#enrichment for the enclosure I guess
5ummit · 1 year
If you aren't sure if you have access to polls yet, here's how you find it:
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On desktop, the poll option will appear highlighted in orange when you create a text post. Polls are a new element, or content block, that you can add to text, they're not an entirely separate post type with a new icon in the header, which may be causing confusion for those used to the web interface.
This feature is only available in the new editor, not the legacy editor.
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In the app (at least on iOS), the poll option will appear in the content menu to the right of the audio button when you create a new post. Obviously make sure your app is up-to-date as well.
Also note that polls can't be added to reblogs, only original posts, so the option won't show up on reblogs.
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
bashir got so lucky in falling in impassioned surprise-simpatico homoerotic what-are-we-ness with a dude whose species considers mutual monologuing for hours at a time a love language. 'not only do I not want you to shut up; I in fact wish to join you in never shutting the fuck up. please tell me more of your thoughts on this subject so I can explain to you at length why you're wrong <3'
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dreamerinsilico · 5 months
Kinda all up in my feelings about Desire tonight. You know, how they saved the universe that one time (by tricking Dream into being slightly less of a bonehead), and how much of an asshole they are.
How bored they are. Which means they're either a raw nerve laid bare to the outside elements, or they're mired in the grey doldrums, nothing really in between.
Wanting everything isn't quite as shitty as the absence of wanting; I've done both, but I've been thinking about how deeply-entwined desire can get with anger.
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ineffablebookgirl · 1 month
Told one of my students yesterday he had to get up and write on the board because "you need some more enrichment in your enclosure" and another one of my students turned to look at me SO fast and gave me the briefest and most piercing of Looks and so now I'm 99% sure at least one of my students knows I'm on Tumblr.
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lowpolyshadow · 11 months
SONIC PRIME S2/1B EP1 IS SO GOOD NOT JUST FOR MAX SPECIFIC FANSERVICE (fighting hedgehogs with sick battle choreography) BUT ALSO BECAUSE the fact that shadow was pissed as shit at sonic for blowing up their world yet still deciding to Show and Explain things to sonic tells me two things
1. stealing sonic’s shit was not necessarily plan A, because if it were it is much easier and faster to not explain anything and simply try to rob sonic blind
2. he just wanted to beat sonic up for some catharsis . just have a little emotional release hes angy
excellent. fantastic. hes enriching his enclosure :) anyways so that means GENERALLY. i think he did have a “we” moment. it is far more efficient for Two hedgehogs to go through and gather the shards and put them back together even if one of those hedgehogs is sonic. w! cool. except sonic sees these shard variants of tails and the rest as their own people. not cool. thats not part of the plan. that probably counts as a weakness and hindrance bc shadow likely has a theory that taking the shards back will probably do some fucky stuff to the shatterspaces. that will ultimately result in plan A failing.
so. plan b! beat the shit out of sonic again! do it himself! hes gotta do EVERYTHING himself and thats fine bc hes the person he trusts most for the job lets get this bitch fixed! (he cannot go through the shatterspaces) god he hates that fucking hedgehog
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faenixx · 10 months
I was a cruel and evil DM last session so I made a little happy fun page on Roll20 for my players where they can just move themselves and some creatures around and I highly recommend this
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(Pixel tokens of the PCs/NPCs were made by @nagilf !!!)
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i keep seeing posts in this vein about modern art of various kinds and they are really fascinating to me because they start from the presumption that art makes you feel something. i was born without that gene and the only thing a piece of art has ever made me feel is “hey that’s cool.” i really can’t imagine what it would be like to have an emotion in response to like a painting or a sculpture or something. i’ve always wanted to know but never managed it!
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teashadephoenix · 4 months
oh btw y'all:
I am moved into my camper! Off the couch, out of the spare room, and back into a place that is, essentially, mine. I owe money for it but it wont be a bad hustle to pay it off (less than $2k)
Only trouble is that I dont have internet in it yet and the fragile metal walls of my new enclosure basically eats my phone data signal so its a long night of no hellsite. Hopefully i should be able to get it set up soon.
