#hexagram 20
siamkram · 11 months
“When a leader is right with themselves, things will get done without giving orders. When they are not right with themselves, they may give orders, but they will not be obeyed.” You can only lead others toward growth if you are willing to grow yourself.
Kuan (Contemplation)
I Ching Hexagram 20
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misc-obeyme · 1 month
i can't tell what it is, maybe a signet ring?? i had to yell about this, ESPECIALLY RIGHT AFTER I WANTED TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE RING OF WISDOM
- ✨ anon
Yes I noticed the ring, too! And it does look like a signet ring, which means it likely is the Ring of Wisdom.
I mean, there's no doubt that the Ring of Wisdom is supposed to be the same thing as the Seal of Solomon. They both give him control over demons (or the "supernatural") and they both allow him to talk to animals.
And the Seal of Solomon is pretty famously a signet ring. I mean, it's right there in the name lol.
I don't know if this is supposed to be some kind of official design for the ring, but we don't really get the full view of it anyway. The side of it looks pretty normal. The real interesting part would be the seal itself. I wonder if they would create something unique to the game or if they would go with a traditional hexagram situation?
All I know is that Solomon looks hot af in that premium picture. I really love when they give him outfits in the card art that look very much like something a sorcerer would wear. It's kinda got an old timey vibe to it, too, what with the sorta ruin looking stuff in the background.
I just like it when he looks extra magical lol.
Anyway, I hope he comes home to you!! Consider this my little spell of good luck~
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poligraf · 29 days
All of this points to the power possessed by a superior personality. On the one hand, such a man will have a view of the real sentiments of the great mass of humanity and therefore cannot be deceived; on the other, he will impress the people so profoundly, by his mere existence and by the impact of his personality, that they will be swayed by him as the grass by the wind.
— Hexagram #20 from the I Ching · Contemplation · via Ask The Oracle
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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venushorizon · 1 year
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: 151. Live Your Design - 2006 - Disk 02 from Dror Kobi on Vimeo.
:פודקאסט אקדמיה למערכת העיצוב האנושי על פי רא אורו הו Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu Podcasts: أكاديمية التصميم البشري بواسطRa Uru Hu Podcasts: shoutout.wix.com/so/7eOSuvn1S
Please download your APK File on your Android device and install it: For Android App Only. (Open the link and install via android cellphone only)
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Human Design Academy: Cross of Planning (1615-2027) 1.0 Mobile App Android Homepage URL: Download Link 1: https://s.id/Human-Design-2027 Download Link 2: https://s.id/Human-Design-Rave-2027 Download Link 3: https://s.id/Cross-Of-Planning-1615-2027 (via android cellphone only)
Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu 1.0 Mobile App iOS Homepage URL: Download Link 1: gonative.io/share/pjndzy
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Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: humandesign.academy/en humandesign2027.net/en
Human Design System by Ra Uru Hu: The Complete Rave I’Ching. raveiching.net/en
Medium: medium.com/@drorkobi
1.Full Course: Part A. Live Your Design. Rave ABC. Cartography. humandesign.academy/en/lyd-abc-rave 2.Magnetic Monopole: humandesign.academy/en/magnetic-monopole 3.Personality and Design: humandesign.academy/en/personality-and-design 4.Section A introduction: humandesign.academy/en/section-a 5.Section B: humandesign.academy/en/section-b 6.Human Design Basic: humandesign.academy/en/human-design-basic 7.Nine-Centered Awakening: humandesign.academy/en/nine-centers-awakening 8.Neutrino: humandesign.academy/en/neutrino 9.Types: humandesign.academy/en/types 10.Reflector: humandesign.academy/en/reflector 11.Manifestor: humandesign.academy/en/manifestor 12.Generator: humandesign.academy/en/generator 13.Manifesting Generators: humandesign.academy/en/manifesting-generator 14.Projector: humandesign.academy/en/projector 15.Nine Centers: humandesign.academy/en/9-centers 16.Mutation: humandesign.academy/en/mutation 17.Root Center: humandesign.academy/en/root-center 18.Spleen Center: humandesign.academy/en/spleen-center 19.Sacral Center: humandesign.academy/en/sacral-center 20.Solar Plexus Center: humandesign.academy/en/solar-plexus-center 