#ghosts bcc
hazzybat · 5 months
i love negatus so much my god i'm so down bad for him. simon's characters can take my life and i'd thank them holy shit. death was always the best growing up, Julian is my fave ghost cause he's a little shit and i adore negatus. i'm hopeless. my type is fuckign simon farnaby evidently. helps he's 6 foot whatever. (legit even growing up i prefered simon's characters over mat's which i know is strange cause mat is the golden child who everyone had a crush on NOPE for me it was always simon)
(soz i've had a bev and i have no one to talk to about how hot negatus is so i'll scream into the void. maybe that one negatus blog will see this and agree)
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lord-ofthe-frogs · 2 years
put on this sweater i've had for months and realized. I looked in the mirror and realized. This is something allison would wear. this is exactly the kind of thing allison would wear
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chekovsvwodka · 1 year
Patcap Edit? Patcap edit
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le-scenariste · 1 year
The Captain going from "are you finished ?" to Kitty to becoming her fairy godmother 😭😭😭
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sequentialprophet · 1 year
Bryan is definitely not scarred by the Daniel Garcia betrayal and is completely and totally normal about Takeshita. 
full video
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t4tklonoa · 6 months
Sonlah Week - DAY 3 : MISTERY
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You never know what you'll find in creepy abandoned Houses...
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the captain has never kissed anyone, he’d never loved the women and when he did eventually fall inlove he was too ashamed to kiss him, he saved his first kiss for Havers but he died before they could
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more blorbos added >:)
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crimsonmasks · 2 years
(Call Me) Little Sunshine 1/?
BCC polycule monster AU where kayfabe is real and AEW is home to demons, sirens, werewolves, an alien, the undead, and in the case of the BCC, vampires.
“You don’t ever think about getting a leg up sometimes?” Yuta asks. “It’s a big decision, but–”
Danny straightens and grunts, putting the bar back into place. “Never. You think Jericho and his boys aren’t just beggin’ to get their teeth into all this?” He gestures to himself and Yuta snickers. 
“I’ve told him no every single time. I ain’t like them. And neither are you.” 
“I just think,” Yuta starts. “This isn’t, like, a bad offer.”
Yuta knows, logically, his job is weird. 
Sometimes he tries to explain it to people, long winded explanations about how he arrived at the point of being in a televised fighting tournament meant for only the most gifted and exceptional athletes, and how some of them (most of them, he thinks, at least the more popular ones) have what Yuta might call an unfair advantage. He doesn’t hold it against them–far from it, Yuta takes pride in being one of the only regular, average humans in his line of work–but he does know, in the part of his brain that comes home at night to Chuck’s pull out sofa that’s long since stopped actually folding into a bed, that yes, his job is weird. 
“This is so weird,” he murmurs, mostly to himself. He’s certainly not talking to anyone else in the room, Mox and Bryan and Regal staring at him with unreadable expressions. 
They’ve sequestered him in one of the conference rooms the executives keep for meetings, Yuta situated in one of the seats at the middle of the table. He wonders what it says about his confidence that he didn’t pick a chair at the head of the table even in a meeting solely about himself. 
“You don’t have to say yes,” Bryan huffs. Mox rolls his eyes at the comment, seemingly hearing it before. 
“Yeah, you do; come on, Wheeler, think about it,” Mox begs, his voice strained like he can make Yuta decide if only he’s passionate enough. “Just a couple of test matches, I know you’re gonna get over anyway, and that’s it, you’re in.” He stalks around the room like his legs won’t let him stop, veering to clap Bryan on the back. 
“You trust us, don’t you? Two of the best guys in the business, we can make you so good, Wheeler, all you gotta do is say the word.” 
Yuta wants to squeak, ‘am I not already good?’ but Regal speaks before he can, commanding the room with the accent light on Yuta’s ears.
“What my protégées are trying to say, dear boy, is that you don’t get opportunities like this often. Once, if ever, in a lifetime.”
