#i either need way more money to move into the city proper or preferably a job in a Not Urban Sprawl Hellscape
soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Once again I am asking drivers on the 401 to Not Be Like That
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sukirichi · 3 years
earned it [07]
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Gojo Satoru is a firm believer that if you work hard for it then you shall earn it. But on the other side, he’s not unfamiliar with his own sins. He also believes that there is punishment due for his sins as he’s earned it.
cw. explicit smut, pool sex, slight angst, i miss naoya :(, mafia business, mentions of blood, lots of drama, mentions of death and murder
note. IDEK ANYMORE. lmao anyways do you guys want faster updates or do you guys want to wait? i can finish the series next week and then we can move on to white lies 😈
series masterlist
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The three of you were seated back at your tables, where the whole dancing fiasco had thankfully ended. Satoru noticed nothing of your behavior – either he was really clueless, or you were a damn good actor – the guy was much too invested with the files Nanami was currently showing.
For a moment, you let yourself loosen as you took a deep breath. The account was much more important than whatever Nanami was scheming.
“I think I may have found where the real money is, or treasure, we should say, since none of us can really figure out what the Zen’ins might be hiding. And from the looks of it, considering Naoya had no idea about what his family kept prior to his death, this is something only his elders wanted to know about,” Nanami pinched the bridge of his nose, sliding a photo of an unsuspecting white manor that you hadn’t seen in a long time. “And it’s been right under our nose the whole time.”
“That’s one of our islands,” you replied with a furrowed brow, “Are you saying you traced the source back there? But that’s impossible, we haven’t used that island for years and even Naoya told me he was going to sell it because it was of no use to us. It’s not on commercial waters and there’s no local people around either. That island is in the middle of nowhere.”
“This is exactly why it’s the best place to hide things – because no one would ever suspect this seemingly harmless middle of nowhere could contain their assets.”
Satoru, who’d kept silent the whole time, inched closer to you. His cologne wafting off to you eased you for a moment – purely because it was familiar – and even though you despised saying it, you were thankful he was here. Currently, the blond man posed a bigger threat, the difference being that Nanami actually had leverage against you while you had more control over Satoru.
You sighed. If Naoya was here, things would’ve been so much better. He never lost his composure in figuring things out on his own. But now that he was gone, now that he’d never be coming back, you had be responsible for his sake, but mostly for yours.
“Take a look at this. The nearest land is a small, uncharted city from Brazil’s outskirts. I’ve been illegally transporting weaponry and firearms somewhere near there since our family started the business – it’s the easiest place to sneak in things without getting caught. All you need to do is pay a few fishermen and they’ll easily transport our load from one place to another, no questions asked,” Satoru announced, seemingly deep in thought as he rubbed his chin. “It would make sense if the Zen’in clan elders found this place useful too. It’s basically a hot site for criminals.”
“But we don’t operate this way. The Zen’in elders are too prideful to handle transactions like this. They would’ve chosen a more…discreet yet formal way of handling things.”
“How does an underwater passage sound?” Nanami pushed the other photo aside to reveal a blurry snap of what seemed like a tunnel under the sea. On the surface, it looked just like an abandoned rig, but it stretched too long, the exterior already covered in mold and seaweed. “About 80 years ago, the Zen’in Clan leader at that time was often heavily targeted by their enemies in business that they preferred to travel under the sea. If my theory is correct, right under that island would be another base of some sort that allows the clan leaders move from one country to another while remaining undetected.”
“So that’s how they easily sent their own shit overseas…”
“It would be a very sound conclusion to assume so,” Nanami crossed his arms at Satoru’s musings, “However, that’s all I know. All I can tell you is where I last got the signal for the source – which is about seven years ago, and a few months right after Toji Zen’in was disowned by his family when Naobito took over. It would also be near around the time he met his wife and had his child, which would increase the possibilities that he may have stored something in this island for his son’s future. Again, it could be money, gold – we don’t really know,” he nodded your way, a sense of finality behind those blue eyes that had now looked so menacing when once it brought you comfort – reassurance. “How you get there is all up to you.”
Something didn’t feel right.
“If the elders really wanted to hide this place, they wouldn’t have passed the rights of the island into my inheritance when Naoya died. They surely wouldn’t have wanted me to find out about this.”
“I could think of two things,” Satoru proposed, “It’s either they trust your potential enough as the clan leader to replace Naoya, or they didn’t think you’d care anyway.”
You let his words sink in. The clan elders have never bothered much with you. They were too prideful about “saving face” and “keeping up images” that they couldn’t even let a word of insult slip past their lips under the belief they were above that. But you weren’t stupid; they had never approved of your marriage to Naoya. An outsider like you, suddenly becoming a part of their family when they could’ve had your husband marry a family friend?
They may have kept silent about their dislike to you, but one way or another, they were going to take action for it.
Knowing the Zen’ins, being a Zen’in, you knew there was one thing they hated the most: not being in control.
“Neither,” you finally concluded while mumbling down at your lap. The theory was hazy, incomplete, based only on mere emotions but slowly, you were coming together to piece it. You felt Satoru turn your way, his large hand caressing your knee as if coaxing the words out of you. “It’s neither. Naoya’s elders…they never liked me. It’s been made pretty clear to me that I’m dispensable without my husband, and I will never be a Zen’in in their eyes. I wouldn’t be surprised if they asked me to give up all my inheritance from Naoya because I’m not related to them by blood.”
The silence in the table stretched.
No matter how grandiose the hotel restaurant may be, you felt suffocated in that seat. How didn’t you realize it sooner? You were in a land that stretched past your territory, with both men accompanying you people you couldn’t wholeheartedly trust, while your husband rotted away back at home – probably covered in dust and not even given a proper burial like he deserved.
There was only one way out of this, to put an end to everything. It would prove to be a daunting task, but you didn’t have a choice. No, in fact, this was your only choice if you wanted to survive.
Satoru’s voice softened upon seeing the grimness of how you turned mum. “I’ll follow you wherever you go. I promise to help you in finding out whatever is in there,” he met your eyes; yours filled with contempt, with fear, with desperation, and his filled with regret. “It’s the least I could do…after everything I’ve done to you.”
You took a deep breath.
You couldn’t lie to yourself. There was no way you could trust him with his empty promises. He’d shown enough times that he wasn’t a man of his word, and you’d be a fool to fall for it again. However, Nanami’s glance was curious and suspecting, hiding his true colors with an innocent gesture of sipping his wine. He may seem unbothered and only here to ‘help’, but this man was cunning, possibly more so than Naoya could ever be, and one wrong move would be similar to stepping on a land mine.
Satoru received no response from you, and soon the three of you were standing outside the hotel’s lobby to escort Nanami back where he came from. The dinner was tense, so much so that you’d unknowingly been clutching Satoru’s bicep the whole time.
He tapped your shoulder, bringing you back to life as he gestured to his phone. “Sorry, it’s Geto.”
“Oh,” you muttered and stepped away from him, feeling your heart sink in your chest as you watched him retreat behind the glass doors. Beside you, Nanami snickered.
“Made up your mind, agent?” he taunted, “This is your final chance to prove yourself. Gather enough intel for us to intrude whatever that mighty clan is hiding underneath that island, surrender Gojo to us, and we’ll give you everything as promised.”
You faced him with fiery eyes, prepared for whatever he’d throw your way when he showed you that cursed red coin again. Realizing its power, the true meaning it held, you immediately shut your lips. It must’ve satisfied to know he was the one in charge here, and how could he not be when your life was literally at the palm of his hands, your days growing more numbered if you didn’t follow everything he asked for?
If you had just…if you had just done everything the Organization had asked you for, you wouldn’t have been here. You wouldn’t have felt this torn.
Nanami flipped the coin before tucking it into his pocket, sending one last salute your way. He hailed a cab and disappeared afterwards, leaving you alone to ponder over the consequences of your actions, your emotions. For the first time in his life, Naoya had lied to you.
He wasn’t correct when he said you were strong.
Because after all this time, you still held onto something that you should’ve let go of a long time ago, and you had nothing but your weak, sensitive, hopeless heart to blame for. Said hurdle appeared not long afterwards, his touch warm on your shoulder as he gazed at the empty spot beside you.
“Oh, Nanami left,” he noted, turning your shoulders to him until you were completely exposed. There was no more hiding from him, or more like you didn’t have enough energy to. You felt dull, tiredness lining your eyes and lips pressed into a flat line. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I am.”
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Ten days. That was how much you’ve wasted your time here in Milan, and you weren’t even remotely close to figuring things out. Your resources were much more limited the farther you were from the Zen’in Estate, and your lawyer was a family one, meaning they held more loyalty to the actual Zen’ins instead of law-affiliated people like you were.
Simply put, you were all alone to solve this by yourself.
Satoru promised to help, but he kept disappearing in the morning along with Geto. You never asked where they went or what they did; it simply didn’t matter anymore.
You would only spend hours locked in your room as you researched everything you could on your private island near Brazil. Just like Satoru said, it seemed like the perfect place to hide things for the spot seemed remote enough to offer privacy for the family’s getaway. You could somewhat recall Naoya proposing once to take you there for your honeymoon, but business got in the way, and it wasn’t like you truly trusted him then to spend such an intimate with him that you said no.
Sighing, you put all the papers away. Not even a single clue led you to what could be possibly be there, but there was an underwater passage. The fact the Zen’ins was capable of building that made you wonder just what the extent of their powers and influence stretched to, and you contemplated for a bit if you could hold that same ability now that you had his name.
Whatever was there, you would look for it.
Your mission was clear – the success of it would determine the fate of your life. Find out what they’re hiding, surrender Satoru Gojo to the Organization, and then everything would be over.
It sounded simple, yet your heart knew it wasn’t. Naoya died with the confidence of his trust over you, the trust you worked so hard to earn. But wasn’t that point? You needed him to trust you for you to be able to pull this mission off, but things happened, emotions and conscience got in the way, and you banged your knuckles on the table until your ring throbbed on your finger.
You just wanted it all to end. You never meant to hurt Naoya, never meant to betray anyone, but it fucking pissed you off that Naoya wasn’t the real problem. He wasn’t the one holding you back.
With not much thought to your next actions, you slipped past the guards and into the pool that had long been closed since 10PM. Being at your room’s tub reminded you of memories you’d rather forget, and you slowly undid your robe and stepped out of your underwear before dipping in the cold, freezing water.
It felt good. It may have been temporary, but the numbing bite of the water helped you feel more placated. Even for a little while, it was nice to not worry about anything. There were no titles, no mafia drama, no anything, just you and the water that you would’ve easily fooled yourself to be simply enjoying your little trip in Milan until –
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere. You had me worried sick,” You sighed. Of course. Opening your eyes, you raised a brow as Satoru towered over you, a standard hotel towel in his arms. He’d change out of his suit and into cotton shorts and a shirt this time around, possibly on his way to sleep when he realized the room was empty. With no energy to deal with him, you swam away from the man, earning a groan in response. “What the hell is your problem? You’ve been acting weird ever since Nanami came. Listen, if this is about that island, you don’t have to worry too much about anything. I have enough people and resources to help you in every step of the way.”
You ignored him. After everything that happened, what was there to talk about anymore? Even if you told him everything, he might not understand.
So you swam in the middle of the pool, thankful that it was dark enough from the maintenance shutting the lights off that Satoru struggled to find you. However, you’d underestimated him because soon you heard the splashing of the water, and you were harshly tugged by the wrist before Satoru cornered you at the edge of the pool.
He was breathing hard; both of you were, and tried to push past his chest, only to be met with a solid plane of muscle that wouldn’t budge. You sighed and turned away from him, covering your exposed chest with your arms.
“Whatever Naoya is looking for…you’ll find it, okay?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“I’m serious,” the scorn in his tone had been so biting you turned back to him, about to hit him with something, scold him for something, but your words died down in your throat before you even had the chance to.
Satoru hadn’t been demanding. His face, illuminated by the moonlight, made his azure eyes twinkle like stardust exploding. Once in your life, you found so much comfort into staring at such beauty, but that was when everything was still a perfect lie. Funny how the truth ruined everything for its darkness, and you could only look back at him weakly, throat running dry from all the emotions that threatened to pour out of you.
Regret and desperation was written all over his face.
“Please,” he rested his forehead on yours, eyes closed as he mumbled, “You’re not alone in this. I don’t want to ask for much because I know I don’t deserve it, but please at least understand you don’t have to solve everything on your own. You’re not…you’re not alone. I’m here now.”
“When you left me,” your voice cracked, “It’s because you thought I wouldn’t love you anymore if I found out your true nature,” Satoru opened his eyes, anxiety swimming in those eyes that had once been so sweet. Perhaps he still held that sweetness now, albeit it was less tender and more cautious as he waited for you to continue. “If I told you about every sin I’ve committed, the name of each person I killed and everything I’ve done, would you stay with me? Or would you leave me again, only this time it’s because you think I’m no longer someone you could love?”
“I don’t understand.”
“I didn’t expect you to,” was all you said before you felt a tear prick the back of your eyes. You didn’t want him to see, god, you wanted to disappear in that moment you couldn’t think of anything else. Crashing your lips to his, you brought him down by the back of his neck to hide the tears freely falling from your face.
He froze for a split second before he eagerly pushed back, clenching the pool edges with his hands so hard his knuckles turned white. You were panting, moaning in his mouth as he pressed you harder against the edge, skin to skin, breath to breath, soul to soul.
Threading your hands to his hair, you grinded down on his shorts where he was already beginning to grow hard. Satoru groaned inside your mouth from your teasing but made no move to stop to – after all, why would he want to stop? It had been years, seven fucking years, and even you wouldn’t want to stop. It was wrong, it was dirty, it was immoral – but you needed this. You needed this more than ever.
Satoru’s hands tickled your waist as he squeezed them harsher than he intended, his calloused fingers travelling until he was kneading your breasts. You pulled away from him, head thrown back to rest on the edge.
And it was romantic.
The moon had never been so big, sprinkles of star shining in the vast darkness, the scene just perfect for two lovers in a getaway from the harshness of life. You knew it wasn’t real and the spell would break sooner than later, but did it matter? He rolled your beaded nipples into his fingers before he ducked down, lips suctioned to suck heavy bruises on the sensitive patch of skin on your neck that had you twitching in his hold.
Along with your moans, you cried harder. From heartbreak, from regret, from guilt; there was no turning back from this.
“Satoru, please, please, please. Make me feel better, make me feel good, I just want to forget everything.”
He nodded eagerly against your neck, letting your eager hands help him push his shorts down before his cock sprang free. His length grazed your lower abdomen for a moment, though he didn’t waste any time in entering your hole. You gritted your teeth at the intrusion, nails dug so hard in his shoulders that he bled.
The both of you had your foreheads connected, noses brushing and breaths mixing as you moaned and he sighed, eyes shut tight from finally being engulfed in your warmth.
“Right there, ‘Toru, oh fuck.”
“F-fuck,” he hitched one of your legs to wrap around his waist, “You’re still so tight after all this time,” Satoru praised, molding his lips with yours once again. He picked up his pace and watched as you desperately clung from one surface to another – his shoulders, his hair, the edge of the pool, flailing your arms each time his deep thrusts knocked the wind out of you – breasts bouncing as he bounced you on his cock.
“You look so fucking beautiful – my sweet, sweet angel. I missed you, missed you so fucking much.”
You didn’t say anything. No words were needed to be exchanged; actions spoke louder than words. At least right now, you could promise you wouldn’t lie.
Pulling him down for another kiss, you bit down on his bottom lip to muffle your moans, too speechless at each movement of his dick grazing past your walls. Fuck, he still felt so good, still knew your body way too well and your pussy hugged him so tight like you didn’t ever want to let go.
But you knew you had to, even as he came inside you and brought you back to your room, uncaring of the dripping mess you’ve both made before he locked the door.
You forgot how many hours you spent underneath him writhing in his bed. He took you each way he wanted – knees folded beside your head, on your side where he whispered all the filthy things he’d been wanting to do to you while he took you from behind, or your head squished on the pillow as he repeatedly smacked your ass, pulling your ass cheeks apart to praise you on how you took him so well. Satoru didn’t stop; you knew what you were getting into the moment you pulled him into you, that his sex drive was insane and he’d take long to tire himself out.
By the time the first shy fingertips of the sunlight extending across the horizon arrived, you were emptily staring at the window, Satoru fast asleep beside you.
It was time.
Silently, you pulled his arm away from you and quickly got dressed. He seemed to still be deep in slumber, and you carried the only bag previously packed with everything you might need. You were on the process of wearing your stilettos when he stirred awake, sleepily eyeing you from the bed you both devoted yourselves to in pleasuring one another.
“Where are you going?”
“Away,” you answered, tight-lipped. “From you.”
“Because…I lied,” you inhaled sharply, gloved hands frozen on the golden knobs.
Just open it, you screamed at yourself, walk away before it’s too late.
But you couldn’t move, pathetic that even after everything Naoya had worked so hard for, you still remained a slave to your past.
“No matter how much I hate everything you’ve done to me, I can’t bring myself to forget I once loved you. Maybe I still do – I don’t know. But what I do know is that I’m not as strong as I thought I was,” you cried, losing grip on the bag before it fell. You watched emptily as all the contents poured out – your money, your clothes, your phone, your ring – it all served as a reminder of who you were, of who you’d forgotten to be, of who you were supposed to be.
Your shoulders slumped in defeat.
“I don’t have enough strength to kill you.”
“Hey, angel,” he cooed, reaching you in three long strides before he caged you in his arms. Satoru was so warm, so strong, and the safety he provided you with only made you cry harder. You wanted to hate him, wanted to keep lying yourself since you’d been doing a great job at doing that for the past seven years, but it wasn’t that easy. Deep down…you still harbored the most miniscule affection, and that enough was capable of destroying you.
“What’s wrong?”
“Everything,” you whispered brokenly as you banged a weak fist to his chest, “Everything is wrong.”
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Finavice Pharmaceuticals didn’t disappoint.
You were beyond impressed the moment you stepped through the door, a horde of eager chemists guiding you through the upper floors. Finavice was one of the biggest – if not the biggest – companies that were known for harboring the rarest or hard to get elements that not even you and Naoya could get your hands on.
Not by yourselves, anyway, so you took it upon yourself to strike a sponsorship to their research program in developing a cure to cancer under the guise of being an advocate to the improvement of the medical field.
Truthfully, you just wanted to please Naoya, show him you were useful and that he didn’t need to kill you. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and there you were, your prettiest smile plastered on as you scanned the towering buildings with unmasked interest.
“Here is the laboratory for the Finavice Pharmaceuticals where we test…”
“Mrs. Zen’in?”
The entire team stopped as a tall man, cloaked in a beige suit instead of a lab coat appearhed out of nowhere. Judging by how everyone had ducked their heads down and turned silent, you could only guess he must be the boss. Flashing your most charming smile, you hitched your bag higher up your arm. “Yes?”
“May I have a word with you?”
You fought the urge to sigh. His question was spoken much more of a statement that you weren’t really given a room to decline, and the young chemists gazed at you curiously under their lashes.
Not wanting to create a commotion that would lead into unwanted attention, you nodded, following the man through a set of double doors, guarded by two heavily armed men from the outside.
The man, who was Kento Nanami, the founder of Finavice himself leaned back into his seat as he made himself comfortable. “So you signed a contract with us two weeks ago to partner on our latest medicine, am I right? I’ve read over your proposals and I must say, they are rather interesting and innovative. I didn’t expect that a businessman’s wife would be a chemist who is interested in expanding to the pharmaceuticals as well. The Zen’ins has never been much invested in that.”
Gladly accepting the tea he’d slid your way, you made sure to clink the teaspoon against the porcelain as you played along. “People change, Mr. Kento. My husband and I’s goals are rather different from their former, traditional ones. Surely, steel exchange couldn’t support us for the rest of our lives.”
“I can’t say no to that. Kudos to you and your husband for your rather…ambitious shared goals then.”
Your hand froze on the utensil, and you narrowed your eyes at him in warning. “Are you implying we should not have trusted you with this, Mr. Kento?”
“No, I am merely letting you know that your act won’t fool me,” he chuckled, leaning forwards to rest his chin on his clasped knuckles, his blue eyes growing dark and serious. “I know what you and your husband’s family does. The Organization knows a lot more about your actions than you think you know we do. Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re only here because we’re the only company who has access to an element you need for your drug, isn’t that the case, Mrs. Zen’in?”
Well…this was certainly unexpected. You’ve been effortlessly deceiving countless businessmen, government leaders and officials even, that this took you by your surprise. Two could play at this game.
Even if he saw through you long ago, it wouldn’t take much to grab his letter opener that was right beside you and puncture it through a jugular vein. If his guards came, you could easily take them down too. Today was one of those few moments you were thankful for Naoya’s hellish training.
But you didn’t want him to feel satisfied, so you leaned back into your seat and crossed your leg over the other.
“If you knew this whole time, why didn’t you kill me already? A lot of people wouldn’t miss the chance to do so.”
Nanami chuckled. “It’s because like you, I’m not just a pioneer. I, too, have my goals and loyalty laid out for someone else. Most specifically, the Organization, an international collaborative effort of stopping and reducing mafia movement for the safety of our people. Obviously, I’ve been assigned in the Yakuza Division, and it’s no coincidence I read through your file. You are, after all, one of our precious targets.”
You stared at him boredly. Why couldn’t he just get straight to the point?
“Is this a threat? I’m not sure it’s working.”
“Oh, no, I’m not threatening you,” he snatched your tea and took a long sip from it, and it was the first time you learned of his habit of concealing his curious gaze through drinking; a perfect act to seem inconspicuous.
“I am offering you a path to redemption. You may fool everyone, but I know an unhappy woman when I see one, Mrs. Zen’in, and I can tell you find no pleasure in the life you live – running errands for your criminal husband, constantly fearing for your life, wishing you’d just been a regular person like everyone else…” At the lack of response, he took it a gesture for him to continue, and he set the cup down, pushing his glasses right back up his nose. “The Organization has labeled you a target, but I think you’re more of a victim caught in a series of unfortunate events. I merely wish to save you from it.”
You guffawed in laughter at his last statement.
“You men really are ridiculous!” you slapped your palm on his table, losing every bit of that elegant composure to be perfected by a Zen’in wife. “Always preaching about saving me and protecting me – what actually are you pathetic losers even capable of?”
Much to your dismay, Nanami didn’t seem the least bit affected by your mockery.
“Please, don’t group me in with your husband and your former lover. Unlike them, I harbor no interest in you as a woman, I only want to fulfill my duty as an Agent and save you not because you’re a damsel in distress, but rather because…I could kill two birds with one stone,” his eyes shone in mischief, and you swallowed in discomfort as he gazed you up and down.
You’ve had enough experience with being seen as a meal, but this was different. Nanami was viewing you like you were a secret weapon he intended on using as much as he could to achieve his goals.
“You are a very convenient woman, Mrs. Zen’in. Similar to how your husband adores your abilities, I would like to take advantage of your connections. The only difference between me and them is that I can actually give you something money can’t even buy.”
“Such as?”
“A second chance at a normal life.”
“What makes you think I’ll accept your offer? I’m the wife of a mafia leader – my loyalty resides in him.”
“Only because you fear for your life,” he flashed you a red coin, crescents of a Latin quote scripted inside. Mori quam foedari – death before dishonor.
“Join the Organization, Y/N. With your connections, we could easily take down these families and protect the country. Hand over Satoru Gojo and Naoya Zen’in to us, and I promise the Organization will do everything in its power to give you the life you always wanted. A safe, normal one. No more worrying about being killed as you ride your car, no more beating yourself up as you make drugs to promise your usefulness to your husband and no more pretending you are someone who you’re not,” he flipped the coin between his fingers, and tantalized, you couldn’t keep your eyes off it. “Don’t you want that? You’d be able to live freely if you cooperate with us.”
You could hear the gears in your head turning. Part of you would’ve assumed this was a trap had you not known better, but Naoya taught you that if something was a trap, it would sound too easy, too good.
None of this was easy. It would require facing a demon from your past and handling things differently than what Naoya had planned, but that wasn’t the worst.
It was the fact that if you accepted, you’d have to come home tonight and lie in the face of your husband who could easily read through you. He smelled lies and treachery before you could realize you were even thinking of doing something, and knowing Naoya, he wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet between your eyes the instant he felt something was off.
But his offer… it was a risk you had to take. You wouldn’t ever get an opportunity like this again.
“Do you promise…that I’ll really go back to normal after this? That I won’t be involved in this mess anymore?”
“I can only promise that if you also promise to do your part. You see, I strongly believe you are the one that can put an end to this all. All you have to do is join us, and soon it’ll feel like this nightmare never happened at all. You’ll be free from Naoya Zen’in and Gojo Satoru before you realize it.”
You stared at his coin harder. Death before dishonor. This Organization he was a part of obviously didn’t fuck around, and it seemed scarier because they had their eyes on you for a while now. What were the odds they offered a deal instead of outright killing you, even going as far as to provide you a second chance at life, one that you genuinely wanted to enjoy? It would be a shame to say no, and even if the chances of this turning out well were low, you would damn well take it. A small chance was better than nothing.
“What do I have to do?”
