#i have a headache now........ need me a lino to care for me
nonranghaes · 1 year
minho knows how bad your headaches can get. so when you come in and slowly sit down next to him, crawling closer over the next several minutes, all he does is lift the book he’s reading a little higher for you. without a word, you settle in, resting your head in his lap and shutting your eyes. he shifts the book into one hand, and rests a hand on your head, quietly rubbing in slow, soothing circles onto your scalp.
“another one?” he doesn’t look up, but he listens for your grunt of affirmation. “i’m sorry, honey. did you take medicine?”
“mhm.” you curl up a little closer. “just waiting for it to kick in.”
he glances at the time, before looking down at you. “do you want to take a nap? i’ll lay down with you if you want.”
silence. he continues to massage your scalp with one hand, watching and waiting for an answer. you shake your head a little, settling back in. its cute, he thinks: you’re like a cat. curling up all cozy close to him, soothed by the way he strokes your hair... it’s cute. you always say it helps you feel better, too, so he wordlessly takes care of you every time. no need to ask him to: he takes pride in being able to care for you
“let me know if you change your mind, okay? i’m getting sleepy, too.”
with another hum of affirmation that you hear him, you settle in further, curling up for a little cat nap with his presence to comfort you.
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movedbl0g · 3 years
Skz reacting to you being sick
A/N: I’m actually kinda sick right now (it’s just a cold so I’m still good) and this idea popped up in my head ~ i hope you guys like it!!
Genre: fluff
Warnings: sickness, slight swearing(only once)
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————gifs belong to their original owners————
We all know that he takes care of other ppl VERY well
I feel like he would check up on you frequently and bringing you the stuff you need
Would not leave your side, would try to comfort you in every way possible
“Y/n??”, Chan called through the apartment after he opened the door and saw that all the lights were turned off. He walked further into the apartment looking around , but there was no sign of you.
When he finally opened your bedroom door he saw you laying in your bed, covered in blankets with a pile of tissues besides you. As you noticed his presence,you gave him a weak smile that was probably not even visible due to the dim lights.
“Are you okay??”, Chan asked, sitting down on your bed and giving you a little kiss on the forehead. You just shook your head no while you clinged on Chan, in which he responded with a tight hug, wrapping his arms around you and bringing you into his lap.
He just held you for a while,his hands sliding through your hair and light kisses in your forehead from time to time.
“Do you need me to get you anything??Should i get some meds??”, he asked after a while but you just held him closer.
“No,don’t worry,cuddles are enough for now”
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Lee Know:
He would try to cheer you up and distract you from your suffering fhchrhdh
He would cook some comforting food like soup for you
We would insist on doing everything thing for you so you can take proper rest
You just texted him that you couldn’t make it to your date today because you weren’t feeling that well and now, ten minutes later he already stood at your door step, a bag of groceries in his left hand and a bag with different medications in the other.
“What are you doing here lino and what’s all that stuff for??” You asked as soon as you opened the door and got a sight of him being packed with stuff.
“I didn’t know what you needed so i brought all different kinds of medications and since i already was about to come over i also thought that i can cook something for you so you can take proper rest”, he started talking with a pout on his lips.
As he started cooking you tried to help him but he immediately scolded you, saying that you shouldn’t spread all of your germs around and should rest on the couch instead while he will cook for you.
(Small time skip)
“This soup was amazing lino!! i already feel way better now and i can help you clean the kitchen-“
“No you’re not doing anything but rest, you’re sick baby!!”
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I feel like he would give you A LOT of cuddles to make you feel better
Would try to make you laugh and lift your mood
But would also give you the rest you need
you couldn’t really sleep last night due to your horrible headache, that wouldn’t get better even tho you took several painkillers and tried to avoid anything that’s bright,it just wouldn’t get better.
When Changbin visited you after he was done with practicing for the day and turned on the lights, you immediately responded with a groan, causing him to immediately turn off the lights again while giving you a worried look.
„What’s wrong honey??“, he asked while walking up to,laying himself on the bed right next to you, immediately wrapping his arms around and holding you against his chest.
“I’m not feeling that well and i think I’m really hot...i should probably check my temperature...” you said while nuzzling your head into Changbins chest. “But honey”, he chuckled, “you’re always hot”
You playfully slapped him as response, making him ruffle through your hair so it looks all messy and it eventually turned until a play fight, until you held your head,mimicking that it hurts a lot.
Changbin immediately stopped and laid you down in the bed again, tucking you under the blanket,giving you one small kiss on the forehead, saying that you should rest now before he left the room.
