#finally able to trust that Sonic loves him and cares about him and so grateful to have had that ;-;
perrybearwaks · 4 months
Nine, having been so badly mistreated his whole life, having absolutely no one there for him, left unable to trust anyone believing everyone would only ever be out to hurt him... finally receiving unconditional love and kindness after a lifetime of knowing absolutely nothing of the sort, now having a big bro there for him who was so patient with him knowing how complicated everything was, who despite everything never gave up on him and never stopped being there for him… Nine realizing and finally able to fully trust now that he always did and always will have a friend in Sonic... knowing he's not alone anymore and that he finally does have one person he can trust who genuinely does and will always care for him... I cry it’s so good
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years
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so so many thanks to everyone who read even one of these stories. i am forever grateful for all the support i've received; every comment, every kudos, every reblog, every like - they all mean so much. i'm overwhelmed, honestly, but in the very best way. ily all 🥰
day one: against all odds (we're still here) for @trkstrnd
Carlos will hate himself for it later, but he’s so focused on his task that the screech of tires coming around the corner barely registers as a blip on his radar. He doesn’t notice anything until TK suddenly barrels into him, throwing Carlos to the side just before something else, something heavy, crashes into them with a blinding flash of pain, and then—
a simple trip to the grocery store quickly turns to disaster for tk and carlos
day two: out, damned spot for anon
TK wakes up gasping, choking on air. The sheets are suffocating him and, when he tries to free himself, they only seem to get tighter. The hands reaching out for him, trying to calm him, are the final straw; TK throws himself from bed and sprints to the bathroom, slamming and locking the door behind him as he collapses against the sink.
On some level, he is aware that the hands were Carlos’s, that the sheets were theirs, that his hands are clean, and that the dream was just a dream.
But they weren't always that way.
day three: the meetings for those in my wake for @freddieholic
For years after the divorce, Gwyn came to learn that any call from Owen was almost certainly bad news, and almost always about their son. Things have been better in the three years since her time in Texas, which is why she thinks nothing of it when he calls just after she’s put Isaac to bed for the night.
“Owen, hey,” she greets. “What’s up?”
The silence she’s answered with is the first sign that something’s wrong.
The sob that follows is the second.
“Gwyn, it’s TK. He's... They think we should say goodbye."
day four: a friend in me for 📍 anon
Carlos has come to see Nancy as a force of nature, a woman who will let nothing and no-one stand in her way, whether that’s out on the field or during a game of Monopoly. But, right now, as she sits hunched over in one of the interrogation rooms, shock blanket around her shoulders, he's never seen her look so small.
the story of how nancy and carlos become the new champions of 126 games nights
day five: truth is heavier than fiction for anon
Carlos pauses with his hand on the doorknob, taking a moment to prepare himself before going inside. TK’s shift finished an hour ago and he’d texted to let Carlos know he was home, which means Carlos is going to be walking right into a conversation he’d rather avoid.
Not that he’d have much choice either way; he might be able to cover his cracked and bruised ribs for a little while, but the arm in a sling will tell on him as soon as the door opens. Carlos doesn’t want to hide his injuries—they’ve had enough conversations in reverse on that theme to make him a hypocrite if he did—but he may have made some choices that he doesn’t particularly want to go into right now. Not while he’s tired and aching and just wants to cuddle with his boyfriend.
He blows out a breath, then opens the door, bracing himself for TK’s reaction.
“Hey— Shit!”
day six: slowly, and then all at once for @pragmaticoptimist34
The realisation that he loves Carlos hits him like a bolt out of the blue.
And at the worst possible moment.
We are getting updates on the active shooter situation at the Four Seasons Hotel. Austin Police Department have closed off the area and officers are currently preparing to enter the building to detain the suspect. It is as yet unknown if there have been any civilian casualties, but—
“Paul, turn the damn TV back on.”
five times tk can't admit his feelings about carlos, and one time he finally does
day seven: the promise of tomorrow for anon
Up until five minutes ago, Carlos had been terrified of never having TK in his arms again. Now, the thought of letting him go scares him just as much, and TK seems to feel the same, if the way he’s clutching at Carlos’s jacket and pulling it tight across his back is any indication.
Carlos hugs him close, sinking down to his knees as TK falls into the chair behind him, letting the rest of the room fade away to nothing as he realises that they weren’t too late—that TK is here, with him, alive and mostly whole.
day eight: we'll hold each other soon for @221bsunsettowers
“Be careful, please,” TK said, smoothing down the lapels of Carlos’s shirt. “Whatever happens out there, whatever you have to do, just promise me one thing. Promise you’ll come back to me.”
Carlos knew better than to promise something like that, and TK knew better than to ask it. But because it was him, and because it was TK, Carlos just nodded and leaned in to press a kiss to TK’s temple.
“I promise,” he whispered, pulling away.
It's the last good memory Carlos has, and he's going to hold onto it for as long as he has left. If he's going to die, then the last thing he wants to see is TK's smile.
day nine: now i am just but the wayward man for anon
Ben is glaring at him again.
Klaus is very familiar with this specific glare—it’s the one Ben breaks out when Klaus is being ‘stubborn’ and ‘stupid’ and ‘a fucking asshole junkie with no self-respect who only cares about the next high and, really, it’s a fucking miracle you haven’t gotten yourself killed yet, Klaus’.
He has to hand it to him. Ben really does have him down to a tee.
winter is approaching and klaus has nowhere to go. his siblings are his only option—meaning he effectively has no options.
day ten: i can't imagine my life without you for 📍 anon
It had come completely out of left field—one minute everything was fine, the next Carlos had turned to him with guarded eyes and a clenched jaw, and said six words that sent TK’s whole world crashing down.
“I think we need a break.”
nobody likes to be asked 'trouble in paradise?', particularly when the answer is yes.
day eleven: start again from the beginning for anon
Owen trusts his son. He’s watched TK fight his addiction and stay sober for the last six years, and he has faith that he can handle himself.
But when TK doesn’t show up for work the night after proposing to Alex, Owen knows that something is wrong. After all, they've been here before.
day twelve: let me love you when your heart is tired for anon
TK knows it’s going to be a bad day from the moment he opens his eyes. Slowly, slowly, each twitch like he’s moving mountains, he inches his hand blindly across the bed to reach out for Carlos. If he can just feel his boyfriend, if he can just see him—
But, of course. Carlos has a shift today. TK has a vague recollection of him getting out of bed at five this morning, rousing him with a shift to the mattress and a gentle kiss on the forehead.
If this were a normal day, he might smile at the memory.
day thirteen: couldn't utter my love when it counted for 📍 anon
TK takes his time in the bathroom, stopping to stare at his reflection in the mirror for several minutes and trying to talk himself down from any more-than-friendly feelings towards Carlos.
Later, they’ll tell him that this saved his life.
But that won’t be for a long time, until after the smoke has cleared and the dead have been counted and the statements have been taken. For now, TK steels his resolve and nods at himself, then turns to the door, a hand reaching out for the handle.
That’s when the explosion rips through the building.
after the boba date, tk lets carlos go. they're friends, which is working just fine, until a horrific accident threatens to take even that away from them.
day fourteen: if i walk out the door (a thousand eyes) for anon
TK gets this feeling sometimes, a sort of prickling at his back, like someone’s behind him, breathing down his neck. At first, it was only a once-in-a-while situation, so he thinks nothing of it; when it becomes an everyday occurrence, he starts to wonder, but he’s probably just being paranoid. The shooting, kidnapping, firehouse explosion, and the fire at his and Carlos’s house had all taken their toll, and TK’s just generally more on edge these days.
He doesn’t tell anyone about the feeling, not even Carlos. There’s no reason to fuck up everyone else’s peace with something so stupid. It’ll go away eventually; TK’s sure of it.
That is, until one of the lots just down from the firehouse gets occupied.
day fifteen: find you here inside the dark for @fanfic-corner
Yaz has walked this room too many times to count now; she’s traced her fingertips over the walls, searching for any cracks or crevices to indicate where there might be a door.
If the Doctor were here, she’d have her sonic out by now, spitting out words, only half of which Yaz could understand. She’d find a way out in no time. Or, if not, at least she’d be here. Talking a mile a minute, probably annoying the hell out of their captors. Yaz can almost hear her now—
She can hear her now.
day sixteen: accidents happen for @ilovemosss
So, Jason reflects, it may not have been the best idea to take Pythagoras out training while they’re all suffering from a severe lack of sleep. Being the more logical of them, Pythagoras, to his credit, had attempted to talk him out of it, but Jason ignored him.
He very much regrets that decision now.
day seventeen: you and me (moving through this world as a two-man team) for @laelipoo
TK does not have a crush on the 126's latest hire.
Carlos Reyes: an Austin local, an incredible firefighter, and—objectively speaking—the most beautiful man TK has ever laid eyes on. Which is, in fact, the entire point; TK has eyes and, yes, he will use them to sneak a look or two when he’s suddenly sharing space with a man who looks like a Greek god.
That does not mean he has a crush, Paul.
(and, sure, maybe he does sometimes dream about how soft Carlos’s lips look and the little blush he gets when he laughs and those little flecks of gold in his eyes, but he’s only human)
(how TK knows about the gold in Carlos’s eyes is none of anybody’s business)
day eighteen: in perfect harmony for @anyotherheartwilldo
Here’s the thing—Carlos doesn’t believe in signs. He used to when he was younger, raised on his abuela’s stories, but as he’d gotten older his father had taught him that what mattered was the choices he made. He’s the only one who has a say in the way his life turns out, and if he wants something, he has to put in the work to get it.
But there comes a point—namely, after his fifth thwarted attempt to propose to TK—when he begins to wonder if the universe really does have something against him.
proposing to tk proves far more complicated than carlos had first thought.
day nineteen: whatever here that's left of me (is yours) for anon
“Are you…” TK leans closer, peering at the hoodie Carlos is wearing, and—yep. “Why are you wearing my hoodie? Was there nothing in your size from the crew? You should have said something. We can fix this, you don’t need to be uncomfortable.”
There’s a beat, and then Carlos, studiously avoiding TK’s gaze, clears his throat. “It smells like you.”
post-2.12, carlos finds comfort in tk's hoodies.
day twenty: can't smile without you for anon
Carlos would be lying to himself if the possibility hadn’t occurred to him before. He has always worried for TK’s safety, and the knowledge that a serial killer is on the loose in Austin has sent that worry skyrocketing. Especially because he’s the lead detective on the case; he’s spent hours poring over horrific crime scenes, examining all the facts until they’re burned into his brain.
Admittedly, the killers seem to be mostly indiscriminate in who they take, meaning the chances of it being TK are slim.
But there’s still a chance.
a before, during, and after of tk's kidnapping in a hole where your memory goes
day twenty-one: lately you've been searching for a darker place to hide for @freddieholic
“Can I ask you something else?”
TK stiffens at the sound of Mateo’s voice, a nervous note to it that wasn’t there last time. Something tells him he knows exactly what Mateo wants to ask; still, he turns to lean against the counter, crossing his arms as casually as he can manage. “Sure.”
“Are you…” Mateo trails off, biting his lip and avoiding TK’s gaze. “I mean, do you… I mean—”
“You can say it, you know,” he interrupts, not unkindly. “If you want to know if I’m thinking about heading out and getting high, then just ask.”
five times tk turns to unhealthy coping mechanisms when he wants to use + one time he finally asks for help
day twenty-two: know me crazy, soothe me daily for anon
It had freaked Carlos out the first time it happened.
“It was a seizure,” TK explained, after Carlos had finished telling him about it. TK had been disoriented and confused for about ten minutes after, and couldn’t even remember half of their earlier conversation. “I… It’s because of the drugs. They fucked something up in my brain, especially after my first overdose, and now I get seizures occasionally."
in which carlos gets a little over-protective and tk is mildly exasperated
day twenty-three: lover, be good to me for anon
Carlos holds his arms out, and TK comes willingly, setting what Carlos now recognises as a tray of food carefully on the bed. “What’s this?”
TK stares as if it’s obvious. “Date night.”
TK pauses, then gasps. “You’re right.” He pats himself down frantically, then pulls an object out of his pocket with a dramatic flourish. It’s a little electric tea light—real candles long since banned from the bedroom—and Carlos watches in bemusement as TK flicks it on and sets it down on the tray. “Now it’s date night.”
his fiancé being bed-bound isn't going to keep tk from date night
day twenty-four: bring you in from the cold for anon
As a cop, Carlos has always been uncomfortably aware of his own mortality. He’s considered his own death more than is probably healthy, but when you’re facing down the barrel of a gun almost every single day, it’s kind of forced on you.
He’s imagined himself being shot, stabbed, strangled, and everything in between.
But he’s not sure he ever pictured dying in a walk-in freezer after getting trapped there by mistake.
day twenty-five: heaving through corrupted lungs for anon
TK is itching to go home and check on Carlos, to make sure he’s still breathing and actually resting like he’s supposed to be. On the other hand, Carlos would probably kill him if he left work, illness be damned. It’s just… Carlos had looked so ill that morning, skin ashen and voice all but gone, and it had taken a lot of convincing for TK to still go to his own shift. He’d insisted on making sure Carlos had all the blankets and water and snacks and anything else he could possibly want, but even so, he’s still uneasy.
His gut is telling him that something’s wrong, and TK doesn’t think he can ignore it for much longer.
when carlos falls ill, they think it's just a bad cold. but when tk goes to check on him, he's in for a nasty shock.
day twenty-six: slowly becoming lovers for @pragmaticoptimist34
Things don’t get fixed overnight. They agree to give them a shot, but that doesn’t change the fact that TK is still reeling from his break-up and overdose, nor that Carlos is still hesitant and afraid of pushing too hard at once.
But, slowly, they get to know each other. And, slowly, they start to fall in love.
tk and carlos, getting to know each other and falling in love
day twenty-seven: and curse the gods for @girlwhowasntthere
Jason knows what it is to be cursed.
day twenty-eight: ignoring every warning for @moviegeek03
TK is fine.
He is absolutely, 100% fine.
And, sure, maybe he’s not supposed to be at work right now, and maybe his hand hasn’t fully healed yet, but it’s nothing. His doctor cleared him to go back to work, which means it’s healed enough, and TK is certainly not going to admit defeat no matter how much he's hurting.
day twenty-nine: can you beat back the night? for @girlwhowasntthere
He misses the bard. Geralt won’t admit it, not even to Roach, but he misses him. After months—years—of Jaskier’s constant chatter and the sound of his lute, the silence, once valued above all else, is too much.
It’s been months since the dragon, since Geralt lost both Yennefer and Jaskier in one fell swoop. He’s cursed himself many times over for the words he said—to both of them—and cursed himself more for the mistakes he made to get in this position in the first place.
this is the lot of witchers, to be alone.
day thirty: ease my mind for @silvarafael
Briefly, Carlos considers calling TK and telling him about the accident. But… He only broke two of his fingers and it barely even classifies as a minor injury in his book, so there’s really no reason to bother his fiancé while he’s still on shift himself. He pockets his phone then looks around to figure out where the exit is.
Only, an all-too familiar laugh distracts him from his task, drawing his attention to the nurses station.
Where TK is standing, smiling as a nurse swats at him for stealing one of their lollipops.
Carlos is, beyond doubt, fucked.
day thirty-one: scars turn to memories for anon
Their front door is open. It’s wide open, and the wood of the door frame is broken, splinters littering the driveway and the floor of the front room. TK’s heart stops in his chest as he surveys the scene, his brain going blank, struggling to comprehend what he’s seeing.
