#holy shit its so simple.
nekropsii · 2 years
A lot of people are hypercritical of female characters, but will let male characters get away with literally fucking anything, with seemingly no reason for this dichotomy existing whatsoever. This is because of misogyny. That's it. That's all it is. Mystery solved. Just don't be a fucking misogynist. I don't care if you're gay. Being gay is not a reason to exhibit misogynistic biases. You should know better.
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grimsdeadb0nes · 1 month
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for the weekly redraw we've started doing in the zeti server have a zazz i am never going this hard for a redraw again 🤕
og under the cut, courtesy of @wetwaluigi ♡
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it's a 2D stage so... i think thats why he's been doomed to the void from this angle i had to fill in the background with my own silly imagination 🙄
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oso-nan · 8 months
hey heads up !!! if any of u guys post tcm art, pls b wary of this person. they have reposted a very hefty amount of my mutuals (+ other artists tcmg fanart) uncredited, from both here and other platforms. they downright refused to take down the art i had drawn for a commission, along with their other posts, with the only explanation they had being that they had “no time” to credit anyone in their posts 🤦🏻‍♂️
i tried to explain to them how this was disrespectful calmly, they refused to not do it— so i called them out publicly, and then they blocked me 💀💀💀
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y2khaos · 1 year
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lovelyrotter · 12 days
yknow i love transmasc/tboy dirk always and forever but the way some ppl treat transmascness vs transfemmeness in HS's narrative........kinda sucks. like the whole thing about how being transfeminine is a literal transient experience and lets the character in question (any character) truly escape the oppression of HS's narrative-as-a-character which is patriarchal and toxic (lord english, hussie-the-character to an extent. i guess. idk ive seen a lotta ppl lump SI-hussie in w/ this), which is great and does hold weight as an analytical lens esp with how hussie irl is nonbinary. but where does this leave transmasc characters. why are we treating (headcanoned) transfemme HS characters like this and then tbh gleefully dooming (headcanoned) transmasc characters to eternal narrative suffering brought by LE and then mocking them for being ''gross tboys'' full of ''icky testorerone'' so its their fault theyre in this perpetual torment really? because they ''''chose to be a man''''? dunno man its starting to feel bad. especially since some bnf's who are really into this fan theory do actually kinda treat the general idea of transmasculinity like somthing to hold with tongs at arms length away from them. as if its alien or infectous or something and then get really mad when equally dysphoric transmascs do the same with feminity. why are we dooming dirk strider to eternal toxic-masculine suffering and what does that say about how we treat real life transmasc folks both in and outside of the fandom
#my t#basically you arent more or less special or deserving of celebration or joy depending on what pronouns you use#and idk yall gender is such a personal thing and your trans experience def does colour the way you look at the world. it def does mine/ours#and i wish ppl on this site would be more honest about that cause holy hell do some of yall treat eachother like dogshit#PURELY on the basis of identity. you are no better than a TERF if you do this. you ARE a TERF if you do this#but like...........can we all at least TRY not to demonize '''the other side''' here#in quotations because theres no '''other side''' in the trans community we're all just trans in different ways#theres just like. yknow#theres a reason why so many tboys and transmasc folks identify with the striders and dirk especially#and theres a reason why *so many* transmascs felt so much joy abt tboy roxy#so many of our lives pre-transition looked and felt like roxy lalondes. so many of us legit forcefully feminized ourselves#bc the alternative was so fucking scary. as you can probably imagine regardless of what flavour of trans you are#theres also a reason why there are so many transmasc fictives named dirk and dave and idk what to tell these ppl abt that#i remember rlly clearly this affectionate joke like a literal decade ago on this site that was like#daves intro dropped and 1mil tboys named dave materialized into existence#dirks intro dropped and 1mil MORE tboys named dirk materialized into existence#i try rlly rlly hard not to get sour at wlw/nblw focused memes that are like#''i made pepsicola better!!! theyre she/theys now :)'' for example#but its getting increasingly harder to ignore when the same ppl who make these memes treat#fans who prefer m/m *bc they themselves are gay* like shit#or like enjoying m/m because theyre mlm is mysogynistic. which it isnt ffs#that shit gives i am uncomfortable when is not about me and i aint here for that#if i were like these ppl maybe id turn all their fave girls into tboys just to spite them#but it wont be just to spite them bc 1) i aint abt that actually. im too fuckin grown for it and 2)#i genuinely just enjoy exploring m/m and masculinity more because i am a trans mlm. its very simple math
