#i miss her (nogitsune stiles) <3
tcmmykinard · 1 year
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Come on now, you can’t crumble that easily.
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welostutopia · 1 year
so here’s the thing. rebooting the original 1980s teen wolf film as a series worked because they weren’t trying to be the the 1980s film. the film was a silly comedy, the series was darker (both thematically and aesthetically and seriously the lighting needed serious work but i digress) and the only real connections was a teen called scott turning into a werewolf and his friend stiles, everything else about the show established it as an thing in its own right, unconnected to the film.
this teen wolf the movie as a follow up to the series didn’t work and that’s for a number of reasons.
1. it relies way to heavily on nostalgia, the amount of throw backs and hints to the series would have worked, been endearing even, if we weren’t in the age of streaming when people could go back and rewatch the series whenever the want, and if there had been a longer gap between the series and the film. season 6 ended in 2017, my first year of university, it is now 2023, i graduated in 2020. september 2017-january 2023 isn’t even 6 years, the show is still fresh for so many people, and so many people are still discovering the series that it makes the nostalgia grabs feel cheap
2. the nogitsune is an iconic teen wolf villain, season 3 is many peoples favourite season for a reason, and while a large part of that is because of dylan and his impeccable acting as void stiles, another huge part of that is the nogitsune itself, this film does not do the nogitsune justice in the slightest. it’s another nostalgia grab, the writers basically went ‘remember your favourite season and favourite villain? well we bought the villain back’ and it sucks. flip side of that, the heavy reliability on nostalgia requires fans to remember every single detail of the series to piece things together, i spent part of the film confused until i remembered something from the series and then everything made sense.
3. none of the characters seemed to mature, every single character was making mistakes they made as teenagers, and should have learnt from, while they are now in their 30s, it felt like character development wasn’t even something the writers considered and i was so annoyed
4. fan favourites were missing. sure we’ve known for a while that dylan, arden, daniel and cody weren’t returning, but stiles is the reason that so many people got into teen wolf, isaac was a fan favourite and his exit from the show, and everyone seemingly forgetting about him, was something that the fandom never excepted. kira had the fandom divided on opinions, but that was down to the writers, kira deserved a better ending, and arden deserved better than how she was treated (100% support her decision not to come back). theo again had people divided, but by the end a lot of people had warmed to him, i think having him back would have helped at least a little bit, his snark and overall attitude contrasted perfectly with the righteousness of so many of the characters
5. the writing sucked, i’m sorry but so many of the lines felt like they were written by middle ages writers for a gen z teen show and y’all know exactly what i mean by that. teen show dialogue is so uncomfortable for people in their teens and just out of their teens to hear because it’s so unrepresentative and this had the same feel. the plot also felt simultaneously rushed and also drawn out, which is a talent in its own right, but not a good one.
6. eli. listen, eli as a character is fine but his existence creates a multitude of plot holes. he’s been alive the same amount of time that allison has been dead, who is his mother? who was derek romantically involved with in season 2/3, they discuss eli as a young child, toddler age really, but it was never seen in the show, when exactly did derek find out about his son, when did this happen?
7. stydia. 6 seasons it took for them to develop stydia. 6b was weird enough with lydia being more excited over seeing jackson than her own boyfriend and then the film we find out they broke up over a potential premonition. i get that dylan not coming back probably changed things, but to have a 6 season long slow burn to end like that, it’s disappointing and honestly lazy writing.
8. bringing characters back from the dead, at this point it’s boring. teen wolf had already done that in the series, if you’re a fan of supernatural you saw it happen basically every season. bringing dead characters back to life no longer has the affect it once had on audiences
9. derek’s death. listen, the idea of derek dying isn’t a bad plot device, and at this point not enough main or key characters have died when you think about how high stakes the plot was, however the way it was done annoyed me. having him die the same way his family did, and having is son watch it happen, it was unnecessary trauma porn.
10. off the back of point 9, the allusion to sterek with the jeep analogy. i’m a sterek shipper, always been a fan of that pairing (also a stydia shipper so frankly either way the plot went i would have been happy but no one ends happily here so fuck your jeff) it’s become a thing with long running shows that have a popular queer ship among fans to allude to a one sided love in the finale/film special and then kill the character with the one sided love. this sucks on multiple levels. it’s the worst kind of fan service, if you’re going to give me queer characters then give them to me openly, i don’t want allusions or subtext, it also plays off as writers and producers realising they weren’t inclusive enough and trying to remedy it in the worst possible way.
11. allison. listen, we love allison, she’s great. she didn’t need to be resurrected but we move on. my biggest issue is, she died when she was 17, she was then resurrected 15 years later, surely that suggests that she is still 17 while everyone around her has aged by 15 years, to then bring back scallison made me slightly uncomfortable (might just be me though)
12. harris. not only do they bring someone back from the dead. but it’s a basically forgettable character, he was only around for a few episodes and it’s frustrating that there’s zero explanation as to how he’s alive, nor is there any reason for his knowledge of the nogitsune, let alone his desire to release him despite some flimsy revenge plot
13. hikari. i get that with bringing back the nogitsune they felt that they needed a kitsune and with arden (rightfully) not coming back they needed a new kitsune, but they ruined her character basically immediately. there wasn’t time in a film to introduce or get to know her, she was a plot device necessary only for the fact they were bringing the nogitsune back, and keeping scott alive.
14. continuity? season 6 ended with the pack basically running for their lives as the existence of supernatural creatures became widely known and helping other supernatural creatures find safety. the film didn’t address that, the film made out that the existence of supernatural creatures was once again not widely known. what happened in that time? the continuity issues led to so many plot holes it’ll take multiple rewatches for me to find them all and i am not putting myself through that again.
basically this film was unnecessary, it was a badly executed cash grab banking on nostalgia to bring people back. i’m a firm believer that when it’s time you should let things go, teen wolf should have ended with 6a, 6b was the worst instalment in the series and then less than 6 years later they followed with an even worse film. it honestly felt like fanfiction and not in a good way, but what’s worse is it worked, teen wolf fans (including myself) tuned in, sure mine was from morbid curiosity but i am now still a viewer, sure reviews are bad and fans are annoyed, but they’re getting views and in the entertainment industry that’s all that matters.
anyway, can streaming services and hollywood stop remaking/rebooting/making follow ups and sequels stop. so few are done well, and frankly it’s unnecessary.
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gremlinbabe · 1 year
Teen wolf head canons part 1 :
Derek isn’t Eli’s birth father but his adoptive father.
Laura Hale is actually Eli’s birth mom, which still makes Eli a Hale just not Derek’s direct kid.
Context: *Derek is 23 in the pilot, is approximately 26 in season six but he’s 35 in the teen wolf movie*
*Eli is 15 years old. Meaning that Eli was born when Derek was 20 & Laura who was 25-26 was most likely pregnant in ny when Derek was 19.*
So if Derek was theoretically the dad, the mom couldn’t be Paige or Kate because it’s already past that time frame & it can’t be Jennifer or Breadon because It’s too early to match the timeframe of Derek being 20 When Eli born.