Nanami grinned and pocketed his coin. “A very wise decision, Mrs. Zen’in,” he congratulated, “Please, meet me at my office tomorrow, eight on the dot. Oh, and remember, the Organization will now be watching you wherever you go. You’re one of us now.”
The next day, Nanami had cut your palm.
He spilled your blood into an empty metal casing with engraved letters, mori quam foedari, the phrase both comforting and ominous. Soon, you came home with your blood solidified into a coin to prove your membership and loyalty, that they quite owned you in more ways than one. Your blood meant your loyalty, and the coin felt heavy in your pocket with the implication it was also your blood they wouldn’t hesitate to spill should you betray them.
Mori quam foedari.
Death before dishonor.
Your life over Naoya’s, your future over Gojo’s.
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The next few days had been tense. After telling Satoru everything down from the smallest detail, things had shifted between you. Quite frankly, you expected that maybe he’d kill you right then and there after explicitly stating that just because you couldn’t kill him, didn’t mean you wouldn’t turn him in.
“Angel,” he begged, “Will you never really give me the chance to do everything right this time around?”
However, you were too firm on your plans. You originally wanted to leave and go to the island yourself; it was easier to leave Satoru open and vulnerable for the Organization to attack him in your absence. He loved you, that was much clear, and if he looked for you, he’d make himself vulnerable to the Organization, but recent plans had to be altered now that he wasn’t willing to let go of you. Though no matter what he said, you valued your life and future more than you could ever love him.
It was an act of kindness to yourself.
“I don’t want this life anymore, Satoru. Either way, I don’t have a choice, not when I could die literally anytime before I could even say goodbye.”
It had been hours since ‘that’ talk and now you were on a plane back to Tokyo. You had to pull out some archives from Naoya’s files to know more about the island before you could visit it, and it was important for Satoru to know details such as security measures over there.
You’d long fallen asleep from exhaustion, bundled up in a fleece blanket while Geto glared at you.
“Are you sure about this, Sir? I think we should just keep her with us even if she doesn’t want to. The Gojo clan is powerful enough that no one would dare cross us. Not even this Organization she speaks of has ever done anything to us. Without her, they stand no chance against us,” he sat in front his boss and kept sending wary glances your way. “Letting her go like you did before wasn’t a good idea. She knows too much about everyone to live normally now. Do you really believe the Organization will protect her?”
“Knowing the strings the government could pull – and add on to the fact Nanami Kento, one of the richest men in this country works for them that it’s safe to assume each figure in them is a powerhouse – I don’t doubt their promise one bit.”
“But you’ll go to jail if you let her surrender you. Or worse, they’ll destroy the clan from the bottom up.”
“I know that, Geto.”
Geto groaned, brushing his hands through his hair from how indifferent his boss was being, drinking champagne as if he wasn’t willingly walking into his own death. “Then why aren’t you thinking more clearly about this? I understand you love her and you want to make it up to her, but we can’t let her do whatever she pleases! In order to keep herself safe, she’s going to sacrifice you! She’s dangerous, Sir, she’s been lying to her husband the whole time and who’s to say she isn’t capable of doing something worse to a stranger like you?”
“I told you already, Geto,” Satoru swirled the pink liquid in his flute, his face empty and unreadable. “I know.”
“With all due respect, Sir, I don’t agree with your decision. The clan would fall without you and you don’t have siblings or an heir. No one is powerful to hold the clan together aside from you so if you leave – there’s no more hope for us,” he sighed when Satoru didn’t budge. “I at least want you to reconsider your actions. She’s just a woman, Sir. It’s either we kill her or we imprison her. You let her go before because you believed she would be your downfall, and quite frankly, it’s happening all over again.”
Satoru gazed out the window, bringing the flute to his lips with a dark glint in his eye that Geto recognized meant trouble, or worse, an actual solution to this hellish situation.
“Which is why we’re going to pay an old friend a visit, Geto. There’s only one person who could turn the tables around.”
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ADDITIONAL NOTE: TOJI IS COMING SOON!!! what are your theories on what might be on that island and *drum roll* WHO IS GOJO’S OLD FRIEND?! 
taglist open:
@tete027 @sixeyesgojo @shingekiyofeels @q-the-rockaholic @whatthefuckisthatthing @rogueofbullshit @kat-su-ki @kellyyween @sebootyforlife @asshxcm @charlie-xo @aoi-turtle @ladywaifuuwrites @savantsoulfinder @my-reality-is-in-my-head @hannya-quinn @90s-belladonna @tinyfrogsinmybrain @kinekyuroo @evesmores @ambiguous-something @lilith412426 @kakashiharusohma @aizawap @yumeneji @dora-the-grownup @jotazinha @themrsgojo @d34r-s4t4n @marai-t @toji-bee @hai-cool @badsadbby​ @stesphy @peach-buns-unicorns @misslezah @gracefullyfallinglikeanime @iwaplant @mikiminaccch @riri-marley​ | bolded users cannot be tagged
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delicioussshame · 3 years
Have more of Luo Binghe trying to rationalise buying his love interest.
Luo Binghe’s constant pacing is only interrupted by Shen-laoshi’s arrival.
From the look of it, his teacher is too occupied with taking in Luo Binghe’s penthouse to spare him much attention, which is perfect. It leaves him completely free to take in Shen-laoshi himself.
He hadn’t been wrong. Shen-laoshi is so thin he’s verging on unhealthy. The result of too much work and not enough home-cooked food, surely. Luo Binghe would be worried if he didn’t know it wouldn’t last. Shen-laoshi had always eaten every dish Luo Binghe used to bring to his tutoring sessions, the only thanks he could afford at the time, with every sign of enjoyment. Luo Binghe fully intends to rekindle that tradition.
“This is a bad idea.”
Luo Binghe is too fast; he steals Shen-laoshi’s small luggage before he can take it back. “Am I such a bad host that Shen-laoshi won’t even give me a chance to show him hospitality? He should at least let me serve him the meal I prepared for him. It would be a shame for the food to go to waste.”
He doesn’t smile when Shen-laoshi visibly hesitates. “Binghe still cooks? Doesn’t he have people for that?”
Luo Binghe would never let strangers handle his food in his own home. “I do. I’ve always enjoyed cooking, especially for others. It’ll be a pleasure to do so again.” It’s not a lie. He does enjoy cooking for others, as long as he cares about those others. The people he holds dear are just very few.
Shen-laoshi throws a longing glance at the door, but slumps in defeat. “Well, I guess it would be rude not to at least stay for dinner then.”
“And Shen-laoshi is never rude.” Luo Binghe starts for his room. “Here, I’ll put your baggage away.”
Shen-laoshi follows him in a hurry. “Binghe, wait! Where are you going?”
Could he settle Shen-laoshi somewhere less provocative than in his own bedroom? Yes, he could have. He’d thought about it. The last thing he wanted was to spook Shen-laoshi away. He does want to take his time, in his own way.
But he knows his teacher. He’d made Luo Binghe’s adolescence hell with his complete obliviousness to his student’s shamefully evident crush. If his interest is too subtle, Shen-laoshi will fool himself into thinking it’s platonic, which it never was.
Shen-laoshi freezes when he enters a room he has to recognise as Luo Binghe’s. “Binghe…”
Luo Binghe ignores him in favor of setting the luggage down beside a dresser. “This is yours. I did say you didn’t have to bring anything if you didn’t want to, so there are clothes in it and in the closet. Take whatever you want.” Would he love to see Shen-laoshi leaves his bathroom with wet hair dripping down on a shirt Luo Binghe had bought him? Why yes, he would very much enjoy that. Also, Shen-laoshi deserves better than the worn garments he was usually seen in.
But if it’s too much, too fast, he’ll settle for Shen-laoshi’s own clothes stored in his home, like they belonged there.
Shen-laoshi peeks into the closet gingerly. “…Binghe, that’s way too much.”
It is not. “It’s nothing less than Laoshi deserves.”
Shen-laoshi shakes his head. “I don’t know what story you’ve constructed about me, but Binghe must be confused about something. What I have ever done for you to think this all makes sense?”
Luo Binghe could spend hours explaining to Shen-laoshi how lonely he’d been as a child. Struggling to adjust after his mother’s death, terribly aware that what little money she left him wouldn’t last forever, the soothing presence of Shen-laoshi, the only adult willing to listen to him, had been a lifeline he’d needed more than anything. He’d promised himself he’d be the same for him, when he would be able to.
He could, but he’s afraid he’ll scare Shen-laoshi away. He’s been told before he can be a bit… intense. “Shen-laoshi will understand in time. Meanwhile, why doesn’t he follow me to the dining room? Now that you’re here, we should catch up properly. There is so much I want to share with him!” The urge to reach for him, to put a hand on his back or his arm to guide him makes itself known, but he restrains himself. Patience. He can’t spook his teacher, or he’ll run.
Shen-laoshi doesn’t fight the suggestion, meekly following along.
Dinner is nice and uncomplicated. Luo Binghe deliberately keeps conversation light, retreating to familiar grounds, his studies. After all, Shen-laoshi is the only reason Luo Binghe managed to ace the required entrance test. He should be made aware of the results of his hard work.
As he prattles on, he gets to see Shen-laoshi’s walls fall, piece by piece, as he forgets why he’s here to only focus on Luo Binghe’s words. Luo Binghe knows Shen-laoshi has always been fond of him. With insight, he can tell he was favored, maybe more than a teacher should favor one of his students. As long as Shen-laoshi can think of Luo Binghe as that student of his, he’ll happily let himself be entertained.
If he had time, he would have invited Shen-laoshi over to such dinners. He’d have taken him out to good restaurants. He’d have visited museums with him, taken him shopping, walked around the city by his side until Shen-laoshi would have accepted him, and then he would have confessed.
But that would have meant letting the object of his affection struggle through another summer of part-time jobs, tutoring gigs and calligraphy lessons that barely paid the rent. Shen-laoshi would have been stretched even thinner.
Luo Binghe couldn’t allow it.
He waves Shen-laoshi away after dinner, claiming work he has to finish before tomorrow. He, of course, would prefer to spend the rest of the evening with him, but the point of this manoeuvre is to let Shen-laoshi discover his house by himself. It’s a show of trust, demonstrating he has nothing to hide from his teacher.
It’s also a chance for him to find the room Luo Binghe always thought of as his.
He believes it will be obvious. The rest of the house has been professionally decorated, all tasteful whites with the occasional colorful accent.
Shen-laoshi’s study is all soft green and rosewood furniture, a more antiquated style Luo Binghe had always associated with his teacher. Nothing like the modern feel of the rest of the house. There are shelves, some stocked with classic literature, others empty, waiting for their proper owner to fill them as he saw fit. A fully furnished desk with the latest tech. A soft, huge couch Luo Binghe made sure he could sleep on comfortably if he wanted to. Large windows letting in the sun in the morning. A few plants Luo Binghe diligently watered so that they’d be radiant when Shen-laoshi first saw them.
A space just for him.
Luo Binghe thrills as he heard Shen-laoshi putters around the house, the muffled sounds of his steps on the hardwood floor or of doors opening and closing softly obliterating the silence he’s used to, reminding him each time that this is real, that Shen-laoshi really is here with him. It’s a good thing the work he has to do isn’t too demanding, because he could never focus in this state of elation.
He hopes his teacher likes the place, though he’d move in a heartbeat if Shen-laoshi found it lacking in any way.
After a while, the sounds stop. Luo Binghe supposes he found the study.
When, a few hours later, he closes his laptop for good, he does find Shen-laoshi sitting on the couch, engrossed in one of the books.
He smiles. The sight of Shen-laoshi making himself home here is very pleasing to his more possessive tendencies. “I see Shen-laoshi have found a way to entertain himself.”
Shen-laoshi startles. “Binghe!” He sets the book down. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude, it’s just-“
Luo Binghe cuts him off. “Shen-laoshi has done nothing wrong. All that is mine is his, and these books were always intended for him.” He opens the desk’s drawer and hands him the card. “He is welcome to purchase any book he wants to read, or anything else he lacks. He doesn’t have to restrain himself.”
The credit card is a crass reminder of their supposed arrangement, but there is no way around it. Luo Binghe wants Shen-laoshi to get all he desires, and money facilitates that process.
Shen-laoshi doesn’t take the card. “Binghe, I can’t accept this. This isn’t right.”
Luo Binghe is getting quite tired of Shen-laoshi’s refusals, no matter how expected they were. “Please do. It would make me so happy to know Shen-laoshi is provided for, for once. But it is getting late.” Luo Binghe settles the card back into the drawer, ostentatiously, so that Shen-laoshi knows where to find it tomorrow, when he’s alone in Luo Binghe’s apartment and wondering how to spend his time. Once he’s done, he offers Shen-laoshi his hand, keeping his face blank and his tone simply pleasant. “Will Shen-laoshi turn in for the night?”
He sees Shen-laoshi tense as it becomes impossible for him not to worry about what will be coming next.
The silence stretches on.
Luo Binghe breaks first. “Shen-laoshi doesn’t have to worry. He needs to recuperate. I wouldn’t keep him from his sleep.”
The hand finally settling in his still is a bit unsure.
Luo Binghe decides to ignore it, preferring to focus on its warmth and the fluttering feeling of holding Shen-laoshi’s hand.
“Binghe shouldn’t call me Laoshi in this context. It’s… He shouldn’t.”
“What should I call him, then?”
“My name, simply. Shen Yuan.”
Shen Yuan.
While to Luo Binghe, Shen Yuan will always be his teacher first, he can definitely learn to love the sound of his name. “Shen Yuan it is.”
Luo Binghe lets Shen Yuan uses the main bathroom while he uses a guest’s, and tries to steel himself for what will be coming next.
He doesn’t manage it.
Even if the pajamas Shen-laoshi are wearing offer him full coverage to the point of prudishness, it’s still Shen-laoshi standing by his bed, waiting for him to signal how to proceed.
Luo Binghe bites his tongue until he tastes blood as he himself settles down, and pats the space besides his.
There is no relaxation in either of them, though, Luo Binghe expects, for very different reasons. From this close, he can smell his soap on Shen Yuan’s skin. He can hear the faster-than-average rhythm of his breath. He can feel the warmth of his body.
But he can’t reach for it.
He keeps his antsy hands to himself, instead very deliberately turning off the lights. “Good night, Laoshi. Please rest well.” He needs it.
He doesn’t expect an answer, but the soft “Good night, Binghe,” he gets in response ensures that when he finally falls asleep, he does so with a smile on his face.
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
1. What was the reason behind Tabitha being a porn star? Can you also describe what it felt like to her, if she faced any hardships?
2. How did she feel when Ethan cut all forms of contact with her? And what if they accidentally meet one day and he apologises for not talking to her face to face about the breakup or she gets to explain everything.....
3. I just want to see them together 😭😭💗 could you please write an alternate version where they end up together? 🙏😭
4. What was her reaction when she got to know that Tobias was just using her for sex?
oh wow okay cool! i haven’t given any deeper thought to Tabitha. i just couldn’t name her MC because to me MC is an intern turned doctor, while Ethan’s pornstar is some enigmatic businesswoman 😂
1. What was the reason behind Tabitha being a porn star? Can you also describe what it felt like to her, if she faced any hardships?
uhhhhh idk, money? quick couple of films to get her through her MBA but the got much bigger than her degree could ever make her. 
(when creating her i took inspiration from the 90210 reboot. she’s basically one of the actors for that guy who’s dad is a porno production house)
I think she’s a very forward-thinking woman. She enjoys sex and doesn’t have any problems with her sexuality. Getting paid $15k for one day of filming for something she’d do anyway didn’t seem like a bad gig. She didn’t get to finish her degree because of how viral she went in the community - both from a workload standpoint and looks she’d get around campus from guys who have obviously seen her work. She had to get a proper agent and was getting calls left and right and rarely turned anything down. It was a whirlwind that she really never had time to sit and think about too deeply besides the roles and the paychecks. 
It didn’t feel like a lot when she was in it - it totally inflated her ego and she liked being needed. Then as the years went on (she only did this for four years) people started feeling like they owned her. Like she wasn’t a person to be respected anymore. 
(fun fact: she shares this trait with odette) 
People in the business saw her as a cash cow and wanted to push the limits of the content she’d be part of. It got to the point where No was coming out of her mouth much more than Yes, and the Big Guys did not like that. They didn’t want to work with someone who’s a bitch. 
People she doesn’t know - random strangers - would come up to her and ask for pictures and touch her in places they shouldn’t. Like her body belonged to them. And they made comments about what underwear she was or wasn’t wearing. It was a nightmare. 
She changed her hair style drastically and stopped wearing colored contacts and moved to the east coast. 
2. How did she feel when Ethan cut all forms of contact with her? And what if they accidentally meet one day and he apologises for not talking to her face to face about the breakup or she gets to explain everything.....
Tabitha is used to guys acting this way. She’s conditioned to expect it. She and Ethan were very very new and she never tells a guy about her past this early in the relationship. She always waits until she has a grasp on if they could really be something. She was a bit hurt that he completely cut her off without any questions or chance to explain further. Though in the three months she’s come to know Ethan Ramsey, she isn’t surprised. Deep down she knows he couldn’t handle it. 
Tab is quite nomadic. She’s never lived in a city more than two years, never really had a reason to. Most people find out who she is and things get weird. 
She’s also so flush with cash she can keep moving when things get boring or theres another opportunity elsewhere. She’s smart with investments and hosts two businesses. 
She and Ethan would never cross paths again. She left Boston for Milan a few weeks later. 
If they did cross paths he’d pretend he doesn’t know her, and she’d do the same. If their eyes locked she’d give him a sly nod in greeting, but they’d never talk again. 
3. I just want to see them together 😭😭💗 could you please write an alternate version where they end up together? 🙏😭
No, sorry. I don’t think it’ll fit. 
Sometimes people meet and things don’t work out. That’s the story of Ethan and Tabitha. 
She’s someone Ethan dated briefly when he and Harper were off. 
4. What was her reaction when she got to know that Tobias was just using her for sex?
She kind of had a feeling after the first couple of times. She’s picked up on cues and things guys do when they’re thinking of her as Tabbi Lee. The excitement in him and his preference for her to take control most of the time was also a definite tip-off that he knows. She’s numb to most feelings by now. 
Tobias never actually brings her past up. So she doesn’t either. There’s the intuition between them acknowledging that he knows. 
They both know this isn’t forever. It’s a for-now relationship. As long as they have incredible sex, great banter and a good time together, they’ll continue seeing one another. 
She doesn’t ask to be brought to work functions. She really doesn’t mind. She likes her alone time and also sees it as a way to not invite him to her work functions. It all works out for them for now. 
Does this make any sense at all? How do you see Ethan handling his girlfriend as a pornstar???
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ofkareenas · 3 years
.  ∘ ∗   :   🐝   𝙸𝙽𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙸𝙽𝙶   …
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JANHVI KAPOOR, CIS WOMAN, TWENTY-FIVE, SHE / HER  ⟨  ✽  ⟩   hey, you haven’t bumped into  kareena puri  lately, have you? they have been living here for the past  two years  and during that time, locals have gotten to know them as  charismatic  &  creative.  a little birdie told me they can be quite  stubborn  &  opinionated  though. explains why they’re an online fashion brand owner and designer .  they really remind me of  morning beach walks, sketchbooks filled with new designs, the sound of a sewing machine running.  if you’re ever looking for them, i bet you can find them around port briar lighthouse.
hi again, it’s tally ! this is my second baby kareena !! she’s very new to me and it’s pretty exciting bc i tend to just recycle characters kjhfgkj again, if you’d like to plot, please reach out to me on dms, or you can like this and i’ll reach out. you can also talk to me on discord if you’d prefer that. ( gowon face insurance company#8416 ) also pls excuse how messy this is, i havent written a proper full intro in a while.
.  ∘ ∗   :   🐝   𝙱𝙸𝙾𝙶𝚁𝙰𝙿𝙷𝚈   …
kareena puri
march 30th, 1996 - 25 yrs old ; aries
cis woman, she/her, bisexual (closeted to her family, not so much to anyone else)
born in mumbai, india. raised in seattle, washington.
currently residing in port briar, maine
pinterest board: here
TW / CW: none, other than a controlling family, which idk if it even should be tagged but yuh
kareena knew it, she was lucky compared to others. she had it better than some of her peers, and she recognized that privilege. but if she could trade her family life for a “normal” one, she would in the quick snap of a finger.
kareena’s family was pretty much old money. she came from a long line of doctors in almost every medical field, and they own so many private hospitals and clinics in many countries. if you happen to hear the Puri family name, you probably would associate it with these things: a big hospital that you probably drove by with your car or a surgeon that your doctor wanted to refer you to.
every child in the family was expected to go to med school. it was the only way to keep the family legacy and pride going. of course, the more new generations came in the family, the more there were those who decided to take different fields of work instead. and of course, the eldest members in the family would always voice their disappointment in them, and would always make sure to remind them that they’re a disgrace no matter how successful they are in whatever field they went into.
kareena didn’t know what she was doing at the young age of sixteen. her parents would boast about how she would be a successful doctor when she grows up, just like her older siblings, and how her younger siblings would be the same as well. all kareena did was nod and smile. she didn’t want this.
the thing is, she was a naturally great student with really good grades, and yet her parents would be disappointed if she got a B+ or even an A- on a subject every once in a while. she didn’t get it. she thought she was doing her best. although the complaining about her report cards was getting a bit too much coming from her mother, and that’s when kareena really started to not give a fuck. yes, she still got good grades for her own sake, but she started to do whatever she wanted. she hung out with kids her parents would call a bad influence, and started to skip some school days or go to parties on the weekends. it was fun and liberating to her.
once her senior year was over and kareena was graduated with a high school diploma, her family was back at it again, trying to get her to apply to all the notable medical schools out there. she had protested about it, and family fights ensued, and with some threats, kareena was forced into applying. next school year, she was in another city, studying to be a surgeon, and her mind wasn’t into it at all. she only lasted one year before she decided to drop out and transfer to FIDM, a fashion school in L.A, instead.
kareena has always been into fashion. the way she dressed would tell you so. how she was always on the latest fashion, and how she would have so many sketchbooks and scrapbooks of fashion related things. she loved making her own clothes at home with her sewing machine. her mother would tell her that it’s a nice hobby, but she never guessed that her daughter would want to pursue it as a career. the color drained out of her face when she saw what kareena had done. she was angry and disappointed, and mostly worried about what the rest of the family would say, more than she cared about her daughter’s wants and needs. kareena, however, didn’t care. she was happy. she moved out to be closer to campus, and soon enough after graduation, she left everything behind and decided to go somewhere quieter: port briar, maine. this was completely different from everything she was used to, it was so quiet and small, but she loved it. she finally feels at peace with herself.
now, kareena is a successful fashion designer. she started an online business, and it has been booming, with fashion influencers promoting her work. she was hoping that someday she would get to do bigger things, like making custom items for celebrities and being featured in fashion magazines and fashion weeks. she could only wish and work towards that for now.
and even with all of that, even when kareena had picked herself up from the ground on her own and built her own business, her family still didn’t approve. they still pretended to care about her, but would make sure to remind her of how disappointed they are in her and the path she’d taken. they would sit and wonder what it would’ve been like if she continued to go to med school, and how successful she could’ve been. and all kareena would do in response is smile and say that she’s successful anyway, but at least now she’s doing something she actually loves.
.  ∘ ∗   :   🐝   𝙷𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙲𝙰𝙽𝙾𝙽𝚂   …
born in mumbai, india. moved to seattle, washington when she was still a baby, and was raised there for the rest of her life, all while still visiting family back home.
kareena is the middle child of 5 siblings. two older brothers and two younger sisters
she is bisexual, and she’s pretty open about it. except to her family. shes not out to them
she believes in working hard, but she also believes that everyone deserves to have fun and get a break every once in a while. she currently is the only main person doing all the work for her business, but she’s hoping to soon hire anyone who has the same interests as her
her designs are mostly evening wear dresses and such. think teuta matoshi or marionela type of dresses, all flowy and puffy, giving fantasy feels
altho i would say her success is more like early hope macaulay, when she was still starting out. if no one is familiar with her, she is an irish fashion and textile designer who got famous for her knit wear on instagram, and she’s p young !! u might recognize her work if u look her up <3
she currently lives alone port briar, with her rented home facing the beach. exactly how she likes it. it was different and definitely not lavish like her home growing up, but she liked it better. she could’ve lived somewhere more expensive, but she didn’t want that.
owns a studio where she usually works. there is more space for her there than what she used to have at home. all the design process, sewing and even photoshoots take place there usually
if not working, kareena could be found at the rocky beaches near the port’s lighthouse or off somewhere on an adventure. she is always here to have a good time
honestly kareena is still such a new character for me, so if i think of any other hcs, i’ll add them here
.  ∘ ∗   :   🐝   𝙲𝙾𝙽𝙽𝙴𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂   …
friends from school, could be from seattle or L.A: kareena would’ve kept in contact with those friends tbh shes the type of person to keep her friends around. even if they were just added to her snapchat or followed on instagram. she would keep up with them
toxic relationship / gf: THIS
exes ?? we could definitely plot this out
high school ex perhaps 👀
FWB: no strings attached 
neighbors: she lives on sea sprite lane
family members? kareena would be hoping that left them all behind in the past, but it can’t be denied that she has a big family and she could possibly run into any of them at any moment
omg crush perhaps ! idm if it’s one sided, and it could either be kareena having feelings or the other person
a friend she had a falling out with: she probably met this person two years ago when she first moved here. something might’ve happened and one thing after another, they dropped each other and it was probably the worst falling out for both of them
clients / customers for her business perhaps. or maybe a helping hand!! 
literally anything u wanna do, lets gooo
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whencallstheheart · 3 years
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We’ll find out tonight if our predictions are correct! 
