titles and author names, so I never remember what fics that I like! Thank God for bookmarks. I definitely understand not wanting to tell people that this is your favorite fic though, lol! I've been writing Beatles fics for a long time, but I created a new account on AO3 when I started writing these fics. I'm comfortable talking about this stuff, but only with the help of an alternate profile. I'm really really happy to help people explore this side of themselves though-- too often fics like mine are just really gross over-the-top and completely unrealistic portrayals in my opinion, and I guess I wanted to bring something sweeter and more realistic to the table. <3
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gaydiekane · 6 months
jjk characters as off-putting shit i do/have done
yuji: will be actively dying and be like “nah wym its fine im fine youre so dramatic i can handle it” and then proceed to pass out
megumi: is paranoid to an extreme. doesnt realize until nobara asks him why he smelled the brand new carton of milk to see if it was good. didnt hit him till yuji said he didnt copy an online assignment before he submitted and couldnt fathom doing that himself. tsumiki and gojo could go on and on about his paranoid habits
nobara: has a scary good memory to a point where people are freaked out by seemingly stalker-ish behavior but shes not being creepy she just happens to remember your address and best route to get there from any location after she visited once briefly a few years ago
maki: keeps her eyes open at the wash bowl station when getting her hair done
yuta: go to girl dinner is microwaved pizza pepperoni (not to be mistaken with charcuterie pepperoni oh no) and gluten free crackers
toge: thinks emojis are so much funnier than they actually are. hit him w the 😕 or 🫨 or 😧‼️ and he loses it. definitely overuses them in text
panda: uses all the yellow color emojis instead of selecting a skin tone
miwa: has seen every single episode of miraculous, genuinely loves it, knows all the kwamis names, etc
momo: was deeply in the 2020 pandemic era riordanverse instagram fanpage scene
mai: loves to cook/bake and is good at it but almost everything has to be burnt to some degree, just as a personal preference
shoko: will say the most down bad horrendous jaw dropping absolutely egregious shit just to be like “idk i just dont think that kinda stuff is for me 🤷🧍”
satoru: absolutely CANNOT form thoughts into words. if stumbling through sentences were an olympic sport hed take gold flawlessly every time. defines words using the word in the definition. no one knows what the hell he’s going on about ever
utahime: believes that the pyramids of giza are just the tops of massive obelisks and is genuinely terrified of these giant obelisks and what they may contain
a/n: before anyone says shit about the yuji one (if anyone even does,,, tumblr is so much more chill than other platforms LOL) i have asthma/possibly pots and participated in many competitive music groups in high school that kicked my ass (wgi im looking at u) and so as a result of doing something so physically draining in my condition i had a few near death experiences, similar to the example i used for yuji 👍👍 also im pretty sure the gojo one is actually canon LOL but i do that too so 👍 and if you’re reading this ily and i hope u have a wonderful day 🫶🫶
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catamaurrr-star · 11 months
maur's super duper awesome list of all his ocs!!! celebrate!!!(longish)
PLEASE ask me about my ocs PLEASSEEEEEE (explanation for the world [number] thing here)
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my favorite 3 little guys (world 1)
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name: umbra chrono age: 23 pronouns: he/they info: my favorite oc (dont tell the others).... time travelling catman who really misses his parents and is having a horrible time at college. is tormented by sadness every now and then BUT he's also good friends with maur and gude so that helps. oh yeah also haunted by the narrative i guess fun little fact: he's a siamese ragdoll!! he dyes his hair black though to try and hide that. this doesnt work as he has the brightest bluest eyes on the planet
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name: MAUR !!!!!!! age: 15 pronouns: he/she info: technically not my sona. but they do look VERY similar. anyways so this guy can turn into a cat whenever he wants and was raised in apocalyptic warzone australia (just go with it) but escaped on a boat onto the rest of the world and now steals from places as a homeless stray cat. he likes to annoy umbra as often as possible and steal food from him when he's not looking fun little fact: his eyes light up REALLY FUCKING BRIGHT in the dark. like led lights
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name: gude normal age: 19 pronouns: they (but he and she are also accepted. they mainly preferred though) info: most mentally stable oc. they're half elf and they only got the ears from their dad. they love monster hunter and its their favorite thing in the entire world. oh yeah their brother is also kind of a god. OH YEAH ALSO they have a Power!!!! they can make chair arms out of nothing. there is no limit to these chair arms but it gets more and more physically draining to have too many of them for too long. they can disappear whenever gude likes fun little fact: they only wear shorts. not a single set of pants. also striped shirts or tshirts with really stupid designs on them that they thought were funny.