“Several fuckin’ lifetimes, even…” Mox says under his breath. He continues to pace, occasionally crowding around Yuta like a shark might circle a seal. 
“Take some time and consider it, Sunshine.” Regal squeezes Yuta’s shoulder and his breath hitches. Then they’re gone, all of them falling into step and leaving Yuta alone in an empty room with just his thoughts to keep him company, the sound of the door echoing through the empty hall. 
Yuta lies awake that night turning over the ideas in his head. He likes being with the Best Friends–loves them, each and every one of them. However, he can’t help but wonder what it would be like to be at the same level as his friends without having to fight tooth and nail for it. 
Kris isn’t normally allowed to use all her powers in the ring out of fairness, but even without the weird alien telekinesis she’s strong, so much stronger than any of the others and certainly stronger than Yuta. Yuta thinks about Danhausen, who’s only recently taken to following Chuck and Orange around, and how even as a bumbling, weird little freak he still has the kind of strength and power that leaves opponents quaking. Yuta walked in on him once accidentally, saw him talking in the mirror to some distorted version of himself, bigger and scarier and decidedly non-human, and promptly turned tail and left. 
He thinks about Chuck and Trent and Rocky, the way they throw each other around when they train, too much for Yuta on certain days close to the full moon. Is that what Mox is like with every stable he’s been in? Too powerful for anyone else to handle?
If he took them up on their offer, what would he become? His entire persona would have to change, from Yuta-The-Human to… would he even call himself a vampire? 
Mox doesn’t ever use that word. Yuta knows, watching Mox’s old matches from his couch-bed in Chuck and Orange’s living room, even back when he was a wiry little fledgling doing death matches in backyards, that Mox has never used the V Word. Sure, he’s played it up a little, his long hair falling in his eyes as he carves up another wrestler with a glass tube, licks the blood from his hands and smiles at the camera–Yuta’s dick gets hard and he tries desperately to ignore it, playing the next match on the laptop he got from Chuck as a hand-me-down. 
It’s from a little later in Mox’s career, but still before he hit it big. He sways into the ring with the same signature gait he’s always had, each step powerful if not a little meandering. When he gets on the mic, the crowd boos; Yuta huffs a small bit of laughter at the incredible change in his popularity in just a few years.
His opponent blindsides him with a leap off the balcony before Mox can react, hitting him hard against the mat. Yuta groans as the man takes a belt to Mox’s back, the anguished, “ah, ah!” noises rising above the cheers of the audience. He whips him again, once, twice, before wrapping the belt against Mox’s neck, choking him against the ropes, and Yuta closes the laptop with a sharp crack. 
He’s thinking about it. Just going over his options. That’s all this is. 
There are a lot of regular people in the company, but they’re vastly outnumbered by everyone else, the real veterans of the scene, the inhumans. That’s why Yuta seeks out Danny for advice, rather than someone like Chuck or Orange: they don’t really know what he’s going through, not really. Danny would understand being a regular person, and what this offer meant, and give Yuta his no-bullshit opinion. 
“Why would you wanna be one of those bloodsuckers anyway?” 
He’s spotting Danny as he lowers three hundred pounds into a squat, his thighs flexing. Yuta hovers but doesn’t touch the bar. 
“You don’t ever think about getting a leg up sometimes?” Yuta asks. “It’s a big decision, but–”
Danny straightens and grunts, putting the bar back into place. “Never. You think Jericho and his boys aren’t just beggin’ to get their teeth into all this?” He gestures to himself and Yuta snickers. 
“I’ve told him no every single time. I ain’t like them. And neither are you.” 
“I just think,” Yuta starts. “This isn’t, like, a bad offer.”
“Nah, none of that. That’s how they fuckin’ get you, man. You’re gonna be chained to them for life if you let one of ‘em bite you. No identity of your own; just another bloodthirsty little monster that’s riding a bigger guy’s coattails.” 
