#household: swain
didilysims · 1 year
Pine Lake Farewell: Swain
Stella kept her mechanic’s shop, especially after hiring Ginger Newson and realizing the girl showed promise and desperately needed a mentor. Under her patient teaching, Ginger flourished and found peace from her many anxieties in the garage. Stella eventually passed on the shop to her apprentice and retired fully to maximize her right to spoil her grandchildren. But she did still drop in to tinker with the odd engine now and then.
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Leif and Natasha divorced with shared custody of the two kids. (While Natasha never formally adopted Erika, Leif had allowed her legal guardianship.) They agreed to remain friends and, though they never really were, did manage to keep a civil relationship between them.
Natasha quit the school system to focus on her art full-time. She never made much money at it, but the alimony kept her from going bankrupt, and well supplied in fine cheeses.
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Leif focused on his farm and, thanks to a literal green thumb, was highly productive in it. He did try dating again, but found he was too busy for a serious relationship. Even with a Plantsim daughter to help out full time, a farmer’s work is never done.
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Erika had a tough go of high school due to her incredible shyness and reluctance to put more than three words together, which the other teens often interpreted as snobbishness. She did not go to university, preferring to stay home on the farm. In fact, if not for her best friend, Emerald, forcing her to go out once in a while, she’d probably live quite happily has a lonely hermit.
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Jeremy also had trouble in school, but it was because of his incessant pranking and frequent trips to the principal’s office with his best friend and partner in crime, Garrett Newson. His only motivation for doing his homework was the threat of being excluded from the weekly video game tournaments with his dad, and occasionally his super cool aunt...who sometimes would bring a sneak peek of a new game.
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Freyja and Jonah stayed in the city to focus on their careers. Freyja works quite high up in an indie video game company, and though the work probably outweighs the salary, she loves every minute of it. Jonah sold his coffee shop when they first moved and now operates a local brewery on the border of the bohemian and gearhead sections of the city. It’s equally popular with both social classes, and even a few prominent socialites have been spotted there now and then. They adopted a small dog and are happy to be simply aunt and uncle for the time being.
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Thor and his university sweetheart, Ivy Copur, married immediately after graduation. Ivy took a job at the hospital, while Thor ran the sound system at his brother-in-law's coffee shop for a while. But after their first child was born, he quit to become a full-time dad...which was good, because they soon had enough children to keep his Family Sim heart happy. He does occasionally make house calls to tune pianos, however.
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tamtam-go92 · 3 months
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There was quite a lot of fighting in Erik's first semester.
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katatty · 2 years
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boolpropper · 2 years
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Martin: "Hey Erik?"
Erik: "Yeah?"
Martin: "I think I love you."
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Erik: "I was hoping you'd say that soon. I love you too!"
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kayyasha · 6 months
I've been trying to figure out how Heartsteel Kayn's backstory might work with his League backstory and I think I've got an idea I'm happy with.
Kayn who was a part of a super controlling sports household when he was young, with Leblanc or Swain in charge of training up an empire of Olympian kids. Maybe gymnasts? Martial arts? Just horrifying amounts of calorie counting and training and discipline for kids who really weren't in it for any reason other than their guardians wanted them to be at the highest level.
Rell, Riven, Kayn and Briar are all kids that got out. Maybe that's where Rhaast comes in, offering a deal that Kayn will have what he needs to show everyone he can survive and thrive away from Noxus. Maybe Zed, as a competing trainer, blackmailed who he needed to to steal baby Kayn away.
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anton-petrov · 7 months
138 Almond Road(Swain Household)
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wickedjr89gaming · 7 months
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The Bubbler Household. Jared Starchild, Ty Bubbler, Erik Swain, and Jimmy Phoenix.
Jimmy and Ty are an item as are Jared and Erik.
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saralynnx · 1 year
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The round ends with Carlos making friends with his neighbor Marissa Cleveland, which he needs for his next promotion.
Next up is the Swain household at Academie Le Tour!
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noxianwilled · 1 year
✒️ + Cassiopeia uwu
send me ✒️ + a ship (romantic or not!), and i will write a meta about it.
— @vixtionary
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Without any official ages or interactions or anything, this is purely speculation based on how I see it ofc but here we go!
