bootlegpals · 2 years
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Knockoff Blue’s Clues plush by Goffa
EDIT: It’s also on eBay and there’s another listing there, too.
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Goffa: Why do you want to kill Pikkle?
Klitch: Have you seen him? His neck looks so snappable
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imitationcrabs · 2 years
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Some janky little crabs by Goffa
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toyarchive · 11 months
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Goffa International - Disney - Giant Bambi plush
Features: is a big fluffy plush with hard plastic eyes and a fake leather nose. Has Expanded polystyrene stuffing. 
Size: 52cm long and 45cm tall (Giant plush) 
Date: Unknown - Best guess would be 1990′s - 2000′s
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stephpanda · 11 months
Comunque la sofferenza dell'essermi stirata un muscolo sulla schiena, non è tanto nel dolore e nel sembrare una impedita nel fare qualsiasi cosa.
Quanto nella FIGURA DI MERDA fatta con il PT.
Perché mi sono fatta male mentre provavo a fare una cosa a random, in quelli che erano i miei minuti di pausa tra una super serie e l'altra.
E perché presa dall'imbarazzo..
Tirando in mezzo, persino i "pensieri intrusivi".
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plushidex · 2 years
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#GoffaInternationalCorpPlush #GoffaInternationalCorpHotPepperWithFlamesInMouthPlush #HotPepperPlush #Plushies #PlushPals
This is a Goffa International Corp Hot Pepper With Flames In Mouth Plush and it is in good used condition but this plush is missing it's hang tag since it was removed by the previous owner but it still has it's tush tag. I really like the expression on this pepper plush like it either ate something hot or just have a fire breath.
I'm currently selling this plush and if you are interested in this item just message me.
16”18“Goffa International Corp Hot Pepper With Flames In Mouth Plush | eBay
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bootlegpals · 2 years
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Knockoff Winnie the Pooh plush in a Tigger costume by Goffa
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estaticheparole · 3 months
“Aveva la tenerezza goffa di chi non è mai stato amato e deve improvvisare.”
(I. Allende)
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belladecasa · 3 months
Sono annoiata e penso a Bologna. Bologna è il ricettacolo psichico di tutte le mie insoddisfazioni. Nel vuoto mentale in cui dimentico che anche là ero infelice, mutilata dall’angoscia, Bologna campeggia altera e mi vizia, mi promette, mi fa vedere l’amore, la scoperta, la malinconia, la passione, la musica, i muri rossi che diventano capelli tra le mie dita, nel mio letto. Mi fa vedere la stazione quando mi dici questo è un arrivederci e profumi come sempre; quando mi dici che profumo, che il mio profumo lo senti anche quando non ci sono, che ti arriva, pensi che io sia lì ma non ci sono. È stato il complimento che ho preferito fra tutti, perché mi ha fatto sentire penetrante e ninfale, m���ha fatto sentire come non sono. Io sono goffa e irrilevante, tendente alla sciatteria fisica e mentale. Come stai? Ho la mente sciatta vorrei dire, ma forse è la cosa più vicina al bene che ho conosciuto. Vorrei cantare quella canzone che ascoltavo quando ancora non mi riguardava: i miei pensieri sono puliti adesso, ma sbiaditi, come vecchie lenzuola stese al sole. Non provo niente, ma fino a due settimane fa pensavo solo a lanciarmi nel vuoto, letteralmente, dal balcone di casa mia. Ora penso almeno a Bologna, al rosso, ai tuoi capelli rossi rossi rossi e alla tua cicatrice che divampava nel buio quando ancora io non la vedevo, non la sapevo vedere. A me sembra che starei sempre bene là dove non sono, diceva Baudelaire. A me sembra che starei sempre bene là dove sono stata, ma mi dimentico che ci sono stata male
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imitationcrabs · 2 years
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Goffa seahorse and Carousel Softoys crab
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crazy-so-na-sega · 6 months
La mente umana non è, come ChatGPT e i suoi simili, una goffa macchina statistica per il riconoscimento di strutture, che ingurgita centinaia di terabyte di dati ed estrapola la risposta più plausibile per una conversazione o la più probabile per una domanda scientifica.
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Al contrario... la mente umana è un sistema sorprendentemente efficiente ed elegante che opera con una quantità limitata di informazioni. Essa non cerca di inferire correlazioni brute da dati ma cerca di creare spiegazioni. [...] Smettiamo di presentarla come "Intelligenza Artificiale" e chiamiamolo per quello che è "software organizzato per il plagio". Non crea alcunché, copia lavori esistenti da artisti esistenti e cambia a sufficienza per sfuggire alle leggi del copyright.
