#heehee random design!! i love them. . .
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Gingerbread (and Maxwell)
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wackysach · 1 year
Please do share your hcs even if the designs aren't finished
Pretty sure I not the only one who'd love to hear it 👀
oh god, this ask was from like 2 months ago but i got too shy to respond to it so it’s been sitting here, getting stale. probably moldy at this point. i’m so sorry– but here i am, responding to it now so… yes. (also this user was referring to the doodles i did of the DHMIS characters from the TV series a while ago). i’m not gonna do all of the characters, but i’ll do a couple:
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- i call him brandon (simply because brandon matches with brendon heehee)
- works a lot of odd side jobs but his main job is an accountant 
- an absolute go-getter ! this guy genuinely loves to work. give him a task and he’ll make sure it gets done efficiently 
- pokes fun at his older brother often but in reality they’re extremely close 
- in spite of all the jokes and teasing, briefcase looks up to brendon, like, a lot actually. i imagine they grew up in poverty together so they really only had each other to rely on, which is why they’re so close. brendon took good care of him when he was young, so briefcase working hard to make sure he grew up to have a stable job was his way of giving back to his older brother. he probably helps brendon out financially while he works to get his novel published 
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(unemployed) brendon:
- the whole “unemployed brendon” name joke-thing stemmed from people getting the two brothers’ names mixed up. briefcase prolly started saying something like “but i’m the employed one !” and so the whole “unemployed brendon” thing came to be. funnily enough, people actually started remembering the two’s names correctly after it 
- gets easily mistaken for the younger brother because of his height and higher pitched voice but he’s considerably older by about 6/7-ish years 
- loves to write. it’s his passion. a proper education was hard to come by when he was young, so he taught himself to read and write by studying the papers he sold and would buy himself books whenever he had a little extra money. now that he’s older he’s been able to publish a couple articles here in there in a few newspapers but his real goal is to get “The Ultimate Forgiveness” — a thematic autobiographical novel centered around learning to forgive oneself for past mistakes — published 
- has a quieter, more reserved nature in contrast to his brother, however he can get a little loud and sassy if provoked
- bearer of an absolutely fantastic unibrow. (shrignold take notes)
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- name is finn, short for finnicus 
- drinks his coffee black for sure
- likes to keep his areas dim and dark. actually, he likes a lot of dark, macabre things 
- is he a vampire ? we’ll never know 
- he do work as a mortician though (woah bros i just rhymed)
- hobbies include taxidermy, skull collecting, poetry, reading, gardening, and wood carving
- was originally part of an amish-like family, but he left that kind of community behind. his family keeps in contact so he pretends to still follow the lifestyle just to keep the peace with them. (hence the “oh is that a TV ? yeah i’ve been thinking about getting one of those. haha, don’t tell anyone though.” and also the questionable fashion choices *cough cough* those shoes...)
- idk mane, he’s just lowkey a chillax guy. not really much else
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… warren.
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- goes by "ellie" or "tracey"
- she’s an electrician but also the host for a TV game show called “Watt a Shock !” (ha did you see what i did there ? aren’t i clever)
- is my wife huh. what. who said that ?
- they can get brazy with an electric guitar, man
- as cool as her hair looks, be careful touching it. it’s got that static electricity effect
- related to colin and layla (laptop), she’s like their super cool older cousin. 
- just super sweet and energetic overall
- knows a lot of random, entertaining trivia facts
- 100% dips their fries in milkshakes/ice cream
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prestonmonterey · 2 months
heheh it's that long or short anon message of what i think about you!!!!!!!!!!!
hmmmm okay so i do not know how close we are
i don't usually consider people my friend unless they consider me their friend first, out of like politeness, but i wanna be friends!!! we might already be friends and i don't know i think this is because of autism maybe or maybe anxiety idk idk
but anyways i think you are really interesting i do not want to overstep or be creepy or weird so its not at all like that but you are very interesting to me!!!! the version of you I my head is like there's two of them. theres.. preston.. adamandi and then the other version of you in my head you have black hair thats sort of like beatrix's if it was straight? and you're also tall to me
the way your brain works about certain things (ex: whenever we talk about the universe and whatnot :3) makes me stim, uuhm i think you're really cool and i like asking you questions and i like talking to you
we're literally vincent and preston from adamandi!!!! literally us!!!! therefore we don't like eachother /j /j
in my head it's like.. silly joking i don't actually dislike you not at all you're like the coolest ever and we barely really know eachother
I WANNA HEAR ABOUR YOUR TTS THOUGHTS TOO i love reading your posts about it heheh
if you were an animal i think you'd be some sort of horse or a pony. or maybe a bird or a lizard
if you were a planet in our solar system you'd be mercury, since it's the closest to the sun and the smallest planet (in our solar system, again)
aaand if you were a color you'd be blue.... if you were a star you'd be a red dwarf star... and you're like the random, decomposed animal bones you find in the woods on accident to me
i would love 2 know how your brain works but also im like that with everyone i wanna just crawl inside their minds and pull out the bad and the good i think i am autistic
if you were a pattern you'd be stripes. not zebra stripes or anything just plain block stripes! no specific colors. if you were a year you'd be 1835
i like associating people with things if you can't tell /silly (i ran out of explanations so I'm just telling you what you are to me)
if you were a rock you'd be limestone
if you were a household appliance you'd be that one fork in the kitchen that nobody uses to actually eat with, but the design on the handle is pretty !!!! not in a mean way that sounds rlly mean sorry
if you were a flower you'd be a daffodil; symbolizing forgiveness, unrequited love, rebirth, and eternal life. i think. i'm not headcanoning you to have unrequited love im just saying the meanings i remember off the top of my head. also it's yellow!
uummmmm yeah you reblogged this yesterday i think and i said i would so. here u go its not really that long but im also procrastinating sleep so. tired!
yayayay :D this is so sweet im actually giggling and kicking my feet rn /gen /p
i also wanna be friends!! youre v cool :3
i also totally get the like 2 versions thing i have the same thing for my online friends :D heehee im kinda tall for my age i think? like 5'5'' i really really wish i had curly hair :((( (my dad had kinda curly hair but asian genes prevailed so i have pretty thick, mostly straight hair) and i have an undercut :\ (not sure how i feel about my haircut rn. it looks kinda awful bc i have a scar on the back of my head where hair doesnt grow. bc scar tissue)
hmm for me rn you just look like vincent. but like. maybe a bit shorter idk
i also love hearing about your thoughts theyre so cool!!!
i think if you were an animal youd be maybe a mouse or raccoon?
if you were a planet i think saturn, not sure why
if you were a color i think youd be a warm, dark orange, like pumpkin pie or autumn leaves. idk you kinda remind me of fall i think
if you were an object youd be an old compass that someone found in their attic that was like passed down from their great grandparent or something
if you were a pattern you'd be honeycomb or tartan. colors would be sunflower yellow, brown and moss green
if you were a year youd be 2000 i think. last time all humans were on earth. not sure why but that fact reminds me of you
if you were a rock youd be jasper
if you were silverware youd be a teaspoon with a really long handle, if you were a general household thingy youd be those door handle/lever things with a spiraly end
idk anything about flower meanings TwT but i think youd be a black eyed susan or forget me not
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frostbite-the-bat · 1 year
I'm curious, apart from bugsnax and CP what other stuff do you like?
Also, ashamed you forgot to mention Deltarune, bro, that's like my MAIN thing
Well, I assume this is about fandoms/medias I am into other than some more general interests! I gotta mention video games on general since basically all my fandoms are from that
Anyways, things I like that I may not be currently hyperfixated on or was never hyperfixated on but still really like enough to list it would be: UT/DR, Pokémon and PMD specifically, Portal, Stardew Valley, Cult of The Lamb, Don't Starve, Lemon Demon, HLVRAI (COTL I mostly like as a game play aspect, the story is interesting but HEEHEE funny gaming)
Stuff I also like a lot but I think deserves it's own list aside from the beloveds: Invader Zim, Gravity Falls, DHMIS, Minecraft, Spore...I may be forgetting stuff here even if it's important to be currently I'm in between classes and I have a bad memory!! I literally had to list stuff I listed somewhere else previously bc. I forgore
If you mean interests in general I like wildlife and animals, dinosaurs, some spec evo/biology (not good at it myself but I like reading what others do) and basically anything to do with Cool Creashures
Other than that I also OBVIOUSLY love art and I'm quite passionate about (cartoon) character design specifically!! And like, writing them and like..stories and character analysis kinda I guess
Another interest that's more like a thing I do irl is... Caves!! I like visiting the tours of em and I've been to half of em in my country at this point. I love listening to what things the tours have to say, even if I may not retain all of it and I'm. Dumb with all of this stuff especially the second it starts talking about any chemical stuff LOL and ALSOEeeeE. GIFT SHOPS. YES BABY. I Collect both gemstones and just. Rocks from various places. Literally just random ones sometimes but also like it's nice to see the variety between different places
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syrinq · 1 year
sy's beautiful list of hypothetical changes for warframe in a perfect world
also known as my SO and i have a love/hate relationship with this game, because it's the closest thing to the 'perfect' multiplayer game that can be played for hours upon hours upon hours, yet so extremely far away from it because of Things.
also known as: we discuss how we'd have approached & designed this game differently, to tailor it to our most perfect needs in a hypothetical alternate universe. because multiplayer games suck ass, generally, but they're the only type that allows playtime extension through content updates. unfortunately they are also awfully painful to plan & turn out to be a mess of code usually, meaning starting from scratch is the best approach to implement ginormous changes, etc. etc. etc.
also known as: i'm making a list out of this in case i somehow ever design my own multiplayer pve/p game so i know Exactly What I Want. or DE somehow releases warframe 2 and are open to suggestions. LOL
*cracks knuckles* This is Fuck Ass Long by the way Haha Oopsiedoodle
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the most fun and important thing about warframe has always been its core gameplay loop. the parkour, the shooting, the warframe abilities, all of that shit is *chef's kiss* prime fucking shit. the only gameplay that hits as smooth and satisfying as that mechanic-wise, is fromsoft with its melee combat system that somehow feels like you're playing an fps but melee.
unfortunately that awesome gameplay loop is shoved away to make place for new doohickey cool projects, like open world v5 that isn't really open world, story continuation that's locked behind a linear progress and endless fucking grinding. SO HERE WE GO!
1.Star chart lvl 1-30 remains the introduction, BUT it serves as an introduction to multiple things aka the beginnings of mission types, warframes, lore/mini quests to understand what the fuck you're actually doing. The nodes for the open worlds? GONE. REMOVE THAT SHIT. WE DON'T NEED POE AS LIKE THE 5TH NODE ON EARTH. keep these shit nodes at the end of a branch & locked until further notice.
We are going starchart old-style, keeping the junctions & the bosses that drop the warframes 'n weapons. This 'introductory chart' should allow the new player to get their first few equipment shit, in order to get prepared for The Next Things. It also will give the player 'mandatory' tools to navigate said Next Things, such as the railjack, archwing & necramech introduced earlier, rather than 500h+ into the game.
2. 'Content islands' should be handled like WoW new players are irredeemably fucked if they want to do the new war. the amount of required grinding you've got to do to get there, BECAUSE MOST RELEASED CONTENT IS MANDATORY, is awful. fucking. awful. who wants to go through the star chart, get open world rep, get a railjack, get a necramech, etc. etc. just to see how the story continues? it's a linear rollercoaster that you can't get off of, and this is utterly awful if you're a newcomer with limited information i propose dlcs like world of warcraft instead. CONTENT ISLANDS SHOULD BE OPTIONAL INSTEAD OF MANDATORY TO ENGAGE WITH AND TO PROGRESS FURTHER IN THE GAME. if you want to hear the entire story? yeah, you CAN do them, but you aren't FORCED to grind your brains out. blah blah blah, i get that it's a combination of poor decisions & shit planning & f2p methods, but still. as a result they're doing 'duviri is an alt. start heehee', but come on. these ''content islands'', such as the open worlds and railjack missions, should be introduced after the initial star chart is finished AND PROPERLY ALSO RATHER THAN RANDOM BUTTON X IN THE CODEX FOR QUEST Y.
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okay. locking story behind story quest to tell it linearly, FAIR AND SQUARE. but to require 84914309328 farming things, fucking railjack, etc., is fucking ridiculous. these separate 'content islands' should be independent from each other and not depend on each other for mandatory 500+ hours of farming. this is TORTURE
3. More star charts notice how i said initial star chart? yeah, so, imagine, instead of the fucking steel path, IMAGINE a brand new star chart of some imaginary solar system/galaxy. the 2nd star chart introduces new tile sets, new missions, new enemies/factions that further pull the player into the world of warframe, and runs from lvl 30-60. possibly up to 90. with the increased difficulty, this is also where ''other methods'' can be allowed/introduced, such as a necramech in missions for boss fights or with a cooldown for example. necramechs should have that feeling of power armour from fallout, not some limited corn cob you can only utilise in an ''open world'' setting. yet you somehow need that for a story mission. what the fuck. and then, steel path difficulty, is the 3rd star chart, that is yet another one with new tiles/factions/whatever, and runs from 100+ to whatever the fuck steel path does. this is WHERE YOU REALLY CRANK YOUR BRAIN, aka a more gradual 'difficulty shift' towards steel path. rather than going from mindless fuckbeast killing to CHESS MASTER IQ 1MILL AND STRATEGISING WHAT YOU USE, this is fucking dumb. going from 0-100 literally
4. If you make a content island, don't hop on the hype train yeah yeah, duviri paradox and you can ride a horse and melee people with your drifter like you're playing fucking elden ring. sea shanty song because popular pirate game released.
it's so obvious that big updates like this are a try-out experiment to try the Next Big Cool Thing because Epic and have new gimmicks. yes, it can pull in more new players or let old players return. but then they stray away because new content's locked behind 483924320 hours of farming. so that's a le epic fail
content islands for multiplayer games happen. hell they happen for singleplayer games. the problem here is that when they fundamentally feel so DIFFERENT from the main gameplay, is that it gets fucking stupid. railjack? makes sense. you're in space.
you go into duviri to level up your drifter rogue-style...... ??? huh?????? i thought we were playing in skinny mecha suits? what the fucking hell?
and once you're done with content, you're done, you're never looking back. the new war gameplay experience with the grineer & corpus guy, neat! but now kahl is fucking stuck at a singular farming access point for the rest of his life, offering nothing interesting ever again. he's clem in a new suit. fucking. Hell. can we stop prioritising OHH NEW SHINY! and you know. make everything actually make sense & polish old stuff here and there.
and making content islands dependent on each other, so it ''links them together'' in the most awful way possible, is also dumb. it's only dependent because you need shit from old world y for new warframe z. THAT'S STUPID! KEEP IT SEPARATE IF YOU WILL, OR ONLY UTILISE BASE-GAME RESOURCES. YOU'RE INTRODUCING A MILLION NEW THINGS AND IT IS AWFUL! FUCK YOUR OROKIN FISH THAT I HAVE TO SLAUGHTER FOR MY SINGULAR (1) FRAME RECIPE!
