#i feel like so much of the time i don't even agree with other talia fans on things lol..
roobylavender · 1 year
idk if this is me being too picky but i honestly really hate when people try to treat the al ghuls like they're royalty like i get that it's for fun but to me it treads too closely to a perception of them where they're more obsessed with their own grandeur and self-importance (something that you increasingly see towards the end of the 90s as their portrayals begin to decline, ironically enough lol) than they are simply committed to a duty to the world. i definitely think damian's introduction contributes to the perception esp with the emphasis on him being created as a perfect specimen despite the fact that traditionally ra's was enraptured with bruce bc he knew they shared ideals and he admired bruce's wits, dedication, and bravery. ra's does have power but maybe even moreso than bruce that power is only a means to an end and he's not concerned with amassing power for his own sake nor is he so self-absorbed as to believe only he can bring salvation to the world: hence why he seeks an heir in bruce in the first place. ra's and talia to me are both insanely humble people in the sense that they put the cause before themselves at all costs. all that matters is their contributive impact on the earth. their own existence holds no tangible value beyond each of them acting as the medium for an important environmental philosophy they want to carry forward (and we see this warped most severely with the introduction of damian and ra's being written to want to body-snatch him bc for some reasons morrison thinks immortality is paramount). were writers to focus more on that philosophy than they are on the bizarre idea that all ra's and talia want to do is amass power then maybe we wouldn't be where we are today with people thinking they're self-serving people blinded by their own riches and power to abuse others..
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therealcocoshady · 3 months
Recovery - Chapter 23
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Eminem x FemReader Fanfiction
Summary : Em gets a little jealous when Y/N catches the attention of a new beat maker he works with.
Tags : Angst, Comfort, Fluff, Smut (P in V, oral)
Y/N’s POV 
Telling Talia the truth about your relationship with Marshall definitely made your life easier. As it was to be expected, she told Jamal, but the two of them actually promised to keep it a secret from everyone else. You spent a lot of your time at Marshall’s but, on occasions, he would spend the night at your place too, and the four of you would hang out. You would spend as much time as possible with your boyfriend, even though the two of you were drowning in work, you with uni, him at the studio. However, you made it work. You spent every night together, except for one night a week. He usually had his family over for brunch on Sundays, so he would sleep alone at his place on Saturday night. The rest of the time, though, you had a little routine. Whether it was at his place or yours, both of you left stuff at each other’s house. By usual relationship standards, it was moving pretty fast, but it felt right for the two of you. After all, before even getting together, you were hanging out all the time so it wasn’t like you were just getting to know each other. 
At that point, you had been together for about two months and your relationship was still a secret. Everyone at the studio had really enjoyed meeting Josh at Talia’s birthday dinner and they seemed disappointed when you announced that the two had broken up, a couple of weeks afterwards. Obviously, they didn’t know the reason why and you were officially single. One of the drawbacks of no one knowing that you were spoken for is that they tried to get you to date and set you up with some people they knew. You tried to tell them that you weren’t really looking for a relationship, but they didn’t seem to care too much. It had sort of become a running joke in your household. 
Come on, Talia said during dinner, Royce’s cousin is pretty hot. If you’d been single, you should totally have gone to dinner with him ! 
Well I’m not single, you giggled. I feel bad for Royce and Porter though. It’s the third time they are trying to set me up with someone and I end up refusing all the time. I hope they don't take it personally ! 
Especially when they come up with such fine choices, she replied. The men they want to set you up with are total snacks !!! 
Yeah, they’re pretty attractive, you agreed. 
I’m right here, Marshall said with a chuckle. Do you remember me ? You know, your boyfriend ??? 
Feeling threatened, Em ? Jamal asked with a grin. 
Not at all, Marshall replied sternly. 
Not that we’d blame you, Em, Talia said playfully. I mean, that basketball was like half your age and twice your height ? Not to mention that he was buff… 
Remind me why we’re eating with them and not at my place, babe ? He asked you with a faux-exasperated face. 
Because we want to spend time with Y/N ! Talia shrieked. You’re basically stealing our bestie, Em. 
I’m not stealing her, he said as he rolled his eyes.
After dinner, the two of you were cuddling on your bed, watching a movie and talking about outfits for an appearance Marshall was supposed to make on some documentary. 
You can’t have me wear the Saint Laurent jacket all the time, he chuckled. People are going to think I only have one outfit. 
But you look so good in it, you said. Plus, it really shows off your muscles. Like, your broad shoulders and everything… 
Not enough, apparently, he muttered under his breath. 
What ? You asked. 
Nothing, he sighed before getting up. 
Suddenly, he seemed a little bothered. You paused the movie and looked at him. He was standing in front of your mirror, inspecting himself, looking displeased at what he saw. You got up and hugged him from behind. 
You look handsome, you whispered in his back. 
I don’t, he groaned. I look like one of the seven dwarves. 
You don’t, you giggled. What’s up with you ? Are you stressed out about this documentary ? 
Not really, he said. I mean, I couldn’t care less. 
What is it then ? You asked as you ran your hands on his stomach. 
Don’t do that, he grumbled before removing your hands. 
You looked at him, not really understanding. One minute you were cuddling and the next he didn’t seem to want you touching him. Plus, his snapping was sort of unusual. You sat on the bed and patted the mattress so that he would sit next to you. 
Want to talk about it ? You asked softly. 
Do you agree with Talia ? He asked. 
About what ? 
About those guys. he said. Do you think they’re better than me ? 
You stared at him in disbelief. To you, it seemed like a stupid question. Of course they weren’t better than him. 
You know she was just kidding, right ? You asked. 
Yeah but… Are they ? He asked. 
Of course not, you said. Why would you even worry about that ? 
I think it’s pretty obvious why, he sighed. Just… forget it alright ? 
He groaned again and got undressed. You thought he’d stay in his boxers, as he usually did when you went to bed, but he put on sweatpants he had left in your room a while ago and a tee-shirt, as well as a hoodie. He got under the covers while you stared at him.
What ? He asked in an annoyed tone. Why are you staring at me like that ? 
Nothing, you said timidly. Are you… cold ? I can adjust the room’s temperature if you want. 
I’m good, he said. Let’s go to bed, ok ? I have a big day tomorrow. 
Sure, you said in a sad voice. Good night. 
You quickly got into Marshall’s discarded tee-shirt, using it as a nightgown and got into bed. After turning the lights off, you got into your usual position, expecting him to cuddle with you as he always did, but he didn’t. It made you a little sad, although you knew it probably wasn’t a big deal. You were spending almost every night together and he was entitled to some distance if he wanted. This was your first night without cuddling and, without being overly dramatic, it felt like the end of an era. Even though the temperature of the room was perfectly fine, it felt cold. You grabbed a hoodie of his and put it on. When you got back in bed, he had turned and you could only see his back. 
I love you, you whispered shyly. 
Love you too, he mumbled. 
You didn’t sleep too well that night. You ended up tossing and turning a lot, wondering what was on his mind and what you could do to make it better and if you were the one to blame. You hated that kind of mood. Back when you were with Simon, he would often be grumpy over small stuff and give you the silent treatment. This had led to you second-guessing everything and overthinking every time someone’s mood changed. Your heart sank a little as you fell asleep. 
Fortunately, in the morning, Marshall’s mood seemed to have improved. You woke up to him kissing your forehead. 
Hey you, you whispered in a sleepy voice. 
Hey, you little hoodie thief, he chuckled. 
Slept well ? You asked. 
Yeah, I needed that, he said with a smile. Mind giving that hoodie back ? I have to get ready for the day. 
There’s another of your hoodies in the closet. 
I want this one, he chuckled. 
It’s going to reek of me, you pointed out. 
Maybe that’s what I want, he chuckled. I’m going to miss you today. 
I’m going to miss you too, you said with a pout. How about we both blow off work and sleep in ? 
I’d love to but I can’t, he chuckled. We’re having a session with a beatmaker I’m really excited to work with. Why don’t you come by after uni ? You’d really like his work. 
Sure, you said. 
He seemed genuinely excited and it made you happy. He often smiled, but his happiness radiated even more when it came to music, the thing he was born to do. You loved that he shared that with you. Of course, you cherished the moments when it was just the two of you, because it allowed for more intimacy, but you just loved watching him work. 
When you were done with your day, you joined everyone at the studio. They had just finished recording a track with Chris, the beatmaker Marshall had told you about. Apparently, he had reached out through Porter and everyone on the team seemed to really like his stuff. You greeted everyone and they played the track for you. You immediately understood what all the fuss was about : Chris was insanely talented. What he did was different, but also in line with the vibe Marshall had chosen for the album. You complimented him and he ended up playing some of his beats for you while the others took a break. You also talked for a bit. The two of you were roughly the same age, making you the youngest in the room, and you had a lot of common cultural references, seeing as his mother was french. You even talked about french rap music and joked around. He seemed to take a liking towards you but you didn’t pay much attention to it. You were spoken for anyway. Plus, he was clearly the type to flirt with anyone and everyone so you knew it was nothing special here. When they got back to work, you watched them and you couldn’t take your eyes off Marshall. However, the session ran long. Not that it bothered you too much. You always enjoyed hanging out at the studio, getting a preview of what they were working on. Plus, Chris kept on joking with you, either in English or French. Whenever they couldn’t understand, the others threw a side-eye at you, so you tried to stick to English. When the session came to an end, Chris came to see you. 
So, what did you think ? He asked. 
I love your beats, you said earnestly. You’re super talented and I just can’t believe that you started a few months ago. 
I have collabs with a bunch of other people, he said. They won’t be released for a few weeks, but maybe I can get your e-mail and send them to you ? 
I’d like that, you said with a smile. 
And then, maybe you can tell me what you think about them over dinner, a movie, that sort of stuff ? He added with a wink. 
You were a bit taken aback. You quickly glanced at the others in the room. Porter and Royce were excited, Jamal was staring sternly and Marshall’s eyed seemed to have turned a shade darker. He was pursing his lips. 
I’m sorry, you said, I’m not interested in dating right now. 
Can’t blame me for trying, he said with a smile before kissing your hand. 
He took a piece of paper and wrote his number on it before giving it to you. 
I really enjoyed meeting you, Y/N. Maybe you can give me a call when you change your mind about dating ? 
You blushed a little and mumbled before he left. His confidence was a bit unsettling. As soon as he was gone, Royce and Porter started groaning. 
What was wrong with this one ? Royce asked as he crossed his arms. 
