#i have a problem with bad UIs lolol
albi-mander · 3 months
i set Windows 10 to use dark mode as soon as i could, but not every settings window or menu follows my color preferences, because some of them are plainly grandfathered in from older versions of the OS where "customizable colors and themes" weren't really a thing yet.
the ironic part is, the older settings menus also tend to be from a time not so long ago when UIs were intended to allow you perform specific tasks in an efficient manner. This is very unlike the clean, modern, panely settings menus of today, which seem to be designed with a similar philosophy to those origami fortune-telling thingies everyone made in elementary school—mesmerizing to move around, but ultimately vague and unhelpful unless you already know what you're looking for.
(to their credit, the origami fortune telling thingies didn't keep trying to send me to Bing whenever they pretended they didn't know something, so they have that going for them, at least)
the end consequence of this is that the sight of a sudden light-mode settings window with that distinct gray, blocky look every Windows machine had over a decade ago tends to fill me with relief. oh thank god, i say, it's hideous and that means it will allow me to actually check what sample rate i have my audio at instead of sending me to Bing about it again.
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dripisdaidiot · 5 months
Behind the Scenes of This Post
I suddenly had this idea pop up randomly, and I went through it.
It took just over 2 hours, and was a really nice challenge.
What I did was browse through the files of the game. Found the image files of the main menu, then noticed that I couldn’t crop it without removing their transparency. So I decided to make the background first, since I don’t need to crop them. Here’s the result.
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The background consists of 4 layers. Far background, Archs, Fog, Vignette (In order from back to front). Each layer is enlarged, then key-framed to slowly slide into their original size. Every layer has different movement, just to make it have that 3D-ish effect.
Then there came the issue. The lizards. I couldn’t just add them all in separately, since my editing software doesn’t allow it as it’s over the limit; and they would get de-synced too. Then came the tool that saved my life here.
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Yep, fucking Procreate; it lets me crop the PNGs without losing their transparency. So I cropped the lizards and added some perspective blur to mimic the original title screen.
Here are the results:
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Then I added them onto the video as another layer, and it worked out pretty smoothly actually (unexpected).
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Looks smooth doesn’t it? But something is missing. It’s too clear, quite literally, unobstructed. Yep, missing the vines on top. They weren’t that big of a problem really. Just needed to add them and… I couldn’t get it to convey the feeling I wanted. Mainly the 3D effect, and the “vine” feel.
So that took around 30 minutes to perfect. And here’s the result again.
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(I know the GIFs are getting worse each time. I’m running out of space for this post)
Edit Comment: Holy shit the GIF doesn’t even work because it’s so compressed lolol
And then just add the rain effect and stuff, should be able to find the rain effect on YouTube... and… Boom, Done! Wait, also the UI too, since this is a startup.
What’s that, the custom UI looks really bad? It can’t be that bad- holy shit they’re right. It looks garbage. Although it does kind of give off a bit of a retro-ish vibe
And that brings us back to the post.
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okayoonoh · 4 years
a/n: i’m so sorry! i have no idea what happened to this post, but it should be fixed now!
here’s a masterlist to my nct as dad’s series! 
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this gif makes me loselose
he has one kid: one daughter named dong mei. she’s born in the same year as yuta’s second daughter, nakamoto yui.
>> as a baby <<
literally oh my god
she’s so effing cute
like hoW could a baby be this cute?