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trippygalaxy · 1 month
When your players get a handful of magic rings and you now have to find what rings to give them: :(
Finding the "Band of Loyalty": >:D
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eldritchqueerture · 1 month
nobody told me research would involve so many goddamn emails
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ataris-lantern · 2 years
i am going to encourage your brainrot tell me more abt viktor and perhaps your thoughts on jayvik
yall are just enabling me now 😭👬
second i love how their relationship is meant to show the different paths of corruption, for lack of a better word atm. just like vi and jinx are meant to show the different ways trauma stemming from the same event manifests (in a familial context). both jayce and viktor start out as kind of naive--these idealists/optimists who bond over their shared attraction vision of forging a better future through science and tech. but jayce's "corruption" comes from a misuse of intimacy, viktor's comes from rejection of it. jayce allows himself to become way too influenced by mel. (which she does kinda allow herself to change in arc 3 but thats another thing. also maybe a little problematic? that the most prominent dark skinned characters aka sevika mel & ambessa are so far seen as mostly aggressors in s1 but like. anyways.) he ends up taking a lot of her advice, which was given out of her own self interest, because he loves her. meanwhile viktor pushes further away from intimate relationships with others--a combination of both his need to be perceived through the lens of his work, and also a sense of loneliness that can be brought on by over investment in academia (no social skills or personality outside of grades check 🤪). not to mention the intense guilt he feels because of what happened to sky.
from viktor's point of view, jayce siding more with mel, with topside, is like a betrayal. finally he's found someone who's just as passionate about science and inventing as he is! they're constantly on the same wavelength, they work really well together, share homoerotic tension...i mean uh, ideas. though he prefers to not be very outgoing, he's finally gotten the recognition he feels he deserves through jayce's public success. he truly becomes part of something greater. then jayce suddenly becomes this hotshot counselor and politics matter more than helping people. they barely spend time together, and once again viktor is left in the dust, just like the toy boat.
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fivefeetfangirl · 10 months
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what if i started making amvs at my university
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draguar144 · 2 years
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Kill me please
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bejeweledmp3 · 1 year
glass onion movie of all TIME
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holymistake · 2 years
as a person who has gay sex it would really do something for me if publicly decrying the idea of the thing with passionate and sometimes violent homophobia wasn’t apparently the overwhelming culture for aroaces
#you guys want to cuddle up and be friends with us and take our progress away from us at the same time#why are you so dense#if you don’t do this you’re my friend and i’ll protect you#if you do this you’re a classless virgin#i’m gonna get flack for this because this site is a cesspit full of faggot hating aces#i don’t know how to tell you that if you can’t deal with gay sex as a bare concept then you’re homophobic#and it goes a thousand times more if you call gay people (who VERY OFTEN have real life gay sex) disgusting for the sex they have#and discuss. yknow it is A Crucial part of queer liberation. to be able to be ourselves without this sort of nonsense.#i don’t know why you think you can do this#your ‘PURITY’ is not a moral high ground and you aren’t better than me#i put my mouth on genitals and i’m still a normal person. begging aces and aroaces to accept that at LEAST. holy shit.#can the cool aces in the back please call this out so us gays and bis don’t have to keep doing it#its coming from inside your house.#fucking Stop Hating Gay People Challenge somehow controversial in ‘queer’ spaces i know it’s so hard for you#some of you.#all i’m saying is that if being able to say you hate it is integral to whatever you want out of being in community?#then it needs to be separate from mine.#but if you can accept my existence as it is then come over fellas. it’s that simple.#shipping cartoons don’t replace the requirements of allyship. gay people are real. they do real things#i cant stop talking abt this i just really saw some shit that made my brain hurt some yall hurt me mentally i’m taking damage
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cycat4077 · 2 years
Well, that was a dumpster fire 🙄
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b0mblover · 1 month
Hate, in Every Sense of the Word.
