#for cop rick i imagine he threw me out and has kept them out for a while. he’s like mid 40’s to mid 50’s in my head
starshapedspider · 2 months
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don’t think I’ve ever posted this doodle of cop rick@_@
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stardust-walker · 3 years
High Hopes
word count: 2840
Previous chapters: 1 2
Chapter 3
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No matter how long they were out there, it didn’t make falling asleep easier. There were some nights when she couldn’t sleep at all. Dove pushed open the flap of her tent after an hour or two of fighting to go to sleep. The young woman turned on her flashlight as she brushed some of her dark brown hair away from her eyes. The fire was still burning, so someone else had to be awake.
“Hey,” Dove announced her presence quietly as she stepped into the light of the fire. Her dark eyes finally landed on Jim. “Can’t sleep?”
“Who can these days,” the older man mumbled quietly. Dove nodded in the affirmative as she knelt next to the log Jim was sat on.
“Is it bad if I ask what you’re thinking about,” she questioned and shifted her gaze up. Jim had puzzled her and there was something about him that made her uneasy. It wasn’t that she thought he was dangerous, but it was more like a case where she was more worried about what he might end up doing to himself. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” she joked as she lowered herself down to sit on the dirt.
Jim cracked a small smile and shook his head.
“Alright that sounded a little…crude,” Dove let out a quiet laugh and tapped Jim with her elbow, “gotcha for a second though.” She stared off into the darkness for a moment. “Sometimes when I can’t sleep, I think about my ex. Whether he’s alive or…you know,” she shrugged her shoulders and reached back to scratch the back of her neck.
Jim nodded his head slowly and Dove sighed, “He called me right when everything started to get really bad. We used to live up near D.C. He wanted me to come up there, be with him. He thought it would be safer up there or something. Maybe he wanted to keep an eye on me, I don’t know.”
“Why didn’t you go?” Jim interjected quietly.
“Couldn’t very well leave my sister with Ed with everything else falling apart, now could I? Plus, I wanted to be able to help keep an eye on Sophia,” Dove traced a finger absentmindedly over the tattoo on her left forearm. “So, I guess when I can’t sleep, it’s a whole lot of ‘what if’s about different choices I coulda made…”
The fire crackled in the uncomfortable silence for a few moments before Jim spoke. “Every time I try to sleep, I see my family.” Jacqui had told them in the early days how Jim was the only one left out of his whole family. Dove and the others never asked after that.
The dark-haired woman placed a comforting hand on Jim’s arm, “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, me too.”
Dove frowned a little as she leaned forward and reached into the back pocket of her jeans. She pulled out a small bag and squinted at it in the firelight before letting out a quiet ‘Ah-ha’. “Here,” she held out a hand, closed around something that Jim couldn’t see.
“What’s that,” Jim eyed her warily as he held his hand out.
“Melatonin. It might help you sleep. It was the next big thing at the place I worked at. Non-addictive and everything, your body creates it naturally, blah blah blah.” She dropped the two of the pills into his hand. “Take two of those and call me in the morning,” she joked.
Jim stared at the pills in his hand for a second before he glanced back up at her. “Thanks.” He nodded his head as Dove watched him stand up slowly.
“No problem. If you ever wanna talk, I mean. I’m used to it,” she offered with a sad smile.
“We should probably find you a couch first, huh,” Jim drawled. Dove stared blankly for a moment before she let out a snort of laughter.
“Yeah, real cute. Now you head off to bed now. I’m serious! Get some shut eye.” She pointed a finger at him as he turned slightly. Jim stopped for a moment and gave her shoulder a quick squeeze.
“Thank you.”
Dove sat there in silence for a while after Jim wandered off to bed. She didn’t even notice her eyes drifted shut until she felt something touch her back. She jolted awake and turned around quickly only to come face to face with a startled looking Glenn. “Jesus Christ!” Dove hissed as she stood up and gave Glenn a shove. “You tryin’ to give me a heart attack?”
“Jeez, sorry! I was just coming to relieve Shane from guard duty and didn’t want you to fall in.” Even in the dark, Dove could see the color rising up Glenn’s neck.
“Sorry. Can you blame me for being jumpy though?”
“Can’t blame you at all, bird,” Shane said as he climbed down the ladder of the camper. Dove rolled her eyes at him and Glenn patted her once on the shoulder before he walked off to take the other man’s place.
Shane strolled over, hands in his pockets. Dove watched as he ran a hand through his hair. “That was a nice thing you did for Jim, ya know.”
“So much for doctor patient confidentiality, but I guess that didn’t mean much to cops in the first place,” Dove said with a playful tone. “But it felt…I don’t know. Good? It felt…”
“Normal,” Shane questioned and Dove only nodded her head. Shane tried to stifle a yawn, but Dove couldn’t hold hers back. “I think that’s a sign we both need to catch some shut eye too. Maybe take some of your own advice, huh?” Shane raised an eyebrow at her.
Dove simply raised her right hand to her forehead and brought her hand back down to her side after a moment, “10-4, captain.” She turned her flashlight on, turned on her heel, and shuffled quietly back off to her tent.
Behind her, Glenn shook his head from the top of the camper and Shane couldn’t help but think about what he’d heard her say about leaving Carol alone with Ed.
“Shouldn’t they be back by now?” Amy shielded her eyes from the sun as she shouted up at the top of the camper.
Dove looked sideways at Dale from her perch. “She’s right ya know. Maybe the rain got them all fucked up?” She offered as an option.
Dale frowned at the younger woman. “I’m sure they’re just fine. Glenn’s very responsible. He’s gotten them in and out of the city enough times in the past month.” He glanced over the side at Amy. “I’m sure they’re just fine!”