every single thing that is cute about sicheng was inherited by your daughter
and then some
she inherited her dad’s fairy ears
sicheng would call her “my little fairy”
she honestly was just pure uwu
sicheng and his daughter together are just ugh
too much cuteness for this world
she was born prematurely
and mei was just so tiny
she was so itty bitty 
she was so beautiful from the start too
she has sicheng’s eye shape and ear shape
but she has your everything else
eye color, nose shape, lip shape, everything
everyone in the group knew how cute she is/was
she was generally not super fussy
around the normal amount tbh
she was okay with strangers
not the best
but she was pretty decent with them
it was really really really hard to get her to smile tho
like it almost seemed like there was nothing you can do to get her to give you a smile
which is just so frustrating because she got 100000000 times cuter when she did smile (which honestly seemed impossible)
sicheng treated her like the princess she is
he got her so many toys and plushies and just everything
there were so many things that were just dedicated to her
she easily had him wrapped around her finger
sicheng was honestly a little scared the first few weeks she was born
because she was so tiny, he was scared that he was gonna hurt her like all the time
he learned that she was tougher than she looked
>> as a child <<
still remained super cute
like honestly that’s her aesthetic
like her responses to everything was cute
she wasn’t vain tho
like she honestly didn’t think she was cute
she didn’t dislike it when people called her cute
mei was thankful but she honestly didn’t like to be showered with compliments too much
but like she wasn’t annoying with her cuteness
she was more on the quiet side
like she doesn’t really talk unless she needs to
she looked like she would be super sensitive
but she’s actually super not
she’s so tough
like she just doesn’t cry easily
she wants to dance like her dad
so you put her in ballet
and you find that she’s actually really talented and she genuinely likes it
she’s pretty aloof and calm usually
but when it comes to ballet
she can get pretty serious
when she got a little older, she branched off to other genres
she even tried chinese traditional dance because her dad recommended it
she was really good at that too
she’s best friends with yuta’s second daughter, nakamoto yui
they’re the chillest group of friends in the entirety of nct and their kids
mei enjoys the outdoors
yui loves flowers and the outdoors
they just vibe so well together
they’re not super loud
like you don’t have to worry about the two of them together because you know they don’t have it in them to do something bad
while most kids want to go to the amusement parks
mei and yui want to go to the several different gardens
like butterfly gardens
tulip gardens
yui would come over to your place a lot because it’s only mei in the house (but also yuta’s mom trusted yui to be respectful more than any of her other kids lol)
(let’s just pretend that the language barrier isn’t a thing for any of the kids)
mei had a thing for dressing up in pretty dresses
usually covered in flowers
but she loved to dress up in princess dresses, floral dresses, all kinds of dresses
like sicheng would dress up with her too whenever she wanted to dress up
omg sicheng would be the type of dad to take her out on a “date” like a couple times throughout the year
and like she would dress up in her favorite dress
and he would dress up in his fanciest tux (kinda)
and they would go and have dinner together
he was teaching her that she should never settle for any less than what sicheng is showing her
you and mei are his world honestly
like i don’t know if he would want more kids
like he thinks his family life is perfect as is
i mean he wouldn’t be opposed to the idea of more kids
but he really loves just you and mei as his family
>> as an adult <<
she became a professional ballet dancer
she’s just
a dancer ™ 
like she can do almost any genre
no problem
she also works alongside taeyong’s oldest son, lee youngchul, and ten’s oldest son, kaleb, in their dance studio
she teaches the traditional dances and such
but she honestly just enjoys dancing
she’ll help them out when they want to do something more on the interpretive side
omg imagine
kaleb and mei do the dance ten and sicheng did for rainbow v
omg it would look so pretty
like they literally went to the same place
practically wore the same outfits
the dance was literally almost exactly as their dads did it
but they extended the dance a little bit
and the world was shook with its beauty
they would surprise their dads with it once the project was finished
lol it would be a little funny because sicheng is taller than ten but mei still did his part lolol
so kaleb had to bend down a bit for some parts
ugh that would be so good honestly
she still has all of that natural cuteness
like she’s a little bit more sassy now
but like she’s just so cute
sometimes people don’t take her seriously
she’s kinda short too so that doesn’t help her in her case
omg but she would get so mad at her dancers
like kaleb is bad cop
mei is worse
she realized after a couple years of doing her job, that her dancers won’t take her seriously unless she started to strengthen her attitude
and she did
and now people listen to her
people would come from far and wide to learn how to dance from her
she honestly will accept anyone with enough background training
and like she’s a nice person
but when it comes to dance
she just needs it to be serious
she still remains to be best friends with yui
since mei works mainly at night, she spends a lot of her days with yui in her flowershop
they just enjoy the pretty flowers and talk about life
mei’s go to destination for filming any aesthetic dance video is yui’s flowershop
mei is also just such a hard worker
she’s full of natural cuteness, poise, elegance, and she makes you and sicheng so proud of her every single day
again, i’m so sorry about this post; i genuinely have no idea why it just disappeared!
anyway, i hoped you guys liked it! let me know how i’m doing! i have a couple ideas for some scenarios so i’ll get to that before i write more descriptions.
requests are open and don’t be afraid to stop by for a chat!
- amy <3
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