#he still had a girlfriend and stuff
graincracket · 1 year
oops my hand slipped again
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aroaceleovaldez · 8 months
i still think a lot about how technically, it's implied Anubis and Walt started dating each other before they asked out Sadie, and if Sadie had said she wasn't interested they would have gone "Entirely fair have a nice day" and proceed to just go continue to date each other.
Cause like, that was the entire thing. They decided that themselves. That things would work best if they were together (as in both physically sharing a body and also relationship-wise). The "asking Sadie about it" part was secondary. If she had said no, they would have stayed together, because among other things Walt would kind of die if they didn't. Walt and Anubis are technically the first gay couple in the Riordanverse. AND they're in a polyamorous relationship with Sadie. Why does no one talk about them ever.
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noose-lion · 7 months
Akutagawa dates Atsushi and Atsushi dates Lucy.
Atsushi introduces Akutagawa and Lucy by putting them in separate rooms and keeping the door closed till they get used to eachother's scent.
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hiveswap · 1 month
Parents will treat you like expensive vermin that theyre keeping around due to being mercyful but the moment you wanna kill yourself it's suddenly bad
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softquietsteadylove · 6 months
Idk if this is kinda random but i think a Wanted AU could be interesting, Thena is intimidating and doesn’t talk a lot just like Fox, and Gilgamesh is a little funny & little quirky gentleman just like Wesley☺️
Gil sighed as the bullet just barely clipped the edge of Wilbur hanging from the ceiling rack. He set down the weapon, trying to stand against the weight of Phastos' glare.
"Still?" Ajak asked with her hands on her hips.
Gil scrubbed his hand over his face. He thought he had made great progress too. He wasn't getting his ass kicked by Ikaris nearly as much, he was getting better at his agility training with Thena running on the trains. He had even caught that stupid shuttle.
Thena eyed him. She didn't say much, and what she did say was usually to berate him for being too soft. She was quite the opposite. She was hard and sharp and polished. He never saw her in the recovery baths.
Well, he did once. She had climbed right out, even looked at him as she did. He had gone right back underwater, red as a beet. He was pretty sure all she'd done was laugh.
Thena looked at Ajak, nodding her head. Ajak may have looked faintly surprised but nodded. Thena walked lazily away from their table.
Gil looked between them, his blood already running cold. His head whipped back and forth, "n-no, I-I-I can't--this is-"
"Curve the bullet," Ajak ordered.
"No, I-I can't, I'll-!" Gil looked at where Thena was standing in front of their trusty shooting dummy. She looked at him evenly, as if there were no question he would make the shot to the target directly behind her. A shot he had yet to get close to.
"Curve," Ajak repeated, "the bullet."
"You're insane," he snapped, but everyone was just standing there. He looked at Thena again, "I won't!"
She just looked at him. She thought he could do it.
He gulped. What if he failed again? What if he grazed her? What if he full on shot her?!
Thena was the only one who had been even remotely nice to him. Well, maybe nice was a stretch. But she had been tasked with training him, and when everyone else seemed determined he was a dud, she had kept working with him.
She had taught him to keep up with her on the train roofs, taught him how to navigate Ikaris' beatings and Kingo's target practices. He had even learned about the story of her past, and that the tattoo on her back helped reclaim the skin scarred and burned from the man hired to kill her father.
Thena was, for better or worse, his only friend here, in a lot of ways.
"Shoot around her," Ajak pressed, revealing more of the side of her that really scared him. "Or through her."
He stared at Thena again, though. He couldn't take that chance. Training was one thing, but he refused to be responsible for sending her to the recovery baths for something as serious as a failed shot.
Everyone looked surprised as she spoke. The Fox didn't speak much, after all, unless it was to tell someone they were being a hindrance to her.
But she looked at him without a hint of worry. Her eyes were so pretty. "Take the shot."
"But," he floundered, sounding like a little kid about to piss his pants. But he couldn't--he just couldn't. What if he hurt her?
"You'll be fine."
Gil let out a breath. He could do this. Thena believed he could do this. And this was after she had watched him get the shit kicked out of him, by everyone here including herself.
"He's ready," she argued to Ajak, who remained relatively unmoved. She was vouching for him (with her life, at that). She had every faith that he wouldn't let anything happen to her.
This from the woman who told him not to trust anyone or anything.
Gil took a few rapid breaths. He looked at Thena, her blonde hair, her pretty green eyes, the fall of her shoulders. She was relaxed. He picked up and fired in the same motion, twisting his wrist as if he were throwing something.
They all watched as the bullet flew, rustling through Thena's hair on its way past her. She didn't even blink, waiting until the sound of it hitting their target behind her let her smile. "See?"
Gil panted. He couldn't be as sure as her, but he had managed not to hit her. That was good enough for him, for now.
"He is ready," Ajak finally agreed, having witnessed the evidence for herself. She chuckled, though, attending to other matters calling her name. "He'll have his first assignment within the week."
Gil watched everyone else leave, only he and Thena remaining. "You didn't have to make yourself a target."
She smiled, and he could almost imagine she was proud of him instead of just amused. She sauntered back over, swaying her hips to show her humour. "You hit it, did you not?"
