#helluva boss lyle
snorkling-in-sodasea · 8 months
Moments of Stupidity 4
Well, I'm not putting that quick recap anymore but I do wanna say, thanks to all the people who like what I post. This seemed as good place as any to say that. I mean, I'm someone who just wants to vent or at least let her thoughts out so it's nice that people are choosing to follow me or click on the heart to my posts or even comment. Anyways, up next!
C.H.E.R.U.B. -
Okay, so the TVs. I didn't think it was funny that Moxxie was made to be next to TVs for Blitzo to shoot bullets through. For killing his boredom. So I thought of it as dumber that Blitzo was just shooting multiple televisions. Even if they were cheap, I can imagine littles make lots so all those TVs together made for a damn good price. And Blitzo got them all just to shoot them as a boredom buster. They're supposedly poor or struggling with money so why the fuck do they just waste money like this? Fuck damnit...
Soon after, the thing with the 'hell quakes'. I mean, Viv never clarified if hell quakes were really a thing in her world - because from all the posts I read, she's not very good at worldbuilding and I don't doubt that. I guess I'm more invested in characters and their stories than the world they live in, if that makes sense - but I can still see Blitz being all 'is that a hell quake?' Feels in character, actually. I can still include him if it counts. But it does feel dumber when Millie tells Moxxie not to panic. Not only is Moxxie very clearly not panicking but he was confused if that was even a thing and then says that hell quakes can't happen. Again, it's never made clear to me if hell quakes are just a Wrath ring thing and Moxxie just doesn't know but, as long as I'm not told how it is, then I still don't get why Millie would tell her husband to not panic like he's having a panic attack. And I'm not sure about counting Loona going all 'stop being hysterical' because I feel like, in that scene, she very purposefully acted like she was freaking out just so she can have an excuse to slap the shit out of Moxxie. I guess I can include her here because there's a chance she legit was as stupid as everyone else. I just feel like how I interpreted the scene was more what that scene was
Blitzo bringing up to Loopty that the guy he wants to put a hit on will end up in Hell with him, and forever, too. I forgot this when I was posting about Murder Family but I'm wondering why Blitz is bringing up. It's probably more understand in Murder Family, given the context of that conversation, but here, I don't get it. Blitzo, you know that you're running a business to cater to vengeful sinners who want to get people they can't get to otherwise, right? Given that Hell has an population problem, then pretty much all the targets that your clients hire you to kill will end up in Hell with them. So why bring up that the clients' hated people will be in Hell with them like it's a bad thing that the clients shouldn't want? That'll just make your client base wonder what's the point in frequenting your business if it's like that. And I'm at least including this as a moment of stupidity because I really don't see the logic as to why Blitzo would bother doing this if it's just going to make his business and his services sound pointless to indulge in
Blitzo when he jumped through the window. Granted, it was funny and I loved that he got hurt but it wasn't smart for Blitzo to just jump through the window, especially if he just did it for dramatic effect
The cherubs for not doing something about the imps when trying to convince Lyle that there's good things in the world worth living for. I mean, the first time is one thing. Maybe the second time. But fuck come on, by the third time, are you expecting Blitzo and maybe Moxxie and Millie to not bring up something bad. Even when the imps couldn't, like with opera apparently, Blitzo and his employees were bound to. Sure, maybe the cherubs shouldn't do something as drastic or as violent as fighting them, but they should've made sure that the imps couldn't interfere anymore because they should've picked up on a pattern sooner than the opera house
Blitzo for having just his pistol or revolver or whatever (sorry, not a gun-savvy person). But I do remember reading on TVtropes that, whatever gun that is, it's a pain to reload and doesn't carry a lot of bullets. Really, he should've asked Moxxie for some of those weapons he carried. And yes, it would have been possible. Seriously, the writers had Moxxie have all those weapons he had in his coat or jacket and Moxxie's smaller than Blitzo. That means Moxxie jammed all those weapons in a smaller coat than Blitzo's. Because really, throwing the empty gun at Cletus was more of a desperate move and then Blitzo would have been left with nothing left. It was probably lucky that the episode ended the way it did
Millie and Moxxie for choosing to have sex while fighting cherubs. Who the fuck gets horny and desperately wants sex while fighting for their lives? What, did they think they were gonna die and wanted to go out fucking?
