#ha ha funny pun name
floofsartdump · 2 months
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I drew this like months before the others, I found it in my storage, and went "screw it I'm posting this shit"
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xbcrafted-daily · 6 months
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an xb inspired fakemon line - exbite, exbow, and mercenexbe
i think seeing hermit/mcyt inspired fakemon would be awesome!!!
sorry im going to go full autism here - i designed these to be kind of like starter pokemon!!
Exbite (lv1-15) (Water), Exbow (lv16-35) (Water), Mercenexbe (lv36-) (Water/Dark)
As starter analogues they all have the ability torrent and the hidden ability storm drain - though i debated with something like keen eye/super luck so an accuracy or critical hit based ability
A possible stat spread would be bulky and high sp.atk, not incredible speed though
There is already a perfect signature move in Snipe Shot so it’s sharing with Inteleon haha, this is why it also cant have the sniper ability, like most water types it would get access to strong special ice moves as well as water ones. Maybe Thunder and Hurricane as well. When Mercenexbe gets the dual dark typing too it gets some nice dark moves and more setupy stuff, like the guy hes based on he can be a bit sneaky too! A scary rain dance sweeper maybe!
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charrchan · 1 month
I just finished reading Keep The Light Shining by @c-l-y-d-e and ohmygosh what an amazing story! I wanted to create something for the fic and while I was playing my RAV the other day after reading the scene where Slipher comes after Yugi I played this! (or well, something similar. It's hard to replicate improvisation for a recording haha!)
Now to ramble about what I was thinking when playing! SPOILERS for the fic tho so watch out!! - Recently, I've been trying to express more with my RAV Vast playing, I have the scale B Onoleo which offers both minor and major scales with it's 9 notes. I often play light/calm music, but for this I wanted to explore something more dramatic. At the start, I'm running my hands over the drum to replicate the sound of the ocean, I try to keep this up throughout the song along with the beat (which I sometimes mess up since I get nervous when recording but I think that adds to the way Yugi was feeling). The start is when Pegasus sends Yugi off into the water, it's scarily calm for too short a time. The beat starts to pick up when Slipher starts to show itself, reaching it's loudest when he finally appears from the water and Yugi is fighting to keep alive. Everything starts to calm near the end when Atem arrives to help him. Or something like that :p Some audio processing to make it sound better! Tongue drums are hard to record (>.<;) Hope people enjoy this! And I highly recommend reading Keep The Light Shining!!!
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st4rstudent · 4 months
winn and doe is so real, i love random little ships like this, platonic or romantic
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random ships make the world go around if you think about it
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goldiipond · 9 months
silly little hc ive been thinking abt where don calls ray his 'ray of sunshine'. it's unbearably silly and dorky and don is fully aware of this. ray gets flustered every time don says it and he hates it
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astronomical-bagel · 7 months
trick or treat!
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Watched episode one of SNW, in love with everyone. Two thoughts only: If I was about to have sex with my hot Vulcan wife and my boss called me to go into work I’d simply quit. If I was running for my life after being abducted by aliens and Uhura said “Hi~!” to me I’d also completely forget about any danger and talk to her about whatever she wanted.
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
kamille is such a good name my compliments to the chef (my mom). everytime i introduce myself to somebody theyre like Thats the rpettiest name i ever heard thats gorgeous thats a beautiful name. and im like blushes... ty.. and then eventuallyim like Oh yeah i actually prefer connor. and theyre like oh um.. thats nice too thats a name.. as well :] and its like I know. sorry. sorry. sorry
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missingsplash · 1 year
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He caught me listening to “against the kitchen floor” by Phil Phantump for the sixteenth time this morning.
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farginen · 1 year
to be completely transparent,, a solid 95% of times i sit down to (at least try to) study mandarin i can't stop thinking about the name ling yao being a pun
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faerociousbeast · 1 year
oh my god one of them mwntioned a fae a different fae. i feel cheated on for some reason which doesnt make any sense. i am being so weird right now i should stop
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weishenmaa · 2 years
Ummmm I want to post ship art… should I(?) Yes or no
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nerdpoe · 28 days
Kill on Sight Orders
The Flash fam has a secret. Okay so they have a lot of secrets, but there's one above all others.
A kill on sight order.
In the worst possible future (one of them there's a lot), a beast named Phantom decimated the world. He took out the entire Justice League, the entire Justice League Dark, any and all small-time heroes that stood in his way. All of it. Everyone.