21.Heart Center: humandesign.academy/en/heart-center 22.G-Center: humandesign.academy/en/g-center 23.Throat Center: humandesign.academy/en/throat-center 24.Ajna Center: humandesign.academy/en/ajna-center 25.Head Center: humandesign.academy/en/head-center 26.Inner Authority: humandesign.academy/en/inner-authority 27.Emotional Authority: humandesign.academy/en/emotional-authority 28.Sacral Authority: humandesign.academy/en/sacral-authority 29.Splenic Authority: humandesign.academy/en/splenic-authority 30.Ego Authority: humandesign.academy/en/ego-authority 31.Self / G Authority: humandesign.academy/en/self-g-authority 32.No Inner Authority: humandesign.academy/en/no-inner-authority 33.Definitions: humandesign.academy/en/definitions 34.Single Definition: humandesign.academy/en/single-definition 35.Split Definition: humandesign.academy/en/split-definition 36.Triple Split Definition: humandesign.academy/en/triple-definition 37.Quadruple Split Definition: humandesign.academy/en/quadruple-definition 38.No Definition: humandesign.academy/en/no-definition 39.Profiles: humandesign.academy/en/12-profiles 40.Cartography: humandesign.academy/en/cartography 41.Hexagram: humandesign.academy/en/hexagram 42.Lines Keynotes: humandesign.academy/en/lines-keynotes 43.Introduction Angles: humandesign.academy/en/angles-introduction 44.Profile 1/3: humandesign.academy/en/profile-1-3 45.Profile 1/4: humandesign.academy/en/profile-1-4 46.Profile 2/4: humandesign.academy/en/profile-2-4 47.Profile 2/5: humandesign.academy/en/profile-2-5 48.Profile 3/5: humandesign.academy/en/profile-3-5 49.Profile 3/6: humandesign.academy/en/profile-3-6 50.Profile 4/6: humandesign.academy/en/profile-4-6
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i ching
New series!
✨ Opposite & contrary hexagrams of I Ching ✨
The series was published online a couple of years ago, by Tres Mancias Consultancy. Finally, it's now complete, with 20 articles grouping signs to read altogether, as a whole.
When you get an answer, I Ching points to a specific hexagram but also alludes to other related ones that, somehow, are part of it, in composition and meaning.
The series includes them all, as a group sequence to concretely see in any type of matter. With a simple writing style, you will flow across pages without any type of knowledge about I Ching!
Ask for and receive a free .pdf here.
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brightgnosis · 1 year
On the Pentacle vs Pentagram
⭲ "Pentagram" just means "5 Pointed Star" in the same way that the Hexagram refers to the "6 Pointed Star" (also known as the "Star of David" when used for specifically Jewish symbolic purposes).
⭲ "Pentacle" properly refers to any magical symbol or sigil contained inside a circle ... The Pentagrammic Pentacle (or specifically the 5 pointed star, the "Pentagram", encircled) is only the most commonly identified Pentacle within modern Paganism, Witchcraft, and the Occult because of Gardner's accidental conflation of the two during the 21st century Revival and people's subsequent inability to re-separate them properly.
Both are not wrapped in an encompassing circle, and one does not mean "inverse" while one means "upright" -- aka the "Satanist Symbol" vs "Wiccan Symbol". They are, flat out, two different things entirely. They also have two completely different meanings and uses within Magic, Witchcraft, Paganism, and the Occult (sometimes multiple different meanings, depending on the tradition).
Furthermore and most importantly: Wiccans do, in fact, use the inverse Pentagrammic Pentacle often labeled "Satanic" all the time -- and Satanists also use the upright Pentagrammic Pentacle often considered "Wiccan" (or "normal" or "acceptable") as well without issue ... What direction the Pentagrammic Pentacle is pointing doesn't inherently correlate with a particular faith itself, but with the magical purpose, intent, and meaning being utilized in the moment.
Though yes, the two faiths do tend to prefer one version of the Pentagrammic Pentacle (inverse) over the other (upright) in order to distinguish themselves from one another in public whenever they choose to use the same symbol as a religious identifier. But they use the same symbol for very different reasons.
This idea that "one expression (the inverse) is inherently Satanic and the other (upright) is not" --- and that the inverse is the Pentagram while the upright is the proper Pentacle --- is largely nothing more than a lie we've created to make Wicca more palatable to mainline conservative Evangelical Christians in the wake of the Satanic Panic of the 1980's ... It was never true, and it's blatantly inaccurate misinformation on multiple levels. It needs to end finally.
