sivatherium · 1 year
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soulstie-a · 2 years
╱ 𝗈𝗉𝖾𝗇 𝟦 𝖿𝖾𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖾𝗌 .
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“   you’re   the   woman   of   my   dreams   ―   and   nightmares  .   ”
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Au Temps Où La Joconde Parlait - Jean Diwo
Au Temps Où La Joconde Parlait – Jean Diwo Auteur(s) : Jean Diwo Editeur : Flammarion Parution : 01/01/1996 Format : Beau livre Nombre de pages : 455 pages Résumé. Au temps où la Joconde parlait.Un jeune peintre sicilien, Antonello, part à dos de mulet pour aller chercher jusqu’à Bruges un secret bien gardé, celui de la peinture à l’huile, découvert par Van Eyck. Un pari fou qu’il gagnera.…
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nicetraveldestination · 4 months
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Happy topi diwos
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nfcwproject · 4 months
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(ENG) Auf Deutsch unten #nfcdab2024 “Leise-Park” 6th Ed. Berlin Near-Field Communication Digital Art Biennale aka #nfcdab #nfcdab is a DIY or DIWO [DO IT WITH OTHER]? Digital art biennale that travels on wireless technologies, light waves and electromagnetic fields e.g.: Wi-Fi routers, QR codes or NFC tags to access content. the idea of the biennale is to take advantage of the potential of near-field (mis)communication[sic!] and other sharing technologies for making web-based digital art accessible in outdoors settings. it slack-keeps presence next to the frameworks of galleries and institutions. Hashtag: #nfcdab #nfcdab2024
Open call: for online artists link to facebook event: https://fb.me/e/1MHZXhXzO
Project title: "Leise-Park".
Project description: We invite online artists to participate in our disturbing project entitled "Leise-Park". In this project, we want to explore the issue of silence as an opposition to the anxiety we may feel in the context of the development of various digital trends and Internet technologies. The pervasive availability of mobile devices for spreading content and ideas through all types of Internet-based media, creates a sense of loss of self-control resulting from the pervasive information chaos. Our beloved smartphones are beginning to turn us into a kind of zombie addicted to absorbing information content from the Internet. What consequences does this have for us as well as for further social evolution? Do the emotions that accompany us at this moment allow us to analyze this phenomenon. Can we face this new reality? Can artists help us understand what currently surrounds and shapes us. Can we find distance from the world around us and calm down, or will we become technological zombies? That's why in the “Leise-Park” project we want to ask this question to artists who are willing to take part in our project with their work. Like all our projects this one too is based on the idea of DIY and DIWO. We often think of the park as a place with sculptures, traditionally made of stone, here those sculptures are to be works displayed on the smartphones of the show's viewers. Access to the links via a poster with a QR code pasted on a cardboard presenter cut to resemble a plant plaque. Presenters with the artists' works will be placed at various locations in Leise-Park. The show will run from February 2 - 4, 2024 and is part of the Vorspiel project, which is an initiative of transmediale and CTM Festival to showcase the richness and diversity of Berlin. So we invite you, as part of our project, to a creative exploration of a former Berlin cemetery turned into a publicly accessible Leise-Park.
The events were organized in cooperation by #nfcdab - Dominik Podsiadly, noemata - Bjørn Magnhildøen, BrowserBased - Zsolt Mesterhazy
Place: Leise-Park Heinrich-Roller-Straße 24, 10405 Berlin (DE)
Date: Vernissage: 2 February 2024 2.00 PM Open: 2 – 4 February 2024, 8.00 AM - 8.00 PM
Technical requirements: In short about submission: we would like to show the art works that can be implemented on QR CODE and can be displayed on mobile devices eg. links to websites(YouTube, Tumblr, Soundcloud to name a few), short texts and little ASCII art, links to personal web pages, art app, games or arts hacks. We would like to present all type of art expression and intellectual invention.
