#definitely writes his own songs along with playing pre existing ones
graincracket · 1 year
oops my hand slipped again
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jackiequick · 5 months
Iceman. Ice cold, no mistake and—wait he has a kid?! | Top Gun Fanfic ❄️
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Summary: The day people find out about Iceman’s private life would be the day he makes sure, he knows it firsthand. In other words, Tom Kazansky meets his future wife the day his fellow pilot finds out about his daughter.
Established father daughter relationship: Iceman & Skysolo
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Pairing: Tom “Iceman” Kazansky x Hazel "Daredevil" Quinn
Note: Pre-Top Gun Maverick, so Amber Kazansky is around 5-7 years old
There were many things Iceman was, or least how he presented himself to people. Strong, levelheaded, flies ice cold and no mistake if he had a say in it.
Some people were honest a bit scared of the man, might even idolized him, and even rather intimidated to say the least due to his looks. 
Yeah sure he was rather layback and chill, cracking a few wisecracking jokes with his teammates and family. Swearing his cheeky smile with pride. Ask Maverick or Slider, they’ll tell ya the truth to that showing smile.
But one thing that Iceman made sure was to keep his private life separate from his aviation one. At home, he was just Tom. Tom Kazansky.
And there is a reason why.
His daughter.
Amber Nic Kazansky.
His angelcake, his little snowball, and his reason to keep fighting. His angel eyes. He kept her private from the public eye, safe and sound in his arms. Mentioning his kid every once in a while at work but people always assumed he was talking about Maverick’s kids or Goose’s son.
Because he was considered their uncle, to everyone on base.
But they don’t ever assume his own. He didn’t blame them, he never specifically said his daughter name out loud to the masses to hear. Only his close family and friends knew about Amber’s existence. She was one of Maverick’s sweethearts afterwards and Slider’s little glamorous girl.
And if ever did his angel eyes to work, he made sure she never left his sight. It was a big place, she could get lost however Amber was smart enough to know her way around the base too, even if Tom liked it or not…
Such as today.
Tom wasn’t supposed to have work that weekend, it was Sunday for gods sake but his bosses had other plans for the Lieutenant Commander. He was called in to finalize some paperwork, check on installations and probably head to some meetings. Which meant he would be stuck in his office for most of the day.
Tom sighed, knowing he had no choice but to bring Amber with him due to Maverick being busy and his sister being in another freaking state. However he didn’t mind the company, since he was able to show his daughter the planes, possibly getting to see a familiar face such as Wraith or Hollywood, look at the frames on the wall and the view of the building from where they were standing.
And to be honest, Amber loved it. She was shy about it all but she couldn’t help but grin. Her eyes sparkled at the huge planes, the classrooms filled with aviators, the darling style of the technology they had and clean cut frame of the building.
Tom stayed in his office playing the radio and doing paperwork with Amber by his side sitting in the blue beanbag beside from desk. Even though Tom was working, he pauses writing on a form hearing his 7 year old curls bounce as she sang one of the songs on the radio as she played with her Barbie dolls.
“And here we go, we know the start, we know the end!” She sang, brushing her doll’s hair with such passion, “Masters of the scene. We’ve done it all before and now we’re back to get some more..”
“You know what i mean.” Tom sang along softly, twirling his pen in between his finger grinning, “Voulez-Vous!”
One thing was sure was how much she loved singing ABBA’s popular songs when it came on the radio. She definitely got it from her aunts and uncles, he can’t blame her. When music like that starts playing it becomes contagious, where you just have to sing along. 
Amber stood up from her beanbag chair and started to twirl around, dancing holding out a hand for Ice to take. He hesitated cause he was at work but he shrugged, removing himself from his seat taking his daughter’s hand and twirl her around. Her infectious laugh and cheeky grin matched her father’s gracefully.
The two of them, dancing until the song was over and radio played Dolly Parton’s 9 To 5. Tom returned back to his desk, twirling the pen back in his hand chuckling. Meanwhile Amber went to grab the grapes that were packed in her bag as she sat down and ate, looking out the window at the planes.
A few short hours later, Slider walked in greeting his niece and best friends, sitting down to talk with Ice over the planes they would flying next weekend. Amber was finally starting to get bored and begging her father to walk around the base with him. She wanted to spend time with him or her uncles to explore for a while, instead of being laying around in an office.
Slider noticed the look on his niece’s face and said, “Oh come Tom, it’s just a little walk to see the other side of base. I know your overprotective but cut the baby some slack.”
“Ron. I know that, she’s been here before she could walk but what if she gets lost, huh? Half of people don’t even know about her.” Tom explained, with a sigh.
“She’ll be fine! Won’t you, baby?”
“Ice! We’ll have fun, right babygirl?”
Amber smiles, “Yeah! Daddy pleaseeee! I will be careful.”
With a sigh, he nodded and replied, “Alright. Okay, you can go and explore the base but be careful. I don’t want you getting lost or get both of you and your uncles in trouble.”
“No promises. They are a bunch of cowboys like you said.”
“Clever girl. And watch your tone.”
Slider chuckled taking his niece’s hand and teased his best friend on how they’re gonna cause some trouble. Probably even bring Goose and Mav along for the ride. Ice just rolled his eyes and chuckled at them.
Ron knew that his niece was very important to his pilot’s life and understood why he’s been overprotective of her since day one. He was a single father, yeah sure their friends were there too but Tom was the main caretaker of his daughter’s life. Of course he wanted her safe and sound wherever she is. It was also a private part of his life, that he wanted to maintain calm and not go off the rails.
But like everything, change happens and surprises come along the way. Weather he liked it or not.
He was talking to Hollywood when it did, keeping Amber close by the tarmac of the planes. Hollywood was kneeling down to the girls height, letting her play with his helmet in the meantime.
Both men were chatting about the way the newer pilots almost got jet washed during training session a couple of days ago and how they needed to tweak the planes safety alerts. Amber was holding Hollywood’s helmet and enjoying the colors when something caught her eye. More like someone.
On the tarmac, drew out a nice sliver dollar plane as if someone just gotten off the skies and landed on the ground. She caught wind of the small wave of damage the plane got on the edges but the man—no women, since she removed her helmet, who step out of cockpit, climbing out of the darn thing had some trouble finding grin on her. 
She didn’t know if to be impressed or intimidated by her.
Dark locks like her uncle Mav, a dark olive green jumpsuit like all the other aviators and attention grabbing attitude towards the person she was talking to. Amber didn’t get a good look at her face though. So in her brain, she couldn’t if she was good news or not.
She was taken out of her gaze, following her uncle Slider and Hollywood inside still holding the helmet. Slider was called by Viper for something real quick, leaving her with Hollywood. Amber got a bit annoyed at that, she wanted to explore but she got stuck sitting on a bench instead.
It was half bad, due to her and Hollywood talking about the latest movie she saw.
Since her dad and uncles took her, Bradley, Austin, Jenny and Dane to see a rereleased of The Empire Strikes Back. The kids haven’t seen those movies yet, so it was their first time. But Hollywood couldn’t go cause he was too busy so he couldn’t, instead Wolfman went taking his place.
“And then Luke fought Darth Vader! Austin screamed saying he could do it better than him. And I said ‘no you can’t!’ but he didn’t believe me.” Amber exclaimed with a laugh, “Why did Leia kiss Luke then Han in the movie?”
Hollywood chuckled at her enthusiasm for the movie and repiled, “Well he did to prove a point to Han. But you kids will have to watch the next one to find out what happens. Did your Aunt Carole or Drey took you to see The Little Mermaid yet?”
“No! They said we gotta wait for they can buy it and we can watch it at home. But I wanna see it.”
“How about I see if I can get Drey to change her mind? How does that sound? She owes me a date anyway.”
Amber giggled at that and nodded, suddenly she had to use the restroom and Hollywood pointed to go down the hallway, next to the double doors. He watched her from where he was standing, smiling.
After she used the restroom, Amber noticed that Hollywood wasn’t there anymore but on the other end of the hallway talking with Wolfman. She rolled her eyes and grunted, rushing her with a glare to Hollywood.
“Hey! You said you’d wait for me.” Yelled Amber, tugging at his pant leg with a glare that similar to Iceman.
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Expect that glare had a hint of fire within them, like there was smoke behind the ice cold blocks. Wolfman noticed it and would’ve chuckled if he wasn’t a bit confused about Amber being here. He was sure he saw her walking with Slider earlier.
“I’m sorry, kiddo! I got caught up with Wolf, he will telling me something important.” Hollywood apologize, for his mistake but he still saw the glares.
He noticed Amber walking away, her temper and annoyance getting the best of her. All she wanted was a small walk around the base with someone like her aunts or uncles but they were more or less distracted with work. She couldn’t even blame them for being caught up with work but she was smart enough to know she deserves some attention and respect.
Hollywood and Wolfman chased after the 7 year old, as her blonde locks bounced across the hallways of the base finding herself in the wonders of the building. She pushed her bangs past her eyes, popped up her collar of her jacket.
A few mutters and mumbles could be heard of people asking who’s child was that around the corner, as she stopped in front of the rows of pictures frames displaying days of older class photos. From 1960s to now. She blocked out the whole noise of officers, captains, commanders and even some lingering lieutenants who walked past her.
She saw a few pictures frames of planes her favorite was the Tomcat due to the display of grays and or blues, speaking volumes of the way it swords the skies and classic modeling that carried two passengers. She knows her uncle Mav had small miniature replicas near the speakers at his house, telling the kids to not play with them. 
She wasn’t one to absolutely desire the trill of piloting one of those lovely things. But she wouldn’t mind being in the backseat of one, watching them go fast and the high from being in the clouds. Hell, her uncle Merlin and Maverick took her in one of those for a quick joy ride before her surprise birthday party last year. They were only off the ground for a few minutes, nothing special but it was fun.
Amber sighed, smiling softy at the pictures wishing she wasn’t alone but with her uncles. Like Merlin, Maverick, Slider or even her uncle Buzz. But then again, she did run away from them and they were busy.
She heard a loud, “Kazansky!” as she wiped her head around to see Jester and Stinger talking probably searching for her father.
As one of their fellow members, said that he was in his office and heading to a meeting.
She even heard Cain’s voice yelling “Maverick! Kazansky better get say something good about you and Merlin’s flying today or so god help me!”
She was rather shy but curious, when it came to things like this. Her uncle Mav always got into trouble for his interesting, in color words to say the least, flying skills. She winced hearing the yelling of her last name and others across the hall, as you can hear plenty muffled noises in between. Amber didn’t like it, so she glanced at the pictures once again, this time being of the 86’ class and ran finding herself outside of a briefing room.
She knew the room she stood outside of, being the same one her dad’s higher rank, Viper, taught the 86’ class in. Well it was very much similar, at least. She stood on her tippy toes at the window, looking inside to find it empty inside but the door easily locked.
It was across the small hallway her father would possibly be having his meeting in. Amber instead of boring herself, she found herself wondering outside the window playing with one of the tiny toy Blackbird plane, she had in her pocket that she took her father’s desk at home and placed it against the glass window pretending to fly it.
She giggled to herself softly using imagination and said, “Ladies and gentlemen, this is Officer Kazansky speaking. I will be showing here the flight manners, I liked to call a barrel roll. And if you’re lucky, you can surprise the other pilots with this one by sneaking up on them.”
Little did she know, some female works were walking past her and listening giggling catching onto her last name. Some were confused even shocked, plenty around it adorable and others were jealous thinking that Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky was secretly taken if that was really his kid.
Just as Ice was about to enter his meeting with Jester, Cain and Stinger to explain his wingman actions up in the sky, Slider went rushing in as as Maverick was about to head inside.
“H-HEY! I-Ice, we got a little—” Slider began to explain what he heard from Hollywood and Wolfman, but was surely cut off.
“Where’s my kid?” Tom asked, looking over his shoulder and around for his daughter.
“I was just about to get to that. Long story short, I left her with Holly for a while and when I came back, he and Wolf said she was gone.”
“Gone or ran? Amber ain’t gonna run out unless something happened.”
Maverick cut in, “Wait! Amber’s here?! In the building?! Slider what’s wrong with you?”
“Hey! It wasn’t my fault Viper called me earlier into his office, so I left her with the guys! They said she ran from them as the two started to chase her down." Slider said, telling the shorter pilot.
“Find her! I don’t care about myself right now, I’ll take the heat like always but Jester would be more mad that you guys left a child unattended in the building.”
Tom shared a look with his wingman, something both him and Mav knew all too well, the panic, fear and annoyance at the thought of their children missing. Slider or some of their friends didn’t get it yet, since not all of them were parents but they had nieces and nephews. Slider was of course one step ahead of them, saying that he already sent some of the guys to go search the blonde.
Maverick gave Ice a soft smile, “Hey. They’ll find her, if not we’re leave the meeting early and get her ourselves.”
Tom’s eyes were turning ice cold with a glare that somewhat soften at his words nodding, then entered the meeting quietly. Iceman being too quiet wasn’t a good thing for anyone, it meant his mind was racing around with throughs to rush out and resume work for another day. But had to stay focused, he knew Slider and the others were on the case. Maverick was frustrated by it all, yelling for Merlin who walked past by to see if he saw Amber, who shock his head but went searching for her…
The girl in question was walking around the base, passing a few short notice offices and lounges to find not many familiar faces. She was getting shyer and slightly curious as the moments went on, regardless she knew she got herself in trouble by running away. Amber eventually stumbled upon an office that brought a soft smile to her face. She gently knocked on the door, fixing her jacket and holding her plane in one hand.
It open to reveal the man who this office belong to brown mustache, deep brown eyes and tipped baseball cap staring at her. Mike MetCalf, Viper, looked down at her blinking twice at her small figure. He heard a few of his 86’ class rushing across the building yelling and shouting softly a few words, as it clicked in his head. They was looking for her.
He kneeling down in front of her, noticing the same deep look as her father, covered with blushing tears as if she was trying not to shed any. He put a hand on her shoulder, “Amber, sweetheart. What happened?”
“I..I ran away..fr-from..from Hollywood and Wolfy..” She replied with a small voice, a soft glare trying to keep her tears from falling.
“That’s wasn’t the right move and you know it. I don’t know why you did it but you weren’t supposed to that..”
“I know…”
“Come on.”
He takes her hand, leading her inside his office as he lead her to the counter against the wall near the window. He told her to stay there, as he was in middle of a conversation with an pilot at the moment. She looked up at the pilot, Viper mentioned, as she titled her head remembering the dark hair women from eariler. This time, she saw her face.
She was looking right at her.
Her rather soft features combined with rich one such as the woman’s nose and eyebrows that curled in a way as if she was analyzing the situation. There was something about this women that made Amber not know if she would be scared or shy about her, as she looked away from the brunette.
Viper noticed the looks and said, “Amber Nic Kazansky, meet Hazel Quinn. One of our pilots here, she’s been here before months ago but transferred recently to hopeful longer stay.”
This time the women—Hazel, looked at Amber with a slight difference, analysis of her state with soften concern and worry for the young girl. Hazel looked at Amber, twisting in her chair and standing up to sit beside the little girl. She noticed her glares, her last name ringed bell. Iceman. Flies ice cold, no mistakes.
She never met the man or even seen pictures but heard about him. If though he never met him, she can see the results of his child from the blonde hair to the eyes. But there was a sweetness that Hazel read to her face, a loving and gentle pace to the girl. A doll that needed to be protected. She can only imagine what made this girl run away but she might have an idea coming from a family who lend their lives to the military herself.
Hazel smiled softly, “Hi.”
“Hey..” replied Amber, looking up at the women.
“Are you okay, sweetheart?”
“Y-yeah I’m fine…how about you?”
“I’m alright but you don’t seem like your fine.”
“I’m fine..”
“…look, I guess you don’t want to tell me what happened cause we just met. But whatever it is, you should at least tell someone. They will try to understand.”
Amber stayed silent, her smoking glares still knees deep she wanted to say something like a witty comeback or a rude interception of her works but she didn’t.
Hazel contained her obvious observations and continued, “Okay I’ll humor you. I bet that you wanted to spend time together with your father or uncles but they got too busy, playing hand off with you instead? You wanted some kind of respect and attention today but didn’t get it or know to tell your guardian at the moment about it.”
That seemed to soften Amber up, as she looked over her shoulder and nodded, she left like she wasn’t exactly scared around this women but somehow understood and willing to listen. I guess what they say is true, sometimes a complete stranger can be the easiest person to talk to than anyone else closer to you? Huh? Hazel watched her, waited for her to say something as she noticed Amber tuned to face better and explain.
She told her, everything about how she wanted to spend time walking around the base and explore with her family members but she really secretly wanted was some more moments with her dad. But she understood he was busy today, since he originally wasn’t supposed to come into work at all for that matter. Amber couldn’t blame him and didn’t even bother to say anything but it sounded like she was annoyed with that fact herself. She knew Viper was listening, as she watched her in a way he looked at his own children and godson. 
Hazel wanted to give this little lady a hug because she knew that feeling all too well herself, wanting to spend time with her parents but they were busy sometimes with military assistance. But she could tell from how Amber spoke of her father, she loved him very much and wasn’t even mad at his efforts, as if she knew she will get her attention soon enough.
And she was right. Because less than a half a second later, you could 8 rushing footsteps and yelling of 4 men, possibly even 5 at Viper’s doorstep.
“Amber!” Yelled the voice. As the girls turned around to see Tom Kazansky—no, Iceman, standing there with his hand on the doorknob with a mix of anger, worry and deep questions laced across his face. He continued, “Sweetheart what were—”
“I’mma stop you right there, flyboy.” Said the only female voice in the room, being Hazel, who stood up from the couch facing Iceman with a hand hovering his chest to pause him.
It was as if the room fell silent for a millisecond.
This brunette just stop Tom Kazansky in his tracks. The Iceman. Hollywood and Wolfman were just outside the door, as you only heard a small sniff or murmured noise coming from there. Wolfman blinked confused then recognize the voice, knowing who she was.
She was like a female Maverick but with a strong levelheaded voice, dark humor and a wildly competitive side to boot. 
Princess Leia but in aviator form in simpler words.
Slider cough slightly, standing there awkwardly entering the room to check up on Amber’s current state that matched his own. They were both staring at Daredevil and Iceman, who just locked eye on another.
Tom’s ice cold glares that tend to be laced with deep fried anger watching all the angles in the room, locked eyes with the brunette. She was breathtaking. Stunning in every way possible due to the way she challenged him at the moment.
From her short brown hair with feather bangs that almost fell over eyesight that she didn’t even bother to fix. Rich blue eyes. Craved out cheekbones that enchanted her beauty. Along with the nude, almost red lip that she carried added to her frame.
It took a moment for Ice to contain his combating composure and focus on the task at hand. But dear god was this women gorgeous in his eyes! 
Tom cleared his throat, scoffed with a slight chuckled and said, “I’m sorry, who might you be?”
She crossed her arms, with a light smile pointed across her face with a stance and replied, “Hazel ‘Daredevil’ Quinn. One of your new Lieutenant Commanders, sir. I’m assuming that she’s your daughter?”
“Yeah, ma’am, she is. I apologize if she intercepted your and Viper’s conversation earlier. She almost gave me a scare..”
She scoffed, “Some father. Shouldn’t you have been looking after her? Look, she told me what happened and how she felt. I don’t blame you for anything but maybe take a few minutes to listen to her next time.”
He raised a eyebrow, “Look, I would’ve been keeping an eye on her but I unfortunately got caught up with work, so I entrusted her with my friends and she got away from them. I messed up and so did they, i take full accountability for what happened today. None of this was supposed to happen but I’m more worried about her right now.”