I see Katarina and Cassiopeia as being close in age (1 or 2 years apart) — so there was very little room for Kat to grow used to being an only child before she had siblings, and I don't think that sort of jealousy was ever a factor. While Soreana obviously favoring the younger may, at times, have made the eldest sour as a child, I do think Katarina wasn't ever one to blame her siblings or turn her frustrations on them for her parents' behavior, so I don't think this would have had a huge impact in her relationship with Cass.
Kat's bio suggests she had... an unconventional childhood, to say the least. "So it was that Katarina’s childhood—if it can be called such—had little room for kindness or rest. She spent every waking moment honing herself into the ultimate weapon, testing her endurance, her dexterity, her tolerance for pain." Based on that, I think most of her time was filled with assassin training, which definitely led to some distance from her sister, who instead took after their mother.
Still, they were together since they were basically babies. They definitely had a bond, and honestly I think it was perhaps the most normal thing about Katarina's childhood. Cassiopeia was her closest (possibly only? until Talon?) friend as a child, because she wasn't given the room to care for relationships and connections and playing or whatever, she was already being made into a weapon. But at home, with her sister, there would be a little bit of room for that.
They're very different in personality, but Katarina had genuine love for her sister. I think their relationship was fairly typical in that they could be getting along in one moment and fighting the next then getting along again the next; like most siblings, they likely fought over stupid stuff (though i tend to see them arguing and pulling hair more than. really fighting, since Cass wasn't trained like she was and Kat would pull her punches a little — actual physical fighting, messy and without rules, was likely more reserved for Talon).
Katarina was, nevertheless, a very caring older sister. They'd have played together as children, braided each other's hair, stayed up late talking and giggling until they fell asleep. She'd have been there to look after her baby sister and kick the ass of anyone who harmed her in any way. She'd have been there to listen to Cassiopeia no matter how trivial her concerns may seem to others. And especially when they move to Shurima I figure that may have brought them particularly closer, as they went to an entirely foreign place and sticking to those you know and love is a very natural response at first.
But as they grew older, I think their differences were not only more apparent, they were also capitalized on by their parents in a way that certainly made them more dire. I don't think what we see of Marcus in the comic changes that previous characterization — his feelings for Soreana could be sincere, he could have acted on what he believed best for the empire (and house Du Couteau) by supporting Swain, he could have come to regret it later with the dismantling of nobility and the attack on his wife being somehow connected to Swain — and the division within their household would still be somewhat obvious. Soreana had her own secret agenda, and she was grooming Cassiopeia to follow in her footsteps, much like Marcus had his own, less secret, goals and to an extent prepared Katarina to be like him.
So I don't think the gap between them was created when Marcus left Shurima with Katarina, it only widened with that and as Cass became more involved with the Black Rose. She knew her mother kept it a secret from the rest of the family, and it became her secret too. I think it'd have been easier for her, as a teenager, to keep that secret from her sister by letting that natural distancing happen than by lying to her face (though I have no doubt she could have done it; Katarina was easily deceived by those she loves precisely because she didn't expect falseness from them). Soreana, too, probably had no interest in Cass keeping Kat close. Which is to say, after Kat leaves with Marcus, I don't think there'd have been an effort from the younger sister to reach out to the eldest, at least not for a time.
Time enough for Katarina to be sent to her first mission, fail due to her own pride and need to prove herself, and their father to disown her and have Talon try to kill her. Considering Kat eventually made with her brother, I can see her eventually trying to reach out to Cassiopeia. She loves her siblings and, again, wouldn't want her issues with their parents to get in the way of that. But I also think there's a huge divide between them, and Cassiopeia was raised to be politically inclined. Associating with her disgraced sister when the public stance was that the family renounced her likely wouldn't have been a wise move in that sense, regardless of how she felt about Katarina.
Kat would see the way it is and drop it and not try to reach out again. She wouldn't even be entirely resentful because Cass could be unwilling to reconnect for a number of reasons, not the least because Kat would have rejected her connection to the Du Couteaus just as actively as she was rejected. She wouldn't have wanted to talk to them or see any of them for a considerable amount of time. So she made her part in breaking up their bond, too.
The last time they saw each other in person, they were teenagers. Any contact after that was short-lived, and Katarina has no idea what her sister has been up to, much less of her transformation. All she knows is Cassiopeia remains in Shurima with their mother. Learning of Soreana's ties to the Black Rose, she certainly expects Cass is also involved by then — which makes her no less an enemy than the rest of the family.
