#hate it if people do the same thing in regards to my vil post !
pyonzzz · 2 years
Maybe some people are uncomfortable with a gender non-conforming boy being typed as "actually a girl"? No shade or anything, that's just why I haven't reblogged it. Lovely art, just not for me.
thats a fair opinion !! i did think sbout that , too . as much as i love saying " vils just a girl i dont make the rules " i can see how it can be uncomfortable to see . im someone who really likes to think deeply about WHY i have a certain hc for a character , esp when it comes to gender , because im not really a fan of using stereotypes to justify my reasoning . but seeing how ive never made a post about why i think vil is a woman beyond a halfjoke about how she looks more feminine than epel , it may seem as if im just kinda going with the " flow " of it all
i dont think you came off with any disrespect at all ! and i hope i didnt sound too defensive in my response !! qwq this is a good discussion for me to hsve sometimes ~ mostly im just worried about the art itself but i do recognize my caption may turn a few people away from engaging because it may not sit right with everyone ! ty for the ask anon 💕
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Chapter 6 predictions #4 or 5: The True victims of the next Chapter, and almost everything on the Shrouds Overblot. (Bonus Theory regarding RSA's system of Operations)
I'm back from the dead, everyone!!!
I took some time off of writing predictions and theories to think about more possibilities for the upcoming chapter. All Ignihyde stans and students are waiting for their beloved dorm leader to finally get therapy. And I believe that time is just around the corner.
So to kick things off the edge, let's talk about the true victims of Chapter 6.
Main challenge but not enemies
In the past, we've seen in the chapter previews that there is something sinister afoot. From planning homicide to trying to enslave whole dorms or oppress certain students, all sorts of things have been planned by dorm leader and vice dorm leader alike.
But for the current chapter preview, we didn't get any tell or foreshadowing of a sinister event or nefarious plan. Instead, we got a small celebration of a successful plan, followed by a rejection of the prizes that followed (with a hint of depression at the end). What exactly does this mean?
The Shrouds are the victims of Chapter 6. Now you're all screaming "yeah, what did you expect?!" at me, but there's more to the situation than you think. It's not just a victimizing of the past (which is most likely family problems at this point), but also the present. Because here's a little clue for you: if we're matching up the events of the Hercules movie and Chapter 6, the main story hasn't even started yet. Remember that at the beginning of Hercules the Titans were already imprisoned, and if Ortho is based off of the Titans, and he has yet to be captured by the OTC, then technically, the conflict between company and dorm begins with the imprisonment of Ortho Shroud.
The main plot is going to be Idia trying to live without his brother. And knowing Idia's mental health, this isn't going to go well. But don't worry, it doesn't start like that right away.
But there's still a massive problem with the separation of the Shrouds.
A new kind of Overblot
Any observant theorist can tell you that in Idia's ceremonial robes outfit, his pen is missing. Theories big and small have all stated a similar fact: Idia's gem is the thing powering Ortho's magic and Ortho in general (because we never see the multiple Ortho gears flying around at the same time). At first I was hesitant to believe that, but now I think that this is a fact. And there is evidence in the game to prove this:
We have never, not even in personal stories or events, seen Idia use any kind of magic.
And in battles, he uses the dorm leader wand. He never uses a pen, and we've never seen him cast any kind of magical spells. We've only seen him use technology instead.
On the contrary, Ortho has been seen firing powerful blast's of magical energy. Ortho does have magic as far as we've seen. Sure, it's not a particular spell, but remember, a spell is basically a magical command. And technology uses commands all the time.
So, what does this mean for the Overblot?
That warning from coach Vargus in the camping event wasn't just a warning, but a foreshadow. Idia doesn't use magic at all because he knows the risks. Unless Ortho is close by, he would never risk casting a spell. (And from what I've gathered from the recent Bean's day event, Idia would never fight a battle that he knew he couldn't win.) Idia doesn't take risks unless the odds are in his favor.
But if he doesn't use magic, then how will he Overblot? Simple answer.
I'd like to take this time to officially bet on Idia's unique magic. Out of the four options I speculated on in a previous post, I believe it's going to be a portal/ teleportation related magic. Here is the evidence:
It can't be any deal making related magic because we've seen Idia making negotiations, bets, and deals with other people, and none of those required any kind of magic.
Hades main weapon against Hercules was other monsters. He moved them around using a special gaming board that represented the land with pieces that represented each kind of monster.
One of the things Idia hates is being told what to do. His unique magic would be a manifestation of that, forcing anyone caught up in the position control to follow his instructions.
Hades was the one who released the Titans adding them on to the board.
And in Chapter 6, where we go up against RSA in the Magift tournament, I think Vil is going to try and draft Idia into the game because of his unique magic and statistic mind. Idia's unique magic would be a callback to Hades moving monsters in Hercule's path, because Idia will be able to move players around the field to where they're needed most.
I think it only works if the person is on his side. If he has some kind of relationship with the person, then he has the power to move them around. A fun little prediction for this magic would be it's name: "Game Set!" (Hades says these words right before Hercules's first match with the Hydra.)
With this unique magic in use, Idia is going to be using magic a lot in the next chapter. But he hides the fact that his magical stone is in Ortho from the group. But he does make an alternate excuse to have Ortho by his side during the practice: for confidence and motivation. Of course, Vil's gonna see Ortho as an obstacle to Idia developing social skills. And this is where the OTC comes in and takes Ortho.