Now let’s set the stage for pre-pilot:
Laura (21-22) who is now the new alpha after the Hale fire. She comes back from college only to find her super traumatized 16 yr old brother & her uncle (27-28) in a coma. The sheriff helps her and Derek take care of all there arrangements of funerals burials, the formal adoption of Derek, and lodgings for her uncle cuz he’s not waking up no time soon. All because Laura use to babysit stiles and he’d seen both hales growing up over the years enough that he met their parents and him and Claudia eventually became friends with the Hales. And he felt he owed it to those kids to help them out.
Laura tried to wait out peter’s coma hoping he’d wake up but something is wrong so her and Derek stay in beacon hills. But within a year and a half the Hale fire happened, her uncles in a coma, Malia Tate is missing (birth mom tried to assassinate her and she shifted into a coyote) and her mom and sister died from an “animal attack”, and the sheriffs wife getting sick and dying outta no where of dementia (most likely cuz her unrealized magic mutated cuz of nematon or nogitsune) leaving the man a single father of a 10 yr old stiles who turns into a mean alcoholic so can’t help them at all in that moment.
So Laura makes an executive decision to get Peter longer term care and gets her and Derek the hell outta beacon hills and moves them across country to Ny because she deems it too unsafe and needs to protect the last of her pack.
(All that happening back to back should’ve been some warning signs that some shit was happening w the nematon even back then. But the only family who could’ve figured that out early on was burned out and the only eldest surviving member that could’ve possibly had any idea was in a coma.)
Now Laura & Derek are in ny probably 22-23 & 17 and Derek’s probably realizing it was Kate and not an electrical fire and swears off ppl cuz he’s a lil martyr and treats himself poorly as SH & Laura realizes and put him in therapy and herself so she can lead by example.
They start doing a lot better, Laura meets someone at 23-24 most likely in college or a job & it goes really well. But doesn’t tell him about werewolves for safety reasons & Laura(25-26) was most likely pregnant while Derek was 19.
When Derek is 20 her baby is born and Laura lets him pick the name because he’s been doing amazing in therapy. He goes with Elias (for that one kid Laura use to baby sit with the name too hard to pronounce, who’s mother called him mischief, who talked his ear off, who was named after his grandpa aka stiles) Abel (possibly the birth dads name) Hale
And Derek is so happy to be a uncle and Laura happy to be a mom and her bd apart of their growing lil pack. * so much fluff & love & happiness and first steps*
Eli’s first word is my(mine) and if he deems it his he can & will steal whatever it is. Dada is his second word but not to his dad it’s always to Derek which Laura finds endlessly hilarious. First sentence is “my dada” to random lady in ny trying to hit on Derek while he’s in the park with Eli. Laura who’s not too far off is cackling in the distance and Derek is a tomato.
This all last like 3 years till Laura starts feeling a pull back to beacon hills because her pack it’s. Coming more stable and eventually checks on it through the grapevine only to find if there’s a mysterious alpha in beacon hills and decided to check it out before bringing her family back and to do a in person visit to coma uncle to make sure he’s ok.
PLOT TWIST There actually was a mysterious alpha and he was trying to take Peter out of his misery of being in a coma 7+ years as a werewolf.
The nurse being mysterious alphas human beta had gave the alpha updates.
Only peter wakes up and kills the alpha turning into a alpha and goes crazier with a alpha power surplus and recruits nurse beta into helping him gather into about the fire cuz he puts together the Kate thing pretty fast after finding out his hole family died (minus Laura and Derek) died and hyper fixated on getting revenge.
Still new to his powers his alpha whatever sees Laura as threat instead of niece and kills her.
*Laura dies in pilot at 28-29*
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well now that it's been a couple days since i watched the teen wolf movie and i've sufficiently forgotten 90% of it, i think it's time i told you all what i liked/disliked about it
1. jackson whittemore
he was just so fucking funny, like why was he even there?? did they give colton a script or did they just give him a recap of everything he missed in the show before simply throwing him on set and going "good luck."
i loved him though. it really feels like he's more comfortable in himself now. when he came back in s6, he wasn't as bitter but he still felt quite stiff. now he's comfortable in his sexuality and his place in the world, and he's no longer trying too hard. love that for him. his friendship with lydia also means a lot to me. i originally thought they were gonna put them back together, but i adore them as snarky besties.
also i'm glad they didn't break him and ethan up. we got our lgbtq+ scraps, guys!!
2. peter hale
hasn't changed a bit and i love it. his entrance was iconic and so fitting for his character. the tension between him and chris was obvious (perhaps because of melissa?) and i love how they still have an air of mystery when it comes to him. no one truly knows if he's on the good side or the bad.
also i can confidently say that peter crawling on the floor in human form, sniffing, was the absolute highlight of the movie.
3. eli hale
he was a great addition to the cast. i loved his relationship with derek, but him as a character really refreshed the film and gave us some wholesome but funny moments.
also we all know he's basically a stiles mini-me, so it was nice to have someone there to fill what the film would've been missing because of stiles' absense without full-out replacing him.
4. jr borne
his acting in the movie was absolutely outstanding. i was in shock. he was already amazing in the show but he's outdone himself. i really felt his emotions through the screen. literal chills. what a powerful performance!
5. the hellhound
i'm so glad they gave parrish an important role in the film. the hellhound was one of my favourite supernatural creatures from the show, so it was great to see ryan kelley shine once more.
6. coach finstock
he also has not changed a single bit and it's really refreshing to see. they didn't try to shoehorn him into the story too much. he simply played the part he always has, and made us laugh doing it.
7. the jeep
when they said the jeep would be featured in the film, i didn't think they meant they would try and stick it in every scene possible. i love it.
as a sterek shipper, i love the idea of eli nicking the jeep because he knows derek has some complicated feelings towards it. i won't do a sterek section on this list because i don't know whether i'm happy or mad about it, but this was an interesting addition to the film.
8. melissa had a crossbow
she had a crossbow. it's about fucking time.
now what i disliked:
1. the misuse of key characters
why were liam and mason used as side characters?? why did they barely speak, they're best friends?? why did they introduce hikari and not bother actually giving her a personality outside of being a kitsune?? i have too many thoughts on all of this, but it pissed me off.
2. just general confusion
they didn't specify if melissa and chris were still together or not. no explanation on why scott and malia split up. how did parrish and malia get together? who is eli's mum? why did liam have the nogitsune? why did scott and allison adopt eli?
also where has all the chemistry between the cast gone?? shelley especially felt so awkward with everyone. it's like they're not friends anymore, which i know isn't true.
3. the nudity and swearing
i could've gone my whole life without seeing allison, parrish and malia's bare asses. also the swearing was great, but they all felt like year 7's when they did it.
4. the returns
as someone who didn't really care for allison, her return was just annoying. out of all the characters they could've brought back, allison is the one they definitely should've left alone. hers was a major death in the show, and the start of a lot of character development for scott and chris. they should've come up with a different story not involving allison or the nogitsune. you know they only brought her back so that scallison fans can have their endgame.
and adrian harris?? what?? why?? he didn't even do anything of purpose in the film. what was the actual point in bringing him back??
5. derek's death
i'm not even gonna touch this. but i'm fuming.