È il più grande furto di proprietà mai avvenuto dopo le terre dei nativi americani da parte dei coloni europei.”
~ Noam Chomsky, sul New York Times - 8 marzo 2023
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silent-stories · 1 year
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Summary: When Y/N needs help on a hunt, she doesn't expect Bobby to send Dean Winchester to her. Now the two must work together to solve the case and Dean has to deal with Y/N's sarcastic and biting personality, that maybe he likes a little too much.
Pairing: Dean × F!Reader
Warnings: blood, spn level violence
Word count: 2625
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They got into the Impala with the intention of thinking up a plan for the hunt and following it as meticulously as possible: they had to speed things up.
“We should arrive early in the morning. Unless we're stopping to—” but when she saw Dean shaking his head, she dismissed that option. “Okay, no extra stops. Not even for breakfast?” She tried again, she couldn't stay awake and active without her black coffee every time she got out of bed.
"How can you live this life?" Asked the man sitting in the backseat of the car with a shattered face.
Good question.
"Everyone makes their own choices, right?" Y/N said, partly because she didn't know how to answer in any other way and partly to silence him once and for all with an allusion to his private life. Which worked perfectly as hoped.
"So" The girl started again speaking to Dean "We get to Toledo, prepare the weapons, wait for the sun to go down, leave the "fish food" near the lake, we wait for the creature to show up, we blind it with a light that we place exactly on Michael and we slow it down and then we slice it.”
It sounded very simple from how she described it but they both knew it wasn't going to be easy at all, especially to Michael, the one who played the more dangerous role.
Dean nodded, it was their last chance to kill the monster.
"Are you ready?" He asked with a smirk at Michael "Do you need to take a chamomile tea before starting?"
Y/N laughed glancing at the man in the back seat who pretended not to hear the question and turned to the window as if the scenery suddenly became incredibly interesting.
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They arrived in Toledo twelve hours later, in the late afternoon. Y/N got the chance to drink hrr daily dose of coffee, while Dean to gobble down a double bacon burger.
"If's vefy goof" he commented with his mouth full, after inserting the last piece in his mouth.
Dean, Y/N and Michael were still aboard the Impala. The two hunters were rather calm in spite of everything, while their bait seemed more and more out of his mind.
“No, no, no. I... I-I can't do that. I just can't!"
"Hey! Calf down!' muttered Dean as he chewed. "Eferything's goffa be just fine."
"Because we've faced situations like this before, and we know how to handle it," Y/N replied.
"Of course, you are not the ones who risk being eaten by that fucking thing!" Michael defended his theory, looking around as if feeling a sudden sense of claustrophobia.
“We can't do this without you, Michael. You're the only partner left, and everyone who works on this project—or who will work on it—is in danger,” he observed, tossing the burger wrap across the backseat as if Michael wasn't even there. “Even if you get out of this situation, someone else will work on that project and history will repeat itself.”
Dean was righ and the two hunters would have to deal with that later, anyway.
“Okay. Okay, I'll do it." Michael said even though he seemed about to cry.
"This is the right spirit!" exclaimed Dean enthusiastically, giving Y/N a small smile, which she returned with some satisfaction.
They waited for the sky to darken before reaching the lake: they needed the penumbra for the creature to come out into the open. Dean repeated several times to Michael that they would be there, close to him, ready to help him. Y/N just patted him on the shoulder.
When he got off the Impala, Dean and Y/N looked at each other, hoping the plan would proceed as planned. Then they took their weapons: guns with silver bullets for both, for Dean an ax and for Y/N a sharp blade.
"And with this we'll blind that son of a bitch," said Dean, taking the flashlight from the trunk before closing it and walking towards the trees in the grove nearby.
The location they chose wasn't the best but it was the most adequate: they had to hide in some way.
Not very far from the lake, camouflaged with the environment thanks to that slight darkness, Y/N and Dean were waiting with their eyes half closed in two slits to be able to see through the trees of that place.
"Do you think that flashlight will be enough to stop it?" She asked dubiously, looking down at the object in Dean's hands.
“It lives in the depths, right? There is hardly any light there, so I guess so.”
"You guess so?"
“It will work.” And this was strangely enough to give her the confidence she was looking for.
"Okay, so as soon as we see something moving in the water we go into action," she said, distracting herself only for a moment to be able get her binoculars from her jacket pocket. It was useful for sightings.
«And we have to make sure that it doesn't go back into the water, it has an advantage there. If it's that fast on land, we don't have any chance in an underwater fight, it would take us under and drown us in less than two seconds."