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name: jimmy falenhardt age: 10 pronouns: he/him (he;s a cis girl though) info: other most mentally stable oc. he's just a little guy who likes doing postal service and is OBSESSED with cats. like he brings cat food and cat treats with him everywhere. he's very very silly and makes cat puns at every single opportunity he gets. other than that he's very adventurous and a little bit cocky. fun little fact: he picked his own name. he didnt even have a name beforehand everyone just politely referred to him as The Child
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name: iron age: ???? pronouns: any info: no one knows what their deal is. no one knows where he came from but apparently she's australian. they rarely ever talk and when he does its the most ominous confusing or just frankly bizarre shit ever. she has So Many scars its crazy. resident little freak fun little fact: yes they look like that in canon too. bright pink hair and paper white skin. so much wrong with her ❤️
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genshin ocs time
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name: pyre (not his real name) age: mid to late 50s pronouns: he/him info: sumeru pyro claymore 5 star. somewhat possessed by a flower and lives in the sumeru desert. used to have a wife and a kid but his wife died in a sandstorm and he got separated from his kid and doesn't remember either of them anymore. due to the flower possessing him. he just kills people now and is the #1 enemy of cyno fun little fact: at some point he gets free from the flower and has to deal with The Horrors of losing like. 20ish years of your life
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name: qamar (no last name idk) age: late 20s pronouns: she/they info: sumeru/mondstadt anemo sword 4 star. got separated from her family by a sandstorm basically wiping out her home in the sumeru desert and she got lost and adopted by rhinedottir who happened to be in the area. grew up with albedo and is on a mission to find out what happened to her family and friends and if all of them truly died or not. also mentors sucrose sometimes and is unintentionally Very Mean fun little fact: she REALLY likes dragonflies. there are several dragonfly motifs on her design (if i actually ever draw it ...)
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name: FELIX!!!!!!! age: 40ish pronouns: she/her info: fontaine pyro catalyst 5 star. was part of an ancient race that died out and is basically the last of her species. performs as a popular actress in the opera epiclese for plays and stuff and works with lyney sometimes but SURPRISE!! she's also an UNDERCOVER REBEL!!! she goes by the name "Rouge Résistance" while trying to show all the cracks and flaws in the fontainian justice system by graffiti and stealing stuff to give out to others later . and also arson. kinda like robin hood but with fire fun little fact: her weapon? these fucking hands
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au name: pope!maur (i thought it was funny) info: was adopted by the church after escaping australia and is now a tyrannical pope at age 15... very insane everyone hates him. he uses his position to do Not Swag things. somewhat of an infamous celebrity fun little fact: originally i made him (and incel umbra) as just maur and umbra in different outfits but then i gave them different persoanlities and origins and boom!! different characters
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au name: incel!umbra info: after his parents mysteriously disappeared he went on the internet . and got ruined forever because of it. now hes a really fucking mean nihilist who's generally draining to be around and one day wants to burn down the entire world fun little fact: he and christian!maur DESPISE each other and will go out of their way to annoy each other at every single opportunity. not in the friendly way either they genuinely hate each other
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au name: time god!umbra (usually shortened to tg!umbra) info: basically just works for the higher time gods in the world. makes sure everything in time goes well and can vaguely control it. also doesn't follow linear time it's kinda wild. doesn't follow the normal umbra lore either he was just made like this and he just has to accept it fun little fact: he does get paid. just not a lot though. like very little payment for his work
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au name: space god!maur (usually shortened to sg!maur) info: like tg!umbra, he works for the higher space gods and he makes sure everythings position isnt getting weird and fucked up. he can teleport wherever he wants and he can work outside of 3 dimensions. thats how silly he is fun little fact: the gods have forced his face to be smiling forever. he is actually not happy with this
thats probably all of them for now .. will update this whenever i make new guys ...
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kath-artic · 1 year
the guy i was with over the summer has no idea how much he did for me. like it would've never lasted bc i generally get bored with people who just admire me but being treated like the most interesting person in the world and being asked questions about myself and having someone who just very clearly cared meant the world. he didnt always Understand (i didnt understand by elliott smith just came on as i typed this sentence thats crazy) but he always listened and tried and WANTED to know. i get tired of explaining myself and i like people who challenge me, but i often forget where i stand with those people because im so afraid of being an embarrassment. being treated like the furthest thing from embarrassing, like that was never even a POSSIBILITY, was fundamentally lifechanging for me. i cant even give him all the credit for that because the other two guys on that trip also treated me like that but in a platonic way (and they had a lot more of the ability to Understand what i was saying). it was the most healing fresh start and i need to cling to that and not let it fade. i cant become meek and uncertain of myself again just because im back home. I DESERVE TO HAVE MY BALLS DRAINED!!!
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