Nothing, you said. I just said I’m not interested in dating. 
Will you guys just stop pushing people on her ? Jamal asked with a frown. I don’t need a thousand suitors coming to my house trying to woo her. 
Hey we didn’t plan for this one, Porter chuckled. But I think there’s something wrong with you, Y/N. This one was attractive, funny, french and more talented than any of us were at his age. 
Told you, I’m not looking for anything right now, you said. 
Well when that changes, you might want to give this one a call, though, Royce said. That’s the kind of guy you should be with. 
You shook your head and changed the conversation subject, going back to music. After everyone left, you got in Marshall’s car to go to his place. You were happy to finally be alone with him. Plus, it was a Friday night, meaning that the two would be able to spend the next morning lounging in bed. As soon as he got into the car, you grabbed his hand but he pushed it away angrily. 
Care to explain why you were flirting with that jackass right in front of me, Y/N ?! 
What ?! You asked defensively. 
Oh, please. “Oh my God, you’re so talented. I can’t believe you just started a few months ago”, he said, imitating your voice and vocalizing fake french words. You were practically riding his dick !!! 
I was complimenting him ! I also complimented you when we first met, if you recall, you pointed out sternly. 
He literally asked you out ! Marshall blurted. 
And I said no ! Why are you making a big deal out of it ? I like his beats, so what ? I like a lot of stuff. 
Yeah, you like him, he scoffed. 
I don’t even know him, you said. You like his work as much as I do, so what’s the big deal ? 
Yeah well I don’t think I’m going to use these beats anymore, he groaned. 
You looked at him and let out an involuntary laugh. 
He hit on me so you’re not going to work with him ? You asked in disbelief. 
Well I don’t want to work with anyone who wants to fuck my girlfriend, he said. It’s a matter of respect. 
Marshall… He doesn’t even know I’m your girlfriend, you said softly. Everyone thinks I’m single. 
Well maybe that’s the fucking problem ! He screamed. 
You stared at him in confusion. You took a deep breath and tried to keep your composure, even though you were startled by his outburst of anger. 
I’m lost here, you said. Walk me through it, because it doesn’t make much sense… 
You’re not here all the time. You don’t hear everyone commenting on how cute and sweet you are. On how they love you and anyone would be lucky to date you because you’re a goddamn catch. And how “That’s too bad for that dude Josh, he seemed great”. You don’t see everyone looking at you because you’re the brightest person in every room you enter. I do. 
He took a deep breath and avoided your gaze. 
And I know it makes sense to keep it on the low, right now, he added. We agreed to it and shit but then, I see you with that dude who is like half my age and talented as fuck and I’m like… It gets to me. That’s it. You heard Royce. That’s the kind of dude you should be with. 
You smiled shyly and took his hand that was balled in a fist. You kissed his knuckles and caressed his cheek as he closed his eyes and let out a sigh. 
So you’re… insecure ? You asked softly. 
If you want to call it that, yeah, he admitted with a groan. 
You really shouldn’t be, you said. You are the brightest person in every room, my love. Especially when you’re in the studio. You’re great and everyone reveres you.  Same goes for me. I only have eyes for you and every time I hang out here, I am amazed at how great and talented you are. And yes, I complimented that guy, because he is talented. But his talent and his beats, they make you shine even more because you are the one putting them to good use. You’re the one writing incredible lyrics and rapping them. No one does it like you. 
You think ? He asked. 
Of course, you said with a smile. And as for me practically riding his dick, don’t you dare say that to me again. Because yours is the only one I want to ride and I will prove it to you right now if I have to. 
He let out a laugh and kissed you. 
I’m sorry for losing my temper, baby, he said gently. And I’d love to take you on that offer but we’re in a public parking lot. 
Then let’s drive to your place and I’ll get on my knees to show you how much I appreciate you, you offered with a devilish grin. 
He laughed, kissed you again and wasted no time before starting the car. During the short drive to his place, you strategically placed your hand on his thigh, tracing circles on it, gently teasing him. When you got to his house, as soon as the front door was closed, you immediately jumped on him and removed his jacket and tee-shirt. Now that the two of you were alone, there was no reason why you should keep your hands off each other. You shoved him against the wall and immediately dropped to your knees. You undid his pants, letting his cock spring free and began licking the head. He closed his eyes and let you work your magic. You stroked him as you licked, taking as much of him in your mouth as you could. His fingers were in your hair, slightly pulling and encouraging you. 
I’m not going to last long, he warned. 
You shrugged to show it didn’t really matter to you. All you wanted was to pleasure him and for him to enjoy the moment. But he stopped you and made you get up. 
What are you… ? You began asking. 
I want to be inside of you, baby. 
He quickly undressed you and pinned you against the wall as you wrapped your legs around his waist. He immediately picked up a fast pace, wasting no time. He was thrusting into you harder than ever, kissing you sloppily. 
Say you’re mine, he whispered in your ear. 
Of course I am, you chuckled softly. 
Say it. I want to hear it. 
I’m… Yours, you said as he slammed into you. Yours only, Marshall. 
Right when you thought it wasn’t possible, he thrusted into you harder and made you come, taking the both of you to climax. You came at the same time and ended up panting on the floor. You were both sweaty, dripping messes, but as far as you were concerned, you were too stunned and exhausted to move. Your eyes were closed and you felt Marshall’s fingers stroking your cheeks. 
You’re a goddess, he said before kissing your forehead. 
You simply hummed in response. You were so tired you could fall asleep right then and there. 
Up, he said. Let’s shower. 
Bath ? You tried to negotiate. I don’t feel like standing up. 
Bath it is, princess, he said as he picked you up and carried you. 
I’m going to be so sore, you complained with a small laugh. 
Good, he said with a hint of pride. That’ll remind you of me. Of who you belong to. 
Territorial much ? You teased. 
He didn’t bother responding. He drew a bath and you settled in his arms and between his legs as he looked at you intensely before starting to wash your back. 
You don’t need to worry about anyone else, you said softly. There’s only you. You are the only one I want to be with. The only one I want to sleep with. 
I know, he said as he interlocked his fingers with yours. But… 
He stopped and sighed. 
What’s wrong, my love ? 
You don’t have to agree, and I know it’s early but… What if we went public ? Like, not “public” public, obviously, but… People we know ? He asked. 
You took a second before responding. You were a little stunned that he even suggested that. Plus, you didn’t feel ready, as you were scared that it might change the group dynamic. You didn’t want to suddenly become “Em’s girl”. 
I don’t know, you said. Do you think it would make you feel better ? 
I guess, he said. But you know, it’s not just a territorial thing. I mean, I want to claim you as mine so that the guys stop suggesting that you date and that these other dudes know that they should back off, don’t get me wrong but… Being with you feels natural. Pretending I’m not feels like lying. 
I’m not ready for people to know about us, you said. 
Are you ashamed of me ? He asked bluntly, his behavior suddenly changing. 
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh. The idea that you might be ashamed of him seemed preposterous to you. He was the hottest man you knew, the wet dream of millions of people around the world, insanely smart and talented. If anything, you thought he might be the one ashamed of being with someone as bland as you. 
Ashamed of you ? Why would I be ashamed of you, Marsh ? 
You tell me, he groaned. 
That’s stupid, you said as you shook your head. 
Now I’m stupid ? Great, he said before getting up and leaving you alone in the bathtub. 
Marshall, don’t…, you began to say, but he left and went to his bedroom. 
You groaned as you got up as well, your body still sore from your earlier exertions. You grabbed a robe and joined him. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, a towel wrapped around his waist, looking pissed off. 
What’s with you, lately ? You asked. 
Clearly, there’s something, you said. Yesterday, you got distant out of the blue, then you acted jealous before claiming me as yours and now you think I’m ashamed of you ? Where is all that coming from ? You asked calmly. 
I never thought a girl would be reluctant to tell anyone she’s dating me, he said. 
So, that’s ego, you pointed out. 
No, it’s not fucking ego ! If it was, I could easily get anyone else and it would be a done deal, he said as he rolled his eyes. 
Way to make me feel good and convince me to go public with you, you said sarcastically. 
He looked at you and sighed before taking your hand. 
I didn’t mean it like that, he said apologetically. All I’m saying is… I don’t understand why you want to hide our relationship, he said. I thought it was going great. 
It is going great, you said softly. 
So what is it ? He asked. Is it because I’m old ? Because of how I look ? What makes you so ashamed of me ? 
You looked at him in disbelief. He seemed sad and genuinely thought you were ashamed of him. It broke your heart. 
I don’t think fifty qualifies as old, Marshall, you said. 
Fifty-one, he bitterly corrected. 
You could be ten years younger or older, it wouldn’t matter to me, you know ? You said. And it's not how you look either. You look great. I mean… Have you seen yourself in a mirror ? 
I have, that’s the problem, he groaned. I’ve also seen the last two guys you dated and the men Royce and Porter keep on trying to set you up with. I know I’m not your type. 
Of course, you’re my type, you said softly. 
Come on, have you seen them ? They’re all at least 6”5, most of them are super buff… 
Yeah, well, I have dated tall men, you shrugged. But you’re muscular too. 
I’m not tall, he sighed. And I haven’t worked out too much lately. I think I’ve put on a few, actually…, he added as he touched his stomach. 
Marshall, I’m 4”9, you chuckled. You might not be as tall as other guys I have dated, but you’re still a freaking giant to me ! And I like your body the way it is. It’s freaking perfect. You might not hit the gym as much as you used to, but with all the time you spend fucking me in those weird positions, I think you work out just as much, if not more… 
True, he chuckled. But I don’t know, Talia said…
Talia was just teasing you, you said softly. You know how she is. She loves being mean to you. 
She’s a fucking bully, he said. 
But she’s like that because she likes you, you said. 
I know, it’s just… I’m a bit sensitive about that, I guess ? He shrugged. Like, I’m aware that you have a lot of options. And that some of them are literally half my age. 
Ok, you said calmly. I think we should address this because it seems like you’re obsessing over it, at this point. What’s up with your age ? You seem to make a big deal out of it. You have always pointed out our age difference, but it seems to bother you more, these days. 
Royce made a joke the other day, he admitted. Or a… comment. I don’t know. 
What did he say ? 
That if I wasn’t too old for you, maybe I would have had a chance to put you in my bed, he said. 
Well joke’s on him, you chuckled. Because we’re in bed together almost every night. And I love your age. 
You love my age ? He asked in disbelief. 
