#hws german states
pastacat48 · 1 month
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BUNDESTALIA MENTIONED WHAT THE FUUKC bavaria mentioned ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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hetaletmego · 7 months
To be a fly on the wall when France found out that Prussia's new son little brother that he's so proud of even though as with many of the old empires replacement means death to nations is actually the revived corpse of the dude he just killed and dismembered with his own hands
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apersonwholikeslotus · 6 months
Austria, dramatically: They called me a fool.
Bavaria, sick of Austria's shit: They weren’t wrong.
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bitchapalooza · 7 months
Is it weird I’d much rather interpret Prussia as Germany’s dad than his brother simply because I think it’d be cuter?
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j-ellyfish · 9 months
What do you think about this?? It had been a long time since Holy Rome had been mentioned in hws!
As a Germany=HRE denier, this has me shaking. But I think the exact wording of those lines would make a difference in whether the implication that Germany and HRE are the same person is doubtless or still leaves room for different interpretations.
The way I see it for now, is that Germany is canonically a history nerd (he basically gave Rome a lecture on his own history lol), so there's no doubt that he looked a lot into the past of the land he represents, even before his birth as Germany. He might've used the pronoun "I" in the sense that Pre-Unitary States that actually lived those battles alongside HRE are now represented by him, and we tend to see Germany's history as a cultural identity as German history, even when referring to times that are technically long before Germany's Unification.
So yes, in a way it's still his history even if he wasn't physically born, because Pre-Unitary States' history did culminate in Ludwig's birth.
Is this a reach? Am I desperately trying to cling to my beliefs? Probably, but I'll have to wait an actual translation and think about this deeply before forming an opinion.
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howl-at--the-sun · 2 years
oooo yes! I've heard a small bit on this but nothing too much ksjdj I'd love to learn more :shakey_eyes:
alright let's do this. under the cut for those who don't want to see this giant rant
so, some basic context
For most of the 1800s "Germany" as we know it wasn't really a thing. instead there was a kingdom called Prussia. Prussia was a militaristic, conservative country, run by a king and a parliament called the Landtag, but the Landtag was a fairly new body at the start of our story and they disagreed with the king A Lot.
Our story starts in 1862, with one of these Disagreements between the king and the Landtag. The details aren't important, all you need to know is that the king and the Landtag were locked in a stalemate, neither could do anything about the other, and it was seriously looking like the king was just going to resign b/c he was kinda weak and didn't know what to do. That was when the Prussian minister of war stepped in and said, "hey maybe don't resign, i know A Guy that could help"
this Guy was Otto Von Bismarck ( and there is a reason that he gets a whole line to his announcement )
An aristocratic member of the government, Bismarck had started out as a drunk college kid challenging way too many people to duels, and gotten an exile job as ambassador to France and Russia, but was probably best known in the government as the guy who had tried to raise an army of peasants to protect the government from some revolution in 1848.
Basically he was a genius conservative mastermind with an insane streak. And he got himself put in charge of the government by doing something insane and maybe illegal to bypass the Landtag entirely.
from then on, it was Unification Time. Bismarck's reasoning behind the unification is strange, he wasn't a German nationalist who wanted a united nation, he was a Prussian nationalist who saw Germany as an extension of Prussia's power. And if he wanted that extension of Prussia's power, then he was going to get it.
A Step By Step Guide On How To Unite A Country By Being A Terrible Person By Otto Von Bismarck
Step 1. team up with Austria to win a war against Denmark and get some territory
Step 2. turn on Austria and win a war against them to get even more territory (also i should mention that Bismarck explained this whole plan to an Austrian government official a decade before he was able to do it and the Austrian official didn't believe him)
Step 3. Use that war as an opportunity for Prussia to yoink all the small northern German states so that Prussia can be really big and a lot stronger
Step 3. use a dispute over the Spanish throne to manipulate the French into declaring war (this is one of my favorite parts of the story, he managed to take interaction that the Prussian king had with a French ambassador and spin it so that the French thought that the king had been disrespectful and the Prussians thought the ambassador had been out of line)
Step 4. Win the war with France easily, declare the German Empire a thing, make the French pay you a bunch of money and give you a bunch of land
Side note about that, the German Empire was declared in the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles. Now, you might be asking, why would Bismarck declare the German empire in a French palace? To that I say,
is there a bigger "fuck you" than baiting a guy into a fight, kicking his ass, and then holding the "look at how great i am for kicking his ass" ceremony in his own house?
