#gamzee makara looking for equius zahhak
mr-malumm · 2 months
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HBD johnathan egberton 💜💜🕺💨
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seaverity · 5 months
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I don’t know what to call these.
I guess the beta trolls getting closer to their adult molts so they get new clothes too????
Idk man
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nuctua-larc · 11 months
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And now...the highbloods! The trolls are complete >:)
Beta Kids ->
Lowblood Trolls ->
Alpha Kids ->
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cure-typhoon · 2 months
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I wanted to finish all of them but im impatient dknkdc @jojotier have some of ur guys
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dreambubblez · 1 year
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first post yay!! beta troll lineup 38)
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rabble-dabble · 1 year
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gah its been a while!!!! i just had to redraw them - do you guys like the updated versions?
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aliasheree · 2 years
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redid my troll headcanons yessir
som3 of yall probably saw the kid one yeah lol these actually look good now
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John Egbert -> Púca or pooka, is a creature of Celtic folklore, are Fae tricksters and shapeshifters, who take the appearances of horses, goats, cats, dogs, and hares. They can also take a human form, which includes various animal features, such as ears or a tail.
Rose Lalonde -> Eldritch / Warlock, A being that is strange or unnatural especially in a way that inspires fear : weird, eerie. As well as a warlock, one who also practices magic, power fulled by an outside source.
Dave Strider -> Harpy In Greek and Roman mythology, is a half-human and half-bird. Often sirens look harpies and are conflated. So for this au, this harpy is able to sing songs to lure prey.
Jade Harley -> Werewolf or lycanthrope, in folklore, can shape-shift into a wolf (or wolf-like creature), on the night of a full moon. Jade is also a Witch, a woman who practices magic.
Jane Crocker -> Faerie, Fae, or sprite in Celtic Folklore, is a creature with metaphysical, supernatural, or preternatural qualities. and a penchant for trickery
Roxy Lalonde -> Wizard Tressym is a cat-like Monstrosity and a practitioner of magic.
Dirk Strider -> Dullahan in Irish folklore, is depicted as a headless rider on a black horse, who carries his own head. often seen as a symbol of death.
Jake English -> Bigfoot or Sasquatch, in American and Canadian folklore, is a large and hairy human-like mythical cryptid alleged to inhabit forests in North America.
Aradia Megido -> Mothra, a Japanese based Kaiju depicted as a large moth. To be conflated with Mothman, a West Virginian cryptid, for the sake of this au. Currently a Ghost, a spirit of the dead that can appear to the living.
Tavros Nitram -> Minotaur, in Greek mythology, is a creature portrayed with the head and tail of a bull and the body of a man.
Sollux Captor -> Cross roads Demon, found in several folklore, religion, and literature, are often malevolent supernatural entities, who collect souls.
Karkat Vantas -> Cherub Angel, in religion, is an unearthly being. For this au they are similar to cupid. Winged beings who match make. please note that this au will NOT be referencing christianity heavily for this.
Nepeta Leijon -> Nekomata, in Japanese folklore, are a type of yokai, depicted as a shapeshifting cat with two tails. while they can take any form, they will always have the tails.
Kanaya Maryam -> Vampire, in European folklore, are undead humanoid creatures that subsists by feeding on the blood of the living. often able to shapeshift into a bat. and unable to go out in the sun.
Terezi Pyrope -> Dragon is a magical legendary creature that appears in the folklore of multiple cultures worldwide. This one is a western dragon, often depicted as winged, horned, and capable of breathing fire.
Vriska Serket -> Arachne / Jorōgumo. In Greek myth, Arachne is a woman turned into a spider by Athena. In Japanese myth, Jorōgumo are often yokai of a half woman half spider. please note Vriska is not a yokai nor is she Arachne... she is simply a half woman have spider creature, likened to these two examples.
Equius Zahhak -> Centaur, in Greek mythology, is a creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body and legs of a horse
Gamzee Makara -> The bogeyman is a creature used by adults to frighten children into good behavior. Bogeymen have no specific appearances but they are most commonly depicted as masculine or androgynous monsters. In this case, they look like a clown.
Eridan Ampora -> Selkie, in Celtic and Norse mythologies, are creatures that can shapeshift between seal and human forms. For this au, Eridan is part seahorse instead, and often takes the form of a elf instead.
