#i have crippiling depression.
cosmic-kaden · 1 month
fucking somehow ended up on "something exciting will happen on [insert date]" on the clock app and yesterday seen one that said something surprising will happen to you this Sunday.
Was is crippiling loneliness that spirals into a depressive episode about not being good enough for anyone and that I literally have no purpose in life? Because if it was... suurpprriiiiiise- aha killme
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everafterfrisk · 1 year
Rwby isn't Pandering to the Audience's Desires
Whether it's youtube,reddit or Twitter,it's always the same thing
So let's go through each of them one by one
Bumbleby discourse
Claims I've seen thrown around are
"Blake and Yang only became Canon because of its toxic Fanbase" and queerbaiting
This conclusion has no real leg to stand on. While there have been toxic fans of the ship, not everyone who supports it acts this way.Also these people just completely ignores the clear slowburn love trope is prevalent with these two after the multiple hurdles the girls went through before coming back together.
•Like Nora compares her relationship with ren to Blake and Yang
•Adam claims "what does she even see in you" to yang
▪︎ Weiss's About time in Vol 9 Chapter 2
▪︎ In Vol 8 C10, Yang and Blake are shown with a soft blush before putting their heads together
If yall think that's queerbaiting
Then I guess the Earth is flat I suppose
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The show only cares about Shipping
This is simply untrue
Especially when we go through so many different plot threads outside of that
Just to name a few
▪︎ Nora finding her self worth
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▪︎ Qrow's Crippiling Depression
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▪︎ Blake's self depreciation and discrimination
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▪︎ Penny's themes of Choice and choosing it for herself
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Jaune's the Show's Self insert
I've seen this being claimed alot within the reddit community.
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What's my thoughts?
This has like zero merit
Just because one of the showrunners voices him doesn't automatically mean he's a self insert.
If anything Fanfiction make him as such as Battling Gods with ease or hell even being connected to them.
What would the show look like if the Series did what the fans want
White Rose becoming a thing in Vol 4 and onwards(No shade to people who ship it, just that the Narrative paints them more as friends compared to say bumbleby or Renora)
Ironwood would be excused for letting mantle's citizens live and perish in dangerous conditions
Adam would get redeemed in the way I've seen most people write it
[Blake talk no Jutsu Adam into giving up via because he had a hard live then redemption is viable which just doesn't sit right with me]
Ruby would kill Cinder or something and go on this whole "The world sucks and I was wrong to think there is any good" type mentality
Roman becoming a Good guy and Become Oz's Host as well [and yes I checked out the rewrite, the execution is lacking]
Pyrrha comes back from the Dead and everyone just acts like nothing happen
Ozpin wouldn't be held accountable by the Rwby gang and will suffer zero repercussions
Cinder would get killed off for being "a idiotic villain"
The Everafter Plot would not exist
Yang would rush through her recovery Arc and "act like her old self as she's now grumpy and an asshole"
Ilia,Maria and Oscar gets erased from the Narrative entirely
Jaune gets the most overpowered Semblance in the show and sidelines the main girls
Weiss would have made up with whitley immediately without build up cuz "Weiss should know that he suffered too"
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At this point I have no personality. I am just vine compilations.
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fcltinian · 5 years
♦ ( hippocraticmagic ; go ahead and kill me )
send ♦ for a drabble of my muse dying in your muse’s arms. - always accepting
    “ STEPHEN! ”
Ignoring any kind of distraction, or fear, Clea pulled her husband away so he wouldn´t receive the attack and hurt himself.
                                                                                                                     But she did.
A huge, blast of energy had hit her and she felt to the floor instantly, she could see Stephen fighting still but after a few moments she saw herself between his strong and warm arms. He looked extremely nervous, she could tell he was growing desesperate, but she could not regret less the decision of saving the life of the man that would take care of the world she absolutely cherished and could call home.
Her hand caressed his cheek and her lips kissed his before she felt even weaker. 
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       “ ... You are the most fantastic person I´ve ever met... I... I can´t put into words how much I love you. I... I loved every single moment with you... you... showed me how it really felt to... to be human... to-to love... h-how love re-really felt... how having a family... how having friends felt... y-you showed me the... the beauty of making love... and-and how beautiful it feels to wake up... next to someone wh-who cares and cherishes you m-more than anything, s-someone wh-who doesn´t see me... li-like a monster...
        I-I will always be... right here...  ” she placed a finger on his chest “ P-please don´t cry... my love, my darling, my sweetheart. I need you to be... to be strong... my beloved master, friend, lover, husband... I love you... 
