#i am stuck in supernatural purgatory
trashgremlendoesart · 6 months
I saw some old guy wearing a shirt that said diesel and my dyslexic ass read destiel.
Help the brainrot is slowly killing me
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seenthisepisode · 2 months
#i am close to tears - beware there is a rant about my life in the tags ahead so watch out - it's nothing VERY serious but it's... well#also this is literally about supernatural convention so it's not like a serious problem but it is a problem for me personally#so anyway last year when they announced misha for purgatory con 8 in dusseldorf i was like yes yes yes and i bought the tickets because:#1. i had a whole year to plan a trip 2. going to spn con was this little dream of mine because i've been in this fandom for years so#so i thought hey i deserve a little treat. i want to and deserve to go to a con and they just announced misha and i'd love to go#(and then they also announced jensen. and then jared too so like all 3 main guys will be there so !! a Treat !! yay!) and also Why Not#because it's in germany so it's the closest i would ever get a convention because i am from poland [*] no conventions here sorry#so i was like yeah the stars seem to have alligned yeah AND I BOUGHT THE TICKET. and the thing is SOLD OUT. and 3 main actor men are there#and a lot of mutuals that i'd finally love to meet maybe if they feel like it or whatever but i'd love to meet tumblr people so there's tha#and now. i just spent 3 hours after work looking for flights and everything. and. the conclusion. after 3 hours of looking at every possibl#way for me to get to Dusseldorf at the days of the con. well. the conclusion is i have no way to get there. and i am stuck.#and there are flights and they are not even that expensive. but the HOURS are horrible. i checked different airports and even looked at#flights to dortmund and i literally have no way to get there in a way that makes any sense... because arriving at 4pm on saturday is#too late. and the other option is being there at 8 am - cool - but i have no way of getting to the airport at 4 am. i'd have to take#additional day off from work (not an option). and i literally don't know what to do. it's almost 1 am and i should be happily asleep and i#am trying to solve this problem lmao because on one hand i really want to go and i want to figure out a way to get there 1. on time 2. in a#way that won't cost me 1/3 of my paycheck ; and on the other hand i just want to email the organizer to return the ticket or resell it to#someone because i know there will be someone who wants to go because the event is sold out#WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE THIS HARD......#AS I WRITE THIS I AM FULLY AWARE THIS IS SUCH A FIRST WORLD PROBLEM i know!!!!!! fully aware!!!!#but i just :(( really wanted to go :((( but i am slowly leaning towards the option of not going :((( because money and time :((#and the kilometers between me and the con place :(((((#personal
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jtbellamy · 8 months
As a decrepit grandpa shambling back onto tumblr I'm having to go through a lot of "What the FUCK is tumblrmart???" What the FUCK is tumblr live???" alongside the "wHERE IS THE BUTTON TO DO THAT ONE THING?"
It's a tough time for me please be gentle. I live in fear of all the gen z kids showing up to point and laugh at me as I scramble to pick up all my dropped Ao3 update chapters
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kindlythevoid · 2 months
For the talk about your fics game: 1, 2, 4 (OC of your choice), and 8!
Ohhh, thank you so much for asking!!! I really took this opportunity to lore dump about, well, basically everyone and everything I think, and it turned out to be a very long post. And as I myself hate scrolling and scrolling through posts that I've already seen (unless it's the color of the sky), I will put it under the keep reading for the sake of brevity.
Read at your own risk.
(But thank you very much for asking, seriously, I love lore dumping so so much)
1. What story (stories?) are you writing rn that you’ll most likely publish next?
Probably In Every Stitch and Seam, which mostly follows Season Two of my BBC Merlin rewrite where Arthur gets shot back to the beginning of the first season after he dies. I'm playing with some other stories that I'd like to publish at some point, but unless I manage to write a really well-written one shot, Stitch and Seam will probably be the next one.
2. What story (stories?) are you writing rn that will most likely linger in your head for an undetermined amount of time?
All of 'em? None of 'em? It really depends on the time, ha ha! A lot of them are in the in-my-head stage. I hope one day to publish them. Maybe one day, I'll even write them!
4. Lore dump about the OCs! (Author's choice)
So, originally I was going to try to pick one. But fuck it, I made the damn game, it says plural OCs in the question, I'm just gonna go off about all of them bc that's what the game is for. Thank you for asking!! I'm just gonna go down the list of tags I originally had.
So, Mara, is, actually, my Supernatural OC. Super cringe, yes, but I love her and I have a whole story more-or-less plotted out and everything. Like this thing spans so much time. But I'm here to talk about Mara. So, omgosh, Mara Deana Winchester is Sam's kid that he has with Amelia when Dean is stuck in Purgatory after Season Seven. So, like, obviously I make every change I've ever wanted for the show, but, like, it hinges on the existence of this girl. Sam has a kid, and immediately the whole universe changes. But because Supernatural is canonically part of a multiverse, there's a universe out there with the original Supernatural plotline, but we won't get into that. (I've never lore dumped about my characters, sorry for rambling on about the story instead, ha ha!) So, anyway, Amelia doesn't want the kid and her husband comes back, so Sam takes her and him and Dean and Cas have to raise this girl. In a bunker. Like, better than what John did. That's like, the lowest of bars. And Mara really takes after Sam, but she has all these random influences and is, like, taken on hunts?? As a child?? Or left with Jody and the girls or Charlie or something, so she very much has the childhood of a Hunter, but she still sees the Bunker as, like, her permanent childhood home, which does wonders for her, I'm sure. Anyway, so she grows up and becomes a therapist, because I am convinced that the Hunters need to have, like, benefits or something. So she's a licensed therapist, but she's also, like, 6'3, built like a lumberjack, with a bunch of anti-possession tattoos and scars and shit, so the first session always goes really interestingly. There's also a side story (several, probably) where I cross over with freaking Criminal Minds (bc ofc) and Mara ends up dating JJ's now-adult son, Henry, which just means chaos at the wedding because half of Mara's family is on the Most Wanted List and the other half probably doesn't legally exist, so. Yeah, idk if that's how you talk about OCs, but there's number one down.
Okay, next up is Kirsi. She is one of my two main Star Wars OCs. She's a Rexsoka kid, it's true, yeah, born about two or so years after the rise of the Empire, yeah, yeah. So Kirsi is Togrutan, like Ahsoka, but she looks exactly like Rex (and consequently like a bajillion other soldiers in the universe, funny how that works) and she isn't Force-sensitive. And since I made them before Bad Batch, I'm sticking with the reason that Rex and co. is retired is because he's staying behind to raise the kids (yes, kids, I'll get to that later), while Ahsoka goes around doing Ahsoka things (though she also picks them up and takes them for, like, half the year, because I couldn't bear the thought of Ahsoka not playing a part in their lives). So, anyway, when Ezra goes to pick up Rex, Kirsi and her sister (the next OC) go along with them, but as, like, equally side characters. Kirsi eventually goes off to properly join the Rebellion and shit and ends up running her own ship called Judgement Day.