Dove rolled her eyes and slapped her knees. “You got this on your own, old man?”
“Yeah I got it,” Dale nodded his head as he raised the binoculars to his eyes.
Dove actually smiled a little as she climbed down the ladder, hearing Carl laugh at whatever was said to him was welcoming. She froze in the middle of the ladder as a car alarm sounded.
“Talk to me, Dale!” Shane shouted.
“Is it them, are they back?” Amy jumped up from her seat as Dove hopped down off the ladder. Hazel eyes scanned the group for Carol and Sophia; she reached out a hand to beckon the small girl forward as the noise kept sounding.
“Well I’ll be damned,” Dale sounded annoyed, yet amused as he spoke. “A stolen car is my guess.”
“Wow, that’s mighty responsible, huh.” Dove rolled her eyes as she stroked Sophia’s hair.
“What’s going on,” Carol whispered as she came up alongside her.
“Some doofus stole a car and the alarm is soundin’ to high heaven,” Dove raised her voice slightly as the noise got louder.
A bright red sports car came around the corner as Dove finished. She let out a quiet whistle. Whoever stole it had good taste at least.
She wished she could say she was surprised as the door swung open and Glenn stepped out, shit-eating grin on his face.
“Holy crap turn that thing off,” Dale managed to yell over the alarm. Sophia blocked her ears and wrinkled her nose as Carol placed a hand on her shoulder.
“I don’t know how!” Dove shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose as Glenn just threw his hands up in the air. She didn’t feel bad for him for having Amy and Shane hounding him. Why the hell would he bring that thing up here anyway?
“Everyone’s fine,” the whole group was finally able to hear. Dove couldn’t help but say a silent thanks for Jim. “Except Merle.”
“Are you trying to draw every walker for miles,” Shane attempted to scold Glenn.
“I wouldn’t worry about the alarm so much, Shane. It echoed all through the hills. No don’t get mad at me! I’m not arguin’ with you,” Dale lectured Shane and turned his disappointment on Glenn. He had, at least, earned himself a lecture about being more responsible.
“Sorry…Cool car, though?” Glenn added and Dove gave him an appreciative nod and a thumbs up.
“Yeah but you didn’t have to be so irresponsible,” she shot a pointed look at Dale before she glanced back at Glenn.
The whole group seemed to freeze as another truck rolled up. Dove watched as everyone ran to hug their families and she couldn’t help but feel a little sad for a few people. She felt sad as she watched Lori kneel to comfort Carl. The other woman had confided in her how Carl seemed to hope that every time they went out, his dad would come back with them. Another twinge of sadness hit her as she looked down at her feet, almost ashamed of feeling bad for Daryl Dixon. He would never get to say goodbye to his family.
“The guy’s a cop, like you,” Dove caught as the other discussed a new guy.
She grabbed Carol’s arm as she watched Carl scream for his father and run off towards him. “Holy shit,” Dove whispered.
“Is that Carl’s daddy,” Sophia looked up at both women.
“It is,” and Carol really smiled for what felt like the first time in weeks,
Dove didn’t miss the annoyed glances from Ed in everyone else’s directions. They had probably interrupted a conversation that he was trying to rope Jim into about Nascar or something. Poor Jim was just too nice for his own good.
The rest of the day seemed to go by in a haze as Carol offered to wash Rick’s clothes for him. Dove walked up to Lori’s tent, or Rick’s tent now. “You decent?” She called as she planted her feet, leaned against a tree. The sheriff ducked out, old dirty clothes in a bag in his hands. “I’m Dove. Carol’s sister. She sent me to get your clothes so she can wash ‘em for you.” She smiled kindly at the man. She couldn’t imagine what he’d been through.
“You sure? She doesn’t have,’ Rick started to protest, but Dove cut him off as she grabbed the bag in one hand.
“She knows that. She just wants to is all,” Dove reassured him. “Now, you go spend time with your family. Carl’s been talkin’ bout you non-stop to Sophia since we got here so I think he has a lot of time he wants to make up.” She placed a hand on his arm and patted it a few times before she turned and walked off to find her sister.
Neither one of them said anything about the grenade Carol had found in Rick’s clothes. Carol had slapped her arm a little harder than she’d meant to in order to get her attention. A few moments of hushed whispers later and Carol had shoved the grenade back into her own bag, stuffed safely in between clean clothes ‘just in case’.
It wasn’t mentioned as they sat around the fire that night. Dove was perched in between Glenn and T-Dog, completely enthralled by Rick’s story. She didn’t blame Lori for thinking that Rick had died. She thought the same thing about the other people she hadn’t seen since this whole thing started. Her right pointer finger traced the tattoo on her left arm again as her hazel eyes locked on Shane.
There was a hint of something on his face as Rick expressed his gratitude towards him. It wasn’t modesty, or even his own gratitude, it seemed more like shame. But that couldn’t be right.
“There goes words falling short again. Paltry things,” Dale nodded his head.
“Words can mean almost nothing, sometimes actions mean a whole hell of a lot more,” Dove mumbled quietly.
She jumped slightly as she watched Ed throw another log into the fire. “Now Ed, you might wanna rethink that log,” Shane said, and Dove could swear that sometimes, he was just looking for a fight.
“It’s cold, man.” Ed grumbled and Dove clenched her jaw. T-Dog placed a hand on her arm, an attempt to comfort her. There goes those actions meaning more than words.
“Cold doesn’t change the rules. Keep our fires low, just embers,” Shane lectured.
Dove glanced around the fire as she rubbed her hands together anxiously, finally looking down as Rick locked eyes with her for a moment. It was probably more than enough for him to pick up on what was causing the sudden shift in mood if he was smart enough.
