#ginger on a mission
wnterslder · 10 months
idk i'm feeling soft, and giving you the visual that if you give him head scratches for long enough, he will almost definitely start dozing off
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tariah23 · 2 months
what do you think your cursed technique would be?
All of the Canada Dry I consume gets spit out like acid 🗣️🗣️🗣️
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i'm still confused on how alistair won instead of sparrow . how did you all manage that /lh
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transmanofficial · 1 year
A dnd game but halfway through you realize your dm is just having you play a live action stardew valley
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redheadedbrunette · 2 years
*just a heads up there are some spoilers for spy school revolution in this*
I feel like we don’t talk enough about the scene in ssr where Erica met Ben’s parents. I know that they were in the middle of escaping the Croatoan when she did but I’m kind of curious what she was thinking in that moment considering that they are the parents of the guy she likes. Like did some part of her want them to like her? Did she look at them and look at Ben and go “yeah that makes sense”? Was she maybe surprised by what they’re like given what Ben is like? I also want to know what Catherine’s thoughts were because I feel like she really wants Ben and Erica to be together and for them all to be one big family when they’re grown up. As such I think she 100% had thoughts about Erica meeting Ben’s parents for the first time. Maybe I’m stretching a bit though idk lol. I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Erica probably doesn't think about it too much until later, given all the stuff that's happening at the moment, and when she does meet them, there are bigger things going on. That was also before she'd had a chance to process her emotions that lead to the hug scene. I think her reaction to Ben's parents is that they're just, like, regular people. The most basic humans one could meet. Nice though.
Also, one thing I want to mention about the relationship is that they are teenagers. Their relationships don't have a track record for being super long term, so I don't think from Catherine's perspective she's thinking about Ben and Erica getting married, like, at all. She does like Ben and would like to keep him around, but she probably thinks the best way to keep him around long term is to give him food. [I'm pretty sure this is my mom's strategy for keeping mine and my brothers' friends that she likes around long term.]
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theblackestofsuns · 4 months
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"A Man With A Mission"
Ginger Fox #2 (October 1988)
Mike Baron and The Pander Brothers
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slvttyplum · 2 months
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suguru would sometimes grow out his mustache when he was feeling lazy or just feeling it for a few weeks, but would have to cut it all off after a week, all because of you. 
we know suguru is an eater, he loves your sweet pussy leaking down his tongue and down his throat and what not, but that would be showcased whenever his mustache turned ginger. 
at first, this shocked him, but then he came to the realization of how this could happen. he had you on his face twenty-four, seven, so this was bound to happen.
after some thinking, he thought it would be cool to see how long it would take his stacheto turn ginger, so he made it his mission to dye his cute little stache ginger with your pussy. 
so every night for a week and sometimes during the day, he was either laying down or gripping your thighs while you sat on his face while he devoured the fuck out your pussy. 
he doesn’t know if it was his mind, but the more he ate it, the more it started to taste like a five-course meal that he never wanted to put down. 
his jaw moving back and forth at rapid speed as he licks over your folds and thrusts his warm tongue inside your tight pussy, your fluids leaking into his mouth and some down his chin. 
“atta girl, one more time.” suguru wanted to make sure he was getting all your fluids no matter what. if you were jolting and wrapping his hair around your knuckles while he was eating it, he knew he wasn’t doing good. 
this was his own personal fun game that you had no idea about, you thought he was just really horny for your pussy like always, that was until you saw his bright mustache in all its glory. 
“how do we like it? you did this baby.” his hand rubbing over it while he looked you up and down licking his lips, knowing that your sweet pussy created such a beautiful color that rested on the top of his lip. 
“no way.” your eyes wide as you go to touch it, not only did it look cool but boy was it fucking soft. 
if your pussy made such a color than imagine everything else it could do, that’s the excuse suguru made so he could eat your pussy more and surprisingly it worked. 
he made sure he was licking your pussy every night and moaning and groaning while doing it, having your stomach cave in and your toes curling. 
suguru wasn’t going to give up on what all you could give to him, if he had to smear your fluids all over his face for something to happen then he would, because that’s what real eaters do.
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livinghostly · 3 months
i will hold on to you for as long as you let me — megumi fushiguro x mom!reader, satoru gojo x reader
a/n: sorryyy the fushiguro-gojo family dynamic was rotting my brain and i needed this out of my system. LOTS of projection of my fear of growing up in this one soz. this was fully meant to be a drabble and it just kept going idk wc: 3.1k angst/fluff. mom!reader has a lot of bittersweet thoughts about megumi growing up and satoru is there to comfort <3 lots of parentheses and lots of repetition
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you put on a brave face all day. all week, even. despite the burn in your chest that engulfed your lungs and squeezed unrelentingly. despite the tears that burned the corners of your eyes delicately balancing on the your waterline, one blink away from breaking the surface density and opening the floodgates to pour down your cheeks. despite the non-stop ache of your stomach, churning what you ate every day but still holding the same emptiness as anxiety consumed you.
megumi didn’t pack much, he never held on to many things to begin with. (you always prayed for that to change, for his comfort your home. you prayed he would see it as his own, as well). he neatly folded his clothes into his suitcases and stacked his hangers on top. he purchased a new sheet set for his bed in the dormitory because the one he was used to was much bigger, much softer. 
he packed most of his books, carefully picking out the ones that tugged at the nostalgic parts of him, frayed along the edges after many years of re-reading, as well the ones that still had vibrant covers and stiff spines he hoped to finish. you noticed the leather journal he kept tied together– the ink-blotted pages bursting at the seams –sitting on the shelf before he tucked it into his box of personal belongings. it was his third one since living with you, all filled to every last page and used beyond ruin. the rest were hidden between his headboard and the wall. you pretended not to know, after stumbling upon them while changing his sheets.
closing the door to your home felt eerily empty. it looked the same as every day. the couch was cleaned and the floors swept. dishes rinsed and promptly put away. but with your lingering gaze your mind fixated on the dining table set for four, two adult pairs of shoes at the door, one pink backpack slumped on the hook of the closet door with an empty space below. your chest twisted at the lack of clutter, though it’d been like that for some time, with tsumiki and megumi growing older and cleaning up after themselves properly like you taught them. like you wanted. the pride you initially felt with those memories of parenting were becoming eclipsed with resentment and despair.
the ride to school was quick and familiar, megumi knew well what he was getting into after visiting there to train. satoru liked to call them little getaways from megumi’s civilian life, claiming he wasted too much time around non-sorcerers when he could be on missions with his ever-loving benefactor instead.
satoru, who was whining while he laid himself across the three seats in the back of your car. you’d banished him there for such a special occasion, and he threatened to transport himself to the school alone. an empty threat, at best. he didn’t want to miss this. 