The audience for never getting the fuck out of there, especially when guns got involved. Fuck seriously, they never even tried ducking and using the chairs as cover. Even if it still wouldn't protect them, it would've still been something than just sitting there!
The cherubs for just watching the piano slam down on Lyle. Absolutely none of them even tried flying for Lyle to grab him and move him out of the way. Even if the piano was just gonna follow, it still would have been something
Deerie, her little posse, and likely Heaven itself for never picking up on demons roaming the Earth and killing people. If keeping up the masquerade was supposed to be important, then perhaps one reason would be that Heaven knows it when demons are unauthorized to be on Earth amongst the humans. Like with likely Verosika and Vortex and the cubi crew, they were allowed by Asmodeus to be on Earth but the show, at least at first, said that what I.M.P. was doing is less than legal. (Fucking weird that Hell of all places cares about legal but I guess some extent of rules can stand) But anyways, how the fuck anyone in Heaven could miss it, especially if they managed to catch Lyle accidently being killed? I'm feeling like that there has to take some level of incompetency and as a result, some level of stupidity
Moxxie at the end for not staying away from the walls in general and Millie for giving a fuck for those two times that he's under debris. For Moxxie, I'm thinking for the same reason as the cherubs in not detecting a pattern (but more forgivable given that getting crushed by something smashing the walls only happened twice in the entire episode). As for Millie, it's her beloved husband being crushed and struggling to breathe and she's not even trying to get him out. She's not even mad at the people who are doing that to him or ignoring him, and especially not at Blitzo who just acts annoyed over all the work that he's planning to give to Moxxie (in fact, I think I'll have to throw in the time of the rape threat in Murder Family because Millie was right next to them and saw Blitzo's face as her boss gave the threat. How the fuck did she miss all of that and still smile like everything's hunky-dory?)
Finally, I think the fact that none of the imps thought that Lyle was going down to Hell regardless. Seriously, Loopty's story had the line 'we tested on ourselves instead of the poor, like we usually do'. That really didn't sound like a horrible person to you? You thought that committing suicide was the only condemnable thing that Lyle would ever have done in his life? In fact, what the fuck did the cherubs hope to accomplish saving an old man they knew was shitty? Collin was one thing because he seemed to be naively good but the others had to have known so what were Keenie and Cletus hoping to accomplish from an old man they had to have figured since the start was going down to Hell anyways? Especially since that episode showed off just how strict Heaven is about letting people in there. Even if Lyle did a change from bad to good, the fact that he did bad at all - horrendous, despicable bad - is already enough to send him to Hell
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planetkram · 1 month
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Love the references to past episodes in Hell’s Belles
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blue-rose-soul · 3 months
Ooo love the devil’s bastard au
In one of your precious posts you mentioned Charlie and Nicaise meeting in heaven and getting to bond. How do you think a meeting like that would go?
They wouldn't know who the other was at first. It's an act of fate (me) that brings them together. I've seen a few different people say that the winners in Heaven don't remember their lives on Earth, but I haven't heard this until recently, and even if Vivienne did say it, I'm hesitant to take Word of God as the absolute truth until it's actually shown in the show proper. Things change in the writing process, you know?
That said, I like the idea so I'm going with it.
As a winner, Nicaise also has some deer-like traits. Her heavenly outfit is all creams and golds, she's got soft doe ears and white speckles across her cheeks, shoulders and arms, as well as a pair of cream-colored wings. Even with the deer traits though, Charlie doesn't make the immediate connection. She's a dark-skinned Creole woman who speaks with a distinct accent from Alastor's, so there's a bit of a disconnect in Charlie's mind.
They probably run into one another while Emily is showing Charlie around, perhaps at the zoo. The winners haven't been informed that they're hosting a guest from Hell because the heavenborn angels don't want to cause a panic or anything, but it becomes clear within a few minutes of conversation that Charlie's different from everyone else in Heaven. How amazed she is by the simplest things. Her sheer awe at the koala. The smell of brimstone that clings to her.