This is my own compiled research on the topic from a multitude of sources, from my own Book of Shadows. I am happy to share my sources, but if you found this helpful or interesting, please consider Tipping or Leaving a Ko-Fi (being Disabled, even $1 helps); you can see my other "Original Content" here.
This account is run by a Dual Faith «(Converting) Masorti Jew + Traditional NeoWiccan» & «Ancestral Folk Magic Practitioner» with 20+ years of experience as a practicing Pagan and Witch. If that bothers you, don't interact.
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i-windwater · 2 months
I Ching Li Gua for 2024 and Period 9
I Ching “Li Gua” for 2024 and Period 9 - forecast with the hexagrams
The Ancient Book of Prophecy - Tui Bei Tu
The Tui Back Tu (Back-Pushing Drawings) is an ancient Chinese prophecy from the Tang Dynasty. It shows the I Ching hexagrams with Heavenly stems/Earthly branches, illustrations, and poems. The drawings and poems are believed to predict major historical events, such as changes in dynasties or wars.
2024 is the year of Jia Chen (Heavenly stem/Earthly branch), so the corresponding hexagram is the Li Gua. Many people select different I Ching hexagrams by different methods. I use the Li Gua because Jia Chen is logically related to 2024, and Li or Fire is related to Period 9.
The Ba Gua and I Ching
The Bagua or the 8 Trigrams are each made of 3 lines. The Yang line is solid, and the Yin line is the broken line. The 8 combinations are related to natural elements, family members, directions, and many other things around us.
Li Gua is related to Fire, South, and the middle daughter or middle-aged woman.
The double Li Gua creates the I Ching hexagram, also called “Li”.
The timeline of the I Ching hexagram
There are 6 lines or yaos in each I Ching hexagram (Gua or Kua). It shows the progression of the event from the bottom up.
The first Yao (line) is the beginning at the bottom, and the top Yao (6th line) is the end.
Since we are talking about one year (2024), each Yao (line) can represent 2 months approximately.
For Period 9, we divide the 20 years into 6, so each line represents around 3-4 years.
This is an easy way to look at the timeline and progression to predict the future.
The poems from Tui Bei Tu for the “Li” Gua
The drawing of the Li Gua shows a person casually playing with one foot on top of a ball (or the Sun).
The poem states the disorder and dimming of the world. All positions are wrong, including Yin/Yang and Heaven/Earth, but the grass and trees (ordinary people) continue to grow and prosper.
The commentary poem talks about wearing a hat to protect from blood or violence. The leader is playing with fire and not having the best interest of his people for an extended time.
The 6 lines (Yaos) of the Li Gua
The description of the Li Gua in I Ching talks about keeping female cows. If we have the characteristics of female cows, such as being gentle, softer, accepting, and polite, things will go well, and there will be good fortune. Since the Li Gua represents strong Fire energy, we can balance it with softer and calming energy. This way, many conflicts can be prevented.
This hexagram is also lucky for people with good virtue and following the right path. Li Fire is shiny and bright like the sun. Your selfless motivation and big heart will be rewarded.
We can look at the six lines individually, starting from the bottom line (First Yao). Each Yao has a description in the I Ching book. We can also refer to each Yao’s corresponding timeline for more details.
The First Yao (line) - the beginning of the Li Gua
This is generally lucky. Even though the steps are a little confusing, we can overcome them with the right attitude.
The Second Yao of the Li Gua
This is the best line of this hexagram. The sun is in the middle of the sky. It is an auspicious time.
The Third Yao of the Li Gua
The third line shows the problem starting to appear when people can not accept and follow nature. Focusing on complaints and the negatives will cause problems later.
The Fourth Yao of the Li Gua
This is one of the worst lines in the book of I-Ching. Suddenly, there is a burning fire, death, and abandonment. This is a dangerous time.
The Fifth Yao of the Li Gua
In the fifth line, people are crying and sighing in sadness. It starts to become lucky when people face reality and find different ways to cope.
The Sixth Yao of the Li Gua- the ending
In the sixth and last line, the I-Ching talks about a leader taking military action and winning the war. So, the order is restored, and there are no more issues.
Lessons from the I-Ching Li Gua hexagram
Watch our video about the Li Gua for 2024 and Period 9
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donutwares · 9 months
When is it too much...?
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Feeling the urge to buy watches again. After many purchases, I've learnt that quality and satisfaction come at a price. You do get what you pay for. And the difference between $100 and $20 in a similar styled watch is a helluva lot.