“I said it’s cold. You should mind your own business for once,” Ed sounded so smug. She would be lying if she said she didn’t think about running up and shoving him face first into the burning fire. T-Dog reached out for Shane’s arm, missing him by an inch. Glenn leaned closer, placing a comforting arm around the dark-haired woman’s shoulder as she rested her elbows on her knees and buried her face in her hands.
“Please someone just make him stop, he’s just going to make it worse,” she pleaded quietly.
Carol was good at pretending, thankfully, as she was able to convince Shane that everything was ‘fine’ or at least she thought she was. Dove caught Shane saying something about “If you’re both cold, you can come sit with us,” which she couldn’t blame Carol for refusing. It would just make it worse.
Dove’s head raised from her hands as Shane sat back down and Daryl Dixon was brought up. She had waited patiently to say her peace for hours. “He won’t be too happy to hear his brother was left behind,” Dale said sagely, and Dove nodded in agreement.
Her brow furrowed as Rick and T-Dog both mentioned telling Daryl and seemed to want to discuss whose fault it was.
“It won’t matter to him who’s fault it was,” Dove interjected, “All that will matter is that you did it and that makes both of you the enemy. Hell, that might make everyone at this camp the enemy. That’s what we have to be ready for.”
“Plus, I don’t mean to bring race into this, but it might sound better coming from a white guy,” Glenn frowned.
“I mean I didn’t want to be the one to say it,” Dove rubbed her hands on her knees as she raised her eyebrows slightly.
“I did what I did. Hell, if I’m gonna hide it from him,” T-Dog stated bluntly.
“Now, listen, as much as I’m a sucker for accountability, I doubt Daryl is gonna appreciate it as much as anyone here might,” she waved her hand around the circle. “Help me out here, sheriff,” she ran a hand through her hair as she looked over at Rick. She felt a little guilty about putting him on the spot as she watched Lori stroke Carl’s hair.
“We should tell the truth. Merle was out of control,” Andrea said, much to the group’s surprise. “He could have gotten us all killed. Someone had to do something. It’s nobody’s fault but Merle’s that he got left behind. Your husband did what was right,” the blonde woman finished.
The group shared looks. “That’s what we tell Daryl? You think that’s going to end in a rational discussion,” Dale questioned. Dove couldn’t help but agree with Dale. It was going to end badly, whether it be for Daryl or someone else.
“I stopped long enough to chain that door,” T-Dog revealed. He continued about how he chained the door.
“Merle’s alive. Chained to that rooftop. That’s on all of us,” T-Dog stood up and walked away from the fire.
A heavy sigh escaped Dove’s lips as she ran a hand down her face. “I think we should all think on this. Come back to the conversation in the morning. It’s been a long day,” she suggested.
Dove lay awake staring at the ceiling of her tent that night. A million different scenarios running through her head about how tomorrow would go, but none of them were good. She fell asleep with Daryl Dixon on her mind.
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fuckupsoverhere · 3 years
Promises {Chapter Two}
“If you make a promise, you have to keep it. You can’t go back on one, because if you do, you have to flush your little finger down the toilet.”
There is nothing more sacred to Jasmine Dixon than a promise. When the world was destroyed and nothing was left, her promises became even more important to her and nothing would be able to stop her. All Jasmine wants to do is to be safe and, maybe try to, be happy.
The Walking Dead Fan Fiction
Word Count: 1646
Warnings: violence, murder
AN: I missed this story. It has always held a special place in my heart and even though it didn’t seem like many people were interested in this, I write for me, not for anyone else. If you’re one of the few people who does actually enjoy this then you are my new favourite person.
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I waited. Waiting for daddy to come back. He was always hunting. I decided to walk around the camp to try and find something to do. As I reached the edge of the camp, I heard a faint sound, but it was getting louder. I decided to go over to Dale and tell him as I had no idea what it was.
“Dale! Do you hear that?” I shouted up to him on top of his caravan.
“What is it?” Shane asks, “Can you see anything?”
“It’s a car alarm,” Dale replies with his binoculars against his face.
Suddenly, a bright red car drives up with its alarm blaring out and Glenn jumps out. Jim and Dale instantly get to work on taking it apart. The words go right past me and I pull Glenn into a tight hug.
“Where is everyone else?” I ask.
“Wasn’t you listening?” He asks and I shake my head, “They’re in a van behind me.”
I let out a sigh of relief that I hadn’t realised that I was holding in, “I’m glad that you’re safe.”
“Only because of officer friendly- a cop from down the way- that first nearly got us killed, but then he saved us.”
Just as he said that the van pulled up. I watched, waiting for Merle. I didn’t like him, but he was still my uncle. I watched Carl reunite with his dad which made me smile. I then realised that Merle wasn’t there, so I looked around as I started to get worried.
“Where’s Merle?” I asked. Everyone who had gone on the run tried their hardest to avoid eye contact with me, so I started shouting, “Where is my uncle! Answer me now!”
“Jasmine, please calm down,” Glenn said to try and calm me down.
The cop walked over from Carl and Lori, before bending down in front of me. He put his hand on my shoulder, but I took a step backwards, so I was out of his reach. “He was putting the group in danger, so I handcuffed him to the roof of a building.”
“You what?”
I started crying. I hated Carl’s dad, so I started punching him. Who did he think he was? As I’ve got weak punches, I knew it wouldn’t hurt, but Glenn pulled me into his arms to restrain me in a hug, “How could you leave him?”
 Glenn kept me by his side all night. He only let me go to the toilet by myself, any other time he was standing right next to me, making sure that I didn’t have a hissy fit and attack anyone with my tiny punches.