megumi had sparred with the older students and found himself thrown around the field many times already. he knew his way to the infirmary by heart, he knew where gojo tucked away his most powerful curse-imbued weapons (that were supposed to be under the surveillance of higher ups), and knew what letter-number combination granted him the ginger chips nobody else seemed to like. 
you were glad he was comfortable. you were glad he would fall into routine easily after the repeated trips to jujutsu high and developing a rapport with his upperclassmen. you’d waited for the day that he’d truly be part of the jujutsu world and welcomed into a better suited environment for people like him. and you knew he would be great, he already possessed an incredible technique and wielded it like he’d been fine-tuning it since birth. far ahead from most kids his age, you were proud.
still, your gut was sinking, sinking, sinking into the floor with each passing second.
megumi picked his room in one of the far-away corners of the boys dormitory, leaving inumaki and panda heartbroken (panda said he would find a way to organize sleepover. megumi said he would drop out before that happened. inumaki cried– no, wailed at the rejection). yuuta fell into step with you, slipping one of the boxes out of your hands and insisting on helping instead. it was sweet, if it didn’t feel like he was ripping precious time away from you.
but you smiled, and granted his wish. megumi wasn’t complaining, he liked yuuta more than the others. it was a good chance for them to talk more. all of this, a chance, a new chapter, the rest of his life. the thoughts weighed on your shoulders with a disgusting strain traveling to your fingertips.
you were painfully aware you were in your own head, doing this all to yourself. he wasn’t going away, you would still be seeing him, more than you used to when he went to his other schools. he would always be here.
satoru found you in your classroom, while you were organizing the stationary with an unnaturally stiff composure. your arms were tense, he could see the muscles constantly flexing with each of your movements.
your jaw was clenching and unclenching again. you made a point not to look outside, where the second-years were training brashly after successfully moving their things back into their dorms. you made a point not to meet satoru’s dangerous stare as he shut the door to your classroom, as if it granted any privacy with the seven large windows running along the wall that showcased the hallway. 
“what are you doing all by yourself, beautiful?” his tone was soft and inviting, begging you to open up and let yourself fall against the cushion of his words. 
“um,” you exhaled, voice shaky. you scrunched your face to break apart the tension that had hardened your expression. “i figured i would get a few things ready for tomorrow.”
it took satoru’s long legs two-and-a-half strides to meet you at your desk, where you gently shut the drawer. there were a handful of dated photographs in there, signed with his name and the chicken scratch of two children. 
“it’s all ready, baby. we did that last week.”
(correction: you did it. he tagged along for the shopping trip).
“there’s just… a few things...” you mumbled, not finding the strength to finish your own sentence. 
satoru gently placed his hand on your shoulder, emitting inhuman warmth that spread across your skin. you leaned into him as he dragged his hand down your arm and intertwined your fingers with the care of handling fine china. his presence brought you solace, effortlessly bringing the walls down that you desperately wanted to wait until you got home to break.
he kissed the back of your hand and rubbed the skin. “you know you’re going to see him every day, right?”
it was embarrassing how well satoru knew you, knew your thought process like it was an extension of his own. he knew your doubts and insecurities, your fears and desires. he could predict the words before they came from your mouth, more in tune with the way you spoke than his mother tongue.
“you know we’re going to be the ones chaperoning his missions, right?”
you closed your eyes and looked away. “i know.”
“do you remember when he said he’d like to go home some weekends, and have dinner?”
“he said that to be nice.”
“when has he ever been nice?”
you opened your eyes to glare at him, though he was right. megumi was not nice. he was polite. he was too self-aware for his own good, too perceptive of others and their emotions. in all the time that you’d known him, raised him, he made himself smaller for the convenience of others. he walked on his tiptoes for a year and a half so no one else would wake up because of him. he made his own breakfast and bit back his tears when he burned himself. he didn’t ask for things or food and didn’t offer his input unless asked directly. for some time, he was a ghost in his own home. 
it seemed as soon as the bits of his shell started to break off, he was being swept away from you by the jujutsu world, leaving you with looming fears that consumed your mind and disrupted your sleep for weeks.
satoru smiled, though it was weighed down with your sadness. “hey, he’s not going anywhere, you know that. just because you’re not driving him home everyday doesn’t mean he’s gone.”
it’s funny, it’s nearly the same speech he gave you when tsumiki started middle school. and when megumi followed those same steps.
tsumiki didn’t make it this far, though.
the thought makes your lip wobble again, and you bite it back pathetically.
“i know. i know that. it’s just that…” your voice cracked, and you shoved your head in your hands. your palms squeezed your eyes in a desperate attempt to stop the already-flowing tears. “he’s not my little boy anymore.”
satoru’s soothing hands pull you into a tight hug, and you don’t have it in you yet to move your hands from your face. his embrace makes you sob harder, louder as all your emotions from the last week begin to pour out at once. his chest rumbled with your cries, and he tucked you further under his arms as if to shield you from what was making you hurt so much. it was all you.
“baby…” he chuckled, without a hint mirth or mockery. he squeezed you with compassion and adoration. “you know that’s not true. he’s still pretty short, he’s got another growth spurt coming.”
a small laugh slipped through, but was quickly drowned out by your cries.
“he’ll be okay. he’s still here.”
he was so, so warm. he gently began to rock back and forth with you, the heels of your shoes gently clicking on the tile floor. a small hiccup erupted from you as you found the strength to wrap your arms around him, burying your face into his chest. the familiar thrum of his heartbeat welcomed you.
“i know, i’m sorry. i know he’s not leaving, or anything… i just… i thought i was ready.” you blubbered into his button-up. surely, there’d be two wet spots where your eyes were when you pulled away.
he swayed side to side with you, staring at the blackboard ahead of him. he nestled his chin on the top of your head, wondering if you could hear the cracks tearing through his heart. “it’s okay if you’re not ready. but you’re treating this like it's goodbye.”
“but what if we don’t get a goodbye?”
“okay, you really are overthinking this,” he pulled away from your embrace, your fingers still digging into the material of his shirt. he brushed away the hair covering your eyes, stuck to your skin by the wetness of your cheeks. streaks ran through your foundation and the corners of your eyes were smudged. “there you are. so pretty.”
it was silly how he believed he could make things better like that. it was silly that he was a little bit right.