Feferi Peixes -> Leviathan. A very large sea serpent noted in theology and mythology. Feferi is also likened to a mermaid / siren, when not the size of 10 whales.
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
Can I request Equius x Reader x Gamzee? They don't necessarily have to share a quadrant, and also considering what happened during Seek the Highb100d I don't imagine there would be much fighting between the two
I can think of a few ideas for this. :)
Yandere! Equius Zahhak + Gamzee Makara Sharing a Darling
Pairing: Ambiguous (♥️♦️♠️♣️)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation mentioned, Possessive behavior, Violence, Isolation, Intimidation, Vague implications of blood, Dubious relationships.
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There's a few ways to look at this in terms of Quadrant pairing.
Especially since I believe Equius would be completely content sharing with Gamzee due to his Highblood status.
Here's some examples of what they can be;
Matesprit ♥️ + Moirail♦️
Matesprit ♥️ + Kismesis ♠️
Kismesis ♠️ + Moirail♦️
Kismesis ♠️ + Auspistice ♣️
And that's not even sharing Quadrants.
Gamzee would no doubt be the more dominant yandere while Equius is them more submissive one.
As long as they're both involved with your life... they won't fight.
Either of them can fit any of those Quadrant pairs mentioned.
Once can be your Matesprit/Kismesis, the other can be your Moirail to make sure you're treated well.
One can be your Kismesis and the other your Matesprit to fill both black and red Quadrants.
And another situation could be one of them is your Kismesis and the other is your Auspistice to makes sure you don't kill each other.
Both of these trolls are terrifying yanderes on their own.
Gamzee is fine if he's not "sober".
Equius is only really dominant if no other Higher Blood color is around.
So you can either have two chill yanderes, two aggressive yanderes, or a little of both.
You can bet the two no doubt intimidate any other Quadrant you have.
For example, if you have the Matesprit and Kismesis pair... your Moirail (who has nothing to do with them) may feel uneasy when you have two Highbloods claiming your Quadrants.
Or if you have the Matesprit and Moirail pair, your Kismesis is often monitored to make sure they don't hurt you too much in your fights.
As a result... the two end up isolating you a bit since they can both be intimidating and possessive.
Both of them could harm others if they really wanted to.
Especially Gamzee... who would cover himself in a myriad of colors just to keep you to himself... Equius might even follow suit if he's ordered to.
The ones in danger are usually others since they don't harm each other and (usually, depends on the pairing) don't harm you.
Gamzee, if still in a more docile state, may be more chill with you hanging around others.
Equius dislikes it but listens to Gamzee's judgment.
If Gamzee is in his more volatile state, he's more possessive of you.
Which Equius mirrors and also isolates you.
The dynamic, no matter the pairing, seems to be Gamzee being the manipulator and Equius is the brawn.
Even though they're both capable of violence.
They really do love you, no matter if it's flushed, pitch, pale, or ashen.
It's just they're both violent Highbloods... which makes it hard for others to form relationships with you.
Even if those other people are just friends.
This is mostly just an overview of how the two could work since I have no specific Quadrant(s) to work with.
Their pair has such an interesting dynamic when it comes to sharing due to what we've seen in canon.
Both can be so terrifying that it's interesting to see them change with each other.
Docile Gamzee is probably chastised by Equius at times.
But with sober Gamzee, Equius is completely submissive.
It's just a funny dynamic to me due to them being STRONG yanderes alone.
You'll most likely have no other companions or Quadrants except for them... but why would you need anyone else?
You have two Highbloods obsessing over taking care of you... that's quite lucky... isn't it?
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How would they beta boy trolls feel if the Reader segested where they Couples costumes?for Halloween
I won't be specific here since I have no ideas for matching costumes
Male beta trolls with S/O who wants matching costumes
Reader here is gender neutral
Tavros Nitram
You didn't even have to finish your sentence and he was down to do it.
He wanted your costumes to be very detailed.
He was super excited for it so you prepared your costumes MUCH in advance.
He definitely often pestered you and asked how are your preparations going.
And when it was time to wear it he was just over the moon about it!
Sollux Captor
He thought it was a bit silly, but fuck it why not. It could be fun but don't expect him to wear anything too wild.
