#durandal gen 1
melsie-sims · 8 months
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Ralph and Beatrix head into the woods to do some hunting and foraging. Meanwhile, Sabbe stays behind to plant a few spring crops.
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potionboy3 · 2 years
HPMA/Next Gen Connection post!
If you’re interested on being friends with these losers then comment, dm or reblog :)  I’m copying @gaygryffindorgal but it’s just much easier for me to create relationships like this! Slytherin:
Declan Rovere, born December 5th, 1996 (my main HPMA) 
- charismatic, friendly, outgoing, liked by many - a bit self-absorbed, posh and smug, doesn’t open up easily - ENTP - doesn’t hate anyone and is good at making friends. He’s popular but hangs out mostly with the canon characters Cassandra, Fischer and Colby. He has friends outside them and he doesn’t define people based on their social status.  - before Declan’s last year in Hogwarts, his father exposes some harsh facts about the Rovere family and their involvement with Voldemort, while he’s pushing his own political cause ahead with great support from the public. He claims that Declan also has a dark side. This gives Declan bad prep and he gets extremely unpopular during year 7 and loses most of his friends as everyone  thinks that he’s somehow evil. - love interests are: Cassandra Vole, Roe Malinda @gaygryffindorgal and Daniel Page - casual friends with Pandora Lovelace @gcldensnitch - dorm full!
 Open for friends and casual acquaintances and enemies or rivals!
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Rosa Yaxley, born  1997
- confident, loyal, feminist and a natural leader  - she might push her own opinions a bit hard and takes a while to warm up to people who have different ones - ENTJ -  has a pet bunny - she has her own group of girls (not gonna list all of them) and the other girls have claimed her to be their leader jokingly (but where is the lie). She’s very protective of her friends and gets along with people in general.  Jupiter Durand is her best friend @cursedherbalist - love interest: Rocky Weasley @magicallymalted  - dorm 3/5, Nymeria Lee @gcldensnitch and Jupiter Durand (again)
Open for friends and  casual acquaintances  but her girls come first, also open for rivals and two dormmates!
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Maxim Raeburn, born 19th march, 1997
- shy and quiet but friendly and curious by nature - Is bad at defending himself or others as likes to avoid conflicts  - INFJ - His biological mother is complicated. He is raised by his uncle Farrow, but has always called him and his boyfriend Charlie Weasley his dads. - has a special interest in the sea and merpeople - he has his close friends Dawn Harvelle, Jimmy Crouch and his cousin Rocky Weasley @magicallymalted , also friends with his other cousin Roe Malinda @gaygryffindorgal but they don’t share a friend group  - love interest: Nymeria Lee @gcldensnitch  - Dormmates 0/5
Open casual acquaintances mostly, but might use few friends outside his inner circle! Also open for dormmates!
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Richard Beck (goes by Beck), Born in 2002 (next gen)
- smart, competitive, tall (by gryff) - can be bit of a dick.   - ESTJ - Beck is a popular guy who has a huge ego. He’s still liked by his friends and actually cares for the people he spends time with.   - he’s a good student and spends a lot of time focusing on school  - is the keeper for the Slytherin quidditch team  - is friends with Baby Quinn @gaygryffindorgal and they share a friend group - rival and a love interest: River St. James @gaygryffindorgal - dorm 1/5 (Baby)
Open for friends, casual acquaintances, rivals, enemies and dormmates! 
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Dawn Harvelle, born 4th of June 1997 (one might argue my other main ooops) 
- honest, creative, superstitious and bit of a trouble maker.  - Dawn is naturally good at most things he tries  and he has a tendency to make an impact on people. He can be bit judgy too, but mostly he gets along with people. He usually says out loud what he’s thinking though and doesn’t hold back when something bothers him. - ENFP - he likes art and music and occultism  - he’s a muggleborn, his mother had him young and he lives with his dad - a big football fan - he’s not great at charms or dada - he’s anti-monarchist and doesn’t usually like people who have a lot of money - he is the seeker of the Gryffindor quidditch team after his year 4 - friends with Maxim Raeburn, Jimmy Crouch and Rocky Weasley @magicallymalted , One might say that his best friend is Pandora Lovelace @gcldensnitch as she is the one he mostly opens up to, also friends with John Arthur, Jupiter Durand @cursed-herbalist, Rosa Yaxley, Barbara Katz @gaygryffindorgal​  - rivals: Quincey Alderly (sort of, he just doesn’t realize it’s a crush) - love interest: Pandora Lovelace and also Quincey @gaygryffindorgal - dorm 1/5, (Rocky)
Open for friends, casual acquaintances, rivals, enemies and dormmates!
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John Arthur, born May 27th, 1994
- bold, bit reckless, funny, good at making friends, a dumb jock (lovingly) - gets lazy when bored and is bored easily,  undiagnosed ADHD, gets in trouble easily  - ESFP - loves being the center of attention and people tend to love him. He’s very popular - quidditch captain and a seeker for the gryffindor team - thinks of his team as his babies and wants to protect them all - friends with Dawn Harvelle who he trained to be his successor in quidditch - love interest: Theo Goldcrest - rivals: Elian Goldcrest doesn’t like him (no surprise here) - 0/5
Open for friends, casual acquaintances, rivals, enemies and dormmates!
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Rome St. James Born in 2002 (my next gen main)
- loner, sarcastic and a bit grumpy  - he is American but he and his twin brother River @gaygryffindorgal chose to attend Hogwarts to get away from their parents who are both alcoholics.  - Rome has an illness caused by blood malediction that gets diagnosed before his fifth year. He gets really sick towards the end of his school years and the sickness seems fatal.  - Rome is reserved because of his condition and doesn’t make friends easily. He’s extremely private.  - depression warning, his life is just not great??  - INFP - he was best friends with Baby Quinn @gaygryffindorgal until the fifth year when he got diagnosed. He started to pull away from Baby and spend more time alone while Baby got very popular, and it caused a drift between the two.  - he wants to hide his sickness at first but after his sixth year, he starts to wear  muggle nasal canulas, that he has enchanted to help him breathe better. At that point he can’t hide his condition anymore.  - he has a difficult relationship with his brother, the two are not close - he is casual friends with Joan Wytte @nelabelievesindragons and Stephanie Quinn-Vixen @endlessly-cursed - hates Richard Beck  - Love interest: Baby Quinn  - dorm 0/5
Open for friends (if the story line fits to his), casual acquaintances, rivals, enemies and dormmates!
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Brandy Crouch, born 11th June 2006
- a bit odd, likes to spend time alone but is also friendly and easily likable, super smart - never has a bad word to say about anyone - cinnamon roll - INFJ - doesn’t get angry easily but when does, is really mad and a lot like his older brother, who he usually is the opposite off - history puff  - bookworm - his parents love him a lot but they’re the worst. They cause him way too much pressure, and don’t really care about what he himself would like to do in life - friends with  Knox Wytte @nelabelievesindragons - Love interest: none as of yet but he’s bi and  the best boy <3  - Dormmates 0/5
Open for friends, casual acquaintances, rivals, enemies and dormmates and a love interest!
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If I forgot someone then hit me up on that as well!  (Jimmy Crouch and Elian Goldcrest are not looking for friends right now)
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dwarvenfanboy · 1 year
If Pokemon ever goes central/south america as it's regional flair (or anywhere with potato as their thing), I feel that Oddish should be a gen 1 'mon that gets a new form:
Regional Oddish: Colored like a potato, with the leaf part having a bit taller stem. Whole line is now Ground/Grass.
Durayam: New evolutionary line, has arms and holds a leaf-like blade. Legs and lower part of the body is caked with mud, making it look like armored pants. Warrior vibes (Durand=latin for strong and enduring. Yam=potato)
Spudrex: Leaves now look like a crown and it has a long beard made of it's roots. The sword grew into a leafy staff. A true monarch (Rex=king. Spud=potato)
I just love my little round child, I want the best for them. I would draw them if I could do digital stuff or even paint
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sawai-n-hualulu · 1 year
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L’administration française collecte deux empreintes digitales pour une carte d’identité, huit pour un passeport. Les technologies biométriques nous accueillent aux passages de frontière situés dans chaque aéroport international. Cette confiance en l’État que l’on nous inculque depuis notre plus tendre enfance est-elle si indéfectible au point que nous acceptions tout et n’importe quoi émanant de sa part, ou, n’est-il question souvent que de consentir à une certaine coercition au vu d’accéder à un certain confort personnel, à certaines réjouissances ? À moins que, à l’instar des faits rapportés ci-dessous, les décisions étatiques nous pressurisent parfois tellement qu’elles ne nous laissent pas vraiment de marges de manœuvre.
