#emma’s long rants
stubblesandwich · 1 month
Picture this.
Killian, Emma, and Henry are settling in for a movie night. The DVD starts up, and this warning comes up on the screen:
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Killian: ......
Emma: ......
Henry: ......
Killian: you know what ELSE isn't a victimless crime
Emma: oh God, here we go
Killian: feckless, coward kings who can't even amass the scrap of honor it would take to do their own dirty work--
Henry: make it stop
Killian: --and send innocent men to their deaths without so much as a sliver of--
Emma: *jamming the fast forward button on the remote as Killian goes on* It won't let me skip it!
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themeepyfreak · 7 months
Day 3: Love Languages
Neal/Bae: Physical Touch
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Neal/Bae's love language is the easiest to parse out in canon because it's prevalent throughout. Ever since Bae was a baby, physical touch was how Rumple expressed his love to him. In every flashback scene with Rumple and Bae, Rumple has a hand on Bae, silently supporting and protecting him.
And the show writers use this nonverbal interaction to parallel Bae and Rumple's relationship as it becomes more strained. When Rumple becomes the Dark One, his touch becomes more possessive. This continues until Bae starts rejecting Rumple's touch (as he rejects the Dark One) when Rumple tries to reach out to him in "Nasty Habits" and "Manhattan". In both "The Return" and "Manhattan", Rumple's abandonment of Bae is described as Rumple letting go of Bae's hand- a very physical action. That's why the moment when Bae grabbed Rumple's hand in "The Miller's Daughter" is so impactful- because it is the first time that Bae wholeheartedly accepts his father's touch and affection in centuries, even if he is still angry. As season 3A progresses, Bae physically distances himself from his father in Neverland when he finds out about the prophecy and feels like he can't trust him in "Nasty Habits". However, once Bae forgives his father in "Save Henry", he enthusiastically hugs him. In season 3B, Bae and Rumple literally share a body due to Rumple's love for Bae- their physical closeness once again symbolizing their repaired relationship. When Bae dies in "Quiet Minds", his hand falls out of Rumple's, representing their permanent separation. Bae no longer needs Rumple's physical touch and affection because Bae's no longer there.
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Using touch to portray affection and genuine care is a theme for Bae throughout his life. In "Second Star to the Right", Bae uses physical touch to comfort Wendy. And later in "Tallahassee", Bae is more physically affectionate with Emma the more that time passes and the closer that they become. Even as early as their first "date" in "There's No Place Like Home", Bae plays with Emma's glove when he's being vulnerable to feel closer to her physically without crossing her boundaries and touching her.
Bae's need for physical affection in "Tallahassee" (especially after being touch starved in Neverland for centuries) is complemented by Emma reciprocating that physical affection despite not being a touchy person. Emma starts out being standoffish in the beginning of "Tallahassee" and "There's No Place Like Home", drawing into herself and avoiding any physical touch. However, as time passes, she gets more comfortable with being physically affectionate and even initiates it, especially when Bae is upset. One canon example is when Emma grounds Bae with physical touch when Bae is agitated about the wanted poster. When Bae starts arguing against Emma going for the watches, she swings her arm around him which seems to calm him down to the idea more.
I headcanon that Emma and Bae did a lot of hand-holding and non-verbal communication throughout their relationship. I think that they had signals to each other to make sure the other person is alright (which would have helped during heists as well) to complement Emma's innate ability to read Bae. I think that Emma realized early on that the best way to comfort Bae after nightmares was physical touch (hugs, gentle kisses). I can also see Emma sidling up to Bae whenever she sensed that something was bothering him and just quietly grabbing his hand and lacing her fingers in between his to remind Bae that he's not alone and make him relax almost instantly.
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Just like physical touch is used to display the progress in Bae and Rumple's relationship, it is also used to show the progress in Bae and Emma's relationship when they reunite.
Bae has a tendency to fidget with his scarf, especially when he is vulnerable around Emma, which I think is a self-soothing technique. He longs for her physical touch, but too much has happened between them for him to reach out to her, so he physically touches his scarf to comfort himself. It isn't until the penultimate episode of season 2 after he breaks up with Tamara that he finally reaches out to Emma, hugging her when she's about to fall through the portal. This continues in season 3A when he hugs her after getting out of the cage in "Ariel" and stays beside her to support her throughout.
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Emma, on the other hand, tries to be standoffish around Bae but fails miserably- just like how she tries to deny her love for Bae but fails. Since they reunite, Emma is always pictured by Bae's side (which is seen in many stills from season 2B and 3A). Not to mention that other than Henry, Emma initiates physical contact (even if it is just casual) with Bae more than anyone else in canon in the earlier seasons. In season 2B, she physically pushes him in "The Miller's Daughter" when he stops to stare at the magical chalk barrier, and she physically grabs him to stop him from going after Henry when Henry confronts Regina in "Welcome to Storybrooke". In season 3A, Emma hugs Bae in Neverland after they get him out of the cage in "Ariel", Emma sidles next to Bae to hug him after his father dies (which encourages Henry to do the same) in "Going Home", and Emma's the one who initiates the hug with Bae at the town line when they are about to be separated yet again. When Bae dies in "Quiet Minds", Emma pulls Bae into her arms and lets Bae die being physically comforted by her- being loved. And lastly, when Emma reunites with Bae briefly in the underworld in "Souls of the Departed", Emma caresses Bae's face, showing that she still loves him even though he is dead.
This behavior especially stuck out to me because in the earlier seasons, the other person usually has to initiate physical contact for Emma to return it. But with Bae, she's a lot more liberal and initiative with physical touch, even when she "hates" him.
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Finally, to cement how Bae associates physical touch with love and affection, Bae is very physically affectionate with Henry. From their first meeting, Bae mimics Henry's body language and leans in close to him when talking, showing his love and interest through nonverbal communication. As they get closer, Bae is always touching Henry- ruffling his hair, patting his shoulder, carrying him, hugging him, wrestling with him in the background of "The New Neverland", etc. And Henry returns it readily, appreciating physical affection just like his father does (though probably not as desperately as Bae seems to crave it). The blatant physical affection between Henry and Bae is what makes their relationship seem so close and loving, even if they had a limited time together.
