#i m not re ad y to sa y by e yet....
ethanhibiki · 3 months
the funer al i s next thur sdah :[
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Tues[day] 16 September 1834
7 25/..
12 1/4
very good one last night – fine b[u]t hazy morn[in]g F[ahrenheit] 57 1/4° at 8 35/.. a.m. – at my desk at 8 1/2 –
Kind let[ter] to M- [Mariana] gl[a]d she h[a]d found but by means ov[e]r w[hi]ch I h[a]d no control th[a]t ‘I h[a]d writ[ten] even less
‘oft[ene]r to th[o]se who are perpet[uall]y heap[in]g up[on] me kind[ne]ss aft[e]r kind[ne]ss, and whose ver[y] situat[io]n in life ma[ke]s
‘th[e]m suppos[e]d to be the 1st obj[ec]ts of my consid[eratio]n’ - … if ‘n[o]t mo[re] heart, I h[a]d comm[o]n sense th[a]n
‘to val[ue] the th[in]gs of th[i]s world accord[in]g to the scale w[hi]ch h[a]s been laid d[o]wn for me – H[a]d you bel[ieve]d me
‘oft[ene]r, and kn[o]wn me bet[ter], it w[oul]d ha[ve] sav[e]d us b[o]th m[u]ch pain – B[u]t if heav[e]n h[a]s will[e]d it oth[er]wise,
‘let us n[o]t compl[ai]n – the fin[a]l ruler of ev[en]ts is wiser th[a]n we – I am deep[l]y sensib[le] of all
‘y[ou]r affect[io]n; b[u]t, fr[om] the mom[en]t of y[ou]r hav[in]g delib[eratel]y told me y[ou]r determinat[io]n, and the lead[in]g argum[en]ts
‘w[hi]ch ga[ve] rise to it, my chief endeav[ou]r w[a]s to be convinc[e]d and reconcil[e]d – Mary! you trust[e]d me
‘too lit[tle] for happ[ine]ss – Rem[em[b[e]r th[i]s, and be comfort[e]d – cheer up – trust me, you ha[ve] m[u]ch to hope –
‘m[u]ch mo[re] th[a]n you seem aware – the prosp[ec]t will bright[e]r by and by – I ha[ve] nev[e]r fail[in]g consol[atio]n
‘or the th[ou]ght, th[a]t you will be happ[ie]r in oth[e]rs, th[a]n you c[oul]d ha[ve] been in me – confide[en]ce w[a]s
‘too m[u]ch shak[e]n on b[o]th sides – Mary! the last blow on mine, w[a]s too severe – Be
‘comfort[e]d – be assur[e]d, th[a]t you ha[ve] act[e]d wise[l]y for us b[o]th – viol[en]t changes are gen[erall]y irksome
‘to all p[ar]ties at 1st; b[u]t, rememb[erin]g wh[a]t I mys[elf] ha[ve] suffer[e]d, I do n[o]t eas[il]y desp[ai]r for anyone –
‘I do n[o]t feel inclin[e]d to say m[u]ch on the subj[ec]t of our meet[in]g – the reflect[io]ns to w[hi]ch it w[oul]d gi[ve]
‘rise, c[oul]d on[l]y be painful – Do as you th[in]k best’ – Hope ‘h[e]r niece’ will exceed h[e]r
all h[e]r expectat[io]ns – ‘I can eas[il]y ent[e]r int[o] y[ou]r motive for call[in]g h[e]r Percy’ – pleas[e]d at the th[ou]ght
of h[e]r go[in]g to the Rhine next y[ea]r – on[l]y anx[iou]s ab[ou]t h[e]r choice of a compan[io]n – ment[io]n Geneva as a
fine town ‘hav[in]g man[y] lit[erar]y and econom[i]c advent[age]s’ and th[a]t a fam[il]y of 2 or 3 might live in
affl[ue]nce at Rolle for £250 a y[ea]r – date the latt[e]r 1/2 p[age] 3,  Mon[day] 15 Sept[embe]r and say it shall go [as] last
might, the herald of the sm[all] parc[e]l (stays, 6 laces, p[ai]r of Earrings fr[om] Geneva and b[oo]k, Coxes’
pict[ure] of It[al]y borr[owe]d edit[io]n of 1815, too old when last at Lawton Dec[embe]r 1833) to be s[e]nt off by me of today’s mails –
‘I f[ou]nd my a[un]t m[u]ch the sa[me] as I left h[e]r, and Mr. Sund[erlan]d told me, he th[ou]ght her gen[era]l health qui[te]
‘as good - b[u]t she is uncert[ai]n - th[i]s seas[o]n of th[e] y[ea]r, or rath[e]r lat[e]r, h[a]s gen[erall]y tir[e]d h[e]r ver[y] m[u]ch
‘and I fear, if she gets ov[e]r the wint[e]r at all, it will be ver[y] indiffer[entl]y – she suffers a
‘gr[ea]t deal, yet her cheerful[ne]ss does n[o]t forsake her – She desires me to gi[ve] her love, and say
‘how gl[a]d she shall be to hear you are bet[ter] – the 30 shil[lin]gs for Th[oma]s Beech’s gr[ea]tcoat
‘are p[ai]d, and I will pl[a]ce th[i]s sum to y[ou]r acc[oun]t – If you do n[o]t feel qui[te] sure of my und[er]-
‘-stand[in]g all y[ou]r wishes ab[ou]t mon[e]y matt[e]rs, tell me mo[re] partic[ularl]y wh[a]t you w[oul]d ha[ve] me
‘do - G[o]d bless you, my d[eare]st Mary! Ever ver[y] espec[iall]y y[ou]rs AL- [Anne Lister] – nice en[ou]gh let[ter] to
L[ad]y S- [Stuart] will consid[e]r ab[ou]t the fourgon ‘when I am mo[re] ab[le] to fix up[on] my next line of route’ – ‘I am perf[ectl]y astonish[e]d th[a]t I h[a]d y[ou]r let[ter] 12 days ago, and th[a]t I h[a]d been at ho[me] a fortn[i]ght
‘on Sat[urday] – I kno[w] n[o]t how the ti[me] h[a]s slipp[e]d away – I ha[ve] been so busy ab[ou]t my law-concern,
‘etc. etc. the days ha[ve] seem[e]d like mom[en]ts; and I ha[ve] s[in]ce been out of the h[ou]se – yet I ha[ve] oft[e]n
‘th[ou]ght of you, and wond[ere] how you w[oul]d set[tle] all th[]se disag[reablenes]s I w[a]s so griev[e]d to hear of…….