Durand la campagne électorale de 2014, le futur Premier Ministre indien, Narendra Modi, promettait la transformation numérique du pays. Une fois élu, une des stratégies pour respecter cet engagement de campagne, ou, disons-le sans euphémisme, pour contraindre la population à cette transformation à marche forcée, a consisté à démonétiser les billets de 500 et 1000 roupies. En novembre 2016, un vent de panique submergea la population qui utilisait très largement (jusqu’à 86%) ces coupures pour les achats de la vie courante. En effet, un nombre insuffisant de nouveaux billets prévus en remplacement peinait à endiguer la pénurie. Et ce n’est pas l’apparition, sous forme d’applications téléchargeable sur les smartphones, de nouveaux moyens de paiement qui résolut le problème. Peu d’indiens étaient équipés de tels téléphones à ce moment-là. Un autre dispositif, qui sortira grand bénéficiaire, nous dit-on, de cette crise provoquée, est alors mis en place. Il s’agit de payer avec une carte biométrique appelée Aadhaar (« fondation » en hindi) liée au compte bancaire du consommateur. « Il suffit » de composer les 12 chiffres inscrits sur sa carte Aadhaar et de confirmer son paiement avec son empreinte digitale. (Encore faut-il que le commerçant soit équipé d’un terminal prévu à cet effet.) Le dispositif Aadhaar (qui dépend de l’Unique Identification Authority of India) a été rendu indispensable pour accéder à de nombreux services, comme l’aide alimentaire pour les plus démunis, les droits au chômage ou à la retraite, ou, nous venons de le voir, pour l’ouverture d’un compte bancaire. La démonétisation des billets et leur remplacement en nombre trop restreint au profit de moyens numériques de paiement, qui se voudraient entendus comme synonymes de progrès, renferme la volonté d’un pouvoir politique de contrôler à la fois les transactions économiques (même les plus insignifiantes) de gens ordinaires, et de poursuivre, à travers un fichage biométrique, le recensement de la population indienne, ainsi que de tous ceux qui vivent plus de six mois de l’année sur le territoire indien. Obliger la population à ouvrir un compte bancaire avec l’Aadhaar lors de la pénurie organisée de cash, c’est prétendre lutter contre le blanchiment d’argent et la fraude fiscale en soutirant les dix empreintes digitales et le scan des deux iris. Ainsi, en Inde, l’instauration d’une plus grande traçabilité des échanges économiques a facilité l’émergence d’une TVA harmonisée pour plus d’1 milliard d’habitants fichés. Espérer, de la part du pouvoir, la garantie totale de la confidentialité des données amassées me paraît illusoire. L’avènement de cette société de surveillance des masses éloigne de facto les personnes les plus reculés des centres urbains, les plus réfractaires et les plus marginaux. « Ou tu perds ou tu perds. » Cette nouvelle formulation de l’eugénisme ira-t-elle jusqu’à la persécution d’opposants politiques, à un nettoyage ethnique ?
Les jeux de mots deviennent ma marque de fabrique. Celle-ci enclenche la transposition d’éléments constitutifs d’un fait d’actualité en peinture. Ici, je dénombre au moins trois jeux de mots ou glissements sémantiques. 1/ En anglais, selon le contexte dans lequel est employé le mot « print », il peut autant désigner le domaine de l’imprimerie que celui de la trace biométrique. La monétisation de la peinture ne se fait plus par l’intermédiaire de l’impression (numérique), « digital print », mais par la publication en ligne sur les réseaux, peut-être à l’aide d’un smartphone qui ne s’ouvre qu’à la reconnaissance de nos empreintes digitales, « fingerprints ». La publicité, ce versant scintillant qui accompagne ces politiques acharnées de numérisation de nos sociétés, incite certains consommateurs à bannir les espèces pour régler leurs notes, même lorsqu’il s’agit de sommes dérisoires. Certains installent des applications pour payer via leurs smartphones qu’ils ouvrent avec une légère pression du bout du doigt. La crise organisée de la démonétisation des billets de 500 et 1000 roupies qui a eu lieu en Inde en novembre 2016 n’est qu’une exacerbation totalisante de ce qui existe aussi chez nous. 2/ Quel est le lien entre la partie gauche de la toile avec son billet de 1000 roupies indiennes brûlé tel l’amorce d’une pellicule diapositive et la partie de droite où est représentée une enseigne d’une blanchisserie en Indonésie ? L’Inde et l’Indonésie frappent toutes deux leurs monnaies distinctes, et ce, bien qu’elles se nomment toutes deux « roupie ». Ceci renvoie autant aux vestiges qu’a laissé l’influence indienne en Indonésie qu’à l’expansion des empires occidentaux qui machinalement désignaient par « Inde » presque toutes les contrées « Autres » : les indiens d’Amériques, les West Indies (les Antilles en anglais), les Indes néerlandaises (actuelle Indonésie) ou encore l’Indochine (les actuels Vietnam, Laos, Cambodge). 3/ Enfin, le nom de l’enseigne qui vend des services de blanchisserie et du crédit pour la téléphonie — qui servira peut-être aux clients pour accéder à des moyens de paiement — m’évoque un jeu de mots. « Sophie Martin Paris », dont le nom se voudrait un clin d’œil appuyé à une industrie du luxe qui appose sa griffe sur un flacon de parfum, sonne comme le summum de la réification tant cette dénomination est caricaturale et cliché. C’est à croire que le processus de monétisation d’une entreprise s’élabore tant en affirmant une rupture avec son environnement immédiat qu’en convoquant des lieux communs véhiculés aux quatre coins de la planète par la société du Spectacle. Paris monétise le Musée d’Orsay, et par extension Monet, le célèbre peintre impressionniste. Et inversement, Monet monétise le Musée d’Orsay et, par extension, Paris. L’art c’est la vie, nous dit-on. Où certains passent leur temps à l’affût, alertes, à flairer des tendances alibis à une production de peintures qu’ils souhaiteront monétiser sur les réseaux en espérant toucher un cercle d’avertis, d’amateurs et de collectionneurs. Aujourd’hui, l’art, est-ce la vie algorithmique, ou, l’art, est-ce encore s’efforcer de résister à cette vie algorithmique ?
Principale source : L’inde entame sa révolution des paiements électroniques, de Marjorie Cessac, Les Échos, le 9 mai 2017
Clément Collet-Billon, « No digital prints, just fingerprints to monetize paintings », Acrylique, huile et glycéro sur toile, 85x170cm, 2022
| Extrait de la série « Gafamé » |
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mangora · 2 years
I like seeing people’s headcanons for the characters’ full names so here’s my post (+ my hc ethnicities bc why not.)