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anghraine · 2 years
A couple of days ago, I encountered a particularly terrible Austen take, which touched on P&P but was more focused on Emma. It’s related to something I see pretty often in fandom and in more pop culture-style takes, but much less often in academia, so I wanted to talk about it here instead of in an academic format.
The context: in Emma, there’s a scene where Jane Fairfax talks about her plan to go into work as a governess by referring to offices that trade in the sale of human intellect (i.e., the governesses’s intellects). Mrs Elton misunderstands this as “a fling at the slave-trade” and rushes to say that her brother-in-law (whom she constantly praises) is pro-abolition. Jane explains that she was talking about the governess trade and the conversation moves on.
The take: wow, Austen is saying abolition is bad! Emma is pro-slavery! Austen was pro-slavery! That’s where Bingley’s and Mr Gardiner’s money is really coming from!
To be clear, this isn’t a terrible “interpretation” (for lack of a better word) because Austen was an unproblematic genius who could do no wrong. I actually do think the interchange in Emma is deeply problematic, but in a more complicated and less clickbait-y way that I’ll explain.
The logic of the interpretation, as far as I can tell, is that Mrs Elton is an awful and fairly stupid person, so by associating her with abolition, Austen is criticizing abolitionists. This is basically the same logic used by the people who argue that Lady Catherine’s opposition to entailments means that P&P is actually pro-entailment (also a truly asinine reading).
It’s pretty evident in the P&P case that Lady Catherine opposes entailing estates away from women because she personally (and her daughter) would lose power, property, and wealth under entailment, and moreover, that she’s using the occasion to gloat about the superiority of her and Anne’s situation. The point is less to tell us about entailment discourse and more to tell us about Lady Catherine.
Similarly, in Emma, Mrs Elton’s rush to insist on Mr Suckling’s pro-abolition politics tells us less about abolition and more about Mrs Elton. She jumps to an incorrect assumption (that Jane was talking about literal slavery), hurries to defend a brother-in-law whom nobody else was talking about, then just keeps going without really listening to what Jane is saying or showing any understanding of her character. So we see that she’s not particularly bright, that she doesn’t listen to the people she’s allegedly trying to help, that her confidence is brittle and defensive, and that she’s generally obnoxious.
It’s possible to see that as all that’s really going on here. In that case, it would be pretty bad, IMO—referencing the actual, ongoing horrors of the slave trade simply to illustrate how unpleasant Mrs Elton is towards other white English people. But that’s still far short of “abolition is bad, actually.”
It’s possible to go further. So Mrs Elton is brittle and defensive, at least on this point. Maybe that’s just how she is. But you could also read her defensiveness as pretty suspect. She leaps to the assumption that the quiet girl she’s trying to mentor is attacking the slave-trade out of nowhere and that her own family’s position on the subject could be in some doubt. It may be that there are actually legitimate reasons why her family’s position could be in doubt.
Mrs Elton’s father and the source of her ten thousand pounds was a Mr Hawkins of Bristol, and this is what we hear of him:
merchant, of course, he must be called; but, as the whole of the profits of his mercantile life appeared so very moderate, it was not unfair to guess the dignity of his line of trade had been very moderate also
Despite Mrs Elton’s time in Bath, “Bristol was her home, the very heart of Bristol” because she was living with an uncle there who is some kind of lawyer and because her sister (the one married to the glorious Mr Suckling) lives near Bristol as well. So Mrs Elton’s entire family at this point is closely tied to Bristol, which was the lead British slaving port in the mid-eighteenth century and still very, very heavily and lucratively involved in it later on.
It is therefore extremely possible that her own fortune, and/or Mr Suckling’s, derives pretty directly from the slave trade in some fashion or another. Now, it’s worth bearing in mind that Britain’s economy was deeply tied up in the slave trade generally and there was no truly unproblematic way to be prosperous at the time, even without immediate involvement in the trade. But a lot of people would distinguish between the ways in which this affected everyone with money and actually owing your fortune directly to slavery.
So this leads to more possible interpretations, like:
1) Mrs Elton’s father was involved in the slave trade in some capacity and her own fortune derives from it. Even though Jane Fairfax says she’s not talking about the sale of human flesh, her wording is vague enough that it’s the immediate association Mrs Elton makes. She rushes to use Mr Suckling’s pro-abolition sympathies, such as they are, to deflect attention.
2) Mr Suckling is involved in the slave trade in some way. Mrs Elton ordinarily doesn’t think or care about this, but Jane’s remark brings it to her mind. She’s constitutionally incapable of keeping her mouth shut, so she babbles out some nonsense about him being friendly to abolition, with “rather” doing a lot of heavy lifting.
There are other possibilities (or some combination of these) as well. Regardless, Mrs Elton’s defensiveness about the slave trade + the emphasis on her origins in Bristol seem fairly suggestive. At worst, IMO, her shallow and self-serving use of abolition to prop herself up as a moral authority illustrates her character without indicating that abolition itself is bad, in that “Lady Catherine is right about entailment, in the most Lady Catherine way possible” sense.
I think Jane Fairfax’s explanatory response to Mrs Elton actually tells us a lot more about Austen’s perspective, given how sympathetic the overall narrative is to her and her situation, and that we know that Austen had strong feelings with respect to governesses. Additionally, I thought it quite strange that The Take did not address Jane’s response at all, given that it falls directly into a device that was unfortunately common among white British women opposed to slavery.
Jane’s response is essentially this: a) she was talking about the governess trade, not the slave trade, b) that the people involved in the trade of governesses are not anywhere near as morally reprehensible as those who carry on the slave trade, but c) despite this, she doesn’t know whether the miseries of slaves or of governesses are worse.
