#gannen harst
aubreve-art · 6 months
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Starting off with one of my favourite characters from the very first fandom I got into, Gannen from the Darren Shan Saga. This poor man lived rent free in my teenage mind longer than I’d like to admit - then I found @thevampatease ‘s blog and their analyses made me love the whole series even more.
Is it weird to dedicate posts on here? Anyway this is for them :)
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bootscootboogyin · 5 months
made more content of my favorite babysitter, mr. harst, with oc makers 💕
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mikaverleth · 6 months
𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔢 𝟑𝟓 𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔫𝔢𝔵𝔱 𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔥 👑👑👑👑👑
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thevampatease · 7 months
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This is Gannen.
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godthinksabel · 2 years
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Gannen Harst my beloved <3
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monsterpr0 · 1 year
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Trying out some brushes as I get back into MediBang and digital drawing. Might need some tips on how to draw clothes tho 🤣😭
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theothershin · 17 days
More Fic Writer Asks
(Using it for original works and fanfics, since OP said that's okay)
the last sentence you wrote "Raising his hands in surrender, Gunther said, 'Take me to Arthur.' " - Heroically Foul
a character whose POV you’re currently exploring "And so he was loved because he was good at operating the kingdom, but only we know his black heart and dark ambitions." - Preservation of Those Three: Tybalt Arthur Verrell
how you feel about your current WIP Confidant. I feel like I'll get this done in a year or two, and well. There'll need to be rewrites and edits, but not much. Excited to put my thoughts down and share it with the world.
a story idea you haven’t written yet What if Romeo left Juliet, and she decided to marry Paris, and discovered he isn't all that bad after all?
first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP "But how to get to him?" - A Dream, a Heroically Foul side story
the word that appears the most in your current draft (wordcounter.net can tell you) More, been, and one. Not very interesting, but then again, I just barely began.
your preferred writing fonts Lobster for titles; Bad Script for chapter titles; Architect's Daughter for narration.
if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for… Help, video game fandom Aragami 2. it's a very in-depth and detailed version of one of the quests in the game where you play the main character, Kuro, or Warrior, going mad with anger and the desire for revenge - but you have lots of freedom. I took away that feeling of freedom, to show that he was doing what he was doing automatically, out of obligation, rather than because he really wanted to. I would write a sequel and even prequel cuz the game has great moments that would be great if narrated.
start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted? A little under a week, I believe.
what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it? Years. Let's leave it at that, yeah?
a WIP you’d like to finish someday Previously called My Lord, now renamed A World of Shadows, and more names pending, the fic is for the fandom, The Saga of Darren Shan/Cirque Du Freak, by tween Master of Horror Darren Shan. In the original book, two sides are fighting a war, and the fate of both sides lie with the main character, Darren Shan(has the same name as the author), and his friend, Steve "Leopard" Leonard. Darren, warned that his victory would eventually cause him to stray from righteousness in arrogance, sacrifices himself to kill Steve. In my fic, he kills only Steve - not himself. It explores Steve's mentor, Gannen Harst, as he tries to deal with his friend's death, his allegiance, losing the war, and his own brother - all while Darren slowly begins to lose himself to the dark side.
a trope you’re really into right now Medieval power struggle. Yes, I know. I told my sister just the day before writing this, "They're annoying in real life, but..." and then realised that isn't true. Sure, they can be annoying, but they interest me. Look into the morality/psychology, especially when there's sour kings who've gotten the wrong hand and are right but also wrong.
a fandom you’re thinking about writing for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The lore is vast and endless, and in a story where the main character's personality doesn't already exist yet they aren't just a blank-looking person and there's space to build a unique personality for them and act on it, there's lots of space for a fanfic.
where do you get your inspiration? Everything - literally.
favorite weather for writing Spring weather - it's ample time to sit down and write, but the weather itself is lovely. The birds are chirping in the sky, and sometimes they swoop down for a few seconds to grace you with the sight of their feathers; the ocean waves(I especially would love to write by the waves) crash against the rocks and sometimes splash on your face - but that's okay, because it feels good, and the bright, warm sun dries your book - and the sounds of nature helps you think.
favorite place to write I'm generally not allowed to sit and write when we're out and about, so on my desk. There's the most privacy, and I've written there so much that there's a vibe.
talk about your writing and editing process It changes over time and depending on which story it is and what type of story it is. I write fanfics between my originals - in school, between chapters, during writer's block for a specific story - and for originals, I write them every chance I can. I write down ideas for them whenever I can and have the notes stored away. When the time comes, I take out the notes and pour over them, changing them according to what I believe should be different and so on... I write down most of the events(then gradually all of them) and write them out of order(choosing from writing prompts), then put them together and read them in order. Then I edit them in order.
if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic I don't keep them, though it would be cool to be able to look back at it. I sort of keep originals, but I haven't published any yet.
the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic Prison. In my fanfic, Timeline, the main character goes to jail and rots away there until the end of his life.