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Here I'll write the comments as I watch the new Teen Wolf movie, so SPOILERS!!
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1) WTF! Why would you keep a evil spirit IN A RESTAURANT?! Easily accessible to anyone. And what if you open the wrong jar while cooking?!
2) All the Scott's first scene... kinda cringe
3) I'm not gonna lie, I missed the intro song 🎶
4) I've never heard Deaton speak so much (and for my Italian friends: lo vedo un po' sciupato)
5) Derek, my beautiful love! And hello, Stiles and Derek's son (called like Stiles' grandfather, Elias. iykyk)
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6) Why do they talk about the Nemeton like they don't know it?
7) I love Derek as a dad. My heart is melting.
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8) Parrish and Malia don't make any sense.
Update from the end of the movie. Ok, I kinda like them, but they still don't make any sense.
9) Apparently Deaton can fight now. Plus every time I see the nogitsune all I can see is this:
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10) For a moment I thought I was watching the Winx... I guess some things never change. I surely didn't miss the bad special effects.
And why does everyone needs to be naked??
11) OMG!!! VICTORIAAA. This woman scares me even now
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12) I've always dislike Allison, now even more: my poor poor Derek! 😭
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Ok no, false alarm, but I don't change my opinion.
I really love Dad Derek btw.
13) I missed Peter and Chirs together. My other ship
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14) Scott to Eli: "Find your dad". What if instead you tell him where his dad is too, since you do know Derek is at home but Eli doesn't *facepalm pt.2*
15) The parallel between Dark Allison and Scott and Dark Allison and her killing spree against my precious Erica and Boyd. YOU SEE WHY I DON'T LIKE HER?! (She didn't even say sorry for that btw)
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16) The Sheriff killing Oni while sitting on the couch is on another level
17) Derek dies pt.2 (my heart can't take it anymore)
18) What?! Why, tell me why did you run against theirs swords. You literally killed yourself, Eli. *facepalm pt.3*
19) Peter, that was cringe af. And Chris wdym with 8 hours at most when we know from the show that it takes about 24h before the death?? Omg I can't with this movie
20) And now why do they care about the game? Hello, your father's going to die, Eli!!
21) Oh, she's really doing it. I didn't expect it (Allison shooting at Scott)
22) Ouch, that must hurt (Nogitsune with a new hole in the middle of his forehead)
23) I missed Chris and Peter's duo, but please give me back Peter's old hair style, this one is a death crime
24) Jackson my beautiful little lizard. I've always loved you ♡
25) How disgusting! It's like Rufus (from Kim Possible) became the Darach:
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Do you se the resemblance too? Unfortunately I don't have a photo of the nogitsune unmummified.
26) The scene is kinda cheap but gods if I missed them
27) Why are Derek's eyes blue?? They were yellow again after the the Mexican fountain of youth
Update: nevermind. They reminded me that after Derek evolves his eyes go back to blue.
28) Can anyone stay dead in this city?? Harris too, come on!
29) You're giving your son TO SCOTT?? Are you serious, Derek?? It's like a big child, he can't take care of Eli. If Stiles was there, he would tell you the same (but if Stiles was there, Eli would be with his other dad -Stiles- so Scott wouldn't be even an option but I stand for my objection)
30) HIS EYES!! HIS EYES TURNED RED LIKE A TRUE ALPHA (btw, Derek, you've always been the alpha to me)
31) They've vanished. No corpse no death. And even then, we're in Beacon Hills so what is one more resurrection, right? Right??
And why are you kissing anyway! Derek's dead*! (*to them, 'cause in reality Derek's alive, safe and sound. I know it)
33) Excuse me, can I see at least one tear for Derek Sourwolf Hale, please? Are y'all being serious? Scott is almost smiling!!
Also, they had a funeral for Derek but didn't invite Cora, his sisters... they didn't even tell Isaac that Allison is alive (you know, Allison, your boyfriend. I know you kinda forgot him even when you were dying but if you remember everything then Isaac is supposed to be in that everything too). They didn't even call Stiles!
35) Why does it seem that when the Sheriff was talking about the jeep he was actually talking about Stiles and Derek (or sterek as a ship/concept). No matter what, we sterek shipper will stand. Always and forever.
Final thoughts
I thought worse but at the same time it felt rush. I wanted to see more Eli and Malia bonding. Also the way the Sheriff cares about Eli it seems more like a grandfather to a grandson (if you know what I mean) but we couldn't really see that. And can we talk about Derek and Noah (John for the friends)'s partnership? Or how Derek speaks about Stiles with Noah as he's still in touch with him??
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And where is Eli come from anyway?! Are we finally normalize mpreg?
Final final thoughts
I didn't like this movie. It was like a big bad Scallison fanfiction found on wattpad (ao3 is better). A lot of things were forgotten and other changed.
There's always a but (as in the Derek's "death" *wink wink*).
This movie gave us a lot of sterek material.
I'm afraid of what Jeff Davis' mind could possibly come with for another movie, probably more about Eli's past which means a mother for sure (unfortunately the world isn't ready for mpreg yet I'm afraid) and less sterek material. But at the same time I want to see Derek alive again, I want to see how they would manage with two true alpha and how Derek and Eli's relationship would evolve.
I want a lot of things to see but I'm afraid they won't give me any of them, so I can't decide either I want another movie or not.
What do you think?
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dramaticvhs · 2 years
my top 10 favorite steter fics
okay so steter is like, my favorite teen wolf ship, so i totally have more than 10. sorry, not sorry. i have 130 bookmarked steter fics 🥲 READ THE TAGS WHEN YOU CLICK!! if you have one that’s not on this list, feel free to leave a comment! i’ll read pretty much anything i can get my hands on
1. As Gunpowder Needs War
author: laisserais
AU where Stiles's life follows a very different path, but he still runs into Peter Hale. He's seventeen when he's convicted of murder and sent to an adult prison. Guess who his new roommate is.
my opinion: I’ve recced this fic so many times to so many people. prison au’s have me in a chokehold, and i especially love this one. i’ve read it so many times, and if you’re into prison au’s, i can guarantee it doesn’t get much better than this.
2. Breathing You In
author: lavenderlotion
“Good morning, kiddo,” his dad said, and the words hurt.
All Stiles wanted to do was step forward and let his dad hug him, allow his father to give him comfort. His father's hugs had always been all-encompassing, the way he would fold himself around Stiles and hold him as tightly as he could.
Stiles stepped around him, careful not to let foreign skin touch anything that was special to him.
Anything he loved.
my opinion: this fic means the world to me. I'm not sure if it's on any of my other rec lists, but it absolutely should be. I don't even have words to describe it. it's one of those I just HAVE to reread every time I come across it
3. Do You Like to Hurt? (Then Hurt Me) (locked)
author: taylorpotato
Stiles shows up at Peter's apartment, drunk and horny. Peter almost does the right thing—before it all deteriorates into a voyeuristic power game and Stiles has a mind-shattering orgasm. Things snowball from there. Takes place after Season Three (with consequent canon divergence).
my opinion: omg any post nogitsune steter is my SHIT. there's nothing better. and this one scratches that itch SO well.