That said, the Casio 800H (left) is calling to me. I used to wear its little brother, the F105W (right) in university and partway into my first job with a small local publishing house.
Been gloomy and rainy the whole morning here in Petaling Jaya. The air is cool and I'm steadily working on my I Ching book. 32 hexagram pairs left to go.
Fixed a lot of people's lives today. But the witchy Asian 6 refuse any therapy, giving out pain and crashing people together who have what they term "sin". At least vindictive Sis is being good.
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mwm-friend-blog · 10 months
No. Kade will kill me if I hurt them. And I definitely will.
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Hexagram: Don’t worry I can heal them instantly! He won’t know! Plus he’s 20!
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siamkram · 11 months
A student asked: “Sir, how is it that you are old, but have the appearance of a child?” The master replied: “It is because I have not been worn down by going against the Way.”
I Ching Hexagram 20
Kuan (Contemplation)
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Fist Knox Architect Dream Text
Here’s the text of my dream, which I had on April 20, 2007, if you can’t be bothered with clicking onto a Dreamwidth link.
Text below the cut.
The dream began not long after my rescue by a benefactor, a very rich man, who pulled me out of a dire predicament which I can't remember - it was early in the dream, and the details are fuzzy, but for some reason I had no clothes, my rings and talisman were missing and I was only wearing what looked like a set of standard issue white socks, underpants and a vest. The man was immaculately dressed in a dark suit that looked like it cost him more than I get from benefits in a year. He sat in the back of a helicopter with me as we flew over this city, which looked like it went on forever. 'This is a Mega City,' I said. 'And you and your people are Megacitizens.' There were huge buildings looming over the rest of the buildings, including one incredibly thin, flat one. I told him 'You built that one along a north - south alignment.' He looked shocked, and I told him that since it was exactly noon, the light of the sun cast its thinnest shadow across the city from the building at that moment. I then said 'You've been to Australia.' And again, he didn't know why I'd say that; even less when I said 'It's marvellous, isn't it, the beauty of those structures; none of them built by human hand, yet erected with such precision.' Then he asked me how I knew about the structures in Australia - that I was talking about Compass or Magnetic Termites, insects that build these mounds twenty feet tall, like blades or fins, all aligned with magnetic north, or maybe like tombstones. My reply, as always with such things: 'The image of what you have seen is still in your mind.' I even freak people out in my dreams. So, anyway, we got into his limo; and we drove to the structure he'd built, like a giant glass fin, water cascading down the sides and all glass inside. Once inside the atrium of this immense structure, I got down on my hands and knees on the bare earth and began to erect the figures of Western Geomancy, casting the lots with the metal dice from my kit which he'd retrieved when he'd rescued me. I drew him a full geomantic shield, and showed him how his success was sadly going to be bought with blood; also, that 'blood' could also mean 'kin', and that either way, the sign meant 'thicker than water,' meaning that this was a tide which was going to be very hard to resist. I showed him a figure called the Reconciler, though, which read 'The Major Fortune,' which was an ultimate good sign, a beneficial final judgement. He'd sited this huge structure in the right place, and in the right alignment. But I urged caution, rather than haste, because his ambition would cost someone dear if this project was rushed, or costs were skimped or similar rash behaviour indulged in 'to prove a point'. I drew an I Ching hexagram in the ground, something like 'Ultimate Harmony', to signal that all would be well, and to quiet the earth which actually started trembling like a lover in orgasm. A panel fell from the roof, at this point. It was a big square, and it landed point first right on the spot where I'd drawn the hexagram. Sunlight came in and illuminated the square, 'like a diamond in the dirt, illumination surrounded by darkness.' I told the architect these exact words; he got a call in from a contact, saying that his contract for a geodesic dome in some other part of the world had gone through, and he had a green light on it. He turned to me, and as he did so, his contact said the exact same words over the mobile phone to the architect. Finally, as we arrived at the hotel where I'd been put up (one of his buildings - a vast edifice, with one huge plaza in front that'd take ten, fifteen minutes to cross at least), the architect shook my hand, and gave me a funny handshake. I told him that, to his surprise, I did not wear the apron - but that I'd honour those who did for their sense of solidarity and brotherhood. Then I told him it'd be raining before I got to the entrance of the hotel, so he shouldn't stay outside the limo for too long or he'd get drenched. I got out, finally retrieving the rest of my stuff - my rings, my talisman, my clothes - and, as I donned my (always slightly shabby) duty black shoes, trousers and sweater, the architect asked me: 'How can someone like you live so small?' I said the following. 'Consider the size of one of your largest buildings. The one you built like a glass needle in Tokyo, soaring so high into the sky nobody can see where it ends. Now see it in comparison to the magnetosphere of the Earth in all its glory. 'Now compare that to the magnetosphere of Jupiter - easily the largest phenomenon in the solar system, bigger even than the Sun. Now extend your perceptions outwards until you can see the whole of the solar system, right up to the Kuiper Belt and the Heliopause. 'Further, now; out past the local neighbourhood, to see the galaxy as a whole. Now further and further, until the galaxy itself is just a bright point, a mote of dust, in the local galactic supercluster, which itself becomes a tiny filament, a streak of light, a tiny thread, and gone, amidst the huge clouds of galaxies in our universe. 'Further still, until you run out of galaxies; and all you have is the universe itself, which shrinks all around you until all you can see of it is just a tiny, tiny black dot, surrounded by a blue - grey chaos. 'And now look at it again. You have been looking at the iris and pupil of my eye. We are back to where you started on this journey. 'I may look small, live smaller; but my eyes, my soul, encompass universes.' He followed me. And yes, before we had gone more than halfway across the plaza to reach shelter, it did begin to rain.