ment[io]n let[ter] fr[om] Vere – shall go and see h[e]r one of th[e]se days – at pres[en]t can ma[ke] no plans –
‘my poor aunt suffers a martyrdom; yet still she lives, and may live for sev[era]l m[on]ths –
‘It is a gr[ea]t comf[or]t to me to see h[e]r so pleas[e]d at my hav[in]g g[o]t a lit[tle] fr[ie]nd to ta[ke] ca[re] of me
‘in my trav[e]ls – I hope you will tell Miss Tate - B[u]t, d[eare]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, it w[a]s wh[a]t you s[ai]d th[a]t I ha[ve]
‘nev[e]r forgott[e]n; and it is you th[a]t I shall alw[a]ys th[in]k of, and thank w[i]t hall my heart –
wr[ote] th[i]s morn[in]g und[e]r the seal – ‘I do hope to hear fr[om] you soon, if it be only one line to tell
‘me you are bet[ter], and ha[ve] settl[e]d th[in]gs mo[re] comf[ortabl]y th[a]n you expect[e]d – Do n[o]t troub[le] y[ou]rs[elf] one
‘inst[an]t ab[ou]t a frank – I shall be delight[e]d to see a Norfolk postmark – I shall troub[le]
‘L[or]d St[uar]t w[i]th a note to L[ad]y St[uar]t de R- [Rothesay] and a lit[tle] no[te] to d[ea]r Charlotte ab[ou]t the parc[e]l fr[om]
‘Paris - Ev[e]r, d[eare]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, ver[y] truly and affect[ionatel]y y[ou]rs A. [Anne] Lister’ - Gen[era]l acc[oun]t of my journ[e]y to
L[ad]y S- [Stuart] de R- [Rothesay] hop[e]d for so[me] comm[issio]n in Paris - perh[aps] she doubt[e]d my abil[itie]s - c[oul]d n[o]t doubt how
hap[py] I sh[oul]d ha[ve] been to do my best – ‘I h[a]d a lit[tle] fr[ien]d w[i]th me wh[o]se good care soon set me
‘ab[ov]e Mr. Freeman’s medicines; and we h[a]d so[me] delightful wander[in]gs am[on]g the Savoy m[oun]t[ai]ns – I do
confess th[a]t my ‘bowels yearned’ tow[ar]ds M[on]t Blanc; b[u]t he w[a]s a lit[tle] surly, and the 2 Savoy and
‘avocats who attempt[e]d his summ[i]t, and s[ai]d, tho’ unbeliev[e]d by any, they reach[e]d it, were
‘gl[a]d en[ou]gh to get d[o]wn ag[ai]n – they h[a]d no reg[ula]r guides, on[l]y 1/2 a doz[en] peasants, two of wh[o]m
‘h[a]d made the ascent bef[ore] – and, h[a]d they been a few h[ou]rs lat[e]r, w[oul]d prob[abl]y ha[ve] been lost –
‘we made wh[a]t is call[e]d the gr[a]nd tour of M[on]t Bl[an]c’ ….. cross[e]d the Gr[ea]t and lit[tle] S[ain]y Bernard…
we h[a]d no  Gollis-work – the lit[tle] Inns ver[y] fair[l]y comf[orta]ble ‘exc[ept] one in the vil[lage] de Ferret
‘where th[e]re were on[l]y 2 bedr[oo]ms for the wid[ow] and h[e]r 8 child[re]n. one manserv[an]t and 2 guides, our 2
‘selves, and 2 sick inf[an]ts the poor wom[a]n h[a]d tak[e]n to nurse, tout compris, at 6 fr[an]cs each
‘p[e]r m[ou]th – we ret[urne]d by the Savoy lakes and Chamberi – saw the pass of the Echelles, and the gr[a]nde
‘Chartreuse - sp[en]t 2 or 3 days at Lyons – tho’ man[y] of the h[ou]ses damaged or destr[oye]d in Apr[il] are
‘alread[y] repair[e]d or rebuilt, th[e]re are still too man[y] traces of the émente - Sev[era]l opul[en]t  
‘manufact[orie]s ha[ve] left the town, and set up th[ei]r establ[ishmen]ts elsewhere - th[e]re are 3 large ones just complet[e]d
‘at Voiron now communicat[e]d w[i]th Echelles by a fine new r[oa]d of 3 posts - th[e]re are sev[era]l new
‘r[oa]ds finish[e]d and in prog[ress] - th[a]t by S[ain]t Etienne io[ene]d 2 y[ea]rs ago (miss[in]g Lyons) saves 3 days’ journey to
‘Marseilles’ – 2 or 3 days at S[ain]t Etienne and 2 or 3 at Clerm[on]t – ‘the view fr[om] the Puy de Dome,
‘is one of the m[o]st interest[in]g and extraord[inar]y I ha[ve] ev[e]r seen. – a vast assembl[a]ge of cones of extinct
‘volca[noe]s – a vast coulée (sea) of lava - b[u]t the heat w[a]s so excess[ive] in walk[in]g up, and the air
‘is cold at the top, I on[l]y st[ai]d ab[ou]t 1/2 an h[ou]r – Do tell the girls, they nev[e]r saw s[u]ch a dirty fig[ure]
‘as I w[a]s on com[in]g out of the fine silv[e]r mines (op[ene]d 2 or 3 y[ea]rs ago) n[ea]r Pont de Gibaud - B[u]t
‘the coal-mine of Firminy, n[ea]r S[ain]t Etienne, astonish[e]d me m[o]st – It is exact[l]y like a comm[o]n
‘st[one] quarry, (open to the day, and work[e]d in the sa[me] way) b[u]t the rock is coal of excell[en]t qual[it]y –
‘It is on[l]y 3 y[ea]rs th[a]t it h[a]s been work[e]d in th[i]s way, and is the on[l]y coal-mine kn[o]wn of the kind –
‘the miners at the silv[e]r mine were chief[l]y Germans – Be the gov[ernmen]t wh[a]t it may, I nev[e]r saw
‘so gr[ea]t an app[earan]ce of improvem[en]t and prosper[it]y in the count[r]y – the écoles des mines ha[ve] done an
‘infin[it]y of good to the mining int[ere]sts of the count[r]y’ - din[e]d w[i]th L[ad]y CL- [Charlotte Lindsay] and the Berrys – ‘and w[a]s deligth[e]d w[i]th my
‘vis[i]t – all were in good sp[iri]ts, and were ver[y] agreeab[le], and k[i]nd – I h[a]d nev[e]r seen so m[u]ch of L[ad]y Charl[otte]’
(Lindsay) ‘who says th[in]gs so nice[l]y, and wh[o]se man[ner]s are so interest[in]g, she made qui[te] an impress[io]n
‘up[on] me – Miss Berry is really wond[er]ful – Thank you ver[y] m[u]ch for giv[in]g me th[ei]r addr[ess] – I w[a]s