“don’t think for a second i’ll let megumi be sent on a mission he can’t handle. he’s going to be fine.”
satoru’s love ran deep. for you, for megumi, for all his students. he fought curses everyday for you, rotted himself with his technique and stitched himself back up in a moment’s notice to fight for you. to come home to you. all of humanity be damned, those closest to him were the ones he fought for, and he would do everything in his power to preserve their lives.
he already towed the line with the higher-ups and their conservative rules and regulations, but he would tear them down if you asked. for megumi, he’d fight tooth and nail to see that he wasn’t being sent off on a mission ill-prepared. under his watch, things would be different for his students. 
you nodded meekly, wiping away your tears with one hand. “i hate when you’re right, toru. it’s really annoying.”
he smoothed down your hair and grinned. “i know, just let me have this one, though.”
his sweet murmurs filled your ears, along with the gentle shuffling of your clothes as you made yourself presentable again. you balled up your sleeves and patted the corners of your eyes gently, and he straightened out the hem of your shirt. it was wrinkled, a reminder of how harshly you clung to him.
you smiled at the water stains on his shirt now, and he claimed it was in need of dry cleaning anyway.
neither of you noticed the eyes of megumi and yuuta, both stuck in place at the very corner of the windows leading to the hallway. they had training staffs with them, megumi’s grip becoming tighter as he watched you wipe your eyes and knock your head into satoru’s chest lazily. your shoulders low, clearly drained from the amount you cried. 
yuuta was frozen, eyes flickering from you to megumi repeatedly. he found his courage in placing a hand on his shoulder, a feather-light grip. “hey, let’s go through the east wing. i’m pretty sure it’s faster that way.”
it wasn’t. but megumi nodded anyway, begrudgingly tearing his gaze from you and turning around with yuuta. 
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you stared down the red light of the intersection with a blank face, blank mind. letting it all out of your system had successfully flushed out your emotions, taking the rest of your energy along with it. the car was painfully quiet, but no part of you wanted to listen to anything.
satoru was whisked away by yaga, being delivered another mission he swore would take less than a day. ‘less than twelve hours’, he promised to be back for megumi’s first day. he would make it.
it was dark, and you milked all the time you could on school grounds. speaking with yaga and shoko, running through the still-developing information of missions to be sent on. cleaning the classrooms. the lockers. stocking the teachers lounge. dusting the armory. before you knew it the curfew ushered the students into their dorms.
a ringtone broke through your thoughts, making you jump. though the tune was soft, the sudden intrusion made it much more shrill. you fumbled with your phone in the passenger seat, seeing megumi’s contact on the screen.
“hey, mom?”
it took everything you had left not to gawk. he said it before, sparingly in desperation for comfort. his voice was quiet, a near-whisper despite the fact he was alone in his dorm. like he was nervous.
“yes, megumi?”
“um… are you home?”
you wondered if he forgot something. “no, i’m still driving. are you okay?”
“i’m fine, i just… can’t sleep, i guess…” he trailed off, hoping for you to fill in the gap.
“oh. okay. did you take–“
“do you think you could pick me up?” he interrupted. “and i just stay home tonight? you could drive me in the morning.”
you were quick to dissolve into a smile, pointed at the streetlamp on the sidewalk. sadness struck your eyes but you were too occupied by the warmth of his question to feel it.
“yeah. i can be back there in a few minutes, just let me turn around.”
he didn’t hang up. neither did you. the silence lived on for a few seconds.
“… gojo’s on a mission, right?”
you laughed, your hand sliding across the steering wheel as you reouted back to the school. “yeah, megs, he’ll be gone tonight.”
“he’s back tomorrow?”
“yeah, we can leave before he gets home.”
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satoru tiptoed through the entrance of your home, brushing his blindfold over his hair and peeling it off his head. he hung it up with his keys, lax arms nearly missing the hook on the closet door meant for him. it was beyond late, and he was tired, but he was home like he said he would be.
he bent down to tie his shoes, buffering momentarily as he caught a glance of well-worn sneakers at the front door. they were as clean as they could be, though scuffed rubber turning gray and the laces becoming frayed where they were tightened most.
satoru made a grunt in acknowledgement to no one but himself, as he tossed his shoes down. he glanced around the living space, cautiously bringing himself to each room with a curious itch to scratch. a third pair of shoes. both backpacks on the door. dishes for two placed on the drying rack. 
he was expertly quiet by nature, but found himself avoiding the squeaky floorboards on the stairs and all the way to the hallway. he was greeted with a blue sign, corners covered with dog stickers. the frilly handwriting of tsumiki warding off unwanted visitors with the phrase: “megumi’s room. keep out!!”
the door opened quietly, satoru pushing it open to the limit and stopping before it would let out an ungodly squeak. he insisted on never getting it fixed, knowing it bothered megumi.
megumi had his face shoved in his pillow, a desperate attempt to block out any light creeping through the crack of his bedroom door or the streetlamp just outside the window. he was always a light sleeper, always on edge, sleeping with his back to the wall so if something barged in the night he was ready. it was horrible he thought that way, you always said. 
his duvet covers were black and white plaid, per his request three years ago when he begged to be free of the puppy sheets. still, he seemed small, curled up in a ball. his face was released of the usual tension and his light breathing filled the room. for a moment, he was little again.
satoru smiled, taking a step back and closing the door gently.
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shiningstages · 1 year
"This looks like the right address." ( Eli to Ginger. Completing a mission together? )
Looking out the window of their car, Ginger can't help but stare in a bit of awe at the mansion before them. Of course, this was a lush neighborhood where all yuppity-yups lived and mingled, looming homes splayed every which way and decorated to match their precise tastes. It was a den of lustful greed. Anything that was a trend and could make a profit had some sort of root here, and emotions were no exception. Whether they were served casually or secretly at parties, deals made on them said in either hushed whispers or boisterous applause, or generous donations to the cause with in-home security ready to beat snitches half to death - The rich held the illegal substances' hand and helped them along somehow. It was the same with alcohol - another trade she and her family were far too intertwined in. Luckily, when it came to emotions, it was just her and Eli in the thick of it.
"It does, doesn't it, darling?" She's already putting on her character, voice like honey that could get any man in this party as drunk as any bourbon could. But then she laughs, the façade falling a bit to give Eli's hand a squeeze, "If I get a bit too much, let me know, okay? This is a mission, but it's also a party. I don't want to make you uncomfortable; I want the both of us to have a bit of fun~." All said in a hushed voice, as if anyone else could hear them yet. But her eyes give way her softness and seriousness on the matter. How long had it been since they've done one of these together? Danger abound, she still hoped they could have a tiny bit of fun, even if work was at the forefront of their minds.
As soon as they're in front of the house, however, she pulls her (borrowed) mink coat up - just so to still show off her shoulders - and making sure her hair looks just right. "I'll make sure we have a much better celebration afterwards, too. Besides, we have a motto - We're the best of the best, and deserve only the best. Right, darling?" Her voice smooth and a bit more mature, she gives Eli a sexy side-eye to his reaction as they park.