With the separation of the Shrouds, Idia is going to start feeling th the negative side effects of the blot. Why would he keep playing despite that? Maybe it was Ortho's last wish before being taken. We all know Idia would do anything for his little brother, and one last game against their enemy school would be a wish that inspires Idia to push beyond his limits for Ortho.
On the day of the tournament, Idia makes good on his promise, playing for the sake of his brother, and silently suffering the negative side effects of the blot that's collecting inside of him due to excessive magic use and negative emotions like anxiety. And they lose.
It's just too bad that Idia's the one who discovers the cheating RSA has done.
How exactly do they cheat? Well, ever noticed that all RSA students have the same colored gem? I was thinking some kind of magic seal would be placed on the disk that only responds to the type of magic stone the RSA students use.
Idia figures this out causing the Overblot effects to kick in. He Overblots on the field in front of millions of spectators.
In every villain final boss battle in the Disney movies, those battles don't have that many people watching. Sure a few eye wittness's but not thousands of people. Alice woke up from the bad dream that is Wonderland, Ariel's battle with Ursla ends with herself and prince Eric, and Only the Evil Queen saw Snow White collapse after biting the poisoned apple.
But during the Titan's rampage, everyone knows. The gods are on high alert, the people are running to get to safety, and the hero goes out to make on last stand against Hade's forces.
In turn, every Overblot battle has been kept a secret on campus. The students don't talk about the shadows, and past events have been quietly filed away and mostly forgotten. Some students are still wary of the victims, but besides Jamil's episode, no one outside of campus knows about it.
Until Idia's Overblot happens. Only a few thousand of people saw Jamil's Overblot, but here, millions of people will see it. This will be the first Overblot incident to become widespread outside of NRC. And the first incident the RSA students will face.
And this is another place where Idia's unique magic would come in. Did I mention that Hades freed the Titans? Idia is going to bring Ortho back from captivity. But Ortho won't be completely normal either.
During his time away, Ortho will be trying to get back to his brother. He becomes scared, desperate, and he worries about Idia all the time. Ortho tries to break out, but fails. BTW, the OTC treats Ortho like a dangerous weapon, not a person. They also insult Idia which makes Ortho mad. Ortho's negative emotions plus the magic used in an attempt to break out causes another pool of blot to gather. Ortho Overblots in captivity only for Idia to free him with a portal shot all the way from RSA (assuming the tournament takes place there).
There we all fight the Overblotted Shrouds. RSA students call them evil and try to fight the Shrouds but RSA fails due to a lack of experience. We gather up and try to take the Overblots down but we almost lose as well until... well, that will be a surprise.🤗
I'll reveal what and who will stop the Overblot in the next prediction post.
In the meantime, let's go back to that statement about RSA students all having the same gem color.
This particular detail has lead me to believe that RSA doesn't have a dorm system. I think they have some kind of student council instead. In a different post I mentioned something about all hero's looking more or less the same. They also have similar ways of thinking as well. Maybe there are eight types of people with magic. One type is so widespread that it gets it's own school, while the other seven rarer types get called by the dark mirror and sorted into smaller groups (the dorm system).
Basically RSA is basically a place for the widespread idea of heros, while NRC has the rest of the magic types. Maybe RSA students are taught that their magic type is superior to the others.
Or I could be wrong. Thanks for reading! The next post will be out soon!😊😊😊
Small prediction: Twisted!Hercules (Most likely Crimson muscle) has the unique magic: Zero to Hero! which gives him the ability to become incredibly strong in an instant! You cannot change my mind.🙃
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lovee-infected · 3 years
Alright, this might be a bit too early to be saying this, but ever since Rook's 'betrayal' and those who are hating on him now...I'm kind of worried the same thing might happen to Silver. Since each of the stories take parts from the movies, we know that Silver is twisted from the sword that killed Maleficent. And what if he's forced to defeat Malmal? Knowing toxic people are in the fandom, they might start bashing others for still loving him. That's what scares me. ~🍁leaf anon
I was thinking of the same thing a few days ago www. Well, *sigh* time for another analysis I guess:
Considering what we had to go through after Pomefiore chapter...I thought if it was really just because of how the story ended. But I came to realize something important, the drama wasn't simply because a NRC student voted for RSA, it was because Rook did this, a character who already had a considerably dramatic reputation in the fandom way before Pomefiore was released:
Let me give you a better example, Leona. In savanaclaw's arc Leona was this close to seriously killing Ruggie. We all know that it wasn't intentional, his attack was a result of having his magic stone tainted which soon led to Leona's overblot so his actions/ emotions weren't really under his control at the time.
But still, he almost killed Ruggie but no one ever really started a drama or #CancelLeonaKingscholar tag over it, I'd dare say no one even blamed him either.
Well Leona might not be the best example we can use here but I assure you, if Rook does something really bad, and Leoona does the exacf same thing afterwards, Leona would face less punishment and blame because of his current popularity and clout.
According to the statistics, Leona's currently the most popular dorm leader and most likely the most popular character of the game, doing something absolutely horrible may lead to a mild decrease in number of fans, yet, it'll never, never be as dramatic and horrible as what fans did over Rook.
Look, clout is very important, so if a potentionally popular character does something bad a considerble majority of fans might simply ignore and exucse their deeds, note that as students who have souls of greatest of villains none of them were ever supposed to be any pure either; NRC is a school of villains.
What I'm trying to say, is that the drama was also exaggerated because it was with Rook of all people. Both Rook and Vil are characters who have been looked down on and harassed ever since twst was released, so no wonder why the fandom exploded when Rook of all people made NRC lose the VDC.