Obviously, C is factually and morally wrong. You don’t have to understate the misfortunes and abuses of British governesses to understand that literal chattel slavery was on an entirely different level of horror. But this use of slavery as a rhetorical prop for discussing the oppression of white British (especially English) women is something that comes up a lot from women whom you’d hope would know better, like Austen here in Emma (and implicitly in MP, where it’s difficult not to link Sir Thomas’s moral failures as a father/uncle to his position as a plantation owner, esp given that it’s called Mansfield Park).
The argument is underpinned by the assumption that slavery is really bad and that reasonable people can agree that slavery is really bad, sure. It makes the reading of this interchange as pro-slavery even more batshit than it already was. But “slavery and the slave trade are very bad” is an exceptionally low bar.
To give an idea of what I’m talking about in a more general sense, you can see a roughly similar rhetorical device in Mary Wollstonecraft’s The Wrongs of Woman:
“Was not the world a vast prison, and women born slaves?”
“He, forsooth, was her master; no slave in the West Indies had one more despotic”
“I yet submitted to the rigid laws that enslave women”
Etc. And Wollstonecraft was unquestionably opposed to actual slavery; in Vindication of the Rights of Men, she describes slavery as an inhuman custom and atrocious insult to humanity, and the slave trade as “a traffic that outrages every suggestion of reason and religion” (she later terms it “the infernal slave trade”).
So you get these women who intellectually understood that slavery was awful, but for whom it seemed so remote that they chiefly engaged with it as a metric of comparison for their own oppression. The rhetoric can sound a bit like, idk, a seven-year-old complaining about how doing chores is like SLAVERY, MOM but it is important to understand that when Wollstonecraft and Austen refer to slavery, they aren’t talking carelessly about the general concept, but deliberately invoking the very real, very specific, ongoing practice of chattel slavery in order to underscore the suffering of white British women.
In the case of Emma, you could argue that this is Jane Fairfax’s perspective but not necessarily Austen’s. There’s no real narrative comment on what she says because Mrs Elton just breezes right past it. But the novel’s treatment of Jane Fairfax does not incline me to think that the purpose of the comparison is to highlight the flaws in her thinking.
But the incredibly simplistic “Mrs Elton’s brother-in-law is allegedly rather friendly to abolition and therefore Austen is pro-slavery” reading misses all of this. And there is a reason that people rush to that kind of reading without even considering that Jane Fairfax’s response takes “the slave trade is bad” as a given.
I can’t really supply quotes or historical details for the reason that people do this, because it’s more a matter of tone and vibes, so feel free to take it with a grain of salt. But people (especially other white people, in my experience) are not just ready to find signs of slavery apologia in these texts, they seem eager and excited to do so. It’s fun. The idea of a pro-slavery, pro-slave trade Austen does not ruin Emma or P&P or whatever for them. It’s treated as an interesting complication. People jump to the assumption that Elizabeth’s uncle Gardiner, portrayed as a kind, sensible man and living refutation of the Darcy-Fitzwilliam snobbery, is making his living as a tradesman via the slave trade because, wow, wouldn’t that be something?
This is fucking grotesque. Mr Gardiner would be a monstrous human being and the sympathetic portrayal of him would be disgusting. If we interpret “in trade” to universally mean “in the slave trade” then Darcy would have been 100% correct to hold tradesmen in contempt. The novel ending with Darcy coming to love the Gardiners and both Darcy and Elizabeth being eternally grateful to them for enabling their romance would be inexpressibly trivializing. That isn’t interesting, it’s awful.
In fact, while we don’t know the details of Mr Gardiner’s line of trade, we do know that he stores his merchandise in warehouses within sight of his house in Gracechurch Street, London, making it wildly improbable that he’s dealing in slaves. Bingley’s father may or may not have been involved in the slave trade based on the novel (in fact, it’s not 100% certain that Bingley’s father was a tradesman at all, though likely). The name may come from the town of Bingley in Yorkshire. There was also a Thomas Bingley who partnered with the real life Fitzwilliam family, also in Yorkshire, to manufacture pottery between 1778 and 1806 (P&P was written in 1796-7).
The point here isn’t just that these specific instances are actually pretty unlikely candidates. It’s that people are so enthusiastic about jumping to slave trade headcanons(??????) that they ignore what that would really mean, they ignore the actual text, they ignore relevant historical details, for no real end beyond vaguely problematizing Austen.
Look, if you think P&P is propping up a slave trader as an intelligent and kindly man and cool uncle to the heroine and ultimately the hero, you should find the book repugnant. If this is no more than a minor complication for you, why? This isn’t some mildly edgy reading. I’ve seen people who actually commit to this kind of interpretation, and while I think it’s a poor interpretation textually speaking, at least those people understand the gravity of what they’re suggesting. Most people, though, just seem to find the whole thing an entertaining possibility and then put it aside.
I think that’s appalling, to be honest. This kind of reading should not be fun for you, especially if you’re an Austen fan. Frankly, you should either commit to the interpretation—ideally without ignoring the text—or stop this grossly trivializing half-assed shit.
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citrusacidic · 1 year
LOVED THE NEW SEASON!!who r u taking home with you (translation: who’s the blorboest)
thank u so much for asking (evil face)
- Zee is probably my overall fave which was kinda surprising to me but it makes sense, i just fucking love that dude. I can tell his archetype is like those guys in stoner movies, and i watched dazed and confused and fucking loved Ron so ofc im a big Zee fan. Plus i am usually a fan of the characters with purely good intentions and Zee is a SWEETHEART. he literally got kicked for being the most liked SMH
- everytime i like a ship and then it becomes canon my brain runs laps around the sun and i become rabid so of COURSEEEE Bowie and Raj HAVE to be up there!!! the second they had that little scene where bowie held raj’s hands i became so mf aggroed on them its insane. And of course Waynes aggressively supportive character was so sweet to see i love the hockey boys SOOO much
- i loved Emma for most of the season. she was great. until the Chase thing... where she went back to him. so fingers crossed season 2 bowie knocks some sense into her and she dumps chase’s ass for good, other than that shes way up there
- priya is so baby girl. when her design was released everyone thought she was just the nice girl but shes fuckin RABID (along with emma) she is such a fun character
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emmcarstairs · 9 months
I'll be going about my day and suddenly remember all these photos of girls sitting on the beach, looking over at the ocean longingly, and think about how this is exactly how Emma felt about Julian for years.