Deadline: ▓ January 27 2024
Submission Guidelines: ▓ add subject: “Leise-Park” - required ▓ send an image or PDF file or (*.zip or link to download) to our email: [email protected] ▓ feel free to add some short info in pdf max 500 characters
Image Guidelines: ▓ depth – Black & White only ▓ print dimension – A4, landscape
QR Code Guidelines: ▓ all type of qr & bar codes ▓ readable in popular mobile apps ▓ attached data, example: links, text, images ▓ we love custom art and free modifications (look point above)
More Info: ▓ blog: https://nfcdab.org/ ▓ fb page: https://www.facebook.com/nfcdab/ ▓ fb open group: https://web.facebook.com/groups/1nfcdabiennale/
(DE) #nfcdab2024 “Leise-Park” 6th Ed. Berlin Near-Field Communication Digital Art Biennale aka #nfcdab #nfcdab ist eine DIY oder DIWO [DO IT WITH OTHER]? Digitale Kunstbiennale, die sich auf drahtlose Technologien, Lichtwellen und elektromagnetische Felder stützt, z.B.: Wi-Fi-Router, QR-Codes oder NFC-Tags, um auf Inhalte zuzugreifen. Die Idee der Biennale ist es, das Potenzial der near-field (mis)communication[sic!] und anderer Sharing-Technologien zu nutzen, um webbasierte digitale Kunst in Außenbereichen zugänglich zu machen. Sie bleibt locker neben dem Rahmen von Galerien und Institutionen präsent. Hashtag: #nfcdab #nfcdab2024
Offener Aufruf: für Webkünstler Link zur Facebook-Veranstaltung: https://fb.me/e/1MHZXhXzO
Projekttitel: "Leise-Park"
Projektbeschreibung: Wir laden Online-Künstler ein, sich an unserem beunruhigenden Projekt mit dem Titel "Leise-Park" zu beteiligen. In diesem Projekt wollen wir die Frage der Stille als Gegenpol zu der Angst erforschen, die wir im Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung verschiedener digitaler Trends und Internettechnologien empfinden können. Die allgegenwärtige Verfügbarkeit mobiler Geräte zur Verbreitung von Inhalten und Ideen über alle Arten von internetbasierten Medien führt zu einem Gefühl des Verlusts der Selbstkontrolle, das aus dem allgegenwärtigen Informationschaos resultiert. Unsere geliebten Smartphones verwandeln uns allmählich in eine Art Zombie, der süchtig nach der Aufnahme von Informationsinhalten aus dem Internet ist. Welche Folgen hat das für uns und für die weitere gesellschaftliche Entwicklung? Erlauben uns die Emotionen, die uns in diesem Moment begleiten, dieses Phänomen zu analysieren? Können wir uns dieser neuen Realität stellen? Können Künstler uns helfen zu verstehen, was uns derzeit umgibt und prägt? Können wir Abstand von der Welt um uns herum gewinnen und zur Ruhe kommen, oder werden wir zu technologischen Zombies? Deshalb wollen wir im Projekt „Leise-Park“ diese Frage an Künstlerinnen und Künstler stellen, die bereit sind, sich mit ihrer Arbeit an unserem Projekt zu beteiligen. Wie alle unsere Projekte basiert auch dieses auf der Idee von DIY und DIWO. Wir denken oft an den Park als einen Ort mit Skulpturen, traditionell aus Stein, hier sollen diese Skulpturen Werke sein, die auf den Smartphones der Betrachter der Ausstellung angezeigt werden. Der Zugang zu den Links erfolgt über ein Poster mit einem QR-Code, der auf einen Präsenter aus Pappe geklebt ist, der wie eine Pflanzenstecker aussieht. Die Präsenter mit den Werken der Künstler werden an verschiedenen Orten im Leise-Park aufgestellt. Die Ausstellung läuft vom 2. bis 4. Februar 2024 und ist Teil des Projekts Vorspiel, einer Initiative der transmediale und des CTM Festivals, um den Reichtum und die Vielfalt Berlins zu präsentieren. So laden wir Sie als Teil unseres Projekts zu einer kreativen Erkundung eines ehemaligen Berliner Friedhofs ein, der in einen öffentlich zugänglichen Leise-Park umgewandelt wurde.