Kirsi's older sister, Aay'han, is Force-sensitive. She's human, looks like Ahsoka, and is basically Ahsoka's padawan for all intents and purposes. Although, after her, Kirsi, and Rex end up in the same orbit as the Ghost crew, Aay'han does some training with Kanan and Ezra just bc Ahsoka is gone so often. But while Kirsi officially joins the Rebellion, Aay'han remains sort of anonymous. Like, she helps out, but she never has to take orders. She does, however, join the crew of the Judgement Day once that becomes a thing. (I guess she's more of a side OC as of right now, but it felt right to give her her own blurb)
Okay, okay, so my Sole Survivors I'm gonna do together, because I believe it's short. Ish. Nate and Nora are my take on Fallout 4's sole survivors, except, y'know, they both survive. I stick with the Army-Nate and Lawyer-Nora narrative, but Nate was a medic/doctor/nurse-person (I haven't solidified it yet, but he does the Medicine) and Nora's been diagnosed with ASPD, so she's actually one of the very, very few people that is both a sociopath and a psychopath! I basically assigned certain SPECIAL characteristics and the various paths to either Nate or Nora, so Nora's really good at, say, lockpicking and hacking from her misspent youth, while Nate has crazy good endurance and probably ends up as a ghoul at some point so he can deal with the radiation spots! They're both, like, eerily okay with murder and are on a mission to find Shaun. Nate just keeps adopting ppl on the way. And Nora's low-empathy, but she can still reason and shit, so she's not, like, a villain or anything. But yeah, power couple Nate & Nora. :)
Like Nate and Nora, I'm just gonna do the crew of Judgement Day all as one. The Judgement Day is the same ship that Kirsi pilots. Her co-pilot is Miikka, who's ginger, flies planes, and ends up with Kirsi. Their navigator is Solene (goes by Lena), a bubbly purple Twilek who really loves the stars and is the cinnamon roll of the ship (do ppl even still use that terminology anymore??). Their resident mechanic is a Chiss named Kres'ave'kleon (...Savek, he goes by Savek), who desperately needs an attitude check but is, unfortunately, very good with ships and doesn't really care that they're running Rebellion missions. They also have a live-in hacker who is their primary contact with the black market; she's a Mirialan who goes by Kalea and is the only one who gets their own room on the ship. Finally, they also have slicer, a human cyborg ex-smuggler from back in the war named Gene. Kalea gets them in, but Gene is the one that deals with sending codes and transmissions and shit to the Rebellion.
So, that was a lot. But I only mostly regret typing it all out!
8. Fic that is near and dear to your heart?
Oh goodness, where do I start? Though I've only published a few, all of the ones I write occupy a little place in my heart. But as the longest fic I've ever written, one of the very few I've finished, and part of the handful that have made it onto Ao3... Love the Bright Sword. As of right now it's definitely one of my better, if not best, written pieces, and everything in Rewind I really feel is some of my best quality writing. I've definitely sunk a few years of my life into this fic, just sort of writing on and off, and I remember staying up late to rewatch episodes and studiously take down how dialogue is said or how a scene is played out, just over and over again. I still do, when I come across an episode I need to write out, but, oh, those were some days. That was my first time getting comments on a fic, real long comments, and I took every chance I could to talk about how a scene was written, or how much I love a certain character, or what I learned while researching, or analysis, so much analysis on my own damn fic. (Hell, I still do it when I can, ha ha!) I consider myself so lucky to have landed with the audience that I have, because it really made the experience so much better than I ever could have imagined.
Okay, so, maybe not what you were expecting, op, but than you anyway!! I really appreciated the opportunity to go off like this!! :)
The Void
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tiktaalic · 1 year
what do you like most about supernatural and what are your favorite seasons and episodes?
Really good. Question. I love that they jump the shark I really do. Over and over again. Parody of itself. I love that shark jumping necessitates that they hop tone switches. I love that they do things badly. My favorite thing about season one is that. The John dean sam dynamic feels like getting walloped in the teeth. And season one dean haunts the narrative forever you see forty year old dean and you see 26 year old dean beneath him completely unrecognizable and you want to die. 2 is just a fun motw show that’s interesting and has you engaged in the plot until again. Dean wallops you in the teeth. I would describe 4 as the first major shift because suddenly Real Consequences show up. The Big Plan shows up. Cas is there and it is genuinely so moving to watch him struggle through defecting from everything he’s ever known to become a softer more human thing. 4.01 genuinely really engaging episode even when you know what’s coming it’s fun to watch! It’s fun to go oh ho ho they’re trying to solve the Mystery of what’s powerful enough to Raise Dean From Hell! This Mystery Entity is pulling out all the stops! Doing things we’ve never seen before! What could it be! It’s cas :-). Six mostly sucks but then there man who would be king. Seven mostly sucks but there’s godstiel and born again identity. Eight is. Epic highs and lows for sure. There are some god awful episodes in there. Unwatchable episodes. Skip every time I remember they’re coming up episodes. But. There’s goodbye stranger. There’s the finale. There’s purgatory. Hunter heroci. Cas lobotomies. Naomi. Season 8 is the easiest one for me to romanticize because there’s a heaping pile of shining elements in it. Dean has a spray tan cas is getting brainwashed for caring too much sam is dying of consumption it’s all really quite good except for the episodes that are bad. After that it gets good again in s13. Except for the bad parts zksidnejc. Jack really shook up the show in a good way imo! Stakes ballooned out starting. Season 9 ish? And I think he grounds the show a bit so that interpersonal stakes are the ones that you’re invested in. 14 GREAT season stellar season the best season of supernatural in ages. Start to finish. Jack has a great little plot he wrestles with the entire time about his own development. And there’s the god reveal!!!! Wonderful season. Definitely a favorite. And I know people have mixed feelings on 15 but I think it’s a fun romp until it’s not.