Well, I do love that you are experienced, you said with a wink. You’re the best sex I’ve ever had. Like, no one makes me come like you. And I had never even squirted before you. 
Really ? 
Yes, you giggled. And, the sex thing aside, I like the fact that you’re more mature than guys my age. So you don’t have to worry : I am not ashamed of you or anything. If we were the same age, we wouldn’t even be together. 
What do you mean ? 
Well, if I had met you twenty years ago, I would probably have thought you were an asshole, from what I gathered, you explained. And right now, I wouldn’t be as attractive. I’d be… older. You men age like fine wine but what you see of me right now is my prime. 
The asshole thing is true, he chuckled. But I’m not fucking DiCaprio, you know ? I’m not only into girls who are in their twenties. And for the record, you’d be beautiful at any age. I’ll still love you when you’re 51. I’ll be an old man by then and you will have put me in a retirement home, but I’ll still be crazy about you. 
You swooned at how sweet it was that he thought about loving you almost twenty-five years from now. It implied that things were serious between the two of you and that he thought your relationship might be going somewhere. You sat on his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck before kissing him softly. 
I love you, he said. 
I love you too, you whispered. I’m so happy and proud to be your girlfriend. 
You are ? He mused. 
Of course, you giggled. 
So… Can I ask why you don’t want people to know about us ? He asked carefully. 
I just don’t want people to get the wrong idea, you admitted. 
What idea ? 
That I’m dating you because you’re this famous rapper. I like the Eminem, talented dude part for sure. But I’m not dating him. I’m dating Marshall Mathers. I’m with you because you are the most caring, funny, nice and good-looking man I know. I’m more interested in your comic book collection than your career anyway. And I don’t want people to see me as just your girlfriend. I like being their friend too, you know ? 
I see, he said. That makes sense, actually. 
He kissed your cheek and played with your hair. 
Sorry for being a dick, he apologized. 
It’s fine, you said. There’s something else, too… 
Mmmh ? 
People knowing about us would include your family, right ? You asked. 
Well… yeah, he said. I guess I hadn’t really thought about that. But yeah, I guess. 
Now you might be the one ashamed of me, you giggled. 
Not at all, he said reassuringly. You’re right, it might be too early for that. But I am in love with you and I’m serious about us. So, at some point, I’d like to tell them about you. 
Aren’t you scared of what they will think ? You asked nervously. 
Not really, he said. They will love you. You have no idea how long they have been pestering me about dating, so you’re probably going to come across as some sort of savior. 
They won’t think it’s weird ? You asked. 
I don’t think so, he said. I haven’t really thought about that, I guess. I never thought I’d want to introduce anyone to my family anyway, you know ? But I know that they’re going to like you. You already get along with Hailie and I know that Lainey and Stevie will love you. But we’ll see how it goes when you meet them as my friend anyway.
You really want us to meet ? You asked in shock, suddenly nervous. 
Chill, he chuckled. It’s not going to be any sort of proper introduction or anything like that. But they usually come and watch football games with me, either here or at the stadium. There’s always a bunch of friends too. So I might invite you, Talia and Jamal. What do you think ? 
As long as I don’t have to wear stupid Lions apparel, you chuckled. 
You don’t get to disrespect my team under my roof, he said with a faux frown. 
It’s not the team, it’s the outfit, you corrected with a smile. I don’t even understand the rules anyway. 
Now I’m ashamed of you, he joked. 
You chuckled and kissed him. 
Be ashamed of me all you want, but I’m starting to get cold and I want my bath, you said as you got up. Care to join ? 
Sure, he replied with a smile. I’ll explain the rules to you, once again. 
No, you begged - fully knowing that he could be unstoppable when it came to talking about football. 
Come on, it’s easy, he began. 
I didn’t ask for it, you said sheepishly. 
But you just said you don’t know the rules of football, he said. 
Doesn’t mean I care, you giggled. I swear, if you start talking about football, I will rap some Benzino. 
Do that under my roof and you’re dead, woman, he said before tickling you. 
You tried to push him away but he was too strong for you. He pushed you onto the bed and buried his face in your neck, gently nipping at the sweet spot he knew you had. You couldn’t control your moans as he started sucking on it and untying your robe, exploring your body with his hands. You were sore but clearly ready for another round. After some sweet love making, you got back to the bathroom to draw another bath - the water being too cold now and saw your reflection in the mirror. You let out a gasp. Your neck was full of hickies. Marshall arrived behind you with a shit-eating grin. 
I’m going to kill you, you sighed. 
What ? Just because we’re not going public doesn’t mean I’m letting people think you’re single, he chuckled. 
They're going to think I’m dating a freak, you commented as you inspected the hickies and figured out they’d be hard to hide. 
I should have done that earlier, he said with a smile. Now maybe Royce and Porter will stop. 
If I have to walk around like this, I’m going to start leaving hickies too, you threatened. 
Don’t you dare, he chuckled. My kids are going to freak out if they see that. 
You owe me, then, you said sternly. 
Anything you want, princess, he said lovingly.
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theflyindutchwoman · 6 months
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Look, you're out of your depth on this. Look, I've been riding with you for two months. You project the rogue cop thing, but you are always on the right side of the law. If you came all the way over here to psychoanalyze me, you wasted your time. No, I I came here to remind you that you'll regret helping her. Because it's not gonna change her. But it'll sure as hell change you.
One of my favorite thing about these two is how protective they are of each other. This is a trait they both share. Tim might be called the 'fierce protector' but it absolutely goes both ways. Lucy is exactly the same. From the very beginning. There was an inkling of that already when she volunteered to go pay a visit to Isabel after her overdose : she was trying to shield Tim from more pain, from seeing who his wife was living with… or in which conditions. And that makes this scene a touch sadder since all that effort went to nought. He still ended up having to go there… Fortunately for him, he is not as alone as he thinks he is. Lucy is waiting for him outside. Watching over him.
I love how you can see her hesitation when she leaves her car. It was one thing for her to (rightfully) call him out on his behavior on the job, it's another to insert herself in his private life after their shift. She may have been confident enough to pull off her prank with the money clip, but this is far more personal. And he does look a bit angry at first. Only, unlike last time, it's not because he thinks she's out of line. At least, not entirely. I believe there's some genuine concern for her here : if anyone ever found out she was here in the first place, she could get in trouble. He knows the risks he is taking, even without removing the evidence. He accepted them when he agreed to help his wife and broke into her place. But Lucy is pretty much risking her career… for him. And it says a lot about her character that, despite everything, she still takes that chance. Especially since as far as she believes, he may have removed the drugs, which could put her in a precarious position of having to either lie to protect him, or rat him out.
The way she gets slowly closer to him, trying to bridge the gap and reach out to him… She is so nervous, knowing she's overstepping a line. But she cares too much not to say anything. She has been able to see right through his walls the moment Isabel showed up and this just shows how perceptive she truly is. And her assessment of Tim is pretty spot-on : as much as he likes to paint himself as this rogue officer, he does try to stay on the right side of the law and not cross a line he can't come back from. His morals, his code are what separate him from someone like The Hawke. And tampering with evidence would have definitely changed him. Lucy's behavior also stands in stark contrast with Isabel here : Tim's wife was earlier begging him to betray what he stands for and believes in whereas Lucy is imploring him to stay true to himself. Obviously Isabel was under the influence of the drugs, so she didn't even realise what she was asking. But this moment still aligns with Lucy's attitude, how she has never tried to change him, only broaden his horizon and give him a safe place to allow him to be vulnerable. Melissa does a terrific job at conveying what Lucy is feeling here, between the slight hesitation in her body language and the little crack in her voice.
'It's not gonna change her. But it'll sure as hell change you.'. This is such a powerful statement, one that shows how much she cares already even though at this point, he hasn't given her a reason to. And that realisation fully hits him. It's really a turning point in their relationship. Tim is left completely speechless after that… Because I don't think anyone ever cared like that for him. Angela and Talia were there for him after Isabel's arrest, but they're his friends. Talia was even invited at his wedding. Lucy, on the other hand, is his rookie and barely knows him… But she still took that risk to come and try to talk him out of doing this. And that is so overwhelming for him that he can only turn away abruptly before his mask starts to slip.
Lucy looks so worried at the end : she doesn't know for sure if he has crossed the line or not… I honestly think that he had already made the decision not to take the drugs (as implied by the fact that we see him leave) and Lucy's support brought him some modicum of comfort… as much as the situation allowed.
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reader6898 · 4 months
Medic to the wolfpack
A: Affection
(How affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
not the most affectionate unless it's with someone she knows and loves. She will show it through hugs and if it's someone she loves then kisses, hugs, and even hand holding
B: Best Friend
(How would they be as a best friend? How would the relationship start?)
kind and caring. it takes Talia a long time to make friends and she is very shy so you would have to go up to her first and gain her trust along the way. if you want to invite her somewhere it might take a few tries before she agrees
once you are best friends with Talia you will find that she is kind and caring and the sweetest person in the galaxy. she will also try to hold onto her friendships as long as possible because she will be devastated if you leave the friendship. it gives her severe anxiety and she also has abandoment issues that she's had since she was eleven years old
C: Cuddles
(Do they like cuddles? how do they cuddle?)
if it's with someone she loves then she loves cuddling with a passion. she will trap you in a death grip and you will literally have to pry her off of you. That's why she enjoys cuddle piles with the Wolfpack so much
D: Domestic
(Do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Talia is very skilled and cooking so she actually prefers homecooked meals that she learned to make from her mother. as for cleaning she isn't a big fan of it but she understands that it has to get done.
settling down isn't something she has never thought about or didn't think she could do but with the right person she wouldn't be apposed to it
E: Ending
(If they had to break up, how would they do it?)
the other person would have to do it because Talia isn't strong enough to break up with you. she would be devastated and cry a lot. it would take her a long time to move on or she might not move on at all if she was with you for a very long time
the pack would have to get involved because they hate seeing her so sad and Wolffe would definitely have to be held back from breaking someone's knee caps because seeing his cyar'ika upset makes him see red
F: Fiancee
(How do they feel about commitment? How quick do they want to get married?)
remembering from her childhood how happy her parents were she would enjoy being committed to someone but if it's not meant to be then she doesn't see a future with the person.