And that's the story of German unification! There were plenty of side effects, and plenty of funny shit that happened during the German Empire, but this is already way too long and i've got hw to do, so I will leave it at that for now.
Hopefully this was somewhat interesting and informative!
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mpregfrance · 5 months
Hypermobile Françoise anon here againnnnn~!
Question, what are some of your least favorite ships?
hello!! i just wanna say i'm not here to hate on anything. i don't dislike many ships but there are some characters i'm just not invested in at all or have no opinion on. i'm mostly (but not exclusively) into the FACE characters and southern/western euro nations.
tbh i hesitate to answer this bc i don't want to incite hate or yuck anyone's yum. there are only a few things that rly give me the ick.
i LOVE scotland and england in a polyship with france, like fighting over him, but scot*eng itself makes me puke i'm sorry. they're always brothers to me. not a big fan of german*cest or ita*cest either but i don't care as much. i dislike eng/port for some reason i can't really elaborate on? is it my misplaced personal vendetta against hws portugal? i don't really like engspa either, but i can see them as exes.
i'm strongly opposed to france x jeanne bc well... jeanne d'arc was a real person and i find it really disrespectful. girl was 19 and she's literally a saint in the catholic church, she should not be shipped!!! i can't believe this is actually a thing but here we are.
there are some ships that are gaining traction which i don't see the hype for or just don't understand. ger/eng and rus/eng just make me go. ??? ... and i don't get pr/uk, like, at all? but they do have platonic bestie potential to me.
then there's can/ukr, can/liet... ame/liet? ame/bel? like .... sure, fine, but why? i love canada but i dont understand why he's suddenly the fandom bicycle. cucan gang for life i guess
all in all, like i've stated before i'm a multishipper and i don't support shipbashing. ship and let ship, if u don't like something just simply don't interact <3
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lycuriz · 3 years
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_Bundesländer Deutschlands
I recently found some designs for the federal states of Germany so I thought I'd try this myself. Originally, I had planned on designing only 16 but ended up with 21 instead. Why? Because most states are actually combinations of multiple areas. (ex. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern -> Mecklenburg and Vorpommern). Anyways, if you are interested to read more about them, there will be some funfacts under the cut ♥
Ask them some questions too, if you'd like to!
Note that MOST funfacts here aren't neccessarily a reference to the history of these states. But you'll see:
- Berlin and Brandenburg have a brotherly relationship
- Sachsen does not trust Sachsen-Anhalt. He feels like she's stolen something from him.
- Both Nordrhein and Westfalen pretend Bielefeld (city) does not exist.
- Westfalen (Noemi) always keeps her left eye closed. Noone has ever seen it. She changes her response each time someone asks her about it.
- Nordrhein and Westfalen take their carnivals VERY seriously
- Of course, Bayern takes his Oktoberfest very seriously as well
- Saarland speaks German and French
- Schleswig-Holstein (both) speak some Danish
- Niedersachsen speaks some Dutch
- Berlin is really good at imitating every German dialect and he'll do it to mess with people only
- Thüringen owns his own gigantic library filled with old and new books alike, so does Hessen
- Germany himself tries to catch up with everyone as much as he can
- Germany's main residence is in Berlin, and Berlin likes to brag about it
That's all for now. Once again, feel free to ask questions, the ask box is open and I'd be happy to talk more about them.
