noentiendotiendo · 1 year
If we attempt to carry out an action with awareness—that is, to follow it in detail— we soon discover that even the simplest and most common of actions, such as getting up from a chair, is a mystery, and that we have no idea at all of how it is done.
Awareness through Movement, Moshé Feldenkrais
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dengris · 4 months
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"Movimiento, sensación, emoción y sentimiento son aspectos de una misma constelación. Cuando uno de ellos se mueve, se mueven también los demás."
Moshe Feldekrais
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bodyalive · 1 year
If you didn’t adapt then you probably got stuck in a habit or relatively fixed way of being. So we use our senses for feedback (sound, vision, touch and body position/motion) to learn a new skill or to refine and improve an existing skill – to learn to perform better.
We become aware of the effects of what we are doing, try new ways and then we integrate those ways that work better.
This ability to make sense of our sensory feedback in more and more refined ways is what people do in Feldenkrais – you can become more discerning and so your quality improvement loop gets more accurate. You can use this improved sensitivity to (body) feedback to improve all kinds of performance.
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bek-a-la · 2 years
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Revolutionize Your Well-Being with Feldenkrais Methods: Insights from Skilled Practitioners
In the quest for enhanced well-being, individuals are increasingly turning to holistic approaches that focus on the mind-body connection. One such transformative method gaining popularity is the Feldenkrais Method. This innovative approach, developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, emphasizes mindful movement and increased self-awareness to bring about positive changes in physical and mental well-being. In this article, we'll delve into the world of Feldenkrais Methods and gain valuable insights from skilled practitioners who have witnessed the revolutionary impact of this approach.
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Understanding Feldenkrais Methods
The Feldenkrais Method is a unique and holistic approach to improving movement and functioning. It operates on the principle that enhancing awareness of one's movements can lead to increased comfort, flexibility, and overall well-being. This method involves gentle, exploratory movements designed to improve physical function and promote a more profound connection between the body and mind.
The Expertise of Feldenkrais Practitioners
To truly grasp the transformative power of Feldenkrais Methods, insights from skilled practitioners offer invaluable perspectives. These practitioners, often certified in the method, have dedicated themselves to guiding individuals on their journeys toward improved well-being through mindful movement and awareness. Let's explore key insights from these experienced professionals.
1. Tailoring Practices to Individual Needs
One of the standout features of Feldenkrais practitioners is their ability to tailor practices to the unique needs of each individual. Unlike one-size-fits-all approaches, skilled practitioners assess the specific requirements of their clients and design sessions that address personal goals and challenges. This personalized touch ensures that individuals experience the maximum benefits of the Feldenkrais Method.
2. Enhancing Mind-Body Connection
Skilled practitioners emphasize the importance of cultivating a strong mind-body connection. Through Feldenkrais Methods, individuals learn to be more aware of their movements, posture, and the subtle sensations within their bodies. This heightened awareness not only improves physical functioning but also contributes to mental clarity and emotional well-being.
3. Facilitating Stress Reduction
Incorporating Feldenkrais into daily life has been shown to facilitate stress reduction. Skilled practitioners guide clients in gentle movements that release tension, promoting a sense of relaxation. This aspect is particularly crucial in today's fast-paced world, where stress can take a toll on both physical and mental health.
4. Improving Flexibility and Range of Motion
Flexibility is a key component of overall well-being, and Feldenkrais practitioners excel in helping individuals improve their flexibility and range of motion. Through carefully crafted movements and exercises, practitioners guide clients in expanding their movement potential, fostering a sense of freedom in the body.
5. Addressing Chronic Pain Conditions
Many individuals seek out Feldenkrais Practitioners for relief from chronic pain conditions. These skilled professionals utilize the method's principles to address the root causes of pain, helping clients find comfort and improved functioning. Insights from practitioners reveal success stories of individuals who have experienced significant relief from conditions such as back pain, neck pain, and joint issues.
Real Stories of Transformation
To truly understand the impact of Feldenkrais Methods, let's delve into real stories of individuals who have undergone transformative journeys under the guidance of skilled practitioners.
Anna's Journey to Improved Mobility
Anna, a middle-aged professional, struggled with limited mobility and chronic stiffness. Through sessions with a Feldenkrais practitioner, she learned to move with greater ease and fluidity. Anna's practitioner focused on gentle movements and increased awareness, allowing her to regain mobility and experience a renewed sense of vitality.
John's Relief from Chronic Back Pain
John, an office worker dealing with chronic back pain, turned to Feldenkrais for a natural and non-invasive solution. His practitioner devised a tailored program that targeted specific movements to alleviate tension in the back. Over time, John experienced a significant reduction in pain and discovered newfound comfort in his daily activities.
How to Incorporate Feldenkrais into Your Life
Skilled practitioners often provide guidance on integrating Feldenkrais principles into daily life. Here are some practical tips for individuals looking to embark on their own journey of well-being through Feldenkrais:
1. Start with Awareness Exercises
Begin your day with simple awareness exercises. Pay attention to your breath, posture, and any areas of tension. This mindful start sets a positive tone for the day.