Favorite seasons chronologically: 1 4 8 14
Favorite episodes: oh. Skin. What is and what should never be. All hell breaks loose. Lazarus rising. Monster at the end of this book. That episode in season 4 where cas kills himself by archangel with chuck. Free to be you and me. Head of a pin. Endverse. Man who would be king. Season 7 opener. The purgatory flashbacks are scattered between a few different eps so I just watch the compilation on YouTube. I like the eps with Linda and Kevin. Goodbye stranger. S8 finale. S9 is fucking. Dire. But 9.01 is fine. 9.06 for cas with a baby. Meta fiction. Fan. Fiction. Season 12 opener. Oh that casifer episode where they’re on a submarine that’s fun. That episode where dean yells at Mary in her head. Season 12 finale. The future. The first six episodes of s13 back to back to back to back. I like scorpion and the frog. I like stuck in the middle with you. I like mint condition. Asa fox. Lily sunder. Twigs and twine. Season 14 honestly all bangers once you get past the first 3 eps. INCLUDING! Lebanon. Ouroboros is included in this but I am mentioning it by name because today when I drove to work it was all. That I thought about. Coffin ocean done. Byzantine? I think is the one with Naomi. But again 14 all bangers. 15 I have to say the rupture and the trap. Legally. Belphagor eps those too. Atomic monsters. I liked. I think it was the gamblers? . FRENCH MISTAKE. Um. End of the list from the top of my head.
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
When I mentioned that I found Venom's attitude towards the supernatural interesting and very different from Big Bosses, it was this tape I thought of specifically. Because not only is Venom not even all that open to the idea of Eli having telekinesis, he actually dismisses Ocelot entirely on it. Cutting him off mid-explanation, and grumpily telling Ocelot to find another explanation. This isn't the first time he's dismissive of it either; in my shorter Man on Fire post he gets annoyed when Ocelot tries to explain that yes, the Man on Fire survived. No, logic can't explain it, but he did.
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Not even wiling to entertain the possibly, eh, Venom?  Also, there’s some of that blink and you’ll miss it snark he sometimes has. (I also wonder if Ocelot would’ve found this strange. Hypnotized or not, he knows what Big Boss believes, and Venom not responding to it might’ve stuck out to him in a way he couldn’t address under hypnosis but that’d be another post).
So, my headcanons. (This got long..again)
I therefore think Venom beforehand was a pretty literal minded type. He might've even been more scientifically minded as well. Because I played MGSV first I didn't think much of it. Looking back though, this would certainly have made my brain tick if I'd known the character of Big Boss before. Big Boss after all: Fought a man powered by electricity. Fought a ghost in a purgatory like state. Fought the rest of the Cobra Unit. Is afraid of vampires. I'm not mocking this, but I am noting it as a thing he believes in. Believes in Santa. Again, not mocking. It furthers my explanation of his beliefs. Big Boss knows these things exist. And I imagine has a natural open mindedness. Knows, accepts and doesn't question it. The Man on Fire would probably make him weary but he'd not question him existing. If anything he'd be alarmed by realizing it's Volgin moreso than Venom, who is forced every time he encounters the man to acknowledge that weirder things exist out there than he knew before.
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He actually says, “What the...?” At a point in this scene that never gets picked up by the games subtitles. In the moment, it’s because he’s responding to Shabani taking over Mantis and thus the Man on Fire stops attacking, but I’d also figure it’s his general attitude towards the man in general. This is a man forced to accept that this flaming beast was not a hospital hallucination (a valid worry for him to have) and logic isn't about to write it off. Since Venom was MSF he must've seen bizarre stuff right? (I’d like to point out I’m not blaming Venom for any of this btw. I have diagnosed psychosis (it’s managed atm), I have hallucinated. I’d probably spend every day screaming if I was Venom but this is..not relevant at present, I’m not talking about me after all). Well, assuming he was with them through Peace Walker (and I certainly think he was) then everything they fought was ultimately still man-made. Elaborate and stretching reality to the absolute max, but still man made. Those AI's were made by Strangelove and Huey. Hot Coldman was still a human man. Zadornov was a human man. Etc. I think Venom might've thus been more of a realist than some of his comrades. It fits with a more medical and scientific mindset, but that's hardly a brush you can paint all doctors and combat medics with. Plenty of soldiers are superstitious. Not to mention different cultures. I imagine a couple things then: Venom was as I said before, pragmatic and logical. I'd imagine he had an education but probably got medical training in battle and/or outside of your standard university education. He probably didn't have say, a medical license. But had excellent training. Or was a very good learner. I do believe he was quite quick on his feet, mentally as well. I think he may have been an atheist or chose not to give religion much thought. Now granted this ones got more grasping behind it, religion is not a huge theme of the Metal Gear series so I don't give that one too much thought. I believe as well that Venom might be inclined to write a lot of what happens as his own brain playing tricks on him. Given how badly the man hallucinates and disassociates this is a completely logical mindset and fully understandable. It also fits with his character. If other people did not at times experience what he did, I wonder if he'd scoff and chalk it up to a him issue. But it is very interesting for a guy as logic minded as him to be an MGS protagonist and quite fun to explore headcanon wise. Of course, some of it makes me a little sad too. I believe Zero and Ocelot would've scraped any evidence of who Venom was before from records. Retaining only what Big Boss needed. And all that's left of who he was prior exists in far away beliefs and values he held before and can only tentatively grasp. Those threads that didn't meet the overwrite process before awakening. If Venom were a computer, he'd be that program you overwrote to another; but some elements stay buried deep in the harddrive.
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cupcakes-oc-corner · 1 year
I'm pulling a Mason monkaStare
M, J, W, K, F
HFHJ fair enough. Gonna go out on a limb w some of these though since I should really share the spotlight w some of my other weirdos for once.
M - Mara
Little shit evil goblin child. Mara's a villain I don't talk about enough tbh. She's a fear demon who spent a decent chunk of time possessing my oc Lizzie, and has a sort-of rivalry with Magician (he thinks she's an annoying brat /derogatory and he's right). She presents as a child despite not technically being one, based on the belief that demons present themselves as children as to avoid further suspicion from the people they go after.
J - Josephine Freeman
Ex-vampire hunter who then did a complete 180˚ and is now dating not one, but 2 vampires. She is. a disaster. A polyamorous bisexual one at that. She's also holding so much trauma within her 5 ft frame, I am not exaggerating. From losing one of her parents, to coming to the slow horrifying realization she was kind of a murderer and having to live with that guilt... Girl's been through a lot okay, she's trying. I'd say luckily her two boyfriends are there for her but one of them (Bram) is a menace and thrives off of pissing her off. She genuinely loves them though, they do actually both help her a lot.
W - Wren
MY ANGST-FILLED LITTLE TRANS MAN :D I love Wren so much, I've kept a lot of his backstory secret for personal reasons, but what is public knowledge atm is that he's an investigator of sorts for SAIA (Supernaturally Armed Investigative Association, an organization dedicated to focusing on injustice/crimes revolving around supernatural beings, both because they're more dangerous and are best dealt with by other supernaturals, and because the territory they're based in uh. doesn't really give a lot of shits about supernaturals I really need to write out territory lore for Osrea oops). He's hellbent on finding the monster that killed his family when he was a child, for many reasons which he will ofc not explain to people who ask. Also!! Fun fact Wren is a nickname/alias he uses. His actual first name (currently only known by his boyfriend Ferin) is Markus :) last name remains a secret for now.