IMAGINE INSTEAD, you have to revisit something for a new quest/update sometimes (not always), and it feels somehow different, instead of the same but +100 levels or it's alad v but now with an std! gods!
the most useful 'content island' that's frequently used still is nightwave, despite how fucking odd its beginnings are. that shit with the investigating some murder scene. what in the fucking hell man, what is this, i'm sherlock-fucking-holmes with a katana in space? why am i helping out this random woman. why am i screaming at some ginormous statue. what in the goddamn. at least the weeklies are relevant.
5. (Re)implement raids or 'dungeons' & LOVE tileset generation the random tileset generation, ARE WE GOING TO USE IT FOR MORE THAN JUST STARCHART MISSIONS? IMAGINE, specially-crafted tilesets for raids or dungeons, that also randomise each time you do them with 8 folks, so it keeps it fresh regardless of the objectives! and then there can also be special maps for these things to begin with!
why are there so many set maps now? citrine's last wish. the open worlds (understandable in that regard). quest number 100 that goes somewhere unknown with a specially-crafted area that you never go to again. you bitches remember the red veil? is harrow just chilling with them now? i don't know nor care
why do some starchart planets STILL have extremely similar tilesets, or ones that are incredibly frustrating to navigate? fuck me, i hate the derelict and uranus and that one icy planet i forgot the name of. faction-linked tilesets, fine for multiple star charts, but, gods, imagine more planet-linked tilesets that actually show the personality of the planet and how said faction has adapted itself to it. you know, besides water floors and doors on them. that'd be cool!
then they dare introduce the zariman mission with a new tileset but then it's just..... there. one new thing to the starchart, that you can't even get to for a million years. didn't we have this supposed earth rework like 483294032 years ago? god. i feel old and i'm only in my 20s.
6. MAKE ACTUAL OPEN WORLDS love it when you go into fortuna or some shit and do the same 5 bounties on the same 5 places until you're dead. okay, fine, you can do multiple missions in a row without leaving the map, BUT THERE IS NO POINT. MAKING THESE MANDATORY TO GET REP AND A NECRAMECH OR FIGHT THE ORB MOTHER ALSO IS FUCKING DUMB!
there should be more than just those bounties on the same 5 places. keeping them is fine, whatever. BUT COME ON, WHERE'S THE OPEN? EIDOLON IS LITERALLY JUST A FIELD
imagine, you explore, and you find a secret hidden boss that gives new warframe parts. never advertised in the trailer. it's just some guy there. you know, elden ring style! discovery! npcs walking about like you're in skyrim and you get credits for saving them or whatever, instead of HAVING to go to ''enemy camps'' and then you get spotted and shot! for what? NOTHING
what if there were optional (mini-)quests in the open world that could reward you with shit more useful than 5k credits? or share a bit more on the lore? the introduction to gara's quest without having to listen to onkko who looks like he's about to die. there's no ''open'' in open world if you only add in bounties, some stupid fishing mechanic, mining and tranquilising animals like you're in ark: survival evolved
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7. Rewrite that entire fucking mess of a story In an ideal world, the operator wouldn't exist because Fuck Them Kids. Get the drifter instead sacrifice-way, if we REALLY need to have a ''mech pilot'' so fucking badly. The introduction to these quests should be smoother, at least HINTS of it when you go through the initial star chart, rather than having to find out through the wiki, inbox or codex that -apparently- these things exist.
imagine, a new node pops up after a certain point in progression, and you're like owo what's this? BOOM. YOU GET SUCKED INTO THE TITANIA QUEST. or alternatively there's a mysterious cutscene that draws your attention once you finish the node, BUT then the problem of that is the amount of quests that'd be introduced & then overwhelm the new player.
also why can everything be thrown back to the orokin as the origin of all that is there? we're in space, for fuck's sake, give me more unique aliens! more outer forces at play besides those sentients that look like walking matchsticks!
you'd think life would be a bit more varied than blue long-armed humans, regular humans, capitalist humans, cloned humans & humans infested with fungi & humans so infested they became mech suits & sticks invented by the blue humans. oh and telepathic kids.
you're a multiplayer game. THERE IS CREATIVITY IN THOSE FRAME DESIGNS. YOU CAN DO THE SAME FOR THE FUCKING WORLD BUILDING, INSTEAD OF SLAPPING A SHINY LIGHT ON A HUMAN AND CALLING IT A NARMER. YOU ARE AS AWFUL AS MARVEL IN TERMS OF ALIEN DESIGN writing a better story is also heavily hindered by the fact it's a multiplayer game. how am i supposed to believe I AM THE ONE SPARKY if there's about 10 million other bitches besides me on fortuna? tailoring it to fit the multiplayer narrative would also make it more immersive and believable, aka you're not JUST the only one. you're just a speck of nothing in the grander scheme of things, or whatever.
this'd also allow multiplayer quests for once, because solo-ing every story-related thing is a bit.... eugh. admittedly, they did scale things to be 'bigger' with yapping about the zariman update, and I Get That Multiplayer Game Planning Is Awful And Is Messy, but god fucking damn. incoherent mess with 10 million buzzwords, plotholes and whatever else exists. YOU CAN BE INCOHERENT AND INCONSISTENT. BUT IF IT'S A STORY TO BE CONSUMED BY AN AUDIENCE, THAT AIN'T GOOD BUDDY!
8. In an ideal world the Warframes are actually Just Guys Unique abilities? Yes please. Unique idle animations? Yes please still. However WHY do SOME warframes get special roll animations while others don't? It's fucking dumb. There should be a 'standard' at least for particular body types, aka Grendel Big And His Arm Is Clipping Because Of Standard Animation. this also adds more onto the feel that warframes are unique and ''alive'' rather than skin puppets. because seriously Fuck Them Operator Kids And Drifter Adults (But Less)
have a main animation set (walking/jumping/rolling/etc.) for the 'average' body. have one for flying types. have one for bigger bodies. have one for smaller bodies. etc.
i don't want that airy feel with zephyr like she's incredibly awful to control. give her unique animations instead, and begone with that walking-on-clouds shit! rhino's walk should FEEL HEAVY BECAUSE HE'S HEAVY! hypothetically, what if grendel bullet-jumped around like he's some kind of sonic ball, instead of being as agile as the skinniest skin puppet? EVEN MORE PERSONALITY, BABY, RATHER THAN VALKYR 2.0!
9. A BIT MORE customisation freedom & optimisation The regular classic palette should be fully unlocked to every single player normally. I AM SO GODDAMN TIRED OF ALL THE WHITE/BLACKS + GREENS OR OTHER BRIGHT COLOUR. additional palettes being 75p that's fine whatever. why don't we include more cosmetic shit in login rewards or quest/nightwave shit that isn't a random wall picture?
material customisation should've been a thing from the start. though the way they do it now with voidshell skins, is fine really. BUT IN MY IDEAL WORLD, part of customisation normally.
amps/customisable weapons/whatever should be able to get their names changed always for free, though possibly at a cooldown interval of a month because. idk. database issues or whatever. you can also name rename regular weapons after max. rank and pets with platinum, sure that's fine whatever. imagine being able to give your own warframes a name as well. customised names for non-modified things should still show up to other players as nezha, baza prime, etc. because otherwise Confusing As Fuck, Baby!
the tennogen shit? that's fucking awesome, keep it coming. big minus of that, is when tennogen shit is out-of-date once the prime releases, and that Sick Ass Revenant Immortuous Helmet looks fucking HORRIBLE due to material differences. (another reason i'm an advocate for material customisation from the get-go)
some customisation shit should just be free. I GET THAT IT'S F2P. BUT WE DON'T REALLY NEED TO PAY FOR FACE TATTOOS. FACE TATTOOS, FOR FUCK'S SAKE! the older/outdated a cosmetic is, the cheaper it should be if made by DE. why do you want me to pay 50 plat for what's essentially a moving texture on a 2D plane. this shit should be like 15. I'M LOOKING AT YOU ASA SYANDANA. this is the same shit as nintendo still asking 60 quid for yoshi's doodoo world that came out in the 1950s or whatever. FUCK YOU, WHY DON'T YOU REALISE MORE PEOPLE WILL BUY IT AT LOWER PRICES IF IT'S BEEN A (REALLY) LONG TIME?
also: optionally, tennogen artists should be able to permanently 'lower' prices of their older items if they want to. good thing DE is doing tennogen sales tho, i guess
recolours of syandanas/armours/similar cosmetics (I'M LOOKING AT YOU, BARO KI'TEER PRISM SHIT!) should be treated as skins rather than separate items. it clogs up the fucking menu so bad. do it like fortnite skins, or, you know, how you select the appearance of something with weapons.
"BUT SY, WHAT IF I GET THE RECOLOUR FIRST" yeah so this system is dumb to begin with. cosmetics with recoloured versions should be rewarded for free rather than pay 50p-100p a recolour. TAKE THAT, AVIA ARMOUR SET
also can we stop having those cinematic market preview shots of new frames and whatever. i can't see what the fuck i'm looking at let alone what the thing looks like. ew
10. I Get That It's Spaghetti/Years Upon Years Of Code But Wow These Bugs Are Random XD saryn my poor girl i am so sorry for your loss of a cracked spine and having your innards penetrated by whatever this new positioning bug is in the market preview
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my poor baby mustard will remain forever a premature piece of cyst. poor thang isn't even alive. undeveloped flesh beast. (Note that this has been an issue for uh..... At least a year at this point)
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*insert 2-hour break here because holy fuck the drifter faces are horrendous and i just HAD to fix mine's even though they've got a hood on 24/7*
11. Old Frame New Jacket You know what those fuckers at Hi-Rez do for smite? when an old ass model gets so ugly, they make it a new sculpt + model. The old version is still attached as an extra skin. you wanna look at sobek's glow up? of course you do.
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what a beautiful boy!
anyway. can we do this for excalibur and nyx and whatever. you can switch between the old/new version and accompanying tennogen skins just fine. but still. my poor boy excalibur looking like a loose candy wrapper on the street
this also helps with keeping the art consistent. like, okay, i get it, excalibur looks basic as fuck, you're more prone to buy a skin for him. but this is just lame
cosmetics bring in money. fashionframe is endgame. i get it. fine. but fucking hell can we also stop implementing things that look way cool, but ruin the practicality of play?
ephemera wings? fuck you especially. fuck you extremely hard. 10 million warframe effects and it's just a visual mess upon visual mess.
12. Fuck That Farming Grind Extreme 1000 some bitches love farming. i don't. there should be more QoL to farming as well as better RNG rates & less RNG occurrence in general & better amounts of resource drops, especially for endless missions.
it should be a crime that there's double RNG upon RNG. RNG for getting a specific relic. so you can put in a stupid item, to increase RNG chances to get that specific item you want from it. that's SINFUL. AWFUL. WHO CAME UP WITH THIS? I'M GOING TO HAUNT YOU
why are the rotations like AABC? that's fucking stupid. why do you get so many shit things on rotation C only, aka after 20 minutes of wasting your painful life? can't we do it like khora, where you have a chance to get a part on rotation A, then B, then C? you know? more efficient time instead of purposefully making the player go fucking insane and then give in to buy with plat?
i got a life, homie, i cannot dedicate to the grind full-time. waiting 3 days for a frame you crafted, fine, whatever. but timegating a lot of shit behind that 20-minute mark, oh you're just asking to be punched
the faction rep farming with the tokens from deimos? good change. they should keep that. although farming rep in general is god awful and those rates should be lowered to begin with. why the fuck do you need to be rank 5 of the main faction and then rank 5 of the side faction to get some stupid wristband for your mecha pilot. that's dumb.
and the recent thing with citrine, that you can farm resources to buy from some guy to guarantee the part? also good! keep doing more of that shit, instead of locking the latest warframe behind arbitrations, which REQUIRES YOU TO DO X AND Y AND Z AND THE ALPHABET and you're 85 and about to die. god. this is awful.
13. Fuck Them Power Creeps, Give Me Actual Challenge the modding system is already complicated enough and you add a whole new set of power mods again, now from the archons? why do we even still have damaged mods? that's stupid. rid of them. god. i'm going to jump off a cliff.
for the love of god can we stop this power creep. fine, you one-shot every single thing when you know what you're doing. but can we just not have this at all? one-shotting lvl1-30 enemies. fine. whatever.
sorties and arbitrations and similar are fine also, but, come on, dude, that's just an endless defense mission with an increased level for ''difficulty''. that's dumb. and also the fact you can one-shot them. where's the design in that?
red crits constantly in steel path shit after learning your stupid shield gate and navigation skills? i think that's dumb. it's a nobrainer. you have 0 thoughts doing warframe like this and it makes the grind unenjoyable, ALTHOUGH EASIER to get through
increase the difficulty, NOT BY JUST LEVELS! lower the amount of shit power warframes and weapons can get! why is AOE still the meta! why are boss fights only increased in ''difficulty'' by giving them invulnerability, gated health bars or disabling your abilities! that's so fucking stupid!