2. Incorporate Short Movement Breaks
Throughout the day, take short movement breaks. Stand up, stretch, and perform gentle movements to counteract the effects of prolonged sitting and promote circulation.
3. Attend Feldenkrais Classes or Private Sessions
Consider attending Feldenkrais classes or private sessions led by skilled practitioners. These sessions provide guided instruction and personalized feedback, maximizing the benefits of the method.
4. Practice Mindful Movement in Daily Activities
Apply Feldenkrais principles to everyday activities. Whether walking, sitting, or lifting objects, focus on moving with awareness and ease. Small adjustments in daily movements can yield significant improvements over time.
5. Stay Consistent and Patient
Well-being is a journey, and consistency is key. Be patient with yourself as you explore Feldenkrais Methods.
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sensationalsegue · 4 months
“The education provided by society operates in two directions at once. It suppresses every noncomformist tendency through penalties of withdrawal of support and simultaneously imbues the individual with values that force him to overcome and discard spontaneous desires. These conditions cause the majority of adults today to live behind a mask, a mask of personality that the individual tries to present to others and to himself. Every aspiration and spontaneous desire is subjected to stringent internal criticism lest they reveal the individual's organic nature. Such aspirations and desires arouse anxiety and remorse and the individual seeks to suppress the urge to realize them. The only compensation that makes life durable despite these sacrifices is the satisfaction derived from society's recognition of the individual who achieves its definition of success. The need for constant support by one's fellows is so great that most people spend the larger part of their lives fortifying their masks. Repeated success is essential to encourage the individual to persist in this masquerade.”
Moshe Feldenkrais, “Awareness Through Movement”
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allaroundtheworld55 · 6 months
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pyrolitheus · 6 months
Finding Comfort At Your Computer (from a professional Feldenkrais practitioner)
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eames-with-a-rose · 7 months
Feldenkrais would get along with Hannibal
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feldenkraisbarcelona · 8 months
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commetombeunarbre · 9 months
Je kunt niet doen wat je wilt totdat je weet wat je doet.
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noentiendotiendo · 1 year
Every man has two worlds: a personal world of his own and the external world common to us all. In my personal world, the universe and all living things exist only as long as I live; my world is born with me and dies and disappears together with me. In the great world we all share I am no more than a drop of water in the sea or a grain of sand in the desert.
Awareness through Movement, Moshé Feldenkrais.
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sports-insider · 1 year
Feldenkrais-Methode: Wie du durch bewusste Übungen deine Körperwahrnehmung verbesserst
Die Feldenkrais-Methode ist eine Bewegungstherapie, die von dem israelischen Physiker Moshé Feldenkrais entwickelt wurde. Ziel ist es, durch bewusste Bewegungen die Körperwahrnehmung zu verbessern, Schmerzen zu lindern und die körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit zu steigern. In diesem Beitrag erfährst Du, was die Feldenkrais-Methode genau ist, welche Übungen es gibt und wie Du sie in Deinen Alltag…
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gracedoh-blog · 1 year
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🌈LCP®ATM 오프라인 수업 2월 스케줄입니다. #MBSAT김주영 선생님께도 인도해 주셔요. 시간대도 자신의 상황에 맞추어 선택하실 수 있게 다양한 옵션이 있어요. ✨✨✨ ⠀ 스케줄은 위에서⬆️ 확인해 주세요.^^ ⠀ 🐣 기본기에서는 <차이를 통해 배움>, <작업의 분배>의 원리를 굴곡과 신전, 시소호흡 움직임으로 배워요. 바닥을 느끼는 것에서 부터 시작해서 움직임을 하는 동안에 바닥과의 접촉이 변하는 것에 주의를 기울여서 알아보는 작업을 합니다. 저절로 땅과 바닥과 친해지고 바닥에 몸을 맡기고 자신의 골격에 몸을 효율적으로 맡기는 방식을 배워요. ⠀ 우리는 거의 매순간 신체의 일정부위가 무언가와 접촉하고 있기 때문에 그 접촉을 통해서 나에 대한 정보를 얻고 생각하고 이해하고 알아갈 수 있는 기회가 참 많아요. 이런 환경을 능동적으로 활용합니다. ⠀ 내가 무엇을 어떻게 하고 있는지 아는 것에서 시작해 ��아요.🐥 ⠀ ⭐️교육비: 24만원 ⭐️장소: 분당 LCP®센터(오리역) ⠀ ⬇️ 문의: 010.9265.4755 (LCP® 휄든크라이스 센터) 010.6888.0084 DM ⠀ ⠀ #휄든크라이스#휄든#휄든크라이스온오프입문#휄든크라이스전문가과정#휄든크라이스전문가교육#휄든크라이스교육#몸맘공부#MindBodyStudies#MBS#MBSProfessionalFoundationTraining##mbsfeldenkrais#feldenkrais#feldenkraistraining#feldenkraismethod#펠든크라이스#펠덴크라이스#소마틱스#소매틱스#소매틱지도자양성과정#휄든크라이스지도자양성과정#뇌가소성 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cndz53MrGVg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bek-a-la · 2 years
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Gentle and Effective: Experience Physical Therapy with Feldenkrais
In the realm of physical therapy, where various methodologies aim to enhance movement and alleviate discomfort, the Feldenkrais Method stands out as a gentle yet highly effective approach. Rooted in the philosophy of improving body awareness and movement patterns,Feldenkrais Methods offer a unique perspective on physical therapy. Let's delve into the essence of this method, exploring how it provides a transformative experience that goes beyond conventional approaches.