We were all sitting around the campfire. I sat next to Glenn with my head on his lap, Glenn was like a big brother to me. I loved him in a family way. He was always there for me, if I needed anything then I would ask him, and he’d give it to me. Glenn and I had private jokes, a close sibling kind of relationship, even my dad trusts Glenn to care for me when he is not around. As I was the youngest, I wasn’t allowed to stay by myself so if my dad was not here then Glenn would look after me, but if both of them are busy then I stay with Lori and Carl.
The adults were talking about how they were going to tell my dad about Merle. No one asked me for advice because the knew it would be a touchy subject. They did not know how my dad would react to this news. They thought that he might try and leave the group, but I wouldn’t let him do that.
I didn’t realise how sleepy I was until I fell asleep in Glenn’s lap. I woke up when he picked me up to put me to bed in my camp bed in his tent.
 The next morning, I walked up to Carl and Sophia as I knew that I needed to fix what friendship I had with them.
“Hey guys,” I said looking at my feet.
“Hey, Jas!” Carl replied happily.
“You won’t want to be here- we’re playing,” Sophia told me.
I didn’t expect anything less, I was rude to them the other day, “I know, and I was wondering if I could play too?”
They looked at each other and nodded as I smiled at them. “Yeah,” Sophia said as she walked up to me, “IT!”
Sophia tapped my arm before her, and Carl ran off. I chased after them and we played for a while which was a lot of fun. We continued until we came across a dead deer, it took a second to notice that a geek was eating the deer. We all started screaming and running back to camp as all of the adults came running past us. The men killed it before I saw daddy coming back. I ran to him and he picked me up.
“Hey, Jazzy!” He laughed.
I frowned as he knew that I hated being called ‘Jazzy’, but I went with it because he is the best dad ever. “Daddy! I missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you too. Now, where’s your uncle Merle?” He asked as we walked back to camp.
He started calling out for Merle and no one replied. Everyone started to look for something to do until Rick (officer friendly) came up to him, “Daryl, just slow down for a second. I need to talk to you.”
Daddy then turned me around, put me down and pushed me to the side (like always). “About what?”
“About Merle? There was a… there was a problem in Atlanta.” Shane told him.
“He dead?” Daddy asked.
“We’re not sure,” replied Rick.
I couldn’t bear it, so I walked over to Glenn and hugged him. I covered my ears as I couldn’t listen to this again. I didn’t think that dad would get physical, but he did. When he started swinging at Rick, I burst into tears as I didn’t want anyone to get hurt.
“DADDY! STOP!” I screamed at the top of my lungs as tears flowed down my face. He looked at me and calmed down. When dad started to walk away, Glenn let me go so I could run after him, “Please don’t go again.”
“I have to get your uncle back!” Daddy told me.
“But I don’t want to lose you too.”
“You won’t.”
“Promise.” Dad told me, “Lori, will you look after Jas?”
“Of course, she’s a pleasure,” Lori told daddy.
I watched my dad leave again with Rick, T- Dog, and Glenn. It hurt because I felt like daddy was choosing Merle over me.
“Jasmine, why don’t you go and help the others do the washing?” Lori asked as I stood watching where the car had gone. I just nodded in response to her.
We all went down to the lake where the adults washed their clothes. I think that they might have forgotten that I was there because they started talking about dirty things. I stopped listening to the conversation, but every so often I could hear the odd word or two. I wasn’t paying attention to anything and I was just humming to myself to distract myself when Ed threw clothes at Andrea. This caused a big argument between them until Shane suddenly walked over and started fighting Ed. I started screaming as I was terrified of what was happening.
“STOP SHANE!” I yelled and he looked up at me before stopping.
“I’m sorry, Jas.” He muttered as he walked past me.
I ran back up to camp, leaving everything and everyone behind as I just had to get out of there. I ran up to Lori and hugged her, she held me tight and didn’t ask any questions. She just held me close and stroked my hair. It reminded me of how I imagined what my mom would do if I was ever upset, she would stroke my hair and sing in my ear. I wish that she was real. She did it for a while before I got up, slowly.
I just laid on the floor in the middle of the forest and no one seemed to do anything about it. I guess people were used to it, I did this whenever I need a moment to myself. I could smell cooked fish and it wasn’t long until Amy came over to me to tell me that dinner was ready. I got up and walked over to the campfire where Andrea gave me a plate with some fish. I ate it slowly, savouring every last moment. It was so nice that I wasn’t even paying attention to Dale’s mumbo jumbo.
Suddenly, all we could hear was screaming. Lori grabbed onto Carl and me. She pulled us along and tried to keep a hold of us within the chaos. I got separated from them and a shot went off right next to my ear. I started tilting, leaning from side to side. My ear was ringing, I could hardly hear anything. Following the adults as best as I could, we got to the RV and I leaned against it, slowly sliding down behind a rock. I saw daddy and tried to get up, but I just fell back down. He didn’t notice for a while as he was too busy killing walkers.
Once they were all dead, he started to look around, “JAS! JASMINE!”
Carefully and slowly, I got up and called out to him. He ran over and hugged me, before picking me up. He held me as close as he could without hurting me. I hadn’t realised that I was crying until daddy looked at me and wiped my eyes.
“I promised that I would be back and I am.”
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ohgoddard · 4 years
Fist of Fire.10.