Talia isn't in a hurry to find someone and get married right away. she likes to take her time and get to know the person. if the discussion of marriage comes up she will definitely talk about her dreams but again if it's not meant to be and the topic doesn't come up then she doesn't see any type of future. she also wouldn't know what she would want if there was a wedding but it would most likely be a simple one
G: Gentle
(How gentle are they? physically, emotionally)
she is very gentle emotionally and her feelings get hurt easily. she would never say anything bad about you
Talia is gentle when it comes to treating the clones and pretty much anyone. the clones very much enjoy being treated by her. the only time she isn't gentle is if someone lays a hand on her and she will freak out. she will definitely punch you in the throat or kick you where the sun don't shine if she feels threatened
H: Hugs
(How often do they hug? Do they like hugs? what are their hugs like?)
as long as she is comfortable with you then she doesn't mind a hug. she enjoys getting hugs from the wolfpack, especially from Comet, Boost, Sinker, and Jax. she doesn't normally give hugs unless she sees you upset about something. Talia's hugs are warm and comforting
I: I love you
(How fast do they say that?)
you will definitely be waiting for a while until she is very certain of her feelings for you. once she says it she will enjoy telling you how much she loves you every time she gets a chance
J: Jealousy
(How jealous do they get? What do they do when they are?)
she doesn't get jealous. she gets more upset than anything because if she sees the person she likes with another person then she will feel unworthy and unloved. she will feel like she doesn't deserve to be with anyone and will sit by as the person she cares for be with someone that isn't her. Comet, Boost, and Sinker will try to cheer up their little sister when she is feeling this way
if she did get jealous she won't do anything as she doesn't like confrontation
K: Kisses
(What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss? where do they like to be kissed?)
her kisses are soft and sweet but if she loves you very much they will be rough and demanding. she will give you a kiss if you have a moment together but other than that she won't kiss much. she also enjoys the casual makeout session and won't mind if it will eventually lead to more
she definitely loves giving and getting kisses especially if it's with a significant other. Talia enjoys kissing you on the lips, face, and neck. she won't mind marking your body with hickies. she loves being kissed on the lips, face, shoulder, and neck. she won't mind if you give her a hickie as long as she can cover it up easily afterwards
L: Little ones
(How are they around children?)
Talia adores children. she loves their little smiles, laughs, and hugs. she enjoys playing with them and giving them sweets after she treats them. if they get hurt or upset she will do anything to make them feel better and to see them smile again
M: Mornings
(How are mornings with them?)
is neutral about them. she doesn't mind waking up early if she has to be somewhere but if she has a day off or is planet side she will definitely try to take advantage of sleeping in. if she's had a rough night then she will be very crabby and you don't want to get on her bad side. on the bad mornings she isn't a morning person and is a monster without her caf
N: Night
(How is the night spent with them?)
Talia enjoys quiet nights in but if she has a huge work load then she won't go to sleep until everything is done or you stun her and put her to bed yourself. if she is having a nightmare then good luck trying to sleep because she will be tossing and turning all night. she will eventually give up trying to sleep so it will take someone very special to have to put up with it and to tell her that the dreams aren't real
O: Open
(When do they start revealing about themselves? do they say it all at once or reveal slowly?)
Talia hates talking about her past as most of it is painful memories but when she does you will get little snippets at a time. she will reveal everything slowly and in her own time so until then she is a closed book that is very hard to pry open. only those that she trusts get to know the truth about her
P: Patience
(How quick to anger are they)
Talia doesn't get angry that easily but if she is having a very bad day or woke up on the wrong side of the bed and hasn't had caf yet then you better watch out because she will snap at you. Wolffe is pretty much the only one that can calm her down just like she does with him
Q: Quizzes
(How much do they remember about you? do they remember every detail or forget everything?)
if you are someone very important then she will remember every single thing about you but if you are someone she just met or aren't as important as everyone else she will completely forget everything you told her
R: Remember
(Favorite moment in the relationship)
blank as hell
S: Security
(How protective are they? How would they like to protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
she is very protective especially of young children. she also gets very protective of clones that end up in the medbay even though they can protect themselves. she is skilled in knife fighting so she is always carrying her vibroblade around and will go down fighting if she deems you a threat.
she doesn't mind being protected but it makes her seem weak so the concept makes her feel sick to the stomach. she will thank you later though for keeping her safe
T: Try
(How much effort is put into dates/anniversary/gifts/everyday?)
it will just be something simple because to her as long as you make her happy she doesn't care about gifts or dates and anniversaries and even everyday. she will appreciate you got her something though or even went to planning something special
U: Ugly
(Bad habit of theirs)
being a medic she has irregular sleeping schedules and hates being vulnerable. she also doesn't like that her past has gotten in the way of her trying new experiences and making friends
V: Vanity
(How concerned are they with their looks?)
being a medic for the GAR she doesn't have time to care about what she looks like. she is very self conscious of the scars on her back though and when she is intimate with someone she doesn't like them being touched unless it's someone she loves
W: Whole
(would they feel incomplete without you?)
Very. she has abandonment issues so if you broke up with her, left a friendship, or even died she wouldn't feel the same without you. while she had gotten used to being alone the thought of being by herself for the rest of her life scares her very much
X: Xtra
(Extra headcanon)
she is very tiny for a human, at least to the clones. she is 4'9 and the wolfpack finds it very cute that she is so small compared to them
she has a tattoo on her back near her left shoulder that she keeps covered. she didn't have a choice in getting it and is saving up every credit she's earned from working for the republic to get it removed
Hates talking about her past. will shut down if anything triggers her or if you try to talk to her about it
Has trust issues, especially when it comes to men. is very wary of being intimate
loves singing
also enjoys dancing. she got caught once by Jax and she got embarassed. instead of him laughing he told to shake her ass and she dropped it low as he encouraged her 😂
enjoys gardening. Plo has helped her set up a little garden on the ship even though they are in space and get no sun
has tried making tea once the way that Plo showed her and ended up getting everyone, including herself, sick. hasn't tried it since
Is force sensitive but can't be a jedi. Plo helps her control her powers
Y: Yuck
(What are some things they wouldn't like in general or in partner)
she hates when you keep an injury from her. if you have one and don't tell her she will give you a serious look until you tell her
she also doesn't like when you lie to her in general or if you are her partner. she hates when people lie to her about anything
Z: Zzz
(Sleep habits)
will curl up in her blankets and is usually good about keeping to her side of the bed. if you are her partner she will snuggle up to you as close as possible. tosses and turns a lot if she is having a nightmare which happens quite often
Tagging: @anxiouspineapple99 @techs-stitches @starrylothcat @cloneloverrrrr @the-rain-on-kamino @the-bad-batch-baroness @wings-and-beskar @wizardofrozz @eternal-transcience @rexxdjarin @moonlightwarriorqueen @cw80831 @523rdrebel @spicy-clones @deejadabbles @sunshinesdaydream @iwannaclonetrooper @clonethirstingisreal @sev-on-kamino @multi-fan-dom-madness
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spider-jaysart · 8 months
3, 4, 24
DC Comics Asks
3. First comic read?
The 1st paperback edition of the New 52 Harley Quinn comic book
4. What introduced you to the DC universe? Was it a show, comic, or movie?
I'm not so sure since I was so young, but I think the Teen Titans 2003 cartoon was what got me way more invested in the DC world as a kid since I loved watching it so much and still do
24. If you had total control, what you change?
1. Deage Jon back to being a kid, because he should've been allowed to grow up naturally and honestly deserves the character development that he should've gotten before in the past, and also because it was terrible that he just got ripped away from his original fans like that just because Bendis wanted to make him date Saturn girl (instead of finding someone else who was actually her age, since Jon was STILL JUST 10 years old at the time when he had thought of this ship for her, which is very EW!!) and didn't want a kid character getting in the way of his Superman stories because "it's not that fun to include them", which makes no sense, because he was literally so much more likeable and way more interesting as a kid than he is now, because as an adult, now he just feels like a completely different person and a boring character that many old fans just can't see as the real Jon anymore, even if they tried to, since he's more like a stranger now. He's just a plain, younger clone of Clark now with no real personality of his own in him (he doesn't even have his own style!!!)
2. Make Dickkory happen again and leave Dickbabs behind, because that relationship is just a forced one that DC only wants to happen just so that things can only stay in the Batfamily. But Dickkory is the one that actually has real love in it and a much deeper connection in it between the two. Plus those two are always crazy about eachother, way more than Barbara and Dick could ever be for one another. And I would also make baby Mar'i and Jake happen later on in the future too. Also, the trope that always happens with either Dick or Kory abandoning the other and the kids or dying everytime they finally have a family of their own needs to just stop, because they deserve to be happy together already after such a long time and I would make sure that it stays that way too
3. Make Bruce an actual good father, because #1 it is not cool at all and I do not ever enjoy seeing him treat any of his kids horribly, it just only makes me really irritated to see everytime and #2 it does not make sense for who he is actually meant to be as a character. It doesn't matter how many times writers will make it happen in canon, because that just means that they don't actually know him at all and only think he would do it just because "Oh, he's a dark, edgy man who gets angry at everything, so he must be such a horrible Father too.", which is not how he should be. There should never be anything so wrong about letting him be good Dad to his kids. There's always other ways to create a bunch of drama for Batfamily stories, but him being an abusive parent definitely shouldn't be one of them and if some DC writer thinks it is, than that just means they can't really think outside of the box
4. Stop the "Talia is an evil person who loves killing and is also a terrible Mother who tortures her kid with no mercy if they don't do what she wants" trope, because she originally doesn't actually agree with her Fathers ways at all and has always felt uncomfortable with having to be an assassin who takes lives, and another thing about her original character is that she's also a very loving person at heart and would never want to hurt the ones that she loves, so it doesn't make any sense for her to be a cruel and hateful parent who hurts and uses her Son for only whatever she wants
5. Keep the name "Kon". I heard that Conner is getting a new official name change for himself soon in his series, so he's ditching "Kon" now for something else just because "Clark was the one who gave it to him, but he didn't actually choose it himself, so it's not his", but like... HELLO????!! The writer definitely did not read any of his older books at all, because Kon was literally so happy when Clark offered it to him, because he finally felt accepted into the Superfamily that way and even cried tears of joy from it too if I remember correctly, so what the heck are they changing it for if he actually loves it and originally has no problems with it????
6. Revive Alfred, because to me, he is an iconic character that shouldn't be killed, because then nothing ever really feels the same again without him
7. Batgirl was cool for Barbara back then, especially because she was still young at that time, but I would make her Oracle again because it's just a definitely more fitting role for her nowadays
8. Keep more awesome Supersons stories happening again, because they're always a joy to read and also because I really miss them a lot
Idk if I have anymore ideas in mind for anything else😅 but this is everything for now that I would definitely change if I could
Thanks for the ask, Pal!!