I do think she loved her sister (I wouldn't say loves because she doesn't know the person Cassiopeia grew up to be, not really), I think she misses her still, and I think, much as is the case with Talon, she'd like to believe there's salvation for Cass — that she can still find a better path, that they don't have to be enemies. As always, though, Katarina would put the empire before family. If it came to it, for Noxus, she'd kill Cassiopeia too. And at this point Katarina is only waiting for when her sister will resurface to get her shot at trying to kill her.
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mrslandgraab · 2 years
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In theory a small update like this one does not need it’s whole wordpress post. I will admit that it has been almost exactly half a year since I played the Trepes do to taking a job, finishing my bachelor’s and also starting my master’s. As such this summary, while done with love, is a bit smaller and quicker and less “wittier” than my usual style. Most of all, you are to be up to date when it comes to us making our journey back to the Trepe’s.
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Like any good update, this one starts with death. I reloaded the lot and found out that Erik Swain had died about one day before college would have ended. It seems like he did not want to participate in this legacy any longer.
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I did do my best to at least get him back but as you can see neither the Grim Reaper nor any of the roomies were very much into saving him. Poor Erik. May your spirit rest in this dorm.
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Honey: I cannot believe how Ginger will feel about this. I always felt there was this light connection between them :(
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Ginger: Well, Jimmy, I know you are feeding off an audience but I feel you are the only one for me. Nobody else will understand that my one true love is science.
Jimmy Phoenix: Well, my one true love is Ty Bubbler...and err...you I guess
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Ginger: You know, I’m pretty okay with this.
Nevermind then. Ginger did not cry a single tear for her supposed one true love and went right back to the guy who only used her as an occaisional third. Seems like Knowledge Sims really are a bit more open minded.
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Jane Stacks: Oh, what a coincidence - us two family sims meeting here after a tragical death that might play with your emotional judgement.
Basil: I’m so glad you are here, Jane. And may I say this white dress looks amazing on you?
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Jane: I just so happenned to hear the news and simply had to check on you by myself. Are you feeling okay, Basil? Do you want some company?
Basil: Well if you are asking so kindly...
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Basil: I’d honestly not know what to do without you.
It was a little bit odd how Jane had been the last person Erik hung out with before his tragical accident - but that meant she and Basil could share each other’s pain even better - the loss of a Sim one did not really care about.
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For Honey and Tolliver things became a little shaken during the night. She always loved his charming endavours but lately, as adorable as he was, she felt like he was just a little too depedent on her.
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Maybe it was good that they were graduating soon. She’d have to move back with her parents anyway and she needed all of her wits to survive there.
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And well, spending time with behind the greenhouse somewhat always ended the same wonderful way. She still had so much time - Erik hadn’t seized the moment, so there was a lot more reason for her to keep doing so.
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Erik: Surprise! Did you really T H I N K that was it? Just because I might be challenged when it comes to takign the trash out that doesn’t mean I am that easily to be removed from the narrative. Oh H E L L no. And I should know. I’ve been there.
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Erik: You’ve lost the heirpol, Ginger. And so did your brother. You think that means escaping your household? You poor dumb thing.
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Erik: Mark my words, Ginger Trepe. Post-graduation means you twop stop being relevant for your family’s line. And I should know what that means...let’s see if you do.
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Things were quiet at college. Erik’s warning felt like a hollow song. They all graduated one way or another and decided to move their seperate ways.
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Jane and Basil would move in together. The two of them were entirely inseperable since Erik had passed away.
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Though it sometimes seemed like Basil was still figuring some things out.
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Honey seemed a bit distracted and to Ginger’s surprise did not bring anyone home. She saw herself responsible for moving back in with Mom and Dad - and quietly called it “revenge” here and there for the time she spent on the sidelines during her childhood.
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Still, she seemed ready to take charge - like a true wolf would.
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For Ginger the warning was soon only a distant memory. She most of all wanted to become a doctor and there was no residency for her in the tiny town of Sesame Beach.
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Lucky for her, Ginger had a fairy godmother.
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
Faith Renée Evans was born in Lakeland, Florida to an African American mother named Helene, who was only 18.
Faith's father wasn't around, and all she knew of him was that he was a white man named Richard Swain.
