sleepyjupz · 1 year
im not even reporting the bots anymore, just straight blocking them. im tired of them !!!!
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vaguely-concerned · 1 year
everybody gangsta until captain dennison starts crying
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
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“If one more fucking person asks me my dick size, I’m cutting theirs off and adding it to my collection.”
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[ grind ] — sender grinds against a part of receiver’s body (specify where) - (( Kaz legit just... wants Gundham to grab his hips and have them grind against each other as things start to get.... Spicy™ XD - *motions at the Fruity Cocktail of Soudam we have* feel free to take your pick~ ))
oddly specific sensual touches (X) @not-bcring
If you had told Gundham at the beginning of the school year that he would end up in an alley, having ducked in there to hide from the police, with a prince pressed into his chest and getting handsy while they were trying to stay out of sight, he would have probably sicced his hamsters on you without hesitation.
This...it was kind of his fault...
Okay, completely his fault, he...maybe shouldn't have been throwing eggs at cars, but how was he supposed to know a cop car would happen to drive by with the window open just enough that the egg would splatter all over the officer inside?
He would probably feel bad about it later...after he stopped laughing.
That had been the initial chore, keeping his giggles at bay as he pulled Kazuichi into the nearby alley, but now? Well...
Breath hitching at that first roll of Kaz's hips, Gundham thought it an accident at first, a simple shift in a bid to stay hidden as sirens shot passed their hiding spot, but then it happened again, and again, and-
There was no way this was an accident anymore.
The arm holding Kaz to his chest tightened as the biker bit back a moan, pulling his little rebel prince even closer as his own hips bucked up in turn. Breathing heavy from adrenaline and now this, Gundham smirked down at the prince, lips just inches from his as he ground into him with a purpose now. "You want to play, little prince?" He purred, just a breath away from Kaz's lips...
Only to suddenly flip their positions, Kaz's body now being pressed to the wall, held in place by the bikers own as his arms bracketed around the prince's head. "Then let's play..."
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skruttet · 3 years
"In the upcoming installation, the quirky residents from all around the valley come to the Moomin family with their problems and questions, and together they harness the power of tolerance, kindness and caring to restore harmony to Moominvalley."
Long ago, the residents of Moominvalley lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when Stinky attacked. Only the Moomintroll, master of all 3 values (tolerance, kindness, and caring) could stop him. But when the valley needed him most, he vanished...
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mixelation · 3 years
Songs you associate with: ItaDei, Ino, Kabuto, SasoSaku
Someone else also asked for ItaDei, so I’m skipping that one for now. 
Sakura Jenny (I Wanna Ruin Our Friendship) - Because Ino is mostly defined by her rivalry/friendship with Sakura, but also I want them to be gay
Sour Candy - “ask me to be nice and i’ll do it extra mean <3″
Blow Your Mind (Mwah) - I’ve been obsessed with Dua Lipa’s Future Nostalgia since it came out, and I wanted to give Ino a fun “I will blow your mind” song so.... I mean, it’s not the right album, but it’s Dua XD
break up with your girlfriend, ino’s bored
wait is it too on-the-nose to pick Real Boy
IS POWER AND CONTROL TOO ON THE NOSE??? (”you may be good-looking / but you’re not a piece of art” / (sound of Sasori losing his shit)).... but also sasori is really into power and control u.u
Strange Love - I’ve always associated this with SasoSaku and I have no idea why
I think I’m morally obligated to say Toxic for all Sasori ships? but I will give u this nice metal cover
poison by groove coverage
I was debating if I should give Belladonna to Ino (because beautiful poisonous flower) or SasoSaku (because.... beautiful poisonous flower). So we’re just making a NEW category that’s “both.”
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1980ssunflower · 3 years
WHERE is all the centaurworld fanart im going to DIE
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jmespottuh · 4 years
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                                                                                                   distance, timing                                                                                                    breakdown, fighting                                                                                                    silence, the train runs off its tracks                                                                                                    kiss me, try to fix it                                                                                                    could you just try to listen?                                                                                                    give up                                                                                                    for the life of us we can't get back
a MOODBOARD for alice fortescue & james potter
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me at school: i love yoongi
me eating: i love yoongi
me showering: i love yoongi
me peeing: i love yoongi
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vampsomes-archive · 6 years
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local gay makes a sona at 3am, more at 11
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dominiquestea · 7 years
i am still confused by how joe thot he had to use a raft... to row... five feet into the ocean for the idol....
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neonun-au · 2 years
ok i cannot remember exactly my first impression but i think it was just a casual omg another canadian!! how sick!!
and now its like ok yes if half (1/2) of the chaos in my head was personified into a white girl it would probably be mads
yes thank you haha i am 50% chaos 50% canadian ;)) lolol
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hcbgoblin · 5 years
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yoongis braincell is abt to give up
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
Smiling at finally getting her overlord to get up and ready for the day, she follows him into the bathroom, giggling to herself as his form shows in the mirror. It seems he was sporting a bit of a beard today. She pokes at it just to mess with him. “You’re scruffy today.” (dxncingxqueen) ((gotta love em ❤️))
Making his way into the bathroom with a tired haze over his eyes, it took Gundham a long moment to process his reflection, the overlord staring blankly at it until Naya had raised a hand to poke at his face. He gave an affirmative hum, monotone in its sound, as he raised a hand of his own to run along the stubble across his jaw. "I did not have time in the waking hour of yesterday to rid myself of it's beginnings." Came his sleepy reply, finger's tracing over the scruff with an unsure twitch of his nose at the feeling.
"The She-Cat required my assistance with a sparrow that had the unfortunate causality of colliding with her window pane." Had he told Naya of that? He couldn't remember, brain still lagging through sleep as his hand lowered to his side. "She said it was rather becoming on one such as I, that it gives me a look of maturity, though I am not so sure...What do you think, love?" Gundham asked as he wrapped his arms about his dancer from behind, leaning a good portion of his weight onto her out of tired indifference.
Even through the haze, he wore a playful smirk, no matter how slight it seemed as it was reflected back at them, the breeder lightly rubbing his cheek against Naya's own. "Should I keep it for another day?"
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Callout Generator
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Ironhide is cancelled because they like anime, they're an individual with no class or creed, oh, and don't forget, they are the author of the journals, my brother. Blocked.
tagged by stolen from: @curiosiccus tagging: ...whoever the hell wants in fhdsjka
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cryptic-conductor · 4 years
heh looks like someone drank too much love and appreciation for p juice
fhdsjka I’m drunk on love what can I say
I’m like a gush vampire, as soon as I get the slightest hint of permission to start, I will ramble on until someone forcibly stops me or I run out of steam, effectively sucking the life out of the conversation in the process. For whatever reason whenever I come on here and decide to make a post, I’m either half- asleep and struggling to keep my eyes open or I’m like... half conscious of what I’m even typing. This blog has taken on cryptid energy that even I don’t understand.
But I think I got it all out of my system now! If anyone else wants to take over and gush please do! I will limit my commentary and let someone else ramble for as long as they desire~
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