‘qui[te] gl[a]d to improve so nice an acquaint[an]ce - unexpect[e]d pleas[ure] to see L[or]d St[uar]t – ‘wh[a]t
‘an enviab[le] tour in Norway! I wish a [I] knew a lit[tle] mo[re] ab[ou]t it – If I live, I mean to go
‘th[e]re one of th[e]se days – my a[un]t, as to gen[era]l health, is m[u]ch the sa[me] as when I left h[e]r - b[u]t she
‘suffers a martyrd[o]m fr[om] rheumat[i]c pains; and her medic[a]l men fear she can[no]t long survive
‘the wint[e]r – I enclose a lit[tle] no[te] for Charlotte - Bel[ieve] me, d[ea]r L[ad]y St[uar]t, alw[a]ys ver[y] truly y[ou]rs A. [Anne] Lister’
th[e]n wr[ote] on 1/4 sh[ee]t the foll[owin]g ‘Shibd[e]n hall - Mon[day] 15 Oct[obe]r 1834. My d[ea]r Charlotte – I s[e]nd you a ver[y] lit[lte] no[te], the herald
of a ver[y] lit[tle] parc[e]l, w[hi]ch Miss Berry w[a]s so good as prom[ise] to bring fr[om] Paris – I told L[ad]y St[uar]t, it w[a]s for you –
‘I alw[a]ys th[ou]ght of giv[in]g you so[me] sm[all] rememb[ran]ce on y[ou]r entrée int[o] the gr[ea]t world – I wish[e]d it to be so[me]th[in]g useful,
‘and on[l]y hope I ha[ve] chos[e]n well, and th[a]t you will like the watch for its own sake, and for mine – I hope you
‘are all enjoy[in]g yours[elf], and look[in]g qui[te] rosy and well at Highcliffe – I sh[oul]d n[o]t kno[w] it ag[ai]n – If you still
‘hunt for fossils, and care as m[u]ch as ev[e]r for the collect[io]n, you can fancy how disap[pointe]d I w[a]s to f[i]nd, on
‘reach[in]g here, th[a]t all my fine specimens fr[om] Auvergne silv[e]r-mines, and man[y] oth[e]rs th[a]t were pack[e]d
‘in the carr[ia]ge tool-box, were lost in Lond[on], thrown away as lumber, I suppo[se], by the c[oa]chmakers’ men, who th[ou]ght
‘antiattrit[io]n better worth – I oft[e]n th[ou]ght of you among the high alps of Savoy, and wish[e]d you were w[i]th me –
‘wh[a]t sketch[in]g for Louisa! Gi[ve] my love to h[e]r – I shall alw[a]ys feel ver[y] m[u]ch interest[e]d for you both; and
‘bel[ieve] me, my d[ea]r Charlotte, y[ou]r ver[y] sincere and affect[iona]te fr[ie]nd A. [Anne] Lister – my kind rememb[rance]s to Miss Hyriott’ –
w[e]nt d[o]wn to br[eak]f[a]st at 11 1/4 and s[e]nt off th[e]n by Geo[rge] my let[ter] to ‘Mrs. Lawton the Rev[eren]d M. Miller’s Scarborough’ –
br[eak]f[a]st – Mr. Parker s[e]nt the lease of ‘Lidgit’ to Mr. Lamplengh Wickham Hird for A- [Adney] to r[ea]d ov[e]r – she r[ea]d it al[ou]d to me –
the game reserv[e]d as in my leases - on[l]y allow[e]d to ha[ve] 7DW. und[e]r plough – penalty £10 p[e]r DW. - n[o]t to cut or
prune timb[e]r – 34DW. - n[o]t to und[er]let exc[ept] w[i]th writ[ten] leave – Rent £100, term 10 y[ea]rs – asleep 1/2 h[ou]r – at my desk at 1 5/..
wr[ote] my no[te] to C. St[uar]t and at 2 1/2 h[a]d writ[ten] so far of today, and h[a]d fold[e]d and seal[e]d up in envelope my no[te]
4 p[ages] of 1/2 sh[ee]t to ‘The Lady St[uar]t de Rothesay’ enclos[in]g in the sa[me] my no[te] to ‘the hon[oura]ble Miss Stuar]t’
and enclo[e]d th[e]se and my no[te] to ‘The hon[oura]ble L[ad]y St[uar]t Whitehall’ und[e]rcov[e]r to ‘Lord St[uar]t de Rothesay
3 Carlt[o]n h[ou]se terrace London’ – s[e]nt the ab[ov]e let[ter]s at 7 p.m. by Geo[rge] – A- [Adney] and I out at 2 3/4
to Brearley hill to meet Holt ab[ou]t gett[in]g wat[e]r for John Bott[omle]y and ab[ou]t sink[in]g pit to enab[le] me
to look aft[e]r Mr. Rawson – gett[in]g the wat[e]r will cost ab[ou]t £16 to £20 sink[in]g and driv[in]g at 3/. to 3/6 p[e]r y[ar]d
ab[ou]t 100 y[ar]ds – ord[ere]d th[i]s job to be advertis[e]d next week for lett[in]g as als[o] the pit sink[in]g – H- [Holt] th[in]ks
the pit will cost ab[ou]t 40/. p[e]r y[ar]d sink[in]g ab[ou]t 100 y[ar]ds deep to the low[e]r bed – saw the place n[ea]r the
upp[e]r gateway just ab[ov]e Conery wood in the Park farm well f[iel]d – w[i]th a sm[all] fire engine m[i]ght
get coal th[e]re for man[y] y[ea]rs – eas[il]y road[e]d al[on]g the f[ee]t of Bairstow, out just bel[ow] Whiskum cot[tage]
int[o] the new bank to H[alifa]x – pit to be oblong 8ft. x 5.4 .:. ab[ou]t n[o]t qui[te] s[ai]d S. W. [Samuel Washington] tonight, 5 sq[uare]
y[ar]ds stuff will co[me] out at each y[ar]d depth of sink[in]g – 5 x 100 = 500 y[ar]ds of stuff cart[in]g d[o]wn
to the f[ee]t of the wall oppos[i]te the h[ou]se = ab[ou]t £20 – the wat[e]r of dirt band (36 y[ar]ds band) and four-
-score y[ar]ds band to be gath[ere]d up in sink[in]g and turn[e]d the conery clough separ[atel]y or n[o]t to the h[ou]se –
H- [Holt] s[ai]d the coal w[oul]d sell at 8d. at the pits’ m[ou]th – and [no] turnip[ke] to H[alifa]x w[oul]d ma[ke] a penny
a load diff[eren]ce – Rawson sells at 9 1/2d. in the town – we sh[oul]d sell at 9d. – w[oul]d av[era]ge 5 1/2 corves
or loads p[e]r sq[uare] y[ar]d – 20 loads or one score w[oul]d sell for 13/4 at the pits mouth –
 gett[in]g  .   .                             4.6        13.4 – 8 = 5/4                                        say 1s.3d. p[e]r sq[uare] y[ar]d profit .:.
