#aradia serket kin
hskinsprites ยท 3 months
Can you do a bloodswap of Aradia to make her a cerulean? She had a torn skirt with bloodstains of lower castes, and ghost themed leg warmers. Her shirt was her blood color, and had her sign in black. (idr if her sign was the same in canon or followed the ez so uhhh- your discretion i guess!) She also wore maryjane shoes, and her right eye had a 0 for a pupil. Like with a line through it and stuff. Umm I think thats it. Oh her hair was also kinda messy? Ok NOW thats it hehe.
-๐Ÿ  anon
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hskinhome ยท 3 months
hey, iโ€™m karl crocker. iโ€™m looking for really anyone from my timeline. my memories are currently as follows:
alex and i were best friends. i had a crush on him, but didnโ€™t say anything about it.
i was REALLY obsessed with being โ€œnormalโ€. like, i needed the white picket fences and to seem like your average joe, even though i really wasnโ€™t. once we met, i envied jake for actually getting to be just some guy.
the trolls actually had access to both the beta and alpha kids, but it was split on who had access to who. callie, jaynes, deeruk, dayveh, johnny, and roseta had access to the alpha session, and tavros, gamzee, kanaya, equius, aradia, and feferi had access to the beta session.
i became close to johnny, because i thought he was a human, a human who survived somehow. of course when we met in the new session, i freaked out on him. it was enough to make him think i was pitch flirting with him, and i think kanaya had to step in to keep me from actually attacking him.
the batterwitch, rosetaโ€™s ancestor, still existed, but iโ€™m fairly certain she was a condesce-swapped mindfang? when i found out, it made me freak out even more. alex chose the worst time to tell me, when i was already freaking out about johnny being an alien.
gamzee ended up raising eridanus and nepetala. eridanus had a grudge against him for a while, but ended up understanding that gamzee didnโ€™t really have much of a choice but to leave them, for timeline reasons.
my swaps were these
jake egbert
teri (terezi) lalonde (rose-ways)
cali (caliborn) strider (dave-ways)
vris (vriska) harley
karl (karkat) crocker
alex (sollux) lalonde (roxy-ways)
roxy strider (dirk-ways)
jade english
callie (calliope) megido
jaynes (jane) nitram
tavros captor
gamzee vantas
kanaya leijon
equius maryam
deeruk (dirk) pyrope
aradia serket
dayveh (dave) zahhak
johnny (john) makara
feferi ampora
roseta (rose) peixes
eridanus (caliborn-ways)
nepetala (calliope-ways)
if this sounds familiar or for more information, please contact me!ย 
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hskincave ยท 1 year
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flutteredvoid ยท 1 year
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she is me
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archive-of-phae ยท 1 year
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Have my Homestuck kin onion
Go on
Take it
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stupidkinbs ยท 11 months
i now realize that making a kin carrd was pointless bc when youโ€™re trying to make it look all fancy while figuring out tls it is very easy to run out of space without the membership.
so. plan b! tumblr post
MAJOR KINS: lots of memories and/or strong relation
๐Ÿ•ถ๏ธ๐ŸŽธ jade strider - she/he - witch of time, prospit - swapped with dave - 3 canonmates found
๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒฑ john harley - he/any - heir of space, prospit - swapped with jade - 1 canonmate found
๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿชป meulin makara - any - prince of heart, derse - swapped with kurloz
๐Ÿ’˜๐ŸŒ€ dirk lalonde - he/they - prince of void, derse - swapped with roxy
MINOR KINS: little to no memories and/or small relation
โ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿชฆ aradia megido - any - no sgrub au - canon divergent
๐Ÿ”ท๐Ÿ‘ป john egbert - any - humanstuck/no sburb au
๐Ÿงท๐Ÿ“Œ kanaya megido - she/it - idk if we played sgrub - swapped w/ aradia
๐Ÿชฝ๐Ÿงก davesprite - he/any - considering the fact that i was a sprite it would only make sense that we played - canon divergent
๐Ÿพ๐Ÿƒ jade harley - she/any - witch of space, prospit - canon divergent
๐Ÿ’ฌ๐Ÿ€ john english -he/him - still working this out
๐Ÿ•ธ๏ธ๐ŸŸฆ karkat serket - he/they - also working this out
โš–๏ธ ๐Ÿฌ terezi pyrope - she/they - yeah definitely but im. pretty mem-less
๐ŸŒŠโ˜”๏ธ im on a DNI now - he/they - humanstuck/no sburb au
๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’• agent 8 - any
๐Ÿ—ก๏ธโ“ kris dreemur - they/he
๐ŸŒŠโš“๏ธ โ€œveriโ€ - he/any
โญ๏ธ๐Ÿน claude - he/him
QUESTIONING: maybe i kin them, maybe i donโ€™t. i still need to figure that out. this is more so a personal list so i can keep track since i am. very forgetful.