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So we all know how dramatic he is
So i can definitely imagine him running around and screaming after telling him you’re sick
He would keep his distance so he doesn’t get sick too but would still take care of you really well
Would order your favorite food and watch a movie with you (plus he probably would give in to cuddles after a while too)
“WHAT”, he yelled out dramatically, eyes and mouth wide opened. “WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME THAT YOU HAVE A COLD WHAT IF I GET SICK AND-“
“Hyunjin, calm down it’s just a light cold and it’s almost gone again-“ you tried to calm him down, reaching out for his hand. “Ahhh don’t touch me- all of your germs are on my hand now-“ he dramatically said while walking away from you, shaking his hands as if it would shake of any germs.
You rolled your eyes,seeing Hyunjin running out if the room completely panicked and at this point you couldn’t even tell if he was teasing you or if he was serious.
He didn’t return for a quite long time, you got a little bit suspicious, but after a few more minutes,he returned with a grin on his face.
“I thought you died because you drank hand sanitizer or something to get rid of the germs-“ you teased him, cocking up your eyebrows while looking at him.
“Not that buuuutttt”, he then replied, a smirk appearing on his face,” i ordered your favorite take out food and I’m willing to watch a movie to you, but only with a safe distance,okay”
“Thank you babe”, you smiled at him and blew him a kiss afterwards “but are you sure that you don’t wanna cuddle??”
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I feel like he’d be really panicked at first
“are you sure that you’re okay??do you need any meds??maybe you should go to the doctor i can-“
After making sure that you’re not dying, he’d make sure to give you a lot of cuddles and kisses (but only on the cheek/jawline/forehead kisses)
Jisung was completely freaked out when he say you sitting in the couch, wrapped up in thousands of blankets, tons of used tissues laying around you and your face red from the fever you were having.
He immediately dropped all of his bags, running up to you grabbing your hands full in panic, looking you in the eyes like your about to die.
“Are you okay??”, he asked with big eyes squeezing your hands.
“Don’t worry, it’s just a little cold”, you said in a raspy voice, forcing yourself to give him a little smile.
“Are you sure your not dying??” he continued asking, his face expressions more serious that ever “or do you need any meds?? I can get some for you if you want...and you really don’t wanna go to the doctor...i mean you can go just to be sure....wait I’ll make you some tea, i’ll be right back”
You tried to calm him down a bit,but he already disappeared in the kitchen,coming back minutes later with a huge can of tea.
“And just to make sure that you’re not dying,i guess i have to pepper you with kisses babe”
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would not let you out of his embrace
would probably bake some brownies for you because he knows you live them while you sleep
he would just be so sweet and caring in general my heart is melting if i just think abt it ahhhh
You were waking up in Felix’s arms,your head pressed against his chest and his lips resting next to your forehead. As you slowly woke up, you felt a horrible pain in your throat and you noticed that you could barely breathe through your nose.
“Baby?”, you whispered to him,getting a hum as reaponse. “I don’t feel that well, i think I’m going to get sick” you said, feeling him shuffle away a little bit to take a look at your face.
“You really look a little bit sick” he said, his eyes carefully scanning your face. “Do you need any meds or should we go to the doctors?”, he carefully asked while his eyes came back ti yours, making eye contact.
“No i think it’s not that bad,but i like that you’re really warm”, you told him while coming closer to his chest again, the warmth of his embrace sending shivers down your spine. He immediately held you closer, his long arms wrapping around you and carefully drawing circles on your beg,until you drifted of to sleep.
When you woke up it was way brighter,so you probably slept for a few hours. When you noticed that Felix was gone, you let out a small cry, but you immediately got distracted by the smell of fresh brownies.
Just now the door opened,Felix walking in with a cup of hit chocolate in his one hand and a plate with a brownie in the other.
“Here, to make you feel a little bit better” he said while handing you the plate and a fork, giving you a huge smile.
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I feel like he would be similar to Changbin
We would look super concerned at you with his puppy dog eyes
Would try to make you laugh with corny jokes
You told Seungmin that you were sick before he came over,warning him from yourself, but when he came over and actually saw how sick you looked with glassy eyes, a red,runny nose and burning hot cheeks.
He looked at you scanning you from head to toe, his puppy eyes furrowed concerned, slowly walking up to you. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were THAT sick??”, he asked worryingly while pulling you into a hug, the tone of his voice almost making your heart break.
“It’s really not as bad as it looks”,you reassured him,your hand gently rubbing over his back. “But did you bring the thermometer, i think i really should take my temperature”
“Of course”, he said with a smile, breaking the hug to reach into his bag,grabbing the theometre and holding it against your forehead
“And??what does it say??”,you asked curiously.