"Please don't be so optimistic!" She said sarcastically as she raised the binoculars to her eyes, scanning the surface of the lake. The more she zoomed in, the more she blessed the inventor of that instrument. The clarity of the images was reassuring. “So what do we do? Do we wait for it to move away from the water? We risk losing Michael too. You said it yourself that on dry land it's fast-"
"I'm working on it." At those words she was speachless for a moment. She lowered the binoculars and peered at him, motionless. What the hell did "working on it" mean? Michael was there waiting to be attacked and he hadn't even had the bright idea of ​​planning anything specific?
“I'm so sorry Flash, but we have a really anxious man at the scene of the attack and little time left."
At that nickname they both came up with the same idea and their eyes widened synchronously. They looked at each other with the typical "do you think what I think?" look and when they both turned to Michael, they knew they had the same idea in mind.
They mimed the gesture of the phone, as if to invite him to use it in an emergency. At least now they were sure that, if only for some reason the monster would escape them, Michael had the flash of his phone.
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Michael pulled out his phone and sighed deeply, his eyes closed. For a moment Dean thought he was going to have another anxiety attack, but luckily he seemed to calm down - as far as the situation allowed - soon after.
"Okay," Dean muttered under his breath, never taking his eyes off Michael. "Now we have to w-"
A rustle behind them. Dean and Y/N whirled around, in a snap. It's just the wind, he thought. But when there was another movement in the bushes, as they turned around, he changed his mind.
"I'll go check," said Y/N, daring to take a few steps forward. Dean grabbed her arm almost immediately, not squeezing as hard as he had that night when he had a nightmare.
“You're not going anywhere,” He indicated Michael with a significant nod of his head. "It's a trap. The thing knows we're here and it's trying to get us away from its dinner.”
They both looked around furtively. Michael stood motionless, hands clenched into fists, in front of the lake.
"Keep an eye on him."
"No, wait!", Y/N grabbed Dean's arm, just like he had done with her seconds before. "You can't go, you said it yourself, it's a trap."
"If we don't play its game, it will never come out," Dean said. “One of us has to go check and it won't be you.”
Y/N remained silent, she seemed almost surprised by his words, she stared at him for a moment then let go of his arm nodding slowly with a serious expression painted on her face.
Dean cast one last look at the girl and then advanced towards the darkness, disappearing between the trees. The handle of the gun tightly in one hand and the flashlight inside the jacket. It all seemed apparently peaceful, but he knew perfectly well that the Ahuizotl was there, hidden somewhere.
Dean cleared his throat, drew an arrogant smile on his lips and he began to whistle as to get the attention of a dog.
"Hey, I'm here!" he said aloud, looking from bush to bush. "C'mon! Come out, you son of a bitch!"
A movement to his right. Dean stiffened and swallowed a lot of saliva.
"I know you're there," he continued quietly, spinning carefully, trying to locate the creature in the dark.
He caught two small white lights just off the trunk of an oak tree. Dean frowned and froze, jaw set. The Ahuizotl's eyes were shining in the night. The creature growled and walked slowly forward. Dean backed away and as soon as he realized the thing was about to attack him, he turned on his flashlight and the thing backed away abruptly.
"Ah! You're not having fun anymore, are you?!"
Within seconds the Ahuzotl was gone again.
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She wasn't really glad about Dean's decision when she saw him disappear into the woods taking her place.
"Dean?" She whispered in a low voice after some minutes spent in silence alternating her gaze from the thick vegetation to Michael still standing in the place they recommended to stay.
She knew she wasn't supposed to leave but the feeling that Dean might be attacked by that creature while she stood there made her stomach feel weird. She stared at Michael with hope.
The man turned back towards the woods but, when he saw only Y/N watching over him, he began again to breathe fast and to move his pupils from right to left
Honestly, he had all the right to be terrified: he only saw an arrogant girl who had revealed to him how easy she was to kill ordinary people. How could he have remained calm?
"I can't do it," the man said, words that Y/N was able to catch even from that distance through lip-reading.
"Don't panic right now, c'mon!" She couldn't even reach Michael to give him that little courage that would once again convince him to fight for the right cause.
Then that she was not good at that was another matter.
When she saw the man move away from the shore and then start running towards the opposite side, without a precise destination, she was forced to definitively unmask their cover and reach him, inevitably running after him.
“I'm running after a man who doesn't even like girls. I didn't think I'd ever say something like that" She thought aloud as she ran after him. "Michael! Michael come back!" Y/N's voice thundered louder than it should have. "I swear I won't throw you in the lake, but stop!"
And he stopped but not to do Y/N a favor, rather to catch his breath. She would have gladly killed him herself.
"I can't do it, I'm not like you!" The man vented himself, gathering his strength word after word.