๐Ÿ”ฉโ“ dirk - there HAS to be one more
๐Ÿ’พ๐Ÿ”Œ some kind of sollux - which? hell if I know
๐Ÿ’œโ™Ÿ๏ธ roseways lalonde swap - I KNOW ITS OUT THERE
๐Ÿ”น๐ŸŽถ dave egbert????
๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ๐Ÿ’Ž link (botw) - not sure but i feel something thereโ€ฆ
๐Ÿ‘’๐Ÿˆ this one is awful to explain
๐Ÿฆ‡๐Ÿ“š someone from gotham academy. for some reason. im not even into DC like that
๐Ÿ’ฅ๐ŸŽธ !
this list will probably get longer at some point and some kins may turn into major ones. only time will tell and what not.
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fanonical ยท 3 months
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skaiakin ยท 3 months
do u guys do inbox checks at all :P my bad if not
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ye2, we do. we've been 2lackiing on keepiing the piinned updated, 2o here'2 a lii2t of what we have at the moment:
(yes, we do. we've been slacking on keeping the pinned updated, so here's a list of what we have at the moment:)
separating the tarot readings because i take a long time to get to them. they're dependent on a lot of things.
tarot for an aradia megido fictive's relationship with nepeta.
tarot for a roxy timeline's relationships.
tarot for a gamzee timeline, about how their game went/if they were close to anyone.
tarot for a rufioh nitram (tavros-ways) timeline, relationship focused.
the rest:
playlist for a non-canon mutantblood, with themes of vengeance and rituals.
art for a sollux kin, currently being worked on.
non-specified edit for a dave lalonde (roxy ways) with light pink curly hair, freckles, a sweater dress-shirt combo, hot pink glasses, and a hot pink gameboy symbol on the sweater.
pesterquest edit for a dirk strider with purple hair streaks, buck teeth, an orange star for a symbol, normal glasses instead of sunglasses with dark blue frames, bead bracelet on the right arm with a pattern of green, orange pink and blue.
pesterquest edit for rose lalonde, with light tan skin, hair texture similar to roxy's sprites, dyed hair tips in her text color, and colored bracelets.
pesterquest edit for a jade harley, with a provided design, lightly flushed cheeks, versions with and without a necklace.
pesterquest edit for a nepeta leijon, with 1970s fashion, warm colors and round gold wire-frame glasses.
penulum for kinning jade harley or jane crocker.
names and pronouns for a j. egbert, preferably starting with a j and being short.
pesterquest edit for a dave strider, with curlier, above shoulder-length hair, a few light beauty marks, a layered jacket with sew patches and flannel over the shirt.
reply icons for a tavros nitram, with themes of greenery and life aspect.
pendulum for being 1, 2 or 3. intentionally vague.
sprite edit for a nepeta ampora (eridan-ways), with mostly nepeta features.
moodboard for a dave strider, with themes of writing, in neon-ish pinkish-red.
pendulum for kinning any tavros or gamzee.
moodboard for a dave strider (fictive), with themes of leaving toxic relationships and feeling free of from old hurts.
pendulum for being kin with ๐Ÿฆ•.
names for vriska serket, specifically butch, incorporating dungeons and dragons adjacent things, leaning neutral.
care kit for a mituna captor, with themes of gaming and scenecore.
sprite edit for an indigoblood gamzee zahhak, with no face paint, and a black leather jacket.
pesterquest edit for a dave strider, with a fem/neu scene haircut, angel bites and 3 pins: an olive gemini pin, a <3 pin and a scormini pin.