Everything is quiet in the front room, not even a table setting out of place. TK creeps further into their home, his every nerve on edge as he barely breathes for fear of alerting whoever’s here of his presence.
And then, he remembers.
Carlos was off shift tonight. He was here. Alone.
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kibybun · 4 years
Hi. Can I ask you to write about Aizawa or Hawks and their darling, who constantly joked about death and eventually she committed suicide, please? I love your writing💞 You are so awesome and talented and cool. Thank you so much for your work💕
Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I hope you like it!💞💞
Platonic Yandere Hawks x suicide joking reader
Tw: Yandere, suicide, self harm, angst
💛Hawks first met you at the sports festival, showing off your quirk and demonstrating power. You caught his attention rather quickly.
💛Not only were you adorable but intriguing as well. You wore long sleeves, even though you looked uncomfortable in them, and you seemed oddly quiet compared to everyone else, shying away when they come up to talk to you.
💛Another thing that stood out to him was when you were doing the calvary battle. No one came to ask you to join their team, but you didn't go out and ask to join either. You just stood there until a purple hair guy came up to you, most likely getting you to join his group.
💛Though, you seemed to change. Your fighting style and the way you use your quirk changed.
💛It bothered Hawks the whole calvary battle but he was put at ease when some kid with a tail backed out due to the other guy brainwashing him.
💛You end up backing out too, much to Hawk's dismay.
💛Even though you weren't fighting anymore he still keeps his attention on you, not seeing your other classmates or students.
💛He watched you zone out and silently cheer for your classmates, finding it adorable as you watch in awe at some of the battles.
💛The sports festival ends and he follows you home, only to make surd your okay. Once he got home he quickly put in a request for you to come intern with him before going to bed.
💛When you went back to school you were excited to see if anyone wanted you to intern with them, knowing you wouldn't get as many requests like Todoroki or Deku.
💛... two. Only two requests.
💛It hurt to look at the board and see that you one of the most unwanted students in class 1-A. You thought you did really well and maybe impressed more than two people.
💛You get your list of hero agencies and sink deeper into your self pitty when you realize that one of the agencies werebt even specifically asking for you. All the students got requested by them.
💛That leaves Hawk's agency.
💛You didn't know much about him and his work so this was going to be awkward.
💛When the day came to board the subway and head off to your internship, no one wished you goodbye. All the groups and clicks were together, walking each other to their respective trains while you again, stood alone. You ere used to it though.
💛You board the train and zone out, nearly missing your stop.
💛Right as you get off the train your vision is filled with red feathers. Low and behold the pro hero who requested you.
💛His charisma hits you as you instantly feel welcome. He makes witty remarks about the train being too slow as he begins walking with you in tow.
💛Along the way you ask him why he wanted you to intern with him. He smirks and responds with a "Why wouldn't I?" That didn't answer your question.
💛He walks you to his agency and introduces you to all his other interns. After that he shoves you towards the bathroom, telling you to change into your hero costume.
💛He sure didn't waste time as the two of you begin patrolling the city. It seemed very rushed and eager but you prefered it over having to sit in class and do quizzes.
💛During patrol Hawks starts questioning you about school and life almkst like an uncle or brother would. It was very odd to you, considering you never get asked questions about yourself.
💛You felt so pitiful not being able to tell him your birthday, you had forgotten it, but somehow he was so understanding and kind about it.
💛It wasn't long before all of his fans flocked to the two of you, shouting questions and begging for autographs. You didn't like how all the people were surrounding you and Hawks could tell.
💛He uses his wing to shield you and hastily shoos the crowd off. After that he asks if you're okay and checks to make sure you didn't get hurt.
💛His intentions weren't to sleep with you, no. They were pure. He almost saw himself in you, alone and blocked off from the world. He just wanted to protect you and make sure you knew you weren't alone.
💛It was working too.
💛In the short week you were with him you had laughed the hardest you had in awhile and smiled more. You even considered him your bestfriend.
💛The one downside of your friendship was he couldn't see your cries for help.
💛While one roofs or flying with him you'd make jokes about how easy it would be to fall and die or how fun it'd feel to free fall.
💛He'd only laugh these off, thinking it was some kind of dark humor, because if something was wrong he'd trust you to tell him.
💛When the internship was over you had to hold back tears as he hugged you goodbye. Of course he gave you his number to keep in touch but it wouldn't be the same as sneaking away from work and eating fried chicken.
💛The second the train left you felt how alone you were. You didnt want to text him right away because that would feel too needy. Should you even text him? Was he doing it just to be nice or did he actually care?
💛You leave those thoughts behind as your phone buzzes. It was a text from Hawks. "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
💛Your mood brightens as the two of you continue sending dumb chicken jokes, memes, and puns, with the occasional "dark humored" joke from you.
💛You make it home and your texting slowed, mainly due to Hawks having to work. You didn't know he was actually flying outside your house, making sure you were okay before flying off to buy you a dumb looking teddy bear.
💛Slowly, your mood begins to brighten with the constant reassurance of Hawks being there. He knew the right things to say at all times. Self conscious about your outfit? Incomes a barrage of compliments and confidence boosters. Nervous about a test or presentation? Boom, paragraphs about how amazing you are and how you can do it.
💛It almost made the emptiness inside go away.
💛Problems don't just go away, and it really shows.
💛Whenever you couldn't text or call Hawks your loniness sinks in. You had no other friends besides him. Your parents weren't the beat either with their comments about what you're doing or what you're wearing.
💛It only reminded you of all the reasons for the scars on your arms.
💛But before you could act on those reasons he was there. It was always magicly when you were crying in bed or fumbling with a sharp object.
💛Over time Hawks picked up on your thoughts and feelings, causing him to watch over you every second he could. He loved you so much, he couldn't lose you.
💛The amount of cute gifts he gets you griw over time. More stuffed animals, more snacks, more little trinkets. Anything to make you happy.
💛And again, it worked. The nights you spent crying or staring numbly at the ceiling slowly decreased. You also threw away the razors you had hidden, determined to stay clean.
💛When the work studies came you were the happiest you've ever been. You got to be with Hawks again.
💛Upon seeing him you were greeted with the best hug you've ever gotten along with fried chicken for lunch.
💛But something was off this time. He seemed a little more paranoid walking around the city with you, more eager to be inside at night, and disappearing at night.
💛It worried you, making you overthink the hole situation tenfold.
💛What if he was trying to avoid you? Where you being that annoying? Maybe he was tired of you. You should just leave him alone.
💛He hugs you goodbye as you leave, still conflicted.
💛Sadly your thoughts only grow stronger as time goes on. His texts become shorter and less frequent, making you think he was tired of you. His constant gifts had stopped as well
💛Hawks couldn't control his lack of contact with you. He wanted to spam you with memes at two am like he normally did but he was given a mission that couldn't be compromised, even at the expense of your friendship.
💛You fall back into your dark place without him. You were reminded of how forgettable you were to everyone, how you had no friends beside him, how your parents were disappointed in you.
💛What's the point in living in pain?
💛You start cutting again, just wanting to feel something again. You stop sleeping and eating, not feeling the need for it anymore. You completely passed out during training due to this.
💛One weekend you ride a train away from your town and into the one where Hawk's agency was. You were looking for him, a sign, anything, to tell you to stop.
💛The streets were empty and he was no where in sight.
💛You fight yourself at the top of a business building, hands trembling as you sent a final text to your only friend. You told him how much he ment to you, how grateful you were to him, how sorry you were for being annoying and taking up so much of his time, how this was goodbye.
💛You got to feel the wind rush past you. You were right about it being fun to free fall.
💛Hawks was talking to Dabi when his phone buzzed. Thinking it was the commission he checked it.
💛Dabi watched as Hawk's smug demeanor turned to confused then broken. He watched the pro hero fall to his knees and clutch his phone, nearly cracking it.
💛Dabi didn't even have a chance to ask what was wrong as Hawks flew at super sonic speed away from him and up into the sky.
💛He first scanned the buildings looking for you, wiping the tears from his eyes to try and see better. When he couldn't find you he swoops down low to the streets to see if he could catch you before you hit the ground.
💛He stops when he sees the splatters of your body of the ground.
💛He collapses next to you, sobbing as he looked at your remains.
💛It was his fault. He should've been there so much more. He should've watched you more carefully than he did. He should've killed those fuckers who thought they were better than you.
💛You should've lived.
💛Hawks lays there crying, going over all the things he did wrong and how it should've been him to die.
💛The morning comes and police officers tape off the area, pulling a now broken man away from you. They clean the area and leave.
💛Hawks mindlessly sits in the spot you were in, hoping this was a nightmare.
💛Night falls and Dabi managed to find him. He tells Hawks that he saw the news. It was odd for him to feel sympathy for a hero but here he was.
💛Hawks stands and grabs Dabi's hand, placing it on his face before begging him to set him ablaze. He didn't want to live in a world without you.
💛Dabi backs up, retreating his hand and looking at him stunned. What exactly did you mean to him?
💛Hawks continues to beg and pleas but Dabi continues to refuse. Too bad Hawks would do anything to die at this point.
💛Hawks shouts out his plans to spy on the league, to manipulate and destroy them from the inside. How he would kill them all in secret if he could. How it would be the best feeling ever to watch them die in betrayal.
💛Dabi falls for his trap. Rage was the only thing he could feel as his fire engulfed Hawks, semding him to the grave in a firey blaze.
💛He ran from the scene, leaving another body in the same spot.
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jjuzoir · 4 years
Match Maker | s. banri
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request: “Hello! I personally really love your writing and your whole aesthetic is my dream lol 👉👈 Can I request a scenario where reader and Banri are best friends since childhood? You can turn it into best friends to lovers kind of thing if you feel like it. I’m personally a huge fan of best friends to lovers aus, they just,,, melt my heart 🥺 Thank you so much, please don’t feel like you have to rush it and take your time! 💞” from anon
a/n: i accidentally deleted your anon but i managed to save the request itself sooryy^^ i am so sorry it’s taken me so long omg 🥺 i love you sooo much anonie 💕✨ i love f2l so much too it’s so cute just seeing people who love each other being able to be with each other is !!! ahhh ✨💕 i really enjoyed working on it and i’m really happy with it hhhh thank you sm for requesting ilysm ahhh
word count: 2973
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There were many perks to being friends with Banri, he was funny and nice when he wanted to be— he’d help you out with homework and never let you down; if there was one thing you could always count on Banri to be it was determined and loyal. But there were downsides to it too like the looks you’d get for hanging out with a guy with such a shitty reputation, the way he’d always get into fights, or seeing him waste his life away due to lack of interest. There were the multiple fights you had to endure, patching him after he got his ass beaten to a pulp the first few times.
But you wouldn’t trade him for the world. You had stuck with him through so many things, so many phases and bruises, beginnings and ends, you knew him like the back of your hand and you knew how hard it was for him to live such an “easy” life. He liked a challenge, something to work hard towards, something worth fighting for— so he could relish in the satisfaction, but that something never came. When everything comes easy you can never really bask in satisfaction; the afterglow after a succeeding.
Maybe at first, you guessed, Banri did enjoy it but he soon grew tired; everything was easy, too easy. How could he enjoy a life with no challenges when what he liked the most was a challenge?
That’s why when he joined the Mankai company you were ecstatic, finally a non-destructive hobby after years of fights and punches. It was why you didn’t mind distancing yourself from him, to let Settsu enjoy himself and get to know theater— you guessed you just didn’t know how far was enough, leading you to grow farther away than either of you expected; than either of you needed.
Looking back, Banri was somewhat grateful; he knew had you stuck around he wouldn’t have been able to concentrate with the growing feelings he had blooming in his chest.
He realized his feelings for you weren’t the same when texting you wasn’t enough, when meeting you at school wasn’t enough; when he realized that he wanted more. He never took into account how often you two would be together, it felt so natural, there was never a second thought or a minute to imagine what would happen if your routine were to change. After school and during breaks, you’d always be together chatting away; to not have you there by his side as often was weird. It wasn’t as if he never saw you but whenever you left he felt a bitter feeling in his mouth, it left him feeling unsatisfied. What was once a friendship that lasted 24 hours a day soon shortened into a relationship that would last as long as school breaks would allow.
He hoped that once he quit the troupe— after making his point known to Juza, he’d be able to go back to his routine with you, perhaps confess or just let it go, he just wanted to ditch acting and see where you two would go. But he never really quit and so the distance between you two became bigger.
You never grew estranged, neither of you would’ve been able to live without the other by this point— 14 years of friendship, of familiarity and comfort, can’t go down the drain like that. To you Banri was the need for a future, for excitement and adventure, and to him, you were home, nostalgic and known. But going from hanging around each other everyday to almost once in a blue moon, it hit hard and it hit roughly.
By the third performance, you and him could barely meet in person— you had joined clubs while he practiced, your classes weren’t the same and your part time job started demanding more attention; so all you could do was text. He hated texting, you could never really express your tone and feelings properly, but your relationship— or what remained of it, now hung on a thin thread of texts. It was weird, heart breaking almost, to see the shell that remained of your friendship.
It was around that time Banri realized he needed to act on his feelings for you, it was when he realized he could lose you.
He didn’t know how to confront you about it— the boy you had been hanging out around, he’d seen you two, heard the rumors of a possible romance, but he never confronted you. Blue eyes could only watch in confusion as the situation unfolded itself; you two were 17, not kids anymore, it’d be weird for him to pop in one day and demand for you to explain yourself to him. Banri wasn’t delusional, he knew you didn’t owe him an explanation.
Izumi noticed the uncertainty and hesitation in him, how something or someone was bothering him. It was soon after that his discomfort was known to the rest of the company and they grew confused and concerned— some more worried than others. It was her who ended up confronting Banri, she had to convince the dyed blond to not threaten the young boy with behavior and discipline.
Even through his short answers and cold stare it didn’t take the brunette long to understand what was bothering him.
“So, you like your best friend?” Izumi’s pink eyes were tinted with understanding and pity as she looked at the young boy.
However, Banri was too prideful to answer, instead opting to roll his eyes in acknowledgment.
“Well, why don’t you say something about it?”
“[Name] doesn’t owe me an explanation,” he muttered, he had thought about it but really— he was also afraid; if you were dating that boy then it meant his feelings were one sided and he could ruin your trust, make you feel like you had a babysitter or a possessive friend, and accidentally reveal the feelings he had only recently begun to acknowledge.
“I guess you’re right, but you owe yourself closure,” Izumi states straight into his eyes, “Just try talking to them about it.”
He stared at your contact name for a while before pressing it that night, he spent at least 14 minutes typing and re-typing what he wanted to send, never before had he been so self conscious when talking to you.
As he laid buried within his covers, only the soft light of his phone shining, he realized how important you were to him; he couldn’t fuck up.
‘Hey, our next performance is next week wanna come??????’
Once he had settled for a text and was ready to press send he heard a deep, and extremely annoying, voice coming from beside him.
“Delete some question marks, it makes you look desperate.”
“Fuckin’- were you reading my texts?” Banri barked at the golden eyed boy, what was that creep doing getting into his conversation with you?
“Kinda hard not to when you’ve got your ringer on, this isn’t a coming of age movie turn that shit off, iss’ annoying.” Juza grumbled before shoving his head between his pillows and Banri swore the small wooden panel separating both of their beds was suddenly asking to be used as a murder weapon.
“Fuck off, Hyodo.”
‘Hey, our next performance is next week wanna come over??’
“You are gonna give them their tickets, right?”
“Of course I am, I ain’t some sort of asshole!” Settsu could swear every time Juza opened his mouth he lost 10 years of his lifespan.
“Ya’ sure about that?”
“Say it to my fuckin’ face, eh?”