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frogchiro · 11 months
I might just be literally insane but this is a thought thats plagued me for days, hear me out:
König's dick is so big and heavy even when he's totally hard it doesn't stand up all the way against his lower belly or anything it still kinda hangs down. It'd drip on your face while you're sitting under him and he has a huge thing for letting it rest on your face while you're running your tongue over the under side or kissing all over his balls <333 he 100% has a pic of you somewhere with his cock resting on your face covering half of it lmao
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König is just so fucking big all over :(( his huge body, big and well developed muscles, those strong, broad meaty hips and a layer of fat over his body creates the perfect image of masculinity, maturity and strength and his cock is just the same♡
It's just to heavy :(( thick and long, the multiple veins standing out beautifully, uncut with an extra sensitive tip and huge heavy balls coated with a layer of fine ginger hair, usually hanging low and full and fat especially after a longer mission where he was pent up all the time with no time off to jerk off to the one candid photo of you he carries with him :((
He definitely gets off on the sheer size difference between you two, it literally doesn't matter what size you are, he'll still tower over you and use his big burly body to his advantage. Loves when you suck him off, your small mouth obviously can't take him all in and the tears in your eyes combined with the wet shine of your lips making him growl and his cock twitch with impatience :((
Will make you suck at his heavy balls and will lay his heavy cock on your face and take a picture 'to remember'. You can whine all you want but with your mouth full of his balls you can only do so much besides watching as König smirks and takes another pic while commenting how his dick is literally covering half your face♡
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ranpoesgirl · 14 days
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— synopsis; 15!Dazai falling in love, puppy love is my favorite type of love…
— a/n; sorry this took a while, seasonal depression and I couldn’t download png because my phone is dumb asf
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Your 1st encounter with Dazai was when you both were 14, he followed behind doctor with a emotion no one could pin point. He kept his head down when your eyes lingered for too long for his liking, he seemed cowardly.
His hair was dark and disheveled, it looked tangled and sometimes matted. Clothes never seemed to fit his form no matter how new they looked, after he exists a battle field or returns from a mission, they had loose strings and a faint unpleasant smell that kept increasing over time.
Naturally, you came to the conclusion he wasn’t treated as well as you were by his guardian, no amount of a façade the doctor puts could ever cover the boy’s bruises…
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The news of the mafia boss’s death was surprisingly vague when it reached your ear, seemed as though the people saying it were trying to convince themselves he was rather than if he even was. You never bothered, it wasn’t your duty to serve him than it was to serve one of his many subordinates. So until there was an order to get further details on the matter, you wouldn’t bother.
But what caught your attention was the person who will be replacing him, “the doctor?”, you questioned looking at the man beside you who simply nodded at your question.
As if the devil was looking over you, in your peripheral vision, you saw a figure move by the door to the hallway. Turning your head to see a messy brunette with bandages wrapped neater than last time.
“da…zai..?”, you extended each syllable of his name before looking over once again to the man beside you as though asking for confirmation on what you said was correct.
But of course, when he heard his name slip from your lips, he turned and stared as though he were a dear in headlights. You looked backing back at the boy questioning your next move.
You smiled as you raised your hand to give a wave, he flinched only by a bit and went back to staring at you with his big brown eyes for a minute or two before walking away.
It was quite a strange 2nd encounter, but none the less, still an encounter.
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The 3rd encounter formed a cycle.
You were seated on a uncomfortable sofa waiting patiently for your guardian to exit the boss’s office. Staring at the painting until they seemed to contort in your head, only to be snapped out of thought when you heard a footsteps stride to the boss’s door.
“Dazai?”, you called out this time unaware that you did. He looked at you and paused, his head giving a nod only by a bit as though to ask you what you wanted.
This time, you were the one taken back.
“Dazai,” you repeated smiling and giving a light hearted wave.
And he once again stared at you wide eyed before walking away.
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The 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th encounters were practically the same.
You called out his name before giving him a smile and a wave before he walked away.
It felt odd to do so but it felt even more odd to stop. Because every time you didn’t, it felt as though there were a thick unwavering tension that could be cut through by a knife before you give in—
It became an unconscious routine to a point he’d look your way in sync when he name is read by your lips.
This strange habit never stopped and stumped many people on many occasions, a certain ginger being one of them.
Chuuya was weirded out by the multiple strange interactions between the both of you, so your 21th encounter, you got your first response—
“Chuuya,” the redhead repeated his own name making you look up at him this time, “You always call out his name and it isn’t even special.”
And that’s when they began bickering in front you, naturally you freaked out. No matter how much to tried to interrupt and stop them, they don’t stop.
So you slipped away from the room slowly and carefully…
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Your encounter with Dazai later on was much more pleasant, instead of being one sided, he smiled.
It felt like nothing big like you initially thought until he began walking over, “You enjoy my name, don’t you? Don’t worry, I quite like the way it sounds when you say it… I think I might just give you the privilege to my first name, Osamu.”
So it once again began…
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“Osamu!”, you exclaimed more confident as you watched him skip over to you bright eyed and bushy tailed.
A conversation began that took turns from one topic to another with no thought of having a meaningful conversation other than to hear the voice of the other individual.
It was simple relationship, with you making the first move every time…
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Every. Single. Time.
Like every relationship that was one sided, you got tired.
It had to happen eventually.
So, here you were.
Sat on a ledge of a building bored out of your mind, you heard the soft tapping of feet behind you. You turned to see Dazai, you smiled at him before looking back down watching as people crowded on the cold weekend.
He sat down beside you, taking in the view you were observing, his hand brushed against yours as he held onto the ledge.
And for the first time, your name was called.
You looked up to meet with him not facing you making you doubt if he even called you if it weren’t for the dusted red flushed expression pointing everything out.
“I’d like to hear my name from you once again…”
You were taken back, yet didn’t relent nonetheless…
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The 1st encounter with you was a humiliating one for Dazai. He kept his head down shifted closer to the doctor, whom he swore to kill by his own hands, desperately trying to look presentable by covering his scarred arms and neck as your eyes darted every flaw within a matter of seconds around his frail body.
When he had the slightest of courage to look up at you, it was immediately shutdown by the lingering stare of your eyes. His glimpse of you felt as though he were daring to defy a higher power.
It’s safe to say that he won’t be doing that anytime soon…
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His 2nd encounter with you was after the gruesome murder of the port mafia’s boss by his so called ‘guardian’. He roamed around the halls aimlessly in hopes to forget the sight but nothing could erase the smell of fresh yet dirty blood splattered across the doctor’s face.
Every inch of him burnt, it didn’t feel right. Nothing did. He stumbled in the hallway and tried to catch his breath before a doorway of a… whatever it is, it smelt awful— to the point it erased his nausea, he stood still not moving an inch, could easily be mistaken as a corpse.
As though he were commanded by an officer, he turned his head stiffly looking up at… you.
His eyes widened while his face stayed poker, you were seated at a stool beside whoever that was, a can of something that wasn’t alcoholic but definitely filled his nose pleasantly. Whatever it was, he swore the last time he was in your presence, that scent lingered on you.
Your lips curved up as did your hand, you were smiling and waving at him. He was in awe, no words nor actions could describe how he felt. It overwhelmed him, but definitely in a good way.