Die Veranstaltungen wurden in Zusammenarbeit von #nfcdab - Dominik Podsiadly, noemata - Bjørn Magnhildøen, BrowserBased - Zsolt Mesterhazy organisiert
Ort: Leise-Park Heinrich-Roller-Straße 24, 10405 Berlin (DE)
Termin: Vernissage: 2. Februar 2024 14.00 Uhr Geöffnet: 2. bis 4. Februar 2024, 8.00 bis 20.00 Uhr
Technische Anforderungen: Kurz zu den Einreichungen: Wir möchten Kunstwerke zeigen, die auf QR CODE implementiert und auf mobilen Geräten angezeigt werden können, z.B. Links zu Websites (YouTube, Tumblr, Soundcloud, um nur einige zu nennen), kurze Texte und kleine ASCII-Kunst, Links zu persönlichen Webseiten, Kunst-Apps, Spiele oder Kunst-Hacks. Wir möchten alle Arten von künstlerischem Ausdruck und geistiger Erfindung präsentieren.
Abgabetermin: ▓ 27. Januar 2024
Einreichungsrichtlinien: ▓ Betreff hinzufügen: "Leise-Park" - erforderlich ▓ Senden Sie ein Bild oder eine PDF-Datei (*.zip oder Link zum Herunterladen) an unsere E-Mail: [email protected] ▓ Bitte fügen Sie eine kurze Info im pdf-Format hinzu, max. 500 Zeichen
Bild-Richtlinien: ▓ Tiefe - nur schwarz/weiß ▓ Druckformat - A4, Landschaftsmodus
QR-Code-Richtlinien: ▓ alle Arten von QR- und Strichcodes ▓ lesbar in gängigen mobilen Anwendungen ▓ angehängte Daten, Beispiel: Links, Text, Bilder ▓ wir lieben individuelle Gestaltung und freie Änderungen (siehe Punkt oben)
Weitere Infos: ▓ Blog: https://nfcdab.org/ ▓ fb-Seite: https://www.facebook.com/nfcdab/ ▓ offene fb-Gruppe: https://web.facebook.com/groups/1nfcdabiennale/
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I had a thought: in "Freeing Death", Zeus might be weaker in his Mycenaean Aspect (or not that much stronger). After all, Posedawone was King of both the Underworld and the Ocean, and of the Pantheon, while Diwo was just a sky god. (I get the feeling that Zeus is not going to want to shift to his Mycenaean self: he might actively fight it as long as he can.)