in what year did you publish your first fic? 2021
when did you publish your most recent fic? 6 Jan 2024
do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that? Sometimes I worry, sometimes I don't. I write for myself. I got upset by some hateful comments once upon a time, and told my sister about it after following the criticism that they were saying, and she told me that they were wrong, and that they were only being hateful. I realise that since then, if the comment isn't nice, I block the comment and decide whether I'll adhere to it or not. I'm not a popular writer so I barely get comments and/or kudos, but when I do, it strengthens my resolve to be a great writer, but I don't let it affect me beyond that.
pick three keywords that describe your writing Messy but Organised
how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative? Organise notes. Read stuff. Play games. Do anything but be creative.
besides writing, what are your other hobbies? Reading novels and non-fiction. Playing games.
are you able to write with other people around? No. I don't know why. but the words fly away from me.
your favorite part of the writing process When everything's clicking together and my creative drive is never-ending and I get into flow.
your least favorite part of the writing process When the creativity dries up.
how easy is it for you to come up with titles? Not easy at all. I do it as I go along, but usually I get the right one when I'm done writing it.
share a fic you’re especially proud of Talk, for the novel series The Demonata by Darren Shan. It was inspired by Zukos_Honour and it's simple, to the point and savours the slowburn-one shot feels.
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scary-grace · 3 years
CDF Characters and their YouTube channels
Vancha: Nature channel featuring him chewing his toenails, fighting the sun, and getting stung or bitten by every creepy-crawly known to man. 
Gannen: Movie reviews, but only of “good” movies no one likes. His most popular video isn’t actually a review, but a full-length rage reaction to Avengers: Endgame. 
Steve: Doesn’t make his own content, just reacts to everybody else’s and tries to start trouble. He’s convinced that Larten is his nemesis, but he’s never gotten a response video from anybody, other than Gannen telling him to shut up during the intro to his review of Fight Club. 
Darren: The lawful good version of Vancha’s channel, and the second-highest subscriber count in the clan. He’s also the only one with monetized ads on his channel, but they’re for things like Mud Water and Grammerly. His most popular video is one of him cuddling with the wolf pups. The shot of him drinking wolf milk straight from the wolf was left on the cutting room floor. 
Larten: His channel is run by Darren, and it’s a lot of magic tricks and reaction videos to what Kids These Days are up to, although his most popular video is the one where he tries and fails to saw Gavner in half.
Gavner: Exclusively video-game playthroughs, and the friendliest fanbase in the clan. Sometimes he features other clan members, and his most popular video is of he, Darren, and Kurda playing Mario Kart blindfolded. 
Arra: Parkour channel with the third-highest number of subscribers in the clan. She hates having to edit her videos, so she usually just takes the raw footage and uploads it. The only time she ever edits is when she falls down, and she thinks nobody notices, but they do. 
Mika: Philosophy channel with really high production value, but he’s garbage at self-promotion. He has twelve subscribers and three of them are Darren’s burner accounts. On the bright side, he has the smartest comment section of anybody in the clan, and all nine of his subscribers will defend him to the death. 
Kurda: Has the highest subscriber count in the clan. His channel is called “Cooking With Kurda” and it’s part self-help, part cooking, and part political commentary. He goes viral for a video where he gets so angry talking about Holocaust deniers that he forgets to take his souffle out of the oven.  
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festivaloftheundead · 2 years
Bloodline - chapter 28 - PART 1: Change You Like A Remix
Also on ff.net
You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down / Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground
If the Vampire Princes had a nickel for every time someone interrupted an important event shouting that the mountain is under attack and there are vampaneze in the basement, they'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
“This has gone too far!” Larten bellowed, thrashing against his captor. “Your quarrel is with me, and me alone. If you have even a shred of dignity, duel me now and be done with it!”
Leonard paused, turned back around and gave Larten the same scathing sneer he’d given Mika. He knelt on the floor, eye to eye with Larten.
“You still think you can call the shots just because you’re on your home turf.” He laughed viciously. “Here’s the thing, Creepy. Taking your life has nothing on what I’m about to do next. You’re not even a Prince! You’re nothing but a circus act! That’s all you’ve ever been.”
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aubreve-art · 6 months
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Some concepts for where Steve would hide his army before they built the caverns under the city - why not a grand, abandoned hotel? Lots of space for everyone plus Steve can make shit jokes like this:
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Guess who’s sleeping in the bath.
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bootscootboogyin · 3 months
hey guess what - it’s me again, with more ai creations of a side character from an old ass ya book - GANNEN HARST
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some of these are down right scary and im sorry for that 😬 which one is your favorite?
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mikaverleth · 1 year
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I’ve always wanted to do something this stupid
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thevampatease · 2 years
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Ok, official Word of God update for my crisis last night.
The wife asked Shan on Twitter if Gannen can read, and thank CHRIST the answer seems to be yes!
The implications????
Steve found out half his army can’t read and decided, okay, that is NOT my vibe, and made them all learn via SESAME STREET???
Shan is on some good stuff; my GOD the crack theories are MULTIPLYING LIKE RABBITS in my TRASH BRAIN.
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Larten and Vancha are realizing Kurda’s story isn’t quite adding up, Darren’s making an escape, Vancha isn’t built for stealth missions
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homovampire · 2 years
i only love two vampanezes, Gannen Harst and Holly-Jane Galinec.
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God has spoken
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