K - Kian Yang
ANOTHER SAIA MEMBER LETS GO. Resident doctor, monsterlover AND monsterfucker. Kian's a fun lil guy I don't give him enough attention. He's one of SAIA's main healers and one of their most "human" members, as in he passes as human as long as you don't think about the energy his soul gives off long enough. In truth, he's half Qualit (a species created by @nebula-starlight), having inherited a small bit of their magic from his mom. Which means he uh. He glows. He can do it on purpose, but it can also happen unintentionally, most notably when he gets very flustered. WHICH HAPPENS A LOT WHEN YOU HAVE A SUCCUBUS LIKE BEA FOR A WIFE. Motherfucker can never get any work done around her.
F - Fred Algorn
Ghost man!! :D One of my main characters in NSN too! Most of his story will be told there, but he was killed like 20+ years ago and, thanks to presumably purgatory rules, got trapped in his childhood home afterwards, and spent the next 20 years stuck there alone until Lizzie and Naomi moved in. This is why he's slightly unhinged and also why he's so excited about having people around again, especially someone who could see and feel his presence like Lizzie can. He's very protective of them both.
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LARP and the Real Girl: Part Three
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.4k
Warnings: canon angst and violence
Author’s Note: I am so sorry I haven’t posted. I was sick with the flu and completely forgot about it. I will be posted both episodes now!
I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated.
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"So, what's been going on with you? I see Joanna has grown."
"Yeah, she is a little over two years old. As you can see, I'm pregnant with twins. Dean and I went to Purgatory for a year. Fun stuff," you chuckle.
Dean also tells her the minor stuff like sending Sam a text message that made it seem like it was from his ex. Out of everything you told her, that seemed like the one she was most hung up on.
"You sent Sam a phantom text from his ex? Dick move, sir."
"Yeah, not my finest hour."
"Right, well, are we ready to go?"
"Just a few more minutes. My back is killing me," you sigh tiredly.
"Get up," Dean says, walking over to you.
"Did you not hear me?"
"I hear you. Get up."
You sigh again and get up, and Dean turns you around so your back is facing his front. He pulls you in closer by your hips, and before you can question what he's doing, he gently lifts your pregnant belly from below. You groan in relief and lay your head back on his shoulder.
"Please don't ever let go."
The weight of your belly isn't pulling on your back, so it feels amazing to not have to carry it. Charlie watches with a smile on her face. She can see that you two are happy. Dean stays like this for five minutes, and you nod to signal to him that you're good to go now. He kisses your cheek and gently lowers your belly.
"You need to do that more often," you chuckle.
Charlie gestures for you two to follow her, and she leaves the tent first. Before you and Dean can follow her, you stop him.
"She may be the queen here, but you're my king... every day," you grin.
"And you're my queen."
Dean kisses you for five seconds, and then you two leave the tent. Charlie waits for you patiently and leads you throughout the park they rented out. Every person you pass by bows to Charlie since she is the queen. Dean sees a wooden sword, and he switches it out for the yellow foam he took earlier.
"Have you always been into LARPing?" you ask Charlie.
"No. For role-play, I prefer a tabletop. D&D, Gamma World, Car Wars, and things like that. That's why Cthulhu invented multi-sided dice, right? But a buddy of mine was into LARPing. I went for him and stayed for the chicks." You and Dean laugh at her jokes. "It's not just that, though. It's an escape. I mean, here, I'm queen and a hero. Out there in the real world, I'm just hacking out code and chugging coffee all day long."
"Wait, you're kidding, right?" you ask and stop her. "If it wasn't for you, we would have never been able to take down Dick Roman. Out there in the real world, you are a hero."
"She's right, you know," Dean backs you up. A few more women pass by and smile at Charlie, not going unnoticed by you and Dean. "I'm noticing a lot of these maidens checking you out."
"What? I can't shut this down. It's good to be queen."
You have the picture of the black tree symbol that you're showing to everyone, but each of the four groups of people don't know what it is. The only group you haven't talked to is the Shadow Orcs. After scratching Elves off the list, you have one more group to talk to.
"You can scratch the Elves off the list," Charlie says. "That leaves one more group. The Shadow Orcs. They're impossible to find."
"Wait, I know where we can find one. We met him on the way in."
You and Dean lead Charlie to the area where Monty was stuck inside the pillory. Looks like he's still there.
"Death to the queen! Death to the usurper!" he yells when he sees Charlie.
Dean draws his wooden sword and hits Monty on top of his head to get him to stop yelling. Monty growls at Dean, but you're in no mood for games. You take the picture out of Dean's hands and show it to Monty.
"Have you seen this symbol anywhere?"
"Yeah, of course." Monty quickly shakes his head and changes his answer. "No. No, I haven't seen it." Instead of you using your very real magic on this unsuspecting man, Dean takes his sword and places it underneath Monty's chin. "Okay, it's the Shadow King's family crest. You'll never find him in the Black Hills."
"The Black Hills?" Dean asks Charlie.
"The forest behind the playground. Come on."
You and Dean leave Monty where he is, letting Charlie guide you to the forest. There isn't much to see in the forest, but it's not like you're looking too hard. You're staying on the main trail, and when you're about halfway through the forest, you come across the man who was talking to Monty earlier, Gerry.
"My queen. There you are. I've been searching everywhere for you. Has this oaf attempted to harm you with his blasphemous metalworks?"
"Boltar, they're with me. They're both my new... handmaiden. We seek an audience with the Shadow King."
"Uh, these hills are not safe. I beseech you, my queen, you should return to camp."
"He's right, your worshipfulness. Uh, may I have a moment before you take your leave?" You and Dean take Charlie off to the side to talk to her while Gerry stays where he is. "Handmaiden?"
"He was suspicious. I panicked."
"Okay, take my phone," Dean says and hands over his phone. We'll find the shadow dorks."
"I can still help, though."
"Believe it or not, you are helping by finding Sam. It's okay, we can handle this," you encourage her.
She sighs and takes the phone before leaving out of sight.
"Lead the way to the Orcs, Bolty," Dean jokes.
"Speak when spoken to, handmaiden."
You snicker but follow him in the opposite direction in which you came from.
"Should I have gone with her?" you whisper to Dean.
"No, I need you next to me."
"Always the protector, Dean."
Much like before, you stuck to the man-made trail. You didn't find anything or any Shadow Orcs lurking nearby. It looks like you're not going to find anything, so the best thing is to head abc to camp in hopes that Charlie is with Sam. Sam or Charlie haven't called, so you assume they're not in any danger.
"Well, that was a bust. Are you sure the Shadow Orcs are even out there?" Dean asks Gerry.