Now, Nicaise knows there's something... off about Heaven. She's known it since she first arrived and she felt like something important had been stolen from her. She just can't put together what that something was. Over the decades, the heavenborn angels have tried to placate her, reassuring that there is nothing missing from her life and that Heaven has everything she'll ever want or need. She calls bullshit. But, realizing she's not going to get anywhere butting heads, she opts to go the more subtle route, seeking out like minded winners and bringing them together. Together, she and her allies have been trying to figure out what the heavenborn are keeping from them, what they lost, but they've hit a lot of walls. Sera is too difficult to approach, and not easy to trick, Emily is just as in the dark as they are, and Adam... Well, Nicaise knows how to deal with repulsive men. But Sera realized pretty quickly what Nicaise was doing and forbid Adam from speaking to her or her cohorts, so that line of investigation was cut short.
Needless to say, Nicaise is thrilled to meet people from outside of Heaven.
She probes Charlie for information and Charlie is plenty happy to talk to someone from Heaven who doesn't seem politely disgusted by her lineage. (Something about Charlie's description of her father strikes a chord in Nicaise. She can't quite solidify the thought.) Emily is surprisingly open to the topic of conversation as well; Sera's never told her any of these things!
Nicaise knows that she must have had a life and a family back on Earth, but it's not until Charlie starts talking about souls passing to Heaven or Hell that she really understands what this means. For just a moment, the veil lifts from her memories. And then they're gone again, like a dream. Charlie, on the other hand, is more than a little peeved that Heaven is actually preventing winners from remembering their own lives. Yes, some of the memories may be painful, but these are their lives! The souls have a right to them, regardless of how painful they were! It's her first hint that Heaven might not be as idyllic as it seems.
Unfortunately, Charlie's meeting with Heaven's higher ups means they don't have as much time together as they would like, nor will they have any way to contact one another once Charlie returns to Hell. But she's left a lasting impact on Nicaise and has an ally in her and Emily both. Emily tells Nicaise everything that happened in the meeting, including the revelation of the exterminations. Nicaise passes this on to her group, who pass it on to more people who pass it on to even more people.
Soon winners all over Heaven are questioning and Sera is panicking. Things get worse for her when Sir Pentious shows up in her office. If she's going to maintain order over Heaven, she needs to find the people responsible for spreading disorder, and get rid of them. Fast.
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ftwkcomic · 2 months
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Loopty and Lyle 2024
WE WERE ECCENTRIC BILLIONAIRES IN OUR LIFE ON EARTH, THERE FOR WE MUST DO ECCENTRIC SHIT!!!! Portfolio: https://ftwkcomicbooks.myportfolio.com Discord: https://discord.gg/TQUA26Naj8
Socials and comms info https://ftwkcomic.carrd.co/
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mauesartetc · 1 year
Is there a helluva boss character design that you don't like besides Asmodeus and the hellhounds? If so what would you do to change it?
Well I also redesigned Striker that one time, partly because his canon design appeared to very heavily reference another animated non-human cowboy villain. (This is lazy, folks. When you're designing characters, you want to draw your inspiration from real life sources instead of riding another designer's coattails. If you're using other animated characters as reference, you're doing it wrong.)
But my least favorite Helluva Boss design by far is Lyle Lipton (the old man in C.H.E.R.U.B), because the style he's drawn in doesn't fit the show at all, and he seems kinda generic, like he was the first draft someone doodled on a notepad with the prompt "old man" rather than a finished product. There's nothing visually memorable about him except his massive schnoz.
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And it strikes me as odd that there’s not much connecting Lyle’s elderly incarnation to the form he took in the flashback, or the one he takes as a demon in Hell. Yes, he and his business partner Loopty Goopty sport the same swirly eyes as the goggles they wore when they were young, but Old!Lyle doesn’t even have a single swirl on him-? Sure, you could argue it’s because he’s a shell of his former self, but it’d be nice to keep some hint of who he was intact. There’s just a lack of flow and consistency in what’s included and what isn’t. This design feels more random than anything else.