Hazel took one a look over her shoulder at Amber, as Tom followed her gaze with a sigh already telling by his daughter eyes that she was a bit down in the dumps. He kneeled down in front of her, put a gentle hand on her cheek meeting her baby blues and asking her tell him what happened in a calmer tone this time. Hazel sat beside her, listening to what she told her.
Tom sighed lowering his head as he listened to his daughter’s words and shook his head, not catching on the small signs that she wasn’t enjoying her day, he apologized greatly for it. His first job was father, pilot second. He knew that, it’s why he tried to keep his private life separate from this base but here he was in Viper’s office listening to his baby girl thoughts.
Sometimes he forgets what’s it like to be a child and feel unheard or not wanting to bother adults with your own business.
Amber pushed back her bangs and lowered her eyes, before looking up at her father and said, “…I’m sorry, daddy..i know I shouldn’t have ran away but i wanted to see the base with you..but everyone was busy or talking with other people…it felt like Hollywood forgot about me..”
“Honey, why didn’t you come back to my office or at least, find your uncle Mav to tell us how you were feeling?” Tom asked, with a soft tone that sounded almost like a whisper, nothing like the pilot people are used to hearing.
“You were handling a lot of paperwork and i heard Jester call your name..and I didn’t like it..and uh, you were about to go into a meeting. I didn’t want to interrupt you..”
“And you through because i was about to head to a meeting to bail out your uncle Mav, I wasn’t gonna have time to talk with you? Baby, as busy or annoyed as i can get, i will always make time for you. I’m sorry you thought running around base was the best option…oh..all you wanted was a little bit of attention, didn’t you?”
She just nodded at that. She must’ve sounded selfish or brash, wanting some attention than it seemed like she already had. Hell, due to her lack of communication she had 5 men searching for her.
“Amber, honey, you’re still so young and you won’t get it now but when you’re older you will. I didn’t want to stuck in my office all day, it wasn’t even my intention to make you feel that way either. If it was up to me, i would’ve been taking you flying or have you see a new selection of planes we have gotten this month but my schedule said otherwise. When you’re old enough you will understand what i mean. I should’ve went with you and gave you my full attention instead of having you hang out with your uncle Slider.”
Slider intercepted with a light mocking gasp, “Hey! I was a nice babysitter.”
“You lost her, you idiot.” Tom commented.
“Blame Hollywood and Wolfe for that last part.”
“Yeah, sure, buddy. We will.”
Wolfman and Hollywood scoffed hearing that part but nodded, since they did take a part in losing the young blonde. The duo walked in apologizing for their mistakes, as Wolf even ruffled Amber’s hair in efforts to make her crack a smile. And to his efforts, it worked.
Hazel leaned backwards in her sat and whisper softly to the young blonde, “Well now you got all the guys fondling over you, sweetie. Feel a little better?”
Amber nodded and wrapped her arms around Tom’s neck as he picked her up, embracing his little angels warmth not wanting to let her go. He humming softly asking, “Angel eyes?”
“Hm?” Amber responded, rubbing her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder.
“Can you forgive me?”
“Well, daddy, can you forgive me?”
He chuckled nodding, “Yeah I can. I’m still a bit mad that you ran instead of coming to me first but yeah, of course I forgive you.”
She smiled at that, “I forgive you daddy..how much longer do you have to go your meeting?”
“I cut my meeting with Cain short because I had to go searching for you. But I have another one in two hours, after that I’m all yours.”
“Are you in trouble?”
“Stinger understood but Jester was a little annoyed, but I think I got off the hook. And I think you need to apologize for giving Maverick and the rest of the boys a scare too, baby.”
She nodded hearing the last part, knowing she needed to do that at some point. Tom put her down on the floor, thanking Viper for keeping her in his office for the time being as the older man told him he didn’t mind it one bit. Slider was already walking walking the boys out of the office, leaving the father daughter duo and a certain someone left. Hazel was running her fingers crossed her hair, with a soft smile leading against the couch hearing them talk softly to another one prideful she was able to help.
However just as she about to continue her conversation with Mike, the two blondes turned to her. Amber thanked her firsthand, hoping to see her around more often if she gets a chance to visit the base once again and went to stand in the doorway waiting for her father.
As she stood in the doorframe of Viper’s office, she noticed something on both adults faces. Mainly because the fog cleared now for her. She would’ve giggled and cleared her throat but she was more than curious to see where this goes. Mike was standing beside her, giving the girl a small wink as he looked over his shoulder to see Maverick coming their way.
Tom cleared his throat and grinned, “Uh, thank you back there.”
“For what?” Hazel asked, with a sly smile.
“Knocking some sense into me. I wasn’t thinking straight at all, usually I’m more grounded than this.”
“So I heard. I heard of your reputation, but I never expected the whole father thing.”
“Yeah well, it’s something I don’t expect everyone to know. I have my reasons to keep my private life separated from my aviation one.”
“I get it.”
“I do. With a darling girl like that, I can see why you want to keep her safe. She’s a good girl, you got lucky.”
“I think so too. And she seems to have taken a liking to you.”
“I guess so. Uh, I’ll see you around, Iceman?”
“Most certainly, Daredevil.”
Amber rolled her eyes at her father not being as smooth as he would be and chuckled, “Ask for her number, daddy.”
All adults laughed at her comments and rolled their eyes, seeing how forwarded she was being today. To be fair, after the world-wind of a day Tom had his head wasn’t screwed on straight, so missed a stepped at being a flirt with his fellow pilots.
He gave his daughter a pointed look and chuckled, “I was just getting to that, sweetheart.” He continued looking at the brunette with his signature smile and added, “Can I have your number, beautiful?”
Hazel chuckled doubling over with a hand on her chest, still taking in the young girl’s forwardness as if it was the most obvious answer. It took her a moment before she replied with a darling smile, biting her bottom lip, “Yes. Yes you may.”
Without a second later, Hazel ripped a piece a index card from Viper’s desk and wrote down her number, handing it to Tom who grinned thanking her. The two talked for another half minute about whatever nonsense that came to mind, with a mention of a date next Friday if they’re both available and then some. Viper chuckled clearing his throat, as much as he loved seeing two pilots creating a connection, he knew time is money and he had meetings to get to today.
Both the blonde and brunette nodding grinning as Ice took his daughter’s hand and once again thanked Viper, allowing him to return to his previous meetings Daredevil earlier. Hazel waved at the two blondes and took a seat once again where she sat originally.
As one could imagine, the rest of the day went as follows, Ice went to his final meeting of the day with Amber this time right beside him. She didn’t mind it all, rather enjoyed being in the room with all the high ranking people and the view of the office in general. Maverick intercepted the meeting to check up on his niece and wingman, glad to see two of favorite people in the building alright and well. Stinger glared at the short pilot twice and pointed for him to exit the door as soon as possible.
Once it over, the father daughter packed it up leaving the offices and headed to the tarmac to watch the planes in the air. Since he always carried an extra pair of sunglasses, he slipped the another one in her hand as she gladly put them on.
Tom scooped up Amber, pointing out the fliers pulling the moves then landing from the safe zone. There were moments of comfortable silence between the two of them and others of them suggesting what else they should do that day.
“How about McDonald’s?” Amber asked, as her father placed her once again on the ground.
He thought for a moment, considering the opinions of today’s action and shook his head, “Sorry, angel eyes. Not today, maybe some other time.”
“It’s okay. I understand..I’m sorry again daddy for running off.”
“I know you are sweetie and I just hope next time you know not to do something like that again.”
“Yes daddy. So no McDonald’s?”
“Nope. We have food at home, but we can past McDonald’s on the drive.”
Tom smirked watching her face, as her mouth opened for a moment then shut pouting. Seeing that it would furrow her brown and having her nose snitch up at that rather rude idea. He knew it was a little mean act, but it was something his grandfather did to him as a small punishment and to see if the fast food restaurant was really worth it.
After a moment, her face returned back to normal as she let out a dramatic sigh and nodded knowing it was somewhat fair trick to play on her. She even let out a smile, following her father out away from the tarmac and into the parking lot.
The drive home was pretty okay, since the music that played on the radio allowed for a gentle sound to release whatever negative thoughts and feelings from across the day, as they went out the window. And yes, they did past by McDonald’s on their way home.
Once they got home, both ate something and showered early, that’s when Tom had the actual talk he said he was going to do earlier that day. Not to get into any heavy detail, it a long 20 minutes of Tom’s eyes almost shifting to his Iceman persona every few minutes at how his emotions sorta bottled up in him while scolding Amber.
He didn’t scream or yell, keeping his voice neutral the whole time.
Telling how that what she did was very reckless, irresponsible, that it a worrisome situation on his part and she literally made a down right stupid decision. Saying something worse could’ve happened if she wasn’t careful. He gave his two sense on the matter and explained to her all the possibilities of what might’ve went wrong today. Things she could’ve done instead and so forth.
Amber tear up hearing her father and just nodded listening to him. He said that he understood why she did it, she felt annoyed and unheard. Plus, she’s a kid, so she doesn’t know any better than to just run away from the issue and stay in her thoughts. However he does say that he felt good that she realized what she did wrong and went back to find an adult.
Yes, he rather it was him but he really liked the fact that she at least went to Viper’s office. Because it was a trusted friend and honorary member of the family.
Due to Tom sitting on the couch with her as he talked, he rubbed her shoulder and handed her a tissue to wipe away those tears that rolled down her cheeks. Apologizing as well for his decisions and own actions today, knowing he messed up on his part since he should’ve stayed with her the whole entire time, instead of leaving her with Slider and the older pilots.
That he should’ve read the signs and taken time to give her his full attention or something. Amber didn’t blame him, as she given her moments to speak her mind as well onto her own feelings. She promised to not try to run away again and go to him if she feels some certain way. She asked if it possible to go flying like old times and he replied that one day they can. Telling her how he will definitely try his best to make time for her, listen to her own thoughts better and keep himself as in the loop as possible.
He gave her a squeeze and a kiss on her cheek, as the two stayed there just talking about punishments, the rules for the rest of the week and exceptions to be set soon. She leaned into his touch and nodded hearing him talking, to be honest even though he was telling her no tv for a week and among other things, his voice was rather relaxing. Hushing her worries about a few things as she softly smile.
Overall the afternoon went well, a few shed tears and a couple of moments just to hear the other person out was exactly what was needed.
That’s what I got for the first fic of the year (this was supposed to come out last year but shhh 🤫). I hope y’all like it.
Tell me what did you think about it in the comments below. Remember to like, share and reblog!
Tags: @rooster-84 @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @mallowbee4 @missstrawbs2001 @halesfavoriteharlot @topgun-imagines @mandylove1000 @starkleila @buckysteveloki-me @hangmanbrainrot @teacupsandtopgun @djs8891 and etc
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whoslaurapalmer · 2 years
title: the girl who played with fire
title: The Monday Morning
the girl who played with fire -- there are some obvious choices here and the obvious choices are in fact absolutely fine but sometimes i just like trying to think as outside the box as possible!! which can honestly lead to thinking too much about something, which is not, always, great. sometimes it's okay to be straightforward. anyway so this would be about sunny and beatrice, and babybea
it'd be about beatrice teaching a very obviously very small and very baby sunny about cooking, and about how Some Fires Are Necessary. i haven't really written about Sometimes You Just Have A Necessary Fire (except briefly in bea's letter) (and like, this is beyond 'both sides set fires', this is more 'what is a world without any and all kinds of fire?') but it's definitely something to explore and i think cooking would be ideal and that it would mean a lot to come from beatrice, and be about her trying to impart something crucial and meaningful about her life to sunny, who is still barely a couple months old at that point and doesn't really get it but in the world of asoue and sunny's existence, also sort of does? beatrice trying to restructure fire in her head and thinking about her life up to this point, being a mother, being a volunteer, what that means for sunny, what food and the act of making it with something that can be do destructive is to someone like beatrice.
then it'd also be about sunny doing the same thing with babybea, and i can't decide if i want, also very baby babybea or a little older babybea?? but sunny would be in a position to do the same thing, explain her own complicated relationship with fire (different-complicated than bea's was, but also just as complicated) to someone else to whom that relationship is minorly incomprehensible but also matters so greatly, through food and cooking and baking. and because babybea's place in canon, along with the baudelaires, is hopefully breaking the cycle, it's hopefully more successful than beatrice talking to sunny. mm, so maybe it is better if it's sunny talking to a little older babybea.
the monday morning -- so there's the song monday morning by death cab for cutie which is definitely stuck in my head now BUT i have already written a fic to that song. SO BEYOND THAT
'the' makes it a VERY specific monday morning, not just one or all monday mornings, and a monday morning of certain importance.......and there is a definite time limit in a monday morning. i wanted this to be fun lemonberry ice shenanigans, bc i have ALWAYS wanted to write successful shenanigans, but i've sat with this for a while now and can't think of anything for them, but what i did come up with --
there was an idea floated at some point in time on here (was it yours??) that olaf himself planned the murder of his parents and then rescinded it, so this would be the core group otherwise involved in the murder -- bea, bertrand, kit, lemony, dewey, mmmmmmmonty????? bc i like natalia's fic where he supplies the poison -- agreeing that they were going to go through with it anyway because olaf's parents have become too big of a problem. they definitely also debate killing olaf, because i myself have wondered sometimes how no one's tried to get rid of olaf pre-canon. oh clearly they do not decide to kill olaf, but it's definitely considered. it's a lot of very tense and layered conversations as this group of people with their individual perceptions of vfd and murder and the greater good, and their individual perceptions of olaf, and his family, weigh murder. oh, possibly lemony is not there, BUT he's narrating it, like canon. because if lemony is there that is very difficult. okay i like him narrating it better. it's as much about lemony and hangfire as it is this section of the sugar bowl gen, and all of them as a whole, and what they've become.
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moonchildsaurora · 3 years
Running in Circles
✤ guard captain!Mingi x thief!reader  ✤ genre: Guard AU // smidge of fluff, (semi)enemies-to-friends. (feat. Yunho) ✤ t/w: sfw, none - except very brief mentions of some fighting, rated PG ✤ count: 3k ✤ [ part 3 ] of Lacuna miniseries
a/n - huge apologies for keeping Captain Song in for a so long but alas, he’s finally freeeeee. I really need to pick up the pace with continuing on with this mini series 😅 this idea sorta played out better in my head than out in words - I’m not 100% happy with this, it’s defs not my best but I shall practise writing more Mingi fics in the future! This is also probably the tamest of the lot in terms of cry-level. Just preparing you guys with an easy read before the shitstorm that awaits in the next member on the list one shot hahahahahahaha. @hereisleo​ & @barsformars​ hope you both enjoy this for ya man 😉 I couldn’t bring myself to hurt this giant teddybear too much in writing. Also everyone, let’s welcome back a familiar face within this one shot :P
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In all of his years of being a royal palace guard of Aethevintis, nothing would cause his body to seize up with tension instantly and hasten the greys that threaten to come through his still youthful auburn tresses than when he was requested at the interrogation chamber.
Heavy steps echoed off the dark granite stone floors, the sharp clinking from an array of medals that hung proudly to signify his prestige were in sync with his tense pace. Song Mingi had no problem exercising command and authority when it was needed, in fact, he prided himself in doing so.
He was good at his job, and he knew that.
Otherwise the title of Captain wouldn’t had been bestowed upon him that four winters ago. The real struggle was when his confidence in being assertive was mistaken for the ability to intimidate, broad body physique to further fuel that common misconception. And so Mingi often found himself sat in that bleak chamber with some poor unfortunate soul, who had been frightened into admitting nothing more than petty crimes.
He’d argue such tactics were unnecessary. Running his hand frustratingly through his hair for the umpteenth time, Mingi mentally braced himself for whatever...or rather whoever awaited for his arrival.
Rounding the corner, his brows arched up with surprise upon seeing the King standing in front of the chamber doors. The troubled look that replaced the King’s usual ebullient features prompted Mingi to straighten his posture immediately; this was sure to be a serious matter.  “Good afternoon Sire…”
Yunho turned towards the rich baritone voice of the Guard Captain and rigid shoulders relaxed ever so slightly at the sight of one of his most trusted.    
“Captain Song,” Yunho nodded in acknowledgement, “Although I’m not sure if it’s entirely good at all.”
Mingi’s forehead creased but remained silent to allow the King to further elaborate about his plight.
“The Queen’s aquamarine diamond parure has been stolen, and I suspect a selection of other jewels too. Those I care not for as much as the diamond parure…it’s got high sentimental value as it was passed down within the family from my great-great-grandmother.”
“That certainly isn’t good at all. Has the perpetrator been caught yet, Sire?”
“As luck would have it, yes actually. And I’ve been told that you would be the perfect person to know how to handle this….situation,” at saying this Yunho fully turned to face Mingi. The falchion in his belt’s scabbard felt heavy and a million and one thoughts were running through his mind at once.
Mingi could see the sincerity in Yunho’s eyes and the hesitation in spilling out the words that needed to be said.
“I hope you know that in any other circumstances, I would not be requesting you to deal with such matters that you have immense dislike for. I apologise for putting you in such a position. This…certain individual has crossed paths with you before and I’m hoping with that familiarity you may be able to coax them to reveal where the diamond parrure is. How you do so, I’ll leave that up to your discretion.”
Well that wasn’t what Mingi was expecting to hear. A certain individual he’s familiar with?
He straightened his back and gave a determined nod of his head, “I shall do my best Sire. That room may be the bane of my existence but this matter is clearly of importance to you, let us hope the thief can be convinced to comply.”
“You have my utmost gratitude Mingi,” Yunho said, reaching his hand up to give Mingi’s shoulder a comforting squeeze before making his way out of the grim dungeon hallway.
Mingi waited till the King was out of sight before turning to face the chamber. Taking a deep breath, he steeled his heart and pushed open the doors with slight force.  
“Well, well if it isn’t my favourite Captain of the guards. Come to keep me company for the evening?”
If he wasn’t already sweating before, he sure was now. That oh-so coquettish voice he’s grown to recognise almost immediately, fell on his ears.
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You sent a cheshire grin to the tall figure, legs propped up on the worn-out wooden table and hands idly fiddling with the heavy brass shackles around your wrists. This certainly wasn’t the first time your paths had crossed but it was the first for you both to meet in a more dire setting.
Mingi feared for the implications of your capture.
Not just a mere thief of the streets but being the leader of Dusk Talons, the Royal Crown surely won’t pass up a chance to make an example of a core individual from the renowned thief guild.    
“You ought to close your mouth, otherwise the flies will get in.”
One of the guards closer to you brought his fist down on the table, a mere tactic meant to frighten you. However, all it got out of you was the bored glance you sent to the guard who started berating you for talking back to Captain Song.
Mingi let out a sigh, “That’s enough. I can take it from here, you all are dismissed.” The command was given to the other guards in the room as he settled into the chair across from you. They left without a fuss and silence encompassed the room, though not for long.
“Would you please be a dear and help with this?” you asked, chains jangling as you held out your cuffed wrists towards Mingi.
“It would seem that’s not needed at all,” a ghost of a smile gracing his lips, “your handy work got the job done for you.”
“You’re no fun.”
Not admitting out loud, you were slightly impressed that the guard captain didn’t let your lock-picking slip by him. The shackles dropped on to the table and you made a show of stretching your arms out, body arching lithely off the chair. Your loose tunic rode up just shy of showing skin, causing Mingi to avert his eyes out of respect.
That widened your grin.
Mingi let out an awkward cough, any pre-planned script he had for questioning was abandoned. You weren’t entirely a stranger to him nor were you an acquaintance – if the laws even allowed for that. But Mingi didn’t feel right about making you go through the same interrogation protocol as previous criminals had to. You weren’t like them.  
“I can’t tell if you thrive off the riskiest raids or that you don’t fear anything nor anyone. Going after Her Majesty’s diamond parure? Of all things!”
An airy chuckle left you, “If I didn’t know better…you sound awfully worried for me, Captain.”