Responses to the written questions are under the cut.
Where is Ned and what is he doing?
No idea
Business trip
Dealing with some financial issues.
Doing business in UC or Hamilton. Nothing major
He stayed behind next episode and will be back in the finale.
I think planning something for Florence, maybe expansion for the mercantile?
I don't know
I have no idea, wth!?!?
Yo i have no idea. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say he's trying to contact Florence's daughter who wasnt there for the wedding
Maybe he's visiting his daughter? Or expanding the Mercantile somehow
With Mike. Oil pipeline
It sure
I have no clue honestly, maybe planning a surprise for Florence?
Perhaps...expanding his store? Or ordering something new to begin to be shipped to his.
something related to factory
Sussing out suppliers
Maybe something to do with the Wyman guy?
visiting his daughter
Buying a new house or a surprise for Florence
Visiting Abigail
Planning something special for Florence
He is doing something with his daughter
No clue
With his daughter
Planning to expand the mercantile to include deliveries (Hope Valley Amazon) lol
Not sure
I really dont know!
Made out a Will since he now is married to Florence
Business in Union City
Business, but he’ll be back
I don’t Know
I dont know. This one threw me!
Literally have no idea
maybe he will come back with his daughter who will come to live at HP
some sweet surprise/gift for Florence
He is involved im some growth in HV.
Taking care of business.
He's making a business deal somewhere
I have no idea. I think it was a weird to put in o.O
Making purchases for the store.
Business stuff somewhere
I don't know
i don't know
ned things
He just took the long way home...
Adopting Flo's son
He is picking up a surprise order gift for Florence, and it’s taking longer than expected.
Fighting attempt to take over mercantile
Talking to a divorce lawyer. Or putting a pillow over Abigail's mom's face so she can bury her already and come back to Hope Valley for his buddy Henry's sake.
Honestly I’m not sure but interested to find out!
Idk honestly. Probably actually doing something sweet for Florence but she doesn't know it.
What's up with the Pinkertons?
Not sure
A storyline to bring a change of pace to the show.
I really Don’t know
Not sure, but I don’t think it will be resolved this season, maybe it’s the cliffhanger?
I don't know
They’re hired thugs like they were in S1, just there to show Walden is a bad guy despite appearances
Factory related
Up to no good! Don’t trust them.
Yo i dont even know. They look totally sketch but they are probably the good guys actually. I'm predicting they are after someone who's been wanted for a long time. I think it may be too easy to link them with the guy who took Jesse and Clara's money
Not sure yet
Working for Waldon
Sneakily buying land
I couldn't care less about them
Perhaps something is in the cabin/someone they don't want found.
No idea
Something to do with the mine disaster (even though it's been ages).
we will see in season 9
Setting up a good storyline for season 9
Not sure maybe something to do with the new factory that might be built
Maybe it has to do with Henry
I have no idea, but I do not like them!
No good
Buying all the land
They have Jesse. Someone wants to reopen the mine and seek revenge on Elizabeth for his son going to jail (Spurlock).
Looking for some kind of hidden good
Shady dealings going on
Guarding the future factory site. But something extra at the cabin connected with Spurlock.
An even bigger I dont know on this one. Like, what in the world???
Holding Jesse captive
I think they kidnapped Jesse because he found out what they were up to but I have no idea what that is
stumped on this one
That is difficult. He is apparently connected to S1 Spurlock. Is he there for revenge? Or, just a heavy hand like his relative?
Revenge? They want to take over Hope Valley.
Something sketchy, probably bigger than just whatever is going on with the cabin though.
Land grab
No clue but they'll be one of the big bads next season
They are probably the goons of the Industry dude
They are working for somebody bigger.
They want to take over the town
I don't know
i'm worried about Nathan
idk they are the bad daddys of the season
they can only be there to cover up a crime, or some valuable find
No clue
They’re wanting to uproot Hope Valley for better business by destroying the town.
Keeping identity of mastermind safe from townspeople.
Maybe looking for Ned, who alternatively is a serial killer and now on the run. Possibly for the murder of Abigail's mother?
I’m so confused lol
Creating a monopoly & doing some villain nonsense (as it would seem the show is hinting).
Any other thoughts going into the finale?
There will be at least one surprise- not sure what
There are too many loose ends to tie up in one episode and I just want Elizabeth and Nathan together (and perhaps quickly married in this episode!)
I’m honestly really nervous, I’m rooting for Nathan but I have a feeling she’ll go for Lucas, I really don’t mind Lucas as a character but like what storylines can they do with them as a couple? The manuscript is finished, they’ve gone on every sort of date at this stage and she’s been in his office. What else can they do? With Nathan they can do the being scared because of his job again but making it different, there’s children involved now, it’s not just Elizabeth. Jack won’t understand but Allie will 100% feel worried for him. Also Allie having a mother figure, especially at this stage in her life, how could you not want it! The blended family as the main family would be so nice for this show, I know it’s been done before but they will be fairly front and centre in the show. Sorry for the rant, I love your blog so much! I don’t have tumblr so I can’t leave comments or like your gifs but I thoroughly enjoy all your theories and opinions!!
Just ready for this stupid love triangle to be over!
I’d love to actually see Henry meet up with Abigail, but doubt it. I hope they have Clara do something heroic for Jesse, but also doubt it. Henry will definitely be putting Hickam in charge at least temporarily. I think Ned will return but we won’t get a full explanation yet. And the dramatic ending won’t be the triangle choice, it’ll be Elizabeth losing the school.
Allie’s adoption finalized and reaction to Elizabeth choosing Nathan is something we should see.
Glad the triangle will be DONE!!
I hope that Elizabeth follows her heart and not pick someone who is a safe option.
I wish Faith were leaving instead of Carson. Also, I think there will be lots of set up for problems with the school board and Elizabeth. Also, I want more little Jack scenes but i don't think we'll get much since child acting laws and covid combined make that difficult
Excited for Elizabeth to move on from her past and enter a new adventure with either of the two men and really just everything else (Rosie and Lee, Fiona, Henry.)
I hope Faith doesn’t end up with whoever doesn’t get chosen by Elizabeth.
hopefully the finale will clear up the drawn out love triangle
The triangle was waaaaay drawn out. Be done and choose.
Nathan and Faith......would be great......
No matter who Elizabeth chooses I'm SOOOO READY to get this over with!
Kindness matters - no matter who she chooses. Isn't that why most of us watch the show
I am so over the love triangle and just want to know who Elizabeth picks.
Worried about the fandom more than anything
Elizabeth please pick Nathan
It's just a TV show and no matter what , it's there for our entertainment. I do think they're setting things up for the return of Abigail in some way.
The must be a Season 9!!!
I hope Fiona does not get involved with Mike.
Hopefully things get back to normal for Elizabeth and Rosemary
Interested to see the other storylines. I want Elizabeth to choose Nathan but I think JT will throw us off. From the promo pic, it looks like they will try to put Faith with Nathan.
- I just want Elizabeth to chose so that this storyline can come to an end and we can finally get to see her marriage and functioning has a wife. - Wonder what will become of Lucas once her choice is made. - I would like Lucas to have a proper storyline that doesn't involve Elizabeth or the love triangle. - I would love to see Rosemary and Lee finally become parents however that may happen. I feel like the writer just left them in limbo about it and keep teasing but never delivering on anything.
Hopefully will end with Nathan but the very last minute. I would prefer more romance before the finale
Elizabeth will have to decide on what’s important with school.
Jack might make an appearance in a dream scene?
So excited! I hope I don't wake up my kids while watching.
I hope they don’t pick Lucas
Just excited for this to be over. I know we needed it and I think overall it was handled decent enough, but I'm glad to finally move on.
Why is everyone so scared?
The whole season has been about getting over your fear. Elizabeth doesn’t have to deal with her emotions or real life with Lucas because school is out for the summer and she is working on her book. She needs to make up with Rosemary and get over the loss of Jack and fear to be with Nathan.
this season has been totally not what I expected...I thought the hug at end of season 7 was definitive and we'd get at least some Nathan courtship, not a complete U-turn to Lucas (with hopefully a turn to Nathan at the very end). I now think Season 9 will be what I expected season 8 to be, and I am very much looking forward to that.
Something sudden will allow Elizabeth to bring her feelings to light for everyone...Nathan. I think she will have decided by the time she takes of the rings, but will not have the opportunity to share with the man until later. Until she faces the prospect of him being in danger again? Full circle from the end of S7.
I need Elizabeth to really apologize to Rosemary. Rosemary has always been there for Elizabeth.
I’m so afraid :(
Hated the triangle
I am so ready to finally move on from this triangle!
They put waaaay too many storyline in the last 2 episodes, they will never manage to conclude them all and we'll have another weird random cliffhanger which will not tie in with the Christmas episode (If we're getting one ?)
I hope the guy who loses, has a good life in later seasons
The annoying love triangle will finally end. Elizabeth/Nathan are endgame, unless Jack suddenly comes back from the dead. But, I doubt it. I hope Lee/Rosemary are pregnant, or decide to adopt children. I just want Lee/Rosemary to have children. Can't wait to see how this season ends. Hopefully, it won't be a cliffhanger.
Nervous as hell
Elizabeth and Nathan get married
i kinda hope someone dies tbh it would make everything more interesting
Elizabeth was so tiresome this season, they could have told her story of overcoming grief in a much more relatable way. Why did they not just have her talking to Rosemary about how sad or exhausted or numb or angry she feels all the time? You know, something a widow would actually go through. At the very least she could have been stoic, instead she was just kinda bitchy.
Faith and Nathan will have some sparks; Elizabeth will choose Lucas and they will kiss twice one being at bridge one being at her home inside with baby jack present.Carson will leave; Jessie will be found; Ned will come back safely.
Lucas endgame, Nathan and faith have sparks, Rosemary paper, Jessie and Clara make up.
I think Henry will take his own advice and leave to find Abigail to see if there is still any hope for them. Though I like his character, I want him to finally be happy, and if that means staying with Abigail, then that’s what it means. I don’t think TPTB will bring back Lori soooo.... that means Henry would be the one possibly leaving. I also think some scare will happen with Nathan between him and the Pinkertons. Then it may come full circle at the end where Elizabeth runs to him like she did last season, but instead of hugging him, she’ll kiss him instead.
Hallmark execs dictated ending and will cut salaries to bring back Abigail, hence Paul leaving.
My condolences to whichever guy gets to look forward to being bored by Elizabeth for the rest of his life. Are we sure Jack's death wasn't a suicide?
Ready to see how it ends and already looking forward to next season!
I will be really disappointed if she chooses Lucas but I’m afraid that’s where it’s headed. Either way I don’t understand how they’ll end in “the healthy place” they’ve said it will be with so much left for one episode.
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sometimestxt · 4 years
Five Times Loid and Yor Almost Kiss, and One Time They Actually Do
Fandom: SPY x FAMILY Pairings / Characters: Loid x Yor / Loid, Yor, Yuri, Frankie, Anya, Henry Henderson Summary: Or, the Forgers try their best to maintain the farce.
Word Count: 4,321 Read on ao3.
Despite his recent demotion from housemaster to simple homeroom teacher, Henry Henderson was wholly dedicated to the success of Eden Academy. As such, he made an effort to continue his customary patrols around campus grounds to ensure that everything was in proper and elegant condition.
Henderson paused during his rounds as he spotted a familiar couple standing outside of the main building, alongside housemaster Murdoch Swan.
The Forgers, he quickly realized.
Henderson moved swiftly, finding a hiding place within earshot around the corner of the building. It was not a particularly regal action, he knew, but the teacher was curious as to how the Forgers would handle Swan this time.
“What brings you here?” he heard Swan sneer.
“We’re dropping off documents for our daughter’s enrollment,” came Mr Forger’s calm response.
“Oh, your daughter. The one who cried at the littlest thing—truly, a disgrace to Eden Academy.”
Henderson glanced around the corner at those words. He saw the way Ms Forger’s hands clenched and unclenched into fists, yet she remained silent. It had become increasingly obvious to Henderson that Swan was simply trying to rile up the couple as he prattled off more rude remarks—most likely in an attempt to cause a big enough scene to justify rescinding their daughter’s acceptance into the academy.
How inelegant.
The Forgers, however, seemed to be taking his comments in stride. They evidently had enough elegance to pick up on Swan’s scheming.
“And Ms Forger, it must be so difficult knowing that your daughter will always prefer her first mother over you,” Swan continued, his voice dripping in contempt. “The way she still cries over her.”
Henderson felt the sudden urge to punch Swan in the face once more.
“Master Swan,” Mr Forger cut in, steely, “we really must be on our way.”
Swan ignored his interjection, choosing to direct his attention to his wife instead. “Does your husband prefer her as well? He won’t even hold your hand—won’t even kiss you, will he?”
Swan laughed, a harsh sound.
“It’s really none of your business,” Ms Forger gritted out.
He laughed again. “Why won’t he just kiss you then? Then I won’t make it any more of my business.”
At that, Mr Forger took a step closer to his wife. His arm moved and he cupped her cheek with his right hand, then tilted her chin up towards him. He leaned in, close.
Henderson couldn’t stop the scandalized gasp that escaped his lips. Such a public display of affection, on school grounds? How inelegant!
Surely he couldn’t be wrong about the Forgers. They had proved themselves wonderfully on the day of their application interview, after all. He was willing to watch this through to the end, to give them the benefit of the doubt yet again. Surely they wouldn’t disappoint.
When Mr Forger pulled back, he raised his hand to display something. A handkerchief, Henderson quickly deduced. On it, a streak of ruby red marked the pure white of the fabric.
“Sorry, Yor, I had noticed that your lipstick smudged,” he apologized, tone soft. He elegantly pocketed the handkerchief, then turned to face Swan once again.
Though he couldn’t see his face clearly, Henderson was almost certain Mr Forger was shooting daggers at Swan with his eyes. His voice was cold as he stated, “I have no obligation to make my wife uncomfortable to appease you.”
Swan sputtered indignantly in response.
“Now, we really must be going.” Mr Forger ended the conversation there, grabbing his wife’s hand as they swiftly walked away.
Henderson couldn’t help the smile that formed on his lips as he watched the couple depart.
Truly, the Forgers were the embodiment of elegance.
If there was one thing that Yuri was certain about his sister, it was that she deserved the world. And so much more, to be completely honest.
She had, after all, done everything for him when they were children. She had worked hard to maintain normality in their fragmented family after everything had fallen apart. She picked up the pieces when they had nothing more than each other and their broken smiles. She was, frankly, everything he had, the only person who could still allow him to feel something as simplistic as childish joy—something he had since long thrown away for her.
Loid Forger, Yuri pointedly decided, was not the world. Sure, the man seemed to be smart, well-articulated, and well put together. Sure, he was also a talented cook, and he probably made a good amount of money too based off of their living space, and perhaps he was devilishly handsome as well (in a completely objective way; Yuri was objective like that)—but he was not good enough for Yor.
Yuri couldn’t help glaring at his sister’s husband as he sat in the living room of their shared home, nursing a bottle of wine. He was here to evaluate the man’s worthiness; likely a fruitless endeavor, because he settled on his conclusion within seconds.
His sister was incredibly kind and despite her monstrous strength, a delicate woman! She deserved someone who would look after and protect her, someone who had her best interests in mind, someone who would move heaven and earth for her. Loid struck him more as the type who would move just one or the other, not both. In his completely objective opinion.
Drunkenly, he demanded to see some intimacy between the couple, to prove that it was real. To prove that she was really, truly happy. It made perfect sense in his inebriated stupor.
Yuri quietly observed as the two sat near each other, whispering soft words to one another. They leaned in, their faces moving in for a kiss. Their lips were close, almost touching. He was filled with dread as he watched his sister—his family—being taken away from him in front of his very eyes.
He wasn’t ready, he realized. He was still just a little boy in a broken home clinging so dearly to his older sister
But the fact that she had been so clearly smitten with her husband, hurtling her own brother across their living room as he darted forward to pull them apart, just so she could kiss Loid, had his own world turning upside down. It became apparent that he hadn’t properly considered the extent of Yor’s feelings.
Maybe he wasn’t ready yet, but she was.
Nobody would be good enough for his sister, he knew.
He tainted his hands in blood for her, after all; gave up a life of innocence for her to live one of normalcy and happiness following their crooked childhood.
Maybe if Loid could give her even a semblance of the happy family that they were, that she so deserved, he would allow it.
Until then, he would continue to dye himself in red to protect her everyday life.
“And that was all I was able to figure out, given the timing,” Frankie stated. Twilight was quiet, a contemplative look on his face. As they stood together in silence, outside a cafe in the city’s core downtown, the everyday bustle of the lunchtime rush continued around them. Sometimes it was easiest to hide in the open, when you could see everyone yet no one at the same time.
“Man, I thought you’d be more concerned, to be honest,” Frankie eventually remarked.
“Give me a moment. I’m just thinking. They’ve been stretching me thin with all this work lately, but I couldn’t turn down this project either,” Twilight answered. “Have you considered looking into—”
“—Loid?” a familiar voice interrupted. The two men stopped and turned towards the sound of the voice.
Frankie saw the way his friend’s entire posture flipped in a second and how his mouth quirked upwards into a fake smile at the sight of his fake wife. As expected of a high-class agent like Twilight.
“Hello, Yor,” Twilight greeted. “I wasn’t expecting to see you around here.”
“I was just passing by; my boss sent me on an errand,” she explained, an amicable (genuine, Frankie noted) smile on her face. She turned to Frankie next, the smile still on her lips. “Thank you for always lending us a hand with Anya.”
He cracked a grin. “No worries. Loid’s one of my best friends; I’m more than happy to lend him a helping hand. And Anya’s a lovely little girl too, so it’s always a pleasure.”
Twilight wasn’t the only one who could pull off a fake persona at the drop of a hat, he mused to himself.
“I’m happy to hear that,” Yor beamed. “Anyway, it was good seeing you again, but I should probably get going now.”
Twilight tipped his hat at her and Frankie noticed him say something, but he didn't hear what. Then he saw her lean in close, so close it almost looked like a kiss—until she turned her face away at the last second and instead, whispered something in her fake husband’s ear. Her own ears were flushed red as she pulled away and bid them both a quick goodbye before hurrying off.
Once she was out of earshot, Frankie turned to look at Twilight, an eyebrow raised questioningly as he asked, “What was all that about?”
“She told me that she likes cheese,” he deadpanned, evidently unfazed by her impromptu declaration.
“How romantic,” he snorted. “That was a terrible attempt at a goodbye kiss.”
“I suspect she’s become more conscious about how we’re perceived as a married couple due to some recent events, but actions like these aren’t necessary. Not that we need to prove anything to you, anyway.” He frowned. “Besides, I’m not trying to bring feelings into this—”
“You never do,” Frankie interjected.
“—But she might.”
He blinked. “And why would you care if she does?”
The spy took a second longer to reply than usual, but it was still a noticeable enough second for Frankie—”I don’t.”
“Oh, that’s a cold way to treat your wife,” he said wryly, then straightened up. “Well, that’s how it should be anyway—but just a heads up, acting like shy schoolkids as a supposedly married couple doesn’t do much for you guys.”
“I’m well aware, but she’s not trained for this.” Twilight let out a sigh; Frankie knew that partnering up with outsiders had been a pain point for the agent since the very start of the mission.
“Then is it really so bad if she feels something a little real for you? Isn’t that good for the story?” he inquired. “That’s how it’s always been for your other… ‘relationships.’”
“… No, you’re right; it’s all one-sided. It normally wouldn’t be a problem.” He raised a hand to his chin, a thoughtful expression on his face. “It’d certainly be more convincing, at the very least.”
Normally, Frankie wanted to repeat, but didn't.
He let out a sigh, reaching out to place a hand on Twilight’s shoulder. The agent moved, shrugging him off almost immediately. Frankie continued, “Well, you can’t say I didn’t say anything.”
“I know what I’m doing and how to approach this,” Twilight said, voice steely, “and I’ll see this through to the very end.”
“I’m not doubting your capabilities, y’know,” Frankie replied, and left it at that.
Yet there was a part of him that still wondered.
Yor entered the apartment at four in the morning as quietly as she could. She was thankful for the fact that she and Loid had separate bedrooms; it made slipping in and out of their home during the night so much easier for her job.
She tiptoed through the living room but abruptly stopped once she noticed Loid, fast asleep on their couch. She frowned.
Long hours again with his patients, she realized, belatedly remembering that he had yet to return home by the time she left for her own work—belatedly remembering how she had tucked Anya into bed earlier that evening and assured her that Loid would be back soon.
Again, it made things so much easier for her like this.
Still, she couldn’t help but admire how hard he worked for his clients—for Anya. It reminded her a bit of herself when she was younger, working herself to literal bone and blood for Yuri.
Her feet moved on their own, leading her further into the living room until she was squatted next to her sleeping partner. She watched the soft rise and fall of his chest, listened to his quiet breaths. He must have been exhausted if he couldn’t even make it to his bedroom. Their couch wasn’t nearly long enough for him to be comfortable; his feet were propped up awkwardly at the other end, and that atrocious sleeping posture would probably lead to a sore neck in the morning.
In the silence of the night, Yor found herself studying his features. It wasn’t often she had this opportunity; after all, their entire marriage wasn’t real. There was no reason to ever get so personal like this, not unless they were keeping up appearances in public.
There were bags under his eyes and his hair was unkempt, she noted, nothing like how it usually was during the day. He was fatigued, no doubt about it. Despite everything, Yor found herself smiling.
He was a good father to Anya. He worked tirelessly for his daughter, she could tell.
Yor wanted to do her best for Anya, too. She knew how hard it could be to lose a mother—to have a family of just one other. Even if it was for only a while, she wanted to give Anya a happy family. She wanted Anya to live the happy, normal life she never really had; the happy, normal life she worked so hard to give to Yuri.
A happy family with a happily in love mother and father.
She shifted slightly, her head tilting forward.
Loid stirred in his sleep then and she felt her breath catch in her throat.
Suddenly, she was acutely aware of how close she had gotten to him. She felt her face warm as she swiftly pulled away, almost stumbling on her feet.
Oh, no.
No, no, no.
She was tired too—tired because it was four in the morning, tired because she just expended all of her energy on her latest assignment. She evidently wasn’t thinking clearly, and she definitely hadn’t just been leaning in to leave a kiss on his lips, not while he was asleep. And if she had been, it was only because she was tired from work!
Yor straightened her back.
Right. Her mission was done. She needed to go clean up now, needed to scrub off the dried blood from her hands before the sun rose. She hurried to her bedroom, quickly discarded her bloodied clothes and washed up before crawling into bed.
She tried not to dwell too much on what had almost just happened, tried not to think about what it would have felt like.
It wasn’t long until her exhaustion took over and she drifted to sleep, dreaming of a simple happy family.
“Thanks for coming again, Loid,” said Yor as the couple walked into her latest corporate party.
“Of course,” was his simple reply.
“Honestly, it’s not like Yuri is watching over us this time, so I don’t think you needed to come for this one,” she murmured, voice low.
“If I hadn’t come, people would talk,” he answered in a similarly low tone. “They’d ask questions.”
Yor pursed her lips in contemplation. “Well, it’s probably fine for you to miss out on one or two of these parties. You’ve been pulling long hours at work, after all.”
“These aren’t frequent enough that it’d be something to worry about,” he dismissed with a wave of his hand, briefly recalling the first work party they had attended together as part of their original arrangement. “It’s better to just avoid any questions outright if we can. It was my slip up in the first place, after all.”
She let out a light laugh. “I guess you’re right. You’ve really thought this through, Loid.”
He blinked. “Of course I have. Besides, it’s only fair I keep up my end of our agreement. You spend more time with Anya than I do at these kinds of events.”
He didn’t want a repeat of what had occurred with Yuri. No more questions, just a perfect couple. A perfect family.
“I like spending time with Anya,” she hummed.
His lips quirked upwards into a small smile. “Well, I’m glad to hear that.”
“Anyway, let’s try to enjoy ourselves!” Yor beamed. The couple made their way around the party, exchanging greetings with each of Yor’s coworkers. Simple small talk was shared, and Twilight spoke vaguely of work as a psychiatrist. When Camilla arrived, she threw around a few pointed remarks before trotting off with her boyfriend in a huff. Time passed quickly despite all of the mundane conversations; he was accustomed to attending meaningless parties for the sake of his missions.
With the party now in full swing, Twilight made note of how the dance floor was filling up. Upon inspection, it appeared to be occupied primarily by couples in romantic relationships—so the next move was clear.
“Yor, would you like to dance?” he asked, holding up his hand to her.