Yuta lets the words wash over him and finds that they settle warm in his chest. “Just because you wanna be on your own doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. I don’t know how the blood-bonds work but–” 
“But what?” Danny laughs. “You think you’re not good enough on your own? You gotta be someone’s little pet to make it big?” 
“Come on, man–” 
“I’d never roll over for one of them like that. Not any of ‘em, no matter what they promise; not the vamps, or the demons, or the undead, none of ‘em.” 
Yuta can’t help the snort that forces its way out of his nose. “Then why does Chuck say you smell like another wolf all the time? I think you have been rolling over–” 
“Oh, fuck off, Wheeler.” Danny snarls, his face burning red. He leaves the gym so fast that Yuta worries he doesn’t catch the echoing, “Tell whoever is giving you that beard burn that Rocky’s told the whole roster you’re spoken for!” 
Yuta turns over the pros and cons in his head for days before he finally gets the courage to text the group chat a simple, [can we talk soon?] 
Trent responds first. [No.] 
His phone luckily lights up with a text from Chuck right after. 
[Yeah I’m almost done]
[Got steak for dinner]
[Is everything okay?] 
Yuta doesn’t answer. His phone buzzes again when Orange hearts the message about steak and the sound makes him anxious. He groans. 
[yeah everything’s fine]
Trent dislikes the message and Yuta throws his phone into the couch. 
“You guys know that I love you, right?” Yuta asks over dinner. There’s a basketball game on the TV that Trent and Orange are watching from the couch while the rest of them sit at the dining room table. Yuta stares at the steak on his plate, jabbing at it. 
His appetite leaves him. 
“‘Course we do,” Chuck says, cutting his own piece of meat into pieces. It bleeds a considerable amount more than Yuta’s does. 
“And I appreciate all you guys have done for me.” 
“We love having you,” Chuck says, beaming. “Best friends, right?” His smile is so earnest that Yuta feels sick. 
“Fuck, okay, I’m just gonna–I’m just gonna say it. I got an offer from Mox to do a try out with his new faction, and nothing’s set in stone, but. But I just wanted to tell you.” 
The sounds in the room grind to a halt. Yuta hears a fork clatter to a plate. Kris stops with a bite of food halfway to her mouth. Chuck stares. 
Yuta watches in silence as Chuck’s face contorts, emotions leaving his features just as quickly as they come.  He settles on a grimace, a pained attempt at a smile. 
“You’re really thinking about leaving?” 
Yuta wants to jump off a bridge. “Not, I mean, not right now–and I won’t, there’s like, a big chance they don’t like me. Or I’m not good enough, I won’t get in, or they decide not to–”
“But you want to?” Chuck asks softly. 
“It’s–” Yuta pauses. Yes, he wants to. No, he doesn’t. He has to do this. He won’t leave his only friends. Yes, no. Yes, no. “It’s a good opportunity.” 
“Oh, bullshit!” Trent says from across the room. “Are you fucking kidding me, Wheeler? Really? We take you in, put you up, teach you fuckin’ everything you know and what, the minute you get a better offer you fuckin’ pack up?” 
“Hey!” Chuck tries, his pack leader voice, which Trent has evidently gotten very good at ignoring. 
“No, you’re gonna let me fuckin’ talk. You gave the kid all your goddamn time and attention and this is how he repays you?” 
“Trent, come on, let’s simmer down a little,” Rocky soothes. 
“God, you all baby him because he’s young and breakable and he totally takes advantage of it and I’m the only one who saw it from the fucking beginning.” 
“You never mentioned wanting to change,” Chuck murmurs, his voice measured amongst the raw emotion. “We could have helped you, you could have been pack–”
“I didn’t want to be anything, before this!” Yuta chokes. “I didn’t want a set path, I didn’t want to change, I didn’t want to be the third wheel while you and Orange tag. I wanted to–to win on my own.” 