"I know." She said looking back out of the corner of her eye but not letting Michael slip under her radar.
"We're all going to die, aren't we?"
"Certainly your improvisation did not play in our favor, since we are in the middle of nowhere now" she asserted sincerely deciding to use her machete as a defense weapon in case of attack.
Y/N heard noises of dry leaves crumbling and twigs breaking.
"And that's not a good sign, stay behind me."
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Silence. Surrounding him there was only an eerie silence, broken from time to time by the rustle of leaves in contact with the night breeze. Dean looked around furtively, expecting to see that thing suddenly emerge, ready to feed on the most disgusting parts of a human body. But nothing happened. He frowned, suspicious.
The Ahuizotl probably went to finish what he had started, killing Michael and possibly Y/N too if he tried to stop it. Yet Dean felt something, a presence.
A movement. Dean turned away, his heart pounding loudly in his chest. But he saw nothing.
"I don't like that," he muttered to himself.
Then he heard growling, right there, behind him. He swallowed and froze for a few seconds before turning carefully. The Ahuizotl watched him, slime running down the sides of his sharp teeth. It wasn't the same one he'd been dealing with a few minutes earlier, it was smaller, but probably as bloodthirsty as its mother.
He sighed and gripped the ax handle even tighter. When the creature lunged at him, Dean decapitated it in one snap. The head rolled off like a bowling ball and the body fell on the ground. Its thick dark blood splattered everywhere. The tail kept moving and the hand at the end of it tried to reach Dean in vain. He grimaced, disgusted by the scene. Then with another sharp flick, just as Sam had told him to, he separated the tail from the body. He doused the creature with some gasoline taken earlier from the Impala's trunk and set the creature on fire without thinking about it twice.
A shot.
Dean looked up, beyond the trees.
He abandoned the fire and ran away, his heart racing at an almost alarming rate. He just hoped Y/N was okay and that Michael hadn't screwed up everything.
He arrived just in time to see the Ahuizotl stand up as if the bullet hadn't even grazed him.
"Hey!" he yelled for attention, but the monster didn't seem too interested, as he had a scared Michael right in front of him.
Y/N was lying on the ground nearby.
Dean wasn't one to pray, but in that moment he found himself mentally begging any god that she wasn't dead.
He picked up a stone from the ground and threw it at the creature, hitting it right on the head.
"I just killed your little, lovely son!" he added in a louder voice, so that the monster could hear those words well. When he turned in Dean's direction, he knew it had worked.
"I just cut off his head while his little hand went bye-bye," he teased him with a smirk.
The Ahuizotl leapt upon the hunter in no time, thirsting for vengeance. It had been so fast that Dean didn't even notice, the ax slipped from his hand.
He found himself pressed against the ground, the creature's paw pressed to his chest, its claws starting to tear through his shirt and a long trail of drool running down on him.
He hadn't noticed how sharp the monster's teeth were before. The creature's heavy breath, so reminiscent of the iron smell of blood, burned his skin. Dean narrowed his eyes and fumbled for his axe. He tried to retrieve the gun from his jeans or the flashlight from inside his jacket, but in the position he was in and with the weight of the Ahuizotl resting on him, it was practically impossible.
Suddenly the creature groaned and moved away quickly. A hand with long claws lay next to Dean. His tail had been docked. Soon its large head rolled on the ground too, its blood splattered on Dean and created a puddle.
"You've always had good timing," the hunter said when he saw Y/N holding a long, sharp, bloodstained blade.
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Tags: @eevvvaa @spn730015 @supernatural111222 @youcancallmelily @clairenovakanddeanwinchester @dads-on-a-hunting-trip @3amstillawake @supernaturalmess @marvelandsupernatural @agirlwatchingalotoftvshows @candy-coated-misery0731 @impalaslytherin @rudy-the-winged-wolf @dean-winchester-6767 @samanddeansannoyingsis @roseblue373 @waynes-multiverse @random-spn-fan @xoxokiaraaxoxo
Series: @stitchintimefan @foxxymunson @sagexcandles @deans-spinster-witch @raisinggray
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stephpanda · 11 months
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Io 🤝🏻 essere deficiente
(La reazione della mia amica quando le racconto come mi sono stirata il muscolo alla schiena)
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perché ami tanto leggere?
Viviamo in una realtà in cui i sentimenti sono stati stirati e appiattiti. Non siamo più in grado di commuoverci per un quadro. Di perderci nella bellezza racchiusa in una poesia. E talvolta la mia sensibilità mi sembra ingombrante, come un giaccone di troppe taglie in più della mia. Mi rende goffa, impacciata, terribilmente strana agli occhi degli altri.