By: J
major tws for; suicide mention, domestic abuse, abuse, sexual assult mention, murder mention, (really just alot of violence tbh) self harm mention
uh, sorry? that theres so many tws, ig also minor tw for mention of sex too.
uh haha i uh, can you tell what happened tonight? it wasnt even the worst one, just, im tired of it.
talk abt living out of spite bc mannnn, thats all i been going off of for a good while now!
i uh, i really wanna make a certain food bc um. (LOOK I WANNA MAKW A LESS OILY FUCKER OKAY) but my father is awake meaning my mother will be too soon but im scared to even go out of my room bc theyre prob gonna fighttt.
hhhrbd okok ill shut up for now, go ahead and read the angry jirou bullshit ig 😭
(oh yea, if it wasn’t obvious. im talking about my mother in this.)
you havent been a great person
or a good one even.
yet you still question as to why i dont love you
or like you,
maybe you have an idea of how much i hate you.
maybe not
i dont really care about your feelings.
at all.
not now.
i put up with this for fucking 14 years.
my entire fucking life.
ive put up with your shit.
but now?
now im done.
you have no idea how badly you fucked up.
when he said that “im sorry im a fuck up” 
he mightve not been right for what he did.
it was just a mistake.
it was a goddamn mistake.
you have any idea how many times ive uttered those words too?
how many times ive repeated them?
how many times i fucking meant it?
just because you “had it bad” doesnt mean shit to me.
you have no goddamn right to treat others the same way.
dont give me that “i dont know how else to act!”
bullshit you dont.
you treated your damn boyfriend just fine!
you had a goddamn kid
you had two goddamn children.
with this man that you fucking DESPISE.
you knew it back then too.
you told me you did.
you fucking told me.
almost nothing can compare to the anger i feel to you right now.
you have no right to act like that.
you have no goddamn right to hit another fucking living being.
for such a simple mistake.
i dont care if he talked about it since friday.
i dont give a fuck if he talked about it for months.
you as a goddamn human.
have no right.
in the slighest.
to hit another living being.
for talking about something in your eyes “too much”
or making a mistake.
youre a hypocrite.
need i remind you?
you said that after you broke up with the man you were having an affair with.
that youd be a better person.
stop the fights.
stop the beatings.
stop all of it.
and everything would be okay!
i didn’t believe you for a goddamn millisecond.
youre a liar.
just how you said i was.
you didnt quit.
you didnt stop.
hell two months after you hit him again!
you threatened to kill him and yourself!
dont you get it yet?
i fucking despise you.
maybe to a degree i feel shocked.
i really dont think thats it.
youre the root of my problems.
every single last fucking one.
need i remind you as how i had to learn to cook, because you were too busy with your damn boyfriend to help me?
need i remind you how when i tried to show you that i was fucking cutting myself when i was 9 you only talked about how it looked ugly?
need i remind you about how many times you said that you didnt care if i hurt myself as long as no one can see it?
need i remind you about how you ignored the rope burn on my neck god knows how many times?
need i remind you how you denied fucking multiple peoples sexual assault because “it couldntve been like that”?
need i remind you of how many times i almost had to be hospitalized because of your neglect?
need i remind you of how many nights i spent alone, in the cold, in the dead of winter, just because you wanted to fuck your boyfriend?
need i remind you of what you yelled at me so many times?
need i remind you of what i seen?
need i remind you of how many times you blamed your abusive behaviors on medication?
need i fucking remind you of my entire purpose?
i dont care about your feelings anymore.
i gave up years ago.
but now.
i dont feel just numb for you.
i hate you.
in every sense of the word.
