#diluc lore
morsinteritus · 2 years
speculations concerning genshin lore I thought keeping me awake at night
sharing because why not; mostly Khaenri'ahn stuff and a lot of Pierro
-why did the unnamed red-haired man in venti's quest cutscene turn on Venti sometime after Decaribian's fall? Is the red-haired man or Ragnvindr during the rebellion of Vennessa his descendant?
-who is Childe's master aka Skirk? Is she potentially of Khaenri'ahn descent or even a Royal Guard? Based on Childe's description of how strong she is, (it is stated she could literally beat him with one hand) I hope she becomes playable one day (plus points if she'll have purple eyes or white hair).
-who the fck is diluc's mom and why is she not named/ mentioned in any of the lore concerning diluc; are his parents divorced/ annulled? even his dad never talked about her.
-is Pierro and Kaeya somewhat blood-related? If so, is that how crps get a delusion?
-did he get that from taking in his son/grandson/nephew knowing the boy he's taking under his wing would betray him and his nation sometime in the future? Does Pierro have connections (as a fatui harbinger) to Crps beforehand?
-Did crps work for him and was high in the ranks to earn such recognition from the most powerful Harbinger to the point he was used him either as a pawn/ puppet to his schemes? Did he also warn Crps he'll die and he just accepted that because it was part of their agreement?
-was the underground organization Diluc potentially had people of Khaenri'ahn descent? stated in character story 4 that "The network was made up of volunteers, and many of its members had willingly given up their prior positions and reputations to join. Some had even abandoned their names"
-could these mean those of high-ranking guards/ royalties of the past like in Khaenri'ah used this as an opportunity to pursue their own goals and ideas in secrecy considering this is confirmed to be a third party and simply observes the events unfold on two sides of a spectrum? It is also underground, and KHAENRI'AH WAS AN UNDERGROUND NATION. (does dain know about the existence of this place??)
-Arlecchino established an orphanage (House of The Hearth) so was she an orphan before or even poor/homeless before being taken in by the Fatui? Since most of these orphans end up becoming fatui recruits are they used to help aid the Fatui's manpower?
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nanbaka-82 · 2 years
So I was playing and I realized something with Diluc skin, I didn't see it being pointed out before but I doubt I'm the first, anyway
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On the upper right back and shoulder, there are rips?? Even when it's been stated he had it fixed and modified??
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So he purposely kept the rips, and it isn't a dainty rip either, going through that metal-like material on the back too, so the blow that dealt it wasn't by any means weak. Does this mean he has a scar in that shape under?? Does he keep the rip due to some reminder?? Was this the blow that got him near death and got him to go back to Mond?? WILL THEY BRING THIS UP IN HIDDEN STRIFE????
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dumbcoffeebee · 1 year
okay so Diluc's age has always absolutely befumbled me right so for a while I had done the math and thought he was around 26 or 27, given his position, social status, & his general demeanor and attitude (a lot of that could be attributed to trauma honestly) and I was browsing the wiki and ????? right so he was 18 when he left the knights/Crepus died, therefore his position as cavalry captain would've been nullified at that point, SO. in the "former personnel" bit of the page on the knights of favonius on the wiki it has Diluc's little bar thing and under "last active" it says 4 years ago. MY QUESTION IS HOW. If he left the knights at 18, went to snezhnaya on his fatui spree, and came back, that whole chunk of time took four years? no layover type period whatsoever? no like come back and chill out then start up the whole darknight hero thing? just goin constantly? my point is there is no way that is a 22 year old there is simply no way other than being just batshit crazy and everyone ignores it bc of how calm and collected he usually is. this man is an enigma. hes constantly busy with the winery and darknight hero shit and literally everything WHEN DOES HE SLEEP.
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idreamofblueming · 2 years
Hidden Strife Event: Dawn Winery Letters
A Letter With Rough Handwriting:
Jean wrote to me lately with shocking news. If I don't miss my guess, she wrote to you too. Her sentiments are those of the Knights as a whole
Crepus was a good man, and I thought very well of him. It grieves me greatly to know that he met with such a fate.