Note: I’m mostly basing last names on like online research and not all last names correlate with ethnicity for a variety of reasons, so sorry if they’re not like accurate. And I didn’t have super strong opinions on some characters. Also nonwhite people can live in and originate from predominantly white countries for reasons like immigration or carriers of recessive traits for skin color, so when I say things like Alejandro and Mike are from Europe I’m not saying they’re white swearsies)
Gen 1:
Gwen: Gwendolyn Addams (German/British)
Duncan: Duncan O’Doherty (Scottish)
Courtney: Courtney Barbosa-Gonzales (Filipino/Puerto Rican)
Lindsay: Lindsay Beaudrie (French)
Heather: Heather Himura (Japanese)
Beth: Elizabeth Blaine (German/Polish)
Leshawna: Leshawna Ndiaye (African Canadian, family mostly has roots from Senegal)
DJ: Devon Joseph* Wright (Jamaican)
Cody: Cody Emmett Jameson Anderson (...duh)* (Idk British or something)
Noah: Noah Mudaliar (Tamil)
Harold: Harold Norbert Cheever Doris McGrady V* (Irish/Japanese)
Eva: Eva Bortsov (Siberian)
Izzy: Isabella Kennedy (Greek/Irish)
Owen: Owen Ellis (Mixed Western European)
Tyler: Tyler Cain (German [Hebrew])
Justin: Justin Alika (Hawaiian)
Ezekiel: Ezekiel Rudd (Norse/Dutch)
Sadie: Sadie Byun (Korean)
Katie: Katelynn Pakhrin (Nepali)
Geoff: Geoffrey Sawyer (Mixed Americanized Western European, mostly British)
Bridgette: Bridgette Langley (Same as Geoff)
Trent: Trenton Loveridge (Greek/Romani & Israeli)
Sierra: Sierra Wilde (Métis/Angolan)
Alejandro: Alejandro Burromuerto* (Spanish, ancestors are from various parts of Latin America)
Gen 2:
Mike: Michael Chiarelli (Italian [Sicilian with Western Asian ancestors]/Peruvian)
Mal: Mal Grimoire (Mixed indigenous Mexican, chose his own last name)
Svetlana: Svetlana Berezovsky (Russian)
Vito: Vito Valentino (Italian)
Manitoba: Manitoba Smith* (Murri/Koori)
Chester: Chester Young (Lithuanian/Mexican)
Zoey: Zoey Ahn (Korean)
Cameron: Cameron Corduroy Wilkins* (Mixed African Canadian, no clear roots)
Lightning: Rudolph “Lightning” Jackson* (Same case as Cameron)
Brick: Brick McArthur* (Scottish/Mexican)
Jo: Joanna Gryffon (Welsh)
Sam: Samuel Croft (Mixed Western European)
Dakota: Dakota Milton* (Venezuelan/British/French)
Staci: Staci Sweet (British & Swedish/German)
Scott: Scott Baur (Austrian/Scottish)
Dawn: Dawn Orion (Norse/Greek)
B: B. Keen (Egyptian/Ethiopian & Sudanese)(Adopted, canon dead name omitted)
Anne Maria: Anne Maria Ortega (Argentinian)
Gen 3:
Sky: Sky Oxendine (Cree)
Shawn: Shawn Torres-Vidal (Mexican)
Jasmine: Jasmine Maguire (Wangkatha)
Sammy: Samantha Lafitte (French)
Amy: Amy Lafitte (French)
Dave: Dave Shukla (Indian)
Max: Maxwell Delaney (Chinese/Welsh)(Adopted)
Sugar: Reese “Sugar” Houston (Mixed Western European)
Topher: Christopher Fitzroy (Mostly French and British)
Scarlett: Scarlett Fernsby (British)
Beardo: Badru “Beardo” Mohamed (Kenyan)
Leonard: Leonard Hart (Mixed African Canadian)
Ella: Eleanor Darling (British/Scottish)
Rodney: Rodney Feldman (German/Irish)
Gen 4:
Sanders: Jasper Elizabeth Sanders (Mixed African Canadian/Angolan)
MacArthur: Marsha MacArthur (I think the Valentina Escobar thing was total BS that’s just her mom’s name)(Scottish & Irish/Colombian & Mexican)
Dwayne: Dwayne Turner (Mixed Western European)
Junior: Dwayne “Junior” Turner Jr. (Same as Dwayne)
Brody: Brody García-Santos (Mixed Latino)
Mary: Maryam Yitzhaki (Israeli/Afghan)
Ellody: Ellody Mahir (Maldivian)
Emma: Emma Ozaki (Japanese)
Kitty: Kit Ozaki (Japanese)
Josee: Josee Lachance (French Canadian)
Jacques: Jacques Laurent (French Canadian)
Carrie: Caroline Lubomir (Bulgarian/Swedish)
Devin: Devin Linyang (Taiwanese)
Tammy: Tamara Burnside (Scottish)
Jay: Jason Durand (French Canadian)
Mickey: Michael Durand (French Canadian)
Crimson: Sarah “Crimson” Murphy (Mixed Eastern European)
Ennui: Simon “Ennui” Mayer (Romanian)
Miles: Miles Deniz (Turkish)
Laurie: Lauren “Laurie” Soleil (Turkish & French/Dominican)
Stephanie: Stephanie Armstrong (Mixed African Canadian)
Ryan: Ryan Mathura (Trinidadian)
Gerry: Gerald LaPointe (French Canadian)
Pete: Peter Manh (Vietnamese)
Lorenzo: Lorenzo Bandara-Whitaker (Sri Lankan/British)
Chet: Chet Frances (French/British)
Rock: Evan “Rock” Manson (Mixed Western European)
Spud: Andrew “Spud” Cooper (Mixed Western European)
Kelly: Kelly Fournier (French Canadian)
Taylor: Taylor Fournier (French Canadian)
Tom: Thomas Hemingway (British/French)
Jen: Jennifer Carrillo (Chilean/Laotian)
Notes: Chet and Lorenzo keep their last names the same, B and Max's last names are based on that of their adopted parents. Also, my headcanons change a lot. Also also, I'm really interested in world cultures but mostly self-taught on them so if you disagree for some reason or see something inaccurate/stereotypical lmk. Also depending on the character, they either use a nickname or chose their name themselves, in which case I don't want to give out their dead name/s. Also before someone corrects me on Bridgette and Geoff the creators have said they are both from California and came to Canada.
Edit 2: Edited recently because I realized I got some of the canon ethnicities wrong, also I’ve just changed some opinions or learned more about the etymology of names.
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MLDC Pokemon Au Characters: Champion Felix Team
(Note that this takes place in the Kalos region but all the pokemon from each gen 1-8 is here plus this is different class au where Mari is with Mendeliev from the beginning of the show and kwamis don’t exist but BURST power does)
Champion Felix Etienne Durand of the Kalos Region: A world famous actor, plus part time model and full time activist, despite being aloof and difficult to talk with, constantly shoving a hand upon cameras being in his face with a deadpan expression. However beneath his cold exterior lies a quite soft spot for trainers that show talent and is quite protective of those he considers to be “friends” including his own pokemon. Yep he has friends but also his region. He is very regal, prim and proper like most champions but is also surprisingly cunning, crafty and sneaky, willing to salt on anyone who dares get on his bad side. Free time you can find him in cafes, reading anything or practicing magic tricks.  is nicknamed mister grumpy pants by Jagged and Ice King?prince due to his use of ice type moves and pokemon 
Main partner is Gallade named Galahad , who he can Mega evolve but refuses to do so all the time, only when the time is right. He makes sure Felix isn’t too distant or rude or dismissive until the person deserves it and Felix is internally grateful for that even if it doesn’t look like it. Don’t worry, Galahad knows though psychic mind reading and their bond is so deep that Felix can command him through movements without speaking!! He is like a gentleman, very much into respect and chivalry but also very loyal to Felix
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P Team is based off Diantha���s and fairytale/movie genres
Gallade: based off the white knight part of Felix, is actually quite protective of those he cares for even if he has trouble showing it, also all of his team is base off an movie genre and fairytale, Galahad being the knight and romantic lead, found him as a Ralts and protected him from a Druddigon, now has a best friend since Ralts can detect emotions and despite his icy glare and closed off attitude, senses loneliness as a result from his abusive, isolated childhood and ended up running away together, is his closest companion and based on the knight/romantic lead since Felix is always portrayed as the lead
Dragapult: Tristan,obviously, the dragon of the fairytale and has a personality similar to Plagg and the most similar in appearance quite lazy and mischievous, always pulling pranks with Morgana, Felix’s XL Gourgeist being besties with her, also in the horror genre with her, decided to join Felix whether he liked it or not, seeing as he couldn’t scare him so easily after Felix hear rumors of a ghost causing chaos and trouble in Route 14 and wanted to debunk it, plus he needs a puesdo-legendary like many champions and the quiet mysterious personality fits him, Felix secretly adores him and his mini children, a soft spot
Aurorus: Guinevere was with Launcelot when they were both discovered together as fossils and when revived, just kept each other company and whenever one was going to be taken, the other (mostly Launcelot) would throw a fit, attack fellow pokemon and scientists and basically destroy everything, Amaura would just freeze everything and make the room cold so Felix saw a bit of himself in them and took both of them, she is the only one who can calm Tyrantrum down despite a type disadvantage and Felix enjoys her personality and her being the queen plus dino movies
Tyrantrum: Launcelot is his name, he represents the king being a king like pokemon in the old ages and fits old fossil movies like Jurassic Park and Land Before Time plus those natural geographic documentaries, like with Guinevere was found together and refused to leave each other as an Amaura and Tyrunt since they only had each other so Felix took them since he made more of a mess and was difficult plus Felix was reminded of his friendship with Bridgette, Marinette’s cousin, may look and act tough and scary, he is but also is very touch starved, loves cuddles and pets from Felix
Gourgeist XL: Like Dragapult, Vortigen simply followed Felix around since he ignored his ghostly moans and proceed to prank and scare his teammates (earning Tristan’s respect) so he made a deal with him that if he could try and scare him as he’s hard to be afraid then he’ll leave them all alone, he failed but decided to stay by throwing a pokeball at Felix’s face unlike Tristan who simply caught himself and woke Felix by sitting sat on his chest as a Pumpkaboo, is best friends with Tristan over being unable to terrify their trainer and enjoying watching the gardens grow and helps out, he appreciates that