i dont care of what you or anyone else thinks of me.
i dont care about what you think of my appearance.
i dont care if you think im too thin or fat or whatever word youll use next.
i dont care about what you think because you’ll hate me no matter what.
you thought id stop being xxxx when you broke up with him.
you yelled at me.
you fucking screamed at me for weeks.
im tired of even putting in the slighest effort of acting as if i fucking care.
i dont give a fuck about you.
and yknow?
if it would work.
if it was possible.
id fucking kill you.
id stab you.
right here.
right now.
to end my suffering.
to end his suffering.
all of it.
id end it all.
i dont care if its wrong.
because i know no one else knows about whats going on.
only one person around here knows what youve done to him and me.
and i havent even met her in person.
the people i used to be close with from school.
only just learned you had an affair.
i know that.
the police are do-less.
since you know them.
and hes a man.
not a woman.
it wouldnt be taken seriously.
that he should just fight back.
youve ruined what life he has left.
his parents beat him.
his ex wife beat him, and cheated on him.
and here.
youve done the exact same thing.
he’ll never get to see how love truely is.
because of you.
because of what youve done.
i cant say i really like him either.
that doesnt give you the right to ruin his life.
yknow whats worse?
how i know the only reason that so far youve never dared to lay a finger on me.
is because ive proved that i won’t hesitate to beat the fuck out of you right back.
i know i joke about that night.
hitting you for doing that was the best decision i couldve made.
its kept me safer than i wouldve been for years. 
and even now.
if you were to as so much to touch me.
while in a fight.
id do it all over again.
you maybe 100 pounds heavier than me.
but you dont know how to fight against someone who wont just sit there and take it.
i wont forgive you for what youve done.
even if he will.
i want nothing to do with you.
get out of my life for good.
#j writes badly#woohoo i just love living in a very fucked up house its soo great /sarcasm#ughnf whats worse is that if it werent for my parents rn my life would be quiet literally perfect.#holy shit the being pissed at my mother instead of destroying my arm thing is actually working irl holy shit#(actually shoked abt that tbh)#unironically i wanna make a less oily fuck rn. like so badly. bc my parents went to the store and got eggs so i can#oh yea for the new gen folk that dont know all of the j lore (this has been bothering me bc its coming up on the anniversary)#i know how to break someones fingers and make it look like an accident!#turns out theres a specific way thats more common in abuse versus accidents!#dont ask why i know this 🙂 (or do- it reallt doesnt bother me) (also not that i would- /gen)#this is basically me catching everyone up through j lore im not even kidding tbh#and yes. i have hit my mother before bc she wouldnt stop “playing” as i had hot ramen in my hands!#(look. it wasnt the best move at the time but uh. really saved me in the long run unironically!)#THERES FUCKING GEESE FLYING OVER MY HOUSE RN HOLY SHIT#sorry. uh. i cant help it tho. i heard them and it was cute#oh yea even MORE j lore; i have a mildly unhealthy obsession with “being stronger” because im consitently (and rightfully)#paranoid that my mother is gonna try and hit me!#when the whole 2020 chrismas thing (when i hit her) happened i had just got done wih archery so i was still pretty strong#but then eating disorder happened and i quit archery. muscle atrophy etc etc#so like. its a big ass thing i think abt every day now!#yea theres a real reason why i consider my friends as “safe” 💀#heheheheeeeee when no where else is safe thats just life ig!#oh god i need to brush my teeth fuck.#hhvtbd but my mother is awake :(#HHGBHGBSNS i need to start doing that at an ealier time bc it keeps getting in the way of things#again. how the fuck does smth so simple as brushing my teeth make so much feel better 😭😭 its weird#sighh well! time to go back to trying to find drawing inspo!#(i unironically cannot use my own trauma as a drawing point bc it makes me actually suicidal. thats why i write it! /srs)#CHOKEKSSSJ ok ill hush now!
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bambinification · 4 months
I cannot believe the guy who made Iron Lung also made Finger Bones
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