"For a handmaiden, you certainly ask many questions. Yes, I am positive. They're just very good at hiding themselves, but a plan has sprung to mind that will draw the Shadow King to us. We shall take the Shadow Orc held in stock and offer him up as a prisoner exchange."
"That's not a bad idea," you say.
"I shall retrieve the prisoner. You two tend to the queen's laundry and chamber pots, and then meet me back here."
Gerry leaves just as Sam shows up without Charlie.
"Nice outfit," Sam chuckles.
"He's taking this very seriously," you nod.
"Right. Well, while you two were playing dress-up, I found out that the mark--"
"Belongs to the Shadow Orcs," you and Dean finish his sentence.
"Yeah, and they're using fairy magic."
Sam shows you the pages he printed out about the black tree symbol. The symbol represents pain in the world of fairies.
"The Tree of Pain. Whoever gets marked gets ganked."
"How do we stop it?"
"Find whoever cast the spell, and take them out. No more whammy, no more marks. No more marks, no more dead bodies."
"Well, our pal Boltar the chatty is getting the Shadow Orc prisoner. We're going to do a prisoner exchange to try and draw the King out of hiding. It was my idea," Dean grins.
"Where's Charlie?" you ask.
"She was with you two."
"No, we sent her to you." Dean rolls his eyes and walks off, calling Charlie's name. "Charlie? Your highness?" He quickly checks her tent, but she's not in there either. "She has my phone. Call it."
Sam takes out his phone and calls it, but it goes straight to voicemail. She isn't answering, which means she is in danger. She would have answered if she could. You want to go out and try and find her, but Sam doesn't think that's the best idea.
"We should look for her."
"No, we should stick to the plan. If she got lost out there, she might have been taken by Shadow Orcs. They might know where she is."
You stayed where you were with Joanna while Sam and Dean checked all the tents in the surrounding area. She is nowhere to be found, and you have no leads on where she could be. You have no choice but to stick to the plan.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 3 months
Don't Move
Don't Move https://ift.tt/MVbSAgk by Cannotsmokeyourmum22 I slice the vampires head off with my axe seeing the blood spray everywhere. Limp bodies of vampires lying on the floor, there mouths agape showing there razor-sharp teeth. Looking around, all I see is the endless trees and the colourless sky. A sigh of relief escapes my mouth when the realisation hit that they are all dead. I can't do this forever, I am going to die. I am going to die. I just want to see Sammy, my baby brother again. I want to hear him again, hear him talk about his new book that he has or when he complains about the music being too loud. Its been way too long. Almost a year now, I am forgetting his voice, his face. Everything. I feel tears build up in my eyes but I harshly wipe them away. I am stuck here forever. .......... Dean comes back from purgatory shaken. That's it I think. Words: 434, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural) Relationships: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester/Other(s) Additional Tags: Eating Disorder, Past Rape, PTSD, Flashbacks via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/qHvTNQt March 24, 2024 at 09:17AM
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ao3feeddestiel · 3 months
Don't Move
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/wXtyV47 by Cannotsmokeyourmum22 I slice the vampires head off with my axe seeing the blood spray everywhere. Limp bodies of vampires lying on the floor, there mouths agape showing there razor-sharp teeth. Looking around, all I see is the endless trees and the colourless sky. A sigh of relief escapes my mouth when the realisation hit that they are all dead. I can't do this forever, I am going to die. I am going to die. I just want to see Sammy, my baby brother again. I want to hear him again, hear him talk about his new book that he has or when he complains about the music being too loud. Its been way too long. Almost a year now, I am forgetting his voice, his face. Everything. I feel tears build up in my eyes but I harshly wipe them away. I am stuck here forever. .......... Dean comes back from purgatory shaken. That's it I think. Words: 434, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural) Relationships: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester/Other(s) Additional Tags: Eating Disorder, Past Rape, PTSD, Flashbacks read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/wXtyV47
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zonerobotnik · 8 months
Christians actually don't believe in ghosts, dead souls go to heaven or hell or, in catholics cases, purgatory. In christian dogma and doctrine it's said that spirits that claim to be dead people are demons pretending. Unless God gave specifically commanded that a soul should return. Maybe that's why Hartman had to say that? And that someone who committed suicide isn't in hell even though that's a very big deal for christians is a big no-no.
That's why I am anti-abrahamic.
Okay, but the issue they have with it is people dying and leaving and then coming back. Ghosts NEVER LEFT. They are dragged down to stay where they died by the chains of their regret, and that's why a lot of supernatural shows make a big deal of "helping them move on", because they're literally stuck unable to leave, and their regret and pain is warping them into something dangerous. Now, Danny Phantom has a similar system, where their whole existence is because of their regrets and pain that turn into obsessions. (I have no idea what The Box Ghost's deal is.) Some ghosts may even linger because they were bad in life and are scared of Hell, so they cling to their regrets. Either way, they never left, so
[The Bible tells us that each of us is destined to die once and then to face judgment (Hebrew 9:27). Since we are all destined to die once and then to face judgment, there is no way any of us could return to be a ghost.] they didn't "return", they're just not going to the "judgement hall" yet.
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The council (my furbys) are judging me for watching supernatural again 😑
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shepardsherd · 10 months
Glenda and Erik time - HF
Time for a scene with Glenda and Erik Bloomfield. there's nothing bad in this part
INT. GLENDA AND ERIK’S CAR – SOMEWHERE ON THE MOTORWAY - AFTERNOON GLENDA and ERIK are on their own in their own car, enjoying listening to the radio, ERIK is driving and GLENDA is in the front passenger seat next to him.
GLENDA is playing a game on their phone, a game like Candy Crush Saga.
ERIK: You’re fiddling with your phone again, babe.
GLENDA: I can’t help it, I’m worried!
ERIK: You’re usually the calm one, telling ME that its gonna be okay and now YOU’RE freaking out?
GLENDA: Erik, we’re all dead if we don’t pull off this genuine suicide mission.
ERIK: Its not a suicide mission. We’re protecting our friends
We see GLENDA cheer silently as she completes a level of Candy Crush Saga that she was stuck on. She looks up, looking out across the traffic of the motorway and sighing.
GLENDA: We’re gonna be putting up one hell of a fight. I don’t…The outcome doesn’t look at all that great. We could lose people.
ERIK: I know. That’s why we have to have plans.
GLENDA: But plans sometimes fail.
ERIK: I..I know. I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to lose anyone, but what choice do we have – its either them or us. And the fate of Heaven, Hell, Purgatory and Earth is resting in our hands.
GLENDA hesitates, thinking for a moment. Her hands begin to shake and she tries to hide this fact by trying to fiddle with her phone.