Frosmoth: A tiny snow that he found when traveling though Galar in an attempt to get along with Kalos-Galar diplomatic relationships and going a movie shoot, he ended up camping 🏕  ⛺️ with his pokemon and well making curry to feed them a tiny snow ends up with them wanting food and Felix, despite his cold exterior let’s it joins the meal and oops it decides to stay, Vivien is a shy bug but like Felix doesn’t like bad guys or people who refuse to leave her trainer alone and ends up getting friendship points with him to evolve much to his shock and now there are mysterious many Alolan and Galar pokemon in Kalos
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Relationships: Gets along well with Penny Rolling, Sinnoh League Champion and Camilla Hombee, Unova Champion with their studious personalities and enjoy talking with each other about books/myths/lore and swapping stories, few who can take Felix’s distant, closed off personality and actually get him out of his shell/bubble and talk to, Felix even smiles a bit when around Penny and is secretly excited to see her at champion meetings,
Has a love-hate relationship with jagged since he traveled with him and penny, their personalities clash a lot with Felix’ chivalry gentleman like yet very much gives the cold shoulder, polite yet quiet, Jagged the total oppiste: loud, boisterous, gets into people’s faces, love to give each other crap and act terrible to one another but both are terrified of Penny’ wrath since she’s the only one to keep them in line, secretly both are jealous of each other
Wants to protect Marinette and her friends since he failed to protect her cousin and former accoquinâtes since he worked for Interpol as an agent but a mission failed resulted in them and their pokemon being killed, makes him have crushing guilt and trauma, masking of his emotions, is so determined to make sure Mari doesn’t have to go through that and is fond of her as a successor and trains her though is quite envious by the fact that Mari has a huge crush on Chandra
Ali respects him due to his Champion a social status and the fact he would sacrifice everything to protect his citizen and regions, Felix would give him advice on the pressure and knows of Ali’s feelings for Marinette, quietly teasing him much to his embarrassment but like Ali likes to help everyone out 
with Aurore thinks he’s dreamy and cute like a tsundere but also is quite salty that Auroue prefers Chandra over him cause parasol goals , is quite overwhelmed but enjoys by Ondine’s cheerfulness/peppiness and is internally mortified that Jean acts like Jagged but likes his card tricks, listens to Zora cause though she young she has much smart advice
Does not get along with Andre due to corruption and him searching undercover due to employer complainats, Gabriel he can’t get along with since he calls Felix creepy things like he should remain young forever much to his disgust cause Felix wants to grow old, Nadja he hates nosy reporters and how she assumes Felix is in love Gallade and how Marinette was in love with her Greninja, shutted her down, Caline he hates that she keeps gulitripping Marinette int traveling with Chloe and releasing her “dangerous” pokemon like Greninja so he puts a stop to that with Mega Gallade on all of them
Gets along with Dimitrina Mendeliev and Anne-Jeanne Théoxanne du Bocquale cause professors (don’t know who’s Kalos and Anne might be Alola’s and Kalos professor) and Mendeliev tells him everything what’s going on like her pesky coworker refusing to take a hint in leaving her students alone, so like two grumpy parents who will risk their lives for their kids, plus tall gf and smol bf, he meshes well with Anne evn though her hyperactive, doesn’t look before she jumps and sometimes forgets to think things through, loves her happy-go-lucky nature, reminds me a lot of Bridgette where both also have their brave wise moments.
Respects all the other champions, being his fellow coworkers and help each other out though is very intimated and insecure with Darius due to his physique and height (Felix, slender and skinny 6ft, Darius 6′5 and very muscular) but mutual understanding his dragons and power, Marianne and Fu were retired but have everyone’s attention and huge respect since they were the first, oldest, champions where Marianne is now part of penny’s Elite four
Due to not many dude/guy champions, Felix is the closest with Penny, Camilla, sigh Jagged, Ali, Marianne, Fu, plus his successor Marinette and even Chandra, maybe even has a slowburn love with her later on
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sweetjaegerlove · 4 years
by Entropic_Wren
Ji-Yeong couldn't quite define what relationship he had with his co-pilot Kalea, but one thing was for certain.
He'd make sure she survived this. No matter what.
Words: 1486, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of "Every Time A Jaeger Falls"
Fandoms: Pacific Rim (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Kim Ji-Yeong, Kalea Durand
Relationships: male original character & female original character
Additional Tags: OCs - Freeform, Original Jaeger - Freeform, Original Male Character - Freeform, Original Female Character - Freeform, Character Study, Angst, beware of the angst, Ambiguous/Open Ending, no beta we die like men
pacific rim November 9, 2019 at 03:09AM via AO3 works tagged 'Pacific Rim (2013)'
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ao3feed-pacific-rim · 5 years
Vanguard Haechi: “The moments when you’re in so deep, it feels easier to just swim down”
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2plJQb8
by Entropic_Wren
Ji-Yeong couldn't quite define what relationship he had with his co-pilot Kalea, but one thing was for certain.
He'd make sure she survived this. No matter what.
Words: 1486, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of "Every Time A Jaeger Falls"
Fandoms: Pacific Rim (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Kim Ji-Yeong, Kalea Durand
Relationships: male original character & female original character
Additional Tags: OCs - Freeform, Original Jaeger - Freeform, Original Male Character - Freeform, Original Female Character - Freeform, Character Study, Angst, beware of the angst, Ambiguous/Open Ending, no beta we die like men
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2plJQb8
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ao3feed-adow · 5 years
by FantasticalNonsense
"Apparel oft proclaims the man." A one-shot centering on Juliette Durand, her fears and her *fabulous* fashion sense. For the ADOW Premiere Challenge WEEK THREE || Favorite outfit(s) or hairstyle(s) / Favorite heartwarming or happy moment(s).
Words: 307, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of ADOW Premiere Challenge Prompts
Fandoms: A Discovery of Witches (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Juliette Durand
Additional Tags: ADOW Premiere Challenge, Episode 1.07, SPOILERS AHEAD, (Slightly), Character Study, Costume Analysis
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ao3feed-bemorechill · 5 years
you've probably never heard of—
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2L4TAzK
by junietuesday25
Madeline takes a deep breath, then steps onto the school bus, navigating to the back row of seats, trying to ignore the whispers that pop up around her about "she's such a slut" and "why would Jake Dillinger choose her."
Madeline Durand, on that fateful day of school.
Words: 1431, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of #chill summer
Fandoms: Be More Chill - Iconis/Tracz
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Madeline (Be More Chill), Christine Canigula, Jake Dillinger (mentioned), Jeremy Heere (mentioned), Chloe Valentine
Additional Tags: Chill Summer, Slut Shaming, i mean it's about madeline what do you expect
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2L4TAzK
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melsie-sims · 6 months
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Once again mother and daughter survive their death rolls! Please welcome baby Everilda Durandal to the legacy!
I feel like I've gotten way too lucky with rolls lately. Is it to make up for Thorald's death so early on or am I about to be really sad? Both Sabbe and Symond will be aging up at the same time tomorrow so we could be in for a nasty surprise...
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nelltoo · 5 years
Visite improvisée (1)
Dimanche 24 Février, midi (jour avant la résolution de mes problèmes)
Nyls écrit « Tu fais quelque chose aujourd’hui ? »
Nell écrit « Non mais je ne suis pas sur Dijon »
Nyls écrit « Où es-tu ? »
Nell écrit « Chez mes parents »
Nyls écrit « Sois un peu plus précise que je sache si je peux faire la route 😊 »
Nell écrit « Dans les environs de *******, 1h de route environ »
Nyls écrit « Ça te dit qu’on se voit ? »
Nell écrit « Si tu veux, mais il n’y aura rien niveau sexuel j’ai quelques soucis en ce moment »
Nyls écrit « Qu’est-ce qu’il se passe ? »
Nell écrit « Des règles en retard »
Nyls écrit « Tu crains d’être enceinte ? »
Nell écrit « Oui mais je vais quand même acheter un test pour être sûre »
Nyls écrit « Vu ce que l’on fait normalement il n’y aura pas de soucis et que tu aies une sexualité ou pas ne changera rien au problème… Mais qu’importe j’ai envie de te voir, ça n’implique pas forcément des galipettes dans les prés !