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strawberrytalia · 7 months
talia is your top 5 dc characters!?!? how iconic!! i actually stared following you recently because I ran into a really old talia post by you (and like your name (watch it would be so embarrassing if you "starberrytaila" was a reference to something other than talia in her pink outfits)). talia is also a character that just came out of nowhere for me. i got into dc/ batfam for dick, and i fell in love with his relationship with damian. after reading a bit more stuff i realized that jason speaks to me more, and i was just gonna leave it at that. bUT THEN TALIA HAPPENED????? i just get so emotional over characters who grew up in not the best environment having the biggest heart possible and their love and loyalty being the reason why they do things. to have the courage to be kind when they were specifically taught/ or raised otherwise. SEEING CHARACTERS BEING THE PEOPLE THEY WANT TO BE, SHOWING THAT THEYRE MORE THAN THE PEOPLE WHO ARE AROUND THEM I JUST *gnaws at the bars of my enclosure* man i miss "heart on her sleeve" talia.
i know you said you don't wanna get too much into your thoughts on talia (I know we can be very protective of her) but what are your favorite things about her (that's not exactly thoughts right? its just a list)
also for the other characters you gush about would you be willing to do a reading list or reblog the reading list you're following. i'm trying to expand out of the batfam (I feel like in this scenario the grass is greener on the other side). I've been thinking of either the flashfam, arrowfam or wonderfam, but seeing you post about the lanterns makes me wanna start reading them too
Omg yes!!!!! Talia has always been one of my favorite DC characters!! Back in 2019-2020, I like devoted all my time to reading her preboot appearances!! LMAOOOOO dw the name strawberrytalia is a Talia reference!! 😭 My old icon was a pink Talia one lol, and then I changed it because it felt too misleading since I don’t really post about her anymore.
And the reason is because there’s this really big contradiction when it comes to Talia and characterizing her. Yes, I go by preboot Talia who was a much more complex and sympathetic character and I hate what Morrison did to her. But if I want to accept Damian, then I have to acknowledge Talia as a shitty mother and that doesn’t sit right either because this woman didn’t even want kids lmao. So to avoid everything that makes my head hurt and all the pretty abominable takes here, I don’t post about her often. I think the last time I did was calling out her fans who call her Chinese rep instead of Arab rep.
No but I 100% agree with you!!!!!! Talia is very dear to me, and honestly for a personal reason, I associate her with happier, easier memories in my life and when I read all her comics. She really is for the people who have been forced to make due with their circumstances. She is so loving, and I love that similarly to Bruce, loving too deeply is one of her biggest flaws. I really loved her Lexcorps era, and I feel like she’s such a versatile character that has the potential to be a really interesting view of nature vs nurture, and I also think Damian has this potential but they’re both misused by DC. I also love her personality because honestly she’s really enjoyable in that same dramatic flair kind of way that people praise Jason for, but like Talia was the og!!!!! She has a place in my heart for sure, which is also why I avoid her tag lol because I also can’t help but feel really sad and take it personally when people hate on her. And this isn’t me saying Talia is 100% perfect or good, but I just don’t subscribe to what racist writers portray her as.
I love the Talia who saved Bruce’s life multiple times, who defied her father even if she was caught in a loop when it came to him and the League, I love how well-read she is, I LOVE how passionate and short-tempered she can be, I love that she’s both extremely selfless and selfish in the worst way possible sometimes, to her own detriment. I really love how in a lot of ways, she did subvert the dragon lady trope when she was written at her best, peak time in terms of characterization.
ALSO EEEEEEE I love that you’re looking for recs!!!! That makes me so happy!!! I’m gonna add a read more now because this part might get a little long lol!
OMG okay so I used to be a hardcore bat stan for a couple of years, so I’m speaking from personal experience when I say:
The Batfam -> Arrowfam pipeline is REALLLL
And it’s because the two families are similar in the sense that they are the only non metahuman majority, the families that pretty much carry weapons and intellect and that’s it. So therefore many of the elements and dynamics you may like in the bats are there in the arrows, enhanced even!
It’s less of a weird transition when you’re expanding genres, and another thing that helped was that the arrows are super entertaining!! They all have really strong, out there personalities, a lot of depth, and stories that touch on various political topics. The family element is also a lot more present 😭🫶 They’re not perfect, but they would def kill for each other
Ah!! But tbh I’ve started not trusting detailed reading lists because the ones I’ve followed tended to let me down a bit 😭 A lot of comics listed didn’t even have the character in them, let alone any valuable moments :(
So I think it might be better to start off with 2-3 really good, really well-loved works, and see if it’s a fit, and then maybe the reading lists will work!!
1. Green Arrow: Longbow Hunters is super short but it sets up really important events, has the best Ollie characterization, and is pivotal for DinahOllie imo
2. Green Arrow: Quiver. This is heavy on Mia’s introduction, and it’s very much loved by Arrow fans and it’s pr much the only good part of GA 2001. This is the first 10-12 issues of GA 2001 I believe. Sets up family dynamics!
3. Green Arrow Rebirth. I was debating on between this and GA Vol 2, arguably the best arrow iteration, but I decided Rebirth is a better place to start for beginners. Not the best characterization, but it sets up the dynamics and it has Emi!!!!
I would recommend GA Vol 2 because it is really good!! But it’s a pretty loaded run because Ollie…um dies lol and is gone, so Connor steps up and takes the mantle of GA. I’d save this for after you read the beginner ones. Also optional is GA/Black Canary which isn’t HORRIBLE, but it has a lot of weird writing inconsistency and behavior that comes out of nowhere.
For the Flashfam, I’m admittedly following a Bart reading list and going off recs from people I asked here!! The Bart reading list is a lot more legit than the ones I complained about, and I can def rb it!
I started with The Flash 1987 #92 and I’m still working my way through the run!! It’s a lot more enjoyable than I expected! Wally and Linda are fun, and Bart’s story is so interesting. I haven’t gotten to the part with Max yet but every Bart fan I know loves their relationship.
I’m a beginner to the Wonderfam still myself, but I’m planning to read Trial of the Amazons story, and then Nubia’s books, and then some of Diana’s best recs. They are sooooo fun, I’m really enjoying the Wonderfam a lot.
ALSO I might get side eyes for this but honestly I never paid attention to the Wonders or Diana because I always thought she was so boring and uptight when she’s with the League. Then I read The Witching Hour and JLD 2018 and I fell in love with her 😭 I saw her in such a different light omg.
Wonder Girl 2021 is also a really good place to start because YARAAAA <333 It’s super short too, only about 7 issues!
Trial of the Amazons story reading guide:
1. Trial of the Amazons #1
2. Nubia and the Amazons #6
3. WW 2016 #785
4. Trial of the Amazons: Wonder Girl #1
5. WW 2016 #786
6. Trial of the Amazons: Wonder Girl #2
7. Trial of the Amazons #2
Now for Green Lantern recs…that is HARD because it’s a bit of an acquired taste lol
Okay let’s get this out of the way because this is like the only definite yes I have: FAR SECTOR ‼️ ITS SUCH A GOOD STORY AND JO IS AMAZING!!!!
Other than that…. uhhh Green Lantern: Blackest Night was one of the stories that got me REALLY into the lore and the electromagnetic spectrum (whatever it’s called lmao) it’s also a pretty fun introduction to the characters, esp Hal, Carol, Sinestro, the other Lantern corps leaders.
After that I moved onto GL 2011 except I skipped Venditti’s part lmao, and honestly this era isn’t even good, it’s just fucking insane. Wild shit happens and it’s like kind of funny.
I would definitely recommend GL Vol 3, but specifically the Emerald Twilight arc and everything to do with Kyle (he was actually the iconic GL up until they brought back Hal)
I admittedly haven’t finished the major readings for Simon and Jess yet, but I think GL Rebirth is promising for them (as in: you might like it)
There are a few others but again I don’t wanna make this overwhelming. I’m gonna go back and condense it into a smaller, more concise list soon but again…GL recs are hard 😭 they’re not very good LMAOOO
But yeah!!! If you’re looking for hero family dynamics outside of bats, the Arrows are really fun and interesting. The Wonderfam has super fascinating lore and a really good cast too. The Flashfam is my least knowledgeable sphere, but their stories and concepts are so cool and they’re very fun to keep up with. And the Lanterns are so <333 I still love them
I hope this response helps in some way!!!! I’m so happy I got this ask, it’s so sweet!!! 🫶
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crimswnred · 9 months
I don't think we are ever going to get another good wlw season. The fact that they didn't give us an option to run away with Grace when the fans have been begging for it since day 1 speaks for itself. They are happy to cater to male stans, but they don't give a damn about the fruities. I give up. S7 is going to be yet another season with one female LI that you only couple with once all LIs are merged together. WLW haven't been given a single good storyline for almost three years. I don't see why I should keep doing this to myself. Ever since they fired their old writers, they have decided that LGBT girls are no longer a target group that's worth their time.
I wanna start this by saying: you are so right.
I think the last good wlw route we had was Angie and that was cause we were all begging fusebox to let her be gay because she wasn't wrote to be gay from the beginning (which was like, a fucking mistake because everyone's gaydar was through the roof when we first met her)
I don't think they are gonna change it any time soon either, I really have no hope.
and with s7 being a casa season you can TRUST we won't be seeing a gay route so soon.
I don't think the first 3 seasons are any good either. they are all disappointing when you think about it, their writing was just generally better and that kinda hides the flaws.