The body types don’t match up, either; first he’s fit and athletic, then he’s sorta lumpy with bony arms, and finally he’s round and fat. If you showed someone these images out of context, they’d have no idea these three iterations are portraying the same character.
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Let’s use the young version as a base to create a more convincing, more unique older version.
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Swirls for days on this one. No goggles on the old man version, so I had to compensate. This felt like designing Pokemon evolutions, though there’s certainly a case to be made that Lyle has devolved instead. (And yes, I kept the piano teeth since they’re a nod to how he dies.) This was fun!
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So, am I the only one who made this connection...?
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majoracats · 1 year
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No one asked but they need it: Loopton Fan Merch! Based in the merch showed the last year I made this concepts, not pretty popular but c'mon they need some love too!
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emilywilsonartz · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to Michael James Ruocco, who voiced Lyle Lipton in Helluva Boss and incredible animator/storyboarder! And I thought the Wally Wackford one was my new record! This one got completed in even LESS time!! Hope I’ll still have the speed to finish the next one coming up on Monday, despite next week being crazy af.
♫ ♪♩ ♫ Pink Floyd - Money ♫ ♪♩ ♫
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Time™ in Hell
Okay so people (me included) were baffled by the part of S2 Ep1 where is says only 25 years had passed between baby Stolas and baby Blitzo meeting for the first time and Stolas already being a father to a teenager and meeting Blitz again.
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It was odd since Stolas is supposed to be some ancient demon on Earth in Demonology! But he’s apparently like, what? In his late 30′s??
But I started thinking like what if time in Hell goes WAY faster than time on Earth? If you remember in S1 Ep4 (C.H.E.R.U.B.) that Loopty had JUST died. Blitz even commented on it and Loopty said he’d died “moments ago”. 
But no time later when IMP find Lyle he’s in bed and old, and Millie says he “smells like he hasn’t left this bed in months”. But like.. what if that wasn’t just a dig at his gross old man smell and was LITERAL. What if he hadn’t, meaning he’d have been stuck an old man for MONTHS while Loopty had only been in hell for not even a DAY.
What if time in Hell goes by WAY slower than it does on Earth?? A single day in Hell could end up being a year on Earth!! That would explain why Stolas has such a reputation in Demonology on Earth despite only being some 30 something year old in Hell. To humans Stolas is some ancient demon who has been around for THOUSANDS of years! 
Idk just a theory! xD
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Medical services?
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lux-lux666 · 2 months
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The resemblance is uncanny this HAS to be a reference
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helluva-world-innit · 4 months
While it's a valid point to bring up all the people that have been wronged by those trying to gain redemption in the final decision about whether they deserve to go to the better afterlife, let's not forget the people in Heaven who could absolutely vouch for those they've lost to Hell.
Prime example is Angel and his sister, Molly. No idea if more of their family is in Heaven, but would she really not be able to petition for her brothers to join them if they improved their behavior enough? People have brought up the Cherub episode of Helluva Boss and they're right to do so because we literally see these Cherubs sent down to Earth to save humans people in Heaven have specifically prayed for. People like Lyle Lipton, who openly admit to doing things for personal gain more than helping others, were worthy of salvation? No one else can have that kind of intervention even after they die?
I don't know if this is like an actual doctrine thing, but I've had enough talks with my Christian mother to hear this theory that people in Heaven supposedly forget any people they knew on Earth if they go to Hell. If that's the case, it would be worth exploring as a reason why no one seems to be asking for their loved ones to come up to them, regardless of their damned status.
I mean, I sure plan to.
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starrclown · 6 months
☆Helluva Boss's human world I fear will cause problems in Hazbin☆
Matey's I feel like there is a issue we don't talk about. Helluva Boss's human world. Obviously the human world is supposed to resemble our world, it's Earth after all. This is the issue. What's the one thing about the people that could cause problems? The humans are insanely stupid.