“Shouldn’t you be at least more careful? What would become of your family if something were to really happen to you?”
The grin on your face disappeared immediately.
Mingi continued when he didn’t hear a response, “I’ve seen you…giving food and gold back to those in the Lower Wrean. I know some of the funds for the city’s orphanages are provided by your guild. And that one time…the only reason why you led the attack on our eastern outpost was to rescue a few of your own and relocate some of the nomad camps away from potential crossfire. You don’t abandon family, right?”
These were the things that convinced Mingi, you weren’t really all bad. Questionable choices? Sure. Morals? A little grey. Although underneath the layers, your intentions have always stemmed from a compassionate heart.  
“What’s to the rich if they lose a few here and there? They have far more than enough, so to us, they’re top of the list of contributors.”
Mingi remembered you telling him that when he had first caught you escaping from one of the noble’s house. Your guild only ever stole from the rich and it was a bonus if the corrupted was targeted too. Mingi, who then was still under the command of the previous captain, hesitated to pursue. For his moral compass went spiralling. Being bound to carry out his royal duty or close a blind eye because he empathised with what you stood for.  
Nothing more than a weak link, according to his captain. There was little room for that, just as grey had no place among Aethevintis’ black-or-white justice system.
Hence, a thief was still a thief at the end of the day. Even for a good cause, by definition you were on the opposing side.
You continued to observe Mingi in silence, with a neutral expression, as you let his words sink in. Captain Song was much different than his predecessors. An unspoken level of mutual respect had developed between you both somewhere along the way of your encounters. The way he led with his heart rather than blind authority was admirable.
“We do what we must to get by. My family…as you so kindly put it…are capable of adapting to whatever circumstances are thrown their way. Risk is an inevitable norm for us.”
At least, you could appreciate Mingi looking at you without that faux sympathy.
“And I’ve lived doing what I do best…that is to survive. Being careful only gets you so far but being smart, well, you could go just about anywhere with that.”  
With a rather loud yawn you broke the tension in the dim room. The grin reappeared back on your face and you slinked backwards on the chair. Mingi was contemplating on whether switching back to the original subject of this…talk…would be a good idea or not. He needed a starting basis, a hint of sorts from you in order to give direction where he’d be searching for the missing parure.  
Betting on the fact that you don’t wholly despise him, Mingi tried his luck. “Now I do have a job to complete, and I’m sure we both would rather spend our time elsewhere other than down here…”  
“Aww, I thought we were having a good time getting to know each other better. Don’t get to do that as much on the streets now, do we?”
“What have you done with Her Majesty’s parure?” asked Mingi, keeping his tone levelled.
“You sure are set on that huh? What’s in it for you if you successfully retrieve the jewels?”
Tilting your head, eyes sparking a challenge. Only to be met with determination glinting off Mingi’s own pair of dark chocolate brown orbs.
“Nothing more than the satisfaction of returning a precious family heirloom back to my King. It’s of great importance and sentiment to him.”
You wished you could find fault in his resolution. Yet again, Mingi was nothing but honest in answering you.  
Surely, you could play a little nicer this time, right?
“Hmm, I’ll think about it. I’m feeling rather parched as well…any chance I could get some fresh water?”
Sensing you weren’t going to give in anytime soon, Mingi drew in a deep breath and exhaled. Standing up he offered, “And I’m guessing you haven’t had anything to eat?”
“You’re offering?”
“This is an interrogation chamber, not a torture one.”
Mingi left to gather the necessities. Head filled with too many conflicting thoughts, that he missed the growing grin on your lips and the space where the dungeon keys previously sat on his belt.  
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It was havoc.  
The thunderous sound of fireworks broke through the tranquil evening. Catching everyone by surprise and confusion arose as to why bursts of colourful sparks were going off within the palace grounds. When some of the flag banners and trees caught fire from the stray sparks, it caused a flurry of panic.
And to make matters worse – the guards had lost you.
Mingi finished over-seeing the last batch of palace staff into the safe area. “All palace guards are to stay by the doors to the throne room and west wing! No one is to leave or enter until my unit and I have done a final sweep of the grounds, “ he ordered.
Part of the team was put in charge of getting the fires under control. He deduced the fireworks were set off as an intended distraction and, a successful one at that too. Mingi’s priority was now to prevent you from escaping.
He heard the commotion and shouting before, “CAPTAIN! THE SOUTHWEST WALLS!”
You held your own and by the time Mingi had reached your location, the guards who were stationed there were knocked out cold on the ground. A minor cut bled slightly from your left cheek and you looked a little more roughed up than when Mingi had last seen you.
“Here I was thinking this would be a clean goodbye…” you said, securing the rope around your waist that Mingi noticed was tied to the stone merlons. He also saw a couple of dark-coloured pouches with you that weren’t present on your attire during the interrogation.
Three guesses as to what filled those pouches.
You followed his eyes to where they were fixated on, “Ah yes, amongst thieves it’s the number one rule to not hide our spoils on ourselves…lest we get caught.”
A series of sharp whistles was heard. The signal that your guild had completed their tasks and was awaiting to reunite with their leader down below at the meeting point. You blew three consecutive similar whistles back in response.
You paused with one foot up on the stone edge. Turning back to look, you saw Mingi’s hand hover slightly over his falchion.
“Are you going to try and stop me?”
‘No. But I will ask once more, where is the diamond parure? I know the cold season approaches and you’ll need all the resources you can get. Those gold and other jewels you’ve got there should be sufficient enough. So please….”
Having already made your decision the moment you slammed the doors to the chamber out, simultaneously breaking the noses of the unsuspecting guards, you knew what you had to do. But that didn’t prevent you from adding a little dramatic flair.
After all, you want to stay memorable in Captain Song’s books.
“You just don’t know when to give up, do you?”
Your voice dripping with light sweetness, eyes locked on his as you made your way right up to him. Your hand darted out to grab his falchion and on reflex, Mingi intercepted – large calloused warm hand latching around your wrist.
“But maybe that’s what makes so different from the others…” You flipped his hand so it faced palm up, and placed a familiar cobalt blue pouch on it. “You’re a good man, Captain Song. Thinking with your heart doesn’t make you weak…this world needs more of that, more of people like you.”
You watched his shoulders fall with relief and the look he had in his eyes change into something you couldn’t quite discern. Mingi nestled the pouch carefully towards his body, the delicate clinking confirmed its fragile contents within. And he didn’t feel the need to look inside for confirmation; he trusted you.
“If we were to meet in another lifetime, I hope we’d be on better terms then. Preferably one leaning closer to friends.”
A genuine smile crept up from the corners of your lips upon hearing Mingi’s words.
“That sounds rather nice, actually.”
You could definitely use a friend like Mingi in your second lifetime, should fate ever be so kind to give you another shot.
The clamouring of guards and blades being drawn drew closer and you could hear the running of feet up the stairs.
“Well, that’s my cue to leave. And I am so sorry for doing this but…”
And you physically winced when you sent a knee to his gut, causing Mingi to collapse and gasp for air.
“…Captain Song wouldn’t go down without a fight and this makes it look less like you just let a scummy thief off the hook.”
Mingi waved his other gloved hand, “I…understand – you ought to hurry…” he managed to cough out the words.
“Don’t be a stranger.”
With that, Mingi watched you leap over the wall’s edge just as back-up from his unit arrived. Not only did you leave him with the Queen’s jewels and potentially a bruise or two, you also left him with a new sense of comfort.
Two worlds apart. Two unlikely individuals who were both willing to cross the bridge that’s been built to fill the gap, to meet in the middle.
Yeah, this was a change he could get used to.
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“Thank you Captain Song!” cheered the orphans, watching with admiration at how effortlessly Mingi climbed the tree to recover their kite that got stuck in the tall branches.
He soon found his legs to be attacked with hugs from several pairs of petite arms.  
Mingi returned the affections with gentle head pats and a, “Be careful not to run too fast and watch where you’re going!”  
The townspeople greeted him as he patrolled his rounds. Even scoring a ruby red freshly-picked apple from one of the vendors. Today would be a breeze. Golden rays of the sun shone down warmly and the morning air was still crisp. Mingi was already planning to finish his shift early and go see if he could convince Yunho to sneak away from royal duties for a round of archery out by the fields.
Just like that, his trail of thoughts were cut short. Mingi snapped his attention towards the direction where the yelling came from. Jogging over to where the crowd had gathered, he was nearly bowled over by a fleeting figure.  
Upon making eye contact for that split second, he could recognise your mirthful eyes from anywhere.
Your eyes crinkled with delight and being bold as to send a wink his way. But your feet never stopped sprinting and within seconds, Mingi had lost you among the sea of townspeople who still went about their business on the street.    
Mingi looked back to see some of his unit tailing after a few hooded figures who disappeared into the maze of alleyways. Your guild sure knew the layout of the town inside out.
A sigh escaped him. So much for finishing up early for the day.
But if it was a chase you wanted, then it would be a chase you’ll get. Being the respectful gentleman that he was, he’d let you have a head start of course.
Maybe one day, when he’s old and cranky, worn out to his bones – he’d stop running in circles after you.
Luckily for you both, today wasn’t that day.
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tuiyla · 4 years
A Definitive History of Bubbline
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With “Obsidian” coming out in two days, it really is time for a definitive history of Marceline and Bubblegum’s relationship. And by that I mean the tumultuous road that led us to “Obsidian” from a production and fandom point of view. For a list of Bubbline episodes, check out my Bubbline Guide (and part two) - which I need to update, I know I know. For this post, I wanted to highlight how far this pairing has come and what Bubbline means to queer representation in children’s cartoons.
This is less of an analysis and more of an overview with links to more information on specific incidents to keep it (relatively) brief. I say it’s a definitive history but it isn’t an exhaustive one, so do check out the links included to learn more about how we got here. I realize not everyone cares about these kinds of things but I think it’s important to know how hard Adventure Time’s creators had to fight. Bubbline is a pioneer ship in many ways but it doesn’t always get the recognition it deserves.
Initial Concepts
As is the case with much of Adventure Time, the initial concept of who the characters of Bonnibel and Marceline were going to be is very different than what we ended up getting. @gunterfan1992 explores this and other production tidbits in depth in his book so I do recommend checking that out. The short version is that these two were created to be opposites and with a Betty and Veronica type dynamic in mind where they would both be love interest to the protagonist, Finn.
This didn’t quite end up being the case but remnants of this concept are seen in “Go With Me” (March, 2011), the episode with the first on-screen Bubbline interaction. As Marcy helps - and sabotages - Finn in asking Bonnie out, she also becomes a potential love interest for him but she shuts him down immediately. So while Finn’s crush on PB continues, the notion that Marceline would be part of a love triangle is dismissed. Instead, this first Bonnie and Marcy interaction established that the two already know each other and there’s some bitterness in that past.
“What Was Missing” and the Mathematical Controversy
A potential preexisting relationship between the two was further explored in “What Was Missing” (September 2011) just a season later. The episode was written and storyboarded by Rebecca Sugar and eventual showrunner Adam Muto. Sugar was responsible for much of the character depth added to Marceline and later even played, quite aptly, her mother in the Stakes miniseries. It was Sugar who wrote the now beyond iconic “I’m Just Your Problem” based on personal experiences and suggested that Marcy and Bonnie be queer characters with a complicated romantic past.
“What Was Missing” was hugely important in how it hinted at a complex relationship through character interactions, Marceline’s song, and the last scene twist with PB’s shirt. The AT crew were supportive of the idea and sneaked in plenty of queer subtext, but this is where I have to point out that 2011 was a very different time and it’s thanks, in part, to Bubbline that things have changed. Autostraddle’s article from back when covers what is now known as the Mathematical controversy. Audiences picked up on the subtext and Cartoon Network was not having it. The popularity of the ship soared but the execs were not taking to queer implications kindly.
Great Bubbline Drought
So, the ship has sailed but controversy looms over it. “What Was Missing” s subtle by today’s standards but it was enough to keep Marceline and Bubblegum apart for two years on-screen. Each character went through wonderful development in the meantime, as did the show itself, but there’s a certain sense of bitterness to what came to be known as the Great Bubbline Drought. CN got so afraid of the potential backlash that they waited two years to have a new episode featuring the pair, “Sky Witch” (July 2013), by which point Sugar had left AT to work on her own show, Steven Universe. I’m happy that Sugar got to create her own show and push for even more queer representation, but it’s also sad that she never got to write more for the ship she pioneered.
“Sky Witch” still happened, though, and featured even more subtext, from PB’s side this time around. The shirt returned and there was hope as Marcy and Bonnie were seen hanging out together more often (”Red Starved” and “Princess Day”). Another controversy threatened to emerge in August 2014 when Olivia Olson, Marceline’s voice actress said that creator Pendleton Ward had confirmed a pre-show Bubbline romance. It was a messy ordeal with deleted tweets and questions about whether the two could get together again in the series. Fortunately, though, things changed in the three years between 2011 to 2014 and another Bubbline drought didn’t follow.
The Season That Changed Everything
It took another two years after “Sky Witch” but the ball was finally, inevitably, relentlessly rolling. “Varmints” premiered in November 2015 and three episodes later, the Stakes miniseries kicked off. What season 7 meant wasn’t just breadcrumbs and (not so) subtle songs anymore: suddenly, there were too many Bubbline moments to count. “Varmints” served as a follow-up to “What Was Missing” and a final reconciliation, and though Stakes was primarily about Marcy, it also developed her relationship with Bonnie. Afterwards, it became clear that Bubbline was heading somewhere.
It’s worth noting that the cultural context also changed between when “Sky Witch” and “Varmints” aired. In December 2014, The Legend of Korra ended with Korra and Asami beginning their romantic relationship, and Rebecca Sugar was making Steven Universe more and more explicitly queer by the day. Adventure Time started the ball rolling but now it wasn’t alone as a popular Western cable cartoon with queer characters. However, Bubbline was still very much subtext at this point, just with significantly more hope of becoming more.
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Late Series Entanglement
But at what point does subtext become plain text? Bubbline fans sure did have fun with that question between Stakes and the finale. Bonnie and Marcy became near inseparable, with most of their major appearances involving one another from this point on. These included the meet the adoptive dad date “Broke His Crown” (March 2016), the Elements miniseries (April 2017) and the nigh on obnoxiously on the nose “Marcy & Hunson” (December 2017). In fact, all but two of Marceline’s major appearances from season 7 on included Bonnie - the exceptions being “Everything Stays” as part of Stakes, and “Ketchup”, which really wasn’t any less gay.
Bubbline moments really did become too many to count, with the vast majority of them having romantic implications. And with queer representation becoming more and more prominent in Western animation, canon Bubbline romance seemed like a question of when rather than if. I’d like to point out here how this was often frustrating, though. After the very rocky start, this relationship was thriving and was really basically confirmed, but that last little push to make it undeniably a part of queer history was still needed.
“Come on!” - The End and Beyond
The almost three years that passed between Stakes and “Come Along With Me” (September 2018) were much more tolerable than the Drought; after all, there was plenty of Bubbline content in the later seasons. The big question as the finale came was whether Adventure Time would fizzle out on its early pioneer of a wlw ship or follow through, once and for all. Almost four years after LoK ended and just before season 1 of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power dropped, Marcy and Bonnie had an emotional moment, kissed on screen, and ended the series together.
The intricacies of why a kiss was needed as a signifier of romance is a discussion for another day. But wouldn’t it have been strange after almost a decade of build-up for them not to seal the deal with a kiss? And to think it almost didn’t happen, as by that point it was so obvious they were together. Again, I direct your attention towards Paul Thomas’s book, he explains how it was storyboard artist Hanna K. Nyström’s call to add this final detail. Because, come on! Sometimes, you need to be as clear as possible, and that’s the case with queer representation in animation.
Since the finale, the comics have been continuing the Bubbline train - which are not technically canon but one can have fun regardless. In any case, the existence of Marcy and Bonnie’s relationship, of their queer identities, is not something that can reasonably be denied. It was a long road, and, make no mistake, an arduous one, but this is the story of a win. A win for storytelling and a win for wlw relationships.
We’ll Build Our Own Forever
So, there you have it, a Bubbline timeline of sorts. In March of 2011 we had the first on-screen interaction and now, in November of 2020, we’re getting a 45-minute-long special with the two of them as the central characters. They’re canonically in love, with King Princess covers of Bubbline songs and more. I tried to contain myself, for once, and not write too much. I think it’s important that people have a general idea of just how monumental all of this is and how, even just 9 years ago, “Obsidian” would have been totally inconceivable.
Some of this might have come as a surprise to you. It’s certainly not been easy to get to where we are now with Bubbline and it’s yet to be seen how open “Obsidian” will be about the relationship. I’ve been talking about Bubbline for years and attempted to chronicle their relationship many times so I’m happy I’ve finally done it from this perspective as well.
Adventure Time: Distant Lands “Obsidian” is streaming on Nov 19 on HBO Max. If you can, stream it so we can show that there’s popular demand for stories like that of an angry vampire and a despotic piece of gum.
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twittytelly · 4 years
An Unexpected Gain
Chapter Four - Once Upon a Time
Colin Shea X Female Reader
Series Masterlist
A/N: So this is the end of the main story, but not the end of the road. I am planning on writing a little epilogue, plus once I get it off my old laptop I'm going to edit my first first draft of chapter 3 and turn it into another side chapter. I just want to thank you all so much for your feedback on this story, it really means the world to me – I will definitely be writing more Colin stories alongside fic for some of Chris' other pre-Cap roles in the future. Also this chapter would probably not exist without @southerngracela​ read this to see why.
Warnings: Sexual references, swearing, bleeding in pregnancy, miscarriage scare.
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Mood board by@imanuglywombat​
Colin didn't sleep that night, paralysed by the guilt that had flooded his veins. He was desperate to find a way to make things better, to make things right. He knew that things could not go back to how they were before, but he didn't mind. Deep down he had always wanted the traditional rituals, pumpkin carving, Easter egg hunts and Christmas tree decorating; but he figured that being raised by his father, who's only method of father-son bonding was to bring him along to a stakeout coupled with his selfish nature meant that fatherhood was not for him.
The blinding sun that invaded through the crack in the curtains informed Colin that morning had arrived. Forcing himself out of bed, he had a new resolve. Colin figured that he may have blown his chance with you, but he could never forgive himself for fucking up his chance with his kid. Besides, you deserved far better than he could ever give you.
Things had gotten better between yourself and Colin in the weeks following the showdown in the hallway. While that night was not mentioned again, Colin had gone above and beyond to show that he wanted to be as involved in your pregnancy as possible. The day after the confrontation, you had arrived home from work to find a big bouquet of your favourite flowers alongside a hamper full of crackers, hard boiled sweets, and all the ginger flavoured snacks and drinks available with a note saying:
If none of this works or you get a weird craving, let me know. I'm at your beck and call. C xx
But that was just the start of it. Colin seemed to have obtained every baby book in Boston, and then set up a shared iCalendar so he could be there for every appointment. There was also the extensive research he'd done into midwives, antenatal classes and even hypnobirthing. Not a day went by without Colin sharing a link to a baby product, stating that he would have to buy most things for himself to keep at his place anyway – as much as that stung you were pleased that he was prepared to step up for the sake of the baby.
You were trying your best to overcome your feelings for Colin, but his actions had caused the opposite to happen. How could you not be in love with your handsome neighbour who rubbed your back as you vomited and looked at you as if you were most amazing person on the planet; who would always get you whatever you were craving after a gig, even if it meant going out of his way; who you could talk to about anything and everything, from absolute nonsense to your deepest fears about motherhood?