A light blush dusted her cheeks at the suggestion. Still, she grasped his hand in hers. “I’m not much of a dancer, though.”
Twilight politely excused themselves from the small group of partygoers they had been speaking to. He offered Yor a reassuring smile as he led her onto the dance floor, saying, “Just follow my lead.”
She nodded and gave him an unsure smile of her own in return.
She was surprisingly good on her feet, however, able to match each of his steps. He, of course, had perfected multiple types of ballroom dancing over the years—from the waltz to the foxtrot to the quickstep. A good leader was key to ballroom dancing, but it was still imperative that the partner could skillfully follow.
Yor did as much, following every move with precision throughout the entire song.
On the final beat, Twilight leaned in close, his cheek pressed next to hers. He could feel her breath on his neck, warm.
This was when he would normally sweep his date off their feet, seduce them away into the quiet of the night and whisper sweet nothings into their ear until they started whispering everything—secrets, speculations, carefully concealed truths.
But this was Yor—his partner, unlike every other woman he used as a necessary pawn—so instead, he strategically angled their faces in such a way that he knew would make it look as though they were kissing. Yor let out a squeak as he shifted their posture, but still maintained the position.
After counting to five, they separated.
Twilight flashed her his most perfect smile—people were watching, after all—and she mumbled something incoherent in response, her face still glowing a soft pink.
He thought back to Frankie, thought about feelings. What feelings? There was nothing to worry about.
He was an expert.
And Yor was—
“—Wow,” she breathed, “wow. You’re a really good dancer, Loid.”
He shrugged his shoulders. “The waltz isn’t very difficult.”
“Still! It was impressive,” she reiterated. As if to prove her point, a coworker approached the two to compliment them on their dance. Soon they were dragged into another group conversation, and the rest of the night continued without a hitch.
Another successful task accomplished, Twilight concluded as they left the venue together, arm in arm; they were the perfect couple.
“Becky told me that boys have cooties,” Anya declared as she and Yor sat at the dinner table, waiting for Loid to finish plating. Loid had pointedly removed Yor from any and all duties pertaining to dinner despite her protests and sulking, citing her most recent kitchen disaster as reason enough.
Loid let out a noncommittal grunt in response as he moved all of the food onto the table.
“She said that boys are stinky, too,” Anya continued as Loid pulled up a seat next to her and across from Yor. “Mama, is that why you don’t wanna kiss Papa? Because he’s stinky? Cooties?”
He coughed.
“Eh? Oh, no. No, Papa isn’t stinky!” Yor waved her hands around animatedly as though that somehow helped her point. Loid gave her a weary look.
Anya made a face. “Well, Papa and Mama still haven’t kissed yet! Is it cooties, then?”
“No, Anya, it’s not cooties.” He sighed.
“That’s what someone with cooties would say,” she huffed.
Yor let out a soft laugh and he sighed again.
“I’m not gonna do my homework until Papa and Mama kiss!” Anya suddenly exclaimed.
At that proclamation, something seemed to switch on within Loid. His back straightened and it was almost as though he was on high alert. “Anya. Anya, you need to do your homework. If you don’t, you’ll fall behind in class. We can’t have you falling behind in class, Anya.”
She pouted in response and defiantly shook her head.
“Anya,” he started, voice stern.
Yor coughed into her fist then, drawing his attention.
Her voice was low as she asked, “Well, should we…? I mean, it’s important for Anya to do her work. And it’s just… just a kiss. It’s something we should be able to do.”
Her cheeks flushed at the very suggestion.
He frowned. “We shouldn’t spoil her by following through with these kinds of silly demands.”
Yor paused as though she wanted to say something about his remark. She didn’t.
Eventually, she spoke, “You’re right. But Anya’s really pouting there.”
She tilted her head to the little girl in question, her cheeks puffed in rebellion.
“She can pout as much as she wants, but we don’t need to do this. She’ll drop it eventually, like she always does,” he reiterated.
A pause. His brow furrowed as though he was deep in thought. “Probably.”
He looked back at Anya then and saw her reaching across the table, her hands gesturing towards him.
“It’s rude to have your arms on the table, Anya,” he instinctively reprimanded.
“But this is important, Papa,” she stated confidently. She clenched and unclenched her hands in an opening motion, trying to get Loid to do the same. He eventually complied, opening up his fist. On his palm, Anya confidently traced the shape of a circle, then pressed her index finger into his skin a couple of times over.
“There, now you’re safe! Becky taught me how to do a cootie shoot, too. So Mama doesn’t need to worry anymore.” She pulled back, looking especially proud of herself.
“Wow, Anya! That’s amazing!” Yor clapped her hands together in praise.
She beamed, “Now Mama and Papa can kiss.”
Loid let out another sigh. He opened his mouth to speak again, but was promptly interrupted by a familiar theme song blaring loudly from the television in the living room. Anya whipped her head around at the sound, her eyes wide.
“Anya, you haven’t eaten dinner yet,” Loid reminded, his tone exasperated.
“Nooo, I don’t want to miss Spy Wars,” she whined in response.
He gave her a look.
“I’ll do my homework, Papa, I promise! After Spy Wars!”
Again, something seemed to switch on within Loid. He stood up from his seat then and moved to scoop Anya up into his arms. “Only for tonight. Then you’re doing your homework after dinner. No complaints, and no more cootie shots.”
“Promise!” Anya nodded her head rapidly, all worries about cooties and stinky boys suddenly forgotten.
He exchanged a glance with Yor then; she smiled knowingly.
Loid sighed for the umpteenth time that evening as he headed into the living room with Anya.
After Spy Wars, dinner, and another valiant attempt at fractions, Anya was tucked snugly into bed.
Standing in the hallway, their home felt a lot quieter now that Anya was asleep. Sometimes she truly felt like the life of their makeshift family, loud and playful and full of energy.
But the quiet was important, too. They needed their rest—deserved it, given how hectic it had been earlier in the evening.
Loid opened his mouth then, ready to wish Yor a good night.
“I don’t think you’re stinky, Loid,” Yor suddenly declared before he could speak.
He closed his mouth. Opened it again. “I don’t think you’re stinky either?”
“Good! I mean, thank you! I mean, that’s not what I actually mean!” she exclaimed.
He cocked an eyebrow. “What are you talking about, Yor?”
“I… I don’t think you’re stinky, and I don’t think you have cooties either,” she repeated.
He nodded his head, encouraging her to continue.
“So, this is…,” she trailed off, her cheeks warming. “This is… just how it is.”
She took a step closer, then another, until they stood almost touching.
“Yor, I really don’t know what you—”
Grabbing the collar of his shirt, she pulled him down towards her. Her mouth pressed against his, a gentle, brief kiss. Her lips were soft and she smelled sweet, Loid noticed with startling realization. His hand twitched, almost moving to rest on her hip until he consciously stopped himself.
Releasing her grip on his shirt, she took a step back. Her face was completely red and her eyes were directed at the floor with sudden interest.
He blinked once, twice.
Before he could say a word, Yor stuttered a high-pitched “good night!” and abruptly rushed into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her with almost enough force to rip it off its hinges.
He stood there.
Looked at her bedroom door, then his.
Stood a bit longer.
The hardwood under his feet felt different as he eventually made his way into his own room.
That night as he laid in bed, he speculated over the 28 possible explanations for her actions.
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banditthewriter · 5 years
Redolence - Billy Russo - 1
This is my A/B/O fic that I’ve been working on for a while. I use a comprehensive set of warnings so please be mindful. If you have questions or concerns, shoot me a message! 
Redolence: the quality of smelling strongly of something or of having qualities (especially smells) that make you think of something else
Summary: The reader is an Omega who works at a Companion Center that helps the Alphas through their ruts. She gets a request from an Alpha named Billy Russo. An immediate connection builds into more as the two of them navigate the ins and outs of the society they live in and the feelings their connection brings out of them.
Warnings: Smut. No really, lots of smut. Also angst because yeah. Sex in various positions. Oral sex (male and female receiving.) The reader does sleep with other Alphas but it is only ever mentioned, never described. Some talk of slave trade, not detailed. Angry sex. Unprotected sex. Reader experiences a bad panic attack that is described.
Tags are at the bottom. Let me know if you would like to be added to one of my tag lists!
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"Why do we do this job again?"
You tilted your head back to see your best friend and fellow Omega on her back with a frown on her face. Karen Page was scowling at her phone.
"Is that your Alpha?"
And there it was, an attractive blush over her cheeks. If anything could get her out of her sour puss mood, it was mention of her Alpha.
"He's not my Alpha," she stressed even as her blush grew darker, "he's just an Alpha I happen to see a lot."
Since the two of you were in the common room, you didn’t remind her that she saw him outside of the Companion Center where the two of you lived and worked. If someone overheard, Karen and her Alpha would be in serious trouble. 
Alpha and Omega relationships weren't forbidden. In fact if an Alpha and an Omega started a relationship after meeting in the Companion Center, it was seen as a successful union. But there were proper channels and a process to it.
Plus it meant Karen would have to leave the center. She'd either get her own apartment or move in with her Alpha, a military man named Frank Castle. 
But for the sake of clarity, you reminded Karen why you both did this job.
"We work here because we both make more money in a month than we could in six months or a year at a job on the outside."
It was true. The normal salary for an Omega at the Companion Center was a few thousand dollars a month. Since they didn't have to pay rent or utilities, money was spent on decorating their homes and things like clothes or groceries. 
Everything else was savings. You yourself had a very nice chunk of change in a savings account for when you left the center permanently. 
Karen sighed and put her phone down on her chest. 
"He says his rut is in a few weeks," she explained quietly.
Ah, so that's why she was frowning. That was, after all, the purpose of the Companion Center and the reason the two of them met.
When an Alpha knows their rut is coming, they go to the Companion Center to pick an Omega. You hadn't seen the choosing room but you imagined a large book with scratch and sniff stickers. Alphas would be given your name and a receptor with your scent and that was how they picked which Omega to spend their rut with. 
They could request the same Omega after that, if they were happy with the results the first time. That's how Karen and Frank got to know each other before they randomly met in the city when Karen was running errands.
And now they talked daily.
If Frank's rut was coming up, it meant he'd come to the center and request to see Karen. That in itself was fine, but you had the feeling that Karen was starting to resent her job a little bit. 
It had to feel weird to have feelings for a man you met at the center. The whole purpose was to come in and have casual sex with someone you didn't know. 
Well, the purpose was more nuanced than that, but that's what it boiled down to. The Omegas were there to help the Alphas during their rut. It wasn't supposed to be romantic or meaningful.
You understood the protestations of society about Companion Centers. They likened it to prostitution or being a sex slave. But you didn't feel that way. 
Alphas didn't pay for the service, so you weren't a prostitute. You got paid for being a Companion which wasn't always sex. Some Alphas came to the center for companionship. Omegas came to the center to learn about their physiology. It wasn't always sex, so you weren't a sex slave.
You weren't a slave at all. You picked this job. Sure, you lived and worked at the center, but you were free to leave. And you could go out to the city anytime you wanted. 
Stories of Omegas being trafficked for Alphas in ruts were rampant in the city though. And female Omegas were often taken for forced breeding with Alphas as that was the most surefire way to get an Alpha child. 
You gave Karen's hand a comforting pat, unsure what you could say that would make her feel better. Then you pushed yourself off the floor where you had settled and stood up, cracking your back a bit as you did. 
"I'm going to go make dinner. Give me a call if you want to watch a movie or something."
Karen gave you a welcome smile before you turned and headed to the elevator.
The elevators in the center worked differently than most. It didn't just move up and down, but also horizontally. The center was some thirty stories high and a few football fields in length. It held a hundred living quarters for Omegas.
The Alpha would get in the elevator on the main floor and the controller would send them to the Omega they had picked. It would go to the floor and then rotate until it found the correct apartment. 
Not unlike a vending machine which was ironic.
You got into the elevator and scanned your wrist where you wore your ID tag. It told the elevator which apartment was yours. It also told people in the city that you were an Omega at the Companion Center and therefore protected. 
The elevator came to a stop at your apartment and you got out. Down the short hallway, you scanned your ID tag once more to be let in. This way only you were allowed in your room unless you opened the door for the other person. It was for the safety of the Omega.
In your apartment, you started for the kitchen but a gentle chime made you hesitate. The touchscreen next to the door was lit up with a message. 
You tapped the corner which brought the message to full screen. 
Alpha 659437 - William Russo requests Companionship 
You had been requested. You clicked on the name and waited for the information to load. There wasn't much, but there never was.
Thirty six years old, previous military, currently a businessman. There were physical traits but you never read through those. 
Back on the first screen you finally saw the time requested. It was for that same day in just a few hours. Usually companion requests were sent a few days ahead of time, but maybe this Alpha hadn't been aware that his rut was on its way.
You tapped a green square at the bottom of the screen after you read the information. It thanked you for accepting the Alpha’s request before the screen went dark.
With an Alpha on the way, you didn't have time to make dinner. Instead you checked your fridge to make sure you had enough food and water for the evening to come. Satisfied, you grabbed a protein bar and headed into your bedroom.
It was clean except for some dirty clothes which you put into the hamper and then put into your closet. Then you stripped your bed and put those in a separate hamper to wash later.
In a separate closet were rows of vacuum sealed bags that you removed. The routine was familiar after a few years. These sheets were washed with unscented detergent so that the Alpha wouldn't be assaulted with too many different scents. You put them on the bed and pillows. Next was a quilt from one of the vacuum sealed bags.
Bed made, you finished your protein bar. It wasn't much, but you'd grab a second one after your shower. 
That was next in the routine. In your bathroom there were bottles of different scented shampoos and body washes. Instead you pulled out a few items from a grey box that was under your sink. You set out a few on the counter that the Alpha could use if he needed. Then you grabbed yours from the box.
Unscented soap, unscented shampoo and conditioner, vacuum sealed washcloth and towel.
After you had showered and dried off, you pulled out some clothes to wear. Plain underwear and a sports bra paired with a pair of soft yoga pants and a t-shirt. These were clean but they weren't vacuum sealed. This way they held your scent enough that the Alpha would recognize you from the choosing room where they had picked out your scent.
And also to get them used to your scent before their rut took hold. At that point, they'd be smelling a lot of you. 
You only had about thirty minutes to kill at that point so you went into the kitchen and grabbed another protein bar. While you munched on that, you pulled out some food to set on the table.
Some Alphas wanted a meal first, to talk and get to know their Omega companion. Some wanted to watch television or just talk. A few had played cards with you. 
Some Alphas just wanted to go straight to bed. Those were your least favorite. They made you feel like some sort of commodity, just something for them to use. They were also the ones that left immediately after.
You, like most Omegas at the Companion Center, preferred the Alphas that talked to you like a human. They were grateful for your help during their rut. An Alpha without someone to spend their rut with was miserable. The ones that just treated you like a thing to use? Those made your skin craw. 
The time ticked by slowly, but finally your touchscreen chimed. You clicked on the view and saw that a tall man was in the hallway with the elevator doors closing behind him. The camera wasn’t very high tech so you couldn’t make out any of his physical characteristics, but you didn’t need to.
You pressed the button on the touchscreen that activated the speaker.
"Alpha ID?"
The man looked at the door in confusion until he saw the speaker and camera. Then he gave it a nod.
You released the speaker button and then unlocked the door. When you pulled it all the way open, you were surprised by what you saw. His face was scarred, but there was more than that. Even with those scars, he was terribly handsome. Dark eyes and long lashes, some facial hair spread over the unscarred parts of his cheeks, a mouth that was downturned into a frown.
You bet he looked beautiful when he smiled.
“Please come in,” you said as you waved him into your apartment. “Make yourself at home.”
He hesitated a moment and you felt a frown tug at your own lips. It wouldn’t be the first time you’d been turned down by an Alpha when they got to your apartment, but it never got easier. Just as you started to build yourself up to tell him he could go back down and pick someone else, he stepped across the threshold.
You shut the door behind him and watched as he looked around. His hands were fisted at his side as he stood stiffly in the middle of your entryway. But at least he was inside. You could fall onto your companion training.
“Do you want something to eat? Or drink? I have some stuff laid out if you’re hungry,” you said as you moved around him to the table, letting him see the options. “I can also make something if you’d prefer.”
He turned to face you and you noticed that the frown wasn’t as fierce as it was before. Now he just seemed confused.
“Do you always feed Alphas when they come by?”
He had a bit of a New York accent that made you want to smile, but you didn’t. You didn’t want him to think you were laughing at him. Instead you shrugged a shoulder and met his eyes.
“If you are hungry, sure. If you aren’t hungry, we can sit and watch television for a bit. Or just talk, if you’d prefer,” you offered as you gestured towards the couch and loveseat in the living room.
He still looked confused. With a nod, he moved into the living room and sat down on one of the couches. You followed his lead and moved to sit on the loveseat, keeping yourself near to him but not crowding him. He looked uncomfortable.
He was thirty six; surely this wasn’t his first time at the Companion Center? Going that long without a partner for his rut would make him nearly feral once it hit. The center was usually careful with that, but perhaps they missed something.
You needed to put him at ease, so you continued with your training.
“What would you like me to call you? Alpha Russo? William?”
He shook his head at that. You were wondering if maybe you weren’t to call him anything when he finally spoke.
“Billy. You can call me Billy.”
Billy. You wondered if it fit the man on your couch. He looked more like a William, mature and in charge, but maybe Billy would grow on you.
“Alright Billy. You can call me Y/N if you would like.” 
Always defer to what they wanted, always give them the choice. These were things that you had learned early in your training and it was the easiest to fall back on. But Billy was still sitting stiffly on the couch.
It would be rude to ask if this was his first time at the Companion Center. It would be rude to question why he was requesting a companion if it seemed like he didn’t actually want one.
Instead you moved to the edge of the cushion you were on and waited for his eyes to meet yours once more.
“Billy, you seem tense. Would you like me to rub your shoulders? Just to help you relax a bit.”
He seemed surprised. There was a long moment before he gave a nod, giving you permission. You stood up and slowly moved to stand behind the couch. Then you carefully placed the backs of your hands against his shoulders. It gave him a moment to prepare and accept that someone—an Omega—was behind him. Alphas were notorious for attacking when they felt threatened so you were trained to never be threatening.
Once you were sure he would not flinch or attack, you pressed your palms to his shoulders. You could feel the tension that he held there. As you started to press in with your thumbs, you started up a thread of conversation.
“Did you see that it’s going to storm for the entire weekend? The weather channel said we’re going to record amounts of rain.”
You kept up the ministrations of your hands as you talked to him about the weather. His responses were monosyllabic, but at least he was responding. And you could feel a little relaxation in his shoulders as you worked.
“I’m sorry for being… awkward,” he finished in a tone that was closer to self deprecation and humor than you had expected. 
“Nothing to apologize for,” you promised as you rested your hands on his shoulders. “Do you want me to continue?”
There was a moment of hesitation before he nodded jerkily. You continued your work while talking to him about a movie you had seen recently.
The massage actually held two benefits. It would loosen him up a bit, sure, but it also got him used to your touch and scent. You were sure to turn your wrists towards him as often as you could and make it seem natural. The scent glands in the wrists were gentle and not overbearing so it was the easiest way to get a new Alpha used to your scent.
“The last time I came to the center, it wasn’t like this,” he admitted as you worked on a particularly stubborn knot near his shoulder blade.
Your hands paused for a moment at that. You did some math in your head and then let out a breath.
“You haven’t been to the center in over five years?” 
That’s when the change happened, when the Betas that ran the center changed the protocols from just sex to companionship.
“I was deployed for some of that. Then I started a business right after I got out. And I was in recovery for a while.”
His scars. You remembered that he had been in the military and now he was a businessman. It wasn’t unusual for the body to shut down the mating response while under all that stress, plus the military used suppressants. And if he was injured, which obviously he was, his body would have been focused on healing rather than mating.
But that made you pause for a different reason.
With one hand still on him at all times, you moved to stand beside the couch where he was sitting. You didn’t want to break the contact and you told yourself it was because you didn’t want to lose this connection the two of you had started.
“Billy, I have a question that I normally wouldn’t ask an Alpha, especially not on our first meeting. Will you permit me to ask a personal question?”
He closed his eyes—more of a wince than anything else.
“Go ahead.”
You gave his shoulder a brief squeeze, letting him feel that you were still there. With his eyes closed, you definitely didn’t want to take your hand away from him.
“How long has it been since your last rut?”
His eyes popped open and you immediately yanked your hand away from his shoulder, despite your training that fast movements weren’t a good idea. His hand shot out and wrapped around your wrist, but there wasn’t any violence in the touch.
It was more like he just wanted the contact. Like he needed it maybe. He tugged your wrist closer to him and you watched as he stared down at the inside of your wrist.
“I thought you were going to ask what happened,” he said as if he was addressing your wrist.
You opened your mouth as that sank in. That’s why he had reacted the way he had when you asked. It made sense, but you would never be so impertinent as to ask that kind of question. You were about to relay as much to him, but he shook his head and began speaking once more.
“I had a rut before my accident, but I didn’t have a… companion, I guess. I got through it alone. They usually come on pretty quickly for me and I didn’t have a chance to get to the center before it hit fully.”
You slowly reached out with your free hand and covered his with yours.
“That must be difficult. But you’re here now. I’ll take good care of you Billy.”
It was something you usually said to the Alphas. You meant it in an all encompassing kind of way, like you providing food and a massage if they needed it. Billy nodded his head, his eyes still on your wrist. You watched as he raised it up, but all he did was press his nose to the soft skin there.
His skin felt warm. And by the way he was checking your scent, he was getting closer to his rut taking hold.
“Would you stand for me?”
He opened his eyes slowly, blinking them lazily as if he had been getting lost in your scent. Then he gave a nod as if he had just heard your question. You stood up and he followed suit, still holding on to your wrist. Once he was standing, you stepped backwards so that he would have to step with you.
Two more steps and then you were away from the couches. He followed almost as if he was entranced, but you could see a flush rising to his skin. You didn’t think he was the kind to blush, so it was more that his rut was starting to take hold. Of course he had just been inhaling the scent of an Omega, so it wasn’t a surprise that his rut was kicking in.
“We’re going to go to the bedroom now,” you said softly as you stepped into his space, seeing his eyes become heavy lidded as he looked down at you. 
His irises were so dark that you almost couldn’t see the pupil. Or maybe it was just that his pupils were so large right then. 
You led him towards your bedroom with his hand still wrapped around your wrist. Across the threshold, you glanced back and caught his eyes roaming over your body. You felt a little gratified by the look in his eye and that was intensified by the sight of him getting hard in his jeans.
Shit. You couldn’t remember the last time you were actually attracted to an Alpha that had requested you. And you definitely couldn’t remember the last time you’d gotten hot under the collar at the way they reacted to you.
In the safety of the bedroom, you lowered the lighting so that it wasn’t so bright. Then you moved so that you were both next to the bed. You could see the rise and fall of his chest as his breathing started to race.
“Do you want to start like this? Or do you want to go ahead and get undressed?”
You barely got the question out before he was kicking off his shoes and socks. As he fought with the zipper of his jeans, you raised your hands to your shirt. His hands clasped around your wrists and he shook his head.
“I want to do that,” he breathed in a low voice as he stepped closer to you.
With his jeans unbuttoned and open, he grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it off of you. Once that was off, he pulled off his own shirt.
He had scars. You expected it after seeing his face, but the reality was different. You fought back the urge to trace them with your fingers. His hands moved to the bottom of your sports bra and he pulled that off of you as well.
For the first time since he had touched your wrist, he looked uncertain. You grabbed his hands and pressed them on your ribs, letting him feel you take a deep breath that way.
“You can touch me,” you said in a soft voice, your mouth feeling a bit dry at the feel of his hands on your skin. 
His hands slid up your sides to cup your breasts. You felt his thumbs brush over your nipples and you bit your lip to keep from making an incredibly embarrassing noise. He did it again and this time you let your head fall forward at the feeling. 
Then his hands were gone, but only long enough for him to shed his jeans and briefs. He stood before you completely nude. With your head tilted, you could look as much as you wanted without being caught. And yeah, he was beautiful all the way down.
His hands were back on your skin, but this time they moved down your body. His fingers hooked under the waistband of your yoga pants and the underwear you wore under them. He tugged them down over your hips and thighs, letting you kick them off.
Now you were both bare. His eyes were all over your body. You wanted more than his eyes though. You wanted his hands on your body. You grabbed his wrists and moved his hands to your sides once more. One of his hands went up to your breast again, but the other moved down. It went over your hip to your thigh, the tips of his fingers pressing into the swell of your ass. He tugged you close as he did that, your bodies so close you could feel the heat from him.
It was the first time he’d said your name. You blinked up at him and hoped that he couldn’t tell how hazy you were just then. His eyes looked crystal clear as he stared down at you.
With your head tilted up to him, he leaned in as if he was going to kiss you. Only he stopped a few inches away. Realizing that he wasn’t going to take that step without your permission, you surged up to kiss him. The touch of his lips against yours seemed to set a fire inside of him.
Warmth spread over your body from him. His hands moved to grip your hips, tugging you up so that you had to wrap your legs around his waist. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders as you kissed him, sucking on his tongue and panting harshly against his mouth. Then everything was topsy turvy until you felt your back against the bed.