As for the defeat of the drake, the honors for that accomplishment should go to your father. I do not accept Eroch's theft of the credit for that deed, which was bought with your father's sacrifice.
Stolen credit will not be accepted within the Knights of Favonius under any circumstances. I will not permit it.
I have already given Jean the authority to punish Eroch with all necessary severity. The Knights will inform you of the results.
I've heard that you've been taking some time off outdoors and may not be easy to reach, so there is no guarantee that my letter will reach you. As such, I'll stop here for now.
If this does reach you, then I wish you good health and safety in your travels. Contact us if you need anything.
I hope that falcon of yours will help put this letter in your hands. I mean, I don't write in person very often, you know?
These may seem like pointless words to you right now, but remember: even the greatest of disasters must come to an end.
Mondstadt waits for your return, and if you're willing, the Knights will always welcome you. (If you're not, forget I said anything, yeah?)
A Tidily Written Letter:
To the heir of the Ragnvindr Clan,
I apologize for sending this letter without notice. You may not remember me, but we've met a few times.
We've met near the square, when I sat at the table adjacent to yours at the Good Hunter, and I've seen you in your tavern...
You were always busy with a great many things, especially back when you were much chattier than you are now. You spoke cheerfully and often with your brother and friends then.
It's probably no surprise that you did not notice me then. But I've always had my eye on you, child.
I recall with crystal clarity how my little Klee once made a complete mess of your vineyard while she was trying to catch Crystalflies there...
But you didn't get angry. In fact, you personally escorted Klee back and even gave her a few bottles of fresh grape juice.
Now I think that might jog your memory, yes?
Klee recently told me that she "hasn't seen that strange man with the red hair in aaages," so I decided to look into it out of curiosity.
My deepest condolences regarding your father.
In many of the stories I've been told, you are the model knight: proud, driven, a knight of noble character and lineage.
But I know that you're gentler than you appear. If you weren't, you wouldn't have treated Klee the way you did.
And since you helped my child out, I hope you won't mind if I treat you as if you were my own.
Therefore, I sincerely hope that you will leave the dark place that you are presently in, and that you will not wallow in grief and remorse.
Partings are most painful things, but they also encourage us to grow. A bird that has lost the roof over its head will fly further than others of its kind.
Go out and see the world. That's the best course of action I can envision. Only by feeling, observing, and listening can your heart be healed.
Parents all wish that they can accompany their children forever, and the skies, seas, and stars bear witness to that oath.
Everything that was your father now finds new life with you. That which you will experience in this world may have been things that your father experienced once upon a time.
I hope that the wind will bring you all manner of wondrous things in your journeys to come.
In any case, keep your chin up, young child.
A Letter with Clear Handwriting:
Master Kaeya took leave and stayed at Dawn Winery for a few days.
In a rare turn of events he decided to stay in his original bedroom. He would pace about the grounds when idle, and even asked Adelinde to make him his favorite dishes.
Ah, it really does take me back.
I shall be honest with you, but I was quite surprised to hear Master Kaeya say that he wanted to stay for a few days.
We did not refuse him, however. We believe that even if you were here, you would not refuse him outright.
Dawn Winery has always been a more quiet location, perhaps because all who stay here are rather peaceable people
The house is made by those who live in it, and Master Kaeya's uncommon arrival did end up livening the place up significantly
I hope that you are doing well in your travels abroad. Everyone here at the winery misses you.
May you remain safe and in good health.
A Letter with Elegant Handwriting:
Dear Diluc,
Welcome back to Mondstadt, Sir.
It has been some time since the incident. We discovered that Eroch had betrayed us, and he has been punished severely.
I hope that this news will put your mind at ease.
In other news, our people have discovered that the Abyss Order has stepped up its activities between Wolvendom and Stone Gate lately.
Also -- a mysterious individual that people are calling the "Darknight Hero" has suddenly started showing up out of nowhere all around Mondstadt City. He typically acts in the dead of night, and his intentions are currently unclear.
Please stay safe, and notify the Knights as soon as possible should you see anything suspicious. We will send support immediately.
Whether you are presently in our ranks or not, all faithful knights will remember your contributions to the Knights of Favonius.