MAYBE INTRODUCE MORE ENVIRONMENTAL MECHANICS FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS LIKE BOSSES ALSO. THAT ISN'T JUST *corpus hound blares and spins lasers in a cone, also known as your average spy mission* OR *guy screams and there's water and you just have to jump up a little*
why do people have to learn stupid mechanics like shieldgating in order to get crazy mad unkillable with a 100armour frame with no health mods, instead of, i don't know, utilising the actual tools at disposal! can we balance warframes and weapons more for a more even playground! good fucking gods. the game is fucking pve, but the only pve available is the loot & the parkouring & useless minigames in open worlds. WHAT ELSE
14. I am New and I Need Mommy new player experience remains absolute dogshit JUST because of the focus on new stuff & the fact that it very heavily deviates from what you start out as
hello? in-game wiki? or at least more comprehensive tutorials that aren't a stupid wall of text like we're playing a jrpg. i will Not Remember what you said about the modding system. like at all.
the fact that you will NOT survive without the wiki or someone to teach you is utterly awful for the survivability of a f2p game. how in the fuck warframe's still standing is sometimes beyond me. fun gameplay loop maybe. jesus
15. Prime shit should be Better than 10% health stat increase Hello? you're missing out on the opportunity to make primes actually fully worth it, besides a new look with overwhelming gold ornaments. or, you know, someone wants nidus, but nidus prime already came out, so, you know, why bother with the regular one unless it's for MR
what if abilities were also just stronger? so. you know. it actually feels more like a prime rather than a golden iphone you bought from the store, only because you didn't like your black iphone. sigh.
the increasing amount of fucking normal tex lines + details on primes (and newer frames in general) is also god awful.
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16. Companions are still pretty much useless yeah girl i love going into steel path and then my sentinel is immediately dead because this motherfucker's health is so sad and bad. the CONSTANT notification of a pet dying because it's in a high-level defense mission. god. help
at this point you might as well make companions fucking invincible and only have them for flair or small QoL changes. you know... how mmos do it... like the sucking up items with a sentinel. the fact that my sentinel can just kill starchart enemies on its own is dumb, yet it dies immediately if it comes close to level 60.
companions are never going to have the usefulness of palicoes in monster hunter and frankly they shouldn't do that either. we already got frames. we already got weapons. cats having a random farm boon. fine. pet the dog maybe. also fine. BUT WE ARE IN A SKIN SUIT FOR A REASON, BOYS!
17. Redundant & inconsistent things that should be rid of or fixed archwing should only be a means of quick travel in open worlds and railjack. why are there still archwing missions. fuck uranus for having so much fucking water.
why do we need to keep track of 4839248320923090423 resources with each new update? this is so fucking awful. i'm holding my entire inventory and 5 of each component falls out. goodbye. why do we even have so many status types also when there's a clear preference for viral + heat?
the abundance of mods? fuck that. why do we need primed. why do we need archon mods. why do we need arcane mods. why do we even have umbra at this point. simplify it, for god's sake, there's a bazillion things at this point that basically do the SAME THING so you can only STACK IT. BUT FOR WHAT? WHAT'S THERE TO KILL BESIDES STEEL PATH OR ARCHONS WITH THOSE MODS? TELL ME FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!
newly-introduced ''pity systems'' or changed mechanics should be also applied to older versions. why the fuck is the mining game different still, if you use the poe drill vs. the fortuna drill vs. the deimos drill? why the fuck is getting a dog fundamentally different to a cat to a moa. WHY DID THEY NEVER INTRODUCE TOKENS FOR FORTUNA & POE? THIS IS SO FUCKING DUMB AND INCONSISTENT!
syndicates are also so fucking redundant, with their expanded system compared to usefulness in practice? what? i'm picking between pokemon sword & shield to see which special frame-specific mods i can get besides relic packs? and also who'll sometimes come to assassinate me? that's it? and i can pick out of 6 different factions with a different look that you could've definitely built more on lore-wise? but the only one you basically build on is teshin for some reason? christ.
18. Where is the multiplayer in my multiplayer game? you can solo shit if you want to. farming and gaining xp becomes a fuckton easier with a squad. maybe you can do steel path easier. but that's it. most of the time you're in random squads. forgettable usernames. forgettable places. etc. etc.
with the previous point about difficulty and also a more multiplayer-tailored story, this can also just boost multiplayer interaction over solo. it's a multiplayer game ffs, why is the main story acted out solo?
it's the same with any multiplayer game that's too piss easy. remember classic warcraft? yeah i didn't play that, but fucking hell bitches would get into a party and become friends over fucking questing.
this is a general anonymosity issue with the internet/gaming/whatever as a whole, but still, fuck me, warframe literally doesn't feel like a multiplayer game whatsoever. utilise that mechanic besides shitty host migrations and crossplay! god! there's barely even any pvp!
19. For Fun Gimmicks should stay For Fun Why in the hell is there a faction for a hoverboard in fortuna......... Why do I need to tranquilise 5 fucking animals for 1 plushie and that's the Only Way I Can Get Him........ God. Good god why can't it just be simpler and easier. this is so fucking stupid, holy fuck. farming for cosmetics, fine. farming for a stupid plushie so your ship looks less bland and depressing, that's just dropkicking the player into a chasm
*add in comment here that my post is getting so long that it's making the tumblr editor glitch. this is extremely funny to me i am writing a book here*
20. Mastery rank is a fucking sham locking things behind mastery rank is fucking dumb, especially if they require something like MR10 and you get the equivalent of a starter weapon. my god.
mastery rank is there to show your 'progress' of the game, but really the majority of it is levelling gear. discovering new locations and quests only add so little. do you know how stupid that sounds?
what the fuck am i mastering here? how to shoot a guy with my goddamn hek? what da hek is going on?
it is true that mastery rank can be more-or-less tied to someone's experience with the game, but even then it's flawed. it's not a good indicator. the rewards you get from the tests, fine, great, but other than that, it's just another fucking bar to fill, like, you know, the millions of other bars in this fucking game
21. There is always fucking Something You Don't Know when it takes over 1k hours to learn of something new, especially if it's a required or fundamental part of the game, that's so fucking stupid. i still don't touch steel path despite min-maxing my warframes. i still don't use specters or whatever the fuck. i don't care enough to do sorties or arbitrations or whatever because fuck me what do they give me? nothing of worth to me.
some see it as a bonus that there's always something to learn. i agree. but if it's for fundamental systems that will be required in the journey (EVENTUALLY), then, you know. that's. so. stupid.
look at this fucking shit ass table of game mechanics, some technical in the background, most of them part of your moment-to-moment epic gaming.
like what the actual fuck? it's so clear that you can build upon coding, or reinvent coding to copy-paste it into a new zone (multiple areas that count as your 'decoration zone'). yet by multiplying what's essentially the same, you're just, again, bloating the system with useless crap that could've just utilised the original base.
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the last time i actually saw a new fitting mechanic, was when disruptions were introduced, because, wow, that was an actual entire new game mode, rather than copy-paste defense but NOW with gems to collect. sheesh. again, this is the focus on shiny new & adding more shit onto the pile, rather than keeping it more concise. eugh
22. I'm feeling 22 i'm actually not 22. my head is empty and this is like an essay. there is 4832948230 more things but above? yeah that's about the majority of it.
here is an irrelevant beast you will never see on mars ever but only about once maybe.
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that's my ted talk. good bye
0 notes
iravaid · 2 years
Nines for the character thingy, or Seb if someone has already sent you Nines! :3
I’ve answered a LaCroix one so Mr Rodriguez it is!
Favourite thing about them:
His character design makes me so so happy, Nines is very difficult/annoying to draw but by god is he fun to look at. 
Also the, like, implications and extrapolations on his sparse backstory - Nines is just some Guy who has been abandoned by MacNeil and Garcia to lead a dying faction and he doesn’t Want to be a leader because it goes against his idea of what the Anarchs should be, but the Anarchs aren’t in a position to be leaderless and equal without every other faction in LA, including other anarchs, tearing them apart. It sucks!! I love it, lots to explore with it and his deeper frustration at everything that’s been thrown at him in life and death, he never wanted Any of this. 
Least favourite thing about them:
There’s too little on him!!! Please god i want more Nines lore. How’s he handling the firebombing? and whatever went on in LAbN? has he been eating well?  
Favourite line:
When he yells SHUT UP in the Last Round at everyone,,, and they shut up lmao. It was a random bit of environment interaction that surprised me and it’s just. objectively entertaining 
Nines and Damsel and Skelter!!!! They’re besties. I’ve decided. Damsel stapled Nines’ face back together after Griffith and Skelter held his hand for support
You’re totally Totally not gonna believe this. but. Lacroix and Nines 😔 so so so many thoughts about them i desperately want to draw them more I v much love this ship but I also know it weirds/squicks people out for obvious reasons
I don’t really have any tbf. I think one I’m not a fan of is Nines/Fledgling because of how young in vampire standards the fledgling is and the position of power Nines is in above them. It doesn’t feel that great a situation, nor a romantic relationship Nines himself might be comfortable engaging in? 
But i know people have a varied spin on the nines/fledgling spin where the latter is well developed and independent, it’s still just. not a thing i’m totally in to. No shade or anything towards people who do, though. It’s more a preference thing
Random headcanon:
Tío Armando, who disappeared in the 30s and no one ever heard from him again, has a photograph on the Rodriguez family ofrenda. His mom and eldest sister never stopped looking for him. Nines does his best to keep an eye on his grand-nieces and nephews and their kids, but it’s difficult sometimes, keeping that distance.  
Unpopular opinion:
I don’t know if this is one But, he’s not super muscular/defined. Nines has that functional strength body type with a fair bit of fat over all that Muscle and Strength he probably got working laborious jobs and doing god knows what else his entire life, while also not having the best diet if he was working class in LA in the 20s-30s. I wanna see a Brujah with huge focken shoulders, tits, and gut, and those hamhock biceps; he’s not gna herniate or Shit lifting something too heavy, king has that support layer of fat keeping him together 😤
Song(s) I associate with them:
Iron Skies - Paolo Nutini
Alien Blues - Vundabar (LaCroix/Nines vibes heehee s/o to @odiletheswanqueen for recommending it)
Eight - Sleeping at Last
Favourite picture of them:
Started going feral when Nines showed up in the hotel with that fucked up post-werewolf face. oh my god. love it
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iniquity-fr · 2 years
hey hi heehee. question... how on earth do u enjoy this game? maybe its just Not for me. i start projects but then they look ugly as hell to me after 3 months. ive tried lore writing, pretty dragon collecting, working with g1's. i love the dragons & concept of this site but i never look back @ my lair and go "yep. it was all worth it". it's miserable to get the stuff u need! ur ideas and outfits are very inspiring so i wanted to hear from u specifically how u make ur own fun bc DAMN is it hard!
HI SORRY for taking so long to answer this it’s been. a weird weekend. also srry for the long + public answer lmk if you want this taken down and i’ll DM screens or smth i just figured it might be helpful to other ppl too or at least maybe others can provide feedback!!! anyway uuuhhhhh the trouble w fr is you do have to Find and Make your own fun yea, and it is cool to me that there is different stuff that different ppl like to really focus on! but i imagine it can be frustrating when none of those different things quite feel like Your Thing
i think above all what has kept my FR enjoyment up the most over the years has been running this blog and being in a couple (small, not super public lol) discord servers and generally just being able to actually talk to people about FR! i hate using the forums and don’t chat people up onsite via PM or whatever, but i do have this blog to share my art and projects and characters and stuff as well as discord w some pals where we can hype each others stuff up and generally enjoy pixel dragons Together. finding a way to share what yr doing helps to enjoy doing it if that makes sense??? crafting lore and art and ocs and stuff around my dragons got a lot more fun (and i was inspired to do it more and keep doing it!) once i was actually sharing any of it (not that i still dont just keep a lot of lore locked in my head lol)
but sharing the fun still requires finding the fun aka what really feels like yr Favorite thing to do on fr itself? character creation & design is my favorite thing to do like, in general, and to make a neat character i need the dragon to be really cool and customized in such a way that inspires me and informs what kind of character they’re gonna be and where they fit into within my lore….. thus dragon dressup is my favorite part of the site, i spend a LOT of time fiddling around in the dressing room making outfits, i usually won’t even buy a dragon until i’ve at least got the beginnings of a good outfit started. i didn’t get into g1s at all until we could start dressing scries and now coming up w the perfect scry+outfit is SO satisfying to me, even if i take literal years to complete projects lol, knowing what the goal is is good enough for me to pull character and lore ideas from (and i always stick the outfit plan image+scry img in the bio so i can still always visualize it) helps also to find a couple niches or smth that you REALLY like and want to have groups of dragons w this specific kind of look or lore going on so you’re less likely to find the project ugly or boring later if that makes sense? ie i have my plague church and weird ocean cult and eldritch space monster tabs, being able to know where ur dragon fits in with your other dragons keeps ‘em interesting i think! having a loose handful of random guys w no connections can make it hard to feel like holding onto ‘em :(
so then i think it’s about making these end results (be it breeding projects or g1s or a mixed lair of whatever) feel, yknow, worth it! for me its worth it and i love to look at the finished stuff in my lair bc i then have these characters attached to them—not everyone is fully fleshed out with a gijinka design and everything yet, but i generally have an idea of their personalities and they’re always sorted into a lore faction where i know they’ll be participating in xyz activities/behaviors/etc. a lot of them do have this kind of background character syndrome atm bc of that but i still care about the end result dragon in my lair bc i CAN develop them into a character and base a design off of their genes/apparel/etc that i put all that effort into matching up perfectly. so having and completing these dragons and their outfits and gazing upon my own lair feels satisfying and Worth It to me because i like creating and this way i’ve created something / given myself this lovingly customized bunch of pixels to create with, yknow? they’re not JUST pretty dragons sitting there doing nothing, they have purpose and space in my head.
ofc that’s all just What I Like about the game personally and what’s Fun For Me and for you and other people that can or will be different !!! my hope is just that hearing What i like and How and Why helps u and anyone else to figure the same for yrself… tldr it’s about finding what you like and why and what your real end goal that keeps you feeling attached to your dragons is, and being able to actually share these things with other people somehow can be a big help! playing all by yrself with no real goals is definitely a rough experience for FR and i wish u the best of luck finding what sparks pixel dragon joy for you 🙏🙏🙏
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suolainensilakka · 4 years
for cahracter question thing. mr quirel....