Colin was tearing his apartment apart looking for the right cable for his amp. Band practice may have only been taking place on the roof, but he didn't want to make his bandmates wait around. While he was rooting around his desk, he knocked his mouse, causing his computer monitor to come to life and your face lit up the screen. Colin remembered snapping that moment months ago, when you found him alone on the rooftop after one of your dates had gone wrong. You had weasled Colin into playing one of your favourite songs and began dancing in the moonlight. Colin recalled how he had to capture the look of pure unadulterated joy on your face as you swayed in the glow of the city. Colin could still hear you giggling as you raced down the stairs to his apartment and he realised then that he was done for. He didn't fuck you that night: for the first time in Colin's life, he had made love.
Colin was so lost in his thoughts that he almost didn't hear the frantic banging on the door. He looked away from his computer and sighed.
“Hang on I'll be up in a s-”
“Colin I'm bleeding!”
Colin would never remember how he had gotten you both to the hospital, but he could never forget the tension that filled the air as you sat in the waiting room in the maternity ward. Colin was trying his best to stay calm for your sake, but his insides were still twisting and turning. His heart shattered as he felt you tremble in his arms. He did his best to soothe you by delicately running his hand along your back, your face buried in his shoulder. If Colin had his way he would pull you onto his lap, however he knew that now more than ever he had to respect your boundaries. Colin noticed his shoulder moisten as your trembles turned into sobs, he tightened his arms around you and placed a chaste kiss to your temple.
“Hey, hey you're gonna be okay” He said desperate to comfort you. “Whatever happens, I'm here.” You hands tightened on his plaid shirt as you looked up into his eyes. In that moment, Colin swore that he would do anything to take away the fear that was in your eyes and used his thumb to wipe away the tears on your puffy cheeks.
“I'm just so scared Colin.” You said in a voice barely above a whisper. Colin leant down to place another kiss on your forehead.
“I know sweetheart, me too.” Colin confessed. Colin opened his mouth to say something else, but before the words could come out your name was called out. Once again your destiny was calling you, except this time you were hoping with every fibre of your being that pregnancy would be the result. Colin rose from his seat and turned to you holding out his hand.
“I promise that we're in this together.”
Once you had heard your baby's heartbeat, it was explained that it was likely a sub-chorionic bleed and you were still likely to have an healthy pregnancy. As the nurse explained that you needed to take it easy for a few days, you couldn't help but zone into Colin's demeanour. As your twelve week scan was still a couple of weeks away this was Colin's first scan. When you saw the look on his face as he heard his child's heartbeat for the first time, you knew that no matter how abnormal this whole situation was; you could not be happier that you were doing this with Colin.
You felt that you should have been excited or at least relieved, but you were numb and exhausted. As you climbed into the passenger seat of Colin's van, you barely registered him speaking to you; luckily he didn't press you for an answer and he began to drive. Instinctively you placed your hand on your belly, where your warm hand brushed against the strip of skin that was exposed after your top had ridden up slightly.
You were still preoccupied when Colin made an unannounced stop and so you didn't notice that he had gotten out of the van until he was getting back in. He passed you a warm paper bag that smelled of fries. As the engine came back to life you noticed the excitement was rolling off Colin in waves and for the first time in what felt like decades a small smile crept across your face.
Soon enough you were outside your apartment block, where Colin escorted you inside with one arm slung protectively around your shoulders. Once you were inside and settled on the sofa, Colin retreated to the kitchen, but within seconds was back and handing you a plate of your exact order from one of your favourite burger places. Without saying a word, you inhaled your meal like a lioness devouring her prey. You noticed Colin sit beside you as closely as possible and you both ate in silence.
You couldn't help but think of the parallels between now and that night a few weeks ago; especially as Colin was there for you in the exact same way. It was as if he intuitively knew what you needed. You knew that the pair of you were committed to having this baby as friends, but you couldn't help but feel that he was acting more like a boyfriend. You knew that once the stupor had worn off you had to bring it all up again.
When you both had finished eating, Colin took the empty plates into the kitchen. As he returned you noticed that the excitement had evolved into nerves as he tried to calculate his next move. He stood to the side of the sofa and fidgeted about, until you stood up and made your way to him. Taking your hand in his, you looked up into his beautiful blue eyes.
“I don't think I can sleep if I'm here on my own, please can you stay until I drop off?”
“Of course I will sweetheart,” Colin answered. “You know I'd do anything for you.”
Once again he let you lead him into your bedroom, but Colin looked away as you kicked off your trainers and socks. Not bothering with your pyjamas, you shimmed out of your jeans and bra. As he heard rustle of your quilt Colin lay on the bed beside you, staying above the duvet.
“Sorry for being such a misery guts, I know I should be more excit-”
“Don't be silly Y/N.” Said Colin sympathetically. “God knows you've been through the ringer tonight, of course you're exhausted.”
You nodded gratefully. “I know this may sound a bit silly, but could you just – I don't know – tell me a story or something – I need to take my mind of tonight for a bit.” Colin gave you a thoughtful look, before kissing you on the forehead again.
“I know just the tale.” He said jokingly as you made yourself comfortable and closed your eyes.
“Once upon a time, just down the corridor lived a jester. The jester was handsome, smart and sexy as hell.”
You did your best to suppress the snort that broke free, of course Colin would use the opportunity to talk about himself.
“The jester was a gifted musician, who would often use his talents to enchant a wench back to his chambers: where he would demonstrate his other mind-blowing capabilities.”
“Colin if you're gonna use this as an excuse to brag about your sexual escapades then I'd rather be alone.” You said in faux annoyance.
“Of course not and if you stop interrupting me, you'll see this is an epic love story.”
Sighing, you indicated to Colin that he was free to continue.
“One day the most fair and beautiful maiden moved in opposite the jester. The jester tried with all of his might, but the maiden was immune to the jester's charms; for she dreamed of being swept off her feet by a handsome prince and the jester believed that true love was not his fate.”
You opened your eyes and looked at Colin as he was staring at the wall. Was he talking about you? A past conquest? Some made up fantasy woman? As Colin turned to look at you, you quickly closed your eyes and hoped he didn't catch you staring.
“The maiden found many suitors, but they did not appreciate the maiden's beauty and kind nature. One fateful night, the jester saved the maiden from the clutches of a troll disguised as a prince. The maiden thanked the jester by letting him spend a magical night in her chambers.”
Your heart started to pound against your ribcage. Yes, he was talking about you, but why? What was Colin trying to achieve?
“The next day the jester promised to help the maiden find her true love and would satisfy her needs in the mean time. However, as the jester spent more time with the maiden, he began to enjoy her companionship and as the weeks turned to months the jester realised that he had fallen in love with the her.”
Your breath hitched in your throat and your heart skipped a beat. Colin was in love. With you... But when? How? Why the fuck didn't he say anything?! You noticed that Colin's breathing had changed and as his fingertips tentatively brushed your across your face to move a stray hair, you opened your eyes to see the azure of his eyes looking right back at you with the boldness to take down a dragon. Before you had the chance to say anything, Colin continued to speak.
“The jester knew that he was not good enough for the maiden and believed that once she had found her prince charming he would have to do whatever it took in order for her to be happy.”
“Colin I-”
“Sh!” Colin interrupted, pressing his index finger to your lips. The story isn't over yet sweetheart.” You decided not to argue to see where Colin was trying to go. As Colin removed his finger, he took a deep breath.
“One day the jester decided to visit the maiden to find that she was most upset. The jester did his best to comfort the maiden, but he found something that did not belong to him... something that... I assumed that it wasn't mine.”
You sat up, your heartbeat accelerating. “Colin wh-”
“The week before, you brought home that James guy home.”
“He missed the last train home and I offered him the couch, but he tried to get into bed with me so I kicked him out. Anyway Colin I was six weeks along when I found out.” You explained as you tried to figure out if you were angry or hurt. “You were the only person I was sleeping with for a while. Colin we could have been together weeks ago, why didn't you say anything?”
“Because I'm not the guy girls want to end up with, I'm just the slutty neighbour. All everyone wants from me is a second round in the morning.”
“Yeah and you proved that when-” you started feeling more agitated.
“If I could take that back then I would!” Colin almost snapped, hurt filling his eyes. Colin went to look away, but you reached out and put your hand on his cheek, forcing him to keep eye contact. “Y/N don't forget that you hid from your feelings for as long as I did. You deserve to be swept off your feet and to ride off into happily ever after with your prince charming, and that's not me.”
“Listen here, Jester.” you said as your thumb stroked Colin's cheek. “I don't want that bullshit. I want Once Upon a Time with you; the guy who never fails to make me laugh, who filled his cupboards with the exact brand of ginger tea that I like, who always comes to my rescue when I need him most.”
Colin's eyes widened like a child on Christmas morning as you leaned in closer and dropped your voice to a whisper.
“Also don't tell the little one, but the sex is pretty mind-blowin-”
Before you had a chance to finish, you felt Colin's soft lips on yours. Bedsheets were shoved to one side as arms wrapped around each of your bodies, pulling you both as close to each other as possible. You deepened the kiss, allowing Colin's tongue entrance, where you both tried to disclose the feelings that words could not define. Eventually, the kiss came to an end, and you both parted for air. Resting your head on his shoulder, you watched as Colin hesitantly placed his hand on your belly. There was no bump yet, but you couldn't help the goosebumps that appeared as Colin stroked your stomach. Colin looked up, with the biggest grin you could ever imagine, excited for what the future had in store.
“I love you Y/N.” Beaming back at him, you replied simply with the only four words needed.
“I love you too.”
Taglist: @whiskey-cokenfanfic @mrs-captain-evans @ransomsweatersandcappuccinos @southerngracela @katiew1973 @supersoldiersruined-me @kelbabyblue @amiquette @feelmyroarrrr @patzammit @daydreamerinadazedworld @denisemarieangelina @jeremyrennermakesmesmile​ @bellaireland1981
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eventidespirits · 3 years
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Nicknames: Laur, Laurie Aliases: Jonathan Legerdemain, Jean Nuit Apparent Age: “30″ True Age: 51 Gender: Cis Man Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Demiromantic Gray-Ace Birthday: January 6th Occupation: Occultist, Bookstore Owner Species: Vampire (Nightingale) Residence: The Vista Rosa neighborhood in Santa Marta, CA.
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Height: 5′10 Build: Average height, has a sort of stereotypical “scrawny nerd” sort of build with a soft layer of fat/soft belly and not a lot of muscular definition. He has long arms and legs in comparison to his torso which makes him look taller than he actually is. Face Shape: Somewhere between an oval and a diamond, his facial features are fine and delicate with a long straight nose. Eye Color/Shape: Vibrant, unnaturally bright ocean-blue with cat-like slitted pupils. Large but set deep within his face with heavy, tired looking lids and deep dark circles which gives him a sort of permanent “resting bitch face”.  Hair Color/Style: Slate Gray. Laurent’s hair is mostly straight with a slight wave to it (2A) and usually worn tied into a loose ponytail at the nape of his neck. he has long, messy bangs that usually hang in his face. Skin Color/Texture: Very pale and desaturated with a distinct yellow undertone. He has soft skin but has a lot of small scars and marks on his hands from various occult work he did while he was still a mortal. Distinguishing Features: First off, Laurent is prematurely gray. He also has a number of tattoos (a tattoo of a magical circle for protection on his back, another protection sigil on his chest over the heart, has a tattoo of an open eye on the back of his neck). He also wears glasses. Posture: Very “proper” posture -- stands straight up but there’s that slight hunch to his shoulders that comes from hours bent over books and papers. He moves very purposefully and a little bit stiffly with quiet footsteps.  Voice: Soft and understated, with the remnants of a Quebecois accent. Laurent rarely raises his voice and his speech is usually curt and clipped, possibly even seeming rude or sarcastic at times. Clothing Style: Lots of blacks and blues with some cream and charcoal. He tends to wear comfortable clothing that could pass for being formal in most situations -- black slacks, button-downs over v-necks, turtleneck sweaters and cardigans. A lot of his looks vaguely recall the 1980s when it comes to sweater choice.  Notable Mannerisms: Scrunches his nose when he’s thinking deeply about something  but otherwise seems to not have a lot of particularly unique or defining mannerisms (almost purposefully so)
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Physical: Lockpicking, breaking and entering Social: What Social Skills? Basic etiquette, subterfuge/lying, manipulation Talents: Calligraphy, Poetry, Prose, getting in over his head Knowledges: Greek, Latin, French, currently learning German, Masters in Psychology, Traditional Magic, Ritual Magic, Sigilcraft, Herbalism Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Gardening, Cooking Special: Basic Nightingale abilities, some natural magical talent (mostly lost after becoming a vampire), spirit sight, minor precognition 
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Strengths: Clever, quick witted, tenacious, detail-oriented, good concentration, inquisitive, intuitive, dedicated, loyal, strong sense of internal morals Weaknesses: overly curious, stubborn, too smart for his own good, overly self-reflective, can be cold and emotionally distant, closed off from his emotions, rude, irritable, afraid of intimacy, standoffish, shy, just generally bad at people. Goals: To gather all the knowledge there is to be had, especially where it concerns the occult; to learn proper spontaneous magic Fears: Loss of knowledge, loss of control, true death, what lurks beneath santa marta (but not enough to stop researching it) Ideals/Morals:  Laurent is willing to do almost anything to gain knowledge but there are a few things that disgust him and he finds morally abhorrent -- like hurting children or murder (notably -- he sees a difference between killing and murder but also tries to avoid killing people as a general rule unless it’s in self-defense) Guiding Philosphies: Knowledge is Power Sense of Humor: Very dry and sarcastic. He’s definitely the person to deliver a sarcastic quip with a totally straight face and it leaves people wondering if he even has  a sense of humor. Overall Personality: Laurent is kind of a prickly bastard. He’s introverted and introspective and has very little interest in being around or talking to people. He can pretend to be polite very well (and expects others to behave in a similar way). He prefers things to be well-structured and mostly predictable, he has trouble dealing with sudden intense changes. He seems very distant and cold to most people -- utterly focused on his work over anything else.
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Best Memory: Worst Memory: Biggest Accomplishment: Prized Possessions: Favorite Colors: Favorite Foods: Favorite Scents: Favorite Songs: Can't Leave Home Without:
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Birthplace: Suburbs of Montreal, Quebec Childhood: Growing up, Laurent’s parents were usually very busy, both having careers that demanded a lot of their attention. He and Louis were often left to sort of fend for themselves (classic latch-key kids). Being the more shy of the twins, Laurent often relied on Louis to make friends -- having few friends that he could consider his specifically. At around the age of 11, while playing at his neighbor’s house after school with Louis, their friend Alex and his younger sister Madeline, the four of them found a oujia board and did what any group of pre-teens would do: they turned out the lights and used it. Unfortunately for the twins, the house was old and the board itself connected to a rather angry spirit that would attach itself to Louis and scare the hell out of the other three children. This is what would start Laurent’s interest in the occult but it was what would happen the next summer that would cement it as an obsession... While playing in a local park, something that Laurent could neither identify or describe beyond “a writhing mass of eyes, grasping tendrils and eyes” would pluck Alex from the face of existence -- not only taking the 12 year old but erasing any sign that he had ever existed to begin with from the minds of everyone but Laurent. 
Adolescence: At thirteen, Laurent’s family moved to Santa Marta, California. Highschool was difficult for Laurent, who had started to go prematurely gray by the time he was 14 and was shy and bookish. He had to deal with a lot of bullying and it cemented his irritability. 
He did, however, thanks to the unique nature of Santa Marta (attracting the supernatural) manage to make friends with a Witch by the name of Martin. They’d also date for about a year in secret before both decided that it just wasn’t working. However, the pair of them were obsessed with the occult and the presence of the “Old Gods” which were present in constant whispers in Santa Marta. This is where Laurent got into most of the trouble he would as a teenager -- breaking into abandoned buildings looking for ghosts and signs of the supernatural as well as getting 100% illegal tattoos in dangerous settings (most notably, he had his protection sigil done by Martin in his basement along with the eye on the back of his neck).
Somehow, probably just due to luck, Laurent never actually got in legal trouble for any of the crazy shit he did as a teen but that luck wouldn’t last.
Adulthood: In his desperate search for occult knowledge, Laurent would end up crossing paths with a woman named Claudine -- a Nightingale who was also an accomplished occultist and a powerful witch in her own right. He would end up stealing several of her important research journals and end up becoming her “assistant” at the age of twenty-one (she normally would’ve killed him for it but was impressed by his dedication and natural skill). She would keep him on as an assistant, teaching him about the occult and preparing him for life in the Nightingale Court before finally turning him in 2000.
Recent: In 2010, Claudine would disappear suddenly -- leaving behind only a note about her own research into the “thing that lurks beneath the streets of this blighted metropolis” and pointing Laurent in a similar direction. During his training with Claudine, Laurent would run into mentions of the “Myriad Eyes” multiple times, especially when researching the occult history of Santa Marta... A phrase that he quickly came to associate with the thing that had taken his childhood friend.
Currently, he’s running a bookstore in Vista Rosa called “Eigengrau Books” and living in an apartment located above the store. 
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Family: Jean DeFantome (Father; deceased), Emily DeFantome (Mother), Louis DeFantome (twin brother; estranged) Lovers: Martin Schwartz (former), Camellia O’Friel (current) Friends: Isaac Nerezza (works at his bookstore), Claudine Legerdemain (Missing) Enemies: ??? Other: ???
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Income: Middle-class Residences: A two bedroom apartment above his bookstore. Vehicles: Black 2010 Ford Fiesta Van
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
based on ur post about the songs from the album and when they would have been written in ABM- ABM Daniel writing a song for Flora and she hears it for the first time?
By the time Daniel graduated with his bachelor’s degree in music production; he had an album of ten original songs under his belt. His first year was learning the basics but by the time the novel of ABM began, his classes started assigning projects in writing and producing their own songs. We all know that Daniel is incredibly creative and especially so when it comes to his music and this universe is no different, but he was also incredibly protective about his work. He showed Florence snippets of what he had been working on but never full songs because he didn’t want to admit that all his songs were about her.
His inspiration was directly stemmed from her; for every single one of his projects.
Even when Florence and Daniel started dating, he kept his previous songs locked away on his computer in near embarrassment with how lovesick and emotional they all were. They were pieces of his fragile soul from the past two or three years and he was simply a little nervous of opening that back up again.
By his final week of university, Daniel received a CD that was burned with all of his projects in order on it to hear his progression and his professor congratulated him on being one of the top students he had ever seen or taught. Daniel thanked him, went home, and hid the album in the very back of his sock drawer.
Here is the link to ABM Daniel’s University Album.
Thursday, June 16, 2022
It had been in there barely two months when Florence found it. She was doing laundry and putting the clean folded clothes in the drawers when her hand grazed something at the bottom of Daniel’s sock drawer. Curiosity got the better of her and she pushed the folded socks out of the way to reveal a CD case, the cover staring back up at her with one of Daniel’s first year headshots and the title in white across the black and white image; Firenze. ‘Florence’ in Italian.
She set the laundry basket on the floor and picked up the CD from the bottom of the drawer. She flipped it over and skimmed the track list printed on the back. Ten short titled tracks in a row down the middle. Florence figured she shouldn’t go snooping through her fiancé’s things but it wasn’t a gift since her birthday already passed and they never gave each other Christmas gifts so she carried it back out to the bedroom.
Daniel was watching the girls in the living room while Florence was doing laundry so she had a moment of privacy to close the bedroom door and bring out her laptop. She slid the CD into the disk drive and put in her earbuds to listen to the mysterious album that had been hidden from her for nearly four years. The front cover slid out like a real professional album and she flipped it open as the songs loaded into iTunes.
The first song was titled Just to See You Smile. Written and Produced by Daniel Seavey, 1st year Music Production student, March 2019.
Florence smiled at the gentle piano that led the introduction to the song and then Daniel’s youthful voice that came in next. She couldn’t believe he never showed her this song; probably too nervous since it was his first, but it was sweet and it made her smile.