Her mom was an aspiring singer who wanted to continue chasing her dreams after Faith was born, so she allowed family friends Bob and Mae Kennedy to take Faith to Newark, New Jersey to raise her.
The Kennedys were foster parents to over 100 kids and ran a strict household. But as Faith grew up, hanging out with the neighborhood kids became more appealing. She admits that this led to her growing up too fast.
After her mom's singing career failed, she moved to New Jersey in a house next door to the Kennedys. Faith would spend her time between the two households.
At the age of 14, Faith joined a gospel group. This was around the same time she discovered boys. The first boy she had a crush on was a shy and polite 11th grader named Reggie. He was the brother of a good friend of hers.
Although he was sweet, she admitted in her memoir, entitled Keep the Faith, that she was more attracted to the boys who had cocky attitudes.
Her first serious relationship was with an older small-time drug dealer who Faith accused of cheating and physically abusing her. She became pregnant by him at 15, but decided to get an abortion.
For her 16th birthday, Faith, her mother, and the Kennedys (who she now refers to as her grandparents), her boyfriend and some family members took a bus trip to Florida. Faith's boyfriend got his own hotel room, and at some point, one of Faith's cousins told her that her boyfriend had a prostitute in his room.
Faith knocked on his door but he wouldn't answer. Shortly after returning home, she found out he had infected her with an STD. Due to the intensity of the infection, she had to spend a week in the hospital and was told she would have trouble conceiving in the future.
But Faith proved the doctors wrong when she got pregnant by her boyfriend a second time at the age of 16. She ultimately decided to terminate that pregnancy as well.
At the age of 17, while still involved with her boyfriend, she began a relationship with a married 35-year-old aspiring singer.
She wrote in her memoir, "I knew what I was doing was very wrong. But I didn't try to stop it either."
Faith graduated high school and received a full scholarship to Fordham University. While at Penn Station on her way to class, she bumped into a musician named Kiyamma Griffin. He invited her to a studio session to record some vocals for R&B artist Christopher Williams.
She was still trying to end things with her boyfriend and the married man when she began hooking up with Kiyamma and became pregnant by him.
He and his crew were about to sign a production deal and he told Faith she should move with him to L.A. They would have the baby and become husband and wife.
Faith accepted his offer, but shortly after he went to L.A. to secure housing for them, 19-year-old Faith found out during a conversation with his mom that Kiyamma had lied about his age and he was only 16.
Faith couldn't turn back at that point. She dropped out of college and moved to L.A. While in L.A., she found out Kiyamma was entertaining other women.
She realized moving there was a mistake, and while making plans to move back to New Jersey, she received a call that Puff Daddy was in a studio in L.A. working on a Christopher Williams song. He needed a woman to sing in the background so Faith went, helped them out and left.
It was an uneventful first meeting between her and Puffy. She still needed a way out of L.A. so she called her good friend, who told her that brother Reggie (the sweet guy Faith used to date) was in San Diego on tour and would give her some money.
By that point, Reggie had made a name for himself as the rapper Redman. He gave Faith about $500 and she bought a plane ticket to go back home.
In April 1993, she gave birth to her daughter, Chyna Griffin. Kiyamma's production deal had dried up, so he and his friends moved back to New Jersey and began working with singer Al B. Sure. After Al heard Faith's background vocals on a song, he invited her to be on his team and offered to pay her $2,000 a week.
Puff Daddy called Kiyamma's crew (which included Vincent Herbert) and asked them to work on Usher's album. Since none of them had vehicles, Faith drove them. While there, Puffy needed a woman's voice on one of the songs. Faith was waiting in the lobby, so Kiyamma asked her to go in and sing. Faith recorded the part and Puffy was so impressed, he signed her to his label Bad Boy Records. The girl group Total was already signed to the label, but Faith was the first solo female act to be signed.
In the summer of 1994 during a Bad Boy Records photoshoot, Faith met rapper Christopher 'the notorious b.i.g.' Wallace, aka Biggie.
According to XXL magazine, Biggie had just broken up with his high school sweetheart Jan Jackson about 3 months prior and was the father of a newborn baby girl named T'yanna.
In an interview with Vibe Magazine, Biggie said after seeing Faith, he told her, 'you're the type of girl I would marry.' Faith took him up on his offer.