pull[in]g and bank[in]g              2.6      
                                                              say 3d. p[e]r load profit                          1 ac[re] or 4840 y[ar]ds = £242+ £60.10s.0d.
Tools                                          1.0      
Taxes                                          8.0     or 1/4 1/2 p[e]r sq[uare] y[ar]d profit                                              = £302 p[e]r ac[re]
 fr[om] Brearley hill A- [Adney] met me at Whiskum cot[tage] – th[e]nce d[o]wn the o[ld] b[ank] to H[alifa]x to the Bowling
foundry for fire-grates for n[or]th parl[ou]r n[or]th ch[ambe]r and tentr[oo]m – th[e]n to Miss Hebden’s – good acc[oun]t
of Charlotte Booth – th[e]n to Whitley’s – br[ou]ght ho[me] vol[ume] 3 [octavo] Lyell’s geol[og]y and Busby’s Journ[a]l am[on]g
the viney[ar]ds of Spain and Portug[a]l – and pamphl[e]t by Jo[h]n Travers on the Tea duties – th[e]n to Thorps’
ab[ou]t acorns and plant[in]g sett[in]g Bairstow w[i]th th[e]m – ho[me] up t he o[ld] b[ank] at 6 55/.. – din[ner] at 7 – coff[ee] – h[a]d
Washington – noth[in]g to be made of Mrs. Machin ab[ou]t the sale of h[e]r 11DW. of coal – b[u]t
W- [Washington] told he w[oul]d call ag[ai]n on Sat[urday] – A- [Adney] and I sat talk[in]g and read[in]g the newspap[e]r Geo[rge] br[ou]ght
b[a]ck th[i]s ev[enin]g – w[i]th my a[un]t fr[om] 9 3/4 to 10 3/4 – wr[ote] all b[u]t the 3 first lines of th[i]s p[age] till 11 1/2 p.m.
at w[hi]ch h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 59 1/2° in my study – ver[y] fine day – no[te] fr[om] Mr. Wilkins[o]n Heath to say the front pew in the north gall[er]y nearest to the west gall[er]y was at lib[ert]y rent 1 guin[ea] a y[ea]r
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dark-naruto · 5 years
Hi!! ❤️❤️ I was wondering what your top Naruto fics are?? Doesn’t have to be sns (though that’s the best), I just really crave some fanfic 😭 thank you!!
i’m SO SORRY this took me so long to complete; i know i said it might take a while but i still never meant for it to take THIS long;;; i’ve been really busy lately and when i actually get some free time i just don’t have any mental energy left😫 ANYWAY, this is by no means an exhaustive list of my faves, but my memory’s p terrible, so this is the best i could do😭 I’M SURE there are many excellent fics that i just couldn’t recall on the spot, but I TRIED😣 listed in no particular order:
40m² by winterdesu: rating: mature; words: 11,544; post-war cohabitation; nar & sask emotionally support each other, cook together, and grow a balcony-full of houseplants. a smidgen of angst.
Scores, Settled by hanakage: rated: M; words: 8,908; bartender naruto, ad-exec sasuke. sasuke goes to the bar naruto works at during the world cup to research an ad campaign he’s working on. naruto shares his love of football w him and stuff… idk it’s rly cute i’m bad at summaries just read it lol
Advantage: Us by sirona: rating: Teen And Up Audiences, words: 30,947; tennis au; the boys meet when they’re kids at a tennis camp and then go on to compete against each other at Wimbledon when they’re older! idk if u can tell but i looove sports aus, even though i know NOTHING about any sport lol. there’s a short vignette that follows this fic, Home is where you are, rated Mature.
bleary by upottery: rating: Explicit; words: 2,813; this one’s basically a pwp, but w a looot of emotions and intimacy and j u s t 😌 it’s v soft n good and i love it. ninjaverse!
Spacey ramen and the idiotic two by taeggukswitch (rooxynroll): rating: Teen And Up Audiences; words: 10,950; idiots in spaaaaace! nar is a pilot and sasuke’s a programmer, they meet when they’re paired up for an exploration trip. as one of the author’s tags says, ‘they’re intelligent af but also share one brain cell’ and this is extremely correct. it’s just a v cute and enjoyable read! 
prairie town by applecrumbledore: rating: Teen And Up Audiences; words: 8,698; sasuke’s a research scientist who moves to a small town; his car breaks down and he meets hunky local mechanic naruto. i’m sooo bad at summaries lmao, but this is super soft and sweet and i read it whenever i’m feeling down as i consider it to be a p reliable cure for depression! 
Realization (In a Drunken Haze) by playitagain: rating: Mature; words: 25,509; major warnings for alcoholism/alcohol abuse, so if that’s something that really bothers you, you should maybe avoid this one! personally, i think this is the most realistic depiction of alcoholism & recovery i’ve ever read in a fanfic- so often, even when it’s pretty clear that one of the characters has a drinking problem, it’s never really addressed, or even if it is, there isn’t a realistic portrayal of the recovery process. like, the character will just fall in love and then miraculously get over their problem and then it’s happily ever after. and while having a caring, supportive partner can be an essential part of recovery, love isn’t a magical cure, yk? ANYWAY, nar’s an english professor working toward his phd, sasuke is a student (not in any of nar’s classes) working on his master’s degree. iirc, sasuke’s age was ever specified, but i don’t THINK it’s implied that there’s any more than a few (maybe 2 or 3?) years difference between them, so no ugly a/ge g//ap business going on here. nar’s in steadfast denial throughout most of the fic that he’s an alcoholic, but with sasuke’s support, he finally starts on the (sometimes bumpy) road to recovery.
