#get another piece of art I don't even know if I wanna claim XD
rabbitpietale-blog · 7 years
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I apologise for the this everyone but I seriously this has been bugging me since page 11 of @colbypuppythebaker ‘s rebornfell comic and I needed to get it out of my system.
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ambersky0319 · 4 years
I idea: Remus and Deceit are finally accepted in the group but the sides need to get used (and kinda adapt to their need just as they did to Virgil) Remus and Deceit. Especially Remus, but is not very easy (Patton and Roman are the ones who most need to adapt/ after all Patton is well, the lider, and Roman now sleeps in the same room as Remus again) sorry for the big ask, I don't know if it's too shitty XD ignore if it is!
Never apologize for big asks! They’re just as fine as short asks! And if whatever you anna send doesn’t fit into just one ask, always feel free to send multiple parts! This is gonna be the last one that I answer for the night though cause I don’t wanna burn myself out, and I have school tomorrow-
Even though Patton had claimed earlier that day that having Remus and Deceit join the rest of the group didn't bother him, that they still didn't put him on edge. At the time, he really thought he believed his own words. But late into the night, he realized that them being so close did bother him. To the point that it was keeping him from falling asleep.
He slipped his glasses on and groaned when he looked at the time, the clock showing that it was 2:30am. Patton decided that he was done waiting for sleep to take him, and that he should go do some late night baking to ease his mind, and perhaps tire his nerves.
When he rounded the corner to the kitchen though, he froze as he heard light laughs and Remus's hushed voice. The kitchen light was on but very dimmed, and Patton took a deep breath, peering into the kitchen, expecting a mess of some sort.
He did not expect to see Remus and Deceit talking softly between one another, Deceit watching as Remus prepared various ingredients and going on about something. Patton couldn't quite hear what it was he was talking about, though, and he couldn't tell what Remus was going to make with the ingredients he dug from the pantry. 
Some time went by; Remus appeared to be making some sort of batter from scratch, talking about whatever came to mind. Deceit listened intently, occasionally offering his own point of view and helping Remus measure ingredients whenever Remus was unsure. Patton was getting bored though, and he really wanted to know what was going on. So, he finally stepped into the kitchen, clearing his throat.
"Um, hi...?"
They both looked up, their smiles faltering slightly. "Hello Patton." Deceit greeted.
"What are you still doing up?" Remus asks, turning to finish mixing the dry ingredients.
"I could ask you both the same thing," Patton claimed as he moved closer to get a better look at what they were doing, now that it seemed they didn't mind his presence.
Deceit held out a piece of paper with a long list of ingredients, all of which surrounded him on the counter. "Whenever Remus can't sleep, he comes and wakes me up and we bake. He creates all new recipes and everything."
"This time it's a batch of cookies!" Remus grinned, and Patton looked up from the list to watch him.
"You guys do this a lot?"
Remus hummed in confirmation. "I also didn't want to wake up Roman, now that we're sharing a room again, so I couldn't do what I normally do to tire myself out."
Patton nodded in understanding. "What about you, Patton?" Deceit asked, taking the list back as Remus passed him yet another measuring cup and a few ingredients. "I never took you for one to be up so late."
"I couldn't sleep either..." he trailed off, and Remus faltered slightly in his movements, glancing at Patton from the side. "But, I think I'm feeling a bit better."
"You're still uneasy about us, huh." Remus stated bluntly, earning a light hit on the arm from Deceit. "Hey!"
"Don't call them out, Rem." He scolded lightly.
Patton fidgeted. "Well, he's right... But, I really do think I feel a bit better. Especially after learning about... this," he waved vaguely at all the ingredients.
"Wanna join us?" Remus asked, turning around completely to face Patton for the first time. Patton tilted his head, biting his lip slightly.
"You both would be fine with it?"
"Of course!"
Patton hesitated for a moment, before a smile finally found it's way to his lips and he nodded. Deceit summoned an apron for him, moving so Patton could get closer to help Remus.
And if by the time everyone else woke up to a messy kitchen, with Patton, Remus, and Deceit laughing amongst themselves while eating some freshly made cookies, no one called them out on it. Not when they also got to taste Remus's new concoction.
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