He had tipped the two of you over. It put the weight of him resting between your legs. You put your feet against the bed and rolled your hips upwards, grinding up against his cock. He pushed your hips down and leaned over you, kissing you hard once more.
As an Omega, your sex drive usually mirrored that of the Alpha you were with when they were in a rut. You felt like you were going to combust if Billy didn’t get inside of you soon so you could only imagine how he was feeling. And with him having so few ruts in the last few years, you weren’t exactly sure what to expect.
He pulled your hands from around his sides and pressed them down against the bed on either side of your head. His fingers lingered on your wrists as he kissed you, his tongue sliding against yours. When he pulled away, it was to kiss across your jaw and down your neck, inhaling over your scent glands. His teeth scraped against your collarbone and you rolled your hips up into his again.
When he finally released your wrists, it was so that his hands could go down your body. His hands went to your thighs and spread them wider. Then he was kissing his way down your body. You looked down to watch as he kissed across your thighs. He pressed his nose into the junction of your thigh and your pelvis and took a deep breath. The scent glands there were the strongest, but you hadn’t expected him to pay much attention to it.
Most Alphas were more interested in their own pleasure, but Billy didn’t seem to be in any rush to get inside you. Instead his hand went between your legs. His fingers rubbed between your folds, finding you already dripping wet. He made a pleased noise at finding the wetness there. You were sure he would put his fingers inside of you then, give you something, but instead he spread your folds and lowered his mouth to your clit.
“Fuck,” you moaned as your hand went to the back of his head to hold him close, your hips moving to grind your pussy against his mouth.
His tongue lapped up at your wetness, sliding up the length of your slit. Then he focused attention on your clit, sucking and circling his tongue around the bundle of nerves. His fingers moved lower. His middle finger went in first, curling upwards to brush against your g-spot. He fucked it in and out of you while he focused his mouth on your aching clit.
You were lost in the feeling that he was causing. All you could do is ride it out as he added a second finger. The fingers moved faster and faster, slamming into you harder. It was so close to what you really needed. That and the suction of his mouth on your clit had your back arching as your orgasm rocked over you.
Usually you’d come when the Alpha did, but you could probably count on one hand the number of Alphas who wanted to make you come before they did. Most Alphas were more focused on their pleasure.
Billy pulled away from your pussy, wiping his mouth as he did. His tongue ran along his bottom lip and you clenched around the fingers still inside of you. His eyes moved down to where he was inside of you, grinning at the feeling. He pumped the fingers in you a few times before he sat up completely.
“Do you have condoms?”
You leaned up on one arm and leaned over to your bedside table. Inside was a new box and you pulled it out. You had a feeling you were going to need a new box after tonight.
He opened the box and then pulled out one of the condoms. He opened the foil and then held it out to you.
“Put it on me.”
There was a thread of the Alpha compulsion in his voice, but you didn’t think he was doing it on purpose. You grabbed it from him to slide it on him, jerking his cock a few times just because you couldn’t help yourself. It was like the perfect length and girth, fit perfectly in your hand. 
An image of your mouth on it made your pussy clench again, but thankfully he didn’t feel it this time. Usually any time you gave oral was because the Alpha requested it. You’d never wanted to do it as badly as you did right then.
Once the condom was on him, you started to roll over. Most Alphas preferred the first time to be with the Omega on their hands and knees. But Billy grabbed your hip and refused to let you roll over completely. Instead he wrapped your leg around his hips. He guided his cock to your entrance, but didn’t push in.
You weren’t sure what he was waiting for. You tried to pull him closer, but it wasn’t enough. There was pressure building and you could feel the heat from him. You needed him inside of you soon.
“Please Billy,” you pleaded, your breath catching on his name.
That must have been what he was waiting for because you barely got his full name out before he was sliding inside of you. His cock stretched you more than his fingers had. You squeezed around his cock as he rocked shallowly. Once he was sure your body was ready, he pulled almost all the way out and then slammed his hips forward. His thrusts were a tease, not nearly enough.
You reached one hand up and ran it over his head, desperate for more from him. He inhaled deeply at your wrist before he leaned in to kiss you. After a few desperate, panting kisses, his thrusts became wilder and more forceful. You could feel as he lost himself to the full throes of his rut. His hips pistoned between your thighs, slamming his cock into you over and over. You scratched over his back and shoulders, desperate to keep him close. Somewhere between the forceful thrusts and his mouth against yours, you felt a second orgasm build low in your stomach. As it crashed over you, Billy let out a growl against your mouth. 
A pleased growl, at that. You could feel his pleasure at making you come again. And now you wanted that pleasure. You clenched around his cock as best as you could, rolling your hips to meet his thrusts. His skin was almost feverish under your hands so you knew that he was close. He buried his face into your neck, his mouth biting down on the skin there as his thrusts became erratic. 
You took the moment to inhale his scent. The smell of Billy was mixed with sex and the spice from his rut but it all smelled so good to you. You let out a long moan as you felt his cock spill inside the condom. You felt the twitching as his cock drained and you let your head roll back at the feeling.
He kept his weight from pressing down on you, but he waited to pull out. When he did, you felt empty and couldn’t help as your pussy clenched around nothing. You didn’t have to feel empty long before his fingers were inside of you again.
“I don’t know how long it’ll take,” he said as he pumped his fingers in and out of you lazily, “but I can still feel it as strongly as I did before. It could be a while before my rut is over.”
With as irregular as his ruts had been for the last few years, you imagined it’d last for a while. Most Alphas would get two or three major orgasms and then the rut would pass over them. But if Billy didn’t feel any difference after that orgasm? And your own body still felt like a live wire. 
Although you did wonder how much of that was you mirroring him and how much of it was just that he was probably the best sex you’d ever had.
He pulled his fingers out of you long enough to rid himself of his condom. He grabbed a second one but didn’t have to ask for you to put it on him this time. You took it from him and slid it over his still hard cock. You leaned in and wrapped your mouth around the head of his cock, sucking on it as best you could with the condom on him. The latex taste of the condom wasn’t pleasant, but the warmth of him in your mouth was almost worth it.
You were pulled off of his cock and then rolled over. This time you were on your stomach, but it didn’t feel like how it usually did with Alphas. He didn’t make you present yourself for him. He raised your hips and tucked a pillow under them, but he didn’t force your face into the bed as he slid into you. His hands still moved over your body as he fucked you this time, playing with your nipples and then moving under you to play with your clit. You ached with need as you thrust backwards against him.
It was like he knew when you needed it harder, when you needed more from him. You clenched around his cock as he pounded into you from behind, your whole body shaking as you took everything he had to give. This time your orgasm rocked over you and made you cry out, biting down onto your own wrist to keep from screaming his name. And it was only moments later that you felt his cock pulse inside you once more.
This time he stayed inside you longer, his thighs flexing in an effort to keep from pounding into you again. When he finally pulled out to remove the condom, you rolled over to watch him.
“How are you feeling?”
He looked over his shoulder at you and then away just as quickly.
“Still in my rut,” he said defensively under his breath.
You crawled across the bed and placed your hand on his back. When he didn’t shy away, you moved so that you could drape yourself over his back, your arms going around his chest and holding him.
“I’m not asking because I want this to be over quicker. I just want to make sure you’re okay. Do you need something to drink? Some food? A foot rub?”
From where your chin was propped on his shoulder, you could see the tiniest of smiles on his face. And then it was neutral once more.
“Something to drink would be nice.”
You squeezed his shoulders as you got up. There was a robe hanging near your bedroom door and you tugged that on as you walked into the living room. With two bottles of Gatorade in hand, you went back to the bedroom to see that Billy had gotten situated on the bed with his back against the headboard and his legs partially spread.
His cock was still hard. You licked your lips as you tore your eyes away, but not before you caught his smirk again.
“Come here,” he said with another small thread of compulsion. This time you thought he might have done it on purpose.
You crawled onto the bed and handed him his drink. After both of you drained about half of the bottles, he put them to the side and pulled you into his lap and tugged your robe off. He grabbed another condom and put it on before he settled you over him with one leg on each side. This gave you more leverage as you lowered yourself onto his cock. 
“Just like this,” he said softly into your ear as he thrust up into you. 
You held on to his shoulders as you rode him, meeting his thrusts with your own. This position was intense for a reason beyond just the angle. There was an intimacy to this that you hadn’t experienced the few other times you’d ended up in this position. The intensity in Billy’s eyes as he fucked you made your chest hurt.
What was it about this Alpha that set him so far apart from others? Why were you on pins and needles around him? And why was sleeping with him like nothing you’d ever felt before?
This time you both came at the same time. You gasped at the feeling of clenching around his cock while he spilled inside the condom. His hands were tight on your hips, holding you down against him. As if you’d want to get away.
You slumped on top of him, your body protesting the number of orgasms you’d already wrung out of it. And you could still sense that Billy was in his rut.
You’d have to take a few days after this one before you could become active again. You had a feeling you were going to be sore.
He lifted you off of his cock and went to dispose of the condom again. This time when he got into the bed, he didn’t immediately reach out for you. You leaned onto your side so that you could watch him settle down on his back.
He was starting to come down from his rut, but you didn’t think that would last. This was how it normally was, with time between cycles. There’d be anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour before his body would feel feverish and he’d need to take you again.
“Would you like some time alone?”
Billy rolled over to look at you. He shook his head after a long moment. When you felt his hand brush against you this time, you knew it wasn’t sexual. This was where the companion part came in. Some Alphas wanted to be alone between their rut cycles, but some wanted contact. It seemed Billy was one of the latter.
You moved to lean against his side, your body pressed along his from shoulder to ankle. The closeness would trigger his rut cycle quicker, but it would do good for him as well.
“Just rest,” you told him as you brushed your lips against a scar on his shoulder. 
It was going to be a long night for both of you.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by carolynnnnonia
1. When was the last time you went to the mall? Last Saturday. I really didn’t want to go, but I needed to fulfill a shipment that I had to do for one of our clients. I had to pass through the mall’s grocery to get to the courier branch, and it was so creepily packed :( I was visibly dodging people left and right but I couldn’t care less at the time.
2. Are you a light sleeper? Only whenever I fall asleep at places I’m not very familiar or uncomfortable with, like in a moving car or someone else’s house; the lightest noise or movement would definitely wake me up. Otherwise, I sleep like a log. I’ve missed out on so many earthquakes that apparently took place while I was asleep.
3. Do you have shoes on right now? No, I’m always barefoot whenever I’m home.
4. What's the weather like? It’s a liiiiiiittle bit decent for now, but it’s only 9:30. It will start to get warmer from here on out so I’m expecting to start feeling sweaty and sticky again in a couple of hours.
5. Would you rather wear sweats or jeans? I don’t really collect sweatpants, so I’d go with jeans even though I don’t find them the most comfortable either.
6. When did you last go ice skating? Around 13 years ago. If I’m correct, my last time on an ice skating rink had been in 4th grade, when I was 10.
7. Do you ever shop at Hot Topic? We don’t even have that here, so no.
8. What car do you own/hope to own? A Mini Countryman.
9. Have you ever spent more than 5 hours on the phone? Many times with my ex, especially at the start of our relationship.  
10. Where is your cell phone? I literally just put it down haha after picking some music to play. It’s now on my lap.
11. How loud do you play your music? Like I said on a previous survey, it depends on what I’m doing. Right now it’s on pretty loud since I’m just taking a survey, but if I’m working I just have it on as background noise.
12. Do you like playing in the snow? I’ve never done it before, but I imagine I would love snow.
13. What beach does your family typically visit? We make it different every time, and I don’t think we’ve ever visited the same beach more than once. The best ones I’ve been to are the ones in Palawan and Boracay.
14. Do you like your name or one of your siblings' names better? They did a great job with all our names actually, and I’m a fan of all of them. I like that I’m named Isabelle since I’ve always loved that name; Nina has Beatrice which is a bit old-fashioned but in a nice and endearing way; and my brother is a Joaquin which has always been one of my favorite masculine names. I can’t say I’ve ever compared our names.
15. How did you discover your Myspace song?
16. What was the last restaurant you visited? La Creperie. But the last restaurant I ordered from in general was McDonald’s, last Friday.
17. Have you ever played Rock Band? Yes, I always preferred it over Guitar Hero too.
18. Do you ever make Youtube videos? I’ve never tried doing it.
19. What brand purse do you carry? I don’t use purses. My main handbag is a Nine West one I just borrowed from my mom.
20. How many times a day do you brush your teeth? Once or twice.
21. Have you ever had braces? Yup, but I’ll be needing to have them on again.
22. Do you own an iPod? I guess it’s fairer to say I don’t anymore, but mine is definitely still lying around at home.
23. Who do you like? I have the stupidest crush on BTS’ V, if that counts. 
24. Where do you like to get coffee from? Just my everyday 3-in-1 coffee mix sachets would do, since I don’t know how to make coffee from scratch and figure out the ratios that would work for me. If I feel like buying coffee I’d go to Starbucks.
25. What level do you play on Guitar Hero? My finger coordination is terrible so when I play with the guitar prop I usually fail the songs even if I play at the easiest possible level haha. I’m much better with a controller.
26. Are there any words you always spell wrong? I used to struggle with ‘rhythm,’ but I’ve misspelled it too many times in the past I ended up learning it, if that makes sense lol. I don’t usually struggle with spelling anymore these days.
27. Do you ever mow your lawn? There’s a staff member in our village who’s tasked to mow everyone’s lawns. We just tip him when he does so.
28. When was the last time you were at a hotel? Around...last Christmas season, I think? We were visiting family that day and we briefly stopped by Marco Polo to pick up a cake so that we wouldn’t arrive empty-handed.
29. Who did you kiss last time you played spin the bottle? I don’t think I’ve ever played spin the bottle.
30. Is there a TV in your room? No. There used to be a TV along with the PS3, but after my brother started forming a habit coming into my room to play video games, we just ended up handing over both devices to him.
31. What is the most money you've spent in a day? I don’t know exactly, but my best bet would be anywhere between ₱3000 to ₱4000 and it most likely happened while I was drunk.
32. Anything interesting happen on your last birthday? My BTS bias released a snippet of his new solo song :( :( :( He’s been a lot quieter on social media lately so the fact that he posted something huge, and on my birthday no less, made my day all the more meaningful. 
33. What winter holidays do you celebrate? None.
34. Have you ever been to NYC? No. I have several relatives who live there, both in the city and state, though.
35. Do you get carsick? Only when I read or watch a show/movie.
36. When was the last time you went swimming? July 2019.
37. Has anyone of the oppisite sex seen you in your underwear? I don’t think so.
38. Who did you last talk to on the phone? The delivery man who brought my order to the house today.
39. Are your parents still together? Yups.
40. Do you like scary movies? They’re okay, but I tend to avoid the ones that go for cheap scares and go for something with more lowkey or psychological elements instead.
41. Do any of your friends have a last name that's a color? No.
42. What's your favorite ride at amusement parks? Not a big fan of rides. I would usually head to the food stalls and see what kind of crazy food is being served that I can try out haha.
43. Who do you want to win the presidential election? Someone who has the interests of the Filipino people at heart. Of course, knowing how poor voter’s literacy is here, I’m not feeling too optimistic for next year’s election.
44. How often do you watch TV? Around 45 minutes to an hour every evening since we have the TV on during dinner.
45. Do you use proper capitalization? For the most part, yeah. The only time I let the rules go is when I’m on chat.
46. Have you ever been to a fortune teller? Ew, no.
47. Are you a health nut? No.
48. Do you tan or burn? Tan.
49. What type of deoderant do you use? Some local brand.
50. Do you dress up for Halloween? Some years I would, especially if there’s a Halloween party happening.
51. Have you ever kissed in the rain? I might have, but I don’t really remember for sure.
52. If you had the chance to be famous, would you take it? If it was for a reason I could get behind, then sure.
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lifeinahole27 · 4 years
CS ff: “Walking the Tightrope” (Chapter 9/10) (au)
Summary: Killian’s daily routines are a matter of habit. When he wakes up late one morning, his routines all change for the better. Emma doesn’t care about routines, but she does care about Killian, no matter how reluctant she is to admit it to herself.
Rating: E (the content warnings matter this time!)
Content Warnings:  More nefarious doings from Walsh, and some uhhhh... other side of the law consultation from a certain twin. Also, the beginning of the chapter includes a proper parting "goodbye" between Emma and Killian. ;)
A Special Thank You: My continued gratitude to my lovely friends, @captainstudmuffin and @phiralovesloki. And a heap of love to @captainswanbigbang for putting this together and helping me accomplish this.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 |
Find it on Ao3 & FFN!
Chapter 9: Of Reunions and Baggage
There’s a lot to be said for the quiet moments they create while they’re together, and Killian is ever happier for the one they had in his office on Saturday. As the week wears on, both of them get more nervous and distracted for what’s coming for them at the end of the week. While they have two different kinds of anxiety, Killian also knows at this point they’re just feeding off each other’s nerves.
Killian is definitely feeling the pressures of the party looming closer. It’s a simple holiday party; he’s had no hand in planning it which is always a relief to him, but it’s bound to feel bigger because of the stakes involved. The most he’ll have to do is give a small speech and make sure Henry is present, and even that isn’t really his job with Robin and Regina as his new foster family.
Closer to Friday, Killian and Emma spend time at each other’s places getting ready for their trips. He’s flying out on Friday morning with the Mills-Hood clan for a weekend in New York City. His original intentions were to take Emma to the party, then spend a day in the city and an evening together before they drove back on Sunday. With no Emma, he was able to tag along with the others for their trip down. 
Emma, meanwhile, is driving down to Boston with David. Her task is a little more soul-destroying than his is going to be. With that in mind, he accepts the help she gives on picking out his suit and tie, packing them into his travel garment bag and making sure everything is included. 
They spend the next night at Emma’s place, the emotions on the same wavelength but nowhere near as intense as last time they were there, until Killian can finally coax her to sleep with the way his fingers travel through her hair over and over again. 
Much like the last time, one of them is awoken from the gentle persuasion of lips on lips, but this time, Killian is remaking that memory with every intention of sending Emma off on her trip in a lighter mood than she would be. 
The dawn light is just starting to break through, and Emma will have to leave sooner than either of them wants her to, but in the warmth of her bed, they can both pretend that nothing else exists.
With his lips against hers, Killian slowly draws Emma from her sleep. She’s a temptress when she wakes up, as it’s with her inhibitions low that she has no hesitance showing and telling him exactly what she wants. This morning is no different than the other times they’ve woken each other in such ways, as her hands start gently encouraging him downwards.
It was the destination he had in mind, and he’d never deny her anyway, so he easily glides from the kiss to giving proper attention to her neck and chest. He pushes her sleep shirt out of the way in order to spend a little time with her breasts while his hand slips beneath the ridiculous things she calls sleep shorts. He pays close attention to her movements, her breathing, her sounds, and when she’s on the precipice of losing her patience with his pace, that’s when he moves onward again, replacing his fingers with his lips while he slides her shorts down her legs. 
With deliberate motions, he works on coaxing her up to a climax in a slow and steady way. Just when her hands are clutching at his hair, however, he backs off, easing her away from the breaking point while smiling against the barrage of angry noises she makes. 
Twice more he takes her up to the edge of the cliff of pleasure, making sure that she’s on board the whole time even though her noises of aggravation are starting to include the way she grumbles his name. 
By the time he relents and brings her to climax, he’s almost painfully hard and he and Emma are both covered in a thin sheen of sweat. All the way down her chest is pink from the exertion, but she’s the one that pulls him up, and readies him with protection while he’s still catching his breath. With obvious intent, she pushes him onto his back, sliding onto his cock in one easy movement. 
It’s new every time they have sex - the feelings change, or the mood is different - and this time is no exception. She’s a powerhouse on top of him, pulling his hand up to cup her breast while she rides away. Between gasping breaths, she whispers his name, bringing them both close to orgasm with each movement of her hips. 
When her hands clench where they’re positioned on his chest, he knows it’s only a matter of time before she crests again, and so he presses against where they’re joined with his left wrist, planting his feet for better leverage to meet her thrust for thrust and urging her to fall again before he reaches his own. 
It doesn’t take long, and then Emma is grinding down on him in need, falling against his chest when pleasure takes her over one more time. She lazily bites his shoulder as she comes down, finally igniting his own orgasm and he holds her against him with all his strength. When the last drop of him is spent, he relaxes, letting his legs fall back to the mattress but still cradling Emma close to him. 
“You are marvelous,” he whispers against her forehead. 
She sits up, pushing sweaty hair off her face and smiling down at him. “So are you. Hopefully we’ve both made up for the fact that we won’t be spending this weekend together.”
“And there will be more where that came from when we meet up again, love. Meanwhile, we both know David will be here sooner than either of us want him to be,” he informs her, regretting the fact that she’s shifting out of his arms and the comfortable hold her body had on him releases.
She sighs at that, smiling as she climbs off the bed. “You’re right. Stick around until I’m done?”
He nods at her, pulling her back for one more solid kiss before she grabs her robe and heads off down the stairs. 
In the meantime, he cleans up as much as he can and heads down to make coffee and toast for the both of them. 
Emma is something beyond used to the drive to Boston. Thanks to dating Walsh, the route is so familiar now that it’s almost boring. Okay, so it would be boring if she’d managed to stay awake past ten minutes after they got on the road. But it’s still way too early and Killian did too good of a job of helping her relax this morning, and so she’s out like a light right as David hits his comfortable speed.
She dozes for most of the drive, knowing that the trip is in David’s very capable driving skills. He wakes her up when they’re about twenty minutes away from the address that James gave them, and while she knew he wouldn’t be smack in the middle of downtown, she’s surprised at the suburban feel she’s getting as they get closer and closer. 
“No fucking way,” Emma mutters when they reach the address. 
The house they pull up to is large and sprawling, and nothing at all what she imagined James would be living in. Of course, she mostly imagined he’d live in some seedy apartment building in the shady side of town with some kind of elaborate code system to even get into the lobby. 
But this looks clean and wealthy, and she honestly doesn’t know what to think anymore. 
If she thought she was surprised before, she doesn’t know what she is when James answers the door. 
“Ah, if it isn’t the do-gooders of the family. Come in,” he tells them, still gently bopping as a baby in a harness sleeps against his chest before he moves back into the house. 
Emma looks over to David, who looks back at her with the same wide eyes she knows she has.
“Heat costs money. Get in or get out - either way I don’t care as long as that door is shut.”
At the distant prompting, they finally both move forward, closing the door behind them and taking a moment to remove their boots on the provided mat. With her shoes off first, Emma follows the sounds she can hear and finds James in the kitchen. He’s carefully pulling mugs off a set of hooks beneath the cabinets, while an expensive looking kettle heats on the stove.
“I figured this was a conversation that would do well with some tea. You have a preference?” 
“My boyfriend probably would, but I’ll take any kind you have,” Emma says, moving to sit on one of the stools he gestures towards. David joins just a moment later, settling in next to Emma after offering to help and getting shooed away. 
When James turns back to work on getting the tea ready, all Emma can do is mentally compare the two brothers in her head. James has this whole brooding look going for him, with facial hair that frames his jaw and chin but looks trimmed and maintained. While David usually wears anything in blues, James is dressed in a black shirt and gray slacks - nothing Emma would expect someone to wear casually around the house, but she has no explanations for anything this man does. 
“So why would the two of you need my help when you’re both in law enforcement?” James asks, breaking her from her thoughts.
“It’s Emma that needs the help, actually,” David points out. “You’re a father?”
“This is Robert James. We call him RJ. And he’s king of this household,” James introduces, lovingly stroking the infant’s wisps of hair. “You need me to hack something?”
“Sort of. Yeah. Probably. Okay, definitely.” She’s having a hard time concentrating when she can’t stop staring at the baby attached to the evil twin of her two brothers.
As if sensing this, James huffs and rolls his eyes. With gentle maneuvers, he takes RJ out of the carrier and carefully deposits him in Emma’s arms so swiftly that she doesn’t even have time to protest. She feels the way her lip pouts at the adorable sleeping boy in her arms but she just can’t help it. She’s been hoping for ages that David and Snow were going to have one of their own so she could have a moment like this. She’s an aunt, no matter if she’s in this kid’s life or not. 
“Okay, Auntie Emma. Spill.” 
At the title, no matter how sarcastic he was being, she does almost cry, but takes another moment to look at the sweet innocence in her arms before she starts her explanation.
“Okay shut up and don’t say anything in response to what I’m about to tell you,” Emma finally says. “I was dating a guy down here a couple years ago and it turns out he has this sick website with naked pictures of all the women he’s slept with.”
James stares at her for a second, lifting an eyebrow. When the tea kettle whistles, he goes to retrieve it, pouring equal measures into each of the mugs placed on the island.  “What you’re telling me is that sweet little Emma has porn? On the internet?” 
“James.” The warning tone in David’s voice is evident.
“No no, little brother. I get to take a moment to soak in the fact that mom’s second favorite is involved in a porn scandal, okay?” He stands back, placing his hands on his hips and taking a few deep breaths. “Fantastic. Okay. So you want me to hack the site and delete yours?”