“Oh, boo fuckin’ hoo.” Within moments, Trent crosses the room to shove Yuta up against the table. “You know, Wheeler, you belong with those guys; they probably won’t even change you. You can be their pathetic little bloodbag fucktoy, whining about not being strong enough while they take turns–” 
“Trent, that’s enough!” Chuck slams his hands down on the table as he rises to his feet. His lips are pulled back in a deep snarl and his face is red. Yuta eyes Kris for support but she resolvedly doesn’t meet his gaze, her hands raised in a clear approximation of “not my business.” 
Orange makes his way around to Chuck’s side while he postures, his glare still pointed at Trent, who won’t take his hands away from where they’re knotted in Yuta’s shirt. “You’re just gonna let him betray us, then? Aren’t you mad?” 
Chuck makes a noise that would be a sob if it wasn’t so choked down. “I’m fucking gutted, Trent. I know you are too, but this isn’t–” 
“He doesn’t mean anything to me; I was just looking out for you fucking idiots.” Trent releases his shirt then, stepping back. He makes a show of placing his hands up and Yuta wonders why before Trent is very slowly letting his claws out. He takes a few more steps back and drops to the couch, running the very tip of the points over the cushions. With a sheer rip Trent claws through the fabric, the stuffing pouring through the gashes.
“Oops,” he whines, “now where will your little pet sleep?” 
Yuta finally gets his senses back to him and turns on his heel, ignoring the overlapping concerned calls of his name. 
“Don’t go,” he hears Orange say, as close to begging as the man can get. He doesn’t stop until the door is slammed behind him and he’s alone in his car. 
No one walks out of the house to follow him. 
Yuta doesn’t ask how or why Danny Garcia has Bryan’s address and is thankful he doesn’t feel the need to explain. He doesn’t want to text before showing up, a stupid, prideful part of him deciding that if Bryan turned him away he would just get a hotel and never show his face around work again. 
The sun sets on his drive over, and Yuta worries briefly if he might be gone. He parks outside the modest place, a regular house in a regular neighborhood, turns off his car, and allows himself one small breakdown. 
His hands hit the steering wheel and his head dips. 
This was stupid. He’s stupid. He left the one stable thing in his life, people that love and care about him, on the single conditional offer of three inhumans he barely knows. He has to prove himself to them, has to impress them, show them he’s worthy of being their equal. Christ, they hadn’t even promised to bite him, he just assumed that was where this was headed–
He doesn’t cry, doesn’t let himself yell, just stares at his knees and whispers, “fuck, fuck,” as his head swims with dread. Yuta can feel it bubbling in his chest, his throat, curling around all his organs like smoke and taking form and strangling–
Someone taps on the window. His head snaps up. 
“You okay, Wheeler?” 
Yuta doesn’t expect genuine concern on Mox’s features but relishes it anyway. He scrubs a hand down his face and finally steps out of the car. “Yeah, man, doing great. My whole faction wants me gone and I have nothing but a single bag and I’m here to beg for a place to stay, so it’s going pretty good for me right now.” 
“Oh, Bry’s gonna love that, he’s a sucker for strays.” Mox snorts, one hand coming to rest on Yuta’s back. “Bring your stuff inside and stop bein’ fuckin’ weird; sitting in your car skulking outside Bryan’s fuckin’ house, thought you were some kinda creep.” 
Yuta laughs at that, a smile splitting his lips before he can remember all the things he should be upset about. By the time he’s settled on Bryan’s couch, the lights off as the other two men retire to some other part of the house, blanket draped over him and pillow borrowed from Bryan’s bed beneath his head, Yuta can almost pretend he’s at home. 
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poiscailledelespace · 2 years
🪐 Ask game 🪐
indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without socks // fruit or vegetables // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // instagram or pinterest // braids or pigtails // dc or marvel // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields // sweet or salty // ice cream or chocolate // hoodies or sweaters // long hair or short hair // piercings or tattoos // summer or winter // boots or sneakers // cars or motorcycles // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms // reptiles or birds // disney or nickelodeon // strawberries or watermelon // essay or posters // phones or laptops // glass or stone // dark or light // photos or painting // circuses or theatres // reading or writing // dogs or cats // poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries // fiction or non-fiction
I talk so little on this app that it's my first time being tagged for an ask game :') so thank you @startrekmemequeen for tagging me :DD
Anyone can participate,, open tag!