GLENDA: Listen, with everything that is going on, I don’t know if we’ll end up in Heaven, Hell or just end up going to Purgatory. But if we get separated, I’ll wait for you. I’ll try to find you again. I’m not giving up on any of you. I’m with you until the end of eternity, wherever and whenever that may be. And no matter what happens, know that I love you. I always have and I always will.
ERIK grabs his wife’s hand, with his other still on the steering wheel. He squeezes, not wanting to let go but GLENDA knows this is his way of trying to reassure them both that everything is gonna be okay.
ERIK: You will never leave my mind, you are part of my soul. As I am a part of yours. Don’t forget that. We can never wander far, no matter the circumstances. And there will be hell to pay no matter what.
GLENDA has tears in her eyes now, everything is so emotionally gut-wrenching lately.
ERIK: [CONTINUED] We need to be strong for Tiana. For the others. We need to keep the others calm. If we all lose it, we’re all certainly doomed.
GLENDA: What is there to talk about, except business? Everything we do is kinda doom and gloom.
ERIK thinks for a moment.
ERIK: We could think of the positives – of how we could change life for the better of everyone when we get all this shit over and done with. We can focus on our family, on our friends, on maybe even moving on from this job and -
GLENDA: And what, do a different job like being a librarian? Being a teacher?
ERIK: The possibilities are endless. We’ve been doing this job for a long time and not all supernatural beings are bad, there are just a few out there that keep making a bad name for themselves. We can let them rest.
GLENDA stops playing Candy Crush and puts her phone in her pocket.
GLENDA: All our lives, we’ve been surrounded by the supernatural and we’ve never stopped to really make friends with the good ones, to share in their laughter, their hope…We should do that, set up a sanctuary or a big home for kids to come to, for parents to use as a break or -
ERIK smiles, a genuine smile.
ERIK: Just because we don’t have special powers or things that make us supernatural, doesn’t mean we’re bad. We’re not even normal by normal standards. We’re… us. And I’m sure people will like that about us. We can show the world a change, build a brighter future.
GLENDA: Just because we don’t have children, doesn’t mean we’re not a family. Family doesn’t end in blood. It doesn’t start with blood, either. It doesn’t matter where you come from, just as long as you love and respect one another and care for each other… isn’t that what family is all about?
ERIK squeezes GLENDA’s hand again, to say he agrees.
GLENDA’s phone rings, its CHARLIE. GLENDA puts him on speaker.
GLENDA: Charlie, you’re on speaker, what’s up?
There’s a bit of crackling and distortion and then CHARLIE’s voice comes blaring through the phone.
CHARLIE: We’re gonna stop for some lunch at a station or something, if you guys want to join us? Tiana is absolutely shattered and needs a nap and the others wanna stretch their legs.
GLENDA: We’d love to, Charlie. Have you heard from your father yet?
CHARLIE: No, not yet. He’s probably still out there hunting, you know how he is. Probably has no idea what the hell we’re up to. We’ll find him eventually though.
ERIK: Tell Anton and Cassian to get more petrol too, we’ve pretty much decimated our tank so we’ll need to stop up and no doubt you will too.
ANTON and CASSIAN can be heard in the background of the call, making a list of things to do and get. CHARLIE starts laughing.
CHARLIE: We’ll see you at the next service station, its about ten minutes away. You’re behind us, right? We lost you in traffic.
ERIK: I see you in the distance, don’t worry. We’ll catch up. Make sure Tiana is okay.
CHARLIE: Will do.
The call ends and GLENDA puts her phone away again. ERIK hesitates, moving his hand that was squeezing his wife’s hand, to hover over the buttons on the dashboard to find a radio station. QUEEN’s WE WILL ROCK YOU comes on one of the stations and ERIK immediately turns up the music full blast, as both GLENDA and ERIK start singing along.
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liopleurodean · 1 year
The Road So Far: Season 8
Well. Halfway done. Officially, as of 8x15 Man's Best Friend With Benefits (the 164th episode of the 327-episode series).
If you're confused, this is my recap/thoughts on season 8 of Supernatural. You can find my other season recaps and episode notes in the "ashla chick flick moments" tag.
This season was all over the place. I find that I like Sam less and less as the series goes on (though I am chronic Deangirl). I could've maybe understood giving up on Dean after a while, but the fact that he didn't even try in the first place and also ditched Kevin was a jerk move.
Garth was kind of annoying this season, and I don't mean in his normal, lovable way. Taking Bobby's place is fine, but you can't just replace a person. The hunting world needed a new researcher/dispatcher, but they didn't need a new Bobby.
Charlie, however, was just as amazing as ever. She got some more backstory revealed, and her sibling relationship with Dean was a joy to watch (I don't think I've seen Dean have that much fun since season 4 with Cas. Take that how you will.)
We met multiple new characters, like Benny, Abbadon, and Naomi, and I think that all of them got mixed reviews. Abbadon is going to be a fun villain, I think, because she's just so brutal and terrifying. She reminds me of Azazel (as she should) and I can't wait to see her story play out. Naomi is a character you can't help but hate. The whole situation is complicated, but what she did to Cas and the other angels is unacceptable. However, I do think she could've been a valuable ally against Metatron had she survived. Benny was an interesting addition. Obviously I don't know everything that happened in Purgatory, but Dean and Benny's bond seemed a little out of character for Dean. Then again, he was stuck in nightmareland and had just lost his brother and best friend, so he was probably willing to latch on to anyone. Honestly, I just don't know how to feel about Benny. Ultimately, he always pulled through and I'm glad he was there for Dean, but it just felt a little weird.
I mentioned Metatron, and I've gotta say, he was not what I was expecting. Although, I'm not really sure what it was exactly that I was expecting.
If I've got my timeline right (I probably don't) season 9 starts the whole Mark of Cain storyline to stop Abbadon, and I presume Metatron will be involved earlier in the season (a la season 6 Soulless!Sam then Eve?) I took a glance at some of the episode titles/descriptions in season 9, and it looks like a wild ride from start to finish.
I'd say season 8 is somewhere in the middle of the ranking, maybe a little on the high end. There were some great episodes: 8x08 Hunteri Heroici, 8x09 Citizen Fang, 8x11 LARP and the Real Girl, 8x12 As Time Goes By, 8x17 Goodbye Stranger, and 8x20 Pac-Man Fever are all great episodes. I think normally season finales rank well on these lists, but the season 8 finale felt a little weird to me. It was strangely drawn out and kind of unsatisfying. Obviously the network was setting up for another season, but it didn't really feel like the end of a season at all. Anyway, my favorite episode was probably either 8x11 LARP and the Real Girl or 8x20 Pac-Man Fever. Charlie is just one of my favorite characters, and she and Dean always play off of each other so well.