4. All We Have Left
author: Arvak
It's the anniversary of Laura's death and Peter's no where to be seen. Stiles tells Derek, but Sourwolf doesn't quite share his concerns. Finally, he gets a call late at night. Turns out, Peter's not missing - he's passed out over a toilet in a club, doped up on an unidentified drug, completely incapacitated and vulnerable. And, possibly strangest of all, Stiles is Peter's emergency contact...
The things Peter tells him while he's drugged up and sad make his heart ache. And, eventually, change his entire life.
"What happened?" Stiles asked quietly, devastation wracking his body. Looking down at Peter right now was like looking into a dirty hole in the ground and seeing this little puppy in there, messy and matted and malnourished and trapped, looking up at you with shame and exhaustion and pleading for you to save him.
A tear slipped down Peter's face and Stiles felt like he just got punched in the stomach. "Help me." That's all he said. Two simple words, and Stiles' entire world crumbled down around him, leaving only one thing left: this stubborn werewolf sitting in a disgusting bathroom in one of the sketchiest clubs in town, asking for his help.
my opinion: Peter in this fic is just everything to me. I love when Stiles is the one that has to take care of Peter just because I like a little human Peter now and then
5. Baby Whisperer
author: twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)
“What. Is that.”
Scott looked up at him, apprehensive.
“Her name’s Lily.”
Stiles stared at the fuzzy head peeking out of the papoose.
“Her. Her name. That is a real live human baby. Oh my God-”
“Actually I don’t know if she’s human?” Scott said with a confused frown. “Becca didn’t say.”
“Who the fuck is Becca?!”
my opinion: OH MY GOD??? obviously we know that anything by twothumbsandnostakeincanon is gonna be good, but i come back to this fic so often. domestic steter with a kid? sign me tf up.
6. Vengeance Looks Good On You, Sweetheart
author: cywscross
Just because Scott refuses to see the Argents for what they truly are - prejudiced serial killers sitting proudly on a mountain of innocent corpses - doesn't mean Stiles will. It's about time someone did something about the Argent Empire anyway, and what a coincidence - summer vacation is just around the corner.
Or, the one where Gerard Argent kidnapped the wrong fucking person to torture. Stiles has never subscribed to the policy of forgiving and forgetting anyway, not when razing the problem to the ground and salting the earth for good measure has always been a far better solution in the long run.
He doesn't expect to have company.
my opinion: ALPHA STILES ALPHA STILES ALPHA STILES!!!! Alpha Stiles is my FAVORITE trope. by far. can't get enough of it. And this fic does it fantastically. I love morally grey stiles.
7. Written in Red
author: gryvon
Peter had given up hope of ever finding his soulmate until the red string on his finger leads him to a four-year-old. He's going to Hell. Or jail. Or both.
my opinion: I just love Peter's relationship with the adults in this fic. it makes me so happy when everyone lives and isn't an asshole. there's so many great things about it - I've read it 29 times according to ao3.
8. Dastardly by Design
author: gryvon
Peter thinks Stiles is in love with Derek. Peter is wrong.
my opinion: this fic has 3000 kudos and it needs a million more. everyone say thank you gryvon for the spectacular porn (and feelings ofc)
9. The Pack Makes the Alpha
author: iCheat
The Alpha pack are gone but they've left behind an abundance of Alpha's and no solid pack in Beacon Hills. Peter is the first Beta to align himself. Of course he chose the fifth option.
my opinion: again, Alpha Stiles!!! there's nothing better. I've always been a sucker for Stiles taking care of his Pack. if there was 100k more of this I'd read it
10. (baby) maybe that matters more
author: lavenderlotion
“Well, well, well,” drawls a familiar voice that Stiles hadn’t even considered he might ever hear again. “The token pack human, left all alone?”
my opinion: THIS ONE ISNT COMPLETED! BEWARE! I don't often read uncompleted fanfiction but lord this one just sucks you in. "taking care of stiles after Gerard beats him" is the BEST teenwolf trope. I've come back to it so many times because it's just that good.
and that's all for today folks! I hope you enjoy these as much as I did! I'll be doing more fic recs in the future so follow for more <3
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bentasabean · 1 year
Just watched teen wolf the movie and like I just can’t with it
-For starters why is Harris alive and was he the one to have set dereks house on fire 20 years ago? I guess we’ll never know
-Also I do not like when characters come back from the dead so I don’t like the whole Allison thing and on the topic of Allison I’m so confundled. Like how was she so easily able to break free of the nogitsune’s hold on her mind although one good part of the movie was how badass she was
-Also the kitsune being able to share its power? Since when. That really confused me can’t lie. Also how come the nogitsune was able to become that ugly mole rat werewolf when it clearly said in season 3 that you couldn’t be a fox AND a wolf
-We also had the whole stydia thang which was super annoying. Like why would Lydia leave stiles just because of some dreams or maybe premonitions. And what did stiles think of this? Like are they never going to see each other ever again.
-Also Eli I loved him and his character was a great balance of stiles and derek. However who the hell was his mother because it wasn’t even mentioned at all. And I didn’t get how Eli was 15 like did everyone just leave beacon hills and immediately Derek just went and had a baby
-Malia and Parrish being a thing was so weird because it felt random and we don’t know how it ends for them on whether or not they become official. Malia just always seems to get shipped with people, there was Malia and stiles for a bit and then there was Malia and Scott which had seemed like it would last
-Also on the topic of Scott I just can’t believe he hadn’t gotten over Allison after 15 years like it’s insane. And for Scott’s sake I’d really wished he would’ve moved on and found someone new
-Also what was going on with Mellisa and Chris. We ended season 6 with them together and what seemed to be happy but suddenly in this movie they’re split and it was basically barely mentioned
-Also how was deaton able to get the nogitsune out of Chris’s head so easily? And why couldn’t he have done the same with Allison? Or even stiles in season 3A?
-Ummm also why did derek have to die because it felt unnecessary. Also by fire? Like Peter survived being set on fire so couldn’t the nogitsune have a swell
-And I know I should give some credit for the movie, and I do but a movie just felt wrong in some way. Like everything was so rushed and things happened too quickly. I wish they’d made it as like a short series (probs like 6 episodes long)
-Lastly I knew going into this movie that stiles wasn’t going to be in it and I understand he doesn’t need to have been for it to have been good. But some scenes really did feel lacklustre without stiles, like the ending on the lacrosse pitch. Because that scene felt weird, no one seemed to care that Derek had just died and it took them all too long to go and comfort Eli
-However on a good note I did like getting see everyone back together again and I loved getting to see Peter because I love him. And obvi loved to see coach as well.
Anyways I hoped you enjoyed my ramblings
Please don’t come for me if I’m wrong about anything or if you’ve got a different opinion to me. I haven’t watched teen wolf properly in a while but I still was/am an avid fan who I would think knew my facts
(Edit 2: I think everyone’s excited by just the fact that there is new content in the fandom which I am too. But I just don’t take the movie as canon. Also I say things to do with Allison in a way that probably shows she’s not my favourite character, and after season 2 I didn’t really like that much)
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awktalksevenmore · 1 year
Part 1 of 50 Prompts of Healing!