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gmanwhore ยท 3 months
I made up a list of my quadrants as each character i kin from Homestuck
Jade Harley:
Matesprit: Karkat Vantas
Moirail: Nepeta Leijon
Kismesis: N/A
Austispice: N/A
Rose Strider:
Matesprit: Kanaya Vantas and Aradia Peixes
Moirail: N/A (Traditionally human Best Friend was Jade Egbert)
Kismesis: N/A
Austispice: N/A
Kanaya Maryam:
Matesprit: Rose Lalonde
Moirail: Vriska Serket (Ex), Karkat Vantas
Kismesis: N/A
Austispice: N/A, for Vriska Serket and Eridan Ampora (Ex)
Nepeta Leijon
Matesprit: N/A
Moirail: Equius Zahhak
Kismesis: Terezi Pyrope
Austispice: N/A
Feferi Peixes
Matesprit: Rose Lalonde
Moirail: Eridan Ampora (Ex), Sollux Captor
Kismesis: N/A
Austispice: N/A
Gamzee Makara
Matesprit: Aradia Megido
Moirail: Karkat Vantas
Kismesis: N/A
Austispice: Kanaya Maryam
Aranea Serket
Matesprit: Latula Pyrope
Moirail: Mituna Captor
Kismesis: Damara Megido
Austispice: N/A
Callie Ohpeee:
Matesprit: Roxy Lalonde
Moirail: Jane Crocker
Kismesis: Vriska Serket
Austispice: Karkat Vantas
Oh that is excellent!!!!
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paradoxkinspace ยท 2 years
hi can i have a kin assignment? im an intp, an 8w7, taurus sun scorpio moon scorpio rising and for classpect im a thief but idk if its of heart, mind, doom or light. im autistic and have special interests in ornithology (specifically corvids and waterfowl), cartoons, forensics, psychology, poetry, vocaloid, foreign languages and religion/spirituality.
im the therapist friend and also genuinely terrible at advice so its just my friends venting to me as i just stand there nodding (respectfully).
im told i care way too much about insignificant things and not enough of about normal things. i bottle up my emotions until they're so densely packed that the bottle breaks and continue as if it never happened.
bees scare me half to death but give me a spider or a snake? friend. i never learned how to paint my nails so i just draw on them with sharpie and cover it up with clear nail polish so it doesnt wipe off.
also, if it's ok, id prefer if you only did homestuck, swaps, fan adventures, aus and maybe post canon, since i havent played any of the games.
iโ€™d kin assign you:
Aranea Serket
Horuss Zahhak
Dave Strider (alt: Dave Lalonde roseways)
Roxy Megido
Aradia Pyrope (latulaways)
Terezi Megido (aradiaways)
Rufioh Serket
Tavros Zahhak
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hskinsprites ยท 6 months
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these poor kids got neglected for five years. here they are with their actual sprites now
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hskinhome ยท 2 years
Hi, i wanted to request a pendulum reading on if i knew aradia serket in my jade harley tl! or if she was just there in general :3
Hey! Tooth says you did know Aradia Serket!
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today-i-forgot ยท 2 years
eyem gonna dew another kin list again eye dont actually no what kinning is
Vriska Serket
Aradia Megido
Izuku Midoriya
Tanjirou kamado
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fictionkinfessions ยท 2 years
I think Terezi Leijon (Meulin -Swapped) and Meulin Nitram (Rufioh-Swapped) would get along! I also think all my Meulin kins would adore Valerie (OFF). You go you funky cats.
Aradia (Both normal and Serket (Vriska-Ways)) would also gravitate towards Blue (This is How You Lose the Time War). Timey-Wimey shenanigans go brrrr.
- ๐Ÿ”ฎโค๏ธ๐Ÿ– (I think. failing to remember my own tag lmao)
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homestuckkintime ยท 3 years
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aradia serket stimboard with clear slime and clay crushing for anon
๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’• / ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’• / ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’•
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apocalypseeightfold ยท 3 years
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iโ€™m still trying t8 figure 8ut my sprite edit style, but hereโ€™s a little aradia serket. :::::D
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