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osomatsusanki · 5 months
the perks of working at a glasses factory is that every so often a coworker will try one of them on and ask how they look. and well. they be looking good as fuck
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hellpride · 2 months
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@originemesis 7. because i hate happiness. >:U
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The novelty of being first man came with an expiry date as any. Lilith, Eve and many twists and turns of passing partners through the talons of devil all eventually succumbed to the cruel boredom of the devil; these dancing flickers of interests and adoration reaching back in time to Eden would not always be there to reject. After all, the gap between the two chased away by none other than Adam's damned actions.
"You're just as you were back in Eden. Maybe a little pudgier. However, I do say that's just more to admire."
Any allure Adam held of mystery that was once shrouded by heavenly gates vanished; heavens mercy to protect the first man held no weight where hellfire burns all.
"You were always so sure of yourself."
It was love. It had to be. What else would it be? That's what the angel had twisted this desire to gather all first made in the image god into. In some sick and twisted way only a Devil could love, maybe it was true. Humanity was beautiful, including Adam and all his ravishing faults.
"My dearest, you're rotten to the core yet you needn't pretend here. I've always enjoyed you as you are."
From human to something to crave beyond any humans capabilities of understanding. One only a Cherubim of failure could desire. Made for the humans, and the humans made he.
Be not fooled by the intensity Lucifer's love and adoration burns in the beginning, it'll pass. The sweet words will slow to a trickle of pity. Adam always seemed to survive off the bare minimum as it is.
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"Adam? Adam. Adam!"
Grabs a fist full of the others clothing to pull the towering individual down low; slitted serpent pupils searching for any wear. Humming a moment as he thought carefully of any glaring reasons for Adam's silence or many rejections of his advances for caretaking and more.
"Pay attention to me--" He demands without any weight in his words.
Releases him with a sweet treat of milk chocolate and hell originated jam middle. Closing Adams hand over the offering as if man handling a doll. A prized one. Was Adam truly anything but one Lucifer looks after as he pleases?
"Seeing you reminds me of Eden. Want me to make your hair look nice just like back in you're adorable and naked phase of life?"
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grumpyfaceurn · 1 year
you know what’s just absolutely wild to me is, when you’re an adult
you can just buy yourself new furniture! Just Like That! And no one will stop you! In this day and age you don’t even have to ask your dad to drive you to IKEA cause you can get it all delivered!
I mean my dad did just drive me to IKEA to pick up the new wardrobe, but
Even just a few days after that I can decide that now I’m gonna order a new desk, even though I just got new things! And while I appreciate each and every one of you it’s not gonna be the one that won the poll - while #3 is the prettiest one by itself, #1 fits a bit better with the rest of the room and has a slightly bigger working surface, so, sorry. Turns out my living room isn’t a democracy.
and then of course i think, is it callous to post this when there’s a cost of living crisis and how do I even afford this? And the answer is by lucking into a job that pays somewhat decently for having no specific business-related skillset and even more, by having a father who joined a building cooperative in the 1970s which means that fifty years later my rent is actually affordable. Which is probably just one rung below your parents having an emerald mine I suppose?
Or maybe it’s the upside to only eating pasta 90% of the time, was my thought checking out at the supermarket after buying actual ingredients for actual food for once every six months or so. idk.
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sea-shelly · 7 months
A one stop on 48 degree track temp???
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piraytoro · 8 months
When you talk about peace on earth, there are always those people who are too cynical about human nature to believe that humanity on its current scale can exist without a proportional amount of conflict. To those people, I suggest we end all physical, psychological or cold wars and replace them with whatever goes on in the notes of any tumblr bracket that gets big enough.
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polarhorror · 1 year
what are you choosing
lets play rock paper scissors
remember to reblog for a bigger sample size!
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super-sootica · 10 months
I need to commit torture Looney Tunes style
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rosielav · 2 years
As a treat, since I got a couple sales on my mouse games today, here is my AO3 account from 2016. Please enjoy the GG fan fics and one unfinished kakagai fic 😂
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