May you remain in great health.
A Neatly Written Letter:
Dear Mr. Diluc,
It is my pleasure to investigate the ley lines alongside you.
As you know, my focus is on alchemy, so my knowledge of the ley lines remains quite shallow, and I fear that I will only be able to share what little understanding I have.
According to many pre-existing documents, the ley lines can be seen as a medium for storing information. Under certain circumstances, they can record activities that occur in the area around them.
All this information goes through a recording and storage process. After a certain period of time, they may be released once again by the ley lines
If I may be so bold as to make a guess, there should be a method to activate the ley lines. Those who grasp such methods can control the times at which ley line information is recorded and released.
Judging from the runic symbols and some other clues, I surmise that there are particular members of the Abyss Order who may have a very small chance of being able to achieve this.
If you believe that this requires further investigation, these entities may serve as your point of entry.
I wrote a paper a few years ago in which I covered my brief foray into questions concerning the flow of ley lines and other topics. You will find a copy of this paper enclosed.
I hope that it can help to clear up some of your doubts
A New Letter:
Dear Darknight Hero, the Knights of Favonius have stepped up the guard details throughout Mondstadt without making major movements. The Abyss Order will not have noticed.
I am scouting around Dragonspine. The monsters here are scattered and separated. Clearly, they haven't been assembled by the Abyss Order.
There are no signs of enemy activity in the south of Mondstadt either.
If you can confirm that the other locations are also free of monsters, we will be able to conclude that the Abyss Order has nothing to do with the recent ley line disorder
A Letter in Beautiful Handwriting (I)
To D:
A storm is brewing within the Knights of Favonius. Varka's inner circle is preparing to investigate Eroch and his henchmen, and it's looking increasingly likely that Eroch is about to get unseated from that high horse of his.
You might not be too pleased to see this letter of mine, but I mean to get this news to you as soon as possible
You don't have to reply.
A Letter in Beautiful Handwriting (II)
To D:
Even I was a little surprised to hear that you'd decided to leave on a trip.
Jean wanted to write and try to dissuade you, but I advised her against it.
As for Varka, I don't think he knows about this. Otherwise, he'd have probably sat you down for a talk.
If you'd like to leave, do it now. The less the people know, the less the goodbyes you'll have to say. Leave at night, too, so things won't be too saddening.
Take care.
A Letter in Beautiful Handwriting (III)
To D:
Some slightly bad news. Eroch won't be quite so difficult to bring down after all.
The Grand Master's order to investigate has certainly dealt him a major blow, but I wouldn't call the problem "pulled up by the roots" yet.
The matter's been handed over to Jean's jurisdiction. She'll take care of this, I believe. Eroch is an obstacle in her path, in any case.
Just sit tight and wait for the good news.
A Letter in Beautiful Handwriting (IV)
To D:
Recently, a group of businessmen returned to Mondstadt. Word is that the reason for their return is a downturn in business.
According to my observations, their employees are regulars at Angel's Share. These people can also be found out in the more dangerous parts of the wilds around the city.
Now, a few of them were a little careless and even dropped some pages of their notes on the ground. I took the liberty of returning these sheets to the Angel's Share. You know, out of the goodness of my heart.
I think they might have something to do with you, seeing as how they were there. I also noticed that their notes were written in code. Information brokers, perhaps? Or some kind of secret organization?
Whatever the case, it took quite a lot of effort to see those blurred words with only one eye, you know? Don't worry, I'll keep this a secret.
A Letter in Beautiful Handwriting (V)
To D:
I didn't try to hide it from you on purpose, you know. But I suppose you found out all the same, huh?
I mean, not everyone who wears an eyepatch must be blind, right? Don't people also wear an eyepatch if they have a scar over their right eye?
The long-awaited good news is finally here.
Now, I'm going to bring a glass of wine when I go to watch Eroch pack his things and leave on his last day (good riddance, by the way). That should be fun, eh?
I know you're not the type to do that sort of thing, but I am, so allow me.
A Letter in Beautiful Handwriting (VI)
To D:
Oh, my! No sooner did you get back than a mysterious character started popping up.