-Defending your bias- is something quite common in not just twst but rather each and every fandom all over the world! I'm not saying everyone would just ignore everything horrible their bias has done to defend them, but a huge majority of fans would this soooo when dramas like his arrive, more popular characters like Leona and Malleus have a higher chance of survival while Rook just drowned under the pile of hate comments and posts.
Regarding the Diasomnia chapter, I'd give you an example using Malleus; He is a very important character, dare to say the most important character of the game after Yuu. Why am I saying this? Oh God, can't you all see? The one and only character to be on twst's official poster, the only one who got an official artwork aside his concept art and game cards design; the very last character we're going to have a SSR pick up for and the last dorm leader we're going to meet and also the only character who happened to befriend and get to know Yuu without knowing them much or having a specific chance to meet them in school.
Why is his role so important? We don't know. We don't know what makes Malleus special and that's my point, it can even turn out to be something truly evil.
I love Malleus, but at the same time I don't fully trust him, his "I've got lovely plans to entertain you here" has been giving me chills for so long and if he turns out to be a total contrast to the silly tamagotchi baby this fandom has made of him I won't be the least surprised; yet, even if we get to face a plot twist that changes our entire perspective towards him ( in bad way) I still won't unstan him, not because I think of him as a misunderstood and isolated young boy who is kind and pure at heart no matter how scary he looks on the outside.
Each and every of our characters (except Silver, I'd later explain why) have a dark side to them whether you like it or not, that's a fact. Expecting guys who are supposedly twisted Villains to behave like a prince on the white horse is nothing but a wild fanon fantasy.
I guess Diasomnia chapter is still going to face less drama since most of Diasomnia characters are considerbly popular among the fans, but Sebek's on think ice I'd say, I'm sure that I won't ever see a #CancelMalleusDraconia tag but a #CancelSebekZigvolt tag? That's not too far from mind considering how Rook got shitted on because of a simple vote. I guess almost all of us have already prepared for Silver's possible betrayal as the sword so if anyone ever dares start a drama over something which we already saw coming long ago, that's a matter of immaturity and obvious stupidity.
Long story short, no matter what happens in the future story line, I expect everyone to be civil. Just a boo is all it takes for some dramtic fans to lose their minds again but let me tell you: Even if Malleus DIES(which is logically impossible) in the very end I'm still mature enough to never start a drama over it no matter how badly it hurts.
But...since I know there's never really a way to prevent drama in this fandom, all I can say is to stay silent whenever you see a wave of drama. Don't support the drama, but don't oppose to it either, just ignore it.
I was watching as the wave of Rook drama washed down the fandom and this is the summary of how posts changed under the tags:
12 hours after the release of Pomefiore's final episodes: Memes clowning Rook, mild spams of hate.
12 hours- 4 days after the release of Pomefiore's final episodes: Posts defending Rook, shoutouts, stuff explaining why Rook's vote for RSA made sense, etc.
You see what I mean? The first 12 hours was the main wave of hate spam but this drama was mainly about the spam of posts defending Rook, not attacking him.
Continuing a drama, whether it's by hating a character or defending them just worsens the chaos even as you're totally right and mean good.
The one and only way to truly prevent a drama from being spread all over the fandom, is by not supporting/atracking any posts, ignoring drama and waiting until no one is talking about it anymore.
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fairestwriting · 3 years
referring to this post
ask and ye shall receive... this is just clothes/hair/acccessories notes. sorry for the brainrot in some of these but.. twst women go brr. also in this by short skirt i mean like miniskirt length, and long is nearing knee length. medium would be a midpoint between the two
also any of yall are free to share your headcanons with me jddjfjdfj i have a thing for character design
riddle: Listen i hate when people draw her with twintails. big pet peeve of mine its not riddle at all. shed have one of these really fancy braided buns, because she wants to look proper -- and for the same reason, her skirt is a bit longer and she wears black tights (we are keeping the heeled shoes tho)
ace: hmm not much should change i dont think? i imagine her looking sort of tomboyish. hair like male ace but maybe just a bit longer, maybe one or two red barettes because she still wants to be cute. short skirt and socks
deuce: "tomboy at heart but shes trying to be a proper lady" kind of look. had short hair in her delinquent days but shes growing it out so its juuust a little shorter than shoulder length. longer skirt but short socks. she rips all the tights she tries so she figured that would be easier
trey: god so shes the one i can never really figure out... i only ever see people drawing her w short hair but im not sure if i like it much the hairstyles they do are often just kinda ugly- i think that kinda works, though, maybe chin length hair for her. as long as her bangs are just a little different from her male counterpart. medium length skirt and under the knee socks.
cater: same hairstyle with the bangs pulled back i think but long hair.. though short would look good on her too! shed be very cute. maybe ties her jacket around her waist and shes definitely a short skirt gal. has painted nails and nice makeup on and her socks are thigh highs or the loose ones.