The soft rumbling of a school bus rattles Jade’s head as she rests it on one of the cold metal plates. The bus was alive with chatter as Ricardo and John were sitting together, a friendship that she did not really expect but must have happened because of the training. They were very loudly discussing some hero event that happened in Japan. The rest of the noise was taken up by the snoring of the nurse sleeping at the front of the bus and the music of the radio. Emily sat herself at the far back of the bus, staring daggers at Jade for the duration of the entire ride up until this point. Jade looked behind her shoulder and got a glimpse of her eternal glare. Her hair had grown back at an impressive rate, although it was not back to her old length. Small burn marks could still be seen around the parts of her head where she pulled her hair back. Jade imagined it hurt when she touched them. 
Jade looked to the seat next to her and saw Riley laying in one, feet hanging over the side. She, like everyone else, was dressed in a school sweatshirt and sweatpants. Her eyes were closed and her head was resting on her arms, which were behind her forming a small pillow against the metal. Riley must have felt someone looking at her, as she opened an eye to look at Jade. She smirked and winked at jade before closing her eyes again.
Jade turned rapidly away from Riley, feeling as if she could melt the bus. She had almost forgotten about the other girl, who was sitting at the very front reading a book on American Heroes and Private Hero Corporations. She had pulled her hoodie over her head tightly and her hair was obscuring the rest of her fast. Jade still hasn’t learned her name fully, despite knowing it earlier. Anne? Gracie? Jade couldn’t remember. I wonder if that makes me a bad person?
While looking around the bus, aside from the school bus driver, she was reminded of Reverse’s absence in the bus. And of her latent sun powers. Reverse had informed the class that he will not be on the bus ride up to Charleston, as he has to take care of some professional work.
“But don’t you worry,” he said with his usual bravado, “i’ll be there for the coach fight.” Jade knee why he wasn’t coming with them. Another one of the Laurens SHS crew had been killed. It was a small news story, one she only knew about because she heard a glimpse from the radio playing in the shower room a few mornings ago. It has been a week since that murder, and Reverse had been showing up to practices only sparingly. He had delegated most of the practice oversight to his assistant, which no one knew he had. They were a small blonde woman who told everyone they were not his assistant, but a former professional hero sport coach that he hired for the week. So their practices were a tad bit harder leading up to their first tournament in Charleston.
In class, Reverse had been looking more and more haggard. And more bruised. The day before they left, he had limped into class. He brushed off all questions about it, only focusing on quirk actualization or some garbage. He wouldn’t even talk to Jade, only telling her to continue trying to work out her solar powers. Which she has been unable to do. After the revelation that she had used her dad’s quirk, Reverse filled her in on what it meant. Jade thought she sweat gasoline, but no. She was just capturing heat from the sun and storing it in her body and releasing it via her sweat. But, if she could concentrate enough it seems, she could shoot a damned laser from the sun itself.
Except she’s been unable to do that. Try as she could, night after night and day after day, she could not summon the power of the sun down to her. It kept her up at night, confusing her deeply. How could she not call out to it on demand? It should come to her easily, she felt. And it opened up so much more questions about her father. If he could harness the power of the sun itself, how could he lose in a fight? And because he, the solar hero Helios, died to Planeteer, just how strong was he?!  Jade’s world was getting more and more complicated by the week it seemed. And Reverse not being here was only making it worse.
Reverse threw a man across the back alley of a brick building. Dust and pebbles scattered everywhere. The streets were loud and busy, so no one heard a thing. He was performing in broad daylight, yet no one saw him. 
Because he was dressed in disguise.
“I know you have information.” Reverse walked forward towards the man he had thrown. He was not in his usual uniform, instead dawning a simple grey sweatshirt and sweatpants. He obscured his face by wrapping it with white medical tape, masking any features. He grabbed a brick from the broke against the wall and threw it at the man he assaulted, the projectile shattering next to his head.
“I don’t know man! I DON’T KNOW!” the man screamed and started to back away from the advancing Reverse. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Reverse moved in a snap in front of the man and grabbed his collar, shoving him into the wall behind him.
“BULLSHIT! I know everything goes through you in this part of the city. Two murders happened to two former heroes, there is no way you.” He punches him in the gut.”DON’T.” He punches him in the gut again.”KNOW!” He drops him and grabs the hair on his head and goes to slam his head into the ground when he yells out ,”OK OK! I’LL TALK I’LL TALK!” Mere inches away from the concrete, his head was paused. Reverse let go of his hair and he fell and hit the ground.”Talk.”
The man rolled over, and he was a real weasel. In fact, he was a weasel, his body reflecting the rodent perfectly. “Someone was asking around my people, asking for the whereabouts of a guy named Eldritch. He paid me the money and I told him.” Reverse stepped on the man’s chest and started to lean into it. “Who,” Reverse asked him”  The weasel man squirmed, gasping for air. “EMESH! HIS NAME IS EMESH!” Reverse pulls up to his face, his eyes centimetres away from his. “Where is he?!” “HE’S GOING TO SOME HERO COMBAT TOURNAMENT IN CHARLESTON!” Just as he yelled that out, two police men walked by the alley and looked to see Reverse standing on the man.
The Police Men started to rush in, drawing their weapons and yelling, “FREEZE! POLICE!” Reverse, like they asked, froze. He stepped off the man’s body and put his hands in the air. Once the policemen got close, one went to grab Reverse and cuff him, roughly doing so. The other went to assess the damage of the fallen weasel man, who was still lying on the ground. The office patted the weasel man down, and talked to him about some things. Reverse was now cuffed and on his knees in front of the police, as they began to talk into their radios for a pickup. 