On August 4, 1994, barely 2 months after they first met, Faith and Biggie got married in upstate New York. The couple eventually got a place together in Brooklyn. Faith revealed in her memoir that she was pregnant at one point, but the pregnancy ended up in a miscarriage.
At the 1994 video shoot for the song, "Big Poppa," Faith noticed a tiny girl standing next to Biggie. She later realized the girl was Kimberly 'Lil Kim' Jones, an up-and-coming rapper Biggie had chosen to be a part of his Junior M.A.F.I.A. rap group.
Because Biggie didn't treat Kim with much respect, Faith was convinced their relationship was strictly business. Besides, Faith was busy trying to handle all of Biggie's other mistresses.
When Biggie was in town he started spending more time in hotels in Manhattan to be closer to the studio, while Faith and her daughter were alone in Brooklyn.
Faith wrote in her memoir that as Biggie experienced more fame, their relationship weakened. His debut album was released in September 1994, followed by Faith's self-titled debut album a year later.
In the music video for "Soon As I Get Home," Faith is in the rain wearing a gigantic white fur coat, singing of apologizing to a lover and making it up to him however she can. She says the inspiration for the song was Biggie.
"I was writing it from the perspective of, 'this is what I wish Biggie would be saying to me,' because he was on the road a lot at the time. We didn't have a lot of time in the beginning once we got married," said Faith.
As their popularity increased, one of their associates told Faith that she and Biggie were being targeted. Since people knew exactly where they lived, Faith packed up and left their Brooklyn home, renting a hotel room in Manhattan.
Biggie was also getting more reckless with his cheating. Faith found out he was entertaining a woman named Tiffany, who was originally from Philly and would later become known as rapper Charli Baltimore. But Faith and Biggie never really broke up. They would still see each other, smoke weed, get intimate and order takeout. That was their routine.
One day while driving to the studio, Faith heard Lil Kim on the radio with Wendy Williams, bragging that Faith and Biggie were no longer living under the same roof. Hearing Kim speak about her marriage made Faith realize Lil Kim wasn't just another artist in Junior M.A.F.I.A. She was one of Biggie's mistresses. Faith eventually saved up enough money to rent a two-bedroom apartment in Manhattan, while Biggie got a home in New Jersey and moved Charli Baltimore in with him.
Faith was tired of fighting over Biggie, and she was also very lonely. In her memoir she wrote that she hooked up with an NBA player a couple of times, and an R&B singer. After heading out to L.A. to work on some projects, she stayed with a music producer and started sleeping with him as well.
While at an L.A. nightclub her friend Treach, from Naughty By Nature, introduced her to Tupac Shakur. Tupac was recovering from being shot and had just been released from prison for a rape conviction.
Even though Tupac claimed Biggie, Puffy and Junior M.A.F.I.A. were behind the shooting, Biggie told Faith that Tupac knew they had nothing to do with it. So when Tupac expressed interest in Faith singing on one of his songs, she didn't see a problem with it, as long as he paid her a fee of $25,000.
Faith was so focused on her career she hadn't noticed how tense things had gotten between the east coast and west coast rappers. She didn't even know Tupac had signed to Death Row Records following his time behind bars until she was in the studio and saw the label's logo. She stated she felt uncomfortable, but ignored her feelings and laid down the rough vocals for a song called "Wonder Why They Call U B****." When she asked for her payment, Faith claimed Tupac told her they could go to his hotel and his manager would drop the money off. Faith agreed, but when she got there, Tupac allegedly tried to sleep with her. Faith turned him down, and she says she never received the payment. After Death Row founder Suge Knight and Tupac alluded to something going on between Tupac and Faith during an interview with a newspaper, Faith realized she was being used as a pawn in the East Coast/West Coast rivalry.
The producer she was hooking up with in L.A. owed her money as well, but Faith decided she would collect her payment later. She needed to get out of California right away. As soon as she returned to the East Coast, Biggie heard the rumors about Faith and Tupac's alleged romance, but Faith reassured him that nothing happened.
Weeks after Valentine's Day 1996, she found out she was pregnant by Biggie. In her memoir she wrote that she was initially having twins, but one of the eggs failed to develop. Biggie made reference to the twins and took shots at Faith on Jay-Z's song "Brooklyn's Finest," where he raps, "If Faye had twins, she'd probably have two 'pacs." Faith felt betrayed by Biggie, but she had more problems to deal with when Tupac referenced being intimate with her on his Biggie diss track entitled "Hit Em Up." Completely stressed out by all the drama, Faith admitted in her memoir she continued smoking weed while pregnant to help her relax.