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“It’s not as though I willingly put myself in harm’s way, but if it ever came down to it, I will always choose his life and his happiness over my own. It’s a parent’s duty to protect their child, after all --- Regardless of the price we must pay,”
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pastacat48 · 8 months
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berlin oc (I think I fucked up the arm 😭)
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ask-mr-germany · 4 years
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(Southern) German States Event END!
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shini--chan · 3 years
Not a yandere ask but what do you don’t like about how people portray Prussia?
Here we have an anon that has noticed some stuff. Case to point – that I really don’t like how many in the fandom portray Prussia.
Before I start, I would like to state that I agree to disagree. I might not like your interpretation of HWS Prussia, let I’ll leave you by it because you are entitled to your opinion and in no way will I force you to except my headcanons and the such. I simply don’t see the point of doing so. Let it also be known that I understand this sentiment to be mutual. So let’s begin.
The one fandom version (and also the canon version to an extent) that really is sandpaper on my nerves, is the one where Prussia is depicted as a hedonistic, narcissistic, irresponsible asshole. The one that doesn’t miss a moment to proclaim how awesome he is, who can only stand high is somebody else is serving as his podium and whose arrogance is vamped up to 11.
To me, it doesn’t go along with the East German culture, and his history and his foundations. Or even how Hima casts him, in certain way.
I favour a more disciplined, down-to-earth Prussia. He remains energetic, but it is focused to attain certain goals. The picture I have of him in mind is not of a teenaged jock that is desperately trying to hide his insecurities, rather one of a survivalist/soldier with a deeply religious background that had to fight hard for everything he had and has. Who intrinsically knows lost and that the best things in life don’t come easy. A person who is disciplined and harsh because he has a pessimistic-realistic world view.
He takes responsibility very seriously and rates it higher than happiness. As such, he doesn’t tolerate sloppiness and messiness. Gilbert is driven and has a stringent moral code that he adheres to. When, from an outsider’s point of view, he goes against his morals, he is quick to find justifications as to why he isn’t deviating from his morals. Yes, he is prideful, yet it is pride earned. He is harsh because he believes that love doesn’t mean coddling the other, but making them stronger and because he has learned that if he wants to be taken seriously, he was to assert himself. Nevertheless, he cares deeply about the people close to him.
Prussia is a more hands-down sort of person, that learns better when he is actively doing things than by hours of having theory droned to him. He isn’t lost, rather after 1945 he retained the air of an abdicated king that still holds his head high despite his shackles. A person that as a reflex hashes out the best possible survival strategy for himself.
While he is capable of being kind and chivalrous, playful even, he can also be very ruthless and cunning and willing to drag those that he would otherwise see as his friends over hot coals, should they oppose him (like in the Franco-Prussian wars). This feeds well into his militaristic tendencies and his carrot-and-stick mentality.
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y'all I have so many different versions of my 'canon' for Hetalia; like the one I post on here/write most of my fics as is what I usually go with. But sometimes I'll find an old one that, like, I considered using for awhile. and will have to physically remind myself that while I like that one for 1 specific character everyone doesn't fit into it very well.
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crash-c2 · 3 years
2 Years Ago from the RollerCoaster...Follow the Facts... Read Between The Intentional MSM Distortion Tactics... They Don’t Want You to Understand. Comprehension once absorbed leads to an Awakening and Informed Resistance and if We Did Not Have Trump, The Patriots Behind Him and a very sophisticated well planned tactical dissemination ... We would be in Full Revolt...🏴‍☠️
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We know German bank records prove the fake Russian dossier was paid for by funding from the DNC and Hillary campaign. The funding went through the law firm of Perkins-Coie and managing partner Marc Elias to Fusion GPS and on to Christopher Steele. Russian and British Intelligence were feeding Steele disinformation. There were reporters on the DNC and Hillary campaign payroll who was revealed in the recent FISA application.
We know that the Senate Intelligence Committee (filled with corruption) leaked classified information to the media. We know the top security person on the Committee was having an affair with a New York Times reporter.
We know John McCain was a bag man for distributing the phony dossier.