rest under the cut bc this is mad long-
leona: hnngghh hot lion lady i cant decide if i like her more with short hair or long hair... i can go either way i think. short skirt and she still wears those wack ass sandals. this goes without saying but she has male leonas undone buttons too
ruggie: certified tomboy. same hair as male ruggie pretty much, same rolled up sleeves. she wears a skirt bc its part of the uniform id imagine but if they had like, a shorts option shed take it. shed be a shorts kind of gal. really short socks
jack: shoulder length hair, still fluffy and kinda spiky! maybe up in a sporty ponytail or something. shes still Very buff (read this in a simp voice) and would probably wear pants if they had the option in the uniform. if they dont have that then just... medium skirt i think, but she probably wears some kind of shorts underneath it. short socks and her jacket is tied around her waist more often than not
azul: GOD do i have thoughts about her. i also have a pet peeve regarding her hair i think fem azul would 100% be the type to have long hair instead of just keeping male azuls cut... its chest length and wavy and she keeps most of it pushed over one shoulder. medium skirt, she cares about being proper but still wants to look cute, probably would wear black tights but boy do i wanna see her in thigh highs
jade: hair is a very neat bob, i think! not that much different from her male counterpart, she still keeps the classiness. Obvious tights wearer and any skirt length would work with her, i think. though i cant see her in a very short one because she does care about being proper
floyd: also bobbed hair, except its a huge mess and she would probably pull it into a ponytail whenever shes able to.... short skirt and socks, some undone buttons. rolled up sleeves more often than not.
kalim: hghghghhg i can never decide on what hair id go with for her ~_~ in the end i think long and fluffy would be the most fitting, its about chest length and she does a variety of different styles, sometimes twintails, sometimes ponytails, sometimes she just leaves it the way it is! short skirt and socks, probably even more accessories than her male counterpart + painted nails (that jamil painted for her)
jamil: oh i can only see her being very similar to male jamil. same hairstyle pretty much though i think shed be heavier with the makeup, like her eyeshadow would be a bit darker? keeps the hoodie, medium shirt and short socks just below the knee. she probably looks scarier than her regular counterpart
vil: so we officially are in “similar to their counterpart” territory... i dont think fem vil could even be very different tbh, what sets her apart is that she has actually long hair- maybe past chest length even but she keeps that variety between having her hair up and down that vil has. either medium or long skirts bc she wants to keep it classy, obvious tights wearer. she has acrylic nails she changes every now and then and theyre Sharp. makeup on point always including this really intense red lipstick
rook: continuing our travel through similar territory... same hair, same weird ass hat, very similar in general. i just feel like shed be vaguely masculine too? but not in that “rough” way, or at least thats not how she looks like usually. medium skirt and she keeps the boots so you dont see her socks really. another one that would very much prefer to wear pants. sometimes she has red lipstick on because vil does her makeup every now and then
epel: a tough one tbh! i think she could either have the same haircut as epel, or slightly longer but she keeps it in a slightly messy ponytail. medium skirt, wishes so much they had a pants option. socks are hidden by the boots. shes very cute
idia: HRHRGFHRHHG *TRIES CONTAINING MY BRAINROT* SHE HAS SHORT HAIR AND I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL!!!!! keeps the jacket with short skirt and thigh highs. Does not think shes cute enough to wear a short skirt with thigh highs but all her waifus wear them so she has to. God i love my gamer gilfriend
ortho is just ortho but with little fire pigtails i care her
malleus: hnngh hot fae lady out with the mullet first of all it wouldnt fit her regal energy. she does have very long hair though, like way past chest length, and it does that thing thats like... when some parts are tied at the back and kept together with some sort of pin? That. long skirt and tights, high heels even though she doesnt need them, painted nails and dark eyeshadow. Queen
lilia: ...both lilias look the same and you cant convince me otherwise. if she wears a skirt its very short though and it has something underneath for volume so it looks ruffled and cute. would wear thigh highs too but not always
silver: either short hair or an updo of some kind... im thinking milk braids (different from riddles, you can see the bun in her hair but for silver its just the braids) to keep that royal ish energy. also decently proper, long skirt and alternates between tights and below the knee socks
sebek: i can only visualize her with long hair for some reason. its still very spiky and parted the same way her male counterpart does it, uniform absolutely on point and also mimicking malleus a little with the skirt and tights
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poisonepel · 4 years
a final pre-release analysis
khjhdjkgn so I got an ask about who I think lilia/silver/sebek are based off of, and I threw my dork glasses ON n accidentally wrote abt all the boys instead 🤡🤡🤡
There’s been talk about this ever since the first dorm came out, and I’ve read & posted theories throughout the months as well, but now that we’re in THE FINAL MONTH, here is my last compilation of thoughts regarding the relationship between the twst boys and their “counterparts.”
I didn’t want to clog that Diasomnia ask with all this extra dorm talk, but pls enjoy my twst essay here even though it’s just word vomit--
Since there is so much vagueness regarding who several of the characters are based off of, I’ve come to the conclusion that maybe they just don’t have direct counterparts.
I’ll probably be proven wrong, because we saw in the previews during the Abema TV livestream that the loading screens do reveal who each character corresponds to:
Tumblr media
But since they haven’t confirmed much for the side characters officially yet, except for the fact that they’re based off the “villains’ world,” I’ve taken this as “the villains + their surroundings (which includes their supporting/foiling characters of course, but also just character dynamics in general).
In the case of Scarabia/Aladdin, we know Jafar as the royal vizier who is secretly plotting to overthrow the sultan. This makes perfect sense for Jamil. True, he’s not the dorm leader, but isn’t that the whole point of Jafar’s story? He’s going to overthrow the dorm leader.
So then, does that mean Kalim was inspired by the sultan? Even though technically he should be considered a villain too? I think, if at all, he’d be better described as “the sultan to Jamil’s Jafar” rather than just “the sultan” himself.
Kalim has quoted references from both the sultan and the genie so far, neither of which were antagonists in Aladdin. And personally, he emits Prince Ali vibes to me as well. All three of these characters acted as foils to Jafar.