E allora io fuggo nei libri, fra l’inchiostro e la carta, lì, sepolta nel fruscio leggero delle pagine, mi permetto di essere vulnerabile, senza temere di essere ferita. Trafitta senza ricevere nemmeno una parola gentile. O uno sguardo pieno di vergogna per la crudeltà con cui sono stata trattata.
Leggo per ricordarmi che esiste ancora un posto nel mondo in cui possiamo scioglierci nelle nostre debolezze senza essere distrutti ma, al contrario, ricomposti.
E mi ritrovo a danzare fra i frammenti di Saffo, quando ancora le parole avevano un peso, e le emozioni incastonate al loro interno vibravano con un’intensità tale che bisognava inciderle nella pietra, affinché potessero eternarsi nei secoli a venire, e perdurare incorrotti in quelli passati.
Mi ritrovo nel buon Patroclo, che per Achille scese in battaglia indossando la sua armatura, anche se non sapeva combattere.
E i polsi mi tremano, quando leggo di quella passione che portò Paolo a baciare Francesca, e nonostante fosse peccato nemmeno le forze degli inferi seppero scindere ciò che li univa.
E non é forse, il mio silenzio, medesimo a quello di Leopardi, che sempre si limitò, solo, ad amare silvia dalla sommità della sua finestra, componendo in segreto per lei, su lei?
Oh, e quanto bramo qualcuno che mi dedichi le parole che Montale scrisse per la moglie Drusilla!
E quasi disperata, affannata, cerco di scorgere almeno un lontano e flebile bagliore dell’affetto che Theo nutrì per suo fratello Vincent Van Gogh. Incorruttibile, sincero, vero, anche e soprattutto quando tutti gli altri lo considerarono solo un povero pazzo da internare… lui non mise mai in dubbio la bontà del suo animo.
E leggo perché adesso, quando guardo un tramonto, mi vengono in mente tutti quelli che guardava il Piccolo Principe, e questo fa sentire me meno sola.
E quando il mio cuore si é spezzato, coi singhiozzi che mi risalivano alla gola e gli occhi che si scioglievano nel bollore delle lacrime, sorreggendomi al muro mentre le ginocchia non riuscivano più a reggermi, non ho forse avuto anche io i fiori intrecciati nei capelli come Ofelia, quando si é uccisa perché convinta che Amleto non la ricambiasse? Il mio stomaco non si contorse forse come quello di Didone, quando si lasciò cadere sulla spada di Enea, perché la morte le sembrava così dolce e invitante, rispetto al dolore angosciante di una lunga esistenza priva di lui, tormentata dai fantasmi dei suoi ricordi, e della consapevolezza schiacciante, opprimente, che lui non scelse lei?
E quando qualcosa ci fa sentire così bene, non é forse giusto combattere con tutto ciò che abbiamo, come Romeo e Giulietta combatterono contro le loro famiglie; il loro stesso nome e il loro stesso sangue… pur di stare assieme?
L’amore puro, senza schemi e senza leggi, irrazionale… così come molti giudicarono l’azione di Darcy quando chiese la mano ad Elizabeth, nonostante lei appartenesse ad un ceto sociale inferiore?!
E quando vogliamo andare alle feste solo per vedere lui, o lei, non ci stiamo forse comportando come Gatsby, che organizzò feste su feste solo per poter vedere Daisy, almeno una volta?
O quando ci siamo guardati allo specchio e non siamo stati in grado di riconoscere il nostro riflesso, dopo tutto quello che abbiamo fatto… come se fossimo impazziti, perso letteralmente il senno come accadde a Orlando per angelica quando scoprì che lei preferì un umile fante a lui, prode paladino?
Leggo, perché anche io spero di trovare qualcuno che scelga di lottare per me, come Renzo lottò per Lucia. Che mi aspetti, come Penelope attese Ulisse, senza mai cedere alle lusinghe dei Proci. Che mi riconosca, a dispetto del tempo e dello spazio, come il vecchio Argo riconobbe Ulisse, nonostante fossero trascorsi vent’anni e lui fosse travestito. Che metta da parte l’orgoglio per l’amore nei miei confronti, come fece il Re Priamo quando andò al cospetto di Achille per richiedere il corpo del figlio Ettore, affinché potesse seppellirlo con tutti gli onori, donando finalmente pace al vagare errante e tormentato della sua anima.
Forse, amo così tanto leggere perché mi permette sempre di ritrovarmi nei sentimenti e nelle emozioni di qualcun altro. Senza mai farmi sentire sbagliata, o eccessiva, per quello che provo.
Non mi sono mai sentita sola ogni volta che ho aperto un libro.
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