(prepare for a really long analysis of the seasons)
although I love Talia, I don't like how she's the only option we have in season 1. I also don't like how she's painted to be this player, heartbreaker that kinda doesn't care much for her partner or anything at all (which is also a Latina girl stereotype but I won't expand on this subject here)
on season 2, both gay routes bother me. I don't really like Marisol, but even if you do, I think you can agree that her route is pure torture. we only really can be with her after casa (which is like, the end of the season) and if you want Elisa (an even later game route) you need to do Mari's route. to me, S2 is up there as one of the worst seasons for gay players.
season 3 is when it gets better. I'm obsessed with AJ and I love how she's all about us from day one. You can pick her at the first recoupling and stay with her for the rest of the game. Yasmin is another great option if you don't like AJ's personality. and, although she's only there for the end and you need to dump your partner to be with her, Lily is yet another great character.
now, season 4 is a good season too, in my opinion. Najuma shares scenes with Bruno and James but that's an issue of the season and not particular to the gay girls. Angie's route is unique and, in my opinion, well made. the best route we had for a female LI in forever.
generally, season 5 is a mess. most routes don't make sense and that is the case for gay routes too. like, you can argue and say you like Lulu's route but I just can't feel any connection to her. she's just there and we barely talk to her. like... I don't feel her character, you know? Gabi is a mess even if you don't care she's the one who your ex cheated on you with. like, her storyline is just messy (why is she on casa with us? why is she sleeping with Dana? what is happening?) and I don't even wanna bring up Dana into this mess.
but season 6... season 6 was just NASTYYYYYY. the way they constantly made us choose between the girls? disgusting. fusebox is never seein the pearly gates of heaven for that. why the boys could fight for us but we had to say goodbye to a gay girl every other week??? weird. just weird.
so, out of 6 seasons, we had 2 that work for me when it comes to female LIs. TWO! I know the reality show is centred around straight couples but if you are going to market your game as LGBT+ inclusive you could AT LEAST try to respect that audience and write better characters and stories.
unfortunately it's fusebox and they don't give a fuck about any of their audiences. wlw routes and LIs will still be an after thought.
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deeg9 · 1 year
Chenford + Tim finds out about Nucy
Hey Anon - I've written 2-3 fics with scenes where Tim finds out but I'll share the most recent version below that I wrote with Quesera and WannaBeBold (I'm like 50% sure we already posted this on Tumblr but I honestly don't remember).
The One Where Tim Finds Out About Nolan
Officers Celina and Thorsen are sitting at a table out of earshot while Nolan and Lucy wait for their lunch orders from the food truck. Last night at happy hour, Tim and Lucy announced to everyone they’d been dating for a while. 
“So, have you told Tim that we used to date?”
(shakes her head)
“No, not yet. Why?”
“Just estimating how much time I left have to finish writing my will.” 
“Good point… I’ll tell him tonight.” 
“How about tomorrow?” 
“I can’t get a flight to Japan tonight but I can probably find one tomorrow. I’ve been meaning to visit Henry and Abigail anyway.”
“Oh, shut up. It’ll be fine. He won’t even care.”
A few months later, the Midwilshire gang is gathered at their favorite bar to celebrate Tim and Lucy who just got engaged. 
(holds up a finger)
“Okay, okay, but wedding rule number 1: No exes.” 
“Normally, I’d agree. But Lucy and Rachel are good friends–”
"No exes! Do you want to sit there knowing one of your guests has done the dirty with your future wife?"
(opens his mouth to respond) 
“Oh, come on. All of that is in the past. And what about Nolan? He has to be there.” 
Tim reels back.
(his response comes out in a choke)
“Oh, dear lord, someone please burn my ears off.”
(taps her chin with her finger)
“That’s right… I just thought about telling you but I never actually got around to it.” 
“You said you were going to tell him months ago.”
“I forgot.”
“Uck. And I thought the bar was too low with Chris. No offense, man.” 
“I mean… I’m a little offended. I’m better than Chris.” 
The crew looks around at everywhere but at Nolan.
NOLAN (cont.)
(rolls his eyes)
“Really, Lucy? No one told you that was a bad idea?” 
“Well, Talia brought it up once or twice. How dating a cop was bad for my career…”
Tim laces his fingers through Lucy’s reassuringly. 
(waves her hand) 
“No, no, not that. Screw that.”
NYLA (cont.)
“I’m talking about dating Nolan being a bad idea.” 
“Hey! Now I’m offended.”
(to Nyla in mock offense)
“What the heck? I thought I was your favorite.”
"Now who told you that?" 
Nolan points at Angela. 
(shakes her head nonchalantly)
“Hmm... That doesn’t sound like me…” 
“You started this, Aaron. The next round is on you.” 
(nods unapologetically)
“I’ll come help.”
Thorsen and Lucy head to the bar.
Emmett walks up and pats Tim on the back.
“Hey man, I heard you’re getting married. Congrats.”
(stares at him for a moment before responding)
“How did you know I was getting married?” 
(points at Bailey)
“I just joined the 122. Bailey’s house.”
Tim closes his eyes and sighs.
(slowly pushes Emmett back toward the other end of the bar where firefighters are gathered)
“This is not the best time.” 
Thorsen and Lucy return and start topping off glasses from the freshly filled pitchers.
(to Tim)
“If it makes you feel any better, we didn’t know either.”
Angela suddenly finds a spot on the wall very interesting. Wesley notices immediately. 
“Right, Ang?” 
Everyone’s waiting for her to respond.
“Oh, please. Of course I knew! I just didn’t stick my nose in their business like Talia did.” 
“What? Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“Because you turn into a gossipy little schoolgirl when you drink.”
(hangs his head)
“I do not…” 
(clears his throat and pats Wesley on the back) 
“You really do, bud.” 
"What about me?" 
"What about you?"
"Seriously? You're my best friend."
"You two had vibes. There was no way I was telling you." 
"When she was my rookie? No, we did not."
People are nodding along with Angela and muttering under their breath. 
(leans in)
“What was that?”
Lucy elbows him in the side playfully.
(steps forward)
“Uh, sorry to interrupt, but I’m sensing someone coming through with a J name. He wants me to tell you there were definite vibes.” 
Her statement is met with stunned silence. 
CELINA (cont.)
“He also says Smitty owes him 20 bucks. Do you know who this is?” 
CELINA (cont.)
(before anyone answers, Celina’s face softens)
“But what he really wants me to tell you is… it’s about damn time.” 
Tim and Lucy smile sweetly at each other and he leans down to kiss her. Everyone in the room starts clapping, egging them on. Tim dips Lucy back and deepens the kiss as the Midwilshire crew cheers, the sound of glasses clinking in the air. 
Kudos and comments on AO3 are always appreciated! Thanks for reading.
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internetaddict104 · 2 years
anon from before here again, I honestly agree with you, at this point they should just start their own channel if they're gonna do so many videos together because I feel like every day I get a Simon and tahlia video in my recommended. I subscribed to simon not him and his girlfriend.
this is probably a controversial opinion but I believe she only got a spot performing at the summertime ball because she's Simons girlfriend. I literally never heard of her until they started dating. might be off the mark with that one but I just don't understand how she landed that gig.
as for the faith thing, I'm the exact same age as her and that makes me feel IFFY. things definitely moved very fast with them and I just hope it doesn't end badly
Hi again anon 👋
Same fam! At least I know to avoid Simon’s channel on Tuesdays (since they moved in together they’ve been doing Talia Tuesdays), but I’ll go to watch him in like, a football video (on either his channel or someone else’s) and somehow she’ll still get mentioned. It ruins the whole video for me, which really sucks because it takes the enjoyment out of watching him.
I’m terrified for when the Sidemen start uploading videos they filmed around this time, because by then they’ll know the engagement is public and it’ll probably get mentioned more than Behz’s baby 🙄. People are already saying they should do a cheap v expensive bachelor party for Simon and Vik (which I don’t mind much, but that’s literally a whole video centered around Talia so it’ll be painful to watch).
Also because I’m subbed to both Miniminter and MM7, I get recommended fans channels of their relationship. I get why they’d be recommended, but I don’t want them. Simon is the Sidemen member whose clips channel I’m not subbed to, because all the clips either have Talia in the thumbnail, title, or reference her, or a combination of the three. And I get that she’s probably the easiest guest to get, but she’s probably been on What’s Good more than anyone else, and even when she’s not physically there, she’s still either in the title or brought up at least twice an episode 🙄. I know Randy is married and Laura isn’t really in the public eye, but he doesn’t mention her or being married as much as Talia gets mentioned, which makes it even more annoying. Hell, I’m even seeing her on the fucking Willne sub! Apparently they had a thing before her and Simon (but idk I haven’t been able to find anything about that), so now she’s taking over his channel comments and Reddit too.
And I just realized that because they just got engaged, whenever JJ does his next Reddit video, it’s gonna be all about that (KSimon is over, Talia won, etc), because while I’ve been avoiding their reddits as best I can, I keep seeing it on Twitter (as much as I love Chipfat, it’s mainly his fault bc he keeps tweeting about it). Even Twitter keeps recommending fan content about them to me, and it keeps giving me notifications for Talia’s alt, even though I don’t follow that or her main. I know Harry already got his video out of this, and I haven’t watched it yet, because I know the entire Reddit video is just gonna be about their engagement, even though it’s Harry’s Reddit. Like I get that there’s almost 100% crossover between individual fans and Sidemen fans, but each guy should be kept to his own sub and the group sub. Simon Talia shouldn’t be all over Josh’s sub, Faith and Ethan shouldn’t be the only thing on Vik’s sub, etc. It also bothers me because it’s literally only Simon and Talia that this happens with. I don’t see Behz and Faith all over the other subreddits, nor do I get Twitter recommendations from fan accounts for them, or YouTube videos, so it’s not because Simon and Talia are very public, because Behz and Faith are too, if not more so.
Honestly, Talia probably did only get that gig, not because she’s with Simon, but because she’s friends with JJ/her boyfriend is his best friend. JJ definitely helped her get it. I don’t know if her music is any good; I’ve never listened to it. Tbh the most I’ve heard is from that somewhat viral clip of Harry on stream where he tells her song to shut up. And same, I had never really heard of her until the rumors that her and Simon were dating started popping up (Christ I really miss the days when Simon’s big joke was AshleyMariee). The only video I’ve ever watched of hers was her doing Freya’s makeup, and I only watched it because it was Freya’s Internet/YouTube debut, and I only knew about it because Freya tweeted the link. And even then (and this was long before they were public, I think the rumors had just started) I got bad vibes. She just seems very fake, bitchy, and snotty. Her changing her appearance in every photo/video doesn’t really help, but that’s just me being incredibly petty and mean. But also, plenty of celebrities got their start/got famous by knowing someone big, so she probably did get a huge jump in followers once her association with KSI/the Sidemen came out, and that might have helped her get the gig.
It’s just really fucking annoying because I can’t actually have an opinion of her or the relationship online unless it’s super positive/worship. I made one shady comment on a Sidemen video once, bc Talia kept getting mentioned even though it has nothing to do with her, and I got fucking roasted. People can bitch about Freya (though I’ve never really seen it) and Faith whenever they want, but I post one thing saying something along the lines of ‘I wish Simon wasn’t defined by his girlfriend for once’ and the pitchforks come out. Why is Talia the fucking second coming of Christ in this fandom? (This is not rhetorical, I genuinely don’t understand why she’s basically untouchable and worshipped so much compared to other girlfriends).