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modernchillthings · 2 years
Another HotD rant
I hate going on tiktok and seeing ppl complain about Emma and Matt's chemistry. Their dynamic has changed so therefore their interaction would feel different and new.
Idk why people expect Rhaenyra to be the same fiery teen she was back then when it's literally been 10 years. Older Rhae has gone through so much over the years like, she witnessed a death at her own wedding, shes a mother now and just recently lost her lover of 10 years, everyone in King's landing probably talk shit behind her back especially about her children. Plus Emma even said that Rhaenyra tried to conform to what society wants from her which is why she appears more subdued the past two eps until the end of ep 7 where she finds her fire again with Daemon by her side.
Basically, their interaction this ep wasn't meant to be passionate and full of lust but more mature even a bit hesitant because they haven't seen each other in so long along w the fact that they both lost someone they cared about. Additionally, you can see their fire spark again during their wedding scene and hopefully in the episodes to come.
Like I get it, when I first watched it, I wasnt feeling it either. But it was mostly cuz I couldn't see shit. However, after rewatching where I could actually see their facial expressions, I could feel their emotions.
I also have to add that, according to the behind the scenes thingy, ep 7 was the first ep they ever shot of the show so therefore the actors aren't used to each other, they haven't had time to be their characters yet. Plus, Milly and Matt's Daemyra had 5 episode of build-up whereas this is Emma and Matt's first time together.
Also, idk if it's a hot take or not, but while I do love Milly and Matt's chemistry and the whole reason why I like Daemyra in the first place, it just feels weird seeing her who looks so young with someone who is obviously older. Maybe people are more gravitated towards that but it just doesn't sit right with me that ppl would rather see an younger actress be paired up with a 40 year old-man. Like Emma is still 10 years younger than Matt and their characters would still have that age gap but it just wouldnt be physically visible. I like that their characters now don't seem to have the same power imbalance. They're both more mature, toxic as hell, but seemingly more equal now.
I do place the blame mostly on the director cuz those night scenes were ass. There are so many innovative ways to make night scenes where it's obviously night time but it isn't dark as hell. Of course ppl wont feel their chemistry bc no one can see anything!! Facial expressions are so important to an actor. It's such a disservice to both Matt and Emma's performances.
Next two eps will be directed by women so if I notice the difference then I know what the problem was for sure! I really do hope we get to see more of Daemyra next ep and their changed dynamic. I know we'll have another time skip (which is another thing!!!) so I'm kind of worried but looking forward to it nonetheless.
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ncutii-gatwa · 5 months
the sadness i feel not being able to gif doctor who properly
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leopardom · 13 days
maybe i should stop posting any kind of content i create, i feel like i have annoyed pretty much everyone at this point
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goldiipond · 1 year
i love raydon so much i just adore the progression of their relationship throughout the series. how don admires ray and wants so so badly to be close to him and how ray wants to be close to don as well but constantly pushes him away because getting close to this hyperactive dork knowing he's going to die hurts way too much and he knows that if they did get close and don lived until his planned death date don would be absolutely devastated. so he simply continues to push him away because he thinks it's better for both of them, while don is hurt but just brushes it off as ray ‘being a downer’ because he doesnt know why he seems to be so distant!!
the apology in episode 6 being the first major breakthrough in their relationship and having don making one of the softest smiles in the series, he’s just SO happy to be making this progress with ray and its so touching. and how after that their relationship only gets better, to the point where don gets so overjoyed to see that ray is safe he tackles him, and even starts crying.
i just. love their relationship its so underrated i love the idea of don spending so long admiring ray from a distance and him finally being allowed to get close to him and actually get to know him and all that admiration slowly turning into genuine love, and ray experiencing these warm, soft feelings he never thought he'd live to feel and the weight of them all shocking him to his core, and shocking don too. i love the thought of these two boys who grew up desperately wanting to know each other but being unable to finally being given that chance and running with it, opening up about their insecurities and being soft and vulnerable and giving each other the pure adoration they both deserve <3
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heyitslapis · 2 years
Ok I already vented in my friend groupchat but im still upset so im gonna vent here too
I just got home from work (my ex had to give me a ride cause I don't have a car yet), heated up some leftover pizza for dinner, came up to my room & I'm setting my shit down on the bed when my roommate K comes out of her room & said "welcome home!" I replied "hey" looking bummed cause I'm a sad bitch tonight & have been off & on all day. She looked concerned n was like "what's wrong?" I said "I'm tired." She insisted "you look upset, what's wrong?" "I'm tired." Again, she insisted "What's wrong? You seem cranky" "I'm sad" I replied. She was like "Why are you sad??" I finally burst out "Cause I'm a sad bitch!" With a confused tone, she was like "Why? You & S (S is my ex) have a fight?" "No, it's cause I'm depressed!" I stated the obvious. She's known that I've been depressed for months. Again she was like "why?" "Because! I'm just sad! I'm sad, & depressed & I'm broke & heartbroken! I'm double broke; broke & heartbroke" I vented. She asked, again looking/sounding confused "why are you heartbroken??" (( GEE BITCH I WONDER???? )) I said "Cause S & I broke up!" My roommate deadass goes "Yeah but that was a while ago..." EXCUSE ME HO????????
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peachyteabuck · 1 year
This urge to blame every bad thing in society on porn (including fanfic, in some circles) is regressive, short sighted, and ahistorical. Read a book.