Oh you'll know. Most of the Gods, in The Crown of Mortality, are going to be a lot different than what Rick portrayed them as. They're going to be assholes, sure, but they're going to be different. Better, and more accurate to the Hellenics. So honestly, Zeus might fight, or he might just give up, or he might keep his domains while giving up the throne, or any other option there is. You have no way of knowing until i post the chapter
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444namesplus · 4 months
Acgduala Acho Acilua Acja Acuha Acuhovanr Acuosa Acwod Adrodl Adujo Adum Afocl Ahnacca Ahnrad Ajjarodl Akacysaomruw Ako Alunr Alwesl Anuassa Asti Aucrodl Awuc Awucua Awucy Awwadumr Awwo Awwoseac Awwoseacca Banad Boec Boecanna Boecusa Bohmoc Bohmoca Bonduma Bondumj Bondumuo Brucub Brucubb Brucubba Brucubbo Buadda Buaddanna Cakus Cao Caso Cejoh Celfup Celikum Cem Cemoh Cemua Cemuas Cemuassa Cenicl Cent Cidasnt Cieacco Cieuh Cieuha Cinrod Cium Coanunuo Codh Coeda Coedasma Coedasn Coedo Coluhcoeh Cuahc Cucuosa Cuhvanr Cuisac Cuoso Cuso Cylua Cyluo Dapuh Dapusa Dasa Dasaa Dausricl Dausrodl Dawu Dawy Delicbr Den Dicg Dicosl Dihuso Dipad Disocl Divadn Divadno Divus Diwos Diwous Dobroac Docbr Domrac Doslocc Dousad Dowiso Doywisl Doywisla Dumrasto Dumrodl Ecduja Ecdumr Edheco Efa Eli Ena Enni Fadsad Fadsrad Fastac Ficg Ficgposp Focnad Fuavja Fuccuow Fucndel Fucracw Fucracwuso Fusgdual Gacuz Gadlusosl Gcidasma Gcidasn Gciduos Gdaladum Gdaladumj Gdalduj Gdoeja Gdosj Gdosmiuh Gdosmiuha Gdosmj Gdosmuh Gdosmusa Gdost Gdualawoss Gdualdumr Gdunt Gossy Govduma Govuas Govuassa Hacwo Hadpa Hakadus Hakadusa Havohnuas Havohnuos Hehossa Hetossa Hibrua Hicospa Hisuo Hkas Hkasqo Hnabras Hnabrosa Hnabrosua Hnagosuo Hodor Hoslad Hosldo Hosldusa Hovduso Hovusa Howeac Hradyc Huapgdual Hupuhwesl Hupwesl Huwis Huwisa Hyckahnad Hyckous Hyckua Icog Icpo Icukuad Icukuo Idndel Ihmod Ilanna Iluca Imaosa Inni Inniwod Inrwod Jadhnus Jakus Jcoeh Jcoeh-banad Jedn Jisdol Jodc Jodcraust Jodhnas Jodus Jodusa Jondus Jonqo Jonyo Kadisumo Kadisuxea Kiccdonr Kocadua Kocasnus Kocnad Kosahho Kudpusua Kuico Kumnid Kumniduo Kusmasn Lacbrusa Lasuh Lasuha Lehnus
Lisocl Liwusuxea Lokul Lopivadn Lopwod Losuac Losuaca Losuacca Lowuas Lualdumr Luanad Luanadumr Luandumr Luluad Luoso Lycos Macusa Maldum Mamuca Mcawasma Mcawasn Mcodo Mcoela Mcoeluo Mcoelusa Mcouda Micanna Micnis Micvy Miday Midocua Miduso Midussa Modc Modica Modicusa Modicuso Mohhosldo Monradusa Mowucca Mrcia Mrduhnac Mrduhnacca Mrduhnibra Mrduhnig Mrduhno Mrduhnuos Mrduhnuosa Mrduhnusa Mrodcah Mrodcinna Mrosnoc Myduc Nivuoh Niw Nowodo Nradaha Nrai Nriwoh Nruaddy Nuso Nuwi Ocazoslda Ocazosldo Ocazuh Ocfus Ocgdal Ociuh Ockus Ocous Ocuma Ocusa Ocuso Ocvadn Ocwen Odcanna Odnred Odsicl Odsln Odsoel Odwus Oedacua Oedacuas Oedida Oedumj Oelday Oepehn Ohndul Olaca Olacraul Olduas Olduos Olicg Opsah Oshpod Oslda Osldaa Osldao Osldaoh Osnis Osniusa Ospacujo Ospacuxea Ossa Ossacuaha Ossacuha Ossawodua Osso Ossocuaha Ossua Ossumj Owacua