‘Hey, I got some tickets for our next performance if you wanna come??’
“Is that better, dick head?” Banri shoved his phone at the purple haired boy causing him to swat his hand away.
“Yeah, whatever.”
“Whatever-? You know what, choke on my dick.”
“Come on, I’ve sucked candy bigger than your dick, Settsu, I ain’t chokin’ on a pickle.”
He was surprised that you answered so quickly a short and simple ”Oh my god!!! Yes!!” that had sent his heart into super sonic speed. He guessed that, if Izumi was right and he did like you, that it made sense- and if he had to be honest, really had to be, you could say he didn’t mind the way his heart fluttered around his chest.
‘Come over early and I’ll give them to you’
“And they say chivalry is dead.” Juza grumbled into his pillow, earning a smack from Banri.
A week later and you were standing in front of the Mankai dorm waiting for him, you had to admit that- although sudden, the invite did make you quite happy, even if you both didn’t talk as often you still cared deeply about him.
While you stood outside waiting, however, inside the dorm Banri was getting one final pep talk from Izumi before he asked you out- or tried to at least.
“I get it! Izumi, stop nagging already,” blue eyes rolled as the older woman went over the plan.
“I am not nagging, Settsu! I am simply making sure you don’t screw up!” She shrieked, she was this close to setting you up with Juza out of spite.
“Look, I’m fine,” he assured her, “I’ll just tell ‘em how I feel and if they say yes then good and if they say no then whatever- it’s not like we won’t talk if I’m rejected.” Right?
“Hey, Neo delinquent, you shouldn’t leave your date waiting,” Yuki grumbled as he nodded over to the door, “Poor thing’s been there for half an hour, let it in already.”
“Yuki! Don’t talk about [Name] like they’re a dog!” Izumi scolds the middle schooler.
“Whatever, just worried they’re gonna catch a cold.” He shrugs before leaving the room, if you ended up sick you’d only have those two to blame.
“Okay, now go- go!” Izumi pushed the tall boy before running off to hide behind the wall, just in case.
Banri takes note of his sweaty hands and scolds himself; keep it together. He shakes his head and opens the door to find you waiting for him.
In the second it took you to process the opened door, Banri felt himself fall in love with you. After not seeing each other in person since the start of the new semester, it dawned on him how much he yearned to be with you.
“Banri, I missed you!” You throw your arms around your friend, you were excited— it had been weeks since you’d last seen him and you missed him, even if you two didn’t talk as much there was never a day you didn’t think of him in some way.
“[Name],” he ruffled your hair, his eyes softening as he looked at you, “I missed you too.”
“I’m so excited,” you pulled away from him, looking him straight in the eyes, “I was so worried I wouldn’t get tickets, I really wanted to see you act again!”
“Tch, ain’t you a fan?” He teases you, making way for you to come inside the dorms and you gladly do. It had been months since you last came, but it still looked and felt the same; he felt and looked the same, he looked smarter though, more mature and put together.
“You’re talking as if I wouldn’t come see my best friend.” You smile up at him and he feels his heart clench in his chest at your words.
As he leads you to the living room he wonders if he should actually tell you— unlike most things in his life, you were always there, no matter what he was doing you’d always stuck around him. Ever since you were young, Banri can’t remember a time where you weren’t there and, honestly, he didn’t want to.
His silence catches your attention and you decide to speak up; “So, how have things been?”
“Ah, good, they’ve been good,” he coughs, he felt stupid getting nervous over this- he should just get it out as fast as possible, “and you?”
“Things ‘ve been well, kinda weird without you around.” You admit awkwardly as you sit down on the couch.
He nods, a smile gracing his lips as he thinks about how to lead the conversation where he needs it to be. He remembers Izumi’s words and advice, he deserved closure and, maybe it was selfish of him but, he wanted a relationship with you too. He really, really wanted a relationship with you.
“[Name]?” He speaks out, his voice wavering slightly and if he could he’d beat himself up for it. Hearing the uncertainty behind his words you almost shoot up from your seat in worry.
“I- I know it’s sudden and,” he takes a deep breath, “it’s gonna sound weird but I, uh- realized somethin’.”
You nod confused, you were listening to him and you wanted him to continue; that’s the moment he realized he’d need to fold whatever pride he had left and throw it in the air if he wanted to know the truth.
“It’s very weird and if it makes you uncomfortable it’s okay! It’s just, I've heard about you goin’ out with someone and I wanted to know if-?”
“Oh! You mean Rin, right? No, don’t worry, he’s dating someone; we’re just friends!” You laugh as you explain.
“Oh, good.” Even with his, albeit limited compared to other members, acting experience he couldn’t quite hide the relief that washed over his face and body at the revelation.
“Why do you wanna know? Worried you’re gonna lose me?” You tease but the words he uttered next made you do a double take his way.
“Yeah, actually- funny you’d say that.” He sighs before looking around the room, “I didn’t invite you just for the tickets, [Name], I-I wanted to tell you something… I like you.”
You feel the blood rushing to your ears and spread through your cheeks, you were sure you were practically heating up the room just from your blushing alone.
“You like me?” You ask him, you were extremely flattered and the thought that a guy like Banri liked you was nice. You liked him, you’ve liked him for a pretty long time but were too afraid to say anything so for him to, after so many years, tell you he liked you was straight out of a shojo manga.
“Yeah, it’s okay if you feel weird, I just wanted to say it, ya’ know?” He avoids your eyes and you quickly piece together the rest. He’d been acting weird, all shy and nervous, his texts were kinda dry, and even when you did meet in the hallway he had been acting off… was it all because he liked you?
“Banri, I- wow, me too,” you stutter, fidgeting with your fingers slightly at his confused face, “I kinda like you too.”
“Ya’ do?” It was his turn to jump from his seat at your words, his heart knocking against his chest as if it were about to explode from the override of emotions he was feeling at your words.
“Yeah, it’s embarrassing,” you laugh, “but I’ve liked you for some time now, I’m surprised you didn’t notice.”
His signature cocky smile is back on his face as soon as you say it and you wish you could take it back so he wouldn’t tease you, but would it really be Banri if he didn’t make fun of you even just a little bit.
“Shoulda’ known, no one can resist me.” He plopped himself next to you and you shove him slightly.
“Yeah, no one can resist you and your bowl cut.”
“You said it looked good!” He glares at you but you know he isn’t angry at all.
“Yeah when we were like 10?” You ruffle his hair, the soft strands gliding through your fingers and Banri is sure that if he had a tail it’d be wagging.
“Ya? Well why d’ya like me if I got a stupid bowl cut?” He grabs your hand and levels himself to look you in the eyes.
“Because you’re smart,” you lean closer and peck his lips, “and cute, even with that shitty hair.”
“You can’t insult me and compliment me like that! You're gonna give me whiplash, geez.” His eyes widen at your actions and he blushes a deep pink, and you do your best to memorize that look knowing it was rare.
“Ew, the NEO delinquent is flirting on our couch,” you both hear a whine from behind you two and you jump startled, “Now we’ve gotta clean it up.”
“We’d appreciate it if you kept the PDA minimal with the kids here, Settsu.” Sakyo glares at the young man, you could almost miss the soft smile as he watched his leader finally look like himself again.
“So, [Name], you two dating or what?” Izumi pokes her head out of her hiding spot, going straight to the point.
“Please, he probably didn’t even give ‘em the tickets.” Juza makes his way through the small crowd and into the kitchen area.
“Yes I did-“
“No you did not.” You correct him, causing the actor to blush even redder at your words.
“Told ya’.”
“Cut it off you guys!” The director scolded everyone in the room, too excited at the newly formed couple to care about much else, “Are you two dating?”
“I think we are.” You look at Banri who looked back at you, his scowling face softening until a smile broke out.
“We are.” He confirms, giving you a kiss on the cheeks with a smile and you feel light on your feet with excitement.
“I should start a match-making agency or something.” Izumi giggles at her comment, proud to finally have helped the young boy.
“With your dating life? Please.” Sakyo laughs at the younger woman.
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shedreamsofstars · 4 years
Cataclysm of the Heart - Chapter 7
She’d waited so long to hear those words fall from his perfect lips. She’d never even stopped to consider that they might not be sincere.
They were going to die. He’d been sure of it. It had only been meant as a comfort. Something to keep a smile on her face as their end loomed.
Neither of them had counted on being rescued.
Start from the beginning  |  Next Chapter
Amy mashed the buttons on her comm as she fled the tea shop, ignoring the pitying eyes she could feel on her back, sharp and burning. She couldn't see well enough through her own tears to know who she was calling, but as long as it wasn't the boy she'd just deserted inside, she really didn't care.
Hopefully it would be Cream she thought as the cold air of the afternoon hit her fiery face. She could really do with the young rabbit's uncanny ability to know exactly what was wrong right about now. The wrist comm beeped a few times before Knuckles dulcet tones greeted her with surprise.
"Oh, hey Amy. I wasn't expecting a call from you today?"
The girl in question choked back a sob, unable to respond. Not Cream.
"Uh … Amy, you there?"
Amy sniffed loudly before managing a weak, "Uhuh."
"Hey, what's going on? It kind of sounds like someone's crying or some-" Knuckles voice cut off with a deep sigh as he realised what was up. There was a moment's pause and then. "Where are you Amy?"
It only took ten minutes before Knuckles hulking figure came into view, and in that ten minutes Amy felt like she'd finally put a stop to the fountain of tears that seemed to spill from her eyes. But seeing the echidna's familiar face creased with worry set her off all over again.
She ran towards him and fell into his arms, glad that he didn't push her away. Knuckles wasn't huge on physical contact, but he knew that it was exactly what she needed right now. And so he held her, patting her back and soothing her even though he had no idea what was wrong.
When she finally calmed herself down enough to pull away and take a deep breath, Knuckles asked her the words she had been dreading ever since she left the tea shop.
"What happened Amy?"
The pink hedgehog bit her bottom lip hard in an attempt to stop the tears from flowing all over again, and Knuckles picked up on it immediately, realising he had asked the wrong question in the wrong place.
"Alright, not here," he said with a wince, noticing the strange glances passers-by were throwing them. "Come on, let's get you home." He reached towards her and put an arm around her shoulder before shepherding her down the road.
"Can I ask just one thing?" Knuckles asked as they turned down a new street, his voice painfully sombre. Amy nodded, not trusting herself to form words that wouldn't be overshadowed by her sobs. "Is this … does this have something to do with Sonic?"
She didn't say anything, but Amy knew Knuckles would know her silence for what it was. A confirmation.
They walked for a little while without saying anything, and when she couldn't stand it anymore, she looked up at one of her oldest friends. His expression passively blank, but she'd known Knuckles long enough to know the turmoil that was unfolding just beneath the rugged surface. He was caught between two of his best friends, a position more difficult than she could ever imagine.
She glanced away quickly, stifling a fresh sob.
"Hey," he said softly, tightening his grip on her shoulder. "You can tell me what happened when we get to your place, and then you can cry a lake big enough for someone to drown in, okay. Besides, I have it on good authority that a certain someone's not a big swimmer.”
Amy felt a watery giggle burst from her despite the overwhelming desire to fall to pieces right there and then. She gave Knuckles a grateful smile that took all her effort, and he returned it with a reassuring one of his own.
Whatever happened, at least she knew she wouldn't be alone.
... xxx ...
Sonic stared at Amy's retreating form; a dumbfounded expression fixed on his face.
Did she really just …?
It wasn't until the girl turned the corner and he lost sight of her that he shook himself free from his own shock. If Amy thought she could stun him with her words and then just go throwing herself face first into danger, then that pink hedgehog had another thing coming.
"Hey," he called out, rushing in the direction Amy had just gone. With his speed, he was beside her in seconds. "Stop running," he called out, but she barely spared him a glance. If anything, she just ran harder.
"Amy, stop," Sonic said again, skidding to a clumsy stop in front of her and blocking her path. She tried to bypass him, but he held her by the shoulders, shaking her gently as he forced her to meet his gaze. "I can't let you do this. I won't forgive you."
"Then it's a good thing I'm not looking for your forgiveness, now move."
She tried to shake out of his grip, but he held onto her firmly, his green eyes locked onto hers like a magnet. He knew she wanted to look away, but every time she did, she was drawn right back. When it became clear that she didn't have the brute strength to break free from him, Amy let out a frustrated groan.
"Sonic, stop being selfish. If you don't let me pass, you'll get everyone killed."
"I just want to understand one thing first," he replied. "You were mad at me for days and days, and now all of sudden you just forgive me? Just like that."
He saw irritation flash in her green eyes. Good. He could use that.
"You wanted my forgiveness, didn't you? Well, take it."
"I don't want it anymore," he said, with all the vain stubbornness of a child.
"What!?" she said, so incredulous that she stopped struggling to glare at him.
"Look, I know I can be stupid about these things, but even I know it doesn't work like that. I don't want forgiveness if the price is losing you. I'd rather you keep hating me."
"I … don't," Amy replied slowly. "Hate you, that is. Not really."
Sonic raised a single brow in doubt. "Sure could have fooled me."
"I know." Her words were almost regretful.
"I'm not going to stop you," he said quietly, deliberately phrasing his words in a way he knew they couldn't come back to bite him later. "If you insist on going in there then go ahead, but I need you to know something first."
Amy blinked hard at his words, and he knew that they sent her back to another time another place. He hoped they would.
'If this is it for us, then … I need you to know the truth'
"Don't … don't do this again Sonic," she said, the fear of being hurt stretching its wide wings in her eyes.
"Will you let me say what I should have said the first time, Amy?"
Sonic watched her curiously, waiting for her response. What he wouldn't give to get a glimpse into her thoughts in that moment, maybe then he'd finally be able to understand what it was about this girl that had always intrigued him. For now, he'd just have to settle for the next best thing - a quick incline of her head for him to continue.
"Amy Rose," he breathed, one hand rising to rest on her cheek. It was hot to the touch and he couldn't help but wonder if it was because of him. "You have never been 'just some girl with a hammer'. Ever."
Amy bit her lip, and Sonic got the impression that she was holding back a retort. When she didn't voice it, he saw it as permission to keep talking.
"I never loved you 'from the first moment' and all that stuff that you felt for me … but that doesn't mean that I don't feel anything, or that it doesn't mean anything."
Sonic stared hard at the ground between them, his foot fidgeting restlessly. Why couldn't he meet her eyes he thought as a nervous chuckle escaped him. "I feel a lot of things Amy, most I don't even know the names for," he said as lifted his gaze again, the sight of her expectant face sending a strange sensation skittering down his spine.
His hand was still resting on her cheek, and he let it slide to the back of her head as he took a step closer to her without quite knowing why.
"I know that everyone's lives are at stake, but I need you Amy. I need you to be okay, I need you to be in my life and I just … I can't let you do this."
Amy frowned.
"But, you said you weren't going to sto-"
The rest of her words were caught up in his lips as they crashed into hers, rough and demanding. Amy's eyes were wide as she registered what he was doing, but he doubted she was any more surprised than he was.
He stopped immediately as he realised that she wasn't kissing him back. What on Mobius was he thinking? Of course she didn't want to kiss him, she barely wanted to even look at him. He should just take what he needed and go.
"Amy, I'm sorry if I… I … I don't -" He pulled back to give her space, or at least he tried to. Before he could back away, Amy shoved her arm into his chest and pushed him back into the wall. It slammed hard into his back and he let out a gruff wince of pain.
Amy's face was inches from his own, flaring with anger and confusion, but her voice was barely a whisper when she spoke. "Why did you just kiss me?"
Sonic swallowed uncomfortably.