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futuregws · 1 year
House of the dragon rant
I swear I get headaches everytime I see people trying to explain why they prefer Milly's Rhaenyra over Emma's like dude watch the bts of episode 6 for the love of God, that will help you understand what they were trying to do with the time jump. I feel like a broken record saying this so much but 10+ years passed dude a 30 year old can't be acting like a teenager SPECIALLY when they have 5 kids, Milly's Rhaenyra was rebellious, immature, carefree and was not prepared by the people around her for her responsibilities so in her mind she probably had none so of course she was able to act like she should act like a teenager, but after her engagement party where she sees her father pass out her lover punches a guy to death and said guy just so happens to be her future husband's lover you can finally see in her face something click and you can tell that she finally realizes what she has to do, and plus
another thing a lot of people seem to love to forget is the trauma that Rhaenyra experienced, bc I highly doubt those 10 years were all sunshine and rainbows I mean Emma said it Rhaenyra experienced trauma and Rhaenyra herself shows it on episode 6 and 7 even on episode 8, so yeah no shit that changes a person, it can have a drastic change or smaller changes but it does change you, adding the trauma to her being the heir to the iron throne + having a ton of kids and being an adult that cannot get away with shit as easily as before obviously her behavior will change, Emma's Rhaenyra is supposed to be a more cold and calculated person due to everything that I just mentioned but specially bc now she has kids that rely on her, the directors said it themselves, you can in fact still see small ticks that Rhaenyra had when she was younger and they still remain, bc that would be something slightly harder to lose but it's still there, when she gets mad you still see her essence and what she has always been like, but of course she can't be going around throwing that attitude at everyone bc there's a lot at risk, NOW she's finally realizing her responsibilities and her duty so she had to mature, idk what it is with this hate train towards the writers of the show and even Emma but like shut up, and don't get me wrong I don't love the writers either they made questionable choices but some of yall completely throw logic out the window sometimes just to hate on them, they did a great job with the transition between Milly and Emma, and this is just the beginning for Emma, Rhaenyra when she was an adult was not called the "maegor with tits" for nothing she hasn't had the opportunity to show her explosive side bc she didn't have to. And about the hate towards Emma, let's be real the hate towards them and even their Rhaenyra is 99.9% of the time rooted on transphobia, simple as that, had adult Rhaenyra been portrayed by a cis woman this would not happen. And I would also like to add that no Milly's Rhaenyra is not more popular, Rhaenyra as a whole is extremely popular, Emma's version is the face of the show but they are both extremely popular even though you mostly see posts about Emma's Rhaenyra now (therefore I do believe that Emma's is the fan favorite) but one is not above the other anyway, the only time you will see Milly's Rhaenyra being extremely praised, not saying she's not good, she is, but there's times where waves of praise for her come and with that some people feel the need to bring Emma down it's exclusively with the transphobes, or weird men that created this obsession with Milly bc she is a cis female that fits the beauty standards while according to society Emma doesn't. So please before you share your preferences which it's okay to have first of all don't shit on one to praise the other bc do you even like them if you have to bring in another person and shit on them just to praise the other, AND actually think about the timeline of things and basic shit like idk growing up and what life was like back then and in a place like westeros. Bc I'm certain that NO ONE here is the same as they were 10 years ago SPECIALLY if they experienced trauma.
Anyway thank you for coming to my very long Ted talk. If you actually read all this then wow
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crimsonrosee · 2 years
finding any fantasy/historical anime are so freakin' HARD these days...
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Hi. rn I am working on a small fic (maybe just a oneshot?) that requires me to explain the premise of the "Clawfieverse" to you guys. For this I will need a big mug of earl grey with a lot of sugar. Here we go.
Number one. Clawf. Clawfie does not exactly line up with sw in the way that she has fire powers. However, she lives in Gattilanja, a kingdom on her home planet, (knockoff earth?) where elemental powers and others (I will talk about the everlasters later.) are possible due to the nature of the force there. (I made Clawfie a long time ago, and didn't want to take away her powers, like, that's her whole point.) I'm still figuring that stuff out.
Anyways. The Clawfieverse is basically an expanded Star Wars time swap au with the addition of my bunches of ocs. (speaking of that, I should probs make an oc masterpost and put them all out there already.) Here's the deal. Clawfie and her timeline is pretty much clone wars centric, so most of the major events are cw stuff. (O66, etc.) So basically, characters and events from their timeline (for example, the Mandalorian) have been moved to CW time.
You might be wondering how some of this works, so I am here to answer questions. Here are some Q&As to clear up some stuff.
Q: Are there any younger/older doubles of characters? (Anakin/Darth Vader) A: No. Seeing that Anakin's fall is at the end of cw, Vader still exists, and palpatine is still doubling as the chancellor and darth sidious.
Q: Is Clawfie time swapped to Star Wars too? A: Yes and no. Clawfie exists within the same universe as sw, but without the time swap, she might not interact with/meet the characters.
Q: Why did the timeline get like this A: Clawfie's fault! In the small time she has been Queen of Gattilanja, she has messed around with way too much "balance of the worlds" stuff and screwed over Gattilanja (and sometimes the universe) way too many times. (that's essentially the point of my comic Searchlight.)
Q: How does the whole "Republic/Seppies vs. Resistance/Empire" thing work A: So, it's basically Republic/Seppies till it's not? If the characters are Republic during CW and Empire after order 66, That's how It's gonna go. However, characters like Moff Gideon are just Seppies/Empire the whole way. hope that isn't too confusing.
One more thing. Some of my ocs (Kath and Mao etc.) that are involved with characters from different timelines. that is one of the reasons the time swap exists.
If there's more questions, feel free to put it in my inbox, and/or leave it in the comments.
I honestly can't believe I wrote all this just so I could post a post a little Mao & Mando fic i'm writing.
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princesssmars · 6 months
hazel falling in love with her childhood family friend is rotting my brain actually.
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wc : 1383
sfw and slight nsfw? fem reader. thanking emma and rachel for making hazel rich because i love writing rich people stuff. i’d say maybe a good mix of cocky!hazel and loser!hazel because i love both so bad.