Seungmin just let out a little chuckle before saying “well,you know..... i always told you that you were hot as fuck....”
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I think we wouldn’t quite know what to do bc the others always took care of him
But he‘d definitely make you some warm tea to make you feel better
Would probably end up calling chan for advice lol
This poor baby got so concerned when you started sneezing nonstop and would rest, but now that you were in your bed, basically knocked out from your fever.
“Uhmmm...is there anything i can...like give you??” He asked,his voice filled with uncertainty. “
“Yes please”, you groaned,”i really think that i need some meds”
“Uhmm sure, I’m gonna look at what i have here, but i already made you some tea, so drink that while i be looking for...uh whatever medication that will make you feel better...just uhmm...wait here...”, he said while placing a cup of tea on your nightstand.
As soon ad he disappeared to look for the right meds, he called chan.
“Channie, i really really need your help....you know y/n is sick and i don’t know how the right medications look like....yeah i need something against fever....the one with the red or blue label?? And do we have to go to the doctor or-“
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aemoonie · 2 years
hi henna ! I’m curious— how would you sort skz into hogwarts houses?? I’ve seen a lot of debate abt this on other platforms so I’m interested to hear you thoughts 😭😭 bc I was so sure Chan was a gryffindor but looking at his birthchart… well :// (ps. you don’t have to give me a lengthy answer!! This ask us only if u feel up for it 💕)
no but this is such a fun ask!! tysm for sending it in <3 i had to take some time to properly think about it (i even got out a notepad to write it down like sjchshg) but i think i made up my mind now!! (also a disclaimer: this is merely my opinion and just for fun! <3)
chan: hufflepuff
i know you said that you were sure that he's a gryffindor, but i'm actually super sure he is a hufflepuff!! you already mentioned his chart and i think his caring and forthcoming nature just fits that house the best. especially traits like patience and loyalty are fitting just a little too well imo!
lino: slytherin (/gryffindor)
i'm not too sure about him bc i feel like he could be both to an extend. like i see slytherin in him since he is more held-back but also very mischievous. he is very ambitious and works very hard, i think what he does as an idol is also influencing his ego a lot. i think there is a possibility he could be gryffindor in the sense that he is someone who does like helping others, even though he does it more in quieter ways. but he does it still!
changbin: gryffindor
i feel like he'd be a very classic gryffindor, in the sense that he loves taking care of the people around him and he likes showing off as well! he'd definitelg throw himself in front of a bullet for his loved ones and has no problem standing up for himself or others. i also see hufflepuff possible for him bc he is a big old softie but i would personally go for gryffindor!
hyunjin: slytherin/ravenclaw
this boy always gives me a headache bc i can never decide on things for him, and i think he could be in both houses. he is insanely ambitious and works incredibly hard for whatever goal he sets himself. additionally he is someone creative and imaginative, so i personally would go for slytherin, though i think the possibility of ravenclaw still remains.
jisung: slytherin
this boy is also a bit hard to read since he kinda hides behinds his humor a lot i feel like. but he is smart and witty, which would speak for slytherin imo, and he knows how to get himself out of situations smoothly. he's also ambitions since he has great plans for his future (like he said once he wanted to have a company one day like jyp) and works hard to improve with every comeback. plus he is kind of introverted and is rather private after all, so i just feel like slytherin is the way to go. i also see hufflepuff or ravenclaw possible though.
felix: hufflepuff
now tell me felix ain't a hufflepuff y'all 😌 he's the softest softie and loves his friends to dearly, he cares about so much social stuff and thinks a lot about identity and psychology, right? he freakin loves baking and honestly that's all you need in my head to become a hufflepuff (jk ofc sjchsh) 😌 but like he is a hufflepuff. end of discussion 🚫
seungmin: ravenclaw/slytherin
now first i would've gone for ravenclaw but i think both houses could be really possible! he is also super ambitious and a hard worker, chan always talks about how diligently he works on his vocals! which could speak for slytherin, but he is also very smart and detail-oriented, which makes ravenclaw also possible. same with hyunjin, i think both could be possible!
jeongin: gryffindor
okay similar to changbin, this is a cut clear case for me. this man is a gryffindor. i wouldn't completely exclude some other houses but i just feel like he'd be a gryffindor if he was part of the actual hp story lol. i think i get it from his way of always speaking his mind no matter what, he likes proving himself and jisung for example says that he feels more like a same age friend rather than the maknae.