"You seem awfully sure I would," he grumbled as she returned to his side.
Thena looked at him, settling her hands on her hips. She was such a little thing for being an assassin. But the Fox specialised in bladed kills. She didn't need to physically out-muscle her targets. "You have all this pressure built up inside of you. From the moment I found you, I could see The Sight in you trying to escape. But you repress it so firmly."
Gil shrugged, dragging his finger along the edge of the table. She had a habit of making him act like a boy around his first crush. "When you're a big guy, you make people kinda nervous. I don't want anyone to be scared of me."
Thena's shoulders loosened further, maybe even seeming to drop. "You're sweet, Gil. And I don't mean it in a good way."
Of course she didn't. He sighed; he wasn't exactly unfamiliar with being scolded around here for being a normal dude.
"You're soft, and the rest of them," she nodded towards the door, indicating her comrades--people she had known for most of her life. She frowned, "know it. And they'll feed off it, if you give them the chance."
He raised an eyebrow at that. They were like family here at the textiles factory, he hadn't expected there to be dissent between them.
"Let out some of that pent up pressure," she concluded, patting his shoulder on her way to also go about her day. "I would love to see you give Ikaris another thorough beating."
He had enjoyed that.
"Look at your old life, maybe, see how far you've come," she shrugged, turning and walking out the last few steps backwards to look at him. "I seem to recall you had a girlfriend, disloyal as she was. Perhaps some breakup sex would help you blow off some steam."
Oh yeah, he hadn't thought his girlfriend - actually, it was probably pretty safe to call her his ex at this point - since...since meeting Thena.
He blushed, and he heard Thena laughing about it all the way down the stairs.
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rosesradio · 2 years
portwell nation how are we feeling
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(thoughts on the ep in tags)
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liebelesbe · 13 days
I miss my Berufsschul-Klasse 😭 I was finally like. a tiny bit out. about to come out. comfortable with the possibility of being out. and then the universe said "haha I have given you a taste of something you've always wanted! now watch as I take it away!" *makes me get sicker*
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
its sooo funny to me when people get mad over lgbt headcanons for sonic characters and say stuff like "you cant do that theyre canonically STRAIGHT!!!!".. even though 99 percent of sonic characters dont have canon sexualities and the few that do are Not straight. and when it comes to characters genders we just know their gender not whether theyre cis or trans. plus just because a character isnt canonically gay and/or trans doesnt make them canonically cishet by default.. get over yourselves
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ramblingeekette · 6 months
My nephew being adorable and bringing his girlfriend along to our annual pile in the car to look at Christmas lights night. He was so proud to show us the promise rings he got for them to wear together.
Plus he had us go to place we used to bring him when he was younger and he demanded pictures with all of us after we corralled his little sister from scaring the other kids with her murder elves comments near the animatronics (she is living her best feral pastel goth weirdo life and I absolutely love it. She's like a tiny me but cooler 😂)
Then we went to some displays the niece wanted to see and it was a fantastic time. Much needed recharge time with them all 💙
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sailforvalinor · 1 year
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orcelito · 11 months
Had a moment of "Why do I feel so melancholy haha" and then I remembered that my uncle literally died yesterday
I've been compartmentalizing like crazy I guess
#speculation nation#negative/#death/#we arent holding the funeral immediately bc he wanted his body donated to science#so im still in colorado and im just. here for the duration of my trip.#trying to enjoy myself. doing some insane emotional acrobatics to stuff that shit Down#helps that it doesnt really feel real. im all the way over here. all i have is the word of my sister to know anything's different.#so im here. im existing. even acting approximately normal.#but things still feel a bit off-kilter. the stress lines of a container being pushed further than it should be.#and a passive longing to be with my family.#im going to be meeting my girlfriend's family today. just as we'd been planning.#and it feels a little wrong. the wrong family for me to be going to.#but im not Going to that family. im going to this one. bc that's what we had planned.#backing out wouldnt get me to see my own family today. so im staying true to my promise.#i just might end up a Little emotionally exhausted from the effort of pretending everything's fine haha#im good at it though. i really am very good at it.#also helps that i knew this was coming. with Cassy it went down in a matter of days.#i knew he was Dying an hour before it happened. it was abrupt and frankly kind of traumatic bc of it#just like with Sammy.#with my uncle it's a deeper level of serious. a deeper change to the foundations of my life.#but... ive known this was happening for almost two months now. it was a rapid decline but i'd already started grieving.#spending the past few weeks visiting and preemptively grieving. watching him decline more and more.#seeing him two days ago and seeing how Bad it was. and knowing he didnt have much longer...#i knew it was going to happened. id hoped it wouldnt happen until after i was back from my trip.#but he's gone and im still here. and the plans move on.#time to compartmentalize and forget. at least until i'm alone again.
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the-trans-dragon · 1 year
Me using humor to disguise the fact that I am telling them how to do it correctly because customers can get so defensive if I point out they don’t know how to use their card’s new tap feature, and I kinda have to say something because they will get frustrated and start jousting at the reader with their card, and we just got new card-readers that actually work and I am not about to let someone break my brand-new easy-to-use card-reader just because they don’t want to admit that they have no idea how it works and need to be helped at least once to figure it out: “It’s more of a sit that a tap, haha.”