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so for the first six years of her life she spends her winter holidays at a beautiful chalet in aspen with her parents, spending the days having snowball fights with her dad and falling asleep by the fireplace with her mom.
just like. she's rich, and her mom seems like one of thos wealthy women who loves to go on vacation to show off her perfect life and her perfect friends, so she or her husband definitely had a vacation house they'd visit every year.
when she turns seven they finally let her start skiing on the bunny slope, figuring it’s better than the little evil genius thing she does with the pots and the tiny snowmen. for a little kid she's pretty good at the sport already, if not taking the pizza and french fry tip a little too seriously.
about an hour in though, she's taking her umpteenth trip down the hill when a four foot mass slams into her right side, going at way above whatever speed limit was allowed in this area. she's lying flat on the ground, her right arm aching and her hound pounding and she's about ten seconds from crying when she looks over to see you, face planted in the snow and your shoulders shaking as you laugh like you're insane.
both sets of your parents rush over to make sure that the both of you are ok, and after you manage to calm down a bit and give hazel a very formal sounding apology that your mom whispered in your ear, you ask hazel if she can help you learn to control your speed on the slopes.
so after an hour of driving her crazy as she tries to teach you how to control your speed, your moms sit at a table watching over the both of you while sipping on their drinks and becoming fast friends.
ever since then, each winter was spent together. whether it was spending time in the snow, (hazel continued to excel at skiing, eventually giving up on trying to teach you), sharing stories of your normal lives over cups of cocoa at the cafe in the ski lodge, and helping each other decorate your christmas trees that you both had to beg your parents to buy.
whenever she went back home the days following new years, she’d count the days until she could see you again. to compensate for the time apart your parents let you send a horde of letters and e-mails to each other, letting the two of you share long phone calls on their phones when you were still to young to have your own.
hazels secret favorite hobby became photography. you couldn’t go twenty minutes without her shoving her polaroid camera in your face. she’ll tell you it’s because she’s using the vacation time to explore and try new things, and not that she constantly looks back over the photos of you with a big smile and a flush to her face.
(she also won’t mention that she’s addicted to the feeling she gets when pj and josie come over to her house and pj goes ona ten minute rant about how impossible it is that a girl that pretty could spend time with hazel without being insane. she ignores the insult because she’s hung up on the fact oh called you pretty.)
now i think hazel was pretty much always aware of the fact that she liked girls, if not because she realized that being obsessed with a certain scene from cruel intentions and always volunteering to play the husband when one of her friends wanted to play house on the playground was, in fact, not straight.
but at this point she’s maybe fifteen, she’s starting to grow into her looks and she’s definitely not ready to admit she might has a crush on you. at this point you both have had your own phones for a while, and she couldn’t even count the amount of times she had fallen asleep with you over facetime.
over the course of that year she often found herself wondering what your sexuality was. dumb ass stereotypes had her believing there was no way you, pretty and popular and preppy you could possibly be gay. and if you were a lesbian there was no chance that you'd like her back.
it was just made all the more confusing when once she had complained about how she hadn't had a girlfriend, let alone a first kiss yet and she was nearly halfway through high school with no experience for the hundredth time that you told her you had a solution for her on your next shared trip.
so you can imagine her shock when three days after landing in aspen you pull her into your room in your lodge and sit her on your bed before telling her you knew the perfect way to get more experience was to experiment with you.
"your first few times kissing and stuff can be pretty awkward, so why not just do it with me? i can show you the ropes and stuff.”
now on the outside she seemed normal, agreeing with an easy smile on her face, but on the inside her brain was playing the loudest tornado siren known to man.
it starts tame, the first few days consisting of you just telling her about your past experiences with girls and how to take it slow and everything. she knows its important but it honestly feels like torture. every time you talk to her she's wondering about what you'll do to start the physical lesson, if you'll set her down on her plush bed and softly touch her, or if you'll finally get fed up with the waiting like she is and press her and take her against a wall.
if you had known you would have prepared, but hazel was a freak in disguise and had decided that she was ready to take things into her own hands. you had invited her to sleep over at yours and drink hot cocoa while watching christmas movies and she had accepted in a heartbeat. what she didn't expect was for you to be wearing really cute pajamas, your legs covered in little hello kitty's and christmas trees with a plain red top and geez she could see you weren't wearing a bra.
hazel was a ticking time bomb, and when the two of you were sitting on the couch and she watched the reds and whites and golds dance across your face and you looked ovver at her with a 'what's wrong, hazie?' she exploded, smushing her lips onto yours in a mess of limbs and teeth.
she can feel your giggles in her mouth as she presses you down into the plush of the couch, her excited hands gripping your cheeks before brushing over your chest and gripping your waist, grinding her hips into yours and groaning when your giggle turned into high pitched moans.
it feels like she kisses you for hours before you reluctantly stop, your hands going to press into her shoulders when her head follows yours to resume making out. "hazel, as much as i'm enjoying this we were supposed to be taking this slowly. since when did you know how to...do that?"
"i dont know i just," she sighs as she tries to catch her breath, starting to get embarrassed about what a virginal mess she must look and be acting like. but you seem to like it, so she starts to not care all that much. "i just really want you. i wanna do everything with you."
you smile and hold her cheek in your hand, her eyes fluttering shut at your touch. you look at the gentle expression on her face, the slowing of her breath, and how her hips still occasionally stutter downward looking for yours, and you cant find it in your heart to deny her. you never really could.
"ok, hazie. we can do whatever you want-"
you're cut off before you can finish, the girl quickly rejoining your lips together and groping at your body once again.
when she gets back from vacation, hazel is less single, less unexperienced, and more than ready to throw this in pj's face.
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i kinda lost inspo for this can you tell :,(((( but i thought the idea was cute so take this thing. bye.
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alexfromjersey · 8 months
ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 | 𝕁𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕒 𝕆𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕘𝕒
Jenna Ortega x Black!Reader
summary: you and jenna have been in a relationship for the past eight years when suddenly everything starts to get rocky.
warnings: mature language, angst, violence, jenna doing some dirty shit
a/n: idk why but I wanted to write some angsty 😬? God forbid this ever happened to me cause I’ll be in jail…
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“Who is she Y/n?”