Owacuo Owocuo Owoslusa Ozac Padl Padn Padndela Padocl Padodl Padrodln Padsin Padwod Padwousa Paidp Paidpah Paidpanna Pasakuaka Pavrodl Pdana Pdanac Pdanmras Pdano Pdapidy Pesnrad Peuccoewa Peuli Pey Pinncuav Pinngdual Pinnhmrocj Pint Poacca Poanos Povduac Povduaca Pruhcousa Puccah Pucvadn Puhaca Puhaco Puhacrad Pusanna Qadiwa Qadwousa Qahhumo Qaos Qaosboec Qaosbuadda Qaoscem Qaoscieuh Qaosgdosmiuh Qaosmcoela Qaossa Qaossusa Qaoswodm Qaoswodua Qaoswumrac Qassugad Qebb Qecua Qecuanna Qecuas Qecuo Qedpas Qehnusa Qenno Qiac Qiacca Qidp Qiha Qihabr Qihanna Qihn Qimacysa Qiomruw Qiross Qirossah Qirosso Qisoh Qisonros Qomiv Qomxeacusa Qomxeah Qoso Qosusa Racasa Racaso Raccwenr Racpa Racpo Racwen Racwenr Radfup Radka Radvadn Radwos Radwoss Radwusa Raly Rasdu Rasduanna Raulawodua Raulu Rausad Rausdumr Rausi Raust Rausu Repeanna Repi Resnad Revadn Ricpad Ridhn Rodicl Rodocl Rosh Rossa Rossacida Rossor Rucla Ruclapodl Ruclo Rucwo Siawua Soluo Solusa Sonocua Sonrocua Sossa Sujico Sukocli Sumica Sumicoeh Sumicoh Suso Uciso Udasa Udwo Uho Uhovacca Uhovacco Usah Uspdul Uspi Uwaclo Vadndosl Vadndow Vadsl Vadsodl Vadsolanna Vaon Vaonduma Vaono Vasalujn Vasiun Vasqowus Vdesi Vdupunna Vili Vobnuhna Vodvodo Vohnuos Vuosjo Wackus Wacosua Wacuhho Walodl Wausdol Weduac Widposa Widunt Wirowal Wiso Wisujo Wisuxea Wockuso Wocna Wodcasa Wodm Wodmac Wodmacca Wodmeh Wodno Wodnus Wodnusa Wodpeaduna Wodpodana Wodua Woduamcoela Woduamrduhnusa Woduanradaha Wodueh Wodui Woduis Woduo Woduossa Wodusa Woduso Woeduma Wolacausa Wonnruae Wonnruoh Wonruae Wonrucla Woplocaso Wopocu Woseac Wosis Wozuwa Wozuwucuos Wuci Wudaucca Wudji Wudmi Wudoslo Wuduow Wumjoac Wumrac Wumraca Wumracca Wumracusa Wumroac Wumroaco Wusso Wyduow Xeasnus Ykah Ykanna Ykissa Yoss Yossumj Zasuo Zokuad
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crash-stop · 9 months
Will be talking in this this Sun 6 August , but not to much its a diwo ( do it with others) session :
In the context of glitch art we can modify the Wikipedia definition of DIY (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_it_yourself) to “glitch art is the process of building or creating (coding, generative art, ai), modifying (hex editing, databending, datamoshing) and re-repairing (circuit-bending, device modification misuse) without the direct aid of professionals (trained artists, curators, galleries, musicians, record labels, etc.) or certified experts”. Particularly important to this definition in relation to the glitch art community is the idea of empowerment, community seeking, uniqueness. The event will be a discussion with references to our own work and communities and this year’s Fubar theme of DIY.
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First up in the online Fauxbar Jon.Cates
jonCates presents a workshop for folks to discuss our Glitch Art Futures: “we will have an open conversation. then, together, we will create a document addressed to Glitch Art Futures, expressing our hopes for future generations.”