He wants your costumes to be more casual than anything. You on the other hand can go all in for all he cares.
But he would joke about your matching. He'd often ask you ridiculous questions that could make you think he forgot what he was supposed to dress up as.
When it came down to it though, he put in needed amount of effort. So your matching was definitely a success.
Karkat Vantas
It's stupid- let's do it, that's the kind of approach he had.
If you wanted to look like fools, then you better just make it work!
He doesn't have any preferences on how should your costumes look. Whatever will be comfortable will be fine by him.
He doesn't ask you much questions since you already agreed on everything you needed.
Equius Zahhak
He was excited about it, but he was calm and collected as he agreed to it. At the same time though- he was very nervous.
He was sure that no matter what you go for he'd sweat a lot through it. So he didn't have too much preference... Just make sure he won't get overheated or anything.
But even though he didn't have the smallest clue on how you should dress... He still kinda wanted to take the lead. So to make up for being indecisive he really took the preparations seriously.
He'd ask you if you bought everything you needed or if you even started working on it.
Gamzee Makara
He thinks it's cute so there's no problem going with it!
Just know that with him almost everything will be last minute.
Preparation the costumes themselves, ideas, even putting them on before you head out.
He's fine with any types of costume as long as you like it. He doesn't really think much about it so he just wants to see you happy.
Eridan Ampora
He already assumed you were going to match so he was surprised by you asking if he wants to match rather than making propositions as to what should you do.
He was very indecisive and often threw in some ideas while also giving yours some thought.
He wanted it all to be fancy and proper. Definitely wouldn't go for something that would not stand out.
As to preparations while he can handle most on his own, he thought it might be nice bonding experience if you were to help him...
~Mod Auvana
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eyethatcri · 3 months
Hmmm... I should attempt at the Bard Class.
Classes and aspects that aren't with any of the human kids is difficult because we don't follow their stories as closely, and sadly for me, I can't get a very good idea of how their Medium world contrasts their home. I do feel like I have a good idea on the story of a Bard though, so let's give it a shot.
There are two phases in a Bard's story. Let's follow Gamzee Makara, a Bard of Rage, for this. The first phase is where the Bard will act completely inverse to their aspect. Gamzee was more aligned with the hope aspect. He was kind, believed in Juggalos, and he wasn't murdering everyone he saw.
In the second phase, Gamzee has a breaking point due so the nightmares from inadequate sleep and goes on rage-induced murder spree where he kills Nepeta Leijon and Equius Zahhak.
Consulting the wiki (give me a break it's been a while 😭) it seems Cronus Ampora has had similar phases. One where he follows a prophecy where he is destined to kill Lord English, and a second phase where he does not.
While Cronus when we see him is acting more within the hope aspect by believing he has rizz, I wonder if this is more of a default subdued state. After all, in Homestuck 2, Gamzee was not on a rampage before he was murdered. Then again, what would a hope-rampage look like? I have no clue. Thinking Cronus have a chance with any woman he sees feels like mania to me, I suppose. It is important to consider that the alpha trolls' stories were cut off before the game could end and emotional arcs might not have been concluded.
In Homestuck 2, whichever of the kids is a Bard will be leaning heavily into an aspect that has already been used (life, breath, heart, or hope).
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pesterloglog · 5 months
Porrim Maryam, Latula Pyrope, Meenah Peixes, Aradiabot, Mituna Captor, Damara Megido, Kankri Vantas, Karkat Vantas, Kanaya Maryam, Tavros Nitram, Sollux Captor, Vriska Serket, Terezi Pyrope, Rufioh Nitram, Horuss Zahhak, Equius Zahhak, Nepeta Leijon, Gamzee Makara
Act 6, page 5427
PORRIM: I saw the cro+wd fro+m way o+ver there. Acco+rding to+ peo+ple o+ut o+n the cusp, this is so+me so+rt o+f co+stume party?
LATULA: tru f4ctz grl!!! just j4m yours3lf 1n th3 p1l3, l1k3z th1s!!!
MEENAH: ah fuck are people way over there still callin this a party
ARADIABOT: destr0y
MITUNA: S0M30N3 15 70U5H1NG M3. 7H15 N33D5 70 570P
DAMARA: 誰かが私に触れている。続けてください。[Someone is touching me. Please continue.]