Still pregnant, Faith decided to confront all those who did her wrong. She went back to L.A. to collect money from the producer she used to live with. She ended up getting into an altercation with him and his sister at the studio, and a fellow producer named Todd Russaw stepped in to calm her down. They ended up exchanging numbers.
While back in New York, she confronted Lil Kim in the studio and gave her a piece of her mind. Puffy and producer Stevie J had to rush in to pull the women apart.
Tupac passed away later that year during a drive-by shooting in Las Vegas. And things were still crumbling in Faith's personal life. Biggie, Junior M.A.F.I.A. member Lil Cease and Charli Baltimore were involved in a car accident that resulted in Biggie breaking his leg in three places. Faith visited Biggie once he was moved to a rehabilitation center, but she was really starting to like producer Todd Russaw. Before things started to get serious with him though, she delivered her baby boy C.J. Wallace in October 1996.
Biggie sat in his wheelchair by her side during her labor and delivery. Faith said Biggie tried to reconcile with her by inviting her and the kids to spend Christmas Day with him.
When Faith decided to surprise him by stopping by on Christmas Eve, she found Lil Kim in his bed. Biggie was putting the final touches on his sophomore album, he lost his life after his SUV was ambushed by some unknown assailants. Todd stayed by her side through it all. By the summer of 1997, they were an official couple even though he was still tying up loose ends from his previous relationship. Several months later, she found out she was pregnant by Todd. She gave birth to their son Joshua in June 1998, and she and Todd married and relocated to Atlanta. Todd also became her manager.
Faith released an album in 1998 and another one in 2001, but then in 2004 she and Todd were locked up after police pulled them over and found them in possession of a minimal amount of Marijuana, as well as cocaine residue on Faith. They were sentenced to three years probation.
Faith released her album The First Lady in 2005, and that same year, she and Todd quietly separated, but still kept in close contact, because in March 2007 she gave birth to her fourth child, Ryder. At some point she and her kids moved to California, and in August 2010, Faith was locked up on a DUI charge. She was sentenced to three years of probation. Two months later, her album Something About Faith was released. In that same year she was also hit with multiple tax bills, totaling close to $600,000. Thankfully, she received a much needed pay-day after being named co-executive producer and cast member on TV One's R&B Divas.
In 2014 she released her album Incomparable, and went to work on creating The King & I, a duet album using some of her late husband's unreleased vocals. She teamed up with Puffy and Stevie J to bring the album to life, and it was released in 2017.
She had always seen Stevie as just a friend, but her feelings slowly changed. They began dating, but she announced in an interview that they broke up, because there was too much drama in his life. Their breakup didn't last long though. In July 2018 Faith and Stevie J, a father of 6, surprised the public by getting married in their Las Vegas hotel room.
In May 2020, Faith was locked up for allegedly leaving scratch marks on Stevie's face. As of 2021 they have started divorce proceedings. It would be her first violent felony after her arrests for cocaine/marijuana possession in 2004 and drunk driving in 2010.
They have no children together, but Stevie has fathered six children with five different women and Faith has mothered four children with three different men.
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tamtam-go92 · 3 months
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Will Erik ever be able to make friends or at least not make his roommates cry? Wouldn't an anti-social Sim like him be better of in a rental on his own?
Find out what happens to Erik next season!
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katatty · 2 years
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boolpropper · 2 years
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Martin: "Hey, you wanna go up to my room?"
Erik: "Won't people notice though?"
Martin: "Nah. Too many of em."
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Martin REALLY wants to go all the way, but they're not quite there yet.
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And besides, he's not the only one getting action tonight.
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aisphotostuff · 1 month
Ringstead Village Norfolk
Ringstead Village Norfolk by Adam Swaine Via Flickr: Ringstead is a village and civil parish in the north-west corner of the English county of Norfolk. It covers an area of 11.13 km² and had a population of 355 in 155 households at the 2001 census, reducing to 324 at the 2011 census
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populus-ex-machina · 9 months
I streamed Sims 2 yesterday! It's the start of my 30-hood uberhood. I'd never streamed before!
In this video we go through the binned premade households for Sim State University: Freshman, Phoenix, and Swain.
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