Nell écrit « MDR tu n’es pas concerné dans cette histoire tkt XD et rien n’est sûr pour l’instant, quoi qu’ayant de fortes probabilités… Mais viens si tu veux, tu aimes marcher ou tu es plutôt billard ? »
Nyls écrit « Les deux me vont ! Tu as couché avec quelqu’un sans préservatif ? Diable, pourquoi cette exception ? »
Nell écrit « Non c’est juste un accident de capote craquée… Tu es sûr de vouloir faire 1h de route juste pour me voir ? »
Nyls écrit « Pas une mais 2h avec le retour ! 😉 »
 Heureusement que les parents de Nell étaient partis toute la journée et rentraient tard dans la soirée
 Nyls écrit « J’y suis »
Habitant en face du point de rendez-vous, Nell regarde cet homme du haut de sa fenêtre,
 « Il a fait 1h de route pour me voir… sois prudente Nell… il ne peut pas être venu seulement pour un billard ou une promenade… »
 Il lui tourne le dos et s’affaire à on ne sait trop quoi… Nell s’amuse à le regarder galérer avec son sac, qui tombe et retombe lorsqu’il essaie de le caler sur sa moto
Nell attend bien 10 minutes à la fenêtre avant qu’il daigne enfin regarder dans sa direction
 Nyls écrit « Salut ! la route était très agréable heureusement qu’il y avait du soleil ! »
Nell écrit « Salut, oui c’est pour ça que je propose une promenade ^^ »
Nyls écrit « J’ai vu un bar pas loin de chez toi, tu viens boire un verre ? »
Nell écrit « Oulala… C’est chaud comme bar… y a que des cas-sociaux… « 
Nyls écrit « Tant pis j’ai quand même envie de boire un coup et on s’en fou des gens ! »
Nell écrit « Ok j’arrive, tu veux rentrer tes affaires chez moi ? »
 Il pose son casque dans l’entré, Nell ferme la porte à clef
 Nyls écrit « Et bien… aussi tôt rentré aussitôt expulsé de chez toi ! XD »
Nell écrit « A toi de dire si tu veux aller boire un verre après ou avant le billard ! »
 Il lui paye une bière, Nell commence à expliquer son appréhension, il essais de la rassurer comme il peut… sans succès malheureusement
 Nell écrit « Bon bin je suis ficher maintenant je crois XD »
Nyls écrit « Pourquoi ? »
Nell écrit « Y a quelqu’un qui me connait ici ^^’ »
 Nous rentrons pour jouer au billard
 Nyls écrit « Je vais surement paraître ridicule… je n’y ai jamais joué… »
Nell écrit « Ah, dans ce cas je vais te faire un cours en accéléré XD »
 Durand le jeu, Nyls ne cesse de caresser, de titiller la jeune femme, et elle voit son envie bruler dans ses yeux et le rabroue en rigolant
 La partie de billard se finit malgré le niveau pitoyable des deux joueurs
Il vient derrière elle, lui mord le cou et les épaules
 « Malheur ! il connait tous les points stratégiques… s’il n’arrête pas… il va me donner envie… »
 Ses mains se baladent, elles sont chaudes sur la peau froide de Nell… une bouffé de chaleur la submerge
Il tient Nell, ses bras l’enveloppent et la bercent lentement, il la tourne face à lui puis l’embrasse…
 Nyls écrit « Tu me montre ta chambre ? »
Nell écrit « Ahaha pourquoi je savais que tu allais vouloir la voir ? XD »
Nyls écrit « Je veux juste la voir, je ne te force en rien »
 Oui il ne la force pas à coucher avec, mais il la force à avoir envie de lui et c’est presque pire : elle est consciente et consentante à des choses qu’elle rejetait il y a 10 minutes !
 Nyls écrit « Elle est bien plus grande que celle que tu as à Dijon, mais toujours pas de grand lit XD »
Nell écrit « Non malheureusement, je l’acheter moi-même et pour l’instant ce n’est pas ma priorité »
 Nyls continu les caresses, les baisers, les mordillements… après avoir résisté, Nell finit par laisser échapper un frisson… C’est une catastrophe ! Il accélère alors le rythme de ses mouvements et sa respiration fait de même…
 Elle se laisse tomber sur le lit où son amant la pousse, il l’immobilise en se positionnant au-dessus d’elle
Il s’apprête à embrasser Nell mais s’arrête soudainement
 Nyls écrit « Tu es sûr que tout va bien ? »
Nell écrit « Eu… je suis mal à l’aise… j’en ai envie, il n’y a pas de doute, mais mes problèmes me stressent et je ne peux simplement pas te donner ce que tu me demande »
Nyls écrit « Tu dois réussir à te détendre… tu ne sais même pas encore si y a un véritable problème… tu le sauras dans la semaine, en attendant profite on ne fait rien qui puisse aggraver la chose au contraire : si tu prends du plaisir et te détends, ça pourrait déclencher tes règles. Tu dois bien savoir que le stresse peut provoquer du retard »
Nell écrit « Oui je sais… d’ailleurs j’en ai déjà eu l’expérience… mais rien de ce que tu me dis n’arrive à me rassurer… »
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boogiewrites · 6 years
Choking On Sapphires 9
Title & Song: Play With Fire
Characters: Alfie Solomons x OFC
Word Count: 2700+
Summary: Genevieve is a force to be reckoned with. An intelligent, independent and brutal businesswoman. She’s been intrigued by Alfie since she met him, but where should she draw the line between business and pleasure now that she’s caught his attention? When forced together by an enemy, how do they handle having their lives becoming suddenly so intertwined?
A/N: Every chapter of this story will have a song to work as the title and as a soundtrack. Chapter song is Play With Fire by The Rolling Stones. The songs give a good background to the stories and have some further insight into the characters. All text in italics is spoken in French.
Part 1: Thieves & Kings.- Pt. 2 Conquest - Pt. 3 Nail In My Coffin - Pt. 4 - 60 Feet Tall Pt. 5 I Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor Pt. 6 Stop The World Pt 7 Making A Fool Of You Pt 8 L'Amour et la violence Pt 10 Black Treacle
My Masterlist.
Warnings: Language.
Tags! Let me know if you’d like to be added or dropped! Thanks!
@fangirlfreakingout @jaegeeeeer​ @cosettewinchester​ @lookuptheskyisfalling-blog​ @brianaisasongbird @cry5t4l-w4rri0r@iliveonchocolateandnetflix @jess2464 @angry-kazoo-noises
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You wear a dress to breakfast instead of your usual robe and nothing else. He's back in his loose white shirt, you see his braces hanging over his dark trousers, his wide shoulders set squared with his elbows on the table. You watch him as you descend the stairs and trot into the dining room.
Bold of him to choose to sit at the end of the table first, as if he were the head. At least he hadn’t sat in the most elaborate chair, which was yours. He didn’t seem like he was one to start pulling power moves like that with you this early. You take your usual spot in your high backed chair at the opposite end of the rectangular, almost black dark wood table. You greet him through the hands that move around you, handing you a slightly different breakfast than usual.
"Were you able to get some sleep?" you lilt, breaking the silence. He doesn't look like he's gotten much, but you’d look worse if you’d been through what he had the past twenty-four hours.
"That bed is a dream, mate." he says with a slow but enthusiastic inflection.
"Good." you chirp, popping a piece of fruit into your mouth. You tap on your hard-boiled egg as you wonder where to begin. He breaks your thought process with the solution to your problem.
"So what ‘ave you being lyin’ to me about?" he says with a smirk, working his utensils on his plate, not looking up at you.
"Not as many things as you're assuming." you let out a chuckle at his lack of subtly. "Mainly from a lack of telling you anything distinctly personal about myself." You speak mostly into your teacup as you sip your tea. "So." you state forcefully, taking a deep breath. "Shall I start with the biggest lie?" you put on your more charming smile to make sure to lighten the mood. 
"Please, do." he answers with a nod of chin. You can't help but be entertained by the look on his tired face, the excitement of learning secrets in his eyes.
"My last name isn't Durand." your tone informative. You take a deeper breath before you speak again, "I'm The Lady Genevieve Greene." you say with a hint of reluctance, your face set in indifference for whatever reaction came your way. He stops chewing, sets his fork down and calmly pushes his plate to the side. His elbows rest on the table and he looks directly into your eyes like you were the most interesting thing in the world.