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libertariantaoist · 1 year
“The way that becomes a way is not the Immortal Way the name that becomes a name is not the Immortal Name no-name is the maiden of Heaven and Earth name is the mother of all things thus in innocence we see the beginning in passion we see the end two different names for one and the same the one we call dark the dark beyond dark the door to all beginnings” -Lao-tzu- (Taoteching, verse 1, translation by Red Pine) TU ER-WEI says, “Tao originally meant ‘moon.’ The Yiching [see hexagrams 42 and 52] stresses the bright moon, while Lao-tzu stresses the dark moon” (Lao-tzu-te yueh-shen tsung-chiao, pp. ii-iii). CONFUCIUS says, “The Tao is what we can never leave. What we can leave isn’t the Tao” (Chungyung: 1). HO-SHANG KUNG says, “What we call a way is a moral or political code, while the Immortal Way takes care of the spirit without effort and brings peace to the world without struggle. It conceals its light and hides its tracks and can’t be called a way. As for the Immortal Name, it’s like a pearl inside an oyster, a piece of jade inside a rock: shiny on the inside, dull on the outside.” CH’ENG CHU says, “Sages don’t reveal the Way because they keep it secret, but because it can’t be revealed. Thus their words are like footsteps that leave no tracks.” LI HSI-CHAI says, “Things change but not the Tao. The Tao is immortal. It arrives without moving and comes without being called.” SU CH’E says, “The ways of kindness and justice change but not the way of the Tao. No-name is its body. Name is its function. Sages embody the Tao and use it in the world. But while entering the myriad states of being, they remain in non-being.” WANG PI says, “From the infinitesimal all things develop. From nothing all things are born. When we are free of desire, we can see the infinitesimal where things begin. When we are subject to desire, we can see where things end. ‘Two’ refers to ‘maiden’ and ‘mother.’” TS’AO TAO-CH’UNG says, “‘Two’ refers to ‘innocence’ and ‘passion,’ or in other words, stillness and movement. Stillness corresponds to nonexistence. Movement corresponds to existence. Provisionally different, they are ultimately the same. Both meet in darkness.” THE SHUOWEN says, “Hsuan [dark] means ‘black with a dot of red in it.’” This is how the darker half of the yin-yang symbol was traditionally represented. In Shensi province, where the Taoteching was first written, doors were, until recently, painted black with a thin line of red trim. And every road begins with a door. TE-CH’ING says, “Lao-tzu’s philosophy is all here. The remaining five thousand words only expand on this first verse.” And RED PINE adds, “During Lao-tzu’s day, philosophers were concerned with the correspondence, or lack of it, between name and reality. The things we distinguish as real change, while their names do not. How then can reality be known through names?”
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poligraf · 1 year
Thus also in nature a holy seriousness is to be seen in the fact that natural occurrences are uniformly subject to law. Contemplation of the divine meaning underlying the workings of the universe gives to the man who is called upon to influence others the means of producing like effects. This requires that power of inner concentration which religious contemplation develops in great men strong in faith. It enables them to apprehend the mysterious and divine laws of life, and by means of profoundest inner concentration they give expression to these laws in their own persons. Thus a hidden spiritual power emanates from them, influencing and dominating others without their being aware of how it happens.