The second song was titled Hard. Written and Produced by Daniel Seavey, 2nd year Music Production student, Summer 2019.
She followed along to the lyrics in the small cover booklet, her smile faltering a moment at the lyrics come the pre-chorus. It was obvious as to what it was about, especially being written in Summer of 2019 when Matt was still around and it was often that Florence truly ran crying to Daniel when he hurt her.
The third song was titled Falling. Written and Produced by Daniel Seavey, 2nd year Music Production student, September 2019.
Florence’s expression was flat, the words of the song resonating deep in her mind and the emotion behind Daniel’s voice nearly sent chills down her spine as she read along with the lyrics.
That one was followed by Perfect from November 2019, Made For from January 2020, For You from February 2020, What Am I from Summer 2020, all of which just added another weight to Florence’s heart. The angsty heartbroken songs that she was smart enough to know just who they were about, each lyric speaking right to her soul from a part of Daniel’s she hardly knew existed.
She tried not to feel heartbroken herself over the deep lyrics and soft melodies as a vision into Daniel’s own mind through their friendship. She had hurt him so much and never knew. She now sat on their shared bed in their new apartment and fought back her own tears over these songs that he tried to hide from her.
Daniel had finished making lunch for the girls and set them at their small white wooden table to eat, waiting impatiently for Florence to finish putting away the laundry so they could eat together. The minutes passed as he cleaned up the kitchen but there was no sign of her.
“Stay right here, okay?” Daniel said to his two daughters before heading down the hallway to find his fiancé. Their bedroom door was closed which was strange and he opened it and headed inside, only to find Florence sitting on their bed with her laptop open and her headphones on and tears in her eyes.
Daniel was startled by her seemingly sudden emotion but then his gaze landed on the open CD cover and the booklet in her hands and his heart literally stopped.
“Flora.” he breathed as she looked up at him.
She paused What Am I within the last minute and pulled out her earbuds with a shaky inhale, “Why didn’t you show me this?”
“I…” Daniel walked slowly over to her and glanced at her laptop to see what track she was on. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, “I didn’t…I…I didn’t want you to be upset. There’s some…heavy and personal shit in these songs.”
“Yeah.” Florence laughed humourlessly, looking back to the simple black booklet in her hands.
“Are you mad at me?” Daniel asked softly.
“Mad at you? You should be mad at me for listening to something you didn’t want me to listen to.” Florence sighed, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand before her tears could fall.
“They’re all for you anyway.” Daniel shrugged. “Plus it had your name on the cover.”
“You really meant all of this?” Florence asked, holding up the lyric booklet haphazardly.
“Every single word.” Daniel nodded and shuffled to sit beside her on the bed. “I wasn’t kidding when I said I’ve been in love with you from the first moment we met.”
“I didn’t know…that I hurt you this bad all the time.”
“Not all the time.” Daniel tisked. “The hard stuff just makes for the best songs.”
Florence chuckled lightly and Daniel smiled softly and pressed a sweet kiss to her cheek before leaning his head against hers.
“I wrote What Am I the week before Penelope was born.” Daniel said quietly, staring at the song paused on the laptop screen. “And you were the only thing on my mind the whole time…you and our baby that I didn’t know was ours yet.”
“I heard you singing it to her once.”
“Yeah.” Daniel cracked a small smile at the memory.
They sat in silence together, in their own minds and memories, staring at the paused CD.
“Are you gonna listen to the last three?” Daniel asked.
“Are they gonna make me cry?” Florence mumbled.
“No. Next one was the first song I wrote after we started dating.” he flipped the booklet to Taking You, “And then one from when I knew I wanted to marry you,” he flipped to Big Plans, “And finally, my thesis project. Spent all this last year working on it from recordings to lyrics to instrumentals to production and everything in between.” he flipped to the last page to Love Song finished just that last April. “Got a shining 100%.”
Florence smiled at him and stuck her earbud back in but Daniel got up from the bed again. “Are you not going to listen with me?” she frowned.
“Gotta watch our babies so they don’t destroy the house. Come find me after, okay?”
“Okay.” Florence smiled lightly and welcomed his lingering kiss to her lips. She watched him leave before turning back to her laptop and pressed ‘play’.
The upbeat guitar of Taking You instantly made her smile and the sweet lyrics had it sticking; thinking back to the first few weeks of their romantic relationship and how fresh and new everything was. And Big Plans definitely made her cry – especially because it was made in April and he said it was when he knew he wanted to marry her, so far in advance to when he actually proposed. And Love Song. Her favourite on the whole track list, an upbeat and catch incredible song that sounded like it could be professionally made by a famous band. But it was just her Daniel and his deepest, sweetest, honest feelings for her and it only made her more excited to spend the rest of their lives together.
When the album concluded, she took it out of her laptop and put the CD safely away in its case and on Daniel’s desk across the room before heading back down the hallway. She lingered in the doorway a moment to watch Daniel set two plastic cups of apple juice down for the girls and they thanked him sweetly. He stood back up and caught glimpse of Florence in the hallway and they shared small smiles. She headed over to him and he swallowed her up into a warm embrace and peppered a few kisses to her cheek and down her neck.
“I love you so much.” Florence whispered.
“I love you more.” Daniel smiled against her neck.
“Our whole love story on one CD, huh?” she said.
Daniel pulled back from her to look at her face and their noses brushed lightly. He kissed hers before resting their foreheads together, “It is.”
“I’m proud of you. It was all truly beautiful. Can’t believe you didn’t share all that with me before.”
“I’ve shown you bits and pieces.” Daniel shrugged, his eyes falling closed as they stood together in their kitchen, arms wrapped around each other and just breathing together. “But I was too shy.”
“I know.” Florence giggled, giving his hips a small squeeze. She pulled back to look him in the eye. “But now I expect to hear all your beautiful art.”
“Okay.” Daniel leaned in to kiss her lips and they smiled into it before he pulled back just long enough to whisper, “I’ll put it in my vows.”
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walkerismychoice · 4 years
Unwritten - Chapter 2
Book: Platinum
Pairing: M!Raleigh X MC
Rating: This series will contain mature themes. Any necessary warnings will be listed before each chapter, but the overall series rating is 18+
Series Summary: Newly discovered talent Aria Campbell get unknowingly assigned to help write Raleigh Carerra’s latest album and rehabilitate his image in the process.
Summary:  Aria and Raleigh start settling into the beach house. Things could be going better.
Word Count: 1868
Master List
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Kidz Bop?! Aria can't decide if she's more mortified or pissed off at Raleigh's response to the prospect of writing his album with her. At 22, she can't be more than 5 years younger than him, maybe less, but she hasn't kept up with his personal details other than catching an occasional tabloid headline. And sure, she might be from a small Midwestern town, but between her outfit, an off the shoulder royal blue top and distressed black jeans, and her long, wavy black hair, she thinks she comes off as cool but not trying too hard. But what if the fact that she thinks that means she's not cool at all? Whatever. Maybe she should just slap a big snake tattoo on her neck and then Raleigh would respect her. Does he think all those dumb tattoos make him edgy? His tattoos are kind of hot though....No, scrub that thought. Raleigh Carerra is proving to be nothing more than the arrogant bad boy the media makes him out to be.
"Okay then..." Aria mutters under her breath, more of a question than a statement.
Fiona glares towards the Escalade. "Just hold on." She charges forward and tries to open Raleigh's door, but of course it's locked. "Hank!" she calls out but he's already anticipating what she wants, unlocking the doors before she asks, and she flings the door open. "Raleigh, get out of the car."
Raleigh scoffs, "I'd rather quit making music than write this sell-out album just to make the label more money. I don't need any of this."
"Have you forgotten that Ellis and the legal team at Overknight Records helped keep you out of jail? It's not too late for charges to be filed. This was the deal. You make this last record, redeem your image, and then you can do whatever the hell you want. Until then, you are going to apologize to this very talented young woman, and then get your ass in that house and start writing with her. Unless you want a felony on your record. You wouldn't look so bad in orange I suppose..."
"Oh, fuck off, Fiona," Raleigh grumbles as he gets back out of the car.
"I'd be glad to, but if you remember our contract, I don't get my bonus until you finish this album. The sooner you finish, the sooner you can be rid of me nagging you all the time. So like I said, get a move on. Oh! Before I forget..." Fiona reaches in her pocket and hands Aria a key and and an archaic looking cell phone and then does the same for Raleigh.
"The fuck is this? I didn't know they still made these." Raleigh pries open the basic flip phone, navigating the limited features. He attempts to key in a number before frustration sets in and he seems about ready to chuck the phone into the ocean. "This piece of shit doesn't text or dial out."
Fiona smiles smugly as the scene unfolds. "Oh it works perfectly fine...but only for approved, pre-programmed numbers."
Curious as to who's in her list, Aria powers up her phone and checks the contacts. Her mom, dad, and sister, as expected, along with some professional contacts including Hank and Fiona. She's pleasantly surprised they included Shane as well. Aria had put him as one of her emergency contacts, so they must trust her judgement as far as he's concerned. Her nerves start to settle ever so slightly with this lifeline.
Looking at his list, Raleigh scoffs and snaps the phone shut. "Is this a joke?" His hardened features are a bit disconcerting, piquing Aria's curiosity.
"I can assure you each of your lists was carefully selected to facilitate your creative process. Now, I'll leave you both to it." Fiona turns and heads in the opposite direction of the beach house.
"Where are you going?" Aria asks, concern creeping into her voice. Normally she doesn't need someone to hold her hand, but these aren't normal circumstances, and she's not quite ready for Fiona to leave her alone. She kind of feels like a kindergartner being dropped off for her first day of school to be honest.
"To the guest house. Where Frank and I are staying," Fiona replies.
"I knew there was something going on between you two." Raleigh chimes in with a devilish grin.
Hank coughs. "That would be unprofessional."
"There are two bedrooms," Fiona adds, rolling her eyes.
Now Aria's panicking a little inside. Or maybe a lot. She's expected to stay alone with this very intimidating celebrity who very well may hate her already?
"Wouldn't it make more sense for us all to stay together? The main house is more than big enough," she suggests .
Fiona lets out a terse laugh. "No. Absolutely not. It's enough that Hank and I have to stay and babysit to ensure this project gets done. We can't be bothered by singing and music playing at all hours. Think of it as a gift that you won't have to consider our sleeping habits while you work."
"I don't care who stays where, but I just need to know where my bed is at. It's 11am, and I should still be sleeping for at least a few more hours yet." Raleigh tilts his head towards the back of the truck, directing Hank. "You can bring my bags to my room." He takes off, the scent of alcohol hanging in the air as he passes.
Must be nice to order people around like that, Aria thinks as she reaches for the bags in the trunk. She's not too good to carry her own luggage.
"Ms. Campbell," Hank places a hand on her arm to stop her. "That's not necessary. Why don't you go inside and start settling in while I bring in your things."
Well, he is offering. It would be rude to turn him down, wouldn't it? Aria follows Raleigh into the house, and not wanting to ruffle any feathers more than she has merely just for existing in his space, she stands back and allows him to select his room first.
While she waits, Aria takes a look around. Although the exterior style of the home hints at its age, the inner design is exactly as modern and kept up as Aria would expect at a place where celebrities stay, with lots of white, shades of blue and blue-green accents, and nautical themed decor scattered about.
In the great room stands a gorgeous white baby grand piano that probably, no definitely, costs more than everything Aria owns combined. Aria steps over, gently striking a key, and for the first time since she signed the contract, begins to allow herself to get excited about making music here.
"Ms. Campbell?" Hank breaks Aria's chain of thought. "Where would you like me to put your things?"
"Oh...I need to pick out my room." She jogs up the stairs ans Hank follows. There are 6 rooms total, three on either side of the corridor. The first two are a bit smaller with bunk beds, so Aria counts them out, but the next two have promise.
As she approaches the last pair, one door is slightly, ajar and she notices Raleigh passed out face down and snoring on the bed already. Of course he would choose the master bedroom for himself, but as Aria looks at the remaining bedroom, she doesn't really mind. Although she considers taking one of the bunk bed rooms just to be as far from him as possible, she cant resist the spacious yet cozy space with a king-size bed and seaside view.
"I'll take this one." Aria directs Frank and he gently places her suitcases on the floor before excusing himself.
Aria kicks of her sandals and plops on the bed, staring up at the textured ceiling. Now that she's alone, she has no idea what to do with herself. Obviously getting straight to work with Raleigh is out of the question but that doesn't mean she cant try to get started. Pulling out her song journal, she stares at a blank page and laughs because if she doesn't laugh, she might cry. To say she's overwhelmed would he an understatement, and if she hadn't signed a contract, she might be calling her mom to come pick her up, proving to be a failure once again. At least their's a binding piece of paper to keep her from quitting this time. Maybe a walk on the beach is what she needs to pull herself together.
It's a typical June day, warm and sunny but not scorchingly hot, and a light breeze brings gentle waves rolling ashore, not quite reaching the hem of her rolled up jeans as Aria dips her toes in. She closes her eyes, taking in the smell of the salty sea air. The only sounds to be heard on the deserted stretch of private beach are the water crashing against the sand and some seagulls chattering in the distance. If not quite inspiration yet, the ocean is at least bringing a sense of calm, an escape she'll have when she needs it.
Aria wades around, walks up and down the oceanfront a few times before deciding she should probably go face reality. That or at least go get some food since her stomach is grumbling, and it's likely well past lunch time. She meanders to the kitchen and opens up the refrigerator, delighted to see its been fully stocked, and settles on some sandwich fixings.
"Ahh!" She let's out a startled yelp as she whirls around to place her items on the kitchen island only to be stopped short as she crashes into a tall figure.
"Easy there, Chiquita," Raleigh grasps Aria's arms to steady her. "You might want to watch where you're going."
Momentarily mesmerized by his firm grip and the sparkle in his eyes, Aria shakes free and comes to her senses. She's too annoyed at the moment to be intimidated by his star status or won over by his charms. "You could clearly see me here and anticipate where I'd be headed. And my name is Aria." She plunks the food down on the counter with a thud for emphasis.
"But you're so small." Raleigh pats her on the head.
There's a time and a place for cutesy nicknames, but this is so not it. "Again, my name is Aria, and as your colleague, I ask you to refer to me by my given name." She should stop there but she can't help herself. "And for your information, I'm average height."
Raleigh shrugs. "Well you're still shorter than me...Anyway, what's for breakfast? I'm famished."
Aria rolls her eyes with a huff, already mid preparation. "I'm making myself a sandwich for lunch. What you decide to make yourself isn't really my concern."
Raleigh chuckles. "You're feistier than I thought. I like it."
Her cheeks are burning and she lies to herself that it's all out of anger. Without another word she finishes up and scurries upstairs to eat and stew in her room in peace. Raleigh Carrera won't get the best of her today. At least not that she'll let him see.
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ducktracy · 4 years
174. get rich quick porky (1937)
release date: august 28th, 1937
series: looney tunes
director: bob clampett
starring: mel blanc (porky), cal howard (gabby), earle hodgins (honest john)
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another cartoon that entails a lengthy preface! 
while this is bob clampett’s second piece as a director, it’s the first cartoon where he has full control of the helm. his previous entry, porky’s badtime story, was started by ub iwerks, who as preceded the unit. but, technically, clampett was co-directing with chuck jones.
here’s where the famous Clampett-Jones rivalry settles in. bob clampett and chuck jones did not get along. even friz freleng mentioned that they had been fighting like kids since they WERE kids, which is very true. clampett and jones would have both been 24 at the time of the cartoon’s release, jones turning 25 in september. chuck jones thought that he was co-directing the shorts with clampett, doing character layouts (which WAS a very hefty job and considered a director’s job) while clampett did the writing and timing of the shorts. however, the credits only credit clampett and not jones, so jones assumed that clampett had deliberately gotten rid of jones’ credit (to which clampett didn’t have any control over). jones would therefore hold this grudge against clampett all the way to the grave--they were bitter rivals, and chuck especially was very outspoken about his disdain and contempt towards clampett. it’s unfortunate how such a big misunderstanding can be inflated into such a bitter rivalry, and even more unfortunate to see two great talents go against each other, but that explains that. we’re here to analyze their great cartoons, not gossip about them! (...well, not ALL the time, anyway.)
a second extra little treat is that this cartoon has an animator’s draft, courtesy of devon baxter, so that we can see who animated every single scene! devon also has a breakdown video posted so you can see the credits in conjunction with the assigned animation. thanks a bunch, devon!
gabby goat sings his swan song in this fun, light-hearted clampett entry tentatively titled the oily bird gets porky: porky and gabby are easily swindled by honest john, a snake oil (emphasis on the oil portion!) salesman who scams the boys into thinking they’ve struck it rich digging for oil.
“when my dreamboat comes home” fittingly scores the title card as the cartoon opens. in some clever signage play, the camera trucks back to reveal the title card posted on a sign--the screen fades out, fading back in to reveal a new sign (now scored with the appropriate “with plenty of money and you”) advertising “oh! ~~~ just oodles of oil!”, with the oil typography actually dripping, courtesy of norm mccabe.
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john carey provides the animation of the facetiously named honest john, the antagonistic oil huckster of the film. a fun bit of clampett continuity: from 1959-1962, clampett would make a cartoon adaptation of his hit puppet series time for beany. one of the characters, the show’s antagonist, was actually named dishonest john! honest john chuffs on a cigarette (his wealth and snootiness indicated by the cigarette holder he sports) as a truck driver asks where to deposit his “erl”. john, voiced by earle hodgins, redirects the trucker to park around the fence. it is then that john attaches a hose from the oil tank attached to the truck to a sprinkler system, and presto! sweet, bubbling “erl” spouts up from hidden sprinklers within a patch of land. carey’s animation is very smooth and dimensional, a telltale trait of his work.
satisfied, john now opts to search for his next pair of suckers (”ahem. i should say prospects. someone with a little money to invest in...”) lo and behold, his pair of suckers are right across the street, marching up to the bank. 
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said suckers, are, of course, porky and gabby, now cast as children. for porky especially, his age was inconsistent in the ‘30′s and early ‘40′s cartoons--sometimes he was a child, sometimes he was an adult. more often than not, he was a young adult, and would obviously remain that way through the vast majority of his filmography, but there are a few exceptions, such as here. after all, he did debut as a school child. bobe cannon animates the closeup of the duo at the bank, porky toting a bag of money. gabby, voiced here by storyman cal howard as opposed to mel blanc, urges porky not to store away his money (”let’s buy us a car, or a yacht, or a trip to europe, or a chocolate soda or somethin’!), but porky refuses. “uh-uh, i’m eh-geh-geh-geh-gonna sock my eh-meh-mo-mo--dough in here and get eh-teh-teh-two percent!” bobe’s animation of porky is easy to spot in the clampett toons, especially around 1938-1939, where he would typically draw porky with buck teeth.
suddenly, honest john swoops in himself to stop the boys from going any further. he introduces himself as john gusher, doing some gushing of his own as he describes how fortune is going to smile down upon them. jerry hathcock’s timing is excellent as he shows the kid his card, zipping it out of his pocket and back in again at the blink of an eye. without giving the boys any time to think for themselves, john pushes the kids to the oil site, ranting and raving about the wondrous business opportunity before them. to demonstrate, john jabs his cane into the soil, where a mini oil gusher spurts up on command--”presto!”
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more succinct comedic timing as john, finally winding down his spiel, concludes “i won’t take any more of your valuable time. a little parting word, let me say...” after a pause, he jumps right back in with a breathless delivery of “this land is so saturated with oil that you can literally wring it out with your fingers!” he does, of course, just that, much to the delight of the kids. 