That was the first thing you heard when you walked into your home after a long day at work. You just got off an agonizing 12-hour shift at the warehouse and all you wanted to do was shower, eat, and then sleep.
“Who is who Jenna?” You tiredly questioned as you pulled off your boots and work jacket.
First of all let me say, you can’t accuse me of all the things, you know you’re guilty of
“The woman you’ve been sneaking around with” Jenna answered and sipped her wine. Her eyes never leaving your figure.
You sighed, “Please don’t start this shit again tonight please I’m exhausted.”
That it is easy for you to blame everything on me
“I wonder why. Too exhausted from all the lying, the sneaking around, fucking her, and giving her all the attention that’s supposed to be for me” Jenna snapped.
“How many times do I have to say that I’m not fucking anyone, Jenna! What’s your problem? For the past two weeks, you’ve been accusing me of seeing some imaginary woman when all I do is work and come home to you. I don’t even go out with my friends anymore when will I have time to cheat on you” You questioned her loudly.
“How do I know you’re going to work? You could easily say it and go somewhere else” Jenna said.
“Jesus Christ you have my location on your phone!” You shouted.
“You could have left it at your job and left to go sleep with her” Jenna shrugged.
If that’s the case I should go have my fun and do all the things you say I do
You scoffed and just let out a laugh, “How fucked up in the head are you? Maybe I should do all this shit since you think that’s my grandmaster scheme. Drive almost an hour away to go to work, leave my phone at my job, miss out on a shift that makes me lose money, and go fuck a girl.”
You laughed and walked straight past the woman. You walked up the stairs and into your bedroom. Your patience was wearing thin and if you didn’t step away from her, you were going to say something to really hurt her feelings.
Girl, I can’t continue to take this from you
“I can’t fucking win with this girl man. Ever since she came back from filming that new movie, she’s been on a thousand. Accusing me of cheating and lying shit. I don’t do anything but go to work and go home” You ranted to your best friend Donny.
It was your day off, you sitting on your front porch watching the cars pass by when you felt the need to vent to someone. You haven’t seen Jenna since last night, you slept on the couch and when you woke up she was nowhere to be seen. She only left a note telling you that she was going to be hanging with Emma. You invited Donny over to hang out for a little.
“Maybe she just needs some of that groundbreaking pipe” Donny chuckled.
“I would if she let me touch her. She won’t let me go near her to initiate anything. Haven’t had sex since she left and I haven’t stepped out once” You stated.
“Oof you better than me. I would have cheated as soon as she left” Donny admitted unashamed.
“Yeah that’s why your ass is single” You chuckled.
Donny chuckled also and shrugged, “I’m just keeping it real.”
Suddenly, a message notification came from the top of your phone. It was from one of your co-workers that you used to go get a drink with.
When you say I was out with somebody else when my girl told me she saw you with some girl
yo I just seen your girl
Your eyes furrowed at the message.
seen her where?
the shopping center a town over. I’m out with my daughter and she pointed her out. she walked away from some tall-looking man but I’m pretty sure it was her
At the mention of a man, you furrowed your eyebrows. She told you she was hanging with Emma today. You needed to get to the bottom of this. You found Jenna’s number and just as you were about to click it. A FaceTime call from her came.
You answered it and all you saw was the roof of a car. You go to say something but you hear the sound of a soft moan in the background. You put yourself on mute and turn your volume up.
“Oh my…you feel so good baby” You heard Jenna moan.
Donny’s eyes widen at the sound coming from your phone. He was in disbelief that this was happening to you.
Your heart starts beating faster and faster. Your hand kept clenching and unclenching in anger. You wanted to say something or do something but you were frozen.
Jenna’s moans continued to increase in volume and you saw the phone bounce from the movement of the car.
“I love you Luis” You heard Jenna shriek and the slapping sound increased. You then saw the phone move to a position that’ll forever be engraved in your mind. You quickly took a screenshot and hung up the phone.
It was silence for a few moments. Neither you nor Donny making a move or uttering a word. But your hands kept clenching and unclenching into fists and Donny noticed. He looks at you in concern but you pay him no mind.
You abruptly stood up from the chair and stormed into the house. Donny was hot on your heels concerned and slightly scared.
“Y/n?” Donny asked you but you ignored him. You practically run up the steps and burst into your shared room. You start to throw open all the drawers and throw out everything. You didn’t know what you were doing, just angry. You started throwing anything breakable into the wall.
The once organized and clean room was now in disarray. Clothes, shoes, and personal items were thrown and broken everywhere. Next, you moved to the walk-in closet. You threw every piece of clothing on the floor, moved the boxes from the top shelves, and threw shoes everywhere. But then you noticed a small LV purse, you got her for her birthday last year. It was tucked in a deep dark corner, you would have missed it if it wasn’t for one of her other bags falling out of place. You grabbed it, opened it, and dumped everything onto the bed.
What you saw officially confirmed your fears. It was Polaroid pictures of her and a guy you’ve met numerous times. It was one of her co-stars, Luis Gutierrez. Pictures of them kissing, at the state fair, and one in a bed.
The same bed you and her sleep in.
“Y/n…” Donny cautiously stepped towards it before his eyes landed on something on the bed. You look to where his eyes are and landed on a half of heart necklace with the initial “L” engraved into it.
After seeing that, you grabbed your jacket and left the disarrayed house with Donny following.
“Dude I think you should slow down on the drinking,” Donny said to you in concern.
“I think you should shut the fuck up and let me drink in peace” You snapped at the male and downed two more shots. That marks it as your fourth and fifth shot.
Donny didn’t take your words to heart either. He knew you were hurting badly. The only way you knew how to deal with that pain was by drinking until you passed out…a trait you learned from your mother.
You still didn’t feel drunk enough so you ordered another round of shots. Donny just watch you take them back like water.
“Eight years Donny…eight fucking years I gave her. All those years down the drain. She was accusing me of cheating when SHE was the fucking one sleeping with someone else!” Your voice raised in the building.