Hexagram #20 from the I Ching · Contemplation · via Ask The Oracle
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parkerbombshell · 1 year
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venushorizon · 1 year
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: 155. Live Your Design - 2006 - Disk 06 from Dror Kobi on Vimeo.
:פודקאסט אקדמיה למערכת העיצוב האנושי על פי רא אורו הו Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu Podcasts: أكاديمية التصميم البشري بواسطRa Uru Hu Podcasts: shoutout.wix.com/so/7eOSuvn1S
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Human Design Academy: Cross of Planning (1615-2027) 1.0 Mobile App Android Homepage URL: Download Link 1: https://s.id/Human-Design-2027 Download Link 2: https://s.id/Human-Design-Rave-2027 Download Link 3: https://s.id/Cross-Of-Planning-1615-2027 (via android cellphone only)
Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu 1.0 Mobile App iOS Homepage URL: Download Link 1: gonative.io/share/pjndzy
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Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: humandesign.academy/en humandesign2027.net/en
Human Design System by Ra Uru Hu: The Complete Rave I’Ching. raveiching.net/en
Medium: medium.com/@drorkobi
1.Full Course: Part A. Live Your Design. Rave ABC. Cartography. humandesign.academy/en/lyd-abc-rave 2.Magnetic Monopole: humandesign.academy/en/magnetic-monopole 3.Personality and Design: humandesign.academy/en/personality-and-design 4.Section A introduction: humandesign.academy/en/section-a 5.Section B: humandesign.academy/en/section-b 6.Human Design Basic: humandesign.academy/en/human-design-basic 7.Nine-Centered Awakening: humandesign.academy/en/nine-centers-awakening 8.Neutrino: humandesign.academy/en/neutrino 9.Types: humandesign.academy/en/types 10.Reflector: humandesign.academy/en/reflector 11.Manifestor: humandesign.academy/en/manifestor 12.Generator: humandesign.academy/en/generator 13.Manifesting Generators: humandesign.academy/en/manifesting-generator 14.Projector: humandesign.academy/en/projector 15.Nine Centers: humandesign.academy/en/9-centers 16.Mutation: humandesign.academy/en/mutation 17.Root Center: humandesign.academy/en/root-center 18.Spleen Center: humandesign.academy/en/spleen-center 19.Sacral Center: humandesign.academy/en/sacral-center 20.Solar Plexus Center: humandesign.academy/en/solar-plexus-center 21.Heart Center: humandesign.academy/en/heart-center 22.G-Center: humandesign.academy/en/g-center 23.Throat Center: humandesign.academy/en/throat-center 24.Ajna Center: humandesign.academy/en/ajna-center 25.Head Center: humandesign.academy/en/head-center 26.Inner Authority: humandesign.academy/en/inner-authority 27.Emotional Authority: humandesign.academy/en/emotional-authority 28.Sacral Authority: humandesign.academy/en/sacral-authority 29.Splenic Authority: humandesign.academy/en/splenic-authority 30.Ego Authority: humandesign.academy/en/ego-authority 31.Self / G Authority: humandesign.academy/en/self-g-authority 32.No Inner Authority: humandesign.academy/en/no-inner-authority 33.Definitions: humandesign.academy/en/definitions 34.Single Definition: humandesign.academy/en/single-definition 35.Split Definition: humandesign.academy/en/split-definition 36.Triple Split Definition: humandesign.academy/en/triple-definition 37.Quadruple Split Definition: humandesign.academy/en/quadruple-definition 38.No Definition: humandesign.academy/en/no-definition 39.Profiles: humandesign.academy/en/12-profiles 40.Cartography: humandesign.academy/en/cartography 41.Hexagram: humandesign.academy/en/hexagram 42.Lines Keynotes: humandesign.academy/en/lines-keynotes 43.Introduction Angles: humandesign.academy/en/angles-introduction 44.Profile 1/3: humandesign.academy/en/profile-1-3 45.Profile 1/4: humandesign.academy/en/profile-1-4 46.Profile 2/4: humandesign.academy/en/profile-2-4 47.Profile 2/5: humandesign.academy/en/profile-2-5 48.Profile 3/5: humandesign.academy/en/profile-3-5 49.Profile 3/6: humandesign.academy/en/profile-3-6 50.Profile 4/6: humandesign.academy/en/profile-4-6
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