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john carey takes over and does a rather impressive little scene of porky and gabby contemplating signing the deed. gabby urges porky on, telling him that they won’t get another chance like this (prompting a rather humorous delivery of “uh... ‘til death do us part” from earle hodgins as john.) carey’s animation is extremely smooth, brimming with subtle character action. porky and gabby’s differences shine, but also unite: gabby is much more outspoken about his eagerness to sign the deed, nudging porky and literally pushing him to sign the deed. porky, on the other hand, is more cautious and timid, having to mull it over by thinking and tapping his chin with the pen. but, of course, porky shares gabby’s excitement--it doesn’t take much for him to change his mind. he signs the deed, gabby excitedly looming over his shoulder. even the animation of john tapping and signaling towards the deed is well crafted. john carey’s animation is very appealing--once chuck jones would leave the clampett unit, carey would take over as his layout man, all the way until 1941 when he moved to norm mccabe’s unit. 
the boys are now excused, free to dig for oil. the shift from minor to major key in the underscore of “with plenty of money and you” reflects their excitement as they rush to get the equipment. bobe cannon animates gabby drilling into the soil--he strikes something, and sure enough, he hauls up an entire canister of oil. he’s delighted, rather than outraged or confused at being scammed, gleefully remarking “porky, look! oil!”
thus sparks the B plot of the cartoon. this isn’t as segmented as other clampett cartoons with A and B plots as, say, porky’s party, but it’s a start--clampett would sort of introduce the concept of having A and B plots in his cartoons, which wasn’t quite something that existed before in pre-existing warner bros. cartoons (off the top of my head, anyway.) a stray dog stumbles upon the oil site, curiously approaching the dirt pile left by porky as he digs for sweet, sweet “erl”. much to the dog’s delight, porky digs up a bone, which the dog takes away and buries for himself. the scene (animated by bill hammer) definitely takes inspiration after the rising popularity in pluto cartoons over at disney, demonstrating that WB wasn’t entirely free from the disney stranglehold just yet.
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 as the dog digs, the bone is suddenly propelled into the air by a mini-gusher. dog carefully covers the gusher by lowering the bone down, but gets smacked in the face in the process as the gusher propels upwards once more. bill hammer was an animator over at the iwerks unit, and a bit of that iwerks flavor is still present in the dizzy lines hammer animates after the dog gets struck in the head with the bone. resigned, the pooch covers the hole back up, only to get squirted in the eye by another gusher. and, to top it all off, we have more Naughty Clampett Humor as the gusher from before brushes against the dog’s nether regions, prompting him to giggle delightedly. this isn’t the first nor last gag of its kind in a warner bros cartoon--especially a clampett cartoon! frantically, the dog attempts to plug up all of the rapidly appearing gushers beneath him, a double-exposure technique used to convey the urgency of his plight. gushers prevail as the pup is launched into the air, propelled by a stream of oil beneath each paw. in all, the scene drags along and definitely plays into that “curious puppy” humor filled with polite chuckles, but some of hammer’s poses and facial expressions make for a treat.
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back to the boys in the next sequence, handled by bobe cannon. gabby, perched on a jackhammer, asks porky how to operate it, but he immediately begins drilling uncontrollably before he can finish his sentence. cal howard’s vocals as gabby are amusing, especially his ad-libbed cries for help--his gabby is less scratchy and high pitched than mel’s gabby, and instead deeper voiced and more goat-like in inflection, sounding like he’s bleating at certain points. porky rushes to speak into the hole that gabby dug himself into, anxiously asking “uh-guh-eh-guh-eh-gabby! uh-weh-eh-where are ya?” gabby answers his query by digging out of an adjacent hole, breaking cartoon physics by drilling and floating upside down in the air. he manages to land safely, the drill stopping just enough for him to chew porky out for not helping him. and, of course, the drill starts up again, sending gabby within the earth’s soil once more. porky asks if he’s alright, prompting a bleat-y “what do you think!?” from an offscreen gabby. it should be noted that the underscore here is, of course, “the merry go round broke down”, a rather fitting and amusing choice. interestingly enough, clampett’s next entry, roval’s rival, would be the first cartoon to debut that song as the looney tunes theme song, which would be used all the way up until the last short in 1969.
chuck jones hones in on one of his three specialties: dogs (the others being drunks and close-ups--sometimes all three at once!) he animates the malcontent pooch fiddling with his bone. a bump in the ground, and a gopher pops up, doing a little twirl in the process, bugs bunny style, like a magic trick. clampett always fostered a love of magic tricks, and this fascination pokes through in this scene. the gopher signals for the dog’s attention before ducking inside the hole, much to the dog’s delight--a hole to bury his bone into! as he tosses the bone inside, he’s treated with a rude awakening as the bone is hurled right back up out of the hole. jones’ timing varies wonderfully--the dog is slow to put his bone back in the hole, but once he does he jumps to cover it up quickly, resulting in some intriguing psuedo-smears. after all, it would be his own cartoon, the dover boys at pimento university, that really brought the magic of smears to life. the animation of the dog twitching his eye on one’s is another great touch.
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the gopher returns to bonk the dog on the head with the bone, which segues into a series of magic tricks (scored fittingly with “she was an acrobat’s daughter”.) the gopher shrinks the bone into his hand, reducing it to nothingness, much to the befuddlement of the pooch. tried and true, the gopher brings the bone out from behind the dog’s ear, pointing at it excitedly as the pup can only stare in bewilderment. gopher buries the bone, signaling for the dog to dig it back up. delighted, fido digs for his beloved bone, and is greeted with a spurt of oil right in the face. to top it off, the gopher brings the bone out from the recesses of the dog’s mouth, ending the show by retreating back in his hole. heartbroken, the pup begins to cry mournfully, pounding his fists against the ground and kicking his legs. in all, the scene is a very nice one. not very snappy, but chuck’s timing is full of momentum and personality, and his drawings are very appearing. there are some angles of the dog’s head that just SCREAM chuck jones--they look like something straight out of one of his cartoons. some aspects of these magic tricks, such as the gopher shrinking the bone to nothingness, would be used in chuck’s own cartoon, prest-o change-o, a mere two years later in 1939. the gopher itself IS very bugs bunny-esque in execution.
transition back to our piggy protagonist, hacking away at the ground with a pick-axe. he hits a sweet spot, excitedly reaching for his bucket as oil spurts out of the ground. just as he’s able to collect a few drops, we cut to our favorite huckster john, who snickers as he turns the hose valve off, thus eliminating the geyser. porky digs again, this time striking one of the sprinkler systems connected to the hose. we get a closeup, where porky is squirted straight in the eye by the hose.
honest john himself opts to scope things out. “what’s the matter, sonny boy? you aren’t discouraged, are you?” porky displays his childlike innocence (a property that would carry on to his adult years as well, but is especially strong here since he is a kid in this picture) as he wipes away his tears. “you’re je-je-je-just a crook, and i want my muh-me-muh-me-muh-me-money back!” john, ever the haggler, proposes that porky return the deed in return for a $1 bill. 
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norm mccabe takes over from john hathcock, whose animation is muddied by noticeably poor inking. pan to the ground, where we see a black slick hiding under the soil, the words “OIL!” bubbling up to make its appearance obvious, with gabby drilling dangerously close to it. pan back up to more norm mccabe animation, a switch--clampett LOVED to switch his animators around. so much so that identifying his later cartoons can be infuriatingly difficult because he would switch his animators in the middle of a scene out of seemingly nowhere. he wasn’t the only director to do this, but he certainly did it often. nevertheless, we pan back to porky and john. porky trepidatiously prepares to hand john the deed, who greets it with outstretched hands. just as gloves prepare to make contact with paper, gabby strikes the “SAME OIL!”, the typography playfully melting into a true oil geyser as goat, weasel, and pig are all catapulted into the air by a real, genuine gusher, scored by (what else?) “we’re in the money”. the layout of the oil geyser raining down upon the camera is at a nice up-angle, very tashlin-esque and intricate, if only for a second or two.
gabby still drills aimlessly around on the geyser as porky, holding onto the deed with john, remarks “a guh-gusher! i’m r-ri--i’m w-we-weal--i’m a buh-be-buh-be-buh-billionaire!” suddenly, porky realizes he’s still holding onto the deed with john, and thus sparking a tug of war between the two as he stutters threats (”i’ll tell my be-be-big brother on you!”) to the huckster. 
thankfully, gabby, who has been drilling aimlessly for the past few minutes, saves the day by accidentally drilling into the back of john’s pants. earle hodgins’ screams are hilarious (and sound almost genuine), as is bill hammer’s animation of the weasel being held hostage by the drill running around in the back of his pants. the deed is now in porky’s clutches, who grabs gabby and pulls the both of them to the ground. hammer’s drawings of porky especially in this last shot of them preparing to fall down are very, VERY appealing and cute.
both kids on the ground, porky holds up the white, elongated object in his hand, gleefully declaring he got the deed... or so he thinks. jerry hathcock does porky’s closeup as he realizes the precious deed he holds in his hand is, in fact, a bone.
dejected, the kids are left to mope, until a little bump in the ground comes to solve all of their problems. chuck jones animates the final scene of the Magic Gopher coming in to save the day: porky hands him the bone, and, much to his head-shaking surprise, is met with the deed right in the gopher’s hands after just a flick of the wrists. porky reaches out for the deed, prompting the gopher to shake his finger--always a catch. 
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“partners? 50-50, even steven?” porky nods. with the deal made, the gopher helpfully rips the deed in half, giving porky the bottom half. iris out on the gopher winking, holding up the top half of the deed (emblazoned as such) in victory.
while this isn’t the most rousing clampett entry of them all, it’s certainly one that i revisit quite often and am rather fond of. it has plenty of fun and intriguing animation--john carey’s scene of the boys signing the deed is just fantastic. his animation is very grounded and smooth. while the psuedo-pluto scenes aren’t the most exciting pieces of work around, the chuck jones sequence with the gopher and dog are especially impressive, highlighting just how strong jones’ draftmanship was. clampett’s cartoons became much more wild and loose after jones left the unit (just look at porky in wackyland), and chuck certainly seemed to ground clampett, but at the same time, the lack of jones’ draftsmanship was rather apparent upon his exit. he’s a very strong force, and that sequence with the dog is no exception. earle hodgins does a great job as honest john, as well as voicing salesmen in general--he was also the salesman in tex avery’s porky the rainmaker a year earlier. i love mel blanc to death and have nothing but praises to shower him in, but it is always fun to have other people like earle hodgins to come up and voice characters alongside him. cal howard does a fine job as gabby, too.
speaking of gabby, as i mentioned earlier, this is his final cartoon. i have this odd fascination with gabby. these clampett cartoons i’m going to be reviewing are some of the first LT cartoons i watched as an adult, and therefore have a fonder place in my heart than others. so, watching the iwerks cartoons that clampett was heavily involved in, gabby was introduced to me VERY early on and i’ve been fascinated with him since. out of his three entries, he became more and more watered down: his fury and anger is practically nonexistent here in comparison to how bitter he was in porky and gabby. while i find him interesting, i don’t shed too many tears over his absence--daffy will always be porky’s best sidekick, and i’m not saying that because i’m biased! nevertheless, gabby is an interesting enigma, serving as WB’s failed attempt at a donald duck for porky’s mickey (who is much richer in personality than mickey himself, as we’ll explore, much to my unbridled excitement!) gabby WAS slated to return in porky’s party, alongside petunia, but was instead scrapped for a penguin character instead. thus, gabby would take a near 80 year absence, being revived in 2018 in wabbit/new looney tunes, voiced by bob bergen. 
so, overall, i recommend this cartoon! i view it more fondly than it probably needs to be viewed, but it’s a fun, early entry that makes for a good, leisurely watch. 
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smileytiger28 · 3 years
memory loss ficlist
sup i have loved memory loss stories since i was a wee child and now that ao3 exists i can just read them all day instead of doing work anyway here’s some of my favorites (list definitely subject to change)
no place to go (4685 words) by peterspajamas
It's Tuesday. Again.
Sam watches his world fall apart, into a pattern that only Castiel can break. But Castiel doesn't remember.
Sam prays for help after his brother is stuck in a time loop after Jack becomes God. There are two important things about the angel that arrives to help them: 1. It's Castiel 2. He doesn't remember a thing
my thots
mostly a tuesday time-loop type fic (sam!), but there is definitely some memory loss going on (cas!)
Gone (51108 words) by reading (reposted from ff.net)
Dean thinks Sam is dead. Sam has amnesia.
So, this is set pre-deal, sometime in season 2. Strangers and Angels 'verse.
my notes
this fic is legendary. so good in every way. hurt-comfort, memory loss (sam!), angst both before and after memories are regained...hits all my buttons.
When Memory Fails (3646 words) by palpablenotion
He's in a hotel room with fake IDs, fake (or stolen) credit cards, guns and knives, lighter fluid and a lighter that's been in a fire hot enough to scorch metal, and he doesn't know who he is.
my thoughts
actually found this fic when looking for some other fics for this list...turned out really good. dean's memory gets roblox oofed and the situation gets cleaned up in a short, sweet, and funny way.
Yellow highway lines (28292 words) by livinginthequestion
Weeks had gone by since Michael reneged on his pledge and took possession of Dean permanently; since he’d begun waging his war against humanity and the earth, killing without remorse or restriction; since Dean had, through sheer strength of will, slammed the door on the archangel in his mind. He was still holding that door shut, but growing ever more desperate, to the point that he seriously considered the Ma’lak Box as the only solution available to him.
What if Cas did some research - and came up with an alternative to the Ma’lak Box, a ritual to eject Michael from Dean’s mind? Spellwork so powerful it ripped the archangel loose with the force of a heavenly cataclysm, destroying him in the process - and leaving behind terrible consequences for Dean?
Follow Cas and Sam's desperate cross-country search for Dean, and Dean's journey to find himself, his memories - and maybe find out what he really wants.
my thoughts
goodness me is this one really good. it kinda parallels Gone in that whole "winchester brother makes new life using his skills without his memory" vibe but this plays out a bit differently. this fic. i just want to bathe in it like a jacuzzi.
How Could I Forget You? (3013 words) by inkinmyheartandonthepage
Tony knows that this kid is important somehow, knows deep in his heart that the kid is special. He just can’t remember who he is.
my thoughts
tony loses his memory from some good ol' head trauma. irondad and spiderson angst ensues. memory is not restored by the end (but it is implied that tony's memory will return a few days after the fic is set.)
Take Control (13966 words) by theunremarkable
You are No One
I am Bucky. I know this You are Bucky He knows this
But Bucky does not know, that it has been a year. He does not know that it has been a year of the same conversation. He does not know that it has been a year of the same tears from Peggy. He does not know that when he sleeps, he forgets. Bucky does not know that when he wakes, he will again be No One.
my thoughts
one of those great fics that toes the line between poetry and prose. also a songfic ("take control" by kodaline), and the song is really darn good. keep in mind this is part 2 of a series that canon diverges so the timeline is a bit wonky.
Act of Sage (64315 words) by hotelmichelle
After the Battle of New York, Steve finds a strange note in his apartment. It’s his handwriting, but he sure as hell would’ve remembered writing this.
my thoughts
this post-endgame-2012-timeline stucky fix-it is a textbook example of what happens when a fic starts out not as strong, but finds its voice and approaches its issues uniquely. the beginning isn't really my taste buuuuut at a certain point the fic definitely takes its own unique spin on things. and it's. so good. there's an oc who's a trauma therapist who works with an amnesiac/traumatized bucky barnes. she's just. the greatest, most intelligent, awesomest, most badass human being. also there's a lot of law terminology for bucky's legal trial. (i think the author was in law school while writing this?)
trials and tribulations of the universes saviour (34287 words) by imeanthatsprettysnazzy
The thoughts kept racing through his head, them helping block out the continued, strangled begging coming from Mister Stark, along with the pain, as he stared Thanos right in the eyes.
“And I..” He spoke loudly, though he could still barely hear himself. “Don’t... Care...”
Peter brought his fingers together, and snapped.
An alternate version of Endgame where Peter snaps (but survives).
This is a continuation of The Brother She Wished That She Knew, but it can be read alone if you want :)
(Used to be called When Fate Turns In A Different Direction but that was even cornier than this so I changed it)
my thoughts
the memory loss is like 1 chapter of this but it's really well-executed (and also i'm trying to list as many mcu fics as spn fics and it's surprisingly hard. MUST I REITERATE I HAVENT WATCHED 1 EP OF SPN jaklsdfjflk). what it says on the tin, also part of a series featuring a lot of peter's mom may parker. humor, angst, whump, a badass prosthesis and an awesome found family — this fic has everything you could ever want and more.
Bonus non-MCU marvel fic: If It Comes Back (10823 words) by flightinflame
Logan turns his back on the school, setting out as a lone wolf. Until he meets a young man in need of help - a young man who looks painfully familiar.
my thoughts
if you want to leave the "mystery person" a surprise you should probably skip the tags (and the rest of this summary.) basically it's post x3, logan is sad, and picks up a mystery hitchhiker. it's the first (and as of now, only) scogan fic i've ever read and definitely a great introduction to the ship. also Person X and logan both get a liberal dollop of angst (hooray!)
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thelaurenshippen · 4 years
oh hey, here’s a playlist from 2017 that I realized wasn’t on my website with the rest of them and that I totally wasn’t thinking about because there’s actually a part two that has never seen the light of day that may or may not be incoming
notes on my website and also under the cut
As I write, I like to build playlists for all my characters and, occasionally, will make playlists as a character as well. These playlists are part of my writing process and I take them far more seriously than anyone should. Sometimes the playlists come together instantly and effortlessly and sometimes I play around with them for months. As such, there are a fair number of cast-offs that never make it onto the final, official playlist. That's what this playlist is.
So here we are: all the songs that nearly made it on to the character playlists but got cut for various reasons. Those reasons tend to fall into one of a few categories:
There wasn’t space / another song was serving a similar purpose
The song was right for the character but not right for the character at the beginning of their story (which is what most of the playlists are)
The mood/genre/tempo of the song was out of place in the playlist
I discovered the song after the playlists had been put together.
All my playlists are very specifically ordered, so adding or removing songs after their publication is more or less impossible. Instead, I would throw songs into this B-Side playlist as they appeared, meaning that, unlike most of my playlists, the order here is random (aka this playlist has NO flow). Here is a list of where they would have gone had they made the final cut. The characters are listed above the tracks, with a link to the playlist in question.
A/N, 2020: These are the B-Sides specifically from pre-Season 4. Back in August of 2017, I  did a sticker giveaway to see what folks would guess about which songs were for which characters - these annotations were published after that giveaway and thus, there's some reference to how people guessed!
1. “Heavy Metal Lover” - Lady Gaga
This is a Wadsworth song through and through in terms of style and swagger. There just wasn’t space for it.
But would you love me if I ruled the world
2. “Reaper Man” - Mother Mother
This is a song that was recommended to me as a Damien song by tumblr user kalgalen and I am actively mad that I didn’t know this song before making Damien’s playlist. The style, the lyrics - everything about this song is Damien. And it actually fits perfectly after the opening track but by the time I was made aware of it, it was too late.
Oh yeah, I’m an ugly mess/not in the face, but in the head - regardless of how attractive Damien is, this is something he thinks. God, what an edgelord line this is.
Oh yeah, I got no choice/got no choice/but to love myself - I mean, it’s just all there.
A/N, 2020: this song eventually made its way onto a playlist -  my playlist for A Neon Darkness, Damien's book.
3. “Her Morning Elegance” - Oren Lavie
I love that this song really conjures a visceral image to your brain - it paints such a vivid picture. It’s delicate, but determined. I think Chloe sometimes moves through her world separate and observing and that’s what this song is.
There’s also an amazing music video that I think Chloe would watch over and over again.