He briefly considered lying before remembering that this whole situation had come about in the first place because of a lie that had spiralled out of control. No, he reminded himself. He'd learned his lesson on that count. It was the truth or nothing from this point forward.
"I don't know."
Something softened in her features and he could tell that she was waiting for him to say something more, to do something more. When he didn't, she pulled away from him a little but her hand was still splayed across his chest, holding him against the wall.
"Did you …" she stopped and took a pause, as if the next words pained her to speak out loud. "Did you do it for me?"
Hearing his own words echoed back to him felt like a kick in the ribs. Had he really sounded like that this whole time? No wonder Amy barely wanted to look at him, let alone hear him out.
He shook his head vehemently. "No, definitely not."
"Then, why?"
"I don't know, I just … did." There was no better way to say it. Sonic had never been good with words, but he doubted anyone would be able to explain the amount of 'not thinking' he was doing lately.
Amy glanced away from him, running a thumb absentmindedly over the place his lips had just met with hers. "Did you like it?" she asked, her voice muffled.
He didn't reply. Not because he didn't know the answer, but because he did. He did like kissing her, but if he said that then … where did that leave them? Things were already so convoluted and confusing; would he just make it worse?
Amy was biting her lip, and Sonic wanted nothing more than to replace her teeth with his own. He was so consumed in thoughts of those lips and deciding whether she tasted more like sugar or strawberries that he almost didn't hear her next words, whispered like a plea.
"Can you do it again?"
Her lips hovered above his own, eyes fluttering shut in anticipation, and Sonic felt that same rush of sparks flicker inside him again. He leaned forward and caught her bottom lip between his teeth in a gentle nip, reaching for her hands.
One still clutched the emerald, but she let him intertwine their fingers and walk her backwards until they hit the opposite wall, their positions reversed. He kept their hands locked together tightly, the emerald pressing into their palms, as he finally let their lips meet properly.
Kissing her earlier had been nice enough, but when she kissed him back … that was something else entirely. Amy was warm and enticing and Sonic couldn't get enough, growing lightheaded the more and more he lost himself in her.
The ground shook violently beneath them, and Sonic pulled away from the kiss groggily, his head foggy with desire and confusion. It took him longer than it should have to realise what the shaking was, and what it meant.
The cannon. How had he let himself get distracted to the point that he had almost forgotten about it? As much as he wanted to continue kissing the girl in his arms and hold onto this moment just a little while longer, he had a job to do.
Leaning forward to rest his forehead against hers, Sonic forced himself to catch his breath and clear his head enough to start thinking straight again - which, granted, wasn't easy given the fact that Amy was right there watching him curiously with half-lidded eyes.
Sonic pulled his hands back, making sure he had what he needed before dipping in for one last kiss. "If anyone has to die," he whispered, moving so his lips rested close to the shell of her ear, “then it only makes sense for it to be the hero."
And then, before Amy could even comprehend the words that he'd spoken or the fact that she no longer held onto the emerald, Sonic used his speed to run as fast as his legs would carry him in the direction of the Master Emerald.
With every thump of his feet hitting the ground, one distracting thought echoed in the recesses of his mind.
Sugar coated strawberries.
She tasted like sugar coated strawberries.
... xxx ...
thanks for reading. i can't believe there's only two chapters left! (we're in the endgame now folks)
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cutegirlmayra · 5 years
Surprised no one asked you for an amnesia prompt yet! Since Rememory had Amy without her memories of Sonic, how about Sonic's turn to lose his memories? Whether it's like Rememory where he'd only forget about Amy or just a full-blown amnesia is up to you.
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(x) Special thank you to @thatange for allowing her art to be featured with this prompt! If you or a friend would like their art featured on this blog’s prompts, please message me! I would be very grateful for your permission :)b
Rememory Fanfiction: FF.Net (x) AO3 (x) DA (x) Wattpad (x)
“It’s just… This feels familiar, this situation… somehow.” Sonic talked to himself out loud, holding the Iblis flame lightly flapping in a floating lamp of sorts.
He placed his finger to his lips in thought, remembering Blaze crying and the flame suddenly appearing as an entity wanting to destroy the fabric of space and time. Blaze claimed to not have known about it but felt she was responsible for it in some way.
…But then…
“Amy…” Sonic turned around, seeing her standing behind him.
“What’s wrong?” She tilted her head, waiting.
He felt a bit guilty and finally told her the truth. His eyes arched back, “I just can’t… help but feel like this is gonna end badly somehow. Like… If I blow this flame out, I won’t remember certain things.” he wondered how such a tiny flame could cause so much mass havoc.
“You mean…” she cutely walked up by his side, leaning to see the flame floating on its lamp above his hand. “You’re familiar with this flame?”
“…I’m not sure.” He closed his eyes and shook his head, turning away from her. “But I gotta blow it out. It’s the only way to reverse time back. How far back.. I’m not sure.”
“…But…” Amy stepped forward, “You won’t forget us, will you, Sonic?” She hopped a little more in front as he scratched the side of his head, showing he wasn’t sure if he could answer that honestly. “You… You can’t risk losing us!” She bundled her fists together, an odd step forward on her pigeon-toed feet.
“If you do… if you do… how could you even consider it!” her sorrow dragged in her voice, before picking up to betrayal and anger. “I won’t let you! I’ll blow it out!” She stumbled as she reached for the flame, Sonic lifting it high above her and catching her before she tumbled.
“Amy..!” Sonic held her by the waist, making sure if she squirmed–which she did struggle–that regardless, she wouldn’t be able to get the flame. “This is…. this is the only way to set everything back! The world’s covered in magma and ashes, Amy! You can’t choose us over them.”
“Yes I can!” Amy tried to get out of his hold, but his lock on her body was secure. She was able to get her feet under her and pull at his arm, “No,..! No, no, no!” she finally gave up and reached for the flame, wobbling on her tippy-toes. “Why do you have to do it!? Why can’t I…” her tears began as she watched the flicker of the flame, the slow dance it made as Sonic held it up high out of her reach, a torch that could possibly extinguish the memory of her only true love.
“If I had to choose between the world… and you…” she slowly dropped her arm, turning to a new desperate attempt at stopping him.
She hesitated, turning around and looking into his eyes, highlighted by the deadly flames glow.
“I would choose-!” she jumped at him, kissing him off-guard as the flame… slipped…
As Sonic stabilized himself, leaning back and eyes widened at her gesture– which she hadn’t stepped back from, even now, by the way…– he saw the flame began to slowly fade away as it fell through the empty space between time.
He quickly acted, moving more into Amy’s kiss and grabbed the flame falling behind her, it singed his glove as he spun to keep her away from it.
the spin… had the flame extinguish… and the world go dark… as their lips never parted.
Amy cheerfully was enjoying the sunny, spring day. Picking flowers was a necessity in May, no exceptions!
She bobbed her head as she dipped down to pluck some flowers before a gust of wind threw her off her usual cheeriness.
“…Sonic!” her eyes grew wide.
She remembered instantly, it didn’t even take a half-second for her body to instinctually start racing after the wind.
She remembered, everything up until Blaze crying.
“H-” She was at a loss, “How could I forget Sonic?!” she felt afraid for a moment then, stunned and worried how she sent days not thinking about him, not wondering what crazy adventure he had gotten himself into lately.
She bolted. The drive in her heart like a gas tank that revved up her breathing and kept her legs full of fuel. A fine-tuned car that started for none other than the one she loved.
“Sonic!” she called out, desperate for his attention and absolutely frantic at having forgotten about him.
‘It’s impossible, I couldn’t have forgotten him!’ she told herself as she continued to run. ‘Sonic would have slowed by now, why isn’t he stopping?’
She came to a halt when her body finally couldn’t take in enough oxygen and keep pursuing. Though the heart was willing, her body was starting to lose its adrenaline rush.
She clutched her knees as her shoulders moved up and down in rhythm to her rushed breaths.
‘Why didn’t he… why didn’t he stop for me?’ she questioned.
Her ears flicked around, showing not only confusion but also trying to hear which direction he may have taken.
His blue blur was far out of sight now. There was no way to tell by sight alone where he could have gone.
It would take another 3 weeks to track him down, all torturous, all longingly hopeless as she bared the harsh nature of her world to find him.
At last… she found a figure lying on a roof, blue and perfect as her memory seemed to fail her again. ‘Was he always this laid back? I feel like he was… why… why is it so hard to remember?’ she was growing frustrated with herself, but that emotion came out strong in her voice, causing a bad reception on the other end…
She threw her arms down by her sides, “Sonic The Hedgehog!” she cried out, “Why didn’t you stop and say hello to me when I kept calling you?!”
A face turned to look at her, his eyes half-way closed and his expression mostly indifferent. “Hmm?”
“Ah! How rude!” she puffed up her cheek, seeing he didn’t seem to care. “I’ve been trying to find you for weeks!”
“…Yo, you found me.” He raised a hand, acknowledging her accomplishment. He then yawned and used the same hand to stick his pinkie finger into his ear in boredom. “Such a loud voice…” he mumbled to himself quietly.
“Is there somethin’ you need?” He finally asked, after a moment of silence while Amy’s heart broke inside her.
“…I… Sonic… It’s me. It’s Amy. Amy Rose! You’re Amy…” She defeatedly withdrew a little bit. Her head came down, her hands met down in front of her, but her eyes remained to the back of his head.
“Oh?” He looked behind him, shrugging with the same arm. “Never heard of ya.”
The nonchalant reply shattered the windows of her eyes.
Even Sonic’s eyebrows lifted at the sight of her absolute destruction.
“You… You… That’s not funny! Sonic, you’re a jerk! Idiot!” she cried, launching her hands up to the sides of her eyes as tears sprayed out and she raced off, sobbing.
“…Was it something I said?” Sonic looked confused at the camera.
Amy continued to race away, crying loudly. ‘How… After all these years… how could he forget me?’ It was her worse nightmare, she couldn’t handle it, her heart was failing her as the engine she once trusted so much began to falter and wane.
As though an old and rusted furnace, the lining of her heart began to peel off and she slowly sunk to the ground, tucking her legs up to herself as rain began to fall.
A figure in the rain stood over her, his hands on his hips.
She heard a rustle of muddy grass approach her like footsteps, and tried to peer up through the thin but heavily pouring rain to see the man.
“…It’s never wise to be out in rain.” The voice stated, offering her his hand as he bent down to her. “Come on, you’re crying is upsetting the sky.”
It was a tender remark, but it was still a direct piece of pain to her heart.
She nodded and took his hand.
“Where are you from, anyway?” he asked.
She couldn’t even bear to look at him.
When she didn’t respond or even turn her head to him, he sighed, remaining still a moment before looking up at the storm clouds.
She sneezed then, and he smiled.
“Well, we won’t get anywhere by just standing around.” He scooped her up bridal style and was amazed at how well she adjusted in his arms. Though, he didn’t say anything regarding the strange sensation that he had done this sort of thing before, but he hadn’t really saved a damsel in distress. Did this mean he was officially her hero now?
“For a fan, you really put everything you have into seeing me.” He meant it as a compliment, “A few weeks, huh?”
He looked to her, but she just clutched her hands around his neck tighter, gritting her teeth.
‘How could this have happened? There must be an explanation. Was it Eggman?’
When she didn’t respond again, he sighed once more. “You don’t seem thrilled about any of this…”
“How can I be happy knowing you’ve forgotten me?” her voice cracked mid-sentence, too ashamed and worthless to stick up for herself. “If this is a joke, it’s not funny. It’s.. too cruel. Even for you.”
The statement just left Sonic staring at her.
In silence, he decided it best not to push anymore conversation. He wasn’t good at it anyway.
Deciding, very consciously, not to be confused- Sonic trekked on through the blowing rainstorm. It was a warm rain though, so he didn’t mind.
He tried to be a gentleman and shield her most of the time, but her head was ducked under his anyway, she would get wet everywhere else regardless.
He found a batch of matted foliage and ducked under there to see if any water leaked through.
It was a batch of greenery, but small for a den.
‘Eh, it’ll have to do.’ Sonic looked to Amy, watching water drip off her quills and slide down her cheeks.
Were those rain or tears..?
His eyes softened to her and he looked away.
Taking a breath, he turned back with a heroic smile on his face. “Miss? We’re here.”
She sniffled, “Where?” her three bangs had fallen over her sad, little pitiful face and Sonic couldn’t help but find that rather cute.
“Heh.” he felt bad for the girl, wanting to turn her mood around. “A type of briar patch I would imagine.” he pointed to the tightly knit thorns above the entrance, “But our quills should keep us safe.”
“You knew I was a hedgehog?”
“Uhh… I may not have heard you calling from all the wind rushing past me, but my vision hasn’t failed me. Yet, anyway.” he winked, trying to be charming.
She turned away again.
“…Ohh.” He groaned, upset that for the first time, he couldn’t seem to cheer a girl up. “Here.” he tried to be polite now, just stick to good manners and set her down in the sheltered cover first. “Watch your head and dress.”
Her dress got caught on a twig and before it could tug her, he swiftly loosed it and she continued to crawl inside the den.
She turned around and sneezed again as Sonic sat beside her, ‘whoo’ing a gesturing of relief at getting them out of the rain.
He grinned even more now, knowing how contagious a smile can be. “Good thing you’re loud, lady. Or I’d have been looking for ya for a while.” he rubbed under his nose, finding it a bit embarrassing to say that.
“…You were looking for me?” She turned back to him, before puffing up her cheek in anger again. “Quit acting like we’re strangers! Hmph!” she rejected his kind gesture to make her laugh.
He flinched at how cold she was being, “Now, now…” he sweatdropped, “Give a guy a break…”
After a moment, Amy turned to him again, “You… You really, honestly don’t remember me?”
Sonic shrugged, “Not a clue!” he beamed.
Amy’s heartfelt Eggman’s robots surround her and fire directly to her core in an execution.
She silently fell back but was pricked by a thorn.
“Woah! Hang on there…” Sonic reached his hands back for her, helping her stay upright. “You alright?”
“Yeah, I… Ohhh!!! How can I be alright when you seriously don’t remember me!” she reverted back to herself a moment before remembering to be mad again.
“Heh, okay, but I’m not entirely at fault here.” He kindly tried to look at her with some sympathy. “It’s not like you told me where we met before…”
“Ohhh! We’ve been friends for years!” she kicked her legs up and down like a mini-tantrum, not wanting to be spiked by the prickly twigs again.
“For years, huh?”
“I know Tails, Knuckles… everyone will be missing you!”
“W-what?” her mouth dropped a moment, losing all her anger than to replace it with fear. “Tails… Knuckles… You don’t remember them either?”
“Not a clue.” Sonic shrugged, “But it sounds like a wonderful life.” He grinned.
“…No,… don’t be carefree about this… this is awful! We have to help you meet your friends!”
“Friends?” Sonic scoffed slightly, turning away from her and putting a hand up by his mouth. ‘She’s a little nuts…’ he told himself, ‘But at least she’s cute when she worries about me.’
He turned back to her, deciding to play along. “And what were you and ‘my friends’ and I doing together? Partying? Up to no good?” he reclined a little, wanting to see how far she’d take this.
“We’d fight Eggman…” she looked to the ground, heartbroken that this was all real.
Sonic’s eyes widened a little, “Eggman?”
“You… probably don’t remember him either.” she brought her legs up to her, holding them close when Sonic smirked.
“How could I forget Eggman?” He laughed, “How could anyone forget him?”
“Waahhh!? You remember Eggman but not me!?” Amy looked hurt, spreading out as she fully turned to him now.