If they see Phantom as a kid, to prevent the slightest possible chance of Phantom being a thing, it's kill on sight. They all have anti-ghost weapons that can destroy a ghost's core, locked away in a secure facility that they can just run to and grab real quick to get it done.
None of them like it. None of them can risk it.
Bart stumbles into a town that doesn't exist, almost gets got by a ghost that managed to possess him, and gets saved by...Phantom.
A scrawny, teenage Phantom.
He's funny, makes puns, worries about if Bart got hurt or not-he's nothing like the Bad Phantom!
He's not gonna kill his new friend! No way, no how.
But he's gotta keep it a secret from the other Speedsters now, because he doesn't know who came up with that rule but they probably won't understand, and then he'll have a speedster fight on his hands, and no one wants that.
But the government keeps sending letters of complaint to Max, and Max keeps asking why the government is mad at Bart now, and Bart can't tell him "oh it's because there's this town that is off the record and a secret and also where phantom is and i broke in" because that'd rat Phantom out, and even if he didn't mention Phantom Max would want to investigate.
The mailman doesn't understand why his letters keep disappearing but he thinks it might have something to do with the Flash, because there's always a red blur.
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musicalyeetreblr · 1 year
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Another oc w their valentines gift sketch
Ft me sucking at drawing memes
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hedgehog-moss · 7 months
I randomly found a 500 page French book on OpenLibrary about the etymology of animal names so here are 10 (ish) fun facts:
the French word for poodle, “caniche” looks like it definitely comes from Latin “canis” (dog) but no! It comes from cane / canard (duck) because it was a waterfowl-hunting dog—and its name in English, Swedish, German, Dutch (poodle, pudel, puedel) also reflects this dog’s affinity with water (from pudeln = to splash about). It’s like otters, whose name come from the same root as water...
the canary on the other hand is named after canis / dog, since it comes from the Canary Islands which, according to Pliny the Elder, were named after the huge dogs that lived there at some point. Some historians think these mysterious big dogs were actually seals or big lizards. Then a bird ended up with the name ‘from the dog place’ though it’s unclear if dogs were ever truly involved. (Meanwhile Spain / Hispania comes from the Phoenician i-shepan-im, the place with rabbits.) I like the idea of ancient humans seeing seals or lizards and going “weird dogs”. Like how ancient Greeks saw hyenas and named them “pigs, I guess?”
the fox has a great diversity of names in Europe: fox / Fuchs, zorro, räv, volpe, raposa, lisu, róka, renard... In French it used to be called ‘goupil’, from the same Latin root as the Italian ‘volpe’, but then the mediaeval cycle of poems known as Le Roman de Renart, about an unprincipled fox named Renart, became so popular that renard became the word for fox and goupil disappeared. It’s like if 500 years from now bears in English were called baloos. (The English and German words for fox come from the indo-european root puk- which means tail, like Hungarian ‘farkas’ (wolf) which means tail-having, or squirrel, from the Greek words for shade + tail, there are actually lots of animals that are just “that one with a tail”...)
French has a word for baby rabbit (lapereau) derived from Latin leporellus (little hare) and we used to have a word for adult rabbit (conin) from Latin cuniculus (rabbit)—related to the German Kaninchen, Italian coniglio, Spanish conejo, etc. But ‘conin’ in Old French also meant pussy (there were mediaeval puns about this in the Roman de Renart) and at some point I guess people were like okay, it was funny at first but we’ve run this joke into the ground, and a new and politically correct word appeared for adult rabbit (lapin) based on the pre-existing word for baby rabbit (lapereau).
The english bear is thought to come from the proto-IE root bher-, for brown—I love how Finnish has so many nicknames and euphemisms for “bear” ranging from “honey palm” to “apple of the forest” and English is like... dude’s brown. Same amount of effort with the Swedish and Danish words for fox, räv / ræv, from a root that means reddish-brown. (And the Hungarian word for lion, oroszlán, along with the Turkish ‘aslan’, comes from proto-Turkic arislan / arsilan which comes from arsil which means brown...) And since brown was already taken, ‘beaver’ (+ German, Dutch, Swedish...: Biber, bever, bäver) has been speculated to come from bhe-bhrus-, a doubling of the original root so... brownbrown.