We know that the dossier and Yahoo News story plus a letter from Harry Reid that originated from the dossier were the basis of all the FISA warrant applications.
We know the FBI paid Steele directly also, in addition to what he got from Fusion.
We know FBI guy Strzok told his girlfriend he would stop Trump. We know that Strzok's father was an Iranian sympathizer and Strzok was raised in Iran and trained by the CIA.
We know the dossier was unverified, not obtained through U.S. intelligence activities, and paid for by the DNC and Hillary campaign. We know neither fact was disclosed to the Court or to Trump as a candidate, as President-elect, or as President. The release of the FISA application proves the FISA Judge was not told this before he approved the warrant to spy on Trump and his associates based on the phony dossier.
We know that the Michael Isikoff story on Yahoo News which was used as partial justification for the warrants was leaked to Isikoff by Chris Steele directly.
We know that Strzok and Page spoke of an insurance policy in case Trump was elected, and they spoke of it in Andrew McCabe's office. Many believe the insurance policy was the Mueller investigation.
We know that James Clapper testified that Obama personally called for a counter-intelligence investigation into Trump.
We know the warrants also named George Papadopoulos and the Trump Campaign in addition to Carter Page. We know that when Trump said that Obama was surveilling him at Trump Tower and the media laughed, that he was being surveilled.
We know that Susan Rice and Samantha Power unmasked over a hundred people recorded in the surveillance.
We know that Lisa Page texted to Peter Strzok that "POTUS wants to know everything we're doing."
We know Obama knew all about Russian meddling, Trump had no idea, and Team Obama did nothing to stop it or tell anyone.
We know Comey pre-exonerated Hillary and granted immunity to five senior advisers and two IT staff who wiped her server.
We know Obama wrote to Hillary on her private server using an alias even though he claimed not to know about it.
We know the DNC via Bob Creamer staged every act of violence at Trump rallies.
We know the DNC rigged and stole the primary from Bernie for Hillary.
We know there was a shredding party at Obama's State Department one weekend.
We know Comey leaked his classified notes to the New York Times.
We know that Comey did not tell Trump the truth about the dossier.
We know that the warrants were renewed multiple times without any updated information (i.e. surveillance yielded nothing).
We know McCabe leaked and lied about it and that he was compromised by the large donation from Hillary bagman Terry McAuliffe to his wife's Democratic Virginia Senate campaign.
We know that Carter Page is not a spy as he was never charged and the surveillance ended.
We know Lynch and Bill Clinton met inappropriately in Phoenix two days before Comey exonerated Hillary. We know Lynch was lying when she said she did not know what Comey was going to say before he said it.
We know Lynch personally issued an extraordinary visa waiver to Putin Stoogette Natalia Veselnitskaya after she was denied a visa in Moscow so she could get in to attend the staged meeting at Trump Tower with the President's son and son-in-law. And that shortly thereafter she was a front-row guest at a Congressional hearing, sitting next to Obama's Ambassador to Russia.
We know piles of cash flowed to the Clintons after the sale of Uranium One. We know Bob Mueller had uncovered massive Russian corruption with regard to U. S. uranium BEFORE the sale, that Eric Holder knew about it and signed off anyway, and that the Maryland prosecutor who sat on the charges until the sale was complete was Rod Rosenstein.
We know that President Trump asked Rod Rosenstein to be Deputy AG. We know Robert Mueller met with President Trump after he fired Comey. After Sessions recused himself, Rosenstein was in charge of the Mueller investigation.
We know that George Papadopoulos was baited and hooked by Alexander Downer, and invited to London to allow Downer to get him drunk and report it to the FBI, which is why Papadopoulos was named in the warrants, and that Downer had just overseen the Australian $11M donation to the Clinton Foundation.
We know Peter Strzok was personal friends with Judge Rudy Contreras, a FISA judge and the one who accepted the Flynn plea before he was recused without explanation. We know Lisa Page planned a fake dinner party so Peter and Rudy could talk without arousing suspicion.