And involuntary action took over and he walked away until he was hidden by the wall from your view, his burning throat was replaced by a fluttering chest. He didn’t know what it was, but it was better than whatever he felt before…
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The 3rd encounter was when he was in a rush, he was called by the boss when he least expected. He took long strides to the office only to calm down subconsciously at the soft scent of peaches and he couldn’t put his finger on why.
“Dazai?”, ah, that’s why…
You looked tired, not exhausted but still tired. Your lips were chapped only by a little, dark circles weren’t as visible, but your droopy body set the scene of what you felt.
“Dazai,” if he could, he would rip his ears off in a desperate attempt to not hear your voice and all the sudden wave of emotions it gave him.
You smiled and waved, and he memorized it before walking into the boss’s room where he couldn’t pay attention to anything except have your voice on repeat in his head…
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The 4th, 5th and many more encounters felt the same, but each time he tried to better his response to the point he’d give you a smile and turn your way at the vibration of your words.
He swore that every time you looked more and more ethereal than the other…
Chuuya got on his nerves plenty of times before yet the sound of your voice always brought him down from his high. Always soft and gentle to his ears, so patient for him, he could just—
“Chuuya”, —he wanted a glock to his own head or the ginger’s, any was preferable.
“You always call out his name and it isn’t even special.”
Out of habit, he got his defenses high and couldn’t contain his destain he had for the boy, it was very lowly of him to behave that way in front of you but he was too far in.
Only noticing your lack of presence when your scent faded away…
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Dazai knew it was unhealthy to be upset when you had conversation with the people around you, whether it’d be your coworker, guardian, even the boss, it irked him.
Only when he saw you converse with Chuuya about his ginger hair, which he thinks looks hideous, he realizes that he should take advantage of every opportunity before he loses it.
You may not have remembered what number of encounter it was but he did, and it was embarrassing every time his head reminded him of so.
Once again, your voice started and he looked your way smiling— he rushed over from the distance he was at, looking down at your startled and confused face.
“You enjoy my name, don’t you? Don’t worry, I quite like the way it sounds when you say it… I think I might just give you the privilege to my given name, Osamu…”
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He was a fool.
Every time his given name fell from your lips, his insides contorted in a way only a fool’s would.
He knew if he wanted you to keep this up, he had to reward you. So he’d walk over trying his best to not fall apart at the sound of your voice as you laughed at a joke that would have concerned looks from others…
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So why…?
He did everything that was right.
Every time you asked for attention, he returned it.
He’d laugh at your jokes, he’d stare into you hopelessly sometimes lose track of your words…so why?
Not even his last name was spelled by your lips even if your eyes had lingered on him, a side smiled and you’d turn away.
He gave you attention when he asked…
...that’s right…
That is what he did, he only gave you attention when you asked.
And like a fool he was too distracted to know what he was doing. So like a fool he walked up to the ledge of a city building where you sat, observing the crowd. He took a seat beside you doing the same.
There he called out your name for the first time, his voice cracked like a fool.
No matter what, he couldn’t have the courage to face you, his cheeks hurt, from what? He wasn’t aware, but it wasn’t pleasant and how much blood rushed to it
“I’d like to hear my name from you once again…”
And as though he freed himself from his sins, your voice dripped like nectar from a flower that was bound to become a fruit…
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a/n: part 2 with Chuuya?
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ashwhowrites · 17 days
hi! Can I request older Eddie and student reader?
They met in coffee shop he's working in and since then they're dating.
One time he hears two student talking about reader (they said her name and ginger hair color) and one student's complaining how he flirt all the time with her but she doesn't even see it. All she talks is her boyfriend
And Eddie has been feeling insecure in this relationship because he thinks he's too old for her and she can do better than him but he's not jealous. He knows she would never cheat on him.
But hearing this conversation he became so self confident and appreciated and when she visited him after closing coffee shop, he literally can't stop himself from showing her his love. They have the most passionate sex in the back of the coffee shop. His main mission became making her feel so good so she can't think about anything else than him
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻 I didn't include the specific hair color since I never go into specifics with how the reader looks so it's open to everyone.
⚠️SMUT, I wrote it high so I'm not even sure what I wrote
College boys
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Y/N felt like she was on cloud nine. She was near graduation, ready to be handed her degree. She had a small waitressing job to make quick money, and she had the perfect boyfriend.
She met him at the coffee shop he worked at. He was older, roughly in his thirties. He worked at the coffee shop for extra money, his main career being in mechanics. His rough hands traced delicate shapes on her skin. His mature eyes captured her perfectly in every moment.
She felt like she could remember every detail no matter how much time passed.
She walked into the shop, a laptop in her arm as she searched the menu. It was a new coffee place and she wasn't sure what to get. She felt nervous as she realized she was next and had no idea what to get.
"What can I get you?"
She opened her mouth to speak and looked down. She was at a loss for words as she looked into the most beautiful brown eyes she'd ever seen. He was gorgeous.
He had dark curly brown hair, thrown into a low bun. A t-shirt underneath his apron that made his arms look defined. She read his name tag, Eddie. She tasted the name on her tongue as she stared at him like he was God himself.
"I uh, I don't even know." she laughed, looking back up at the menu
"Hot or cold, girl?" Eddie asked, a twinkle in his eyes as he smiled.
"Cold," she answered
"I'll surprise you," he said as he punched in something on the register.
She smiled and walked off to the pickup counter. She couldn't help but sneak a look at him as he moved around and made the drink. She felt her cheeks heat up when he caught her. He'd smile to the floor and look back to the drink.
"Here you are," he smiled as he placed the drink on the counter. She thanked him and grabbed the drink. She walked out and got in her car.
She went to take a sip when she noticed ink on the cup
She smiled as she read his handwriting with his number below it.
And ever since then, they've been together. She called him and they went on a date. They instantly connected and the attraction was strong. The age difference didn't bother either of them. She was mature and so was he. She enjoyed their dates at his apartment. She loved it when she got to spend the night with him instead of her small dorm.
Eddie wishes he felt their relationship was as strong as she did. He couldn't help but feel like he needed to always prove himself. He felt insecure compared to all the guys he saw on her campus. Their muscular bodies as they threw footballs and ran on the fields. He met a few of her guy friends and felt intimated by a few. It was easy to tell they were interested in her. But he knew she'd never go for them or hurt Eddie in any type of way. He didn't trust the boys. No one ever trusts young guys, especially college boys.
"Thank you for dropping me off," Y/N said, she leaned over her seat and pressed her lips against Eddie's lips.
He smiled into the kiss and kissed her back. He couldn't help but deepen the kiss and move his tongue against hers. She felt her head spinning as he pulled away.
"My pleasure," he teased, loving the lost look on her face as she floated down to reality. "Better go, Lexi is waiting."
"Right!" Y/N said as she snapped out of her daydream. The taste of Eddie was still on her tongue as she got out of the car. She waved goodbye as she walked over to Lexi. Eddie drove off with a honk.