                                                                                                 good bye, my love... ” 
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papastummy · 6 years
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I want to fuck him right now
(sorry for not posting)
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go-goneco · 6 years
A Poem
My drive to succeed has become a obsession.
But I can’t fallow them, because
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someonethatlives · 2 years
Here I can't see it because I don't have the channel to see it anymore.
In other words,i have crippiling depression :D
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i fucking hate it so much when you tell someone you have a mental illness and they want proof. like it pisses me off so much when im like “yeah i have crippiling depression” and someones like “then why are you here at school” like bitch im sorry you don’t notice the fucking massive bags under my eyes or that im spending all of my classes staring at a wall dissociating im literally legally required to come to school if it was my choice i wouldn’t have gotten out bed for the past month
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ohidunnodou · 4 years
i turn 20 today and the issue i’ve realised with birthdays is 2 things
The expectation gets raised far too high when you’re younger and it feels so special and you’re like wow all these people care about me and then as you get older you reach a point where you have 1 friend no job no future prospects crippiling depression lasting 3 years anxiety that constantly that makes your bum hole tingle 24hrs a day and no one that wants to share this day or any other day with you.
Also what fucking cake do you pick thats too much responsibility am i right
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lirynxthebluegoblin · 4 years
It's 3 am at the moment of this posting, but i cant get It off my system so... Here you go. A Homestuck vine
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ardazz · 5 years
Hadi bavulunu hazırla hogwarsa gideliiiiim
i have crippiling depression
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satoruvt · 5 years
“according to my handwriting i have crippiling depression, schitzophrenia, and also i’m ridiculously confident”
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an-ambivalent · 5 years
My lasted dream of friendship, I think. [3/3]- DREAM/ER
DUDE YOU HAVE SUCH DETAILED AND UWU DREAMS??? IM WARMTH i wish I could relate. The last dream I jad was something really creepy I remember I posted here bjt forgot the details and it sccafed me. Lol two days ago I jad a dream all my loved ones died, and I was left alone with my depression and anxiety manifesting my loniless and crippiling my decaying sanity 🤠👌 My sanity is decaying already tho because the doctors here take so fucking lomg and I woke up with auch a bad stomach ache with my other sickness issuesRip me :’)
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duckybeth99 · 6 years
blue diamond: you will suffer my grief and agony that i have lived with for thousands of years!
lapis: i have Crippiling Depression ™
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rosebudmendes · 6 years
Nothing To lose
Author’s Note: I was just scrolling through the ‘13 reasons why’ tag and saw this gif alot and for some reason I got an idea for this dramatic imagine. Personally, I don’t ship Justin with anyone so this is gonna be a clay and justin bromance but feel free to imagine your ideal ship in place of clay.
Warnings: spoilers, suicidal thoughts, drug use, swearing, ptsd/ panic attack,
This is my first writing piece so pls be gentle :)
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Do you ever think it is possible to be so far gone, that even the darkness forgets you exsit? The months of living on the streets really affected Justin. Even though his home life was complete garbage, living with an abusive drug dealer and all, he still felt as though he had a purpose. But now he felt like a waste of space, like a mistake. A forgotten worthless piece of shit who was made to rot in the shadows of his demons.
Before being taken under the Jensen’s wing, Jusitn felt invisible. He was severly depressed and would do anything to turn it all off temporarily. Not having any money made it near impossible for Justin to continue supporitng his herorin addiction, which forced him to become creative in the ways he could escape. 
Most of the time he was able to convince dealers to cut him some slack, but other times he had to go to unfortunate measures just to make a few bucks. One dark path lead to another, and soon Justin found himself working as a male prostitute in order to stay alive. In high school, Justin promised himself that he would never fall into the path everyone told him was his destiny. He witnessed the affect of drugs on his family, he saw just how dangerous that lifestyle is. But, destiny cannot always be avoided. 
Even though Justin was now living with the Jensen’s, he still felt like he was in hiding. Clay tried his very best to make Justin feel welcomed into the family, despite the annoyance of having to share everything with him. Justin truly believed he was accepted too, unfortunatly he couldn’t let go of his past. 
The week before Justin was going to give his testimony, he noticed Clay was having a hard time. Although Clay would never would admit this, he was incredibly sad. Because of his mental state he wasn’t eating and was becoming sleep depreived and disconnected from everyone. With all that Clay had gone through these past few months, Justin felt as though he would just become another burden if he mentioned how he was feeling.  
“Hey dumbass, are you doing okay?” Justin asked clay while throwing him the gatorade he asked for. 
Clay avoided the drink and continued to stare at the blank ceiling. “Just peachy, Justin.” 
Justin could tell he didn’t really want to talk about anything, he never did. But Clay was family to Jusitn now, for the first time he felt responsible for someones emotions. 