I got a lot of submissions guessing that this was a song for Sam and I really see that too. It fits well with the aesthetic of her playlist and the theme of fighting for your life everyday definitely resonates with Sam, as does the “Nobody knows” lyric. But the lyrics are also about being out in the world, which is something Sam doesn’t do but Chloe wants to continue to do desperately, despite her ability making it difficult.  
4. “Blue and Yellow” - The Used
This was a song suggested by my sister for Caleb and Adam because of the colors involved and also because The Used was a band we both listened to a lot when we were emo teenagers like Adam. Ultimately, this song feels very dated as early emo and didn’t quite fit musically on any of their mixes, either in-universe or not.
And it’s all in how you mix the two/and it starts just where the light exists/it’s a feeling that you cannot miss/and it burns a hole/through everyone that feels it
5. “Stupid for You” - Waterparks
This is another song that was recommended to me, this time by a tumblr user and it is absolutely perfect. I didn’t even realize that there was pop punk being made like this anymore, so I was delighted.
You’re yellow, I’m natural blue/let’s get together and be green like my insides - I mean??? Couldn’t have said it better myself
Also, the refrain of “stupid for you” fits perfectly with the “I’m the guy who’s been so stupid about you that it broke my fucking super power!” I mean, I clearly ghostwrote this song.
ISO: the tumblr user who suggested this song. I have scoured both of my blogs to find the ask to no avail so if it was you, please raise your hand.
Both of these songs would go on a Caleb/Adam ship mix if such a thing existed. But in fact, both their mixes are in-universe and, while one of them might put this on a mix now, it would have been way too vulnerable of a thing to put on one of those earlier playlists. I've linked to their second in-universe mix - the quite lovey one that Adam makes for Caleb.
6. “Time Machine" - Robyn
This definitely felt a little too on the nose for Mark, so I went with “Hang With Me” instead. But Mark loves Robyn and would love the DeLorean reference in this so it was very tempting. It’s also a song all about making impulsive decisions, which Mark definitely does a lot, but in classic Robyn style, it’s such a bop despite the serious lyrics. That balance fits Mark perfectly.
7. “F U” - Miley Cyrus
I know this song is about someone cheating, but it is such a good angry-fuck-you song that I can’t help but think of it in the context of Mark’s feelings towards Wadsworth. Having missed the heyday of pop borrowing from dubstep and the increasing use of internet slang, I think Mark would have gotten out of The AM and fallen hard for this song. I imagine many an afternoon before Joan gets home from work just angry dancing around the living room singing along to this.
8. “Someone to Fall Back On” - Jason Robert Brown
This is 100% Sam singing to Mark about being his knight in shining armor. Sam is hard on herself - doesn’t realize her own strength - so the self-deprecating lyrics really work for her. It didn’t make it on the playlist because it felt like it was a little further down the line in their relationship - somewhere around Episode 40.
I’ll take your side/if I’m the only one/I’m used to that/I’ve been alone/I’d rather be/the half of us/the least of you/the best of me
I got a lot of guesses for Frank on this one, which completely fits. He’s quite a bit more confident in his abilities than Sam - if he thinks he can be your knight, he’ll say so right from the get-go.
9. “Can’t Get Started With You” - Ella Fitzgerald
This is pretty self-explanatory. It didn’t fit with the very particular structure that I created for the Sam/Mark playlist and it also felt like a later stage of their relationship. That playlist was them falling in love and wanting to be in the same time; this song is getting close to that but then getting pulled apart again, first by Damien and then by the difficult realties of actually trying to have a relationship. If the previous track is end of Season 3 for them, this is a Season 4 song.
A/N, 2020: it certainly is a Season 4 song, because it actually ended up going on their Season 4 playlist.
10. “Elvis Ain’t Dead” - Scouting for Girls
So…this is a reject from an as of yet published playlist. I know - not fair. Think of this as the free square on a bingo sheet. In the course of writing Season 3, I was motivated to make a playlist for a relationship that was becoming increasingly interesting to write. While this playlist could certainly be seen as a ship playlist, I have no intentions to ever put these characters together in a real way, but their dynamic was so compelling that I wanted to explore it. I will eventually release the playlist because it’s one of the best I’ve made, but I didn’t want it influencing anyone’s reaction to the end of Season 3. Loose lips sink ships.
I wish it was me you chose/Elvis ain’t dead/and you’re coming back
Okay, okay, I won’t leave you hanging because a few people actually guessed this one right - it’s from a Damien/Mark playlist. This is actually one of three unpublished Damien mixes - for whatever reason, music is the fastest and easiest way for me to connect to him. He really brings out the playlist-making skills in me.
A lot of people guessed that this was Agent Green which I absolutely love. Poor Owen.
A/N, 2020: I didn't link to the playlist originally, but it exists now! To this day, I think it's some of my best work.
11. “Carolina” - Harry Styles
This was mostly rejected because I felt stupid having two songs called “Carolina” on one mix and Sara Bareilles trumps Harry Styles (as much as I love him). But in style and content, this really feels like a Rose song.
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
Tumblr media
BBB Week 4 Roundup!  Some good stuff lies ahead, so go find it!
Title: Just Before Dawn Collaborator: grimeysociety Link: AO3 Square Filled: B3 - Isolated or Trapped Ship: Bucky/Darcy Rating: Teen Major Tags: Brief mentions of animal cruelty, Fluff and Crack, Magical Realism Summary: One day, Darcy rescues a dog and then a gorgeous naked man appears in her living room that night. Word Count: 6148
Title: The Stark Robo Sucker 5000 Collaborator: crazycatt71 Link: AO3 Square Filled: C1 - Sensation Play Ship: WinterHawk, Bucky/Clint/Steve/Tony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Fucking machines, exhibitionism, Dom/sub undertones, orgasm denial, wrist cuffs Summary: Clint & Bucky put on a show with the Stark Robo Sucker 5000 Word Count: 1174
Title: Dummy’s faboulous ideas Collaborator: Menatiera Link: AO3 Square Filled: C5 - Sidekick Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Matchmaker bots, fluff Summary: Dummy is determined to help the people he cares for. Jarvis is concerned, Bucky is amused. Word Count: 744
Title: Nutritional Value Collaborator: Judy_The_Dreamer Link: AO3 Square Filled: B5 - Bucky/Steve Ship: Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: a/b/o dynamics, PWP, power dynamics and kinks, past mpreg Summary: Sometimes the first taste is not enough and you find yourself hungering for more. Tony, Steve and Bucky come to terms with what transpired in Joystick. Word Count: 13,739
Title: Let Someone See Right Through Collaborator: avintagekiss24 Link: AO3 Square Filled: B1 - Kink: One Night Stand Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Explicit Major Tags: drinking, implied mention of death, past infidelity, smut, sex, a little bit of angst, oral sex (female receiving) Summary: Two strangers meet at a bar on their birthday. Word Count: 4446
Title: Darcy, Bucky and the Hundred Acre Wood Collaborator: grimeysociety Link: AO3 Square Filled: B5 - Sunshowers Ship: Bucky/Darcy Rating: Gen Major Tags: none Summary: Darcy and Bucky are transported into the world of the Hundred Acre Wood. Word Count: 2163
Title: Into the unknown - Chapter 1 Collaborator: diner_drama Link: AO3 Square Filled: U3 - little sister Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: Frozen AU Summary: Bucky has everything under control. He's the hereditary leader of a small and prosperous country. He lives with his beloved sister and her fiancé in a beautiful castle, and his people are safe and well. He also happens to be in control of the power of ice, but he's got that working for him now, so that's not an issue. But when he closes his eyes, he can hear a siren's song calling him from the far North. Word Count: 800
Title: Taps Collaborator: Ribbonsflying Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - Vulnerability Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: flashback to deaths of unnamed characters, some blood obviously because vampires, drinking blood Summary: Bucky nosed into Steve’s neck and rested his head on his shoulder. “Now I know why you refilled my juice without being asked.” “No, it’s because I’m a sweetheart," Bucky protested. Steve scoffed playfully. “Sweetheart, my ass. There’s nothing sweet about you.” Word Count: 2357
Title: Petals - Chapter 1 Collaborator: DocOlive Link: AO3 Square Filled: B3 - hanahaki disease Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: Hanahaki Disease Summary: Steve Rogers knows what it's like to be sick. With actual illnesses that exist, like the asthma that always gets worse in the spring. But when he starts coughing up flower petals, rational explanations fly out the window. But is it really possible that he's contracted a fatal case of lovesickness? Word Count: 681
Title: What About Us? Collaborator: pherryt Link: AO3 Square Filled: C1 - One Night Stand Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Canon Divergent, Tower Fic, A/B/O dynamics, explicit sexual content Summary: Bucky's come in from the cold, Steve is being Steve, Tony wants to throw a party and Bucky has no idea who the Alpha is who asked him to dance (or why, when Bucky's been hiding in the corner all night to avoid people), but it suddenly looks like more than dancing is on the menu. Word Count: 3091
Title: The Road To You Has Been Fractured With Torment Collaborator: visionarygalaxy Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y4 - Bondage Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, PTSD, Dom/sub, Kink negotiation. fluff Summary: Bucky and Steve reconnect after everything they've been through, slowly and carefully. Word Count: 1284
Title: and now, the end is near - Chapter 3: Three: Clint Collaborator: hawksonfire Link: AO3 Square Filled: C2 - Heat Ship: Bucky/Steve/Clint Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content Summary: A three-part tale in which our boys are content. Word Count: 4316
Title: Petals - Chapter 2: Don't forget to tip your barista Collaborator: DocOlive Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - pining Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: mild blood/gore sickfic ( hanahaki disease) Summary: Bucky wasn’t even supposed to be here this afternoon. He was supposed to be at the library working on his Urban Policy lab project. But that was neither here nor there; it’s not like Darcy had up and come down with the flu on purpose. Besides, he reminded himself, he could use the money. He could always use the money. -- War veteran turned grad student and barista Bucky Barnes has a thing for a certain Brooklyn twink. Word Count: 2791
Title: And I Will Wend My Way With You Collaborator: mariana_oconnor Link: AO3 Squares Filled: Chapter 1 - B2: Bucky/Clint Chapter 2 - U5: Jealousy Chapter 3 - Y5: Hair Braiding Chapter 4 - K4: Sharing Clothes Chapter 5 - K2: Kink: Wall Pinning Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Fantasy AU, Mild Dub-con, Slavery, Violence, implied/referenced rape/non-con, explicit sexual content Summary: After four long years, Bucky's mission is finally complete. All he needs to do is leave the Hydra Empire and make his way back to the Kingdom of Brooklyn with the information he has obtained. He definitely doesn't need the added complication of a slave, especially not one as angry and handsome as Clint Barton. Word Count: 29,653
Title: A Bad Day With Coffee Is Better Than A Good Day Without It - Chapter 1 Collaborator: Trashcanakin Link: AO3 Square Filled: B2 - Bucky/Clint Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: Pre-Slash, Mutual Pining, Alternate Universe - Neighbors, Human Disaster Clint Barton, Deaf Clint Barton, Not Canon Compliant, Not Beta Read Summary: Clint has a terrible, no good, day... Bucky tries to make it better. Word Count: 2491
Title: End Of All Days - Chapter 11: Part X Collaborator: Minka Link: AO3 Square Filled: U5 – AU: Adventurers/Explorers Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: violence Summary: Captain Steve Rogers had thought his military days were behind him, left in the bloody nightmare that was Saigon. Retired and working as a History Professor, the last thing he expected was to get caught up in a cataclysmic Slavic prophesy foreshadowing the end of the known world.With Cold War tensions running high, Steve finds himself in need of a guide and translator to get him behind the Iron Curtain and into the isolated snowdrifts of Siberia. It’s deep in the heart of Bucharest’s resistance fighters that Steve finds the ideal candidate, but swaying the enigmatic ex-operative known as The Winter Soldier proves to be complicated. Trust is hard-won, especially in the world of espionage, and with a KGB death squad nipping at his heels, the Soldier has countless reasons to stay presumably dead. As the lines between right, wrong and the supernatural begin to blur, Steve is forced to reconsider everything he’s ever believed, right from the sanctity of his own country to the very foundations of creation itself .--- Aka the Indiana Jones/Atomic Blonde lovechild of a fic that literally no one ever asked for but you’re bloody well going to get anyway. Word Count: 47,940
Title: Siren - Chapter 1: Do you think I'm stuck up 'cause I'm always picking fights? Collaborator: Writing_mermaid Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C3 - Free square Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Mature Major Tags: siren AU Summary: Y/N is a mutant, a Siren, the last of her kind, with deadly dangerous powers and a hidden past. If most of the Avengers likes and get along with her, Steve doesn’t, and it’s getting worse when Y/N and Bucky become close. After all what can bring two broken souls together if it’s not a dark past. Word Count: 1479
Title: What, Like It's Hard? Collaborator: DocOlive Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - crack Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: Legally Blonde fusion Summary: “Hey Buck, w-what’re ya doing with that?” Steve’s looking at him like he’s just grown a third head or something. Shit. What the fuck did I do now? “Sorry, pal, I was just trying to help out a little around here.” Bucky lets go of the handle, letting the big, ugly hammer drop to the floor. “Just clearing things off the floor so I could do a little cleaning before we drown in cat fur.”Big old viking shouldn’t leave his shit all over if he don’t want people manhandling it outta their way. -- Or, Bucky moves Mjölnir while he's cleaning, and doesn't understand what the big deal is. Legally Blonde meets the Avengers. Word Count: 559
Title: Don't Forget To Write Collaborator: The_Alias (Artemis_Day) Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y1 - Secret Admirer Ship: Bucky/Jane Foster Rating: Teen Major Tags: secret admirer Summary: 'The tenth time, there is no note. Just him.' Jane has a secret admirer, but who could it possibly be? Word Count: 6072
Title: The reason Nick Fury doesn't do vacations.  Collaborator: Fighting_for_Creativity Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y5 - Rescue Mission Ship: WinterIronFury Rating: Teen Major Tags: Vacation gone wrong, Happy ending, crack(ish), Hydra, mention of animal experiments, Angst and Hurt/Comfort Summary: Tony and Bucky wanted to go on a trip with their third Nicholas Fury. However Nick refused, Bucky and Tony got abducted and… Tony never thought he would see tigers in that state. Word Count: 5473
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notcatherinemorland · 4 years
More Hamlet Thoughts because i leave everything to the 11th hour . production continues to be the 2018 globe w/ Michelle Terry
Hamlet and Ophelia’s uhhhhh fight 
Ham’s personality twists into cruel mockery of her at the line ‘Where’s your father’ and OHO the facial expressions
Ophelia kept trying to hold onto Hamlet’s hand and body and curl her fingers around hamlet’s hand and it was very heartbreaking . Hamlet was a ball of chaotic energy who scrabbled her hands off himself. rlly interesting to watch
this turned around with hamlet scrubbing over her face as he presents her to the audience’s 4th wall for the make up lines. and shoves her down to the floor at the end
the physical manipulation hamlet takes out on ophelia is a super interesting segue to the players scene
2 b / x 2 b
ham sat in the middle of the front of the stage and held the hand of an audience member who he talked he speech to. very intimate and closed and really interesting interpretation
im a nerd so i really like the juxtaposition of such a grand and philosophical speech being told on such an intimate and small scale
Hamlet’s still got his smudged clown makeup on
hamlet and horatio come across Very gay in the ‘something too much of this’ line. i vibe 
hamlet decimated his friendship with R&G and i LOVED how Horatio held him and then forced him away to give him just a touch more character. this Ht loved R&G as well and i appreciate the bit of character we all try to give horatio
Horatio’s Emotions over R&G’s impending death is a++ give this man some emotional range
OH the ‘if your mind dislike anything, obey it’ can we PLEASE listen to horatio the lone voice of reason within elsinor’s halls
that’s not me being gay, that’s a legit analysis of Hamlet in that everyone in Elsinor has a twisted sense of reality and morality and Horatio as an outsider is immune and must watch in horror
the argument is flawed with R&G but hey it’s not my theory.
THE TRUMPETS . there’s live trumpets 
the music they played to signal the half time of the play was wonderfully dissonant and i VIBE WITH THAT that is the ENERGY of Elsinor right there
honestly im annoying and i don’t particularly care for the play scene as an audience member. like academically the play within a play is rife with analysis but like. to just sit and watch it feels like such a halt in the energy
plus i really dislike it when they use gross physical comedy in the dumb-show because again. im annoying
anyway they only do the dumb-show (more tollerable than a lot) and they use drum beats and purcussion in place of lines, and have hamlet explain what’s going on with his lines. it’s certainly different and its a lot quicker than the text is
This Claudius is Prime Smarmy Politicians and is very indignant as he tries to pray and i REALLY LIKE HIM
The scene transitions are .. non existent in this play and i LIKE IT 
the lines follow on immediately between scenes as the other characters are leaving the stage 
i love how it supports the theme of acting this play has and how it breaks down the barrier for the audience of personal vs private 
thats not quite what i want to say uhhhhh. in other productions some of the scenes are really discreet from each other- like how pearl necklaces have stoppers between the pearls- and that’s especially evident in films, but here it’s the opposite and the scenes bleed into each other to create a really fast paced and chaotic energy and i REALLY LIKE IT
‘personal vs private’ is on god my favourite theme in hamlet and the way it works with the audience creating it here is GREAT
Closet scene... OH BOY
this hamlet is CRUEL oml 
the ghost enters after hamlet spends 3 minutes berating his mother and she’s crying on the floor by the audience and hamlet immediately stops and starts weeping 
‘oh save me’ sounds so small and childlike and it really showcases the love between them
not that kind of love, sigmund fucking freud. get your mind out the gutter
the disdain hamlet has for gertrude absolutely breaks my heart but that’s a me thing because i haven’t been able to see my mother in person for coming up on a month due to quarantine :(
added an extra hug before ham leaves .. v sweet
Claudius comes barreling in and picks up ham’s dropped sword. :eye emoji: doesn’t put it down until Hamlet’s brought in for questioning. but he’s still holding a book (english dictionary presumably?) and this act of holding a sword for 2 scenes WILL be reiterated time and time again in ever hamlet essay i write forever to whatever end i so desire because it’s easy to manipulate to my own purposes. bless this moment
There’s a seagull that keeps interrupting claudius at perhaps the funniest possible moments in his soliloquies and honestly WHERE is it’s Olivier
Ophelia’s madness isn’t as explicit as it is in other versions, but watching her tumble into emotions and lack of restraint is so, so heartbreaking.
this is one of the productions of hamlet that makes a really convincing case for ‘madness’ in elsinor being synonymous to speaking one’s mind and being truthful about one’s heightened emotions and like. i Love that interpretation
lets be real i love 99% of hamlet interpretations
the 1% is freud. fuck that guy
I’m Digging the parallel of Ophelia’s emotional outburts of grief (in madness) to Laertes incensed outburst of grief . ohoho
Laertes gets rosemary and pansies, Claudius gets fennel and columbines, Gertrude gets the rue, Audience member gets the daisy and the thought of violets
unfortunately i once wrote a shite poem about gertrude and weather she know of the poison in the cup at the end and unfortunately that’s all i can think about for the last 40 mins of the play hfdhgjgghjhgj
im annoying so i read along with the play and the duets Claudius and Laertes make of the meter and the word formatting on the page comes across really different on stage, which is super interesting. 
not to be really fucking dramatic but i read in the info packet of this play that the pillars on the stage are actually tree trunks carved and painted to look like marble and considering how many times i had to hear the words ‘appearance vs reality’ in my english class, i think im allowed to use the smirk emoji about how the setting of the globe is Integral to Hamlet as a play
i am itching to write an entire 4000 word tirade about the use of the physical body in hamlet because between the actual acting on stage, polonius, ‘one auspicious and one dropping eye’ and all whole host of references made to physical body parts i am going feral 
PLUS this one incorporates sign language 
i actually hate the word incorporates but needs must  
The Ophelia’s death speech is of course wonderful, but i can’t stop thinking about how John Everett Millais made his model (who’s name escapes me in a terrible irony because i got this information from an exhibition about the female pre-raphalites) sit in a cold bath for hours on end whilst he sketched and it made her very ill because the fire went out and she was sat nude in a bath of cold water for hours.