1. Scott refuses to believe Theo when the guy starts going on about how Stiles brutally murdered someone.That’s his brother that Theo’s talking about, after all! In fact, Scott needs to get to Stiles right now, because if it is true, it’s obviously some side affect from the Nogitsune. There’s no way Stiles murdered at all, he needs to find out why Theo is trying to, to say all these crazy things and— Scott needs to check on Stiles. He remembers the other times he hasn’t.
2. Scott starts to like the way taking somebody else’s pain feels. He would never kill, he’s not built for that. He knows it’s cowardly. But taking the pain away is the least he can do for failing Allison and not being able to save her, it’s the least he can do for not being a good enough Alpha to notice Stiles’ losing his mind to the Nogitsune. It’s so easy to just hold the hands of whoever he has left. It’s easy to rest a hand on   Stile’s and Kira’s shoulders after a rough lacross game. It’s easy to swindle a high five out of Lydia when he notices her having headaches. It’s easy to take the pain away without them noticing. Strangely, after the Nogitsune, Scott finds it easier and easier to siphon away the ache of those arond him.
3. Scott really did mean well, it’s not his fault that he’s the hot girl! He was trying to help, damn it, and helping means making sure Stiles’ crush knows how great Stiles is! Scott tries to be a wingman for Stiles, but it just ends up with Derek thinking Scott and Stiles are together. Derek is a little confused.
4. Stiles travels back in time to after season one. He decides the best way to fix everything is by doing it by himself, so he fakes his death or goes missing.  Stiles did not factor in how Scott would react. It’s hard to control yourself when your anchor dies, even if you didn’t realize the person was an anchor. And soon, Scott's eyes are looking awfully blue. (Bonus points for wholesome Derek-babysitting-vengeful-and-angry-Scott).
5. To infiltrate a gang or some sort of supernatural society, Stiles and Scott have to pretend to be the darkest versions of themselves. Cue Scott acting like an asshole alpha who kills off useless pack members and Stiles acting like the Nogitsune with just a bit more sass. It’s oddly therapeutic for both of them.
6. Stiles’ dad is struggling to pay the bills. So is Scott’s mom. But Theo recently just moved out of his room at the Mccall house and the office downstairs isn’t really being used…Stiles and Scott living together shenanigans. Give me confused classmates, soft Mom Mccall for Stiles moments! Protective Sheriff Stilinski for Scott's moments! 
7. Scott travels back in time to fix some things. It’s awfully suspicious to everyone else, especially after the fiasco of Void, when Scott starts insisting on killing, turning, or stalking certain people. A somewhat dark!Scott concept only, everyone (read: Stiles) is a little disturbed by it.
8. Stiles is struggling with feeling real after the Nogitsune leaves. Scott is there to help him count his fingers. Meanwhile, all Scott can think about is how easy it was to sink his claws into his friends’ necks. Or! Five times Scott helps Stiles feel safe to be around and one time Stiles helped Scott feel safe to be around.
9. Stiles just wants to be a supportive friend! And Danny always seems to know what going on too, so why would Stiles question it?  Stiles doesn’t know Isaac moved in with Scott. All he (and Danny, apparently) sees is them being around each other all the time, Isaac glancing at Scott all the time. Them just being Scott and Isaac now. Any good friend would do what Stiles did! Which is, of course, try to needle a confession of Scott like-liking Isaac and insisting that Scott can “Talk to me about anything, bro, I love you, dude,”
Alternatively, the above prompt but it’s Stiles and Derek with Scott trying his darndest to be supportive.
10. Stiles and Scott both time travel. Derek is so confused as to why there are kids on his doorstep insisting that there is, apparently, “An earthquake about to happen and you and your family need to come with us right now, promise, trust us, c’mon, let’s go!”
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Teen Wolf The Movie thoughts
The timeline is WACK. The show ran from 2011-2017. It took 6 years of real world time for 3 years in the show to pass. So in the show it either went from 2011-2014 or 2014-2017. This is set 15 years after Alison's death, which at the earliest is like... 2012, which would make this set in 2027.
Derek has a son. The mother is never mentioned, however the son is explicitly stated to be 15 years old, which means that he was born shortly before or after Allison's death, while Derek was still fully apart of the show. So either he had a baby with Jennifer Blake completely off-screen, or with some rando woman. And then either he didn't know, and just... randomly got full custody later in his life, or knew and never mentioned it.
They picked up dirt from where Alison died, but... didn't she die right outside of Eichen House or something? I thought maybe it was the ruined site based off the gate that was there. I forget what happened to Eichen House at the end of the show. But then at the end, I guess Eichen is still in operation?
The cursing was wild. It was like everybody got a free F bomb.
The nudity was even more insane. My friend and I were SCREAMING when Malia randomly jumped Parrish and they both stripped. Such an insane couple. He should stop going after girls he met when they were in high school and he was an adult.
Why was Liam in Japan? Never explained. Why was he in charge of the Nogitsune? Why was he friends with a random Kitsune?
Why the FUCK wasn't Kira there? Instead they just introduced Not Kira Hikari and she served exactly the same role. It's like they wrote the script with Kira in mind and then when Arden Cho didn't come back they just find & replaced her name with Hikari
How did she telepathically transfer her fox spirit to Scott. I noticed when they made random eye contact, but that was an out of the blue thing
I SCREAMED when the Science teacher came out of the blue. My friend didn't even remember who he was. We were theorizing either Gerard or Kate. His... motivations were a little unclear, and of all the flashbacks I kind of wished they had done one to explain who he was. I remembered he was the asshole science teacher, but that's it
Jackson was... useless. He almost always asked stupid questions that didn't really move stuff along. He's missed so much of the show that he was out of the loop on everything. The only useful things he did was stab the teacher
The special effects were... noticeably not that great at some points. The fire effects. The CGI cliff top. The greenscreen replacing the lacrosse field with the Nogitsune realm
They had several humans there who could break a mountain ash line. Alison. Melissa. Argent.
The lacrosse field was crazy. How the hell did they get 10,000 people watching a lacrosse game?
Most of the characters did not have much to do in the movie. It was like, they had everybody back, but it was too many people to give them all a plotline, so they just needed to make sure some of them were tied up for most of it. Liam didn't even join the final werewolf fight alongside Derek, Scott, and Eli
THE STEREK METAPHOR. I've never been a big Sterek shipper and I wasn't in the fandom at the time of "We're on a ship", but come on. Derek keeping Stiles old jeep to fix up and his son constantly stealing it and being obsessed with it, and then after Derek's death, Stilinski giving the car to Eli and saying that Derek "always had mixed feelings about the car, but it meant a lot to him". Like, what the fuck? That's such shipping language.