I hear he's called the Darknight Hero. He has repeatedly fought off Treasure Hoarders and monsters in the Mondstadt Area -- and he's even attacked Abyss Order strongholds.
So far, it seems like he is on Mondstadt's side, but the Knights of Favonius could never permit the existence of a vigilante.
I get the feeling that the two of you would get along nicely. Why don't you find an opportunity to get to know him and give him some sage advice? You know, just so he doesn't get caught by the Knights?
A Letter in Beautiful Handwriting (VII)
To D:
Per standard procedure, the Knights of Favonius needs to take a statement from all relevant parties.
Recently, the Knights of Favonius have received reports from a number of eye-witnesses claiming to have seen the Darknight Hero in the vicinity of the Dawn Winery.
The Grand Master has assigned the Cavalry Company to this mission. As such, I will be paying you a visit in three days.
He seems to think that our relationship can be improved if we are forced to talk in person.
Don't worry, though. My lips are sealed. This will be nothing more than a formality. Anyway, three days' notice should be enough for you, I presume?
A Letter in Beautiful Handwriting (VIII)
To D:
The appearance of the Darknight Hero has indeed bought the Knights of Favonius some valuable time during the Abyss Order's last attack.
This helped Jean convince the Knights of Favonius to stop focusing on trying to stop him.
This will decrease the limits on the Darknight Hero's actions, but this doesn't necessarily mean that his situation will necessarily improve.
Objects with too honed an edge tend to be damaged more easily. You, I'm sure, are aware of the great dangers that come with acting alone.
That said, I would advise against such a course of action.
A Letter in Beautiful Handwriting (IX)
To D:
I heard that the Dawn Winery did not suffer any damage. Likewise the Knights of Favonius only sustained minor injuries, and will recover quickly.
However, an employee of a local merchant has gone missing, and their last known location just so happens to align with the Abyss Order's area of activity
The Knights have dispatched people to go to the rescue.
Do be aware that the Abyss Order has become more dangerous as of late, even going so far as to organize multi-pronged offensives.
Perhaps the Darknight Hero and the Knights of Favonius should team up. That might guarantee that things will go off without a hitch, hmm?
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mmmairon · 2 months
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save me white boy save me
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averaillisa · 2 years
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"We did not refuse him, however. We believe that even if you were here, you would not refuse him outright."
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torgawl · 7 days
sometimes i think about how crepus probably wasn't father of the year and i go a little insane. the way he pushed diluc into becoming a knight of favonious at such a young age; diluc receiving his vision so early in his life; how he saw his accomplishments as both his and his father's; crepus planning to gift or getting a delusion for his son despite his vision; and, the way diluc's namecard references him as crepus' creation, which is such an impersonal and cold way to put being someone's son. not only that but, again, referencing his strenght specifically. i'm not saying crepus was a bad father, diluc loved him dearly, but the projection he did of his own dream onto diluc's life and the efforts he went through to make sure diluc was "strong enough" doesn't appear to have been the healthiest thing.
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we obviously have little to no information about diluc's relationship with his dad outside of a few mentions here and there but from his character story it just seems that even the praise crepus gave diluc was always because he did well in, somehow, living his father's dream and not necessarily because of who diluc was. it's a little bittersweet.
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lorelune · 11 months
something abt the idea of courting is soooooo 🥰🍓💕🥺👀❤️
it’s the intentionality. it’s the “i’m going to woo you.” it’s the “i’m going to take my time with you.”
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huiyi07 · 10 months
No, cause if you think about it, Kaeya never appears without purpose and intent. You might be like “duh that’s what every character is” but think about Childe, or Jean, Barbara, collei, the list goes on. They always appear with fun, happy reasons behind it, but not Kaeya.
He’s not the only character- Albedo shares this as well with how he mostly only appears to drop some lore bombs about khaenriah and gold and then disappears for another year, but it’s still different for Kaeya. He appears during events not only to give us lore, but always, without fail, to reveal something about himself.