“I want them all deleted. The whole website. But this time I need to know that all digital copies were destroyed. And I’m sure he has physical copies, as well.”
“Tallying this up, we’re looking at breaking and entering, hacking, a nasty virus if needed, and theft of personal property?”
“Personal property that he doesn’t have consent to have.”
James bobs his head in consideration for that. “Okay. You have your needs, and I have mine. I want any cash we find in his place. And David has to watch the baby.”
“You can’t bring a baby to a B&E, David. And I’m certainly not bringing my son, either,” James says with almost a straight face. He laughs and shifts out of the way of David’s half-hearted attempt to punch his arm. “So what about you? Where’s your kid?”
“We uh, we don’t have one yet,” David admits. 
“Is everything all right?” James asks, and Emma looks sharply at him, trying to decipher that tone. “I mean, she’s not a prude or anything, right? I remember Snow was a hottie when you met her.”
That’s a more familiar tone. She’s almost sure that there’s a softness to him that wasn’t there before, though. 
“You’re an asshole,” David announces, clearly missing the nuance of the previous statement. “I’m the sheriff. It’s not easy to just take off that amount of time.”
“That sounds like bullshit. You have Emma here as your deputy and the whole town is like two thousand people. You can probably take as much time as you need.”
“How do you know I’m the deputy?” Emma asks, but David speaks a moment later and her question goes unanswered.
“I worry about being a good father. We didn’t have a lot of years with dad and I just… I worry.”
“Dave. If I can keep a baby alive, I’m pretty sure you can.”
“This is a weird energy,” Emma states, unused to the fact that James is being the calm and confident one and David is on shaky ground. 
“Here,” James says, taking RJ from her arms and placing him with David instead. “Follow me. It’s time to put him in his crib. Emma, don’t go through my stuff.”
Of course, the minute he’s out of the room, Emma is up and out of her seat. She wanders the kitchen first, taking a peek into his disgustingly clean fridge and opening a few cupboard doors just to see. 
In the entryway, there are several portraits of RJ looking fresh and tiny. In one, he’s wrapped snugly in a gray blanket, his eyes closed and a peaceful expression on his face. The one next to that has him cradled between two arms, artfully posed so that no little baby bits are exposed due to the lack of clothes. 
“He shit in my hand like ten seconds after that,” James says from directly behind her. There’s such a fondness in his voice that it makes her smile.
“You probably deserved it,” she says, turning and placing a hand on his elbow. “Congratulations. He’s really adorable.”
“Thanks,” is all he says in response, giving her a genuine smile for the first time. 
Returning to the kitchen, they spend a few extra minutes talking as they finish their drinks. They leave David shortly after their mugs are empty, with James reminding him no less than four times to call if there are any problems. 
There’s total silence on the ride over, and James makes sure to park two blocks over just to be safe. It would be so much easier to do this if it wasn’t December and freezing right now, but at least it isn’t snowing. The latch on the door to the building is still broken, which is fine by her since it’s one less thing they have to break into.
“You remember how to do it like I showed you?” James asks, pulling out his lock-pick set and holding it out to her. 
“Don’t you ever tell David I know how to do this or I will hunt you down,” she mutters as she takes the kit and gets to work. 
They split up once inside in order to thoroughly comb the small space Walsh likes to call home. It’s little more than a one-bedroom hovel, barely larger than a postage stamp and definitely not worth the rent he’s paying per month. While James focuses on the computer and getting into the website, Emma goes through every drawer, every closet, every nook and cranny she can find.
She hits the jackpot in his bedroom closet, there in the very back, where a locked box sits on the top shelf. She doesn’t even need the kit to get it open, wiggling the flimsy lock just right and grinning when it pops open. She tries not to look too closely at any of the pictures, but it’s definitely a carefully catalogued collection. She sets it on the bed while she keeps combing through his stuff, only satisfied when every item has been shifted and put carefully back in place. 
Since it’s the middle of a workday, she never expected that they’d have to confront Walsh at all. She’s doing nothing more than waiting for James to finish up at this point when she hears the front door open and close again.
“Fuck,” she mutters, knowing that they can’t exactly hide. 
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m all done here,” James says. His thumbs hook under the ledge above the keyboard when he goes to push away and his eyebrows draw down for a second. “Almost done,” he adds, lifting the thumb drive that was clearly not meant to be found. He pockets it just as Walsh walks into the room.
After seeing Emma off, Killian walks back to his place to shower and get ready for his own trip. Since he had to change his whole trip around, he managed to get on to the same flight as Robin and his merry band of family, and they’re picking him up on their way to the airport soon.
The flight is quick, and he takes his time settling into the hotel room; he’s in for a whirlwind of an evening, so the quiet leading up to the event is something he strives to enjoy.
There’s the small matter that he hasn’t heard much from Emma. But again, she wasn’t quite sure what she was walking into with her ex and David’s twin. He’s glad she was at least able to text him that she’d arrived safely in Boston, but he tempers his hopes that he’ll hear from her again before this is all over.
For most of their events, NeverEndings hosts their parties right in the office, but this one is the biggest event they’ll host all year. The venue has a spectacular view of the city, especially when there’s a light snowfall just starting. He knows it isn’t going to last, and none of it is supposed to stick, but it makes for a pretty view beyond the windows as the sun sets behind the clouds and the party begins. 
All of the major clients of the publishing house start filtering in, and Killian makes sure to paste on the smile he’s perfected for such events. After only a couple minutes of schmoozing, however, he feels like his cheeks are going to crack and his eyes are watering, so he excuses himself to get another drink. It’s just ginger ale tonight, which is fine by him. 
At the bar, he finds Henry looking dapper in his new suit and his hair slicked back much like Robin styles his. 
“All right there, lad?”
“Yeah, just trying to take it all in,” Henry responds, smiling and observing the room at large. “Hey Killian? I never got to say thank you to you or Emma for all your help. Why isn’t she here tonight?”
“She had a personal matter to attend to. I’ll make sure we get lunch sometime soon so you can say it in person,” Killian tells him. “How are things going with Robin and our illustrious leader?”
“It’s going great! I mean, Regina has me doing all these chores around the house and she’s got me enrolled in school for after the holidays end. It’ll be weird going back to public school after being home-schooled so much. She also loves signing us all up for activities. We’ve done two painting classes as a group now down at Aurora’s shop.”
Killian knows the boy is aiming for disaffection or something similar, but the wistful tone to his voice is giving it all away. He’s loving it. From one great family to an absolute personal hell, now back into something like a family, Henry is having the experiences he always wanted as a child. 
“Is she making you eat vegetables, too?”
Henry groans with great exaggeration. “So many vegetables. I like Pop-Tarts and Apollo Bars!”
“She just might be the best mum ever, then,” Killian points out, wagging a finger at Henry’s face.
The teenager’s mirth settles until his smile is soft. “Yeah, she might be. She also wants to sign me up for these online writing classes so I can get even better so maybe you’ll have an easier time editing the sequel to my novella.”
As soon as the words are out of his mouth, Henry looks like he didn’t mean to say them.
“I mean, if you guys even choose to publish it. I don’t expect you to. I don’t mean...I’m sorry.”
“You have a second one started?” Killian asks, forgetting all about the fact that they should be mingling, that he should be introducing Henry to everyone that’s still wandering in. “What’s it about, then?”
“Well, I mean, it’s still in the works. I just started it during Thanksgiving after I moved up here. But I had this idea to use someone like… like a villain in other stories. Like Captain Hook? And make him this anti-hero who helps the heroes even though he doesn’t feel like he’s one of them, and it’s because of this that he falls in love.” He’s avoiding eye contact with Killian and the math is pretty easy at that point, so Killian hides his grin behind his ginger ale. 
“Who does he fall in love with?”
“Haven’t decided yet,” Henry says, the frustrations of a young writer coming out in his voice. “It’s between a couple different people. You figure after all those happy endings that all those fairytale characters went and got married and had kids, right? So maybe he meets someone like Rapunzel and Flynn Rider’s daughter when she’s all grown up. Or Snow White and Prince Charming!”
“I love the concept. And can’t wait to edit this next one with you.”
“Next one? Has my liege acquired our services for his next novella?” Robin comes over, clapping Henry fondly on the shoulder as he gestures with his other hand for another round of drinks. 
“Aye, your lad seems to have the next installment all figured out. All we have to do now is get him to write it.”
“Knowing him, he’ll have it written before spring break,” Robin says fondly. “How are you handling all this so far, Henry?”
“It’s… a lot to take in.”
“We’ll go slow. Let either of us know if you need a breather. We’ll focus most of the interacting after dinner is over so you can get adjusted.”
Henry nods, turning just in time for the ball of energy that is Roland to come bounding into his arms. 
“Come look! Come look!” the boy says, grabbing onto Henry’s hand and pulling him away from Robin and Killian. Henry sort of rolls his eyes but stands up, looking over his shoulder and shrugging as he gets led over to the windows as Roland excitedly points at all the buildings visible from this angle. 
“He may look like a grumbling teenager, but don’t let him fool you. He loves it,” Robin says after they’re both out of hearing range. 
“I feel like I already know the answer to this, but how’s he doing?”
“Better than I ever could’ve expected. If I would’ve realized what he was living with, I would’ve suggested this move sooner.”
“How’s Regina handling yet another male in the house?”
Robin chuckles for a moment. “You know, she told me shortly after we started seeing each other that she couldn’t have children. I had Roland, so it’s not like I was in a rush to have any more. But she loved him so quickly and so fully, that I was sure we were fine exactly as we were. And then Henry came in and completed the picture that I didn’t know was unfinished.”
“I’m happy for you all, mate. And I’m glad he’ll be in town with all of us. Talent and imagination like that needs to be cultivated and loved. And lord knows we all have the skills to do that in Storybrooke.”
“That’s why I prefer the branch to be with us instead of down here. It’s all very pretty, lit up like this and with the snow and the Christmas spirits dancing in the air. But Storybrooke has that all the time - not just around the holidays.”
“Also, if you don’t pick up his sequel, I will personally lay my professional career on the line in order to publish it,” Killian says after a moment.
“Don’t be ridiculous. We’ll sign any and all books that lad publishes for the rest of his life, if I have my way. Also, we haven’t told him yet, but we’re already looking to adopt him if he’ll have us.
Robin leaves Killian standing there with that information and Killian can’t help the full grin on his face. He takes a deep breath, asks for one more refill on his drink, and then wanders to their table to wait for dinner to be served.
Chapter 10
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visaservicesindelhi · 3 years
Ever dreamed of living in Europe?
Many of us have.
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However, Europe’s stereotypically high tax rates have turned many successful entrepreneurs and investors away from the idea in search of zero-tax countries in the Caribbean, Middle East, or the Pacific Ocean.
Here’s the deal: while living in Europe and paying zero income tax is a rare feat, it is possible for almost anyone to live in Europe full-time and pay low taxes on their income… even if they’re not a millionaire.
I’m not talking about living like a digital nomad. Sure, it’s possible to spend three months in the summer living in Europe, then spending another few months further south in a country like Serbia. So long as you don’t establish tax ties in any one country, your only concern is making sure you aren’t on the hook for taxes in your home country.
However, as I increasingly work with seven- and eight-figure business owners, one recurring theme I hear is the desire for a home. For many successful people, dragging a suitcase around the world just isn’t their thing. They want a (nearly) full-time home AND the benefits of minimal taxation.
That’s where low tax countries come in.
The good news is that you don’t have to move to the Bahamas or Dubai to enjoy low tax countries rates so long as you’re able to invest some of your money in Europe. While some countries like France will always be off-limits to those seeking excellent tax planning, We’ve made a list of nearly a dozen European countries with favorable tax rates.
Nestled into the mountainside, this medieval village shows the beauty of the Andorran countryside.
Pressure from the European Union caused Andorra to implement its first ever income tax in 2015, but Andorra still remains a low tax haven conveniently nestled between high-tax Spain and France.
Long known as a destination for duty-free shopping, Andorra is an idyllic mountainous country that also happens to offer residence permits to investors and business owners. Fortunately, Andorra has positioned itself to attract those of more average means than other low tax countries like Monaco.
Andorra is perfect for those with capital gains or generational wealth; it has no wealth tax, no gift tax, no inheritance tax and the only capital gains tax is assessed on most sales of Andorra real estate.
The only tax is an income tax, of which a generous 24,000 euros is exempt, and the top rate of 10% takes effect at the 40,000 euro level.
Unless you’re well-noted in your field, there are two ways to qualify for residence: make an investment or start a company. Either way, you’ll need to pledge to spend 90 days per year living in Andorra, rent or own a property, maintain a bond, and maintain health insurance; many residents are exempt from the already low tax rates depending on how their income is earned.
To start a company, you will need to present your CV and a business plan, as well as deposit a 50,000 euro bond for a single applicant. This route requires far less upfront capital but you do need to actually run a business, which means living in Andorra should be part of your overall corporate and tax planning. If you prefer to be a passive resident, you may invest 400,000 euros in Andorra, which can include an investment in real estate.
Bulgaria offers Eastern European city charm, plenty of beach resorts on the Black Sea… and a flat 10% tax rate with no minimum.
At a flat 10%, Bulgaria has the European Union’s lowest personal income tax rates. Corporate income tax rates are the same flat rate of 10% (tied with Cyprus), and Bulgaria maintains tax treaties with many countries that could allow for special tax treatment for some international entrepreneurs.
Basically, Bulgaria’s tax system is simple: live there and pay 10%. You can become a fiscal resident by living in Bulgaria for at least 183 days in a year, or by convincing the tax office that Bulgaria is your “center of life”. While merely staying in the country is often easier, the “center of life” test gives you more flexibility and involves a number of factors.
Eastern Europe is one of the world’s most underrated places for living in my opinion, although out of the Balkan countries I would personally prefer living in Serbia or Romania. That said, Bulgaria has the advantage of being a rather open place to operate, with bank accounts being easy to open and a substantial low-tax offshore company industry attracting plenty of entrepreneurs and capital.
Despite being a top tourist destination in Europe, Prague has one of the cheapest costs of living in central Europe.
The Czech Republic is often ignored as a low tax jurisdiction despite the fact that it has streamlined both personal and corporate income tax rate to reasonable levels. Considering that Prague is one of the most cooed-over cities in Europe, the idea of living in the Czech Republic is worth considering.
As a low-tax residency, the Czech Republic (or Czechia, as they prefer) is best suited for European Union citizens. That’s because self-employed Europeans can not only avail themselves of Czechia’s 15% flat tax rate but may also apply a lump sum tax deduction in lieu of actual expenses. For most business owners, the lump sum can reduce the flat tax by 40% or 60%, leaving an effective tax rate of 6% or 9% on self-employed entrepreneurs.
Like Portugal and other European Union countries, real tax planning is required if you choose to live in Czechia. For one thing, you will need to rent or own an actual home; the good news is that the cost of living in Prague is surprisingly low given how popular the city is for tourists and digital nomads.
Georgia has a diverse tourism landscape. For instance, Mtskheta, Georgia is home to a UNESCO world heritage site.
While Georgia may not be in the center of Europe, its position in the Caucasus places it squarely between eastern Europe and Asia. Fun fact: Georgia also happens to be the only European country with a largely territorial tax system, meaning properly structured foreign source income is not taxed in most circumstances.
For non-US citizens, it is easy to create an international structure and pay zero tax on profits while being a legal resident of Georgia. It is also possible to maintain a part-time home base in Georgia without incurring tax obligations. You can even become tax resident without living in Georgia if you can prove wealth or high income.
While Georgia’s capital of Tbilisi is not Paris, Georgia is one of the safest countries in the world and a favorite of ours here at Nomad Capitalist. The cost of living is extremely low, and activities like smoking and gambling are extremely cheap compared to the highly over-regulated European Union.
Gibraltar offers residence visas to wealthy investors willing to pay an annual flat tax.
Gibraltar has long been a popular tax residence for British citizens, but Gibraltar’s benefits as a low-tax residence are available to anyone. Nestled at the southern tip of Spain, Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory and not a sovereign country, but is able to set its own tax policies.
There are two ways to become resident in Gibraltar: start a company or demonstrate a high net worth. As is usually the case with these programs, it is easier for entrepreneurs to qualify by forming a company but proving wealth is easier in the long run.
The High Executive Possessing Specialist Skills method, or HEPSS, allows entrepreneurs with Gibraltar companies to pay a maximum tax on their salary. You must earn more than £120,000 per year, but will only be taxed on £120,000. That essentially translates to a flat tax of £29,940, although you must also consider any Gibraltar corporate tax. You will need to own or lease a home in Gibraltar.
The Category 2 visa program is also appealing but requires a £2 million – roughly $2.5 million – net worth to qualify. There are few requirements besides proving this level of wealth; the main requirement is to purchase or lease a “qualifying” home.
Other than that, you may not carry out almost any business within the territory of Gibraltar. You will pay a minimum annual tax of £22,000, and a maximum annual tax of £28,360 based on Gibraltar’s oddly progressive-but-then-regressive income tax rates ranging from 10% to 29%.
Malta allows foreign citizens to pay an annual flat fee and exempt their foreign income from Malta tax.
Malta is one of only four countries on this list that are part of the Schengen Area, and one of only three that are also part of the European Union. Malta has developed some of the EU’s most tax-friendly programs for both individual residents and corporations, with corporate tax rates as low as 5% possible for non-resident companies.
Malta has long had a flat-fee residence program available, but as I have discussed in the recent post the newer Global Residence Program has become the second residency of choice. Unlike Andorra and Monaco, Malta does not require any physical presence on its two Mediterranean islands, meaning you can establish residency but not live there at all. Furthermore, they have prided themselves on reducing bureaucracy and even allowing residents to include domestic staff on their applications (similar to Malaysia’s MM2H program).
Maltese residents are not subject to tax in Malta on foreign sourced income that is kept outside of the country. What’s more, they are not subject to tax on foreign capital gains even if those gains are sent to a Malta bank account. Other income, including pensions, can be taxed once at a flat 15% thanks to Malta’s tax treaty network.
The cost of maintaining the residence in Malta is a flat 15,000 euro “minimum tax” payable each year. With proper planning, this should also be the maximum tax. It is also possible to obtain a tax residence certificate.
Monaco eliminated income taxes entirely in 1869, making it the only sovereign zero-tax jurisdiction in Europe.
While Monaco is not a full member of the European Union, it is a de facto participant in the borderless Schengen Area, offering excellent mobility. Monaco’s exclusivity and proximity to France and the rest of Europe make it a more serious tax residency than some tiny island in the middle of the ocean.
According to the tiny principality, it is not a tax haven. It does allow foreigners to establish residence in Monaco merely by proving their wealth. Doing this generally requires a 500,000 euro bank deposit and purchase (or in some cases, rental) of a property there.
Seeing that parking spaces can often sell for up to 1 million euros, residence in Monaco is reserved for the wealthiest entrepreneurs and investors. It’s also reserved for those actually willing to live there; you must spend three months per year for the first nine years, at which point you can obtain what is effectively permanent residence but requires 183 days of stay per year.
If you’re interested in getting a residency or second passport in Monaco, we have just published our Ultimate Guide where you can get all the details.
Montenegro has low corporate taxes and is one of the least expensive countries in Europe to start a company.
Montenegro boasts the lowest headline personal income tax and corporate income tax rates in Europe, both pegged at a flat 9%.
Like many of its western Balkan neighbors, Montenegro has sought to attract business to its small country – population: 620,000 – by lowering tax rates. While almost all of eastern Europe offers rather reasonable tax rates in the teens, Montenegro offers the lowest tax rates and the benefit of a country you might actually want to live in.
Locals know Montenegro as Crna Gora, meaning “black mountain”, but the Italian name stuck and gives the country an air of sexiness by sounding similar to Monaco. Personally, I believe it is a completely stunning place to visit during the summer season, which is why I purchased my beach house for holiday getaway right there, where I relax, do some writing and enjoy the sunsets and Mediterranean cuisine.
Montenegro’s government seems to have played to that notion, inviting foreign investors to develop luxury resorts on its pristine coastline in a bid to be the jewel of the Adriatic Sea. It was enough to attract me to buy a home in Montenegro.
Montenegro allows foreigners who buy residential property to obtain a temporary residence card, renewable yearly. If you spend fewer than 183 days in Montenegro, you will generally not be taxed. If you live in Montenegro the majority of the time, you will become tax resident and be liable to pay the flat 9% rate on your income.
While Montenegro isn’t a zero-tax country for full-time residents, it is a very attractive home base primarily for Europeans seeking a legitimate low-tax residency to appease their home government.
Even though Portugal is a high tax country, foreigners can take advantage of a ten-year Non-Habitual Resident Tax exemption that exempts up to 100% of their income from Portuguese tax.
Most people don’t associate Portugal with low tax countries.
In most cases, they’re right; Portugal is hardly a tax rate favorable place for the average resident. However, foreigners can take advantage of a ten-year Non-Habitual Resident Tax exemption that exempts up to 100% of their income from Portuguese tax.
While this exemption doesn’t allow you to live in Portugal tax-free forever, it is long enough to allow you to claim Portugal citizenship if you meet the rather lenient physical stay requirements.
The first step to living in Portugal is to obtain Portugal residency; this can be done by purchasing real estate through the well-known Golden Visa program, but can be done more easily by hiring people or by merely proving you have rental income overseas.
There is a catch, though: the most tax-optimized structures won’t qualify for Portugal’s tax exemption. Income from blacklisted tax countries is not subject to exemption, meaning your offshore company in the BVI or Hong Kong won’t work. Substantial tax planning is needed to ensure that all of your business and passive income is structured to eliminate taxes while you live in Portugal.
Switzerland was one of the first countries to allow wealthy taxpayers to negotiate a flat annual tax with its cantons
There is no doubt that Switzerland has become less friendly both for immigration and banking in recent years. That said, it is still one of the safest and most respected countries in the world with a location at the heart of Europe. Swiss residency offers an air of legitimacy that many other low-tax residencies can’t match. Foreigners have two residency options to choose from.
The first is to form a new company in Switzerland and hire local employees. This company will pay corporate income tax based on which canton (region) it is incorporated in, and you as the manager will pay Swiss income tax.
The more common and lower tax method to living in Switzerland is the Lump Sum Taxation method, also known as “taxation according to expenditure”. Under this method, a family may move to Switzerland and pay a flat annual tax based on their cost of living rather than their actual income. This has often been described as negotiating a flat tax, and each canton has their own policies.
Generally speaking, expect to pay at least $150,000 and up to $1 million in flat tax each year depending on which canton you want to live in. You will also not be able to legally reside in Zurich. If your income exceeds $1 million each year, maintaining your home and tax residency in Switzerland would give you a moderate tax rate. If your income is in the millions, Switzerland could reduce your tax rate below 10%. While Switzerland is hardly a cheap place to live, it has one of the highest standards of living in the world.
The UKis far from a tax haven, but there are certain exemptions from the rule when it comes to tax rates, which you can take advantage of if you’re a wealthy entrepreneur.
Like Portugal, the United Kingdom isn’t exactly a haven in terms of low tax countries for all… but it is for a select group of wealthy individuals. By exploiting the difference between domicile and residence, certain foreign citizens can live in London and pay an annual flat tax.
This “non-dom” system has been popularized thanks to Middle Eastern and Russian billionaires who take up residence in the United Kingdom yet claim they are not running their businesses from Kensington. Because their income is a foreign source, it is eligible to be taxed on a remittance basis; keep the income out of the UK and it is not taxed.
Obtaining residency in Britain requires a substantial investment, but for the right person, the tax benefits outweigh the initial costs. Claiming non-dom tax benefits may be free for up to six years, after which the remittance basis charge is anywhere from £30,000 to £90,000 depending on how long you’ve been a resident.
Tax residence in the UK is a highly complicated topic and always worth discussing at length with a tax professional before claiming any benefits, particularly as some non-dom benefits must be claimed in advance.
Canada immigration consultants in Delhi
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alyssa-ward · 4 years
Bared and Stolen Souls
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[ Following Possibilities and New Allies ]
It can’t have been more than a few minutes.  The sensation across the link is tipsy.  Exhausted.  An underlying sadness.  Either no more than moments have passed, or Riley has spent most of the time since they last spoke in about the same state.  “Hey, uh.”  Volume increases slowly.  “Just taking some measurements for that sheathe I mentioned.  Didn’t want to startle you… if that’s even how it works.”  A pause left before she continues speaking.  “How.. .how’s everything going in there?”  A lift of hope in the tone and Alyssa doesn’t quite know what to make of it.
"It doesn't startle me," the woman in the blade replies shortly, "but thank you all the same. How long has it been since we talked last?" The question comes not with accusation but with genuine curiosity.  It’d be nice to put some perspective on what’s happened.  "Are you speaking out loud, or thinking? You may not have to vocalize to reach me, just… direct your thoughts at me, if that makes sense. I'm doing..." Alyssa almost offers a platitude.  Says something nice.  It’s just not there though, her gaze slowly sweeping her corrupted empty woods.  The truth then.  "I've been better. I miss… everything. Being this alone is hard. How are you?"