Speaking of Dean, he was in ultimate Protective Parent Mode™ this season. With Sam and the trials, and Kevin being neglected, and Charlie's rough past, as well as others like Krissy Chambers and her friends, Dean had plenty of opportunity to let his soft side show. Not to mention, the major case of nesting at the bunker! Germophobe Dean my beloved <3. Knowing what I do about the next two seasons, makes me think that this is almost a peace offering ahead of what's to come for Dean's character.
I don't really have anything good to say about Sam right now, so I won't say much, but I do think the whole "purity" storyline is interesting. None of our main characters are completely "pure," so Sam's obsession seems a little unfounded. It was motivation, though, and it kept him going, so it was a net good, I guess.
I really want to finish season 9, and that's the plan. I'd like to also get through season 10 before the end of summer, but I really don't see that happening. There'll be a 2-3 week dead zone where I won't be watching anything, which is not great for my watch schedule. I'm also moving and losing Netflix in early-mid August, so I'm not sure how I'll watch the show after that (the DVD boxed set is $120-ish, and that's actually a bargain. I'm screwed). I do plan to finish this series! Both watching and chronicling. I'm just not sure of logistics yet. I really want to see Baby, I haven't even met Jack, and I know that my blorbo Adam comes back! Now is not the time to quit! I'll start season 9 soon. Catch you on the flip side, and Carry On!
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agusvedder · 4 years
--I have in my head on a loop:
"...Gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day."
Ghostfacers - 3x13
On a loop. On a loop. In that haunted house, the victims repeat their deaths on a loop, again and again. Always a circle. And if Corbett was freed by the power of love, that means they not only repeat their deaths, but their feelings are still untouched, they're still there pulling something to keep those ghosts stuck, unable to move on...  Like angels and demons in the empty, they repeat their deaths and their biggest mistakes, their unfinished bussiness. 
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Ruby: "Why do you call it Empty? This place is full, full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again, of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever" (15x13)
Now, in this Ghostfacers episode from Season 3, they used Corbett’s feelings for Ed as a comedic resource at some level. Because in Supernatural s3, Gay=Joke. We know it’s not that way anymore. We know it for a fact. 
Now, I wanna bring some attention to this small piece of dialogue of the Ghostfacers episode.
SAM: Think we were off on this? I mean, that was just a death echo. 
 DEAN: Yeah, but what's it doing here? Did anybody get shot here? 
 SAM: No, not that I could find. 
 SPRUCE: What's a death echo? 
 SAM: Look, we got a problem here. That ghost ain't it. 
 HARRY: Yeah, that's real. Like, that happened. 
 SPRUCE: What's a death echo? 
 DEAN: Echoes are trapped in a loop, okay? They keep replaying how they died over and over and over again, usually in the place where they were ganked. It's about as dangerous as a scary movie. 
 SAM: So maybe the echo's not dangerous, but maybe something else is.
Okay, I know maybe it wasn’t the original intention of the writers for this episode to be a perfect guide to explain Destiel’s last episodes and the ending of Supernatural, but as show as well designed as this, and with so many callbacks, parallels and mirrors, I am doubting if this is not intentional, ‘cause the small piece of dialogue I wrote up there is not the end. 
Finally, the intern Corbett dies. And Harry suddenly has a moment of clarity. 
HARRY:- I...I know how we can get through to him. 
ED: How? 
HARRY: Ed... He had feelings for you. 
ED: Huh? 
HARRY: He wanted you. 
ED: Wa-- wanted me to what? 
HARRY: You know.  And you know what you've got to do. You can do it, Ed. You've always been the brave one. Yes, you can. You make us brave -- Maggie, right? 
MAGGIE: Yeah. Yeah you do. You totally do. 
HARRY: Ed...You got to go be gay for that poor, dead intern. You got to send him into the light."
Out of the darkness, into the light. 
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"ED: Corbett, look. Hey, it's just Ed, buddy. It's just me. Hey, hey, Corbett, listen to me. Listen to me. I -- we... Okay. You meant... Corbett, you meant a lot to the team. You meant... You meant a lot to  me. You know, never back down...Never say a bad word, okay? I remember that, Corbett. I-I remember that. I remember because I love you, Corbett. I really, truly love you. Do you remember that? do you?"
Ed says the magic words to wake Corbett up from that loop of suffering, death and regret. Words that remind me to other words.
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Buddy.  We needed you back. I don't get words wrong. We need you. I need you. 
Goodbye Stranger. When Dean was honest about his own feelings, Cas was free.
Also notice how Harry used “He wanted you” instead of, I don’t know, “he liked you” or something. This is a theme that’s been repeating for seasons with Dean specifically, the Want vs Need, the Plural vs Singular in regards to Cas. The whole purgatory arc, the Michael!Dean arc with his famous, seemingly random question “What do you want?” in the beginning of season 14. Surprise surprise, it’s not random, and we know it. 
(Tiny detail that maybe is not that interesting but I got it on my head and I gotta write it: In this season, episode 4, we see Chuck being a writer again, writing the last Winchester book. Chuck’s pseudonym in season 5 was Carver Edlund. This season we already had that callback to Carver, engraved on stone on the crypt where Rowena chooses to die. Where is our callback to Edlund? .... Well. Edlund wrote Ghostfacers in s3). 
Also, this small thing answer my own question from 15x02 when I noticed a visual parallel between Cas and the ghosts from hell.
Okay, so my speculation is that this specific dialogue will repeat some time in the future when SOME human we know rescue SOME dead angel we know and love. It. Fits. 
To Conclude, and in the Ghostfacer’s words:
ED: We know this much: that every day, including today, is a new beginning. We learned more than we can say in the brutal feat of the Morton House.
HARRY: The Ghostfacers were forced to face something far more scary than ghosts. They were forced to face themselves.
ED: War changes Man.
HARRY: And Maggie.
ED: War changes man. And one woman... You know Corbett, we just... ah gosh, we just like to think that you're out there, watching over us.
HARRY: As far as we're concerned, you're not an intern anymore. You have more than earned full Ghostfacer status. Plus, it would be cool to have a ghost on the team.
ED: Yeah. Heh heh. And here we were thinking that, you know, we were teaching you and all this time you were teaching us, about heart, about dedication, and about how gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day. Thank you, Alan J. Corbett.
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(I know this is a mix of stuff, I’m not sorry though.)
OKAY, so I’m not gonna detail phrase by phrase why it feels relevant, because it’s pretty evident, so I trust you guys to read it and share with me what you feel about the end, and how do you think this relates. But this is... ugh ñksndfñ.Its an amazing example on how FAR this show has gotten, how it keep circling back to the start over and over and over, and past canon but evidently evolved as an inspiration for future episodes. Certainly the “Gay” resource stopped being a joke a LONG time ago. 