Proof? Okay, the 1.4 windblume festival. Kaeya does a silly little poem class with Venti- surprise, he’s threatening him with a Khaenri’ahn message that says “I will triumph over you” and even when you debunk that, you can still see how Barbatos treats him as his own despite whatever stipulations about his heritage there are. 1.6 midsummer islands- Kaeya and diluc both reminisce their childhood, and it’s the first reveal that shows us just how close they really were. After that, he disappears for while, until boom- hidden strife in 2.8, where we find out the real details of his fight with diluc and how they grew apart- but it’s hinted they still care for each other. It also tells us a little about Kaeya’s lore and family, how they took over as regents, which adds to the real gravity of their fight- telling us he’s not just a poor kid from khaenriah, he’s the last real heir to the throne. After that, winelesefest, where it shows us how Kaeya and Diluc are right now, how theyre obviously missing each other and it’s very obvious that they care for each other deeply. That kinda ties up the whole ragbros story for now, and after that it becomes serious.
He appears again in the Caribert quest for us to find out he’s the heir of the organization of vengeful Khaenri’ahns turned monsters who want to take down the gods. He claims to not be affiliated with them in any way- but it leaves the question in everyone’s minds, “what else is he hiding from us?”
Now, he’s recently appeared once again for the 3.8 summer festival, and it looks really innocent and fun and just another way of showing us how kind he really is, until you realize that Kaeya’s outfit from this version describes how much he really hates the burden on his shoulders and how he wishes he was never forced to be an agent of khaenriah.
If you ask me, we’re past the point of just getting to know Kaeya and who he is on a personality basis, and are now getting into the real gravity of his identity as the last hope of the Khaenri’ahn kingdom. It’s really building up how important he’s going to be to the endgame of the whole archon quest storyline and how much of a key role he will actually play. Man I’m so hyped!!
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burquillos · 1 year
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Alice’s kids 🌻💣🔥
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drfirefly08 · 4 months
theres so much about mondstadt we dont like,,, know of?? theres like so much hidden lore??? its driving me nuts!!!
like we have kaeya's origins thats slowly unravelling itself, we got "the gateway of celestia", we got the upside-down statue, we got diluc's journey across teyvat, we got miss alice herself, hexenzirkel, albedo and rhinedottir, whatever tf varka is up to in that long ass expedition he's in, why tf is crepus connected to the fatui??? is he the 10th harbinger like people are saying??? wdym diluc's mom could've been part of the hexenzirkel??? WHAT IS THE LORE WITHIN THE RAGNVINDR FAMILY??? WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO WACK, like a potential harbinger father and potential witch mother, a vigilante older brother, AND a forced spy younger brother, hello if this shit is true im gonna scream
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mochabunnies · 3 months
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PONYBROS !!!! because i've been obsessed with mlp lately so that's what my art will take inspo from :3
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waterfrontcomplex · 6 months
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what a lovely family i sure hope nothing bad happens to th
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idreamofblueming · 2 years
Hidden Strife Event Letters: Albedo's Lab
Letter Addressed to Mr. Albedo
Dear Albedo,
Thank you for the detailed explanation. I have read your paper and found it both enriching and easy to understand. It is a rare and well-written document indeed.
I have written the relevant information down in hopes that it will be put to good use in the future.
Guarding against danger is a very important skill. I will continue to keep watching over the Abyss Order, and use force against them where necessary.
Letter Addressed to Ms. Alice
Dear Ms. Alice,
I must admit that when I read the opening lines of this letter, I was not expecting it to have been written by you.
It seems that I may have indeed failed to notice you despite your presence nearby. My apologies for that.
Regarding Klee, I have heard that you are an extremely powerful witch, so I suspect that Klee would have been just fine even sans my presence.
Even so, you sent me this letter, for which I am thankful.
As you have said, traveling is my best option at present. I will go out and experience all that the world has to offer, just as you have suggested.
My father's will shall find continuation through me.
Klee is welcome to stay at Dawn Winery as a guest during my absence. Adelinde will prepare sufficient snacks and grape juice for such occasions. And if you don't mind, you are also welcome to drop by.
I hope that you and Klee stay in good health.
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"do whatever you want with it, whatever, just- take it with you."
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averaillisa · 2 years
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letters from home 
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