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Wednesday, July 12th, 2017
TODAY I CAN: - [x] Daily Word  I BREATHE IN COMFORT AND I EXHALE LOVE. - [x] LOVE ❤️ - [x] Meditate 😌💨 - [x] Journal 📚📖🖊📝 - [x] COLORING!🖍 - [x] Glutes 1 - [x] GLO 🔆 - [x] Happier 2017! - [x] MOVE 🏃🏼‍♀️ MEDITATING — Gratitude!, MY BODY, Who I am, BREATHING 😊💨 🎶🙏🏽🙌🏽✝️ - [x] DANCING!👯🎶🙏🏽🙌🏽✝️😍😊 - [x] STRENGTH 💪🏽 - [x] BBG ARMS & ABS! 🏋🏼‍♀️💪🏽 ** I AM STRONG! I HAVE STRONG ABS! Leg not hurting! 🙏🏽🙌🏽✝️ - [x] STRETCHING MY BODY BREATHING 😊💨 - [x] YOGA 🤸🏼‍♀️ HEADSTANDS! 4. LEGS UP THE WALL Legs Up the Wall is a full-body balm. It alleviates headaches, calms the mind, relieves low-back pain and soothes swollen, tired legs. The move: Place one hip against your headboard and swing your legs up it. Keep your butt as close to the headboard as possible. Close your eyes and take 5–10 breaths here. - [x] GLUTES - [x] FOAM ROLLING HOUSTON HOME!😇💛✨ EARLY! **** NICK SYMMONDS LIKED ONE OF MY PHOTOS! Email to Lino! GRATITUDE 🙏🏽🙌🏽✝️ PRAYERS! 🙏🏽🙌🏽✝️ Email!, NIKKI😍❤️, WALKS, Productivity! ** MY LIFE 😍❤️😊💛✨ 🙏🏽🙌🏽✝️ MARISSA!😍❤️💛✨ "That stress was there for a reason. To make this feeling!! I'm so extremely happy. I wanted to share this with you because it reestablished my confidence in the universe and flow of things. And I hope it does for you too ❤️" ***** WALKS WITH HOUSTON😇💛✨ LOVE 😍❤️💛✨ TODAY I: - [x] RUN 🏃🏼‍♀️😍❤️😍😍😍 - [x] JOURNEY - [x] Article - [x] INSTAGRAM 1 - [x] Email?! - [x] Finish and upload Health and Fitness! ✔️ - [x] Check answers - [x] PICTURES - [x] Dishes - [x] Instagram 2 ****** WALK WITH HOUSTON 😇💛✨ LOVE😍❤️💛✨ - [x] FOLD LAUNDRY - [x] Tomorrow! - [x] BE GRATEFUL 🙏🏽🙌🏽✝️ - [x] LOVE MYSELF 😍❤ AIR RELAX! - [ ] SLEEP 😴💤 Comfort I BREATHE IN COMFORT AND I EXHALE LOVE. A breathing meditation by Buddhist monk Thich Nhất Hanh shares: Breathing in, I calm body and mind. Breathing out, I smile. Engaging in mindful breathing meditation such as this centers me and provides comfort from any perceived fears. If I feel disconnected or overwhelmed by life experiences, I can turn to this mindful practice. I begin by allowing my mind to release thoughts of the past or future. Each inhale and exhale becomes a focal point moving me from outer to inner experience. Mentally speaking today’s affirmation, I bring my awareness to Spirit. It is here that I find the peace of God within. I breathe in comfort and I exhale love. Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father ... comfort your hearts and strengthen them in every good work and word. —2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17 The Lord is my strength — Psalm 28:7 - [x] Happier 2017! Make Small Gestures of Good Citizenship Bring your old magazines to the gym so other people can read them. Pick up trash that other people have left behind. Offer to give someone directions. When you act in a kind and considerate way, you'll feel happier. - [x] Journey! Carry one another's burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. — Galatians 6:2 Father, you have borne my burden. Help me bear the burdens of others so they can know Your grace. Make sure you get enough sleep every night, and other things start to fall into place. There is no reason not to prioritize your health, no matter how busy you are. Being healthy is a win-win; it gives you more energy, so that you can be more productive, feel great, and have more of everything in life. It’s tempting to believe the lie of this world, that we must fight to be on top. But in the kingdom of God there is always enough for everyone." - @kaitiestoddard You are exactly where you need to be. Trust the universe. The way I see it, you can either struggle against the currents. Or you can embrace the pull of the tides, let go and float with the flow the universe intended. 
Let go of stress. Let go of negativity. Let go of expectations. Breathe in, breathe out and relax to the reassurance that everything happens for a reason 💛 you will be okay ✨ — Sjana "It's good to do uncomfortable things- it's weight training for life" —Anne Lamott 🙌🏻 Life's dark places are opportunities to trust God knows the way. — Sharon Jaynes God turns our pain into purpose, our misery into ministry, and our devastation into anointed messages of hope and restoration.