"I wish I had an older boyfriend to eat my face off in the parking lot," Lexi groaned, with a teasing smile.
"He's the best isn't he?" Y/N gushed
"He's yummy," Lexi giggled
"Who is?" Tommy asked as he slid in next to Y/N. The three walked into the building.
"Eddie," Y/N said. Tommy was a good friend of hers so he knew all about Eddie.
"Oh cool, Well tonight is the big game. Can I count on you to be my cheerleader?" Tommy flirted. Lexi rolled her eyes at his comment but didn't say anything.
"Of course. Eddie and I will be front row." Y/N smiled
Tommy felt his smile drop at the sound of Eddie's name once again. But he shook it off.
"Are you coming to the after-party? We are pretty sure we are going to win." Tommy said, "But it's just for the students."
"I'm not sure, parties aren't really my thing. And not sure if I'll feel comfortable going alone without Eds" Y/N shrugged, plus she wanted to spend the night with Eddie.
"I'll take care of you, and be next to you the whole time." Tommy offered.
"But then you can't enjoy the party," Y/N said confused, the three made it into class
"You are all I need to have a good time," Tommy smiled.
"I'll think about it." Y/N smiled, they repeated as they took their seats.
Tommy sat next to his friend Luke with a smirk
"I'd wipe that smirk off. No way she's coming." Luke laughed
"Why not?" Tommy asked, his smirk dropping
"It's only students. And no way she's gonna ditch her boyfriend for you."
"We'll see,"
Eddie leaned against the fence as he waited for Y/N. He looked at the group of students and the players on the field. He wasn't big on football but he'd go anywhere she asked him to.
"...Y/N's here."
Eddie's ears perked at the sound of his girlfriend's name. He looked on the field, where the sound came from.
He noticed Tommy with his helmet in his hands as he stood in his jersey. He rolled his eyes, he wasn't surprised he was focused on his girlfriend. Tommy was the main guy Eddie worried about.
"Here, babe," Y/N said as she handed Eddie his pretzel. Her other hand holding a drink. Eddie looked back at her with a smile, he could feel Tommy's eyes burning into them.
Feeling a bit jealous, Eddie threw his arm over her shoulder and walked to their seats on the bleachers.
Throughout the whole game, Tommy's eyes kept looking at her.
After he scored a touchdown, he winked right at her as she cheered. Granted, she's cheering for a friend but he thinks she's cheering as a crush. Eddie was older and wasn't going to dabble in games. But he wanted to snap that bitch in half.
"You seem tense. You okay?" Y/N asked, her hand landed on Eddie's knee. The game in the background as she focused on him.
Eddie smiled and nodded. He felt at ease whenever she looked at him. The crowd cheered and they both looked to see what they missed.
Tommy growled as she missed his touchdown, too locked on Eddie.
Eddie was closing the Cafe, sweeping underneath the tables as he waited for the remaining customers to leave.
He whistled a song as he walked and swept. He almost felt like he was crazy when he heard his girlfriend's name. He stopped whistling and looked up. But he didn't recognize any of them.
Must be from school?
"dude, you can't ask Y/N out. Tommy has tried a thousand times."
Eddie felt a twisting in his gut as he walked closer.
"Yeah, but that's Tommy. I'm better than him in every way possible." The random blonde said. Which made Eddie want to laugh. Y/N was obsessed with Eddie's dark curls.
"Being better than Tommy isn't what you have to worry about." The other boy snickered.
"What that old boyfriend of hers? One night with me between those legs, she'd have him out of her head."
Eddie's growl slipped and the boys looked at him. "We're closed. Time to go." He snapped.
"Chill dude. We'll go." The blonde said, the boys slipped out of the small booth and walked out the door.
Eddie felt anger pumping through his veins. Eddie looked up when the door jingled. His anger turned to lust as Y/N walked in.
Her long legs were in her shorts, the way she looked flawless in his band T-shirt. Sunglasses pulling back her hair as she smiled at him.
"Missed you, handsome." She said as she slid her arms around his neck. He dropped the broom and immediately shoved his lips on hers.
She was taken aback by the passion and desperation in his kiss. It turned her knees weak. She whimpered against his lips as he pushed his lips so hard into hers that her back was forced to arch.
His tongue was gentle and warm in her mouth. She felt like he wanted to be gentle but craved to tear her apart with his tongue and teeth. He was mature and practiced in the way he knew how to handle her body. His muscular arms held the weight of her body and his kiss held the weight of her heart.
"Fuck, wow," she gasped as Eddie pulled away.
"Remember that office in the back I showed you?" Eddie panted.
Y/N was lost for words as she panted, and nodded.
"I want you to strip down, nice and naked for me," his hand wrapped around her neck, "then sit on that desk, spread these legs open, and drip all down the desk until I come in there. Got it?"
Y/N shivered at his words as the image was painted in her head. She whimpered and nodded. He let go of her neck, his dark eyes watching her. She started to walk off, jumping as he landed a smack on her ass.
Eddie waited a few seconds, just to give her time to follow his demands.
Eddie slowly walked to the office, stripping down. He removed his apron, then his shirt, and his shoes. By the time he made it to the room, he was left in nothing but his boxers.
A big smirk on his face as she sat on the desk, her legs spread wide open, and her glistening pussy shined for his eyes. He could feel his cock suffocating in his boxers as he licked his lips. He walked towards her, and she shook as his eyes never moved from her cunt.
"Gonna cum just from the way you are looking at me." She moaned, Eddie chucked darkly as her cunt clenched.
"Oh, I bet. See you pulsing from here, pretty thing." He smirked. She wasn't sure what got into him but she wasn't going to distract him now.
"Gonna be a good girl and let me do whatever I want with you?" He asked, he yanked her hair so her chin was shot into the air.
"Fuck yes."
"Try again" he warned
"Yes, sir. Best girl for you." She moaned. Apparently, she said the right thing because Eddie sunk his three fingers inside her soaked cunt. Her walls instantly clamped around his long fingers as she shook.
Everything felt like it was buzzing. His hand yanks her hair and his fingers knuckle deep inside of her. She clawed at his bare chest as she was gasping for air. He loved watching her. The way her naked body shook, the sweat building on her sweet skin. How she bit so hard on her lip that blood began to leak, yet did nothing to stop the screams from leaving her lips.
"Loud girl today, huh?" He teased
He stared at her neck as a trail of sweat traveled down. His cock twitched at the idea in his head, and he leaned forward. His eyes stared straight into her heavy ones as he stuck out his tongue and licked up the traveling sweat.
She swore he was going to ruin her
She clamped around him as she felt herself getting close. The ecstasy burned in her stomach. He removed his hand from her hair, now moving his attention to her clit.
She let her body drop, going slump against his. He let his body catch hers as he circled her clit as fast as he could.
She tried to speak but couldn't get anything out. Her eyes asked and he answered. She let herself cum all over his fingers. He worked her through it, fingering her softly as she began to shake.