Favorite thing about them
Everything :)
ON A SERIOUS NOTE I just. I Just Think Hes Neat. Hes got a good and pleasant design,,, friendshaped! Also his personality is just so delightfully warm and inviting and also I wuv his voice. All around there is Nothing to dislike about this good good bug
Least favorite thing about them
I love him but he makes me sad :(
Favorite line
I havent seen All of em though so I can say a specific one for certain, but I just. I just rlly love the way he greets u whenever u cross paths with him shfjdjd
Listen I'll horf down literally any and all media (whether it be fic, art or headcanons) about quirrel and ghost being friends I ADORE their dynamic so much bros
Tisoquirrel personally broke into my house and I said Thank You
Also I'd like to thank sbabl for singlehandedly wrestling me into falling in love with lemmquirrel. Excellent 11/10 rarepair that needs Much More Content
If you romantically ship quirrel with ghost im going to throw rocks at you
Random headcanon
Hes multilingual,,,, I mean cmon the guy's traveled far and wide and is literally a scholar I'd be very surprised if he HADN'T picked up another language or two
Unpopular opinion
I have yet to encounter a quirrel gijinka that I didn't immediately feel an iron-strong sense of affection for. That said, Please For The Love Of God Why Are There So Many Twink Quirrels
Song I associate with them
,,,, band? Do entire bands count? Bc if so then any song I listen to by The Oh Hellos is now permanently hardwired to remind me of quirrel and I go HeeHee Thats Me Boy :)
Favorite picture of them
All of them :)
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rmg91 · 5 years
The Woes and Antics of Living Together-Chapter 15
ANNOUNCEMENT 1: First off-I have more amazing fanart to show off! This time by @tealbull81! First Chapter 11's scene of Poppy claiming Branch's shirt as her own: This is my shirt now and last chapter’s almost kiss: Almost Kiss. Go give it some love!
ANNOUNCEMENT 2: WE'RE GOING TO WEEKLY UPDATES! I've almost finished the last 2 buffer chapters (so pretty much I'm done writing this [Aaaahhhh~!] so I feel confident enough to change the update schedule!
I'll be honest, this is a filler chapter cause I needed something in between the last and next chapter. I could've cut it out, as this is suppose to be more slice-of-life like but this chapter kind of helps set up the next. Also more Snack Pack for those who love seeing them! Also writing dance scene's are hard!
I hope you enjoy this chapter anyway c:
Previous Chapter/Next Chapter; AO3/FF.net
@writerofberk-So not too much to say here other than I hope you enjoy this short chapter. (Next week’s is gonna good, heehee~)
Pulsing lights, pounding beats and bodies twisting and turning on the brightly lit floor was just the scene Poppy loved to be in as she sat with her friends in their favorite club. She was currently dancing in her seat as the Pack gossiped around her as they all took a little break for some drinks and to praise Suki for her amazing DJ skills once again before she began her second set of the night. Poppy herself, however, wasn't part-taking in her usual drink, instead just nursing a coke, as it was her turn to play designated driver but she didn't mind, the clubbing scene was all she needed to let loose and have fun.
Chenille's laughter echoed around them as she leaned on Poppy, “You know what I still can't believe?!” She said in answer to whatever the current subject had been,” I still can't believe Poppy convinced Branch to dye his hair!!”
Poppy laughed and gently nudged the elder twin off, “It was more like I goaded him into it really! But it's nice, right?!”
“Totally!!” Suki agreed, flashing a thumbs up before knocking back a shot and leaning on Guy, “Dude looks cool!”
“Now if only he'd act cool!” Satin commented.
The Pack nodded and Poppy gently pushed Smidge as she cried 'Oh yeah!', “Guys! Be nice! He's trying, okay?!”
“Yeah, yeah!” The twins waved.
Poppy frowned, never really liking it when they talked like that about Branch but before she could say something to defend him, Creek spoke up, “Come now, everyone! Positive energies! Let's change the subject to something more inviting, hmm?! Like I heard a certain pair of twins are being featured by the school?!”
The twins giggled and raised their glasses, “Hell yeah!”
They then proceeded to gush about how their teacher was going to set up a display for their designs and how the newspaper was going to interview them soon. The Pack all shared a congratulatory drink before they moved onto gossiping about some other school going-on's and classmates. There was even some gentle teasing toward Biggie and his upcoming date with Harper. The larger man blushed and tried to brush it off as nothing more than a simple dinner as thanks for some help the artist had given him but his friend knew it was bigger than that. Biggie had been nursing a crush on their mutual friend for a while.
Before more could be said on the subject, a familiar beat suddenly started to play and Poppy cried out happily, “This is my jam!!!” She playfully pushed Smidge to move before wiggling out of the booth, “To the dance floor!”
With a cheer her friends followed, Guy grabbing Poppy's hand and giving her a twirl across the floor. The pinkette took the center of the circle her friends then formed, starting to sing, “I've had a little bit too much-Ooh, ooh, ooh- All of the people start to rush -start to rush by!” Poppy spun around and swished her hips, “A dizzy twister dance, can't find my drink or man~ Where are my keys? I lose my phone-Ooh, ooh-ooh~!”
Chenille and Satin replaced Poppy in the circles center, singing the next verse, “What's...Going on, the floor?”
“I love this record, baby, but I can't see straight anymore!”
“Keep..it cool, what's the name of this club?”
“I can't remember but it's alright, a-alright-!”
“Just dance! Gonna be okay~ Da da doo-doo-mmm~! Just dance~! Spin that record, babe, Da da doo-doo-mmm!” The Snack Pack danced around each other, twisting and dipping, shaking hips and spinning under one another's arms as they sang along with the music.
After the next verse and chorus, Guy grabbed Poppy again and spun her around, “When I come through on the dance floor checkin' out that catalog!” He then grabbed the twins with each hand and spun them into his chest, “Can't believe my eyes so many women without a flaw~!” He spun them out before grabbing Smidge and spinning her under his arm, “And I ain't gon' give up, steady tryna pick up the call!” Finally he grabbed Suki and pulled her close, swaying her side to side before dipping her, “I'ma hit it, I'ma beat it and flex and do it until tomorr', yeah~!”
Cooper danced behind the pair, singing half the lyrics of the next verse, “Shawty I can see that you got so much energy!”
“The way you're twirlin' up them hips 'round and 'round~” Guy sang as he spun Suki around and held onto her hips as she swiveled them.
“And now there's no reason at all why you can't leave here with me!”
“In the meantime stay and let me watch you break it down~!”
“And dance!” Poppy sang brightly, raising her arms up high, “Gonna be okay~!”
The group of friends continued to groove on the dance floor, Biggie twirling Poppy around, Satin and Chenille swaying their hips and enticing some boys to come dance with them, alongside whatever wild and crazy moves Cooper added in. Eventually, after more singing and Cooper taking a turn as the center of attention, the song switched to another that had the Pack cheering and continuing on with their dancing. Suki left them after a few more songs to take her place back at the DJ booth and after playing one of Poppy's favorites, the pinkette had to take a quick drink break.
Laughing as she made her way back to the table, a fresh coke in hand from the bar, Poppy crashed into the booth before sidling up to Creek, who had stayed behind with their various purses. “Hi~!”, She chirped breathlessly.
“Having fun?!” He asked with a smile.
“You bet I am!” Poppy cried with a grin before taking a gulp of her drink, “You should join us on the dance floor!”
“I will once someone comes over to switch! Save me a dance?!”
“Oh!” Biggie's voice suddenly sounded and the turned to see him approaching, “If you two want to go dance, I can watch everything!”
Poppy grinned, “Thanks, Big~!!” She squirmed out the booth and hopped up to kiss his cheek, “You're the best!!” She then grabbed Creek's hand and pulled him out into the crowd.
A few hours later Poppy had to giggle as she helped maneuver her now drunk friends into her car and Biggie's. Satin and Chenille were currently giggling over random words like 'flannel' and 'tweed', while Smidge was trying to challenge anything and anyone to an arm wrestling contest, even if didn't have arms. Suki had fallen asleep the moment she had hit the backseat of Biggie's van and Cooper has sprawled out next to her. Biggie was trying to get him to sit up so he wouldn't roll off in transit. Guy was the last get in but he was currently flirting with Creek and trying to convince him to come home with him.
“Now, Guy, I do believe you have a girlfriend.” The guru said, trying to guide the silver haired man toward Biggie's open passenger door.
“Oooh~ Suki won't mind~” He ran a hand down Creek's chest as the other held on to his shoulder, “Weeee're....open like that!”
Creek grabbed Guy's hand before it got too low, “Come now, Guy. I love you-”
“I love you too!!” Guy cried out before grabbing Creek's face, “Kiss me, you fool!”
Creek dodged the sloppy attempt and carefully pushed Guy toward Biggie, “Now, now, that wouldn't be fair to Poppy or Suki.”
Poppy giggled as she stood by her car, the girls securely buckled in and still giggling away while Smidge was now staring confusedly at her phone, “Oh, I don't mind. You go ahead and give him a kiss if he wants it.”
“Yas, Queen!” Guy cheered before glomping Creek and landing a sloppy kiss on his cheek, “Mwah!!!” He then snuggled into Creek's neck and gave him a hooded look, “Come home with me~”
Creek grunted at the weight on his friend on him, “Not tonight, you're having a sleepover at Biggie's.”
“Oooh~ Yes! I am!” Guy suddenly sprang up and glued himself to Biggie's side, “Biggie! My wonderful, Sweetheart! Take me home and ravish me!”
Biggie chuckled, use to the over-dramatics of his friend when drunk, “Only if you sit nicely on the way home and behave.”
“Aaaw, boo... “ He sighed dramatically then, “Fiiine, if you say so, Handsome.” The glitter decked man climbed into the van and buckled up before casting what he thought was a seductive look at Biggie, “All set.”
The photographer chuckled and closed the door, “One moment.” He shared a quick goodbye hug with Poppy and Creek and whispered, “I'll lean the seat back and he'll be asleep in moments, don't worry.”
Poppy giggled, “Let me know when you're home and have everyone in bed.”
Biggie nodded and climbed into his van, buckling up and gently scolding Guy for trying to touch him. He then waved goodbye and pulled out of the lot they were parked in, Guy waving dramatically out the window not to miss him too much. With a light laugh both Creek and Poppy got into her car and went on their way to drop their friends at home.
Once Smidge was deposited into the gentle arms of a sleepy Milton, Poppy headed to take the Twins to their apartment on the other end of town. She was humming along to the soft the music playing from the CD she put in as her friends continued to giggle in the back. Creek looked over at her and smiled before reaching out and gently grasping her hand for a moment.
“Yeah?” She glanced at him for a moment before stopping at a red light, “What's up?”
Creek smiled at her, “Well it's just I heard that the new mini golf place opened early-”
“What?! No way!” She yelled in shock, she'd been wanting to go when it opened and to find it opened early ruined her 'Opening Day Golfing' Party plans, “Why didn't anyone tell me? I've been wanting to go soooo bad!”
The guru chuckled and patted her arm, “It's alright, Sweet. That's why I'm bringing up. I thought you and I could go next weekend.”
“Oh...” Poppy blushed and shyly looked over at him, “Like...a date?”
He also gave her a side glance with a grin, “Perhaps.”
Poppy squealed quietly, a huge grin taking over her face. Yes! A real date with Creek! Things were starting to happen and maybe afterward he'd finally kiss her! Realizing she hadn't answered yet and was starting to get swept up in her fantasies, the pinkette happily chirped her reply, “Okay~!”
Creek laughed under his breath, “I'll pick you up at one next Friday. You'll be done with classes, correct?”
“Yep! I only have the morning class, so I'll have plenty of time get ready.”
“Excellent.” Creek grinned and Poppy couldn't help the excited squeak that came out. She couldn't wait till next Friday!
Poppy arrived home a little later than planned, having spent some time sitting in her car with Creek at his place talking. She was so excited for their date, she didn't think she'd be able to sleep! But maybe she would as a huge yawn escaped her as she shuffled though the door. Shutting and locking it, she turned and was surprised to see a light still on. She thought Branch would've been in bed already.
Coming into the living room, she found her roommate asleep on the couch, one hand hanging off the edge and the other loosely holding a book. She couldn't help but to giggle softly as she wandered over to hang off the back of the couch. He looked so peaceful sleeping like that, face relaxed and breathing deeply. She didn't resist the urge reach out and run her fingers through his now blue hair and had to giggle again. She was still pretty proud of how she'd gotten him to do it.
“...Don' do happy....” Branch mumbled in his sleep as he turned his head toward her ministrations and Poppy almost thought he was waking up for a moment. But he just sighed and started snoring softly again.
Poppy leaned her head on her forearm, simply watching him sleep before another yawn of her own reminded her how tired she was. Humming, she ran her fingers through his hair again before standing up.
“Night, Branch...” She whispered before heading to her room for a good nights sleep, not thinking on how odd it was she was just watching her best friend sleep and running her fingers through his hair. Her last sleepy thought was how she wished he'd let her do that when he was awake but maybe one day.