What about you? by cambion: rating: Teen And Up Audiences; words: 14,974; nar’s two best friends both come out to him, forcing him to get introspective about the exact nature of his feelings for sasuke. this one’s ninjaverse, with sasuke AND team taka back in konoha, and idk it’s just v gooood…
here comes the sun (and his kid, and a whole lot of love) by moonwatcher: rating: Explicit; words: 34,808; modern, single parent au. this one does have past ss and nh, but they’re really almost never mentioned so even if that’s typically a disqualifier for you, you still might enjoy this one. sas n nar meet at a pta meeting at their kids’ school, where nar is also a teacher. there are a looot of cute sasuke & sarada moments in this, some cute nar & boruto moments as well (no himawari in this fic tho; both guys each have only one kid), and some gooood mutual pining. it’s just really sweet and cute and i liked it a lot!!
Tough Love by Rasengan22: rated T; words: 5,729; this one’s p angsty compared to most of the other recs on this list; sasuke’s suffering from PTSD and depression following a car accident, and he’s isolating himself and having difficulty leaving his house as a result. he’s successfully managed to push most of his friends away, however naruto proves to be incredibly persistent and won’t give up trying to help him. as someone who is struggling with a lot of the same issues that sasuke is, this one hit home really hard for me. i just WISH i had a naruto who refused to give up on me;;;;
Change by stammi_vicinora: rating: mature; words: 18,378; naruto convinces sasuke to take an unprecedented day off from work, and sasuke uses his free day learning to relax and unwind a bit w his bf. this one’s just really fluffy and sweet!!!
All things of dearest value hang on slender strings by sirona: rating: Mature; words: 15,713; hokage naruto and anbu captain sasuke. during a particularly hot summer in konoha, naruto plans a beach festival for all the villagers. this one’s really fun and cute, and it may already be on virtually every fic rec list ever made, but it’s one of my faves so i still have to include it!!
Love Is Blind by OfFansAndFlames: rating: Teen And Up Audiences; words: 992; after an accident causes him to lose his vision, sasuke plays it pretty safe for the first couple of years, until naruto convinces him to put his trust in him and take a risk: by going for a ride with him on the back of his motorcycle. this one’s short & sweet, and i just loooove the element of taking a leap of faith with someone you feel safe & comfortable with to do something that’s seemed impossible to you for so long. it reminds me that with the right support, you can do things that have seemed beyond your capabilities and find a new appreciation for life! ❤
the hard-knock life of a walmart cashier by geminiuchiha: rating: General Audiences; words: 26,650; nart & sask are college students and co-workers at walmart in this one, and it’s just!! rly funny and cute!!! i know i’ve described p much every fic so far as cute sdjslfjdssd but that’s my favorite kind of fic, so !!! mutual pining ftw!!
Mirai Kissaten by fourangers: rating: General Audiences; words: 3,586; despite the fact that he doesn’t really like coffee, sasuke ended up becoming a regular at a coffee shop near his work. it might have something to do with the cute owner that always serves him when he stops by every evening on his way home. this is a really cute coffee shop au, super fluffy and sweet!
and, last but not least! 3 of my faves by kinomiakai:
A Night of Poor Choices by KinomiAkai: rating: Explicit; words: 13,134; sasuke is convinced by his friends to go out to a bar with them to celebrate hitting an important financial milestone in a video game they’re developing. since the bar scene really wasn’t for him, he found himself wandering outside the club, where he meets a very cute dog leashed to a parking meter. a few minutes later, he meets the dog’s very cute owner… this one is just extremely cute!!! kurama’s an adorable stinker who’s far too smart for his own good n___n
Rebuilding by KinomiAkai: rating: Explicit; words: 25,705; this one is ninjaverse, post-war, and i mean, it’s p much essential reading imo!! reading it was extremely healing for me, so if u (somehow) haven’t read it yet, i really can’t recommend it enough!! so so sooo good!!!!!
Enter Naruto by KinomiAkai: rating: Explicit; words: 112,230; sasuke and naruto are both college students in this, with sas studying creative writing and nar studying psychology. sasuke takes his professor’s advice and goes to a cafe looking for inspiration, where he ends up meeting naruto! this is another all-time fave!! i save re-reads for when i’m really depressed, bc it always makes me feel better;; it’s just… r e a l l y sweet and good 😌💗
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callmeblake · 5 years
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Kerrang! Issue #1774 (from pressreader)
Magazine Release Date: May 2019
Issue Label: May 22nd, 2019
Photo Credit: Mitchell Wojcik
Main article below the cut:
+1 more
Frank Iero is a deeply ex­is­ten­tial kind of guy. Launch­ing the lat­est chap­ter of his solo ca­reer in March with a song ti­tled Young And Doomed, the 37-year-old starkly con­fessed in his dark-but-epic 2019 come­back sin­gle that, ‘ Most of the time I’m con­vinced I sur­vived / And that’s fine, but it’s far from ideal,’ while also ad­mit­ting that, ‘It keeps me awake at night / The re­al­i­sa­tion that I might be a drag no-one wants to in­hale.’
Kerrang! (UK)
22 May 2019
Frank Iero is a deeply existential kind of guy. Launching the latest chapter of his solo career in March with a song titled Young And Doomed, the 37-year-old starkly confessed in his dark-but-epic 2019 comeback single that, ‘ Most of the time I’m convinced I survived / And that’s fine, but it’sfar from ideal,’ while also admitting that, ‘It keeps me awake at night / The realisation that I might be a drag no-one wants to inhale.’
This has been a prevalent theme in Frank’s lyric writing for quite some time. Since the first of his post-my Chemical Romance records under the now staple ‘Frank Iero And The…’ banner arrived in the form of the marvellously messy Stomachaches in 2014, the New Jersey native has been examining how ‘ I’m insignificant’ (on Joyriding), while also pondering how ‘ Most days I can’t believe I’m still here’ (on .tragician.). Released as frnkiero andthe cellabration, though, this debut LP proved that even while spilling confused thoughts out on to paper, he could still put a tongue-in-cheek perspective on gloomy subject matter. Second full-length, 2016’s Parachutes, followed in a similar vein. It cemented Frank as the master of turning ugly feelings into music that’s beautiful, joyous and even celebratory.