"Amazing job, sweet girl." He praised. She smiled at the compliment. Still barely awake as she panted.
"You take my breath away, Jesus fuck." She laughed, Eddie held her tired body and kissed her forehead.
"I know I pulled a big one out of you, think you can give me one more? Maybe on my tongue?" He asked. And how could she say no to that?
She didn't say anything, just pushed his head down. He laughed but easily let himself be pushed down to his knees. He wrapped his arms around her until his fingers were gripping into her ass.
She let out a gasp as he yanked her to the edge of the desk, his mouth immediately on her cunt.
She felt her jaw pop open and silent screams left her throat as Eddie slurped her up like a dog with a bowl.
She was embarrassed by how much sound came from her wetness.
But the sound seemed to edge Eddie more and more.
She felt his tongue everywhere. Inside of her, up and down, side to side. Then outside of her, sucking and biting.
She swore she could feel him writing his name with his tongue against her clit.
That same feeling was building and building until... He stopped.
She didn't have time to whine when he slammed his cock inside of her. It was so fast that she didn't see him take his boxers off.
He pounded into her like he wanted to bruise the shape of him inside of her.
He wasn't jealous, just simply making sure her brain was so fucked out that she couldn't form a possible thought that wasn't him.
The desk squeaked beneath them as he fucked himself inside of her. He was so lost inside of her, that he didn't bother to care about the cameras recording their every move. Hell, he wanted a tape of it just so he could send it to all those college boys who think they have a shot.
Eddie may not have a college degree or scholarship in football. But he owned her pussy and knew just how to fuck it.
She swore she had nothing left in her body to give him, but she wanted to give him it all. He felt amazing inside of her. The way his tip perfectly hit that sweet spot inside of her made her legs shake.
His fingers were back on her clit, she whimpered as he rolled her sensitive clit between his finger and thumb. Then whined louder when he pinched it, pushing down on her clit and pulling. His eyes watched as it snapped back into its perfect shape. Then he softly began to rub circles.
She lost her vision, eyes closed as her body felt everything. She never forgot the way Eddie fucked her, but this was definitely something she'd think about in her dorm. When she's alone at night and fucking herself. Moaning his name as she coated her toys in her sticky cum.
The harder she breathed, the faster Eddie rubbed her clit. His cock pushed inside of her, her pussy happily sucking him in. She was jealous of anyone he practiced with over his years, but she was damn pleased with the results.
She clawed at his chest again and he knew what it meant. He slid his left hand into hers, lacing their fingers intertwined. Then his right hand slid up her jaw, cupping it as he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers.
They kissed passionately. The feeling of love somehow gained a taste as they passed it back and forth.
She came all over him as he filled her.
"I love you," she whined as she pulled back. That was exactly what Eddie needed to hear.
"I love you," he smiled, softly kissing her lips again as he slowly slid out of her. Their hands were still laced together.
"What was all that?" She asked, a glimmer in her eye.
"Just wanted to show I loved you," Eddie shrugged
"Goal achieved," she winked.
He chuckled and kissed her softly.
He had nothing to worry about, she was locked in on him and that's all he wanted.
"Thank you for dropping me off," she said as she leaned over and kissed Eddie's lips.
He kissed her back, making sure to nibble a little on her bottom lip.
She shook, still sensitive from the night before.
"Always my pleasure," Eddie smirked.
He watched as she got out of the car. Lexi waited for her as she waved to Eddie.
Y/N took a deep breath and began to walk to her, noticeably limping.
Eddie felt the smirk get bigger on his face
Lexi gasped as she looked between the embarrassed look on Y/N's face and the cocky look on Eddie's.
"Don't say a thing," Y/N warned as she made it to Lexi.
"About what?" Tommy asked as he walked up.
Eddie's prayers were answered when the blonde kid showed up as well. Eddie watched from his car in amusement, no rush to pull away.
"Y/N totally got laid last night. Poor girl can't even walk." Lexi bragged for her, and an impressed look sent Eddie's way.
Eddie enjoyed the way Tommy and the random kid grew annoyed.
Y/N covered her face in her hands embarrassed. The boys looked behind her to Eddie's car.
He smirked as he lifted his hand and flipped them off.
Eddie's girl doesn't fuck around with college boys
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt
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Heechul and Bomi are experiencing problems with the marriage of idols at an age. Kim Heechol flexing his new apartment
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0 notes
tojjist · 10 months
aftercare with gojo
warnings: suggestive. not proof read. literally just gojominors, ageless and blank blogs dni
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there is no doubt in me that gojo fucks like a god.
he lies a lot, but no lie is bigger than the “i'll be gentle” he gives you before your session. at some point you just stopped expecting him to keep his word.
so he's always left with you in his bed; sore legs, fucked out, and barely able to keep your breathing straight.
"fuck, sat', can't feel my legs." "means i must've done something right"
he'll get you a wet towel to wipe off the mess he's made. sometimes he'd be a little more rough than necessary, trying to be thorough. but instead he gets kicked in the face by your foot.
gojo always has a cup of ginger for your sore throat. he knows exactly how much honey to add to sweeten it to your preference, if at all. but if you're too whiney after sex chances are he threatens to spill it on you.
cuddles are so obviously mandatory. if not for you, then for him. he'd kiss you until you can't breathe, making sure you feel his love through and through. you once told him he's going to be the death of you and ever since it became his life mission to ensure that's the case.
"mm, you're so sweet after sex, sat'."
"only for you, baby girl."
it's unironic, by the way. he genuinely thinks it's attractive of him to call you baby girl.
gojo satoru fucks like a god. but after sex he's a fool in love. he intends on letting you know that sex with you isn't just sex; it's a remedy to mold his rotten wounds. it's love like he's never experienced before.
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yourbestprincess · 1 month
Mein Kleines Mädchen
Older!König (40s) Young!reader (18- early 20s)
Giant age gap but y’know, size kink, slightly hyper fem!reader, reader is a female, König is rough and also has a cute little German accent and calls you cute pet names in German, König is also your dads bestie but not anymore! Creampie, slut-shaming but also praise , fingering.
Hope I didn’t miss anything! XD
(Gentle reminder that König is HUGE, I'm pretty sure he's 6'10 which, if you're average hight, is ginormous.)
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You’ve always thought König was overly attractive, but you would never do anything…I mean he was your father’s best friend.
He always eyed you when they hung out, which was rare because he was always deployed.
König was way bigger than you were, he merely towered over you when you two would talk. Which, to say the least, you loved.
You thought he was so attractive. From how big he was to his greying ginger hair to his blue eyes which looked at you in such a way that made your stomach flutter.
He was finally coming over today. You were finally in collage now, in your eyes a grown woman.
He was staying the night according to your dad because he got kicked from his apartment from being gone so long, to which you weren’t complaining.