The ending definitely made it seem like they were leaving it open to another movie/show. Which makes my confusion that Wolf Pack is not a sequel series starring Eli even more bizarre
So that was all of the stuff I hated. I did enjoy a few things
I thought the fight scenes were really well choreographed
I wasn't sure how they were going to bring Allison back, but I thought that it made sense, and she had a decent storyline
I hate Parrish, but I did like seeing his butt
The Nogitsune was a good villain to bring back. Season 3 had arguably the best plotline. It does suck that the two characters most important to the Nogitsune storyline (Kira and Stiles) weren't there though
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softspiderling · 1 year
watching the teen wolf movie bc i’m bored out of my mind i’ll answer the asks when i get in the right head space guys don’t worry
@stilinskiderek this is mostly for you😭
sorry but liam speaking japanese cracked me up
the alpha???? plssss can you make it more obvious i’m crying
not allison😭
uh oh the red blinking light cannot mean smth good
what’s going on (i have not watched the trailer btw i do not know the plot)
chris’ reaction to bardo help😭😭😭
still??? like she’s been stuck between life and death for like 10ish years??
i thought that’s where they were but i guess they’re in la
wait he hasn’t been back in beacon hills??
the way they act like they left after allison’s death lmao
bruh. i cannot look at holland the same after the shit she said about arden
she still does the same face
the outfit is not giving
the ending of the series doesn’t even match up with the beginning of the movie but pop off i guess
you cannot tell me he’s NOT stiles’ son they’re exactly the same
he’s so babey
OMG ZADDY jordan
not that guy again (i forgot his name)
“his son” bruh the fixation on the jeep is family given
derek is so daddy
eli is so derek and stiles’ son
“bc he knows i hate it” HELP
he even jumps out of the jeep likes stiles
he doesn’t even look like derek’s son😭
sorry but what was jeff thinking writing miniature stiles even though he despises sterek he’s so dumb
the trauma of allison’s death seems way too recent
there were like 3 seasons after her death and he never seemed to be affected by it until knoow
i know i know it’s bc of the plot
this outfit is way better
so what pairing was canon when the series ended? i legit can’t remember
Not them
the amount of dirt seemed to have doubled in his fist lmaooo
LMAOO wait isn’t melissa here??? weird asf
jackson’s entrance is weird asf
how did lydia and stiles leave off?
jackson and ethan are still a thing😭
that is not how i pictured derek’s house to look like
i missed his lil annoyed expression
i’m so confused
oh dang
so where’s his ‘mom’
oh jordan my man where’s all your hair
is he still a
that pairing doesn’t even make sense to me
he prolly left derek
oh man he’s so fed up poor baby
wasn’t he dating lydia at one point???
help that dude couldn’t have been chris right
LMAO right scott and malia used to date
awkward asf
this is so sus
what is GLING ON
LMAOOO ELI stiles’ son
it’s giving stiles
so they were walking through the woods for like an entire day
eli’s entire character is stiles coded
are they resurrecting her
they prolly did. and she’s gonna show up the next day or smth
why are all of them naked
omg it is melissa
omg it’s coach
“no that’s stiles’ son”
if she’s supposed to come back to life looking like she did when she died when is her hair long
why aren’t they sniffing her out
i am so confused
omg no chris 😭
bruh none of it makes sense
they killed derek just like that?
doesn’t make any sense
that’s fucked up
oh okay he’s not dead yet
but like close
why isn’t he healing
doesn’t make any sense
bruh really peter
i do not understand the plot man
also liam’s role is so unnecessary??? and so is his gf??
what the hell just happened
“did you see your eyes”💀😭😭😭
why doesn’t derek turn into a real wolf tho
lmaooo ewwww
Emotional damage
why did derek have to sacrifice himself??? sorry but that doesn’t make ANY sense but okay
okay i need to process this shit
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kitkatwinchester · 11 months
Why is everyone's first solution to somebody acting out in a mental hospital always a F*CKING SEDATIVE?!
They did that in an episode of Supernatural too and it just...IT MAKES OUR JOBS HARDER! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO US?!
I f*cking hate mental hospital episodes. They just stress me out. XD
I am just going to keep my fingers so freaking crossed that the lines are still prominent enough that he'll be okay, and that the Nogitsune won't be able to take control again. Because WE NEED MORE TIME GOSH DARNAT!!
That said, Malia and Stiles actually make SUCH a good team. Like, that was super clever and super slick and super awesome and I am all for that team-up. I hope we get more of it (assuming they both get to get out, which, I'm guessing they do, because I feel like I've seen clips where Malia is a part of the pack later, and I know there's a Malia/Stiles romance at some point too, so...they must lol.).
Also, I honestly do feel really bad for Malia. Like, I guess we didn't really think about how much turning her back into a human would affect her life and relationship with her father after being gone that long, and I guess that explains why she's in the mental hospital. We probably could've handled that a little better.
I mean, I don't know what else we would've done, but...I think we're doing it now by offering to help her learn how to change, so, ya know, there's that.
As far as happy reactions go:
"This is a really bad plan." "It's not that bad." "It's not that good."
I laughed so hard omg. I love our little pack.
Also, Allison being all like “we will do this, because we're losing Stiles” is so great. I love how much they all care about him.
That whole scene with Malia in the bathroom I'm dead. XD
He's literally such a good guy, because he's, like, trying to be so respectful and, like, not weird, but it makes him so awkward, and the way he just keeps backtracking and being like "wait no, that's not what I meant either" until Malia is just finally like "oh my god shut up I really don't care". XD XD
That was so great. I love him so freaking much. Stiles baby I HAVE MISSED YOU!! <3 <3 <3
Okay. Time to find out if I lost my baby to the Nogitsune again. :(
But first, adorably awkward Stiles again. XD <3
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(I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I CANNOT!! XD XD <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3)
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clotpolesonly · 1 year
Ten Random Lines
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
tagged by @sapphireginger​ ♥♥♥
this is literally so difficult wtf how do i CHOOSE ok.......
1) To Be A King
| BBC Merlin | Gen | 127k | Canon Divergent | Royal Merlin | Magic Reveal |
Merlin resisted the urge to adjust the circlet of gold where it sat on his head and made his fringe—his hair was getting long, he thought idly, and he should probably cut it sometime—stick to his forehead. It was a near constant struggle not to fiddle with the unfamiliar weight, but he usually managed to hold himself back, knowing that fidgeting was not dignified.
2) For Shell And Safety
| Teen Wolf | Sterek | 45k wip | Outsider POV | Apocalypse |
“We’ll figure all that out later,” Stiles said firmly. “We always manage to figure these things out.”
He was lying. His heartbeat skipped, but Leah was the only one of them to hear it and she couldn’t bring herself to call him out when Derek was looking up at him with wide, trusting eyes like he truly expected Stiles to succeed. He had far more faith in Stiles than Stiles had in himself, that much was clear.
Stiles stepped back out of the circle of firelight, the darkness of night creeping in to wrap around him like a cloak.
| Teen Wolf | Sterek | 43k wip | Cyberpunk AU (w/ werewolves) | Technopathy |
If it had been anything like that for Stiles, then Derek envied him his forgetfulness.
4) I'll Dissolve When The Rain Pours In, When The Nightmares Take Me
| Teen Wolf | Stackson | 37k | Canon AU | Soulmates | Post Nogitsune/Kanima |
“Focus on me, Stiles,” Jackson said, firm and insistent, giving him a shake. “Just look at me and nothing else, okay? What do you need? Stiles, this is real. What do I need to do to prove that to you?”
It took Stiles a minute to process the words, to make his eyes stop straying to the door of his closet and the void beyond it, and another to find his voice and force it past the broken glass feeling of his throat.