“Rick, this man has two broken ribs and a broken foot. We need an ambulance for him.” The police officer, Rick, Reverse assumed, looked at him. “Who are you, huh? We both know who this is here, this guy you were so kindly stomping on.” He jabbed a finger in the direction of the weasel man on the ground. “Vigilante Justice is illegal, doubly so in these times. So, i’m gonna ask again, who are you?” Reverse looked up to the cop’s eyes, and spoke. “Wraps.” Reverse then snapped the cuffs behind him and leapt into the air towards one of the brick walls. He punched a hole in the side and began to climb to the roof of the building at alarming speeds,the police standing there dumbfounded before yelling into their radios.
Reverse got to the roof and started leaping from one to another, making it blocks away from the police and their backup heroes they were no doubt calling. When he reached a distance he thought suitable, he jumped into another alley and changed clothes quicker than a professional broadway actor. He was now no longer Wraps, but Reverse. He was in his usual shorts and t-shirt getup, stuffing his sweats and wrappings into a duffel bag. He then looked around to make sure the coast was clear and joined the street traffic. Excellent, he thought, I got the information I was looking for and away from the Police. The Wraps persona is working out great. 
When Reverse had seen Eldritch’s corpse, he knew he could no longer sit by and let this happen. He was the only one of the surviving crew who could have a chance against Planeteer. Which, he now knows goes by the name Emesh. The loss of Tapout hurt the most, but the loss of Eldritch is what finally got him to work. Outside of him, those two were the hardest hitters and could trap anything or defeat anything. It’s now up to him to find Emesh and bring him to justice. So, he set out to investigate. But he could not go out as Reverse. For one thing, he no longer had a valid hero license. If he was found doing this, he could be taken to jail and his search would be for nothing. Two, he did not want to draw attention to Jade, because if word got out that he taught the daughter of famous hero Helios, Emesh would descend from the sky akin to a fallen angel and destroy the school and all within with glee. So, he had to adopt a new persona.
And I think it couldn’t have gone any better. Now, I need to get to Charleston.And with that, he disappeared into a blur on the horizon.
“Alright kids,” the nurse called out to the bus as they pulled into a hotel parking lot, “we’re here! Now, the tournaments tomorrow at noon, so we’ll be getting up at 7 to get there. Don’t be going to bed late now! I’ll be handing out room keys for y'all. The school didn't want to buy individual rooms for you, so you’ll be sleeping in pairs of two.” Jade’s ears perked up at that. Oh God. What If I have to share a room with that girl? Or Emily? Or- “First up is Riley and Jade. You get room 127. Next is -” Jade’s heart stopped a bit. Riley sauntered up to the nurse, took the room key, and looked back at Jade. She smiled and gave a little head nod towards the hotel. “C’mon hot head, lets go. I'm tired from doing all that nothing today.” Jade could catch on fire in that moment and probably did. This would be the first time she would have to interact and sleep in the same room as another girl who was incredibly hot. Their hotel room had two beds, which Jade found both reliving and disheartening, a terrible TV and a bathroom. Riley threw her stuff on one bed, followed by herself, and turned on the TV. Jade moved to the other bed and tried to act as cool as Riley, who was exuding coolness while just laying there watching the news. “Hey Jade,” Riley said while taking off her hood and turning to look at her, “I have a question.” Jade looked over her, trying her best to make sure no blood rushed to her face from just having a basic human interaction. “Yes?” Jade was beginning to warm up, and being afraid of lighting the sheets on fire, grabbed a bottle of water she had brought with her and began drinking it. “Are you gay?”
Jade spit out a good bit of the water, and choked up a bit more. While she was scrambling to regain her composure, Riley let out a little giggle.”W-why,” she coughed,”Why do you ask? I am, by the way. Gay, that is.” Riley laughed, giving a big stretch while she did it. “Thought you were. I catch you staring at me sometimes. Kinda thought you were checking me out, but I wasn’t sure.” Riley stood up and started to collect some clothing items from her suitcase she brought, and Jade was out of this world. She...she knew? And as if reading Jade’s mind, “Yeah, I knew you were looking at me.” She started to walk towards the bathroom. “And i’m not gonna lie, I kinda like it. I wanna get to know you better.” Jade has not said a word, for every response she could think of was getting stuck in her throat. “Now, i’m not saying we should date right off the bat,” as she was saying that she was grabbing a towel hanging outside the bathroom door, “but I would not be opposed to doing that kinda stuff in the future. I’m going to take a shower now, no peeking now ok~?” And with that she winked and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Jade fell over and passed out, the events that just took place overloading her with too much information to handle. This weekend is going to kill me.
The next morning, after a rather boring continental breakfast and hasty morning shower, everyone found themselves back on the bus. And still without Reverse among them. Is he really going to meet us there for the tournament? Jade’s thoughts were interrupted when Riley came on the bus and sat down next to her, already in uniform. Although, she was wearing her sweats over them. “So,” she said as she put her arm over the headrest of the seat they were both sitting in, “let's do that getting to know each other thing I talked about. I wanted to try to do it last night, but I think I burnt you out like a light bulb.” She is practically putting her arm around me ohmygosh. Screw the weekend, I’m not going to survive this bus ride.
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sserpente · 7 years
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Words: 2364 Warnings: kidnapping (duh), violence, mentions of rape
A/N: Boomer’s back! I missed our cheeky Aussie, did anyone else? Just a quick side note—I thought a lot about how to write this Imagine, for obviously, Amanda is a coloured woman. Given that many RCs are not, I want to hereby remark that it is in no way mentioned whether the Reader is Amanda’s biological daughter or adopted, so I can be sure all of my readers can enjoy reading the same. ♥ Don’t forget, we’re all beautiful just the way we are!
University had been all but exhausting today. With two of your professors complaining how you had not handed in an essay that had been due today, all you wished for now was a hot bath, a good book and maybe a jar of chocolate cream to calm your nerves.