We know Brennan and Clapper were part and parcel of the whole thing. Clapper's starting to blame Obama now and calls him the kingpin behind the investigation.
We know that a former CIA pit bull who worked for HW Bush and went to school with Bill Clinton was an FBI informant, hired by Obama, to spy on the Trump campaign.
We know that Stzok's wife got a promotion at the SEC.
We know Rod Rosenstein's wife is a Clinton attorney.
We know dozens of wealthy Silicon Valley and Never Trumpers like Ryan, McConnell, and Graham met at Sea Island in March 2016 to stop Trump. They failed.
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yanxidarlings · 3 years
I have a scenario about America vs Germany: imagine America starting a war and darling who thought they were friends took his side. In the end, America betrays s/o, handing them over to opponents, but after a while he loses the war himself. Since the darling took an active part in the war and brought a lot of destruction, they're brought before the court and they're given a verdict that from now on Germany, the one of those who put the most effort into victory, is free to decide their fate. What will be his decision?
(just warning you, there's ww1 mentions if that makes anyone uncomfortable)
• i'd assume this would have to be during world war one or two, because let's face it with the military power he has now, germany doesn't stand a chance. i'm a history nerd so let's say america joined ww1 early, because he wanted to win over his darling once and for all, which lead to a german victory, i have a good idea in how this would go.
• at the time he's still a young nation, they both are, but alfred just thinks if he can get rid of ludwig now then he can have his darling for good, right?. one wrong step would lead to him panicking and handing over his darling as bait, he feels horrible for it, he despises himself for it, even more so when he ultimately loses the war.
• on ludwigs side, he'd be elated, he final.y hws his darling in hid hands!, and that dumb american did his job of making you hate alfred for him!. he immediately moves his darling into his house, locking them in the room he prepared for him whilst he takes care of everything. he'd be conflicted on what the next best step would be, however, gilbert would advise him to take over your country and alfred's, but i think in the end he would disband the united states, similar to what might have happened when he actually lost ww1, and depending on where your country is located, would either set up a marriage alliance or simply make your land apart of germany.
• america would want his darling back more then anything, but probably couldn't bring himself to from the guilt of his betrayal, he'd watch his darling from afar, but unless germany was outright mean to you, then this au of the rivalry would end on a somber note, that is if america would never try to reunite his states and declare war on germany again.
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koolkat9 · 3 years
HWS Germany Ship Week 2021: Day 2
Prompt: Beach
Ship: GerFruk
Word Count: 994
Author’s Note: So this originally turned out way angstier than I meant it to be. The rules asked for not angst and although it was more hurt/comfort I didn’t want to risk anything so I wrote out the angst. I’ll probably post the original separately (since I really liked it), but I’ll share this for now. Also...the story Arthur reads them at the end may or may not have came from the one used in Erroneous Epilogue...
The Ideal Place
The sun shone bright and yellow in the clear sky overhead. Though there was a nice breeze blowing through occasionally and the beach was practically empty other than a few clusters of people outside of their own group, Arthur couldn’t help but feel irritated and hot. He was okay with beaches for an evening stroll or something of the like, but a whole day thing with the afternoon sun beating down on him was not ideal to him (he really needed to learn how to say no to Alfred’s invitations to these kinds of things). Even with the umbrella, he couldn’t seem to escape the heat. At least he was there with his lovers, though only one had the decency to sit with him.
“You can go have fun you know,” Arthur stated with a bit more hostility than he meant to.
Ludwig squeezed the Brit’s hand. “It’s no trouble. I’m happy just admiring the scenery.”
Despite his sour mood, Arthur couldn’t help but smile slightly. Leave it to Ludwig to be there, to tell him what he needed to hear, and most of all, be completely sincere and earnest with him, all which never failed to brighten Arthur’s day. Francis on the other hand never failed to annoy him, get his blood boiling and push all the right buttons to make him blow up. This time was no different. The Frenchman had spent most of their time there swimming with his idiotic friends and not even once came to check on him to make sure he was okay. The closest he got was trying to get Arthur to join them and do something fun which only made the Brit even more frustrated. 