"Yeah, yeah I can sympathize with that." Riley’s reply feels genuine, though it comes with it’s own air of surprise.  Perhaps she hadn’t intended to be so honest either.  "Not your uniquely specific circumstances, of course, but..." She breathed a sigh.  "Being shut away from everything and everyone you love, not knowing how many days or weeks have passed. It's a special kind of hell. I'm sorry, Alyssa." For a moment Aly has a glimpse into Riley, the real person, what she hides beneath the surface.  Then as quickly it’s gone, the woman on the other end of the blade is clearly practiced at shutting her doors and putting up walls.  Her focus seems to shift to Alyssa’s other question instead.
"I, uh... out loud, yeah. I guess I should work on that. Can't imagine I'd be very effective in any capacity if I'm caught out in public just chatting away with a voice only I can hear..." a brief chuckle crosses the link, and then after a pause, Riley’s voice comes through far more clearly. "Can you hear me..?" A pause during which Alyssa gives affirmation before she continues. "It hasn't been long - a day or so at most. I'm assuming time isn't a luxury for this sort of thing. I put some feelers out for the information we're looking for, and I paid good money to have my informants expedite the process. In the meantime, I figured I'd fit this blade with some proper protection."
"Sorry to hear it," Alyssa finds sincerity comes easily here. She lets Riley talk, there’s no reason to interrupt it all.  Only when she’s sure Riley has gotten what she wanted to say does Alyssa’s voice come through once more. "That sounds wise. I don't know what Kat was using as a sheath before. When I gave her the Dagger it didn't have one. I'd pulled it out of the ruins of Gilneas and had it cleaned up, regripped, and sharpened." A realization as she’s saying it that it might be news to RIley that the dagger Alyssa now inhabits was a gift she gave. "I wish I could do more, it sounds like you have everything important covered."
"I'm, mph. I'm just doing what I can. Checking one thing off the list at a time." A pause. "You'd mentioned needing to go over the spell work you'd need for the..." She trailed off momentarily. "Are you all set with that?"
"As set as I can be without the soul," Alyssa replies, with less assurance than might be preferred. In truth, this is outside the realm of anything she’s ever tried to do, but she’s as much an expert on souls as she’ll ever be.  She keeps what she can of her nerves to herself. "I only have the knowledge in my head from when I was put in here so..."
"Hoping to get that to you sooner rather than later. Which..." Being unsure seemed to be something the pair shared in common, Riley’s certainly comes across. "When the time comes, do I just-"  Whatever follows that doesn’t translate across the link, but Alyssa can more or less put it together.  "Is there anything important I should know going into this?"
"Just cut them...maybe silence them. Having your soul torn out hurts, they'll be loud."
"Right." Riley murmurs out loud in the relative solitude of her shop. "I should hear back from my contact by noon tomorrow, and, if all goes well, you'll have your soul sometime tomorrow night." Then, as if to indicate her acknowledgement that time doesn’t mean much to Alyssa, "I'll keep you updated along the way."
"We can try something else Riley," Alyssa’s voice comes quiet this time.
It’s something Alyssa’s been dwelling on a great deal.  Soul magic, torture, these are the things that have lead to where she is today. "Maybe if we can just find her, we don't have to do any of this." Sigh is audible across the link. "Kat wanted me to do better, if we can do this another way..."
Disagreement palpable from the woman holding the weapon. "No. No, we can't leave anything to chance. Not if things are as bad as you say... As bad as I think, based on everything I found in her office." Determination fills Riley’s tone after a moment of silence. "If this is what it takes to get her back, it'll be worth it."
"Okay," Alyssa’s hesitation is hard to miss.  Now here at the finish line of the plan, she finds herself balking.. "Okay. Yes, we'll do this then. I'll figure it out.”  A pause, for a moment that might seem to be the end of this talk and yet Alyssa realizes she’s not yet willing to end the conversation. "How long did you know Kat?"
"Light, that's a good question..." The silence drags out, and when Riley finally replies it’s clear that she’s speaking out loud again.  Still good enough for Alyssa to hear.  "Feels like a lifetime, and not long enough, all at once." There's a smile in her voice, one touched by melancholy. "She's one of the only people in this world I've never once had to question whether or not they'd be there for me when I needed it. I can't tell you how many nights we've spent bellied up to a wobbly table at the Pig, talking over a split bottle of whiskey until well after last-call. Sometimes, we wouldn't go home even then - swiping a bottle from the bar and somehow managing to climb up to the rooftops without killing ourselves." There’s a laugh, and Alyssa can feel the hint of tears.  A sensation she shares as they speak of their missing companion. "I can sit in silence with her and feel at peace. No expectations, no forced pleasantries. No bullshit. She makes the world feel a little less lonely." Riley's voice cracked with emotion, and she took a minute to pull back and collect herself before speaking again. "What about you, how'd the two of you get tangled up with each other?"
Alyssa finds herself near choked with emotion, warmth flows over their shared link before she replies. "That sounds like Kat. Feel like it’s the Kat not a lot of people know these days, but still her."  A smile to herself in the woods, a hand pressing into the fur of the wolf.  "Oh...well it was over a year ago now. I was watching a friend's dog, took him for a walk out in the woods and ran into her by chance. We got talking, and we connected." It’s a happy memory.  One she doesn’t spend enough time with.  So much of the course of her life shifted on that chance meeting. "I don't find something kindred in many people but she's always been easy to connect with. Always there for me for whatever I need, big or small. Always pushing for me to grow as a person in dozens of little ways. Convinced me to get my business off the ground. Helped me learn to defend myself." Wistfulness, "only thing we were bad at was talking about feelings. I wish I'd told her I loved her before all this happened."
"Kat has a way of knowing things, reading people - probably why she's so damn good at her job." Another chuckle, warmth radiating from her side of the link. "You might not have said it out loud, but I bet she knows." A pause, and then, "I'll do what I can to see that you still get that chance, yeah? To say the words, and have her hear them."
"I did, in the end. Close to the end. She said it back...at least I think she did. The void and the Sleeping City were altering both of our minds at the time. I don't know what was real and what was manipulation." A wash of sadness. Until this very moment, Alyssa hadn’t really properly considered that the ‘I love you’ she got from Kat might have been another trick of the Void, manipulation.  None of those final moments might have been real.. "Your right either way. She knew...." A trail off before she returns to her original thought. "The fragment of her that she left in the blade, it takes the form of a white wolf. Does that mean anything to you?"
Riley’s soul shifts and moves in its space in the grove.  The spines lengthen, and the core closes in on itself.  Protection against the wave of sadness that comes from Alyssa, clearly protecting herself against falling down her own hole. No words, spoken or otherwise, accompanied this reaction, however. Instead, an air of downcast understanding could be felt. "No, unfortunately..." disappointment radiated briefly from her end as she huffed a sigh. "For everything I know about her, there's a whole lot more that she keeps hidden."
"Yeah...she keeps everything so separated. Okay thanks." The way Riley's soul reacted to that last thing makes Alyssa hesitant to press on anything else. "Well...let me know when it's time."
"It won't be long," Riley begins, though after a pause she adds, "Might check on you a time or two in the meantime, if you don't mind. Not really anyone else I can talk to about... well, all of this."
"Yeah, yeah of course. Like I've said, it's lonely in here. Talking helps. Whatever you need.”
"Thank you, Alyssa. I -" she cut herself short, energies shifting with her continued emotional withdrawal. There was something else to be said, surely, but Riley kept it to herself for the time being. "Talk soon." The connection faded, silence reining once more.
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"Hey -" Riley's voice traversed the link, a moment offered for the other to respond before she continued.  Was it only a few minutes again?  No, it must’ve been longer, Alyssa is sure it’s been longer.  "I have news. Some of it might even be helpful."  The pain of sobriety radiated from Riley's end of the link, but within that swirling tempest, the faintest sliver of hope could be felt.
"Helpful news is good." Alyssa replies, her own hope radiating back when she picks up on Riley's.
"Just heard back from my contact. Seven individuals with the name 'Hawke' are listed among the survivors coming out of Uldum." A brief pause was given to allow that bit of information to sink in. "Two are located at the clinics here in the city - neither matched her description, but I followed up on the lead just in case. Strike one."
Alyssa mutters a swear in a language Riley likely doesn't recognize unless she speaks Eredun. "It's not an uncommon last name. That's a start. Where are the others?"
An unseen sense of understanding from Riley’s end. "Another was sent to an asylum." Another pause, recalling her immediate dread upon hearing that news, but quickly pushed it aside.
“Oh…” Alyssa starts to reply, but she stops when Riley continues.
"That was a bit more difficult to confirm with my own eyes - they're keeping those poor bastards under heavy lock and key - but it's not her. It's not Kat. Strike two." Hesitant relief.
The relief is echoed by the Warlock. "That sounded like a real possibility considering the state her mind was in when we parted. So what's the next step?"
"Well, that leaves the last four. All admitted to pop-up triage camps in Uldum, and only one that matches her description." A palpable, albeit brief sense of exhaustion crept over the link. "I don't want to put all of our eggs in one basket, but we're running out of time. And options." The break that followed, while absent of spoken thought, was anything but empty. Progress was being made, but it did nothing to abate her anxieties about what they'd find at the end of it all. "If we're in agreement, I'll see to the last bit of business tonight. And, once that's taken care of, I'll square away a port to Uldum, and we'll go from there."
Alyssa summons up her focus, burying her own anxieties and projects a fresh wave of calm. Summoning demons requires a great deal of self control, and so when she needs it, it's there. She puts that out through the link now, hiding her own anxiety beneath it.  Riley needs strength and assurance now.  "That is a good plan. I wish we had more time, that I could try more things. We should go and find out though."
"Are you sure you're on board with this?" Maybe it’s something in Alyssa’s tone, or maybe it’s reflection on the earlier hesitation Aly showed.  Either way Riley seems to need assurance that this is still the plan. "I don't want to rush you - we'll take this one step at a time, yeah? We just... we need to be efficient with the time we've got, and I'm fairly certain I can't do this without you." There was a pause, as though that fact was just then solidifying itself by way of admission. "I'm prepared to cross the next item off our list tonight, I just need to know you're with me, here."
"And to think you were ready to leave the chatty knife behind," Alyssa replies, trying to muster up some humor. A slow 'exhale' which isn't really a thing for her and yet the sigh comes through all the same. "Yes. This is the wrong time to have my conscience stir. I've taken plenty of souls, this is no time to balk. I'm with you."
"Guess you've grown on me a bit, what can I say?" A brief chuckle paused her train of thought, the faintest hint of a smile present through the link - though it was fleeting. "Thank you," her reply murmured aloud to the empty room, the sentiment genuine. "Dusk is only a few hours away. If all goes according to plan, you'll have your soul by midnight."
"Good. Like I said, even a small cut. Just be sure to silence them in some way. I'll do the rest."
"You're the boss." Riley let that comment sit in the silence that followed as the dagger was set carefully aside.
Alyssa watches the archway to Riley's soul close as contact breaks. A glance at the sleeping wolf. "This had better work. You're a terrible companion, you must be good for something."  There’s nothing more to be said for now.  Only stealing herself for the next step.
[ Written with @blue-eyedraven​; heavy mentions of @kat-hawke​ ]
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everydayanth · 4 years
Oh man, speed machines done pissed me off.
Okay, here’s the thing, and it will continue to be a thing until we all collectively understand and come to an agreement of the concept. 
Ready? Here goes:
Crime prevention is problematic in every way. It requires profiling and assumptions based on no deductive logical evidence (because if there IS evidence, then it’s law enforcement). Law enforcement can rely on the proving of a wrong that has happened to make it right through inductive and deductive reasoning (to enforce the law once it has been broken), but to prevent a crime, some humans have to have more rights than others in order to assume where and when crime will happen.
The ONLY way to prevent crime is through deterrence and discretion. This means making crime more difficult to accomplish, like not leaving valuables in your car, lighting up high-risk areas, or carrying pepper spray. IT DOES NOT MEAN SPRAYING EVERY SHADOW UNDER THE ASSUMPTION THAT IT WILL HURT YOU!
So, how does this get around to speed machines? 
Well, having lived in 6 states over the past 6 years (moving for work), I have seen what feels like every possible social response to them from passivity to aggression. Speed machines lack the ability to differentiate discretion. They set a dangerous precedent for blurring the line between law enforcement and crime prevention. 
Cops driving on the highway are a form of deterrence. People see them and slow down. It would be a woeful day were we to assume all law is black and white. Sure, structuralism is easy, but so is anarchy, and a rounded society needs to understand the balance of those two extremes to find a functional middle, especially a globalized society with people from hundreds of different cultures or backgrounds that fall on different sides of that spectrum.
Speed machines cannot tell the difference between speed of traffic or surrounding orders. They do not know when an ambulance is beeping for you to speed up and get out of the way or when the rigid rules of the road are “broken” for the safety and wellbeing of others to follow the flow of traffic or avoid an accident. It only knows three numbers: the set limit, the exception limit, and the ticketed limit. 
Sure, you can fight it. But here’s the trick. Here’s why they are unlawful and illogical and a dangerous precedent. You can fight the ticket, explain the circumstance if you have any evidence. Maybe you get rid of it and win. But to do that, you have to be in court at 8am (courts which are currently closed, BTW), you probably have no solid evidence, and in the end, it’s a citation, not a ticket, and your violation fee is $50. You’re going to pay to be done with the whole circumstance and move on with your life without a second thought. The state or city make the money and the cycle continues.
Data gathering is nice. Having electronics that can enforce speed limits seems like it should be innocently a good idea: well, don’t break the speed limit laws, easy peasy. But to live in a society that rigid and structural, you lose functionality. Fine, I won’t break the speed limit laws, and you might die in the ambulance I can’t get out of the way for. We have to understand exceptions, we have to be aware of discretion and the importance of community awareness and understanding, and that comes from people, local trusted people.
 California collected something like 1 billion dollars in speed traps (which we fell for a while ago, speed limit of the HIGHWAY suddenly went from 60 to 25 within less than an eighth mile and down a large hill with no posted reduce speed signs, cop was waiting at the bottom right at the 25mph sign, both hidden by an overgrown bush, said it was a tourist area, ticketed us $350, I was so pissed. Googling it later, I found that the DA was charging that city for its ridiculously high fines, and citizens were fighting back because tourism dropped so drastically in the area, hard not to feel vindicated). 
It always reminds me of a thing I read about how some downtown area made parking downtown illegal, maybe it was NYC or Boston, I don’t remember, but the rich people kept parking there and a girl pointed it out to her friend as he parked and he just said “it’s only illegal if you can’t afford the fines.” 
Maybe I’m just a control freak. I’m not a speeder, I’ve never gotten a ticket in my life and I prefer when people follow the rules. But I don’t like undercover civil police (I get investigative), I don’t like speed traps, I don’t like speed machines, and I think it’s because they all fall in that dangerous grey area between law enforcement and crime prevention. The speed machines that blink red and blue if you speed past them but don’t ticket you? That’s deterrence, people see the colors and slow down, but the flash-citation routine is sneaky, and I think it’s wrong. To me it says we civilians recognize law enforcement’s right to monitor us unsupervised and without reason. It says we give them the right to assume crime prevention (THAT’S HOW YOUNG BLACK BOYS GET KILLED!), and it says we are okay with being passive about the discussion among our peers when it comes to the civil questions of freedom, law enforcement, and what we expect of each other in society. 
I know it was kind of a discussion around stop-light cameras, and perhaps this is hypocritical, but we as a society have determined that red lights mean stop, no exceptions. NOT stopping is a risk to others. Therefore, stop-light cameras that are programmed with discretion (as in not ticketing at late-yellow or early red), are different because they are enforcing a broken law? But the more I think about it, the more I think those are wrong too. They don’t know discretion, they don’t know when other problems are happening, and they are surveying tools. So yeah, actually, thinking about it, I don’t like them either. 
Crime prevention may seem good, but when we look at what it actually costs us and the assumptions we must make to achieve it, the dirty tricks, and who pays for it or makes money off it, suddenly it’s a lot more dirty looking. I worked in loss prevention at a big department store for a minute and it was one of the worst experiences. There’s a reason that it’s private store personnel who deal with it, because most of the assumptions are based on nothing, the tactics of accusation and confrontation are not lawful, and any self-respecting law-enforcement officer would be appalled at the circumstantial evidence.
If we want more law-enforcement, we have to rebuild that part of our society as a trusted and desirable profession, not replace it with tools that could be used for other things. Like, I understand how CCTV can be really good, and how it could compromise individuals. I’m not scared of being observed, I mean, privacy and identity, sure, but that’s a whole ‘nother conversation probably. I’m still learning about that one. 
They removed the speed machines in several cities we’ve lived in because of that exact problem - questioning the limit of law enforcement’s power to monitor or field assumptions without proper evidence, or accuse of a crime without proper public identification. Statistically, they didn’t actually slow traffic, they simply made the city/state more money. But we live in a changing world, people are scared or entitled, and the citation is only $50. If that feels like an only $50 bucks to you, then you’re not going to fight it, that’s ridiculous. You’re going to rant about it on Tumblr and wonder how this question isn’t a red flag to many others, but then return to your self-quarantine and remember that we have bigger problems. 
There’s my rant. What are your thoughts on speed machines and speed traps and speed cameras and crime prevention vs. deterrence vs. discretion and how technology should or should not play a role in it? Does it do what it’s supposed to in your area? Or is it questionably placed in lower-income areas? Where does the community come in and what are its responsibilities in maintaining social order? How do we utilize technology responsibly as we integrate it into society? Anything, really. I’m exhausted thinking about it, and maybe I’m just angry because of that thing about feeling unfairly provoked, like the psychology of road rage and why we get so mad when people cut us off, because we feel unseen or unnoticed and that is humiliating? I think it was a Malcolm Gladwell podcast. It’s not even my citation, I just jog along the road and see people’s faces as they pass....... Anyway....... I’m going to calm down..... bye.
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completelynobody · 4 years
Legis....It’s you
Olidas' Afternoon, 15th day of Summer's Warmth, Year 45 A.E.
United Merchant's Guild Hall, Freehold of Proust
Lex Legis handed over the parchment containing the completed form he was required to fill out in order to be considered for the position.
"All the information you asked for."
The halfling behind the counter accepted it, and looked it over with a skeptical scowl.
"Right....Mister Legless..."
"Legis," He interrupted, "Lex Legis."
The halfling gave him a sidelong glance.
"That's what I said...Legis...anyway, the Kaelinth city guard is currently at a full roster. If you're dead-set on a city guard position, Jobrak will be where the action is."
Lex nodded.
"Wherever...its fine."
The halfling set the parchment down.
"If you're so motivated to be a guard, why not try one of the kingdoms? The lords are always looking to hire guards, or outriders."
Lex shook his head.
"Nobody in any of the kingdoms had any use for my father. Now, I don't have any use for them. I'm perfectly happy in Proust."
The halfling shrugged.
"Suit yourself. I'll get this information into the works. Someone will come out to talk to you shortly."
Lex nodded.
These guild people were very thorough. He liked that.
After a lifetime of uncertainty, things were finally following a logical order for him.
Born to off-world parents, Lex never really was accepted by the children his age, who were born native to this world.
His father, being an off-worlder was forced to find work where he could. That meant the Legis family often had to move from settlement, to settlement.
Despite his father's prowess in battle, none of the native born rulers particularly cared to hire him on.
Probably due to the blue tinted flesh, inborn to his race.
The Zenythri, a people who could trace their lineage back to beings hailing from the outer planes devoted to law and order, were rare enough on the world his family escaped, before the Illithids ravaged it. Here, on Alluria, the Legis family was positively unique.
Unfortunately, uniqueness was not a favorable condition in this world's different societies.
When Lex reached fifteen years of age, he left his family back in the lands of the western frontier, and made his way as a mercenary adventurer.
Using all his father had taught him of the art of marksmanship using blaze-dust weapons, Lex had made a name for himself among the ranks of independent men-at-arms.
In the intervening decade, Lex had shed blood on two continents against all manner of foes.
He preferred to take jobs working for established rulers...much the same way his father had tried.  Despite their resistances to hiring men like him. Men who were different.
No matter what the cause, some part of him could not be brought to work for any entity opposed to the established authority.
After ten years of it, Lex had seen enough though. The disorder that invariably accompanied the nomadic lifestyle of adventuring was wearing on him.
He chose to settle in Proust.
Lex couldn't quite explain why, though. Perhaps it was the inherent disorder of the freehold's lack of any centralized authority that called to him? A situation that, on some inborn level, he felt he could rectify.
The closest thing to a governing body in the freehold was the United Merchants Guild. Moral ambiguities aside, they represented order in the region. It was that order that appealed to Lex the most.
Of course, the money wasn't bad either.
"Lex Legis?"
A comely human female was holding his parchment. She cut an impressive figure, standing rigidly amidst the bustling happenings of the guild hall.
"Here, I'm here."
He stood and waved a hand to gain her attention.
She looked at him with a blank expression, belying no prejudices she may have due to his unusual skin tone.
"You're here applying to join the guard?"
He nodded.
"Yes, someplace fixed though. One of the towns or cities. I'm not exactly eager to patrol long stretches of empty roads."
She smiled.
"I completely understand. Follow me."
She lead him back to an out-of-the-way office, deeper in the guild hall. Holding open the door she beckoned him inside.
Once in, she closed the door and rounded the desk.
Settling into her chair, she indicated the empty seat across from her.
"Make yourself comfortable Mr. Legis."
Lex sat, hands folded in his lap.
"My name is Dandria Dustil. I'm chief recruiter for the guild's security forces here in Proust."
Lex studied her. Her dark hair and features, as well as her tan skin tone spoke volumes as to her origins.
"You're Redgulan, are you not?" He asked.
She blushed.
"Yes, originally. I was born on a farmstead north of Lanterum. But I moved to the city when I was very young. Lived there until the attack eleven years ago. Now I'm a proud citizen of Proust."
He nodded with a slight smile.
Changing the subject, Dandria pretended to recheck the information on the parchment.
"So you're aware of the fact we're looking to fill the ranks of the Jobrak guard, yes?"
Lex nodded.
"Like I told the small-fellow out there, wherever is fine."
Dandria offered a nod in return.
"It says here your preferred method of armament is a blaze-dust pistol?"
Lex smiled.
"Its a family thing. My parents and I came here from another world with the rest of the refugees escaping the Illithid armada. Where we came from, my father was a fairly respected warrior. His weapon of choice was the same as mine is today."
She offered no indication of approval or disapproval.
"Those weapons have become more common since the war. The old Admiralty made use of them extensively. Did you serve?"
Lex shook his head.
"I thought about it, but if my father wasn't good enough for them, then they weren't good enough for me."
She clicked at him with a humorous tone.
"Oooh...a bit of callousness? That'll come in handy here in the freeholds."
He shrugged.
"Let's just call it a pragmatic indifference."
She smirked.
"Fair enough. It also says here you've done wok as a bounty hunter?"
He nodded again.
"Yes. Tracking down lawbreakers mostly. Bringing crooks to justice just appeals to my nature, I guess."
She quirked a brow.
"Were any of these 'crooks' guild members?"
He chuckled.
"A few."
Dandria reclined in her chair.
"Then why come work for the guild if you know we don't exactly operate within the law all the time?"
Lex shrugged.
"I figure, here, you are the law. Doesn't affront me much if the laws of other regions are being bent. Just so long as what's law here remains consistent and equally enforceable."
She smiled again.
"They are indeed."
She leaned forward and used a quill to sign off on the parchment.
"You can go ahead and report to the constabulary headquarters in Jobrak. Bring your gun. I suspect you'll need it sooner than later. As far as I'm concerned, you're the newest copper in the Jobrak city guard."
Lex smiled and got to his feet.
"Thank you Miss Dunstil. I'll head out first thing."
Heindas' Evening, 10th Day of Summer's Ebb, Year 47 A.E.
The Nymph's Nest brothel, Jobrak, Freehold Territory of Proust.
"Yes, Lord Idald, I am fully aware of your status in the Kingdom of Redgulus. But, as I've repeatedly reminded you, you're not in Redgulus."
Lex shook his head when he took in the state of the Redgulan nobleman's appearance.
Half-dressed, covered in spatters of vomit and other less identifiable stains. The noble shook a fist toward him.
"I am Rosgrave Idald, second son of Count Hernon Idald!"
He waved a sheet of wine-stained vellum at Lex.
"And I've just gotten word of my father's passing! So...naturally, I am grieving in the proper Redgulan fashion! I'm getting drunk and sporting with harlots!"
He waved the vellum so hard, he threw off his own balance. He stumbled into Lex's partner, a gruff Dwarf named Gaorge Stonepalm. Gaorge shoved the nobleman to the floor.
"Keep off of me with all that mess!"
Gaorge clenched a fist.
"Or I'll spill the contents of yer skull all over this lovely carpeting!"
Several of the courtesans who worked at the brothel looked on from an adjoining room.  Lex could hear their whispers of disgust.
He gently reached out and clutched Gaorge's wrist, giving it a quick squeeze, calming the dwarf.