Her stans are also the fucking scum of the earth. They literally hate Harry for no reason. I remember they tried to cancel him for jokingly calling Talia a bitch more than once. (Another reason why it’s apparently very wrong to not worship her). JJ straight up said he genuinely thought Freya was a bitch for a long time in a video, and no one cared. Harry jokingly calls Talia a silly bitch (though I doubt he actually said that to her directly, since he was telling a story for the camera and most likely playing up what actually happened), and suddenly he’s the devil incarnate. Make 👏 it 👏 make 👏 sense 👏.
I think you said it best- we’re subscribed to Simon, not his girlfriend. (But apparently we’re the only two fans who feel this way, so it doesn’t really matter, unfortunately).
*Also I’m literally only like 8 months older than Faith, so her having a kid (literally due the day she turns 23) is super weird to me, but I’m like that with every famous person younger than me. I feel weird seeing kids younger than me be famous (I’m like this with TommyInnit, the Stranger Things kids, Memeulous, and ImAllexx, and others), idk why. But Ethan deserves to be happy, especially since his last relationship apparently didn’t end well (which, if it’s with who I think it is, really sucks because I liked them together a lot, and it seemed amicable on the surface), and Faith makes him really happy. Also their daughter is gonna be so fucking gorgeous, they are a very pretty couple. I’d be heartbroken if they broke up, especially if it ended poorly, but I also don’t see them getting married (at least not for a couple years). But Faith did imply that the pregnancy was unplanned; she made a tiktok saying “when you use a condom, take birth control, and do everything you can to have safe sex and still end up pregnant…”, so I definitely think this was an accident and they didn’t want to go as fast as they are, but it seems to be working for them, so fingers crossed it stays that way 🤞.
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rodolfoparras · 25 days
Im glad you're feeling better and WOAH PRICE TIDDIES!!!🙏🙏🙏 thank you for the food that was delicious 😋
Having adhd sucks so badly when you're trying to draw😭 every time I open the app to finish Venus, I remember my 20 different WIPS and start working on them😔
However I will say the "Venus, planet of love, was destroyed by global warming" is the main reason I named him Venus and I'm planning on writing a little drabble or something around it :3 Mitski and Isle of lost dogs really influenced Venus. I probably mentioned it but there's the "I'm not a violent dog, I don't know why I bite" thing from IOTLD and that fits Venus perfectly.
While it's not exactly how Ace is gonna look, Sigma from BSD is a big inspiration for him! Long hair pretty boy with half white, half light purple hair !!! And Q from BSD is actually what inspired me to make Quinn, I love gremlin children they're so silly and fun. Quinn is truthfully just Q with a loving brother and less trauma 😭
I've decided on the names for the cupid and reaper oc ! cupid is Talia (no last name D: ) and reaper is named Virgil Sterling !
tho Talia, I can't decide if I should make him have white hair, his design is mostly shades of white, gold and soft pink to fit with cupids, so idk if the white would clash too much D: I was thinking if not white, maybe a very light brown shade?
That’s me and I don’t even have adhd 😭my attention span and memory is just really shit the other day I found a 90% completed fic and I completely forgot I wrote it 😭
Man anything mitski is guaranteed to be absolutely beautiful and absolutely soul crushing i genuinely have to limit how much I listen to mitski bc the songs put me in such a heavy headspace 😭
I have not watched this show but the character designs sound very interesting!! Also I agree gremlin children are very lovable characters!! My favorite type of kid character is the no filter super blunt straight faced kid 😭
Also the names sounds very beautiful especially talia!!! Did you get inspired from something or did the name just suddenly pop in mind?
Id def go with a light shade of Brown hair borderline sandy brown gold like? So it doesn’t mesh with his outfit!
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roobylavender · 1 year
I feel like just the way comics have progressed over the years that I’m officially okay with saying never getting dick and kory back together in the same way that I don’t want Talia and Bruce to be together. Like I love them dearly and I think their love is weird and you really have to look at the way they loved each other to really understand them as people, but to me it’s special that the love was there and now they have to live that decision once it was broken off. Thought I still greatly want Mar’i Grayson to exist and like in my mind Dick and Kory have like another night where the comfort each other with the intention that they won’t get back together in that way and then Kory has her and her solo is about navigating both motherhood and what she wants out of life and finding a new place to lay roots and coming to grips with how her child would navigate earth life and I think it would come full circle too with like Dick’s plans and surprising him and putting a dent in his plans like she always has. Dick wouldn’t be the kind to want a child if he wasn’t married (if he would want a child at all) and like it would be reminiscent of the time he talked to Roy about maybe wanting children with Kory. Like I want to see new discovery with Kory and this is one small part of many discoveries I feel she could have. But also I love when Dick’s plans don’t go to plan, like that’s my favorite kind of Dick. Maybe that’s why I find so much do his recent stuff so forgettable and bland. He doesn’t learn or push himself towards anything or reflects on anything about himself. He’s just there.
And to add to that like knowing that Kory tried to make a new Tamaran and she was pregnant with and her husband died and she lost that world too. Like the natural progression from that arc would have/could have been this. Like if DC really wanted to play into that everything matters then wouldn’t Kory have had some memory of these things? I don’t know I just love the idea her finding herself and being loved without restrictions by her own child.
sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for SO long but i really couldn't agree more! mar'i strikes me as a unique narrative entity really capable of challening kory and dick both in distinct ways while nonetheless allowing them to cooperate and heal whatever rifts there are between them without necessarily needing to dive into a relationship all over again. i think that's something really lacking with a lot of modern dc relationships if anything there's so much focus on drama that writers don't even want to entertain genuine relationship development whether it's platonic or romantic. that's what made waid's flash run so good (despite my issues with linda's diminished agency) in comparison imo. the heroing was impt but so was developing those interpersonal relationship skills towards some tangible end rather than allowing for this cyclical non-growth that eventually dulled out the characters (which is what the writers after him did)
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firespirited · 11 months
Today was the usual mixed bag. Readmore for animal death (not my pets)
Ended the day with another Barbie bad cam viewing as a palette cleanser, noticed more outfits this time around. Such a delight.
Started the day with quick chores then tomorrow's grocery pickup by the replacement carer we managed to find for a full 2h a week 🙃. (Usually we pay someone happy to work off books but thought this agency might be a little more thoughtful). It just is, so we're making do.
I walked one dog after the other at daybreak. I've been slowly taming the very scaredy Gargouille, he now comes slowly close for scritches and a peanut.
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Yesterday someone left out a bunch of near new shoes and I carried them home (a small part of why my shoulder hurts) as they were roommate sized. She kept 4 pairs.
The rest was bagged and ready to go to the second hand store. I left the sandals, marrocan slippers and some large boots. As with all previous clothing or electronics dropoffs, they were thrown into the bin even though we have multiple clothes bins and second hand drop off points in town.
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I find that very odd, someone clearly wants to share their cast offs and someone else doesn't want that left out more than half a day and tosses it instead of using the two second hand stores (clothes are less than 5€ each like 5€ would be for a coat, the point is to reuse and teach folks repair)
On the second walk for Lily (i can't handle both dogs, they both walk very differently because of the age difference and both have strong temperaments), the walk goes by the cemetery and sis had said she'd seen someone complain about a dead cat. So I went to the bins opposite the gate and there he was, a large ginger cat, flattened by a car and rotting under the bins. We're supposed to take them to the vets for incineration but I'm not able to and he'd been there a while. I acted on instinct, grabbed him with a dog poop bag and placed him inside the bin 1 and started looking for bags to wrap him in. In bin 3 there was a ripped bag of school papers and junk so i emptied it out and gently placed the cat in it, tied knots in the top and tear. It's not the burial or sanitary incineration he deserves but it felt so disrespectful to see him just decaying on the tarmac.
Bin 2 contained 2 stainless steel branded dog bowls - they'll go to one of the local animal rescues. I didn't dig further, I was feeling drained from a dozen different emotions about that ginger cat. This is a caravan parking lot on weekends so it could have been from abandoned dogs. We're a small tourist town on the road to large tourist destinations.
Last week I found a muzzle and collar at the car wash and I don't know if it's one of the dogs that's been spotted loose in town. Animal control has already caught two who are now up for adoption since vacations started in july. The stray cats and dead cats are adding up as people who rent their house out for the summer leave for *their* vacations and holiday makers drop off their cats during a pit stop.
They'll probably do another massive "catch, spay and release" for the cat population in autumn.
As much as I rant about outdoor cats killing wildlife and our neighbours who let their dog roam at night (she's a sweetie who sits most of that time on their doorstep), the fact is that it's easier to talk about than the culture of disposing of pets. Even if the best case scenario works out, it's a huge amount of volunteer work and the new owners have to discover the animals quirks and fears instead of a simple form and a small fee when you surrender them.
The law is very slowly catching up.
I'm far happier with the new age of no-consent laws but it would be nice to see some lawmaking about pet owning : some basics to agree to before you buy and fines for not just the cruelty but the chaos for animal control, drivers, vets and shelters during the summer hols.
I got Lily in july 8 years ago from a local shelter. Talia was a surrender to the same shelter around Christmas. So so so worth the expenses and work.
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theflyindutchwoman · 7 months
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I would like to get a look at Chester's computer after TID is done processing it -- you know, try to get into his head. You think Lopez would let me? Doesn't hurt to ask.
For all his claims that Lucy isn't his partner, the way Tim treats her says otherwise. And it's particularly evident here. I just love whenever the show acknowledges her background as a psych major, but what makes this even better is his response. He has made no secret of his opinion on psychology in the past. He was rather antagonistic towards Jessica Russo when she wanted to use predictive analysis during the manhunt. He expressed several times his skepticism about psychology in Amber - though he did pay attention to what Lucy was saying. And for the most part, it stems from his preference for playing a more proactive role (there might be some other factors that play in as well, with his childhood and the army).