- @sharonejaynes "As I express my gratitude I become more deeply aware of it. The greater my awareness, the greater my need to express it. What happens here is a spiraling ascent, a process of growth in ever expanded circles around a steady center. Start a SPIRALING ASCENT this #GratiTuesday: "A lot of recent writing on gratitude makes it sound like an insurance policy - as if the reason to feel grateful is to make sure that good things will continue to come our way. That feels spiritually materialistic - true gratitude is a natural response to the miracle of life as we experience it moment to moment, a sense of abundance from the heart that is independent of our desires for the future. Whatever we focus on tends to increase. Even if nothing more or better happens, our eyes are opened to the gift that we're always there..." R.J. RYAN sending you loving light and a reminder to love your body extra today. Yoga makes me love all the weird squish that happens when in unusual poses and love my body for its strength and abilities. 💕✨ — veggiekins Running is about finding your inner peace, and so is a life well lived. — Dean Karnazes No matter how you feel, get up, get dressed, put some music on and get it done!! You got this!! — Kayla Itsines "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." Sometimes... life is wonderful and fitness is all about Instagram transformations and feeling amazing inside and out. . ...other times fitness is the only thing you have left.. it's the only thing that's yours ...and yours alone. It's not the number on the scale or the inches lost or gained ...it's 30 selfish minutes of venting frustration and drowning out ... Know your worth 💛 Every day offers us all new opportunities to experience what we love. That's magic. "Allow beauty to shatter you regularly. The loveliest people are the ones who have been burnt and broken and torn at the seams yet still send their open hearts into the world to mend with love again, and again, and again. You must allow yourself to feel your life while you’re in it." — Victoria Frederickson How often do you pause to breathe in the beauty, and capture the moment in the camera of your mind? ✨ There is a growing body of research to support the positive effects of this gratitude practice called "SAVORING.” Savoring is the concept that being mindfully engaged and aware of your feelings during positive events can increase happiness in both the short- and long-term. As one researcher describes it, “It is like swishing the experience around in your mind.” ~ Fred Bryant, PhD What if instead of trying to weigh less we tried to BE more — Dorothy Beal I think sometimes we just need to hear this. We just need someone to be PROUD and say "you go girl... you got this". So incase someone hasn't said this to you this week, here you go 😘 "May the God of peace be with all of you. Amen." — Romans 15:33 Relying on anything other than God to feed our soul will only keep us in an ordinary, common relationship with Him. We’ll have all of His power, strength and wisdom available to us, but we’ll settle for the world’s morsels instead. And unless we choose to feast on God’s promises, we’ll spiritually starve ourselves. Having an uncommon hunger for God is something we have to cultivate. It’s something we can ask Him to give us. Let’s do that today. acceptance can bring you joy Happy Wednesday, awesome humans! Everything will be so good so soon just hang in there & don't worry about it too much the road to finding a treatment that works for you, you’re probably going to fail a treatment (or quite a few treatments!) along the way. That doesn’t mean you’re out of the race. You just have to brush yourself off and keep running. The race we’re in doesn’t have a finish line or a course map. You’re just running toward what you can see — the steps directly in front of you. The rest will reveal itself in time. 🎈🏃‍♀️ projecthappiness_org#WellnessWednesday Tip: Every habit has "ACTIVATION ENERGY" that is required to get started. Harvard happiness expert, Shawn Achor, explains this 20 second spark you need to start: "In physics, activation energy is the initial spark needed to catalyze a reaction. The same energy, both physical and mental, is needed of people to overcome inertia and kickstart a positive habit. There are multiple ways to do this, but the main rule of thumb for happiness habits is: You need to reduce the activation energy you need to do positive habits and increase it to do negative habits. So make new healthy habits 20 seconds easier to start." . "Conquering hills today prepares you for conquering mountains tomorrow." She's spirited, soulful and full of the essence of summer. *** Sunshine flows through her veins, bubbles through her body and pours out over everyone she encounters, washing over the earth like warm waves. Physical progress and visual changes are SLOW. This is one of the reasons I focus so much on the non-physical benefits of exercise, if you get your sweat in and make healthy choices to fuel your body and take care of yourself, you will FEEL good! With consistency the physical changes will follow. 💙👊🏼💦 — Kelsey Wells And may your first love last forever. P.S. YOU are your first love. Take care of yourself. Today, take care of yourself the way you would someone you love... I have a place to live, water, food and freedom. I am grateful. 💛✨🌏 ** ✝️ Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established. — Proverbs 16:3
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