“Clay, you know you can talk to me about this stuff right?” Justin felt stupid asking him such a sensitive question like this. Both of them were pretty reserved people, and never really had an emotional conversation before. 
“Damn it Justin, of course I do.” 
“Good, I just...I know what its like to be alone and,” Justin felt his throat get tight “well, you aren’t alone in this.” 
“God, Justin will you just leave me the fuck alone?! I don’t need to hear another sob story about how hard your life has been without Jessica!” Clay has been having outburts like this for awhile now, and Justin usually doesn’t take them personally. But this time was different. Clay never checks to see if Justin is adjusitng well, nor does he ever notice when he is sturggling. Hell, Clay has been so self-center that he doesn’t even know Justin has been having flashbacks from his past for the past week. 
These flashbacks are crippiling for Justin. They usually are triggered by something, and he never can see them coming. Sometimes its a sound that sends him into panic, othertimes its a movie during family movie night. One thing is for sure, when he is having a flashback he forgets where he is, and completly blacks out. Reality becomes a blurr, nothing seems worth it. Now that  Clay is being selfish in his own problems, he is all alone once again. 
Despite what he wanted, Justin knew he was best to just leave Clay alone. So he decided to go for a walk that night, try and clear his head. As he was walking, someone sped by him and threw out a glass bottle. When the bottle hit the pavement, it shattered instantly. Justins heart began to race, andhis breathing became shallow. He started running. He didn’t know what he was running from but he couldn’t stop. As he sprinted down the road he heard someone shouting “you have nothing to give! You are just a piece of shit on the roadside!” and the rest of the memory came flooding back.  
The more he ran, the harder it became for him to breathe. He stopped running, and sat on the curb. He hide his face in his legs, that were drawn tight to his chest. The flashback was from one of the nights he was home at his moms. Her boyfriend was drunk, and started fighting with his mom. Those words weren’t being yelled at Justin, but rather his mom. He did nothing to stop him from shouting at his mom that way. He just let the fight unravel. He blamed himself for any harm she was in. He could have done more, but he didn’t.  
After about twenty minutes of the panic attack, Justin was able to stand and continued walking. He was walking to the famous bridge in town. He never went out onto the bridge, but tonight he was ready to make it all stop. He was ready to finish his destiny. He was ready to die. 
He walked out onto the ledge, and looked down at the drop. It was bitch black outside but the water was blacker, if that was even possible. He didn’t want to do it. He didn’t want to die, but he didn’t want to keep living the way he had been. He wasn’t getting signs not to jump, so why shouldn’t he go through with it?
He convinced himself that he was too far gone, that this was as worse as it could get, that no one saw purpose in him. He didn’t have Jessica, and tonight confirmed that he didn’t have Clay. Just when he thought he found a home, when he really just found more peple who didn’t reallycare about him. If he jumped, he’d lose nothing. He’d be permanetly forgotten, and no one would need him to come back.
Before going though with it, he set his phone by a tree nearby. He had a note written up already, which was originally a letter for Jessica when he decided to leave town. Whoever found his phone would know the truth. They would know that, according to Jusitn, his purpose was Jessica. 
Justin closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and just before he took that step to his future- Clay was calling him. Justin was crying uncontrollably now, thick tears that might as been blood. “Don’t answer it,” he told himself but his actions ignored his command. 
“Foley where the hell are you man? Mom wants to talk to you about the trial.” Clay’s voice was deadpan and not sincere at all.  
“I’m sorry Clay, I won’t be coming home,” Justin swalloed, “like ever.” 
“Justin, I fucking swear if you run away agai-”
“I’m not going to be a problem for you anymore. Goodbye Clay.” 
Just before he hung the phone up, Clay screamed at him. “Justin! Don’t do this! Where are you? I will come pick you up!” 
“Clay I-”
“Its not your choice Justin!” Justin could hear the door slamming through the phone. Justin took a step off the ledge and screamed at the sky. 
When Clay arrived Jusitn was passed out on the road, either from a panic attack or just plain exhaustion. “I’m sorry I didn’t see you were hurting. I’m your brother now, and I care about you.” 
Even if Justin wasn’t awake to hear Clay’s compassion, he was given a new purpose that night. His purpose was no longer Jessica, it was to be a loving brother to Clay. Clay realized he was being selfish, and owed it to Justin to be there for him. No matter what because, he is his brother after all. Justin and Clay, both have so much to lose. 
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cloudsinsummertime · 6 years
I hope you also have crippiling depression on top of your body dysmorphia!
thanks :)
you feel good about telling a kid that you hope he’s mentally ill? do you?
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