But that doesn’t explain why someone hypothetically based off of “good” characters is attending a villains’ school. You’d think some villainous attributes would’ve shone through by now, but literally nothing we’ve seen of Kalim has looked “bad” in any way.
I think Kalim isn’t intentionally a villain. But as of now, his faults are most prominent in his relationship with Jamil. It’s canon that Jamil’s family has been bound to Kalim’s for a very long time, and Jamil basically grew up as Kalim’s servant. While this definitely reflects the sultan/vizier dynamic, it also reflects a genie/master relationship. Unlike Jafar, who was working for the sultan voluntarily (albeit with ulterior motives), Jamil doesn’t seem to have a choice in the matter. He just follows Kalim around, forced to do anything he asks.
I think, while Kalim might not have a direct counterpart, he represents several catalysts which influenced Jafar’s fate, and in Twst, his whole existence will undoubtedly influence the fate of Jamil in a similar fashion.
Pomefiore/Snow White is more or less obvious. Vil represents the Evil Queen, Rook represents her huntsman. But tbh, the original Disney huntsman wasn’t really that much of a villain himself. However his betrayal to the Queen was the reason she had to go out of her way to come kill Snow White herself, the reason she poisoned an apple, and ultimately, the reason she ended up getting killed by the dwarves. So the huntsman was definitely a driving force in the story, however minimal his betrayal felt at the time.
The other things commonly associated with the Queen are the magic mirror and the poisoned apple. We already know the mirror still exists and is now called the Mirror of Darkness, which leaves the poisoned apple.
I think it’d be really weird if Epel was deadass the apple itself. We can go into the etymology of his name - if “epel” hadn’t already sounded like a mispronunciation of “apple” enough, the Japanese spelling of his name エペル (eperu) has the same pronunciation as エッペル (epperu), which is used for localizing some European translations of the word into Japanese (such as Äppel in Swedish)
His last name Felmier is spelt フェルミエ (ferumie), which is the same way you’d localize the French word “fermier,” meaning “farmer.”
So tl;dr - Epel’s name means “Apple Farmer.”
I mean... somebody had to plant the tree that poisoned apple came from I guess lmaooo
In Epel’s quote, “Apples are awkward and hard to handle... Almost like...” this could imply that he’s had to handle apples for... non-typical reasons? I’m also interested in what the rest of that sentence is. Almost like... ‘they’re poisoned.’
Ignihyde is also difficult to pinpoint. If they hadn’t made it clear that this was the Hercules-based dorm, and if Idia didn’t have that vibrant blue fire hair, I never would’ve assume he’d be representing Hades. They seem like exact opposites; Hades hates the Underworld, Idea enjoys the darkness and gloom. Hades is explosive, Idea is very private and reserved.
The one thing they do have in common is that neither of them want to rule the Underworld—Idia doesn’t seem interested in interacting with his dorm/MC/helping people when needed. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t take care of his responsibilities; as he said in his admissions video, his schedule is very busy and he doesn’t have time to be idle. Hades is the same way; even though he hates it, he has an extremely strong work ethic.
I don’t think Ortho is based off of any particular existing character, but if Idia shares Hades’ trait in feeling like he’s surrounded by stupidity and no one does anything useful, maybe Ortho was built to relieve that and actually get things done. I also think he was built to take classes for Idia so that Idia doesn’t have to leave his room. And I’ve seen other theories suggest he might be Idia’s real brother, who passed away and was restored in the form of an android.
In Savanaclaw, Jack is the only one that messes everybody up. Leona clearly represents Scar, and Ruggie’s quote, ears, gluttonous personality, and last name all paint him as a hyena.
(His last name is Bucchi / ブッチ. The hyenas in The Lion King are all spotted hyenas, which is “buchi haiena” in JP.)
And then Jack’s over there being a wolf?? There are no wolves in the movie, but a wolf is a very common predator, and Savanaclaw students are said to share a common trait of being indomitable... in other words, like predators? In that case, a wolf living in this dorm makes sense. He may not have a direct Disney counterpart, but he’s not... out of place.
I talked about Diasomnia in this ask, and my conclusion was:
Sebek→Crocodile goon
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jilipollo · 7 years
Soy un vil y sucio copión de... No, espera...
Saludos seguidores y bienvenida gente que cayó aquí por los hashtags, por accidente o hasta por error :) Con esta nota probablemente me eche, como dicen por ahí, muchos “alacranes al pecho”, y quizá no todos estén de acuerdo con mi manera de ver las cosas o hasta pierda seguidores. Sin embargo, “free speech” ante todo, es mi opinión y pienso que también es válida como la de ustedes y toda la gente, además de que, pues mi blog lo considero casi el único lugar donde puedo desenvolverme y expresarme totalmente.
Quizá varios de ustedes conozcan a Yuko Shimizu, una ilustradora nipona que radica en NY. Bien, pues una vez coincidimos en una serie de cursos en Viena y los organizadores nos llevaron a varios lugares a ella y a mi, por lo que tuvimos la oportunidad de platicar e interactuar, digamos, hasta cierto punto. Eso fue terminando el año 2015. Después y por iniciativa de ella, me añadió a sus redes sociales y personales, y ocasionalmente le daba un “like” a algunos de mis trabajos y fotos. Pasó el tiempo y, recientemente, justo después del terremoto de CDMX, tenía un email en mi bandeja de entrada con su nombre. Al ver que provenía de ella, lo primero que vino a mi mente optimista fue pensar que me escribió directamente para preguntar por mi bienestar, lo cual me podría haber parecido un súper gesto amable de su parte. Sin embargo, al abrirlo, las cosas tomaron una dirección muy diferente.