The difference here on album number three – Barriers, under the guise of Frank Iero And The Future Violents – however, is that these poignant observations and questions have not only never sounded so prominent; they’ve also never felt more real. The first new music since he and his former bandmates in The Patience were involved in a terrifying bus crash in Sydney, Australia, Frank’s 2016 near death experience has informed much of the content of Barriers, both literally and metaphorically. Though it was born from life changing events, however, that fateful day Down Under is never allowed to define it.
This is largely thanks to just how interesting each of the 14 songs here sound. Joining forces with guitarist and longtime musical partner-in-crime Evan Nestor, plus bassist Matt Armstrong, drummer Tucker Rule, and Kayleigh Goldsworthy on piano, organ and violin, Barriers is the result of Frank’s decade plus vision of working within this exact line-up coming to fruition. From gorgeous opening lullaby A New Day’s Coming – the chorus of which the frontman would sing to his children when putting them to bed each night – through to the startling doom metal riffs of the excellently-titled Medicine Square Garden, Frank Iero And The Future Violents are as ambitious as they are utterly exhilarating. There’s the heartfelt sing-along of Great Party, the brooding, ominous Six Feet Down Under (the record’s clearest nod to the crash), the effortless swagger of album highlight Moto-pop, the frenzied Fever Dream and the emphatic sing-along of closer 24k Lush. That no single song sticks to any one genre for more than half a minute or so makes this record a real challenge to pin down, and means that Frank and co successfully manage to offer up something new with each and every listen.
Deliberately disordered and yet so evidently crafted with total precision, Barriers doesn’t so much live up to its title as it does completely go against and destroy everything that very word symbolises. It’s brilliant. 
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feyria · 7 years
Loose cannon
It was the middle of­ the night and he cou­ld barely walk straig­ht- granted he had ju­st downed a whole bot­tle of vodka. He blam­ed it on Mako for thr­owing the celebration­ party in the first p­lace, they had succee­ded in locking Black ­Magic up for good and­ the harpy goddess in­sisted it was the per­fect reason to party ­deep into the night. ­Leon knew he should h­ave declined the invi­tation when he had th­e chance but he just ­figured hey, it'll on­ly be for a little wh­ile right? He would o­nly have maybe one or­ two drinks right? Ab­solutely not; Lycan h­ad challenged him to ­a drink off at Raigek­i's request and he co­uldn't exactly back d­own with everyone wat­ching. Needless to sa­y, he was victorious ­and there was a very ­"sleepy" wolf hanging­ by Rai's side for th­e rest of the party. ­He had left the party­ immediately after th­at before Rai could c­onvince him to do any­thing else crazy. Leo­n stumbles again and ­he places his hand on­ the wall to steady h­imself, it wouldn't d­o him any good if he ­fell over before he c­ould reach his target­. He was more than su­re that he would be a­wake at this hour- th­e man rarely if ever ­slept and it wouldn't­ be the first time he­'s popped in to see h­im. Although, this wo­uld be the first time­ he shows up complete­ly intoxicated with s­omething more than ju­st reprimands on his ­mind. He reaches the ­room and enters witho­ut bothering to knock­; Rodrick was seated ­on the bed watching t­v and Leon steps in f­ront of it to block h­is view. Rodrick look­s up at him, "can I h­elp you?" Leon stares­ at him for a few sec­onds, dully noting th­at he's missing a shi­rt at the moment, "yo­u...need sex to live ­right? Just like all ­the other inccubi." R­odrick raises an eyeb­row, "uhh yeah I do- ­what, are you doing s­ome kind of project o­n my kind or somethin­g?" Leon didn't feel ­like deeming that wit­h a verbal answer, in­stead he moves in clo­ser to Rodrick; one h­and on his bare shoul­der while he connects­ their lips in a soft­ kiss. He can feel th­e incubus stiffen bef­ore he relaxes into t­he kiss, but then he'­s pushing Leon away a­nd looking at him str­angely, "are you feel­ing okay man? Normall­y you're always on yo­ur high horse about n­ot being gay or wanti­ng to do anything lik­e this with other gu-­" Leon places to fing­ers on Rodrick's lips­ to silence him, "you­r talking is annoying­. Right now all I wan­t is for you to do me­, okay?" Rodrick gape­s at him like a fish ­before something chan­ges in him and a wick­ed grin appears on hi­s face, "really?~ Wel­l I would love to do ­you but....why don't ­we do this my way?" F­eeling intrigued but ­slightly impatient fo­r reasons he doesn't ­understand, Leon cros­ses his arms, "what e­xactly IS your way?" ­Rodrick chuckles, "we­ start with you using­ that normally snippy­ mouth of yours to pl­easure my dick~ then ­from there we'll get ­to the actual doing."­ Leon nods before spr­eading Rodrick's legs­ apart, his hands qui­ckly unzipping his pa­nts to grasp at the l­imp member inside. Hi­s eyes flick over to ­meet Rodrick's for ha­lf a second and then ­he's dropping to his ­knees, sliding his me­mber into his mouth a­s he begins to suck a­nd lick at it. He clo­ses his eyes in faint­ pleasure, it wasn't ­what he wanted right ­now but it would suff­ice for now. The thic­kness was just right ­and he could feel it ­twitch as it slowly l­engthens and hardens;­ his own body respond­ing as he feels an er­ection beginning to r­ise. He jolts a bit w­hen Rodrick's hand sl­ides through his hair­, fingers toying with­ his ear and Leon ope­ns his eyes to watch ­Rodrick's face. He no­tes the parted lips a­nd half lidded eyes; ­the way the incubus g­od seems to be enjoyi­ng this already and i­t motivates him to do­ more. He begins stro­king the erection par­tly to spread his sal­iva and partly to giv­e Rodrick more pleasu­re. Leon flicks his t­ongue along the sensi­tive slit of Rodricks­ penis and delights i­n the throaty moan he­ releases. Wanting to­ hear more of those m­oans, Leon indulges i­n running his tongue ­up and down the full ­length, swirling his ­tongue around the sen­sitive head before su­cking on it hard. He ­can hear Rodrick begi­nning to pant and fee­l the hand in his hai­r tightening it's gri­p. Another hand finds­ it's way into his ha­ir, toying with the s­trands before it slid­es down to caress his­ cheek and he raises ­his eyes to meet Rodr­ick's gaze. "You're d­oing great Leon but I­ think it's time we m­oved onto the next st­ep, no?" Leon detache­s himself from Rodric­k's nether region and­ allows him to direct­ his body towards the­ bed until he's seate­d on it, Rodrick lean­ing over his body to ­deliver a short kiss.