"I am sorry for your loss Lord Idald. But that doesn't mean you can shirk your bill here. These ladies have provided a service for you, and they expect to be compensated. If you don't pay up, my partner and I will have no choice but to take you to the city's jail, and hold you until your family sends funds to cover what you owe, as well as post your bail. I'm quite sure the last thing your poor, beleaguered mother needs right now, in this difficult time, is word that one of her sons is sitting in a freehold city's jail cell because he refused to pay his brothel tab."
The lord rolled onto his ass and sat on the floor, drunk and incredulous.
He began to weep.
"I'm sorry!"
He grabbed a fat coin purse from his belt and threw it at Lex and Gaorge.
"Here! Just take it! Take it all. I don't care anymore!"
He accentuated his words with more waves of the vellum.
Gaorge smiled and picked up the pouch, testing its weight.  He looked to Lex.
"This ought to cover the bill, and then some. A pittance for our troubles?"
Lex shook his head and took the coin purse.
"No, Mister Stonepalm, we're duly compensated for the work we do."
He opened it and counted out enough coin to cover the nobleman's bill. He handed the coins to Gaorge.
"Go settle Lord Idald's account, I'll get his lordship on his feet and out of here. I'll see about getting him a room at the Red Boar Inn. Meet me there."
Gaorge smirked as he eyed up the ladies who were turning on their sultry charms now that the Dwarf had gold in his hand.
"You bet Legis. Say...an hour?"
Lex glared at him.
"Ten minutes. And that's to pay the bill already due, not for your own sport.”
Gaorge scowled.
"Pelor’s balls, Legis, yer too uptight sometimes. Whatever. I'll meet you in ten."
Lex nodded and crouched down, helping Rosgrave to his feet, and tucking the coin purse back into the nobleman's belt.
"See you there."
He threw the nobleman's arm around his shoulder to help support him.
"Come on now Lord Idald, let's get you somewhere you can sleep this off."
Hexdas' Midnight, 23rd day of Autumn's Rest, Year 49 A.E.
Beggar's Alley, Jobrak, Freehold of Proust
Lex cursed and he crouched behind a stack of ruined crates, and quickly went about reloading his pistol.
Lex really hated the undead. Especially vampires. Even more so when those vampires liked to cast spells at him.
He looked across the alley to his partner Gaorge. Smiling, as he worked at reloading, he called out to the wounded dwarf.
"How we doing over there, Stoney?"
The Dwarf clutched at a wound on his scalp that was still gushing blood.
"Me? Oh, I'm just fuckin' dandy! Its all fresh mangoes and perky pixie-tits over here!. How about you, Legis? Still fiddling with that stupid gun? Anyone ever tell you swords don't need reloading?"
Lex smirked as he tamped the ball and powder tight.
"And anyone ever tell you that swords require you to get awfully close to the raging vampires you're trying to vanquish?"
He peered up from behind his cover to see the vampire was working out the somatic component to another spell.
He crouched back down and cursed again.
"He's warming up another one Stoney! What's the plan?"
The dwarf pulled his hand away from the wound and rubbed his bloody fingers together. He laughed.
"Same strategy my father's great grandfather, Orlock Stonepalm used against the dreaded Minotaur Lord of the Sullen-Depths Labyrinth!"
Lex chuckled.
"Let me guess...we rush it?"
The Dwarf hefted his axe and nodded.
Lex shook his head as he pulled back the firing mechanism.
"Our Warforged colleague, Constable Spade, tried that already. He didn't fair so well."
Gaorge shrugged.
"Maybe the bloodsucker will be surprised we'd be dumb enough to try it too?"
Lex rolled his eyes.
"Alright, on three...I'll put a ball in the bastard while you clear the distance and hack it down."
Gaorge smiled.
"I can agree to that."
Lex grinned.
"You know why I love being partnered with you Stoney?"
The dwarf's face crinkled in confusion.
"No, why?"
Lex smiled wide.
"You're real easy to shoot over."
Gaorge rolled his eyes this time.
"Kiss my ass Legis."
Lex laughed.
Garoge smirked.
"You ready Legis?"
Lex nodded.
Gaorge set in a crouch.
"On three, right?"
Lex peered up again.
Gaorge nodded.
He burst forth from behind his cover and rushed down the alley at the Vampire.
Lex laughed and quickly stood up, taking aim.
As the dwarf closed the gap, Lex saw the vampire's eyes go wide for a moment before it completed its spell.
He pulled the trigger, and in less than a heartbeat, the familiar buck of the explosive recoil shook his arm.
At the same moment in time, the vampire's spell was unleashed.
Lex felt his muscles begin to seize up.
He braced himself against the tightening sensation, trying to steel his fortitude against the vampire's arcane power....
Gaorge heard the whistle of Lex's shot whizz over his head. The vampire's spell must not have gone off properly, because he didn't see any brilliant flashes or feel the heat of any explosions.
Gaorge almost pitied the creature when his axe buried into its head, splitting it like a ripened fruit.
The creature dissipated into a gaseous state and drifted away in the night winds.
He sighed.
"Well Legis, looks like it got away this time."
He paused, awaiting some sarcastic, yet dry reply. When one didn't come, he turned and looked back up the alley.
"Hey Legis, did you hear me?"
He saw Lex, standing motionless in the shadows. His arm still extended, aiming the pistol at where the vampire was.
"Legis, you alright?"
He started walking back towards his partner, who refused to answer.
"Come on man! Its gone! Quit posing and come help me pick up the pieces of what's left of Spade. Knowing Jimur, he'll want to melt down the poor bastard's body for the raw Adamantine."
Legis still refused to answer, much less drop the aiming pose.
The dwarf walked a little more briskly toward his silent and still partner.
"Come on Lex, what in the hells is wrong with you?”
He kicked a small, empty wooden keg at him.
Legis made no attempt to move, or block the projectile. It made impact, and knocked Lex down.
Gaorge's heart sank when he heard the distinct sound of rock, striking rock, and cracking.
The dwarf ran as fast as his short legs would carry him to his now fallen partner.
He dropped to his knees when he found Legis laying in the alley, completely petrified.
The keg he'd kicked had knocked over the living statue, causing it to make impact with the cobblestone alley.
The arm holding the pistol had broken off at the shoulder. The chest cracked diagonally from the broken shoulder, down to the hip.
Gaorge tried to frantically hoist the statue back up to its feet, but the blood on his hands caused him to lose his grip..
He watched in horror as his partner's form impacted the ground again, separating the upper section from the lower along the fault line.
"Oh gods...Legis. I'm so sorry."
Thirty minutes later, Gaorge pushed a wheelbarrow filled with the parts of the fallen warforged constable, and the pieces of his petrified and shattered partner, into the Jobrak City Guard headquarters.
"Someone help!"
Bocdas' Afternoon, 8th Day of Winter's End, Year 50 A.E.
Hallink Gemnibbler, the gnomish enchanter, smiled as he gazed upon his completed creation. He turned to his current patron, Jimur Fletcher, who stood nearby.
"Well? What do you think?"
Jimur stepped out of the shadow of the large bodyguard who was never farther than an arm's length from him.
He casually looked over the creation.
"Is it alive?"
Hallink clicked his teeth.
"He is most certainly alive. It took me a few months to piece everything together properly, and I had to make a few necessary adjustments here and there...but yes. I think its all in all a successful experiment."
Jimur looked at the gnome with a dubious glare.
"So you just pieced the poor bastards together, and brought him back to life like this?"
The gnome nodded.
"Yes. I'm afraid the warforged was a complete loss. And the petrified constable would have been as well. Luckily there was enough of the fallen warforged's....chassis...left to act as a new body."
Fletcher looked first to his bodyguard, then to the creation.
"So he's a living golem?"
Hallink shook his head.
"Technically, he's a half-golem."
The bodyguard let out an agitated groan, but otherwise remained silent.
Jimur turned to face Hallink.
"So he's alive, but has golem parts?"
The gnome nodded.
"Yes, I suppose that's accurate. Save for his head, and torso, his body is primarily artificial."
Jimur looked back at the creation.
"Well...when can he get back to work?"
The gnome laughed.
"Whenever you'd like."
Jimur's eyes narrowed.
"You put him back together physically...but is he 'all-there' mentally?"
The gnome shrugged.
"Depends on how mentally stable he was before. There's also bound to be some slight residual affect to his state of mind. He's really been through quite a shock. But...I took steps to ensure he won't pose a danger to the general public."
Jimur stared at the creation.
"What kind of steps?"
The gnome walked over and stood next to Jimur.
"I wove a few mentally binding spells into the whole construction process. He's going to fairly single-mindedly perform his duties as a constable. But unlike a true golem, he is capable of his own thoughts and able to plan his own courses of action. The spells are more like safeguards. Directives, if you will."
Jimur turned to him.
"Oh yeah? What are these directives?"
The gnome smiled.
"Ask him."
Jimur quirked a brow and turned to the creation.
"Officer....what are your directives?"
Lex Legis blankly looked up at Jimur Fletcher.
"Serve the public trust. Protect the innocent. Uphold the law."
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legolasgoldy · 4 years
repost, don’t reblog
full name. Finrod Ingoldo Felagund  ( Findaráto Artafinde Ingoldo Arafinwean; Finrod is the Sindarin translation of Findarato that he uses instead once in middle earth)
pronunciation. Fin-rod In-gol-doe Fell-ah-gund
nickname(s). Findo, his Favorite being ‘ Fin ‘ spoken by few very close friends and lovers. other nicknames being things like ‘ wolfy’ said by friends or lovers. Highly depends on person. ( Finda, Findo, Ingo ( which he doesnt really like), Nóm, Nómin, Felagund, Edennil, Atandil )
gender. Cisgendered Male 
height. 6′1, also depends on age
age. Verse dependent, teens to 20s sometimes 30s
zodiac. Taurus, April 23rd
spoken languages. English, decently fluent in french and spanish. A little Gaelic when dating his boyfriend Rhys Brennan. ( Obviously in Tolkien aus he speaks Elvish which includes Telerin, Noldorin, Sindarin, etc, Early dwarven tongues like Khuzdul, common/westron, pretty much anything he can learn even the language of the enemy. He however does not know the change in certain languages or new languages that occurs over the ages hes dead. Not until Galadriel, Gimli, and/or one of the hobbits tell him.)
hair color. Golden blonde
eye color. Emerald green
skin tone. Not pale but fair with a semi neutral and slightly peachy undertone.
body type. Tall and toned. He is muscular but not super buff depending on what you consider to be buff. Body claim pics are in his pages. Hes very soft yet firm, strong, and warm for cuddling.
accent.  A mix between american and european english. He was born and raised in Maine until 7 years old then they moved to lower states. His parents have heavy english accents, which he acquired as a small child, and as he grew older it developed into a soft neutral-ish american accent with english attributes. For example, he will say eye-ther instead of ee-ther for Either. Sometimes he’ll also catch himself saying Tom-AH-toes instead of Tom-Aye-toes.
voice. Very kind, gentle, medium deepness of a tone. He doesnt sound excessively deep but not high pitched either, its a very cozy warm mid-way deepness that’ll make you feel safe and soothed. However, it can get a deeper when angry or..during intimate activities.
dominant hand. He is Ambidextrous 
posture. somewhere between casual and proper
scars: A few random small scars from childhood, after his mutation kicked in he can no longer get scarring which is fortunate considering the amount of times hes bitten completely through his tongue or lips with his fangs when he first got his mutation. Not to mention times hes been hurt in the future. ( depends on time period, sometimes none at all but others he can have scarring from fighting, any type of misc scar, but not an over abundance of them where you can see.)
tattoos. None, his skin wont hold tattoos after his mutation. 
birthmarks. None
most noticeable feature(s). hair, eyes, and fangs. ( Hair, eyes, jewelry.)
place of birth. Maine, US. ( Tirion in Valinor )
hometown. On the coast of Maine; i havent decided a city/town.
birth weight. 6.9lbs (3.1kg)
birth height. 18.6 lbs (47.2cm)
first words. Mommy or Daddy. ( Amme or Atya)
siblings. Twin brothers Aegnor and Angrod, and little sister Galadriel. ( Twin brothers Ambaráto Aikanáro Arafinwean, Angaráto Arafinwean, and little sister Artanis Nerwen Arafinwean; translated into Sindarin their names are Aegnor and Angrod. Artanis chooses the name Galadriel for herself and does not use her birth names)
parents. Finarfin and Earwen Felagund. ( Arafinwë Ingoldo Finwean and Eärwen Olwean)
parental involvement. Finrod’s parents are both Aquatic Biologists, so he often spent time with them at work as a child. Whether that was near fresh water or salt water, if it was safe for him to go he went. They have always been very close and supportive to each other.  ( His parents have always been supportive of him and they have always been very close. They would live in either Tirion or Alqualondë during different seasons so Finrod and his siblings could grow to be apart of both cultures.)
occupation. Verse and timeline dependent. Generally, Finrod works in a greenhouse & landscaping company. Later on he’ll may get a job as a music teacher. In the rockstar branch of the x-men au he is just that, a Rockstar. ( He is a prince of the Noldor and Teleri. Later he is the King of Nargothrond.)
close friends / family.  Yes. Who that is, is very much Thread and verse dependent. 
relationship status. In a long term relationship with his boyfriend Rhys Brennan. ( Unofficially married to Makalaurë Kanafinwë Feanorian. Can be verse dependent.)
financial status. His parents had to make a lot of money to support four kids, so it was comfortable enough. However when he moves out he begins making his own money, and he isnt rich by any means but happy with where hes at. ( Timeline dependent, but usually very wealthy.)
driver’s license. Yes, hes a very good driver.
criminal record. None. 
character’s theme song. Not really sure, but most likely something along the lines of ‘ I want to know what love is’ by Foreigner ( The song he sang to Sauron)
hobbies to pass time. Singing, playing instruments, Reading, Spending time with his family and friends.
mental illnesses. Not that he knows of ( PTSD, depression.)
physical illnesses. None, as a healing mutant he is unable to get illnesses. ( No illnesses but he does have pain caused by PTSD ranging from light to severe. The pain mostly occurs in his hands and feet, but radiates throughout depending how strong the attack lasts. At times it may only be a very mild ache, and others debilitating paired with mental state. The last being less common and can be accompanied by sleep paralysis and/or night terrors)
left or right-brained. Right-brained
self-confidence level. Depends on time period but normally pretty high? Hes very confident in himself aside from when he started mutating and ran away from home, his confidence was pretty low then. Its usually when hes under personal distress due to someone he cares about being hurt in some way that his confidence dips down. Highly depends on scenario though. ( Pretty high aside from times of extreme distress and depression. e.i. 1. After the first Kin Slaying. 2.Traveling through the helcaraxë he had to force it high because he couldnt lose confidence in a time like that, so it was simultaneously low and high at the same time. 3. After he lost his brothers and many of his family.)
sexual orientation. Demisexual + Bisexual 
romantic orientation. Biromantic
preferred emotional role. submissive | dominant | switch
preferred sexual role. submissive | dominant | switch which ever he and his partner prefer hes more than happy with
libido. When single and has no one hes attracted to, virtually non existent. Sure, the need arises every now and then, but the want not so much. When in love its endless if his partner wants it too.
turn on’s. Seeing his partner smile. Especially if its a very wide unadulterated happy smile, even more so if the smile is towards him. Watching his partner walk and/or bend over. He loves being teased, whether its a sultry look, pose, touch, kiss, or words. His partner sitting in his lap. Watching his partner just be beautiful, which can be as simple as them sitting in the sun content or just quietly enjoying themselves in some way. Anything sensual. Getting lost in a happy moment together.
turn off’s. His partner not being in the mood bc he doesnt want to if his partner doesnt, excessively disgusting dirty talk, his partner being upset or hurt, purposeful pain.
love language. Sensuality. Frequent touches, quality time together and doing special things that they consider ‘ their thing’, talking and listening, supporting each others hobbies and dreams, and helping each other with every day domestic activities.
relationship tendencies. Finrod is drawn to unique people even though he doesnt necessarily realize he is at the time. Something will grab his interest and he’ll try to get to know them, it all goes from there. Since he is a creative individual hes just naturally drawn to other creative people whether they use their creativity in the same way or not. The people he has fallen for have all been unique, talented, and inspiring even if they dont know it or downright deny it. They all have a depth to them and they may have a darkness inside them but he loves them, and who they are, darkness and all. He sees so much light and love in his partners. As far as physical type, it doesnt really matter much but hes very taken by pretty hair, eyes, and smiles. 
Tagged By: @blind-mutant ty! <3 @
Tagging: @mikhailvalhidris, @driftinglightofthewoods, @truesanguinesoul, @admirable-mairon, @bouncingbeleg, @first-son-of-finwe And anyone i missed or who wants too!! :D
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cafebourbonstreet · 4 years
Personal Injury Attorney in Duluth Georgia
Albany Accidental Injuries Lawyers –– Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C.
Accidents are a lot more commonplace than most people expect and more often than not due to someone’s negligence or carelessness. Inside the aftermath of any type of accident where injuries were sustained, it can be only natural to feel totally disruptive emotions. Anger, regret and frustration can cause the head to spin, but it is essential to keep a cool head about these items to guarantee a much more positive outcome in the end.
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Accidents as well as their associated injuries can cause no end to disruption to the regular life since it is, so it is essential to save your strength energy and mental benefit where it will likely be needed most.
Rather than attempting to address the problem yourself, it can be our professional opinion that you just consider retaining the services of a skilled accidental injury lawyer who are able to protect your interests to see you are fully compensated for that injuries you or someone you love might have sustained.
In the law office of Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. you will definitely find the professional perspectives and qualified council you have to when handling accidental injury lawsuits in Albany. These cases can be complex and detailed and showing up in the learning curve here can mean being left using the high costs of medical expenses plus a long route to recovery without having the compensation made accessible to you by Georgia law.
Should I Make an attempt to Negotiate using the Insurance Adjuster?
Anyone can advise you that insurance providers happen to be in location to cover the damages in the case of any sort of accident, among a number of other functions they perform. But, don’t allow this to seemingly heroic position distract from the point that insurance providers are “for-profit” organizations who aren’t going to make money by signing plenty of checks.
To shield their interests insurance adjusters will appear for every single way they could to protect yourself from making as numerous payments as possible and set a cap in the case for them to proceed to the next one. For this end, you can definitely find yourself served with a proposal very quickly. These offers could even sound fair enough, but there is no doubt they are merely a part of exactly what the case is actually worth.
To obtain a clear idea of what your case will probably be worth, to put it differently what it really will in fact use to fully compensate you for your damages in both the short and long lasting would be to have your case reviewed with a professional. In the law office of Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C., we provide free consultations for private injury cases. Call us to plan a free evaluation of your own case today!
Who Is Able To Be Named in a Accidental Injuries Lawsuit?
Instantly, it may look very obvious who is mainly responsible for any sort of accident and through the help of our knowledgeable team we can be sure the at-fault parties compensate you for your injuries. However, after a full report on the case we could find there are multiple parties liable for your damages. We are going to apply our experience and insights to including all parties liable for your injuries from the lawsuit.
Some of these entities and people we have expertise in negotiating with include:
-Government institutions or cities
-Defective products
-Insurance carriers
Each of the defendants should be in the lawsuit in a special way with special things to consider for each one of these. Furthermore, you can anticipate most if not completely to rely on professional legal support to assist them to contest your claims. If you will be trying to consider multiple parties each having a team of lawyers, it can be crucial for you to do so with proper legal support.
What is the time limit for filing a private Injury Claim?
The state Georgia has set a period limit for many who want to make claims against at-fault parties for injuries or death within an accident. This time around frame is referred to as the statute of limitations and will vary among states. In Georgia, some time limit for submitting a lawsuit for private injury is 2 years from your date from the accident which cause injury or death. If the claim is just not made in this particular time period, the case becomes void.
Call our law office for more information on the statute of limitations and what you can do regarding your lawsuit if a while has recently lapsed from your date from the accident.
Exactly How Much is My Own Injury Claim Actually Worth?
Accidental injuries cases can be worth between a few thousand dollars to vast amounts of money and there is no way to look for the value with out a proper evaluation from the case with a qualified professional. This is the reason we provide free consultations to ensure that our clients use a no-obligations chance to learn more about their options and choose the very best road to the compensation they require.
Here are the most important factors that can see how much your own personal injury case could recover:
-How the accident happened
-Future leads to health problems
-Injuries suffered
-Future medical cost and lost income
-Medical expenses
-Wages and income lost
Typically, accidental injury cases is going to be settled away from court through negotiations using the other party. There are many reasons either side prefer to keep the case come going ahead of the courts, our prime costs of the court battle being the main reason. But, with the law office of Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C.  we prepare every case as if it will likely be fought in a courtroom.
Just How Long Will It Take for My Welsh LA Accidental Injuries Case to be Settled?
Your lawsuit should be drafted and submitted prior to it being come to the negotiation process. If no settlement may be accomplished from the negotiations, it will have to be come to courts. All in all, you can find a great many factors that can change the time that it takes for any accidental injury lawsuit to arrive at its final settlement.
The specifics from the accident itself can have a huge role to experience from the time of the proceedings. Some of the factors that can arrived at pay is definitely the extent of damages inflicted as well as the harshness of any injuries. You might imagine, the damages for serious injuries can be extremely high although that of the small accident may be lighter.
Some of the Critical Factors Which affect the Duration of a private Injury Case in Albany
The settlements that you are wishing for could affect the time of the lawsuits. As an example, in the event you expect top-dollar inside your compensation, the negotiations usually takes much longer to arrive at the conclusion you need. In case you are more flexible inside your expectations, you can save some of the time and energy to reach a conclusion.
If you were to accept the 1st provide you are provided through the insurance adjuster working on behalf of the plaintiff, you could find your conclusion is reached very quickly. Although, as mentioned, this might only be a compact part of what your case is actually worth.
Medical Expenses
You will be asked to provide a full account of your own medical records and expenses towards the insurance adjusters before they may be ready for negotiations. The reason being thy would want to be sure that the injuries you possess mentioned from the lawsuit did indeed come from the accident and are not associated with other injuries or conditions you may have had prior to the incident in question.
Medical expenses form a large percentage of the payouts insurance providers make each and every year plus they do their utmost to lower the expenses they need to cover. Among their most effective techniques would be to prove your injuries were caused or partially due to some factor unrelated towards the accident.
If it is not effective, the next move will be to downplay the seriousness of your injuries and lower the amount of treatment you have got to cover your full recovery down the road.
These are typically some very excellent reasons to use a strong case once you enter a personal injury lawsuit. Get started with a complete examination as soon after the accident as possible. This will likely put a period-stamp in your injuries and add weight to the case. It is going to take some time to collect every one of the medical documents and this can improve the time period of proceedings.
Furthermore, the insurance plan adjusters will not be able to set up a complete conclusion from the case till you have reached the purpose of Maximum Medical Improvement. After that point, you will find a bit more time when they draft the settlement papers.
Other Factors
As a general rule, these cases can run using for quite some time, dependant upon the specifics of each case. It is actually entirely possible that some of the more straightforward cases to be completed within months, but this really is generally considered the exception.
Having qualified legal support operating for you is a vital way of expediting this technique. It may be by investing in a powerful case, your own personal injury attorney can bring about a favorable settlement in the court. However, if not, they are prepared to accept the court to trial.
Typically, all parties involved will attempt to arrive at a favorable settlement from the courts because court battles are long, complex and incredibly expensive. But Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. Law Practice is always ready for any eventuality.
If I’m Partially to blame, Could It Be Still Possible to File a private Injury Lawsuit in Albany, GA?
Although you may were partially to blame for the accident, there exists still an opportunity that one could recover damages under Georgia Law. In Georgia, the modified comparative negligence law allows injured parties to recoup damages as long as they may be under 50% liable for the accident and injuries.
Do Accidental Injuries Attorney in Albany, GA Cost A Lot?
Typically, professional legal services are a costly affair, but financial status can’t be a factor that prevents anyone from obtaining the compensation they should come up with a full recovery. For this reason, in the event you call what the law states type of Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C., we provide you our complete pair of services over a “No Win, No Fee” basis.
In other words, our company offers our expert insights, professional skills and consultations completely free of cost, until we win the case so we all take a piece of the winnings. This arrangement is also called the "contingency" plan and practiced by most accidental injury lawyers in Georgia.
It is actually our expertise in utilizing accidental injury plaintiffs, that the aftermath of your accident regardless of how serious is just not a great time to be collecting more financial responsibility. Along with expenses for treatment along with other concerns, you will discover a chance that the injured person is going to be facing reduced wages by not continuing to be effective as normal.
We provide you with the contingency plan basis to make certain that financial need will not likely stand in the way of a suitable legal help with protecting your interests and recovering full compensation for your injuries.
For The Free Consultation and Case Evaluation Contact Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. Accidental Injuries Lawyers Today!
If you have been injured within an accident due to the carelessness and neglect of some other party, there is the right through the law into a full compensation. The procedure of carrying a lawsuit till its favorable settlement can be complex and loaded with small problems. For this reason you will want accomplished legal support.
In the Law Practice of Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C., there exists a full team of specialist to present you with the support and council you should get the coverage you deserve. Your focus ought not to be on negotiating using the shrewd insurance adjusters or calculating what this whole ordeal will almost certainly cost you. We will handle the heavy lifting while you concentrate on the most crucial task accessible, your full recovery.
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