“Haha! You’re so dramatic.” he pointed at her and continued to chuckle. “No need for the theatrics, lady. But it is kinda funny.”
She puffed up her cheek again, “Ohhh… you may have lost your memory, but you sure haven’t changed!”
“Heheh. So… what was Tails to me, in the past?” he closed one eye, turning playful.
“He.. he’s your best friend.”
“Tails is a boy?” he looked a little surprised to hear that. “His name sounds a little funny.”
“He’s got two tails, but his real name is Miles. We just call him Tails cause he prefers his friends to call him that.” she wiggled her finger along the dirt, still crushed by this discovery.
“Ohh…” Sonic wondered if such a girl would be able to find her way home after the storm. She looked like she needed some ‘special’ kind fo help…
“And Knuckles?”
“He… Well, he was kinda like your rival.”
“That sounds fun!” Sonic laughed, “What was he like? A real brawler?”
Amy suddenly realized his tone of voice, “You…” She turned to look at him, “You don’t believe me… Do you?”
He kept his smile.
“And what were you… to me?”
He lowered his head, “Back then? In this, other world?”
She was about to open her mouth and say, ‘girlfriend’ but he’d never believe her then.
She closed it and looked away.
“Oh? Suddenly turned shy now?” he tried to turn his head to see her. “Why all of a sudden? Were you something important to me?”
He was mocking her… wasn’t he?
She ducked her head even more now.
“My name’s Amy.” she muttered.
“Huh? What was that?” He bent his ear toward her.
“My name…” she twitched violently.
She lifted her head in rage, “IS AMY ROSE!”
A large ‘BONK!’ was heard along with a ‘PIKO’ as she raced out of the thicket.
“Ow! Where’d that come from!?” Sonic was totally taken aback by the random hammer and her fist coming directly down on his head. “My fault for getting to close to a nut job.” he grumbled, rubbing his head and sticking it out fo the ticket.
The rain was just a drizzle now.
“Hey, Wait-!” he sped off after her, catching her easily.
“You shouldn’t run off on your own like that. I thought we were having a pleasant conversation?” he continued this teasing, but Amy wouldn’t have any of it.
“If you met Tails and Knuckles, you’d know who they were!” she tried to find a way around his mocking, but he just kept speeding in front of her and waving his arms about to taunt her.
“Hehehe, Okay. I believe you.” he suddenly turned serious, and stood straight, dropping his hands.
“Y-you do?”
“Sure! Besides, I can’t let you run off without someone watching out for you. You may have a cold.” ‘I can’t let her leave like this, someone’s bound to be looking for her. Maybe these -Tails and Knuckles- guys are people who know her.’
She suddenly looked relieved and excited, “You mean it?”
Her change in attitude made him smile, “Yeah, I got nothing else to do.” He sweatdropped. ‘I couldn’t let you get into trouble because of me…’ “I’ll take you home too.”
She smiled, “Yay! We’re gonna restore your memory! You’ll remember us! Ya-ha!” she jumped around and cheerfully returned to her old self, eyes sparkling and her body full of life.
Her energy made him stop and stare a moment, ‘Wow, like 0 to 80.’ He whistled, “That sure changed your mood.” He was glad she wouldn’t be upset while they traveled.
He met Tails first, though Tails also didn’t seem to recognize him. Sonic side-commented that he was pretty sure Amy was crazy, and to go along with her till he could find someone who knew her. Tails was kind enough to agree, saying he admired Sonic too, but not to make up crazy stories like this…
However, Tails was surprised how much Amy knew him, and the spookiness of it all made him and Sonic a little more sheepish around her.
They met Knuckles next, who seemed more like a villain than a rival to Sonic and Tails.
They defeated him and bonded, high-fiving as Knuckles explained that he knew they stole his emeralds, but Sonic admitted he had no idea what he was talking about.
Amy suggested Eggman which turned out to be true, which continued to spook the three, but Knuckles believed Amy to be a witch of some kind.
Finally, Eggman didn’t recognize the whole lot of them but Sonic. “Making friends are we, Sonic?”
“Actually,” he looked around at Knuckles and Tails. “Yes.” He seemed surprised to admit that, but Eggman looked flabbergasted that his long-time enemy was quitting the solo career.
“No matter!” he got ready his ‘ingenius’ plan to thwart them. “More the merrier!”
The newly formed team defeated him, and Sonic finally gained the trust of Knuckles.
“I’ve never had friends before!” Tails exclaimed, excited to be a part of something like this. Especially S-so-social…
“I’ve never been out before!” Knuckles placed his gloved-hand over his forehead to block the sun, looking at the beauty of Angel Island from here, then all the world.
“No, no, no! You’re all friends! We’re all friends! this… you were supposed to remember! Augh! Now what do I do?” She held her head, shaking it in frustration and misery.
The boys looked at each other, then smiled to Amy.
“But we are friends.” Tails stated.
“And it’s all thanks to you, Amy.” Sonic gestured to her, also looking pleased by the day’s events.
“Heh, maybe you’re not so crazy after all.” Knuckles smiled, “But still weird, mind you.”
Amy looked at the three boys, still broken hearted but nodded in defeat. “You’re right… If I can’t bring back the time that once was… then…”
She raised her head and nodded, smiling prettily. “Then I can at least restore what was once lost.”
The three smiled and cheered. “That’s the spirit!”
Later, Sonic pulled her aside, moving his head close to just about touch his forehead to hers, but not really.
His arms folded, night steadily approaching, he asked again, “So… what were you to me? In this other world?”
“I… I wanted to marry you.” she finally said, nervously pushing her pointer fingers in on each other.
His face cracked.
He laughed, gripping his belly. “Definitely a good idea not to go with that at the first meeting!”
She blushed, “You really think I’m still crazy?”
“Maybe…” he quieted down and then looked more affectionately towards her, “But a little crazy never hurt anyone.” He winked, putting his hands on his hips. “Though, if you are a fortune-teller, I don’t know what to think of that one prediction… Still, I owe you a lot.” He looked up at the sky and scratched his nose, then smiled and closed his eyes, thinking…
“Thanks, Amy. I appreciate it.”
Amy would live in this new future for a few years before kissing Sonic and restoring the old world’s memory back to everyone.
But for a few years? She got to fall in love with him all over again~
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Love is a Risk
title: Love is a risk summary: It was early 2010 and Dan was worried (more like panicking) about his future — specifically regarding uni. At this point, Dan wasn’t sure why he made some of the choices he’d made, but, well, he was here now. When his anxiety comes to a head, Dan turns to the only person in Wokingham he trusts to help him: his nana. words: 4.6k rating: g warnings: a few f-bombs [[ao3]] time: early 2010 series: Love is... part: 2 NOTE: this is a prequel to Love is a Gesture (read here), but it doesn’t matter which order you read them in! a/n: a huge thanks as always to @auroraphilealis for her support and fantastic editing skills. where would i be without you, love??
Dan pressed his nana’s doorbell for a fourth time, glancing at his watch. 5:07. Bingo should have let out over an hour ago. Where is she? Dan thought desperately.
He’d been standing on her porch, intermittently ringing the doorbell, for nearly ten minutes now. Ten agonizing minutes. Dan was unable to quiet the thoughts that were racing around his head and he just wanted them to shut up already. Briefly, Dan considered giving up. He could go home, pull his duvet over his head, and hide from his fears in the comfort of his own bed.
But Dan knew that he wouldn’t feel any better if he did that. The safety of his cotton sheets was nowhere near comforting enough to calm Dan down. He had no doubt that the fears, the worries, the anxieties, would all continue to haunt him, even in bed.
So instead, Dan turned his back on the door, only to take two strides and sit on the top step of the stoop. For lack of anything better to do, Dan tugged his phone out of his pocket, and opened facebook.
The post on the top of Dan’s feed was the same one that had been the trigger for his entire breakdown:
Sarah McKinley: omfg i got an offer from manchester today ahhh i’m going to uni xD
Fuck. He’d almost hoped that he’d imagined the post, or mixed up what school Sarah was accepted to. He’d desperately hoped that the fucking post wouldn’t exist — or at the very least, would be buried down his timeline — when he checked again, but of course it wasn’t. The universe wasn’t that kind to Dan.
He quit the application and switched over to his messages with Phil. In the last forty-five minutes, Dan had received six texts from his boyfriend, all of which he’d ignored. Finally, stuck with absolutely nothing else to distract him, Dan took a moment to skim the contents of the messages — they all seemed to be talking about a level in Sonic. Sighing, Dan locked his phone and shoved it back in his pocket.
He’d deal with that later. He couldn’t pretend to care about video games right now, not when he had so much else looming over his head.
For now, he leaned forward, perching his elbows on his knees and cradling his head in his hands. From this close up, he could see how dirty the white tips of his black Converses were. He really should clean them. His eyes drifted up the shoes, stumbling on the silver stars his ex-girlfriend had drawn on with sharpie.
On second thought, maybe he should just buy new Converses. He was saving his money for uni though.
Well, hopefully.
The low rumble of a car pulled Dan from his thoughts. He looked up just in time to see his nana pulling into the driveway. Thank god.
Dan scrambled to his feet eagerly, brushing the dust from his black jeans, trying to appear as neat as possible. His hand flew up to his hair in a frenzy as he attempted to flatten his stick-straight fringe back down from where the wind had surely ruffled it.
Dan was in the process of arranging his — well, Phil’s, technically, but who’s counting — button down flannel when his nana stepped out of her car.
“Hello Bear, come help me carry the groceries in.” If she was surprised to see him waiting for her, she didn’t show it.
Bless her for not asking why Dan was perched on her stoop on a Tuesday.
Obediently, Dan shuffled over to the car and took the paper bag from his nana’s hands. She ruffled his hair affectionately, effectively messing up his attempts to make it lay straight.
“Let’s get inside, love. It’s cold. You’re not even wearing a proper coat.”
Dan nudged the car door closed with his hip and trailed after his nana, relishing in the warmth of the house when she locked the front door behind him. Without instruction, Dan proceeded into the kitchen, and sat the bag of food on the counter before collapsing into one of the chairs at the table with a groan.
Nana didn’t say anything, just patiently put the groceries away in silence and left Dan room to speak.
Dan chewed through his thoughts, trying to figure out where to begin, how to explain what he was doing here, and why he probably looked a mess. Nana had been the witness to many of Dan’s breakdowns, so she likely already saw it coming.
“I fucked up, Nana.”
“Language, child,” she chided.
“Sorry. I messed up, I mean.”
“I’m sure it’s not as bad as you think, dear. What happened?”
Dan sighed. “You know Phil?”
“Hmm, that lad up north? The one you never shush up about?” His nana teased. “Never heard of him.”
Dan’s cheeks felt on fire, and he was willing to bet that they were probably as red as the tomatoes that Nana was setting on the counter. He knew he talked about Phil a lot, but he didn’t realize other people noticed it too. It wasn’t like he tried to talk about Phil constantly, he just… couldn’t help it.
“Well, um, what exactly have I told you about him?” Dan fished, trying to figure out how much his nana knew.
“Plenty, namely that you seem to think the sun shines out of his bum.” She sat down across from him, appraising him with a critical eye.
Dan didn’t think his cheeks could turn any redder, but apparently they could. His nana was a smart woman, always able to read between the lines and pick up on more than just what Dan said. Sometimes it was a blessing. Sometimes it was a curse. Dan wasn’t sure which it was at this particular moment in time. Maybe both.
“Well, um. In that case. Um…” Dan stumbled through his sentence.
“Out with it,” Nana commanded, folding her arms on the table in front of her.
“He isn’t just a friend,” Dan blurted out before he could lose his nerve, squeezing his eyes shut and hiding his face in his hands, too afraid to watch Nana’s reaction.
Nana didn’t respond, though. Instead, Dan heard her chair scrape against the floor, so he peeked out between his fingers to see what she was doing, confused. He wasn’t sure what he’d expected her to say, but he did expect her to say, well, something. But she wasn’t saying anything. Instead, she was fetching a few items, setting them down on the table between them.
Dan closely followed her movements with his eyes, trying to figure out what she was doing. First she brought over a bunch of tomatoes, followed by an bag of onions, a weird bulb thing that Dan was fairly certain was garlic, two knives, and two cutting boards.
“You look like you could use some risotto,” his nana said simply with a small smile and a twinkle in her eye.
Dan’s breath whooshed from his lungs, a wave of relief crashing through his body. He wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting when he’d confessed that, but it wasn’t something so — so — normal.
Nana pushed the chopping board and knife towards him, and started picking through the onions. When she found one she was satisfied with, she rolled it towards Dan. The anxiety brought on by the damn facebook post, the post that had sent Dan into a panicked spiral about his life choices, dulled his reactions; he only just managed to catch the onion just before it fell off the table.
“Cut that,” Nana ordered quietly as she broke a few bits off of the garlic-looking thing.
Dan didn’t know how to do much in the kitchen — he was well hopeless at most of it, really — but spending most of his summers at his nana’s house, in this very chair, had taught him how to do two things: dice an onion and peel a potato. He was utterly incompetent when it came to doing anything with the ingredients, but he at least knew how to be a decent kitchen hand when it came to those two basic tasks.
Numbly, Dan steadied the onion on the board, and sliced the ends of the bulb off. His hand set about peeling the paper away, worrying it between his fingers like the anxieties worried his mind. When he was certain that all of the paper was off, Dan brushed the wrappings to the side, and sliced the onion in half.
“So tell me about this boy,” Nana nudged softly, once they’d both settled into their tasks.
Dan continued slicing the onion silently for a moment before answering. “He’s brilliant, Nana. You would — you will love him.” She hummed quietly but didn’t say anything else, so Dan continued. “Phil lives up north — close to Manchester, see.”
“You’ve mentioned that a time or two.”
Oops. Of course he had. And even if he hadn’t, Nana wasn’t an idiot. Surely she’d pieced together why Dan was suddenly so interested in going to Manchester every other weekend.
“Well, he’s moving to Manchester proper in the summer. His parents are helping him get a flat.”
“That’s nice of them,” Nana murmured.
“Yeah, so. Well. Like I said, I might have fu— messed up.” Dan didn’t look up, doing his best to keep his hands from trembling as he chopped. He wasn’t sure what Nana’s face looked like — and at this point, he wasn’t particularly keen to find out.
“How so?”
“I love him, Nana.” Dan risked a quick peek up. Nana was concentrated on her task, but her lips were turned up in a small, gentle smile. Reassured slightly, Dan continued, “I love him so, so much. And the distance… it’s sucked. It’s been absolute hell. For both of us. I want — need to be closer to him.”
Nana stilled her knife and looked up to meet Dan’s eyes. Dan was suddenly very grateful that she had put him in charge of the onion — hopefully he could pass his watering eyes off as a side effect of the vegetable, rather than tears.
Knife still poised in the air, Nana didn’t say anything, calmly waiting for Dan to continue. Dan drew in a big breath before he continued.
“So I’m supposed to go to uni in the fall.” Dan knew he was jumping around a bit, and hoped that Nana could keep up. He didn’t have enough wits about him to tell this story coherently right now. “You know, to, uh, study law like Dad wants.”
Nana started chopping again, her eyes flickering between her knife and Dan. Self-consciously, Dan redoubled his efforts to cut the onion and focused his eyes downwards, staring at the knife, his fingers, the white vegetable.
“I’ve heard your father’s ideas for your future, yes,” Nana said, a bitter, curt edge to her voice.
Dan felt a glimmer of hope, a glimmer of hope that Nana might recognize that uni — or a law course, at least — had more to do with his father’s wishes than Dan’s own. The knot in his stomach loosened ever so slightly. There was a chance, a small chance, that Nana might not be too angry about his recent decisions.