“Fingers,” he croaked. “Y-you have extra...extra f-fingers in dreams.”
5) These Gordian Knots
| Teen Wolf | Sterek | 29k wip | Shibari | Sub Derek | Self-Destructive Behaviors |
He could drown it out, mostly. The method was tried and true, after all. One-fifty-one had never let him down before. If he took enough shots quickly enough, then Derek could fool himself into thinking that he wasn’t completely broken.
6) Patterns In The Ashes
| Teen Wolf | 5.6k | Missing Scene | Family Angst | Ambiguous Relationships |
All that restrained violence was released in a split second. It was a roar that shook the walls and a blur of motion that ended with Allison slammed back against the railing of the stairs in the entryway, Derek’s clawed hands digging into the fragile wood on either side of her head. Part of Allison acknowledged that she could’ve been dead already. The rest told her to push, to take that cruel knife she had lodged inside her, ram it into Derek’s gut instead, and twist.
7) In The Afterimage
| Teen Wolf | Sterek | 26k | 6A Rewrite | Everybody Lives AU | Pack Feels |
“It— I can’t—” The Sheriff was shaking his head again, eyes distant as the tears wet his cheeks. “I can’t have forgotten,” he said weakly. “I couldn’t just—”
“You haven’t,” Derek repeated. “This is you remembering him.”
8) The Strongest Among You
| BBC Merlin | Merthur | 21k | Slavery AU | Abuse | BAMF Merlin |
Merlin shook his head, clutching at him. “Don’t make promises,” he said. “Don’t make promises when there’s no way for you to keep them.”
“I will keep them,” Arthur insisted. He pushed Merlin back enough to look him in the face, his heart breaking to see the tear tracks on Merlin’s cheeks. “I know you don’t need me to save you,” he said. “But I will if that’s wh—”
Merlin stopped him with a kiss, wet and messy and a little bit frantic.
9) Magic and Drag Queens and Lizards, Oh My
| Teen Wolf | Sterek | Ace Derek | Bi Stiles | Pride Parades | Fluff |
“Aw, aren’t you two just adorable,” the queen coos. “Derek, honey, is this that cute boy you’ve been telling me about?”
Derek chokes like he’s just inhaled a lungful of glitter. Stiles is pretty sure he’s the one red in the face now because Derek does not say she’s wrong.
10) Roots To Tether By
| Teen Wolf | Sterek | Derek Deserves Nice Things | Pack Feels |
Derek was not wrong about Scott following through on his playful threat. It’s barely three hours later when Stiles’ name pops up on his caller ID, and Derek takes a moment to brace himself before accepting the call.
“So,” Stiles says, smug as anything. “I hear that I’m a smart guy. Tell me more.”
let me tell you how horrifically difficult this was to narrow down, and i only scrolled through like 2 pages of my stuff before i had to stop just to limit myself cuz i was gonna go on all day finding more and going oKAY BUT WAIT WHAT ABOUT THIS ONE and i just had to put my foot down somewhere arbitrary alkfdjg
i do not have 10 people to choose anymore, and not all the ones that come to mind to tag have enough fics to do it properly 😅 soooo anybody who wants to do it?? consider yourself tagged
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zucchinisblog · 1 year
Spoiler if you haven’t watched teen wolf the movie
THEY KILL OFF DEREK AT THE END?! And who the hell is the mother of Eli? Kate? No. And Allison just deciding to kill werewolves? Oni comes back and no stiles? Jackson’s no help, Liam isn’t either, who’s the (the girl who was with Liam?)kitsune? Everyone looks so odd but Derek(love him) Mr Harris comes back? The hell, season 3? Wasn’t it that he disappeared did we ever get cleared that he was dead? Lydia drops the bomb that stiles was dead? (Did I hear her right?) I don’t get it at all. Malia with Parrish? Peter fucking sniffing the ground like a dog. The arrows that shot into Scott ignite, he has fox fire? Nogitsune unwraps his head that’s disgusting, put your mask back on mummy. He separates Scott, Derek and Eli after running up to fight the nogitsune Malia and Liam don’t. There wasn’t much of Masons input (missed that) Corey’s no where, Theo wasn’t put in either(I know that but it still kinda upsets me) Poor Eli finally gets to be able to turn without fear and his dad sacrifices himself. Was there a full reason to make a movie of teen wolf after the 5 or 6 seasons? I just personally thought that the movie wasn’t necessarily needed because no one can stay dead at all. But yeah, was weird
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raksh-writes · 2 years
Yo it’s ya girl 👀 from ao3 👀 Did you see the new teen wolf movie trailer that popped up this morning on their Instagram page?? They’re bringing back the nogitsune which is top tier content yay 😮‍💨😮‍💨 we missed out demon boi 😈
but like… he’s gonna be… um… in Allison’s form lmao… 🥴 like some freaky resurrection shit 💀
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Hun 😄 I remember you very well, you can be very sure about that ^^
Sorry for being a whole day late with this answer! 🙈 Life kinda happened, lmao, (damn you, killer heat wave!) and I ended up having a long convo with my bestie about our frustrations with this movie, sooo I hope I wont spill them out all over here 🙈
So yeah, I'm not actually at all excited for it ;/ I'm more on the "meh" to exasperated/frustrated side and haven't bothered yet to watch the trailer, I don't intend to watch or support it, tbh. One, because Dylan's not back as Void -- and with all due respect to the actress, he MADE Void and I just can’t see anyone ever giving our bastard fox demon justice, and that's not even mentioning the bad writing, I have no faith it's gonna be better than it was in the series xd especially since from the little bits I saw on my dash it looks like Allison's ressurected all nice and dandy as if she was never dead? Like- okay? How does That even work? If it's the Nogitsune, she should be a walking corse, like Rhys (and he was barely dead for like, what, a day?), but I suspect they need her all nice and pretty for Scott's reasons, lmao 😂 All this is actually pretty unimportant tho when you consider the shit they threw Arden Cho's way. I mean, bringing back the Nogitsune, that was Canonicaly tied to Kira, but not offering Arden equal pay??? Yeah, nope, Im not supporting any of that. (And I think it was like 3 times less? Not sure, but I think it was a pretty big number.) Soooooo...