PORRIM: Sho+o+sh!
KANAYA: Someone Over There Is Probably Making The Same Observation About You
KANAYA: I'm Sorry
TAVROS: (wherE, OH, wHERe,)
SOLLUX: ehehehehe, thii2 party ii2 a fuckiing JOKE.
MEENAH: no its a shitty battle royale pass it on you dirtscrapin sack of honey dijon rubbish
SOLLUX: niice dress, fiin face, olol.
TAVROS: (iS, my prEciOUs,)
VRISKA: Tavros, stop crawling around under everyone's feet! You're 8eing so weird.
TAVROS: (none of Them, can uNderstAnd,)
ARADIABOT: destr0y
RUFIOH: haha, yo 1 th1nk 1 hear my young ancestor wh1sper1ng from all the way over here... about someth1ng prec1ous... sh*t 1s crazy!
TAVROS: (tHe beAUTY, of my PrEcious,)
HORUSS: 8=D < It reminds me of when I was similarly sm*tten, and searched everywhere for the perfect snout ring for you, to FORTIFY our commitment. Do you remember, Rufioh?
RUFIOH: whoa, yeah! heh, those were the days... (hey doll, m1nd 1f we talk a b1t? 1 ma1nly want to look d1stracted... so the guy w1th the ponyta1l leaves me alone... you d1g?)
ARADIABOT: death t0 all
RUFIOH: ahaha... d*mn. so much l1ke the real th1ng 1t's... freaky }:o
ARADIABOT: like what real thing
RUFIOH: uh... you know, l1ke...
ARADIABOT: if y0u say like alive aradia i will make y0u BEG f0r a h0rse b0dy
RUFIOH: no no, l1ke someone else!!! d*mn... uncanny...
RUFIOH: hey, you're pretty cool babe... want to... like... if you aren't doing anything...
EQUIUS: D --> E%cuse me, what is going on over here
RUFIOH: (man... not another zahnak! haha, this is f***in crazy...)
ARADIABOT: this guy with the m0hawk was flirting with me and i was being fully receptive to his advances
RUFIOH: whoa you were?
EQUIUS: D --> I see. Aradiabot #100502, why must you devastate my pump biscuit so?
NEPETA: :33 < *the pouncellor astutely pawbserves the exchange and updates her shipping grid with startling developments of the heart!*
EQUIUS: D --> Nepeta, stop!
NEPETA: :33 < no!
EQUIUS: D --> Yes
NEPETA: :33 < no
EQUIUS: D --> Yes
NEPETA: :33 < no
TEREZI: MOR3!!! MOR3 1 S4Y!!! 4444H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4!!!!!!!
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Of course!!!!!
Also. To add onto Karkat because. Memories. I wore a red suit and a fedora. Why? Who knows. I looked spiffy.
I think you looked... hot AHEM!!! Anyways, the list
June Lalonde
Rose Egbert
Dave Harley
Jade Strider
Dad Lalonde
Nanna Lalonde
Mom Egbert
Bro Harley
Grandpa Strider
Jane Lalonde
Roxy Crocker (Me)
Dirk English
Jake Strider
Dad Lalonde
Grampa Lalonde
Mom Crocker
Bro English
Grampa Strider
Karkat Megido
Sollux Nitram
Nepeta Captor
Terezi Vantas
Tavros Leijon
Feferi Maryam (Me)
Gamzee Pyrope
Kanaya Serket
Vriska Zahhak
Eridan Makara
Equius Ampora
Aradia Peixes
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hskinhome · 4 months
hey, i’m karl crocker. i’m looking for really anyone from my timeline. my memories are currently as follows:
alex and i were best friends. i had a crush on him, but didn’t say anything about it.
i was REALLY obsessed with being “normal”. like, i needed the white picket fences and to seem like your average joe, even though i really wasn’t. once we met, i envied jake for actually getting to be just some guy.
the trolls actually had access to both the beta and alpha kids, but it was split on who had access to who. callie, jaynes, deeruk, dayveh, johnny, and roseta had access to the alpha session, and tavros, gamzee, kanaya, equius, aradia, and feferi had access to the beta session.