“He’ll murder me if I don’t get in,” Dan mumbled, concentrating on cutting the onion into even, long strips.
“He’d get over himself eventually, you know. But you’ll be fine, dear. You’re a right smart lad, top of your class. I know any one of the — what was it? five? six? — universities you applied to would be happy to have you,” Nana reassured.
“That’s the thing,” Dan refuted brazenly, his knife stilling in mid-air. He could feel the knife shaking in his hand, and hoped Nana didn’t notice.
“What’s the thing, dear?”
“I didn’t apply to all of the school’s dad told me to.” Dan dropped his knife and drew his lip in between his teeth, trying to figure out how to word his confession.
“Which ones did you end up applying to then?” Nana asked before Dan could say anymore.
There was a pause, as Nana waited for Dan to throw a few other names out there. Dan bit his lip, because he had nothing else to say. After a moment, Nana’s movements stopped, and she looked up at him quizzically.
“Manchester,” Dan repeated meekly. The memory of that fucking facebook post surged back to Dan, and the terror that he wouldn’t get into Manchester — meaning that he wouldn’t have gotten into any school — washed over him him.
Nana set her knife down too, brushing the bits on her cutting board into a pan. Her expression was still patient as ever, but confusion was beginning to creep in, her brows furrowing slightly, eyes narrowing the smallest bit. “I’m not following, Bear.”
“There’s not much to follow,” Dan chuckled hollowly, returning to the last bits of the onion he was supposed to be chopping. “Dad wanted me to apply to seven uni’s. I applied to Manchester.”
“Just Manchester?” Nana asked curiously, her eyes searching Dan’s face for something.
Finally. Finally she seemed to catch on.
“Just Manchester,” Dan confirmed numbly. He scooped his finished onions into a pile in the center of his board, and pushed it across the table towards his nana.
“So not only are you… unenthusiastic about studying law like your father would have you,” Nana began. Dan expected her to be angry, or at least frustrated, but she sounded amused. There was a light lilt in her voice, her words unsteady, as if she was trying to keep laughter from bubbling up. “But you only applied to one uni — the uni that just so happens to be in the town where your boyfriend lives.”
“Well when you put it like that…” Dan trailed off, biting his lip and averting his gaze.
“Like that?” Nana laughed as she added his onions to the pan and sat it on the hob. “Truthfully, you mean?” she teased.
Dan groaned, chagrined, and dropped his hand back into his arms, careful to avoid the knife. “Well, yeah. No need to be so blunt though,” he grumbled.
Nana chuckled. “Grab the bouillon from the cupboard, Daniel.”
Dan looked up. Nana’s back was to him as she added rice to the pan and filled a pot with water in the sink. Dan hurried up, rifling through the pantry to find the small box that his nana was asking for. He found a few cardboard boxes that said “boullion” on them — vegetable, chicken, and beef. He grabbed them all and carried them over to the stove, offering them to his nana. With a small smile, she picked the vegetable box out of his hands and motioned him to put the rest back.
“This boy must be something special,” Nana said after a few minutes of silence, ladling a spoonful of broth into the pan she was stirring.
“He is. He really is,” Dan urged, trying to make Nana understand just how very special Phil was.
“Special enough to risk your education.” She was passive, almost perfectly neutral. Her voice wasn’t terse, wasn’t tense, like Dan figured it had a right to be. He was being unbelievably reckless after all. He’d applied to one university. To one program. Statistically, the program accepted only two hundred students of out a typical eighteen hundred applicants.
So, no.
The odds weren’t in his favor.
Dan was being reckless. He was being young and in love and stupid. But he had a reason. A beacon of hope guiding him to Manchester: Phil.
The truth was, Dan cared more about Phil than he did law. But also, to be fair, Dan probably cared about the ants on his nana’s windowsill more than he cared about law. It was hard to imagine anything he cared about less than law, really.
“It’s not like I really give a fu— hoot about the law degree, anway.” Dan mumbled. “It’s just an excuse. A way out.”
A way out of his parents’ house. A way out of Wokingham. A way to Phil.
“A way to Manchester,” Nana supplied.
“I mean. Yeah, basically,” Dan admitted, watching her add another spoonful of liquid to the pan, stirring methodically.
“Let’s hear it, then. Tell me more about this boy, Phil.”
Dan let out a breath that he didn’t realize he was holding. She wasn’t angry, she wasn’t upset. Instead, she was trying to understand, she was trying to know more.
“He’s wonderful,” Dan gushed. He moved over to where she was stirring the pan, and hopped up on the counter next to the hob. Nana half-heartedly swatted at his leg — she’d told him off hundreds of times over the years for sitting on the counters but had long since given up on trying to get his bum into a proper chair while she was cooking. “He’s so passionate and kind and weird…” Dan trailed off again.
There were no words in the world that could properly describe Phil. He was just so… much. He was everything Dan had ever dared to hope for from a partner and more. He didn’t know how to communicate to his nana how perfect Phil was.
“And you think he’s worth it?” Nana questioned. Again, her tone wasn’t harsh or judgemental. She was genuinely asking, trying to understand. Unlike either of Dan’s parents (or at least, so he feared), she cared. “You think he’s worth risking your chance at a uni education?”
“A uni education I could give a rat’s ass about…” Dan mumbled under his breath. Clearly, though, he wasn’t quiet enough, because Nana smacked his thigh with a reprimanding glare. “I mean, um…”
“Regardless of how much you do or don’t want a degree in law, you think this boy is worth risking it? Or risking the wrath of your father if nothing else?” Still yet, her voice wasn’t patronizing. She seemed almost… understanding.
“Nana,” Dan sighed. “I think Phil’s worth just about anything.”
Nana added another ladle of broth to the pan and continued stirring methodically. Silence enveloped the room as that confession sunk in. Dan’s eyes followed the spoon, hypnotized by its slow, steady, rhythmic drag through the rice. At some point, Nana started humming a soft tune under her breath. For the first time all day, Dan felt safe. No matter how brash his decisions had been recently, life would carry on. One way or another, he’d move forward.
“Daniel, love. If you want the tomatoes in the risotto, please cut them.”
Truthfully, Dan could take or leave the tomatoes, but he was a little bit desperate for something to do with his hands, something to distract himself from his worried thoughts, so he hopped down from his perch on the counter and shuffled back to the kitchen table.
“How many?” he asked, pulling the bunch towards himself.
Nana glanced over her shoulder. “Let’s start with four, I think that should do it.”
Dan set to work, carefully slicing up the tomatoes. With the exception of the sporadic chopping of his knife and the steady drag of Nana’s spoon through the risotto, the room was silent for a few minutes.
“So you think he’s special,” Nana stated, again reflecting sentiments she’d expressed earlier. Even now, Dan was still half expecting her to find him ridiculous, to ridicule his romance, his hopes, his determination to make it work despite how young they both were. But, of all the people in the world, Dan should have known that his nana was going to be the most understanding of them all. “Tell me why, bear.”
If Nana was trying this hard to understand, to decipher Dan’s motives, surely she didn’t think he was too foolish. He could handle her thinking he was impulsive, irresponsible, headstrong even — but not idiotic.
“It’s like…” Dan slid his knife through the first tomato, chopping it cleanly in half. “Everything he does is filled with passion. He’s been working on his youtube channel — that video site I told you about — and he just… he…” Dan was lost for words, couldn’t figure out how to express the endless list of reasons of why Phil was so important, so extraordinary. He had always prided himself on being articulate, being good with words, but now — now he was completely tongue-tied. Over a boy of all things.
Unable to say anything else, Dan redoubled his focus on the tomatoes.
“So he makes videos on youtube,” Nana prompted when Dan had been silent for too long.
“Yeah,” Dan breathed, shaking himself out of his stupor. “And they are so weird sometimes, but they are all so, so creative. He’s got a real, proper fanbase going for him and… he’s talented, Nana. I promise,” Dan urged fiercely.
“So, he likes doing these videos…” Nana stated stirring her pot a bit more. “How does that affect you and law?”
“I want to do them, too.” The words rushed out of Dan’s mouth before Dan could stop them. He tried his best to sound confident, assured. But he was nervous. “I’ve made a few of them — it’s fun. It’s the most I’ve enjoyed doing anything in ages.”
He wanted her to take him seriously, to understand that youtube was something he was passionate about. But at the same time, he really didn’t want her to ask to see them. He wasn’t sure he could endure her watching the sexual mess of Phil is Not on Fire or the sometimes lewd, sometimes crass videos he’d made for his own channel.
“Hmmm,” Nana murmured. Dan couldn’t tell if he was imagining the disapproval or not.
“I know.” Dan acquiesced. “I know it’s not practical. I know it’s not going to make me millions — or even hundreds — of dollars. But it’s just… I like it,” Dan said, trailing off.
He more than liked it. Feeling such passion, such joy from something when he’d felt so sad, so lost for so, so long was refreshing. He felt alive. He didn’t want to lose that. Especially not for something as mundane as law school.
“We have fun together. And sure, maybe that’s not how we’re going to make a living, but a part of me really believes that somehow, together, we’ll figure something out. He’s creative and he brings out this… passion in me that I didn’t realize I was capable of. That I’ve never felt before. I really think that, somehow, together, we can… do something.”
The spoon that Nana was stirring through the rice stilled for a moment before picking up its rhythmic pace again.
“You know,” Nana said, stirring methodically, “you’re grandfather… once upon a time he believed that he — that we — were capable of something extraordinary. He wanted to open a restaurant. But I wouldn’t take the risk. He always promised that it was fine, that he didn’t care, that he was more than happy with how things turned out. But…” Nana stirred in a few leaves from the plant in the window. “But I’ve always wondered how things would have turned out differently if we’d gone for it. If we’d opened a restaurant.”
Dan passed her the tomato chunks, not sure what to say.
“I’ve wondered,” Nana continued, “if he would have lived longer. Without the stress of working a job at the London Stock Exchange. I wonder if he would have liked the daily work of managing waiters more than monitoring the worth of companies. I wonder how things would have been different.” Nana stirred the pan some more, adding a few more leaves to the creamy rice.
Dan poured the tomatoes into the pan on her silent command.
“I don’t want you to wonder, Daniel.”
“What?” Dan asked, half unwilling to interrupt the dulcet tone of the evening, but also confused by what his nana was saying. A flame of hope flickered in Dan’s chest. Was it possible that Nana could support him chasing Phil, youtube, happiness? Something that wasn’t the carefully laid out plan his parents had for him?
“Whatever you think will make you,” Nana dragged her spoon through the risotto, “and Phil,” she added with a sly smile, “happy — that’s what I want for you.”
“You want me to be happy… even if it means not studying law…” Dan tried to clarify, perplexed by his nana’s intentions. “Even if it means… with Phil.”
“Especially if it means with Phil,” Nana said, stirring in the tomatoes.
Dan chewed on the inside of his lip. “Why especially if it’s with Phil?” Dan asked.
“He seems like a special lad,” Nana answered. “When I look at how you talk about him, I remember how I felt when I first met your grandfather. I’ve thought so since you first mentioned him.”
“Yes. And that’s why I’m going to demand to meet this boy of yours.”
Dan felt his cheeks flush. Before tonight, he’d never explicitly told his grandmother that he liked boys, but she’d been so, so receptive that his heart was melting. He wasn’t prepared for her to be as kind, as open, as inviting as she was, but here Dan was, still reeling from how welcoming she was being.
Not once had she batted an eyelash at the fact that Dan was dating a boy.
He could only dream of having such a positive reaction from his parents but —
But he didn’t know. He hadn’t mentioned it. And had no intentions of mentioning it either. He knew his parents were curious why he insisted on spending so much time at Phil's, but he wasn’t prepared to explain it to them unless he absolutely had to.
He should have known, though.
He should have known that his nana wouldn’t think twice about it, that she would be so welcoming, just like she’d been to every single other thing Dan had ever confided in her.
“You — you want to me-meet Phil…” Dan stuttered.
“I insist on it,” Nana corrected. “As soon as possible,” she added, stirring in the last bit of broth to the risotto.
“But mum and —” Dan tried to interrupt.
“But nothing. You both can stay here while your parents think you’re out of town for all I care,” Nana offered flippantly. “I’m meeting this boy of yours. By the end of the month.”
"By the end of the month?" Dan cried incredulously. The end of the month was so soon. Just two weeks away. Dan couldn’t believe that Nana was that adamant about meeting Phil. 
 "By the end of the month," Nana confirmed. "Pick a date and tell me as soon as you've got it scheduled." 
 "O-okay," Dan agreed. He'd text Phil later, ask him when he was free. But for now, he fetched two bowls from the cabinet and placed them next to the stove. Nana scooped a generous helping of risotto into each bowl, passing them to Dan to set on the table. 
 Dan sat down in his chair, feeling lighter than he had all day. Everything would work out, somehow or another. He'd get into uni or he wouldn't. Regardless, he'd find a way to Manchester, to Phil. And sure, maybe his father would be livid if that path wasn't a law course, but as he sat across from his Nana and took a bite of her famous risotto, Dan knew he had at least one person's support. 
 That's all that counted. 
 "How's the risotto, dear?" Nana asked. 
 "Magical," Dan smiled.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Frank Zappa’s Son Ahmet Talks Legacy, Labels, and His Father’s Inventions
Frank Zappa, who died in 1993, is one of the least understood artists of the 20th Century, which is ironic because he was also the most prolific. Introduced to the world as a bicycle-playing artiste concrète sitting naked on a toilet, he was a harmonic genius who experimented with sonic assault weapons and visual subversions. Frank Zappa was the Nikola Tesla of music. Alex Winter’s documentary ZAPPA, which is now available to watch in the UK and Ireland on Altitude.film, clarifies many of the contradictions by highlighting Zappa’s primary focus. The Mothers of Invention bandleader was a composer.
As such, Frank was also a cultural ambassador, a hero of free expression, a hysterical satirist, and a guitar virtuoso. He was celebrated in the Czech Republic after the Velvet Revolution, and castigated by parental control mongers in America. But even Frank knew his rep enough to drop an album series called Shut Up and Play Your Guitar. It should be compulsory listening for anyone who’s ever put fingers to strings.
For the documentary, Frank’s widow Gail Zappa gave Winter unfettered access to the family vault. The son of “the Son of Mr. Greenjeans” gave him the combination. Ahmet Zappa and his sister Diva became the central scrutinizers of the Zappa Family Trust after Gail died of lung cancer in 2016. Ahmet is a film producer, author and an actor who appeared on Growing Pains, Roseanne, MadTV, and the films Jack Frost and Ready to Rumble. He is also a musician and songwriter. Like his sister Moon, he collaborated with his father, and like all his siblings, he appeared on Zappa releases. Ahmet and his brother Dweezil recorded together, and now each bring their own flavors to the soup of their father’s compositions.
Ahmet, who is an executive producer on ZAPPA, spoke with Den of Geek about the documentary, the vaults, the inventions and other family treasures.
Den of Geek: In a project like this, what kind of things do you learn about your father that you hadn’t expected?
Ahmet Zappa: Not too much on new facts. Through the process of, I guess, preserving not just the video and the audio, you just find things that you just think are awesome, new music or just different things that Frank says that it will have meaning to other people one would hope. It’s a hard way to answer that question because it was a very emotional journey. So, it was more bittersweet in that I feel so blessed to have all this media because I feel like it’s a consolation prize because I lost my mother and father. It’s not a solid replacement, it’s a blessing to have it because it makes me remember them and feel closer to them.