It was so early; almost too early, but you heard a knock at the door. Even before he knocked you felt his presence. Your heart pounds as you peak out of your window to see his car. You walk down the stairs, only in an oversized white t-shirt that covered your tight black shorts. You clear your shirt of any wrinkles before looking through the peephole and opening the door.
“Guten Morgen, schatz.” He smiles softly. you notice that he’s still quite dirty.
“Oh, ‘morning König.” you smile back softly before letting him in, your heart still pounding in your chest, it feels like it’s gonna run away.
He gives you a lousy side hug and drops his bags on the stairs before giving you a forehead kiss.
“Mm.” He breathes you in “Schatz, where is your father?” He backs away slightly to give you some sense of personal space.
“He’s working today until about 8:30. Sorry, I should probably let you settle in and shower I know you’re tired and-“
“Shh, liebling. Stay with me, I suppose I need some company, ja?” He looks down at you, reaching his calloused hand over and putting it on the side of your head in which you lean into.
“Okay, well first let me draw you a shower.” You bite your lip gently before leading him into the upstairs bathroom next to your room. He follows you, humming something you swear you've heard before.
"Du bist so ein liebes kleines Mädchen" (You're such a sweet little girl) König snickers while trailing so close behind you that he's basically hovering over you.
He thought you didn't understand what he was saying. You really touched up on your German before he came back from whatever mission he was on. You knew he said things to you in German before, but he never thought you'd know. Not until now. Your blood wastes no time making your cheeks hot and red with straight fluster.
He grips your arm and turns you with his mere strength. "Oh dear. Du verstehst jetzt?" (Oh dear. You understand now?) He tilts his head, squatting down to your hight.
You try to look down but he forces you to look up at him with your practically pathetic puppy eyes. "Ja...since you got deployed again. I should've told you, but I just wanted to know what you were saying to me."
His eyes feel like they're staring sharply into your soul, like he was looking straight into your heart. He knows that your heart grows and yearns from him. "Ja? Good girl." His accent spills out more when he's eager.
"C'mon lieb." He stands back up letting you finish showing him to the bathroom. You turn on the shower and make sure its the perfect temperature for such a man. You set out a towel and an unopened bar of soap.
"Okay, there you go. You can..um meet me in my room when you're done." You say with just a little bit of excitement in your voice.
"Ja, liebling." He says with a soothing voice rather than before.
As you wait in your room, you change into a pink see-though lingerie dress with a matching pink thong. To top it all off, you wear some white thigh high socks. You sit pretty on your bed and wait for him to get out of the shower.
You hear a knock at your bedroom door. "Hey, Liebling? Can I come in?" You ignore it for a second but before you can cover up he busts through the door.
"Mein gott liebe. Scheisse... don't do this to me. You know I can't hold back." His is heavy. It's obvious that blood went to his dick just from looking at his towel.
"I don't want you to hold back." You say as he steps into the room. His hair wet and towel barley covers his v-line. He sighs and walks closer to you.
“Mein schatz…What a fucking tease are you? Gut Gott.” He towers over your small frame, lifting up your legs and pressing kisses on your thighs as he props them up on his shoulder. His cock is fully hard, it’s throbbing and oozing out pre-cum.
“Bitte…König. You know how many years I’ve been waiting for this..” Your panties are so soaked that it’s visible. Who knew you’d be such a slut for the man who was there when your father wasn’t.
He moves your panties to the side with his middle finger. He pushes his middle and ring fingers inside you and rubs his thumb on your throbbing clit. You cry and whine under his touch. He knows how bad you need him.
“Is this too much schatz? If it is, how am I going to put this cock in you? It craves you, you know that liebling?” He takes his hand away from your wet entrance and lets the towel fall to his ankles. His cock springs up, you can see pearls of pre-cum dripping onto your bed. He gives his drooling shaft a couple of pumps before spitting on his middle and ring finger to wet your entrance just enough to fit his massive cock.
“Ready liebe?” He shoves the tip past your entrance making your shutter and whine from the size.
“Ja, you’ll be okay mein schatz.” You bite your lip and cry with him going deeper, trying to fit his 8 1/2 inches in your tight pussy that’s just taking him so well.
“König…s'too much..Bitte! Pleasepleaseplease!…” You whine and moan from the pain. Your thoughts are clouded with pure white pleasure. You know how wrong this is, but, Mein Gott, is it worth it. You're gripping his back and begging for god knows what.
“Nimm es einfach wie ein braves Mädchen, ja? Getting close for me already, Gut gott." (Just take it like a good girl, yeah?) König can't help but notice how pathetic and weak you are under him. His blunt tip pushes against your g-spot over and over again until you're crying and going cock-dumb over him.
" Du liebst es einfach, wie eine Schlampe gefickt zu werden, nicht wahr? What a good fucking girl for me." (You just love getting fucked like a slut, don't you? What a good fucking girl for me.) You can feel his thrusts getting sloppier and heavier. His breath begins to hitch and he can't help but whimper just a little from how tight his Liebe is.
"König...gonna cum right now.. Vati... fuck- feels s'good..." Before you can even think about getting close, he pulls out of you and sits down on your bed, getting comfy before motioning you to sit on his lap. You slide off your panties and see-through dress, craving that skin to skin with him.
"Ja, that's it Mein Schatz, ease down on me, you've got it Liebe" As you sink down on his fat cock, he notices that it makes an indentation on your tummy.
"S'too much König... too big." You barely make out in whimpers and cries. He continues to thrust deeper into your sopping cunt. You really hope your dad isn't gonna come home anytime soon.
"Shh, It's alright, you'll be okay Mein Liebe. Just let me use this pretty pussy, ja?" He pushes his cock so far up into you that you were genuinely surprised on how he was able to bottom out in you. His thrusts are sharp and fast with so much power that you moan everytime he thrusts. König knows you're close from the way you're clenching down on him and how loud your moans are.
"Bitte... I need to.." You cry out before König's thrusts become sharper and somehow even faster.
"I know, I know. I'm gonna come with... scheisse- come with you, okay?" He can't stop grunting now, its all pleasure now. White pleasure clouds his visions.
"Christ- Ich liebe dich schatz- fuck. I always have. And look, now I get to fuck this little body of yours and even fill you up with my cum, eh?"
His vision returns to you, already cumming on his cock. So pathetic, you can't even speak. You're too entranced at cumming on his thick cock to even think. And now here he is, filling you up with his potent cum. He pumps and twitches just a few more times until you two ride out your orgasm.
"Was I too much Mein liebe?" He wraps his big arms around you as you snuggle into him. warm sheets cover your bodies.
"You were perfect. Everything and more than what I was ever expecting." He wraps you into him even tighter, pressing kisses on your forehead and soft lips.
"Ich liebe dich auch, König."
Your dad's gonna be so pissed when he finds out his little girl is getting fucked by his so called best friend.
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