"A Lady?" he says quietly. His tone was suppressing his interest but his eyebrows were high, giving him away. He held his hands over his mouth, picking his beard. You nod and take another drink.
"My father is a British nobleman, my mother, born French." you pause and chew the inside of your cheek.
"That explains that funny little accent." he says with the realization in his voice, his head nodding slowly.
"Excuse you?" you ask in a scoff of a laugh, your eyebrows raising, a hesitant smile on your face.
"You have that littl' french twist to ya words sometimes, don’t ya?" he's rubbing his chin, piecing together everything he's learned about you, you can tell.
"Always the observant one." you taunt back in a low voice, not knowing if you felt insulted or not.
"How do you know Tommy Shelby?" he asks, fingers fully dug into his beard as his mind frolics in new information.
"I went to the same school as his wife, Grace. Our fathers knew each other, we were friends." You decide to continue when he doesn't interrupt you further. "I spent my summers in France,” you say in an exhale, “I attended a girls school in the south here where I met Grace.” you shrug slightly in conclusion, adding, “ I spent the holidays up north with father's family." you stop and consider his expression.
"Well that answer was far less climactic than I imagined it to be, yeah?" he huffs out a laugh. "How'd you get into theivin' if it weren't Tommy who done it?" he narrows his eyes at you.
"That's a personal question, not something I may or may not have lied about." you frown at him just slightly. He holds up his hands up in surrender for a moment. Since he doesn't press you further, you give the information freely. "I got into small crime for the thrill as a teenager and it built from there." you offer as an answer. "Then I decided to move to London from Paris and try to start my own legitimate business and build my own wealth, apart from my family's so I could support myself and the lifestyle I prefer without their money's involvement." you stop to take a drink.
"Ah, distancing yourself from the title in the name of independence, eh? That's why you changed your name then." he says his mouth drawn down into a thoughtful and impressed pose, his hand returning to the tabletop, it was more of a rhetorical statement you believed, so you nod in response.
"And in confidence, I tell you that if my stone hearted father had his way my last name wouldn't be Greene in fact." you frown, your brow slouching over your eyes in thought. "But if I may be so bold as to say I am my mothers favorite and therefore I'm still entertained to be part of the lot of them." you shrug, taking a drink.
"An old rich nobleman's daughter who won't conform to what daddy says, eh?" he elaborates in his own way to your former statement, his tone amused. "But yer ya mum's favorite for the same reasons you're his least, right?"
You let out a small chuckle and a grin is already on his lips when you look back up from the table at him. "Tale as old as time." you say in a playfully annoyed way.
“You seem to’ve done quite well for yourself Genevieve.” he says, eyes moving around the room before looking back at you.
Your smile is smug as you look him over after the compliment. “I have.” you say with a small nod, still smiling as you sip your tea. 
“I didn’t know there was so much to be made in honey.” he says with a smirk.
“More than you’d assume, yes.” you chuckle. When his eyes just keep staring into you, you roll your eyes and entertain his insistent expression. “Although the forms of income you are more familiar with do bring in more.” you say almost sarcastically because you knew he wanted to know what all you were into, but you weren’t giving that over to him just yet. “I didn’t get all this money by giving away all my secrets so you can stop looking at me like that.” you give him a soft glance and laugh, motioning your fork at him. His expression shifts almost instantly, an amused subtle smile on his face. He moves his hands away from his mouth, breaking the barrier he’d put up. His predatory nature was suppressed as he realizes he’s not in a negotiation, just having breakfast with the lady who has been more than hospitable towards him. He realizes he’s carrying tension from the stress he’s under and he doesn’t want to take that out on you.
"So what about the rest of the Greene’s? You have brothers and sisters then?" he asks, you're surprised this is the direction he was choosing to explore. His voice was easy going and his face charming and listening. "Nieces, nephews and the like?" he looks up at you, finding your face to have fallen slightly, his brow twitches at the realization he's opened his big mouth far too wide on the subject for you.
"Yes." you answer with a small half smile on your face, not reaching your eyes.
"The name Genny Greene makes you sound like some girl I used to know from the schoolyard, dunnit?" he blurts out with a teasing tone. You don't know if he senses your sadness at the thought of your family or if he felt he needed the attention pulled back to him momentarily, but you found his delivery very endearing nonetheless.
"Genny?" you stick your tongue out in disgust. "You sound like a Shelby, Alfie. Please don't, I have enough Shelby's in my life." your statement becomes littered with laughter as it carries on. "I have nothing against sounding like a schoolyard friend but if you must shorten my name, please take the most direct route and call me Gen, please." you say shaking your head, entertained but a slight scold to your tone.
"I think I prefer The Lady Genny, yeah?" he sounds almost proud of himself, his lips set in a pose of consideration. You narrow your eyes at him, a less friendly smirk on your face.
"Just because you know my real name now doesn't mean you get to call me by my title in public unless I instruct you to, Mr. Solomons." you use his name to let him know you're serious but your slouched shoulders tell him you aren't angry at his poking.
"Back to formalities so quickly Gen?" he hums in amusement at you. 'You should know I wouldn't call ya that where others could hear." he grumbles in defense of himself.
"When I said I had nothing against sounding like a schoolyard friend I didn't mean I was inviting you to take the piss out of me and pull my figurative pigtails, Aflie." you switch back to his first name to show you’re not being aggressive. You grin but pick at your plate with a fork, not looking at him. He laughs out loud at your response, bringing his own plate back in front of him while his shoulders shake.
"Well certainly won't now that I know you're a Lady," he smirks at you, mocking in his voice. The title was a formality he found to be so humorous due to your lack of Ladylike behavior in so many situations thus far. "Not now that I know you can send me to the guillotine with a nod of your noble chin, yeah?" he keeps his eyes on your face, you hold back a laugh, your tongue pushed against your teeth as your lips pull back and you chew to keep yourself from giving the reaction he sought. He's relieved when you roll your eyes and direct them at his.
"Oh, fuck off, Alfie." you chide with an animated shake of your head. He claps his hands together once, his head thrown back for just a moment in a shouted singular note of amusement at your crass words. You're both inclined to laugh as your faces level to meet each other in a pleasant exchange, sharing a glance into the others crinkled eyes before going back to your breakfast.
You'd had meetings set up for the upcoming week to try to get your mind off the dreams but since that situation remedied itself, you found yourself just plain old busy. Maybe getting your head back into work was what you needed.
You would have short breakfasts with Mr. Solomons and only one short dinner that week. He woke up early and went to bed late. You'd seen him come stalking in, heading to his room as you sat on a chair in the study at the end of the hallway, returning your eyes to your reading or drawing until they burned and you went to bed. You knew Alfie was a busy man but with the hours he kept, it made you feel lazy. When you saw him at breakfast, he was always there before you, sometimes finished before you even drew yourself to the table. You had painful small talk only once, as you both spoke to your seconds, finalizing plans for the day. You'd both realized neither wanted small talk, there was no point, so you would greet each other, give very curt briefings of what was keeping you both so busy and part with pleasantries. You were thankful he was a quiet, low maintenance guest. The maids were all wide-eyed at having a man in the house, especially the young ones. You couldn't blame them.
You'd come home later than him for once, a particularly grating day of contract negotiations, meetings for both Abeille and otherwise, your mind needed to lose some of its tension. Aggie tells you he's using your usual cozy space of the guest study for his work and you get out of your stuffy dress and into something soft. Another maid meets you in the hall on the way to the study with a glass of wine. She smiles and says Aggie wanted you to have it as you looked like you needed it. You accept it with a sarcastic thanks. 
You peak into the room, the fire going on the left wall, the desk sitting at the far end of the rectangular space in front of a heavily curtained window. He has his little half glasses on his nose. His hands, still decorated in rings at this late hour, hold papers and he busies himself with a pen to another sheet.
You move into the doorway. Only his eyes move to look at you at first, then he looks back down to finish his thought onto the paper. "Right," he says a reboot to his system, blinking his eyes and stretching out his arms. "I'll have my mess cleaned up before I head to bed." he says, motioning to the desk, stacks of paper and books on it.
"No, don't worry about it," you say dismissing his words with a swipe of your hand. "Would you like to just use this as your own personal study while you're here?" you suggest, sitting on the edge of the couch, facing the desk, not that far from where you sat.
"I wouldn't want to impose." he grumbles, shaking his head. 
"You're aware you're already living in my house, correct?" you joke, a tired smile on your face. "You see how many fucking rooms there are, Alfie, don't be ridiculous." you say in a lower register, moving your glass as you speak. He gives you a small amused smile, nods, and hums in agreement with your words.