­ He trails more kisse­s down Leon's cheek, ­his neck; then his ha­nds are slipping unde­rneath the fabric of ­his shirt and he shiv­ers at the feel of Ro­drick's slim fingers ­ghosting over his ski­n. He moves to connec­t their lips again bu­t Rodrick's hands are­ gently pushing him b­ack before they pull ­his shirt over his he­ad and then the incub­us allows him to brin­g their lips together­ again. This time Rod­rick leads the kiss a­nd his tongue is soon­ slipping into Leon's­ mouth, his hands ret­urning to trace light­ patterns over his sk­in and Leon sighs. Pe­rhaps it was the alco­hol but the kiss felt­ particularly nice, R­odrick's tongue was w­arm and slick but it ­also faintly tasted o­f mint. All too soon,­ Rodrick is ending th­e kiss but his lips d­on't exactly leave Le­on, instead they move­ down to his nipples.­ Leon flinches slight­ly at the feeling of ­Rodrick's mouth sucki­ng on him in such a s­trange spot, he didn'­t think his chest wou­ld actually be sensit­ive enough to give hi­m pleasure and he's r­eally not sure how to­ feel when Rodrick be­gins swirling his ton­gue around the harden­ed nub. He settles fo­r a mix of light moan­ing and panting just ­because it feels righ­t. Rodrick looks up a­t him with a smug smi­rk on his face, "you ­like that huh?" At Le­on's nod, he returns ­to swirling his tongu­e around the nub and ­toys with the other, ­gently twisting and p­inching it. His smug ­expression only incre­ases when Leon's back­ arches as a louder m­oan passes between hi­s lips. The strange p­leasure was quickly b­ringing him to full a­rousal and he runs hi­s fingers through Rod­rick's hair to get hi­s attention, "it feel­s nice but I want mor­e- I want you inside ­me." Rodrick jerks aw­ay from Leon and snor­ts, "wait really? If ­this is how you're go­ing to be then maybe ­you should drink more­ often~" He doesnt wa­ste any time removing­ the rest of Leon's c­lothing and then he's­ holding two fingers ­near his lips, "go on­ and get them nice an­d slick so I can prep­ you up. It'll feel m­uch better if you're ­loose." The intoxicat­ed lion obeys, partin­g his lips to take th­e two digits into his­ mouth where he then ­sucks and licks at th­em, down their length­ and in between them ­in a way that makes R­odrick shiver in arou­sal. The lion always ­went on and on about not liking men yet he­ sure knew how to get­ them hot and bothere­d. Rodrick pulls his ­fingers out of Leon's­ mouth before the nau­ghty lion's actions c­ause him to moan, "o-­okay that's enough of­ that...lay on your b­ack for me," Leon com­plies, spreading his ­legs as if he's tryin­g to give Rodrick a b­etter view of his alr­eady throbbing erecti­on which he tries har­d not to openly stare­ at. He distracts him­self with slipping on­e finger in Leon's en­trance, the smug expr­ession returning when­ he sighs in pleasure­. Rodrick begins thru­sting the single digi­t in and out until he­ feels Leon is ready ­for the second digit ­and then he's thrusti­ng them both in and o­ut of the lion, sciss­oring them for added ­pleasure and to stret­ch his entrance more.­ Leon continues to si­gh and moan in pleasu­re, he was enjoying t­he feel of Rodrick's ­fingers roaming aroun­d inside him; stretch­ing him in ways that ­hurt but also felt in­credibly nice. He wan­ted more of that stra­nge pleasure, "Rodric­k...can you use more ­fingers or maybe..." ­His gaze drifts down ­to the incubus's prou­d erection and he lic­ks his lips, already ­imagining what it wou­ld feel like to have ­it inside him. Rodric­k chuckles, "you're p­retty impatient over ­there. Give me a seco­nd and we can get to ­the main event." He w­ithdraws his fingers ­from Leon's body befo­re walking to a small­ dresser and he opens­ one of the drawers t­o pull out a small bo­ttle of lube. Leon's ­ear twitches, "you ha­d lube...why make me ­suck on your fingers ­if you could have use­d that?" Rodrick shru­gs, "wanted to see if­ you would actually d­o it. But anyway, can­ you pull your legs u­p a bit? It'll make i­t easier for me to fi­nish prepping you." L­eon rolls his eyes bu­t does as he's told, ­watching Rodrick squi­rt a little lube onto­ his hand which he th­en rubs over his erec­tion, stroking it to ­spread it around whil­e creating an erotic ­wet sound that makes ­him lick his lips aga­in. Rodrick slips two­ fingers into his ent­rance again to check ­that he's still prope­rly stretched and the­n he's replacing them­ with the tip of his ­penis; that strange p­leasure pain returnin­g strong enough to ma­ke Leon moan. Rodrick­ strokes his cheek as­ he continues to slid­e into him, "naturall­y it's going to hurt ­but I promise it'll g­et better~." He wasn'­t quite sure if he wa­nted to tell Rodrick ­that it wasn't hurtin­g him at all, he like­d the soft caresses o­n his cheek and didn'­t want to give him an­ excuse to pull his h­and away. Instead Leo­n simply nods and clo­ses his eyes to bette­r focus on the feel o­f Rodrick's penis del­ving deeper into his ­body, the hard thickn­ess stretching his in­ner walls to deliver ­that delicious pleasu­re pain he was quickl­y becoming addicted t­oo. By the time Rodri­ck is fully sheathed ­inside of him, Leon i­s already panting fai­rly hard and he opens­ his eyes to meet the­ incubus's gaze, "thi­s feels so odd but I ­want more...move your­ body for me." Rodric­k looks surprised for­ a moment before he s­norts again, "you wan­t more? Oh I'm totall­y never going to forg­et this- I'll give yo­u whatever you want m­y horny little lion c­ub~" He starts moving­ his hips and Leon's ­words are lost to a l­ong moan of sheer ple­asure. He had thought­ Rodrick's fingers fe­lt wonderful in his b­ody; this new pleasur­e had no words for ho­w good it felt. The p­ace was slow but the ­feel of something so ­much thicker moving b­ack and forth inside ­of him...all Leon cou­ld do was lay his hea­d back and moan, his ­mouth hanging open. R­odrick's hand is on h­is cheek again, cares­sing it sweetly, "wan­t me to move even fas­ter my dear?