Yeah, added a bit of sleepy!Broppy fluff at end cause I could. Plus that's what we're all here for anyway, right? XD Also Poppy, honey, don't you think it's a little odd how much you want to run your fingers through his hair? Anyway! Hope you enjoyed!
Just Dance-Lady Gaga
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yukiwrites · 6 years
The Source of Her Courage is Him
Thank you so much for commissioning me again, @breeachuu! I got a bit carried away as always, heehee :’D Hope you like it!
Summary: In a world that Kamui chose to defend Nohr, Cressida found herself serving the nohrian army, being under constant pressure. Her only solace was being Prince Leo’s bookmate, but dare she hope for more?
Part 1 - Part 2
As the leader of one of the strongest mercenary group in the center of Nohr, it was simply a matter of time until Cressida would be hired to fight for the kingdom at the royal army. Once she did, she worked hard -- harder than she would've liked -- to please her superiors.
Once she was promoted to bow knight, Cressida was also given more soldiers to command, increasing her workload as well as her struggle to keep up with her superiors.
Cressida had been reckless in the past; she knew she had to change, but the responsibility placed over her shoulders made her more prone to overworking herself than learning from her past mistakes.
The scar on her lip as well as the countless blisters on her fingers and constant visits to the healers were examples of her over-dedication to her duty.
Being under so much pressure would make her feel like running away, but she knew herself -- she would never be able to. Instead, she ran in her own way: quiet reading afternoons during rainy days or writing a progress diary to keep track of her own achievements so as to not fall under her own anxious thoughts helped Cressida tremendously.
It was during one of these visits to the Records Hall at the Astral Realm that she had started to see Prince Leo more often. As one of the army's key strategist, Leo had always to keep his mind sharp by broadening his horizon through new books everyday. Cressida saw a bit of herself on the prince, if she could be so bold to think so. Although she never saw him neglect his health for his studies, more than once she had brought a blanket to cover him in secret during the nights he'd fall asleep atop a book, feeling somewhat conflicted in doing so.
She felt happy to find someone akin to her, though also ashamed for even daring to entertain the thought of spending more time with the prince  of all people. No. She would maintain the status quo by being a simple soldier under his command.
Ah, how her actions betrayed her thoughts! Day after day she would find herself looking for him whenever she entered the Records Hall, a bubbly feeling warming the inside of her chest when their eyes met. Cressida found herself paying more attention to the voices issuing orders during battles, always feeling a bristle at the back of her neck whenever Leo was the one guiding her; she would look for him on crowds of people, somehow being able to always spot him right away every single time.
The day he accidentally watched her practice made her heart almost leave her throat in surprise. He had commended her for her diligence, but advised her to look into her own health first and foremost. "We've no need for a dead soldier even before the battle starts, after all." He had said. Despite the harshness of his words, they brought Cressida more solace than she thought words could.
After that day, she noticed that he would be more aware of her -- to the point of asking her opinion on this or that book, seeing how well read she was. Perhaps it was the way she unconsciously looked at him, with warmth and longing, which always made him somewhat embarrassed to look her in the eyes for too long. He would adorably scratch his neck and do a half pout with his cheek that Cressida was sure only she knew about as he averted his eyes back to the books they would read together from time to time.
The Records Hall at night became somewhat of their particular spot, especially at the western windowsill seat: It had a view to the entire AR as well as plenty of cushions scattered over it as well as on the chairs around it. It was designed for group reading as it also had a fireplace nearby, making it the most wonderful place to stay in during cold nights.
To be honest, Leo never thought he could bond with someone so quickly as he did with Cressida, even after months of their book readings. They had the same interest in books and boardgames and also had similar personalities. She never spoke of it and neither did he, but he knew how burdened with pressure she was, much like how he felt that his skills were inferior towards his siblings and peers. Cressida also wouldn't try to have small talks -- whenever the silence grew between them, they wouldn't feel like breaking it. Enjoying the silence alongside her had been almost therapeutic to the prince, to the point that if he didn't spend time with her at least once a day he would have trouble sleeping, his thoughts filled with her.
He would think of what to talk about the next time they met, or which books to recommend as well as which new game to present her so they could spend hours to end in each other's presences.
During one of these sleepless nights, Leo started at the ceiling, gripping at his heart under the blanket. He wanted to see her! How could he feel such desire so deeply inside his heart? It was unbearable! It hurt for him to breathe whenever he thought of her while his heart would throb uncontrollably.
And yet, once their eyes met, he couldn't feel lighter. As though even the burden of inferiority would lift from his shoulders by the mere sight of Cressida. All of it was driving him crazy! He wanted to meet her; hear her calm breathing as they read books barely brushing on each other's skins; watch her feel good about herself whenever she hit the bull's eye during practice... Leo felt the air leave his body with difficulty, not being able to resist the urge of jumping out of bed and putting on whatever he had at hand just to check back at the Records Hall.
Maybe, just maybe... she would be there.
"This is stupid." He told himself as he lit the way with magic, a tiny ball of fire hovering in front of him. "I can just wait until morning to see everyone. Why am I even bothering myself to go there just to see... to see her?" He stopped right in front of the Records Hall entrance, pressing his lips into a thin line.
He knew why he was doing that.
He understood why all the physical signs he had been feeling during her absence jumbled themselves up once he was in her presence. He knew why his palms were sweaty or why his voice broke whenever they spoke. Or why he felt even more ashamed than usual if Cressida were the one to point out a blunder with his outfit.
Leo knew; he knew he was in love with Cressida. He loved how her voice sounded inside the empty library, softly reverberating through its walls into his head, piercing his heart; he loved how she slightly curved her lip during practice, as though making sure to touch her scar to remind herself that she should excel without overexerting herself; he loved how she sometimes would undo her braid during long reading sessions so as to let her 'hair breathe' as she would say.
He loved the touch of her warm skin on his, as accidental as they always were.
There he stood, in front of the RH, his face flushed and one hand over his pounding heart; the small fireball beside him fluttering with the torrent of emotions he was going through. His feet wanted to take him inside, but his entire body yelled in embarrassment. How could he be so impulsive as to walk out of his quarters in the middle of the night to a locked library?! No matter how much he wanted to see her, there would be no way that she would be conveniently inside--
His hand didn't obey his turmoil of emotions and tried to open the door while he was berating himself... surprisingly finding it unlocked.
All negative emotions were washed out as though hit by a strong waterfall. She's here! He thought with a shy smile, running inside. He almost ran over a few chairs and desks as the fireball struggled to keep up with him to light the way until he reached the western windowsill, not needing any more light: the moon shone through the giant intricate window, illuminating none other than Cressida, who was sitting where Leo usually did, hugging the cushion he usually lay against.
Her dark and golden hair shone beautifully with the moonlight, the mere sight of her taking Leo's breath away. The added bonus of seeing her where he usually sat made he feel like she was right there, beside him, wanting nothing more than to share on his warmth. "Cressida?" He heard his voice say before he could think.
The bow knight flinched and opened her eyes so widely it made Leo keep this hidden side of her etched inside his heart. "L-Lord Leo?! What are you doing here at this hour?!" She quickly jumped out of her seat, hugging the pillow tightly before noticing what she was doing and throwing it back where it belonged.
"I was looking for yo- Ah, uh, I could ask you the same thing." He cleared his throat, trying to at least not embarrass himself.
Since she had her back to the moonlight, Leo didn't see how her face and neck were redder than a tomato, her own inner turmoil unknown to the prince. "I'm, u-umm..." She frantically looked around, trying to find an excuse. "I, ah! Remembered I forgot my scarf here this afternoon, hahah..." She crouched on the floor to get a random blanket that belonged there for cold days.
Leo smiled, his initial panic and impulsiveness now yelling at him to approach her, to touch her... to embrace her. "You're a terrible liar, you know."
Cressida squeezed her eyes, whispering a curse under her breath. "I know... I'm usually much better than this." Her shoulders sagged in defeat, raising herself to her feet. Once she opened her eyes, she saw how Leo approached and meant to take a step back, but she was already leaning on the windowsill.
"Yes, tell me about it." He chuckled, his heart so warm he wanted to share it with Cressida by taking her hand. "Cressida, I have something I want to tell you."
The bow knight panicked, looking from her hand to his face. He was so at peace! It was hard for her to avert her eyes when his own burned with so many feelings. Dare she hope? No, no, no. She couldn't. She managed to gulp and straighten her back, their eyes at almost the same level. "Right now, Lord Leo? Maybe it would be better to save it for tomorrow--"
"I actually thought of that, just now." He squeezed her fingers, making her unable to tear her eyes away from him. "I thought that I should look more presentable if I am to say this, or that I should have something ready at hand. But if I don't say it now, I might lose my nerve tomorrow."
Cressida pressed her lips against one another so hard they turned white (in contrast to her beet-red face), forbidding herself to hope. Instead, she cleared her throat and threw her hair back, readying herself. "Very well, then."
"Hah, you look so serious; do I frighten you so? I thought we were getting rather closer lately, don't you agree?"
Cressida felt her eyes burn, turning them away from Leo's. "Of course you don't frighten me, Lord Leo. If I might be so bold, I also deeply enjoyed our time together. More than I should, honestly." She mumbled the last part, making Leo lean towards her to hear.
"Then why won't you look at me? I daresay this is the most important moment of my life." Dare he lift her chin? What if she rejected him? He wasn't so bold to lift her chin, but inadvertently caressed her hand with his thumb, making her eyebrows flicker with emotion.
The bow knight felt that if she were to look at him at that moment, in such casual and intimate moment, she would break down. The walls she had built around her heart would be swept away like sand in the wind with just his presence and warmth close to her. She couldn't, she mustn't, but...
Once their eyes met, they felt electricity sting their bodies through their fingers, immediately letting go in a moment of sobriety. "Oh, ouch! What was that?" Cressida looked at her open palm, feeling it throb with loneliness -- it already missed Leo's warmth.
Unfazed by the somewhat magical feeling throbbing his hand, Leo cleared his throat to compose himself again. "I don't think I can wait anymore, Cressida." He said in a hard tone, making the bow knight dread the worst and look up in fear.
"Lord Leo-"
"I haven't made a plan nor do I have my House's ring to present to you, so I apologize if I sound more overeager." He fought a smile and a frown, many emotions swirling through his chest and throat, making him trip over his own words.
Cressida widened her eyes. A ring?
Once again did Leo take her hand, squeezing it with both of his. "I've realized it for a while now, and although I never felt like this, I know that it's the real deal. I know that I don't want to spend the rest of my life with anyone but you, Cressida."
The burning on her eyes returned, weeling them up with tears. "P-please, Lord Leo, don't joke like this, I..." She covered her mouth in emotion, not wanting to break down in front of him.
"Am I such a low man that would joke about something as serious as this, Cressida? Do you have this image of me?" He followed her gaze, his serious eyes penetrating deep into her being.
She sniffled. "No, of course not, Lord Leo, I..."
"I love you, Cressida." He said finally, realizing that he hadn't said these important words. "Dare I hope that for your reaction, you feel the same towards me?"
Cressida sobbed, squeezing his hands at the same time she covered her face, tears falling unabashedly through her face and fingers. "Oh, Lord Leo..!" She felt her legs go weak and leaned more on the windowsill, almost sitting on it. "Is this yet another dream? Please don't let me wake up." She brought his hand to her face. "I've loved you for so long; can this be real?"
Her crying almost set Leo off as well, though he managed to gulp down the lump on his throat and awkwardly wrap one arm around Cressida, letting her cry on his chest. "Haha, who knew it would feel this good to have the woman I love cry on my arms?" He chuckled nervously, digging his face on her hair. On her smooth and perfumed hair.
Ah, he never wanted to let go.
Cressida nudged on his shoulder, muffling a laugh. "You buffoon." She sniffled, happiness overflowing through her eyes.
"A capital offense!" He laughed, letting go so as to lean his forehead on hers. He felt her soft breath on his, the sound of her laugh so close to his ears a much better sensation than he could ever imagine. "I promise to make you happy, Cressida. Will you be with me through this war and beyond?"
Her legs finally gave out, making her sit over the windowsill. "Would you really be okay with me, Lord Leo-"
"Hush, now, sweet Cressida. No need for formalities, least of all now."
She blinked in emotion, her nose twitching as more tears fell. "I... If you're alright with me, Leo... Then I would be honored to be your wife."
Leo smiled from ear to ear, his cheeks adorably flushed. "Truly? Hah! You've made me the happiest man on this land with that simple sentence, Cressida! "He hugged her by impulse, her shy hands reciprocating the gesture right after. "I do have a ring prepared somewhere in my room, so I'll present it to you right away."
Cressida chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm not in a hurry. We just took the first step of the rest of our lives together." Her voice sounded muffled by his chest, not wanting to let go.
"Nonsense. I'll need you to wear it once we report this to my sisters and Xander."
Dread crept inside Cressida's heart, her hands growing cold. Lord Xander.
Leo softly tightened the hug, knowing how his beloved fell under the pressure of being in his brother's presence. "I'll be with you the whole time, don't worry. But I need to fulfill my duty as a prince and report this to the effective head of our family and future King of Nohr."
Once again Cressida felt like crying, but managed to pull away so as to look at her betrothed in the eyes. "Of course, Leo. I'll... be okay. It'll also be my responsibility as your wife to stay by your side no matter what happens."
"Heh," he chuckled, cupping her face with his hands, their foreheads touching. "I feel married already, sweet Cressida." He pulled away just enough to look her in the eyes, their adorable shine pulling him towards her.
Their breaths intertwined as he approached, both of their hearts beating uncontrollably inside their chests. Cressida closed her eyes for the impending kiss, feeling a slight brush of his lips over hers before an awkward press. She could feel how he trembled in doing so, both of their inexperience making them chuckle.