"In that case, I'd like four rooms," he says, nodding his head to you. You hold in a laugh poorly at his animated head shaking at his own words. You keep your face straight, your eyes giving you away and try to scold him with a look. "Right. No fun, you are. Just this and the bedroom, yeah?" he says with fake exasperation, you're too tired to care about your reaction and you let yourself laugh at him, looking back into his mischievous gaze. You sigh and run your hand through your hair, resting both your hands on the edge of the couch.
"There's one catch to this room though," you say, your pointed foot tracing the flowers on the carpet. His eyebrows raise at you, a smug look on his face. "This room happens to be the one I like the best for my reading at night." you shrug as in, what could you do about it. "So if you don't mind me planting myself by the fire with my head buried in a book on occasion, the room is yours," you say, your hand motioning to the space.
"Seeing as I've already set my papers here I suppose I'll just have to get over it, won't I?" he says while looking down at the desk, shaking his head even though the way he held his mouth told you he was being cheeky.
"That's a relief." you nod."Because it is my house and I would sit in here regardless of your answer." he head tilts just slightly at your words. " But I am glad you're proving cooperative." your face ran from straight to playfull over the course of your words, him watching you speak all of them. You start to walk towards the doorway, your body moving slowly from overuse, you lean on the doorway with your hip and shoulder. You lead with one of your true intentions on speaking with him this evening. "I periodically throw small parties for my staff. There's a big menu, music and everyone's invited. Just little thank you's from time to time and on holidays and special occasions and the like." you pause your wandering eyes back on him, he looks slightly confused as to what you're getting at. "It would seem the large portion of my house staff, who happen to be Jewish have used your arrival here as a means to get me to throw some of these said parties for Shabbat. And even though they already do get the day off, they did bring up a good point about how I should make sure my guest feels entirely welcome, as per my role of Lady of the house and I happen to agree with that." you give a small half shrug in consideration. "So, would you happen to be able to join us for dinner tomorrow night?" you clasp your hands together in front of you, your fingertips fussing with each other.
"Would you like me to?" his brow lowers just momentarily when he asks your opinion. His eyes are much more awake than yours, not moving away from you as you feel he senses a weight to your question.
"Of course I would," you state plainly with an air of ease, showing him there was no loaded double meaning to your words. "Having dinner with me," you hold your hand to your chest. "The woman who practically saved your life if you recall, it would be a nice way to start thanking me for that wouldn't it?" you smile, his lips return the gesture. You watch him as those direct words of affirmation reach his ears, even laced with your teasing tone. "I assumed that you wouldn't be working come sundown tomorrow." your face is pleasant and only hinted with sarcasm. "But being as this is the longest we've spoken since your arrival, I didn't know if you'd be able to write me down in the diary on such short notice." your face is friendly to him but still full of attitude.
"I've written you in every time you've asked so far, haven't I?" he answers you with an unexpected, disarmingly charming smile that affects you far too much in your sleepy state.
"Shall I order the Challah then?" you retort back your chin raising in minor defiance to his taunting words, crossing your arms under your chest, your mouth open in an easy-going smile.
"Don't be ridiculous. I'll bring it myself." he says with a definitive nod as you narrow your eyes at him, open smile still on your face.
"So cooperative." you almost coo at him with a biting grin. You start chuckling to yourself as you start the long walk back to your room.
Pt 10 Black Treacle
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killer oc: the outsider
Real  Name: Antonio Torres 
Benedict Quote: “ it lurks in the shadows but even with the help of the new moon, the glow he creates will always tell his location. But to him it seems to not be an issue unlike some of the other beings around here, odd this once human now treats us more like play toys than anything. Flinging his acid and what seems to be watching in a disgusting form of a grin as we twist and turn on the dirt floor trying to get rid of the burning pain, but there something different about him, I had finally came to the conclusion of what this was when I had a chance to see the monstrosity in the eye. And if there ever is a god then from what have seen in that pitch darkness, may God bless those who ever crossed this thing.
General description/overview: the outsider is a staller, with his ability “toxic torment” that allows him to puke up balls of corrosive acid at objects. he is able to stop work and confuse the survivors long enough for him to make the kill. With his perks: rancid odor, monstrous gambol, and dispense hysteria. The outsider’s perks give him the advantage of separating groups and causing as much havoc as he can.  Year arrived: 1992 Gender: male Ethnicity: latino Nationality: American Chapter: prom night massacre   Survivor: Antoine Durand Realm:  jointer high Weapon: ritual clever Power: toxic torment Height: 7’1” ft/ 2.1 m Clothing description: The outsider wears the clothes he wore to the crime. However, this time they are burned and torn from the entity's involvement. The hoodie that had concealed his face is torn and burned from the left shoulder to the right hip and the hood completely gone. The jogging pants he wore is covered in holes and tears. And he discarded the sneakers that adorn his feet when the entity converted him leaving him barefoot. Physical description: The outsider has greenish grey skin and sunken eyes. His lower jaw is completely stripped of skin leaving only burnt flesh and bone, and his chest is bloody raw. Clawed hands and feet and patches of flatten hair only meant to increase in the terror it already imposes. His physique is that of a mixture of a corpse and an emaciated human, he hunches over like a wild animal ready for the hunt. Backstory: Antonio Torres was born under the hot Miami sun, however, the weather couldn’t warm the child’s heart growing up. What seems to be a cold-hearted child, the boy just like in all fairy tales was just misunderstood. Sadly, he was never given a chance. Already was viewed as an oddity by the other locals,rumors were spread and people talked behind the child’s back, and ultimately  he was left alone to stew in his anger and negative thoughts as he would stare into the tv for hours while crying after being told by the other children that they didn’t want to play with him. But, there was something that gave the child light in the shadows of being alone and that was his family, living in a single parent house is always difficult and it showed when the only thing a young Antonio could do was watch TV as his mother went to work at the local chicken factory. Also, there to watch the young child was Antonio’s grandmother, a frail old woman who was the only one who kept Antonio from getting into trouble. However, the bullying didn’t stop, especially after the boy was caught drowning one of his neighbor's dogs. Though already having a bad reputation in the community, it as easy for him to persuade his neighbors that what happened was an accident, a misunderstanding of how life works when it comes to forcing a toy dog in a vat of water when it’s the owner wasn’t looking. Listening to the shadows in his ear telling him in what to do, this wouldn’t b the last nor first time he followed these whispers. They were also there when he shoved a younger kid down a pair of old stairs on the outskirts of their apartment buildings that he dragged them too, watching them as they screamed with each step they took before their head slammed onto the abandoned concrete. And like with the dog incident this time too, he manipulated and played the people into not getting the worst punishment. But the feeling of being more ostracized then already wasn’t worth the pleasure he felt seeing his image in the pool of crimson. Now totally cut off from society in the form of total silence, Antonio seemed to snap. Now after years of the shadows being his friends and the death of his grandmother, the boy finally gave the fog what it wants. Waiting for his prom night that he wasn’t invited too, even though he had to go through a pesky janitor with a wench, he was able to break into the school’s basement. Where the eighteen-year-old opened the water source, he could only smile as he drained some of the water to replace it with acid and bleach he snatched from his mother’s work. Afterward, while the partygoers were having their fun, Antonio went into work sealing and covering every exit. With a punch to the door window and lit of a match, with disgusting glee, he watched as the room sprung into chaos as it filled with acid rain and chlorine gas. As teens and teachers alike were not only covered with boils but those boils being dissolved along with the rest of their flesh. Antonio watched with glee at the sight only to fall into the claws of the entity. By the time the police arrived there were no survivors, and there were no Antonio either. Only a pair of shoes covered in the blood.
toxic torment- toxic torment allow the outcast to hurl balls of acid at the survivor. If hit the survivor will not be hurt. However, it will give the burn effect ( the acid stays on the survivor giving a  5/10/20(depending on add-on) percent penalty on all skill check, after 40/35/20 seconds the survivor will be put into the injured state, and after that 30/25/10 seconds the survivor will go into the dying state. The only way to get rid of the acid is to get heal from another survivor. Survivors will also be more noticeable when hit due to the neon green painted on them.) 