Side note: thank you crippling depression, anxiety and self loathing for finally allow me to post this meta. 
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destielfanfic · 3 years
My First Destiel Fic, vol.3
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Thank you guys for sharing your memories! My First Destiel Fic is a nostalgic survey open to any destiel fan and has a simple goal - to celebrate fics that were our gateway into a wonderful world of destiel shipping. Thank you, fic writers, you are our heroes!
from @nextheirofslytherin
my first destiel fic was “In This Secluded Spot I Respond As I Wouldn't Dare Elsewhere” by RhymePhile. the girl i liked who got me into supernatural in middle school recommended it to me, so it always has a special place in my heart 😅 it was the first fic i read on ao3 too! i read it while i was watching s3 (cas hadn’t even shown up yet!) but the show was in its 9-10th season
All fic titles link directly to the fic, when it’s possible, we have added another link to our review or submitted rec post.
In This Secluded Spot I Respond As I Wouldn’t Dare Elsewhere by rhymephile [M, 34,000 word count, posted 2010] (our review)
It's 1995, and Castiel's high school years are destined to be difficult: home-schooled until eighth grade, he is awkward, shy, and socially inept. The weird kid with the funny name would rather isolate himself and draw in his sketchbook than deal with the constant bullying he faces every day. Things only get worse in his junior year when he excels in home economics class, leading the captain of the baseball team, Alastair, to start taunting him for being gay. Then new student Dean Winchester arrives at Flour Bluff High School, sharing many of Castiel's classes. Castiel has seen his type before -- handsome, athletic, arrogant, and sure to be the most popular kid in school. But Castiel eventually learns that he and Dean have more in common than he thought, and they form an unlikely friendship.
from @deansbff
i joined the fandom in the beginning of 2019 and molting expectations by tricia_16 was the first fic (over 11k words) that i read. it really made me fall in love with deancas because i realised i didn't need them to be in the canon!verse to be so wonderful, their relationship was amazing in whatever universe they were in and it was always intriguing to read about!!
Molting Expectations by tricia_16 [163,100 word count, posted 2019]
After having trouble coping with a traumatic incident on the job, Dean takes his little brother's advice and leaves everything behind to go stay at the old family cabin in Colorado. Nobody's been there for years so it needs some major work, but it's secluded, and that turns out to be exactly what Dean needs in order to start to feel at peace again. Now in the mountains with nothing but nature to amuse himself with, he takes up bird watching and plans a hike into the mountain range across from his cabin in search of a golden eagle. High up in the mountains, he discovers human footprints. Thinking someone is in danger, he follows them into a cave and quickly becomes familiar with a form of wildlife he never could have imagined: winged people who call themselves angels.
from @bornonathursdayinmarch
I actually started out in the fandom against Destiel. I mean, it was pretty clear that Dean Winchester was not into men. But then I read “Redemption Road” by accident around 2015. I didn’t know it was Destiel. But I got really into it and this fic totally changed my mind on Dean/Cas. I have since read hundreds of Destiel fics and I am more into the ship than ever. My absolute favorite fanfic is “Sweaters and Cigarettes” by lemonoclefox. I love how shy, caring Dean softens cynical Castiel and how in love they are despite being so different. It makes me smile when I’m down.
Redemption Road by spnredemption (the fic is a collaborative effort of a group of destiel writers and artists) [NC-17, 650,000 word count, 24 episodes, posted 2011-12)
With Castiel having set himself up as the new God, drunk on power and volatile as a nuclear reactor, Dean, Sam, and Bobby find themselves on the run from the jealous, capricious monster wearing the face of their friend. Desperate for protection and wary of his brother’s mental state since Castiel unlocked Sam’s memories of Hell, Dean knows Castiel must be defused before he can wreak further havoc in Heaven or on Earth. Although Bobby advocates for destroying Castiel by whatever means necessary, Dean is convinced the Cas he once knew still remains, buried somewhere beneath the mass of poisonous souls and calling out for help. Determined to save the angel who once rescued him from Hell and redefined his purpose in life, Dean himself must resist the allure of the false deity vying for his obedience, and come to terms with the knowledge, long-suppressed, that his feelings for Castiel run much deeper than brotherhood. It is this bond, and the dubious distinction of the Righteous Man, that will ultimately grant Dean access to where Castiel’s grace languishes in Purgatory. However, what Dean brings back with him is broken, angry, and only half-angel, certainly not the Castiel he remembers—and nor is it the only thing that returns to Earth with them…
Sweaters & Cigarettes by lemonoclefox [NC-17, 150,000 word count, posted 2014]  NOTE - the fic was deleted from ao3 by the author, please see our review for more details
Dean Winchester is in high school, crushing hard on Castiel Novak, the unbelievably hot goth who Dean does his very best to convince himself he hates, despite the fact that he can’t really stop staring at him. Dean tries, but when the two of them finally cross paths, their first conversation takes a surprising turn. And suddenly, they both find themselves falling harder and faster than they ever could have expected.
from @iamasphodelknox
Hi! The fic that made Destiel my OTP was The Walk series by Persephoneshadow. It blew my mind and I hadn’t even started watching Supernatural yet. 🙈 I started watching the show last year, just as Season 15 was starting. I’m a newbie but this comfort ship felt like coming home. I also read a turn of the earth by microcomets just as I got to season 4 and it is one of the best things I’ve ever read, fic or no. :)
The Walk by Persephoneshadow [NC-17, 190,000 word count, posted 2017]
Castiel tells himself it was a one time thing, even if his night with a hooker named Dean changed his whole world, but he can’t keep away from the man fate keeps throwing in his path. Castiel is married and he knows his sexuality is an affront to God and everything he’s ever been told is right. Dean tells himself he doesn’t care about the weirdo with blue eyes, but every time they meet he gets a bit closer to something like hope. Dean’s nothing but a homeless waste of space with a brother in foster care a world away and a father in the wind. As the connection between these two lost men deepens, it threatens the carefully maintained lies their lives are built on in a story of faith, mistakes, and the journey of love.
a turn of the earth by mishcollin microcomets [NC-17, 95,300 word count, posted 2015] (our review)
Dean’s your typical half-orphaned, monster-killing 22-year-old until a trenchcoated stranger crashes into his back windshield one September night, claiming he’s an angel that knows him from the future and that he’s on the run. Frigging fantastic. (Or, in which Castiel gets stuck in Dean’s timeline pre series and Dean kind of hates it—until he doesn’t.)
If you enjoyed the fic, please drop by the archive (AO3) and let the author know with your comments and/or kudos! And if you found our recs useful, let us know by Liking and/or Reblogging our posts!
You can find all My First Destiel Fic posts under this tag!
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