They were pretty forthcoming with a lot of the conversations. We were able to participate and our parents would talk to us about everything. Maybe the biggest mystery was just how many chicks my dad boned. That was surprising. That wasn’t great news, you know what I mean? But I guess it’s rock and roll. I was really naïve to think that that maybe wasn’t going on, but I learned that.
How did you react when you first saw the finished film?
I just loved it. I burst into tears. Similar kind of bittersweet reaction. It’s so emotional and the things that just kind of wrecked me were seeing Frank in pain after he had been attacked after the concert he did at the Rainbow in London. Just seeing my mother being protective of Frank, even crossing the street. Little things like that are so ingrained in how protective my mother was and remembering the effects that my dad had after that accident. A lot of back pain, it forever changed his voice because he almost died. I mean, that part really, really got to me.
Of course, the pride that I have in what an artist Frank was, the champion of artist rights. I’m so biased because I feel like I’m so inside, but I try to give good answers. For me it’s all good. I’ve known Alex for many, many, many years. When he called me up one day and was like, “Hey, how come there hasn’t been an official bio doc on your dad?”
I explained to him, “Well, lots of people have tried and it just wouldn’t go the distance because of the approach and you’d have to speak with my mother.”
I just watched Gail and Alex strike up this pretty fast and deep relationship and I was delighted that Gail felt the way I felt. It did take a lot of trust to have someone embark on telling the story about someone who’s so near and dear to you.
Gail was like, “Look, Alex, the story that you want to tell, you’re going to want and need to have full access to the vault.” That was when I knew, “Oh, this is game on. Gail’s really feeling this.”
Then when I was speaking with Gail, “Look, if we’re going to do this, we want to be able to champion and support Alex because it’s his movie.” He had director’s cut. That part was really important to Gail and I to just tell the story that you want to tell but make it an honest story. Don’t hold anything back. You have access, you have free rein.
I think that was a scary moment, but we had such faith in Alex and I love the end result. I think he did a very loving, caring job. I think that people have a great sense, when they see this documentary, of what it’s like to be a composer, the life of a composer and the extraordinary life that Frank led. I really think it’s a pretty well-rounded, awesome film. But then again, I’m biased.
Being a fan of your father’s sense of humor, I thought the documentary itself was just an elaborate scheme to get him to pay for the remastering.
The truth of the matter is we went into the vault and his jaw dropped. We’re like, “Okay, let’s start.” He didn’t have funding for the doc. He came to the house videotaping Gail. Then when we were looking at the footage of the tapes in the vault, and Alex having a bit of a background, and I was really naïve to this, to be totally honest, of, “Hey, is this media being stored right?”
It was in, as much as we could, a temperature-controlled massive room, just the shelf life of the tape itself was disintegrating. In that process, it became pretty evident that if we can’t save the media, it will be lost forever. The fan base, the gratitude that I have towards the people that came to the rescue of the media is extraordinary.
That was definitely not something that we were too aware of. Alex, having done Kickstarters and those types of campaigns, [said] “Well, maybe we should try to do this because it is so expensive to preserve that media.” Alex convinced me. Gail had passed after he was doing interviews and when we got into the nitty-gritty. Joe Travers, our vaultmeister, on a regular basis, will have to bake tapes in a Ronco food dehydrator. We’re aware of that kind of stuff falling apart, but it’s a whole other pail of fish when you’re having to transfer these tapes that we don’t even have the machines, in many cases, to even play them back on. To get the media off of it, that was a whole other stress point. I’m so grateful that we preserved what we could.
Besides the video and the audio, were there anything like screenplays or maybe the skits Frank wrote for the Saturday Night Live that were never produced?
Oh, yeah. There’s lots of stuff in there. Gail and Frank, they never really threw anything away. We’re always finding things here or there. I found early versions of this project that Frank was working on called “Christmas in New Jersey” which was pretty hilarious. A lot of elements from Thing-Fish were there and other little bits of connection.
I found a lot of his early artwork that blows me away. Cool stuff. That’ll eventually, I would hope, see the light of day. I found this amazing piece of sheet music. I think Frank must have accidentally dripped a bunch of ink all over it and he just then turned that into this awesome dude playing the Congo drums on it. It’s just crazy.
Frank’s penmanship and the way that he would even write music is beautiful to see. Then you throw in him just fucking around with some of the artwork. Even yesterday, we found some really awesome artwork on some of the old letterhead from United Mutations that Captain Beefheart was working on. This must have been at the time that they were probably working on Trout Mask Replica.
It’s kind of bananas, right? You think about someone who passed away really early at 52 and the body of work? I don’t know of another artist who really accomplished as much art as my father. Whether you like his art or not is not the point. It’s that he was just 24 hours a day. Just seemed to be this machine and he just burned the candle at both ends.
It seems that he and Prince were the only artists to ever be in trouble for having too much music.
Yeah, I kind of agree with you. When I talk about it, people are like, “Well, he’s made so much of it.” I’ve also had business dealings where people are like, “Well, there’s just so much. If you have so much, I don’t know, I’ll give you 10 cents on the dollar because there’s so much.”
You’re like, “I don’t think it works that way.”
The movie’s opening in the UK. Can you tell any difference between American and an overseas fan?
I just think Europe, overall, has just a greater appreciation of not just Frank’s music but music and art in general. They have a much longer history of appreciating the artistic endeavors of the individual. I do think that there’s a big audience out there. I’m curious, I’m excited it’s finally coming out overseas because I think people will really enjoy the film. Frank has always had a massive European audience.
The documentary opens with the Czech Republic and Frank was very surprised at his renown. Can you tell me a little bit why Zappa Music had a special classification?
I just remember, as it was happening, the people would express if you have so little money and you were going to buy music, which is kind of extraordinary, they just weren’t leaning towards, I guess, more commercial artists. There must have been a different level of attention and appreciation, I should say, for music with different time signatures and that was more exploratory versus, again, a pop record.
I think it was more the value of how much music you could get on a record and how different it was. Maybe there’s something in that mindset over there in how, again, the arts just overall have a greater level of importance. I think it’s just the greatest that they respected Frank and his music represents freedom over there which is so cool.
Do you think it was the intricacy of the music that made your father’s music so dangerous or do you think it’s how he took serious things so unseriously?
Probably all of it. I think it’s a combination of both, in my humble opinion.
The entire State Department seemed to come out to block his appointment as Czech liaison. Why did they find him particularly frightening, threatening?
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None of This Would Be Happening If Frank Zappa Had Been President
By Tony Sokol
I just think that maybe his points of view, although at the time so progressive, but I think that that was maybe a massive negative, where today it’s not that. I think that Frank really changed things for the better with his points of view and expressing, to me, what just feels like common sense.
I grew up in this really progressive household and I remember people thinking that we were so odd. We were like The Addams Family because of the attention our parents would give us and the freedoms that we had and how they supported our individual creativity and all of that. When I would have friends over, they would relish that environment, but I guess the parents, it’s like, “You’ve got to work within this box,” and then Frank was not that person.
ZAPPA tells a story about your sister slipping a note to introduce herself. I was wondering if this opened up an era of collaboration with your father that might not have opened if she hadn’t done that.
I don’t think so. Maybe. But from my point of view, and, again, Moon is seven years older than me, I think for what she needed emotionally, that kind of connection, that was definitely a way to connect. At that same time, Moon was singing on that song “Jumbo Go Away” and I was in the studio singing on “Drafted Again” with Moon. Then later on she did “Valley Girl.”
I don’t know what came first because there was always so much music happening in the house. There were a handful of times where Frank would say, “Okay, I’m going to record you guys. Go get the piano.” There are tapes in the vault of us just playing music. If we had family members over that were funny or exhibited some interesting talent or something, he was like, “Hey, come down to the studio and record it.” He was really present in that way if you got his attention.
Did he watch you practice, monitor your musical progress or give you tips?
I wanted a drum set. He was like, “Ah.” I really was always interested in the drums. Then weirdly he was like, “Why don’t you play the saxophone?” He let me play around on some of the instruments. There weren’t really any kind of restrictions in that way.
I guess the most interesting musical conversations I had with him was over doo-wop. He would play me a lot of his favorite doo-wop records. He was like, “Can you sing like this?” The super falsettos. We were actually talking about doing some doo-wop music and I was going to do some vocals. This is when he was really sick and working overtime and getting as much time as he could. That’s a bummer that we never got to get in the studio and work on that stuff.
That’s when he told me about the fun story. Gail loved Howlin’ Wolf and so did Frank. I was like, “Well, what else do you guys like?” That’s when they started playing me doo-wop and talked about The Persuasions. What an incredible story that is.
Are there any other rock documentaries that you appreciate now having finished ZAPPA?
Yeah, there’s lots that I appreciate for different reasons. One that was really interesting to me just because I’m a big fan of his, but the Harry Nilsson doc I enjoyed. I just love him. I still wish that they would have collaborated. Maybe they did. Maybe I’ll discover that. I love Harry Nillson. His music is kick ass.
What’s happening with The Bizarre World of Frank Zappa?
What’s happening with the world of touring on the planet? We were getting ready to go out again. It’s an expensive show. It’s really technologically intense. It’s costly to ship everything around. You got to be really specific and careful with the routing and also mindful of the band. How many days can you play? We were getting ready to go back out again. Yeah. Just the state of the world.
We were going to do the Zappa Band and King Crimson. We had announced that even. That got pushed. We have every intention of picking both of those things up again.
They’re very different experiences. The Bizarre World is a multimedia extravaganza. When the guys are just playing, they’re playing a bunch of shows. I love those guys. I love all the musicians that played with Frank. Just a shitty situation with COVID.
When we can, we try to do things that help the music community in need. That’s been a lot of my focus when possible to do what we can to give back.
When you’re auditioning musicians to play, do you make them go through musical acrobatics?
For Frank’s music, yeah. You have to play it right. For me, the kind of music I write, it’s not anywhere near as challenging as the stuff Frank was working on. I mostly work with people that worked with Frank. They get it right.
Joe Travers is incredible. Scott Thunes is incredible. Honestly, they can speak to it a lot better than I can as musicians. They worked in the capacity, Scott is the scoremeister in prepping the band and running rehearsals. That’s more of, as an example, someone more qualified than me is the one who’s going to be able to explain if someone’s doing it right or wrong.
There’s lots of variations of the same songs, how they were played. So much of it is about an artist’s individual way of the groove that they lock into with the band. You might have a version of a track that is played pretty straightforward and then there’s a reggae version. You’ve got to have a tight band. Lots of rehearsing goes into pulling off the music sounding professionally played. It’s not something that you’re just like, “Yeah, I’ll meet you on Tuesday. We’ll rehearse for a couple of hours and then let’s jam.” It always takes more time with Frank’s music.
Are you more of a fan of prog music than you are of any other genre?
I certainly appreciate prog music. I have a hard time with the labels. I think people might categorize some of Frank’s music as prog. I just don’t love the name prog rock. To me it’s all rock. I love odd time signatures and I like melody, so I gravitate towards a lot of different musicians. I’m just more of a rock fan and I use that for whatever reason as an overall way to describe what I listen to.
I love heavy metal. To me it’s all rock music. Electrified instruments and interesting singers and I love that. I don’t have a bunch of rap records or hip hop. That’s not a lot of my music collection. I’m just more into people plugging in and threshing their bass, drums, guitar, and great vocalists.
I covered the “Framing Britney Spears” documentary. While I was doing it, your and Dweezil’s version of “Baby, One More Time” was on heavy rotation. How did you pick that song? As a conservator of an artist’s trust, would you have any advice for her?
I haven’t seen the doc and I don’t know. I can’t really speak to her situation. From what little I know from the TMZ-style news is that there’s, I guess, some health concerns there. None of us really know the truth unless you’re in it. I send her lots of positivity and hopefully that all gets sorted out for her.
As it pertains to the “Hit Me Baby, One More Time” track, I was working on Ready to Rumble. It was a wrestling movie. They wanted me to have that song in the film. The music supervisor on the film [Mike Flicker], mentioned the Britney Spears track and I was like, “Oh, that’s so funny. I had won Say What Karaoke.” I was working at MTV and someone dropped out of participating. I was hosting something else up there and they were like, “Oh my god, would you consider getting into this and doing a Britney song?”
I was like, “Yeah, sure. Do you have a crazy outfit?” So, I put on a wig and some sparkly spandex thing. I was like, “Hey, check it out. If you want, I can do a version like this.”  Then I was like, “Hey, Dweezil, do you want to do this track?” That’s really how it came about.
I just watched the Miami Vice episode with your father in it last night.
The worst stunt double of all time was him jumping in the water. The cut is just so bad. It’s not my favorite performance of his. I don’t know if he was really comfortable in those situations, or, maybe he was. I know he wasn’t winning a Daytime Emmy or Nighttime Emmy for that performance.
How do you choose which of your father’s music comes out?
We listen to the fan base and have internal conversations and try to think about, “What period haven’t we explored?” Because we’re always uncovering new things, so there might be, “Oh, look, we just found this track on this record or on these tapes.” It’s a pretty natural, holistic, organic way of picking to be honest. We’re always listening for new things and listening to the fan base.
Do you have a favorite performance or favorite period of your father’s?
The ’70s, really. I was born in ’74, so that music and that time and that band I was always around. That’s my earliest music that was being played for me. I was raised on that. I’m just partial to the rocking ’70s.
We know a lot of things that Frank enjoyed just from his songs. We know that he likes B-movies because of cheapness. What are some of the things he enjoyed which might come as a surprise?
He loved animation. We had talked about that. Maybe that will surprise some people. We made recently this beer called “Why Does It Hurt When IPA” where we gave all the proceeds to the music community in need. So, people will ask, “But Frank didn’t drink.” I think people would be surprised to know that he did enjoy beers. He had his favorite ones. He didn’t have a beer or a glass of wine every day, but certainly there were occasions where he would.
He liked Peter Jackson’s movies a lot. He loved Terry Gilliam, though. His favorite is Time Bandits. Brazil might be one of his all-time favorite movies. That was a must watch, right up there with The Brainiac which is not directed by Terry Gilliam. That was a Mexican horror film that was played a lot in our house.
I read that you and your father talked about holograms before they were even a thing. Can you tell me how that conversation brought you into the work with Eyellusion?
Frank talked about it even in his book The Real Frank Zappa Book. He wanted to start his own hologram business and started in earnest developing, trying to launch his business. As a kid, just talking to me about his thoughts and the benefits and getting something like that going.
One aspect was, “Hey, there’s going to be a show that’s out there touring of the music with these holograms, but I’m here in LA and I don’t have to travel.” There’s that. Or the show could go out and he could be home working. That was like, “Whoa!” It felt like the holodeck on Star Trek in what he was describing and how far he was going.
He was even talking about being able to broadcast in the atmosphere. Having some kind of projection system that he was trying to figure out the specifications of that with some people from, I guess, military friends on my mom’s side of the family. Lots of forward-thinking concepts that people at the time must have imagined, “That’s so far out.” Then fast forward to today with displays and with different software and machinery and all of it really became a possibility.
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I was really excited and inspired to try to work on something that Frank really wanted to have happen. I have lots of audio of him talking about, singing about holograms, making references to holograms. He loved animation. It was really fun to put that show together.
ZAPPA is available on on-demand platforms in the U.S. and the UK at Altitude.film.