Being Amanda Waller’s daughter wasn’t easy, after all. While other students faced everyday problems like break-ups, financial problems or not being able to decide what to wear for the next party, you kept finding yourself in life-threatening situations.
Not that you wanted to be a part of her Task Force X madness in first place, especially not when you had heard that she basically forced alleged super villains to cooperate by putting a bomb in their necks. No, there was no alignment with the government on your part, for you had made clear you wanted your jobwise career to go in a completely different direction—writing was what interested you. Books, scripts or poems, you did not care. Wherever there were words, you read them, devoured them with your eyes.
A sigh escaped your lips. Amanda had been reluctant at first, wanting only the best for you, despite her harsh attitude sometimes. Deep inside, however, and so you knew, she loved you dearly and would do anything to protect you—even if that meant that she had to admit to one weakness. A weakness that could be leveraged.
You frowned uneasily when you suddenly heard a strange rustling in the bushes next to the empty path you were walking on. It was twilight already, the street lanterns not yet turned on and the sun saying her last goodbye before disappearing on the horizon to be replaced by the moon. A full moon.
There was no time for you though to admire the wonders of nature, for the creature hurtling out from behind the bushes startled you to the core. You wanted to scream and to run away, shout for help, anything. But you were frozen on the spot, your hands clutching your bag tightly as your lips parted in shock.
The creature, as you figured only the fraction of a second later, was a man storming towards you, his movements too quick for you to recognise his face as he wrapped his left arm around your waist, his right hand covering your throat, ready to squeeze your windpipe at any moment.
“Yuh scream an’ yah’ll regret it dearly.” A throaty voice, thick with an Australian accent, whispered hoarsely in your ear, a hot breath brushing against your skin. You swallowed thickly, your eyes widening in horror.
Self-defence, self-defence, self-defence! What was that move your former self-defence teacher had showed you when someone grabbed hold of you from behind, threatening to strangle you? No matter how hard you tried, you could not remember. Instead, you felt the stranger—a muscly man with rather shabby clothes—drag you back behind the bushes.
He’s going to rape you, he’s going to kill you… Your fearful thoughts were the last thing going through your head before you felt a light sting in your arm, a hostile liquid surging through your veins. Then, there was nothing but darkness.
“An’ I said I had a plan, craziness. Yah wait fah me where I told yuh tah. Nah, she won’t. She ain’t gonnah blow our fuckin’ heads up. Not if she wants her lovely lil’ daughtah back. I have. I’ll know all of Waller’s lil’ secrets by dawn, now shut up an’ call me when yuh done.”
It was his voice that ripped you from a dreamless and unpleasant sleep, your body still fighting the intruding liquid that had drugged you, forcing you into unconsciousness.
Your head was drowsy, your mind clouded. It took you a minute to recall what had happened.
You had been walking home from university—all alone—until a man had suddenly grabbed you and abducted you, bringing you to God knew where. Had he raped you already? Where you going to be held hostage? Was he alone, were there others?
Immediately, you felt yourself panicking, your pulse quickening as your heart was in your mouth. Your rose rather clumsily from an old battered leather couch, taking in as much of your surroundings as possible. Maybe you weren’t too far from home. Maybe you’d be able to cry for help, to call the police and describe them what it looked like in your environment…
Your hope was soon crushed when your captor hung up the phone and let it slip into one of his pockets—there were many. If you wanted to secretly snatch it from him, you would have to be lucky. Unfortunately, however, he seemed to read your thoughts as he followed your gaze to his grey leather coat.
“Don’t even think about it, luv.” It was when he stepped into the light and you were to see his face for the first time. Fear and shock washed through you. Dark beard, unnaturally blue eyes… You knew this man. It was Digger Harkness aka Captain Boomerang, one of the lackeys Amanda had forced into her Task Force X program.
As for now, you were dealing with a dangerous and probably mad super villain who threw boomerangs as sharp as knives, killing people like it was a sport in the process.
Instantly, you began to shiver, attempting to move away—only there wasn’t much room to do so.
“Stop freakin’ out, I won’t hurt yah as long as yah cooperate.” He said with a malicious smirk, showing off a golden tooth as he did.
Cooperate. How would you cooperate? You had overheard him saying something about Waller’s little secrets. Was that the reason he had kidnapped you? Did Amanda know?
“I… please… I don’t know anything about Amanda Waller’s plans… my mother doesn’t involve me in—“
Interrupted by a sharp pain on your left cheek, your head was forced to the side. You realised with a start that Boomerang had smacked you.
“I’m not in a playin’ mood, luv. Save yuh lies fah the cops when I’m done with yah. Now,” He sat down on the couch next to you, positioning himself so you couldn’t get away. Please, God, let me get out of this alive.
Your breath was shaking when you finally turned back to him, forcing yourself to look him directly in the eye, even though it scared the hell out of you. That man was intimidating but you were not going to show him any kind of submission.
“I have a couple a’ questions fah yuh an’ if yuh answer them nicely, yah’ll make this a lot easier fah both of us. I’m not gonnah lie, yuh’re a pretty lil’ thing, I wouldn’t want tah mess up that beautiful face a’ yours.”
“Please… don’t… don’t hurt me… I-I… I will try to help but I-I don’t know anything about my mother’s affairs. She’s…” You suppressed a sob, “She’s very discrete when it comes to stuff like that.”
The Captain’s eyebrows rose and for a brief moment you feared he would slap you again.
“Carin’ mothah, huh? Makin’ sure her precious lil’ daugthah doesn’t get intah any trouble. Sucks fah her she didn’t put up any effort tah hide yah properly then. Yah clearly know who I am so yah know somethin’.”