Understanding Feldenkrais Methods
At its core, Feldenkrais is a method designed to improve the way we move and function in our daily lives. Unlike traditional physical therapy that often involves targeted exercises or interventions, Feldenkrais methods prioritize awareness and gentle movements. The emphasis is not just on addressing specific issues but on enhancing overall well-being through a holistic approach.
The Mind-Body Connection in Feldenkrais
Central to Feldenkrais methods is the recognition of the profound connection between the mind and body. The method acknowledges that our movement patterns are deeply ingrained and often influenced by our thoughts, emotions, and past experiences. By fostering a heightened sense of body awareness, Feldenkrais aims to rewire these patterns and promote more efficient and pain-free movement.
Gentle Movements, Profound Results
One of the hallmarks of Feldenkrais methods is the use of gentle, deliberate movements. These movements are designed to be accessible to individuals of all ages and fitness levels. Rather than pushing the body to its limits, the emphasis is on subtle yet transformative shifts in how we perceive and execute movements.
The Role of Feldenkrais in Physical Therapy
Traditional Physical Therapy Feldenkrais often involves targeted exercises to address specific injuries or conditions. While effective in many cases, these approaches may overlook the interconnectedness of the body and may not fully tap into the potential for holistic improvement. Feldenkrais methods, on the other hand, offer a broader perspective, considering the entire body and its intricate relationship with the mind.
Benefits of Incorporating Feldenkrais into Physical Therapy
Enhanced Body Awareness: Feldenkrais methods cultivate a deep understanding of how the body moves and functions, allowing individuals to become more attuned to their physical sensations.
Improved Movement Quality: By focusing on the subtleties of movement, Feldenkrais can lead to improved overall movement quality. This is especially beneficial for those looking to enhance athletic performance or simply move with greater ease in daily activities.
Pain Relief: The gentle nature of Feldenkrais movements can provide relief for individuals dealing with chronic pain. Rather than addressing pain in isolation, the method seeks to understand the underlying movement patterns contributing to discomfort.
Mindful Rehabilitation: For those recovering from injuries or surgeries, Feldenkrais methods offer a mindful approach to rehabilitation. The emphasis on awareness can contribute to a more thoughtful and intentional recovery process.
Experiencing Feldenkrais: What to Expect
Individuals engaging in Feldenkrais sessions can anticipate a unique and personalized experience. Sessions may involve a practitioner guiding participants through gentle movements, encouraging them to explore new ways of moving and being in their bodies. This experiential approach can be transformative, fostering a sense of empowerment and self-discovery.
Accessible for All Ages and Abilities
One of the remarkable aspects of Feldenkrais is its inclusivity. Whether you're a young athlete looking to enhance performance, an older adult seeking to maintain mobility, or someone recovering from an injury, Feldenkrais methods can be adapted to suit various needs and abilities.
How to Incorporate Feldenkrais into Your Physical Therapy Plan
If you're intrigued by the potential of Feldenkrais methods in your physical therapy journey, consider the following steps:
Find a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner: Look for a certified practitioner who can guide you through the method and tailor sessions to your specific needs.
Discuss with Your Physical Therapist: If you're currently undergoing traditional physical therapy, discuss the possibility of integrating Feldenkrais methods into your plan with your therapist. Collaboration between practitioners can provide a well-rounded approach to your rehabilitation.
Explore Online Resources: In addition to in-person sessions, there are online resources and classes that allow individuals to explore Feldenkrais at their own pace. These can be especially beneficial for those with busy schedules or limited access to in-person sessions.
Conclusion: A Holistic Approach to Physical Well-Being
In a world where quick fixes and targeted interventions often dominate the landscape of physical therapy, Feldenkrais methods offer a refreshing and holistic perspective. By prioritizing awareness, gentle movements, and the mind-body connection, this approach goes beyond symptom management to address the root causes of discomfort and movement limitations.
Whether you're seeking relief from pain, aiming to enhance your athletic performance, or simply looking to move with more grace and ease, experiencing physical therapy with Feldenkrais methods can be a transformative journey. Embrace the gentleness, explore the depths of your body's potential, and embark on a path of holistic well-being through the profound teachings of Feldenkrais.
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