Yeah, Im most prob not gonna watch it, the things I'll see on my dash here and maybe clips on yt will prob be quite enough, lmao, and without Stiles and Kira I'm completely uninterested 🙈 I get being excited for more nogitsune content, I do! I just don't believe it's gonna be anywhere near Dylan's Void and do my beloved bastard fox any justice ;/
Aaaaaand I wasn't supposed to spill out my frustrations, omg, Im so sorry 🙈🙈 but yeah, with how they treated Arden, I just can’t get behind this movie in any way ;/
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heliads · 2 years
lisa, honey, is the end of an era I FINISHED TEEN WOLF
honestly i can't believe it, it's been quite the journey and i wasn't ready for the end, i miss my characters what am i gonna do help
i was waiting for taylor's announcement and decided "ok, this is it, i'm gonna finish it" AND I DID AND I'M DEVASTATED
first of all, the very ending, when scott says "they're my friends... my pack" and they all walked together i was bawling my eyes out, i got so attached to all of them, i couldn't help it. i also cried SO MUCH when theo took that boy's pain because now he cares 😭😭😭😭 it was so emotional i was silently screaming on the couch
malia and scott trying to learn how to fight without seeing was incredible and i was shocked when deucalion died. peter and derek came wich was great because i missed them! OH, CHRIS ARGENT AND DEREK HALE IN BRAZIL, I SCREAMED SO LOUD, I CAN'T EVEN EXPLAIN.
the plot for 6b was really interesting btw, how fear can turn people into killers, there's a similar plot in supergirl and it's one of my favorite seasons. also, monroe was disgusting, everytime she showed up i was like "oh god, here we go again", the way she's a guidance counselor and talks about killing kids like it's killing a mosquito, she was terrible. and gerard... that man is the devil, that's all i'm gonna say
lydia and malia in the morgue was one of the best scenes of these last episodes for me, when lydia is like "pfff there's no way i'm gonna touch-" and malia just grabs her hand and place it on the corpse, i laughed so hard. i love their friendship.
now can we talk about the way that scott literally clawed his own eyes out to stop the anuk-ite from turning him into stone, i almost died. he's such an angel, he's just genuinely such a good boy i love him so much, i wanted to hug him so badly. the way malia had to kiss him later to trigger the healing process, it was really cute too.
i just think that they did my girl dirty in the last episode, lydia didn't do anything, i was sad. they spend all this time saying how her scream is extremely powerfull and everytime we get to the big fights, she never uses it. i mean, she saw malia turned to stone and literally disappeared until it was time to help scott with the eye thing, i was really upset about it
and of course, stydia. i think they forgot they made it canon, there's no other answer. i don't think they even interacted in the last episode, we were robbed. but at least stiles came back, i literally screamed when he showed up in his jeep, my dad was laughing at my excitement
chris and melissa are a great couple, i loved it for them. but i'm also curious about the movie because with allison coming back, this is going to be a gossip girl situation, but i'm here for it.
the nogitsune saying scott failed allison also broke my heart, i think i cried more than anything while watching the finale lol
well, i guess that's it, at least that's what i could remember. please tell me your thoughts, now that i'm done i'm dying to know! and about jane eyre, i'm reaching the end, she's in the moor house. she just got better and is bonding with the two other girls!
thanks for listening to me, you're really lovely <3
you finished teen wolf!! dear lord it hurts. from the season 6a ending alone i was absolutely devastated, i remember i literally had to go walk around outside for like half an hour because i couldn't take it. read into that as you will.
also, let's talk about theo's character development!! that's how you do it. he could take the boy's pain bc he had grown so much!! still makes me lose it.
no actually scott mccall deserves the world and i will never shut up about that. he is one of the honest to god best tv protagonists i've seen because he's so unselfish and kind it's insane. the clawing the eyes out thing was absolutely brutal and it killed me when i saw it.
yes, lydia was totally misused! it still bothers me that they waited so long to develop her banshee abilities and then she only used them once and twice. she could have been so powerful if she was allowed to be, which is so annoying. and yess the stydia agenda was kind of sidetracked throughout the entirety of that show. they loved teasing it but didn't actually want to show it lol.
i am fascinated to see how the teen wolf movie deals with allison. i loved that the show kept referencing her- i feel like it's super common to have a show that kills off a beloved character and then just never brings them up again? glad that wasn't the case here, but yeah allison somehow coming back from the dead is going to be bizarre.
i love your takes!! i'm so glad you liked the show, and would love to keep talking about teen wolf + future shows if given the chance. teen wolf is honestly one of my favorite shows because i felt such a strong wave of emotions throughout the entirety of it. love it and love you!!
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jessie-jem · 1 year
Ahem okay so I finished it and I'm gonna do a little messy overview of my thoughts so just WARNING FOR TEEN WOLF THE MOVIE SPOILERS
Seriously if you haven't seen the movie and are planning to, just skedaddle away
Okay but like WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT MASTERPIECE????? It was SO GOOD???? I loved seeing all of the original actors again because they wrjahsnahahehwh ugh they were what made the show so special in the first place so to see them all back and together again was so special. Obviously I wish Stiles was there. I already made a post about why it would have been so good for him to have been there because of his background with the nogitsune and the nogitsune playing such a big role in the movie and I still 100% believe it but I'm glad they didn't cast another person to play Stiles just so he could be there.
And like, I know the woman with Liam played a really important role and was ultimately the reason Scott lived but she just felt so out of place there? Like logically I know her main purpose was just to replace Kira because the show needed a kitsune to fight the nogitsune, and that's fine or whatever and tbh I never liked Kira so I'm not mad about her absence. But at the same time like... I don't even remember this new girl's name? And why was Liam in Japan anyway? That whole thing was confusing to me so if you understand just like comment or something.
Eli was fine... Very young, maturity wise, but that's sorta to be expected? Although I think the whole thing would have gone the exact same way without him, I did like seeing dad!Derek, so that's something I suppose.
As far as the other characters (besides Derek and Allison because lordie do I have things to say) I feel like Scott slipped back into his role really well. Tyler Posey does a wonderful job with that character and he really shined throughout the movie which I really loved. Lydia was quite a let down to me at first because she was my favorite character in the show so I had really high Expectations but I mean by the end she was back to her badass self and I really adored her. The reason why she broke things off with Stiles took a piece of my heart and crumpled it to the ground shshahwhsdhdt I loved those two together. I never really had opinions about Parrish, Malia, and Liam so I don't really have anything to say about them.
I feel like Jackson was only really there for comic relief? Like he had that moment with Lydia encouraging her to wail but that was his only moment lmao. I keep bringing things back to Stiles but Jackson totally slipped into Stiles' comedic relief role and I can't decide if I like it yet or not.
As far as Allison goes, I loved seeing our badass back! She's such a fighter and she's so wonderful and even though she was playing the "villain" for half the time I still really felt bad for her because I mean... She didn't ask to be brought back to life? She was trying to pass on, not come back, and yet here she was, painfully confused and trying not to lose her shit on everyone. I really felt bad for her.
And okay, Derek. I never LOVED Derek but like WHY DID THEY DO THAT TO HIM?????? don't get me wrong it was poetic or whatever but like WAS THERE NOT A BETTER WAY? and like did it occur to him that his SON WAS RIGHT THERE LIKE HE DIDN'T EVEN ADDRESS HIM??? he told Scott he was part of his pack and then he didn't even say goodbye 😭 idk maybe it was too painful for him or something? Either way it hurt so bad 😭
The last thing I wanna say is about the music score of the movie because tbh that shit makes or breaks a movie and this score was SO GOOD. it made me cry at the end (genuinely don't think I would have cried if the music wasn't so on point) and dhshshhe whoever scored the movie did a really great job.
Anyway, my heart is successfully in pieces on the floor. I really enjoyed that and now I'll probably rewatch the series because I really miss Stiles and like... Season 3 Lydia.
(Side tangent: does anyone else skip the first season on the rewatch? I love the character plots in the first season but idk I just like season two better because everything is established and Lydia is less awful? Idk lemme know)
Also if you read this far, you're a saint, have cookie 🍪
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