Publicaré su email tal y como me lo escribió (lo dejaré en inglés, pero espero que se entienda al menos gran parte del texto para los hispanohablantes):
hi Javier, it’s been a while. Hope all is well and hope you are enjoying your summer. (or, is it always summer where you are?) So, it’s kind of awkward writing this, but after I contemplated and decided to write you anyways. I don’t like confrontation. I mean, who does? But I rather do something I hate than in future finding myself bitching to other people without ever confronting. That doesn’t seem so fair. If you agree with me and think about it, that’s cool. If you don’t, well, I hope you do, but either way is cool with me. At least, I have said what I need to be said. So, yeah. Ok, so there are many people, especially young illustrators and former students, who have gotten influences from my work. And it’s one of those rites of passage. It will eventually pass. And they move onto doing their own thing. I know this, because everyone has gone through this, I had plenty myself, whether I realized that during the phase or not. And, so, I have been following your Instagram, and I have to be honest, sometimes it weirds me out a bit. Because, I am half awake in the morning, scrolling through my phone with my tea and breakfast, and oh, wait, what did I post last night I don’t remember? And I look close, oh, it’s not mine. OK… and it’s almost always yours, to be absolutely honest. it’s been a while since I started having this feeling toward your work, and this passage does not seem to go away. Thought about talk to you about it. But I didn’t want it’s me overthinking. So, I double checked using my assistant, who colors my work and knows in and outs of my work. and she confirmed it’s not me imagining. Then I was still thinking maybe I would let it pass. Then I saw your post from today. And, I thought I really need to let you know how I feel about where your work is going. Dude, you crossed the line. Here is an image I did for Discovery Channel magazine, about ten years ago. Grabbed it from my website just now…
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Again, if you agree and think things over, great. If you don’t agree with anything I mention, then what can I do? I can’t force you think the way you don’t think. But at least I said it, and it makes me feel better. All and all, what I want to say in short summery is, I think you are a very talented, young and motivated artist. I think your future would be much brighter focusing on who you are and what you do because you are you. If I get a reply from you, t’s great. If I don’t, then that’s that. No sweat. But I hope you think about what I wrote.   Have a good night. Yuko
Cuando terminé de leerlo, y viniendo de alguien tan popular como ella, por supuesto que dudé de mi trabajo y me hizo sentir inseguro. De hecho nunca pensé que me fuera a escribir directamente de esta manera. Antes de publicar mi respuesta, no voy a negar que su estilo es sobresaliente y me gusta mucho su técnica, y me tomó el resto del día para meditar sobre sus palabras y mi estilo, y gracias a ello pude pensar un poco mejor las cosas, pues había puntos que no me cuadraban del todo y no estaba de acuerdo. Más que una influencia (o una copia, como insinuó ella), veo su trabajo como algo con lo que me siento identificado. Pero ese estilo de trazo -que es en lo que entiendo ella se refiere principalmente- no es propiamente ni de ella ni mío. Estaba seguro de ello, pero de todas maneras quería escuchar la opinión de alguien más. Alguien profesional y con experiencia. Entonces le pedí su opinión a una AD (directora de arte) con la que trabajé para un proyecto en el extranjero, y ciertamente también conocía el trabajo de Yuko. Me comentó que entendía la similitud hasta cierto punto, sobre todo para los que no están familiarizados con el arte japonés antiguo, específicamente el Ukyo-e (de donde ella claramente toma también sus referencias), pero que eso estaba muy distante de ser “igual” y de “copiar” su estilo. Me hizo saber que el mío ya tenía un sello propio con distinciones marcadas y maduras. Eso me relajó en verdad y me hizo confirmar lo que yo sentía con respecto a nuestros estilos, sobre todo viniendo de alguien con una opinión más objetiva y profesional, incluso a veces más que la de nosotros los ilustradores.
Bien, ahora mi respuesta a su email, la cual traté de hacer con el mayor respeto hacia ella y con palabras lo más apropiadas que pude:
Dear Yuko, It flatters me to receive an email from you. Thank you for your wishes, I hope you're enjoying your summer as well. Firstly, I'd like to say it also flatters me that you compare my work with yours. I wish I could be as good and talented as you, and I'm trying my best to be better with the time. I admire your work, but I also admire many others's work, and I think my influences comes from a variety of sources, not just one. Regarding the post of today (Tanuki). I do think this is a very particular case, and as I think it is the main point of your email, I'll try to be as clear as I can.
My client asked me to illustrate a Tanuki for a beer's label, and he wants it as it is represented in the old Japanese prints (Ukyo-e), not like the chubby amulet they have as well. I embraced the brief and got documented with images of old Japanese art that had Tanukis in them and started working on ideas, and at the end the image you saw it's what I came up with.