Shivering, you bit your lower lip, attempting to move away once more. Being this close to him made you nervous but as soon as he noticed, he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you even closer to his muscly body. You could feel the weight of his heavy and deadly boomerangs underneath his grey leather coat.
“I-I only know about her Task Force X project. That she gathered a group of… of… vi-villains who were supposed to ensure the country’s safety from th-threats but… it-it got out of hand…” You stuttered, avoiding making any more body contact than necessary.
Boomerang scoffed. “Yeah, it got outtah hand, cos’ we made a move an’ stood up against this crazy bitch. Where’s Flag? Is he still trackin’ our whereabouts?”
“I-I don’t know who Flag is.” Your sob was audible this time. If you didn’t get it together and tried to regain your composure, you would start crying in front of him. You couldn’t possibly give him the answers he desired and you were scared of the consequences that would pose to you.
“Flag. Rick Flag, the colonel? Idiot with three degrees an’ in love with a possessed archeologist?”
You shook your head, once more expecting him to punch you. The painful blow never came.
When you looked up, you watched Boomerang rolling his eyes before he grabbed your waist even tighter, his fingers digging firmly into your skin. You gasped at the sudden force, sure that he would leave bruises.
“What about Deadshot’s daughtah, is she safe? Does Waller know where she is an’ if yes, is she gonnah leave her alone? I kinda owe him a debt.”
Your lips parted in surprise. “Deadshot has a daughter?”
The Captain quirked one eyebrow. “An’ guess what, Waller still sent him out there, knowin’ his offspring could end up as an orphan.” He spat, his voice heavy with disgust.
“What? But… but it’s all secured!” You exclaimed, unsure of what to believe now. “My mother’s soldiers fight in groups and they are provided—“
“Do yah even know what’s goin’ on out there, luv? There’s a fuckin’ witch tryin’ tah blow this whole place up an’ take ovah the world an’ yah tellin’ me yah didn’t know? What kind of mothah is that crazy witch? She sent us on a fuckin’ suicide mission an’ yah know what? She doesn’t give a fuck whethah we’re gonnah make it out of there alive.”
“She… she wouldn’t send out her soldiers knowing that they couldn’t stand a chance.” You muttered, not quite believing his words. You were frowning know, finally daring to look him in the eye again, for you had concentrated your gaze on his golden necklace.
Boomerang’s face somewhat softened. “Well, clearly, she does. Reckon yuh beloved mummy didn’t tell yah about how many people she killed tah ensure the ‘national safety’.” When your eyes widened even more and frightened, disappointed and desperate tears came rolling down your reddened cheeks, he finally seemed to realise you indeed knew nothing about any of what was going on.
“I don’t… I mean I chose not to be a part of this. She asked me to join her but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to, not after what I had heard about her putting life-threatening nanites in the necks of… it’s… I-I’m sorry this happened to you. I know you… you do bad things but… no one should…” A whimper escaped your lips when the Aussie let go of you.
“Yah really don’t know anythin’, do yah?” All of a sudden, there was a soft and soothing tone in his voice, warming you from the inside out. How could this criminal go from deadly and aggressive to calming and gentle this quick?
“Please… please let me go, I don’t want to be a part of this.”
“I can’t let yah go, luv. As long as I have yah, Waller ain’t gonnah blow our freakin’ heads up.”
You whimpered once more, hugging your knees in an attempt to comfort yourself. Boomerang looked down at you, his blue eyes almost glistening with pity as he watched your pathetic state.
“Okay, look, here’s the deal. Yah stay here with me until we found this bloody doctah the Joker forced tah deactivate Harley’s nanite, so we can be sure tah be safe when we leave the country. But yah gonnah have tah stay in this apartment, alright? No funny business, no phone calls, no nothin’, an’ I won’t hurt yah, yah got me?”
You hesitated. Your mouth opened to reply but there was no sound escaping your lips. He was offering to let you go unharmed, even if he would do so a little delayed. Was it possible? That you would indeed make it out of this alive? Tears formed in your eyes—it was both relief and fear that washed through you now, causing the salty water to wet your cheeks.
“O-okay.” You finally replied, your voice almost breaking in the process.
Sighing, Boomerang pulled you in a tight embrace, pressing your face against his chest and resting his chin on your head. You were terrified, tried to push him away to no avail until you noticed he was indeed just hugging you to try and… comfort you?
“I’m sorry. I won’t hurt yah anymore. Yah gonnah be fine, alright? I’ll protect yah.” Involuntarily at first, your eyes fell shut as you finally relaxed and leaned into his touch, his muscly arms around you granting you a feeling of secureness. When was the last time Amanda had hugged you like this?
It was then you realised you had been wrong about those so-called villains all along. Perhaps Boomerang was tricking you into believing you were safe, perhaps his friends were on their way now to off you on the spot but for now, you couldn’t help but believe him.
He was but trying to save his own life, after all, getting free from the clutches of a woman who threatened to end his life if he didn’t act her way. It disgusted you deeply that woman was your own mother, that she had never told you about her dark schemes. You loved her, that much was for sure, but right now, you were disappointed—and you wanted to talk to her, ask her to stop this.
The sudden softness in Boomerang’s eyes startled you as he gently grabbed your wrists and helped you on your feet before wiping away a lone tear on your cheek and for a brief moment even made you forget that that man—murderer, bank robber and fugitive—had kidnapped you in first place. You had the strange feeling that you were his guest now, more so when he suddenly smiled at you.
“Are yah hungry? Cos’ me Spaghetti Bolognese is the best thing yuh’ll have evah eaten.”
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