Gravedigger only has the songs and the hamlet interaction, and he wears a high vis jacket. he’s also played by the ghost’s actor, which whilst understandable in such a small cast, amuses me greatly
Hamlet’s got his hair tied back and in a military style jacket, and marches around with Horatio who’s in a hoodie and a black duffle coat (absolutely a student) and the same tight plait. Ham’s definitely meant to be sane now, he speaks very brusquely and all but marches around the stage
Not To Make An Edelgard Reference But edelgard’s cause in 3H was also cemented by a timeskip and a military outfit and a brusque personality hehehe 
Hamlet gets into the ‘grave’ to chat to Yorick which, again, i will use in every relevant essay i will write and manipulate this scene to whatever end i desire and on god i thank this production for this 
a level me would have gone feral
current me is also going feral
Grave Scene: a terrible one for your family to walk in and ask what the fuck you’re watching
Polonius’ actor plays the priest. yes, capsule wardrobe of a cast, i know but i’m an english student it’s my duty to wring every irrational inch of analysis out of this thing
i won’t trail on about unsubstaniated interpretations of Polonius’ parenting skills and fate in Hamlet but on god i will find an essay about it
i always enjoy it when someone leaps in the grave .. the melodrama... the meaning... the liminal spaces...
the DRAMA of seperating feral laertes and the really calm and imposing hamlet is excellent and a bit hilarious and the camera is going nuts
i’m very aware that everyone is now traipsing about over the grave in the middle of the stage and THAT’S a fun dynamic you don’t get from film or text
ok I’ve just noticed the video has the ‘top chat replay’ going and the very first line i saw is ‘what if hamlet had tiktok’ and i am CRYING 
Ophelia’s actor also plays Osric and is a) absolutely hilarious and b) again, capsule wardrobe of a cast will not stop me from analysing everything and anything this play may or may not offer me. 
im not saying hamlet is a play about inheritance and the burden of it, but also... isn’t it :eye emoji:
if bloody fire emblem fates can do it so can i, step off
Fencing scene: oh thank god it’s nearly over
The hearts on their fencing get ups parallel Hamlet’s clown outfit with a heart on the sleeve Very Nicely
Gertrude isn’t wearing her headpiece anymore .. ohoho dispelling the trappings and suits of dishonesty, if you will
The duel is a) bloody terrifying because sword fighting and b) judged by Osric (Ophelia) and the poetry of having ham & lae’s duel waged over and judged by Ophelia is absolutely excellent
Claudius’s aside (or to laertes? camera didn’t follow) had no right to be as humorous as it was jdfsghfkd
Gertrude figured out it was poison in this one. Nice
I like the call and response effect of ‘Treachery! Seek it out! / It is here Hamlet’ they made with Hamlet running around they stage to find little propped up Laertes
The dramatic eye contact of Hamlet and Claudius as he forces him to drink the poison.... OH HECK YES 
the way they sink to the floor in a pair, with hamlet crawling over his body to make sure he dies... oh LORD 
the swing hamlet does with his arm to the audience to cast them as ‘the unsatisfied’ was EXCELLENT and i would like that in every production of hamlet please 
the tussle of horatio and hamlet over the cup..... iconic.... and i enjoy the parallel of that to hamlet with claudius as they’re stood in the same corner 
The harsh projection of Hamlet’s voice and the blunt manner of his words about Fortinbras’ inheritance of denmark against the soft way Horatio rocks Hamlet back and forth ... i want to CRY
Horatio got to have emotional range in this production .. wonderful
i always enjoy the way the play tails off with politics in a room of dead bodies.. the layers the absolute onions
how none of the drama within the castle has any meaning to anyone outside of it is Excellent 
and then the way the prison and enclosure of elsinor is finally broken with military force in parallel to the tumultuous interpersonal relationships within it... i vibe yet more
they actually ended with ‘go bid the soldiers shoot’ which i enjoy a lot!!!! and the music is wonderful
then they all start doing this dance which i think is meant to be about the themes of the play and to be perfectly honest it’s a bit crunchy for me but the music absolutely slaps!!!
final thoughts:
that sure was a hamlet production and i thought it had a lot of heart and did some new things very very well!!!
and i loved the emphasis they put on the costuming!!!! 
overall: a solid hamlet. very nice. i greatly enjoyed it!!!! 
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dotzines · 4 years
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Artist Spotlights!
🎤 _creativert_ 🥁 AbelDraws 🎷 Amaari
🎺 andiavang 🎸 Antonia
Interview below the cut!
Introduce yourself
🎤 HI! I'm a geeky, introverted artist who likes to explore many artistic mediums, but really only posts digital art. I kinda like to draw anything and everything, but recently I've been trying to focus more on my OC's! Besides art, I love reading, playing video games (despite the fact that I haven't played many recently) and I like writing stories too. In the future, I plan to create a webcomic story with my OC's. I hope you enjoy my work! Here's where you can find my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_creativert_/
🥁 Hi! I'm Abel. I'm a Design and Mech engineering student, but my passion is art. I love drawing and currently I'm working on my dream project, a comic named FIVE. This takes most of my free time, but besides that I'll be either rping, watching a movie with my friends, reading (usually webcomics) or listening to some tunes while charging my energy up. I preffer digital art over traditional, you can fix mistakes so very easily... I also get more freedom with a program than with the limited tools I own (and it looks way cleaner and nicer when I upload a digital pic than a traditional, but my photography skills are to blame there lmao)If you want to read my comic, it's up on tapas! https://tapas.io/series/FlVE But if you'd rather see some illustrations and doodles you should check my tumblr: https://abel-draws.tumblr.com/ 🎷 Hi! I'm an avid 3-d and 2-d idol fan as well as a bee fanatic!! Drawing/painting is mostly a hobby for me, but in the future, if time ever allows it, I'd like to sell every so often. My default medium is digital using program SAI but sometimes I'll pick up a pencil/watercolors for traditional pieces. If you'd like to take a look at some of my other works/doodles, my art twitter is here @ https://twitter.com/hiwamaari . 🎺 I’m predominantly a digital artist! But I also crochet, sew, and embroider! I’m Andiavang across all platforms! 🎸 Hi, my name is Antonia, I'm an artist who does traditional hand drawn art. I love to draw and listen to music, often in tandem with each other. You can find me on tumblr @chibiranmaruchan
Do you do commissions post? Where can we find the info?
🥁 https://abel-draws.tumblr.com/post/184015135166/commissions-are-open-i-renewed-my-commissions 🎺 https://andiavang.tumblr.com/post/186764888718/commissions-are-open-all-payment-through-paypal
Do you listen to music (or tv shows/films/anything else) when drawing?
🎤 Yes! I actually create a new playlist every month filled with songs that have recently come out, or new songs I found that I really like! Generally, I'll listen to music when sketching but once I get to the lineart and colors, I'll listen to podcasts. For podcasts, I really like story podcasts and true crime podcasts. A couple of my favorites are Crime Junkies, Myths and Legends, The Bright Sessions and The Edge of Sleep.
🥁 *Yes*. All the time. I don't usually watch shows while drawing because my atention is all focused on the piece at hand, so... I miss most of it x'D so I preffer listening to music by a mile. It also helps me get myself in a nice mood for drawing <3 🎷 I mostly listen to music, generally one song or album of whatever artist I'm vibing to at the time. Constant repeat lately has been Blackbear's Anonymous album and Mesemoas. 6th single, Crossing Threads. Solid 12/10 🎺 I mostly listen to music! Sometimes I listen to a Podcast instead 🎸 I do listen to music while I draw, if I'm on a tight deadline where I need to focus, I listen to the Pokémon mystery dungeon red and blue recuse team OST. If I have plenty of time to draw, then what I listen to depends on what I'm drawing. it may be where I am getting inspiration from or connected to the aesthetic of the drawing or directly connected to it.
What’s your favorite music artist/band? If you could ask your favorite band/music artist one question, what would it be?
🎤 Oohhh, this is pretty hard honestly. I don't really think I can choose a favorite, but no matter who I'd choose, I'd probably ask them who or what encouraged them to keep going along the path they chose.
🥁 Currently it's panic! At the disco, I'm listening to all their songs on loop constantly lmao. They have such great songs, they inspire me a *lot*. I even created a character based on one of their songs, he's the one I'll be drawing for this zine!:DI'd ask them about the meaning behing lots of their songs <3 The interviews at hand do not satisfy my curiosity enough lmao.I also love Halsey (her first album is my fave), Set it off, Maldita Nerea (a Spanish group) and plenty of musicals (Hamilton, Be more chill...) 🎷 I've so many favorite music artists its so hard to choose, but if I had to pick one, the male J-idol group ARASHI. And if I had to ask them a question, I'd ask them if they're happy and enjoying life well. 🎺 My fave band is Placebo! If hav to ask them what their inspiration would be for their early songs 🎸 My favourite artist is Hikaru Utada and I would ask her if she likes her pre-existing songs, some being based on her life, being used for kingdom hearts or if she would prefer to make songs specifically for the game, about the game itself?
Do you play an instrument? If not would you like to play one? Which one?
🎤  I have a guitar, but I'm still learning how to play that, and definitely want to dedicate more time to that in the future. I'm also kind of interested in learning the piano or violin!
🥁 Nope, but I *wish*, I have such admiration for people who do, seriously. Live music is the best. I'd love to learn how to play the piano, the guitar or maybe the ukelele... But I doubt I will, at least for now, my hands are pretty full with college and comic making. 🎷 I wish I could play the piano and any string instrument. Maybe violin or the harp. 🎺 I used to play the drums 🎸 I can play basic piano. I used to play a recorder when I was much younger.
Which song(s) are you going to draw?
🎤 Magic Island by TXT and Audio by Sia, Diplo and Labrinth
🥁 King of the clouds, by panic! At the disco. 🎷 To the Me of Those Days - KOKIA 🎺 Special K by Placebo 🎸 Sanctuary by Hikaru Utada & Slow dancing in the dark by Joji
What do you expect from this zine?
🎤 To see everyone create a work they're proud of based off of a song they like!
🥁 I just really liked the theme, I have all kinds of imagery and videos in my head about several songs I'm obsessed with. It's a nice excuse to draw a pretty, fleshed out illustration and to learn some new songs in the way from the others' pieces<3    🎷 To be introduced to many different genre's of music and to hopefully find a song/genre I didn't expect to like! 🎺 Mostly just to interact with different people and artists! Make same new friends! 🎸 I expect to see a wide range of music presented, of different genres and both lyrical and instrumental. I hope the music resonates with the individual, something they're proud to share with the other participants and the eventual readers. I would like to have a journey through the zine, experiencing different emotions from everyone's art pieces.
Anything else you want to add?
🎤 Everyone has been super nice so far, and I really look forward to seeing everyone's pieces!
🥁 Best of lucks to everyone participating! I can't wait to see everyone's pieces together :D 🎷 Thank you for taking interest in this zine!  All the artists have put in so much love into each of their pieces. It's been a pleasure to see so many different styles, their works-in-progress and I'm equally excited to see everyone's final product. I hope everyone is able to enjoy all the wonderful artworks being created and produced for all the songs being represented here when the zine releases.  ^^
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Warning! I've Watched The Movie!Endgame Spoilers ahead!!
I'm putting This warning because some of ya'll are mean saying "If you leak spoilers you deserve no rights!" F off!! If you read these spoilers and then get mad you deserve no rights!!!
Endgame review and rant starts from here.... Don't mind it starts out as a rant....
You would think!!!...
reading Endgame spoilers, writing Endgame essays and then watching the movie, would lessen the shock factor. Nah! You wrong af!....I watched the cam version of the movie today and when I saw Thor i was like..
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And the worse! thing is he ain't fat because he was depressed. NO! He is fat because The Russos! wanted him to be funny! That was the only purpose for Chubby Thor!
Even in that video i could hear the audience laughing!!!! The little kids found it hilarious and i was sitting here at home and crying!!!!
You could see Thor's pain and anger when Banner said Thanos name but...
The Camera focused on his belly so much like "LOOK AT IT ITS FUNNY!!"
and I'm in floods of tears going "😭😭😭😭😭 NO it's not!!! Leave me alone please! 😭😭😭" It was painful!!! How could that they do this to him!
And he gives a little speech that he's fine and that he has no wish to be involved in helping the Avengers and he tells Rocket and Prof. Hulk to leave...but then Rocket says "there's beer on the ship" and Thor ups and goes with them????? Huuuuuuhhhhh!??????
And then for most of the movie the focus is on his beer belly and making him sound like an idiot!!!
Should Thor be depressed? of course!!! After everything he's gone through of course!! Should he gain weight being depressed? Yes! I GAIN WEIGHT WHEN I'M DEPRESSED!!! Being depressed and using junk food, alcohol, playing games all day will have this effect on you. But is him gaining weight!!! Something to laugh at??? NO!!!!
And Valkyrie???? In Ragnarok she went through the same situation Thor is in now. She was depressed and drowned her sadness in Alcohol. And then Thor came along and gave her her purpose back. Made her realise she can do so much more than wasting away on the Trash Planet.
And now Thor is in the same situation as her and...what? Valkyrie has been helping the Asgardians settle in Tonnsberg while Thor was drinking and eating junk food and worried about cable!!
But you know what Thor was never a dumbass!!! After what happened in the first Thor movie he was everything a good king would be. The reason he didn't want the Throne of Asgard on TDW was because he felt he could protect the nine realms better when he's not sitting on the Throne of Asgard. But when peace reigns he will gladly take care of his people.
What was all that character development in Thor 2011 and Thor: The Dark World and even in shitty Ragnarok all about?!!!! Actually i blame partly Ragnarok for Thor ending up.like this. Ragnarok was what started Thor as a comical character. The Russo just went "Its free real estate" and renovated on it and gave us Chubby Thor who couldn't even speak a complete sentence properly.
And that's not even it, what bothers me is that in the 5 years no one was helping Thor get better. Korg and Meik were pretty much enablers. Looking at things Valkyrie most probably tried to talk to him but he didn't bother to listen. And after a while she let him be hoping he comes out of his grief on his own. But, You know what pre Ragnarok Thor would listen to her. Pre Ragnarok Thor would not hide away and pretend nothing happened! Pre Ragnarok Thor would be grateful that he has people who care about him. He would do his best for the Asgardians he has with him now. Valkyrie and Korg and Miek are his closest people and he has their shoulder to cry on!! Especially Val. She does understand! and the entire time he was shutting himself away from the world, she helps the Asgardians get used to this new place. She also has hopes Thor will heal in time. She hasn't given up hope. I mean when all the Avengers were giving Thor looks of "oh, that is sad", she in the end has confidence in him. The movie never showed her thinking Thor is lesser of a man and king than he was before. She actually hopes for him to finally do right by his people.
What pisses me off is that Thor just goes off onto another adventure leaving Valkyrie with more responsibility than she already has (considering that now the whole human population is back and recovering from the IW events you can guarantee a whole host of problems are going to arise for the Asgardians. Considering how humans are you can bet on that.) The only way I can forgive Thor is if they give us a Thor 4 where he comes back to Earth with the remaining Asgardians (Hulk does say "we can bring them back") and finally decides to do some good for his people. Helps them have a better life, navigating human culture, learning new skills.
The Russos make Thor's grieve look like a joke! LIKE THOR DOESN'T EVEN CARE!!! RESPONSIBILITY??? NOPE THOR DOESN'T KNOW ANY OF THAT! you don't even feel sorry anymore or sympathise with Thor. You just feel ANGRY!! At the Russos and at Thor himself!!
Other things that hurt me...
Tony's death. It hurts just thinking about it! I feel it was unnecessary. There's no need for him to die. The Russos with all their imagination should have given him a happy ending! Natasha's death broke me first! Yeah you're gonna be a weeping mess after this. Steve was...*sigh*!!! It was sad and bittersweet. Did i like that ending for him? Not really 😢
Wanda doesn't get back Vision. Recently Elizabeth Olsen gave hints that the WandaVision series will be set in 1950s. I don't even know how that works out 😐
And Loki!!! You know how we thought he was ooc in Ragnarok? Nah! The Loki we see in Endgames New York 2012 is competing side by side with Ragnarok Loki on who is more ooc . I mean! He actually shape-shifted into Steve to mock him. He waved bye bye at the Hulk!! What??!! And then he just disappears and you're sitting there like "what the hell happen???"
What was good about Endgame?....
The rest of the movie was good. The humour was great when it didn't involve Thor. I'll never get over Scott in ant size sticking his ass out and saying "Flick me" at Tony😂 There were a lot of ass jokes. But it was find. Rocket and Prof. Hulk are my faves.
Thor meeting his mother was very emotional. Since she's a witch she immediately knew he was from the future. She doesn't judge him at all. She's just happy to see him.Their reunion was very sweet. A lot of tears and hugs. 😢In the end Frigga gives him a hug just before he leaves tells him in her sweet motherly voice "eat a salad" 😂😂 The only thing that was irritating here is Thor calling her "mom" 😕
For those who have been asking, there's a reason Thor had to sneak pass Loki 'cause of the time travel thing he can't allow himself to be seen by anyone. And Loki would definitely know this is Thor from the future. That would mess things up a lot.
Thor looked sort of better at the end when he was fighting Thanos. It would seem him summoning his armour, Mjolnier and the lighting also took care of his beard and hair. It's still long but braided 😕 He fought good. He was cool at the end.
Gamora is alive (Gamora from the past entered the 2018 timeline because of Thanos) !! 😄 And Quill is looking for her (He gotta make her fall in love with him all over)
And of course the fighting was epic as is expected. Cap wielding Mjolnier! When everybody showed up through Strange's portal!, Steve's "Avengers Assemble", Tony and Pepper fighting together!!! Wanda!! The Ladies of Marvel!! Captain Marvel!! 10/10(Tbh, Carol does look a little impatient the few times she was in the movie. Like she needed to be somewhere. I guess she has priorities. Other planets to protect. The moment she was sure Earth was safe she was gone.)
Not gonna lie, Endgame is epic and it is brilliant and amazing even with its flaws.
What's interesting is according to the Ancient One, if you move the stones from their proper place in the timeline it would result in a parallel reality being created. And of all the stone only the Space Stone has been moved from its place..by Loki. So that could mean a new alternate reality/universe has been created. And you know what.....That is actually scary. I wonder if the present universe Thor even knows that this other reality even exists where Loki is most probably alive. But even if he knows he wouldn't be able to do anything anyway.
Watching the movie, and seeing everybody fight together side by side, makes me miss Loki. It's like that scene where he takes the Space Stone and vanished sealed his fate somewhat. He's no longer connected to the timeline or universe we know. A new story exists for him. He's completely separated. And He's different now. He's probably still somewhat a villain with no redemption. He was never meant to fight side by side with the Avengers in this universe at least. Who knows how he turns out in the other universe. As matter of fact i wonder how everyone in the other universe turns out.
Looking at things i feel if Loki had been alive after IW, he will never be able to just settle down on Earth. And now Thor is the same too. They will probably just up and leave and travel. 'Cause for Loki especially, he's never going to be able to adjust with humans. The restrictions on him would be huge. I see him as the type who would leave through a hidden portal to other worlds.
I do feel like everybody's story hasn't really ended. Especially for Thor. He calls himself and Quills team as "Asgardians of The Galaxy" and if I'm not wrong there's a comic book of that name. Aside from that he, Quill and the team need to find Gamora and other Asgardians and return to Earth. And there better be a movie for that.
*Insert The Avengers theme song by Alan Silvestri*
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