i became close to johnny, because i thought he was a human, a human who survived somehow. of course when we met in the new session, i freaked out on him. it was enough to make him think i was pitch flirting with him, and i think kanaya had to step in to keep me from actually attacking him.
the batterwitch, roseta’s ancestor, still existed, but i’m fairly certain she was a condesce-swapped mindfang? when i found out, it made me freak out even more. alex chose the worst time to tell me, when i was already freaking out about johnny being an alien.
gamzee ended up raising eridanus and nepetala. eridanus had a grudge against him for a while, but ended up understanding that gamzee didn’t really have much of a choice but to leave them, for timeline reasons.
my swaps were these
jake egbert
teri (terezi) lalonde (rose-ways)
cali (caliborn) strider (dave-ways)
vris (vriska) harley
karl (karkat) crocker
alex (sollux) lalonde (roxy-ways)
roxy strider (dirk-ways)
jade english
callie (calliope) megido
jaynes (jane) nitram
tavros captor
gamzee vantas
kanaya leijon
equius maryam
deeruk (dirk) pyrope
aradia serket
dayveh (dave) zahhak
johnny (john) makara
feferi ampora
roseta (rose) peixes
eridanus (caliborn-ways)
nepetala (calliope-ways)
if this sounds familiar or for more information, please contact me! 
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cure-typhoon · 10 months
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Losing your humanity in front of people you havent seen since highschool is not really fun
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mewrails · 2 months
current miistuck building:
My mii, dating Jade
Harry Megido-Zahhak, son of Aradia and Horuss
Karkat is married to Vriska and father of Manolito, Faith and Leon
Aradia is married to Horuss (almost otp moment 😔) and Harry's mom
Tavros is living in a gym
Sollux is dating Meulin and besties with Karkat
turg (callmekevin mii from a random ass qr code) is friends with no one at all
Dirk is married to the MSPA Reader
Terezi is chilling in a cave
Doc Scratch looks weird as hell but he sure is here
Vriska is married to Karkat and mother of Manolito, Faith and Leon. Probably will leave island soon since shes level 38
Equius has a cake hat and not much else going on
Gamzee is married to damara and father of Darcey
Eridan is chilling with his guitar
Feferi doesnt have a lot going on tbh
Ethan (@mutsukiss 's mii) is chilling with a hampter fursuit
Kankri, besties with Cronus but otherwise doesnt get along with a lot of miis
Mituna, dating Porrim
Rufioh, broke up with Porrim damn
Sonya (friend's mii), dating Dave
Jade, dating my mii
Dave, dating Sonya (friend's mii), divorced from Jane and father of Hugo
Rose, friends with a few but she doesnt even have a bestie
John, chilling and looking like an egg
Meenah, married to Cronus and mother of Sonny and Amy
Cronus, married to Meenah and father of Sonny and Amy (also his best friend forever is Kankri)
Horuss, married to Aradia and beefing with Terezi, father of Harry
Aranea, probably the most normal and chilling mii on island right now tbh
Latula, just married to Brandon (friend's mii)
Porrim, dating Mituna
MSPA Reader, dating Dirk
Sonny Ampora-Peixes, son of Cronus and Meenah and Amy's brother
Meulin, dating Sollux
Manolito Serket-Vantas, son of Vriska and Karkat and brother of Leon and Faith
Damara, married to Gamzee and Darcey Makara-Megido's mom
Jake, married to my friend's Say's mii
kanaya, besties with dave and also just chilling tbh
Roxy, chilling as a cat
Jane, divorced from Dave and Hugo's mom
Faith Serket-Vantas, daughter of Vriska and Karkat and sister of Manolito and Leon
Pinkie (???), dating Twoface
Hugo Crocker-Strider, son of Dave and Jane
Brandon (friend's mii), married to Latula (while i wrote this lmao)
Caliborn, Calliopes brother and living in a hampter cage for some reason
Calliope, Caliborn's sister and friends with basically everyone!!
Say (friend's mii), married to Jake English (although unhappy)
Twoface, dating Pinky
Leon Serket-Vantas, son of Vriska and Karkat, brother of Manolito and Faith
Amy Ampora-Peixes, daughter of Cronus and Meenah, sister of Sonny
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