Básicamente hago hincapié en lo que ella notó como “la gota que derramó el vaso”: una ilustración de un Tanuki (animal perro-mapache de Japón), la cual ella notó prácticamente “igual” a una que ella hizo hace 10 años. Le comenté que utilicé la estética de un Tanuki tal y como lo representan en los grabados antiguos japoneses, no como el amuleto regordete que usan para la suerte por petición del cliente. Me documenté, como normalmente hago para el proceso de una comisión, de imágenes de referencia:
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I firstly send some sketches, with different angles and compositions between each other, and the client finally got decided with one that had one bridge on the background, but he wanted something more classic, so he proposed the Fujiyama mountain (just like the Teotihuacán pyramid represents Mexico). I see why you find some similarities between that image from yours and my piece, but I don't think it's the same (the view point angle, elements and even the Tanuki are different. I agree the composition is similar, but also not the same. I just needed to illustrate one Tanuki, no more, so...). Besides, in my research I found a few Tanuki images with the Fujiyama mountain on the background, and not only these ones, but this mountain appears in a lot of Japanese prints (see some images attached I used for documentation). So I don't think that's taking the idea from your art (if that's what you thought). I don't think it's even a "coincidence" because this is a very used element in many old prints.
Mostré los primeros bocetos al cliente, y al final se colocó el monte Fuji al fondo, pues es un elemento muy clásico e incluso muchos de estos grabados tienen a esa montaña como un elemento muy representativo (como estas últimas imágenes). Le comenté que no me parecía una “copia” del suyo, aunque es cierto, la composición tiene similitud, pero hay otros elementos que me parece son muy distintos:
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Mi propuesta, la cual terminada tenía que estar únicamente en tonos amarillo-mostaza
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La propuesta de Yuko
Now, if you're referring to the art style and line, I'd like to express my feelings about this: Firstly, the art style was intended to be more similar as the Ukyo-e prints, so, if you compare this piece with the rest of my work, it is more accurate to these old prints than the rest of my work. Secondly, I have been influenced with the Japanese traditional line art since I was starting to draw. I saw many Ukyo-e prints and I admire them, especially the strokes. As a Japanese person that you are, it's more understandable you got your influences from your roots, and you must have seen the art from great masters like Utagawa Kuniyoshi, or Shunbaisai Hokuei, for example. 
Aquí ya me involucro dentro de la conversación en el tipo de trazo, el cual intencionalmente tiende a ser similar al Ukyo-e (grabado antiguo japonés), por la naturaleza de esta comisión en específico y a petición del cliente. Y aunque en esta pieza se aprecia este tipo acabado y trazo más que en la mayoría de mis trabajos, definitivamente tengo influencia de ese estilo de arte desde que comenzaba a dibujar. Lo acepto y no hay ninguna discusión ante ello. Cuando comencé a dibujar hacía cómics (o eso intentaba), y una gran influencia en mi fue el arte del cómic “Blade of the Immortal”, de Hiroaki Samura. Él utiliza mucho de este tipo de trazo en su trabajo, y junto con una oportunidad que tuve de visitar ese lejano país y ver este arte tradicional en persona, me cautivé y desde entonces empecé a practicar con esos trazos tan característicos. Después me adentré a investigar más y conocí artistas como los que le cité a Yuko (de los cuales estoy seguro ella también tiene mucha influencia) e incluso otros:
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Utagawa Kuniyoshi
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Shunbaisai Hokuei
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...o qué tal el trabajo de Kawanabe Kyosai?
Masters like them are the real influences of part of my work, as I'm pretty sure some of these great masters are a big influence of yours as well. So my point is, with all due respect, this kind of art and line comes from far beyond and from many other artists, not just from the style you use. Of course, everybody can take part of it and adapt to one's way of feel and our own way to see things, and I think that's what I also do as well. 
Como mencionaba, este tipo de línea y trazo viene de mucho atrás y de varios otros artistas, no solo del estilo que ella maneja. 
By the way, I never saw that Tanuki image from you before. If you believe me or not, well, I cannot decide that.
...y por cierto, y hablando honestamente, la imagen que me adjuntó de su Tanuki fue la primera vez que la veía. Y si ella me cree o no, bueno, no puedo decidir eso.
I totally agree with you, I don't like confrontation (if it's not in a good way), but it's good and healthy to talk about this. I'd like to share one of my first illustrations I did many years ago with you (2006-2007...), where I think I was even more influenced by this Ukyo-e style. Then I discovered your work after a few years and I really loved it! One of the first images I saw in your work was a geisha holding a ghetto blaster, just like this image I made of this geisha. I thought it was so cool to find somebody that like that sort of things as well. But that was that. What would you think if you see this image now Yuko?
Le compartí esta imagen que hice hace poco más de 10 años, donde pienso que estaba aún más influenciado por el estilo Ukyo-e, y después de algunos años descubrí su trabajo. ¡Y me encantó! 
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Una de mis primeras ilustraciones para la revista “Migala”
Una de las primeras imágenes que vi de ella fue una geisha sosteniendo una ghetto blaster (grabadora grande de los 80′s). Pensé que era muy cool encontrar a alguien que hiciera ese tipo de cosas también, pero eso fue todo.
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Me pregunto qué hubiera pensado Yuko si viera esa pasada imagen que hice hoy en día..
Of course you became part of my influences, but I also have many others's work influences, as I previously mentioned (many occidental and from old artists as well). I also'd like to remind you there are many artists that have been influenced by the Ukyo-e, not just me and you. What about Jed Henry? Or my colleague Agarwen ? I personally think they're fantastic!
Como mencioné, ella me inspiró e influenció de alguna manera, aunque más bien lo veo como una influencia progresiva a lo que ya traía yo, pero mis influencias van más allá de solo un acabado, sobre todo hoy en día. Y nosotros dos no somos los únicos que “utilizamos” este acabado Ukyo-e, como quizá ella piensa. Le cité a un par de ilustradores que conozco (uno es un colega y amigo paisano), aunque hay más allá afuera con estilos muy parecidos. ¡Y me parecen geniales!