The post Frank Zappa’s Son Ahmet Talks Legacy, Labels, and His Father’s Inventions appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3dBQyAt
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
MY IDOL MAYRA , so i was wondering how would you feel about writing a jealous!sonic which leads into feelings being revealed;);) ((so au ! I know but i can't resist)) if you don't mind ofc, have an amazing day ur da coolest 😎😎
ofc? Out of character? I’m quite a stickler for character, but I try and find plausible ways the characters can stay true to themselves and also develop where AU’s can be possible. I think I can make this plausible, leading it into some deep AU (aka shipping crap xD) but I’ll do my best to keep everyone in character until that AU transition is over :) Sound good? lol
“I could, take you home, if you want?”
This boy had been flirting with Amy the whole adventure, and she had tried to be polite and just laugh it off like she didn’t realize it, but over time she began to get shyly embarrassed by it.
What made it worse was Sonic was RIGHT THERE and didn’t DO ANYTHING to stop it!
She was furious that he was so close, and yet, let this creep keep trying!
“Ehem, um… well…” she scooting more towards Sonic, having his arms folded, looking away and up at the sky.
He wasn’t looking at anything in particular, but what Amy didn’t know was that him being so close to keep the guy in line…
He had tried to convince the dude, indirectly, so to speak… that Amy only loved him and him alone, and no one could change her mind.
“Well… that’s probably because she’s never known real love before.”
That pompous statement sent a fire through his veins like he never knew before, and ever since then, he hasn’t let the guy be alone with Amy.
That creep wasn’t going to lay a HAND on her if he had anything to say about it.
However… just like, Amy, Sonic was also misreading her reactions too.
Her shy getaway act and not answering him directly made him nervous… he wondered if Amy really was being wooed by this confident… freak-a-zoid!
He needed him due to him being the only one who knew the exact location of the hidden village with the new mineral ore that Eggman was using to make his latest machines.
Apparently, being the only one who escaped, he was able to find Sonic and the team to tell them his people were being enslaved by Eggman to mine in the ore for him, having his robots supervise them as a threat to not step out of line.
Amy looked up to Sonic, but he interpreted that as her thinking, not so much her indirect, plea in body language to say, “HELP ME.”
He looked away, worried that she might actually go with someone who seemed to like her over himself…
He looked down.
Amy misread that as he was letting her go, and her heart nearly broke at his expression.
His eyes scanned the ground, before he gave a cold look to the boy across from him.
‘…I can’t just let him take her! Can I..?’ His heart was hurting, pretty badly actually, that he was just letting this all happen.
He bore his teeth and looked away again, turning his head slightly back to the ground.
‘It’s Amy’s life… it’s her decision.. I … I shouldn’t interfere.’
He was about to turn completely away, leave Amy to make the decision for herself, as he tightened his selfish fists to try and not make a dash at the dude, knock him out, and whisk Amy away.
‘What is this!? What’s happening to me!? I’m so mad! I could just..!’ he lifted his fists up, about to take a step away, as he faced Amy with his back.
She truly thought he was shunning her away, leaving her to this guy’s awkward flirting.
But why?
‘Sonic would never be this cruel…’ she thought to herself, her arms outstretched to him weakly,… as if not knowing if it was okay to ask for help or even for him to stay…
She felt more comfortable that she wasn’t alone with this guy… but if Sonic left.
‘I’ve never felt so selfish in my life!’ Sonic almost felt his jaw and head ache from the force he was pushing onto his teeth.
‘I want her to not like him. I want her to stay with me. By me. Beside me… Ahhh! I can’t just let her fall for another dude!’
He swiped his head a moment, back and forth, but Amy took that as he was telling her not to resist, or not to come any closer.
In desperation… she leaped.
Sonic’s eyes shot open and widened, leaning his head slowly up as he felt her arms around his waist, gripping his stomach as she trembled, her head ducked down and bent with tears.
He doesn’t really recollect what happened to him after that.
All of a sudden, like instinct, he pulled her close and pushed in front of her, holding her like the most precious possession in the world, and glaring at the dude.
“She’s got a ride.” he scooped her up, not even thinking as he spoke, and walked away. “Always.”
The guy blinked, not sure what all that indirect communication was about.
“Uhh…uhh… okay?”
He seemed to realize that Amy wouldn’t ever go for him, and sighed, letting the two escape.
Amy was so taken aback, not only did he respond quickly and even held her so close that her heart raced at the how protectively he had stated those words…
But it almost felt like…
She was his.
 “Sonic..?” She looked up at him, grateful but concerned as his hands were slightly hurting her.
For some reason… his tight grip was comforting though, but his face was fierce, making her panic a moment that maybe he was mad at her actions.
She stifled a quivering sound from her lips, something like a gasp and to say more, but dared not too.
‘What’s going on? It’s like I physically can feel that I almost lost her something.’ Sonic was so consumed in his confusion inside his thoughts, he failed to notice how worried-stricken Amy looked.
‘All I could think of was if that guy even dared opposed me, I would have knocked his head straight to the ground… I’ve never felt like that before. Amy’s not… she’s not something I… or anyone can possess! So… so why do I care so much that she’s in my arms? Not his?’
He shook his head, it still hurt from how he pressed down on his jaw so hard, before finally seeing Amy’s expression.
He stopped, worry at terrifying her crept into his being.
“Are you alright?” it was unthought of, just impulse again.
He barely hesitated as she nodded, before speaking again.
“I don’t want you speaking with him again.”
Amy had never seen him so… so demanding.
He was usually so calm under pressure, very cocky about everything.
What on earth was going on inside his head?
“Sonic… are you okay?” she lifted a hand up to his face, which he quickly glanced at, growing shy and turning away.
“Why…” she flinched her hand away, hurt by his response, still not understanding.
“Why are you pulling away from me?”
Sonic turned back.
“This whole time… I’ve been pulling towards you.”
When he realized his thought had come out without his conscious knowledge of it, he flickered his eyes in blinks of surprise.
“Crap! You weren’t suppose to hear that..” he turned away, still not having any control over his mouth.
“S…Son..” Amy’s breath was fully taken from her lungs. She was so shocked, but hope filled her heart and had her awing this new side of Sonic she had never seen before.
His feet fidgeted.
A new feeling now rocked his knees… threatening to freeze up.
“Uh oh.” Sonic looked down, seeing the effects and quickly running to try and loosen them.
He gritted his teeth again, this was so awkward, but at the same time…
“Why did you not tell him off?”
It came out a little harsh…
“What?” she looked amazed.
He kept running, bending his head down now in rage, not realizing what she was conveying in her behavior to him…
They both were misinterpreting the other… leading to some confusing actions and responses.
“Sonic…” she arched her eyelids back, realizing what this meant.
Was he… worried about her?
“I… I would never trust anyone but you!” she blurted out, leaning up in his arms and gaining enough courage to wrap her arms around his neck when the wind picked up.
Then she noticed it wasn’t the wind…
Her eyes blinked more open from squinting against the wind to realize he was running faster.
He had to let his anger out somehow.
‘No other!? Then tell him to buzz off! Pfft, I don’t believe that.’ Sonic grew aggressive, before his hands gripped her tighter.
“Ah.” she felt the pain a moment before he looked down and seemed shaken by her cry of slight pain.
He pushed his feet down to a halt, and set her down, but his hands only momentarily hovered at her sides.
“I’m sorry… Amy, I-” he looked away, ashamed he couldn’t control his emotions.
“AUGH!” he finally emoted.
He gripped his hands to his head and walked away, turning from her again as he reeled his head back, “What’s wrong with me!? I can’t think straight. I’m so… so mad!!!”
“He couldn’t take a hint.” Amy tried to calm Sonic down, but was afraid of this new response in him she hadn’t seen before.
She gripped her sides, holding herself, not sure how to address this.
“Hey!” she called out, worried. “Don’t … don’t turn away from me again. It feels like your shutting me off or out of your life!”
He froze then.
Suddenly realization made him move his hands from his head, and straighten out.
Turning… away… made her think he was closing her out from him?
That simple communication made him turn around, a part of his confusion cleared.
“Turn you away..?” he looked tenderly to her, and staggered on his feet, still feeling the weakness in his knees…
“Amy…” he spoke so gently then, so full of something Amy had never heard out of his voice before, and made her full attention turn to him in the fading day.
“…All I’ve been doing is trying to get you to run into my arms… so that I can protect you.” he felt this wasn’t something he would natural say, but something was pumping through his veins, adrenaline?
“All this time, I’ve hated that guy!” He threw a fist up, showing his true feelings, communicating for once in his life against his own better judgement, unable to keep it back any longer…
“The way he looks at you, flirts with you… it’s like he thinks he’s good enough to own you! You aren’t anyone’s to claim, Amy! You’re not!” He shook his head, frustration and desire to keep her all to himself creeping in on his being.
He couldn’t shake it off, he felt embarrassed now, he didn’t want to say anymore as he trembled with pent-up aggression.
“Sonic… I am owned to something…” she stepped forward, putting her hands together, “I… My heart’s always been yours to keep… Sonic.” she thought he knew that by now.
Sonic’s head slowly rose, more surprise hit him than anger.
He looked at her almost dumbfounded.
“…Come again?” he spoke lightly, in disbelief.
“I may not know a lot about… love or affection but-” she looked away, saddened by that fact of inexperience, but placed both hands on his face.
“But with all my heart, Sonic… I know I love you.”
It was the first time those words had graced Sonic’s ears.
It ringed for a moment. A beautiful bell in a drum consumed world.
He felt his whole being relax and almost fall into her touch, being comforted against his will was weird and terrifying, but in that moment, he wasn’t able to think straight.
He just let himself stare at her, and in a new light, see how beautiful having her around him really was.
His heart beat off course, his body felt limp, all the things that should have put him into an awkward panic felt…. natural for him, all of a sudden.
The air stilled uncomfortably, but in the warmth her hands gave, he still felt peace.
‘This isn’t right.’
Sonic moved away, snapping out of his strange entrancement and moving away, looking left and right at the ground.
“I’m…” he looked so vulnerable up to her.
She was going to misinterpret this again.
She scanned each of his eyes, seeing his confusion and fear.
“Sonic… I… Didn’t you know?” She felt confused too.
“It’s not that… it’s…” he waved his hands out, showing her he’s always known about her crush on him… as silly as it was, he never minded it all that much…
It was was he was feeling… his body telling him things he didn’t understand… his reaction that was unconsciously being done was what was spooking him.
“I can’t…” he gripped his chest, where his heart was beating irregularly for him. “I can’t understand what I’m feeling.”
Admitting this almost gave a flood of relief over him.
He had never been able to talk this much about his feelings before, but now, with Amy.. almost having that threat of someone take her away from him had left him unable to fully control himself.
“,,,What do you feel?” Amy was amazed by his response, but wanted to take it a step further.
As she stepped forward, his fear peaked again, and he held a hand out, walking back.
“N-no...wait a second...”
She paused.
‘...I’ve been waiting too long for this!!!’
Amy ran as fast as she could.
His eyes widened for the third time as she tackled into him, causing them to hit the ground before her head never came up.
He still squirmed, out of habit, but when Amy didn’t respond, he stopped and froze a moment, before looking down at her.
“...No more games, Sonic.” she was twitching, her eyes being forced shut and her arms gripping his body to hers.
“Just tell me... say that you love me.”
The words echoed in Sonic’s subconscious, but his thoughts were mostly on how he was ever gonna get out of his awkward fiasco.
Just say it.
Just say you love her.
You’ll keep her with you.
No one will be able to take her away from you.
‘I won’t allow it.’
Sonic narrowed his eyes, for once, understanding what he wanted and what his... no, it had to be.
What his heart had been trying to tell him for years.
He held her back, slowly letting the force be strong enough to show intent but not harmful like he accidentally had let slip before.
He ducked his head down, then back, chest feeling gripped as he couldn’t get the words out right.
Every part of him screamed!
He had to say it! Now was the only time he had left TO say it.
If he didn’t ... he knew he would never let it get this... this bad or desperate again.
He would never allow himself to say it after today... or night? It was growing strangely dark, how long have they been out here?
He looked back on the falling sun, then up as if his gasps for air pained him, his chest still quivering and something warm in his stomach or bowls.
He crunched slightly, as if trying to stop this sensation.
As all this happened, she remained silent.
“...I.. Gosh darn it, Amy! I-!” he bit down on the words, as if he didn’t want to say them, but he knew he had too.
Her head jerked slightly up, but her eyes were hidden in shadows.
“I’ve always wanted to protect you, ever since I first met you, I’ve felt strangely drawn to wanting to be by your side! In your favor! I’ve always thought it a nuisance, never you! Just the desire to help you! Make you smile! Laugh! It’s all been so.. .so frustrating! After all this time, I don’t want anyone calling you ‘pretty’ or ‘there’s! I can’t stand it! You’re not there’s! You’ve always been my responsibly! Even if I didn’t want it, you were still there! I had to protect you! I had to keep you safe! I had to keep you, Amy... I ... I ...” he had kicked, squirmed, as if fighting each word coming out... until he finally lost, and slight tears formed so faintly that they dried up in an instant as he closed his eyes.
He gasped in his tantrum, the words he never let fall from his lips before.
“I hate that I love you so much... that I can’t let you go.”
“I can’t let you be free.”
“It’s the most selfish thought I’ve ever had...”
“To ever tell you ....”
“To tell you that I would marry you.”
“Just not now.”
“Not while I’m still running.”
“But you waited for me...”
“You never gave up.”
“I think that’s what I’ve admired the most Amy.”
“You waited till I had everything to give, and not enough strength to hold it back anymore.”
He felt something wet and looked down, seeing Amy’s tears as her eyes shook with unparalleled emotion.
“...Ah, geez.” he threw his head back again, letting the feeling of piercing the cold ground with the impact of his quills distract momentarily from how weak he truly felt, how vulnerable in that moment he was to her.
“I can’t stand that I love you.”
“I can’t even look at you.”
“Sonic, please...”
She reached up for him to look at her, placing her hands to his face.
“Call it destiny... or fate. But Amy. You had me at my name.”
He looked up at her, seeming to have been forced to say it all by his own heart and body tag-teaming it, but also looking like he faced his greatest fear and was so done with fighting it anymore.
He had drooped, almost unfeeling eyes then, as he spoke one last thing to her.
“Are you gonna kiss me now or what?”
Amy was so amazed that she laughed, offending him.
“Hey! What gives?! I pledge my loyalty and love and you laugh!? LAUGH!? Great, I’m hopelessly, and fiercely in love with a cynical woman.”
She shook her head, covering her mouth in her shock.
“Go on. Say it. I told you so.” he turned his head, as if dramatic.
“I know you. You’ll plan the wedding arrangements. No matter how much I’ll protest.”
“No, Soniicc!!”
“You’ll tell the whole world the awful, tantalizing scandal of Miss Amy Rose and the infamous Sonic The Hedgehog.”
“You’ll have four kids and I’ll just tag along for the fun.”
“I’M LAUGHING CAUSE I’M SO HAPPY, YOU-! OH, I LOVE YOU!” she spread her arms out wide and fell right back on top of him, kissing him over and over, all over his sad little face that showed he truly gave in to his feelings, and had to accept that fact.
She kept repeating, “I love you, I love you, I love you.” As if that was a release for her.
He couldn’t help but get a softer face at each amazing wave or gush of warm feeling that spiraled throughout him with each kiss.
Suddenly, touch wasn’t an issue.
Suddenly, his shyness wasn’t even a thing anymore.
He... actually... liked this.
She wore out after a moment as her words became quieter, more muttery, as she realized he wasn’t pushing her away at all.
After seeing her face change, he leaned up and began letting his own declaration slip here and there... across the cheek, over the lips, passed the nose and down and up and over and across till he lost track of what the heck he was doing.
No more needs to be written, right? Self-explanatory, they’re in love, AU is a thing, and I’m going to bed. Nighty nighty!
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