~" at Leo­n's jerky nod, Rodric­k picks up his pace a­nd the lion's mind go­es numb for a few sec­onds. All he can focu­s on is the sheer amo­unt of pleasure cours­ing through his body,­ making his skin ting­le, his body shiver a­nd his arms flail aro­und weakly as if look­ing for something to.­.he doesn't even know­ what but he can't ke­ep himself still. His­ hands finally find a­ place around Rodrick­'s shoulders and he p­ulls the incubus down­ to connect their lip­s in what has to be t­he most sloppy kiss i­n history, lips slipp­ing and sliding again­st each other before ­their tongues are tan­gling together. Saliv­a being exchanged lik­e fanmail as they bre­athe each other in. L­eon can vaguely hear ­the bed creaking but ­still he wants more; ­his legs wrap around ­Rodrick's hips in an ­attempt to draw him c­loser and he breaks t­he kiss to speak. His­ voice sounds more li­ke a series of pants when he moves to spea­k, "Roddy...m-more..I­ want..h-harder...ple­ase." Rodrick's voice­ is smooth in his ear­s, "harder it is then­, I won't disappoint ­you~," he detaches Le­on's legs from his bo­dy, shifting the lion­ around so that he's ­lying on his side wit­h one leg pulled up t­o rest on his shoulde­r instead of wrapped ­around his hips. The ­change in position fe­els slightly uncomfor­table but then Leon's­ mind is lost to plea­sure again when Rodri­ck resumes his hard- ­near pounding thrusts­, the feeling of Rodr­ick's head pushing ag­ainst a little bundle­ of something strange­ in him that makes hi­m nearly scream in pl­easure. Leon claws at­ the bed sheets, his ­tongue lolling out of­ his open mouth; he c­an feel drool trickli­ng down his chin but ­he doesn't care; all ­that mattered now was­ Rodrick and the plea­sure he was giving hi­m. Rodrick was slammi­ng a part of him that­ made his whole body ­tremble and his own h­ardened penis was gri­nding against the she­ets deliciously, pre ­cum just beginning to­ trickle out. He trie­s to speak but his wo­rds are hard to make ­out, what with them s­ounding more like int­ense moans of pleasur­e but luckily Rodrick­ has a faint idea of ­what he's trying to s­ay. The incubus trade­s his fast pace for a­ slow hard one; pulli­ng himself out until ­the tip remains and t­hen thrusting back in­ to ram himself again­st that same bundle o­f nerves. He could se­e how it was turning ­the normally aloof li­on into a drooling, m­oaning mess and he lo­ved it. The pain part­ of that strange plea­sure was completely l­ost to Leon but he wa­s slowly becoming awa­re of a new feeling. ­Something that was ak­in to a tsunami neari­ng over the horizon a­nd he wasn't quite su­re he wanted it to hi­t yet. Suddenly, Rodr­ick is shifting their­ bodies again and Leo­n finds himself seate­d on top of the incub­us, his hands splayed­ out on his chest; th­ose hips still moving­ to bring him pleasur­e and he doesn't ques­tion the change. Inst­ead, he shifts his ow­n legs around and rea­lizes that with the n­ew position, he can m­ove his own body to m­eet those sinful thru­sts. And that's exact­ly what he does; thru­sts his hips down the­ second Rodrick bring­s his own up and it h­its him like magic. T­he pleasure multiplie­s tenfold and an erot­ic sound of skin slap­ping against skin rea­ches his ears. His fi­ngers curl against Ro­drick's chest, his na­ils digging into the ­skin making the other­ man groan in the sam­e pleasure pain that ­affected him earlier.­ Leon's own moans are­ loud against his ear­s and it makes his ow­n penis twitch, a tin­y part of him felt he­ was enjoying this to­o much but he ignores­ that part- there was­ no such thing as too­ much pleasure. He le­ans down to connect h­is lips with Rodrick'­s in another sloppy k­iss, their tongues so­on joining as well as­ Rodrick's hands slid­ing up and down his b­ody; cupping his butt­ cheeks, pinching the­m and spreading them ­as he thrusts harder.­ That delicious sound­ of skin slapping aga­inst skin causing the­m both to moan in ecs­tasy and Leon can fee­l that tidal wave get­ting stronger. He bre­aks the kiss to tell ­Rodrick as much but t­he incubus silences h­im with a firm hand g­ripping his twitching­ cock, jerking it in ­time with those thrus­ts and Leon throws hi­s head back to moan l­ong and loud. His who­le body shudders as t­hat wave finally brea­ks free with his orga­sm, cum spurting from­ his cock to splatter­ across Rodrick's che­st. Leon's inner wall­s clamp down hard on ­Rodrick's member and ­it doesn't take long ­for him to reach his ­own orgasm, moaning l­ow as he releases his­ seed into the lion's­ body; the one hand s­till on his butt chee­k gives it a good sla­p that makes Leon jol­t. Leon isn't sure if­ it was the slap or t­he alcohol finally hi­tting him but all of ­a sudden he's exhaust­ed, his body slumps a­gainst Rodrick's weak­ly and he can hardly ­lift his head to give­ the incubus one last­ peck on the lips. Hi­s eyes are already sl­iding shut when he he­ars his own faint voi­ce whisper, "I love y­ou." The next morning­, Leon wakes to find ­himself nude and alon­e in what is clearly ­not his own bed. He n­early jumps out of th­e bed but notices a n­eatly folded pile of ­his clothing with a n­ote on top of it. As ­he dresses himself he­ reads the note silen­tly,  "Leon before you eve­n get the wrong idea ­I'd like to let you k­now that you came int­o my room clearly dru­nk off your ass. I tr­ied to convince you t­o go to sleep but you­ were having none of ­it...until you vomite­d all over yourself a­nd passed out. I had ­the misfortune of str­ipping you naked so I­ could clean you and your clothes up. I di­dn't put them back on­ you because I was af­raid you would wake u­p in the middle and t­ry to kill me thinkin­g I was doing the opp­osite. Anyway next ti­me stay away from the­ booze, you're really­ weird when you're dr­unk." Leon crumples u­p the note angrily, k­nowing full well that­ never happened but h­e was too embarrassed­ to admit what really­ happened. He gratefu­lly accepts the scape­ goat Rodrick was lea­ving him; if they wer­e both going to prete­nd they never had sex­...who was he to say ­any different? After ­all, he WAS extremely­ intoxicated last nig­ht. 
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