“I thought you loved the sea Arthur?” Francis sighed, taking a seat beside his two lovers. He had been trying to get them to come to the water for the past few minutes.
“Yeah, when I’m on a boat. What can I do on a beach? You know I don’t know how to swim.”
“There is more than that,” Ludwig began, “there are sand castles, volleyball, collecting shells…”
“Aww Allemagne, who knew you could be so childish.”
The German’s cheeks flushed at the comment. Arthur only scoffed, squeezing Ludwig’s hand in comfort. “Don’t let him get to you, love. I think it's sweet.”
Francis pulled back, bringing a hand dramatically to his chest as if offended. “When did I ever say it wasn’t?”
Having quickly recovered from his French lover’s comment, Ludwig gave them a stern look. “Don’t you two start. As I was saying, there are a lot of things we could do. Even just sticking our feet in the waves to cool off.”
Arthur looked out towards the water, thinking over all of Ludwig’s suggestions. Perhaps walking along the edge of the water would be nice and a good way to stay cool. “Fine, let’s go.”
Linking hands, the trio got up and walked along the shore, allowing the waves to fall over their feet. To keep the peace Ludwig had positioned himself in the middle and it seemed to have been going well. Francis was practically skipping, kicking up water, occasionally getting the other two wet, but Arthur didn’t seem bothered by it, even joining in and playfully splashing Francis back.  Soon enough the three broke out into an all-out water war, moving farther and farther into the ocean (being mindful that it wasn’t too deep for Arthur’s sake). Arthur had it out for Francis since he basically dragged him in, while Ludwig, content to see Arthur actually enjoying himself, teamed up with him to get the Frenchman.
“Betrayal,” Francis cried as he got pelted with water attacks, “Ludwig...how could you? Agh.”
Things seemed to have been looking up for their little beach outing, that was until the waves started to grow. It was slow at first and the trio barely noticed, too wrapped up in their splashing. But as they grew and Arthur began to feel off-balance, Arthur felt his anxiety rise. “W-We...I-I-I need to get out now,” he stuttered out, making him feel embarrassed on top of his anxiousness. A particularly strong wave sent him crashing into Ludwig and he just held on tight to the man’s arm. 
Though his own nerves were starting to go a little haywire at Arthur’s reaction, Ludwig gestured to Francis to head back to shore as he began to lead Arthur out of the water. Francis wasn’t about to let Ludwig deal with this alone and took hold of Arthur’s free arm and helped Ludwig guide him out. 
No words were exchanged as they settled down onto their towels. Arthur’s hands were shaking a little but other than that there was nothing to be concerned about. “Nothing a little cuddling can’t handle,” Francis mumbled mostly to himself, but Ludwig also caught wind of it. Francis plopped down and stretched himself across Ludwig’s and Arthur’s laps.
Arthur was the first to react, his cheeks blazing red, “What the hell-”  
“Please lapin,” Francis interrupted, “Read aloud to us. No one else is around,”
“N-No way I’m reading to you frog. You’d probably only make fun or fall asleep.”
“I-I wouldn’t mind hearing you read,” Ludwig interjected, his hand finding its way into Francis’ hair without a second thought.
Arthur was caught off guard by Ludwig’s agreeance. “W-Well...I suppose it's t-two to one. Fine.” Arthur wiggled a bit in an attempt to get comfortable as well as give the other two a better view of the book in case they (Ludwig) wanted to follow along (and definitely not to cuddle closer to Ludwig). Clearing his throat, he began, “There was once a velveteen rabbit, and in the beginning, he was really splendid.”
And so, the three lovers spent the rest of the afternoon cuddled up on the towel, listening to a story of a velveteen rabbit, knowing that as long as they were together any place could be ideal.
((The ending feels kind of rushed but oh well its super fluffy and there is one of my favorite aspects/hcs for gerfra present so I can be happy!!!))
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