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Jed Henry
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If I see somebody else's work that is similar as mine, I'd be very glad to know in some way my work has influenced his/her work, not the opposite, but that's only me and doesn't has to be like that with everybody. I'd like to think you wrote your email for a good cause and to help me find my path, and if so, I really appreciate it. And I'd like to be clear on something: I'm not "betraying" myself and my way of thinking and feeling. This is truly who I am, and I have been working on developing my skills from time ago. It just doesn't make sense to me to pretend to be someone's else so I wouldn't be making this work and this wouldn't work at all.
Lo siguiente es uno de los puntos que me parece que es donde vemos las cosas muy distinto, pero respeto su opinión y manera de pensar. Si yo supiera que alguien más tiene un estilo similar al mío, me llenaría de satisfacción y gratitud saber que de alguna manera mi trabajo lo/la influyó, no lo contrario. Vamos, ¿a quién lo le gustaría saberlo? Y quiero pensar que ella me escribió ese email para “ayudarme a encontrar mi camino”, pero evidentemente esa no era la intención. Y no me considero que llegué a la cima con mi trabajo, pero creo que ya llevo cierto camino recorrido en esto, y si que me ha costado obtenerlo.
If my work and updates bothers you or makes you feel uncomfortable and want me to stop doing it, then the answer is no. I make this for a living and really enjoy doing it, just as I think you do. So I am sorry, but I think I have the same right as everybody else to post them. I wish I could help but I just cannot do that Yuko. I hope someday you enjoy seeing my work and know you're still an influence to me as many others and be happy with it, not to bothers you. Or, just unfollow me.
Como ella y como todos, creo que tengo derecho a publicar mi trabajo en mis redes. Y como le hice saber, si mi trabajo y actualizaciones le molestan o le hacen sentir incómoda y busca que deje de publicarlas, entonces la respuesta es no. Espero que un día le agrade ver mi trabajo en lugar de molestarle, o bien, siempre puede dejar de seguirme.
You still have a friend here in Mexico Yuko, all the best for you and have a good night. I hope my english was good enough to express myself properly. Javier
Hasta aquí pude haber dejado las cosas, no pensaba publicar esto pues no veía realmente el caso y seguía teniéndole respeto, pero justo después de esto, vi una publicación en su facebook donde comenta de este caso y que soy “creepy”, que hago lo mismo que ella, que la “he estudiado demasiado” y hasta “le copio igual los vídeos de procesos”. Vaya, eso me pareció de lo más inapropiado y poco profesional de su parte. ¿De que otra forma puedo hacer vídeos entonces? Prácticamente todos los ilustradores que toman vídeos lo hacen igual: filman una pequeña toma de su obra mientras la trabajan. ¿Qué esperaba que hiciera? Eso, con el perdón de sus fans, me parece muy ególatra de su parte. Y a continuación no solo me deja de seguir, sino que además me bloqueó de sus redes sociales. ¡WTF! Parece que ella buscaba una respuesta de mi parte cuando me escribió su email, lo cual hice respetuosamente, pero ella no quiso responderme el mío y reacciona de esta manera. No es que tenga que ser como yo quiera, pero creo que al menos por respeto me hubiera respondido con un “no estoy de acuerdo”, o un “sabes qué, estoy de acuerdo” o la respuesta que sea, como yo se la di, pero que me diga algo. Pero simplemente me ignoró. Vaya decepción. Entonces, ahora me siento con libertad de escribir y publicar esto.
Y ya que estamos en esto, ¿qué piensan de esta obra de ella comparada a la de otro ilustrador llamado James Jean (quien la realizó antes), y bajo el mismo tema “AIDS” (sida)? Aquí huele un poco a hipocresía...
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James Jean- Aids
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Yuko Shimizu - Aids
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*Actualización: un amigo colega hizo notar esta otra pieza del ilustrador “El Moreno” comparado con otra que hizo posteriormente ella
Me gustaría que las cosas no terminaran así y que eventualmente podamos hablar claramente ella y yo, sin que se escude con sus miles de seguidores. Que por cierto, el hecho de que sea muy popular no necesariamente le hace tener razón en todo lo que dice ni tengo que estar de acuerdo con ella ciegamente. Creo que la fortuna de haber recibido ya varios premios en ilustración y que recientemente quedé dentro de “Los 10″ de Latin American Illustration 6 en NY -y nunca había quedado antes y me llena de emoción-, de alguna manera avala mi trabajo y mi punto. Y estoy seguro que en todos los anuales donde salgo elegido conocen el trabajo de Yuko Shimizu.
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Dispensen lo largo de esta publicación, traté de no prolongarme tanto pero se me pasó un poco la mano. ¡Ups! Y si llegaste hasta aquí, vaya, pues entonces supongo fue interesante o morboso mi post.
Quiero agradecerles y como siempre, estoy encantado de leer sus comentarios, quisiera saber sus opiniones objetivas (estoy listo para los madrazos) :) Atte.: Jilipollo el que siempre copiaba en los exámenes. Los dejo con esta rola noventera: “Come original”
P.D. Si hubiera alguien afectado o molesto aquí, pienso que ése quizá debería ser yo, porque Yuko es mucho más popular, por lo que la gente pensaría que yo siempre sería “el que copia” ese estilo y sería mi cruz. Eso sería algo injusto para mi, pero realmente no importa. Por el contrario, quiero tomar todo esto que viene de ella como un gran cumplido.
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