• 2023-07-29 SAT • 1-3pm IST (2-4pm CEST / 8-10pm Taipei time) • Discussion / DIWO • ONLINE @ live.fubar.space
jonCates creates Glitch Art. He thinks and feels about glitches everyday. International exhibitions of his art include galleries, museums, festivals, and online platforms such as Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago; the MuseumsQuartier, Vienna; Rhizome, New York; Kasseler Kunstverein, Germany; and many more. He curates exhibitions online and at physical locations such as Ars Electronica. http://joncates.com
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xartus · 1 year
My Recon PIE Pantheon for Simplicity's Sake
So here's what I've come up with in my research, feel free to use this as a model/inspiration for your own practice.
Generation 1
Primordial Creation
1st Function- Realm: Heaven/Night Sky. Realm Controller. Male, "Werunos"
2nd Function- Realm: Atmosphere/Day Sky. Realm Controller. Male, "Dyeus"
3rd Function- Realm: Waters/Underworld. Realm Controller. Male, "Neptonos"
3rd Function- Realm: Earth/Underworld. Realm Controller. Female, "Dheghom" + Consort, Storm/Rain Lord, "Perkwunos"
Generation 2
1st Function- Realm: Night Sky. Female, "Luna"/The Moon
3rd Function- Realm: Day Sky. Female, "Sawel"/ The Sun
Multi Function Twins: Morning Star, 2nd/3rd; Evening Star, 1st/3rd. Both Male. "Diwos Sunu". Same mother (Dheghom), Dual Paternity (Dyeus and Werunos or Neptonos)
Generation 3:
The Light King- 4th Function Positive. Younger Brother. "Frawja"
The Liminal King- Liminal/Between Functions. Non familial but he's in there regardless. "Paxuson"
The Dark King- 4th Function Negative. Older Brother, connected to death. "Karnonos/Dusnos"
This is based upon recon PIE deities, functional hypotheses, familial hypotheses, and shit loads of independent research. I'll do a small rundown of the deities and their associations later on.
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aouchlab · 1 year
AOUCH LAB: THE TAO TAO OF BACTERIA FABRIC AQUA BLOB_trans-lucidus_viscosas AOUCH.Lab is a domestic experiment based on transfer-learning skills as collective processes - DIWO do-it-with-others - that explores, since 2013, TEXTURES and ancestral textile techniques like knitting, embroidery, weaving, crochet, natural fibers and pigments. Coevolving in 2015 to BIOTEXTILES - centered in transdisciplinary exploratory practices and interspecies relationships with materials and historical-socio-ecological contexts that reveal a know-how pulsing as embodied processes towards transformation and bio-degradation. BY Joana Moher Sound: scooby-blobing_hydrophones_rec AOUCH-LAB workshops 2022
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fomebruta · 1 year
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lexblackdemon · 2 years
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Diwo #art#arte#artist#artista#abstractos #abstractexpressionism #abstrait #abstractartistsofinstagram #abstraer #abstract_art #abstractors_anonymous #abstractaddict #abstractexpression #abstractpainting #abstractpainter #abstraccion #creando #creativeoptic #creatives #creador #creativo#creative #fun #funny #drawings #draw#draws https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci_eNAAueCF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kaedwenistout · 3 years
small little informal hc that out of all my muses, Ia and Fayza are the best at Gwent. They’re extremely competitive and tactical about their decks and strategies. Cato, however, can’t strategize to save his life and just likes collecting the pretty cards. He hopes all his friends get cards so he can frame them and hang them in his parlor. Anyway, YES my muses play Gwent, and YES most of them are terrible at it :]
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nfcwproject · 3 months
Exhibition: „Leise-Park” #nfcdab2024 6th Ed.
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This is one you can't miss!!! We always prefer the low-cost guerrilla style. Near-Field Communication Digital Art Biennale aka #nfcdab presents the anniversary edition: #nfcdab2024 6th Ed. Berlin - "Leise-Park". We cordially invite you to the craziest and most legendary #nfcdab shows! We have finally arrived in Berlin! - In the frame of the Vorspiel / transmediale & CTM.
Important!!! All works will be presented via QR codes, you must have an active Internet and the ability to read QR codes to connect!