They would have plenty of time to practice kissing from then on, after all. For now, they would finally enjoy the moonlight under the same blanket, wrapped in each other's warmths.
The next day, they met before reveille so as to head to Xander's quarters, intent on talking with him before reporting it to anyone else. They caught the Crown Prince redying himself for a morning practice before dawn as he left his quarters.
"Brother. A word, if you may?" Leo approached with Cressida in tow, the bow knight struggling to look up to Lord Xander.
"Leo? What do I give the honor of such an early visit? Dawn is still to break." Xander said, one hand over the doorknob as he was about to close the door. Instead, he opened it. "Come on in, little brother."
"Thank you, Xander." The second prince said, stepping in after his brother, closing the door after Cressida entered. "I suppose I should make this short."
Xander walked to his desk, though never sat behind it, standing by it instead. "Your opinion is always important, Leo, do not take shortcuts and tell me anything you want."
Leo stole a glance at Cressida before raising his head and puffing his chest to his brother, one hand always inside his pants' pocket. "I wish to take Cressida here as my wife in the future." He took the small box out of his pocket, inside of which contained the ring with the crest of Nohr. "As head of our house and future King, I know it is your responsibility to find us siblings suitable husbands and wives, but I came here to inform you that I have already chosen mine." He finished, presenting the box to Cressida.
Xander crossed his arms, leaning on the desk. "Lieutenant Cressida." He looked at her from his tall height, making her almost flinch in response. "What do you think of this arrangement? Are you prepared to be wife of the King's brother? As my right hand man, Leo will have to accumulate many duties in the future; are you someone who can bear the burden of supporting him through my rule or will you succumb under it as you did that day?" He pointed with his chin to the scar on her lip.
She bit it in reflex, remembering how Xander had been there on the day she acquired it. But... She looked at Leo, which made her shoulders sag, as though the pressure of being in Xander's presence never existed. She looked back to the Crown Prince. "My feelings for your brother are deeper than anything I've ever felt before, my lord." With each word she said, she felt her back straightening more, confidence slowly creeping its way inside her heart. "I have been working tirelessly to better myself; to make my lord not regret his decision in promoting me; to earn my place in this army. I am ashamed to say that I'm still nowhere near the place I've wanted to, regarding my own personal goal. However, I can assure you this: I will never shy away from any burdens that spring up due to my marriage to your brother. I will not let my lord tell me that my feelings aren't enough to keep being by Leo's side -- I am prepared to fight to earn my place, no matter how long it takes, or how strenuous the tasks ahead of us are."
Xander closed his eyes in thought, his low breathing making both Cressida and Leo's hearts almost burst out of their chests. Once Xander opened his mouth to speak, they inadvertently held their breaths. "I suppose hearing only words spoken in the heat of the moment will not be enough to convince me." He uncrossed his arms, taking two steps towards them, passing by them towards the door.
"However, I will not tell you to stop loving this woman, Leo. I am simply saying that I will let her actions rather than her words, convince me in the future. Until then, you are allowed to let her wear the ring of our house."
Leo breathed out in relief. "Thank you, Brother. I assure you that we will not disappoint."
Xander opened the door, a side smile on his face. "You never did, little brother." He turned his eyes to Cressida, the smile disappearing. "Make sure to inform our sisters of this, as well. I suppose they will be overjoyed."
Cressida bowed. "Thank you, my lord. I won't let you down."
They saw themselves out as Xander went on ahead to his usual training regimen, their bodies deflating as soon as he was out of sight. "We did, Cressida." Leo smiled, taking her hand. "With Xander's approval, or at least the next best thing, I now can present you this." He put the ring on her finger, contemplating on how well it matched her skin.
Still a bit tense from the encounter, Cressida let out a relaxed smile once she felt the ring slipping in, her worries seeping away. "Thank you so much, Leo... If you hadn't taken the initiative, I don't think I would have had the courage to face my feelings or worse, Lord Xander, like this. You give me the strength I never thought I had."
Leo blushed, pulling her towards him so she wouldn't see it. "Geez, you said everything I had planned to."
Cressida laughed, so happy for even being able to do so in her beloved's arms. "Come on, let's find Lady Kamui, Lady Camilla, Lady Azura and Lady Elise."
"You can drop the formalities, you know-"
"That won't do at all, Leo. I first need to earn their respect and approval before entertaining the thought of being familiar with them."
"Hah, so serious as always. That's also why I love you." He blurted out, mildly regretting it right after. Cressida stole a kiss and walked on ahead to hide her own embarrassment.
Kamui and Azura were patrolling the area when they found out. Kamui bear-hugged both Cressida and Leo, proud of her little brother finally being truthful to his feelings. "Welcome to the family, Cressida!" She said with a big smile, making the bow knight feel awkward and happy at the same time (though mostly awkward... her commander calling her 'family' would take a long time to get used to).
Azura nudged Leo's shoulder before taking Cressida's hand with a blessing. "May you two be happy always." She said, sorrowfully touching her pendant.
"Yes, yes..." Leo grumbled, trying to get away from his sister's arms.
After finally managing to leave (or rather, after running away from their ridiculous questions of 'who kissed the other first?' and so on), they found Elise and Camilla enjoying a nice shade under a tree as the youngest princess did flower crowns to her big sister.
Elise screamed a loud "WHAAAT?" once she found out, pointing at Cressida and slapping her brother on the back so hard he fell on his face. "You found someone to tie the knot with, Leo?! Oh my gosh, I'm so happy to have another sister!" She took both of Cressida's hands and hopped around. "Right, Camilla?!"
Camilla silently got up, looking at Cressida from head to toe. "Hmm, I know better than to question my lovely brother, but that doesn't mean that I'll have to welcome her without knowing her better first, hmm?" She placed one arm around Cressida's shoulder.
Being taller than both Cressida and Leo by one head, Camilla towered over the two of them with a sweet smile hiding her overprotective demeanor. The newly betrothed exchanged glances before smiling and nodding to each other.
"Of course not, Lady Camilla." Cressida said. "I'll do everything I can for you all to accept me, no matter how long it takes."
"Mhm, well said." Camilla hummed, hugging Cressida on her chest. "I can't wait to take you to tea and have a looong talk with you, dear. Come now, let us have breakfast together."
"H-hey, Sister!" Leo grabbed Cressida's hand as Camilla took off with her. "She's MY wife-to-be, not your toy."
"C'mon, Leo! Let's all eat together!" Elise pulled her brother by his free hand. "I'm starving! I can't wait to see how it is to have not only two but FOUR big sisters, heehee!"
Cressida smiled, feeling a foreign but welcome warmth inside her chest. She squeezed her hand on Leo's, barely being able to wait to spend the rest of her life with him.
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mi-ma-mo · 6 years
Systematic Love
Chapter 1: Sick Beginnings
Characters: Kokichi Ouma, K1-B0 and the rest of the NDRV3 cast.
Ratings: T for Teen and up audiences, M/M
Summary: Teenage years are difficult for everyone, but they might be an even more confusing time for a teenage robot. Kiibo goes on a journey of self-discovery and finds the lair of a hoarder, classmates and upperclassmen with many opinions, the reason for his creation and the definition of love.
Author’s Note: I haven’t written a fic with multiple chapters since 2012, but this will be my best attempt at giving Kokichi and Kiibo and the character development and happiness they deserve in this non-despair AU! 
Read it here or on AO3!
Akamatsu’s voice registered with him. Kiibo sheepishly closed his notebook as he looked up to lock eyes with the Ultimate Pianist.
“I was wondering if I could ask a favour of you as the class representative.”
The gentle smile on her face was no match for the wide grin that appeared on Kiibo’s face at being asked that question. It wasn’t every day that Akamatsu came to ask a favour of him!
“Of course!” Kiibo beamed. “Ask me anything. I will be happy to help as long as your request falls within my capabilities.”
Akamatsu put her hands together, signalling with her body language that was she was about to ask Kiibo something she couldn’t just ask anyone. “You might have noticed that Ouma-kun is absent today. Tsumiki-san told me that he is terribly ill, this time for real… it seems. I wanted to ask you to visit him today to see how he is doing and to share your notes with him.”
Of course, Kiibo had noticed Ouma’s absence. He hadn’t known this peace since arriving at Hope’s Peak Academy. In just a few months’ time, he had been dubbed Ouma’s favourite punching bag. A metaphorical punching bag, that is. The one time Ouma had punched him to surprise him, the Ultimate Supreme Leader had exposed Kiibo to some rather foul language.
“I suppose… I could…..” Kiibo mumbled, his gaze settling on Ouma’s empty desk at the front of the classroom. Ouma had been moved there recently so that the teachers could keep a better eye on him. It wasn’t an improvement. If anything he was more of a headache in the front than in the back. “Why ask me?”
Akamatsu’s smile wavered slightly as she thought of the best way to put her thoughts into words.
“You’re the only one who could be around him and not get sick also. I would greatly appreciate it if you could go, but if you’re not feeling like it I will go instead.”
Ah… Of course. Kiibo would be lying if he said that explanation didn’t hurt a little. Akamatsu was right. Whatever virus Ouma had come down with would have no effect on Kiibo. Asking him to do this favour was the obvious choice, but it would have been nice if Akamatsu had needed him for something else than his inhumanity.
“Alright. I shall pay him a visit after class.”
“Thank you so much, Kiibo-kun.”
Akamatsu offered him one last smile before she turned around and rejoined the girls. All of them were having lunch together, discussing things Kiibo had no knowledge off as they traded cutely cut bento box food items with each other. Even Harukawa, who had kept her distance in the beginning, was quietly sitting with the other girls during lunch. Kiibo detected a hint of a smile on her face as Akamatsu came to sit next to her again.
The boys were more evenly spread through the classroom during lunch break. Momota had moved his desk together with Saihara’s and was loudly talking about his future plans as Saihara nodded and chewed thoughtfully. Gokuhara and Hoshi were also sitting together, but their conversation wasn’t intelligible over the other conversations in the classroom. If Kiibo had to guess what their conversation was about, however, he would say they were probably talking about the tiny ladybug sitting happily on the tip of Gokuhara’s massive pinkie.
Shinguji was sitting alone. This was mostly to blame on the fact that Amami was abroad at the moment. Not that the Ultimate Anthropologist seemed to mind having no conversation partner. Just like Kiibo he was observing the others, although Shinguji clearly was avoiding looking at him. Shinguji’s disinterest in Kiibo had been apparent to him from day one.
With nobody paying Kiibo any mind (not even Iruma as she was in the middle of “voring” her lunch as she would say, whatever that meant), Kiibo was left alone with the scribbles in his notebook. He glanced once more at Ouma’s empty desk before he opened his notebook on the last page. Resting his head on the palm of his hand he looked over his drawings. The Ultimate Artist talent rightfully belonged to Yonaga and not to him. Still, if you were to squint and use just a little bit of imagination, you would be able to tell that Kiibo had been drawing different designs for himself.
This wasn’t to say he wasn’t fond of his current design. This was the body his creator, Professor Idabashi, had given him after all! Even so, Kiibo hoped he would have a say in what his next body should look like when he would come to outgrow his current body mentally. His mind wandered and lunch break was over before he knew it.
After class Kiibo headed to Ouma’s room in the dorms as promised. He shook his head before reluctantly knocking on Ouma’s door. To his surprise, the door wasn’t locked and his knocking made it swing open slightly.
“Ouma-kun? Akamatsu asked me to share my notes with you. Can I come in?”
No reply came. Kiibo placed a hand on the door and opened it further carefully.
Only one word came to his mind as he saw Ouma’s room for the first time. HOARDER. No matter where Kiibo looked, Ouma’s room was filled with junk. Papers were scattered all over the floor, towers of boxes were lined along the walls and there was stuff everywhere.
At a first glance all the items in Ouma’s room seemed to be random, but as Kiibo moved further into the room and had a good look around he started connecting dots. All the different items could be associated with his classmates.
Various ‘Wish you were here!’ postcards and exotic souvenirs you wouldn’t be able to find in any ordinary tourist shop for Amami. Music sheets and what Kiibo could only assume to be a piano tuning set for Akamatsu. Leftover fabric and cosplay sketches for Shirogane and just so many more things which must have belonged to his classmates previously. He even noticed Saihara’s hat which had been lost for months. Kiibo shook his head as he picked up the hat from the floor. He didn’t know whether to be impressed or disturbed that Ouma had managed to collect all of these things.
It was only when Kiibo had walked even further inside that he noticed the whiteboard in Ouma’s room. The text ‘New members?’ was written on it with a black whiteboard marker. Familiar faces were staring back at him right underneath the text. The whiteboard was filled with pictures of his classmates, all with bullet point notes and scribbles to accompany them. A few bullet points said something positive such as ‘kind’ and ‘fun’, but most of the notes where harsh. Examples would be nicknames such as ‘depression prison man’ and ‘cum dumpster’. It took Kiibo a moment to notice, but there was no picture of himself present on the whiteboard.
Kiibo’s attention was moved away from the whiteboard when he heard some movement behind him. He turned around and noticed the Ouma shaped form under the covers of the bed. Reminding himself of why he was here in the first place he approached Ouma. After seeing the state of this room he also had some questions for him he would like to have answered.
However, Kiibo had failed to notice the carefully laid out trap in the mess. After to have taken three more steps forward his right foot got stuck on something. When he looked down he noticed an invisible hanging wire stretched tightly around his foot.
Three simultaneous clicking sounds above him made him look up. Three hair blowers hung from the ceiling, each of them having a paint roller frame stuck to it with duct tape. Instead of a foam roll, all of these paint rollers had a roll of toilet paper slid on. Kiibo had only a fraction of a second to look at the trap he had set off because the now turned on hair blowers started blowing what felt like a never-ending supply of toilet paper at him.