“ a power bestowed to the killer as a welcoming gift after enduring the torture of the entity”   
Perks: Rancid odor- you are rotten inside and out, and with this, you use it to get those who become too comfortable. 
this increases your terror radius by 14,25,37 meters, once survivors get into your terror radius skill check will get a 2/5/10%  bonus decrease. “ God, what is that smell. It’s putrid.” Monstrous gamble- you feed on chaos, and because of this you will do anything to gets your fill. Your aura reading capabilities increased, allowing you to see survivors after doing a loud action or failed skill check in your terror radius. Until hook, However, this increased the chance of being blinded longer.   Dispense hysteria-  your connection with the entity is great, and to you, this means you can play with your toys just the way you want. With each hit you get a token, 2 tokens allow you to receive a 10% speed boost, 3 tokens allow you to break gens and pallet, but also vault quicker, 4 tokens gives you the ability to see scratch marks and pools of blood easier, 5 tokens give the survivors the hindered status. Mori: the outcast will pounce on the survivor, straddling them as he strangles him/ her before throwing up acid all over his face.
Add-ons: Common: Chewed up pen- A used pen with a busted cartridge, empty of ink. Slightly increases the distance of toxic treatment. Trampled notebook- A notebook with muddy footprints on it. “ they beat me up abuela! They beat me up!” Slightly increases the potency of toxic treatment. Returned birthday letter- A birthday letter with a “return to sender” sticker on it. Slightly increases the speed of reloading for toxic treatment. Burnt gloves- A pair of holed filled gloves used in a heinous crime. Moderately increases the number of toxic treatment: +1 Uncommon: Crumbled up notes - Pieces of paper with what seems to be algebra on it, crumbled into a ball. Moderately increases the distance of toxic treatment. Burnt love letter- The remains of what seems to be a love letter, the only thing that can be truly read is “ dear, Louis.” Moderately increases the potency of toxic treatment. Cracked brick- A brick with a crack in it.it was the one that flew into a window. Moderately increase the speed of toxic treatment. Gives toxic treatment the exhaustion status. Bloodied wench- A wench used to crack open the janitor's skull. “ you should haven’t have opened your mouth” Gives all survivors who get hit by toxic treatment the blind status Slightly slows the survivor down if hit.   Rare: Scratched CD: A CD with writing on it, but it’s all scratched up. Moderately increase the distance of toxic treatment. Allows the outsider to see the aura of survivors who were hit with toxic treatment for 5 seconds. Damp leash: A  damp leash made for a dog. Moderately increase the potency of toxic treatment. Stops all survivors from completely quick vaults. Burnt empty bottle: Bottles of chemicals used to clean heavy machinery, burn holes are littered on the plastic. Moderately increases the amount of toxic treatment: +2 Gives the exhaustion status Very Rare: Abuela’s necklace  A sapphire necklace filled with negative energy. Was given by a passed away loved one. Moderately increase the distance of toxic treatment Gives the hit survivor the blind status Increases the time it takes to clean off toxic treatment. Broken headset A headset used by a lonely teen. Tremendously increase the potency of toxic treatment Give the hit survivor the exhaustion status. Stops all survivors hit with toxic treatment from doing quick actions. Bloodied piece of fabric A piece of fabric with dried blood on it seems like a reminder for someone who’ve been hurt. Tremendously increase the number of toxic treatment: +2 Give the hit survivor the hindered status. Tremendously increase the reload time of toxic treatment
Ultra Rare:
Bloodied sneakers
Sneakers drenched in the blood of those the wearers have killed.
Moderately Increase the outsiders reload time 
Gives the hit survivor the exhaustion status
Allows to down survivor into death state. 
Iridescent crown: 
A  melted glass crown forged by the fog itself, the wearer is filled with the entity’s power and can feel the intense vibration it creates. 
Allows the outsider to break pallets when thrown on him. Gives toxic treatment the exposed status Gives  10 percent cooldown on Map: jointer high Description: This place was once for learning, for understanding the world around us and even how some dare goes past the line between what society considers right and wrong. But, everyone knows more then that happens in these walls. Teenagers at that age don’t care about right and wrong, but of what can past as “cool” and “uncool.” it this lack of empathy that helps fester a disease that plagued the halls, a disease created by years of abuse from society itself. Now empty these walls now only hold the disease and the remnants of the event that painted the walls red. Gymnasium: The scene of the massacre, now rotten and overgrown all seem to be forgotten. With open patches in the wooden floor and broken ceiling lying chaotically on the floor, decorations from that night still lay a mess. The only creature still living in the mass crypt is the shadows that were rumored to still roam.
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general-radix · 6 years
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Started off as just a random sketch of demon!Durandal and somehow became this. Gen-1 demon trio on top, Gen-2 quartet down below. (I don’t see Erylis as having kids, or even wanting any of her own when she’s fine with helping look after the Sword Sisters and their half-brothers)
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marinebercot · 3 years
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Marine Bercot, Bleu à l'intérieur (clip vidéo)
Bleu à l’intérieur (Berlin) (M. Bercot / P. Durand) Par Marine Bercot
« Bleu à l’intérieur » est le troisième single du 3e album de Marine Bercot, « Ravi(e)s », qui sortira le 5 février prochain.
« Bleu à l’intérieur » raconte l’histoire de la rencontre (presque) amoureuse de Marine Bercot avec la ville de Berlin…  Elle s’adresse à cette ville comme on s’adresse à un personne que l’on aime. C’est une déclaration d’amour passionnée, un coup de foudre qui (la) nourrit.
Marine Bercot aborde le thème du voyage comme un accès plus direct à la liberté intérieure, comme une incitation à créer des textes, des images ou des liens…, comme une opportunité d’élargir son horizon, d’échapper aux préjugés, de favoriser l’apprentissage et les mélanges.
« J’avais de Berlin l’image d’une ville froide. J’ai été happée par l’énergie à la fois douce et fulgurante de cette ville. J’ai immédiatement ressenti ce « ravissement », cet état d’être on l’on se sent entièrement disponible pour engranger des émotions nouvelles, absorber de la beauté, mieux comprendre l’Histoire aussi, saisir la force d’une ville éprouvée et résiliante. Malgré le poids du passé, bien visible, je me souviens de sensations de joie et de liberté rarement connues ! » 
Le clip « Bleu à l’intérieur », réalisé par Julien Leloup, nous entraîne dans la danse enivrante d’une balade à Berlin, mêlée aux images d’archives de la Deuxième Guerre, et portée par une musique électrisante et hypnotique, galvanisante et entêtante.
  // L’IMAGE //
Réalisation & Montage : Julien Leloup Image : Stephan Massis Etalonnage : Guillaume Schiffman & Richard Deusy Maquillage : Djénète Boo
Produit par Banco Music
Marine Bercot : voix Pierre Durand : guitare Toma Milteau : percussions Julien Chirol : synthés, programmation Nicolas Dufournet : programmation
Paroles : Marine Bercot Musique : Pierre Durand Réalisation et arrangements : Julien Chirol, Nicolas Dufournet Enregistré et mixé par Julien Chirol et Martin Antiphon (Music Unit) Masterisé par Pierre Luzy (Music Unit)
Produit par J’entends le soleil…[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width= »1/2″][vc_column_text]
// LES MOTS //
Berlin Je ne me souviens plus d’aucun nom De quartier, de rue, de statue, de rien Je me souviens de ma première soupe Et du premier matin Quand il faisait froid Quand je suis restée plantée là En face d’un reste du mur J’étais à l’ouest, Il faisait bon te rencontrer enfin
Berlin J’ai vu des photos de toi avant De 1920 à nos jours No man’s land et les bombes autour J’ai vu la violence et les femmes aux pavés Un bout d’église ressuscitée Bleu à l’intérieur Et les bleus sur ton visage Et la peur Et la vie rentrée
Berlin Toute neuve Je voudrais te bercer Laver ta mémoire Et balayer tes rues Des kilos de cendres Qui traînent derrière toi Comme une ombre, comme une ombre…[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width= »1/2″][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]Berlin Je te vois grandir Je te serre dans mes bras Ne te soucie de rien Et rigole à nouveau Comme les gens qui ont souffert, tu es belle Et tu n’as rien à prouver Tu es celle que mon cœur protège Tout est clair maintenant, hein ?
Berlin Je me souviens De Potsdam Du bar Jasmin Enfumé comme en 40 Je me souviens de cet homme turc Au petit déjeuner Son beau regard A l’est des tanks, Je repars, mais j’ai laissé De quoi revenir, une clé au 26 Car je n’ai pas fini de lire
Berlin Merci de m’accueillir encore et encore Merci de me nourrir encore et encore Merci de me sourire, tu me fais du bien Berlin ![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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