#my autism gets overly attached to tools. especially ones that are overlooked or damaged or need maitenece.#I maybe accidentally named one of our broken shopping carts Hamburger (cos hes smashed but he’s still okay-ish) and it’s#still referred to as Hamburger and when it goes missing people say ‘who fucking took hamburger again.’#one time I found hamburger way in the very back of the warehouse (not with the Too Broken To Use carts; it was just left in the back with#some stuff in it someone forgot to put up) so on my lunch break I went and put up the stuff and then wheeled ol Hamburger all the#way to the back room where I kept it. I did use it! there’s always one or two shopping carts back there for moving product around. I just#had a peculiar one that I befriended and perhaps there was a time when my mental capacity to not quit was indeed held together only by Hamb#Hamburger’s rusty and squashed frame.#ANYWAYS. I love my card readers 🥺 I love the broken ones and the new ones.#the new ones have a very fatal flaw: older cards are a little thicker so they need a tiiiiny extra nudge to fully insert. and oh my god.#I have to walk on eggshells to explain that. because if i don’t explain they will decide to shove the card like they think it’s a carnival#game of ‘how hard can you push this? are you strong enough to win the stuffed cat for your girlfriend?’#so far it works if I just…very…slowly…hover my hand over to their card…and very lightly nudge it. and then I make SURE to say.#‘I appreciate you being gentle with it#it’s new and actually works really well compared to our old ones and I don’t want someone to break it pushing too hard; so thank you.’#and I’m so sympathetic to the card reader 😭 like DAMN. I couldn’t read your card either if you slapped it against my eyeball for half a sec#like it needs a moment to scan. like an eyeball. just set it in range and it will beep when it’s finished. it’ll take a full second or maybe#even two or three. but it’s going to take even longer if you start whacking your card on it and then give up and put the chip in and then it#has to show the errror message and then reset and then try to scan the chip and hopefully you found some patience for that otherwise you#took your card out already and are now staring at me like I’m an irresponsible Card Reader Handlef#for not properly training my equipment to work.#sorrrrrry for rambling!!!#sorenhoots#wait this is my post. not sorries.
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permanentreverie · 2 years
While I'm so interested in what they're doing in the pachinko show, I also freak out whenever it differentiates from the book
#I'm surprised they made Solomon a prevalent character! I mean I guess so since it 'starts' with sunja and 'ends' with solomon#idk about the timeline though I think it would have been better if we followed linearly down the generations#but that wouldn't even be true would it? cause it doesn't end with solomon. the stories and generations continue on#and they're reeeally focusing on his bank job and so him turning to the pachinko business at the end is gonna hold more meaning#I just finished episode 2 and like im surprised at where we are in the story#Sunja and hansu are JUST starting their affair like we spent the whole first episode in sunjas childhood?? setting up some stuff idk#that could have probably been done in like 25-30 min if we rushed it#it's just we have SO much ground to cover#and we're 1/4 done already#and we've also ADDED STUFF THAT WASNT IN THE BOOK HELLO!?!?#hnnng changes need to be made when a work is adapted. changes need to be made. it's FINE#BUT STILL#also are we cutting out noa???? LIKE#noa's character was SUCH an important journey. his and mozasu being character foils of each other and each contrasting their different#fathers#like noa wanting to be Japanese to cover his heritage to be a good Korean#THAT ENTIRE CONVERSATION HE HAD WITH HIS JAPANESE COLLEGE GIRLFRIEND IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PASSAGES IN THE WHOLE BOOK#also I do not like this romanticization of hansu. idc that lee minho is playing him that man has never been in a valid drama#when this show was airing I saw so many clips of their first time and all and people going 👀😱🥵#AND ALL I FELT WAS DREAD????#AHHHHH POOR SUNJA#it just hurts so much.#we're also including Hana's storyline?? I'm shocked that we did I thought we'd cut that one out#also why is this white guy here with solomon. smh you can really tell this was picked up by western media to adapt when they#romanticize america#sksjsjdb there is so much stress on Solomon's accent and that whole speech hansu said about America??? never in the book#I swear if they try to do something with Solomon working in America#THATS NOT THE POINT THE POINT IS THE STRUGGLE IN IDENTITY IN BEING ETHNICALLY KOREAN NOT ALLOWED TO BE CULTURALLY JAPANESE WANTING TO BELONG#also didn't like that it was shown that mozasu tampered with the machines cause in the book it was SO stressed that he was an honest#pachinko businessman
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llilychen · 23 days
every time i hear enchanted i am transported back to april 2023 when i had my first big infatuation and i feel sick to my stomach
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catbureau · 1 month
my parents are so oblivious… i ended up working with one of their friends for a few months a while back and in the process of that job he asked me out like five times despite being as old as my dad and having a girlfriend. And now he’s always asking them about me and what shifts I take and they think it’s just him being friendly. Like come on man.
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spacebell · 3 months
well it was nice while it lasted
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