Kiibo held up his hands defencelessly and yelped as he was assaulted. He thought of retreating, but his fear of activation more traps had him frozen to the spot. Only once he was thoroughly buried under a pile of toilet paper the hair blowers were turned off and a horse like laugh registered with him instead.
“Nee-heehee. Robots can’t even see through the most obvious traps, huh? I expected better from you at least, Kiiboy.”
Ouma’s sharp laugh returned but was quickly replaced by a bad cough. Kiibo moved all the toilet paper out of the way as best as he could and saw a slightly hunched over Supreme Leader in the middle of a coughing fit. The dark circles under Ouma’s eyes also did a lot to reinforce the idea that he was very sick. Ouma sniffled once his coughing fit was finally over and then turned his attention to his uninvited visitor.
“Did you come here to laugh at me?”
“Huh?” Kiibo momentarily stopped untangling himself from the toilet paper pile at the sudden accusation. “N-No! I wouldn’t do that… although you are pretty mean to me.”
Kiibo had expected Ouma to bring on the fake tears and call him a bully, but all he received was a half-hearted shrug. This seemed like the perfect time to tell Ouma what he was here for. Kiibo would have told him at that moment if there hadn’t been more pressing things on his mind. Kiibo managed to step out of the toilet paper pile and disapprovingly pointed at their surroundings.
“Why did you steal all this stuff?!”
“Whhhaaaatttt? Why are you accusing me? I didn’t steal anything.”
Kiibo held up Saihara’s hat, his expression unchanging. Ouma put his hands behind his head nonchalantly and smiled.
“It’s ugly. I did us all a favour.”
Taking Ouma’s comment to heart, Kiibo looked at the hat in his hand before tossing it aside into the toilet paper pile.
It was then that he managed to take a better look at what Ouma was wearing. Instead of his usual unusual outfit, he was wearing a grey fleece shirt with a slightly opened shark mouth in the middle of his chest and a horizontally striped white and grey fleece pants. The shirt was a bit too big for him, which even Kiibo could admit made for an endearing sight.
“You’re in your pyjamas,” Kiibo commented, causing Ouma to roll his eyes.
“Well, duh. I was sleeping until you barged in here. Didn’t they teach you any manners?”
“My creator raised me, but anything he didn’t teach me is self-taught as I’m a hyper-advanced artificial intelligence.”
“Figures. So what the hell did you want?”
Kiibo flinched at the curse word thrown into that sentence before opening his black, fake leather shoulder bag and taking his notebook out. Neither of them was going to like this, Kiibo thought. Akamatsu would need a lot more than just her smile to talk him into this next time.
With his notebook pressed to his chest, Kiibo watched his feet closely as he made his way over to Ouma. The few centimetres Kiibo had on Ouma became more apparent now that they were standing close to each other like this. Ouma’s face was unreadable as Kiibo offered him his notebook.
“Akamatsu-san wanted me to share my notes with you. We should go over the subject matters which were explained today together.”
Ouma was quick to take Kiibo’s notebook from him and even quicker to flip through all the pages. Ouma’s eyes went over Kiibo’s notes so hastily that Kiibo wondered if he was actually reading any of them at all. The Ultimate Supreme Leader soon arrived at perfectly blank pages, but that didn’t stop him from flipping further through the notebook. It was only once Ouma arrived at the last page and stared at it for a few moments too long that Kiibo remembered there was something in that notebook he didn’t want anyone to see.
“D-Don’t look at that!” Kiibo blurted out, already reaching for his notebook to take it back. His drawings! How could he have forgotten about his sketches for a new design?!
Ouma must have foreseen Kiibo’s sudden outburst because he closed the notebook and effortlessly danced out of Kiibo’s way. He used the notebook to hide the lower half of his face and a smug smile along with it. “Heeeh? I thought you were supposed to share your notes with me? You break my heart Kiiboy, really. Although I suppose you won’t understand such things as a heartless metal man.”
Kiibo wasn’t able to formulate any kind of reply Ouma wouldn’t make fun of in this flustered state. Saving himself some extra embarrassment, Kiibo didn’t speak as he tried to take his notebook back again. However, even while being severely sick Ouma was still too fast for him. Their strange cat and mouse chase went on for a few moments before Kiibo accepted his defeat.
“Given the circumstance… I will allow you to copy my notes, but I will need that notebook back.”
There were stars in Ouma’s eyes as he jumped off his bed and landed in front of Kiibo. The Ultimate Supreme Leader stood on his toes and brought their faces way closer to each other than Kiibo was comfortable with.
“It will be in mint condition when I return it to you tomorrow. I promise.”
Kiibo had learnt quickly that any promises Ouma made should be taken with a grain of salt. As such he figured he would probably get his notebook back, but its condition would be a surprise. “Fine.”
Despite just having promised that Kiibo’s notebook would be alright, Ouma tossed it at his cluttered desk. Kiibo frowned and opened his mouth to say something when a high-pitched sneeze suddenly escaped Ouma. His whole body shuddered as the sneezes kept coming. Kiibo watched him with concern and mild curiosity.
Ouma stared at Kiibo with tired eyes once he finally managed to stop sneezing. He sniffled and wiped his nose on the end of his sleeve before weakly gesturing at the door. “You can go now.”
“But what about–”
“Just go,” Ouma interrupted him, sounding irritated.
There were many more questions Kiibo had wanted to ask (especially about the contents of Ouma’s room), but now that Ouma was telling him to leave he had no more reason to stay. He simply nodded before turning on his heel and heading for the door. He could hear Ouma shuffle about behind him, but Kiibo didn’t look back.
“Get well soon…?” Kiibo said in a hushed voice. A groan came from under the covers of Ouma’s bed before Kiibo closed the door behind him.
The next day Kiibo found his notebook on his desk in mint condition. Or, well, it was in mint condition in one sense of the word.
“Wh-What the hell?!” Iruma loudly proclaimed, pinching her nose with one hand and picking up Kiibo’s notebook by a corner of its cover with the other. “The fuck did you do to this?!”
“Ah, Iruma-san!”
Kiibo immediately rose from his chair and he snatched his notebook from her hands. An overwhelming mint odour came from the notebook, which arguably was the worst if you could detect smell via your hands and you were currently holding it. Kiibo dropped the notebook on his desk again and waved his hands to get the smell off them.
“Please don’t touch it. I lent it to Ouma-kun yesterday and I don’t know what has happened to it since then.”
A look of disgust crossed Iruma’s face before shifting to a look of disinterest. “Pipsqueak huh? Keh! He thought he could spray this with a mint refresher and have it last? Miss me with that weak shit. I would have built–”
“Ouma-kun isn’t here at the moment, but please don’t give him any ideas,” Kiibo begged, afraid that the Ultimate Supreme Leader was somehow listening in on this conversation. Now that he thought about it, how had his notebook mysterious made it to his desk in the first place if Ouma was still sick in bed? “Did anyone see Ouma-kun?”
“Gonta asked to bring notebook, but he not make notebook smell bad. Gonta promise!”
It wouldn’t be the first time Ouma made Gokuhara go on errands. Kiibo had often wondered if he should warn Gokuhara about Ouma’s intentions, but if he was honest with himself he didn’t even know what those intentions were. At least Gokuhara seemed to enjoy himself while helping Ouma out.
“I believe you, Gokuhara-kun,” Kiibo said apologetically.
A familiar tune played to signal the start of their first class, abruptly ending their conversation. Everyone went to their seats and their teacher began calling out names to write down today’s attendance.
The mint smell quickly wore off, as Iruma had predicted, which made handling his notebook a lot easier. Fearing what he would find inside, Kiibo carefully flipped through the whole thing. He had expected to find vulgar comments or, even worse, his notes scribbled out, but other than the assault on his sense of smell he found nothing strange. That was until he arrived at the second to last page.
Kiibo “blinked” as he stared at the page. On it, there was a pencil sketch… of him. The drawing wasn’t exactly accurate, but the additional notes Ouma had written down on the design helped to sketch the image in Kiibo’s mind.
Essentially the design was similar to Kiibo’s current one with a few upgrades and gadgets added. The things which stood out the most to him were the jetpack on his back and the laser gun for his right arm. There were also lasers coming out of his eyes which seemed like a bit of an over-kill, but the comment ‘pew pew pew!’ next to them made Kiibo think that he shouldn’t take that feature too seriously.
Underneath the big sketch were a few more random scribbles and the text: ‘you will never be a real boy so try being a robot instead’. Kiibo wasn’t quite sure why, but reading that… hurt. A real boy or a robot… Couldn’t he be both? He was a robot and he was incurably proud of that, but at the same time, he was a person.
“Are you still with us, Kiibo?” his teacher addressed him directly.
Flustered, Kiibo closed his notebook and started paying attention. “Y-Yes! My apologies.”
The teacher gave him a single nod of approval before turning back to the board and continuing her explanation. He carefully opened his notebook again on the second to last page. There was one last comment he hadn’t noticed before he got interrupted. Upon reading it his gears started turning.
‘this one doesn’t need a dick’.
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forthelalaland · 7 years
Instant joy 🧡🧡🧡
Had an extraordinarily happy Thursday with the family today! Should I say thanks to our mayor, Abby Binay? Oh, wondering why? Well, read on. 😂
It has been weeks when Mama and Papa took care of our documents needed for this so-called Makatizen card, issued by our local government. I did not know the logic why they pushed this thing so much at first. Zero knowledge about it, I even asked what the hell is this card for. I then knew that this useful Makatizen card is an ATM plus privelege card specifically given to Makati City citizens. Amazing cos we are the first digitized city in the Philippines for having this! Aside from being an honored government ID, people in the neighborhood can be cashless when paying when you own this. This is good for my grandparents too because they do not need to go in line whenever they will get their allowances. I then thought, ah, that is why. However, if I would be asked, I really would not like to go because I do not want to risk my salary even if it is just for a day. The real reason why I got persuaded to apply because I know it would be a good time to rest myself from work and spend some happy time with my fam. Good thing the company allowed me to. Thank you po! I finished all my tasks for the week anyway even if it is just Wednesday and I got no pending works left to be honest so, that. Yup, yay yay yay!
Expectations for this day were ruined. Began first thing, the very first thing in the morning. I thought I will have a good sleep but no, mum woke me up earlier than expected because she said we have to come first since they have a quota for every batch. Of course that is not true but unluckily, some believed on it and one of them was my mother. Huehue. We are four in the family so it took a little time to prepare. Lolo, lolas (bc they are two), and tito did not wait for us anymore and rode a cab instead. I wanted us to go together but we saw each other in the venue anyway. Hihihi. I think it was already past 8 in the morning when we left home. What the, traffic! Weird because Thursday. As if all Makatizens are going to the city hall. Haha? But actually, the staff released a schedule for every barangay when they could file the application. All dates are on weekdays but they should have thought of collecting papers on weekends too. How about the people who cannot leave their work or classes? They said they are hoping this event will be done in an organized matter yet their system was messed up. For that day, it was Comembo and Pembo. Have they did not realize Pembo has a massive population? Our barangay is already that big so combining with another one got so much hassle! Lines everywhere. As in! First line will be for the checking of documents just to be sure. This is beneficial for those who lack the requirements because they can catch up after if ever. But for the complete ones, they will proceed to the second looooong line. This is for the final verification of papers and biometrics. Senior Makatizens have their own, an express lane separated from us so theirs were faster. After all, they deserve it. But you know, the government should have just went to the grassroots because some of these oldies really had a hard time going on and off the public transpo. If only we could spend some little effort to them, 'no? Oh, facepalm for the ones who thought of this procedure!!! While about the regulars (like what most say) on the other hand, must be dealt accordingly. Ours was such a hell, eh?!? Singit and pasingit pa more! They just thought of a band-aid solution when it was almost three in the afternoon already. And, it did not make sense at all. They just stamped us for the reason of cut-off. Too selfish man, what about us? There were still singit people around. Even the door officers were favoring people as well Aba, mababagal na nga, naninigaw at nangsasagot pa, eh may kinikilingan pa. Imagine me bursting with my face so red because it was almost a whole day shift after we filed ours. Not kidding. 9AM to 6PM, ugh. I thought I would be able to rest today but I did not. I even got more tired actually. Wassup, physical and emotional strength?! There were many factors, tbh. But I just thank God, the family still made it through -- that is what matters. 💖
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Of course, many things happened in between. Duh, freaking nine hours? Spent almost a day processing this shizz. Haha, huhu! Albeit what happened, I would love to remember this as an instant family day. Yup, there were a lot of moments shared to one another. I do not want to think of this day as a wasted one just because of the long waiting line, annoying neighbors, and such. So now, I will be focusing on the good part. Heehee. So... I missed this, really did, these kind of days. I love this because I got my eyes, heart, and soul opened to our family values once again. And to tell you, we have shown these traits not just to the four of us but also to the ones we interacted that day. Realized I got my righteous and friendly attitude from Papa while my making-things-happen-so-never-give-up mindset from Mama. Supposedly, sissy and I planned not to come but we did! Enjoyed so much during our in between photoshoots and random food trips. The fam's spontaneous talks have also went the long way, all straight to the heart! The hours were not actually that long having these people beside me. It was hot, yes. There are so many nakakagigil stuff (or staff hehe) around, super. Also the unfairness I kept on fighting. But... I still can say I am happy. Simple joys and little things are not so ordinary or small when created with the people you love. With Mama, Papa, and Ate? G! I love you! Thank you! This is one of the memorable moments of my life with the fam. 🙏🎉💖
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Just some additional good vibes! There were free bottled water, coffee, and fans given by mayora. Also haircut, blood typing, and massage! It was so funny and good at the same time because bayanihan. Second to the nth commotion everytime a precise statement was uttered, also a yes-yes. Got to talk to people whom you really do not know because that is just it, how it goes. You cannot blame anyone because it was really insanely boring. Hahaha. And uhm, let us add the little known-unknown appreciation in the last stage of the process. I was submitting my papers and proceeding for the biometrics when suddenly, the staff made noises. I knew it was something but I did not mind it. When I sat in the designated place, some made parinig that they hope their next applicant is also a beauty. So of course, felt nice because I felt I am still pretty even if some are making me down. Hehehe. Then! The guy asked for my age. He got shocked because I do not look my age daw. They even thought I am still studying. So when they asked my job and what do I do, I just looked at him because duh, common sense that if one is a researcher, he/she researches? Hahaha! Then he asked what kind of stuff and all so I answered naman. Before leaving, he also asked if I am single. I said yes. But then he asked if I have a boyfriend, I also said yes. He then pulled the statement and said it was a joke. I know, I know. Kanina pa nanttrip. I was the first one out of us four but I was left as last. Little did I know, it just needs your fingerprints and you are done. Kalerks! Funny cos mom and sissy were so proud that their daughter and sister is a chix. Hiyawan pa hanggang palabas eh. Kakaloka! Hahahahaha! Felt a little flattered because people inside the room thinks I am qt, pretty, attractive, idk tbh but, that. It feels nice that they appreciate you but you know, I realized how much I love Dada too. All these boys might be handsome, nice, and all but I will never leave my man. No one can made me feel, think, and act better than he does. So! Ily, bb! Hihihi. Another GV was the dinner. What a good way to end the day with a good food with a good company. Heart heart, Banapple! Seems Mama is happy cos she treated us. Woohoo, sml!!!!! Since our tummies were happy, did not mind the traffic in staff house. Sissy and I just sang our lungs out. Fun, so much fun! 😂🎉
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theinsanecrayonbox · 7 years
Hare Raiser/Kale Patch Kids review
ok DVR had this recorded so I’m saying its aired. Have my backlogged first viewing reaction review of the episode when i watched it like 9 months ago
Hare Raiser:
 Part of me is partially hoping this is a Hellraiser parody, but I know that’s highly unlikely…
 Also I know spelling different but named after a character. People are gonna get so confused…
 Oh wow Kevin isn’t just a one-off character?? He’s going to be a regular?? Oh wow. That’s sort of awesome. (Note: this is Kevin’s second apperance in the show by production ordering)
 The whole excuse note bit was actually great. From the “Please excuse [them] from certain death”, to the “I wrote it in disappearing ink even though I’m a pencil”. I just, I don’t know, I really liked it. It’s a little long winded for a joke, but it’s cute.