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babil-plush · 3 months
toji solos
I don't actually hate toji btw that was just for funnies
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andy-andromedus · 2 years
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spirirsstuff · 4 months
camp half-blood tumblr dashboard simulator
🌊 seaweed-brain Follow
another day of makig sure the gods pay their child support ^^
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🐎 chironthecentaur Follow
I ran out of Adderall for the campers.
🐎 chironthecentaur Follow
I can not get my hands on any for the next few days. If I do not follow up, assume I am deceased.
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☠️ ghost-king-official Follow
everyone is gonna die and most of us will just forget nothing in life matters
☀️ allwillynilly Follow
☠️ ghost-king-official Follow
one thing in life matters
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🦉 wise-girl Follow
Look at these designs I sketched up for Olympus! I'll start building as soon as I can <3
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🌊 seaweed-brain Follow
babe ily but what the fuck is that
🦉 wise-girl Follow
Let me label it a little better
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🌊 seaweed-brain Follow
that clears it up thaks
#architecture #design #sketch #plans #okay that should be enough tags to not have th readmore #she never looks past that #i cannot understnd a single word of this if someon does @ me
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🔥 vvvaldez-rulez Follow
🕊️ piperpiperpiper Follow
🔥 vvvaldez-rulez Follow
false alarm guys i put it on the second shelf instead of the first one
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🍷 thewineman Follow
Diet coke only sustains for so long. Wine is forever. Zeus is a pussy anhldfii ju bccs njsshsnSBMFF F IN CHNCC BBC F J
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⚡️daughterofzeus Follow
luke and i took in a runaway she’s so sweet and scared
I know 🥺 She’s so young and ran away from her family but she’s got a new family now
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🐐 groover-underwood Follow
#I know I know he’s nice but he still unnerves me I’m sorry
53 notes
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🌊 seaweed-brain Follow
smh cant believe people drown just breathe
👁️ tysoncyclops Follow
Hello brother!
🌊 seaweed-brain Follow
hi tyson!
#oh shit out of all the posts why did he find this
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📜 oracle-of-delphi Follow
feeling silly might deliver the next great prophecy idk
📜 oracle-of-delphi Follow
Terrible things are going to happen.
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I actually wrote a fanfic :)
it's set in the 1890s so I used some slang from it.
anyways here's the link to fanfic
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vauxxy · 1 year
bbc ghosts and empathy
at its core, bbc ghosts is a show about empathy! these days, a lot of shows are black and white when it comes to characterisation- always having them lean towards good and evil. but this is boring as fuck!
bcc ghosts does the exact opposite by having characters such as julian, who by all means, was a terrible person. he was a tory with no respect for his wife or his daughter. by all means, we as the audience, should HATE him. but we don’t! infant, we love him. he’s funny and witty and comedic.
even before he grew to regret his past actions, we still loved him as a character because of how hilarious and authentic he is. after the christmas episode where he was looking after a baby, the audience was able to fall in love with julian all over again and for a different reason! even when we were shown explicitly the terrible traits julian exhibited while alive, we felt empathy for his situation. we do deeply felt his regrets.
most of the time, tories and bad fathers are the villains. and for the most part, it’s true. this doesn’t stunt their growth as people. we always forget that people we don’t agree with are people; capable of growth and fear and guilt.
in real life, this conversation is a lot different. realistically, someone like julian being in power is probably not a good idea. he was like besties with margaret thatcher.
either way, bbc ghosts has taught me a lot about recognising my biased behaviour towards people i would usually condemn. i find it so crazy that this show was able to make me empathise with such a person- but i’m very grateful for it. live laugh julian
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