English foal / German Fohlen / French poulain / Italian puledro all come from the proto-IE root pu- which means small (e.g. Latin puer and Greek pais = child)—then the French ‘poulain’ became ‘poulenet’ with the diminutive -et (so, a smallsmall animal) and poulenet became powny in Scots then pony in English, which was then re-imported by French as ‘poney’. Also the Spanish word for donkey, burro, comes from Latin burricus = small horse, and in French Eeyore is named Bourriquet with the -et diminutive ending, so we just keep taking small horses and turning them into smallsmall horses...
The boa (bo(v)a) shares the same etymology as bovine / bœuf / beef, due to a widespread belief that some snakes suckled milk from cows. Pliny the Elder stated this as fact and (not to bully him but) modern research tells us “there is no empirical basis for saying snakes like mammal milk; experiments, indeed, have shown that captive snakes systematically refuse to drink milk”
I was disappointed to learn that antelope comes from Greek anthólops which referred to a mythical creature, because I grew up convinced the origin of the word (antilope in French) was anti-lupus, as in, the gazelle is the generic prey so as a concept it’s the opposite of the wolf, the generic predator. Wolf and anti-wolf. Though it raised the question of why we don’t have antilions (zebra), anticats (mice) and antibears (salmons)
Many European languages have named kites after some sort of flying animal: in English it comes from the word for owl, in Portuguese from the word for parrot, in Italian from eagle, and in French it’s cerf-volant aka flying-deer. There’s an interesting hypothesis for this! Kites came to Europe from China, where they were often shaped like dragons or snakes, and snake is serpent in French and serpe in Old French, so it’s possible that kites were serpe-volants aka flying-snakes. But the ‘p’ and ‘v’ next to one another were a hassle to pronounce so the p got dropped and it became ser-volant, then ‘ser’ which isn’t a word started being mistaken for ‘cerf’ which is pronounced ‘ser’ but means deer... (We did it again with chauve-souris (bald-mouse = bat), which comes from the Gaulish cawa-sorix aka owl-mouse—which makes more sense as a name for bats! similar to the German Fledermaus, flying-mouse, and Spanish murciélago, blind-mouse. But Gaulish ‘cawa’ was mixed up with Latin ‘calva’ = chauve = bald, so now a French bat is a bald-mouse)
I love etymology, it’s all flying deer and dogs named splash and snakes named cow and ponies named smallsmall and five animals named brown and three named tail—words acquire a veneer of linguistic respectability over the centuries and we forget that fundamentally everyone just says whatever
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kuroananosanji · 9 days
Canon vs fanon Sanji discourse is always funny to me because… girlie which fanon Sanji are you talking about? There’s so many! You’ve got:
Bisexualji: Basically canon Sanji except he’s bi. His women loving antics can range from no different from canon to a bit toned down. Usually low-key about his sexuality but otherwise normal about it.
Internalised homophobiaji: What the name says. Feelings have to get punched out of him (usually by Zoro). Can be annoying to read/write but the when done well it’s chef’s kiss (pun intended)
Slutji: Most featured in E-rated fics. The fact that he sleeps around (mostly with men) is sometimes used to make someone jealous (mostly Zoro). OOC but when it’s one of those every man on the Grand Line dicks down Sanji fics… it doesn’t really matter does it.
Frenchji: When Sanji is essentially turned into APH France - refined, high-class, has impeccable fashion and uses expensive cologne, wears a deep V blouse, long wavy hair is always preferred. Mostly seen in 40!Sanji fics.
Twinkji: The most common target of these “fanon Sanji ew” complaints but unless you’re on Wattpad he’s actually a rare occurrence? Identifiers are an exaggerated height difference with Zoro, skinny, completely gay, 2000s yaoi level of bottom. I have to say I’ve maybe come across this 1% of the time.
Whumpji: He’s traumatised, he’s depressed and anxious, he thinks no one loves him, he thinks he deserves to suffer. Vinsmokes are 11/10 the time involved. Luffy is sunshine incarnate in these.
Princeji: When he’s either in a royalty AU or never escaped Germa. Usually acts more “pure” than his canon version because Zeff didn’t raise him to be sassy and chivalrous. Maintains the 5-9 year old Sanji personality. Very cute. Even cuter when combined with rogue/knight Zoro.
Tsunji: This is just canon Sanji. The louder he screams at you the more he loves you. His love language is beating you up then leaving a plate of food next to your work station. Objectively the best Sanji.
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