(I wanna point out Random Game Critics video on Helluva Boss Season 2 episode 5. Bomb YouTube channel by the way, check him out he's funny. He points out that he believes that Helluva Boss's humans are so dumb to mimic Invader Zim. Incase you didn't know Moxxie's voice actor is Richard Horvitz, the voice actor who played Zim. Invader Zim is also Vivziepop's favorite cartoon. This is a theory I can absolutely believe.)
The humans on Earth are insanely stupid. The humans don't relize that demons are among them even though I.M.P does not disguise themselves. Martha was able to recognize I.M.P, the other humans cannot. The two inventors are also insanely goofy and cartoon like. The humans are insanely goofy and stupid. That's where I fear the problems could come in.
5 out of the 6 main casts in Hazbin Hotel were people. Alastor died in 1933, Angel Dust died in 1947, Nifty died in the 50's, Husk died in the 70's, and Vaggie died in 2014. I fear how goofy the human world is could affect the lives of the characters. And you could argue, "Oh, the humans are in OUR time period! 2020 to the modern day! We are pretty silly so it could be making fun of that!" Which yes, that could be it. Which is still a problem considering Vaggie died in 2014 and all the other sinners that died in the 2000's. While Helluva Boss could be making fun of modern day it's still a issue considering more modern day sinners. Also, some of the goofy humans are pretty old. Here, Lyle and Loopy. While we don't know how old they were when they accidentally aged themselves up but they looked to be in early to late 30's to 40's. That would mean they were born in 80's to 90's. That's pretty close to some of the sinners we know in the show died. (Velvette, Valentino, Husk.)
Another issue I have is the concept of what humans can do. If sinners are supposed to be mysterious that could possibly make deals with humans then the humans should be more realistic right? While we dont know if demons can communicate with humans but there always is a possibility. Mind you, Lyle and Loopy made a machine that could reverse your age. That's not realistic at all. And yes I know I know, it's a cartoon, and Helluva Boss and Hazbin won't reference each other but it's still a issue. The reason I have such a issue with this is because you have to remeber some of these characters lived through horrific events.
(Also let me get on record that I don't think that Vivziepop will make fun of horrific events. I'm stating this because if the humans are this goofy, I'm scared of how she'll treat the TIME PERIOD of the horrific event. Get it? Like seriously, Alastor, depending on how dark his skin was, would still go through segragation and racism considering his time period. Angel Dust could also be a person of color, so could Husk. Nifty and Vaggie were confirmed poc, Japanese and Salvadoran respectively. Like Angel and Husk, both are queer in different ways. Both would be HEAVILY discriminated against. Also, Angel's mafia background. Incase you guys don't know, homosexuality in the Italian mob is HEAVILY discriminated against and looked down apon. Recently Italian mobsters are allowed to be gay but they can still get beat up and killed for "flaunting" it. If Angel's family is as mean as Vivzie has described them then there is no way Angel would be able to be feminine in anyway, or show any "gay traits." Seriously this was the 1940's. Thats whne the bible had the bible changed to 'man shall not lay with boy' to 'man shall not lay with man' I hope Vivzie remembers the time period these characters came from because their backgrounds could affect the way they are and how OTHER people treated them.
Like here, Alastor, Angel, Nifty (depending on when she was born.), Husk, and Vox, lived through The Great Depression, 1929- 1939. Hell, Angel, Nifty, Vox, and . lived through World War 2. (There's also a theory that Angel could have been in the war. Same thing with Husk and Vietnam. If they choose to go down that route I hope they treat it with respect. It would also need EXTRA care considering if Angel was in the war he's ya know gay and World War 2 discriminated agaisnt ALOT of people. Jews, gays, trans, poc, disabled people.)
Seriously there is just alot of fucked up stuff that went on during these characters lives and I hope that the human world in Hazbin Hotel is more serious than Helluva Boss.
(Vivzie stans please don't attack me, I just wanted to state my worries. Also! Guess what's next? MY IMAGE of what Hazbin Hotel characters could have looked like as humans. I wanna just teach people alittle but about the time periods these characters feom and a few small headcannons. Look out for that!! Bye Matey's!!)
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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