Still, that's what makes his response here so interesting. When Lucy asks him if she could have access to the videos recorded by the suspect in order to get into his head, he immediately agrees to ask Angela, even though that isn't necessarily a part of their job. Better yet : he takes the time to listen to her insights and comes to watch the videos with her. And his behavior here stands in stark contrast with how he acted during the double date : the fact that he could barely make an effort for his girlfriend but doesn't hesitate to accommodate Lucy says it all… There's another hint of how much he values her opinion during the takedown, when he quizzes her on their options and lets her take the lead. In some aspects, it felt like a Tim Test… But there was a genuine curiosity too. And this is so different from the approach he had with Talia, back when they got paired up in Flesh and Blood. To be fair, she was more hostile, feeling like she had to prove herself to one of her former TOs, so it didn't help. But he said it himself : he was still seeing her as his rookie. There's none of that here. And while Tim has grown a lot since then, it is frankly quite specific to Lucy. When he is tasked to help the Feds catch Rosalind's acolyte after her death, he is back to being critical, this time towards profiling.
He may deny it, but he treats Lucy as his de facto partner. Their shorthand is so blatant during this episode, at work or at the restaurant… The way they can have a full conversation with just one look… How their body language mirrors each other's… How they sit so close to one another while watching the videos, despite having the whole room for themselves… The way he moves Lucy by her duty belt outside the morgue, standing extremely close to her… That close quarter situation combined with the dark setting, the lower voices and those looks… So hot. Personal space? Don't know her. They just work so seamlessly together and make each other better… And this episode really brings this point home.
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blondwhowrites · 3 years
Dating Older! Damian Wayne
Okay let's just make this clear, Damian isn't very much of a crush kinda guy. You know? He doesn't really get the appeal to dating. He was raised to kill, not cuddle. So it's a miracle when he starts to show interest in you.
He doesn't interact with you oddly enough. It takes you actually going up to him and introducing yourself to him for him to actually start interacting with you. Even after that he doesn't really open up.
He won't admit it but at first he was convinced you only hung out with him because of his money.
After you somehow gain his trust is when he starts to take interest in you.
This is the first time Damian actually has feelings for someone so you bet he falls HARD
Longing stares and all that other mushy lovey stuff.
It takes him awhile, and a google search, to actually realize what this weird feeling he has is.
Man is in denial
It gets to the point where he begins to ignore you, because he refuses to have romantic feelings for you.
It fails
When he does accept these feelings he doesn't know what to do.
He wants to make a move he really does, but is it worth it? Damian lives a very dangerous life. The last thing he would ever want is you getting hurt because of him. Besides he doubts you would want a boyfriend who was raised by cold blooded killers.
It takes Damian a VERY long time to actually confess to you, and it takes him even longer to tell you that he is Robin. Both of those confessions were very awkward and unplanned, but that is a story for another time.
You guys are an absolute POWER couple.
Everyone wishes they had a relationship like yours
Damian introduces you to his pets very early on, and those animals become a constant in your life.
I'm talking about walking them, feeding them, and loving them.
Your a parent now
You know how I said Damian didn't get the appeal of dating? Well he does now. Seeing you with Titus cuddled up on a couch watching a movie makes his gremlin heart melt.
I feel like Damian would take a little bit to get comfortable with touch and all that type of stuff. He was used to getting punched and kicked, not getting kisses. When he does eventually get used to that type of thing he likes it. I'm not going to say that he is obsessed with it because I don't think he would be. He isn't chasing after you for hugs all the time.
The biggest obstacle in your relationship with him is his family, the AL Ghuls and the Wayne family. It takes Damian accidentally telling his family about his partner for them to know.
Of course Alfred knows because he helps Master Damian keep you a secret.
It takes a lot of teasing and questions from his brothers for him to actually tell them everything. It takes even more pestering for him to agree to let them meet you.
When they do there is no going back.
Your apart of the family no questions asked
This is most likely before he tells you about his childhood and his nightly activities.
When you do know the secret you're in the batcave most of the time when visiting Wayne Manor.
Long nights talking to him through the comms as he protects the city
Bandaging him up when he comes back all bruised and beaten
Him teaching you how to fight
And most importantly FAMILY BONDING
Like I said your apart of the family
Bruce is of course wary of you, but eventually he tolerates you. He is just happy to see Damian acting like a normal teenager.
Dick treats you like a younger sibling
Jason is like that one uncle that appears out of nowhere sometimes and then proceeds to teach you how to pick locks and break a few bones.
Tim thinks your cool
Cassandra teaches you how to sign along with Steph
You just become one of them eventually
Damian wouldn’t have it any other way, but he would never admit it.
He is so smitten.
Now meeting Talia is a very different story.
Damian told you about his mother and how he never wanted you to meet her, but life had other plans.
You meet her during one of your nights at the Manor. She had come wanting to take Damian back to the League because he was finally old enough to start leading. So imagine her surprise when she is met by her son cuddling a random person.
Talia does not approve
She doesn't like you, and she doesn't want you near her son.
She tries to kill you, and it ends up in you temporarily living at the manor.
Protective Damian mode activated.
He doesn't leave your side and when he does he has Titus or one of his siblings stationed to watch you.
He knows his mother so he is on extra guard for a long time.
When the Talia situation finally passes over everyone is relieved. You can finally go back to living a somewhat normal life!
By then you and Damian have been dating for a long time.
He would never let you join the bat team. You can maybe help stuff behind the scenes but other than that is a big no. He knows what happened to Jason and Barbara and he doesn't want something like that happening to you.
His beloved is too precious for him to ever lose.
You are the best thing to ever happen to him
He loves you and there is no denying that fact. He is willing to work hard for the relationship he has with you. You help him be a better person.
Like I said
Power couple
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baticorngirl · 2 years
I bet Damian had a bunch of pets in the League and Talia told him to be careful as his enemies may try to target them to hurt him. Similar to what happened with Bruce and Jason and even herself and Damian. She just said that others will think the pets are his vulnerability/weakness and Damian being a child thought she was saying the pets made him weak.
Anon, you're really just being big-brain all the way right now, huh?
Honestly my post did not explain the specifics of Damian's comment and why he chose to say that in particular, so your idea makes so much more sense! (Besides, I gotta say, I don't love the idea of Damian consciously spreading lies about his mom anyway.)
Especially when you consider Damian's misunderstanding to be not just a matter of his age, but of his specific experiences, it all comes together perfectly. He's obviously in the League therefore spending a lot of time with Ra's, and let's be honest, Ra's is gonna be constantly telling this kid different things make him weak (specifically if Talia happens to not be there to correct him). So basically, in Damian's experience, when people say things similar to Talia's warning on the pets they literally just do mean it makes him weak. Obviously he's not gonna be 100% able to tell the differences in meaning at such a young age, so it's no surprise he'd get confused and take it the wrong way.
Also, I bet Ra's has said exactly the words "attachment to living things makes you weak" because he's just like that. Like I can't think of any specific time in canon he did it to Damian off the top of my head, but he kinda said that kinda thing to younger!Talia in the Gotham City Anniversary Villains Giant, right? Well, I guess not living things since it was about her dead mother lol, but it's still that kind of attachment..... Actually, I don't think anyone's gonna argue with me about Ra's saying that kinda thing to Damian, it's pretty obviously in character of him lol.
The point is, though, that Damian's probably young enough that he views the things Talia and Ra's say as the 100% truth, and that they are obviously right because they are his totally smart parental figures. Therefore, he probably assumes that they mostly agree, since the 100% truth cannot contradict itself. Or, at least, in his head their views, even the explicitly contradicting ones, lump together.
So, since Ra's is over here saying attachment to living things makes a person weak, it feels like what Talia is saying is just as an addition of it, even if that's not what she meant in the slightest. But it seems like the same thing to him. Soooo he says just that in the setting of the webtoon.
I'm sorry, I know I'm probably just going off stating the obvious right now lol, but I just love your idea so much, anon! Thank you for telling me about it!
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xevishi · 2 years
The retcon was never a retcon since sotd is another universe. Everything that happened in that story never happened in the main universe because they're not the same characters just variants. Morrison borrowed some ideas for main universe but the actual story never was canon. Therefore Talia is and always was a rapist main universe. even in deathstroke's solo he called her a rapist to her face and she didn't deny it and he would know since he's one too. And in the red robin solo when Tim was getting sexually assaulted his first thought was this was what talia did to bruce to get damian.
Holding characters accountable isn't racist honey stop justifying rape because shes your fav no matter how much you try convincing people it doesn't count. It does. shes still a horrible person. only on tumblr are people so stupid to try turn a rapist, abusive, mass murderer into a good person and excuse it all because she's not caucasian. She's a rapist. She's been named a rapist several times in main canon. Enjoy your character but don't act like she's not a shit person
where do i even begin to answer this…
first off, i’m referring to morrison’s rendition of damian’s conception no longer being considered canon in the main universe; to my knowledge, it has been retconned to be consensual.
Tumblr media
batman and robin #2 (2011)
regardless of whether or not son of the demon was considered canon at the time of morrison’s run, it was still a depiction of talia and bruce’s relationship, and was much more accurate than whatever the hell morrison decided to write. also, talia already had many canonical interactions with bruce that displayed genuine romance between the two. morrison could’ve used those to base their portrayal of talia around. unfortunately for us, they did not.
her not denying being a r*pist in the comics you are referencing are, again, more examples of lazy writing based off of morrison’s run, rather than other appearances of talia—examples of how mischaracterization is so damaging.
the only consistent part of this trope talia’s character carries is the racism, so while i am not holding fictional characters responsible for stereotypes that are damaging to woc, i am holding authors accountable for writing bullshit stories that push said stereotypes. and never have i, or will i, justify r*pe, honey.
your argument of “only on tumblr are people so stupid to try turn a rapist, abusive, mass murderer into a good person and excuse it all because she's not caucasian” is stupid, like, really stupid. especially when white characters don’t have their shitty actions stick with them. the abuse bruce has inflicted on his kids? bad writing. your favorite rogues sleeping with the bat kids? bad writing. let’s ignore it, it’s out of character. which, yes, i agree—by all means, ignore out of character writing—but have the same energy for characters of color.
i never said—at least in a serious manner—that talia is an angel, because she’s not. no one is! talia is morally ambiguous, an anti-hero, willing to risk heaven and earth for the people she loves. her conflicting paths make for an interesting character arc; especially when it carries over into her dynamic with bruce. all of that was thrown out the window due to the morrison run. even when we get an author who knows talia and portrays her correctly, her character will be forever tainted with the idea of a “predatory woc” because of the morrison run—whether or not that was intentional on morrison’s part is not for me to discuss.
i apologize if this post—or any of my other posts—have been worded improperly. and, as always, feel free to add on, as those who add on tend convey this opinion far better than i can.
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