 Is it just me, or does the rabbit look like a Gigglepie? I hope it’s a Gigglepie. Tell me it’s really a Gigglepie.
 Shikadance family???
 “You’d sell your freedom for mac n’cheese?” haha that was also a great line/gag, and it wasn’t as long a setup. These writers are really getting the hang of this now I think
 Ah Chloe, friend to all creatures, liberator of the downtrodden. You also have unleashed the beast unto the unsuspecting masses…yet again. Wow, this is such a good parallel to the monster attack that landed you in Dimmsdale to begin with, isn’t it.
 Ok, making the conflict that Cosmo changed the wands into carrots and then the rabbit eats them…that feels a bit shoehorned…rabbit monster though is awesome. I am going to now headcanon that Gigglepies turn into those beasts…or half their species look like that (the females; the males are the adorable annoying things lol)
 Cosmo playing the background music-yeah ok. “Let’s check these conveniently placed security monitors” lol yes, make fun of yourself more
 Awww, it’s all Kevin’s fault. Poor Kevin. But poor life choices is a Crocker family trait. Loved the “Lights Out” panel though
 Whoawhoawhoa wait!!! “Estranged half-sister”, you ACTUALLY explained how Crocker and Kevin are related???? That is AWESOME! But this begs so many more questions!! Since the Crocker looks are from Dolores, does that mean she had another child?? And when?? Must’ve been after Denzel lost his fairies, which means sister is at least 10 years younger than Denzel…UNLESS she’s older than him. Why are they estranged? Did her father take her away? Was she given up for adoption? Dolores was a teen beauty queen, having a child young is plausible…Did Denzel have a stepfather for a while, if she’s younger than him; is that why he had no problems accepting Vic as his stepfather, because he’s gone through his mom remarrying before? Or is this revelation that he has a sister brand new because she’s older and wasn’t in contact all this time? And why/how does Kevin have the Crocker name then? Did his mom not use her dad’s/her adoptive family’s name? Is she unmarried like her mom? There are so many more questions!!!
 Yay the return of the theme song as a ringtone
 “If this was a horror movie…which it’s sort of become…” lol yes, I love this
 Booger jokes…kay…..well it’s better than toilet humor
 Wow Waxelplax’s office sure has changed…it’s now the vault from the Conjuring
 The rabbit uses the internet. Uhhu.
 Chloe has an aunt!!!
 Haha Scooby moment where the badguy helps you barricade the door. Classic.
 “Your hippie food put us all in danger!” lol that is a great line
 HAHA! I guessed female right!!! Babies are random, but ok, we can roll with it; did ingest magic, so could’ve poofed them up anyways
 “Well the world just got a little weirder” yup, pretty much the understatement of the year there
 And we get to see the Shikadance. Neats! *makes notes of designs for Superverse*
 So over all, not a Hellraiser parody (pretty much knew that), and not a Gigglepie (boo), and the whole reason for the problem was blehish, but over all, actually an enjoyable episode I say! Kevin returned and was a little more explained, and there were plenty of good jokes, so good job guys! Onto the next one!!
The Kale Patch Caper:
 Oh this is exciting! Chloe is such an 80s/90s kid. First she loved the Care Bears parody, now the Cabbage Patch Kids??? Please bring back “Pretty Pony”, make fun of “gritty reboots” with it, by making the new on be like Fallout (and also shout out to the fandom that did that lol). I mean, you had a Transformers parody already. Make fun of the dark gritty reboots with pastel ponys!! (and include Francis at least in the background!!)
 Ok real episode plot time…
 Ok so the Kale Patch Kids are a blending of Cabbage Patch Kids, Veggie Tales, and Beanie Babies I guess…still 90s nostalgia honestly
 Compost Kids = Garbage Pail Kids. That’s not even trying honestly, but do I care? NOPE!! ^^
 Chloe is actually a computer nerd with “connections” online. Huh…I actually called hacker!Chloe right. NEAT!!
 Also thrift store/second hand collectable shop!! Hunting for the rare missing collection piece. Al the 80s/90s memorabilia. When did Chloe become me???
 Crocker running the shop….meh. dad suddenly collecting these and causing the plot problem…meh. Pointless parts, but we’ll still roll with it for now…I guess using like say, Remy as the one who bought it before Chloe could, with eth reasoning being “I don’t want your girlfriend to be happy Turner, because then you’d be happy, so I got it and I’m going to kill it, muwahahaha” to which they both go “s/he’s not my boy/girlfriend!” would’ve been a bit more convoluted. I just want a moment where Chloe says to Timmy “wow you have a lot of enemies for a 10 year old” after she’s had to face like, a bunch of them
 “You didn’t tell me your Dad collected [these]” “I was ashamed” more like he didn’t until the plot said he had to…
 Legal Jorgen, haha. And hey I was just thinking the other day about magic and copyright laws, neats that canon said something about it Rules wise.
 Wow must be a super slow news day if Chet is covering the pretend marriage of stuffed animals…Timmy’s flowergirl design is cute though ^^;
 Heehee yes Chloe, turn to the dark side. Silent Avenger is a cool codename. But again “over the top with the spygear” was a Tootie trait…Chloe really is the new Tootie…:(
 “I may have done bad but I’m not gonna admit that!” lol oh Chloe, you are too cute. But of course you’re going to have a subconscious guilt trip
 You’re still wearing it because it’s cute ^^ and hey purple!
 Badgirl!Chloe has an eyepatch??!! Chloe with an eyepatch??!! Man, I called that too. What are the odds??? I wish Francis was part of this “wrong crowd” of hers though…haha the super villain costume is great; why couldn’t this have aired BEFORE I designed her Negaverse counterpart…also why no eyepatch on this super villain?? Was it all cosmetic??
 I sorta wish Dad had picked up the blueberry instead of the banana there…because red and “sort of a player” could be Knockout, who is also Daran, and it would’ve been a funny thin reference…
 And Jorgen appears again for a third time. Meh, I’ll let pointless Jorgen slide since we haven’t seen him in a very long time.
 Also watching the credits, I find it odd that Chloe isn’t in any of the pictures, but Sparky is…
 But this episode was great. So much nostalgia, so much Chloe development. Limited/no magic, all dealing with real problems in (slightly) real ways. Very good!
 As a whole episode, both parts work very well together. Neither is overtly strong or weak. I enjoyed both quite a bit. Highly recommend if you want some nice, clean, and easy Chloe characterization.
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quackspot · 6 years
im just tlaking about an oc here press j
i love platano
jkhgfdghjk i love platano so much he’s a good oc villain who loves anime kjashg he murders for satan bc he sold himself into servitude for a couple mangas (both the same series skjdfghjkl) and a new season of the hit new anime Big Anime Tiddy Whizzer kjhgfhjk
he love anime and i respect that bc i want to really love anime like platano does like dfsjhhgjkl
he has a cat even and it’s actually a neko she just keeps it in disguise n stuff and platano is just shook once he finds out because he was looking for nekos and was like “are u a neko in disguise???” to random cats on the street honestly idk how people didn’t find him so weird and idk how he managed to move in with Mangue, murderer of the old fruit-based character leader and now the leader of them 
platano IS based off bananas askjfdgjhkl im just big love for bananas and yes i love platano platano best sdgfhg i even wrote his own little story for jsut him and him being gay there’s 1 part i’m currently writing with another oc named arcenciel who i also love a lot 
r.i.p. eau and percisi also good ocs but they just don’t get as much love as platano and arcenciel kjhsghjkdlh
eau ocean man and percisi satanic anime lover friend of platano heehee 
percisi is like the only straight oc skdfjhghfdghj ofc he’s an ally and supports platano and he’s like 4 years younger than him
also platano ruined how i spell platonic bc i keep wanting to type platanic or platano jhgsdfghjk 
he’s very very very much in love with both his friend arcenciel and his other friend who he got into anime sage he very very very very VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH LOVES SAGE kjhgFDGHDSKJFGhjkl hhgjh  (sage is my friend kiley’s oc who she made for UMG/NOU it was originally just gonna be a ponytown cult for like 1 week but nope full on writing)
just... y e s 
sage’s adoptive fathers probably also ship it bc they’re like , ,, , “sage r u sure he’s not ur boyfriend”
oh yeah and arcenciel learning to accept himself as gay by hanging out and talking to sage’s adoptive dads lyle and chris is 10/10 i love best idea i’ve had me congratulations 
onto eau he’s ocean man and uhhh he never gets enough attention from me jksghhjkdg he waso riginally gonna be nonbinary (agender ) but i decided to make him male bc.... ocean man kjhgf i know you can be agender can call urself a man i’m a girl and i like calling myself male things (aka “dad” or “mr” or uhhh “brother” sjkhdgjk)
yeah good boys 
OH YEAH!! WORTEL!! good sassy guy he’s very uhhh how u say tsundere maybe idk kjhgfhjkl i just started writing him up in NOU like weeks ago but i haven’t written much with him 
i want wortel to have like a crush on this other character named celian sgdhfhfhgdsaa and by the way these two dudes are veggie-based characters just pointing that out 
 i just imagine celian like saying some shit in french and wortel being like “haha ik what u said” and then saying something very very gay in dutch and celian being confused because unlike wortel, he doesn’t speak 3 languages (dutch, french, and english)
whenever i write them speaking in another language i use google translate i only really know “JE SUIS UNE BAGUETTE” in french and some other small things but that’s the best thing i know and idk any dutch whatsoever besides wortel being like “carrot” heehee kjdfsfkl
here’s some drawings of my good boys
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platano and arcenciel’s redesigns heehee jkhgsdjkl
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the reason why i ship platano and sage is because platano drew this hot art 100% good art and also platano like,,, drew a lot of diary entries on sage ksdjhgjkl
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i p much just uhh drew them whenever kiley revealed a new fact about him skjgdhjkl
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percisi the only cishet here is, of course, an ally because literally everyone’s LGBT  in umg/nou
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wortel the carrot dude
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a joke i drew of eau
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eau’s first drawing bc i love eau he’s good 
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gay thumbnail for a video i made where platano and sage actually kiss sdgfhdsfa
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arcenciel’s og design sdghfhds
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i tried drawing him with long long LONG legs earlier u probs saw that drawing
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accurate drawing of before the breakup where arcenciel was dating ilkie and kept saying he wasn’t gay despite being in a relationship with another boy arcenciel that’s bad :(((
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oh yeah and i drew platano’s dad here’s his dad named Pablo he fucked a banana and then abandoned the banana peel with semen n stuff in it and somehow the banana peel got pregnant 
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here’s the lady who saw a fat af banana and thought “hey. it’s a baby. let’s take this fat pregnant banana into my house and care fore the offspring.”
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arcenciel’s parents heehee skfjhgjkl they were uhh in a poly relationship i guess?? idk i just think maybe what if instead of a poly it’s like straight relationship baby breakup and then woah another baby?? or maybe poly where the lady over there to the right cheats on them with no other than platano’s dad himself and that’s why platano’s dad works at arcenciel’s hat shop where he sends the hats he made by machine and enchanted with his magic bc he can only enchant hats for some random reason
eau of course has water powers and uh hh h h  yea 
the fruit/veggie-based characters can summon their respective foods
platano is really good at summoning bananas bc he’s like,,, half banana
jhgfdsfghjkl uhhhhhhhh yea i think that’s all i wanted to say i just love my ocs fkjsdhgsjk
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arcenciel and platano’s maybe half sister i still don’t know whether or not arcenciel’s mom should go off and fuck platano’s dad maybe just smooch him a bit and not have a fucking daughter skjdfhgfdfghjk
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