Vernissage and curatorial guided tour: 2 February 2024 2.00 – 3.00 PM
Open: 2 February 2024, 1.00 PM - 5 PM 3 – 4 February 2024, 8.00 AM - 5.00 PM
Leise-Park: Heinrich-Roller-Straße 24, 10405 Berlin (DE)
Artists and art projects: Adrian Pickett, Andrea Roccioletti, Andreas Maria Jacobs, Angy Vardalou, Anna Pinkas, Anna Utopia Giordano, AK Ocol, Ayshe Kizilçay - KiAy, Benna Gaean Maris, Bjørn Magnhildøen, Blazir, Bruce Barber, Bruno Melo, Bya de Paula, Dave Greber, Davey Whitcraft, Đurđija Vucinic, Elaine Crowe, James Hutchinson, Karl Heinz Jeron, Klaus Pinter, Marc Lee, Max Herman, Nico Vassilakis, Nicole Kouts, Oli Olinski, Osvaldo Cibils, Peter Kusek, Ricardo F. Bodini, Rudy Paganini - forevermidi_com, Shin Jungkyun, Stefanie Reling-Burns, Tiz Creel, Zsolt Mesterhazy, and #DUMPHAUS - Curated by Catalina Vallejos and Ronnie Karfiol - Artist: Featuring Deatxwish, Taiki Arita, Tiến Nguyễn, Trí Thiện, Lê Duy, Xuân Minh, Gia Huy, Flounder Lee, Martina Noskova, Idklang, Aaporia, Magdi Mostafa, Jialun Wang, Hiroshi Murakami, David Longshaw, Athina Kanellopoulous, Ioana & Pablo, The Mainstream Official, Oksana Rudko, Liu Chang, Chloe Cheuk, Kayoko Nakamura, Aleksei Martyniuk, Blanche The Vidiot, F.C. Zuke, Nina Sumarac, Giuseppe De Benedittis, Ania Urbanski, Contaminated Carcass, Jaimerative Art.
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This year we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the #nfcdab project, which could not exist without the trust of the artists. The idea was born at a time when not everyone was aware of the coming revolution in the reception of digital content caused by the advent of smartphones. In 2014, QR codes or NFC tags were a technology on the verge of becoming commonplace, and the same was true of wireless Internet and unfettered access to the Internet. 10 years later, we are in very different times. That's why we trusted the idea of DIWO, which is an important element of this - let's not be afraid to use the word: "research" project. The whole concept would not have been possible thanks to the help from browserbased.org and noemata.net in the persons of Zsolt Mesterhazy and Bjørn Magnhildøen, I must also mention Brian Khuu being our Australian liaison to the antipodes, and I want to thank the many people who have helped us over the years in organizing our shows: Konstantina Mavridou, Radovan Misovic aka Rad0, Tibor Horvath, Florian Kuhlmann.
More info: https://vorspiel.berlin/events/nfcdab2024-6th-ed-berlin-leise-park-ausstellung
Supervisor and concept of the exhibition: Dominik Podsiadly
Organizers: #nfcdab - Dominik Podsiadly, noemata - Bjørn Magnhildøen, BrowserBased - Zsolt Mesterhazy.
Hashtags: #nfcdab #nfcdab2024 #leisepark
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smugtownmushrooms · 6 years
It’s been a while. We have surely recovered and we hope the Summit inspired many to build better communities and futures. We are taking ideas and suggestions for locations for our 2019 #newmoonmycologysummit We are dedicated to keeping this Summit accessible to folks using public transit and within the greater New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey areas. This could mean public or private land. Able to host over 150 people for up to a week. For more details please email or send us a DM [email protected] #fungi #mushrooms #ecology #autonomous #mycology #diy #diwo permaculture #overgrown #myceliatethestate https://www.instagram.com/p/BpUv3BpF0Hn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nem21ayyeu0
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