Thankfully, there weren’t many people in the bar but the ones who were turned to look at the commotion.
“I understand but calm down-”
“Man don’t tell me to fucking calm down. How the fuck am I supposed to be calm about this? My girlfriend accidentally FaceTimed me and practically showed me her fucking someone.” You laughed.
“Hey take that shit somewhere else” An angry customer demanded.
“Who the fuck is talking to you Mr. Clean” You insulted the man. He didn’t like that and he pushed you. You stumbled back into the counter but quickly recovered and pushed the man as hard as you could.
“Hey! Enough!” Donny shouted and pulled you away from the man.
“Get the fuck off me” You pushed Donny’s hands off you and walked out of the bar into the autumn weather.
You didn’t live far from the bar you were just at. You take some shortcuts and you’ll be home in 10 minutes but you wanted to take the scenic route which added an extra 8 minutes to the walk.
While you walked, you had to figure out your next move. You and Jenna share a house, a car, and a dog together. As much as you wanted to, you couldn’t just up and leave. It wasn’t as easy for you as it was for her.
On your walk home, you stopped by a liquor store. You bought yourself a bottle of Tequila and started drinking it on your walk. You were well aware that you could potentially get arrested for public intoxication but you didn’t care.
Just when it seemed like you were calming down, God decided to hate you even more than he already did.
A honk of a horn and a shout of your name made you turn around to the source. A familiar red Audi pulled up next to you and parked. The man responsible for your current rage hopped out of the car with the woman you used to love.
“Y/n? What are you doing walking like this?” Jenna questioned.
“Yeah, and why you got a bottle of Tequila” Luis innocently questioned.
You stared at the male with a blank expression, “I’m clearing my head.”
Jenna scoffed, “Clearing your head for what? Got something you want to tell me.”
Your eyes cut to her and she didn’t make it noticeable but she jumped at the sight of your dark emotionless eyes.
“Nah I get it, sometimes you just need a few minutes to yourself. I get like that all the time especially when I’m home. I’m so used to…”
Your eyes stared into his before wandering down to his neck where you see a faint bruise there. Your eyes then land on a silver necklace, similar to the one you found around his neck. The necklace had a “J” initial engraved on it. Your hand tightens around the neck of the bottle.
Your eyes then glance at Jenna who was staring at Luis with a look she used to give you.
“Y/n?” Luis called.
His voice goes distorted and starts to fade away as a blinding rage starts to take over. Before you know it or stop yourself, you swing the bottle and it connects with Luis’ head.
“OH MY GOD!” Jenna screamed.
Luis fell against his car, blood dripping down the side of his head. You didn’t waste any time and hopped on top of him and landed punches to his face.
You were blinded by your anger, by the betrayal, and by the emptiness you had inside of you.
“Y/N STOP!” Jenna yelled and tried to pull off Luis but you wouldn’t budge. You kept landing punch after punch after punch to his face. Your hand went numb and blood coated it. You were finally tackled off the unconscious male by two police officers.
“Put your hands behind your back!” One of the officers yelled and forcefully pulled your arm back. They slap handcuffs on your wrists and harshly stand you up.
As you walk past, you see Jenna and a couple of bystanders standing over Luis. She then looked at you but you averted your eyes. You kept your face expressionless as you were loaded into the back of the cruiser.
Or maybe I, I should have done it, should have given away all my love or maybe I, I should have played you, 'cause you don't appreciate me, no
The loud sound of a jail buzzer wakes you up from your slumber. You open your eyes to realize that you’re still in a jail cell with three other people. You look down at your aching hands to see them bruise up and dried blood on them.
Blood that wasn’t yours. You’ve been in this cell sobering up for the past nine hours.
“Y/n! You’ve been bailed out” A guard shouted. You stood up from the seat and walked to the door. Another buzz was heard and the door swung open. You stepped out and followed the guard to the front.
Once you got to the front, you saw Jenna standing there with an angry and frustrated expression on her face. You sighed and you grabbed your things before signing some paperwork with much difficulty. But once you were finished, you didn’t say a word to Jenna, you just left the police station.
“Y/n? Hello? Are you going to fucking explain yourself? What the hell is wrong with you?” Jenna snapped at you.
You ignored her and continued walking. But Jenna wasn’t having that, she jogged in front of you and stepped in your path. You tried to walk around her but she just followed her.
“You almost fucking killed Luis, Y/n. Do you not realize that?” Jenna seethed.
“Leave me alone Jenna” You mumbled and finally went around her but she was at your side in a second.
“No, I won’t leave you! You beat Luis so badly that he had to go to the hospital for stitches and a concussion. You’re not explaining to me why!” Jenna yelled.
You let out an angry breath and your eyes glare at her. This makes Jenna jump a bit because she’s never seen you this angry before.
“You wanna know why? You wanna fucking know why I should have killed that fucking bastard! Here!” You shouted and you pulled out your phone and showed her a screenshot you took. You then pulled the pictures you took from her bag and threw them at her chest.
“You are a fucking hypocrite Jenna. You accused me of fucking cheating on you when in actual reality, you were the one sleeping with another man. I gave you eight years…eight fucking years of unconditional love. Eight years of being by your side. Eight years of being loyal. Not once did I ever give you a reason to question my loyalty to you!” You shouted at the girl.
Jenna’s eyes widen as the biggest secret of hers has finally been discovered.
“You made me feel like I was the bad guy. I stopped hanging out with my friends. I stopped going out to places. I did anything and everything I could to try to fix what was broken between us” You fumed as your voice cracked. Tears were threatening to spill down your cheeks as you finally let your emotions out.
“You had him in our bed. You fucking FaceTimed me in the middle of you sleeping with him in his car. How much more disrespect do you think I can tolerate?” You cried. The tears now falling freely down your face. But you wiped them aggressively from your face.
“I should have fucking cheated,” You said and left her standing in front of the police station.
a/n: so…I’m watching the vmas right now and SZA should have won song of the year but we ain’t gon get into that 🙂…
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